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综合英语4 Unit5

综合英语4 Unit5
综合英语4 Unit5


Section One Pre-reading Activities (2)

I. Audiovisual supplement (2)

II. Cultural background (2)

Section Two Global Reading (5)

I. General analysis of the text (5)

II. Structural analysis of the text (5)

III. Rhetorical features of the text (5)

Section Three Detailed Reading (6)

I. Questions (7)

II. Words and Expressions (8)

III. Sentences (10)

Section Four Consolidation Activities (12)

I. Vocabulary (12)

II. Grammar (14)

III. Translation (17)

IV. Exercises for Integrated Skills (18)

V. Oral Activities (19)

VI. Writing (20)

Section Five Further Enhancement (22)

I. Text II (22)

II. Memorable quotes (25)

Section One Pre-reading Activities

I. Audiovisual supplement

From Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

Watch the movie clip and have a discussion about friends and friendship.


Little Vivi:[pouring something from a jar into a glass] This is the blood of our people, the wolf people, the alligator people, and the moon women from which we gain our

strength to rule all worlds.

[Hands glass to Little Teensy. Little Teensy shakes head no.]

Little Vivi:Its ok. It’s just chocolate.

[Teensy drinks.]

Little Vivi:Teensy Melissa Whitman: I declare you, Princess-Naked-As-A-Jaybird.

Little Teensy: [whispers] Hot Cha Cha!

Little Vivi:[turns to Little Caro] Caro Eliza Bennett: I declare you, Duchess Soaring Hawk. [turns to Little Necie]

Little Vivi:Necie Rose Kelleher: I declare you, Countess Singing Cloud. And I: Viviane Joan Abbott, am hereby and forever Queen Dancing Creek.

[pulls a knife out of a shield]

Little Necie:Now, wait just one second ... I don’t think we should be cutting ourselves with that knife ...

Little Vivi: Silence!

[nicks her hands with knife and passes it down to Little Teensy]

Little Vivi:We are the flames of fires, the whirling of the winds. We are the waters of the rains and the rivers and the oceans. We are the rocks and the stones. And now, by

the power invested in me, I declare we are the mighty Ya-ya priestesses. Let no

men put us under. Now our blood flows through each other as it’s done for all

eternity. Loyal forever. Raise our voices in the words of Mumbo Gumbo … YA-YA! All little Ya-Yas: YA-YA!

Questions for Discussion:

1.What do you think makes a good friend?

Answer: A good friend is one who is loyal, considerate and honest …

2.What can a friend give?

Answer: A friend can give one help, pleasure, company …

II. Cultural background


English Quotes about Friendship:

- Tell me what company thou keepst, and I’ll tell thee what thou art.

-Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist

- My friends are my estate.

-Emily Dickinson, American Poet

- My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.

-Henry Ford, American Industrialist

- The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way to have a friend is to be one.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Essayist

- True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.

-Samuel Johnston, American Statesman

- Friendship makes prosperity more shining and lessens adversity by dividing and sharing it.

-Cicero, Roman author, orator and politician

- Be courteous to all, but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.

-George Washington, First president of the U.S.

- The holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money.

-Mark Twain, American humorist, novelist, short story author

Chinese Sayings about Friendship:

- 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。

Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.

- 亲兄弟,明算账。

Even reckoning makes long friends.

- 物以类聚,人以群分。

Birds of a feather flock together.

- 君子之交淡如水。

A hedge between keeps friendship green.

- 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near.

- 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!

Isn’t it great when friends visit from distant places?

2.Gender Patterns in Friendship

Women’s Friendship

Female friendships are often seen as having elements of intimacy and support. Women typically describe their friendships in terms of closeness and emotional attachment. What characterizes friendships between women is the willingness to share important feelings, thoughts, experiences, and support. Women devote a good deal of time and intensity of involvement to friends. Friendships between women, more so than between men, are broad and less likely to be divided.

Men’s Friendships

Unlike women, men are typically socialized by society to be less social and have more difficulty with friendships; they are often raised to compete with other men and not cooperate with them, to hide their vulnerabilities and not share their inner experiences. However, like women, men can benefit from the social bonds of friendship. The great friendships recorded in

history have been between men, and friendships among men have often been romanticized and idealized. Men’s friendships have typically been described in terms of bravery and physical sacrifice in providing assistance to others. Despite this historical romanticization of the male friendship, researchers have found that men have significantly fewer friends than women, especially close friendships or best friends.

Friendship between Men and Women

There is much debate about the possibilities of male and female friendships. Much of this debate has had to do with the idea that sexual attraction will prevent men and women from forming a strong platonic bond. There can be many challenges to female-male friendships. For instance, in a society where men have typically had more power and dominance, equality can be an issue. Both genders may benefit from these interactions: Men may learn more about sharing and establishing emotional support, while women might enjoy interactions that are less emotionally challenging.

Section Two Global Reading

I. General analysis of the text

In the text, the author discusses the differences between a buddy and a friend in a forceful way. The main idea of the text can be summarized in one sentence: a buddy is a fine life companion while a friend is that part the race with which you can be human.

II. Structural analysis of the text

This text distinguishes two kinds of friendship: that between men and that between women. It can be divided into four parts.

Part I (Paragraphs 1 – 2): the prelude, where the author reveals what kind of film the woman had just seen.

Part II (Paragraphs 3 – 6): the introduction, where the author advances the double standard of friendship on the basis of the personally observed shift of focus of the cinema lens.

Part III (Paragraphs 7 – 18): the body, where the distinctions of the two types of friendship are detailed.

Part IV (Paragraph 19): the conclusion, which summarizes the fundamental difference between male companionship and female friendship.

III. Rhetorical features of the text

To show the differences between buddiness and friendship effectively, the author of the text coordinates sentences in various ways. Sometimes he uses conjunctions such as but, yet and while. And sometimes he simply puts two clauses together without using any conjunction at all.

For examples:

Well, she thought, on the whole, men had buddies, while women had friends. Buddies bonded, but friends loved. Buddies faced adversity together, but friends faced each other. There was something palpably different in the way they spent their time. Buddies seemed to “do”things together; friends simply “were” together. (paragraph 8)

Buddies hang tough together; friends hang onto each other. (paragraph 11)


Please find more examples of coordinating sentences without using any conjunction.

Section Three Detailed Reading


Ellen Goodman

1It was, in many ways, a slight movie. Nothing actually happened. There was no big-budget chase scene, no bloody shoot-out. The story ended without any cosmic conclusions.

2Yet she found Claudia Weill’s film Girlfriend gentle and affecting. Slowly, it panned across the tapestry of friendship –showing its fragility, its resiliency, its role as the connecting tissue between the lives of two young women.

3When it was over, she thought about the movies she had seen this year –Julia,The Turning Point and now Girlfriends. It seemed that the peculiar eye, the social lens of the cinema, had drastically shifted its focus. Suddenly the Male Buddy movies had been replaced by the Female Friendship flicks.

