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我们没有足够的大炮,甚至没有足够的反坦克手雷,因为这个东西“一炸一片”,炸碉堡也比手榴弹威力大多了。可是黄继光手里仍然只有一颗手雷,因为这个东西我们造不出来,我们也没有那么多钱去进口。美国人可以动用B-29 去轰炸一辆自行车,而我们手里的反坦克手雷只能留给敌人的坦克,用来炸碉堡就算是很奢侈了。当年的美国随军记者贝文?亚历山大写道:“(中国)部队进攻时,通常主要依靠轻兵器、机枪和手榴弹。只有对付最有利的目标时,才肯动用迫击炮。”




To This Day Americans Have Not Yet Figured out Why They Lost Shangganlin Campaign


Recently, the military researchers of America have been racking their brains and even simulating the campaign on the computer, but couldn’t come up with any answer: How was it possible that they lost the Shangganlin Campaign to Chinese?

Throughout the campaign no tanks on our part were involved according to the document; not a single plane of ours ever flew across the sky; our artillery only amounted to 1/4 of the enemy’s when reaching the maximum. In all the US army launched 1,900,000 cannonballs and more than 5,000 aerial bombs; while we had only 400,000 cannonballs, nearly all of which were used at the late phase of the campaign.

We did not have enough cannons or even antitank grenades, which were capable of “extensive destruction” and much more powerful than hand grenades when used to blow blockhouses. Unfortunately Huang Jiguang had only one grenade at hand, for we were incapable of making it and we did not have enough money to buy it from other countries. Americans could use B-29 to attack a bike, but our antitank grenades had to be set aside for the enemy’s tanks and it was even quite extravagant to demolish the enemy’s blockhouses with it. Bevin Alexander, the US military correspondent at that time, wrote, “When the (Chinese) troops launched an attack, they mostly used light weapons, machineguns and hand grenades. Only when dealing with the most favorable objects, would trench mortars be used. ”

This is what our respectable soldiers were like---they never put forward any conditions or made no unreasonable demands on their motherland, nor would they stop the attacks because of no support from the air force or complain about the inadequate firepower or blame on the insufficient provisions; they would not give up their positions as long as they lived.

The victory of the Shangganlin Campaign is not the victory of some people or of the dozens of generals. When a nation, which has flourished for 2,000 years, regained its confidence, its vigor is insurmountable. Americans cannot understand why they lost simply because they don’t know the computer can only imitate the common sense, but not the strength spurted out from an awakening nation.


Americans Are Still Wondering Why They Had Lost the Battle at Sanggamryong

Recently American military researchers have been racking their brains in vain, even with the aid of computerized simulation, searching for reasons why they had lost the battle to Chinese troops at Sanggamryong in the Korean War.

No record showed we Chinese side had ever sent any tanks during the battle; not a single Chinese plane appeared in the sky over the battle field; and the fiercest artillery fire of the Chinese side was just one fourth of the enemy. American launched all together more than 1.9 million cannon balls and over 5000 bombs, while the Chinese side had only a little more than 400 thousand cannon balls, nearly all of which were launched only at the later stage of the battle.

We didn’t have enough cannons, not even enough antitank grenade, which could blast to sweep a comparatively large area and had greater power than the hand grenade in blasting away blockhouses. But our hero Huang Jiguang had only one antitank grenade in hand. China was then unable to produce antitank grenades, nor did we have enough money to import them. Americans could dispatch a B-29 bomber only to attack a bicycle, but our antitank grenades were reserved only for enemy’s tanks, and it was considered

somewhat luxurious to use them to blast away blockhouses. Beven Alexandra, an American war correspondent then wrote: “(The Chinese troops) usually rely on light weapons, machine guns and hand-grenades when launching an offence. Trench mortars are used only for most suitable targets.”

Such are our beloved soldiers: They never demanded anything from our motherland, let alone any excessive ones. They wouldn’t give up their offence because there was no air support; they never complained about weak artillery fire support, and they never blamed anyone for insufficient provisions. They would never give up their positions as long as they still had a breath...

The victory of the battle at Sanggamryong is not a victory by one or two great men or dozens of generals. A nation of two thousand years of brilliance becomes invincible when she rediscovers her self-confidence. Americans cannot understand this because they don’t know that the computer can only simulate normal things falling in the sphere of common sense, but not the force that bursts out from a reawakened nation.





1. 英语文章题目多用名词性短语,现在用句子的趋多(本人做过统计,International Herald Tribune《国际先驱论坛报》的句子标题比十年前多了20%以上)。但用句子做标题时,即使说过去的事,也用现在时。

参赛译文的标题五花八门,比如,像Wondering: why defeated in the battle of Shanggaling? 这样乱凑是不行的。Wondering的逻辑主语是什么?why defeated不符合语法。

2. “上甘岭”是朝鲜地名,不能用汉语拼音(一如平壤是Pyongyang,不能写作Pingrang)。外国地名要查原文拼法。

顺便说一下,自然地理地名要注意冠词的用法,如:the Xihu Lake, Lake Xihu;the Rocky Mountain, Mount Tai。

3. 把“冥思苦想”译为thought deeply and hardly有点荒唐,尤其hardly的意思是“几乎不/没有”;“racked their brains to figure out why”应改成“racked their brains to try to /trying to figure out why”,因为figure out表示结果,意思为“想出来了”。

4. It still remains to be a puzzle中的to be完全可以省去。

5. We had only above / more than / over 400 thousand cannon balls有点不妥,40多万(发)是比40万略多一点,不是40万(发)以上,应该说a little over / more than 400 thousand或 400 thousand odd。此外,将“我们”贸然译成we,读者(英译的读者当然是说英语的人)会搞不清是谁。

6. During the battle, there was no record of... 词序有问题。请大家想一想为什么,如何改。

7. China tank, China plane等说法不通;Chinese tank,Chinese plane则指“中国式的坦克和飞机”;“中国的”要说China's。这里最好用(tanks) from the Chinese side。

8. 用词不准确是一个大问题,如:


“想不通”译成They still bewildered.是不对的,因为bewilder是及物动词,意思是“使(某人)弄不明白”,所以要说They were/are still bewildered.

请大家考虑“参加战斗”的“参加”是join还是 take part in?

“(战斗的)后期”,有人译成the late stage或 the latter part都不对。做前置定语the late的意思是“已故的”;the latter则是相对于“前者”的“后者”,用于指上文/上一句提到过的两个事物。

“只能留给(敌人的坦克)”可以说reserved only for, only saved for,用left for不够确切。

(放弃)“阵地”是position 不是battlefield。give up ground勉强可以,但常用于转意为“让步”。至于有人译成retreat their battlefield 就不光是用词的问题了。

有人将“提条件”译为raise conditions 或put forward prerequisite是不对的。Condition 是实际存在的条件,而prerequisite是做某事的先决条件。至于claim更不是“条件”,而是对应该拥有的财产、权利等提出要求。

Home country一般指已移民到一个新国家的人说自己原来的国家,“祖国”是motherland。

建议大家查几本好的字典,把force, strength, power的区别搞清楚。

9. 有不少人时态用法欠妥,如第一句用现在完成时比一般过去时要好,这里强调的是结果,可是They have been unable to see why就有问题,因为be able/unable一般不用完成时态。同样,They are still failing to find out...也是错误的。追叙战斗经过部分应该用一般过去时。

10. 请看这一句译文:Nor was there one of our fighters emerging in the sky. 这里的one应该改为any,或者说 not a single plane of ours appeared in the sky.(这里战斗机可笼统译为plane, 因为 fighter有“战士”的意思。)

There was no our fighter in the sky.大有问题:no和 our不能连用修饰一个名词。可以说none of our...

Nor appeared a single Chinese plane in the sky 语法有问题。以否定词开始的句子要倒装,要说Nor did a single Chinese plane...

11. They (anti-tank grenades) were even too luxurious to be used to explode the pillboxes.的句型用错了(犹如说We are difficult to solve this problem.一样错)。应该用It would be (considered) extravagant to use...(这里用waste,wasteful不对。)至于上面一句中的其他错误,请大家分辨并加以改正。

12. 冠词用法要注意,开头的“美国军事研究者”有人译为the military researchers of America,定冠词没有必要,可用some。of America 也不如用前置定语American 或US。

把Bevin Alexander 说成是the American journalist,变成他是当时唯一的美国记者了。

Our Chinese army did not use tank or plane.如何改正?

13. “只要一息尚存”很形象,译为as long as they lived意思不够;as long as they could breathe的意思是“只要能够呼吸”(比如身体呼吸机能没有问题,或者有足够的空气);而as long as they had one remaining breath看得出来是根据中文思路凑出来的英文。

14. 大家可以用回译的办法检查自己的译文。下面举几个参赛的译文中的例子(加上的回译可以看出同原文的意思如何大有出入):

There was no engagement record involving our tanks.没有/不存在涉及到我们坦克的交战报告。

Our tanks weren’t recorded in joining battle.我们的坦克参战没有记录下来。(原句中尚有别的错,请大家改。)

One battle plane didn’t fly over the sky.(其中)有一架飞机没有飞越天空。(飞到哪里去了?言外之意:其他的飞机飞越天空了。)

One cannon, which could destroy one area when exploding, was much more powerful than one grenade.一门炮爆炸时可以摧毁一个地区,比一颗手榴弹的威力大多了。(注意one和不定冠词a/an用法上的区别。)

Huang Jiguan had only one grenade in his hands the result of the inability of making a proper one.黄继光手上只有一颗手榴弹,因为他做不出一颗合适的(手榴弹)来。

They never give up launching ahead because there was no air aid.因为没有空中支援/掩护,(所以)他们从来没有放弃往前推进。

They would by no means give up attack without air support.在没有空中支援的情况下,他们是绝对不会放弃进攻的。(有了空中支援才/就会放弃?)

15. 提到Huang Jiguang,最好加个注解,至少要说一下他是我们的战斗英雄。此外,英语里一般先说人名,再交代其身份,而汉语正好相反。

16. even 总是放在not之后;even not...是中式英语。

17. B-29是轰炸机型号,指具体飞机时其后有bomber一词,不过有时可以省略,但省略后B-29仍是一个可数名词,注意单数时要用不定冠词。

18. “美国人之所以不明白”译为Americans can’t understand it. 这里的 it 指代不清楚,应改为this ,或接从句that。







Qomolangma: Snow Mountain Goddess

Mount Qomolangma, known in the West as Mount Everest, lies on the border between China and Nepal. Rising 8844.43 meters above sea level, it is not only the highest peak in the Himalayan Range but also the highest peak in the world. People have referred to it variously as "the mountain of mountains,""the top of the world," and "the third pole of planet Earth."

In Tibetan, Qomo means "goddess" and langma means "third." The name Qomolangma thus describes the mountain as being a goddess living in the clouds with grace and serenity. The perennial snow drifting in strong winds on the peak looks like the veil of the goddess, creating a sense of beauty, solemnity and holiness.

Shaped like a pyramid, sublime and magnificent, the mountain pierces the sky. Its topography is treacherously precipitous, varied and complex. Within twenty kilometers around it is a forest of mountains, one next to another, of which more than forty are over 7,000 meters high. Among the more renowned ones are Kanchenjunga (the world's third highest mountain peak), Lhotse (the forth highest) and Makalu (the fifth highest). These mountains throng together and roll like sea waves towards Qomolangma as if paying homage. The view is simply spectacular.

Since the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, international explorers and mountaineers have attempted to unveil the mystery of Qomolangma. During the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, foreign mountaineering expeditions made seven assaults on Qomolangma via the north-ridge route but all ended in failure. It wasn't until 1960 that a historical breakthrough was made by a team of Chinese mountaineers, who reached the summit from the north ridge. Up to this very day, reaching the summit of Mount Qomolangma is still regarded as the lifelong goal of numerous mountain-climbing enthusiasts.

In 1975 an expedition team consisting of members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China and the National Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China reached the summit of Qomolangma. The team measured its height as 8844.13 meters, which was considered the Qomolangma's official height in China until 2005. A new height of 8844.43 meters for Mount Qomolangma was determined and released by the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China on October ninth, 2005.





