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SAT og 5阅读真题解析

SAT og 5阅读真题解析
SAT og 5阅读真题解析

SAT test 5

1.For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________.

(A) healthy adj. 健康的

(B) expensive adj. 昂贵的

(C) wasteful adj. 浪费的

(D) toxic adj. 有毒的

(E) inane adj. 愚蠢的


2. In Jamaica Kincaid's novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers' world, critically examining its assumptions and values.

(A) idealizes v. 理想化

(B) avoids v. 避开

(C) beautifies v. 美化

(D) scrutinizes v. 仔细检查

(E) excludes v. 排除,


3.The frequent name changes that the country has undergone _________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.

(A) argue against v. 真钞,辩论

(B) contrast with v. 对比,差异

(C) testify to v. 证明

(D) jeopardize v. 危及

(E) sustain v. 支撑


4.Brachiopods, clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times, were one of the most _________ forms of life on the Earth: more than 30,000 species have been _________ from fossil records.

(A) plentiful adj. 丰富的...subtracted v. 减去

(B) ornate adj. 华丽的...retrieved v. 重新取回

(C) multifarious adj. 多方面的...catalogued v. 登记分类

(D) scarce adj. 缺乏的,罕见的...extracted v. 萃取的

(E) anachronistic adj. 时代错误的...extrapolated v. 推算,推断

解析:C,腕足类就像远古时代的双壳蚌一样,是地球上—生物形式的一种:30000多种已经从化石记录上---。从后面的species 可以看出与前面的空格是同义词,多样性的种类。后面可以看出从化石记录中登记了。

5 Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such _________ strategies that only the most __________ player can master them.

(A) byzantine adj. 错综复杂的...adroit adj. 熟练的,机敏的

(B) nefarious adj. 极坏的,恶毒的...conscientious adj. 认真的,勤奋的

(C) devious adj. 迂回的,狡猾的https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c5683217.html,ckadaisical adj. 无精打采的

(D) onerous adj. 困难的,繁重...slipshod adj. 穿着不整齐的,潦草的

(E) predictable adj. 可预言的https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c5683217.html,pulsive adj. 强制的,强迫的

解析:A,一些电脑互动的游戏设计的如此精致巧妙需要----策略只有那些最—玩家能够驾驭他们。这里前面空格与elaborately 是同义词,所以A。

Questions 6-7 are based on the following passage.

The critic Edmund Wilson was not a self-conscious

letter writer or one who tried to sustain studied mannerisms.

Nor did he resort to artifice or entangle himself in

circumlocutions. The young, middle-aged, and old Wilson

5 speaks directly through his letters, which are informal for

the most part and which undisguisedly reflect his changing

moods. On occasion-in response, perhaps, to the misery

of a friend or a public outrage or a personal challenge-he

can become eloquent, even passionate, but that is not his

10 prevailing tone.


长难词:mannerisms特殊习惯,矫揉造作,artifice 欺骗entangle 是纠缠,混乱circumlocution委婉的说法eloquent雄辩的,有口才的,outrage 愤怒undisguisedly公开的,不伪装的。

6. Based on the information in the passage,Wilson's letters can best be described as

(A) cynical冷嘲的

(B) spontaneous自发的无意识的

(C) critical批判的

(D) preachy爱唠叨的

(E) witty诙谐的,机智的


7. The reference 10 the "young, middle-aged, andold Wilson" (line 4) serves to suggest the

(A) multifaceted nature of Wilson's literary


(B) maturity Wilson displayed even as a youth

(C) effect aging had on Wilson's temperament

(D) longevity of Wilson's literary career

(E) consistency of Wilson's letter-writing style


Questions 8-9 are based on the following passage.

The belief that it is harmful to the Black community

for authors to explore the humanity of our leaders can

have troubling effects. At the least, it promotes the belief

that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful. At worst.

5 it censors our full investigation of Black life. If our paintings

of that life are stock and cramped, their colors drab

and predictable, the representations of our culture are likely

to be untrue. They will not capture the breadth and

complexity of Black identity.





8. The passage implies that Black leaders have sometimes been portrayed as being

(A) overly sentimental

(B) deeply complex

(C) above reproach

(D) without regret

(E) beyond understanding

解析:C,文中提到“At the least, it promotes the belief that our heroes have to be perfect to be useful.”暗示有时候将领导人展现为不可挑剔的英雄。

9. In context, the "paintings" (lines 5-6) are bestunderstood as a reference to

(A) realistic sculptures

(B) historical biographies

(C) whimsical novels

(D) political cartoons

(E) colorful theorems

解析:B,paiting这里是对黑人领导生活的描述,那么一般就是我们所说的历史传记。Questions 10-18 a re based on the following passage.

The following passage was written by a physicist in 1986.

When astronomers point their telescopes to the nearest

galaxy, Andromeda, they see it as it was two million years

ago. That's about the lime Auslralopithecus was basking

in the African sun. This little bit of lime travel is possible

5 because tight takes two mill ion years to make the trip from there to here. Too bad we couldn’t turn things around and observe Earth from some cozy planet in Andromeda.

