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1 Your College Years 教案及讲义

1 Your College Years  教案及讲义
1 Your College Years  教案及讲义

Lesson One Y our College Y ears



2.授课类型: 课文分析6课时;习题讲解2课时

3.授课题目:Y our College Y ears




1)背景知识的传授:Developmental Changes;



Word study: observe; handle; apply; occur; involve

Grammar Focus: The way sb. did sth.; Ways of expressing the object; Determiners

6. 教学基本内容纲要,教学方法、手段,实施步骤:


1)词缀en-;-ology; -al























《新编英语教程》(第三、四册)。上海:上海外语教学研究出版, 1999。





6)Judy Pearsall主编,《新牛津英语词典》。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998。



9)张道真,温志达, 《英语语法大全》上、下卷。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,



Lesson One Your College Years

Part One Warm – up

1.1 Warm-up Questions

1. As a sophomore, what is your general impression of college?

2. Have you experienced anything different from your middle school life?

3. What’s your purpose of receiving a college education?

4.Have you had any psychological problems ever since you entered college?

1.2 Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience

College years are times of significant transition and challenge for an individual. Transition simply means change. Higher levels of anxiety are always experienced by people who are in a state of transition regardless of whether the change is perceived as good or bad. The following are some of the myths vs. the facts regarding college experience.

Myth 1: College years are the best years of one’s life.

Fact 1: While college years are memorable and enjoyable, they can also be among the most stressful and anxious times. One is faced with constant evaluation from his professors. Personal and parental expectations are always on his mind. Financial stress is often a way of life. Career decisions, various relationships and the move toward independence are also common issues. Making these the best years of one’s life involves developing an approach that is proactive and includes a support network.

Myth 2: Students experiencing stress or anxiety are unprepared to handle the rigors of college. Fact 2:College and university environments are designed to be challenging academically, personally and socially. Stress and anxiety, among other emotions, are natural by-products of the accelerated pace of learning and growth. It is not a matter of whether or not we experience these unpleasant feelings but rather, a matter of how we manage these emotions.

Myth 3: A good student does not need assistance during his/her college experience.

Fact 3:Many students come to college with the belief that to ask for help is a sure sign of

inadequacy. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. Y our college or university has an abundance of resources available to you, for which you are paying through tuition or fees. So become familiar with and make use of the campus resources, especially when you need assistance.

Myth 4: I am the only one that doesn't have it all.

Fact 4: As you walk on campus and observe other students, it appears that everyone else is so sure of himself. Everyone else has friends. Everyone else has direction. Everyone else is confident. Everyone else is without troubles or hassles. This misperception is common among college students. It has its roots in one of our more powerful social norms. We all wear a ―public mask‖ to protect a certain social image. This ―public mask‖ communicates a sense of self-assuredness to those with whom we come in contact. It often belies the inner turmoil that we all experience from time to time.

The above are just some of the myths versus facts concerning college experiences. Can you think of any other myths? Have a discussion with your classmates about their truths.

1.3 On Seasons in College

There are four seasons in a year, which make the days distinctive and exiting. Metaphorically, there are four seasons in one’s college years representing different aspects of college life, which make the days rewarding and unforgettable.

Do you agree? If so, what do you think the four seasons represent ? Share your opinions, please.

Spring is the season for nature to revive, to grow and to get ready to boom. Similarly, in college, spring is the season for you to acquire knowledge, to develop yourself and to lay a solid foundation for the future. It’s the season of growth.

Summer is the season for flowers to bloom, and it’s the season for you to enjoy the greatest passion in nature —love, love from your classmates, from your teachers and from your romance. It is the season of affection

Autumn is a season of harvest in college. It’s the season for you to enjoy wha t you have achieved.

Winter is the harshest season of the four, which presents so many difficulties and hardships. Likewise, not every day in college is full of joy. Y ou have to meet new faces, get adjusted, make decisions for yourself, be financially and psychologically dependent, etc. So winter is the season of change. Unpleasant as it may seem to some students, it is simply inescapable and beneficial to one’s growth and maturity.

Part T wo Background Information

2.1 Author

Bob Hartman was born in Pittsburgh, the United States, and moved to England in the summer of 2000. He has been working as a storyteller for children for more than a decade and is a part-time pastor.

2.2 Erik H. Erickson

Erik H. Erikson (1902—1994), was a German-born American psychoanalyst whose writings on social psychology, individual identity, and the interactions of psychology with history, politics, and culture influenced professional approaches to psychosocial problems and attracted much popular interest. He was most famous for h is work on refining and expanding Freud’s theory of developmental stages.

Erickson’s Developmental Stages

Basic Theory:

Babies are born with some basic capabilities and distinct temperaments. But they go through dramatic changes on the way to adulthood and old age. According to psychologist Erik H. Erikson, each individual passes through eight developmental stages.

Each developmental stage is characterized by a different psychological "crisis", which must be resolved by the individual before the individual can move on to the next stage. If the person copes with a particular crisis in a maladaptive manner, the outcome will be more struggles with that issue later in life. To Erikson, the sequence of the stages are set by nature. It is within the set limits that nurture works its ways.

Stage 1

Infant: Trust vs Mistrust

Needs maximum comfort with minimal uncertainty

to trust himself/herself, others, and the environment.

Stage 2

Toddler: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

Works to master physical environment while maintaining


Stage 3

Preschooler: Initiative vs Guilt

Begins to initiate, not imitate, activities; develops

conscience and sexual identity.

Stage 4

School-age Child: Industry vs Inferiority

Tries to develop a sense of self-worth by refining


Stage 5

Adolescent: Identity vs Role Confusion

Tries integrating many roles (child, sibling, student,

athlete, worker) into a self-image under role model

and peer pressure.

Stage 6

Y oung Adult: Intimacy vs Isolation

Learns to make personal commitment to another as spouse, parent or partner

Stage 7

Middle-Age Adult: Generativity vs Stagnation

Seeks satisfaction through productivity in career, family, and civic interests.

Stage 8

Older Adult: Integrity vs Despair

Reviews life accomplishments, deals with loss and prepares for death.

Part Three T ext Appreciation

3.1 Text Analysis

3.1.1 Theme of the text

College is designed to be a time of changes for students. Threatening the changes may be, they contribute to young adults’ growth and maturity. College s tudents are experiencing a lot. Not

only are they being introduced to new people and new knowledge, but they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information. They are also proudly growing in their understanding of themselves, others and the world.

3.1.2 S tructure of the text

Part 1 (para. 1): Many key changes happen to college students during their college years.

Part 2 (paras.2-9):The key changes involve the following: identity crisis, the independence/ dependence struggle, establishment of sexual identity, affection giving and receiving, inter- nalization of religious faith, values and morals, development of new ways to organize and use knowledge, a new understanding of the world and himself/herself

Part 3 (para.10 ): Conclusion.