4This wasn’t just another binge of trendiness, but a kind of cinema vérité. For once the movies were reflecting a shift, not just from men to women but from one definition of friendship to another.

5Across millions of miles of celluloid, the ideal of friendship had always been male – a world of sidekicks and “partners”of Butch Cassidys and Sundance Kids. There had been something almost atavistic about these visions of attachments – as if producers culled their plots from some pop anthropology book on male bonding. Movies portrayed the idea that only men, those direct descendants of hunters and Hemingways, inherited a primal capacity for friendship. In contrast, they portrayed women picking on each other, the way they once picked berries.

6Well, that duality must have been mortally wounded in some shootout at the You’re OK, I’m OK Corral. Now, on the screen, they were at least aware of the subtle distinction between men and women as buddies and friends.

7About 150 years ago, Coleridge had written, “A woman’s friendship borders more closely on love than man’s. Men affect each other in the reflection of noble or friendly acts, whilst women ask fewer proofs and more signs and expressions of attachment.”

8Well, she thought, on the whole, men had buddies, while women had friends.

Buddies bonded, but friends loved. Buddies faced adversity together, but friends faced each other. There was something palpably different in the way they spent their time.

Buddies seemed to “do” things together; friends simply “were” together.

9Buddies came linked, like accessories, to one activity or another. People have golf buddies and business buddies, college buddies and club buddies. Men often keep their buddies in these categories, while women keep a special category for friends.

10 A man once told her that men weren’t real buddies until they had been “through the

wars”together –corporate or athletic or military. They had to soldier together, he said.

Women, on the other hand, didn’t count themselves as friends until they had shared three loathsome confidences.

11Buddies hang tough together; friends hang onto each other.

12It probably had something to do with pride. You don’t show off to a friend; you show

need. Buddies try to keep the worst from each other; friends confess it.

13 A friend of hers once telephoned her lover, just to find out if he was home. She hung

up without a hello when he picked up the phone. Later, wretched with embarrassment, the friend moaned, “Can you believe me? A thirty-five-year-old lawyer, making a chicken call?”

Together they laughed and made it better.

14Buddies seek approval. But friends seek acceptance.

15She knew so many men who had been trained in restraint, afraid of each other’s judgment or awkward with each other’s affection. She wasn’t sure which. Like buddies in the movies, they would die for each other, but never hug each other.

16She had reread Babbitt recently, that extraordinary catalogue of male grievances.

The only relationship that gave meaning to the claustrophobic life of George Babbitt had been with Paul Riesling. But not once in the tragedy of their lives had one been able to say to the other: You make a difference.

17Even now men shocked her at times with their description of friendship. Does this one have a best friend? “Why, of course, we see each other every February.” Does that one call his most intimate pal long distance? “Why, certainly, whenever there’s a real reason.”

Do those two old chums ever have dinner together? “You mean alone? Without our wives?”

18Yet, things were changing. The ideal of intimacy wasn’t this parallel playmate, this teammate, this trenchmate. Not even in Hollywood. In the double standard of friendship, for once the female version was becoming accepted as the general ideal.

19After all, a buddy is a fine life-companion. But one’s friends, as Santayana once wrote, “are that part of the race with which one can be human.”

I. Questions

1. What kind of movie did the woman see? What did she think of it? (paragraphs 1-2) Answer:

It was a movie that portrayed all aspects of the friendship between two women: its fragility, its resiliency and its connecting function. It was quite an ordinary film, without thrilling scenes like a long-time car chase or a fierce gunfight. The end was of no great significance either.

The movie was gentle and moving to the woman, because, as the following paragraphs show, with the other two movies it brought about a new definition of friendship that stood against the traditional view of friendship.

2. What led the woman to think that the cinema has drastically shifted its focus? (paragraph 3) Answer: It was the fact that at present there were many more movies about Female Friendship than movies about Male Buddiness. In contrast, in the past, the friendship between men had dominated the movies, giving a false impression that only men were capable of making friends.

3. What was the shift? (paragraph 4)

Answer: On the surface, it was a shift from the friendship between men to that between women; but in nature the shift highlighted a different type of friendship: Male Buddiness is subtly distinct from Female Friendship.

4. What is the fundamental difference between buddies and friends? (paragraphs 7-18) Answer: Buddies are men’s companions; they are connected by common activities. Friends, in the narrow sense in the text, are women’s companions; they are associated by emotional attachment.

Without shared activities, there would be no buddies for men; without love there would be no true friends for women.

5. What are the conditions of men becoming buddies and of women becoming friends? (paragraphs 7-18)

Answer: Men become buddies only when they have weathered storms in commercial or athletic or military “wars”together, while women have to exchange at least three loathsome secrets before they consider themselves as friends.

II. Words and Expressions

Paragraph 1-2

slight: a.of no importance or consideration; trifling

e.g.There was a slight increase in her weight after the winter holidays.




Answer: He was a tall German who spoke perfect English with only a slight trace of accent.

cosmic: a.

(1) very great

e.g.This earthquake was a disaster of cosmic scale.

(2) relating to the universe or cosmos

e.g.The other great cosmic reality is time.

Some people believe that what happens in their lives is influenced by cosmic forces.

Paragraph 3-6

shift one’s focus (onto/to): move one’s attention from one thing to another

e.g.It was not until the last year that we began to shift our focus onto the drive for


That is why I insisted that the focus of our work should be rapidly shifted to the economic development.

flick: (slang) n. a movie

Symonyms: movie, film, motion picture, moving picture, picture, picture show, show

Class Activity:

Americans are suckers for action flicks that are famous for senseless explosions, car chases, bar brawls and shoot-outs.

What kind of movies are they? Please translate the following into English.

言情片romance/love story

动作片action film

恐怖片horror film




贺岁片New Year greetings pictures / New Year blockbuster

binge: n. a period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence, esp. in food and drink

e.g.When she was depressed, she went on an ice-cream binge.

During Christmas, Canadians spent a whopping $40.3 billion as they went on a spending binge.

sidekick: (slang)n. a close companion or comrade

e.g.He is Sam’s sidekick, to my knowledge.

Mark has been Luke’s sidekick since junior high school.

cull: v. choose from various sources

e.g.Here are a few facts and figures I’ve culled from a lifetime of experience.

It’s a collection of fascinating stories culled from a lifetime of experience.

inherit: v.

(1) receive or take over from a predecessor

e.g.William inherited a fortune but ran it through in no time.

My brother inherited the lion’s share of our father’s money.

The new administration inherited the economic problems of the last four years.

(2)be born with

e.g.Rosie inherited her red hair from her mother.

pick on:

(1) (Informal)criticize or blame; tease; harass

e.g.His older brother always picked on him.

The older children liked to pick on the younger ones.

(2) single out; choose

e.g.The professor always picks on me to translate long passages.

He always picks on small points to criticize.

Paragraph 7-18

border on: come near or verge on, resemble, come nearer in quality, or character

e.g.His rigid translation of this literary work borders on literalness.

Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence.

adversity: n.difficulties; misfortune

e.g.Adversity is a good discipline.



Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them.

Answer: 富贵交友易,患难显真情。

In times of prosperity, we have to be prepared for adversity.

Answer: 顺境时,我们要居安思危。

count: v. consider or be considered as

e.g. I count myself fortunate to have had such a good education.

I think we can count this meeting a great success.

I hope you won’t count it against me if I don’t come to your birthday party.


(1) (Informal)a young or inexperienced person, esp. a young girl

e.g.Well, she’s certainly no spring chicken.

(2) (Slang)a cowardly or fearful person

e.g.“Don’t be scared, Chickens!” came her voice with teasing gaiety.

chicken out

(Slang)refrain from doing sth. because of fear or cowardice

e.g. I chickened out when I saw how deep the water was.

Class Activity:

What kind of person are they?

①He has been said to be the black sheep of the family ever since he quit school three years ago. (害群之马;败家子)

②After graduation he has become very successful and he has turned into a real fat cat. (暴发户)

③My neighbor is such an old crab. Whenever I turn on my radio or television set, he knocks on my door and angrily orders me to stop. (脾气暴躁的人)

④In the city I was nothing, but there in the countryside I was considered a big fish. (重要人物)

⑤The lions at her party included two famous authors and a musician. (社交场合的显贵;名流)

III. Sentences


1) It was, in many ways, a slight movie. Nothing actually happened. There was no big-budget chase scene, no bloody shoot-out. The story ended without any cosmic conclusions. (Paragraph 1)


In many aspects it was a simple, ordinary movie. It was quite an ordinary scene, without the spectacle of cars chasing each other and bloodshed gunfight. The end was of no great significance.

2) This wasn’t just another binge of trendiness, but a kind of cinema verité. (Paragraph 4) Paraphrase:

This was not simply a shift from one fashion to another, but a truthful description of friendship.

3) A woman’s friendship borders more closely on love than man’s. (Paragraph 7) Paraphrase:

The friendship between women resembles more to love than that between men.

4) A man once told her that men weren’t real buddies until they had been “through the wars”together — corporate or athletic or military. (Paragraph 10)


… men wouldn’t become real friends unless they had experienced trying moments together, like being business partners, sports pals or comrades-in-arms.

5) The only relationship that gave meaning to the claustrophobic life of George Babbitt had been with Paul Riesling. (Paragraph 18)


What made the confined and fearful life of George Babbitt meaningful had been his relationship with Paul Riesling; without his relationship with Paul Riesling, George Babbitt would have found his life meaningless.

Section Four Consolidation Activities

I. Vocabulary

1. Word Derivation

1) fragile a.→fragility n.


This vase is fragile, please handle it with care.


She has a strong will hidden within her fragile body.


Many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order.

2)drastic a.→drastically ad.


The French Revolution has brought drastic social changes.


The government is threatening to take drastic action.


With a heavy snow, the temperature dropped drastically.

3)replace v.→replacement n.


Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.


We need a replacement for the secretary who left.

4)athlete n.→ athletic a.


I heard that he won a lot of prizes when he was an athlete.


A lot of girls like American guys, simply because they are athletic.

5) portray v.→ portrait n.


Perhaps it was for this reason that cartoonists did not work out how they would portray him.


Over the desk was a portrait of the President, probably painted in his thirties.

6) inherit v.→ inheritance n.


He intended that his son should inherit the business.


The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son.

7) confident a.→confidence n.


He seemed cool and confident. I’m sure he is going to obtain the job.


After he failed the exam, his confidence was totally destroyed.

8) embarrass v.→ embarrassing a.→ embarrassment n.


The reporter’s questions about his private life embarrassed him.


It was embarrassing to her to meet strange men in the corridor at night.


The episode was a huge embarrassment for all concerned.

2. Words and Phrases Practice

1) At the critical moment of presidential election, the candidate urged his supporters to hang together.

hang together: stand united; stick together


They had to hang together or they would surely fail.


We can come through any crisis if we hang together.

2) Stop picking on each other like that. At this moment, what we should do is to find a way to get out of this total mess.

pick on:

a. single out for criticism, teasing or bully

b. choose or select


She was the only person that didn’t pick on him.


I know somebody has to go and fetch some more logs, but why pick on me?

3) He actually enjoys his newly-bought Jaguar and has decided to start showing it off.

show off: display or behave in an ostentatious or conspicuous way


He likes to show off his masculine physique in front of girls.


Mike has only driven to the pub to show off his new car -he usually walks!

4) It is sad to see him go because it really will make a difference to the way we conduct our daily affairs.

make a/no/great difference (to): have an effect (on)


This would make a difference to the chemistry of the atmosphere.


There’s no need to color it up like that; it won’t make a difference.

5) An invitation to have dinner together is usually treated as a means of achieving intimacy with another person in eastern culture.

intimacy: the state of having a close personal relationship with sb.


Long distances between friends discourage intimacy.


The absence of fences created a mysterious intimacy in which no one knew privacy.


1) It seemed that the peculiar eye, the social lens of the cinema, had drastically shifted its focus. Synonym: alter, transfer, change

2) For once the movies were reflecting a shift, not just from men to women but from one definition of friendship to another.

Synonym: show, indicate, manifest, exhibit

3) Now on the screen, they were at least aware of the subtle distinction between men and women as buddies and friends.

Synonym: delicate, slight, nice, fine

4) Buddies faced adversity together, but friends faced each other.

Antonym: prosperity, success

5) Women, on the other hand, didn’t count themselves as friends until they had shared …Synonym: consider, regard, deem, judge

6) She knew so many men who had been trained in restraint, afraid of each other’s judgment or awkward with each other’s affection.

Synonym: embarrassed, uneasy, uncomfortable

7) Like buddies in the movies, they would die for each other, but never hug each other. Synonym: embrace, hold, cuddle

8) She had reread Babbitt recently, that extraordinary catalogue of male grievances. Synonym: astonishing, amazing

II. Grammar

1) Ellipsis

Ellipsis occurs when part of the sentence is omitted, but the omission is clearly understood. It is a grammatical technique that avoids repetition and clumsiness. In a compound sentence, it works in the following way:

a. ellipsis of the subject (only in imperatives and some idiomatic expressions)

e.g. Thank you for your help.

See you tomorrow.

b. ellipsis of the predicate or part of the predicate

e.g. His face is tanned and his hands (are) big and strong.

Gold is more expensive than silver (is).

I would like to help build the scout hut, but I can’t (help you build the scout hut).

c. ellipsis in a clause ending with why, how, where or what:

e.g. He mocks his teachers without knowing why (he mocks his teachers).

Many countries are intending to fight crime, but they don’t know how (to fight it).

I’m sure we’ll find your friend, but God only knows where (we will find her).


Choose the best answer from the four choices given.

① If_____, we’ll continue our experiment after office hours.

