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AM335x U-Boot User's Guide中文手册

AM335x U-Boot User's Guide中文手册
AM335x U-Boot User's Guide中文手册

AM335x U-Boot User's Guide /****************************************************************** * author: 卢浩

* time: 2012.09.12

* environment: ubuntu10.04LTS +TI AM3359

* kernel version: linux-3.2

* Official Website:https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html,

* QQ Group For Technology Exchange:122879839

******************************************************************/ 风核科技出品—AM3359系列



$ cd ./AM335x-LINUX-PSP-MM.mm.pp.bb/src/u-boot/u-boot-MM.mm.pp.bb


$ [ -d ./am335x ] && rm -rf ./am335x

$ make O=am335x CROSS_COMPILE=arm-arago-linux-gnueabi- ARCH=arm am335x_evm




*Baud rate: 115,200

*Data bits: 8

*Parity: None

*Stop bits: 1

*Flow control: None



请注意,红色位置为off,绿色位置为on Nand启动,请设置拨码开关如下:





注意,从CPSW启动这样设置是因为EVM板用的是RGMII mode。






件里面选择u-boot-spl.bin,用x-modem传输文件,当传输完毕,会打印出关于TI spl的信息。





U-Boot# loadb 0x82000000


U-Boot# nand erase 0x0 0x20000

U-Boot# nandecc hw 2

U-Boot# nand write.i 0x82000000 0x0 0x20000


U-Boot# loadb 0x82000000


U-Boot# nand erase 0x80000 0x40000

U-Boot# nandecc hw 2

U-Boot# nand write.i 0x82000000 0x80000 0x40000

4. 从SD卡启动





创建新文件,将以下内容复制到文件中,并将文件命名为mk3PartSDCard.sh:#! /bin/sh

# mk3PartSDCard.sh v0.3

# Licensed under terms of GPLv2


dd if=/dev/zero of=$DRIVE bs=1024 count=1024

SIZE=`fdisk -l $DRIVE | grep Disk | awk '{print $5}'`

echo DISK SIZE - $SIZE bytes

CYLINDERS=`echo $SIZE/255/63/512 | bc`

sfdisk -D -H 255 -S 63 -C $CYLINDERS $DRIVE << EOF





mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n "boot" ${DRIVE}1

umount ${DRIVE}1

mkfs.ext3 -L "rootfs" ${DRIVE}2

umount ${DRIVE}2

mkfs.ext3 -L "START_HERE" ${DRIVE}3


host$ chmod 755 mk3PartSDCard.sh



$ df –hT


Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1 ext4 19G 16G 2.5G 87% /

none devtmpfs 245M 308K 245M 1% /dev

none tmpfs 249M 192K 249M 1% /dev/shm

none tmpfs 249M 340K 249M 1% /var/run

none tmpfs 249M 0 249M 0% /var/lock

none tmpfs 249M 0 249M 0% /lib/init/rw

/dev/sdb1 vfat 1.9G 4.0K 1.9G 1% /media/00F8-E7F0

在以上信息中,/dev/sdb1 是我的SD卡设备,也许你正在使用的SD卡设备名称不太一样,所以请记住你的SD卡设备名称,接下来会用到。



$ umount /dev/sdb1(换成你的SD卡设备名)

$ sudo ./mk3PartSDCard /dev/sdb


$ umount /dev/sdb1

$ umount /dev/sdb2

$ umount /dev/sdb3


$ df –hT


Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

/dev/sda1 ext4 19G 16G 2.5G 87% /

none devtmpfs 245M 308K 245M 1% /dev

none tmpfs 249M 192K 249M 1% /dev/shm

none tmpfs 249M 340K 249M 1% /var/run

none tmpfs 249M 0 249M 0% /var/lock

none tmpfs 249M 0 249M 0% /lib/init/rw

/dev/sdb1 vfat 70M 512 70M 1% /media/boot

/dev/sdb2 ext3 888M 18M 826M 3% /media/rootfs

/dev/sdb3 ext3 881M 17M 819M 3% /media/START_HERE

至此,SD 卡分区完成

拷贝MLO, U-Boot,Kernel, Filesystem

将之前编译好的MLO,u-boot.img, uImage文件拷贝至SD卡boot分区。



$ sudo cp -rv ~/ti-sdk-am335x-evm-* /media/rootfs 执行完毕后FilesSystem拷贝完毕。





Users Guide XBee XBee-PRO Drop in Networking Accessories

XBee? Drop-in Networking Accessories User’s Guide XBee RS-232 Adapter XBee RS-485 Adapter XBee Analog I/O Adapter XBee Digital I/O Adapter XBee USB Adapter XStick XBee Wall Router XBee Smart Plug XBee Sensors https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html,90000891_C

