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外文翻译   建筑学

芬兰建筑主要因两点而闻名实用而直接的现代主义和一种同自然之间的虚构的关系。从阿尔瓦·阿尔托和他同时代——包括埃里克·布吕格曼Erik Bryggman和保利·布卢姆斯泰特Pauli E. Blomstedt在内——的那些设计了80年前的芬兰现代建筑作品的建筑师开始就是如此。阿尔托在1930年代的设计特别是完成于1933年的帕伊米奥疗养院布吕格曼设计的私人住宅和图尔库的公寓区以及布卢姆斯泰特的教堂设计都是芬兰现代建筑早期阶段的标志。在这之后现代主义运动的主流和分支总是成为芬兰建筑学习的对象。如此忠诚于现代主义的原因可以归结到芬兰自1917年独立以来的社会发展以及北欧人一贯的建筑和设计方向。北部的地理位置和文化在北欧的多种现代主义中建筑是与众多北部欧洲的文化特性交织在一起的。起决定性的因素是气候和自然环境同时还有从路德教而来、体现在北欧福利国家的一种共有的精神。这里值得一提的是在当地民众与自然之间的关系形成的过程中有一个关键因素——“自由信步”的理念简而言之即在一定限度内每个人都有权利进入到自然环境及其所赋予的一切中去。这一传统在那些居住环境与自然紧密相联的地方广为人知在北欧国家更是根深蒂固。波罗的海地区的自然环境十分富足、多样且尺度较小。内陆中不计其数的湖面形成了广阔的水路。芬兰被称为“千岛之国”。实际上可以说芬兰的自然环境充满了各种独特的场所。我们没有一望无际的海岸沙滩或巨大的高差但是我们拥有河、湖和群岛。多样且无所不在的水陆交替为芬兰的自然环境提供了一种韵律。这种韵律

既是视觉上的也是精神上的。此外四季的变换——温暖明亮的夏季和寒冷多雪的冬季——强化了景观的多变对自然空间的应用有着显著影响。关于芬兰建筑前文所述都与芬兰人所认知的好建筑密切相关。在这里成为好建筑的关键因素是同地段或场所的联系及其空间体验。当代芬兰建筑中的自然和现代主义NA TURE AND MODERNISM IN CONTEMPORARY FINNISH ARCHITECTURE尤哈那·拉赫蒂/Juhana Lahti孙凌波译/Translated by SUN LingboFinnish architecture is renowned primarily for two things: pragmatic and no-nonsense modernism and a mythical relationship with nature. This has been the case ever since Alvar Aalto and his contemporaries, including Erik Bryggman and Pauli E. Blomstedt, designed the first masterpieces of Finnish modern architecture some 80 years ago. Aalto's 1930s designs, especially the Paimio Sanatorium completed in 1933, Bryggman's private houses and blocks of flats in the city of Turku, and Blomstedt's church designs, most importantly the Kannonkoski Church completed in 1938, mark the early stage of Finnish modern architecture. Modernism has subsequently been the movement that the mainstream, and often also the alternative, Finnish architecture has leant on. The commitment to modernism is related to Finland's social development since it gained independence in 1917 and the Nordic approach to architecture and design.Northern Location and CultureIn the Nordic variety of modernism, the architecture is interwoven with many Northern European cultural

traits. The determining factors at play are climate and natural surroundings, but also a communal spirit, drawing on Lutheranism, which has been embodied by the Nordic welfare state. A key characteristic in the formation of the local people's relationship with nature, which is worth mentioning here, is the idea of "freedom to roam", which, in a nutshell, means that everyone has the right to access the natural environment and what it offers, within certain limits. This tradition, which is known globally by people who live in close connection with nature, has stood its ground in the Nordic countries.The natural environment in the Baltic Sea region is very rich, varied and small in scale. The inland, again, features an endless number of lakes that form vast waterways. Finland is known as the land of a thousand lakes. In fact, you can say that Finnish nature is filled with unique places. We do not have endless sandy beaches by oceans or particularly great differences in height. Instead, we have rivers, lakes and archipelagos. This varied and omnipresent alternation of land and water provides a rhythm to the Finnish natural landscape. This rhythm is both visual and spatial. In addition, the changing of the four seasons, with warm and light summers and dark, snowy and cold winters when the waterways freeze, accentuates the variability of the landscape and has a considerable effect on the use of natural space. On Finnish ArchitectureI see that all the above is closely associated with what people perceive as good architecture in Finland. Being tied to a site or place and

spatial experience are key issues here.Firstly, what is considered good architecture is linked with having respect for a site and its history, whether in a natural or an urban setting. The leading Finnish architects from the 1930s to the 1960s, most importantly Alvar Aalto, consistently insisted that the trees on building sites were to be protected against damage throughout the projects. This was a way to allow nature to be a concrete part of the buildings’ yard areas. During this era, zone thinking became part of urban planning, and the link between residential areas and natural green zones assumed particular prominence in suburban planning. In urban planning, having an appreciation for historic building stock is a phenomenon of recent decades. As a flip side to the development of modernisation, the 1970s still saw numerous




