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|你的爱有多深| 有人认为爱如浮云有人认为爱坚强如铁有人认为爱是一种生活方式有人认为爱是一种感觉有人说爱要执着有人说爱不要约束有人说爱是生命的全部有人说不知道爱为何物

在我们生命中的某个阶段,我们会经历难以名状的情感。这种情感只能体会,无法用语言描述。莫大的喜悦伴随着丝丝的伤感一同降临,这就是爱。 在紧张忙碌的生活中,我们竟能找到时间,沉湎于感情之中,这的确令人感佩。






当我有了稳定的工作,有了长期的计划和比较安定的生活(我现在还不到25岁呢!)时,爱情降临了。我也比较成熟了,能够步入不贪图许多回报而需要大量付出的感情关系。 我的爱情是在友谊这块地基上建起的高楼大厦。爱情经过旷日持久的培养才开花。



年轻的一代人,由于观念开放,随着男女之间交往界线的消退,他们便急于赶浪头,匆忙恋爱,以至于难以区分身体的互相吸引与心灵的相投。我们从媒体中接触到的人和事,使我们的感情历程大大加速,要想慢慢地体会自己的感受,确实需要付出努力。 学校里的青少年在全然没有感情的关系中所背负的感情包袱,令我深感难过。


从这一代人处理个人生活的方式上,我们很容易看出他们的思想倾向。跟从前相比,现在有更多的情感在欲望的压力下扭曲。他们更注重外表的美丽而忽视内在的魅力。两性交往随便了,亲密无间却少了;激情多了,感情却少了;个人获得的多了,相互间分享的少了;寻机获利的现象多了,无私的奉献少了。简而言之,“自我”多了,爱的分享少了。 在这个竞争激烈的年代,我们已经变得麻木不仁,将恋爱的实质抛于脑后。作为恋爱中的人,不只是意味着把红色的玫瑰花和五毛钱一张的卡片送给恋人,我们要做的事情还很多。我们将自己的时间、陪伴、支持和友谊作为礼物送给自己的恋人了吗?我们是否确定了生活中最重要的事情,而后真诚地做好每一件事?我们是否先在情感上成熟起来,再尽情地追求爱情?我们是否给自己、给他人足够的时间和空间以巩固恋情的发展?我们是否为了追求



牵手| 丈夫保罗的手舒服有力:暖暖的,从来不会发凉潮湿,轻轻的一握总是令我感到安心踏实。


也就是在那段时间里,我坐在他的床边,竭力记住他双手的样子。他的手比我的手要长一倍,宽一半;手指上下一般粗,方方长长的,毛细血管一直延伸到指尖。方正的指甲使得指尖也呈正方形,指甲一圈白色的边清晰可见。他总是悉心地让双手洁净无暇。它们既不粗糙,也不柔软多肉。那是双持粉笔和红墨水钢笔的大学教授的手。 不知道他的学生是否觉得他的字难以辨认。我们分开的那年我渐渐熟悉了他的字体。我俩订婚后曾分隔两地,因为他要到距离宾夕法尼亚州(我们的家)800英里的布拉德利大学攻读硕士学位。











1. curled

2. minimum

3. clip

4. yielded

5. Given

6. awaiting

7. fascinated


affection 9. interact 10. haste 11. harden 12. grief 13. defies 14. glance 15.

presence 16. lasting 17. via 18. acquire 19. manipulate 20. restraints

1. let … loose on

2. fit into

3. hold on

4. state of affairs

5. in the course of


in vain 7. build … on 8. In short 9. grow used to 10. blame … on 11. reached for 12. give and take

1. overcoat

2. overhead

3. overjoyed

4. overslept

5. overweight

6. overdue

7. overtime 8. overworking

1. crush

2. attributes

3. fancy

4. bubbled

5. grasp

6. drizzling

7. labeling



1. We are short of hands

2. I still have some money in hand.

3. Give me a hand with this box, please.

4. I often keep a dictionary at hand.

5. The football fans were out of hand.

6. Hand out the pencils to everyone in the class.

7. This ring was handed down to me by my grandmother.

8. Time’s up. Please hand in your test papers.

9. Please hand on the magazine to your roommates.

10. I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m a green hand

1. Sitting on the stairs was / On the stairs was sitting

2. Over the wall came

/ flew 3. Round the corner was 4. Then finally came 5. Under the table was lying 6. At / On the top of (On top of) the hill stood

(1) haste (2) state of affairs (3) distinguished (4) meeting of minds (5)

blossom (6) inner charm (7) intimacy (8) emotion (9) acquiring (10) ideals (11) admiration (12) lasting (13) affection (14) forge (15) honor

(16) overwhelming

1. In either friendship or love / In both friendship and love, you should never

expect to take / receive the maximum while you give the minimum

. 2. I built all my hopes on his promise(s), only to find that he was not a man of sincerity at all.