?2009 Digi International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Digi, Digi International, the Digi logo, ConnectPort, Watchport, XBee, and XBee-PRO are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digi International, Inc. in the United States and other countries worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Digi International. Digi provides this document “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness or merchantability for a particular purpose. Digi may make improvements and/or changes in this manual or in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this manual at any time. This product could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes may be incorporated in new editions of the publication.


孤岛余?——任务攻略 游戏介绍: 在公元2009年,你作为?名医?在?个未知的岛屿上进?科研活动。这?将发?什么事情呢?这和那个奇怪的梦又有什么联系?未来和过去的谜团,等待你来揭开!最新?机游戏|?机游戏下载|?机?户交流 操作?法: 游戏中对应按键分别为: 上下左右分别为2,4,6,8。同时你可以使?PA D键辅助移动,功能和数字键盘?样。5键或者中间键为确定键,?于与?物对话或者进?活动。如攻击或者拾取物品。 左软键:打开?囊。 右软件:打开游戏菜单 当你进??个新的区域,游戏将?动保存。或者你也可以回到休息室,睡觉保存。 游戏界?介绍: 在N P C的头顶出现??感叹号时,代表TA有任务给给你。 绿?感叹号,代表你已经完成TA的任务, 红?感叹号,代表你还未完成TA的任务。 常?物品介绍以及获得办法: 急救包(?,?),?于恢复?命,可有散落在各地的箱?得到,也可以购买 铁铲:码头的商?或者园丁处购买,?于挖掘?蚁巢?,得到鱼饵来复枪:教授给与,?于配合飞镖使?。对付恐龙的利器。 斧头:教授给与,?于看到树?得到时光穿梭机的燃料 锋利的斧头:后期可在码头商?处购买,?于劈开某些难缠的树?。。。。。 主线任务: 第?章 1.从梦中醒来,听到外?嘈杂的吵闹声。我迷迷糊糊?出休息间。想去看看外?发?了什么事。 下楼梯看见我亲爱的格蕾丝,过去得到消息说吵闹声来?搬运?批货物。我很好奇,格蕾丝建议我去找索恩将军了解更多。我往北去。前往索恩将军的办公室。

2.来到索恩的办公室。索恩要我去【西边的码头】接收货物,经过?番争吵。我还是不得不接受这个命令。前往南边的码头接收货物。2 3.来到西边码头,和研究?员对话,得知货物和教授都已经在【实验室】了,前往实验室. 4.从实验室出来,拿着教授给的【安全卡】,来到仓库查看。 5.我被仓库中的卫兵赶了出来,他们说这?是禁区?回到教授的研究室,教授告诉我那个神秘的事物其实是他的交通?具-时光穿梭机。并告诉我他因为穿越时空,造成了?体D N A的损坏。我提出帮忙恢复他的健康。然后回到休息区休息。 第?章完成。 第?章 1我在床上听到爆炸声,赶快出来查找原因。好像是从仓库传来,于是前往仓库。 2.在仓库看到倒地的警卫和被破坏的时光机,我得赶快去通知教授。前往研究室。 3得到消息的教授很惊讶,急忙和我来到仓库查看。教授说道时光机还可以修复,我想起我之前的研究可能对教授有所帮助,于是前往实验室去收集【D N A样本】 4.实验室【D N A样本】(也就是红?的?瓶?)分别是左边两个(内部房间?个),右边?个。收集完毕后将实验后的【时空旅?配?】交给教授。 5.来到仓库,教授提议我??试验【时光旅?配?】,并告诉我,我暂时只能去?个时代。同时给我【?醉来福枪】【斧头】和【**x0】 6去园丁那使?【斧?】砍倒树?,得到时光机的燃料【?头】,(每次时光穿梭消耗?头1,请多备些?头)回到仓库,乘坐时光机,探索恐龙时代。 7,穿越时空,来到恐龙时代,时光机却出现故障,我不得不收集散落的【时光机零件】,以便?后修复它。(收集完毕后,此时可收集?些恐龙的遗物如【??】,后?实验室要使?。并尽可能的带回?个【琥珀】(看树有?定?率得到)。但是不建议?量收集植物种?和恐龙蛋,因为收集带回去的都是损坏的。等到后?就可以收集了) T I P S:各种恐龙出现的时间是不同的,可以在以后实验室中?查看。如果此时你带有【铁锹】,可以去偷窃?草龙的蛋。注意:偷窃是会被?草龙发现并追杀的。只要是你偷窃过?种恐龙的蛋,以后它都会主动攻击你 第?章结束 第三章 1与教授对话,得知【化学同位素】可以修复时光机,建议我去找东码头的J商了解情况。2.找到东码头的J商,在这?可以买卖弹药,急救包和?头。?300元买了【同位素】,回去交给教授。教授完成时光机的修复,此时可以前往未来探索。3.来到未来2011年,发现惊天秘密。?岛的?都


