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《考研英语三层递进攻克阅读理解》(vocabulary sentence paragraph)









Part 1 英语知识运用10

Part 2 阅读理解40 (input)新题型10 翻译10

Part 3 写作30 (output)


Goals determine what you are going to be !





Scrib: write

Describe de: down scrib: write e:v. Description n.

Pre =before

prefix 前缀preview 预览precaution 预防措施predict 预言Precondition 前提条件prepay 预付预支prewar 战前的preschool 学前的

Dict 说

Dictionary 字典dictum 格言dictate (dictation听力) 口述;支配dictator 支配者

Sub =under 下面

Subtitle 副标题subarea 分区subeditor 副编辑sublet 转租Subscription订阅量circulation发行量

Script 字体,笔记;剧本;

Telescript(tele=far;television(vis=see);visit(vis=see;it=go);exit(ex=out;it=go)电视剧本Manuscript (manu=hand; manufacture(fact=do);factory(tory=场所);

dormitory(dor=sleep); dormant volcane; endorm)

Fact =do

Benefactor (bene 好)做好事的人,施恩者

Malefactor (male 坏;跟男人有关就是不好:malnutrition营养不良;malfuction机能失常)Benediction 说好话malediction 诅咒

Fiend 魔鬼;难事,困境(friend在关键时刻不伸出援助之手)

Catastrophe 大灾难

Elegant 优雅的

Pos =put

1、提出pose a challenge

2、固定搭配Pose threat to sth 对…构成威胁


1、观点,态度=stand point / viewpoint what's your position on the problem?

2、职位,工作full-time position part-time position

3、固定搭配be in a position to do sth =be likely to do sth


1、肯定的,确定的(放好了的)=definite be positive about/of sth 对…确信无疑

2、积极的positive factors 积极因素

Possess (pos=put; sess=sit)——assess



Sess, sid =sit 词汇书p92 ,93

Assess (a=to;a在前面一般都双写;announce, attach, aggressive)

Preside——president (pre= before) 统管,统帅,统领

Reside——resident (re=again) 逗留,拘留,拘捕

Subside——subsidence v. 平息,摆平;物体的沉积、沉淀n.下沉,沉淀;平息,摆平Subsidence for mation 凹陷地层

Subsidize——subsidy v. 补助,资助,津贴;n. 津贴,补助Assiduous——insidious adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的adj. 阴险的,狡诈的

Possession n.



3、财产,财富my riches consist not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of my

wants. 我的财富不是在我的财产之多,而是在我的欲望之少real-estate 房地产之类的不动产belongings 可随身携带的财产(when I am with you ,I feel a strong sense of belongings)

com ,con, co=together







Be composed of = be made up with = consist of = comprise 由…组成

Compound 化合物n 化合的,复合的adj

Composition 曲目所绘的图写的作品

反义词:decompose 分解(de =down(decline,cline=climb); =not 否定)

decompose a compound into its elements

de =down(decline,cline=climb); =not 否定

Decontrol 失控,取消管制deforest 砍伐森林

dewater 烘干,去除水分detect(tect= cover; protect) 侦查,侦探

decode 解码encode 编码(en )

En 使动用法(几乎可以放在大部分名词,形容词前构成动词)(有时可以放前面)Endanger 使陷入危险状态enrage 激怒ennoble 使变得高贵enfeeble 使变得虚弱Enchain 束缚,约束(chain reaction 连锁反应)endure 长期的忍受(dure 持续)(bear 忍受痛苦;tolerate 包容,宽容的容忍)enclose 装入;围绕entitle 使赋予某种权利(be entitled to)

enforce 执行(enforce the law;airforce 空军)enrich enlarge (widen)




3、使某人面对,面临expose sb to danger 使某人面对危险

Exposure 暴露,揭露,曝光

Exposition 展示,展览=exhibition ; 解释,说明=explanation

Depose (de=no) 罢免,罢黜(某人职位)

Deposit v./n 1、储蓄(储蓄金)2、预付定金,付保证金(保证金,定金)3、沉积,沉淀(地质学)=subside

A current deposit 活期存款 a fixed deposit 定期存款

Cur(r) 跑=run

Current 流动的,当前的;currency货币,流通curriculum 课程,课表

Occur 发生occur

Concur 同时发生

Recur 重现,再次发生

Incur 入侵,侵犯incursive incursion

心相印mind act upon mind telephone (tele=far; phone=sound)




