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Through the Tunnel

Through the Tunnel
Through the Tunnel

Through the Tunnel

By Doris Lessing

Going to the shore on the first morning of the holiday, the young English boy stopped at a turning of the path and looked down at a wild and rocky bay, and then over to the crowded beach he knew so well from other years. His mother walked on in front of him, carrying a bright-striped bag in one hand. Her other arm, swinging loose, was very white in the sun. The boy watched that white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, which had a frown behind them, toward the bay and back again to his mother. When she felt he was not with her, she swung around. "Oh, there you are, Jerry!" she said. She looked impatient, then smiled. "Why, darling, would you rather not come with me? Would you rather-" She frowned, conscientiously worrying over what amusements he might secretly be longing for which she had been too busy or too careless to imagine. He was very familiar with that anxious, apologetic smile. Contrition sent him running after her. And yet, as he ran, he looked back over his shoulder at the wild bay; and all morning, as he played on the safe beach, he was thinking of it.

Next morning, when it was time for the routine of swimming and sunbathing, his mother said, "Are you tired of the usual beach, Jerry? Would you like to go somewhere else?"

"Oh, no!" he said quickly, smiling at her out of that unfailing impulse of contrition - a sort of chivalry. Yet, walking down the path with her, he blurted out, "I'd like to go and have a look at those rocks down there."

She gave the idea her attention. It was a wild-looking place, and there was no one there, but she said, "Of course, Jerry. When you've had enough come to the big beach. Or just go straight back to the villa, if you like." She walked away, that bare arm, now slightly reddened from yesterday's sun, swinging. And he almost ran after her again, feeling it unbearable that she should go by herself, but he did not.

She was thinking, Of course he's old enough to be safe without me. Have I been keeping him too close? He mustn't feel he ought to be with me. I must be careful.

He was an only child, eleven years old. She was a widow. She was determined to be neither possessive nor lacking in devotion. She went worrying off to her beach.

As for Jerry, once he saw that his mother had gained her beach, he began the steep descent to the bay. From where he was, high up among red-brown

rocks, it was a scoop of moving bluish green fringed with white. As he went lower, he saw that it spread among small promontories and inlets of rough, sharp rock, and the crisping, lapping surface showed stains of purple and darker blue. Finally, as he ran sliding and scraping down the last few yards, he saw an edge of white surf, and the shallow, luminous movement of water over white sand, and, beyond that, a solid, heavy blue.

He ran straight into the water and began swimming. He was a good swimmer. He went out fast over the gleaming sand, over a middle region where rocks lay like discoloured monsters under the surface, and then he was in the real sea - a warm sea where irregular cold currents from the deep water shocked his limbs.

When he was so far out that he could look back not only on the little bay but past the promontory that was between it and the big beach, he floated on the buoyant surface and looked for his mother. There she was, a speck of yellow under an umbrella that looked like a slice of orange peel. He swam back to shore, relieved at being sure she was there, but all at once very lonely.

On the edge of a small cape that marked the side of the bay away from the promontory was a loose scatter of rocks. Above them, some boys were stripping off their clothes. They came running, naked, down to the rocks. The English boy swam towards them, and kept his distance at a stone's throw. They were of that coast, all of them burned smooth dark brown, and speaking a language he did not understand. To be with them, of them, was a craving that filled his whole body. He swam a little closer; they turned and watched him with narrowed, alert dark eyes. Then one smiled and waved. It was enough. In a minute, he had swum in and was on the rocks beside them, smiling with a desperate, nervous supplication. They shouted cheerful greetings at him, and then, as he preserved his nervous, uncomprehending smile, they understood that he was a foreigner strayed from his own beach, and they proceeded to forget him. But he was happy. He was with them.

They began diving again and again from a high point into a well of blue sea between rough, pointed rocks. After they had dived and come up, they swam around, hauled themselves up, and waited their turn to dive again. They were big boys — men to Jerry. He dived, and they watched him, and when he swam around to take his place, they made way for him. He felt he was accepted, and he dived again, carefully, proud of himself.

Soon the biggest of the boys poised himself, shot down into the water, and did not come up. The others stood about, watching. Jerry, after waiting for the sleek brown head to appear, let out a yell of warning; they looked at him idly and turned their eyes back towards the water. After a long time, the boy came up on the other side of a big dark rock, letting the air out of his lungs in a spluttering gasp and a shout of triumph. Immediately, the rest of them dived in. One moment, the morning seemed full of chattering boys; the next, the air and the surface of the water were empty. But through the heavy blue, dark shapes could be seen moving and groping.

Jerry dived, shot past the school of underwater swimmers, saw a black wall of rock looming at him, touched it, and bobbed up at once to the surface,

where the wall was a low barrier he could see across. There was no one visible; under him, in the water, the dim shapes of the swimmers had disappeared. Then one, and then another of the boys came up on the far side of the barrier of rock, and he understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it. He plunged down again. He could see nothing through the stinging salt water but the blank rock. When he came up, the boys were all on the diving rock, preparing to attempt the feat again. And now, in a panic of failure, he yelled up, in English, "Look at me! Look!" and he began splashing and kicking in the water like a foolish dog.

They looked down gravely, frowning. He knew the frown. At moments of failure, when he clowned to claim his mother's attention, it was with just this grave, embarrassed inspection that she rewarded him. Through his hot shame, feeling the pleading grin on his face like a scar that he could never remove, he looked up at the group of big brown boys on the rock and shouted, "Bonjour! Merci! Au revoir! Monsieur, monsieur!"while he hooked his fingers round his ears and waggled them.

Water surged into his mouth; he choked, sank, came up. The rock, lately weighed with boys, seemed to rear up out of the water as their weight was removed. They were flying down past him, now, into the water; the air was full of falling bodies. Then the rock was empty in the hot sunlight. He counted one, two, three . . . .

At fifty, he was terrified. They must all be drowning beneath him, in the watery caves of the rock! At a hundred, he stared around him at the empty hillside, wondering if he should yell for help. He counted faster, faster, to hurry them up, to bring them to the surface quickly, to drown them quickly - anything rather than the terror of counting on and on into the blue emptiness of the morning. And then, at a hundred and sixty, the water beyond the rock was full of boys blowing like brown whales. They swam back to the shore without a look at him.

He climbed back to the diving rock and sat down, feeling the hot roughness of it under his thighs. The boys were gathering up their bits of clothing and running off along the shore to another promontory. They were leaving to get away from him. He cried openly, fists in his eyes. There was no one to see him, and he cried himself out.

It seemed to him that a long time had passed, and he swam out to where he could see his mother. Yes, she was still there, a yellow spot under an orange umbrella. He swam back to the big rock, climbed up, and dived into the blue pool among the fanged and angry boulders. Down he went, until he touched the wall of rock again. But the salt was so painful in his eyes that he could not see.