3. We took Mother to all the best hospitals we could find, but all our efforts were in vain; she failed to survive the disease.

4. Valentine’s Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 14, a perfect day to express love to the object of your / o ne’s affection.

5. In the information era, communications with far-away friends via

e-mail can be almost / virtually simultaneous.

6. Love takes time, for it is not forged until you have grown used to the other’s company and learned to appreciate th e other.

After dinner, we all sat around the hearth. Aunt Susan was still in the grief of losing Uncle Robert. In her soft voice she told us about their past years. Uncle Robert joined the army shortly after they were engaged. Given the critical situatio n at the time when lots of army men didn’t return alive, you can imagine how much overjoyed Aunt Susan was to see Uncle Robert come back safe and sound from the European battlefield. Then they got married and brought up five children. For all those years, their affection for each other grew stronger in the course of overcoming difficulties and hardships in life. I was fascinated by Aunt Susan’s story, which was totally different from my ideal of love. They practiced giving and sharing in their daily life instead of pursuing passion and romance. Amazingly, such love lasted through their whole life


Key to Exercises of Book 3 of New College English Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. On balance 2. resist 3. haul 4. wicked 5. illustrated 6. budget 7. lowering 8. boundary 9. involved 10. economic 11. blasting 12. just about II. 1. cut back / down 2. pick up 3. get by 4. get through 5. face up to 6. turn in 7. making up for 8. think up III. 1.pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy. 2.often generated misleading thoughts. 3.attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work. 4.be suspected of doing everything for money. 5.before he gets through life. IV. 1.…their indoor… a profit… to invest in 2.…device… the improvement… on a global scale 3.…stacked… temptation… never dined out Confusable words I. 1. house 2. Home 3. home…family 4. household II. 1. doubt 2. suspected 3. doubted 4. suspected 5. suspect Word Formation 1. rise 2. final 3. regular 4. cash 5. hows …whys 6. upped 7. yellowed 8. bottled 9. lower 10. search Comprehensive Exercise I. 1. gets by 2. temptation 3. get through 4. improvement 5. aside from 6. suspect 7. supplement 8. profit 9. stacking II. 1. replaced 2. consider 3. quit 4. world 5. tough 6. fuels 7. provide 8. luxuries 9. balance 10. ideal Translation I. 1.We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2.My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took


Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investigate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomena 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1) a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1. 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 2. 1)principal 2)principal 3)principle 4)principles 5)principal III 1.themselves 2.himself/herself 3.herself/by herself/on her own 4.itself 5.ourselves 6.yourself/by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises I.cloze 1.


全新版大学英语综合教程3 课后答案UNIT 1 Vocabulary I. 1. 1) on balance 5) illustrated 9) involved 2) resist 6) budget 10) economic 3) haul 7) lowering 11) blasting 4) wicked 8) boundary 12) just about 2. 1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) get by 4) get through 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) making up for 8) think up 3. 1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy 2) often generate misleading thoughts 3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work 4) be suspected of doing everything for money 5) before he gets through life 4. 1) their indoor, a profit, to invest in 2) device, the improvement, on a global scale 3) stacked, temptation, never dined out

II Confusable Words 1. 1) house 2) Home 3) home, family 4) household 2. 1) doubt 2) suspect 3) doubted 4) suspected 5) suspect III. Word Formation 1) rise 2) final 3) regular 4) cash 5) hows, whys 6) upped 7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower 10) search Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze 1. Text-related 1) get by 2) temptation 3) get through 4) improvements 5) aside from 6) suspect 7) supplement 8) profit 9) stacking 2. (Theme-related) 1) replaced 2) consider 3) quit 4) world 5) tough 6) fuels 7) provide 8) luxuries 9) balance 10) ideal II. Translation 1. We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2. My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point. 3. The toys have to meet strict/ tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children. 4. Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as


大学英语综合教程2课后答案 Unit 1 Text A Vocabulary I. 1.1) insert 2) on occasion 3) investigate 4) In retrospect 5) initial 6) phenomena 7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not?in the least 11) promote 12) emerged 2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3) The city’ s importance as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4) His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5) The poems by a little-known sixteenth-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1) be picked up, can’ t accomplish, am exaggerating 2) somewhat, performance, have neglected, they apply to 3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superior II.