A. being necessary

B. be necessary

C. is necessary

D. necessary

Key: D

②-Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?


A. I don’t believe

B. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not so

D. I believe not

Key: D

③ Generally speaking, ________according to directions, the drug has no side effect.

A. when taking

B. when taken

C. when to take

D. when to be taken

Key: B

2)rather vs. fairly

Both strengthen or weaken the adjective or adverb that follows. Fairly is used before “positive”adjectives; while rather is used before “negative” adjectives.

e.g. The book is fairly interesting but the film is rather boring.

However, you can use both fairly and rather before “neutral”adjectives, but the meaning is different:

e.g. The tea is fairly/rather hot.

When you say: “The tea is fairly hot,” you imply that you like to drink hot tea. So hot is “positive”for you. When you say: “The tea is rather hot,” you imply that you don’t like hot tea, or that the tea is too hot for you to drink. So hot is “negative” for you.

To make things more complicated, rather can also be used before “positive” adjectives:

e.g. Fiona is rather clever.

Paul is rather tall.

“Fiona is rather clever”means almost the same as “Fiona is very clever”. “Rather clever”is much more of a compliment than “fairly clever”.


Fill in the blanks with rather or fairly.

① The sofa looks ______ shabby in the room. (Key: rather)

② The suitcase is _____light. I think I can carry it. (Key: fairly)

③ It’s _____ cold outside. Put on your overcoat. (Key: rather)

④ It’s _____ warm today. Let’s go for a walk along the river. (Key: fairly)

3) Direct Speech

Direct speech is quoted speech that is presented without modification, as it might have been uttered by the original speaker.

e.g. “Today’s lesson is on presentations,” she said.

Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn’t have to be word for word.

In reported speech, changes should be made accordingly in the sentence structure, tense,


Play a game

The game is called “Tell me what he/she said.” A student tells a sentence to the second one. The listener tells the next one what he/she said. The last one writes down the sentence.

III. Translation

1.你的话的确有理,但你的表达方式近于粗暴。(border on)


border on: come near or verge on, resemble


Your remarks do make sense, but the way of expression borders on rudeness.



He supported his local team with a fervour that borders on idolatry.


Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence.

2.总的来说,我对这项实验是相当满意的。(on the whole)


on the whole: considering everything


On the whole I am quite satisfied with the experiment.



House and land prices tend on the whole to go up rather than down.


On the whole, our financial system is comparatively centralized.

3. 公众关注的中心再次转移到了城市环境的变化问题。(shift focus)


shift focus: give special attention, effort, etc. to sth. else


Public interest has once again shifted its focus to the changes in the urban environment.



The Chinese government calls on automakers to shift focus on energy-saving designs.

4. 新型列车可以以500公里左右的时速平稳地行驶,相比之下,那些旧车显得又慢又笨拙。(in contrast)


in/by contrast is used when you are comparing two things or people and saying that the second one is very different from the first.


The new type of trains can run smoothly at the speed of about 500 kilometres per hour; in contrast, the old ones are slow and clumsy.



In contrast with the previous composition, we found no major grammar mistake in this one.

IV. Exercises for Integrated Skills


I once said that a friend is a friend all the way, / but now I believe that’s a narrow point of view. / For the friendships I have and the friendships I see / are conducted at many levels of intensity, / serve many different purposes, / meet different needs / and range from those as all-the-way / as the friendship of the soul sisters mentioned above / to that of the most casual playmates.

The best of friends, I believe, / totally love and support and trust each other, / and bare to each other the secrets of their souls, / and run to help each other, / and tell harsh truths to each other / when they must be told.

But we needn’t agree about everything / to tolerate each other’s point of view. / We need to accept without judgment. / To give and to take without ever keeping score. / And to be there, / as I am for them / and as they are for me, / to comfort our sorrows, / to celebrate our joys.

2. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.

Just ________ (1) scientists are discovering more ways that friendship enhances our lives, overstuffed schedules make ________ (2) hard to keep up with our pals. But many friendships need just a little nurturing to help them flourish. Here are some tips ________ (3) sociologist Jan Yager, author of Friendshifts and When Friendship Hurts:

●Stop feeling guilty that you can’t spend lots of ________ (4) with old friends, like you did years ago. Acknowledge that your lives have changed, and do whatever you can now ________ (5) maintain the relationship. Use e-mail, instant messaging and ________ (6) electronic devices to stay in touch when you have small bits of time.

●Meet for coffee or an early-morning walk ________ (7) you start your workday.

●Schedule one weeknight a month a regular “Friends Time Out,”in which you catch ________ (8) with your buddies.

●Invite a friend to share everyday activities you normally ________ (9) alone, like exercising, doing errands or going to your kid’s soccer game.

●Try to be there for key events in your friend’s life -weddings, graduations, funerals. Your presence will make a ________ (10).


1. as

2. it

3. from

4. time

5. to

6. other

7. before

8. up

9. do 10. difference

(1) The two clauses in this compound sentence should be connected by a conjunction. Since the first clause indicates the reason for the second one, and the conjunction comes at the beginning of the sentence, as is the most proper words to fill in here.

(2) The real object of the verb make is the phrase to keep up with our pals at the end of the sentence. As the object is longer than the object complement, in order to keep the balance of the sentence, a formal object it is necessary.

(3) As the tips are given by the sociologist, the origin of the source is indicated by from.

(4) Judging from the context, the sentence means that you may feel guilty that you cannot be with your old friends for some time. Besides, spend some time with sb.is also an idiomatic expression.

(5) Maintain the relationship, indicating the purpose of do whatever you can, serves here as an infinitive to complement the verb maintain.

(6) As e-mail and instant messaging are both electronic devices for communication, something additional of the type already mentioned is indicated by other.

(7) As is mentioned in the passage, coffee or an early-morning walk take place earlier before the workday starts.

(8) To catch up with sb. is an idiomatic expression indicating to find out what someone have been doing since you last met. For example: What are you doing this afternoon? I’m catching up with my friend as I haven’t seen her in ages.

(9) In the attributive clause, the predicate is missing, which is also the transitive verb proclaiming activities. As do is a general and informal verb, it is proper to predicate the everyday activities. (10) The sentence means that it is important that if you are there for the key events in your friends’life. Make a difference means to have an important effect on something, especially a good effect. For example: This scheme will certainly make a difference to the way I do my job.

V. Oral Activities

1. Having a Dialogue

Suppose a friend of yours is suffering a setback in his/her love affair. Have a conversation with him/her, letting him/her tell you what has actually happened between the two of them, and trying to help him/her put the matter in perspective.

Structures and Patterns:

-Are you still seeing …?

-How are you going with your girlfriend/boyfriend?

-Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t know that …? What happened?

-Did she/he tell you why she/he …?

-Don’t be cynical. I don’t think you will have any difficulty in finding another girlfriend/boyfriend. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

2.Having a discussion

Topic: Is Confucius’teaching “make no friends inferior to ourselves (无友不如己者)”still constructive in modern society? Would you like to follow it? Have a debate over the issue in two opposing groups.