He came to the surface, swam to shore and went back to the villa to wait for his mother. Soon she walked slowly up the path, swinging her striped bag, the flushed, naked arm dangling beside her. "I want some swimming goggles," he panted, defiant and beseeching.

She gave him a patient, inquisitive look as she said casually, "Well, of course, darling."

But now, now, now! He must have them this minute, and no other time. He nagged and pestered until she went with him to a shop. As soon as she had bought the goggles, he grabbed them from her hand as if she were going to claim them for herself, and was off, running down the steep path to the bay.

Jerry swam out to the big barrier rock, adjusted the goggles, and dived. The impact of the water broke the rubber-enclosed vacuum, and the goggles came loose. He understood that he must swim down to the base of the rock from the surface of the water. He fixed the goggles tight and firm, filled his lungs, and floated, face down, on the water. Now he could see. It was as if he had eyes of a different kind —fish eyes that showed everything clear and delicate and wavering in the bright water.

Under him, six or seven feet down, was a floor of perfectly clean, shining white sand, rippled firm and hard by the tides. Two greyish shapes steered there, like long, rounded pieces of wood or slate. They were fish. He saw them nose towards each other, poise motionless, make a dart forward, swerve off, and come around again. It was like a water dance. A few inches above them, the water sparkled as if sequins were dropping through it. Fish again —myriads of minute fish, the length of his fingernail, were drifting through the water, and in a moment he could feel the innumerable tiny touches of them against his limbs. It was like swimming in flaked silver. The great rock the big boys had swum through rose sheer out of the white sand, black, tufted lightly with greenish weed. He could see no gap in it. He swam down to its base.

Again and again he rose, took a big chestful of air, and went down. Again and again he groped over the surface of the rock, feeling it, almost hugging it in the desperate need to find the entrance. And then, once, while he was clinging to the black wall, his knees came up and he shot his feet out forward and they met no obstacle. He had found the hole.

He gained the surface, clambered about the stones that littered the barrier rock until he found a big one, and, with this in his arms, let himself down over the side of the rock. He dropped, with the weight, straight to the sandy floor. Clinging tight to the anchor of stone, he lay on his side and looked in under the dark shelf at the place where his feet had gone. He could see the hole. It was an irregular, dark gap, but he could not see deep into it. He let go of his anchor, clung with his hands to the edges of the hole, and tried to push himself in.

He got his head in, found his shoulders jammed, moved them in sidewise, and was inside as far as his waist. He could see nothing ahead. Something soft and clammy touched his mouth, he saw a dark frond moving against the greyish rock, and panic filled him. He thought of octopuses, of clinging weed. He pushed himself out backward and caught a glimpse, as he retreated, of a harmless tentacle of seaweed drifting in the mouth of the tunnel. But it was enough. He reached the sunlight, swam to shore, and lay on the diving rock. He looked down into the blue well of water. He knew he must

find his way through that cave, or hole, or tunnel, and out the other side.

First, he thought, he must learn to control his breathing. He let himself down into the water with another big stone in his arms, so that he could lie effortlessly on the bottom of the sea. He counted. One, two, three. He counted steadily. He could hear the movement of blood in his chest. Fifty-one, fifty-two . . . . His chest was hurting. He let go of the rock and went up into the air. He saw that the sun was low. He rushed to the villa and found his mother at her supper. She said only "Did you enjoy yourself?" and he said "Yes."

All night, the boy dreamed of the water-filled cave in the rock, and as soon as breakfast was over he went to the hay.

That night, his nose bled badly. For hours he had been underwater, learning to hold his breath, and now he felt weak and dizzy. His mother said, "I shouldn't overdo things, darling, if I were you."

That day and the next, Jerry exercised his lungs as if everything, the whole of his life, all that he would become, depended upon it. And again his nose bled at night, and his mother insisted on his coming with her the next day. It was a torment to him to waste a day of his careful self-training, but he stayed with her on that other beach, which now seemed a place for small children, a place where his mother might lie safe in the sun. It was not his beach.

He did not ask for permission, on the following day, to go to his beach. He went, before his mother could consider the complicated rights and wrongs of the matter. A day's rest, he discovered, had improved his count by ten. The big boys had made the passage while he counted a hundred and sixty. He had been counting fast, in his fright. Probably now, if he tried, he could get through that long tunnel, but he was not going to try yet.

A curious, most unchildlike persistence, a controlled impatience, made him wait. In the meantime, he lay underwater on the white sand, littered now by stones he had brought down from the upper air, and studied the entrance to the tunnel. He knew every jut and corner of it, as far as it was possible to see. It was as if he already felt its sharpness about his shoulders.

He sat by the clock in the villa, when his mother was not near, and checked his time. He was incredulous and then proud to find he could hold his breath without strain for two minutes. The words "two minutes", authorized by the clock, brought the adventure that was so necessary to him close.

In another four days, his mother said casually one morning, they must go home. On the day before they left, he would do it. He would do it if it killed him, he said defiantly to himself. But two days before they were to leave - a day of triumph when he increased his count by fifteen - his nose bled so badly that he turned dizzy and had to lie limply over the big rock like a bit of seaweed, watching the thick red blood flow on to the rock and trickle slowly down to the sea. He was frightened. Supposing he turned dizzy in the tunnel? Supposing he died there, trapped? Supposing —his head went around, in the hot sun, and he almost gave up. He thought he would return to the house and lie down, and next summer, perhaps, when he had another year's growth in him - then he would go through the hole.

But even after he had made the decision, or thought he had, he found himself sitting up on the rock and looking down into the water, and he knew that now, this moment when his nose had only just stopped bleeding, when his head was still sore and throbbing — this was the moment when he would try. If he did not do it now, he never would. He was trembling with fear that he would not go, and he was trembling with horror at that long, long tunnel under the rock, under the sea. Even in the open sunlight, the barrier rock seemed very wide and very heavy; tons of rock pressed down on where he would go. If he died there, he would lie until one day —perhaps not before next year — those big boys would swim into it and find it blocked.

He put on his goggles, fitted them tight, tested the vacuum. His hands were shaking. Then he chose the biggest stone he could carry and slipped over the edge of the rock until half of him was in the cool, enclosing water and half in the hot sun. He looked up once at the empty sky, filled his lungs once, twice, and then sank fast to the bottom with the stone. He let it go and began to count. He took the edges of the hole in his hands and drew himself into it, wriggling his shoulders in sidewise as he remembered he must, kicking himself along with his feet.

Soon he was clear inside. He was in a small rock-bound hole filled with yellowish-grey water. The water was pushing him up against the roof. The roof was sharp and pained his back. He pulled himself along with his hands — fast, fast — and used his legs as levers. His head knocked against

something; a sharp pain dizzied him. Fifty, fifty-one, fifty-two . . . . He was without light, and the water seemed to press upon him with the weight of rock. Seventy-one, seventy-two . . . . There was no strain on his lungs. He felt like an inflated balloon, his lungs were so light and easy, but his head was pulsing.