全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究管理系统(校级网络版V2016版) 简要操作说明 所有:中国高校人文社会科学信息网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html, 2016年11月

第一章系统简介 1.系统概述 全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究管理信息系统(RPMS),采用先进的Java软件技术开发,以支持多用户协同工作的B/S(浏览器/服务器)架构运行。功能上,面向教育部人文社会科学年度统计要求,可便捷、完整的录入相关基础数据,并严格按照统计规自动生成统计报表,从而保障人文社会科学统计工作的顺利进行。同时系统还可以有效支持学校的日常科研管理工作,成为高校科研管理工作的辅助平台。 2.版本情况 全国普通高等学校人文社会科学研究管理信息系统(RPMS)分为省级版与校级版两个版本。其中校级版,供各高校用户使用,进行校级的数据录入,报表生成,以及数据上报;省级版,供各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅及教委用户使用,用于汇总各高校上报的数据文件,生成省级报表及省级上报文件。 省级版与校级版系统,每年年末均会根据当年的统计报表制度要求及功能改进设计,发布一个当年的新版本。但每个新版系统,都会保证校级版数据的兼容与延续性,上一版本中的数据,一定可以完整的移植到新版系统中。 为此,各高校可随时进行基础数据的录入与调整工作,无须待到统计工作开始了,新版系统发布后,再进行突击性录入。

第二章 2016及2016SP1版新特点 1.功能改进 1.1网页样式 将网页页面加宽,改为面向1024X768像素屏幕分辨率进行设计,并调整了色调。 1.2新增办学性质字段 1.3调整了研究机构的机构类型与组成方式


《孤岛余生》攻略-绝境求生手册   故事的源起: 一艘在行驶中的船,遇到了海啸,有些生幸存流落到了一个神秘的孤岛,接下来在此究竟会发生怎样的事情呢,我们一起来寻找吧。 任务说明: 人物头顶出现感叹号表示可与其交谈,不同颜色感叹号有不同含义。 黄色——可以对话或者接任务; 绿色——交付任务已完成; 游戏心得: 1.在每次行动中,看到食物和物品就捡起来,这样在后面的任务中就能节省很多时间了;

2.可以同时接几个任务,这样也可以省掉很多来回跑的时间; 3.要学会善用大地图功能,打开大地图,点你要找的人,人物就会自动跑到他身边,非常方便; 4.先赶快把弓箭升级到3级,杀蛇卖了,这样能很快的赚到珍珠; 人物介绍: *汤姆:32岁,汤姆是一位成功的汽车销售人员。他对生活中的任何事情都会竭尽全力-而且每次都很成功。在完成一个大型交易后,汤姆决定需要一个必要的休假,所以登上了这艘船。 *约翰;40岁,约翰是一位通晓多国语言的人考古学家。像所有的科学家一样,性格比较温吞。他已经学习古代文献很长时间了。学院决定将他送到大洋洲的研究中心,正好登上了这艘船。 *奈克:28岁,奈克是船上的厨师。他是一个孤儿,至少他是这样认为的。从他很年轻的时候他就是一名水手。奈克喜欢开玩笑,他认为自己是一个非常受女生喜爱的人。 *麦克:48岁,麦克是一个地道的美国人,在这之前从来没有离开过他的家乡。这次他想乘船看看世界,因此开始了他的航行,没想到船就遇事了。 *尼科尔:30岁,尼科尔是一位和蔼可亲的人。她是一位将自己的一生奉献给儿童的儿科医生。她也在女童子军队方面花费了许多时间。尼科尔碰巧上了船,当她的朋友在她生日时让她乘船 浏览。 *艾米,35岁,艾米是一位自由艺术家带有对世界的浪漫主义的想象力。她也是一位天才的园艺爱好者。 *斯蒂夫,10岁,艾米的女儿,活力充沛并且勇敢的女孩。不像她的母亲,斯蒂夫是理智的,并且对于事情有一个现实的看法。有时她更能理解生活,尽管她比艾米年轻;