But looking at light from distant objects isn't real time

travel, the in-the-flesh participation in past and future found

10 in literature. Ever since I've been old enough 10 read science fiction. I've dreamed of time traveling. The possibilities

are staggering. You could take medicine back to fourteenth century Europe and stop the spread of plague, or you could

travel to the twenty-third century, where people take their

15 annual holidays in space stations.

Being a scientist myself. I know that time travel is

quite unlikely according to the laws of physics. For one

thing, there would be a causality violation. If you could

travel backward in time, you could alter a chain of events

20 with the knowledge of how they would have turned out. Cause would no longer always precede effect. For example,

you could prevent your parents from ever meeting. Contemplating the consequences of that will give you a headache. and science fiction writers for decades have

25 delighted in the paradoxes that can arise from traveling through time.

Physicists are, of course. horrified at the thought of

causality violation. Differential equations for the way

things should behave under a given set of forces and

30 initial conditions would no longer be valid. since what happens in one instant would not necessarily determine

what happens in the next. Physicists do rely on a deterministic universe in which to operate. and time travel would

almost certainly put them and most other scientists

35 permanently out of work.

Still. I dream of time travel. There is something very

personal about lime. When the first mechanical clocks

were invented. marking off time in crisp. regular intervals,

it must have surprised people 10 discover that time

40 flowed outside their own mental and physiological processes. Body time flows at its own variable rate, oblivious

to the most precise clocks in the laboratory. In fact, the

human body contains its own exquisite timepieces, all with

their separate rhythms. There are the alpha waves in the

45 brain; another clock is the heart. And all the while tick the mysterious, ruthless clocks that regulate aging.

Recently, I found my great-grandfather's favorite pipe.

Papa Joe, as he was called, died more than seventy years

ago, long before I was born. There are few surviving photo-

50 graphs or other memorabilia of Papa Joe. Butl do have his

pipe, which had been tucked away in a drawer somewhere

for years and was in good condition when I found il. I ran

a pipe cleaner through it, filled it with some tobacco I had

on hand. and settled down to read and smoke. After a cou-

55 pic of minutes. the most wonderful and foreign blend of

smells began wafting from the pipe. All the different occasions

when Papa Joe had lit his pipe, all the different places

he had been that I will never know-all had been locked

up in that pipe and now poured out into the room. I was

60 vaguely aware that something had got delightfully twisted

in time for a moment, skipped upward on the page. There

is a kind of time travel 10 be had, if you don't insist on how

it happens.


长难词:basking晒太阳staggering蹒跚的paradox 悖论equation 方程式crisp脆的新鲜的timepiece 钟等计时器alpha 希腊第一个字母,开端ruthless无情的残忍的memorabilia大事记waft含糊的vaguely 飘荡吹拂

10. The author mentions Australopithecus in line 3in order to

(A) note an evolutionary progression in the physical


(B) dramatize how different Earth was two million

years ago

(C) commend the superior work of astronomers in

isolating a moment early in time

(D) establish a link between the length of time that

Africa has been inhabited and the discovery of

the Andromeda galaxy

(E) emphasize the relatively long period of human

life compared to the age of the universe

解析:B,文中提到“they see it as it was two million years ago. That's about the lime Auslralopithecus was basking in the African sun.”好像两百万年前南方古猿在非洲享受日光浴的时代,这里戏剧化的想掉了地球两百万年前与现在的不同。

11. The statement in lines 6·7 ("Too bad ... Andromeda")suggests that

(A) scientists would like to observe events that

occurred on Earth in the distant past

(B) there may be planets in Andromeda that are

reachable through space travel

(C) the study of Andromeda would offer interesting

comparisons to planet Earth

(D) a planet in Andromeda will be a likely

observation point for Earth in the future

(E) Andromeda is much older than Earth


12. The author mentions "plague" (line 13) and "space stations" (line 15) primarily to

(A) give an example of the themes of novels about

lime travel

(B) suggest contrasting views of the future

(C) scoff at the scientific consequences of time travel

(D) give examples of the subjects that scientists are

interested in

(E) suggest why time travel is such a fascinating topic


13. The author introduces the third paragraph with thewords "Being a scientist" in order to

A) explain an in tense personal interest in the topic

(B) lend an air of authority to the discussion of time


(C) suggest why certain forms of literature are so


(D) provoke those who defend science fiction

(E) help illustrate the term "causality violation"


14. In discussing causality violations (lines 16·35), theauthor addresses concerns about all of the following EXCEPT

CA) anticipatory knowledge of events

(B) the belief in a deterministic universe

(C) the mechanics of space travel

(D) cause-and-effect relationships

(E) differential equations based on known forces


15. Which of the following, if true, would undermine the validity of the author's assumption about the impact of mechanical clocks ("When the

first ... the laboratory")in lines 37-42 ?

(A) People were oblivious to time on a physical level

before clocks were in vented.

(B) People have always perceived time as composed

of discrete. uniform intervals.

(C) Concern about time was unnecessary until clocks

were invented.

(D) Mental and physiological processes are very


(E) Body lime does not move at a constant rate.