He was being continually pressed against the sharp roof, which felt slimy as well as sharp. Again he thought of octopuses, and wondered if the tunnel might be filled with weed that could tangle him. He gave himself a panicky, convulsive kick forward, ducked his head, and swam. His feet and hands moved freely, as if in open water. The hole must have widened out. He thought he must be swimming fast, and he was frightened of banging his head if the tunnel narrowed.

A hundred, a hundred and one. . . The water paled. Victory filled him. His lungs were beginning to hurt. A few more strokes and he would be out. He was counting wildly; he said a hundred and fifteen, and then, a long time later, a hundred and fifteen again. The water was a clear jewel-green all around him. Then he saw, above his head, a crack running up through the rock. Sunlight was falling through it, showing the clean dark rock of the tunnel, a single mussel shell, and darkness ahead.

He was at the end of what he could do. He looked up at the crack as if it were filled with air and not water, as if he could put his mouth to it to draw in air. A hundred and fifteen, he heard himself say inside his head — but he had said that long ago. He must go on into the blackness ahead, or he would drown. His head was swelling, his lungs cracking. A hundred and fifteen, a hundred and fifteen pounded through his head, and he feebly clutched at rocks in the dark, pulling himself forward, leaving the brief space of sunlit water behind. He felt he was dying. He was no longer quite conscious. He struggled on in the darkness between lapses into unconsciousness. An immense, swelling pain filled his head, and then the darkness cracked with an explosion of green light. His hands, groping forward, met nothing, and his feet, kicking back, propelled him out into the open sea.

He drifted to the surface, his face turned up to the air. He was gasping like a fish. He felt he would sink now and drown; he could not swim the few feet back to the rock. Then he was clutching it and pulling himself up on it. He lay face down, gasping. He could see nothing but a red-veined, clotted dark. His eyes must have burst, he thought; they were full of blood. He tore off his goggles and a gout of blood went into the sea. His nose was bleeding, and the blood had filled the goggles.

He scooped up handfuls of water from the cool, salty sea, to splash on his face, and did not know whether it was blood or salt water he tasted. After a time, his heart quieted, his eyes cleared, and he sat up. He could see the local boys diving and playing half a mile away. He did not want them. He wanted nothing but to get back home and lie down.

In a short while, Jerry swam to shore and climbed slowly up the path to the villa. He flung himself on his bed and slept, waking at the sound of feet on the path outside. His mother was coming back. He rushed to the bathroom, thinking she must not see his face with bloodstains, or tearstains, on it. He carne out of the bathroom and met her as she walked into the villa, smiling, her eyes lighting up. "Have a nice morning?" she asked, laying her head on his warm brown shoulder a moment.

"Oh, yes, thank you," he said.

"You look a bit pale." And then, sharp and anxious. "How did you bang your head?"

"Oh, just banged it," he told her.

She looked at him closely. He was strained. His eyes were glazed-looking. She was worried. And then she said to herself, "Oh, don't fuss! Nothing can happen. He can swim like a fish."

They sat down to lunch together.

"Mummy," he said, "I can stay under water for two minutes —three minutes, at least."

It came bursting out of him.

"Can you, darling?" she said. "Well, I shouldn't overdo it. I don't think you ought to swim any more today."

She was ready for a battle of wills, but he gave in at once. It was no longer of the least importance to go to the bay.


笔记本电脑设置为10.77.77.XX(非77就可以),用超级终端连接10.77.77.77。用户名admin,密码password。登陆后会提示你改许多用户的密码,直接按回车,不做更改。help命令提示你如何操作。zonehelp提示你如何操作zone。zonecreate命令创建zone。命令如下:zonecreate"zone_name","number;number"。这里number可以是"域,端口号",也可以是"wwn",还可以是zone的别名和Quickloop AL_PAs。交换机默认域为1,端口号从0-15。可以用switchshow来查看配置。重要的是记住必须用cfgsave保存,和cfgenable让其生效。 *********************************************************** 在IBM 2109光纤通道交换机上设置分区的步骤 环境 SAN 2109 如何在IBM 2109光纤通道交换机上设置分区(Zoning)在存储区域网络中划分分区(Zoning)可以适应不同的服务器对存储的需求,可以提高网络存储数据的完整性和安全性。在IBM2109光纤交换机上划分分区需要如下的步骤。 1、创建成员(Member) 创建分区中的成员,实际上是帮助管理员对分区进行管理,即是为分

区中的成员(交换机端口或WWPN)分配较容易记忆的名字。创建的命令是aliCreate“助记名称”,“端口;或WWPN”。 例如 aliCreate “TechSvr”,“1,1” aliCreate “TechDisk”,“D1WWPN;D2WWPN” aliCreate “Sales”,“1,5;D3WWPN;D4WWPN” 在上面,我们创建了三个成员,名称分别为“TechSvr,TechDisk和Sales”,它们所对应的成员分别为“端口1(包括交换机的域信息)”、“D1的WWPN和D2的 WWPN”、“端口5、D3的WWPN和D4的WWPN”。 2、创建分区(Zone) 创建分区是针对助记名称,将它们划分为不同的分区。同一分区内的设备,可以相互通讯;不同分区内的设备,不能相互通讯。创建的命令是 zoneCreate “Zone的名称”,“成员的助记名称;(成员的助记名称)”。例如 zoneCreate “ZoneTech”,“TechSvr;TechDisk” zoneCreate “ZoneSales”,“Sales” 在上面,我们创建了两个分区,分别为“ZoneTech和ZoneSales”,其中ZoneTech包括TechSvr和TechDisk所代表的成员,ZoneSales包括Sales所代表的成员。具体的成员请参见上面成员的定义。zonecreate命令创建zone。


用友财务 用友财务软件说明书 关于用友软件操作的有关注意事项如下: 1、第一次运行时没有系统管理员密码(密码为空),用户最好在第一次运行时就改入新的密码,以防疏漏。 2、作为第一次运行,以下步骤必不可少:设置操作员、建立帐套、分配操作员权限这项工作必须在运行客户端子系统之前进行,否则由于不存在可用的帐套,客户端会登录失败(除非是登录演示帐套999)。 3、首先要将登录到系统管理中的各项功能和任务退出,然后退出各子系统。只有退出UFERP-M系统后才能关机,否则将造成数据丢失。 4、还应注意凭证的审核和记帐应该分工行使,系统也做了智能化的考虑。 第一节、系统安装、启动、财务管理 (一)安装: 使用用友财务系统软件安装总帐系统和UFO报表系统。(这里只介绍这两个系统,其它的待以后在做详细说明)。 (二)启动: 按照以下程序进入并启动系统: 用友——系统服务——系统管理——系统——注册。具体如图1.1和1.2所示。 (图1.1) (图1.2) 注意:图1.1的密码不用输,直接进入。 (三)建立帐套:

1、按照系统管理——帐套——建立,就会见到以下图示。(如下图,1.3——1.6)。在这几张图中详细介绍了关于建立帐套的步骤。 按照上图输入信息,如果完成请按下一步按扭。然后,见(图1.4) 上述空白处最好完全填写,填完信息后继续下一步,入下图(1.5)所示 次项内容最好照实际情况填写,为了以后备查。

在这里最好点击‘按行业性质预置科目’选择框。然后,继续下一步操作。如(图1.6) 接着,会出现可创建帐套了的对话框,选择‘是’即可。出现(图1.7)。这时,你可以根据公司的大小选择存货的详细程度及级别(如供货方的情况、部门情况、地区情况等)但最好也是不应改动。


telnet admin password ctrl+c Help 不带任何参数会列出所有交换机的命令 带参数时输出如下 Switchshow 查看交换机状态 Chassisshow 显示外壳信息.重要的是可以显示序列号

Configure, 以菜单的形式对交换机进行配置.这个命令需要先使用switchdisable命令将交换暂停使用.第一个选项Fabric parameters 如选yes.那么我们可以进入他的子选项去更改domain ID. Configdefault 恢复出厂默认设置,也需要先做switchdisable Licenseshow, licenseadd, licenseremove, license的添加,查看,删除命令 configupload 和configdownload,可以将配置文件上传或下载.支持ftp scp和local ipAddrShow和ipAddrSet,查看设置管理端口的IP地址

Version: 查看firmware 版本 Sfpshow查看sfp状态 Userconfig 查看和配置登陆账号

Domainsshow 查看交换机的domain信息 Zone 的配置 Zoning是Brocade交换机上的标准功能,通过在SAN网络中交换机上进行Zoning的配置,可以将连接在SAN网络中的设备,逻辑上划分为不同的区域,使各区域的设备相互间不能访问,是网络中的主机和设备间相互隔离 Zone的配置示例

创建Members,就是给端口或wwn创建别名,这里创建了3个别名,每个别名包括3个端口. 红线标出的1,1表示domain1 中的1号端口. 创建Zones 通过zonecreate 命令可以将别名,或端口名添加到zone中. 创建Configurations.将创建的zone添加到配置中.


新中大财务软件使用说明 第一部分:核算单位管理 1、双击桌面上的“新中大软件”图标,打开后双击其中的“核算单位”运行 “核算单位管理模块”。 2、首先系统要求输入系统管理员口令。首次运行时的缺省口令为12345。建议 你进入系统后即行更改系统管理员的密码,以确保数据的安全。 3、密码输入正确后,按回车键或用鼠标点击“确认”,即可进行具体的操作。 4、新增帐套步骤:帐套功能——新建帐套——存入 在参数中,帐套号、单位名称、行业(选择企业会计制度)、单位负责人、财务主管、建账日期及模块选择(账务处理系统、报表处理系统)这几项是必须要填的,其余则可视情况填写。 此外,在以上的参数中,帐套号,行业,建账日期这几项是不允许直接修改的。 “建账日期”是指计算机正式记账的月份。假如当前月份是2005年3月份,而又想从本年的1月份开始做账,则“建账日期”处输入的是2005年1月1日。“建账日期”还将影响账务时科目余额的输入:如某单位的建账日期为2005年1月1日,初始化时应录入2004年底的余额;如某单位的建账日期为2005年7月1日,则初始化时应录入2005年6月底的余额和1至6月的借贷方累计发生数。 5、修改帐套信息:帐套功能——修改帐套信息——确认 (1)只能进行局部的修改,并不是所有的项目都可以修改的,如帐套号、行业性质、建账日期等是不允许修改的,如果要对这些选项进行修改,则必须把此帐套删除,然后重新增加帐套。 (2)“财务主管”名称的修改,只能针对以后的年度有效,对于以前年度和当前年度,财务主管是不允许修改的。 (3)其他的内容可以自由修改。 6、删除帐套:帐套功能——删除帐套——是 删除帐套后的数据是无法恢复的,因此,对帐套删除操作千万慎重。


1博科光纤交换机划zone 应用对象:博科光纤交换机,光纤交换模块 将一条链路上的所有设备对应端口划在同一zone里,保存链路畅通,具体步骤如下: 关于SAN Switch Zone设置,请登录SAN Switch命令行界面。 SAN Switch管理口IP为10.77.77.77,用户名为admin,密码为password 1.进入命令行界面后,请首先设置别名 命令格式为alicreate “aliName”, “member[; member...]” 例如,alicreate “zonetest”,” 1,10; 1,11; 1,12”,即设置别名zonetest,其中包含Domain ID为1的光纤交换机上的10,11,12三个光纤口。如不确认光纤交换机的Domain ID,可输入命令switchshow,先确认一下。 2.创建Zone 命令格式为zonecreate "zonename", "member[; member...]" 例如,zonecreate “zonestore”,”zonetest”,即创建Zone,Zone名称为zonestore,包含zonetest。 3.创建配置文件

命令格式为cfgcreate "cfgName", "member[ ;member...]" 例如,cfgcre ate “cfgstore”,”zonestore”,即创建配置文件cfgstore,包含zonestore。 4.选用配置 命令格式为cfgenable "cfgName" 例如,cfgenable “cfgstore”,即启用配置配置文件cfgarray,输入后会提示确认启用配置文件,输入yes确认。 5.保存配置 cfgsave,保存zone设置,根据提示,输入yes确认保存配置。 6.查看Zone 配置完成后,可输入zoneshow,查看zone配置。


用友财务软件使用 说明书

用友财务软件使用教程(一) 第一节系统管理 企业级会计信息系统与传统的会计信息系统有着根本的不同,它由三大系列、十几个子系统构成,各个子系统为同一个主体的不同需要服务,本身具有相对独立的功能,但彼此之间又具有紧密的联系.它们共用一个数据库,具有公共的基础信息,拥有相同的账套和年度账。只有这样,才能达到数据共享,最终实现财务、业务一体化的管理。 一、系统管理的主要功能 系统管理模块主要功能是对系统的各个子系统进行统一的操作管理和数据维护,具体包括以下几个方面: 1. 账套管理 账套指的是一组相互关联的数据。一般来说,能够为企业中每一个独立核算的单位建立一个账套,系统最多能够建立999套账。 账套管理包括账套的建立、修改、引入、输出等。 2. 年度账管理 在企业级会计信息系统中,用户不但能够建立多个账套,而且每个账套中还能够放不同年度的会计数据。这样,对不同核算单位、不同时期的数据只需要设置相应的系统路径,就能够方便地进行操作。 年度账管理包括年度账的建立、清空、引入、输出和结转上年数据。 3. 操作权限的集中管理以及安全机制的统一设立 为了保证系统及数据的安全与保密.系统管理提供了操作员及操作权限的集中管理能。经过对系统操作分工和权限的管理一方面能够避免与业务无关的人员进入系统,另一方面能够对系统所含的各个子产品的操作进行协调以保证各负其责,流程流畅。操作权限的集中包括设定系统各模块的操作管理员以及为操作员分配一定的权限。设立统一的安全机制包括数据库的备份、功能表及上机日志。 二、系统启用的及基本流程 1. 新用户操作流程 三、启动系统管理 启动系统管理将涉及到具体操作过程,下面以用友财务及企管软件UFERP-