芬兰南部邻国爱沙尼亚首都塔林所出现的那种历史建筑竖向扩建的案例。类似的一个启示性案例就是关于收录在本期专辑中的ALA建筑师事务所的“云城市”设计的论战。第二它把建筑紧邻的环境视为建筑的延伸和整体建筑设计的一部分。进入一栋建筑的路径和从室内看到的室外景观是建筑及其体验的一个特别重要的部分。让自然光线进入建筑是现代建筑中的一个普遍理念在我们这个冬季只有极短时间宝贵日照的北纬度地区尤为受欢迎。上面提到过的对一个地段或场所的特别强调与建筑的特色紧密相关。对于建筑周围景观视野的细致考量则会将建筑设计与地段和周围自然环境联系在一起。完成于1957年、由海基·西伦Heikki Siren和凯亚·西伦Kaija Siren设计的Otaniemi礼拜堂是一个著名的案例。接近和离开一栋建筑的方式在创造空间体验的过程中扮演着重要角色。与此相关的案例是亚梵拓建筑师事务所设计的圣劳伦斯礼拜堂。该礼拜堂处在一个历史性的环境之中设计的精华在于接近建筑、进入建筑和离开它进入教堂庭院的一系列运动。第三它包含低密度居住的理想这与芬兰人口极为稀少的现实有关。在这方面芬兰在城市规划中的建筑文化同一些国际大都市或人口稠密区域差别很大。这种理想在今天日渐稠密的城市环境中如何实现是具有争议的但是芬兰人仍把自然环境视为他们城市的一部分并对高层建筑持有怀疑态度。对于自然环境的偏爱在1950年代建于赫尔辛基区域的“森林郊区”项目中有所体现。其中一个在塔皮奥拉依据地形曲线布局的低层公寓街区坐落在树林中地块间也没有围墙分隔。高层建筑目前是赫尔辛基



教堂建筑少有装饰多用于安静的礼拜仪式。礼拜堂是为葬礼仪式而设计的更小型的建筑。最新的宗教建筑强调了集体性及传统的建造方式并把自然作为一种视觉元素。historic wooden buildings pulled down in practically all Finnish cities. The demolition frenzy has since subsided, although things have not changed completely. Over the decades, modern architecture, too, has been accepted as part of our built heritage. Similarly, historic urban environments are now considered worth preserving. In Finland, there are no cases of vertical expansion of historic buildings, as, for example, in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, Finland's southern neighbour. A revealing example of the situation is the controversy over the Cloud City design by ALA Architects, which is presented in this magazine. Secondly, it is linked with viewing a building's immediate surroundings as its expansion and an integral part of the overall architectural design. The entry into a building and the views from inside are a particularly important part of the architecture and the way it is

experienced. Allowing natural light into a building, an idea prevalent in modern architecture, was enthusiastically welcomed at our northern latitudes, where there are precious few hours of sunlight in the wintertime. Placing special emphasis on a site or place, which I mentioned above, is closely related to architectural character. The carefully thought-out views that open onto the building's surroundings tie it to the site and the surrounding nature to the architectural design. A well-known example of this is the Otaniemi Chapel by Heikki Siren and Kaija Siren, completed in 1957. The approach to and exit from a building play an important role in creating a spatial experience. A case in point is the Chapel of St. Lawrence designed by Avanto Architects. Located in a historical setting, the essence of the chapel design is the movement towards the building, into it and back out of it into the churchyard.Thirdly, it includes the ideal of low-density living, which is related to the fact that Finland is a very sparsely populated country. In this respect, the Finnish architectural culture in urban planning differs considerably from the situation in international metropolises or other densely populated areas. How this ideal is realised in today's increasingly dense urban environment is arguable, but Finns still value natural environments as part of their cities and remain sceptical about high-rise buildings. The appreciation of natural environments shows, for example, in the “forest suburbs” built in the 1950s in the Helsinki region. One of these is Tapiola, in which fairly

low blocks of flats sit amidst trees, laid out according to the contours of the terrain and without fences separating the plots. High-rise construction is presently a topic of lively discussion in the Helsinki region, and the Cloud City project is one example of this. The arguments 4