16. The author mentions the brain and the heart(lines 44-45) in order to

(A) demonstrate the rhythmical qualities of timepieces

(B) explain the historical significance of mechanical


(C) emphasize how the two organs interact to regulate

internal rhythms

(D) illustrate the body's different internal clocks

(E) demystify the precision of organic processes


17. The author uses the word '"ruthless" (line 46) to

suggest that

(A) people are bewildered by the prospect of aging

(B) the human body has mysterious capacities

(C) some people age more rapidly than others do

(D) people's sense of time changes as they age

(E) the process of aging is relentless


18. The author mentions that "something ... skipped

upward on the page" (lines 60-61) to suggest that

(A) he reread a portion of the page

(B) his vision was affected by the smoke

(C) he traveled back in time in his imagination

(D) his reading reminded him of Papa Joe

(E) he believes that reading is the best way to recreatethe past

解析:C,这里文中说“I was vaguely aware that something had got delightfully twisted in time for a moment, skipped upward on the page. Thereis a kind of time travel to be had,”这里作者接着烟雾想象自己穿越旅行。

Questions 19-24 are based on the following passage.

The following passage is an excerpt from a book about

twentieth-century development in art. The author refers

here to the modern art that emerged shortly after the film

of the century. Many people found this art shocking.

If the new art is not accessible to everyone, which

certainly seems 10 be the case, this implies that its impulses

are not of a generically human kind. It is an art not for

people in general but for a special class who may not be

5 better but who are evidently different.

Before we go further, one point must be clarified. What

is it that the majority of people call 3esthetic pleasure?

What happens in their minds when they "like" a work of

art: for example, a play? The answer is easy. They like a

10 play when they become interested in the human destinies

that are represented. when the love and hatred. the joys and

sorrows of the dramatic personages so move them that they

participate in it all as though it were happening in real life.

And they call a work "good" if it succeeds in creating the

15 illusion necessary to make the imaginary personages appear

like living persons. In poetry the majority of people seek

the passion and pain of the human being behind the poet.

Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or

women it would be interesting to meet.

20 It thus appears that to the majority of people aesthetic

pleasure means a state of mind that is essentially

indistinguishable from their ordinary behavior. II differs

merely in accidental qualities. being perhaps less utilitarian.

more intense. and free from painful consequences. But the

25 object toward which their attention and. consequently, all

their other mental activities are directed is the same as in

daily life: people and passions. When forced to consider

artistic forms proper-for example. in some surrealistic or

abstract an-most people will only tolerate them if they do

30 not interfere with their perception of human forms and

fates. As soon as purely aesthetic elements predominate

and the story of John and Susie grows elusive. most people

feel out of their depth and are at a loss as to what to make

of the scene. the book. or the painting. A work of art

35 vanishes from sight for a beholder who seeks in that work

of an nothing but the moving fate of John and Susie or

Tristan and Isolde.· Unaccustomed to behaving in any

mode except the practical one in which feelings are aroused

and emotional involvement ensues. most people are unsure

40 how to respond to a work that does not invite sentimental intervention.

Now this is a point that has to be made perfectly clear.

Neither grieving nor rejoicing at such human destinies as

those presented by a work of an begins to define true

45 artistic pleasure: indeed. preoccupation with the human

content of the work is in principle incompatible with

aesthetic enjoyment proper .

文章大意:本文一直围绕的主题是大多数人称之为审美乐趣的东西到底是什么,大部分人对于艺术上的审美情趣是在于作品中的人文因素这是不对的,而单单是艺术元素。人类对于艺术的审视角度也是不一样。长难词:hatred 憎恨personage 角色,名人surrealistic elusive rejoice

19. The passage is primarily concerned with the(A) Jives artists lead as opposed to the ones they imagine

(B) emotional impact of a painting's subject matter

(C) nature of the pleasure that most people find in awork of an

(D) wide variety of responses that audiences have to different works of an

(E) contrast between the formal elements of the new an and those of the old

20. As used in· line 18. "figures" most nearly means

(A) crude images

(B) abstractions

(C) representations

(D) numbers

(E) famous persons

解析:C,这里“In poetry the majority of people seekthe passion and pain of the human being behind the poet.Paintings attract them if they find in them figures of men or women it would be interesting to meet.

