当前位置:文档之家› 中央民族大学2008考博英语真题及其解析-育明考博




Section I Use of English


Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)from each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET1.(10points) In the United States,the first day nursery was opened in1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the1half of the 19th century;most of2were charitable.Both in Europe and in the U.S.,the day nursery movement received great3during the First World War,when4of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented numbers of women.In some European countries nurseries were established5in munitions plants,under direct government Geng duo yuan xiao zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi sponsorship.6the number of nurseries in the U.S.also rose7,this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind.During the years following the First World War,8, Federal State,and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control

9the day nurseries,chiefly by10them.

The11of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries,as women were 12called up on to replace men in the factories.On this13the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools,

14$6,000,000in July,1942,for a nursery school program for the children of working mothers.Many States and local communities15this Federal aid.By the end of the war,in August,1945,more than100,000 children were being cared16in daycare centers receiving Federal 17.Soon afterward,the Federal government18cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later19them,causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation.However,the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their20at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.


















18.[A]prevalently[B]furiously[C]statistically[D] drastically



Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


There are4passages in this part.Each of the passages is followed by5questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are 4choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(40points)


Of all the areas of learning the most important is the development of attitudes:emotional reactions as well as logical thought processes affect the behavior of most people.“The burnt child fears the fire”is one instance;another is the rise of despots like Hitler. Both these examples also point up the fact that attitudes come from experience.In the one case the experience was direct and impressive; in the other it was indirect and cumulative.The Nazis were influenced largely by the speeches they heard and the books they read.

The classroom teacher in the elementary school is in a strategic position to influence attitudes.This is true partly because children

acquire attitudes from those adults whose words are highly regarded by them.

Another reason it is true is that pupils often devote their time to a subject in school that has only been touched upon at home or has possibly never occurred to them before.To a child who had previously acquired little knowledge of Mexico his teacher’s method of handling such a unit would greatly affect his attitude toward Mexicans.

The media through which the teacher can develop wholesome attitudes are innumerable.Social studies(with special reference to races,creeds and nationalities),science matters of health and safety,the very atmosphere of the classroom...these are a few of the fertile fields for the inculcation of proper emotional reactions.

However,when children go to school with undesirable attitudes, it is unwise for the teacher to attempt to change their feelings by cajoling or scolding them.She can achieve the proper effect by helping them obtain constructive experiences.

To illustrate,first-grade pupils afraid of policemen will probably alter their attitudes after a classroom chat with the neighborhood officer in which he explains how he protects them.In the same way,a class of older children can develop attitudes through discussion,research,outside reading and all-day trips.

Finally,a teacher must constantly evaluate her own attitudes, because her influence can be negative if she has personal prejudices. This is especially true in respect to controversial issues and

questions on which children should be encouraged to reach their own decision as a result of objective analysis of all the facts.

21.Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph of the text?

[A]An assertion is made and two examples are given to illustrate it.

[B]A controversy is stated and two opposite points of view are presented.

[C]A widely accepted definition is presented and two men are described.

[D]An idea is stated and two results of recent research are summarized.

22.The central idea conveyed in the above text is that

[A]attitudes affect our actions.

[B]teachers play a significant role in developing or reshaping pupils’attitudes.

[C]attitudes can be modified by some classroom experiences.

[D]by their attitudes,teachers don't affect pupils'attitudes deliberately.

23.In paragraph6the author implies that

[A]the teacher should guide all discussions by revealing her own attitude.

[B]in some aspects of social studies a greater variety of methods can be used in the upper grades than in the lower grades.

[C]people usually act on the basis of reasoning rather than on emotion.

[D]children's attitudes often come from those of other children.

24.A statement not made or implied in the text is that

[A]attitudes can be based on the learning of untrue statements.

[B]worthwhile attitudes may be developed in practically every subject area.

[C]attitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lectures.

[D]the attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by the way they were treated as infants.

25.The text specially states that

[A]direct experiences are more valuable than indirect ones.

[B]whatever attitudes a child learns in school have already been introduced at home.

[C]teachers can sometimes have an unwholesome influence on children.

[D]teachers should always conceal their own attitudes


An industrial society,especially one as centralized and concentrated as that of Britain,is heavily dependent on certain essential services:for instance,electricity supply,water,rail and road transport,and harbors.The area of dependency has widened to include removing rubbish,hospital and ambulance services,and,as the economy develops,central computer and information services as

well.If any of these services ceases to operate,the whole economic system is in danger.

It is this economic interdependency of the economic system which makes the power of trade unions such an important issue.Single trade unions have the ability to cut off many countries'economic blood supply.This can happen more easily in Britain than in some other countries,in part because the labor force is highly organized.About 55percent of British workers belong to unions,compared to under a quarter in the United States.For historical reasons,Britain's unions have tended to develop along trade and occupational lines, rather than on an industry-by-industry basis,which makes a wages policy,democracy in industry and the improvement of procedure for fixing wage levels difficult to achieve.

There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement,some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient structure.Some unions have lost many members because of their industrial changes.Others are involved in arguments about who should represent workers in new trades.Unions for skilled trades are separate from general unions,which means that different levels of wages for certain jobs are often a source of bad feeling between unions. In traditional trades which are being pushed out of existence by advancing technologies,unions can fight for their members disappointing jobs to the point where the jobs of other union members are threatened or destroyed.The printing of newspapers both in the

United States and in Britain has frequently been halted by the efforts of printers to hold on to their traditional highly-paid jobs.