词是构成句子的最基本的单位。翻译过程中能不能把词的意思准确地翻译出来,势必会影响到整个句子、甚至整篇文章的翻译。在这次翻译比赛中,不少参赛译文都出现了用词不当的情况。例如,第三段中,描写珠穆朗玛峰“四周地形极其险峻,环境异常复杂”,不少参赛译文将“环境”译为“environment”就很不妥当。英文中的“the environment”主要是指“the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live”(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English),而原文中的“环境”,与上文的“地形”是同义复指关系,英文应为“topography”(the shape of an area of land, including its hills, valleys etc)。其实,译者在理解原文词义的基础上,在查完汉英字典后,再查一下英英字典,这种对号入座式的翻译是可以避免的。从这个例子可以看出,汉译英时,我们不仅要查汉英字典,更要查英英字典,以判断你所选用的英文词是否妥当,是否适合整个英语语篇的语境;同时,要尽可能地利用网上的资源,阅读相关的平行文本,学习母语为英语的本族人是怎样用得体的词汇来描写同样的事情的。王佐良先生所说的“词义不是简单地一查字典就得”说的就是这个道理。这里,我们不妨以“这一数据一直作为中国对珠峰高度的采用值沿用至2005年”的翻译来说明汉英翻译中利用英文网站准确选词的重要性。不少参赛译文将这句话翻译为This data had been adopted by the Chinese government till 2005;或This number had been adopted as the height of Chomolungma in China and it had been used till 2005. 实际上,译者只要查一下相关的英文网站(https://www.doczj.com/doc/755389386.html,),就会发现英语网站中有不少关于中国科学家测定珠峰高度的报道,这样原文中的“采用值”、“沿用”等词语的翻译也就很容易找到地道的对应的英文表达方式,而将之顺利地译为 This figure was considered the Qomolangma’s official height in China until 2005.


在汉译英时,译者还要注意句子翻译的“断”与“合”的问题。首先,让我们来看一下汉英翻译中“断”句的必要性。汉语不重形式,讲究意合,多用短句、流水句,常常是“一逗(点)到底”。例如,“珠穆朗玛峰位于中国和尼泊尔两国边界,海拔8844.43米,是喜马拉雅山脉的主峰,也是世界第一高峰,被誉为“万山之尊”“地球之巅”“世界第三极。”这个句子以珠穆朗玛峰作为话题,依次介绍了珠峰的位置、高度、特点以及人们对其的赞誉,句子虽长,中文读者读来却觉得非常自然、流畅。这样的句子在翻译成英文时,最好不要照搬原文的句子结构,而是要根据英文的特点,对原文进行断句,将之切分成三个英语句子:Mount Qomolangma, known in the West as Mount Everest, lies on the border between China and Nepal. Rising 8844.43 meters above sea level, it is the highest peak in the Himalayan Range and also the highest peak in the world. It is referred to variously as “the mountain of mountains”, “the top of the world” and “the third pole of planet Earth”. 相反,若照着原文顺序翻译成一句英文,则句子太长,不仅使读者读来有上气不接下气的感觉,而且作为一篇介绍性文字的首句也不很适合,给人头重脚轻的感觉。还有一点需要说明的是,这句话的译文虽然是以“Mount Qomolangma”为珠穆朗玛峰的英语对等词,

但考虑到珠穆朗玛峰在西方国家以Mount Everest 闻名(George Everest是第一个测量珠峰高度和位置的英国人,后人以其姓命名该山以示纪念),因此译文以同位语的形式做了增补性处理“known in the West as Mount Everest”。这不仅有助于英文读者对整篇文章的了解和把握;从另一个角度来说,也体现了译者在翻译过程中所处理的不仅仅是文字,而是考虑到文字背后的读者,考虑到翻译的目的。



译文1:Chinese scientists then gauged the height of it as 8848.13 meters. This data had been adopted by Chinese government till 2005.

译文2:The team measured its height as 8844.13 meters, which was considered the Qomolangma’s official height in China until 2005.



译文1:In 1975, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping and the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission formed a combined mountaineering team for scientific investigation, which successfully reached the peak of Qomolangma.

译文2:In 1975 an expedition team consisting of members from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China and the National Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China reached the summit of Qomolangma.



下面谈一下专有名词的翻译。该篇文章虽短,但出现了不少专有名词。除了珠穆朗玛峰、喜马拉雅山脉外,还谈到了另外三座著名山峰:干城章嘉峰、洛子峰、马卡鲁峰以及中国科学院、中国国家测绘局和中国国家体委等。前者作为世界高峰,都有固定的英文名称,译者最好利用google,到网上查出其相应的英文译名分别为Kanchenjunga, Lhotse, Makalu,而不是用汉语拼音。至于后者的翻译,多数参赛译文都采用了the State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping,the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission。这些译法或是来自汉英字典的翻译,或是来自中国网站的翻译,都有一定的权威性。参考译文中所采用的英文译文the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping of China / the National Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China是英文网站中报道有关中国这两个部门时所采用的英文译名。笔者以为,对于专有名词的翻译,官方最好采用统一的、西方读者能够接受的译名,以便于对外交流。



















Standard &Poor’s and CITIC Securities: Launching China's brand-new A-Share indexes


Standard &Poor’s and CITIC Securities jointly launched China’s A-Share indexes on December 15, 2003. The recent opening of China’s A-share market to qualified overseas investors has triggered wide repercussions in the international investment community. The full opening of China’s A-share market to foreign funds will have a far-reaching impact on the pattern of global investment in both short and long terms. At present, it is important to formulate comprehensive benchmark indexes for China’s market, as the current indexes fail to reflect the overall market performance and their calculation methods are rigid.

Standard &Poor’s and CITIC Securities are keen to create two index series. One of them, designed for portfolio managers, belongs to benchmark index reflecting the overall market performance. The other series has a relatively narrow scope, whose constituent stocks are selected from the benchmark indexes stocks. The second index series incorporates the most valuable and liquid stocks, and is more useful for the derivative market.

Discussion topics:

This meeting will focus on the scale of indexes and the constituent stocks.

Topic 1: In terms of value, the proposed 50 Index roughly accounts for 33% of the market capitalization and 25% of liquidity of China’s A-share market.

(1) Can the 50 Index reflect the liquidity and volatility of China’s A-share market?

(2) How many stocks are the qualified overseas investors likely to buy? Is the number likely to increase or remain stable in the future?

(3) Is sector balance important for the indexes designed for derivatives transactions? Or should the focus be put on market capitalization and liquidity of the company?

(4) How important is free float in China?

Topic 2: In terms of total value, the proposed 300 Index accounts for 60% of the market capitalization and 55% liquidity of China’s A-Shares market.

(1) Is the benchmark index that accounts for 60% of market capitalization and over 50% of liquidity representative enough?

(2) Can the 300 Index be easily replicated in the Chinese market?

(3) In view of the rapid changes and volatile nature of the Chinese stock market, will the turnover rate of the indexes composed of 300 stocks be unacceptably high?

Topic 3: Over the last couple of years, many big Chinese enterprises have listed in the stock market. It is expected that the initial public offerings market will become very dynamic in the next 12 to 18 months.

(1) How soon can the newly listed companies be incorporated into the Index?

(2) Should a threshold of the company’s market capitalization be set so as to limit the number of the newly listed companies eligible for the Index? (e.g. the market capitalization of the newly listed company must at least accounts for 10% of that of the Index or it must be among the top five constituent stocks, or some other conditions?)


Standard & Poor’s and CITIC Securities: New Indices for the China A Share Market

On December 15th, 2003, Standard and Poor’s and CITIC Securities jointly announced an index for the China A share market. The recent opening of the China A share market to Qualified Financial Institutional Investors has generated interest and excitement in the international investment community. The complete opening of the China A share market will have far reaching impact on investment patterns across the globe in both the short and long term. In the meantime, a critical need has emerged for a comprehensive benchmark for the China market. The current indices are either not representative of the entire market or have severe methodological limitations.

Standard and Poor’s and CITIC Securities have endeavored to create two index series. One series, which will be used primarily

by portfolio managers, will be a benchmark that will represent the market as a whole. The other will be narrower, with constituents drawn from the pool of stocks within the benchmark series. This second index, which consists of the largest, most liquid stocks in the market, will be more useful for the derivative market.

Topics for Discussion

This meeting will focus on issues relating to the indices’ size and constituents.

Topic 1: A proposed 50 stock index would cover approximately 33% of the total market capitalization of the China A share universe and approximately 25% of the liquidity of the entire market in terms of value traded.

a.Is a 50 stock index representative of the liquidity and volatility of the China A share market?

b.How many stocks on average do QFIIS prefer to invest in? Is this number expected to grow in the future or remain the same?

c.Is sector balance important for an index designed for derivative trading? Or should the focus be entirely on size and liquidity?

d.How important is free float in China?

Topic 2: A proposed benchmark 300 stock index would cover over 60% of the total market capitalization of the China A share universe and about 55% of the liquidity of the entire market in terms of the total value traded.

a.Does a benchmark index for China that covers 60% of the total market capitalization and over 50% of the liquidity considered an adequate benchmark?

b.Would a 300 stock index be easily replicable in the Chinese market?

c.Is there a perception that due to the fast changing nature and somewhat volatile Chinese equity market there may be larger than acceptable turnover for an index with 300 stocks?

Topic 3: In the past couple of years, China has seen an explosion of IPOs for some very large companies. The IPO market is expected to again be very active in the coming 12-18 months.

a.How soon should an IPO be added to the indices?

b.Should there be size constraint to limit the number of IPOs that can be added? (For instance, should the IPO be at least 10% of the index or among the top 5 stocks in the index, or should there be some other constraints for addition?)


港台翻译实践中一直强调“译意不译词”。十多年来,笔者与香港翻译界同仁口译及笔译实践中多有合作,对这句话有了更深的体会。上世纪八、九十年代,在国内热衷于“直译”与“意译”或“归化”与“异化”标准讨论时,港台翻译则更多的是侧重实践。开始时,在课堂教学中,介绍这一经验之谈时,总不忘要加引号提醒学生原文的重要性,“译意”与“意译”词序之差,但不可天马行空,将翻译随意变成个人创作。但经过个人多年翻译实践,尤其是在广告文案与工商实务的双语转换中,我对流行港台的这句翻译标准有了更全面的理解。其实,重“译意”可以指涉“概念”转换,轻“译词”是对过分强调原文或语词的“能指”的修正。国内的翻译理论在实践中具有信息量高,准确度强的优点,而港台的翻译经验性具有译文更加通顺,灵活,更富有创造性。我个人的翻译体会是:翻译其实就是在最大限度保证“概念”转换准确性基础上对原文的“重写”。翻译的过程就是准备与重写:Research TO rewrite。以下讲评,由于篇幅所限,我就不过多谈各位译作中的“语词”或常见的“翻译转换技巧”方面的问题,我想更多从翻译的过程来阐释我对翻译中“译意”以及research与rewriting的重要性的理解。





1.不是所有的题材对于我们都是“translatable”(可翻译的),如果超出我们的知识掌控范围太多,要学会“拒绝”,或者寻求external (行业内)assistance。翻译前,务必做好“功课”(research)。



4.最后,翻译的好坏不只是用词考究,关键是与原文保持“同一频道”(same frequency)。还是那句老话:功夫在诗外!

以上是各位译文对我的启发,只是个人体会,拉拉杂杂写出来,供大家参考。尤其是北京奥运会将会为我们提供一个更大的学习、吸收国外先进文化的平台,作为翻译工作者,我们更应该为不同文化间准确、高效的沟通提供语言上的帮助,翻译实践中减少“误读”、“误译”所带来的“Pekinglish”(Peking-glish) “笑柄”。









Brand is often regarded as the offspring of western advertisement industry. However, the earliest “brand” could be traced back to the early civilization in China and Egypt. Earthenware made in China thousands of years ago had signs or symbols of pottery craftsmen, and domestic animals branded with marks could also be seen on mural paintings of ancient Egypt. These might be the first “brand” in history.

Time passes and the situation has changed. Nowadays Americans have “Cadillac“, Japanese “Toyota”, German “Mercedes-Benz”, and they are all proud of the mega-brands they own. Chinese national brands are pale in comparison to their global counterparts. It is a reality which we cannot deny and have to face. With the globalization of brands and the internalization of global competition, foreign brands are making unceasing effort in attacking the China market. Under the circumstances, the question that we must ask is: how can Chinese brands be ready for the challenge posed by foreign brands?

Many Chinese enterprises are stubbornly single-minded in grabbing international market and going into metropolises. Successful though they seem, they act ill-advisedly. We should be aware that China, which has 1.3 billion people, accounting for 20% of the world population, and whose consumption expenditure is increasing faster than any developed countries, has become the largest emerging market in the world. It is the domestic market, especially the rural market with a population of 900 million people, that provides the real development opportunity for Chinese national brands. That is why many powerful foreign brands are trying, with every possible means, to develop the Chinese rural market.