”figures 这里指的是一些代表,后面说道这里一些男女是他们想要见到的人。

21. It is most likely that "the story of John and Susie"(line 32) refers to

(A) a fictional work that the author will proceed to critique

(B) a typical narrative of interpersonal relationships

(C) an account of an affair in the form of a mystery

(D) a legendary couple that has fascinated artists

through the ages

(E) a cryptic chronicle of renowned historical



22. The author suggests that the majority of people resist modem art because they

(A) consider modem artists to be elitist

(B) are too influenced by critics to view the an on its

own merits

(C) are annoyed by its social message

(D) find in it little of human interest to engage them

(E) find it too difficult to guess at the artist’s source

of inspiration

解析:D,这里作者说道“is not for people in general.”后面说道大部分的人不知道怎么艺术的元素来源和组成,所以对于现代艺术是抵触的。

23. The author's attitude toward the majority of people can best be described as

(A) genuinely puzzled

(B) aggressively hostile

(C) solemnly respectful

(D) generally indifferent

(E) condescendingly tolerant


24. The author's assumption in the final paragraph(lines 42-47) is that

(A) aesthetic pleasure is a response to the purely

artistic elements in a work of art

(B) aesthetic enjoyment of a work of art must focus

on the artist's intentions as much as on the

artist's actual accomplishments

(C) responses 10 a work of an vary and cannot be

easily defined

(D) the evocation of emotional responses by a

traditional work of art depends on the moral

conventions of the artist's society

(E) the majority of people trying to interpret a work

of art will concentrate on the artistic technique

解析:A,文中最后一段“preoccupation with the human content of the work is in principle incompatible with aesthetic enjoyment proper .”过分关注作品中的人文因素与艺术上的享受是不相容的,表明对于艺术的享受实弹单纯的艺术上的艺术元素。

1. Commerce on the remote island was conducted exclusively by _________, exchanging goods for goods.

(A) credit n. 赊购,信誉

(B) loan n. 借款

(C) faith n. 信任

(D) patronage n. 赞助

(E) barter n. 实物交易,物物交换


2. The existence of environmental contamination is no longer a point of ________; government, industry, and the public agree that it is a serious problem.

(A) concern n. 涉及,关心

(B) cooperation n. 合作

(C) urgency n. 催促,紧急

(D) relevance n. 关联

(E) dispute n. 辩论,争吵


3. In rock climbing, survival depends as much on __________, the ability to perceive without conscious reasoning, as on physical strength.

(A) autonomy n. 自治

(B) incoherence n. 不连贯

(C) intuition n. 直觉

(D) sophistry n. 诡辩

(E) receptivity n. 接受能力


4. Using computer labs to __________ classroom instruction is most effective when the curriculum _________ lab exercises and classroom teaching in a coordinated manner.

(A) supplement v. 补充,增补...integrates v. 一体化,结合

(B) substantiate v. 证实...undermines v. 破坏

(C) remedy v. 补救https://www.doczj.com/doc/7c5683217.html,promises v. 妥协

(D) disparage v. 蔑视...reinforces v. 加强

(E) foster v. 抚养,培养...curtails v. 所建

解析:A,我们要先找到句子的主干就是后面的一句,当课程—----实验室练习和课堂教学结合在一起的时候使用计算机实验室----课程指导是非常有效的。后面的in coordinate manner 与后面的空格是同义词,所以是一体化,结合。

5. 马歇尔大川的作品风格被很多_________用马歇尔在作品裸身下楼梯的杰作,相当于一个_________,来说明他们对现代艺术憎恨。

Many _________ of the style of painting exemplified by Marcel Duchamp's work focused on Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase as the _________ of what they detested about modern art.

(A) critics n. 评论家...epitome n. 缩影,摘要

(B) proponents n. 支持者...realization n. 实现,领悟

(C) advocates n. 拥护者...embodiment n. 体现,化身

(D) debunkers n. 暴露者...rejection n. 拒绝

(E) belittlers n. 轻视别人的人...reversal n. 逆转


6. Colonial American playwright Mercy Otis Warren was known for her political __________: her keen judgment and insight were widely acknowledged.

(A) partisanship n. 党派性

(B) intemperance n. 放纵

(C) acumen n. 敏锐,聪明

(D) irreverence n. 不尊敬的

(E) interest n. 兴趣,爱好


7. Johnson's writing is considered __________ and _________ because it is filled with obscure references and baffling digressions.

(A) deceiving adj. 欺骗...ingenuous adj. 坦率的

(B) arcane adj. 神秘的,秘密的...abstruse adj. 深奥的,难解的

(C) spare adj. 节省...didactic adj. 教学的

(D) lucid adj. 表达清楚的...definitive adj. 决定性的

(E) concise adj. 简明的...esoteric adj. 难解的,机密的


8. Because the congresswoman has been so openhanded with many of her constituents, it is difficult to reconcile this __________ with her private __________.

(A) selfishness n. 自我中心...inattention n. 疏忽,粗心

(B) insolence n. 傲慢...virtue n. 美德,邮电

(C) magnanimity n. 慷慨...pettiness n. 小气

(D) opportunism n. 机会主义,投机主义...ambition n. 野心,抱负

(E) solicitousness n. 热切期望...generosity n. 慷慨,大方


Questions 9-12 are based on the following passages.

Passage 1

What accounts for the inexorable advance of the giant

Sports utility vehicle (SUV) into our lives? Why do we

want high-clearance trucks with four-wheel drive and

front bumpers as big as bartering rams? A large part of

5 the answer lies in the fake Western names so many of

them carry. No one much cares about what those names

denote (lakes, frontier towns, mountain ranges): what

matters is their connotations of rugged individualism.

mastery over the wilderness, cowboy endurance. The

10 names simply magnify the appeal of these vehicles

that are the Frankensteinian concoctions of our private

anxieties and desires.