Group A. Everybody is equal in the modern society. There is no inferior or superior friend in this sense.

Group B. Friends who are less capable or less righteous than you may adversely affect your life or career.

VI. Writing

1.Essay writing: An introduction

Expository essay/exposition

The purpose of an expository essay is to inform, explain, clarify, define or instruct. It requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner. This can be accomplished through comparison and contrast, definition, example, cause and effect analysis, etc.

The expository essay is held together by the following structure:

a. A clear, concise, and defined thesis statement in the first paragraph of the essay.

b. Clear and logical transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion.

c. Body paragraphs that include evidential support whether factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal.

d. A conclusion that does not simply restate the thesis, but readdresses it in light of the evidence provided.


Write an exposition on the topic: what makes a good student?


In most Chinese teachers’ and parents’ eyes, a good student is one who obeys what teachers and parents ask him/her to do and who gets high marks in exams. However, grade results and academic achievement are far from enough to make a good student. Then what distinguishes a student? What makes the student stand out from the rest of the class? As far as I am concerned, the most important traits that make a good college student include: attitude, academic skills and awareness.

First of all, attitude is primarily a genuine desire to learn, and the willingness to do hard intellectual work to achieve understanding. It is also shown by how well you apply yourself even to subjects in which you have little interest, and how much you can achieve even when a professor’s style isn’t to your liking.

In addition, academic skills include ability to read with comprehension, intelligent use of resources (including library resources), logical and mathematical skills, efficient study habits, and the ability to communicate clearly and fluently in speaking and writing.

Last but not least, be aware of what’s going on in the world around you, and intelligently relate it to your academic courses. For example, when taking a course in political science, you should relate what you are learning in class to what’s happening on the national and world political scene. When taking a science course, you should relate scientific principles to phenomena you observe in everyday life, and go out of your way to find applications and examples of science in the real world.

All of these add up to a word: ability -a word frequently used above. The goal of


Lesson One: The Time Message Elwood N, Chapman 新的学习任务开始之际,千头万绪,最重要的是安排好时间,做时间的主人。本文作者提出了7点具体建议,或许对你有所启迪。 1 Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look a head, you think you have more time than you need. For Example,at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands, but toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is running out. You don't have enough time to cover all your duties (duty), so you get worried. What is the answer? Control! 译:时间真是不好对付,既难以控制好,又很容易浪费掉,当你向前看时,你觉得你的时间用不完。例如,在一个学期的开始,你或许觉得你有许多时间,但到学期快要结束时,你会突然发现时间快用光了,你甚至找不出时间把所有你必须干的事情干完,这样你就紧张了。答案是什么呢?控制。 2 Time is dangerous. If you don't control it, it will control you. I f you don't make it work fo r you, it will work against you. So you must become the master of time, not its servant. As a first-year college student, time management will be your number one Problem. 译:时间是危险的,如果你控制不了时间,时间就会控制你,如果你不能让时间为你服务,它就会起反作用。所以,你必须成为时间的主人,而不是它的奴仆,作为刚入学的大学生,妥善安排时间是你的头等大事。 3 Time is valuable. Wasting time is a bad habit. It is like a drug. The more time you waste,the easier it is to go on wasting time. If seriously wish to get the most out of college, you must put the time message into practice. 译:时间是珍贵的,浪费时间是个坏习惯,这就像毒品一样,你越浪费时间,就越容易继续浪费下去,如果你真的想充分利用上大学的机会,你就应该把利用时间的要旨付诸实践。 Message1. Control time from the beginning. 4 Time is today, not tomorrow or next week. Start your plan at the Beginning of the term. 译:抓紧时间就是抓紧当前的时间,不要把事情推到明天或是下周,在学期开始就开始计划。 Message2. Get the notebook habit. 5 Go and buy a notebook today, Use it to plan your study time each day. Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. Sunday is a good day to make the Plan for the following week.


新职业英语·职业综合英语课文翻译 第一课谷歌 上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。作为全世界最有名的互联网搜索引擎,谷歌是网络业界功成名就的最好范例之一。 谷歌始于1996年1月斯坦福大学博士生拉里?佩奇的一个研究项目。为了找到一种能帮助网络用户搜索到相关网页的更好方法,佩奇设想可以通过检索网页之间的关系来实现。他认为其他网页链接最多的那些网页一定是最受欢迎的,这项技术结果看起来是成功的。 佩奇和他的合作伙伴谢尔盖?布林于1998年9月7日创建了自己的公司,并在之后的一周注册了https://www.doczj.com/doc/795165369.html,这一网址。这个搜索引擎很快声名鹊起,2000年谷歌开始在自己的网站出售广告。在投资者的热情资助下,经过几年的发展,谷歌上市了,谷歌的很多雇员一夜之间成了百万富翁。 谷歌最近收购了互联网最大的视频共享网站https://www.doczj.com/doc/795165369.html,,而且每天都在不断增加一些新功能,如工具栏、邮件和广告。当然,成长与成功也带来了竞争。微软最近就试图收购雅虎以便能在互联网搜索引擎领域与谷歌抗衡。 随着公司的壮大与知名度的提高,谷歌在美国公司就业吸引力的排名也上升到第一。他们尝试打破传统的办公室设计,努力把办公室变成员工感觉舒适、并能充分发挥自己才华的地方。 现在,谷歌已拥有YouTube、Blogger和其他一些热门网站,并且成为网络广告收入方面的领头羊。当初两个学生的一个小点子已发展成为一家拥有十亿美元资产的大公司,谷歌也成为全球最著名的商标之一。谷歌的发展史为当今的网络企业家树立了一个完美的典范,也提供了灵感。 第二课秘书 秘书可能会有很多其他不同的头衔,例如行政助理、文员或私人助理。尽管所有这些头衔都以行政工作为主旨,但它们却反映了不同种类的秘书工作。秘书岗位十分古老,例如,古希腊和罗马的商人和政客们就曾雇用私人秘书和文员来管理他们的事务。 秘书的工作就是使办公室顺利运转。秘书的职责范围很广,依据他们所在办公室的不同而各异。就最低要求来说,秘书要处理信函,跟踪日程安排,管理文件系统,操作电话、传真机、复印机等办公设备。许多秘书还要接听电话,并将其转给适当的人员。有些秘书还要负责办公室用品的采购,他们也可能会处理预算、簿记和人事文档。秘书应当具备使用电脑和其他电子设备的经验,因为他们将处理大量的电子资料,包括往来信函。


human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to sense of reality by giving meaning to events. 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker?s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?” Choose words that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an impli cit comparison between things that are different yet have something in common; it does not contain the words “like” or “as”. 生动地用词能让演讲鲜活起来!比喻,这种能产生文字图像的修辞,可以使演讲达到生动的效果。比喻要用具象的语言,分为明喻和隐喻。 明喻是指在本质上有区别但仍然有相同点的事物之间做一个明确的比较,一般句中会含有“像”或“似”。隐喻则是一种隐藏的比较,不会出现like 和as 这些连接词。 Another way to make your speeches vivid is by exploiting the rhythm of language. Four devices for creating rhythm are parallelism, repetition, alliteration, and antithesis. Parallelism is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences. Repetition is the use of the same word or set of words at the beginning or end of successive clauses or sentences. Alliteration comes from repeating the initial constant sounds of close or adjoining words. Antithesis is the juxtaposition of


Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己作出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life Jim Doherty 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降

到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆

新标准大学综合英语2 unit1 课文翻译

NUIT1 大学已经不再特别了 有这么一种说法:“要是你能记得20世纪60年代的任何事情,你就没有真正经历过那段岁月。”对于在大麻烟雾中度过大学时光的那些人,这话可能是真的。但是,20世纪60年代有一件事人人都记得,那就是:上大学是你一生中最激动人心、最刺激的经历。 20世纪60年代,加州的高校把本州变成了世界第七大经济实体。然而,加州大学的主校园伯克利分校也以学生示威、罢课以及激进的政治氛围而著名。1966年,罗纳德?里根竞选加州州长,他问加州是否允许“一所伟大的大学被喧闹的、唱反调的少数人征服。”自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、唱反调的少数人。 在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情投入到争取自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。许多抗议是针对越南战争的。可是在法国,巴黎大学的学生与工会联盟,发动了一场大罢工,最终导致戴高乐总统辞职。 20世纪60年代大学生活的特点并不仅仅是激进的行动。不论在什么地方,上大学都意味着你初次品尝真正自由的滋味,初次品尝深更半夜在宿舍或学生活动室里讨论人生意义的滋味。你往往得上了大学才能阅读你的第一本禁书,看你的第一部独立影人电影,或者找到和你一样痴迷吉米?亨德里克斯或兰尼?布鲁斯的志同道合者。那是一段难以想象的自由时光,你一生中最无拘无束的时光。 可如今那份激情哪儿去了?大学怎么了?现在,政治、社会和创造意识的觉醒似乎不是凭借大学的助力,而是冲破其阻力才发生的。当然,一点不假,高等教育仍然重要。例如,在英国,布莱尔首相几乎实现了到2010年让50%的30岁以下的人上大学的目标(即使愤世嫉俗的人会说,这是要把他们排除在失业统计数据之外)。不过,大学教育已不再是全民重视的话题了。如今,大学被视为人们急于逃离的一种小城镇。有些人辍学,但大多数已经有些麻木,还是坚持混到毕业,因为离开学校实在是太费事了。 没有了20世纪60年代大学生所发现的令人头脑发热的自由气氛,如今的大学生要严肃得多。英国文化协会最近做了一项调查,研究外国留学生在决定上哪所大学时所考虑的因素。这些因素从高到低依次是:课程质量、就业前景、学费负担、人身安全问题、生活方式,以及各种便利。大学已变成实现目的的手段,是在就业市场上增加就业几率的一个机会,上大学本身不再是目的,不再是给你提供一个机会,让你暂时想象一下:你能够改变世界。 童年与大学之间的距离已缩小了,大学与现实世界之间的距离也缩小了。其中的一个原因可能和经济有关。在一个没有保障的世界里,现在的许多孩子依赖父母资助的时间比以前的孩子更长。21世纪的学生大学毕业后根本无法自立门户,因为那太昂贵了。另一个可能的原因是通讯革命。儿子或女儿每学期往家里打一两回电话的日子一去不复返了。如今,大学生通过手机与父母保持着脐带式联系。至于寻找痴迷无名文学或音乐的同道好友,没问题,我们有互联网和聊天室来帮助我们做到这一点。


Presenting a speech (做演讲) Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through 在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。我们用语言 language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit 来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识, knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. 传承文化。事实上,对语言本身的思考也是至关重要的。[Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events]. 和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在 具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。 ——语序的调整。 Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。词语是演讲者演讲的重要“武器”,具有特殊的用途,这和任何其他的工作技艺没什么两样。作为演讲者,必须知道词语的具体含义,也要懂得如何做到用词准确、清晰、生动、适当。 Using language accurately is as vital to a speaker as using numbers accurately to a accountant. Never use a word unless you are sure of its meaning. If you are not sure, look up the word in the dictionary. As you prepare your speeches, ask yourself constantly, “What do I really want to say? What do I really mean?”Choose words that are precise and accurate. 演讲者准确地使用语言和会计准确使用数字是一样重要的。确定词意后再措词。如果不确定,请先查词典。当你在准备演讲的时候,要不断地问自己:“我到底要说什么?我到底想表达什么意思?”用词一定要精准。 Using language clearly allows listeners to grasp your meaning immediately. You can ensure this [by using familiar words (that are known to the average person and require no specialized background); by choosing concrete words in preference to more abstract ones, and by eliminating verbal clutter]. 用词清晰可以让听众迅速理解你的意思(抓到你的点)。要做到这一点,就要尽量使用一般人都熟悉的不需要专业知识就能懂的词语;多用具象词汇少用抽象词汇;还有要减少口误。 Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life. One way (to make your speech vivid)|is through imagery,or the creation of word pictures. You can develop imagery by using concrete language, simile, and metaphor. Simile is an explicit comparison between things (that are essentially different yet have something in common); it always contains the words “like”or “as”. Metaphor is an implicit


Period One – Around the Topic Period Length: 50 minutes Goals Period Length: 50 minutes Goals -Activate background knowledge about work Purposes -Get familiar with vocabulary related with work -Obtain background knowledge about curiosity and being inquisitive Step 1: Vocabulary (20 minutes) -Ask students to work on the Vocabulary on Page 150 -Encourage students to think as more as possible -List these word on the board or screen Step 2: Discovery and Discussion (30 minutes) -Work on the activity on Pages 150 & 151 as a whole and give explanations if necessary to understand the necessity of work -Discuss the issue of work with reference to the questions listed on Pages 150 & 151 -Ask each group to present their results in front Key points -All activities be carried out in English -Inspect each group for the purpose of guidance and promotion Homework -Think in depth the advantages and disadvantages of being curious