RTTOV-7 Users Guide

RTTOV-7 Users Guide Roger Saunders Room 408, Met Office London Rd., Bracknell Berks, RG12 2SZ U.K. This documentation was developed within the context of the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP SAF), under the Cooperation Agreement dated 25 November 1998, between EUMETSAT and the Met Office, UK, by one or more partners within the NWP SAF. The partners in the NWP SAF are the Met Office, ECMWF, KNMI and Météo France. Copyright 2002, EUMETSAT, All Rights Reserved. Change record Version Date Author / changed by Remarks 111/12/01R. Saunders Initial draft to code developers for comments 231/01/02R Saunders Modified draft after comments 313/03/02R Saunders Modified after comments from J Eyre and MTR RIDs 427/05/02R Saunders Corrected IFAIL documentation

Pages from EViews 6 Users Guide II

Appendix D. Estimation and Solution Options EViews estimates the parameters of a wide variety of nonlinear models, from nonlinear least squares equations, to maximum likelihood models, to GMM specifications. These types of nonlinear estimation problems do not have closed form solutions and must be estimated using iterative methods. EViews also solves systems of non-linear equations. Again, there are no closed form solutions to these problems, and EViews must use an iterative method to obtain a solution. Below, we provide details on the algorithms used by EViews in dealing with nonlinear esti-mation and solution, and the optional settings that we provide to allow you to control esti-mation. Our discussion here is necessarily brief. For additional details, we direct you to the quite readable discussions in Press, et al. (1992), Quandt (1983), Thisted (1988), and Amemiya (1983). Setting Estimation Options When you estimate an equation in EViews, you enter specification information into the Specification tab of the Equation Estimation dialog. Clicking on the Options tab displays a dialog that allows you to set various options to control the estimation procedure. The con-tents of the dialog will differ depending upon the options available for a particular estima-tion procedure. The default settings for the options will be taken from the global options (“Estimation Defaults” on page767), or from the options used previously to estimate the object. The Options tab for binary models is depicted here. For other estimator and estimation techniques (e.g. systems) the dialog will differ to reflect the different estimation options that are available. Starting Coefficient Val- ues Iterative estimation procedures require starting values for the coefficients of the model. There are no general rules for select-

pathfinder 疏散软件入门教程 users_guide使用手册

403 Poyntz Avenue, Suite B Manhattan, KS 66502 USA +1.785.770.8511 https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html, User Manual Pathfinder 2012

Disclaimer Thunderhead Engineering makes no warranty, expressed or implied, to users of Pathfinder, and accepts no responsibility for its use. Users of Pathfinder assume sole responsibility under Federal law for determining the appropriateness of its use in any particular application; for any conclusions drawn from the results of its use; and for any actions taken or not taken as a result of analyses performed using these tools. Users are warned that Pathfinder is intended for use only by those competent in the field of egress modeling. Pathfinder is intended only to supplement the informed judgment of the qualified user. The software package is a computer model that may or may not have predictive capability when applied to a specific set of factual circumstances. Lack of accurate predictions by the model could lead to erroneous conclusions. All results should be evaluated by an informed user.