综合教程3unit1 课后答案

Unit 1练习答案 Text comprehension IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences. (p7) 1.I planned to keep silent and act in such a way that nobody would notice that I was only a newcomer in college. 2.For three days, I had not been to the cafeteria due to my feeling of humiliation and shame. Instead, I stayed alone in my room and ate junk food of various kinds from a vending machine which was in just the right place to aid me in avoiding others. 3.It didn’t matter whether or not you were widely accepted or admired; you did not have to behave to the liking of everybody else. Vocabulary I.Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. 1.I was feeling just a bit first-gradish:I had just the feeling of a newcomer at college without the strength a mature student might possess. 2.my airs of assurance: my apparent confidence 3. a little nourishment:some food to appease my hunger (as well as my anxiety) 4.running with the crowd was no longer a law of survival: going with the tide was no longer crucial to one’s success 5.massive mistakes: foolish and glaring mistakes II.Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word taken from the box in its appropriate form. 1.distress 2. clutched 3. pose 4. sneaked 5. preoccupation 6.shackles 7. curse 8. deliberation III.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words. 1.assure 2. discretion 3. relaxation 4. humiliate 5. strategy 6.embarrassment 7. maneuverable 8. immaturity IV.Fill in the blanks in each sentence with an appropriate phrasal verb or collocation taken from the text. 1.lived up to 2. headed for 3. seek out 4. has broken out 5.groped for 6. trying…on 7. go out to 8. tipped off V.Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used. 1.distinct: vague (indistinct) 2. discreetly: inconspicuously 3.reserve: self-restraint(self-control) 4. dumb: clever (intelligent, sensible) 5.demeanor:manner(behavior) 6. composed: excited 7. slink: sneak 8. na?ve: mature (sophisticated) VI.Explain the underlined phrasal verbs in your own words. 1.caught on: became popular 2. look up to: respect 3. persist in: keep up 4.result in: lead to 5. figure out: understand 6. hit upon: found


新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程1答案 The Answers to Unit 1 Enhance Your Language Awareness (I) Working with Words and Expressions 2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II) Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3.


全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程2课后答案及翻译 9大学英语练习册2 9单元1 ★课文a 词汇I. 1.1)插入2)在场合3)调查4)回顾5)最初的现象 7)附上8)弥补9)正在等待10)不…至少11)促进1 2)出现 2。这个国家的北部和南部的生活水平有着鲜明的对比。据说天然纤维优于合成纤维。这座城市作为金融中心的重要性发展缓慢。4)他的国籍与他是否是一名好律师无关。一位鲜为人知的16世纪意大利诗人的诗被一些英文杂志转载。 3。1)捡起来,不能完成,有点夸张 2)表现,忽略了,他们申请3)协助,另一方面,是有效的,一个上级2。 1。1)连续2)连续3)连续4)连续 2。1)原则2)原则3)原则4)原则5)原则3。 1。他们自己2。他/她自己3。她自己/独自/独自一人。本身5。我们自己。你自己/你自己/你自己的综合练习一。完形填空 1。1)对比2)夸大3)优先级4)另一方面5)提升 6)拾起7)协助8)完成9)偶尔10)忽略 11)值得的12)优越的 2。1)结束2)执行3)面对4)胜任5)装备

6)设计7)方法8)休息9)绝对10)质量 2。翻译 1。1)背离传统需要巨大的勇气。汤姆过去很害羞,但这次他足够大胆,在一大群观众面前表演了一场。 3)许多教育者认为在孩子很小的时候培养他们的创新精神是可取的。假设这幅画真的是一幅杰作,你认为它值得买吗? 5)如果数据在统计上是有效的,它将揭示我们正在调查的问题。2。为了提高我们的英语,多读、多写、多听、多说是至关重要的。此外,背诵尽可能多的好文章也很重要。如果你头脑中没有大量优秀的英语写作,你就不能用英语自由地表达自己。在学习过程中总结我们的经验也是有帮助的,因为这样做,我们可以找出哪种学习方式更有效,会产生最理想的结果。只要我们继续努力,我们将在适当的时候完成掌握英语的任务。★文本B 理解检查:c c d a c b语言练习1。g h e c f a b d 2。1)采用2)账户3)从你的角度来看4)最终5)此外6)基金7)年度跟踪9)步调10)打算11)观点12)设计 单元2 ★文本A词汇表 1。1.1)突如其来的情感3)祝福4)磨损5)日期 6)后果7)似乎8)与9)好奇10)真正的11)主要是12)情感 2)相反。1)当你面临不止一个问题时,先试着解决最简单的一个。水对于所有生命形式的存在都是至关重要的。