Microphone 扩音器(mic microwave ;mini)stereophone 立体音响(stereo立体的)phonetics 语音学(phonetist)symphony (sym=same)交响乐sympathy (pathy=feel)同情Telepathy 心电感应saxophone 萨克斯管

Impose (im = not; on impolite)

1、把…强加于/施加于…(impose sth on sb)

2、对…征税/处以罚款…(impose a fine/ tax on sb)

3、利用(impose on one's kindness)

Imposition 强加;征税;欺骗;负担(尤指不公平的负担)

Propose (pro=forward,protect, progress(gress=work); retrogress (retro=back); congress; aggressive)




Proposal n.propose的三个意思

proposition 主题,议题,命题(what's the proposition of the passage? =main idea)

Dispose (dis =not, dislike ,disorder; =divide 分)

1、处置,处理(dispose of) vi

2、(分开) 分开放,排列组合

n. Disposal (at sb's disposal 任sb处置,处理)

Adj. Disposable disposable chopsticks ( 一次性筷子)

书P 391

Sens,sent =feel 感觉pathy =feel Insensitive

Sensitive 敏感的(insensitive)sensible 明智的(insensible)

sensory感觉的,知觉的(sensory organs 人体的感觉器官)

sensation 感觉;感动;轰动sensational使人感动的;耸人听闻的Consent 同意,答应consentient 一致的,同意的consensus 一致意见/观点

Dissent 不同意,分歧dissentient 不一致的,不同意的dissension 争论,纠纷,分歧resent 反感,憎恨resentful 憎恨的,怨恨的(ful 充满…的状态resentment 憎恨,怨恨(re : =back (return); =again (repeat); =against(resent))

Auto =self 自己mate =move

Automate 自动automatic 自动的,自动装置的

autocriticism 自我批评autobiography 自传(self life write)

Gram, graph= write 写

Grammar 语法diagram 图表(dia =inter=between)

program 节目;电脑程序;计划Parallelogram(para 平行) 平行四边形Geography (geo 大地)地理学paragraph 段落(para 在…旁边)

parasite (site地点)门人,食客;寄生虫

photography 照片(photo =light 光)photosensitive 感光的

Telegraph 电报telegraphic 电报的;简短的telephone 电话

Scatter (er表动词,反反复复) V.分散

Shatter (反复)敲打,敲击,击碎

Human (hum 泥巴)(an=one)(hu=huge)

Spir 呼吸,吹气

Spirit 精神,心灵,灵魂spiritual 精神的,心灵的,灵魂的

Aspire (a=to) 渴望,向往aspiration

Inspire 激发灵感;鼓舞人心inspiration

Conspire 共谋,干坏事conspiration

Expire 断气,呼出;截止,到期expiration

Perspire (per=fully完全)排汗perspiration 排汗系统

Respire 呼吸=breathe respiration

Thanks for your offer to help, but I do not want to impose on you.

Baby-booming 生育高峰期baby-boomer 生育高峰期出生的那代人(老人)

Get down to do sth 着手做……

Tail =cut

Tailor 裁缝detail 细节n;详细说明v detailed 细节的retail 零售retailing 零售行业Retailor 零售商人(wholesale 批发;wholesaling; wholesaler )

Impractical =unrealistic 不实际的realism 现实主义;写实主义idealism 理想主义;唯心主义materialism 唯物主义;拜金主义(正反两面的意思aggressive ambition)

On purpose 故意的

for the purpose of doing sth =with the purpose of doing sth =in order to do sth 为了做……

En-,-en ; ify , ize

Widen deepen heighten lessen shorten sharpen ripen loosen quicken soften tighten strengthen

Humid(id …的特征) 潮湿的,黏黏的humidify 使潮湿;使变粘humidifier 加湿器Pure 纯洁purify 提纯purified 纯洁的

Modernize 现代化modernization industrilization 工业化

Visage 外观n. Envisage 正式,面对,想象

Visual effect 视觉效果Visualize 使具体化

Review 考察,回顾,评论

Preview 预览,先看

Revise 修改,修订

Supervise 管理,监督(super 超高superstition 迷信(st=stand))