Relevant questions:

1. Question: How do college students go through an identity crisis at college? What factors may influence identity? Mentioned in Para. 2

Students endeavor to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. They want to know how other people perceive themselves as well.

Identity may be influenced by genes, environment and opportunities.

2. In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education.

Question: What does ―it‖ refer to here?

For reference: ―it‖ refers to the independence/dependence struggle. Into the later adolescence stage, young adults tend to become less dependent on, even independent from their parents. For those who choose to enter the work world, they may become financially independent from their parents, while for others entering into college, the struggle seems stronger for they still need their parents’ support, say for money.

3. Question: According to Jeffery A. Hoffman’s observation, there are four distinct aspects to

psycholog ical separation from one’s parents. What are they? How do you understand them?

1. Functional independence.

2. Attitudinal independence.

3. Emotional independence.

4. Freedom from ―excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.‖

4.Question:What may be one of the most stressful matters college students experience according to the author? How do you understand it?

Establishing their sexual identity. It includes relating to the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women.

5. I was relating to my father in a different way.

Question:What are the differences between the ways ―I‖ related to ―my‖ father in the past and at present? What type of change does the example reflect?

In the past ―I‖ was encouraged by ―my‖ father; now ―I‖ was encouraging him.

The example reflects the change that college students are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world.

6. These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years often last a lifetime.

Question: What makes it possible for these values to last a lifetime?

During college years, the young adults have the opportunity to decide for themselves what beliefs, values, and morals they are going to accept. These values are inclined to be internalized

7. Question: What is the significance of the college academic life according to paragraph 8? College academic life is a challenge. All students should be aware of how they react to new knowledge and new ways of learning, how they process the knowledge presented to them, and how they organize this knowledge

8. Question: How do college students become world citizens?

At college, the young adults have good chances to meet people from different cultures. By interacting with them, they are introduced to new ways of life. They begin to understand life in different ways. By doing these, they experience a new understanding of the world and themselves.

3.1.3 Further discussion

What does the author mean by developmental changes?

Have you had any identity crisis yourself?

What does the author mean by independence/ dependence struggle?

How can college students establish their sexual identity?

What does the author mean by ―internalizing‖ religious fai th, values, and morals?

What does the author mean when he talks about ―gathering, processing, assembling, applying, and evaluating‖ information? Why is this point so important?

3.2 Writing Devices

3.2.1 Antithesis

These are exciting times yet frustrating times. (5) The author uses antithesis to give a focus to how college students are stressful in establishing their sexual identity.

Find more examples in paragraph 5.

Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with. (5)

... he bounced into my office once with a smile on his face and excitement in his voice. ... That same young man came into my office less than a week later, dragging his feet with a disma yed, dejected look on his face. ... sighed deeply (5)

―I’ve just had the best day of my life!‖ … ―I’ve just had the worst day of my life!‖

3.2.2 Developing paragraphs by examples

A statement which is very general is seldom impressive or convincing. It is usually necessary to give examples to prove, illustrate, or clarify a general statement. We may be too used to saying ―for instance‖ or ―for example‖ to realize that we are using a certain method for developing a topic

Developing paragraphs by examples

Paragraph 6

Paragraph 7

Paragraph 8

Paragraph 9

What statements do the examples respectively support?

3.2.3 Other ways of developing paragraphs?

Developing by time

Developing by process

Developing by space

Developing by detail

Developing by generalization

Developing by comparison and contrast

Developing by cause and effect

Developing by classification

Developing by definition

3.3 Sentence Paraphrase

1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (1)

psychological term which refers to the physiological and behavioral changes throughout the lifespan

1. It was clear enough what she meant.

2. It is said that he is doing fine at school.

3. He was an old man, and it did not matter much where he lived.

2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (2)

It refers to the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that you go through during adolescence when you are not sure who you really are and what your purpose in life is.

3.… identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chance events. (2)

Who we are is determined by three things: first, our genes, or what our parents have given us, our legacy; second, environment; third, luck or opportunities.

4. It may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. (3)

If they choose to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the financial support of their parents.

5. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (4)

independence in handling everyday life situations; the ability to solve practical problems

6. Hoffman defines this p rocess as ―freedom from an excessive need for approval, closeness, togetherness, and emotional support in relation to the mother and father.‖ (4)

no longer having something you do not want

7. Children need their parents to tell them what to do or not to do. They also need to be close to their parents and receive encouragement, love, all kinds of emotional support which give them strength. But when they grow up, they no longer have the same needs like babies

8. Probably one of the most stressful matters for young college students is establishing their sexual identity, which includes relating to the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women. (5)

1.What he likes is playing chess after supper.

2.Reading is The main thing is getting there in time.

3.learning, but applying is also learning and the more important kind of learning at that.

9. Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with. (5)

10. When students are in a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, they are most likely to feel unhappy or happy emotionally

1. I cannot agree with you more.

2. There is nothing cheaper.

No leader of a party has kept himself in greater detachment from the sentiment of his than has the late Prime Minister

11. During the course I had come to realize that while my world was expanding and new options were opening for me, my father, who was in his sixties, was seeing his world shrink and his options narrow. (6)

was beginning to realize that his world was getting smaller and his choices fewer

12.In the late sixties, a young woman from a background that was extremely prejudiced against people from other races came to college convinced that her race was superior. (7)

1. Trains in this country spend too much time stopped, waiting for other trains.

2. He went back to his home village frustrated.

Born and bred in the countryside, he was bewildered by the big city.

13. These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years often last a lifetime. (7)

These values that are established during the college years often last a lifetime. It is believed that our character or basic moral principles are formulated during this period of time.

14.I can no longer read the newspaper or watch a television newscast without seeing the people from other countries in a different light. (9)

Whenever I read the newspaper or watch a television newscast, I will see the people from other countries in a different way from what I used to see.

15. Not only are they being introduced to new people and new knowledge, but they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information. (10)

They are getting to know a lot of new people and learning new knowledge. They are also finding or learning new ways of arranging, organizing, analyzing or understanding information. It implies that mere information is not scientific truth. Scientific truth requires the processing of information. In college, students will learn new approaches, methods, and theories which will change many of their prejudices.