熹妃传菜谱做法汇总(包含橙色)熹妃传菜谱做法汇总(包含橙色),熹妃传菜谱怎么做?熹妃传橙色菜谱做法,下面和小编一起来看看吧! 此菜谱为网友分享。根据菜谱将菜都做了一遍,完全正确,分享给大家!!! 1.炒青菜油盐 2.开水白菜水水盐 4.松鼠鲈鱼油盐醋糖 5.酸辣汤水水盐醋酱油 6.番茄炒鸡蛋油盐醋糖 7.豆腐鲫鱼水水油盐盐 8.番茄肉片水水酱盐 9.弹涂鱼盐油酱水水 10.红烧肉油糖酱水盐 11.水煮鲈鱼盐油水水酱 12.雪里红梅盐油糖醋 14.园林香液鸡水水盐酱 15.醋溜黄瓜醋糖酱油 16.麻婆豆腐油盐油糖 17.茄汁石斑鱼油水盐糖 18.沙锅王鱼头水水油盐 19.蟹粉狮子头油酱盐 20.剁椒鱼头油盐酱 21.回锅肉油糖酱盐 22.青椒肉丝油盐酱醋糖 23.香煎茄片油盐油酱 24:鱼香肉丝:油盐醋酱糖 26.地三鲜油盐糖 27麻辣香锅油油盐酱糖

28.香辣鳕鱼块油盐酱 29.宫保鸡丁油盐糖酱醋 30.菌菇煲水水油盐 31.湘西酸肉油盐酱 32.杭州煨鸡水水油盐糖 33.贵妃鸡翅油盐酱糖 35.鲶鱼炖茄子油盐酱糖 36.神仙煲油盐酱 37.马哈鱼炖肉油盐酱糖 38.番茄汁鳕鱼油盐糖水 39.咕噜肉油酱醋糖油 40.木耳西兰花油盐糖 41.糖醋鳕鱼丸油油糖醋 42.番茄炖牛腩油水盐酱 43.一品豆腐羹水盐水 44.沙锅三味水油盐 45.鱼香牛肉丝油盐酱醋糖 46.西兰花炒河豚油盐酱 47.红油猪手油盐酱水 48.油焖春笋油盐酱




Terasic TRDB_D5M Digital Camera Package

TRDB-D5M User Manual 2 https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html, July 1, 2014 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 ABOUT THE KIT (1) 1.1 K IT C ONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 A SSEMBLE THE C AMERA ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 G ETTING H ELP ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2 TRDB_D5M (4) 2.1 F EATURES ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 P IN -OUT OF THE 40-PIN CONNECTOR ON TRDB-D5M ....................................................................................... 5 2.3 P IN D ESCRIPTION OF THE 40-PIN I NTERFACE OF TRDB_D5M .......................................................................... 6 CHAPTER 3 DIGITAL CAMERA DESIGN DEMONSTRATION (7) 3.1 D EMONSTRATION S ETUP ...................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 C AMERA D EMONSTRATION S ETUP O N DE4 B OARD ........................................................................................... 7 3.3 C AMERA D EMONSTRATION S ETUP O N DE2-115 B OARD .................................................................................... 9 3.4 C ONFIGURING THE C AMERA AND L OAD THE I MAGE C APTURED TO Y OUR PC (DE2-70 B OARD U SERS ) ........ 11 3.5 C ONFIGURING THE C AMERA (DE2 B OARD U SERS ) .......................................................................................... 13 3.6 C ONFIGURING THE C AMERA (DE1 B OARD U SERS ) .......................................................................................... 14 3.7 B LOCK D IAGRAM OF THE R EFERENCE D ESIGN ................................................................................................. 16 CHAPTER 4 APPENDIX (17) 4.1 R EVISION H ISTORY ............................................................................................................................................. 17 4.2 A LWAYS V ISIT TRDB_D5M W EBPAGE FOR N EW A PPLICATIONS (17)


Chapter1 BoltzTraP This package contains the program Boltz mann Tra nsport P roperties(BoltzTraP)for calculat-ing the semi-classic transport coe?cients.It can be obtained from www.icams.de/boltztrap. The program has documented in https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html,mun.[1]If you publish results obtained using the program this paper should be sited. The program was originally interfaced to the WIEN2k code,but can easily be interfaced to other bandstructure codes.Marcos Alves and Matthieu Verstraete have provided Siesta and ab-init interfaces.This?le format is documented at the end of this?le.Please contribute if you make such an interface. 1.1Getting started 1.1.1Unpacking Run the command bunzip2BoltzTraP.tar.bz2;tar xvf BoltzTrap.tar This will unpack several directories src The source code test Example?les,Al,Bi2Te3and CoSb3 doc This?le util A perl script to gather WIEN energy?les 1


SMBus Library for MSP430FR5xx6xx Devices User’s Guide DOCNUM- Copyright?2015T exas Instruments Incorporated.