目录 一、编制依据 (2) 二、编制原则 (2) 三、工程概况 (2) 五、分工序施工方法 (4) 1、台阶法开挖 (4) 2、全断面开挖 (5) 3、出碴 (6) 4、机械手喷射混凝土 (6) 5、锚杆 (7) 6、仰拱及填充混凝土 (8) 7、拱墙混凝土 (9) 六、施工资源配置 (9) 1、劳动组织 (9) 2、施工机械设备配置 (10) 七、质量保证措施 (10) 八、安全保证措施 (11) 九、进度保证措施 (11) 十、施工环保、水土保持、文明施工措施 (12)

一、编制依据 1、*******铁路站前工程********隧道工程施工设计图; 2、《客运专线铁路隧道工程施工指南》(TZ213-2005); 3、《客运专线铁路隧道工程施工质量验收暂行标准》铁建设[2005]160号; 4、《***********标段实施性施工组织设计》; 5、国家现行有关施工规范、验收标准及相似条件施工经验。 二、编制原则 1、优先考虑施工安全、质量、环保。精心组织施工,合理安排工序,确保无安全、质量、环境事故发生; 2、在施工方案中,坚持施工技术先进、施工方案可行、重信誉守合同、施工组织科学合理、按期优质安全高效、不留后患; 3、交叉平行作业、均衡生产原则; 4、以人为本,充分利用机械化作业原则; 5、发挥科技兴企,大力推广、应用“四新”原则; 6、现场施工的实际情况。 三、工程概况 ***********************境内,隧道起止里程为DK124 +982~ DK139+580,全长14598m,为全线I级风险隧道,也是全线重(难)点及控制工期工程。该区域山高坡陡交通不便,村寨分布,植被发育,隧道区有多条乡村公路穿行,施工难度较大,因此工期压力较为突出。 从隧道地质说明揭示***隧道为前震旦系板溪群浅变质岩,包括板岩、千枚岩、片岩、变质砂岩等,各种岩性相间分布,岩溶十分发育。该隧道具有岩溶、断层破碎带、岩爆、软质岩变形等不良地质段,易产生塌坍、突泥涌水、等灾害。围岩分级:Ⅲ级7185m(49.2%),Ⅳ级5205m(35.7%),Ⅴ级2208m(15.1%)。


一、使用前准备工作 一、安装前的准备工作 1、首先,建立个名为“备份”的文件夹(将来备份用)。 打开我的电脑→双击D盘或其他非系统盘→ 新建“金蝶软件” 目录→双击“金蝶软件”目录→单击右键“新建”→ 文件夹→ 系统生成一个新文件夹,输入文件夹的名字“备份”。 2、然后,同样的方法建立一个专门存放账套的文件夹。 二、快速入门 (一)、窗口说明; 1、标题栏:显示窗口名称。 2、控制菜单:常用命令,使窗口放大、缩小、关闭。 3、菜单条:包含窗口所有特定的命令,如…文件?。 (二)、鼠标操作: 1、单击:按下鼠标按键,立即放开。一般用于定位或选择做某个对象。 2、双击:快速地按两次鼠标按键。一般用于执行某个动作。 3、拖动:按下鼠标按键保持不放,然后移动,可将某个对象拖到指定位置。 4、指向:移动鼠标,使屏幕上的鼠标指针指向选择的项目。 注:如不特别声明,有关鼠标的操作均使用鼠标左键。 (三)、常用命令按钮 1、[增加]按钮:单击此按钮增加资料。 2、[修改]按钮:选中要修改的资料后单击此按钮修改资料。 3、[删除]按钮;选中资料后单击此按钮删除选中的资料。 4、[关闭]按钮:关闭当前窗口,返回上一级窗口。 5、[确认]按钮:确认输入有效。 6、[取消]按钮:输入无效,或取消某个操作。 (四)、菜单功能简介 文件菜单____ 对帐套操作的各种功能按钮。 功能菜单____ 系统各模块的启动按钮。 基础资料---- 系统基本资料设置 工具菜单____ 用于用户的授权、口令的更改、现金流量表工具等。 窗口---- 用于对软件的窗口布局的改变 帮助菜单____ 系统的在线帮助、常见问题、版本的查询。 三、软件的安装 1、硬加密软件的安装 关闭计算机→将加密卡插入计算机后的打印机接口上→ 将打印机电缆接在加密卡上→ 打开计算机,启动系统→将安装光盘放入光驱内→单击“金蝶KIS标准版”→根据系统提示进行操作→安装完毕→重新启动计算机。 2、软加密软件的安装


隧道施工机械设备配置 摘要:本文结合贵广铁路其岭隧道施工计划,介绍了隧道施工机械设备配置原则、设备配置必须解决的几个关键问题以及隧道施工过程中常用的机械设备。 关键词:隧道施工,机械化施工,设备配置,配置原则 Abstract: combining with your wide railway tunnel construction plan of its, introduces the tunnel construction machinery equipment configuration, equipment configuration must solve the principle of several key issues and tunnel construction process of the mechanical equipment. Keywords: tunnel construction, mechanical construction, equipment configuration, allocation principles 我国隧道机械化施工经历了小型设备钻爆法施工、大型无轨运输设备钻爆法施工和非钻爆法施工三个阶段,从部分机械化作业逐步走上综合机械化作业的过程。从人工开挖到TBM(隧道掘进机)的使用,我国目前隧道机械化施工的综合水平与上世纪相比已经有了质的飞跃。 隧道施工机械配置原则 生产性:指指单机组合配套后形成的生产作业面所具备的综合性能和生产能力。隧道施工机械的选型配置应从机械配置后的整体能力入手,实现各个单机的机械性能与整体生产能力相匹配,达到既经济又合理的最佳组合。可靠性:指各单机在运转过程中要求能稳定的保持其良好的技术性能,可靠的在规定时间和施工条件下完成工期所要求的额定功率。安全性:一是指机械本身的安全运转功能;二是指机械运转时对设备操作人员和周围施工人员的安全保障,机械上应配备相应的安全防护装置。耐久性:指配置机组中的各单机应经久耐用,应达到技术寿命相互匹配。维修性:指配置的设备便于检查、维修和保养,利于设备备件的采购和储存。经济性;指在配置机械设备时应首先考虑经济合理的节能型设备,要结合国情,尽量面向国内市场。配置的设备应与隧道本身的地位和投资能力相适应。适应性:指设备能适应多种地质条件下不同的施工方案,能满足辅助工法的施工需要。 现我标段内其岭隧道设备配置生产性基本能达到经济合理组合,但可靠性和安全性存在一定的问题。首先其岭隧道设备配置普遍超负荷运转,机况较差,造成机械设备返修率比较高,不能长时间保持较好的技术性能,既增加了设备维修成本,又影响了工程施工进度。其次设备存在的安全隐患较多,洞内施工机械所需的基本的安全防护措施不到位,这样极易对设备操作人员和周围施工人员造成伤害。