Trade unions have problems of internal communication just as managers in companies do,problems which multiply in very large unions or in those which bring workers in very different industries together into a single general union.Some trade union officials have to be re-elected regularly;others are elected,or even appointed,for life. Trade union officials have to work with a system of“shop stewards”in many unions,“shop stewards”being workers elected by other workers as their representatives at factory or works level.

26.Why is the interdependence of the UK economy mentioned in paragraph1?

[A]To point up the importance of the trade union power.

[B]To outline in brief the great scale of essential services.

[C]To illustrate the danger in the whole economic system.

[D]To bring out a centralized and concentrated industrial society.

27.Because of their out-of-date organization some unions find it difficult to

[A]recruit new members to join.

[B]remold themselves as industries change.

[C]adapt to advancing technologies.

[D]bargain for high enough wages.

28.Disagreements arise between unions because some of them

[A]take over other unions'jobs.

[B]try to win over members of other unions.

[C]protect their own members at the expense of others.

[D]intend to represent workers in new trade organizations.

29.What basic problem are we told most trade unions face?

[A]They are equal in size of influence.

[B]They are less powerful than ever before.

[C]They don't have enough members.

[D]They are not organized efficiently.

30.The title which best expresses the idea of the text would be

[A]British Trade Unions and Their Drawbacks.

[B]A Centralized and Concentrated Society.

[C]The Power of Trade Unions in Britain.

[D]The Structure of British Trade Unions.


Shopping has always been something of an impulse activity,in which objects that catch our fancy while strolling are immediately bought on a whim.Advertisers and sellers have taken advantage of this fact,carefully positioning inexpensive but attractive items on paths that we are most likely to cross,hoping that our human nature will lead to a greater profit for them.With the dawn of the Internet and its exploding use across the world,the same tactics apply.

Advertisers now place“banners”,links to commercial web sites decorated with attractive pictures designed to catch our eyes while

browsing the webs,on key web sites with heavy traffic.They pay top dollar for the right,thus creating profits for the hosting web site as well.These actions are performed in the hopes that during the course of our casual and leisurely web surfing,we'll click on that banner that sparks our interest and thus,in theory,buy the products advertised.

Initial results have been positive.Web sites report a huge inflow of cash,both from the advertisers who tempt customers in with the banners and the hosting web sites,which are paid for allowing the banners to be put in place.As trust and confidence in Internet buying increases and information security is heightened with new technology, the volume of buying is increasing,leading to even greater profits.

The current situation,however,is not quite as optimistic.Just as magazine readers tend to unconsciously ignore advertisements in their favorite periodicals,web browsers are beginning to allow banners to slip their notice as well.Internet users respond to the flood of banners by viewing them as annoyances,a negative image that is hurting sales,since users are now less reluctant to click on those banners,preferring not to support the system that puts them in place. If Internet advertising is to continue to be a viable and profitable business practice,new methods will need to be considered to reinvigorate the industry.

With the recent depression in the technology sector and slowing economy,even new practices may not do the trick.As consumers are

saving more and frequenting traditional real estate businesses over their Internet counterparts,the fate of Internet business is called into question.The coming years will be the only reliable indication of whether shopping on the world wide web is the wave of the future or simply an impulse activity whose whim has passed.

31.It can be learned from the first paragraph that Internet advertising

[A]has taken the place of more traditional methods of advertising.

[B]is one of the most effective ways to make profits on the web.

[C]is paralleling advertising methods in traditional business settings.

[D]seeks to tempt customers through impulse shopping methods.

32.The second and third paragraphs are written in order to illustrate

[A]the policy Internet advertisers design to lure clientele and its outcome.

[B]the process and mixed consequences of Internet advertising and shopping.

[C]the biggest splash Internet advertisers have recently made in sales promotions.

[D]the banners Internet advertisers take advantage of to arouse customers'interest.

33.Analyzing the current state of the online advertising in

paragraph4,the author implies that

[A]it has to be modified over time to remain effective.

[B]for all its current profits,it will fade in the long run.

[C]banners are beginning to lose their advertising efficiency.

[D]Internet advertising methods will continue to decrease sales.

34.The expression“do the trick”in the last paragraph most probably means

[A]come to the point.

[B]fulfill their purpose.

[C]fail of their success.

[D]live up to their promise.

35.The author's attitude toward online advertising can be summarized as

[A]reserved consent but discontent.

[B]objective analysis void of opinions.

[C]enthusiastic support but slight contempt.

[D]approval so far but uncertainty in the future.


The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals,assessing the problem,formulating options,estimating likelihood of success, making a decision,and only then taking action to implement the decision.Rather,in their day-by-day tactical activities,these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed“intuition”to

manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity,inconsistency,novelty,and surprise;and to integrate action into the process of thinking.

Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition.In general,however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is.Some see it as the opposite of rationality;others view it as an excuse of capriciousness.

Isenberg's recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers'intuition is neither of these.Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways.First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists.Second,managers rely on intuition to perform well-learned behavior patterns rapidly.This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational,but is based on years of painstaking practice and personal experience that build skills.A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture,often in an“Aha!”experience.Fourth,some managers use intuition as a check on the results of more rational analysis.Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models and tools,and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally suspicious of solutions suggested by these methods which run counter to their sense of the correct course of action.Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move

rapidly to find out a plausible https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f7041170.html,ed in this way,intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns.

One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that“thinking”is inseparable from acting.Since managers often“know”what is right before they can analyze and explain it,they frequently act first and explain later.Analysis is invariably tied to action in thinking/acting cycles,in which managers develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a problematic situation and then acting,but by acting and analyzing in close concert.