Part Four Language Study

4.1 Phrases and Expressions

4.1.1 Word list:









9. endowment 10. ethical 11. excessive 12. handle 13. inherit 14. interpret 15.inhibition 16. involve 17. observe 18. occur 19. perceive 20. project 21. shrink

4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:

1.be equal to

2.dawn on/upon

3.drag one’s feet

4.for certain

5.freedom/free from

6.go through

7. in turn

8. in/with relation to

9. in a different light 10. independent from/of 11. stand back

4.1.3 Word Building

1. Prefix–de, pro

2. Root–ject, volv, gen

3. Suffix–ogy, al


decrease 减少degrade 使降级devalue使降值decolour 漂白desalt 除去盐分decompose 使分解decentralize使分散decelerate使减速

-fin(i)-, -finit- 结束,界限

confine 限制,禁闭define 下定义,规定definite限定的finite 有限的infinite 无限的infinity 无限,无穷大semifinal 半决赛(的)

affinity 密切关系;共鸣

pro- 向前;支持;代理

proceed 前进;着手progress 进步pro-British 亲英派的promote 促进pro-consul 代理领事provoke 激怒,招惹project 投射propel 推进

-jac(t)-, -ject- 投,射

abject 凄惨的,可怜的adjacent 毗邻的,邻近的deject 使沮丧,使气馁eject 逐出,排斥inject注射,注入object反对


-volv-, -volut- 旋转

evolve 发展,演化involve包缠,包含revolve (使)旋转intervolve 缠绕;使互卷devolve 转移,移交(工作,职务)evolution旋转revolution革命voluble 易旋转的;健谈的

-gen-, -generat- 生(殖)

generate 使发生,产生genetic 遗传学的genital生殖的genius天才ingenious机灵的congenial同族的,同类的,相宜的eugenic优生学的progenitor祖先

-ogy- 学(科)


-al ······的(形容词后缀)

Parental: parental care; organizational: organizational skills; Occupational: occupational disease; environmental: environmental protection Experimental: experimental work; conversational: conversational style Educational: educational policy; natural: natural selection;

Cultural: cultural gap; personal: personal preference

4.2 Grammar

4.2.1 Object


An object is the recipient of an action which often follows a transitive verb or a preposition. What can function as object are nouns, pronouns, numerals, infinitive phrases, gerund, noun clauses, etc.


Do you know where he lives?

During this time, students… are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weakness are.

Verbs that are often followed by an infinitive phrase as object:

Afford attempt arrange beg choose claim dare decide decline determine expect fail intend long manage offer seek undertake


At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world.

Verbs that are often followed by wh-word plus an infinitive phrase as object:

when/ where/ why/ who/ whom/ how/ whether… to do

Ask consider decide discover discuss explain find out forget inquire know learn show tell understand wonder undertake


Hoffman observed that there are four distinct aspects to psychological separation from our parents.

All the student should be aware of how they react to new knowledge and new ways of learning…

Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering?

Verbs that are often followed by a gerund as object:

Admit avoid consider delay deny escape excuse fancy imagine mind miss dislike permit postpone practice risk suggest undertake

Phrases that are often followed by a gerund as object:

amount to be up to be equal to cut down on feel like give up look forward to object to put off stand up to


He was lucky to escape being sent to prison

the passive of a gerund used as the object of a verb

Part Five Extension

5.1 Group discussion

1.Have you ever experienced any important changes since you entered our university?

2.Have they been positive or negative?

3.Do you have a better idea about your strengths and weaknesses now? What are they?

4.Do you consider yourself reasonably independent? Why is it so important to gain this


5.Do you find it easy to relate to the opposite sex? Do you think to learn to love is important

in college? Why?

6.What other things should students do at university? What does the author mean by

―internalizing‖ religious faith, values, and morals? Have you in some way internali zed values and beliefs?

5.2 Debating

Topics for debating:

1.College students are bound to experience an identity crisis.

2.Parents are out-of-date and their influence is counterproductive.

3.Falling in love in college is a negative factor to one’s academic deve lopment


XXXX年XXXXXX考试XXXXXX讲义教案一、宣讲(一小时) ●本考试课程介绍,时间,考试题型,多选题的答题技巧并配有代表 性例题。 ●历年真题的分布情况 ●本科目考试特点分为几大部分,每部分学习计划及授课安排 ●本科目每部分的代表性例题,举例讲解 ●本科目班型介绍及特点。 ●老师对本科目的学习方法建议 ●本科目学习重点 二、知识全解班 首先把每部分的内容标明,每部分包括几个大的知识点,然后细化每个知识点下面包含的内容,以及每个知识点需有代表性的例题或者是真题,真题无需体现某年或某序号。 例如: 第一部分施工管理概述 知识点一、施工方的项目管理: 1、建设工程项目各参与方对项目管理的目标和任务; 2、施工总承包方、施工总承包管理方、建设项目工程总承包的特点。知识点二、施工管理的组织: 3、组织工具中的项目结构图、组织结构图(管理组织结构图)、合同结构图、工作任务分工表、管理职能分工表、工作流程图的概念与功能; 4、职能组织结构、线性组织结构和矩阵组织结构的特点及其应用。 知识点一施工方的项目管理 一、项目管理的核心任务--项目的目标控制。(三控) 二、建设工程项目管理的概念 自项目开始至项目完成,通过项目策划和项目控制,以使项目的费用目标(业主是投资目标、施工单位是成本目标)、进度目标和质量目标得以实现。 三、建设工程项目管理的类型 1、业主方的项目管理——总组织者,核心(投资方、开发方、由咨询公司提供的代表业主方利益的项目管理服务) 2、设计方的项目管理 3、施工方的项目管理(施工总承包、分包) 4、供货方的项目管理(材料、设备供应) 5、建设项目总承包方的项目管理(设计、采购、施工综合承包) 例题(历年真题): 三、应试点题班(教材出来后更新) 第1章XXXXXXXXX


教案教案与大纲讲稿区 别 文档编制序号:[KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08]

电子科技大学课程《教案》编写基本要求 关于教案整理的通知 各学院(部): 根据学校教学工作整体安排,结合教育部本科教学工作评估 要求,为进一步加强学校对院系教学工作、管理工作的宏观控制 和指导,保证教学各环节规范进行并达到相应质量标准,努力提 高教学质量,本学期教务处将组织专家于六月初对各学院教师教 案进行检查。教案的编写要求以及格式见附件。对于已有教案的 教师,可保留原来格式,参照要求进行补充,对部分没有教案的 教师,请按照给定编写格式执行。 教务处 电子科技大学课程《教案》编写基本要求 教案是教学大纲、课程方案的具体细化并精心设计的授课 框架 ,是教师以教材章节和课时为单位编写的教学具体方案,是 课堂讲授的重要依据,认真编写教案是保证教学质量的必要措 施。因此每一位任课教师在接受课程教学任务后,在授课之前均 须认真编写好所任课程的教案。 一、教案编写的原则 1、尊重规律性:教案是教师对课堂教学活动的整体安排,是 课堂教学的基础,是提高教学质量和教学效果重要保证。教案一 般包括班级、学科名称、课时的教学目的、课程的类型、课程的 进程(包括教学内容、教学方法、时间分配、作业、师生活动设计)、教具等。