Passage 2

When a major manufacturer launched an SUV named

for an Alaskan mountain, an auto-trade publication dis-

15 cussed the subtleties of its name. It proposed that even

though most buyers will never venture into territory any

less trampled than the parking lot of the local shopping

mall , the important goal of the marketing hype is to plant

the image in customers' minds that they can conquer

10 rugged terrain. Perhaps we're trying to tame a different

kind of wilderness. Indeed, in an age when many who

can afford to do so live in limited-access communities

in houses guarded by sophisticated surveillance systems,

the SUV is the perfect transportation shelter to protect us

15 from fears both real and imagined.


长难词:inexorable不屈不挠的bumper丰盛的干杯batter 击球手ram 撞击活塞denote表示指示rug小地毯magnify放大concoction混合调和subtleties微妙的venture企业冒险trample践踏蹂躏hype大肆宣传tame驯养surveillance监督

9. Passage 1 and Passage 2 both support whichofthefollowinggeneralizations about buyers of SUVs?

(A) They intend to drive them on rough terrain.

(B) They wish to live in mountainous regions.

(C) They are wealthier than most other car buyers.

(D) They are influenced by marketing strategies.

(E) They are insecure about their social status.

解析:D,这个是考察两篇文章的主旨题,其他四项文中都有提到的,而他们共同的问题就是不清楚多功能越野车在社会中的地位。10. Which of the following aspects of SUVs is addressed in Passage I but not in Passage 2 ?

(A) Their imposing bulk

(B) Their escalating cost

(C) The psychology of their owners

(D) Their environmental impact

(E) The significance of their names

解析:A,第一段中提到“what matters is their connotations of rugged individualism. mastery over the wilderness, cowboy endurance.”这里我们可以看出是提到越野车的很拉风的外表。

11. Which of the following in Passage 1 exemplifies the"subtleties" mentioned in Passage 2. line 15?

(A) "inexorable advance" (line 1)

(B ) "battering nuns" (line 4)

(C) "lakes. frontier towns. mountain ranges" (line 7)

(D) "connotations" (line 8)

(E) "Frankensteinian concoctions" (line 11)

解析:D,这里subtleties在第二篇章中提到的,是名字的细微变化,那么在篇章一的最后一句中“The to names simply magnify the appeal of these vehicles that are the Frankensteinian concoctions of our private anxieties and desires.”这一句展示了这一细微变化。

12. Passage I and the article cited in Passage 2 bothindicate that the imagery used to market SUVsis intended to

(A)appeal to drivers' primitive instincts

(B) stir yearnings for a simpler way of life

(C) engender feelings of power and control

(D) evoke the beauty of unspoiled nature

(E) create an aura of nonconformity

解析:C,文中找到销售这一考点“the important goal of the marketing hype is to plant the image in customers' minds that they can conquerto rugged terrain.”销售的目的就是在消费者的心中树立可以征服不平山地的形象,一种征服的力量。

Questions 13-24 are based on the following passages.

These two passages discuss different aspects of the impact of the First World War (1914-1918) on British people and society. Passage 1 is from a book that examines the depiction of the war in literature, letters, and newspapers; Passage 2 is from a book that examines the differences