Quality is the life of a brand and consumers always choose products with premium quality. The quality of Chinese products is too unstable to have credibility, so that it seriously affects the establishment of Chinese brands. Therefore, for those national brands determined to challenge foreign brands, the task of top priority is to improve product quality. It must be clearly understood that, for a consumer who has bought a product, defects in 1% of your products mean 100% loss. Only if we can create products with quality better than that of foreign brands, can national brands be successful in competition.

Brand awareness


Brands are often considered a product of Western advertising, but the earliest “brands” can be traced back to the early Chinese and Egyptian civilizations. The symbols and marks on the pottery made by Chinese thousands of years ago, and the emblems on the domestic animals in the ancient Egyptian murals were probably the earliest “brands” in history.

Now it is a different picture. People take pride in their premium brands—Americans, “Cadillac”, Japanese, “Toyota”, and Germans, “Benz”. The Chinese homegrown brands pale in comparison with the international brands, and this is an undeniable fact which we have to grapple with. With the globalization of brands, international competition has been extended to domestic market as foreign brands keep launching attacks on the Chinese market. In such a circumstance, we are confronted with one question—how should Chinese brands rise to the challenge of foreign brands?

Many Chinese enterprises are preoccupied with gaining a foothold in international market and entering big cities, which may seem glamorous but is unwise. We must realize that China has become the biggest developing market in the world with 1.3 billion people, or 20% of the total world population, where consumption expenses increase more rapidly than any developed country. The real opportunity for homegrown brands lies in the local market, particularly the rural market with 900 million people. This is why many foreign leading brands have gone out of their way to tap China’s rural market.

Quality is the lifeblood of brands, and quality products are always the choice of consumers. The quality fluctuation of the products made by Chinese enterprises shakes consumer confidence and seriously undermines the brand building. Therefore, it is imperative that the homegrown brands resolved to compete with foreign competitors upgrade the quality of their products. Enterprises must bear in mind that 1% deficiency in product is 100% loss for the consumers purchasing the product. Only when national brands surpass foreign brands in product quality, can they find themselves on the winning side of the competition.


Brand Awareness

Brand names are often thought of as a creation of the western advertising industry. The earliest “brands” may date back to the early days of China and Egypt. Chinese pottery made thousands of years ago bore symbols or other signs of the pottery maker, and wall paintings from ancient Egypt depict cattle being branded. These are possibly the earliest “brands” in history.

How time flies. “Cadillac”, “Toyota” and “Mercedes-Benz” are all currently premium brands owned respectively by the Americans, the Japanese and the Germans, and they all take pride in what they have owned. Chinese national brands pale in comparison with those world-class brands, which is a fact we can not deny and a reality we have to face. With the advent of brands being globalized and international competition being brought to our domestic market, foreign brands are making constant efforts to penetrate into the Chinese market. Under such circumstances, a question we have to answer is: How can Chinese brands give foreign brands a run for their money?

Many of our enterprises are obsessed with the idea of nudging into the international market and metropolitan areas. They are swollen-headedly stealing the limelight. We have to realize that China has become the world’s largest market yet to be fully developed. China has a population of 1.3 billion, accounting for 20% of the world’s population and the growth of its consumer expenditure is faster than anywhere else in the world. It is in our domestic market, particularly in our rural market of 900 million farmers that the odds are in favor of the development of our national brands. This may account for some of the well-established international brands racking their brains over China’s rural market.

Quality is the lifeblood of a brand, and customers always prefer goods of fine quality. With product quality being wildly inconsistent, Chinese enterprises can hardly build brands in which people have faith, thus creating obstacles to the establishment of China’s international brands. It is currently urgent for some of our national brands, those who have made up their minds to compete against foreign brands, to improve the quality of their products. Enterprises have to realize that 1% defection of a product equals 100% loss for the customer. The domination of China’s national brands in the world can never be achieved until goods made in China are better in quality than those made abroad.





约翰?辛克莱(John Sinclair)在《语料库,语词索引与搭配》(Corpus, concordance, collocation, J Sinclair - 1991 - Oxford University Press Oxford)一书中提出两个概念,一个是“成语原则”(idiom principle),另一个是“开放选择原则”(open-choice principle)。请看辛克莱对这两个概念的解释:

The idiom principle treats language as a combination of specific words into large prefabricated chunks, and can be seen in the apparently simultaneous choice of words.

The open-choice principle sees language as a result of many complex choices. ‘At each point where a unit is completed (a word,

phrase, clause), a large range of choice opens up and the only restraint is grammaticalness.’ (Sinclair 1991:109)


“An idiom is a group of two or more words which are chosen together in order to produce a specific meaning or effect in speech or writing The individual words which constitute idioms are not reliably meaningful in themselves.Because the whole idiom is required to produce the meaning.”

由此我们知道,所谓“成语原则”(idiom principle)是指语言中业已存在的表达方式;而所谓“开放选择原则”(open-choice principle)则指根据语法规则创造出的新的表达方式。研究结果表明,当人们找不到现有的表达方式时,才按照语法规则造出新的句子。也就是说,人们无论在讲话或者写文章的时候,首先运用的是“成语原则”,然后才是“开放选择原则”,因此,也有人把“成语原则”翻译成“成语优先原则”。辛克莱的发现无论对于英语学习还是翻译都具有重要意义,在笔者看来,他一语道破了译入语为非母语译者在翻译过程中出现诸多问题的根本原因。又有研究表明,中国学生(其实也包括教师和教授们)在使用英语时,能够熟练掌握的词块(prefabricated chunks)“数目较少、长度偏短、缺乏应有的变体”(卫乃兴,《中国学习者英语口语语料库初始研究》,《现代外语》2004年02期),因此他们的话语输出主要依赖“开放选择原则”,而将词块链接为话语的技能较低。我们在从事英文写作或汉译英时出现许多“不地道”的根本原因就在这里,正如英国翻译理论家彼得?纽马克 (Peter Newmark) 所说:“That is why you cannot translate properly if the TL is not your language of habitual usage.”然而我们大家都知道,我们所从事的汉译英工作恰恰是无法做好的工作,我们的问题不仅仅是语言不地道的问题,更包括在使用“开放选择原则”时由于基础英语不过关而导致的大量错误。综上所述我们有理由相信,英语水平的高低是决定能否做好汉译英的关键。



【译文一】The earliest brands may date back to the early days of China and Egypt.

【译文二】The earliest brands can be traced back to the early days of China and Egypt.

【例句一】The earliest known glass mirrors date back to Greco-Roman times, and were found in the tombs at Arsinoe in Egypt. 【例句二】Presumably such militias date back to the last years of the Roman period, although there is no evidence for them in the fifth century.

【例句三】The idea of a primeval golden age can be traced back to the Sumerians (c.2000 BC).

【例句四】The origin of democracy can be traced back to Greece.

【误译一】However, the earliest “brand” can be dated back to the early civilizations in China and Egypt.

【误译二】However, the earliest “brand” might trace back to early civilization of Chinese and Egypt.

【误译分析】误译一中的can be dated back to应改为can date back to或者 date back to;误译二中的might trace back to应改为can be traced back to。


【译文二】Chinese national brands pale in comparison with those world-class brands……

【例句一】In 1993 Burgundy's white wines pale in comparison with its reds.

【例句二】The benefits pale in comparison with the side effects.

【例句三】The best hearing aids pale in comparison with natural gift of hearing.

【误译一】Chinese national brands are greatly tarnished compared with the world ones.

【误译二】Comparing with international leading brands Chinese ones are inevitably outclassed.

【误译三】Compared with those world top brands, Chinese national brands are outshone.

【误译四】Compared with these world-class brands, China’s native brands look pale.

【误译五】Chinese national brand names are in an inferior state when compared with that of the world.

【误译分析】根据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 的解释,作为动词的tarnish的意义是:[intransitive and transitive] if metals such as silver, copper, or brass tarnish, or if something tarnishes them, they become dull and lose their colour;搭配后引申出的意义是:[transitive] if an event or fact tarnishes someone's reputation, record, image etc, it makes it worse。两个相关的例句:1)The brass is nice, but it will tarnish really easily. 2)Neighbors' testimony tarnished Wilson's image as a loving mother. 因此,【误译一】Chinese national brands are greatly tarnished compared with the world ones.不成立。其他四个误译例子都有这样或那样的问题,这里不再详述。


【译文三】How can Chinese brands give foreign brands a run for their money?

【例句一】I think only Liverpool will be able to give Manchester United a run for their money next season.

【例句二】Automakers in China have come a long way from their humble beginnings and are starting to give their foreign competitors a run for their money

【误译一】How can China brands challenge with foreign brands?

【误译二】How can Chinese brands confront imported brands’ challenges head-on?

【误译分析】误译一中的challenge为及物动词,因此challenge with的说法是错误的;误译二中imported brands的说法不妥。就本句而言,来稿中的一些译法都可接受,如How can Chinese brands be ready for the challenge posed by foreign brands? 以及to meet the challenges head-on,to rise to the challenges of foreign brands等说法。根据Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms(Cambridge University Press 1998)的释义,give someone a run for their money的意思是to compete very strongly against someone who is expected to win a competition. 因此,笔者认为译文三比较好。


【译文四】Many of our enterprises(businesses)are obsessed with the idea of nudging into the international market and metropolitan areas.

【误译一】Many businesses in our country are wholeheartedly fighting beachhead for the share of the international market 【误译分析】汉语中“抢滩国际市场”的意思是“打入或挤进国际市场”,与英语中to nudge into the international market 的说法非常接近,不一定把beachhead一词用上,beachhead的意思是an area of shore that has been taken from an enemy by force, and from which the army can prepare to attack a country。当然,英语中也有to establish a beachhead的说法,也可以表示在别国市场占有一席之地的

意思,如1)The deals give HP a solid beachhead in the market for large-scale outsourcing deals;2)LONDON: India's Biocon is soon to establish a beachhead in the UK, and is setting up an office in London. 但是,误译一中fighting beachhead for的说法是错误的。大家来稿中此句译文五花八门,大多都有问题,此处不再赘述。


【译文五】They are swollen-headedly stealing the limelight.

英语中to steal the limelight的意思是to do something that makes people pay more attention to you than to other people;而have a swollen head/be swollen-headed的意思是to be too proud and think you are very clever or important。因此,译文五基本上表达了原文的意思。总体上看,大家对此句的翻译都不够理想。


【译文六】Some well-established(strong)international brands are constantly racking their brains over China’s rural market. 【误译一】Many powerful foreign brands are trying a thousand ways to make a fuss about the Chinese rural market.

【误译二】Many foreign strong brands had racked their brains to make a big fuss on China’s rural market.

【误译分析】上面的两例误译均出在对make a fuss的错误理解上,实际上还有许多人也采

用了to make a fuss来表示“大做文章”,在笔者看来这很奇怪。根据Longman Dictionary

of Contemporary English的解释,make a fuss about something的意思是to complain or become

angry about something, especially when this is not necessary;虽然make a fuss of somebody/something有to pay a lot of attention to someone or something, to show that you are pleased with them or like them的意思,但在这里也不合适。有一位参赛者的译文是That is why many foreign strong brands are trying every means to get as much mileage from Chinese rural market as they can. 如果把句中的every means去掉,整体上译文也很好。















China’s development: A new engine for global economic growth


In the context of in-depth development of economic globalization, the economic boom in China and Asia is becoming a new engine for world economic growth, and world economic growth will also bring China and Asia new important opportunities. The intensified economic cooperation of mutual benefit and the growing interdependence among all countries will usher in a more promising future for the world economic development.

Thanks to Mr. Deng Xiaoping’s policy of reform and opening up, China has undergone an unprecedented reform, achieving significant

growth in comprehensive national power and constant improvement of people’s livelihood. The Chinese people have written a new chapter of history while inheriting and carrying forward the ancient civilization. The 1.3 billion Chinese are now forging ahead with one mind on the path of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China has set a clear goal for the first two decades of the 21st century, which is to seize the important strategic opportunities to build a moderately prosperous society at a higher level which will benefit all the people.

By 2020, China’s GDP will quadruple that of 2000, reaching about 4000 billion US dollars, and the per capita GDP will grow to 3000 US dollars, bringing China to a stage where economy is more developed, democracy more consolidated, science and education more advanced, culture more prosperous, society more harmonious, and the livelihood of the people further improved.

To achieve this goal, we will adopt the scientific approach of development as the guiding principle of the overall social and economic development, adhering to the principle of putting human first, proceeding from the fundamental interests of the majority of the people, making efforts to meet the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the people, and promoting the all-round development of people.

We will take economic development as our central task and development as top priority, promoting economic, political, cultural development and harmonious society in an all-around manner.