主机存储划分手册 1、配置交换机zone 2、存储端进行划分 3、主机端进行硬盘识别,配置 一、准备工作,存储连接拓扑图 二、 1.1查看HPUX服务器WWN号码: gsgkdb2:[/]#ioscan -knfNCfc Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description =================================== ============================== fc 0 1/0/4/1/0 fcd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB378-60101

4Gb Single Port PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter (FC Port 1) /dev/fcd0 fc 1 1/0/6/1/0 fcd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB378-60101 4Gb Single Port PCI/PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter (FC Port 1) /dev/fcd1 #fcmsutil /dev/fcd0 N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50014380057a0f11 N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50014380057a0f10 Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x20440027f8701400 Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x10000027f8701400 N_Port Symbolic Port Name = gsgkdb2_fcd0 N_Port Symbolic Node Name = gsgkdb2_HP-UX_B.11.31


金蝶财务软件使用情况说明书 金蝶KIS根据中国企业在不同发展阶段的管理需要,分为迷你版、标准版、行政事业版、专业版。其中标准版提供了总账、报表、工资、固定资产、出纳管理、往来管理、财务分析等企业全面财务核算和管理。 一、使用前准备工作 (一)安装前的准备工作 1、首先,建立一个名为”备份”的文件夹(将来备份用)。 打开我的电脑→双击D盘或其他非系统盘→新建“金蝶软件”目录→双击“金蝶软件”目录→单击右键“新建”→文件夹→系统生成一个新文件夹,输入文件夹的名字“备份”。 2、然后,同样的方法建立一个专门存放账套的文件夹。 (二)快速入门 1、窗口说明: (1)标题栏,显示窗口名称。 (2)控制菜单:常用命令,使窗口放大、缩小、关闭。 (3)菜单条:包含窗口所有特定的命令,如‘文件’。 2、鼠标操作: (1)单击:按下鼠标按键,立即放开。一般用于定位或选择做某个对象。 (2)双击:快速地按两次鼠标按键。一般用于执行某个动作。 (3)拖动:按下鼠标按键保持不放,然后移动,可将某个对象拖到指定位置。 (4)指向:移动鼠标,使屏幕上的鼠标指针指向选择的项目。 注:如不特别声明,有关鼠标的操作均使用鼠标左键。 3、常用命令按钮 (1)[增加]按钮:单击此按钮增加资料。 (2)[修改]按钮:选中要修改的资料后单击此按钮修改资料。 (3)[删除]按钮;选中资料后单击此按钮删除选中的资料。 (4)[关闭]按钮:关闭当前窗口,返回上一级窗口。 (5)[确认]按钮:确认输入有效。 (6)[取消]按钮:输入无效,或取消某个操作。 4、菜单功能简介 (1)文件菜单 ____ 对帐套操作的各种功能按钮。 (2)功能菜单 ____ 系统各模块的启动按钮。 (3)基础资料 ---- 系统基本资料设置。 (4)工具菜单 ____ 用于用户的授权、口令的更改、现金流量表工具等。 (5)窗口 ---- 用于对软件的窗口布局的改变。 (6)帮助菜单 ____ 系统的在线帮助、常见问题、版本的查询。 (三)软件的安装 1、硬加密软件的安装 关闭计算机→将加密卡插入计算机后的打印机接口上→将打印机电缆接在加密卡上→打开计算机,启动系统→将安装光盘放入光驱内→单击“金蝶KIS标准版”→根据系统提示进行操作→安装完毕→重新启动计算机。 2、软加密软件的安装 A、单机版的安装


Brocade交换机zone配置操作流程 一.通过web tools图形管理工具进行配置 1. 通过WEB界面登陆web tools管理工具 直接打开IE浏览器,输入交换机IP地址,即可进入。进入后如下图: 2.点击B区(左下角)中的Zone管理(),进入如下配置界面:

请按下面流程对zone进行操作,操作主要集中于zone选项卡和config选项卡。当然如何要为端口定义别名还要在alias选项卡进行别名定义。 2.1 建立别名(可选) 先进行别名配置,点击Alias选项卡.(别名为可选操作,主要用于用户对设备及端口更好识别.),点击create建立别名,将端口和WWN指定给这个别名即可. 2.2 划分zone 点击zone选项卡,再点击create建立zone,将需要连接相应存储设备的主机端口与存储端口划分到一个zone中(选中要增加的端口或定义的别名端口,增加到右边,即增加到了相应的zone中).也可以对zone进行改名或将不要的zone进行删除。 2.3 建立配置文件 点击config选项卡,再点击create建立新的配置文件,将我们上一步划分好的zone加入配置文件(选中要增加的zone,增加到右边,即增加到了相应的config文件中).如果用户已有配置文件,可以将新增加的zone加入到配置文件中。 2.4 保存更改后的配置文件 每次对zone进行增加更改后均要进行此操作,选择Action菜单中的save config将配置文件进行保存,如不保存,交换机重启将造成配置丢失. 2.5 启用更改后配置文件 每次对zone进行增加更改后均要进行此操作,选择Action菜单中的enable config启用配置文件.Zone配置完成.


第二章通用财务管理系统 通用财务管理系统软件是一套集成了帐务、报表、工资、固定资产等系统于一体的财务管理系统。系统具有操作简单、功能实用强大、界面清新易懂、所见即所得的特点。现有世纪七版、世纪八版、世纪九版、MP4版、会计宝贝共五个版本。会计宝贝首创自编数据库,不需安装。程序精悍灵巧,除了可以装在U盘移动使用外,还能支持局域网、远程网共享,功能齐全结构严谨,集十余年财务软件开发经验之大成,是革命性的新产品。以下是各个版本的功能比较:

一.系统初始化 1.1 帐套管理 启动本系统后,第一个出现的为“帐套管理”对话框。运用该对话框上的功能按钮,实现打开帐套、新建帐套、备份帐套与删除帐套等管理操作。 1.1.1 打开帐套 打开一个已经存在的帐套。首先,在左边的列表框中,用鼠标选择一个帐