Given the great uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face,senior managers often initiate a course of action simply to learn more about an issue.They then use the results of the action to develop a more complete understanding of the issue.One implication of thinking/acting cycles is that action is often part of defining the problem,not just of implementing the solution.

36.The logical organization of the first paragraph of the text is that

[A]a conventional model is dismissed and an alternative introduced.

[B]the results of recent research are introduced and summarized.

[C]two opposite points of view are presented and evaluated.

[D]a widely accepted definition is presented and qualified.

37.In relation to the“writers on management”mentioned in Para. 2,the text suggests that they

[A]have not based their analyzes on a sufficiently large sample of actual managers.

[B]have relied in drawing their conclusions on what managers say rather than what managers do.

[C]have misunderstood how managers use intuition in making business decisions.

[D]have not acknowledged the role of intuition in managerial practice.

38.According to the text,senior managers use intuition in all of the following ways EXCEPT

[A]to speed up the creation of a solution to a problem.

[B]to identify a problem or bring together different facts.

[C]to initiate clear goals and in the end attain them.

[D]to evaluate possible solutions to a problem.

39.When mentioning“thinking/acting cycles”(in Para.4),the author is most likely to believe that

[A]a manager analyzes a series of problems and then acts on that analysis.

[B]a manager gathers data by acting and then observes the effects of action.

[C]action and analysis in managerial practice invariably occur simultaneously.

[D]a manager takes action,being able to clarify reasons for that action.

40.According to the text,which of the following would most probably be one major difference in behavior between Manager X,who uses intuition to reach decisions,and Manager Y,who uses only formal decision analysis?

[A]Manager X checks possible solutions to a problem by systematic analysis;Manager Y does not.

[B]Manager X takes action in order to arrive at the solution to a problem;Manager Y does not.

[C]Manager Y draws on years of personal experience in creating a solution to a problem;Manager X does not.

[D]Manager X depends on day-by-day tactical activities;Manager Y does not.

Part B


You are going to read a list of headings and a text.Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph (41-45).The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(10points)

[A]Physical Changes

[B]Low Self-Esteem

[C]Emerging Independence and Search for Identity

[D]Emotional Turbulence

[E]Interest in the Opposite Sex

[F]Peer Pressure and Conformity

The transition to adulthood is difficult.Rapid physical growth begins in early adolescence—typically between the ages of9and 13—and thought processes start to take on adult characteristics. Many youngsters find these changes distressing because they do not fully understand what is happening to them.Fears and anxieties can be put to rest by simply keeping an open line of communication and preparing for change before it occurs.The main issues that arise during adolescence are:


A child’s self worth is particularly fragile during adolescence. Teenagers often struggle with an overwhelming sense that nobody likes them,that they’re not as good as other people,that they are failures, losers,ugly or unintelligent.


Some form of bodily dissatisfaction is common among pre-teens. If dissatisfaction is great,it may cause them to become shy or very easily embarrassed.In other cases,teens may act the opposite—loud and angry—in an effort to compensate for feelings of

self-consciousness and inferiority.As alarming as these bodily changes can be,adolescents may find it equally distressing to not experience the changes at the same time as their https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f7041170.html,te

maturation can cause feelings of inferiority and awkwardness.


Young people feel more strongly about everything during adolescence.Fears become more frightening,pleasures become more exciting,irritations become more distressing and frustrations become more intolerable.Every experience appears king-sized during adolescence.Youngsters having a difficult adolescence may become seriously depressed and/or engage in self-destructive behavior. Often,the first clue that a teenager needs professional help is a deep-rooted shift in attitude and behavior.Parents should be alert to the warning signs of personality change indicating that a teenager needs help.They include repeated school absences,slumping grades, use of alcohol or illegal substances,hostile or dangerous behavior and extreme withdrawal and reclusiveness.


There is tremendous pressure on adolescents to conform to the standards of their peers.This pressure toward conformity can be dangerous in that it applies not only to clothing and hairstyles;it may lead them to do things that they know are wrong.


Adolescence marks a period of increasing independence that often leads to conflict between teenagers and parents.This tension is a normal part of growing up—and for parents,a normal part of the letting-go process.Another normal part of adolescence is confusion

over values and beliefs.This time of questioning is important as young people examine the values they have been taught and begin to embrace their own beliefs.Though they may adopt the same beliefs as their parents,discovering them on their own enables the young person to develop a sense of integrity.

Although adolescence will present challenges for young people and their parents,awareness and communication can help pave the way for a smooth transition into this exciting phase of life.

Section III Translation


In this section there is a text in English.Translate it into Chinese.Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2.(15points) Sometimes it is interpersonal skills rather than professional skills that really count in your career.Interpersonal skills are nothing but the ability to be good listener,to be sensitive toward others’needs,to take criticism well.

People with skill in social relations admit their mistakes,and take their share of blame,which is a mature and responsible way to handle an error.That is why many mediocre employees survive violent corporate upheavals while people of great talent are being laid off. Sensitive in their dealings with others,they are well liked everywhere.People with poor interpersonal skills have trouble taking criticism.When confronted with a mistake,they let their ego get in the way.They deny responsibility and became moody or angry.They mark

themselves as“prickly”.

Section IV Writing


In this section,you are asked to write an essay based on the following table,in which you should

(1)interpret the table

(2)give your comments.

You should write at least150English words.

Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2.(15points)

Statistics in People’s Daily Expenses in Beijing

Section I Use of English

1--2.[A]和[B]。文意:美国第一家日托所建于1854年。日托所在各地普遍建立足在19世纪的后期;其中大部分都是慈善事业。两题均为语义关系型。the latter half为后半期。half只能和latter搭配,根据上下文判断就可以了。另外most of后面要用人称代词。

3.[A]。语义关系型。[A]impetus(推动,促进);[B]in put(输入):[C] imitation(模仿);[D]initiative(主动权)。



中央民族大学美术学院少数民族艺术专业考博参考书-考博分数线-专业课真 一、专业的设置 中央民族大学美术学院每年招收博士生3人,下设少数民族艺术专业,共3名导师高润喜、钟志金、殷会利。 二、招生专业、人数及考试科目 招生专业中国少数民族艺术 本专业备注 招生导师(或导师 组) 研究方向考试科目导师备注 高润喜少数民族艺术①1001英语②2025美术理论 ③3028速写 拟招收普通计划生1人 钟志金少数民族艺术①1001英语②2025美术理论 ③3028速写 拟招收普通计划生1人 少数民族骨干计划 招生专业中国少数民族艺术 本专业备注 招生导师(或导师组)研究方向考试科目导师备注 殷会利少数民族艺 术 ①1001英语②2025美术理论 ③3028速写 拟招收少数民族骨干计划生1人 骨干计划考生的定向生源省区: 内蒙古、湖北、河北、其它类、 广西 三、导师介绍 高润喜:1982年以优异成绩毕业于中央美术学院中国画系,同年执教于中央民族学院美术系至今,现为美术学院副院长、教授、教授委员会副主任。 钟志金:中央民族大学美术学院教授(三级),博士生导师(服装设计研究方向硕士生导师组组长)指导学生课堂设计作品在全国专业赛事中三次获金奖;兼任中国少数民族美术促进会副会长,中国流行色协会理事;中国美术家协会会员。艺术成就曾获北京市政府表彰,获中国美协与民族美术促进会授予杰出民族美术家称号。 殷会利:中央民族大学副校长,教授。中国美术家协会民族美术艺委会主任。

民族美术专业博导。 育明教育考博分校解析:考博如果能够提前联系导师的话,不论是在备考信息的获取,还是在复试的过程中,都会有极大的帮助,甚至是决定性的帮助。育明教育考博分校经过这些年的积淀可以协助学员考生联系以上导师。 四、参考书目(推荐) 专业课信息应当包括一下几方面的内容: 第一,关于参考书和资料的使用。这一点考生可以咨询往届的博士学长,也可以和育明考博联系。参考书是理论知识建立所需的载体,如何从参考书抓取核心书目,从核心书目中遴选出重点章节常考的考点,如何高效的研读参考书、建立参考书框架,如何灵活运用参考书中的知识内容来答题,是考生复习的第一阶段最需完成的任务。另外,考博资料获取、复习经验可咨询叩叩:肆九叁叁,柒壹六,贰六,专业知识的来源也不能局限于对参考书的研读,整个的备考当中考生还需要阅读大量的paper,读哪一些、怎么去读、读完之后应该怎么做,这些也会直接影响到考生的分数。 第二,专题信息汇总整理。每一位考生在复习专业课的最后阶段都应当进行专题总结,专题的来源一方面是度历年真题考点的针对性遴选,另一方面是导师研究课题。最后一方面是专业前沿问题。每一个专题都应当建立详尽的知识体系,做到专题知识点全覆盖。 第三,专业真题及解析。专业课的试题都是论述题,答案的开放性比较强。一般每门专业课都有有三道大题,考试时间各3小时,一般会有十几页答题纸。考生在专业课复习中仅仅有真题是不够的,还需要配合对真题最权威最正统的解析,两相印证才能够把握导师出题的重点、范围以及更加偏重哪一类的答案。 第四,导师的信息。导师的著作、研究方向、研究课题、近期发表的论文及研究成果,另外就是为研究生们上课所用的课件笔记和讨论的话题。这些都有可能成为初复试出题的考察重点。同时这些信息也是我们选择导师的时候的参照依据,当然选择导师是一个综合性的问题,还应当考虑到导师的研究水平、课题能力、对待学生的态度和福利等等。 第五,时事热点话题分析。博士生导师在选择博士的时候会一般都会偏重考查考生


民大考博辅导班:2019中央民族大学民族政治学考博难度解析及经 验分享 根据教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心最新公布的第四轮学科评估结果可知,全国共有19所开设了政治学专业的大学参与了排名,其中排名第一的是华中科技大学,排名第二的是中央民族大学,排名第三的是西南大学。 作为中央民族大学实施国家“211工程”和“985工程”的重点学科,民族学与社会学学院的民族政治学一级学科在历次全国学科评估中均名列第二。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于中央民族大学民族政治学考博相关内容。 一、专业介绍 民族政治学专业以研究国际学术界形成的有关民族主义问题的各种基本概念,以及我们应该如何解释与应用,民族主义思想史,梳理各种理论流派,在民族主义运动的作用下,世界民族格局的演变、存在状况与相互关系,着重探讨多民族国家内部民族关系的善治之道。 中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院的民族政治学专业在博士招生方面,划分为6个研究方向: (0304Z5)★民族政治学 研究方向:1.族裔政治、多民族国家治理2.世界民族问题3.多民族国家治理4.民族问题与国际关系 二、考试内容 中央民族大学民族政治学专业博士研究生招生包括初试和复试。 (一)准考证下载:进入综合考核的考生可于考试前一周登录中央民族大学招生考务管理平台(https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f7041170.html,/zsxt)自行下载打印《准考证》。 (二)考核日期:2019年3月30-31日。 (三)考核地点:具体考场见准考证。 (四)考核内容:笔试和面试。 笔试按照专业统一组织,由民族学(含人类学)、社会学(含民俗学)、民族理论与政策(含民族政治学)三个专业方向的博士研究生招生工作小组负责命题及评卷工作,主要考察考生的专业基础知识和科研能力素养,笔试结束按照规定时间向学院提交成绩、试卷等考试材料。