亚梵拓建筑师事务所设计的圣劳伦斯礼拜堂是将现代建筑传统升级而满足当代需求的一个范例。雅致而独特的材料选择和采光方案使这个建筑艺术作品近乎完美同时令其在现代芬兰礼拜堂建筑的链条中占据了一席之地。在此之前著名的礼拜堂建筑还包括位于土尔库、在同一块墓地园区中相对而立的由埃里克·布吕格曼设计的复活礼拜堂1941和佩卡·皮特凯宁Pekka Pitk?nen设计的神圣

十字礼拜堂1967。现代建筑传统也体现在萨纳克森纳胡Sanaksenaho建筑师事务所设计的位于希文萨洛的圣亨利基督教会艺术礼拜堂2005和郎安溪海希莱Lassila against high-rises include the preservation of historic urban spaces and the importance of natural light: people do not want tall buildings to rise above the current skyline for fear of changing the cityscape and overshadowing the rest of the city, especially in the winter, when the sun barely rises above the horizon. The Signi cance of Public BuildingsVarious public buildings are importantly linked to the welfare state services, which encompass public health care, public libraries, the education system and the state church. Most Finns are members of the Lutheran church. In the Lutheran

tradition of Christianity, church buildings feature little ornamentation and they are mostly used for silent worship. Chapels are smaller buildings that are designed for funeral ceremonies. The more recent religious buildings highlight communality, nature as a visual element, and traditional building methods. The Chapel of St. Lawrence by Avanto Architects is a fine example of how the heritage of modern architecture has been updated to meet contemporary needs. The elegant and unique material choices and lighting solutions perfect this Hirvilammi建筑师事务所在于韦斯屈莱设计的库奥卡拉教堂。这些项目的室内方案会令人联想到埃罗·埃里凯宁Eero Eerik?inen和奥斯莫·西帕里Osmo Sipari设计的萨拉教堂1950和维尔约·雷维尔Viljo Revell设计的位于康阿斯阿拉的Vatiala礼拜堂1960。学校和托儿所是社区建筑的另一类案例。目前的芬兰教育体系是全世界最优秀的体系之一这可能是芬兰作为福利国家的最大成就。每个人从托儿所开始都有同等的教育机会。教育体系也为保持芬兰的文化凝聚力做出了贡献。对于舒适的教学设施的设计传统由来已久。学校的体育场一直被作为整体设计的一部分加以考虑这对于托儿所来说尤为重要因为户外游戏是儿童日常生活的一个重要部分。安全的体育场地由此应该成为儿童建筑的一个组成部分。位于紧邻赫尔辛基的埃斯坡的两栋建筑——维斯塔斯建筑师事务所设计的克蔻加尔维综合学校2010和JKMM建筑师事务所设计的萨乌娜拉赫蒂儿童之家2011是这类建筑中的典范。适度居住的理念一个民主社会的悠


已经成为北欧architectural work of art, which at the same time takes its place in the chain of modern Finnish chapel buildings, including the Resurrection Chapel by Erik Bryggman (1941) and the Chapel of the Holy Cross by Pekka Pitk?nen (1967), which form a pair on the same cemetery site in the city of Turku.The heritage of modern architecture is also shown in the St. Henry's Ecumenical Art Chapel in Hirvensalo by Sanaksenaho Architects (2005) and the Kuokkala Church in Jyv?skyl? by Lassila Hirvilammi Architects (2009). The interior solutions of these projects demonstrate the architects' familiarity with the designs of the Salla Church by Eero Eerik?inen and Osmo Sipari (1950) and the Vatiala Chapel in Kangasala by Viljo Revell (1960).Schools and nurseries are another example of architecture designed for communities. The current Finnish education system is among the best in the world and is perhaps the greatest achievement of the Finnish welfare state. Everyone is given equal opportunities in education, starting from the nursery. The education system also plays a role in maintaining cultural cohesion in Finland. The design of comfortable facilities that support teaching has a strong tradition. School playgrounds are considered to be part of the overall design, which is especially important with nurseries, as playing games outside is a significant part of the children's day. Safe playgrounds should therefore be an integral part of buildings for children. Fine examples of