2017 中级会计实务考试真题及答案解析 (考生回忆版 9.09)
完整版《中级会计实务》真题及答案已经上传至中公考后在线估分系统, 查看请进入 2017 年中级会计考后在线估分系统》 链接为: 选择真题估分→开始练习
1.2017 年 5 月 10 日,甲公司将其持有的一项以权益法核算的长期股权投资全部出售,取得价 款 1200 万元,当日办妥相关手续。出售时,该项长期股权投资的账面价值为 1100 万元,其中 投资成本为 700 万元,损益调整为 300 万元,可重分类进损益的其他综合收益为 100 万元, 不考虑增值税等相关税费及其他因素。甲公司处置该项股权投资应确认的投资收益为聞創沟燴鐺險
( A.100 B.500 C.200 D.400
【解析】甲公司处置该项股权投资应确认的投资收益 =1200-1100+ 其他综合收益结转 100=200(万元)。残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆。
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2.甲公司系增值税一般纳税人,2016 年 12 月 31 日,甲公司出售一台原价为 452 万元,已 提折旧 364 万元的生产设备,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的价款为 150 万元,增值税税额 为 25.5 万元。出售该生产设备发生不含增值税的清理费用 8 万元,不考虑其他因素,甲公酽
司出售该生产设备的利得为( A.54 B.87.5 C.62 D.79.5 【答案】A
A.收到补价的,应以换出资产的账面价值减去收到的补价,加上应支付的相关税费,作为换 入资产的成本 B.支付补价的,应以换出资产的账面价值加上支付的补价和应支付的相关税费,作为换入资 产的成本 C.涉及补价的,应当确认损益 D.不涉及补价的,不应确认损益 【答案】C
【解析】 选项 C,不具有商业实质的非货币性资产交换,按照账面价值计量,无论是否涉及 补价,均不确认损益。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖。
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Although we focus on the needs of exceptional children, we find ourselves describing their environment as well. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. Both the family and the society in which exceptional children live are often the key to their growth and development. And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding —the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation. Education in any society is a mirror of that society. In that mirror we can see the strengths, the weaknesses, the hopes, the prejudices, and the central values of the culture itself. The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities. "All men are created equal." We've heard it many times, but it still has important meaning for education in a democratic society. Although the phrase was used by this country's founders to denote equality before the law, it has also been interpreted to mean equality of opportunity. That concept implies educational opportunity for all children — the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great. Recent court decisions have confirmed the right of all children — disabled or not — to an appropriate education, and have ordered that public schools take the necessary steps to provide that education. In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs. 59. In paragrah 2, the author cites the example of the leading actor on the stage to show that ________. [A] the growth of exceptional children has much to do with their family and the society [B] exceptional children are more influenced by their families than normal children are [C] exceptional children are the key interest of the family and society [D] the needs of the society weigh much heavier than the needs of the exceptional children 60. The reason that the exceptional children receive so much concern in education is that ________. [A] they are expected to be leaders of the society [B] they might become a burden of the society [C] they should fully develop their potentials [D] disabled children deserve special consideration 61. This passage mainly deals with ________. [A] the differences of children in their learning capabilities [B] the definition of exceptional children in modern society [C] the special educational programs for exceptional children [D] the necessity of adapting education to exceptional children 62. From this passage we learn that the educational concern for exceptional children ________. [A] is now enjoying legal support [B] disagrees with the tradition of the country [C] was clearly stated by the country's founders [D] will exert great influence over court decisions 重点词汇: denote (v.表示)即de+note,de-向下,note 记录,“记录下来”→表示。Wisdom denotes the pursuing of the best and by the best means.“明智”指的是以最好的方法追求最好的结果。 难句解析: ①Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences. ▲第一个短句结构很简单,第二句中For these children to develop to their full adult potential是一个表示目的的状语,也可以看成是一个从主句their education must be adapted to those differences后面提前了的介词结构。 △第一个短句中exceptional一词我们从文章后面的叙述中可以知道它不是我们一般理解的“杰出的,出类拔萃的”,而应指“反常的,有缺陷的”,其实此处的exceptional是一种“身有残疾”的委婉表达法;significant应理解为“重要的,关键的”,而第二句的develop to their full adult potential的develop是一个不及物动词,意为“发展,养成”,而potential是一个名词,意为“潜能”;be adapted to的意思是“被调整,适应”。 ②While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. ▲此句由一个while引导的让步状语从句the leading actor on the stage captures our attention和一个主句构成。 △要理解本句,重点是看到它是一个类比,把残疾儿童比喻为舞台上的主要角色,而他们的家庭和社会环境被比喻为配角和戏剧的布景。在考研的阅读理解中,当我们碰到作者使用各种比喻和类比时,最重要的一点就是要弄清其用比喻来说明的对象。 ③And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding — the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.


1.A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night(英语阅读理解) A strange thing happens to nearly everybody at night. They turn off the lights, pull up the covers and close their eyes. Six or seven sleeping hours later, they wake up again. Strange, isn't it? 一个奇怪的事情发生在几乎每个人身上,并且都在晚上。他们关上灯,拉上了窗帘和闭上他们的眼睛。六或七小时的睡眠后,他们再次醒来。奇怪,不是吗? Sleep is a great puzzle. Scientists and doctors would like to talk about why one can't fall asleep. They are not so sure what causes sleep. 睡眠是一个伟大的谜。科学家和医生谈谈为什么不能入睡。他们不知道什么是睡眠的原因。 You will sleep best both when you are in good health and when you don't eat too much or too little. No worries and a comfortable place to sleep are important, too.你会睡得最好当你身体健康时,你不要吃太多或太少。不用担心,一个舒适的睡眠环境是重要的。 Strange things happen during sleep. For example, you often move. You would feel tired ever if you didn't move. You also dream. Part of your brain is still awake when you dream. Dreaming happens when the memory and imagination parts of your brain are still awake. 奇怪的事情发生在睡眠期间。例如,你经常搬家。你会觉得累,如果你没有动。你也做梦。你大脑的一部分仍然是清醒的时候,您也做梦。做梦时发生的记忆和想象的部分你的大脑仍然清醒。 Don't worry if you dream. Some great stories and poems were finished while the writers were dreaming. 别担心,如果你有梦想。一些伟大的故事和诗歌的作家会完成梦想。 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)、误( F) 。 1. A strange thing happens to only someone at night.T 2. Scientists and doctors are both sure what causes people's sleep.F 3. When you are in good health, you can sleep very well at night.T 4. The writer means that some dreams are good for people.T 5. If you eat too much or too little before sleep, you won't sleep well.T 2. At the Barber's Shop 在理发店 Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he 杰克去一家理发店剪了头发,但是当他出来时,他 was not happy with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed 是不满意的结果。当他的朋友鲍波看到他时,他笑了 and said, "What has happened to your hair,Jack?" 说,“你的头发怎么了,杰克?” Jack said, "I tried a new barber's shop today, because I wasn't quite satisfied 杰克说,“我今天尝试了新的理发店,因为我不是很满意 with my old one, but this one seems even worse." 旧的,但是这一次似乎更差。” Bob agreed. "Yes, I think you're right, Jack. Now I'll tell you what 他同意了。”是的,我想你是对的,杰克。现在我要告诉你 to do when you go into a barber's shop next time: look at all the barber's hair, 做的时候,你走进一家理发店下时间:看所有理发师的头发, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him."