2、符合科学性、富于独特性:编写教案应以课程的教学大纲为依据,在深入钻研教材,了解学生基本情况的基础上,根据每门课程的内容和特点,结合教师多年积累的教学经验和形成的教学风格,充分发挥教师个性、特点和才华,编写出具有自身特色的教案。 3、注重差异性:教案既不同于教学大纲,也不等同于讲稿(或讲课提纲)。教学大纲是对课程的总体要求,而教案则是实现教学大纲的具体细化并精心设计的授课框架。讲稿(或讲课提纲)是丰富和内化教案中的具体要求并实现这些设想的实质内容和书面台词,要充分考虑如何实现教案中所要求达到的教学目的和效果。 4、考虑变化性、加强创新性:任课教师应根据学科发展情况、教学要求的变化以及学生的实际水平,及时补充、修改、重新编写授课教案,以保持教学内容的先进性和适用性。 二、教案编写的形式和内容 1、课程名称,授课学期、课程类型、课程时数。 2、授课对象:包括适用年级、专业、层次。 3、授课教师姓名、职称、学年、学期,编写时间。 4、教案编写首先应以章为单位,然后再按每一章中各节的教学内容和学时分配编写每一课时单元的授课教案。 三、教案编写的具体内容 1、章节的教学内容及基本要求:应反映知识的深度、广度、教学层次(了解、理解、掌握、灵活运用)、技能训练、能力培养的要求。 2、每章各节教学内容(列出节名)及学时分配; 3、章节教学内容的重点和难点; 4、章节教学内容的深化和拓宽;


教案、讲稿、讲义的区别与编写 一、关于教案、讲稿、讲义的内涵 教案:是依据教学日历的进度要求,为完成教学大纲所规定的教学任务而准备的教学工作计划,是教师以课时为单位编写的供教学用的实施方案。教学方案是落实教育思想、教学方法、教学手段和考试方法改革的具体措施,是指导具体教学实践的重要依据。一般应包括以下内容:授课的题目(教学章、节标题)、教学目标、教学的重点与难点、授课的方式、方法和手段、教学的基本内容、课后小结、作业、讨论、辅导答疑等课后延伸、参考资料。 讲稿:也叫讲课稿,是对全部讲授内容的具体组织和表达,是讲授内容的文字描述,要求尽可能详细、全面。讲稿可以摘录教材,但不能是教材的翻版。教师在编写讲稿时,可根据学生的层次、专业、知识面、知识的连续性对教材内容进行必要的增删,同时应加进学科前沿的知识。 讲义:为讲课教师自己编写的未正式出版的、可供学生使用的教材。 二、教案和讲稿的区别 1、二者的关系 教案和讲稿均是教师教学思维与教材结合的具体化过程,是教师课堂教学的依据,反映教师讲授的内容和不同特色。 2、二者的区别教案和讲稿的区别: (1)教案的基本内容体现的是教学的组织管理信息,讲稿的基本内容体现的是教学的知识信息;即教案解决的是“怎么教”的问题,讲稿解决的是“教什么”的问题。 (2)教案是骨架,讲稿是血肉,二者是决定与被决定的关系。 (3)在表现形式上,教案字少,显得简单,讲稿篇幅则较长。 三、教案和讲稿的编写 1.教案的编写 (1)教案编写要根据教学大纲、教材和教学进度表来编写,通过教案的基本构成要素来体现授课的详细实施步骤和主要内容。 (2)撰写教案首先要钻研教学大纲和教材,弄清本课程的教学目的、具体章节的具体内容和要求,了解课程体系、结构、重点章节以及各章节的重点、难点。其次要注意广泛阅读本门课程的相关资料,了解本学科、专业发展的发展方向,对课程有关内容作必要的补充。第三,要了解教育对象的知识结构、理解能力,对讲授内容进行合理安排和设计。 (3)教案是授课教师教学思想、教学方法和教学水平的重要体现之一,它反映教师的自身素质、


讲稿和教案的区别 讲稿,有的教师也叫备课笔记。它属于教师备课工作的文字结果之一,是个人一种最基本的教学文件。讲稿一般以课程教学大纲确定的教材为基本线索,按篇、章、节逐一书写,但它决不是教材本身的全文照录,而是根据教学对象、教学时数、经过适当梳理确定的基本教学内容。从这个意义上说,讲稿有点像一本简化了的讲义。当然,讲稿在教学内容的取舍、讲法、编排顺序上也不一定完全拘泥于原教材的格局;也就是说,教材上的内容不是必须纳入讲稿,而教材以外的内容也不是不能纳入讲稿。另外,当原教材存在某些缺陷时,还应遵循科学的原理作必要的纠正,记录在讲稿上,适时告诉学生,如某些概念的偏差和某些数据的偏差。可见,讲稿是经过教师本人多方学习、深刻理解教材后确定的教学内容,涵盖较广,文字较多。有同志形容讲稿是个人讲课的资料库,这个比喻很好。 教案,按字面可理解为授课的方案。它大致包含以下要素:学科名称、授课时间、授课题目、教学目的、授课类型、重点、难点、教具、教学进程和教学方法。 教学进程和教学方法是教案的关键,因为在这一部分,要写出教学内容的安排和时间分配,还要写出教学方法的具体运用,尤其对如何突出重点,分解难点,都应有一定的说明和交待;另外,对板书布置、例子选择、教具

展示、作业数量,以及如何引导、教育学生等等,都要作出考虑。 归结起来,讲稿与教案的主要区别在于:讲稿侧重教学内容上的选择与撰写,而教案则偏于教学方法、教学安排、教学效果上的设想与构思。倘若从影视艺术的角度打比方,讲稿类似于剧本,而教案则犹如策划,像导演的分镜头脚本。 讲稿和教案,其实是密不可分的。因为一定的教学内容,必须通过恰当的方法和形式,才能收到较好的效果。为了达到良好的教学效果.实现内容与形式的统一,既要有讲稿,又要有教案。 讲稿与教案的区别 1.教案是依据教学内容、教学方法、教学对象、教学设施等特点,以课题为单位对教学进程进行的设计组织,它所承载的基本是课堂教学的组织管理信息,涉及的是组织性项目,而讲稿主要是依据教学大纲对教学内容进行的阐述,它所承载的基本是知识信息,涉及的是知识性项目。 2.教案的思路形成,主要受教学过程的管理逻辑支配,而讲稿的思路形成,主要受教学过程的知识逻辑支配。 3.教案形成的基础和前提必须是科学性与思想性兼