新世纪博士生综合英语Unit 1 课文及译文

Unit1 The Burden of Womanhood Too often in the Third World, a female?s life is hardly worth living. By: John Ward Anderson & Molly Moore 女人的负担 往往在第三世界,女性的生活几乎是不值得活的。 约翰.沃德.安德森和莫莉.摩尔 1.When Rani returned home from the hospital cradling her newborn daughter, the men in the family slipped out of her mud hut while she and her mother-in-law mashed poisonous oleander seeds into a dollop of oil and dropped it into the baby?s throat. As soon as darkness fell, Rani crept into a nearby field and buried her baby girl in a shallow, unmarked grave next to a small stream. 当拉尼抱着她刚出生的女儿从医院回到家时,男人们溜出了她的土屋,她和她的婆婆将有毒的夹竹桃种子捣碎成一团油,并将其塞到婴儿的喉咙里。夜幕一降临,拉尼就蹑手蹑脚地来到附近的一块土地,将她的女婴埋在一条小溪浅旁边的一个不深的、没有标记的坟墓内。 2.“I never felt any sorrow,” Rani, a farm laborer with a weather-beaten face, said through an interpreter. “There was a lot of bitterness in my heart toward the baby because the gods should have given me a son.” “我从来没有感到任何悲哀”,脸部饱经风霜的拉尼通过翻译说,“我的心对孩子充满了辛酸,因为神本应该赐予我一个儿子”。 3.Each year hundreds and perhaps thousands of newborn girls in India are murdered by their mothers simply because they are female. Some women believe that sacrificing a daughter guarantees a son in the next pregnancy. In other cases, the family cannot afford the dowry that would eventually be demanded for a girl?s marriage. 在印度每年有数百甚至数千名新生女婴被他们的母亲谋杀,只因为他们是女孩。有些妇女认为,牺牲一个女儿将保证下次怀孕是儿子。在其他情况下,家庭买不起女孩结婚时所需的嫁妆。 4.And for many mothers, sentencing a daughter to death is better than condemning her to life as a woman in the Third World, with cradle-to-grave discrimination, poverty, sickness and drudgery. 对于很多母亲而言,判处女儿死刑胜过让她在第三世界作为一个女人生活,经历一辈子的歧视、贫困、疾病和劳苦。


Unit1如何发表演说斯蒂芬·卢卡斯 1.在人类创造的万物中,语言可能是最卓越的一项创造。通过语言,我们可以分享经验、阐明价值观念、交流思想、传播知识、传承文化。确实,语言对于思想本身至关重要。和流行的信仰不同的是:语言并不是简单地反映事实,而是通过对事件意义的思考来帮助人们感悟现实。 2.优秀的演说者尊重语言并懂得如何驾驭语言。语言是演说者展示才能的工具,对于他们来说,如同其他职业的工具一样,语言也有特殊的功用。作为一名演说者,你应该意识到话语的意义,并懂得如何准确无误地使用语言,使其表达清楚,趣味横生,恰如其分。 3.如同数字对于会计的重要性一样,准确地使用语言对于演说者至关重要。在没有确切知道一个词语的意思之前,千万不要盲目使用。碰到没有把握的词语,一定要查词典追根究底。当你准备演讲之前,一定要不断地问自己:“我究竟想说些什么?我究竟想表达什么样的意思?”因此,对于一篇演讲稿的用词来说,必须准确无误。 4.语言表达清楚无误,听众就能很快抓住你的意思。鉴于此,演说者应该使用那些对于大多数人来说非常熟悉的词语,这些词语不需要任何专业背景就能够理解;演说者应该使用那些表达具体而不是相对抽象的词语;并且千万不要乱堆砌辞藻,哗众取宠。 5.准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。有一种方法可以使你的语言更加生动形象,那就是通过展开联想或创造语言图示。通过使用表达具体的词语、明喻或者暗喻等手法可以展开想象。明喻是对事物不同之处的比较,不过有些是相同的:它们总是包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。暗喻是一种隐性的比喻,它能够把两个形式不同但是有一些相通之处的事物联系在一起,暗喻不包含“像……一样”或者“如同……一样”这样的连词。 6.另一种让你的演说生动形象的方法是注重语言的节奏感。有四种修辞格可以让你的语言富有节奏感:排比、重复、头韵和对比。排比是将一组或一系列具有相似结构的词语、短语或者句子排列在一起;重复是在一系列短句或者长句的开头或者结尾使用相同的一句话或者一组词语;头韵是指邻近或者相邻的几个句子中的首个词语的辅音字母相同;对比是将一些意思相反的词语或者句子并列在一起,通常使用排比结构。 7.恰当地使用语言是指语言的运用要符合特定的场合、特定的观众和特定的主题。同时,恰当地使用语言还意味着演说者要有自己的语言风格,而不是模仿他人的口吻。如果演说者的语言在各个方面都能够做到恰如其分,那么这篇演说成功的机率就会大大提高。 8.优秀的演说并不是空穴来风、缺乏论据的决断。演说者必须找到强有力的论据来支持其观点。实际上,熟练地使用论据经常是区别一篇优秀演说词和一篇空洞演说词的关键所在。一般来说,通常有三种论据材料:事例、统计数据和证词。 9.在演说过程中,你可以使用一些简明扼要的例子——比如过去发生的一个很具体的事件——有时候,你可以罗列好几个简明的例子,借此增强听众的印象。扩展性的例子——描述、


《综合英语教程》第二册课文、扩展阅读课文译文 Unit 1 Text 等候的人们 我坐在一个机场,观察着等候所爱之人到达或离开前最后一刻的人们。他们有的不安地来回走着,有的互相凝视着,有的拉着对方的手。此时的感情是强烈的。 一位讲西班牙语的女士正来回转圈地跑着,想要将全家人集中起来道别。她的嗓门很高。当登机前的最后时刻到来时,她用双臂搂着儿子,似乎这一紧紧的拥抱能保佑他将来平安地归来。 在我候机坐位旁的栏杆边站着一位祖母和她的孙子,该来接他们的人还没到。他们旁边有两位女士,互相之间显然没有关系,但她们的眼光都象扫视着大海的探照灯一样朝通道口仔细地搜索着。一位怀抱婴儿的母亲正与丈夫吻别。泪水打湿了她的面颊。这时刻十分令人动情。 在第13号出口处,抵达者们刚刚进站。“我看见她了,她在那儿。”以同样感人的激情,这些抵达者融入了庞杂的人群,仿佛他们是这人群中失而复得的一个组成部分。泪水、笑容,和由衷的快乐洋溢在久别重逢的欢声笑语中。 我坐着边翻书边等着我的登机时刻,感到有点孤独,因为亲人与我的时间不配;而我要去见的人,我的女儿,却在我旅程的另一端。 我在回想往日的离别和重逢。忆起我看见女儿,就是我现在要去见的女儿,正从那狭窄的通道走过来,肩上背着背包,怀里抱着塞得满满的行囊,带着的耳机让她无暇顾及身旁川流不息的人群。她当时上大学一年级,11月回家度假——8月份以来第一次回家。我紧紧地拥抱着她,似乎我曾失去过她。 今天我乘坐的航班晚点两小时。手里的书今天读起来没劲,不如观看眼前这熙来人往的人群。一个5岁左右的男孩第一次见到他的祖父。他一点点往上看,半天才看到了对成人来说并不算高的一位男人的脸。一高一矮的两人脸上都放出了喜悦的光芒,我不知道人们如何能用语言和胶卷来捕捉这一时刻。 当我的航班终于呼叫登机时,我收起书本和行李。既然无人相送,我就没有回头看看来时的方向,而是在想上班的丈夫此刻极想知道我是否已起飞,在另一端的女儿也正惦记着同一件事。 登机时,我回想起另一种离别和重逢。有一次我新婚不久,91岁的祖父去世了。我们的关系一直很密切,那天傍晚,我参加完他的葬礼乘飞机返回,一边离开机场一边哭着。我们刚刚结婚一年的丈夫等候在出站口,把我拥抱在怀中。满脸的泪水招来了大家对我的关注,但我并不在乎。不管怎么说,我内心的那种感受在机场没有什么不合时宜的。 生命始终都需要这般关注。我祝愿所有旅行的人们归来时都能看到有人在等候迎接他们。我也祝愿他们出发前有人去送行。我想到自己的祖父并认识到,如果死亡就像这样,一次旅行而已,那么,我就不会害怕。 (吕睿中译,胡一宁审校) Read more 重要之事