designs in this category are the Kirkkoj?rvi School by Verstas Architects (2010) and the Saunalahti Children's House by JKMM Architects (2011), both located in Helsinki's neighbouring city of Espoo.The Ideal of Modest LivingHaving a long-lasting tradition of a democratic society shows in housing forms and ideals. Making high-quality housing available for everyone has been at the core of the Nordic welfare state ideology. A case in point is the small and low-rent student flats. Often, some of the best architects are hired for the design of student housing, and projects are subject to architectural competition. This was the case with the HOAS student housing unit in Viikki by Playa architects (2010), which was inspired by the 1950s Nordic residential architecture, and the HOAS student housing unit at Intiankatu 20 in Kumpula by Brunow & Maunula (2007), which is designed to function as a quiet pocket in a noisy urban setting.From another angle, the democratic tradition and the, as yet, natural relationship between people and their environment is linked to the tradition of summer residences, with which most Finns are familiar. The tradition is also closely related to our natural landscape, which, as I mentioned above, is seen to contain countless places. A noteworthy example of summer residences designed to be available to all are the summer cottages that are located on rented plots in public recreation areas and that were originally designed for the underprivileged. This is an interesting extension to the right of freedom to roam, and there

are thousands of summer cottages like these in Helsinki alone. At the start of the 21st century, this tradition is enjoying a revival, as new generations of city.

。与此相关的案例是低租金的小型学生公寓。通常一些最优秀的建筑师会通过建筑竞赛获得委托设计学生住宅。这样的案例包括受到1950年代北欧居住建筑启发的由Playa建筑师事务所设计的位于维基的HOAS学生公寓2010以及布鲁诺&毛努拉Brunow & Maunula事务所设计的位于Kumpula、作为喧嚣城市中宁静一隅的HOAS学生公寓2007。从另一个角度来看民主传统和迄今为止的人与其环境的自然关系都同大多数芬兰人所熟悉的夏季住宅的传统有关。这一传统也与我们的自然景观密切相关——正如上文提到的我们的自然景观中包含着无以计数的场所。夏季住宅案例中值得一提的是那些在公共娱乐区域的租赁地块上、对所有人开放的夏季别墅它们最初是为穷困民众设计的。这是“信步自由”理念的一种有趣的延伸仅在赫尔辛基一地就有数千个这样的夏季别墅。在21世纪之初这一传统通过新一代城市居民的发掘而重获新生。维斯塔斯建筑师事务所设计的位于Lauttasaari的“城市别墅”实现了对传统概念的一次完美的更新。夏季别墅广受欢迎人们还为此规划了新的服务区域。比如夏季别墅区就被包括在了赫尔辛基东部的新居住区——的规划之中。本期专辑中所展现的很多项目都体现了上文提到的特点。它们大多通过建筑设计竞赛而实现。在芬兰建筑设计竞赛的传统可以追溯到19世纪晚期。竞赛是找到最佳可能方案的一种

有效的方式这也是我们民主文化的一种体现——每个人都有机会展现他们的才能。在本文中我对专辑中的某些项目进行了较为详尽的说明。在关系到住宅形式和公共空间设计的项目中传统与激动人心的当代方案相结合而形成了芬兰建筑的特色。而所有的项目都或多或少地带着骄傲与尊敬展现了对于北欧现代建筑传统的认知。residents have discovered it. The City Cottage in Lauttasaari by Verstas Architects (2010) is a superb update of the traditional concept. The summer cottages are sought after and new areas to accommodate them are being planned. As an example, summer cottage areas are included in the plan of Kruunuvuorenranta, a forthcoming new residential area in eastern Helsinki.Many of the projects presented in this magazine reflect the characteristics mentioned above. A large number of them have been realised as a result of architectural competitions. The practice of architectural competitions has a long tradition that goes back to the late 19th century. Competitions are an effective way of finding the best possible solution but they also serve as a manifestation of our democratic culture, as everyone gets an opportunity to showcase their skills. In this article, I have highlighted specific projects to illustrate in more detail the issues discussed. The projects relate to the forms of Kruunuvuorenranta housing and the design of communal spaces, in which traditions and exciting contemporary solutions meet in a way that is characteristic of Finnish architecture. Moreover, they all, to a greater or lesser extent,

exhibit an awareness of the tradition of Nordic modern architecture, and they do so with pride and respect.


forced concrete structure reinforced with an overviewRein Since the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance. Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency. 1、steel mechanical link 1.1 radial squeeze link Will be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linked Characteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.