白马王子Mr. Right Mr.charming

He is tall like I am snow white 他个子很矮


Attain to succeed or arrive at by effort or development 达到一种状态(成功)反:fail Obtain to get sth by effort or development 得到某种东西(奖杯)反:lose

Retain allow to remain in a place or position 保持位置或状态反:abandon Always retain yourself vitality 祝你青春常在

Maintain 维持,保持(maintain public order);供养(maintain family);维修,保养(maintain cars) ; 认为(I maintain ) I affirm, assert, argue, assume, deem ,consider, contend, hold,

insist, cling to the idea that

Sustain 源源不断的支持,维持的状态sustainable development 可持续性发展

Detain 扣押(人,财产);耽搁(行程,时间)

书P ?看句子

变体较大:吃eat inedible inedibility

Evade(e:out; vad:walk)逃避inevitable不可避免的inevitability

Vagetable 医学中专指植物人n.

其他形容词直接加able 或ible


Vacation (vac=empty vaccum cleaner 吸尘器;vacant 未被占用的,空荡荡的)

Van =empty vanity 空虚,虚荣vanity box 女士的化妆盒toilet water 花露水

Nounce 说,喊出来

书P 15

Claim 喊出来;索赔

Dict 说

Lect =speak 说

Vit viv bio = life

Vitamin vivid humid vivify revive



2、等同于a pound contains 16 ounces . A foot contains 12 inches

3、控制,抑制contain one's anger

Container 集装箱,容器

Neglect 无意间的忽略ignore 有意的无视

Note 有意的看notice 无意间注意到

Glance 刻意的看glimpse无意间瞥了一眼peep偷窥

I was shot dead by a glimpse of your eyes 在你不经意间的回眸一瞥就深深的刺穿了我的胸膛

Spect 看=look 凡是跟看有关的,都跟想有关

Aspect 人的样子,容貌;事物的方面

Expect 期待,渴盼unexpected

Inspect 看进去;检查,视察inspection

Prospect 展望;前景,未来n. Prospective 将来的,未来的

Retrospect 回顾retrogress(retro=back)

Respect respectable能够respectful充满respective各自的,单独的(反:irrespective不管的,不顾的,不考虑的) a respectable man is often respectful to others 一个受


Introspect 内省,反省(look before you leap三思而后行)

Suspect 打量,怀疑suspicion suspicious 多疑的conspicuous 显眼的,引人注目的(每个人都能看到的)

Speculate v.+in 投机(in futures 在期货中做投机);+on 考虑,推测

Ful 反:less

hopeful;hopeless fruitful;fruitless regretful; regretless shameful可耻的; shameless无耻的

Lect =speak ;lect,leg=choose 选

Dialect 方言select 分开选,选择elegant

Collect 收集collection

Recollect 回忆,回想recollection

Elect 选举election

Select 选择selection

com, con co 共同(元音开头不双写,辅音开头都双写)

corrupt(rupt=break)贪污,腐败bankrupt erupt(e=out)colleague 同事correspond 相符合,相一致(respond回应)collapse 崩溃,倒塌(lapse拉)collocate 布置,配置,排列,并列coexistence coauthor 合著者之一coeducation 男女合校的教育

Clud =close

Conclude 包含conclusion conclusive

Exclude 排外的,排出的,独家的exclusive (exclusive recipe 独家配方)

Include 包含的inclusive

Preclude 预防,杜绝preclude

Seclude 隔离;使孤立,使退隐seclusive 退隐的,隔离的 a seclusive man 隐士

Maximum 最大化maximize minimum 最小化minimize

Macro micro=mini

Macro climate 大环境,大气候macro world 宏观世界macro scale 超大规模

Macro economics 宏观经济学macro biology (micro biology 微生物学)micro element 微量元素

Sist =stand,站

Consist =stand together 1、consist of …是由…组成的2、consist in 在于,存在于3、consist with 与…保持一致Our greatest glory consist not in narrowly failing but in

rather every time we fall (not…but 不是,而是)glory 光辉,荣耀glorious 光辉

的,荣耀的Consistent adj一致的,一贯的(否定:inconsistent 不一致的,不


Persist continue to do sth or go on doing sth 坚持(继续做)persistent 持久的,持续的;

顽固的,执拗的= stumble persistence 永恒,守恒(the persistence of energy 能


Insist saied or do sth firmly or forcefully 坚持(坚定地说或做)insistent 坚定的,坚持的insistence