中国科学院博士研究生入学考试英语试卷构成 试卷一:小计110分钟65分 Ⅰ 词汇15分钟10分Ⅰ 完形填空15分钟15分Ⅰ 阅读80分钟40分 试卷二:小计70分钟35分 Ⅰ 英译汉30分钟15分Ⅰ 写作40分钟20分 2006年3月 PAPER ONE PART I VOCABULARY (15 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each) 1. The problem is that most local authorities lack the to deal sensibly in this market. A. anticipation B. perception C. prospect D. expertise 2. Awards provide a(n) for young people to improve their skills. A. incentive B. initiative C. fugitive D. captive 3. The profit motive is inherently with principles of fairness and equity. A. in line B. in trade C. at times D. at odds 4. Oil is derived from the of microscopic sea creatures, and is even older, according to most geologists. A. layouts B. reminders C. remains D. leftovers 5. Successful students sometimes become so with grades that they never enjoy their school years. A. passionate B. involved C. immersed D. obsessed 6. Apparently there were between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times. A. distortions B. discrepancies C. disorders D. distractions 7. It had been a terrible afternoon for Jane, at about six o’clock in her father’s sudden col unconsciousness. A. converging B. culminating C. finalizing D. releasing 8. The 12-year-old civil war had 1.5 million lives. A. declared B. proclaimed C. claimed D. asserted 9. The tribe has agreed to contribute 2 percent of net to charitable activities in the county. A. expenses B. revenues C. budgets D. payments 10. This will make schools more directly and effectively to parents, and more responsive to their criticisms and wishes. A. accountable B. submitted C. subjected D. available 11. Make up your mind that whatever the short-term temptations may be, you will never from the highest standards of honor. A. deviate B. escape C. derive D. refrain 12. They teach the vocabulary of the English used in computer science, which is also listed in the glossary. A. in sum B. in total C. in general D. in full 13. This brings a feeling of emptiness that can never be filled and leaves us with a for more. A. scarcity B. command C. hunger D. request 14. Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam , surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everyday run of things. A. at peace B. at leisure C. at rest D. at speed 15. The closest to English and Welsh grammar schools are called grammar secondary schools; they can, however, accept some fee-paying pupils. A. equality B. equation C. equivalent D. equity 16. At first the university refused to purchase the telescope, but this decision was_____ revised. A. consecutively B. consequently C. successively D. subsequently 17. He us as consistently fair and accurate about the issues we are concerned about. A. confuses B. regards C. strikes D. knocks


民大考博辅导班:2019中央民族大学美术学学院考博难度解析及经 验分享 中央民族大学是国家重点大学,是我国民族高等教育的最高学府。我校在相继进入“211工程”、“985工程”建设高校后,2017年进入国家“双一流”建设A类高校行列。学校现有25个学院,5个国家一级学科博士学位授权点,下设42个二级学科博士专业,27个国家一级学科硕士学位授权点,17个专业学位授权点,124个二级学科硕士学位授权点,有国家级重点学科3个,省部级重点学科22个。 2019年,我校有普通招考、申请—审核制、硕博连读三种招生选拔方式,部分导师招收硕博连读考生,具体以我校2019年博士研究生招生专业目录为准。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于中央民族大学美术学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 中央民族大学美术学院是国家少数民族艺术重点学科基地,也是国家“211工程”、“985工程”建设的重点学科,经过五十六年的发展,现已成为培养各民族高级美术专业人才的教育基地。 学院设有中国画、油画、美术教育、视觉传达设计、服装与服饰设计、环境设计、影像设计七个系,七个专业方向,1985年学院开始招收硕士研究生;2001年招收博士研究生。学院还建有一批专业工作室。 近三年来美术学院和中国美术家协会等筹办了在中国美术馆隆重举行的“天山南北-中国美术作品展”“浩瀚草原-中国美术作品展”和“七彩云南多彩贵州中国美术作品展”学院还与民族出版社创办了《中国民族美术》杂志,中国少数民族美术创作、教学及研究,民族文化的传承保护等有了自已的学术平台。 美术学院注重本科教育,积累了丰富的教学经验,形成了许多自己的教学特色。学院重视基本功训练,强调深入到少数民族地区体验生活。多年来,美术学院秉承严谨的学风和严格的管理制度,尊重美术教学的规律,注重对学生素质和创造能力的培养,已为国家培养大批优秀的毕业生,他们在全国各地成为各民族美术创作和教育事业的重要力量。仅近两年我院培养的本科生、研究生先后就有几十位在全国美展及其它一些重大展览、设计比赛中荣获重要奖项。 二、招生信息