We will follow through socialist market economic reform, further promoting institutional innovation and in-depth development of reform, tapping the creativity of the society, and increasing the dynamics of economic and social development.

We will pursue the basic policy of opening up, establishing a more open market system and participating in international economic cooperation and competition in a broader scope and at a higher level.

We will stick to the new path of industrialization, making efforts to achieve economic restructuring and accelerate the transformation of economic growth mode, improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth, developing recycle economy, building energy-efficient and environmentally friendly society, and striving for higher productivity, more prosperous life and better ecological system.

China’s development is closely linked with the development of Asia and the world. China’s development has and will continue to bring opportunities for win-win cooperation among all countries in Asia and the world.

China will continue to open its market in a steady manner, adopting new approaches to attract foreign investment, improving laws and regulations to encourage and protect foreign investment, reforming foreign-related economic management mechanisms, strengthening the protection of intellectual property, and making efforts to provide facilitation and better environment for foreign trade and economic cooperation and foreign investment in China.


China is Emerging as a New Growth Engine for the World

In the context of deep-going economic globalization, China and Asia are emerging as an economic power house for the world. The expansion of the world economy, on the other hand, is generating fresh opportunities of significance for China and Asia as well.

The further development of mutually beneficial cooperation and increased interdependence among various economies, on the other hand, will undoubtedly open up broad vistas for the global economic growth.

Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up program initiated by Mr. Deng Xiaoping in 1978, China has undergone a profound transformation unprecedented in history. Our overall national strength has enhanced markedly and the people’s living standard improved steadily. Carrying forward the glory of their ancient civilization, the 1.3 billion Chinese people are creating a new history as they press forward in a concerted effort and a pioneering spirit along the high road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China has set a goal for the first 20 years of this century, which is to firmly seize the major strategic opportunities to build China,in an all-round way,into a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard, which is of great benefit to its more than one billion people.

By 2020, China's GDP will have quadrupled from the figure of 2000, amounting to approximately 4 trillion US dollars, with a per-capita level of some 3,000 US dollars. This will result in further developed economy, enhanced democracy, advanced science and education, enriched culture, improved social harmony and an upgraded texture of life for the people.

To achieve this goal, we will adopt a scientific approach in the process of guiding the economic and social development. We will stick to the principle of putting the people first, always keeping the fundamental interests of the broad masses at heart, and endeavoring to satisfy their growing material and cultural needs so as to achieve the comprehensive development of man.

We will focus on economic development, making development our central task or top priority with a view to achieving a well-rounded

progress -- economically, politically and culturally -- in the building of a harmonious society.

We will persist in the reform to develop a socialist market economy, furthering the innovation of institutional mechanisms, deepening the reforms aimed at galvanizing creative vitality of society and activating from within the dynamics for economic and social development.

We will adhere to our basic policy of opening to the outside world so as to establish a more open market system, enabling the country to participate in international economic and technological cooperation and competition in greater scopes and wider fields and at higher levels.

We will follow a new course of industrialization to transform China’s economic structures and to promote changes in the mode of economic growth by improving quality and efficiency. We will do a good job of developing a circular economy to build a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society. By so doing we will embark on a path to renewed development characterized by higher productivity, improved livelihood and a sustainable eco-system.

China’s development and the development of Asia and the world as a whole are closely interrelated. The development of China will, as always, generate cooperation opportunities with win-win results for other countries in Asia and all over the world.

China will keep opening up its market step by step. We will try to explore new ways of attracting foreign capital, improve the legal framework for encouraging and protecting foreign investment, streamline the management of businesses with foreign elements, and step up the protection of intellectual property rights. Great efforts will be made to create a more favorable business climate to facilitate economic and trade cooperation outwardly and to make things smooth for the inflow of foreign investment.






1.“经济发展新的推动力量”翻译成英文可以是growth engine, 也可以是economic power house (带动经济发展的火车头)。

2. “在……的条件下”也可以翻译为against the backdrop of (在……背景之下)。

3. 世界经济发展也将给中国及亚洲发展带来新的重要机遇:翻译成英文时,要把“将”字理解为“会”字,而不是将来时态。所以这里变成了现在进行时。

在经济全球化趋势深入发展的条件下:in the context of deep-going economic globalization。

4. Vistas 是“前景”的意思,例如:This discovery opens up new vistas of research for biologists. (这一发现为生物学家展示了新的研究前景)。

5. 万众一心地在中国特色社会主义道路上开拓前进:press forward / forge ahead in a concerted effort and pioneering spirit along the high road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

6. 全面建设惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会:这里涉及“全面地”、“惠及十几亿人口的”、“更高水平的”、“小康”等多个修饰语(状语和定语),在进行翻译时必须对它们作妥善的安排:to build China, in an all-round way,into a moderately prosperous society of a higher standard so as to benefit its more than one billion people. “小康社会”如果翻译为well-off则有两个问题需要考虑:第一,它是一个泛指“富裕”的概念,不能准确表达“小康”的意思;第二,它通常与人联用,很少与国家或社会搭配。

7. 使经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加进步、文化更加繁荣、社会更加和谐、人民生活更加殷实:这里共有6个“更加”,分别用further developed, enhanced, advanced, enriched, improved 和upgraded 这些词语来修饰。要从动词的结果而不是从开始来着眼考虑问题,所以动词用了将来完成时。

8.我们将坚持以科学发展观统领经济社会发展全局:这里的“坚持”没有翻译出来,而是代之以“采取”。从这一段开始,每一短的开头都是“我们将坚持”,一共出现6次,产生了排比句(parallel structure)的效果:We will adopt, We will stick to, We will focus on, We will uphold, We will adhere to, We will follow ….

9. 我们将坚持以人为本,从最广大人民的根本利益出发,不断满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求,努力促进人的全面发展:这一句里共有四个部分,把第一部分作为主句,第二和第三部分作为方式状语,第四部分作为目的状语录。这样处理各个部分的关系比较恰当,句子结构也比较平衡。”以人为本”也可以说people oriented; people focused; people foremost。“从最广大人民的根本利益出发”翻译为 make…the starting point / point of departure似乎意思不太准确, 这是“以….. 为开端”的意思。

10.推动经济建设、政治建设、文化建设与和谐社会建设全面发展:这一句里有四个形式上并列的“建设”,但在意思上只有前三个是并列的,第四个是在其之上的,所以英语译文作了这样一来的安排:… with a view to achieve a well-rounded progress -- economically, politically and culturally -- in the building of a harmonious society.

11.我们将坚持……改革方向,进一步推动……,不断深化……,激发……活力,增强……动力:把后面的四个并列的动词短语分成两个层次:两个现在分次短语和两个动名词短语:We will persist in …, furthering, deepening aimed at galvanizing … and activating …增强经济社会发展的内在动力:activating from within the dynamics for economic and social development.

12. 走生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。to embark on a path to renewed development characterized by higher productivity, improved livelihood and a sustainable eco-system。“文明发展”指的是不是与过去不同的发展道路?比如要注意防止污染、节约资源等。互联网上有关于美国建设新农村的说法:renewing the countryside。所以我们在这里把“文明发展”翻译为renewed development。当然,blaze a trail of development 的说法也是很好的。

13. 共赢:win-win results / outcomes / deals / negotiation

14. 最后一个句子特别长,翻译成英语时最好是分成几个句子:China will keep opening up its market step by step. We will try to explore new ways … and improve …. streamline …, and step up …. Great efforts … a more favorable environment … to facilitate …, and to make things smooth for …. “涉外经济管理”的意思从上下文来看应该是:the management of businesses with foreign elements (对外资企业的管理). 如果翻译为foreign (related) economic management意思似乎不大确切。











Why are England soccer fans so crazy?


Of the 32 teams in this World Cup, the England team is undoubtedly one of those that attract most public attention. As before, the England fans will inevitably go through an emotional turbulence of hysteria and tearful exhilaration at the team’s ups and downs. How can a tiny soccer blows up such a tremendous emotional storm?

An article from The Guardian, a British newspaper, tells us the emotional torrents of the fans may be explained by the principles of Relationship Psychology

Experiments prove that the fans’ testicle hormone will go up dramatically at their team’s victory. As is known, testicle hormone, one of the male hormones, controls senses of aggressiveness, confidence, calmness and optimism. In a sense, the whole country is overtaken by the power of testicle hormone at present. However, psychologists have raised such a question: why do fans exert so much energy on something completely uncontrollable?

One answer highlights the sort of “identity” the team gives to the fans. When a large number of fans support one team, they tend to stand together, feeling they belong to one social group. When this sense of identity is strong enough, the performance of the team may exert direct influence on how fans feel, or what is usually called that they are influenced by “their own team”. Therefore, fans invariably experience tension and pressure as they watch professional games, in which they and their team are temporarily united as one. Everyone wishes to find emotional common ground with others. Naturally, fans of the same team feel emotionally close and thus get the sense of conformity. In addition, watching soccer games contributes to the relief of pressures of present life.

On the other hand, professional arena helps to realize some personal values and dreams. To the fans, the victory of their team is also their own victory, giving them recognition of their identities. Psychologists prove that this kind of influence is more powerful in England, for Englanders think their country is the home of soccer and they always want to welcome soccer home.

As a nation, the English place a high premium on competition and individualism. Sports have become the major means to sustain the country’s status of supremacy, as empire expansion and military invasion, the major means of national exploitation, have

gradually faded from the stage of history. Meanwhile, the psychological state of the whole nation demonstrates that the few victories the England team has won brought more than mere happiness. In the British culture that attaches significance to individualism, players struggle for goals in a comparatively loose social structure. But however tremendous the individualism is, a team longs to be with others for interaction and communication, to be accepted into a bigger social group. When Rooney shot the goal, all the fans felt he was playing not only for himself but for all, a moment when all hearts beat as one, the players’ and the fans’.


Why Are English Football Fans So Frantic?

Among the 32 football teams participating in the FIFA World Cup 2006, the England football Team is undoubtedly one of those teams that attract the greatest public attention. England football fans, as always, will get psychologically aroused at games to the highest extent. They hit the heights when their team wins and reach the depths of despair when they lose. Fans of the England football team are so emotionally involved in games that they sometimes behave hysterically; other times they turn from joys to tears. How can a small football stir up such huge emotional surges?

The Chinese newspaper Beijing Science and Technology carried an article from the English newspaper The Guardian which says that the emotional changes of football fans are all dictated by certain rules of relationship psychology.

Experiments show that testosterone levels in male fans rise markedly after a victory (but drop just as sharply after a defeat). As we know, testosterone is one of the male hormones, which controls such senses as competition, confidence, tranquility and pessimism. In a certain sense, the whole English nation is currently under the influence of testosterone. Psychologists have asked this question: Why do the fans devote so much of their energy to something they can't control?

One answer is that they can enjoy a sense of “status” through their connection with their team. When many fans avidly root for a team, they feel they are united as one and have become members of a group or a society. If this psychological need for status is strong enough, the performance of the team will influence the attitudes and feelings of the fans. In other words, they are influenced by “their own team”. When they watch a professional match, the fans always feel motivated and pressured. During a football match the team and the fans temporarily demonstrate a fierce and unbreakable bond to each other.

Highly-identified fans desire to share their feelings with one another. They feel drawn to one another, and have a deep attachment to their team. When watching a football game, their emotions change with the match. Clapping and chanting are a good way to stave off their depression and let off their steam, which helps to relax their tension and strain brought by the fast pace of modern life.

On the other hand, professional football competitions are also manifestations of values and illusions. If “our”team wins, it is our victory, which is a confirmation of our identity. Psychologists have proven that this effect is especially strong in England, because the English think that the modern sport football belongs to them. That's why England football fans always emphasize the “home coming of football”.

England as a nation plays a prominent role in terms of competition and personal skills. In this day and age when imperial expansion and military aggression are no longer the order of the day, sports competitions have become a principal medium to demonstrate a nation's ambitions and prowess. Meanwhile, the state of mind of the English nation shows that behind the great rejoicing after the few hard-won victories there are more profound reasons.In the English culture which gives priority to individual development, the players are playing under a relatively relaxed environment, so they can go all out to score goals. However, no matter how strong individualism is, there has to be some kind of linkage --- by which you make explorations and interactions with those around you, which gives you the feeling of being in a group. So when Wayne Rooney scored a goal, all the fans would think that it was not just for the good of the footballer himself but for everyone else as well. At that moment, the fans and the players had their hearts joined together.




1.为配合2006年的世界杯赛而选择了这篇短文 (这次比较长,将近1000字) 作为本次翻译的内容。本文的资料来源:中新网,时间:2004年07月24日,略有改动。从内容来看,它是根据英国《卫报》的一篇报道写的。(原文是:在参加本届欧锦赛的16支球队中,最大喜大悲的莫过于英格兰队了。Of the 16 football teams participating in the current European Football Championship ….)