说课稿与教案的区别联系 1.说课说什么? 说课的内容一般说来有以下五个方面: ⑴说课标 说课标就是要把课程标准中的课程目标(三维目标)作为本课题教学的指导思想和教学依据,从课程论的高度驾驭教材和指导教学设计。 说课标,要重点说明有关课题教学目标、教学内容及教学操作等在课程标准中的原则性要求,从而为自己的教学设计寻找到用力的依据。 说课标,可以结合到说教材中去进行。 ⑵说教材 教材是课程的载体。能否准确而深刻地理解教材,高屋建瓴地驾驭教材,合乎实际地处理教材,科学合理地组织教材,是备好课、上好课的前提,也是说课的首要环节。 说教材的要求有: ①说清楚本节教材在本单元甚至本册教材中的地位和作用,即弄清教材的编排意图或知识结构体系。 ②说明如何依据教材内容(并结合课程标准和学生)来确定本节课的教学目标或任务。课时目标是课时备课时所规划的课时结束时要实现的教学结果。课时目标越明确、越具体,反映教者的备课认识越充分,教法的设计安排越合理。分析教学目标要从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个方面加以说明。③说明如何精选教材内容,并合理地扩展或加深教材内容,通过一定的加工将其转化为教学内容,即搞清各个知识点及其相互之间的联系。 ④说明如何确定教学重点和教学难点。 ⑤说明教材处理上值得注意和探讨的问题。 ⑶说学法 现代教育对受教育者的要求,不仅是学到了什么,更主要的是学会怎样学习。实施课程标准后,要求教师转换角色,基于这一转变,说课者就必须说明如何根据教学内容、围绕教学目标指导学生学习,教给学生什么样的学习方法,培养学生哪些能力,如何调动学生积极思维,怎样激发学生学习兴趣等。说课活动中虽然没有学生,看不到师生之间和学生之间的多边活动,但从教师的说课过程中要体现以学生为主体,充分发挥学生在学习活动中的作用、调动学生的学习积极性。在最大程度上体现课改精神——教师是课堂教学的组织者、引导者、参与者、启发者。具体要说清两大问题: ①针对本节教材特点及教学目的,学生宜采用怎样的学习方法来学习它,这种学法的特点怎样?如何在课堂上操作? ②在本节课中,教师要做怎样的学法指导?怎样使学生在学会过程中达到会学?怎样在教学过程中恰倒好处地融进学法指导? ⑷说教法 说教法,应说出“怎么教”的办法以及“为什么这样教”的根据,具体要做到以下几个方面: ①要说出本节课所采用的最基本或最主要的教法及其所依据的教学原理或原则。 ②要说出本节课所选择的一组教学方法、手段,对它们的优化组合及其依据。无


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模拟一个简单二级文件管理系统 设计目的:通过具体的文件存储空间的管理、文件的物理结构、目录结构和文件操作的实现,加深对文件系统内部功能和实现过程的理解。 设计内容:模拟一个简单二级文件管理系统 一、实验内容描述 1 实验目标 本实验的目的是通过一个简单多用户文件系统的设计,加深理解文件系统的内部功能及内部实现. 2 实验要求 为DOS系统设计一个简单的二级文件系统.要求做到以下几点: ①可以实现下列命令: login 用户登录 dir 列文件目录 create 创建文件 delete 删除文件 open 打开文件 close 关闭文件 read 读文件 write 写文件 ②列目录时要列出文件名、物理地址、保护码和文件长度. ③源文件可以进行读写保护. 二、程序主要内容 1设计思路 程序中要求每个用户在登陆后才可对其拥有的文件进行操作,用户对于其他用户的文件无操作权.文件操作包括浏览、创建、删除、打开、关闭、阅读、写入、修改模式.其他操作包括新建用户、帮助、用户登入、用户登出、退出系统. 在程序文件夹下有个名为“file”的系统根目录,此目录下包括:一个名为“mfd”的文件,记录所有注册过的帐号及密码;用户文件,以用户名作为文件名,内容为其拥有的文件名及属性;一个名为“keiji”的文件夹.“keiji”文件夹中包括:“”指针文件,记录所有已用的物理地址;一些以物理地址为名的文件,内容为文件内容. 2 数据结构 file结构体系统文件数据结构: fpaddrint,文件的物理地址、flengthint,文件长度、fmodeint,文件模式 0.只读;1.可写;2.可读写;3.保护、 fname[]char,文件名; filemode结构体文件状态数据结构: isopenint,文件当前状态,0.关闭;1.打开、modeint,文件模式 0.只读;1.可写;2.可


延安大学西安创新学院教案、讲稿编写规范 延大西院教[2008]21号 编写教案、讲稿是教师组织落实教学大纲的基本环节。为了进一步提高教师备课质量,规范教案、讲稿编写,有效地提高课堂教学水平,特制定本规范。 一、关于教案、讲稿的内涵 教案是依据教学日历的进度要求,为完成教学大纲所规定的教学任务而准备的教学工作计划,是教师以课时为单位编写的供教学用的实施方案。教案是落实教育思想、教学方法、教学手段和考试方法改革的具体措施,是指导具体教学实践的重要依据。教案不同于授课讲稿,一般应包括以下内容: 1.授课题目(教学章、节或主题)授课时间(课次); 2.课时数(计划学时); 3.授课时间(课次); 4.教学目的、要求; 5.教学重点及难点; 6.教学基本内容纲要,采用的教学方法和教学手段,实施步骤等; 7.作业、讨论题、思考题; 8.课后小结; 9.参考资料(含参考书、文献等)。 讲稿是教师的讲课稿,是对教学大纲所规定的全部讲授内容的具体组织和表达,是讲授内容的文字、图形描述,要求尽可能详细、全面。讲稿可以摘录教材,但不能是教材的翻版。教师在编写讲稿时,可根据知识的连续性,对教材内容进行必要的增删,同时应适当介绍本学科前沿知识。 二、关于教案和讲稿的说明 教案和讲稿都是教师教学思想与教材结合的具体化过程,是教师课堂教学的依据,反映教师讲授内容、教学方法、教学组织和不同风格与特色。 (一)教案和讲稿的区别 1.教案所承载的基本内容是课堂教学的组织管理信息,讲稿所承载的基本内容是知识信息,即教案解决的是“怎么教”的问题,讲稿解决的是“教什么”的问题。 2.教案的思路形成受教学过程的管理逻辑支配,而讲稿的思路形成则受教学过程的知识逻辑支配。 3.在内容上,教案涉及的是组织性项目,讲稿涉及的是知识性项目。 4.在表现形式上,讲稿篇幅较长,教案篇幅较短。 (二)关于电子教案、多媒体课件、网络课件的说明 1.电子教案表现形式是幻灯片,教师授课、学生复习使用,开发工具是Powerpoint,存储介质是磁盘、光盘和网络服务器。 2.CAI课件表现形式是软件,可以单独运行,应用于辅助教学,教师授课、助教、助学,解决重点、难点问题,是用专用的或高级语言编程实现的。存储介质是磁盘、光盘和网