1 Copyright Copyright?2015Texas Instruments Incorporated.All rights reserved.MSP430and MSP430Ware are trademarks of Texas Instruments Instruments. ARM and Thumb are registered trademarks and Cortex is a trademark of ARM Limited.Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semi-conductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this document. Texas Instruments 13532N.Central Expressway MS3810 Dallas,TX75243 https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html,/ Revision Information This is version1.10.00.00of this document,last updated on Fri Feb13201511:59:30.

IMM User Guide

IMM使用指南 一.如何访问IMM (1) 二.IMM主要功能介绍 (4) 三.几个常用功能 (5) 1.远程开关机 (5) 2.通过IMM刷新服务器的UEFI/IMM微码 (6) 3.远程终端功能 (7) 一.如何访问IMM 通常主机后部有一个专用的管理端口,例如下图以3650M3为例,可以通过此端口访问IMM。 IMM管理端口默认IP: 用户名:USERID 密码:PASSW0RD 注意字母为大写,密码中的“0”是数字0 在UEFI中修改IMM的IP地址 在开机自检的过程中根据提示按F1进入UEFI设置,

输入需要修改的IP地址后,选择Save Network Settings


二.IMM主要功能介绍 System status 查看服务器的健康状况,包括温度、电压和风扇状态等。 Virtual Light Path 查看服务器光通路诊断板上是否有告警。 Event Log 可以查看服务器的日志信息,可以用Save Log as Text File另存日志信息为文本文件。 Vital Product Data 查看服务器的型号序列号及各种微码版本。 Power/Restart 通过IMM控制开关服务器,包括定时开关机功能 Remote Control 远程控制服务器终端,需要添加IBM Virtual Media Key选件来实现此功能,大部分机型标配没有此选件。 PXE Network Boot 设置服务器的PXE启动。 Firmware Update

刷新服务器的UEFI和IMM的微码。 System Settings 设置IMM的时间日期,名字等基本信息。 Login Profiles 为IMM添加除默认之外的其他用户。 Alerts 设置snmp告警等信息。 Serial Port 设置串口信息 Port assignments 定义IMM所使用的端口。 Network Interfaces 设置IMM的网络地址 Network Protocols 配置SNMP,DNS等网络协议 Security 配置SSL、SSH等安全协议 Configuration File 备份和恢复IMM的配置文件 Restore Default Settings 将IMM恢复默认设置 Restrat IMM 重启IMM Log off 退出登录 三.几个常用功能 1.远程开关机 选择Power/Restart选项可以实现远程开机、关机和重启


User’s Guide
GPP and NPP (MOD17A2/A3) Products NASA MODIS Land Algorithm
Faith Ann Heinsch Matt Reeves Petr Votava Sinkyu Kang Cristina Milesi Maosheng Zhao Joseph Glassy William M. Jolly Rachel Loehman Chad F. Bowker John S. Kimball Ramakrishna R. Nemani Steven W. Running Gross Primary Production (GPP) 1-km MODIS image
Global GPP image created by Andrew Neuschwander.
Version 2.0, December 2, 2003

MOD17 User’s Guide
MODIS Land Team
This page intentionally left blank.
Version 2.0, 12/2/2003
Page 2 of 57