Resist (re =back; =again; =against ) 抵制;抵抗(in doing sth;cannot resist in doing sth 忍不住做…=cannot help doing sth =cannot help but do sth );resistance (a way of least

resistance 最容易的办法,最省力的途径)resistant 抵制的,抵抗的(water

resistant 防水的=water proof =antiwater (anti 反);fire resistant 防火的=fire proof

=antifire )

Exist 存在,生存,生活existence(sth comes into existence /being 某物得以出现;sb bring sth into existence/ being 某人让某物得以出现)

Assist 帮助,援助(assist sb in doing sth/ to do sth) assistant adj.援助的,辅助的;n.助手(financial assistance 经济上的援助/辅助)

Anti 反

Antipathy 反感

Antiforeign 排外的

Antiwar 反战的

Antibody 抗体

Antibacterial 抗菌的

Antiaging 抗衰老的

Attribute to 归因于,来自于;result from ; stem from ; spring from ; originate from Contribute to 导致……; result in ; bring about ; lead to ; give rise to ;

Smoking may contribute to lung cancer.

Super 超级

Superstructure 上层建筑substructure 下层建筑

Superprofit 超额利润supernatural 超自然的,超自然力的superspeed 超速的,超高速的Supersonic 超音速的,超音波的superpower 超级大国

Struct =build 建造,建立

Construct 构造,建筑construction reconstruct

Destruct 摧毁,毁灭destruction destructive破坏的,有破坏力的

Instruct instruction instructor 导师

Obstruct 妨碍,阻碍obstruction

Structure 构造,结构structured 有组织的,有结构的,有安排的

Infrastructure 基础结构,基础设施infrastructural 基础的,基础建设的(infrastructual project 基础建设工程;infrastructural investment demand 基础建设投资需求)

Creationism 神创论creationist 神创论者

Evolutionism 进化论Evolutionist 进化论者

V olv =turn 旋转

Involve 卷入,涉及involution

Evolve 进化evolution

Revolve revolution大变革,大改革revolutionary 革命的,革命者的

Devolve 退化;往下传递,移交

Intervolve 互相牵连,盘绕,缠绕intervolution

Ology 学科Bio =life 生命;生物

oceanology海洋学methodology 方法论zoology 动物学

Biocomputer 生物计算机biochip 生物芯片biotechnology 生物科技bioscience 生物科学bioterrorism 生物恐怖主义

Eco 环境的,生态的

Ecology 生态学ecodevelopment 经济生态均衡发展

Uni =one 一

Uniform 制服(form形式)unicorn(corn=horn角)独角兽union 统一

Universe 宇宙(vers,vert,volv = turn )\reverse倒转,颠倒versatile (ile易于…的)多功能的;多面手,多才多艺的

Sol =alone 唯一,单独

Sole 唯一的solar 太阳的,太阳系的solitary独自的,独居的(lead a solitary life过着独居的生活)

比较:solitude (n.孤独)solo (n.独唱,独舞,独奏)console(v安慰)desolate (de 表强调,使荒凉,使荒废)isolate (i=out,v.使隔绝,使孤独,使凄凉)


Identify (dent 牙) identity

Mono =one

Monologue (logue=talk; dialogue (dia=between, diameter 直径)) 独白

Catalogue (cata 下面) 目录,一览表

Monotone 单调,乏味monotonous 单调的,乏味的

Monopoly (poly=sell) 垄断

Monograph 专题论文,专题著作


Bi =double ,two

Bilingual education 双语教育(linguistic linguistics linguist 语言;phonetic phonetics phonetist 语音)

Bicycle 自行车monocycle 独轮车recycle 利用,回收recyclable 可回收的

Bikini 比基尼(两点式的泳衣)

Tri =three

Trilingual 三种语言的multilingual 多语言的(multi 多的)

Tricycle 三轮车triangle 三角形trichord 三弦乐器(chord =string 弦)Trigonometry 三角学(gono =angle; metry =measure)

Triplet 三胞胎之一(let 小东西booklet 小册子leaflet 小叶子)