说课稿、教案说课与讲课这三者的区别 一、教案 教案是教师实施课堂教学的操作性方案,它重在设定教学的内容和行为,即:“教什么”。是整个课堂教学工作的重要组成部分。教案对于教师课堂教学有着重要的意义。 教案是教师的教学方案,所以教师必须提前编写,因而它具有一定的前瞻性和预设性。编写时,要求以课程标准为准绳,根据教材的内容和学生的特点,选择恰当的教法和学法,把计划实施的教学内容,誊写在教学笔记簿上,供教学时使用。 教案的基本内容包括:教学目标要求,教学重点、难点,教具准备,课时安排,教学步骤,板书设计和教后反思等。 二、教学设计 教学设计,简单地说,就是教师为完成一定的教学任务,对教学活动进行的规划、安排和决策。具体地讲,是指教师以教育理论为基础,依据教育对象和教师自己的教育理念、经验,运用系统的观点与方法,分析教学中的问题和需要,制定教学目标,合理安排教学步骤,为优化教学效果而制定实施方案的系统的计划过程。 因此,教学设计的过程实际上就是教师为教学活动制定蓝图的过程。通过教学设计,教师可以根据教材的内容和教育对象的特点从三个维度确定教学目标,选择适当的教学方法,采用有效的教学手段,

保证教学活动的顺利进行。 三、说课稿 说课,是教学改革中新生事物,是日常进行教学研究、教学交流的一种新的教学研究形式。是教师依据课标,根据教材,结合教育理论,进行深入研究后,把教材、教法、学法教具、教学过程,向领导、或同事进行阐释的一种教研活动。说课稿,就是为了说好课而准备的文字材料。 四、三者之间的联系 第一,教学目标相同。都是教师完成教学任务,而事先而做得准备活动。可以是同一的教学目标。 第二、运用理念一致。在课改的今天,不管是哪家版本的教材,落实的都是国家语文课程标准的精神,必须以生为本,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。 第三、准备工作吻合。就是在撰写它们之前,都必须学习课标,钻研教材,通览教参,根据学生的特点和水平。确立教法、学法以及教具、学具准备等。 五、三者之间的不同点 第一、教案只是教师课堂教学方案。一般只要有教学目标、重点难点、教具准备、课时分配和教学过程。仅是事先的准备。 第二、教学设计也是教师为了课堂教学而设计的方案,基本内容与教案相同,最大的区别在于教学设计在每一个教学环节中要有设计的理念,或要达到的目标。主要是考察教师的理论素养。


电子文档信息管理系统 解决方案


目录 1. 系统功能模块的划分和各模块的设计 (1) 1.1总体功能设计 (1) 1.2信息管理 (4) 1.2.1 数据录入 (5) 1.2.2 文件上传、下载 (6) 1.3日常管理 (7) 1.3.1 检索查询 (7) 1.3.3 统计报表 (8) 1.4视频资料管理 (10) 1.4.3 媒体文件资料管理 (10) 1.5系统设置 (11) 1.5.1 建立符合用户要求的文档管理结构 (11) 1.5.2 对现有文档管理系统的其他设置 (12) 1.6系统安全 (13) 1.6.1 用户管理 (14) 1.6.2 角色管理 (14) 1.6.3 权限管理 (14) 1.7日志管理 (17) 1.8数据存储和备份 (18) 1.8.1 数据存储 (18) 1.8.2 数据备份 (20)

1. 系统功能模块的划分和各模块的设计1.1总体功能设计 如图所示:

电子文档信息自动化管理系统总体设计如上面的系统逻辑架构,根据文档管理工作的分工不同分为:信息采集、日常管理、信息服务、系统安全、系统设置、软件接口六个部分。 其中信息采集、日常管理和信息服务三部分包括了用户文档信息管理的主要业务内容,实现了文档信息的收集整理、日常管理和利用服务的网络化和电子化。 信息采集主要负责文档信息的整理、编目与电子文件的自动挂接,完成文档信息的收集、录入和数字化工作。 日常管理部分主要完成电子文档的鉴定、销毁、移交、编研、征集等工作,同时可以辅助实体管理、形成文档的目录、进行借阅、利用、统计等管理工作。 信息服务主要通过简单方便的方式,为用户提供快捷的文档信息服务。 系统安全则充分保证了文档系统和数据的安全性,使对电子文档信息的安全管理能够控制到每一具体功能操作和每一具体文件。 系统设置部分为用户搭建符合自身文档信息管理需要的文档管理结构提供了定制工具,可以让用户自己量身定制本单位的文档管理结构,无论是从眼前,还是从长远考虑,都将比


经典面具下的我行我素 ——《哈姆雷特》与《夜宴》人物形象比较 石燕京 教学目的和要求:了解莎士比亚经典名著《哈姆雷特》在中国的传播;了解电影版《哈姆雷特》的改编历程;以人物形象为重点,比较分析所谓冯小刚式“中国版哈姆雷特”——《夜宴》与莎士比亚《哈姆雷特》的异同。 重点和难点:1、影像世界中的《哈姆雷特》 2、《夜宴》与《哈姆雷特》中的人物形象求异比较 3、《夜宴》的后现代文化色彩 教学方法:课堂讲授和讨论结合,多媒体课件辅助。 教学过程: 导入语:所谓冯小刚式“中国版哈姆雷特”——《夜宴》,其实与莎士比亚“原装哈姆雷特”有着本质的区别,尽管《夜宴》无论人物形象、情节元素、结构模式等诸多方面都有克隆经典名著《哈姆雷特》之嫌。特别是细细比较了两部作品中的主要人物形象,即哈姆雷特与无鸾;乔特鲁德与婉儿;克劳狄斯与励帝,以及奥菲莉娅与青女之后,便会清楚地看到:《夜宴》编导弄潮地赋予了其戏中人很强的后现代文化色彩,使他们分别在不同程度上颠覆了莎剧中相对应的人物形象。对《夜宴》妄加责难和大肆吹捧都是不科学的,事实上,《夜宴》也就是冯小刚为改变自我、超越自我,借用精英文化符号所作的一次大胆尝试而已,成败得失、见仁见智。 一、电影版《哈姆雷特》一览 莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》已经多次被改编为电影,如 1948年劳伦斯·奥立弗(Lawrence Olivier)主演的黑白版——《王子复仇记》,被认为是最成功的版本,曾荣获多项奥斯卡金像奖。 1964年理查德·伯顿主演的“简约版”。 1990年梅尔·吉卜森(Mel Gibson)担纲的“性感版”。 1994年迪斯尼出品的“动画版”、1996年肯尼思·布莱纳(Kenneth Branagh)领衔的“超长版”。 2000年伊森·霍克主演的“现代版”等。 二、《夜宴》与《哈姆雷特》的雷同之处: 首先,在人物形象的设置上,《夜宴》中的人物几乎是《哈姆雷特》中的人物的克隆:无鸾与哈姆雷特;励帝与克劳狄斯;婉后与乔特鲁德;奥菲莉娅与青女;莱欧提斯与殷隼;殷太常与波洛涅斯,甚至被害的冤魂都是一一对应的。 其次,在情节安排的表层结构上,《夜宴》对《哈姆雷特》仿佛也采取了全盘复制:国王暴毙——太子回宫——母后改嫁——双方试探——“戏中戏”——谋害与反谋害——伪装自我——毒计圈套——复仇


