当前位置:文档之家› 高中英语词汇练习高考词汇练习(全部)1



1.Water is a___________(透明的)and nearly colorless chemical substance that is the main

constituent of the Earth’s streams,lakes and oceans.

2.Do you think what is the main___________(区别)between British English and American


3.Water is___________(维持生命必需的)for all known forms of life.

4.He has never been_____________(缺席)from class this term.

5.All of a sudden,a warm feeling of_____________(同情)rose up in my heart.

6.History has____________(见证)the endless productions of Shakespearean plays in every

major language of the world.

7.We didn’t know his telephone number,_____________(否则)we would have telephoned him.

8.I have already made an_____________(道歉)to her for not replying to her email.

9.It never____________(发生)to me that he was lying all the time.

10.As you can see,smoking in this office is_____________(禁止).

11._____________(抓住)this opportunity,and you will succeed in time.

12.Seeing the girl struggling in the lake,he threw himself in the icy water without__________


13.____________(无论如何)of what happens,my claim is safe and secure.

14.There are some connections between his words and____________(举止).

15.The expert was___________(直言的)and he said that he was against the new project.

16.There is an_____________(争论)about whether we should support the new party.

17.You need some kind of_____________(娱乐)and it's worthwhile if you want to work better.

18.His father is a very____________(考虑周到的)man and he is also very modest.

19.Teaching is a____________(值得的)job.

20.I____________(观看)him entering the bank with a gun.










9.occurred10.banned11.Seize12.hesitation13.Regardless14.behaviors15.outspoken 16.argument17.entertainment18.considerate19.worthwhile20.observed

21.The hospital has to treat____________(紧急事件)such as car accidents.

22.Three thousand____________(观众)crowded in the concert hall.

23.Today,I____________(打算)to finish reading this book.

24.He has been living here for a___________(十年).

25.They hope to___________(扩大)their company.

26.Time is valuable.___________(因此),we must treasure time.

27.“We___________(出口)them and then we need to import them,”James said.

28.The condition prevents the blood from____________(循环)freely.

29.They have to___________(减少)expenses this year.

30.I'm too tired to____________(专注于)on anything.

31.Can you show anything to prove your_____________(国籍)?

32.The manager made no___________(评论)on my advice at the meeting.

33.The girl___________(挣扎)in the water when I passed by the river.

34.Don't lose your sense of________(幽默),because it makes your speeches really impressive.

35.I was surprised that________(贯穿)our whole visit to Australia we only saw one kangaroo.

36.I would always keep my distance from drinkers on social_____________(场合).

37.Liu Wei,the famous armless piano player,has succeeded in having an__________(杰出


38.Sadly,the man was soon_____________(无家可归的)and unable to find a job.

39.He________(溜)out of the quiet reading room when he finished his reading.

40.The teacher_____________(低语)to me,“You did a good job.”He didn't want the others to



21.emergency22.audience23.intend24.decade25.enlarge26.Therefore27.export28.circulating https://www.doczj.com/doc/7614515710.html,ment33.was struggling34.humour35.throughout 36.occasions37.outstanding38.homeless39.slid40.whispered

41.The boy likes Hollywood movies and says that he wants to____________(导演)movies

when he grows up.

42.If they see a snake,men and women will__________(反应)differently.

43.The artist created the interesting map just to__________(使娱乐)his friends.

44.The easy way may be to run a lawnmower and the yard looks fine for a while,but that is a


45.You can also get down your knees on your hands and pull them out by the roots,but it is

____________(耗时的)and painful.

46.The first__________(解决方法)appeared easy.

47.The same thing is true of our__________(态度)in life.

48.The problem with people today is that they want an___________(即刻的)answer.

49.Ardold Schwarznegger arrived in New York,a___________(身无分文的)21-year old.

50.The egg___________(孵化)and the eagle grew up.

51.It____________(刮擦)in the dirt for seeds.

52.One day he saw an eagle flying___________(优雅地)in the open sky.

53.Eagle is an__________(杰出的)outstanding bird.

54.He lived the life of and died an ordinary man,__________(剥夺)himself of his talents.

55.He acted quickly and_________(抓住)the thief.

56.All men are created___________(平等的).

57.Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amount in the diet for the___________

(正常的)growth and maintenance of life of animals,including man.

58.He is now a CEO of______________(跨国的)company.

59.The__________(趋势)began in the Second World War.

60.The repairman__________(收费)me ten dollars.


41.direct42.react43.amuse44.temporary45.time-consuming46.solution47.attitude48.instant 49.penniless50.hatched51.scratches52.gracefully53.outstanding54.depriving55.seized


61.If you do this every day,it will improve memory___________(功能).

62.He has been spreading___________(虚假的)stories in an attempt to terrify us.

63.Don't be too____________(好奇的)about the secret.

64.He__________(辩护)himself by standing up.

65.Race to the door when he comes home,as if you were waiting for him.Smile and


66.You were always in the front__________(等级),and I was always behind.

67.When he opened it,he found it was empty and again his____________(愤怒)burst.

68.It has been said,and____________(真正地),that he laughs best who laughs last.

69.We would do anything to___________(减轻)your sorrow if only we could.

70.Each student has a different___________(面部的)expression and manner.

71.It is natural that almost every child enjoys watching___________(卡通).

72.Every visitor is amazed at the___________(独一无二的)design of the temple.

73.Some young people still lived in a world of____________(幻想)after they graduated from


74.We should develop modern services and____________(旅游业)in this ancient city.

75.As a nation,China has more than50ethnic______________(少数民族)besides the Han


76.Walt Disney World in Florida may be the world's largest________(主题)park.

77.Chinese people should make every effort to______________(保存)their old traditions.

78.My hobbies are listening to pop songs,going for____________(郊游)and reading novels.

79.The novel has been translated into____________(各种各样的)languages around the world.

80.A ray of____________(阳光)fell on the sleeping boy.


61.function62.false63.curious64.defended65.hug66.rank67.anger68.truly 69.ease70.facial71.cartoons72.unique73.fantasy74.tourism75.minorities76.theme 77.preserve78.outings79.various80.sunlight

81.I hope that this new__________(媒体)will make my Christmas message more personal and


82.They___________(任命)John chairman.

83.The chairman____________(宣布)the meeting over.

84.Recent technology gives computers both audio and video capacity,making them multimedia

machines with___________(互动的)potential.

85.The telescope of the1600s magnified objects thirty times their__________(原始的)size.

86.I love the saying that love,not time__________(治愈)all wounds.

87.That English is important is an___________(毋庸置疑的)fact.

88.The criminal____________(承认)that his sin harmed many people.

89.The fact that the seas are being____________(过度捕捞)has been known for years.

90.Why dinosaurs became_________(灭绝的)remains a mystery.

91.Whether we shall attend the meeting remains___________(不确定的).

92.How a person masters his__________(命运)is more important than what his fate is.

93.I haven’t decided whom I should__________(投票)for.

94.You should choose the__________(候选人)you assume best.

95.Change is what keeps us fresh and_________(有创造性的).

96.This is where our basic__________(利益)lies.

97.The___________(谣言)that Tom was a thief turned out to be untrue.

98.Is there any__________(证据)that the food of plant differs from that of animals?

99.A man cannot be really happy if what he enjoys is___________(忽视)by society.

100.A hinge joint is what permits the forward and backward___________(运动)of a door.


81.medium82.appointed83.declared84.interactive85.original86.heals87.undoubted 88.confessed89.overfished90.extinct91.uncertain92.fate93.vote4.candidate95.innovative 96.interest97.rumor98.proof99.ignored100.movement

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