Trivial (vi =way ) 三岔路口;琐碎的,繁琐的;n.细枝末节,繁琐triviality


Fer, cept, ceive, sum=take

Suffer(suf 在上面)使遭罪suffice( fic =do ) 使充足,使大量

Fer p29 cept ceive p10 sum p102

Sum =take

Cosume 消耗,吃光,喝光consumption 消费量,消耗量consumptive consumer 消费者Resume 再利用;重新开始,继续;个人简历resumption 利用,继续resumptive 再开始的,继续的

Assume 假定,假设;承担assumption 假定assumptive 假定


Presume 假定,假设;擅自行动,自作主张presumption 假定presumptive 推测的,假定的(=assuptive);presumptuous 傲慢的,自以为是的

Cept ceive =take

Accept 接受acception

Except 除外,排除;反对exception

Incept 营养的摄入/摄取inception

Intercept 截取;法律赋予的裁断,裁决interception

Receive (客观上的)收到reception

Deceive 欺骗deception

Perceive (per =fully 完全) 领悟,理解,感知perception 领悟力,理解力

Conceive 构思,构想conception

Fer =take

Differ( dif 分开)different (when it comes to sth, people's opinions differ.)

Confer 商讨,商议;颁发,授予conference 会议

Infer 推理inference ( what can you infer from the passage? What does the author imply in the passage)

Offer 提供,提议;出价ofference

Refer 提及,提到;参考,查阅reference参考资料;证明书

Prefer 宁愿选择,喜欢preference 喜好,偏好

Defer (de 表强调)延期;(de =down)顺从,服从;deference 顺从,服从

Suffer 遭罪sufferance

Migr =remove 移动,转移

Emigrate 移出去emigration

Immigrate 移进来immigration

表人的部首:er or ist(具备某种思想的人;具备某种专长的人) ant ent ian

Socialist 社会主义者specialist专家defeatist 失败主义者futurist 未来主义者

Typist 打字员novelist 小说家

Inhabitant 居民accountant 会计

President 老大resident 居民agent 代理人(ag =do)

Civilian 公民electrician 电工politician 政客physician 内科医生librarian 图书管理员

Plex ,plic, ply =fold 折

Complex 复杂的complexity 复杂性complicate 使错综复杂simplify 使简化,简约Duplicate (du 双) v. 对折;复制;n. 复制品,复本(in duplicate 一式两份)

Implication 暗含imply

Implicit 含蓄的explicit坦率的,不言自明的

Reply 回答,回复

Comply 使服从,使遵从,使一致

Multiply 乘法;倍增;繁殖;

multi =many

multiple 多重的,多样的(multiple choice question) multichannel 多频道的

multiform 多形式的(form形式dentiform 齿状的)multilingual 多语的

Multilateral 多边的(multilateral trade 多边贸易;bilateral trade 双边贸易)Multifunctional 多功能的

Ject =throw 扔

Eject 扔出去,喷射,喷发;驱逐,把人赶走

Inject 扔进来,注射(injector 注射器)

Object 客体objective 客观的(阅读题优选客观题)

Subject 主体subjective主观的

Project 投射v. ;目标,项目n. Projector 投影仪(Or即可表人也可表物)Abject (ab 偏离=off ,abuse) 卑贱的,可怜的,凄惨的

Reject 拒绝;排斥refuse 直截了当的拒绝(fus =flu流淌)

Objective 的同义词Impartial 不偏不移的neutral 中立的reserved 有保留的qualified 有条件的

Subjective 的同义词arbitrary 任意的,随意的biased 有偏见的(看见尽量不选)

Fus =flu 流,流淌

Refuse 拒绝

Confuse 迷惑,困惑

Transfuse (trans=across) 输血

Perfuse (per=fully 完全)充满,泼洒

Diffuse (di 分开)扩散,传播

Interfuse 融合,渗透

Flu 流淌

Influent 影响(专指思想;affect对身体的影响(fect=do))influence

Affluent 财富的流淌,富足的,富裕的affluence

Confluent 合流的,汇流的confluence

Defluent 往下流淌的defluence

Refluent 逆流,退潮refluence

Effluent 流出的,流淌的effluence

Circumfluent 环流的circumfluence

Superfluous 过剩的,多余的superfluity

Put =think 思考

Dispute 争论,争吵,反驳

Beyond dispute

Act =do

Labor =do

Fic, fect, fact =do


Exact 做出来,认真做出来的,精确的adj.; v.强求,强迫

Interact 相互作用interaction

Transact 交易,商业行为,商业交易transaction

Counteract 对抗,抵抗,抵制(count 反)