汪晓寒 location 场所位置 dumb 愚蠢的(foolish),哑的(toneless) assure 向某人保证(promise),使确信(guarantee) glorious 极好的(wonderful),辉煌的(splendid),光荣的 (completely) exhaust 筋疲力尽,用完 community 社区 committee 交流 fade 渐渐消失,褪色 comtast 持续的,不变的 humiliate 羞辱,使丢脸 simultaneous 同事的 interference 干涉,干扰 keep (sb)in suspense 使产生悬念 talented /gift/ genius 天赋 typical 典型的 consist of / be made up of 由……组成 reversal 颠倒 critical 至关重要的 principal 主要的 initial 最初的 investigate 调查 elementary 基本的 vigorous 用力地,精力充沛的 colleague 同事 creative 独创的 creativity 创造力 originality 独创性 independence 独立 enormous 巨大的,极大的 breakthrough 突破 (一到五单元单词) 1)背离传统需要极大的勇气。(departure,enormous)' It takes an enormous amount of courage to make a departure from the tradition. 3) 很多教育家认为从小培养孩子的创新精神是很可取的。(creative,desirable) Many educators think it desirable to foster the creative spirit in the child at an early age. 5)如果这些数据在统计上是站得住脚的,那它将会帮助我们认识正在调查的问题。 (throw lighton, investigate, valid) If the data is statistically valid, it will throw light on the problem we are investigating.


UNIT3 Vocabulary I. 1. 1)generously 2) physically 3) structure 4) partition 5) blurted out 6) chuckling 7) pried 8) prospective 9) jet 10) sparkled 11) took a crack at 12) partner 13) made a (big) difference 14) beyond his wildest dream. 15) employment 2. 1) go after 2) look back on/at 3) be put up 4) count on 5) was handed down 6) follow up 7) bring about 8) broke into

3. 1) Mary's parents grilled her about where she had been all night. 2) In order to meet the deadline, we worked 48 hours without sleep and finally made it. 3) The translation of the popular novel has just finished and a Chinese version will be in readers' hands soon. 4) As with anything else, it is important to do your homework before going on an interview. 5) Jim's car broke down last week and the repair cost was in the neighborhood of 150 dollars. 4. 1) The director of the Urban Development Office will interview the two local applicants, as well as the two other candidates recommended by the staff committee this afternoon, to pick out the prospective designer for the construction of the city square. 2) In the endeavor to clean up the river before the deadline set for this important municipal project, the project manager has tried every possible means to go after the best engineers for the work. 3) Time is money, as the sa in oes. People in my age bracket often want to have a crack at everything new, but they just cannot afford the time and energy. II. Words with Multiple Meanings


1.Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. 只有那些有过类似经历的人,才能够完全理解这一点。 2. Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form and interact . 科学家一直没弄明白这些粒子是怎么形成的、又是如何相互作用的。 3. I’d like to express my special thanks to everyone who has contributed over the years in one way or another. 我要特别感谢每一个在这些年来以不同方式作出贡献了的人。 4. The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company. 团队环境中员工个人的成功能带来公司的成功。 5. The war, although successful in military terms, left the economy almost in ruins. 这场战争,虽说从军事角度而言是成功的,却另经济几乎崩溃。 6. He decided to channel his energies into something useful, instead of being glued to the TV set all day. / instead of sitting in front of the TV set all day long. 他决定把自己的精力用在有益的事上,而不是整天守在电视机前。 7. There is a difference between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. It takes courage to live. 力量与勇气是有区别的。生存需要力量,生活需要勇气。 8. She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping hand to others. 她天生是个温柔亲切的人,总是乐于向别人伸出援手。 Unite 6 1.It is only by trail and error that we learn and progress / make progress. 只有通过反复实践我们才能学习和进步。 2.You should know that the education of the heart is very important. It will distinguish you from others. 你应该知道心灵的教育是很重要的。它会使你与众不同。 3. A person who strives for perfection tends to have a low threshold of pain. Things around bother them. 一个追求完美的人对痛苦的容忍度往往很低。周围的事物都会让他们看不顺眼。 4.They regard honesty as a matter of principle and they are willing to sacrifice everything for its sake. 他们认为正直是个原则问题,愿意为之牺牲一切。 6.People judge you by the company you keep. You are inviting trouble if you get into bad company. 人们根据你交往的朋友来判断你。如果与坏人为伍,你就是自找麻烦。 6) Speaking your mind without regard to other people’s feelings is not a virtue. 直言不讳、不顾其他人的感受不是一种美德。 7) Her sensitivity exposes her to more suffering and pain than ordinary people can imagine. 她的敏感另她承受的痛苦比普通人所能想象的要多。 8) We must awaken people to the need to protect our environment. 我们必须使人们意识到保护坏境的必要性。