南京理工大学 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院(系):南京理工大学继续教育学院 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:学术论坛网 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 建筑类型和设计 厂房与人民息息相关,因为它提供必要的空间,工作和生活中。 由于其使用的分类,建筑主要有两种类型:工业建筑和民用建筑各工厂或工业生产中使用的工业大厦,而那些居住,就业,教育和其他社会活动的人使用的民用建筑。 工业楼宇厂房可用于加工和制造各类采矿业,冶金工业,机械制造,化学工业和纺织工业等领域。可分为两种类型的单层和多层的厂房,民用建筑,工业建筑是相同的。然而,工业与民用建筑中使用的材料,在使用它们的方式不同。 民用建筑分为两大类:住宅建筑和公共建筑,住宅建筑应满足家庭生活应包括至少有三个必要的房间:每个单位。一个客厅,一个厨房和厕所,公共建筑,可以在政治文化活动,管理工作和其他服务,如学校,写字楼,公园,医院,商店,车站,影剧院,体育场馆,宾馆,展览馆,洗浴池,等等,他们都有不同的功能,这在需要以及不同的设计类型。 房屋是人类居住。房屋的基本功能是提供遮风挡雨,但今天人们需要更他们的住房,一个家庭迁入一个新的居民区知道,如果现有住房符合其标准安全,健康和舒适。附近的房屋是如何粮店,粮食市场,学校,商店,图书馆,电影院,社区中心,家庭也会问。 在60年代中期最重要的住房价值足够空间的内部和外部。多数首选的一半左右1英亩的土地,这将提供业余活动空间单户住宅的家庭。在高度工业化的国家,许多家庭宁愿住尽量尽可能从一个大都市区的中心,“打工仔”,即使行驶一段距离,他们的工作。不少家庭的首选国家住房郊区住房的大量的,因为他们的主要目的是远离噪音,拥挤,混乱。无障碍公共交通已不再是决定性因素,在住房,因为大多数工人开着自己的车上班的人。我们主要感兴趣的安排和房间的大小和卧室数目。 在建筑设计中的一个重要的一点是,房间的布局,应提供有关它们目的,最大可能的便利,在住宅,布局可根据三类认为:“天”,“夜必须注意“和”服务“。支付提供这些地区之间容易沟通。”天“的房间,一般包括用餐室,起居室和厨房,但其他房间,如一项研究,可能会补充说,可能有一个大厅,客厅,通常是最大的,往往是作为一个餐厅,也或厨房,可有一个用餐凉亭。“夜”的房间,卧室组成。“服务”,包括厨房,卫生间,储藏室,厨房和储藏室的水厕。连接天与客房的服务。 这也是必须考虑的前景问题,从不同的房间,和那些在使用中最应该尽可能最好朝


本科毕业设计(外文翻译) 题目居住区交往空间规划与设计 院(系部)xxx学院 专业名称xx 年级班级xx 学生姓名xx 指导教师xx xx 年xx 月x 日 Planning and Design of Association Space of residential District

Xia dong liang 【Abstract】:The association space refers to the indoor and outdoor space for communication between residents.The article presents an overall discussion of the necessity,hierarchy and functionality of association space,with a wish to create positive and healthy association atmosphere and stimulate good communication among residents so that the residential area can become a homeland full of love and harmony. 【Keyword】:residential area;association space;necessity;hierarchy;Functionality 【Foreword】:As the housing system reform and the rapid development of real estate, urban residential areas large urban settlements have emerged on the layout of residential buildings, public buildings, public green space, life and living facilities such as roads, to provide urban residents live in the community and The establishment, is an integral part of the city. Exchanges between the living room area residents is to communicate and exchange of indoor and outdoor space. At this stage, people's living standards greatly improved the living environment of continuous improvement district. Developers should not only focus on residential construction and the reasonable comfort, paying greater attention to the construction of residential environment. However, the current environment in the construction of residential areas, they are often the natural ecology of greening the environment is much more to consider, and the promotion of exchanges between the residents of the space environment to consider less, environmental construction can not meet the occupants of the psychological characteristics and needs. From the basic physiological needs gradually to meet the psychological and cultural fields of promoting a higher level, the residential area is not only the function of living, but also people's thinking and feelings of the local exchange. Therefore, the strengthening of exchanges between the residential areas of space construction, increase residential neighbourhood affinity, should be developed in the planning and construction of residential areas should also consider the issue. How to conduct exchanges between the residential areas of space planning and design, improve people's quality of life, the author of his own real estate development