一、单项选择题(本类题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分。每小题备选答案中,只有一个符合题意的正确答案。多选、错选、不选均不得分) 1、企业发生的下列各项融资费用中,不属于借款费用的是()。 A.股票发行费用 B.长期借款的手续费 C.外币借款的汇兑差额 D.溢价发行债券的利息调整 【答案】A 2、2015年12月31日,甲公司涉及一项未决诉讼,预计很可能败诉,甲公司若败诉,需承担诉讼费10万元并支付赔款300万元,但基本确定可从保险公司获得60万元的补偿。2015年12月31日,甲公司因该诉讼应确认预计负债的金额为()万元。 A.240 B.250 C.300 D.310 【答案】D 3、2015年12月31日,甲公司涉及一项未决诉讼,预计很可能败诉,甲公司若败诉,需承担诉讼费10万元并支付赔款300万元,但基本确定可从保险公司获得60万元的补偿。2015年12月31日,甲公司因该诉讼应确认预计负债的金额为()万元。 A.240 B.250 C.300 D.310 【答案】C 4、甲公司系增值税一般纳税人,购入一套需安装的生产设备,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的价款为300万元,增值税税额为51万元,自行安装领用材料20万元,发生安装人工费5万元,不考虑其他因素,设备安装完毕达到预定可使用状态转入固定资产的入账价值为()万元。 A.320 B.351 C.376 D.325 【答案】D 5、2015年12月31日,甲事业单位完成非财政专项资金拨款支持的开发项目,上级部门批准将项目结余资金70万元留归该单位使用。当日,该单位应将该笔结余资金确认为()。 A.单位结余 B.事业基金 C.非财政补助收入 D.专项基金 【答案】B


2019年江苏省普通高校“专转本”英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷、答题卷和答题卡三部分。试题卷分为第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分,第I卷第1页至第10页;第II卷第10页至第11页,有两大题;共11页,共五大题,全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.作答题,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号准确清楚地填写在试题卷、答题卡和答题卷的指定位置,并认真核对。 3.作答第I卷时,考生须用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂答案;作答第II卷时,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案答在答题卷上,否则无效。 4.考试结束时,考生须将第I卷、第II卷和答题卡、答题卷一并交回。 第I卷(共100分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2 分,共40 分) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements, For each of them there arc 4 choices marked A, B, C and should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage "Cool"is a word with many meanings, Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed. The word has had many different meanings. "cool"can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize the meaning of "cool"You can use it instead of many words such as "new"or "surprising". Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used . A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence. "It’s so cool."Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity(贫乏)of words. Without "cool", some people have no words to show the same meaning . So it is quite important to keep some credibility. Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word "cool"? I can. and I think they are also very cool. 1 .According to the passage,the word "cool"has had . A. only one meaning B. only a few meanings C. many different meanings D.the same meaning 2.In the passage, the word"express"(Para. 2)means . A.see B.show C. know D. feel 3.If you are __ something. You may say "It’s cool." A. interested in B. careful about C. afraid of D. angry about 4.The writer gives an example to show he is the way the word"cool"is used.


英语真题阅读理解试题及名师解析(三) When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion, it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at, for, however farfetched and unreasonable their principles may seem today, it is possible that in years to come they may be regarded as normal. With regard to Futurist poetry, however, the case is rather difficult, for whatever Futurist poetry may be―even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right―it can hardly be classed as Literature. This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed. Consequently, our feelings, thoughts and emotions have undergone a corresponding change. This speeding up of life, says the Futurist, requires a new form of expression. We must speed up our literature too, if we want to interpret modern stress. We must pour out a large stream of essential words, unhampered by stops, or qualifying adjectives, or finite verbs. Instead of describing sounds we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will. Certainly their descriptions of battles are confused. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river—and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers: “Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms.” This, though it fulfills the laws and requirements of Futurist poetry, can hardly be classed as Literature. All the same, no thinking man can refuse to accept their first proposition: that a great change in our emotional life calls for a change of expression. The whole question is really this: have we essentially changed? 19. This passage is mainly____. [A]a survey of new approaches to art [B]a review of Futurist poetry [C]about merits of the Futurist movement [D]about laws and requirements of literature 20. When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to_____. [A]determine its purposes [B]ignore its flaws [C]follow the new fashions [D]accept the principles 21. Futurists claim that we must____. [A]increase the production of literature [B]use poetry to relieve modern stress [C]develop new modes of expression [D]avoid using adjectives and verbs 22. The author believes that Futurist poetry is____. [A]based on reasonable principles [B]new and acceptable to ordinary people [C]indicative of basic change in human nature