讲稿和教案的区别 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】

讲稿和教案的区别(一) 讲稿,有的教师也叫备课笔记。它属于教师备课工作的文字结果之一,是个人一种最基本的教学文件。讲稿一般以课程教学大纲确定的教材为基本线索,按篇、章、节逐一书写,但它决不是教材本身的全文照录,而是根据教学对象、教学时数、经过适当梳理确定的基本教学内容。从这个意义上说,讲稿有点像一本简化了的讲义(从逆向思维推敲一下,许多新教材也确实是从讲义演变而来的)。当然,讲稿在教学内容的取舍、讲法、编排顺序上也不一定完全拘泥于原教材的格局;也就是说,教材上的内容不是必须纳入讲稿,而教材以外的内容也不是不能纳入讲稿。另外,当原教材存在某些缺陷时,还应遵循科学的原理作必要的纠正,记录在讲稿上,适时告诉学生,如某些概念的偏差和某些数据的偏差。可见,讲稿是经过教师本人多方学习、深刻理解教材后确定的教学内容,涵盖较广,文字较多。有同志形容讲稿是个人讲课的资料库,这个比喻很好。 教案,按字面可理解为授课的方案。它大致包含以下要素:学科名称、授课时间、授课题目(可写篇、章、节)、教学目的、授课类型(指新课、复习课、习题课、实验课、实习实训课等)、重点、难点、教具(包括实物、教模、挂图、幻灯、录像、多媒体、简单实验等)、教学进程和教学方法。 教学进程和教学方法是教案的关键,因为在这一部分,要写出教学内容的安排和时间分配,还要写出教学方法的具体运用,尤其对如何突出重点,分解难点,都应有一定的说明和交待;另外,对板书布置、例子选择、教具展示、作业数量,以及如何引导、教育学生等等,都要作出考虑。 归结起来,讲稿与教案的主要区别在于:讲稿侧重教学内容上的选择与撰写,而教案则偏于教学方法、教学安排、教学效果上的设想与构思。倘若从影视艺术的角度打比方,讲稿类似于剧本(或小说原本),而教案则犹如策划,像导演的分镜头脚本。


说课是什么?以及与备课、上课的关系 一、说课的意义 所谓“说课”,就是授课教师在独立备课的基础上,系统地谈自己的教学设想及理论依据,以达到相互交流、共同提高的一种教研形式。 狭义的说课是指教师以口头表达的方式,以教育科学理论和教材为依据,针对某节课的具体特点,以教师为对象,在备课和上课之间进行的教学研究活动。 二、说课的特点 1、简易性与操作性。 2、理论性与科学性。 3、交流性与示范性。 三、说课与备课、上课的关系 (一)说课与备课的关系 1、相同点: (1)主要内容相同,说课与备课的教学内容都是相同的。 (2)主要任务相同,都是课前的准备工作。 (3)主要做法相同,都要学习大纲,吃透教材,了解学生,选择教法,设计教学过程。2、不同点: (1)概念内涵不同。 (2)对象不同。 (3)目的不同。 (4)活动形式不同。 (5)基本要求不同。 (二)说课与上课的关系 说课与上课之间也存在着明显的区别,主要表现在以下方面。 1、说课与上课要求不同。 2、说课与上课的对象不同。 3、说课与上课的评价标准不同。 从下面的表中可以看出,说课与上课的目的、形式、内容、评价、也有很大差异。 上面的分析可以看出,说课是介于备课和上课之间的一种教学研究活动,对于备课是一种深化和检验,能使备课理性化,对于上课是一种更为严密的科学准备。 四、说课的内容 说课的内容包括:说教材,说教法、学法,说教学过程。 1、说教材 说课,首先教者要说明自己对教材的理解,因为对教材理解透彻,才能制定出较完满的教学方案。 说教材包括三个方面内容: (1)教材简析。在认真阅读教材的基础上,说明教材的地位、作用。 (2)明确提出本课时的具体教学目标。 (3)分析教材的编写思路、结构特点以及重点、难点、关键。 2、说教法、学法 小学教学方法多种多样,每一种教学方法都有其特点和适用范围,不存在任何情况下对任何


文档管理系统解决方案 2010.08

1概述 .............................................................................................................................................................................. - 4 - 1.1系统目标 (4) 1.2系统框架 (4) 2设计方案 ...................................................................................................................................................................... - 5 - 2.1系统管理 (5) 2.1.1组织机构 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 5 - 2.1.2人员管理 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 5 - 2.1.3编码配置 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.1.4权限管理 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.1.5文档后台管理 ................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.2文档管理主页 (6) 2.2.1文档发布 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.2.2文档排名 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.2.3文档推荐 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.2.4文档分类 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 6 - 2.3文档管理功能 (6) 2.3.1文档上传 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 7 - 2.3.2文档下载 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 7 - 2.3.3文档阅读 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 7 - 2.3.4文档播放 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 7 - 2.3.5文档查找 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 8 - 2.3.6文档统计 ........................................................................................................................................................ - 8 - 2.4系统接口 (8)


讲稿和教案的区别(一) 讲稿,有的教师也叫备课笔记。它属于教师备课工作的文字结果之一,是个人一种最基本的教学文件。讲稿一般以课程教学大纲确定的教材为基本线索,按篇、章、节逐一书写,但它决不是教材本身的全文照录,而是根据教学对象、教学时数、经过适当梳理确定的基本教学内容。从这个意义上说,讲稿有点像一本简化了的讲义(从逆向思维推敲一下,许多新教材也确实是从讲义演变而来的)。当然,讲稿在教学内容的取舍、讲法、编排顺序上也不一定完全拘泥于原教材的格局;也就是说,教材上的内容不是必须纳入讲稿,而教材以外的内容也不是不能纳入讲稿。另外,当原教材存在某些缺陷时,还应遵循科学的原理作必要的纠正,记录在讲稿上,适时告诉学生,如某些概念的偏差和某些数据的偏差。可见,讲稿是经过教师本人多方学习、深刻理解教材后确定的教学内容,涵盖较广,文字较多。有同志形容讲稿是个人讲课的资料库,这个比喻很好。 教案,按字面可理解为授课的方案。它大致包含以下要素:学科名称、授课时间、授课题目(可写篇、章、节)、教学目的、授课类型(指新课、复习课、习题课、实验课、实习实训课等)、重点、难点、教具(包括实物、教模、挂图、幻灯、录像、多媒体、简单实验等)、教学进程和教学方法。 教学进程和教学方法是教案的关键,因为在这一部分,要写出教学内容的安排和时间分配,还要写出教学方法的具体运用,尤其对如何突出重点,分解难点,都应有一定的说明和交待;另外,对板书布置、例子选择、教具展示、作业数量,以及如何引导、教育学生等等,都要作出考虑。 归结起来,讲稿与教案的主要区别在于:讲稿侧重教学内容上的选择与撰写,而教案则偏于教学方法、教学安排、教学效果上的设想与构思。倘若从影视艺术的角度打比方,讲稿类似于剧本(或小说原本),而教案则犹如策划,像导演的分镜头脚本。


