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国际商务谈判 International Negotiation

1. 谈判是人们为了协调彼此之间的关系,满足各自的需要,通过协商而争取到意


2. 参与谈判的各方都是有所求的,但同时也不能无视他方的需要( win-win


3. 谈判是一门科学也是一门艺术。Negotiation is science and art

4. 商务谈判的基本原则

Prin ciples:

1) Si ncere, true, hon est 真诚

2) Equality and mutual benefit 平等互利

3) Seek com mon ground while leav ing differe nces 求同存异

4) Fair ness 公平

5. 用图表表示谈判的良性循环

6. 用图表解释解决谈判中矛盾的方法

(psychology adjustme nt) (Intern ati on al law)

Successful Model of Negotiati on

Bargain 厂solved problem

con flict

N=C=N Negotiati on

7 ?美国商人谈判风格

1) History

《The Declaration of Independence 独立宣言

Immigra nt from Europe to America Open up America

The spirit of develop ing America

Creati on

2) America ns attach importa nee on Practice 实际

Keep on e'promise and respect con tracts

Lawyers play a very important role in the negotiation. Not until they confirm

everythi ng in the con tract will they sig n it. After the agreeme nt, America

ns keep it seriously.

Take efficie ncy 讲求效率

Before a n egotiati on, America ns will map out a pla n first, and the n carry

it out step by step.



Pursue pragmatic achieveme nt and fond of ven ture

They press their goals, value efficiency and prefer to include all necessary

parts in the negotiation embracing designing, development, production,

engineering, sale and price and reach a package deal

3) Pers onal characteristics

Self-c on fide nt

American s high individualism is manifested through their decision making

process -- in dividual has the right to make the decisi on. Pers onal resp on


is stressed



这大大地提高了效率,但由于他们往往缺乏patie nee,因而使对


Straight and frank

They usually ignore establishing personal relation prior negotiation. In

their min ds, good bus in ess brings about good pers onal relati on, not vice

versa. They have the exact definition of“right”and “wrong” 谈判中,美




Enthusiastic, talkative and humorous

Neat work

4) Geography:There exists diversity among merchants in different parts of America

Middle (Ohio 俄亥俄州, Minnesota 明尼苏达州 ) Conservative, simple, kindly manner, make friends West( Pacific Ocean Coas)t

Attach importance to promise, be over critical

South(TexaS得克萨斯州,Tennessee田纳西州,Arkansas阿肯色州,Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州 )

Solicitous, frank, impatient, acute

East (Washington-New York)

It is one of the biggest financial centres in the world. It is the symbol of

wealth and Wall Stree(t 华尔街) is its symbol. Everyday there is a large sum

of money and a great many professionals swarming into. Miracles happen all the

time. People there lead to a high rapid and stressful life. Benefit is the only

thing in their eyes.


1) Collecting information

2) Target decision

3) Members

4) Place

5) Time

6) Others

以下是我写的一份计划,仅供参考,请不要直接写在你的考卷上,以免出现雷同Case: Company A is a manufacturer of silk products with printed patterns. The product

patterns are designed to cater to different culture, customs and tastes. One day,

an American salesman, Gary, came into the plant and looked carefully at the samples

exhibited. He showed satisfactory to the products and wanted to order 7 patterns.

They will have a negotiation.

1) Collecting information

After seeking and analyzing data and information from some International

organizations and on-line, we found that products which are similar to ours

are in small supply but in large demand at European market and the price could

reach as high as $30 per yard. Gary's company B has a good financial credit

and a complete selling net. They also own a fleet, so the transportation fee

could be cut down.

2) Target decision

Desirable target: $25 per yard (This goal serves two purposes: setting a potential goal for negotiators to strive for and leaving room for bargaining in

n egotiati on s.)

Acceptable target: $15-$25 per yard (This is determined after careful

thinking of market and the cost. We should make all efforts to achieve it.) Bottom target: $15 per yard (This is walk away point ”)


Atte nti on: Since the developme nt of n egotiati on is ofte n un predictable, the target atta in ability is also un certa in.


A leader (the compa nyschief man ager)

A professi onal in silk produc ing

An interpreter

A lawyer


The negotiation will be held in our company'meeting room. It will enjoy several adva ntages as a host, such as familiar surr oundings and creat ing pressure on the others. host


Time The negotiation is expected to end up during one week, six days for negotiation and one day break. If ther'some trouble, we can use the leisure time to continue

the n egotiati on.


During the meeting, the representatives from company B will be set into the

Hilt on Hotel to have a rest.

We will take them to go for an outing in the leisure time.

We were in formed that Gary is crazy about collecti ng pipes, so we prepared him a traditi onal Chin ese pipe as a gift.


《国际商务谈判一理论案例分析与实践》一一白远 F740.41/2

《国际商务谈判》——刘向丽 F740.41/8

For A:

3) 4) 5)


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