2.过去曾多次强调,在着手翻译之前,最好是上网查询有关资料,尽量多模仿英语原文中的表达。通过搜索引擎Google 输入关键词,我们可以找到The New York Times的一篇长文章,题为:SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY; It Isn't Just a Game: Clues to Avid Rooting,By JAMES C. MCKINLEY JR. Published: August 11, 2000;其中有些内容与咱们要翻译的内容相似,于是我们可以把某些相关的语言材料挑出来作为借鉴参考。输入关键词“Testosterone levels in male fans rise markedly”可以找到《大学体验英语》(四)的一篇课文:Is It Healthy to Be a Football Supporter? 这篇课文的内容同前面那篇文章中的内容有许多相似之处。https://www.doczj.com/doc/755389386.html,/sonline/Level4/index.html

我们可以把这种翻译练习称之为以范文为基础的、有指导的汉英翻译练习(text-based guided English translation)。这是我过去在基础英语教学中长期使用的一种训练中译英的教学方法,收效十分明显,非常有助于培养学生用地道的英语进行连贯表达的能力。这里所遵循的原则是“洋为中用”和“学以致用”。


Why Are English Football Fans So Maniacal?

Among the 32 football teams participating in the 2006 World Cup Finals ….

England football fans will get most emotionally involved in the outcome of the matches / experience extreme emotional arousal during the matches.

The emotions of English fans soar with victory and plummet in defeat. / Their emotions will go up and down violently as their team does well and poorly.

England football fans are the most emotionally aroused ones / show the greatest emotional responses / most clearly espouse their enthusiasms.

How can a small football churn up such huge emotional changes?

One answer is that they can enjoy a feeling of self-esteem / feeling of self-worth / feel highly regarded / gain respect through their connection with their team / through their attachment to their team / by identifying with their team.

During a football match the team and the fans temporarily feel so drawn to form such deep ties to each other.

Highly-identified fans desire to emotionally resonate with one another.

They identify their group membership, and have a deep attachment to / strong sense of belonging to / strong sense of affiliation to / strong connection with their team.

When watching a football game, their emotions fluctuate with the match / the progress of the game.

If “our” team wins, it is our victory, which is a confirmation of our status / self-esteem / self-worth.

England as a nation stands in a prominent position in terms of competition and personal skills.

The players are playing under a relatively relaxed environment, so they can exert themselves to score goals.

which gives you the feeling of belonging to a group.


5.文中的“英国”不能翻译成Britain / British,而必须用England / English来表达,因为没有一个统一的英国足球队,而只有英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士等足球队。而本文特指的就是英格兰队。












A Dream of Red Mansions & “Redology” (the study on it)

The mid-18th-century novel A Dream of Red Mansions, by Cao Xueqin (a great Chinese writer during the Tsing Dynasty) is a monumental work in the history of Chinese literature.

Taking as the main theme the tragic love story between a young aristocrat, Jia Baoyu and his cousin, Lin Daiyu, the novel depicts the decline of a once-great traditional Manchu family, and presents vividly a panorama of everyday life in the waning years of Chinese feudal society.

The artistic expression of the novel reached an enchantingly high level. Along with the fascinating story, the extraordinary artistic charm made the novel an instant success. Upon its completion, various versions both hand-written and printed spread widely among the populace, and even to the Emperor’s palaces. For several hundred years, the novel has enchanted a great many readers of one generation or another.

Soon numerous scholars researching A Dream of Red Mansions have emerged and ‘Redology’, as it is called, has gradually developed into a specialized academic subject in itself. The Dream of Red Mansions Research Institute, solely devoted to work on the novel, has been set up at the Chinese Academy of Arts. In many institutions of higher education through out china, scholars, both professional and amateur, are engaged in studying on ‘Redology’. Surely, many students are very interested in it, thus they will take over the still unfinished research work and continue to study it. In order to exchange the research information and the opinions, specialized periodicals, such as Studies on a Dream of Red Mansions and Essays and Studies on a Dream of Red Mansions have been published. In addition, several “National Symposiums on The Dream of Red Mansions” have also been held. Books on it are innumerable. China’s reforms and opening-up has also brought the study on ‘Redology’ into a brand-new light. ‘Redology’is not only an academic pursuit of experts and scholars, but has also become a hot topic among the masses. It is safe to say, that the study on A Dream of Red Mansions has continued to bloom to a degree never before reached in history.

The scholarly atmosphere has become more energized with the addition of some famous writers in the discussion of ‘Redology’.

A series of articles by Wang Meng has brought out many fresh ideas, and five years ago, Liu Xinwu opened the subject of ‘Qinology’, after he proposed many brand-new ideas through the discussion of Qin Keqing’s family background. Although different views towards those ideas are held in the circle of ‘Redology’, this scholarly discussion has been an impetus towards further and deeper research on A Dream of Red Mansions.

The novel is not only well-known in china but, through its translation into many foreign languages, such as, English, German, French and Russian, enjoys an international reputation. Two English versions translated respectively by Mr.& Mrs. Yang Xianyi and British sinologist, Mr. Hornx, have gained the novel a large readership in English-speaking countries. ‘Redology’, along with Chinese culture, has moved beyond Chinese borders, and has become an international subject. Many countries have greatly contributed to the research and advancement of ‘Redology’.


A Dream of Red Mansions and the "Redology"

The novel A Dream of Red Mansions written by Cao Xueqin (about 1715-1763) in the middle of the 18th century is a monumental work in the history of the development of Chinese literature.

With the tragedy of the love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu as its main thread, the novel describes the decline of Jia the noble family, which consists of the Rong Mansion and the Ning Mansion, vividly presenting a vast scenery of the life in the period when China’s feudal society was moving towards corruption and decline.

The literary skill of this novel has indeed attained the acme of perfection. Because of its moving story and extraordinary artistic charm, the novel won warm immediate acclaim, and soon hand copied and various printed versions soon spread far and wide among the people and the royal palace proved no exception. For centuries, the novel captured great admiration from the broad readers from one generation after another, and scholars making researches on A Dream of Red Mansions emerged in swarms and the “Redology”, the study on the novel, soon became a branch of special learning. The Institute of “A Dream of Red Mansions” has been set up in the Arts Academy of China. In addition, there are a great number of professional and amateur researchers in many institutions of research and higher learning throughout the country who are engaged in studies on the Redology. Many students also show great

interest and become successors to the contingent of the Redology. To facilitate the exchanges of research results and thoughts in this line, special periodicals like Studies on A Dream of Red Mansions and Collected Essays and Studies on A Dream of Red Mansions have emerged, and several national symposiums on A Dream of Red Mansions have been convened. As for books on A Dream of Red Mansions, they are simply beyond count. The spring breeze of China’s reform and opening up has brought about a new surge of the study. The Redology is no longer just a research topic for special scholars but a heated subject of great topical interest among the common folks. There is now an exceptionally flourish in the research on the Redology, like a hundred different flowers competing in splendor.

The joining in the discussion by some famous writers has really enlivened the academic atmosphere. The series of articles by Wang Meng on A Dream of Red Mansions offered some new insights. Five years ago Liu Xinwu, another famous writer raised some totally new views based on his study of the background of Qin Keqin, an important character in the novel. Some people say that Liu has opened up a new branch the “Qinology” in the Redology. Though there are different opinions, Liu’s exploration is one of the new flowers in the garden of the Redology adding to its splendor and has pushed the studies on the novel into a new depth.

The novel A Dream of Red Mansions not only is well known to every household in China but has also won a high reputation all over the world. It has been translated into many foreign languages like English, German, French, and Russian. The two unabridged English translations respectively by Yang Hsien-yi and Galdys Yang and by David Hawkes (with the title of The Story of the Stone) found millions of readers in English speaking countries. The Redology has become a world-wide learning as part of Chinese culture. Scholars in many foreign countries have also achieved fruitful results and made their contributions to the development of this learning.





1. 在介绍历史人物时,最好注明生卒年份。

2. 本文中(《红楼梦》一书)“问世”是否等于出版,大家可以思考。至于该书是否可叫做 bestseller 更成问题。翻译要注意历史情况。

3. 需要指出的是,本文有不少意境性的溢美之辞,翻译时要适当“降调”或具体化,例如“辉煌灿烂的艺术丰碑”就是典型的汉语修辞手法,给人以叠床架屋的感觉,“丰碑”当然是“辉煌灿烂”的----事实上连“丰”字都是多余的----这样多此一举的修饰语译成英语时与应该去掉。但是“丰碑”译成 milestone/landmark(里程碑)不确切;还有人用 monumental stone,变成“像碑一样的石头”或“用于造碑的石头”了。把这本书说成是 a monumental work 倒是可以的。此外,establish a monument 的搭配有问题(可用 build,set up,put up,erect 等动词)。

4.“主线”可以译做 main thread,也可以译为 theme,但在 theme 前面加上main 一词更好。有人会问 main 一词是否多余,因为 theme 本身的意思就是“主题”。一般情况下不说 main theme,但是《红楼梦》这一巨著内容实在丰富,恐怕不止一个主题,故这里不妨一用。有人用了 focus一词,大大缩小了《红楼梦》一书的内容,center on 也不确切;而用 line 和 clue 也不对,前者指“(划出来的)线条”,后者则指“(破案的)线索”;还有人用 backbone,不知道是有什么思路得出来的,此词不可能用以指一本书的内容。Leading story 倒是勉强可以。但是“以……为主线”不能用 regard …as…的句式,use..as…也不好。

5.“贾家荣、宁两府”指同姓(贾)的两户人家“荣国府”和“宁国府”。“府”字则指高官的“府第”,一般译为 mansion(官邸)。“荣(国)府”“宁(国)府”分别译为 the Rong Mansion 和 the Ning Mansion,虽有点勉强,但尚能凑合。(David Hawkes 译为 the Rong-guo House the Ning-guo House 好像不足以显出官气来。)还要指出的是,写中国事物不宜搬用 blue blood 之类说法。

6.“达到了出神入化的境界”译为 has indeed attained the acme of perfection 是赞誉到了顶点,因为《红楼梦》确实非同一般,一般情况下英语很少用这类极端的说法,其实,superb 一词就可以表达“出神入化”的意思。

英语中的 perfect(ion) 一词也应该慎用,汉语常说的“不断完善…”译做continuously being perfected 逻辑上也是讲不通的,因为 perfect 是一个顶点状态,无法再深化或进一步,也没有 the perfect level 的说法。

7. 对本文的“风靡一时”要配合上下文理解。因为《红楼梦》决不只是“风靡一时”后就销声匿迹了,所以不宜采用汉英词典提供的译文 popular / fashionable for a time,all the rage(注意,最后一个短语是俚语,指一下子流行开来的事物,不用于正式文体),译为 win immediate acclaim (注意,比译做 win acclaim immediately 更符合英语习惯)可较好地表达本文的中心意思。至于用 fashionable 一词也不准确,一本书不可能变得 fashionable。而 get popularity 完全不符合英语习惯用法,raved about it 的意思完全不同。

8.“手抄本”和 manuscript(s) 有什么不同,大家应该判断得出来。

9.“为之倾倒”可译为 captured great admiration (from…),其中动词 capture 用得非常好。我们知道英语常用 V + N + (prep) 的句式表示动作概念,其中N是概念化了的、表示动作的抽象名词,而其前面的动词的动作概念已经淡化或虚化,如 have a look at…,take care of…,pay attention to…中的 have, take 和 pay,其动作意义很弱(有人称之为“虚动词”),这也是英语趋于静态化的表现之一。但是将这些动词换成有特殊词义的动词,动词本身的意思会加强,从而会起到一种特有的修辞作用,以 have a look at…为例,可以将动词 have 换为:get a look at…有机会看…一眼

throw a look at…漫不经心地朝…看一眼

grab a look at…抢着看…一眼

steal a look at…偷偷地看…一眼

sneak a look at…鬼鬼祟祟地看…一眼

be given a look at…被允许看…一眼


take a close(r) / (more) careful look at…(更)仔细地看…一眼

take a final look at…最后再看…一眼

take a disapproving look at…不赞成地看…一眼

take a reproachful look at…带责备地看…一眼

take a doubtful / dubious / questioning look at…不相信地 / 有疑惑地看…一眼

take a reflective look at…若有所思地看…一眼

take a loving look at…满怀深情地看…一眼

take an expectant look at…满怀希望地看…一眼

take a pitying look at…同情地看…一眼

take a pleading look at…恳求地看…一眼

take a reluctant look at…勉强地看…一眼

take a trembling look at…抖抖缩缩地看…一眼

当然,还可以将 look 换成 glance, glimpse, watch 等词,表现不同的意思。这是英语特有的丰富的表达方式,我们在汉译英时应学会用这种结构,写出地道的英语。