教案、教学设计与说课稿联系与区别 一、教案 教案是教师实施课堂教学的操作性方案,它重在设定教学的内容和行为,即:“教什么”。是整个课堂教学工作的重要组成部分。教案对于教师课堂教学有着重要的意义。教案是教师的教学方案,所以教师必须提前编写,因而它具有一定的前瞻性和预设性。编写时,要求以课程标准为准绳,根据教材的内容和学生的特点,选择恰当的教法和学法,把计划实施的教学内容落到实处。 教案的基本内容包括:教学三维目标,课时安排,教学流程,板书设计和教后反思作业布置等。 二、教学设计 教学设计,简单地说,就是教师为完成一定的教学任务,对教学活动进行的规划、安排和决策。具体地讲,是指教师以教育理论为基础,依据教育对象和教师自己的教育理念、经验,运用系统的观点与方法,分析教学中的问题和需要,制定教学目标,合理安排教学步骤,为优化教学效果而制定实施方案的系统的计划过程。 因此,教学设计的过程实际上就是教师为教学活动制定蓝图的过程。通过教学设计,教师可以根据教材的内容和教育对象的特点从三个维度确定教学目标,选择适当的教学方法,采用有效的教学手段,保证教学活动的顺利进行。 三、说课稿 说课,是教学改革中新生事物,是日常进行教学研究、教学交流的一种新的教学研究形式。是教师依据课标,根据教材,结合教育理论,进行深入研究后,把教材、教法、学法教具、教学过程,进行阐释的一种教研活动。说课稿,就是为了说好课而准备的文字材料。 四、三者之间的联系 第一,教学目标相同。都是教师完成教学任务,而事先而做得准备活动。可以是同一的教学目标。 第二、运用理念一致。在课改的今天,不管是哪家版本的教材,落实的都是课程标准的精神,必须以生为本,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。 第三、准备工作吻合。就是在撰写它们之前,都必须学习课标,钻研教材,通览教参,根据学生的特点和水平。确立教法、学法以及教具、学具准备等。 五、三者之间的不同点 第一、教案只是教师课堂教学方案。一般只要有教学目标、重点难点、教具准备、课时分配和教学过程。仅是事先的准备。 第二、教学设计也是教师为了课堂教学而设计的方案,基本内容与教案相同,最大的区别在于教学设计在每一个教学环节中要有设计的理念,或要达到的目标。主要是考察教师的理论素养。 第三、说课稿,是教师面对同事或领导说课的书面材料,要求相对较高,编写难点相对较大,除了具有它们二者具有的内容之外,还应有教材分析,学情分析,教法指导、学法选择等。 1


电子文档信息管理系统 解决方案 山东东昀电子科技有限公司

目录 1. 系统功能模块的划分和各模块的设计 (1) 1.1总体功能设计 (1) 1.2信息管理 (4) 1.2.1 数据录入 (5) 1.2.2 文件上传、下载 (6) 1.3日常管理 (7) 1.3.1 检索查询 (7) 1.3.3 统计报表 (8) 1.4视频资料管理 (10) 1.4.3 媒体文件资料管理 (10) 1.5系统设置 (11) 1.5.1 建立符合用户要求的文档管理结构 (11) 1.5.2 对现有文档管理系统的其他设置 (12) 1.6系统安全 (13) 1.6.1 用户管理 (14) 1.6.2 角色管理 (14) 1.6.3 权限管理 (14) 1.7日志管理 (17) 1.8数据存储和备份 (18) 1.8.1 数据存储 (18) 1.8.2 数据备份 (20)

1. 系统功能模块的划分和各模块的设计1.1总体功能设计 如图所示:

电子文档信息自动化管理系统总体设计如上面的系统逻辑架构,根据文档管理工作的分工不同分为:信息采集、日常管理、信息服务、系统安全、系统设置、软件接口六个部分。 其中信息采集、日常管理和信息服务三部分包括了用户文档信息管理的主要业务内容,实现了文档信息的收集整理、日常管理和利用服务的网络化和电子化。 信息采集主要负责文档信息的整理、编目与电子文件的自动挂接,完成文档信息的收集、录入和数字化工作。 日常管理部分主要完成电子文档的鉴定、销毁、移交、编研、征集等工作,同时可以辅助实体管理、形成文档的目录、进行借阅、利用、统计等管理工作。 信息服务主要通过简单方便的方式,为用户提供快捷的文档信息服务。 系统安全则充分保证了文档系统和数据的安全性,使对电子文档信息的安全管理能够控制到每一具体功能操作和每一具体文件。 系统设置部分为用户搭建符合自身文档信息管理需要的文档管理结构提供了定制工具,可以让用户自己量身定制本单位的文档管理结构,无论是从眼前,还是从长远考虑,都将比


山东理工大学计算机学院课程设计 (操作系统) 班级 姓名 学号 指导教师 二○一一年六月二十四日

课程设计任务书及成绩评定 课题名称基于多级文件目录的文件管理系统设计 Ⅰ、题目的目的和要求: 巩固和加深对操作系统(OS)原理的理解,初步掌握操作系统组成模块和应用接口的使用方法,提高进行工程设计和系统分析的能力;通过选做上 面的课题,实现OS最基本模块的管理功能,重点放在数据结构设计、文档规范化和程序设计风格。 Ⅱ、设计进度及完成情况 日期内容 6.13-6.15 选取参考书,查阅有关文献资料,完成课程设计说明 书内容 1 部分。完成课程设计说明书内容2-4 部分 6.16~6.20 创建相关数据结构, 录入源程序 6.21~6.22 调试程序并记录调试中的问题,完成课程设计说明书第5 部分。 6.23 系统测试,演示设计成果,考核成绩。 整理课程设计说明书,上午11 时,由学习委员交课 6.24 程设计说明书(计算机科学系9#213 或直接交给指导 教师) Ⅲ、主要参考文献及资料 [1] 汤子赢等. 计算机操作系统(第二版). 西安电子科技大学出版社,2006.8

[2] 冯耀霖等. 操作系统,西安电子科技大学出版社.1992 [3] 张尧学等. 计算机操作系统教程( 第2 版). 清华大学出版社,2001.4 [4] 谭耀铭. 操作系统. 中国人民大学出版社,2003.4 [5] 刘坤起. 操作系统学习辅导与习题详解[M]. 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2003:58-67 [6] 孙钟秀等编著,操作系统教程[M],高等教育出版社,2003:46-78 Ⅳ、成绩评定: 设计成绩:(教师填写) 指导老师:(签字) 二○一一年六月二十四日

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