套名称,再按右边的“打开帐套”功能按钮,系统出现操作员身份确认对话框,输入用户名与密码,然后按“确定”按钮。 帐套打开后,系统初始化相关内容,然后出现系统主界面,界面的左边显示八个主模块:期初、凭证、帐薄、报表、工资、固定资产、期末、系统维护及其他,单击其中的某一模块,在窗口右边显示其相关功能(简称功能窗口)。 1.1.2 新建帐套 建立一个新的帐套,新建的帐套数量本系统没有限制。 第一步:输入帐套名称、用户单位名称,选择开帐日期。凭证种类选择(世纪八版以上版本):一种(记帐凭证)或三种(收款、付款、转帐凭证)。如果要从其它帐套导入,选择“导入帐套”按钮。 第二步:输入记帐本位币符号与名称,选择各级科目的长度)。会计科目的级数最多可达6级,但代码的总长度不超过15个字符。 第三步:输入系统管理员的名称与密码(提醒:记住密码),如果在“会计科目按新财务制度(2007年执行)预设”处打勾,新帐套的会计科目将自动按新会计制度设置。如果以上三步均完成,选择“创建帐套”按钮。 导入帐套:选择一个已存在的帐套,输入该帐套的管理员名称与密码,然后选择“创建帐套”按钮。 1.1.3 帐套备份与恢复 帐套数据要及时备份,避免由于病毒、硬盘损坏等原因造成数据丢失。备份有两种方法: 点击备份帐套按扭,系统弹出帐套备份与恢复窗口(如图2-1所示)。在左边选择一个帐套,在右边选择驱动器与目录,然后按“数据备份”按钮即可。 帐套恢复:在右边选择存在备份文件的驱动器与目录,然后按“数据恢复”按钮。 启用系统自动备份:在左边选择一个帐套,然后点击“启用系统自动备份”按扭,弹出自动备份窗口,您根据自己的需要选择一个日期的备份,点击启用备份即可。 注意:系统自动产生该帐套最近5个不同日期有效操作的备份,如果该帐

Cisco Fabric Manager zone 配置手册

概述 Cisco Fabric Manager是一种基于Web、易于使用的响应性应用,能够用集成式方法实现交换机和网络管理,从而简化存储局域网(SAN)中Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机的管理。Cisco Fabric Manager能够为存储管理员提供网络级管理功能,包括识别、多交换机配置、连续网络监控和故障排除。这种功能强大的方法能够大大缩短交换机的设置时间,提高整个网络的可靠性,并提供丰富的诊断信息,帮助解决网络问题和配置不一致性。 利用Cisco Fabric Manager的直观图形界面,存储管理员可以对交换机配置进行对比,对Cisco MDS 9000系列交换机进行配置策略检查,为通报第三方错误管理应用设置阈值,实时查看单台设备的统计数据和总体统计数据,以及分析历史性能统计数据等。 所有这些功能都可以通过一个安全的界面执行,而且几乎能够从任何位置远程管理。设置或查看光纤交换机管理IP 1登陆光纤交换机 使用串口(9600、8、none、1、none)登陆光纤交换机。默认用户名为admin,密码在第一次登陆系统时会提示设置。如果是新安装的光线交换机,在第一次登陆时系统还会提示完成初始化设置。按照向导对交换机设置即可,或在命令提示符下输入“setup”调用设置向导。2设置管理IP 步骤命令注释 1 switch# config terminal 进入配置模式 2 switch(config)# interface mgmt 0 进入管理口 3 switch(config-if)#ip address 1.1.1 设置IP地址 4 switch(config-if)#no shutdown 启用管理口 5 switch(config-if)# exit 返回配置模式 6 switch(config)# ip default-gateway 设置网关 7 switch(config)#exit 退出配置模式 3查看IP地址信息 switch# show interface mgmt 0 mgmt0 is up Hardware is FastEthernet Address is 000c. Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100 Mbps full Duplex 26388 packets input, 6101647 bytes 0 multicast frames, 0 compressed 0 input errors, 0 frame, 0 overrun 0 fifo 10247 packets output, 2389196 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 fifo 0 carrier errors


隧道施工人员组织和机械设备配置 (乔红彦) 中铁十一局渝万铁路土建6标项目二分部 二○一四年七月重庆万州

隧道施工人员组织和机械设备配置 一、工程概况 渝万二分部起止里程为D1K226+993.15~D1K239+982,线路全长12.977km,其中隧道7座,合计11.200km,隧道占比为86.3%,共需要开设11个掌子面进行掘进,点多面大,工期比较紧,为满足施工技术要求,确保施工质量和人身安全,需要根据工期进度合理安排隧道的施工人员组织和机械设备的配置,做到配置先进,安全可靠,节能环保。 根据设计图纸,渝万铁路设计时速为250km,有效净空面积92㎡,线间距4.6m,围岩级别为Ⅲ~Ⅴ级。以Ⅳ级围岩为例,开挖净宽14.22m,净高12.23m(未计沉降量),每断面土石方为141m3,断面较大,按照设计,采用上下台阶法开挖。通用的双线铁路隧道月进度指标为Ⅲ级120m,Ⅳ级70m,Ⅴ级40m,我们将按照这个指标进行计算分析和资源配置。 高速铁路隧道大部分属于山岭隧道,一般均是采用钻爆法施工。钻爆法对地质条件适应性强、开挖成本低,特别适合于坚硬岩石隧道、破碎岩石隧道及大量短隧道的施工,所以是隧道掘进的主要手段。和掘进机施工法相比,钻爆法具有以下优点:①适用范围广;②设备资源投入少,施工准备期短;③围岩及地质变化后能及时调整;④施工组织管理相对单纯。 二、配置原则 隧道施工机械配置应根据隧道长度、断面大小、辅助坑道设置、地质条件、施工方法、工期要求等综合因素进行配置,需满足以下原则(1)施工机械配置须与施工方法相配套,与施工工期相适应; (2)施工机械配置的生产能力应大于均衡施工能力,均衡施工能力大于施工进度指标要求 (3)施工机械配置应注重科学发挥机械的总体效率; (4)施工机械应有备用设备; (5)优选排污达标、噪音小的机械。进入隧道施工的机械,尽可能的优先选用电力机械


zone命令行配置 第一种,通过加入wwn来完成zone的创建,这种方法可以保证即使换了端口还是可以保证zone关系的存在; Root>config Config> .. - Move back one level NPIV - Configure NPIV settings NSTools - Configure the Name Server snapshot database alias - Configure Alias for WWNs commadelim - Toggle comma-delimited display mode enterpriseFabMode - Configure Enterprise Fabric Mode settings features - Configure product feature settings fencing - Configure port fencing policies ficonCUPZoning - Configure FICON CUP Zoning ficonMS - Configure FICON management server settings ip - Configure product ip settings login - Login to CLI under different access rights logout - Logout of CLI openSysMS - Configure open systems management server settings port - Configure product port data root - Move back to root level security - Configure product security settings snmp - Configure product SNMP settings switch - Configure product switch data syslog - Configure Syslog settings system - Configure product system data zoning - Configure product zoning settings Config>zoning Config.Zoning> .. - Move back one level activateZoneSet - Activate the zone set in the zone set working area addPortMem - Add a domain/port member to the zone set working area addWwnMem - Add a WWN member to the zone set working area addZone - Add a new (empty) zone to the zone set working area clearZone - Clear all zone members from a zone in the working area clearZoneSet - Clear the zone set working area, removing all zones commadelim - Toggle comma-delimited display mode deactivateZoneSet - Place all devices in the Default Zone immediately deletePortMem - Delete a domain/port member from the specified zone deleteWwnMem - Delete a WWN zone member from the specified zone deleteZone - Delete a zone from the zone set working area login - Login to CLI under different access rights logout - Logout of CLI