有人将“为之倾倒”译成 overwhelmed with admiration。不妨查一下词典,看看这样译为什么不妥。尽管 conquered 可以有“赢得…的青睐/欢心”的意思,但一般指人不指书,captivate 倒是可以的。

10. 这里“专门的学问”类似于一门学科(不是 knowledge,而且 knowledge 是不可数的),“专门”只能是 special 而不是 professional,也不是specific。前者是相对于“业余的”而言的“职业的”,后者的意思是“特定的”。下文中“业余的”当然应该用 amateur 一词,有人却用了 amateurish(ly),意思变成“外行”、“不熟练的”了。有人还用了major, scholarship 等词翻译“专门学问”更不对,前者意为“学术成就”,后者指大学生主修的专业课程。还有人用 subject,请大家查查词典,看看是否妥当。

“红学”一般译为 Redology,但是为了方便译文读者,最好加上一个说明 the study on the novel A Dream of Red Mansions。至于“秦学”可以根据 Redology 仿造一个词:Qinology。这里还要提一下,把 ology 作为一个单词用以表示“学科”的意思,是一种戏谑的用法,往往带有嘲讽的意味。

11. 英语中的介词显得不起眼,可是很重要,要注意各种习惯用法。比如“……的接班人”英文应该是 successor to…而不是 of…。下文“带来崭新的局面”光是一个 bring 不行,而必须是 bring about。请大家考虑 bring 的直接宾语是什么。

12.“开全国(性)会议”不等于“在全国各地开会”,所以译成 meetings were held all over China/the country 是不对的(请查all over…的确切意思)。

13.“热门话题”译为 hot topic 倒也未尚不可,但参考译文的处理比较细腻一些,值得借鉴。要尽量把原文所含的意思表达出来,有时需要加上一说明性的词语。

14.“百花烂漫”和“盛况空前”是两个成语,有些译者抄了汉英词典提供的两个译文,放在一起,显得不连贯。参考译文的灵活处理值得学习。不少人不管上下文抄汉英词典提供的译文,如将这里的“盛况空前”译为 a grand occasion/grandeur 都是不妥的,因为这里不是该成语通常表示的“场面盛大”的意思。

15.“学术气氛”译为 the academic atmosphere 是可以的,但是这里的“活跃”译成 active 就不符合英语习惯用法,倒可说 lively atmosphere。而 active 一词可用在下列说法中:an active market(活跃的市场),lead an active life (日子过得有生气)。The atmosphere of the Redology 不通,因为一门学问没有什么atmosphere 可言。Stimulate the atmosphere 的搭配不合适。

16. 原文第三段第一句以“尤其”开始,但是英语中用 especially 作为一句的开头很别扭。不妨看看英语词典里 especially 的例句。

17.“全新的看法”不少人译为 a totally new opinion,给人以“另起炉灶,与以前的研究无关”的印象,用 insights 则可表示出“深入一步”的含义。注意,这里用复数表示各种具体的观点、看法和结论。

英语中许多抽象名词的复数形式都表示具体的概念,如 greeting 表示打招呼的行为,但是 greetings 表示具体的打招呼用语。又如:home comforts 表示家里令人感到舒适的各种设备,uncertainties 表示各种不确定性,irrelevances 表示具体的不相关之处。

18. 在一定的上下文中把“家传户诵”译为 household name/word 也许可以,但本文不行,因为这里讲的是一本书乃至一门学问,不是一个名字或一个词。

19. 把“走出国门”直译为 has gone abroad, goes out of China 等会让人莫名其妙,好像“红学”已去了国外不在国内了。而 has passed out the national gate 之类的译法实在叫人看不懂。

20. 不少参赛的译文语法还存在问题,例如主谓语的一致、时态接续、单复数问题、冠词的用法—比如,普通名词组成的专有名词前应该有定冠词,讲某个世纪或年代要用定冠词等,甚至大小写、拼写等,都需要注意。把“五年前”译成 before five years,把“无数的”译成 without number,把“走出国门”译成 at abroad 等属于太“低级”的错误,然而在发来的参赛稿中这类的错误相当多。而像 learning fruit,make the book become bestseller,had it entered a new state 等完全是 Chinese English。要做好汉英翻译,必须要学习地道的英语表达法,不要根据汉语的说法逐字往英语里搬。此外,词与词的搭配更是一个突出的问题,如 reach/set up achievements,put forward standpoints,communicate one’s research,exchange achievements 等都很有问题,promote a further study,(the book) enjoy millions of readers 等则在逻辑上说不通。还有 a 和 one,number 和 amount 等的概念分不清,literature 和 literacy,issue 和 publish,show 和 present,special 和 specific,comment 和 commend 等的含义分不请。还有人把“几次讨论会”译作 several sessions of the national symposium,

变成“(一次国家级的讨论会的)几段会议”了。还有人将 before long 误用做连接词。建议大家查查词典,包括搭配词典。

21. 还有一点需要提一下,汉语和英语的标点符号是不一样的。比如,英语中没有书名号《》,一般用斜体字表示或放在引号里;汉语的句号是一个小圆圈,而英语的句号是一个实心的小圆点。

汉语本来没有标点符号,是从西方文字系统里借来的。如果说,标点符号是英语语法的一个组成部分,用法比较严格,汉语的标点符号相对而言不那么严格,比如,一段文章可以“一逗到底”,最后来一个句号。其实,汉语里的逗号更多表示说话时的停顿和休止,在主语(其本身常常可以是一个或几个动宾或主谓结构)与谓语之间,在动词和宾语之间都可以加上一个逗号,这些在英语里都是不许可的。(而且,英语里仅是一个逗号不能连接两个并列的从句,如:We are studying, they are playing in the playground. 是不符合语法的,逗号之后必须加上一个and。)。













Falling petals in my dream


Once again, petals are falling in profusion in my dream.

I was sitting in the backseat of your car with my hair fluttering in the wind along the road, holding a bundle of scarlet roses, the color of which was as fresh as that of the blood. What left behind us were a boundless stretch of filed, the blue sky and white clouds. In the distance, there was a whistling train, drawing a trail of dense white smoke, disappearing in the distant horizon gradually. And then the petals started to fall into my arms continually, making the world so colorful.

I woke up beside you, but my face had been dotted with tear stains. Was that because my heart was filled up with so much happiness that it couldn’t take any more?

On that day, I became your bride.

On that day, when my mother joyfully put my hands into yours, I understood that my life had been destined. There was no way back. From then on, I should share every night and day with the man by my side, regardless of happiness or misery. Meanwhile the innocent and artless days of a young girl could only be found in the memory, brought about by the sound of the old wind-bells over the window.

At that night, thousands of stars lingered in my dream. But only two of them were companions. They relied on each other deeply, and accompanied each other perpetually.

A long time of nearly ten years we’ve experienced has showed the true meaning of love. For us it is no longer a solemn pledge nor the great rejoicing and sorrow. However, it means to be an understanding friend to the other. It is the gentle breeze and fine rain. It is buried in your returning footsteps every day, and equally is folded in the clothes cleaned and ironed by me or


考研同源外刊《经济学人》最常用600个词汇(下) 401、Final goods最终产品 旨在最终使用而非转卖或进一步加工的商品。(参见"中间产品",intermediate goods) 402、Financial economics金融经济学 经济学的一个分支。分析理性投资者如何通过最有效的方式使用资金和进行投资以期达到目标。 403、Financial intermediary金融中介 接受储蓄存款并将其出借给借款者的机构。包括存款机构(如商业银行和储蓄银行)和非存款机构(如货币市场共同基金、经纪人商行、保险公司或养老基金)。 404、Firm(business firm)厂商 (企业)经济体系中基本的私人生产单位。它雇用劳动,购买其他投入品,以制造和销售商品。 405、Fiscal-monetary mix财政-货币政策组合 用以干预宏观经济活动的财政政策和货币政策的组合。紧缩的货币政策和宽松的财政政策,倾向于鼓励消费和抑制投资。而宽松的货币政策和紧缩的财政政策,则具有相反的功效。 406、Fiscal policy财政政策 一种政府计划。内容包括:(1)商品和服务的购买及转移支付等支出;(2)税收的数量和种类。 407、Fiscal cost固定成本 见固定成本(cost,fixed)。 408、Fixed exchange rate固定汇率

见外汇汇率(foreign exchangs rate)。 409、Flexible exchange rates弹性汇率制 一种国际汇率制度。在该制度条件下,汇率主要由市场力量(即供给和需求)决定,政府不设定及维持某种特定的汇率。有时也称作"浮动汇率制"(floating exchange rates)。当政府对外汇市场不加干预时,该制度称为纯粹的浮动汇率制。 410、Floating exchange rates浮动汇率制 见弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)。 411、Flow vs stock流量与存量 流量是指,带有时间跨度或曰在一个时段上所累积变动的量(好比通过一个河段的水流)。存量则指,在某一个时点上某一变量的量值(如同湖中所盛的水)。收人代表每一年的美元流入数,因此是一个流量。而到1998年12月为止某人的财富则是一个存量。 412、Foreign exchange外汇 各国用以偿付对他国所欠债务的通货(或其他金融票据)。 413、Foreign exchange market外汇市场 不同国家的通货进行交易的市场。 414、Foreign exchange rate外汇汇率 一国通货与他国通货的交换比率或曰价格。例如,如果你可以用1美元购买19德国马克,那么马克的汇率就是19。如果一国通货钉住某一汇率水平,并准备随时捍卫这一汇率,则称该国实行的是固定汇率制(fixed ex-change rate)。而由市场供求力量来决定的汇率称为弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)。 415、Fourfirm concentration rate四企业集中度 见集中度(concentration ratio)。 416、Fractional-reserve banking部分准备金 银行制度现代银行体系的一种管制形式。依法要求有关金融机构将其所吸收的存款


1、绝对优势(Absolute advantage) 如果一个国家用一单位资源生产的某种产品比另一个国家多,那么,这个国家在这种产品的生产上与另一国相比就具有绝对优势。 2、逆向选择(Adverse choice) 在此状况下,保险公司发现它们的客户中有太大的一部分来自高风险群体。 3、选择成本(Alternative cost) 如果以最好的另一种方式使用的某种资源,它所能生产的价值就是选择成本,也可以称之为机会成本。 4、需求的弧弹性(Arc elasticity of demand) 如果P1和Q1分别是价格和需求量的初始值,P2 和Q2 为第二组值,那么,弧弹性就等于 -(Q1-Q2)(P1+P2)/(P1-P2)(Q1+Q2) 5、非对称的信息(Asymmetric information) 在某些市场中,每个参与者拥有的信息并不相同。例如,在旧车市场上,有关旧车质量的信息,卖者通常要比潜在的买者知道得多。 6、平均成本(Average cost) 平均成本是总成本除以产量。也称为平均总成本。 7、平均固定成本( Average fixed cost) 平均固定成本是总固定成本除以产量。 8、平均产品(Average product) 平均产品是总产量除以投入品的数量。 9、平均可变成本(Average variable cost) 平均可变成本是总可变成本除以产量。 10、投资的β(Beta) β度量的是与投资相联的不可分散的风险。对于一种股票而言,它表示所有现行股票的收益发生变化时,一种股票的收益会如何敏感地变化。11、债券收益(Bond yield) 债券收益是债券所获得的利率。 12、收支平衡图(Break-even chart) 收支平衡图表示一种产品所出售的总数量改变时总收 益和总成本是如何变化的。收支平衡点是为避免损失而 必须卖出的最小数量。 13、预算线(Budget line) 预算线表示消费者所能购买的商品X和商品Y的数量的 全部组合。它的斜率等于商品X的价格除以商品Y的价 格再乘以一1。 14、捆绑销售(Bundling) 捆绑销售指这样一种市场营销手段,出售两种产品的厂 商,要求购买其中一种产品的客户,也要购买另一种产 品。 15、资本(Capital) 资本是指用于生产、销售及商品和服务分配的设备、厂 房、存货、原材料和其他非人力生产资源。 16、资本收益(Capital gain) 资本收益是指人们卖出股票(或其他资产)时所获得的 超过原来为它支付的那一部分。 17、资本主义(Capitalism) 资本主义是一种市场体系,它依赖价格体系去解决基本 的经济问题:生产什么?如何生产?怎样分配?经济增 长率应为多少? 18、基数效用(Cardinal utility) 基数效用是指像个人的体重或身高那样在基数的意义 上可以度量的效用(它意味着效用之间的差别,即边际 效用,是有意义的)。序数效用与它相反,它只在序数 的层面上才有意义。 19、卡特尔(Cartel) 卡特尔是指厂商之间为了合谋而签订公开和正式协议 这样一种市场结构形态。 20、科布一道格拉斯生产函数(Cobb-Douglas production function) 科布一道格拉斯生产函数是指这样的生产函数 Q=AL"IK"2 Mi3。式中,Q为产量;L为劳动的数量;K为资本的数 量;M为原材料的数量;A,31,12,23均为常数。 21、勾结(Collision) 勾结是指一个厂商和同业内其他的厂商签订有关价格、 产量和其他事宜的协议。 22、比较优势(Comparative advantage) 如果与生产其他商品的成本相比,一个国家生产的某种 产品的成本比另一个国家低,那么,该国就在这种商品 的生产上与另一个国家相比具有比较优势。 23、互补品(Complements) 如果X和Y是互补品,X的需求量就与Y的价格成反向 变化。 24、成本不变行业(Constant-cost industry) 成本不变的行业是指具有水平的长期供给曲线的行业, 它的扩大并不会引起投入品价格的上升或下降。 25、规模收益不变(Constant returns to scale) 如果所有投入品的数量都以相同的百分数增加,并导致 产量也以相同的百分数增加,就是规模收益不变的。 26、消费者剩余(Consumer surplus) 消费者剩余是指消费者愿意为某种商品或服务所支付 的最大数量与他实际支付的数量之差。 27、可竞争市场(Contestable market) 可竞争市场是指那种进入完全自由以及退出没有成本 的市场。可竞争市场的本质在于它们很容易受到打了就 1