英语阅读理解带翻译10篇:给予Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?”I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.” 像大多数人,我长大看待生命是一个过程获得。直到我在30月底,我作出这一重要发现:给予,距离使我们的生活如此更令人兴奋的。您不必担心如果缺乏资金。这是我尝试让-消失。如果一个主意,可以改善窗口显示一个闪烁附近商店给我,我的步骤,并提出上述建议的仓库保管员。一发现我付出,离开是,它几乎是不可能放弃任何在这个世界上,没有得到回报,尽管返回往往在一个意想不到的形式。一个星期天上午,当地邮局作了重要特别


一、单项选择题 1.2017 年 5 月 10 日,甲公司将其持有的一项以权益法核算的长期股权投资全部出售,取得价款 1200 万元,当日办妥相关手续。出售时,该项长期股权投资的账面价值为 1100 万元,其中投资成本为 700 万元,损益调整为 300 万元,可重分类进损益的其他综合收益为 100 万元,不考虑增值税等相关税费及其他因素。甲公司处置该项股权投资应确认的投资收益为()万元。 A.100 B.500 C.200 D.400 【答案】C 【解析】甲公司处置该项股权投资应确认的投资收益=1200-1100+其他综合收益结转 100=200(万元)。 2.甲公司系增值税一般纳税人,2016 年 12 月 31 日,甲公司出售一台原价为 452 万元,已提折旧 364 万元的生产设备,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的价款为 150 万元,增值税税额为 25.5 万元。出售该生产设备发生不含增值税的清理费用 8 万元,不考虑其他因素,甲公司出售该生产设备的利得为()万元。 A.54 B.87.5 C.62 D.79.5 【答案】A 【解析】甲公司出售该生产设备的利得=(150-8)-(452-364)=54(万元)。 3.下列关于不具有商业实质的企业非货币性资产交换的会计处理表述中,不正确的是()。 A.收到补价的,应以换出资产的账面价值减去收到的补价,加上应支付的相关税费,作为换入资产的成本

B.支付补价的,应以换出资产的账面价值加上支付的补价和应支付的相关税费,作为换入资产的成本 C.涉及补价的,应当确认损益 D.不涉及补价的,不应确认损益 【答案】C 【解析】选项 C,不具有商业实质的非货币性资产交换,按照账面价值计量,无论是否涉及补价,均不确认损益。 4.下列各项中,将导致企业所有者权益总额发生增减变动的是()。 A.实际发放股票股利 B.提取法定盈余公积 C.宣告分配现金股利 D.用盈余公积弥补亏损 【答案】C 【解析】宣告分配现金股利,所有者权益减少,负债增加,选项 C 正确,其他选项所有者权益总额不变。 5.2016 年 1 月 1 日,甲公司以 3133.5 万元购入乙公司当日发行的面值总额为 3000 万元的债券,作为持有至到期投资核算。该债券期限为 5 年,票面年利率为 5%,实际年利率为 4%,分期付息到期一次偿还本金,不考虑增值税相关税费及其他因素,2016 年 12 月 31 日,甲公司该债券投资的投资收益为()万元。 A.24.66 B.125.34 C.120 D.150 【答案】B 【解析】甲公司该债券投资的投资收益=期初摊余成本 3133.5×实际利率4%=125.34(万元)。


2020考研英语阅读真题解析 2016考研英语阅读真题解析 (1999年真题SectionIIIReadingComprehensionText4第4段第2句) Becausecurrentfederallawalreadyforbidstheuseoffederalfundstocreateembryos( theearlieststageofhumanoffspringbeforebirth)forresearchortoknowinglyendangerane mbryo'slife,NBACwillremainsilentonembryoresearch. 译文:因为现行的联邦法律已经禁止使用联邦基金克隆研究用的胚胎(人类出生前的最早阶段)或有意识地危及胚胎的生命,因此NBAC将在胚胎研究问题上保持沉默。 分析:在这个主从复合句中,前面是because引导的原因状语从句,这个从句的宾语是use,of短语说明了use的对象 (federalfunds),随后是两个并列的不定式短语,表明的是用途(createembryos;toknowinglyendangeranembryo'slife),其中括号里的内容是对embryos的解释,然后才是主句,注意介词on(关于)的用法。 【词汇指南】 摘自《十天搞定考研词汇》(王江涛、刘文涛) current['k?:r?nt](adj.)当前的,流行的;流通的,通用的(n.)流动;水(气/电)流;趋势,潮流(CET-4)(2007年-阅读4、2009年-阅读1)(cur=car-词根,跑,奔,流,r-无意义双写,ent-的→“跑”在时代尖端的、紧跟潮“流”的——即“当前的;流行的”,引申为“通用的,流通的”以及“趋势,潮流”。②流动(的东西)——即“流动;水流;气流;电流”。) 1个派生词: currently['k?r?ntli](adv.)当前,现在;普遍地,通常地(CET-6、考研词汇)(2013年-阅读3)(ly-副词后缀) stage[steid?](n.)舞台;戏剧,演戏;阶段,时期(高考词


英语阅读理解带翻译10篇精选参考英语阅读理解带翻译10篇:给予 Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?” I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.” 像绝大部分人,我长大看待生命是一个过程获得。直到我在30月底,我作出这个重要发现:给予,距离使我们的生活如此更令人兴奋的。您不必担心如果缺乏资金。这是我尝试让-消失。如果一个主意,

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