Unit1 Active reading(1) 4. b c c d c a 5.productive attendance resistance ambitious acceptance script impressive 6.attendance ambitious productive impressive resistance script acceptance 7.mortgage deck surf coastal;defy lengthy 8.b a b b b a b b Active reading(2) 4.triple cemetery rear biography cram budding finite elapse 5.elapsed;cemetery rear;crammed triple budding;biography finite 6.a b a a b b a a 7.a b b a a b b b a Language in use 6.(1)我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要。我们谁都不想考全班倒数第一,那也太丢人了,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。以前每天下午5点以后,图书馆就空无一人了,现在却要等到天快亮时才会有空座,小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼

袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。 (2)明天行吗?明天只是个谎言;根本就没有什么明天,只有一张我们常常无法兑现的期票。明天甚至压根儿就不存在。你早上醒来时又是另一个今天了,同样的规则又可以全部套用。明天只是现在的另一种说法,是一块空地,除非我们开始在那里播种,否则它永远都是空地。你的时间会流逝(时间就在我们说话的当下滴答滴答地走着,每分钟顺时针走60秒,如果你不能很好地利用它,它就会走得更快些),而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。 7.(1)Students differ about whether they should have their future mapped out when they are still at university .Some think they should have a definite goal and detailed plan, so as to brace themselves for any challenges, whereas some others think they don’t have to think much about the future , because future is full of uncertainties. (2)After a very careful check-up ,the scientist was told he had got a fatal disease .Although he knew that his life was ticking away ,instead of complaining about the fate ,the scientist decided to make the best of the remaining days ,and speed up the research project he and his colleagues initiated ,and have a shot at completing it ahead of schedule.


最全的全新版大学英语第二版综合教程2答案 课后练习答案 Unit1 Ways of Learning Part II Reading Task Comprehension Content Question Pair Work 1. They were studying arts education in Chinese kindergartens and elementary schools in Nanjing. 2. Their 18-month-old son Benjamin was fond of trying to place the key into the slot of the key box during their stay at the Jinling Hotel. 3. They would come over to watch Benjamin and then try to teach him how to do it properly. 4. Because he realized that this anecdote was directly relevant to their assigned tasks in China: to investigate early childhood education and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity. 5. Most of them displayed the same attitude as the staff at the Jinling Hotel. 6. He emphasized that the most important thing is to teach the child that on can solve a problem effectively by



大学英语综合教程5课后答案 【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程5(第二版)unit1-8课 后答案】 bulary i. 1. allot 2. go through fire and water 3. reside 4. sobbed 5. made no mention of 6. sacrifice 7. came upon 8. rhythm 9. volume10. something of a ii. 1. i stayed on as an assistant professor. 2. i hold it to my ear because i want to hear time tick away. 3. the salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light. 4. the moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers. 5. yes, but it cannot hold a candle to huangshan. iii. 1. the nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn. 2. when she sank into drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow. 3. in the 1500 meters, martin and parker came first and third respectively. 4. the two hills shunner fell from the north and lovely seat from the south flank the famous butter tubs pass. 5. levi, in gratitude to joshua, gave a party for him.


全新版大学英语综合教程(第二版)2 TextA参考答案 Unit 1 Text A After listening 1. much more advanced 2. apply some academic pressure, gave in to his pleas/gave up 3. a duck takes to water 4. memorizing (stuff), thinking 5. ample space to grow Text Organization 1-1 The text begins with an anecdote. 1-2 His thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West. 1-3 He winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question. 2. 1, show a child how to do something, or teach by holding the hand; teach children that they should rely on themselves for solutions to problems. 2,give greater priority to developing skills at an early age,believing that creativiy can be promoted over time. Put more emphasis on fostering creativity in young children, thinking skills can be picked up later. Language Sense Enhancement (1) summarizing (2) value originality and independence (3) contrast between (4) in terms of (5)harbor (6)fearful (7) comparable (8) promote creativity (9)emerge (10) picked up


Unit 1 1.听到她屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过 (distress ) It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failure. 2.他虽然失去了老板的欢心,但仍然装出一副高兴的样子(assume) He assured an air for cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss. 3.格列佛( Gulliver )经历了冒险奇遇,见到了各色奇异的人物 assortment ) Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people. 4.如果你再犯同样的错误,他会很生你气的 ( furious ) He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake. 5.我们都被他坦率的观点、幽默的语言和亲切的态度所深深吸引 draw) We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner. 6.等到欢呼的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲down) After cheers and applause died down, the Nobel Prize Winner began his speech. 7.他天生有一种特别的洞察力和预见力,因此,他很少随大流die run

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