MOD17 User’s Guide
MODIS Land Team
Table of Contents Synopsis CHAPTER I. THE MODIS ALGORITHM 1. The Algorithm, Background, and Overview 1.1 Estimating vegetative productivity from absorbed radiation 1.2 The Biophysical Variability of ε 1.3 The MOD17A2/MOD17A3 algorithm logic 2. Simplifying Assumptions for Global Applicability 2.1 The BPLUT and constant biome properties 2.2 Leaf area index and fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation 2.3 DAO daily meteorological data 3. Dependence on MODIS Land Cover Classification (MOD12Q1) 4. Practical Considerations for Processing and Use of MODIS Data 4.1 MODIS tile projection characteristics 4.2 File format of MOD17 end products 4.3 Data set characteristics 4.4 Links to MODIS-friendly tools 5. Data Collection History 6. Quality Assurance 6.1 GPP and NPP Quality Assurance Variable Scheme 6.2 Identifying non-terrestrial fill values in the GPP/NPP data products 7. Missing Data 8. Usefulness of Data for Answering Research Questions 9. Considerations for MOD17A2 Product Improvement 9.1 Filling model values for cloudy pixels 9.2 Data compositing 9.3 Land cover CHAPTER II. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COLLECTION 4 ALGORITHM 1. Introduction 2. Problems with Collection 4 MOD17 3. Improvements from Collection 4 to Collection 4.5 4. Addition of Annual GPP and QC to Collection 4.5 MOD17A3 5. Final BPLUT applied to Collection 4.5 MOD17 6. Results CHAPTER III. ORDERING MOD17A2 DATA 1. Naming Conventions 2. Logging into the EDG 3. Searching the Data 3.1 EDG search page 3.2 Search in Progress page 3.3 Granule listing page 3.4 Disclaimer page 8 8 8 9 11 16 16 16 18 18 20 20 21 26 26 28 28 30 30 33 33 34 34 35 35
37 37 38 42 42 42 43 43 44 44 46 47 48
Version 2.0, 12/2/2003
Page 3 of 57

孤岛余生 中文版 官方版

孤岛余生 应用介绍 ★温馨提示:请您注意该游戏需下载数据包★ 游戏感觉有些像鲁宾逊漂流记,客轮失事后,玩家将扮演的主角流落到一座岛屿上,为了生活做着这样那样的事。。。。不同的是,这并非无人岛。。。。 一艘远洋客轮遇上了风暴,在海洋中遇难了。一群人设法用救生艇逃脱并达到了最近的热带岛屿。他们几乎没有时间来作出决定下一步做什么,神秘的事情开始发生。其中一人在沙滩上发现了一个古老的碑文。作为一个古典语言学者,他理解为:它不能被一个漂流者笑话。碑文说,他们在岛上并不孤单 ... Tom Allison深入岛内找出隐藏在这个被遗忘的地方的秘密。为了在充满了危险的野生动物和自然灾害的岛屿生存,你将不得不去寻找食物,收集水果和种菜。学习钓鱼和追逐野猪,抓蛇,发现的珍稀植物。探索神秘的岛屿,寻找线索,解决超过150个不同的任务。你能否生存和回家?投身于一个非常令人上瘾的模拟游戏—孤岛余生的冒险世界中吧! 数据包下载地址: 数据包安装路径:将数据包解压后,复制到sdcard/Android/data/目录下即可 【基本信息】 作者:G5 Entertainment更新时间:2012-05-16 版本:1.1系统:Android 2.1.x以上 语言:中文 数据包: 1. 全机型数据包大小:125.81MB 适用机型:全机型 注意事项:该游戏和部分机型不兼容

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Edition 10/2010
Users Guide
? AVL List Gmbh 2009. All right reserved

Users Guide
IMPRESS Chart v2010
AVL LIST GmbH Hans-List-Platz 1, A-8020 Graz, Austria https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html, AST Local Support Contact: https://www.doczj.com/doc/769898338.html,/ast-worldwide
Revision A B C D E F G H
Date 13-Oct-2006 09-Feb-2007 31-May-2007 31-Oct-2007 30-Apr-2009 17-Jul-2009 02-Nov-2009 19-Nov-2010
Description IMPRESS Chart v5.0 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v5.0.1 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v5.0.2 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v5.0.3 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2009 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2009.1 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2009.2 – Users Guide IMPRESS Chart v2010 – Users Guide
Document No. 18.0108.0500 18.0108.0501 18.0108.0502 18.0108.0503 18.0108.2009 18.0108.2009.1 18.0108.2009.2 18.0108.2010
Copyright ? 2010, AVL All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language, or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual or otherwise, without prior written consent of AVL. This document describes how to run the IMPRESS Chart software. It does not attempt to discuss all the concepts required to obtain successful solutions. It is the user’s responsibility to determine if he/she has sufficient knowledge and understanding to apply this software appropriately. This software and document are distributed solely on an "as is" basis. The entire risk as to their quality and performance is with the user. Should either the software or this document prove defective, the user assumes the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair, or correction. AVL and its distributors will not be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or this document, even if they have been advised of the possibility of such damage. All mentioned trademarks and registered trademarks are owned by the corresponding owners.

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