编订:__________________ 单位:__________________ 时间:__________________ 隧道施工机械安全要求 (正式) Standardize The Management Mechanism To Make The Personnel In The Organization Operate According To The Established Standards And Reach The Expected Level. Word格式 / 完整 / 可编辑

文件编号:KG-AO-2330-77 隧道施工机械安全要求(正式) 使用备注:本文档可用在日常工作场景,通过对管理机制、管理原则、管理方法以及管理机构进行设置固定的规范,从而使得组织内人员按照既定标准、规范的要求进行操作,使日常工作或活动达到预期的水平。下载后就可自由编辑。 1. 各类进洞车辆必须处于完好状态,制动有效。 2. 进洞的各类机械与车辆,宜选用带净化装置的柴油机动力,燃烧汽油的车辆和机械不得进洞(如通风良好,可以达到本章“通风及防尘”要求者除外)。 3. 所有运载车辆均不准超载、超宽、超高运输。运装大体积或超长料具时,应有专人指挥,专车运输,并设置显示界限的红灯。 4. 进出隧道的人员应走人行道,不得与机械或车辆抢道,严禁扒车、追车或强行搭车。 5. 机械装碴时,坑道断面应能满足装载机械的安全运转,装碴机上的电缆或高压胶管应有专人收放,装碴机操作时其回转范围内不得有人通过。 6. 在任何情况下,雷管与炸药必须放置在带盖的容器内分别运送。人力运送时雷管与炸药不得由一人


金蝶KIS7.5 使用说明书 一、使用前准备工作 (一)、安装前的准备工作 1、首先,建立个名为“备份”的文件夹(将来备份用)。 打开我的电脑—双击D盘或其他非系统盘—新建金蝶软件”目录一双击金蝶软件” 目录—单击右键新建”—文件夹—系统生成一个新文件夹,输入文件夹的名字 “备份”。 2、然后,同样的方法建立一个专门存放账套的文件夹。 二、快速入门 (一)、窗口说明; 1、标题栏:显示窗口名称。 2、控制菜单:常用命令,使窗口放大、缩小、关闭。 3、菜单条:包含窗口所有特定的命令,如‘文件'。 (二)、鼠标操作: 1、单击:按下鼠标按键,立即放开。一般用于定位或选择做某个对象。 2、双击:快速地按两次鼠标按键。一般用于执行某个动作。 3、拖动:按下鼠标按键保持不放,然后移动,可将某个对象拖到指定位置。 4、指向:移动鼠标,使屏幕上的鼠标指针指向选择的项目。注:如不特别声明,有关鼠标的操作均使用鼠标左键。 (三)、常用命令按钮 1、[增加]按钮:单击此按钮增加资料。

2、[修改]按钮:选中要修改的资料后单击此按钮修改资料。 3、[删除]按钮;选中资料后单击此按钮删除选中的资料。 4、[关闭]按钮:关闭当前窗口,返回上一级窗口。 5、[确认]按钮:确认输入有效。 6、[取消]按钮:输入无效,或取消某个操作。 (四)、菜单功能简介 文件菜单 ____ 对帐套操作的各种功能按钮。 功能菜单 ____ 系统各模块的启动按钮。 基础资料 -- 系统基本资料设置 工具菜单 ____ 用于用户的授权、口令的更改、现金流量表工具等。 窗口用于对软件的窗口布局的改变 帮助菜单 ____ 系统的在线帮助、常见问题、版本的查询。 三、软件的安装 1、硬加密软件的安装 关闭计算机f将加密卡插入计算机后的打印机接口上f将打印机电缆接在加密卡上f 打开计算机,启动系统f 将安装光盘放入光驱内f 单击金蝶KIS标准版” f 根据系统提示进行操作f 安装完毕f 重新启动计算机。 2、软加密软件的安装 A,单机版的安装 启动计算机f将安装光盘放入光驱内f单击金蝶KIS标准版” f根据系统提示操作f 安装完毕f重新启动计算机。 B,网络版的安装(必须先安装网络版加密服务器) 启动计算机一将安装光盘放入光驱内一单击网络版加密服务器” 一根据提示安装一安装


用友财务软件说明 书

用友财务软件说明书 000511 24 况鹏 关于用友软件操作的有关注意事项如下: 1、第一次运行时没有系统管理员密码(密码为空),用户最好在第一次运行时就改入新的密码,以防疏漏。 2、作为第一次运行,以下步骤必不可少:设置操作员、建立帐套、分配操作员权限这项工作必须在运行客户端子系统之前进行,否则由于不存在可用的帐套, 客户端会登录失败(除非是登录演示帐套999)。 3、首先要将登录到系统管理中的各项功能和任务退出,然后退出各子系统。只有退出UFERP-M系统后才能关机,否则将造成数据丢失。 4、还应注意凭证的审核和记帐应该分工行使,系统也做了智能化的考虑。 第一节、系统安装、启动、财务管理 (一)安装: 使用用友财务系统软件安装总帐系统和UFO报表系统。(这里只介绍这两个系统,其它的待以后在做详细说明)。 (二)启动: 按照以下程序进入并启动系统: 用友——系统服务——系统管理——系统——注册。具体如

图1.1和1.2所示。 (图1.1) (图1.2) 注意:图1.1的密码不用输,直接进入。 (三)建立帐套: 1、按照系统管理——帐套——建立,就会见到以下图示。(如下图,1.3——1.6)。 在这几张图中详细介绍了关于建立帐套的步骤。

按照上图输入信息,如果完成请按下一步按扭。然后,见(图1.4) 上述空白处最好完全填写,填完信息后继续下一步,入下图(1.5)所示

次项内容最好照实际情况填写,为了以后备查。 在这里最好点击‘按行业性质预置科目’选择框。然后,继续下一步操作。如(图1.6)

接着,会出现可创立帐套了的对话框,选择‘是’即可。出现(图 1.7)。这时,你能够根据公司的大小选择存货的详细程度及级别(如供货方的情况、部门情况、地区情况等) 但最好也是不应改动。 然后按确定按扭,便会出现(图1.8) 按确定即可。 2、接着操作如下:系统管理——权限——操作员——增加(在这里可增加你所需要的人数),如下例我只增加一个人,见图1.9所

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