React 反应,起作用reaction

Enact (en使动)实施,颁布(法令enact the law)

Labor 劳动,做

Laborious (ous 充满…的)(工作)艰辛的,费力的;(人)勤奋的,勤勉的Elaborate 精心制作,详细说明v.; adj.精致的,精心的

Collaborate 合作,相互勾结

Fic, fect, fact =do 书p 28-29


Factory (tory表场所,dormitory)


Magnificent (magn =large ;(magnify放大; magnifier放大镜; ))雄伟壮观的

Significant (sign 标记)意义深远的



Affect v.

Effect n. Dual effect 双重功效v. 招致,带来,实现,促使(education effects a real change in his life 教育促使他的生活发生了极大的变化)

Infect (病毒的)传染;(思想的)感染disinfected 已消毒的infectious 传染性的;


Defect 过失,缺点,不足

Perfect v. 使完善; n. 完美反:imperfect

表否定:im放在p和m开始前;il 放在l前;ir放在r前;in放在c前

Imperfect immature illogical irregular(reg= control; regulate p86)

Incompetent (pet=seek) 不能胜任的

sign 标记what's your sign ? 你属什么的?My sign is a ***我属**

Sign v .签名resign 辞职走人

Signature 签字,签名n. Signal 信号,暗号,导火索(signal that leading to )n.; v.发信号,用信号通知,

Signify 标记化,表示着,意味着,象征着

Design 设计,绘制图案(de强调)

Assign 分配,指派v. ;n.assignment 分配的任务

Consign 交付,委托

Pet =seek

Compete competent competiton

Perpetuate 使永久,使永恒perpetual 永久的,永恒的,长期的

Appetite 食欲,胃口;爱好,欲望appetizer开胃食品

Fund =money

Refund 退款v/n. Demand a refund on sth 所要…方面的退款

Nuclear family 核心家庭extended family 三世同堂

cracy 统治

Bureaucracy (bureau 局;cracy 统治)官僚腐败(mandarin 官僚腐败的,学术界守旧的,写的文章华而不实的;mandarin coat 旗袍;mandarin duck 鸳鸯)

Democracy 民主

Technocracy 技术统治

Theocracy 神权统治

Be foreign to 对…相去甚远的,和…格格不入的deception was foreign to his nature .

More A than B =rather A than B 与其说是B不如说是A;是A不是B

Not so much A as B 与其说是A而不如说是B;是B 而不是A


Auto =self

Autobiography 传记

Automate 自动,自动装置(mate=move)

Automatic 自动的,自动装置的,无意识的

Autonomy 自治autonomous 自理的,自治的

Mit =send 送

Admit 接收,接纳(admit the best examinee接收最优的考生(examinier考官));承认,认可(acknowledge 公开范围的承认,认可;it is generally admitted that……it is

universally acknowledged that ……)admission(admission notice 录取通知书)Permit 许可,允许;permissible 可行的permissive 放纵的,放任自流的permission (go-ahead许可,允许)

Submit 屈服;提交,呈送submission

Emit(e=out) 没有接收(+light, heat, smell, sound, smoke, beams) transmit(trans=across) 传递有接收,跨越式发射

Omit 忽略,忘记;省略,删除omission

Commit 把…委托给…(commit sth to memory 记住…);承诺做…,承担义务做…(commit oneself to sth ); 犯罪,做坏事(commit a crime/murder) https://www.doczj.com/doc/706923856.html,mitment 承担义务,许诺,保证committee commission(范围稍大)委员会(economic commission

国家经委)commission 表示做事的佣金,手续费,回扣(get/ draw a commission on

sth 在…方面获取费用)

Remit 寄钱remittance 汇款

Intermit 间歇,中断intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的

Sub,sur ,sace低一级的,下面,低于的

Subsurface 表面之下的

Submarine 海平面下的

Subaverage 低于平均水平的

Subnormal 低于正常的

Subtropics 亚热带

Subtitle 副标题

Subarea 分区

Subcentral 接近中心的

Sublet 转租

Suburban (urban 城市)郊区

Subconsciousness 潜意识

Cid ,cis =cut, kill 切,割_桥梁作用


Decide 决定

Suicide(sui =self ) 自杀(commit suicide)