中共中央党校国际政治内部资料-考博试题答案-考博经验 一、专业的设置 中共中央党校国际战略研究所每年招收博士生11人,下设国际政治以及外交学两个专业。 其中国际政治专业下设13个方向,分别是李忠杰的国际战略;宫力的大国战略以及大国关系;刘德喜的全球性问题以及国际组织;左凤荣的大国关系以及区域安全;孙建杭的国际关系以及地区安全;李云龙的国际关系以及国际安全;高祖贵的国际安全以及中东问题。 一共有位7博导,其中李忠杰导师为外聘导师,只招收一名博士生。本专业一共有13个研究方向,可以说分类非常的全面和齐全。 二、导师介绍 李忠杰(外聘),职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:中共中央党史研究室,职务:副主任。 宫力,职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:国际战略研究所。 刘德喜,职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:国际战略研究所。 左凤荣,职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:国际战略研究所,职务:国际政治研究室主任。 孙建杭,职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:国际战略研究所。 李云龙,职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:国际战略研究所,职务:国际关系与台湾港澳研究室主任。 高祖贵,职称:教授,博士生导师,单位:国际战略研究所,职务:副所长。 三、参考书目 国际政治:

1、蔡拓著:《国际关系学》,南开大学出版社。 2、中央党校国际战略研究所编:《中国和平崛起新道路》,中共中央党校出版社。 3、梁守德等主编:《国际政治学理论》,北京大学出版社。 4、倪世雄主编:《当代西方国际关系理论》,复旦大学出版社。 5、詹姆斯·多尔蒂等著:《争论中的国际关系理论》,世界知识出版社。 6、康绍邦等著:《国际战略学新论》,解放军出版社。 7、康绍邦、宫力等著:《马克思主义国际战略理论》,九州出版社。 8、王绳祖主编:《国际关系史》(上、下),法律出版社。 9、方连庆等主编:《战后国际关系史》,北京大学出版社。 10、刘建飞等编:《21世纪初的中美日战略关系》,中共中央党校出版社。 11、宫力等著:《和平为上-中国对外战略的历史与现实》,九州出版社。 12、康绍邦、宫力主编:《国际问题二十讲》,中共中央党校出版社。 13、宫力等编:《从解冻走向建交》,中央文献出版社。 复试加试参考书目: 1、鲁毅编:《外交学概论》,,世界知识出版社1997年版。 2、宫力等著:《和平为上-中国对外战略的历史与现实》,,九州出版社。 3、康绍邦,宫力等著:《国际战略新论》,解放军出版社2006年。 4、高金钿主编:《国际战略学概论》,国防大学出版社2001年。 四、党校考博英语 党校的考博英语满分100分,题型有20题20分的词汇,10分的完形填空,5篇40分的阅读理解,15分的英译汉翻译,15分的作文。党校考博英语的整体难度介于六级和老托福之间,对词汇量有很高的要求,特别注重对形近字、意近词


华东政法学院 2006年博士研究生入学考试英语试卷 Part One: Grammar & Vocabulary (20%) Directions: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET. 1. The evening was beginning to as we waited. A. extend B. prolong C. drag D. delay 2. Please us with your plans. A. acquaint B. inform C. tell D. notify 3. The book’s significance him. A. failed B. missed C. escaped D. deluded 4. She said she would be late, she arrived on time. A. anyhow B. yet C. however D. accordingly 5. L et’s this room a bit. A. cheer up B. inspire C. stimulate D. liven up 6. amounts of noxious wastes were dumped into the Songhuajiang River. A. Appreciated B. Appreciable C. Appreciative D. Appreciating 7. Their demand for a pay raise has not the slightest______ of being met. A. prospect B. prediction C. prosperity D. permission 8. As your teacher, I’m just curious what difficulties any of you may come when writing in English. A. up with B. up against C. round to D. in on 9. Amid fears of a global flu pandemic, Roche has decided to up production of Tamiflu, the only drug that may be able to treat the illness. A. pull B. play C. turn D. step 10. Scientists, archaeologists and historians are trying to the mystery of Egypt's sunken cities. A. unbind B. untangle C. unwind D. unravel 11. They walked through the warmth of late September to a cafe across the street. A. remaining B. delaying C. loitering D. lingering 1


河北大学2005年博士入学考试题 二、Structure and Vocabulary (20points) Direction:In each question decide which of the four choices given below will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put the letter of your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. 1.When workers are organized in trade unions,employers find it hard lay them______ A. Off B. aside C. out D. down 2. A man who could ____such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength A.bear upon B. insist on C. stand up to D. persist in 3. If this method doesn’t ___, we shall have to think of another way. A. come off B. come about C. come out D. come on 4.The____ of a chemical compound when brought into contact with another gives us clues to its composition. A .deed B. behavior C. characteristics D. correspondence 5. The chairman of the committee was delighted by the almost full __of its members at the conference. A. dependence B. absence C. attendance D. enrollment 6. The police are supposed to protect the people and their properties, ___evil conducts, guide traffic and so on. A. suppress B. depress C. frustrate D. condemn 7. John was proved innocent, for it was just a (n) _____to have found him on the murder spot. A. coincidence B. accident C. occasion D. incident 8. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will _____will down the economy. A. knock B. drag C. settle D. put 9.It would have taken hours to work the sum out, so I____ my pocket calculator A.turned over B. turned to C. turned in D. turned out 10.The founding of the United Nations ____people’s longing for peace.