GMAT备考:《经济学人》The Economist常用词汇总结(8)完整篇.doc

GMAT备考:《经济学人》The Economist 常用词汇总结(8) 141、富有价格弹性(Price elastic) 如果需求的价格弹性大于1,那么商品的需求就是富有价格弹性。 142、需求的价格弹性(Price elasticity of demand) 需求的价格弹性是指价格变化1%导致的需求量变化的百分比(习惯上通常以正数表示)。 143、供给的价格弹性(Price elasticity of supply) 供给的价格弹性是指价格变化1%导致的供给量变化的百分比。 144、最低限价(Price floor) 最低限价是指政府对某种商品所规定的。例如,联邦农业计划规定了小麦和玉米的。 145、缺乏价格弹性(Price inelastic) 如果需求的价格弹性小于1,那么商品的需求就是缺乏价格弹性。 146、价格( Price leader) 价格是指在寡头垄断的行业中制定价格并且其他厂商愿意

跟随的厂商。 147、价格系统(Price system) 在价格系统下,商品和服务都有一个价格,在纯粹的资本主义经济中价格执行一个经济系统的基本职能(决定生产什么、怎样生产、每个人应该得到多少以及一个国家的增长率应该是多少)。 148、委托--代理问题(Principal-agent problem) 由于经理或工人可能会追求自己的目标,即便这样做会减少企业所有者的利润,从而导致了委托--代理问题。经理或工人是为所有者工作的代理人,所有者是委托人。 149、囚犯困境(Prisoner`s dilemma) 囚犯困境是指这样一种情形,此时两个人(或厂商)合作要比不合作好,但是每个人都觉得不合作符合他的利益,因此每个人的状况都要坏于如果他们合作时的境况。 150、私人成本(Private cost) 私人成本是指单个使用者为了能够使用某一资源而带来的费用。


China in Laos Busted flush How a Sino-Lao special economic zone hit the skids May 26th 2011 | BOTEN, LAOS | from the print edition ?Tweet ? Soon all this will be jungle again AT HOME and abroad, China is a byword for fast-track development, where yesterday’s paddy field is tomorrow’s factory, highway or hotel. Less noticed is that such development can just as quickly go into reverse. Golden City, in Boten, just over the border from China in tiny Laos, is a case in point. When a Hong Kong-registered company signed a 30-year, renewable lease with the Lao government in 2003 to set up a 1,640-hectare special economic zone built with mainland money and expertise, Golden City was touted as a


(财务管控)经济学人专业 词汇

绝对优势(Absoluteadvantage) 1、如果一个国家用一单位资源生产的某种产品比另一个国家多,那么,这个国家在这种产品的生产上与另一国相比就具有绝对优势。 2、2、逆向选择(Adversechoice) 3、在此状况下,保险公司发现它们的客户中有太大的一部分来自高风险群体。 4、3、选择成本(Alternativecost) 5、如果以最好的另一种方式使用的某种资源,它所能生产的价值就是选择成本,也可以称之为机会成本。 6、4、需求的弧弹性(Arcelasticityofdemand) 7、如果P1和Q1分别是价格和需求量的初始值,P2和Q2为第二组值,那么,弧弹性就等于 8、-(Q1-Q2)(P1+P2)/(P1-P2)(Q1+Q2) 9、5、非对称的信息(Asymmetricinformation) 10、在某些市场中,每个参与者拥有的信息并不相同。例如,在旧车市场上,有关旧车质量的信息,卖者通常要比潜在的买者知道得多。 11、6、平均成本(Averagecost) 12、平均成本是总成本除以产量。也称为平均总成本。 13、7、平均固定成本(Averagefixedcost) 14、平均固定成本是总固定成本除以产量。

15、8、平均产品(Averageproduct) 16、平均产品是总产量除以投入品的数量。 17、9、平均可变成本(Averagevariablecost) 18、平均可变成本是总可变成本除以产量。 19、10、投资的β(Beta) 20、β度量的是与投资相联的不可分散的风险。对于一种股票而言,它表示所有现行股票的收益发生变化时,一种股票的收益会如何敏感地变化。 21、 11、债券收益(Bondyield) 12、债券收益是债券所获得的利率。 13、12、收支平衡图(Break-evenchart) 14、收支平衡图表示一种产品所出售的总数量改变时总收益和总成本是如何变化的。收支平衡点是为避免损失而必须卖出的最小数量。 15、13、预算线(Budgetline) 16、预算线表示消费者所能购买的商品X和商品Y的数量的全部组合。它的斜率等于商品X 的价格除以商品Y的价格再乘以一1。 17、14、捆绑销售(Bundling)


You can find bubbliness in bits of American finance, including the corporate-bond market, and some nasty nasty ['nɑ?st?] off-balance-sheet liabilities like student loans and public-sector pensions, but America does not look like a source of imminent imminent ['?m?n?nt] trouble. Britain and Japan have changed less. Abenomics has improved Japan's prospects, but government debt is still close to 250% of GDP. In Britain the combination of budget cuts and weak private investment has produced a recovery that is built on the same ingredients—particularly rising house prices—that caused the last bust. Britain is not about to fell the world economy, but growth that was based more on investment, both public and private, would be an awful lot safer. What about emerging economies, many of which have seen a big run-up in debt? China is often dubbed a Lehman-in-the-making. Since 2008 credit growth in the Middle Kingdom, now the world's second-largest economy, has exploded, and by some estimates is over 200% of GDP. China's financial system has few international connections. But, as in America in 2008, there is uncertainty about the true size of its debts and how much of them will be repaid. The danger China poses depends on the third ingredient of the Lehman conflagration [,k?nfl?'gre??(?)n] how the government behaves when trouble strikes. The country is a big net saver, the banking system is still largely deposit-funded and the government has the fiscal capacity to underwrite troubled loans. Provided it does so, the odds of a sudden collapse with global ramifications are low. From Brazil to Thailand, many of the other emerging economies that are now wobbling have also seen credit booms. The difference with China is their vulnerability to global financial flows. Today's drought in foreign capital is pushing down currencies like India's rupee and making current-account deficits harder to finance. In the 1990s that dynamic caused crises. But this time round most countries' defences are more powerful.


2020考研英语关于经济学人常用词汇的梳理(二十五) 481、International moary system(also International financial system) 国际货币制度(国际金融体系) 跨国交易据以进行支付的制度。中心政策问题是安排汇率如何决定、政策如何影响汇率等问题。 482、Intervention 干预 政府为影响本币汇率而在外汇市场上买卖本国货币等活动。 483、Intrinsic value(of money)(货币的)内在价值作为物品的货币商品价值(如,铜币中所含铜的市场价值)。 484、Invention 发明 一种新产品或一项新生产技术的创造性发现。注意与创新(innovation)有别。 485、Investment 投资 (1)一种为增加未来产出而放弃当前消费的经济活动。包括有形投资,如房屋,和无形投资,如教育。净投资是总投资扣除折旧后的价值。总投资是没有扣除折旧的投资。(2)在金融术语中,投资的含义完全不同,它指的是对于股票或债券等证券的购买。 486、Investment demand(or investment demand curve)投资需求(或投资需求曲线) 反映投资水平同资本成本(更具体地说是实际利率)之间的对应关系的图表。

487、Invisible hand 看不见的手 亚当?斯密于1776年提出的概念,揭示自由放任的市场经济中所存在的一个悖论。认为在每个参与者追求他或她的私利的过程中,市场体系会给所有参与者带来利益,就好象有一只吉祥慈善的看不见的手,在指导着整个经济过程。 488、Involuntarily unemployed 非自愿失业 见失业(unemployment)。 489、Iron law of wages 工资铁律 马尔萨斯和马克思的经济理论之一。认为在资本主义中存在着工资被压到维持生存水平这样一个不可避免的趋势。 490、Isoquant 等产量 见等产量曲线(equal product curve)。 491、Keynesian economics 凯恩斯经济学 由约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯开创的一套经济理论。认为资本主义体系不能自动地趋向充分就业的均衡。根据凯恩斯的观点,运用财政政策或货币政策能够提高总需求,可以医治非充分就业的均衡。 492、Keynesian school 凯恩斯学派 见凯恩斯主义经济学(Keynesian economics)。 493、Labor force 劳动力 美国官方统计中,16岁和16岁以上的失业或就业的人口群体。 494、Labor-force participstion rate 劳动力参与率属于劳动力范围的人口占16岁及16岁以上的全体人口的比率。


经济社会类词汇 保险业 The i nsurance i ndustry 保证重点支出 Ensure f unding f or p riority a reas 被兼并或挤掉 annexed o r f orced o ut o f b usiness 补发拖欠的养老金 Clear u p p ension p ayments i n a rrears 不良贷款 Non—performing l oan 层层转包和违法分保 Multi--‐level c ontracting a nd i llegal s ubcontracting 产值 output v alue 城乡信用社 Credit C ooperative i n b oth u rban a nd r ural a reas 城镇居民最低生活保障 A m inimum s tandard o f l iving f or c ity r esidents 城镇职工医疗保险制度 The s ystem o f m edical i nsurance f or u rban w orkers 抽样调查 data f rom t he s ample s urvey 出口信贷 Export c redit 初步建立社会主义计划商品经济新体制。 to e stablish a t a p reliminary l evel a n ew system o f s ocialist p lanned c ommodity e conomy. 贷款质量 Loan q uality 贷款质量五级分类办法 The f ive--‐category a ssets c lassification f or b ank l oans 第二产业 secondary i ndustry 第三产业 tertiary i ndustry 第一产业 primary i ndustry 独资企业 wholly f oreign o wned/funded e nterprise 发电量 electric e nergy p roduction 发挥市场的调节作用 to g ive p lay t o t he r egulatory r ole o f t he m arket


(财务管控)TE经济学人 常用词汇

西方经济学名词解释汇编(1-50) 1、绝对优势(Absoluteadvantage) 如果一个国家用一单位资源生产的某种产品比另一个国家多,那么,这个国家在这种产品的生产上与另一国相比就具有绝对优势。 2、逆向选择(Adversechoice) 在此状况下,保险公司发现它们的客户中有太大的一部分来自高风险群体。 3、选择成本(Alternativecost) 如果以最好的另一种方式使用的某种资源,它所能生产的价值就是选择成本,也可以称之为机会成本。 4、需求的弧弹性(Arcelasticityofdemand) 如果P1和Q1分别是价格和需求量的初始值,P2和Q2为第二组值,那么,弧弹性就等于-(Q1-Q2)(P1+P2)/(P1-P2)(Q1+Q2) 5、非对称的信息(Asymmetricinformation) 在某些市场中,每个参与者拥有的信息并不相同。例如,在旧车市场上,有关旧车质量的信息,卖者通常要比潜在的买者知道得多。 6、平均成本(Averagecost)