Study on Project Cost Control of Construction Enterprises By: R. Max Wideman Abstract With the increasing maturity of construction market, the competition between construction enterprises is becoming fierce. The project profit is gradually decreasing. It demands that all construction enterprises enhance their cost control, lower costs, improve management efficiency and gain maximal profits. This paper analyses the existing problems on project cost control of Chinese construction enterprises, and proposes some suggestions to improve project cost control system. Key Words :Construction enterprises, Project management, Cost control After joining the WTO, with Chinese construction market becoming integrated, the competition among architectural enterprises is turning more intense. Construction enterprises must continually enhance the overall competitiveness if they want to develop further at home and abroad construction market. Construction Enterprises basically adopt the "project management-centered" model, therefore, it is particularly important to strengthen project cost control. 1.The Current Domestic Project Cost Classification and Control Methods Cost refers to the consumption from producing and selling of certain products, with the performance of various monetary standing for materialized labor and labor-consuming. Direct and indirect costs constitute the total cost, also known as production cost or manufacturing cost. Enterprise product cost is the comprehensive indicator to measure enterprise quality of all aspects. It is not only the fund compensation scale, but also the basis to examine the implementation of cost plan. Besides, it can provide reference for product pricing According to the above-mentioned definition and current domestic cost classification, construction project cost can be divided into direct costs and indirect costs. Direct costs include material cost, personnel cost, construction machinery cost, material transportation cost, temporarily facility cost, engineering cost and other direct cost. Indirect costs mainly result from project management and company's cost-sharing, covering project operating costs (covering the commission of foreign projects), project's management costs (including exchange losses of


building types and design A building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in . As classified by their use ,buildings are mainly of two types :industrial buildings and civil buildings .industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling ,employment ,education and other social activities . Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds ,in such fields as the mining industry ,the metallurgical industry ,machine building ,the chemical industry and the textile industry . factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones .the construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings .however ,industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used . Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings .residential buildings should suit family life .each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms : a living room ,a kitchen and a toilet .public buildings can be used in politics ,cultural activities ,administration work and other services ,such as schools, office buildings, parks ,hospitals ,shops ,stations ,theatres ,gymnasiums ,hotels ,exhibition halls ,bath pools ,and so on .all of them have different functions ,which in turn require different design types as well. Housing is the living quarters for human beings .the basic function of housing is to provide shelter from the elements ,but people today require much more that of their housing .a family moving into a new neighborhood will to know if the available housing meets its standards of safety ,health ,and comfort .a family will also ask how near the housing is to grain shops ,food markets ,schools ,stores ,the library ,a movie theater ,and the community center . In the mid-1960’s a most important value in housing was sufficient space both inside and out .a majority of families preferred single-family homes on about half an acre of land ,which would provide space for spare-time activities .in highly industrialized countries ,many families preferred to live as far out as possible from the center of a metropolitan area ,even if the wage earners had to travel some distance to their work .quite a large number of families preferred country housing to suburban housing because their chief aim was to get far away from noise ,crowding ,and confusion .the accessibility of public transportation had ceased to be a decisive factor in housing because most workers drove their cars to work .people we’re chiefly interested in the arrangement and size of rooms and the number of bedrooms . Before any of the building can begin ,plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like ,the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be done.


毕业设计英文资料翻译 Tran slati on ofthe En glish Docume nts for Graduati on Desig n 课题名称_____________________________________ 院< 系)_____________________________________ 专业 _____________________________________ 姓名 _____________________________________ 学号 _____________________________________ 起讫日期 _____________________________________ 指导教师 _____________________________________ 2018 年2月25日 原文: Abstract:Gree n buildi ng refers to do its best to maximize con servati on of resources (en ergy, land, water, and wood> , protecti ng the environment and reduce polluti on in its life cycle. Provide people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. Idescribed more details of green building design ' notion, green building ' design, as well as the sig ni fica nee of the con


( 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 外文文献及翻译 题 目: About Buiding on the Structure Design 学生姓名: 学 院:土木工程学院 系 别:建筑工程系 专 业:土木工程(建筑工程方向) 班 级:土木08-4班 指导教师:

英文原文: Building construction concrete crack of prevention and processing Abstract The crack problem of concrete is a widespread existence but again difficult in solve of engineering actual problem, this text carried on a study analysis to a little bit familiar crack problem in the concrete engineering, and aim at concrete the circumstance put forward some prevention, processing measure. Keyword:Concrete crack prevention processing Foreword Concrete's ising 1 kind is anticipate by the freestone bone, cement, water and other mixture but formation of the in addition material of quality brittleness not and all material.Because the concrete construction transform with oneself, control etc. a series problem, harden model of in the concrete existence numerous tiny hole, spirit cave and tiny crack, is exactly because these beginning start blemish of existence just make the concrete present one some not and all the characteristic of quality.The tiny crack is a kind of harmless crack and accept concrete heavy, defend Shen and a little bit other use function not a creation to endanger.But after the concrete be subjected to lotus carry, difference in temperature etc. function, tiny crack would continuously of expand with connect, end formation we can see without the


外文文献: Risk Analysis of the International Construction Project By: Paul Stanford Kupakuwana Cost Engineering Vol. 51/No. 9 September 2009 ABSTRACT This analysis used a case study methodology to analyse the issues surrounding the partial collapse of the roof of a building housing the headquarters of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ). In particular, it examined the prior roles played by the team of construction professionals. The analysis revealed that the SAZ’s traditional construction project was generally characterized by high risk. There was a clear indication of the failure of a contractor and architects in preventing and/or mitigating potential construction problems as alleged by the plaintiff. It was reasonable to conclude that between them the defects should have been detected earlier and rectified in good time before the partial roof failure. It appeared justified for the plaintiff to have brought a negligence claim against both the contractor and the architects. The risk analysis facilitated, through its multi-dimensional approach to a critical examination of a construction problem, the identification of an effective risk management strategy for future construction projects. It further served to emphasize the point that clients are becoming more demanding, more discerning, and less willing to accept risk without recompense. Clients do not want surprise, and are more likely to engage in litigation when things go wrong. KEY WORDS:Arbitration, claims, construction, contracts, litigation, project and risk The structural design of the reinforced concrete elements was done by consulting engineers Knight Piesold (KP). Quantity surveying services were provided by Hawkins, Leshnick & Bath (HLB). The contract was awarded to Central African Building Corporation (CABCO) who was also responsible for the provision of a specialist roof structure using patented “gang nail” roof


外文原文 Study on Human Resource Allocation in Multi-Project Based on the Priority and the Cost of Projects Lin Jingjing , Zhou Guohua SchoolofEconomics and management, Southwest Jiao tong University ,610031 ,China Abstract----This paper put forward the a ffecting factors of project’s priority. which is introduced into a multi-objective optimization model for human resource allocation in multi-project environment . The objectives of the model were the minimum cost loss due to the delay of the time limit of the projects and the minimum delay of the project with the highest priority .Then a Genetic Algorithm to solve the model was introduced. Finally, a numerical example was used to testify the feasibility of the model and the algorithm. Index Terms—Genetic Algorithm, Human Resource Allocation, Multi-project’s project’s priority . 1.INTRODUCTION More and more enterprises are facing the challenge of multi-project management, which has been the focus among researches on project management. In multi-project environment ,the share are competition of resources such as capital , time and human resources often occur .Therefore , it’s critical to schedule projects in order to satisfy the different resource demands and to shorten the projects’ duration time with resources constrained ,as in [1].For many enterprises ,the human resources are the most precious asset .So enterprises should reasonably and effectively allocate each resource , especially the human resource ,in order to shorten the time and cost of projects and to increase the benefits .Some literatures have


学号: 10447425 X X 大学 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 (2014届) 外文题目 Developments in excavation bracing systems 译文题目开挖工程支撑体系的发展 外文出处 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 31 (2012) 107–116 学生 XXX 学院 XXXX 专业班级 XXXXX 校内指导教师 XXX 专业技术职务 XXXXX 校外指导老师专业技术职务 二○一三年十二月