中央民族大学考博英语阅读真题Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn't know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive,the science uncertain?That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way?Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades,some10million smokers went to early graves. There are upsetting parallels today,as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming.The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences,enlisted by the White House,to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is (PS:The way to contact yumingkaobo TEL:si ling ling-liu liu ba-liu jiu qi ba QQ:772678537) definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves.The president of the National Academy,Bruce Alberts,added this key point in the preface to the panel's report“Science never has all the answers.But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future,and it is critical that out nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.”Just as on smoking,voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete,that it's Ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.This is a dangerous game:by the 100percent of the evidence is in,it may be too late.With the risks obvious and growing,a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.Fortunately,the White House is starting to pay attention. But it's obvious that a majority of the president's advisers still don't take global warming seriously.Instead of a plan of action,they


中央党校马克思主义基本原理专业考博真题参考书报考分析-育明教育 一、中共中央党校马克思主义理论教研部历年考博复试分数线(育明考博课程中心) 年份复试分数线进入复试人数/录取人数(不含硕博连读) 2013年外语50分专业课一60分专业课二60分20人/12人2014年外语50分专业课一60分专业课二60分18人/11人

2015年外语50分专业课一60分专业课二60分20人/13人 育明考博辅导中心杜老师解析: 1、各教研部(所)由导师组集体协商讨论,按招生计划150%左右的比例确定复试人选。招生计划名额较少的专业,如果生源质量好,可适当增加复试人数,但最多不超过200%。 2、我校非定向培养博士生和定向培养博士生,学制均为3年。 3、同等学历的考生,加试科目低于60分者不予录取。 4、报考非定向培养博士生的考生至入学时未满45周岁(1971年8月31日以后出生);报考定向培养博士生的考生年龄不限。 中共中央党校马克思主义基本原理专业考博参考书(育明考博课程中心) 1、《马列著作选编》(哲学部分),中共中央党校出版社2002年版。 2、韩树英主编:《马克思主义哲学纲要》(修订版),人民出版社。 3、杨春贵主编:《马克思主义哲学发展史教程》(第二版),中共中央党校出版社2002年版。 4、庞元正、董德刚主编:《马克思主义哲学前沿问题研究》,中共中央党校出版社2004年版。 5、赵曜等主编:《马克思列宁主义基本问题》,中共中央党校出版社2001年版。 6、《马列著作选编》(有关政治经济学部分),中共中央党校出版社2002年2月版。 7、李兴山主编:《社会主义市场经济理论与实践》,中共中央党校出版社2004年版。 8、王天义主编:《马克思主义经济学教程》,中共中央党校出版社2006年7月版。 复试加试科目一:马克思主义发展史;复试加试科目二:科学社会主义理论 复试加试参考书目: 1、杨春贵主编:《马克思主义与时俱进100例》,中共中央党校出版社2003年版。 2、王怀超主编:《科学社会主义基本理论》,中共中央党校出版社2003年版。 育明教育考博分校针对中共中央党校各专业考博开设的辅导课程有:考博英语课程班·专业课课程班·视频班·复试保过班·高端协议班。每年专业课课程班的平均通过率都在80%以上。根植育明学校从2006年开始积累的深厚高校资源,整合利用历届育明优秀学员的成功经验与高分资料,为每一位学员构建考博成功的基础保障。 (2016中共中央党校考博资料获取、辅导课程咨询育明教育杜老师叩叩:八九三二四一二二六)二、党校马克思主义基本原理专业考博考试内容分析(育明考博辅导中心) 专业招生人数初试内容复试内容


华东师范大学2006年招收攻读博士学位研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:英语 Paper One 注意:答案请做在答题卡上,做在试题上一律无效 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the center. 1. Police believe that many burglars are amateurs who would flee if an alarm sounded or lights A. came out B. came on C. came to D. came down 2. Mr. Jenkins drove along at his usual high speed for police cars in his mirror from time to time to make sure he was safe. A. pulling out B. running through C. going ahead D. watching out 3. Miss Tracy moved to New York in the early 1960s, apparently to escape jealous friends who were becoming increasingly of her success. A. delightful B. graceful C. resentful D. respectful 4. In theory, governments are free to set their own economic policies; in practice, they must conform to a global economic model or risk being by the market. A. replaced B. overlooked C. saturated D. penalized 5. Mrs. Black finds that her piano has always had the magic power of taking her away from the grim realities of daily life and her to fairyland of her own once she started to play. A. transforming B. transporting C. transplanting D. transcending 6. It is hard to think of a field in which it is not important to what is likely to happen and act accordingly. A. look out B. figure out C. turn out D. point out 7. At about the same time, some black Christians walked in protest out of churches where they were forced to worship in sections. A. segregated B. sustained C. connected D. engaged 8. San Francisco climbs and falls over numerous hills, which provides views of the wide bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. A. flashy B. transient C. breathtaking D. ambiguous 9. Martin Luther King, Jr. persuaded his followers to bring the of the American Negroes to the attention of the United Nations, but they did not act very effectively. A. conspiracy B. pledge C. plight D. compulsion 10. Even though strong evidence has proved the nicotine to be , the tobacco company still insists that its products are harmless. A. soluble B. deficient C. addictive D. skeptical 11. Prof. Flynn found no students in the lecture hall when he arrived. Only then did he realize that he came A. too much B. so much C. much too D. much so 12. I wanted to be sure a sudden emergency that we gave the right advice. A. on account of B. in case of C. at the risk of D. in spite of 13. in India, the banana was brought to the Americas by the Portuguese who found it in Africa. A. Originally cultivated B. Having originally cultivated C. Originally being cultivated D.Although it originally cultivated 14. It was the end of my exhausting first day as a waitress, and I really appreciated time to relax. A. to have B. having C. to have had D. of having 15. We’ve just installed central heating, should make a tremendous difference to the house next winter. A. what B. that C. it D. which 16. So fast that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed. A.has light traveled B.light travels C.does light travel D.travels light 17. she was living in Paris that she met her husband Terry.