Pesticide 杀虫剂

Bactericide 杀菌剂

Herbicide 除草剂

Genocide 杀基因,种族灭绝


Concise adj.简明的,简洁的,简要的

Precise adj.明确的,准确的,精确的precision

Incise v. 切开,雕刻,切割Incisive adj. 锋利的,尖锐的Incisor n. 门牙

同意的短语:approve of ; agree with ; subscribe with ; in sympathy with ; in favor with

Form 形式

Transform 转化reform 改革inform 告知uniform 制服

Tract, duc, duct =draw =lead

Duc =draw

Educate ( e-out) reduce 减少seduce 勾引(se 色)produce 生产制造


Attract 吸引attraction attractive 反:v. repel 排斥n. repulsion adj. Repulsive (pel, puls =push 推P72 )

Contract v. 签合约;收缩(condense (dense浓密)液体浓缩;compress 气体的压缩n.

合约(sign a contract ; violate a contract 违约;cancel a contract 取消合同;execute

a contract 履约,履行合同(CEO:chief executive officer ; CFO: chief financial


Distract 分开拉,分散注意力,迷惑,扰乱(distract sb from (doing) sth 让sb从sth上分散注意力)the noise distracted me from concentration. Distraction distracted


Extract (ex=out 出来)1. draw out 抽出,拔出crude oil is distracted from a well. 2. 提取,提炼=refine/ take out oil extracted from peanuts. Peacock(TMD )

Subtract 减法subtract A from B 从B中减去A

Retract 收缩retractable 可缩进的,可取消的

Tractor 拖拉机,牵引机;机器设备的引擎

Abstract (abs=from) (从…中抽取出来)v.提取,做摘要n.摘要(brief辩护状;案情摘要)adj.理论的,抽象的,深奥的

Anthropology 人类学(anthro 人类;logy 学科)

Anthroposociology 人类社会学

Philosophy 哲学(phi 爱;sophy 智慧)philanthropy 博爱,慈善,善心

Zoophilist 爱动物的人

Jack 千斤顶

Setting up shops in silicon 在互联网上开店

Audi =listen 听

Audience 听众audiphone 助听器

Audible 听得到的inaudible 听不见的

Audio 音频的,收音的audiovisuals (vis=see)视听教材,直观教具Audit 审计,审查;旁听auditor 审计员(ballot box 投票箱;blackball投反对票v.;n.反对票)

Auditorium 礼堂(um 地点尾缀,stadium(stad=stand);forum 论坛;museum (mus主管艺术的神,amuse 使消遣,使逗乐,amusing 有趣的,好玩的=funny))

Dead president 美元senior-citizen 老年人

Put sb to sleep = kill sb put sb to bed 哄睡觉

Cess, ceed ,ced =go


Concede 妥协,让步;给予,割让concession

Recede 1、leave,depart 离开2、退出合约,收回意见withdraw 3、drop pr decline in force or value 价值或力量的下降下跌(专指经济的不景气)recession经济大萧条

(=depression) deflation 通货紧缩inlation 通货膨胀

Precede 先于,领先于precedent 先例unprecedented 史无前例的preceding 以前的(preceding years 前几年


Access = to go (have access to =have knowledge of =have idea of 知道;否定在名词前加no)accessory (ory可表adj.帮助的,辅助的n. 配件;从犯,帮凶)Excess n.(ex=out) 过剩,多余;超越,超额;超出(go/run to excess 走极端)excessive 过分的,过度的exceeding 非常的

Exceed v.

Process (pro=forward)v.加工,处理n.工序,过程

Preceed v.1.往前走,列队前进(precession队列,行列)=march;2.proceed to do sth=go on doing 继续做;3.proceed against 控诉,控告某人n.

Blood and flesh 血肉之躯brave v.勇敢的面对


Pos = put

Tain = hold

Sist = stand

Ject = throw

Trans = across

Mit = send

Tract = draw

Ces,cees = go

Vers = turn

Labor = do

Dict = say

Sign = mark

Serv = keep

Fer = take

Press = press

Fact,fect = do


Dut,duct = draw, lead

Form = shape

Sense, sent = feel

Lect = choose

Part,port = divide, carry

Pel, puls = push

Pet = seek

Reg = control

Sid = sit

I count him braver who can overcome his desire than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is victory over themselves

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