开挖工程支撑体系的发展 1.引言 几乎所有土木工程建设项目(如建筑物,道路,隧道,桥梁,污水处理厂,管道,下水道)都涉及泥土挖掘的一些工程量。往往由于由相邻的结构,特性线,或使用权空间的限制,必须要一个土地固定系统,以允许土壤被挖掘到所需的深度。历史上,许多挖掘支撑系统已经开发出来。其中,现在比较常见的几种方法是:板桩,钻孔桩墙,泥浆墙。 土地固定系统的选择是由技术性能要求和施工可行性(例如手段,方法)决定的,包括执行的可靠性,而成本考虑了这些之后,其他问题也得到解决。通常环境后果(用于处理废泥浆和钻井液如监管要求)也非常被关注(邱阳、1998)。 土地固定系统通常是建设项目的较大的一个组成部分。如果不能按时完成项目,将极大地影响总成本。通常首先建造支撑,在许多情况下,临时支撑系统是用于支持在挖掘以允许进行不断施工,直到永久系统被构造。临时系统可以被去除或留在原处。 打桩时,因撞击或振动它们可能会被赶入到位。在一般情况下,振动是最昂贵的方法,但只适合于松散颗粒材料,土壤中具有较高电阻(例如,通过鹅卵石)的不能使用。采用打入桩系统通常是中间的成本和适合于软沉积物(包括粘性和非粘性),只要该矿床是免费的鹅卵石或更大的岩石。 通常,垂直元素(例如桩)的前安装挖掘工程和水平元件(如内部支撑或绑回)被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,从而限制了跨距长度,以便减少在垂直开发弯矩元素。在填充情况下,桩可先设置,从在斜坡的底部其嵌入悬挑起来,安装作为填充进步水平元素(如搭背或土钉)。如果滞后是用来保持垂直元素之间的土壤中,它被安装为挖掘工程的进行下去,或之前以填补位置。 吉尔- 马丁等人(2010)提供了一个数值计算程序,以获取圆形桩承受轴向载荷和统一标志(如悬臂桩)的单轴弯矩的最佳纵筋。他们开发的两种优化流程:用一个或两个直径为纵向钢筋。优化增强模式允许大量减少的设计要求钢筋的用量,这些减少纵向钢筋可达到50%相对传统的,均匀分布的加固方案。 加固桩集中纵向钢筋最佳的位置在受拉区。除了节约钢筋,所述非对称加强钢筋图案提高抗弯刚度,通过增加转动惯量的转化部分的时刻。这种增加的刚性可能会在一段时间内增加的变形与蠕变相关的费用。评估相对于传统的非对称加强桩的优点,对称,钢筋桩被服务的条件下全面测试来完成的,这种试验是为了验证结构的可行性和取得的变形的原位测量。 基于现场试验中,用于优化的加强图案的优点浇铸钻出孔(CIDH)在巴塞罗那的几个非对称加强桩的施工过程中观察到混凝土桩沿与测得的变形的结果在常规和描述优化桩。实验证据表明,非对称地增强桩变形比观察到在常规增强那些小。两桩类型(对称和非对称)具有相同的直径,并设计为抵抗基于极限强度设计相同的弯曲力矩;离散杆的尺寸和使用的条全数字的,导致类似的名义抗弯强度。


Literature translation. Construction constituent Materials and structural forms are combined to make up the various parts of a building, including the load-carrying frame, skin, floors, and partitions. The building also has mechanical and electrical systems, such as elevators, heating and cooling systems, and lighting systems. The superstructure is that part of a building above ground, and the substructure and foundation is that part of a building below ground. The skyscraper owes its existence to two developments of the 19th century: steel skeleton construction and the passenger elevator. Steel as a construction material dates from the introduction of the Bessemer converter in 1885.Gustave Eiffel (1832-1932) introduced steel construction in France. His designs for the Galerie des Machines and the Tower for the Paris Exposition of 1889 expressed the lightness of the steel framework. The Eiffel Tower, 984 feet (300 meters) high, was the tallest structure built by man and was not surpassed until 40 years later by a series of American skyscrapers. Elisha Otis installed the first elevator in a department store in New York in 1857.In 1889, Eiffel installed the first elevators on a grand scale in the Eiffel Tower, whose hydraulic elevators could transport 2,350 passengers to the summit every hour. Load-Carrying Frame Until the late 19th century, the exterior walls of a building were used as bearing walls to support the floors. This construction is essentially a post and lintel type, and it is still used in frame construction for houses. Bearing-wall construction limited the height of building because of the enormous wall thickness required;for instance, the 16-story Monadnock Building built in the 1880’s in Chicago had walls 5 feet (1.5 meters) thick at the lower floors. In 1883, William Le Baron Jenney (1832-1907) supported floors on cast-iron columns to form a cage-like construction. Skeleton construction, consisting of steel beams and columns, was first used in 1889. As a consequence of skeleton con struction, the enclosing walls become a “curtain wall” rather than serving a supporting function. Masonry was the curtain wall material

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