民大考博辅导班:2019中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院考博难度 解析及经验分享 根据《中央民族大学博士研究生“申请—审核制”招生实施办法(试行)》和《中央民族大学2019年博士研究生招生简章》,本院将于2019年起开展博士研究生招生“申请—审核制”试点工作。为规范此项工作,特制定本实施细则。 下面是启道考博辅导班整理的关于中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院考博相关内容。 一、院系简介 民族学与社会学学院的前身是中央民族学院研究部。1952年,全国高等院校进行调整,原燕京大学、清华大学、北京大学、中山大学、厦门大学、北平研究院等单位从事民族学、社会学、人类学、民族史和民族语言等方面研究的权威学者,大多集中到了中央民族学院,建立了研究部。研究部是新中国创建最早的民族学教学与研究中心,也是当时中国顶尖的民族学家、社会学家、民族史学家和人类学家最集中的地方,如翁独健、潘光旦、吴文藻、闻宥、翦伯赞、杨成志、费孝通、林耀华、冯家升、傅乐焕、汪明瑀、王钟翰、陈永龄、宋蜀华等都在研究部工作。 民族学与社会学学院拥有雄厚的师资和研究队伍,综合实力一直处于国内民族学和人类学的首席地位,在国际民族学、人类学界也有广泛的联系和影响。现有专任教师55人。其中教授24人、副教授18人。具有博士学位48人。博士生导师21人。教师中绝大多数都有在国外学习、研究的经历。有三分之一的教员可用外语教学。教师中1人获“高等学校国家级教学名师奖”并入选“国家高层次人才特殊支持计划”(“万人计划”)首批教学名师;2人获“高等学校北京市教学名师奖”;3人列入教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养基金”和国家“百千万人才工程”;2人获得国家民委突出贡献奖;10人入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”;2人获“北京市师德先进个人”。2012年教育部委托第三方评价机构进行的全国“985”高校本科专业在中国大学本科教育中的整体排名评估中,民族学、博物馆学、社会学三个本科专业分列全国排行榜的第一、第二和第六位。2012年教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心对全国具有研究生培养和学位授予资格的一级学科进行的整体水平评估中,民族学学科名列第一位,社会学学科名列第十位。 目前专业设置有4个本科专业(民族学、博物馆学、社会学、社会工作);6个硕士学位点(民族学、人类学、考古学及博物馆学、社会学、民族社会学、人口学);2个专业硕


中共中央党校马克思主义理论教研部考博真题-考博笔记-内部资料一、专业的设置 中共中央党校马克思主义理论教研部每年招收博士生12人,下设马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义发展史、马克思主义中国化研究、国外马克思主义研究以及思想政治教育等五个专业。 其中马克思主义基本原理专业下设六个方向,分别是王伟光的世界金融危机和社会主义的发展以及中国特色社会主义道路的哲学探索;韩庆祥的马克思主义社会结构理论与实践研究以及新一届中央领导集体治国理政思想与实践研究;牛先锋的历史唯物主义在当代中国的实践与运用以及马克思主义社会发展理论与当代中国社会发展。 马克思主义发展史专业下设薛广洲的马克思主义研究前沿问题以及中国马克思主义研究的历史与现实;马克思主义中国化研究专业下设贾建芳的马克思主义中国化问题研究以及马克思人的学说中国化研究;国外马克思主义研究专业下设胡振良的发达国家马克思主义研究以及国外社会主义研究;思想政治教育专业下设戴焰军的执政党的思想政治工作理论以及干部思想道德建设;张晓燕的党的宣传思想工作研究;宋福范的执政党意识形态研究以及党的思想政治工作的理论与实践;李俊伟的思想政治工作科学化研究以及政治教化与社会认同研究。 一共有10位博导,其中王伟光导师是外聘的博导,只能招收一个博士生,其他导师最多可以带两个博士生。本部一共有19个研究方向,可以说分类非常的全面和齐全。 二、考试的科目 马克思主义基本原理专业以及马克思主义发展史专业的考试科目为:①100英语(102日语103俄语)②201马克思主义基本理论(含原著)③301中国特

色社会主义理论。复试加试科目:马克思主义发展史、马克思主义经典著作。 马克思主义中国化研究专业的考试科目是:①100英语(102日语103俄语)②201马克思主义基本理论(含原著)③301中国特色社会主义理论。复试加试科目:马克思主义发展史、马克思主义经典著作。 国外马克思主义研究专业的考试科目是:①100英语(102日语103俄语)②216马克思主义原著和发展史③316国外马克思主义。复试加试科目:当代中国马克思主义理论与实践、马克思主义基本原理。 思想政治教育专业的考试科目是:①100英语(102日语103俄语)②202思想政治教育原理原著③302思想政治教育发展史。复试加试科目:政治学、马克思主义发展史。 三、参考书目 马克思主义基本原理以及马克思主义发展史: 1、《马列著作选编》(哲学部分),中共中央党校出版社2002年版。 2、韩树英主编:《马克思主义哲学纲要》(修订版),人民出版社。 3、杨春贵主编:《马克思主义哲学发展史教程》(第二版),中共中央党校出版社2002年版。 4、庞元正、董德刚主编:《马克思主义哲学前沿问题研究》,中共中央党校出版社2004年版。 5、赵曜等主编:《马克思列宁主义基本问题》,中共中央党校出版社2001年版。 6、《马列著作选编》(有关政治经济学部分),中共中央党校出版社2002年2月版。 7、李兴山主编:《社会主义市场经济理论与实践》,中共中央党校出版社

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