平均成本是总成本除以产量。也称为平均总成本。 7、平均固定成本(Averagefixedcost) 平均固定成本是总固定成本除以产量。 8、平均产品(Averageproduct) 平均产品是总产量除以投入品的数量。 9、平均可变成本(Averagevariablecost) 平均可变成本是总可变成本除以产量。 10、投资的β(Beta) β度量的是与投资相联的不可分散的风险。对于一种股票而言,它表示所有现行股票的收益发生变化时,一种股票的收益会如何敏感地变化。 11、债券收益(Bondyield) 债券收益是债券所获得的利率。 12、收支平衡图(Break-evenchart) 收支平衡图表示一种产品所出售的总数量改变时总收益和总成本是如何变化的。收支平衡点是为避免损失而必须卖出的最小数量。 13、预算线(Budgetline) 预算线表示消费者所能购买的商品X和商品Y的数量的全部组合。它的斜率等于商品X的价格除以商品Y的价格再乘以一1。


The Economist 《经济学人》常用词汇总结 1、绝对优势( Absolute advantage ) 如果一个国家用一单位资源生产的某种产品比另一个国家多,那么,这个国家在这种产品的生产上与另一国相比就具有绝对优势。 2、逆向选择( Adverse choice ) 在此状况下,保险公司发现它们的客户中有太大的一部分来自高风险群体。 3、选择成本( Alternative cost ) 如果以最好的另一种方式使用的某种资源,它所能生产的价值就是选择成本,也 可以称之为机会成本。 4、需求的弧弹性( Arc elasticity of demand ) 如果P1 和Q1 分别是价格和需求量的初始值,P2 和Q2 为第二组值,那么,弧弹性就等于-( Q1-Q2) (P1+P2) /(P1-P2)(Q1+Q2) 5、非对称的信息( Asymmetric information ) 在某些市场中,每个参与者拥有的信息并不相同。例如,在旧车市场上,有关旧车质量的信息,卖者通常要比潜在的买者知道得多。 6、平均成本( Average cost) 平均成本是总成本除以产量。也称为平均总成本。 7、平均固定成本( Average fixed cost ) 平均固定成本是总固定成本除以产量。 8、平均产品( Average product ) 平均产品是总产量除以投入品的数量。 9、平均可变成本( Average variable cost ) 平均可变成本是总可变成本除以产量。 10、投资的B (Beta) B度量的是与投资相联的不可分散的风险。对于一种股票而言,它表示所有现行股票的收益发生变化时,一种股票的收益会如何敏感地变化。 11 、债券收益(Bond yield ) 债券收益是债券所获得的利率。 12、收支平衡图( Break -even chart) 收支平衡图表示一种产品所出售的总数量改变时总收益和总成本是如何变化 的。收支平衡点是为避免 损失而必须卖出的最小数量。 13、预算线(Budget line ) 预算线表示消费者所能购买的商品X 和商品Y 的数量的全部组合。它的斜率等于商品X 的价格除以商品Y 的价格再乘以一1。 14、捆绑销售( Bundling ) 捆绑销售指这样一种市场营销手段,出售两种产品的厂商,要求购买其中一种产品的客户,也要购买另一种产品。 15、资本( Capital ) 资本是指用于生产、销售及商品和服务分配的设备、厂房、存货、原材料和其他非人力生产资源。 16、资本收益( Capital gain ) 资本收益是指人们卖出股票(或其他资产)时所获得的超过原来为它支付的那一部分。 17、资本主义( Capitalism ) 资本主义是一种市场体系,它依赖价格体系去解决基本的经济问题:生产什么?如何生产?怎样分配?经济增长率应为多少? 18、基数效用(Cardinal utility ) 基数效用是指像个人的体重或身高那样在基数的意义上可以度量的效用(它意味着


经济学人常用词汇 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

《经济学人》常用词汇总结 1、Absolute advantage 绝对优势 2、Adverse choice 逆向选择 3、Alternative cost 选择成本 4、Arc elasticity of demand 需求的弧弹性 5、Asymmetric information 非对称的信息 6、Average cost 平均成本 7、Average fixed cost 平均固定成本 8、Average product 平均产品 9、Average variable cost 平均可变成本 10、Beta 投资的β 11、Bond yield 债券收益 12、Break-even chart 收支平衡图 13、Budget line 预算线 14、Bunding 捆绑销售 15、Capital 资本 16、Capital gain 资本收益 17、Capitalism 资本主义 18、Cardinal utility 基数效应 19、Cartel 卡特尔 20、Cobb-Douglas production function 科布-道格拉斯生产函数 21、Collision 勾结

22、Comparative advantage 比较优势 23、Complements 互补品 24、Constant-cost industry 成本不变行业 25、Constant returns to scale 规模收益不变 26、Consumer surplus 消费者剩余 27、Contestable market 可竞争市场 28、Contract curve 契约曲线 29、Corner solution 角点解 30、Cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性 31、Deadweight loss of monopoly垄断的无谓损失 32、Deadweight loss of monopsony 买方垄断的无谓损失 33、Decreasing-cost industry 成本递减行业 34、Decreasing return to scale 规模收益递减 35、Demand curve 需求曲线 36、Demand curve of loanable funds 可贷资金的需求曲线 37、Discount rate 贴现率 38、Diversifiable risk 可分散风险 39、Dominant firm 主导厂商 40、Dominant strategy 优势策略 41、Duopoly 双头垄断 42、Economic efficiency 经济效率 43、Economic profit 经济利润

economist 经济学人词汇整理一

A Bad Week for Mexico: Of Prisons and Petroleum 1.petroleum : n.石油,原油 2.bust : ( bust sb /sth for sth ) (of the police 警方) to suddenly enter a place and search it or arrest sb 突击搜查(或逮捕) 3.sabotage : n. 阻碍,妨碍(为防止敌方利用或为表示抗议而进行的)蓄意破坏,阴谋破坏 4.fling : ( flung flung ) to throw sb /sth with somewhere force, especially because you are angry (尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢 eg. The door was suddenly flung open. 门突然被推开了。 5.oil-exploration right : 石油勘探权 6.in tow : (tow:用绳索拖,拉,牵引,拽) eg. with much of his government in tow 在多名政府官员的陪同下 ①if you have sb. in tow, they are with you and following closely behind 紧随着,陪伴着 ②if a ship is taken in tow, it is pulled by another ship (船)被拖着走 7.monopoly : 垄断,专营服务,被垄断的商品(或服务) 8.flop:n. (a film / movie, play, party, etc that is not successful ) (电影,戏剧,聚会等)失败,不成功 9.consortium: a group of people, countries, companies, etc who are working together on a particular project (合作进行某项工程的)财团,银团,联营企业 10.inflated: ①(尤指价格)过高的,高的不合理的 ②(思想,主张等)夸张的,言过其实的 11.block : a large area of land 一片土地 12.the odds are that ( it is likely that...) 可能 13.with luck如果一切顺利 eg. With (any) luck, we will be home before duck. 如果一切顺利的话,我们可在天黑前回到家。 14.in time (for sth/ to do sth):not late, with enough time to be able to do sth 来得及,及时eg. Will we be in time for the six o’clock train? 我们来得及赶上六点钟的那趟火车吗? 15.spectacular : adj 令人惊叹的,壮观的 16.ventilate : v. 使(房间,建筑物等)通风,使通气 eg. a well-ventilated room 通风良好的房间 17.stylish:adj 时髦的,新潮的,高雅的,雅致的 18.extradite:引渡(嫌犯或罪犯) 19.recapture : 抓回,再次捕获;回忆,再体验,重温 20.slip away消失,消亡,死去 21.interior : ①the inside part of sth 内部 eg. the interior of a building 楼房内部 ②内陆,内地,腹地 ③(国家的)内政,内务 eg. the Department /Minister of the Interior 内政部/内政大臣 22.manhunt : n.(对罪犯或逃犯的)追捕,搜捕 https://www.doczj.com/doc/755389386.html,munications-blocking technology通信拦截技术 24.a no-fly zone禁飞区


Dominant and dangerous As America's economic supremacy fades, the primacy of the dollar looks unsustainable IF HEGEMONS are good for anything, it is for conferring stability on the systems they dominate. For 70 years the dollar has been the superpower of the financial and monetary system. Despite talk of the yuan's rise, the primacy of the greenback is unchallenged. As a means of payment, a store of value and a reserve asset, nothing can touch it. Yet the dollar's rule has brittle foundations, and the system it underpins is unstable. Worse, the alternative reserve currencies are flawed. A transition to a more secure order will be devilishly hard. When the buck stops For decades, America's economic might legitimised the dollar's claims to reign supreme. But, as our special report this week explains, a faultline has opened between America's economic clout and its financial muscle. The United States accounts for 23% of global GDP and 12% of merchandise trade. Yet about 60% of the world's output, and a similar share of the planet's people, lie within a de facto dollar zone, in which currencies are pegged to the dollar or move in some sympathy with it. American firms' share of the stock of international corporate investment has fallen from 39% in 1999 to 24% today. But Wall Street sets the rhythm of markets globally more than it ever did. American fund managers run 55% of the world's assets under management, up from 44% a decade ago. The widening gap between America's economic and financial power creates problems for other countries, in the dollar zone and beyond. That is because the costs of dollar dominance are starting to outweigh the benefits. First, economies must endure wild gyrations. In recent months the prospect of even a tiny rate rise in America has sucked capital from emerging markets, battering currencies and share prices. Decisions of the Federal Reserve affect offshore dollar debts and deposits worth about $9 trillion. Because some countries link their currencies to the dollar, their central banks must react to the Fed. Foreigners own 20-50% of local-currency government bonds in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey: they are more likely to abandon emerging markets when American rates rise. At one time the pain from capital outflows would have been mitigated by the stronger demand—including for imports—that prompted the Fed to raise rates in the first place. However, in the past decade America's share of global merchandise imports has dropped from 16% to 13%. America is the biggest export market for only 32


401、Final goods 最终产品 旨在最终使用而非转卖或进一步加工的商品。(参见"中间产品",intermediate goods)402、Financial economics 金融经济学 经济学的一个分支。分析理性投资者如何通过最有效的方式使用资金和进行投资以期达到目标。 403、Financial intermediary 金融中介 接受储蓄存款并将其出借给借款者的机构。包括存款机构(如商业银行和储蓄银行)和非存款机构(如货币市场共同基金、经纪人商行、保险公司或养老基金)。 404、Firm(business firm)厂商 (企业)经济体系中基本的私人生产单位。它雇用劳动,购买其他投入品,以制造和销售商品。 405、Fiscal-monetary mix 财政-货币政策组合 用以干预宏观经济活动的财政政策和货币政策的组合。紧缩的货币政策和宽松的财政政策,倾向于鼓励消费和抑制投资。而宽松的货币政策和紧缩的财政政策,则具有相反的功效。406、Fiscal policy 财政政策 一种政府计划。内容包括:(1)商品和服务的购买及转移支付等支出;(2)税收的数量和种类。 407、Fiscal cost 固定成本 见固定成本(cost,fixed)。 408、Fixed exchange rate 固定汇率 见外汇汇率(foreign exchangs rate)。 409、Flexible exchange rates 弹性汇率制 一种国际汇率制度。在该制度条件下,汇率主要由市场力量(即供给和需求)决定,政府不设定及维持某种特定的汇率。有时也称作"浮动汇率制"(floating exchange rates)。当政府对外汇市场不加干预时,该制度称为纯粹的浮动汇率制。 410、Floating exchange rates 浮动汇率制 见弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)。 411、Flow vs. stock 流量与存量 流量是指,带有时间跨度或曰在一个时段上所累积变动的量(好比通过一个河段的水流)。存量则指,在某一个时点上某一变量的量值(如同湖中所盛的水)。收人代表每一年的美元流入数,因此是一个流量。而到1998年12月为止某人的财富则是一个存量。 412、Foreign exchange 外汇 各国用以偿付对他国所欠债务的通货(或其他金融票据)。 413、Foreign exchange market 外汇市场 不同国家的通货进行交易的市场。 414、Foreign exchange rate 外汇汇率 一国通货与他国通货的交换比率或曰价格。例如,如果你可以用1美元购买19德国马克,那么马克的汇率就是19。如果一国通货钉住某一汇率水平,并准备随时捍卫这一汇率,则称该国实行的是固定汇率制(fixedex-change rate)。而由市场供求力量来决定的汇率称为弹性汇率制(flexible exchange rates)o 415、Fourfirm concentration rate 四企业集中度 见集中度(concentration ratio)。 416、Fractional-reserve banking 部分准备金 银行制度现代银行体系的一种管制形式。依法要求有关金融机构将其所吸收的存款的一定

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