基础综合英语课文翻译 导语:《基础综合英语》综合听说读写四个方面。每单元前半 部分涉及听说技能,而后半部分突出读写技能。这四种技能都围绕同一主题展开,相互补充,协同提高。下面是由的关于基础综合英语课文第一单元部分课文的翻译。欢迎阅读! 对F的赞美 今年将有好几万的十八岁青年毕业,他们都将被授予毫无意义 的文凭。这些文凭看上去跟颁发给比他们幸运的同班同学的文凭没什么两样。只有当雇主发现这些毕业生是半文盲时,文凭的效力才会被质疑。 最后,少数幸运者会进入教育维修车间——成人识字课程,我 教的一门关于基础语法和写作的课程就属于这种性质。在教育维修车间里,高中毕业生和高中辍学生将学习他们本该在学校就学好的技能,以获得同等学历毕业证书。他们还将发现他们被我们的教育体系欺骗了。 在我教课的过程中,我对我们的学校教育深有了解。在每学期 开始的时候,我会让我的学生写一下他们在学校的不快体验。这种时候学生不会有任何写作障碍!我希望有人能让我停止吸毒,让我学习。我喜欢参加派对,似乎没人在意。我是一个好孩子,不会制造任何麻烦,于是他们就让我考试通过,即使我阅读不好,也不会写作。很多诸如此类的抱怨。

我基本是一个空想社会改良家,在教这门课之前,我将孩子们 的学力能力差归咎于毒品、离婚和其它妨碍注意力集中的东西,要想学习好就必须集中注意力。但是,我每一次走进教室都会再度发现,一个老师在期望学生全神贯注之前,他必须先吸引学生的注意力,无论附近有什么分散注意力的东西。要做到这点,有很多种办法,它们与教学风格有很大的关系。然而,单靠风格无法起效,有另一个办法可以显示谁是在教室里掌握胜局的人。这个办法就是亮出失败的王牌。 我永远也忘不了一位老师亮出那张王牌以吸引我的一个孩子的 注意。我的小儿子是个世界级的万人迷,学习不怎么动脑筋却总能蒙混过关,直到施蒂夫特夫人当了他的老师,这种局面才彻底改变了。 当她教我儿子英语时,我儿子是一个高中高年级学生。他坐在 后排和他的朋友说话。她告诉我。你为什么不把他换到前排来?我恳求道,我相信令他难堪的做法会让他安心学习。史蒂夫特夫人从眼镜上方冷冷地看着我。我不会换高年级学生的座位。她说,我会给他们不及格的成绩。我大感紧张。我们儿子的学习生涯在我的眼前闪现。之前,没有老师以此威胁过他。我恢复镇定,艰难地表示我认为她是对的。到家时,我对此感觉良好。目前这是一种激进的做法,但是,嗯,为什么不这么做呢?她要给你不及格。我告诉我的儿我没有再多说什么。突然英语就在他的生活中成了头等大事。他期末得了一个A。 我知道一个例子不能说明问题,但我在夜校中看见了一群愤怒、怨恨的学生,他们愤恨的原因是学校让他们一路混,直到他们甚至都无法再假装跟得上。这些学生智力水平至少也算中等,但最终都退学


Unit5 反腐持久战 小本 W·海涅曼和弗里茨·海曼前进道路 ①自20世纪90年代中以来,腐败问题一直占据着全球议事日程的突出地位。一些国际机构,如经济合作和开发组织以及联合国,采取了协约的形式,要求各成员国制定法律禁止行贿等行为。一些国际金融机构,尤其是世界银行,宣布了多个方案,旨在确保其项目承包的公正性和公开性,杜绝政府官员侵吞私占。大多数国家都出台了某种形式的反腐败法。国际商业团体也颁布了行为示范法规,跨国公司如今宣称正在实施反贿赂计划。反腐倡廉方面的非政府机构的带头人“透明国际”也通过其分布在90多个国家的分支机构展开了分析和倡导活动。国际媒体事实上是每天(常常冒着极大的风险)报道高层人物腐败堕落的事例。 ②之所以出现了这些新的规章、反腐誓言和觉悟的提高,其根本原因就在于人们越来越清晰地认识到收受贿赂和勒索钱财的行为带来了显而易见的恶果。曾几何时一些博学之士一本正经地说:腐败是对过度调控经济体制的一种有效的矫正行为,或者说,腐败作为不可驾驭的力量的一种副产品,它是不可避免的,我们应该包容它。如今这样说的日子一去不复返了。现在腐败带来的真正危害已经广为人知:腐败扰乱市场、破坏竞争、滋长市民的冷嘲热讽、削弱法治的威力、损害政府的合法性,还会侵蚀私营市场的诚信度。腐败还是组织国际发展的极大阻碍,因为贪赃舞弊的政府自上而下的侵吞挪用坑害了穷人。 ③虽然很难量化全球腐败的程度,但存在巨大弊端却是毋庸置疑的。例如,2004年世界银行估计全世界的政府公务员每年收受贿金在一万亿美元以上(而且这个数字还不包括贪污)。俄国智囊团Indem在2005年所做的一次调查发现:每年在俄国支付的贿金超过3000亿美元(比上次2001年调查到的数字增加了10倍),而且有不止一半的俄国人曾经被索要过贿赂。根据2005年度的沃尔克报告(有经济学家保罗沃尔克担纲的一个独立委员会对联合国之前实行的石油换食品的计划所做的调查报告),参与石油换食品计划的2000多家公司几乎有一半可能有吃回扣的行为。频频不断的丑闻此起彼伏,一直没有消停。过去一年,中国、印尼、肯尼亚、俄国和美国的爆料占据着新闻的榜首。 ④考虑到这些问题范围之广且层出不穷,只有当我们以更加集中化和系统化的方式把反腐誓言付诸行动、预防和惩罚不端行为时,反腐运动才能保持其可信度和强劲的势头。在近期内,唱重头戏的国际组织、发达国家以及跨国公司必须实施反腐措施。发展中国家也有重要角色要扮演,对于这些国家的法律政治和经济体系差异很大——他们要么不成功,要么眼看就要失败;要么不堪一击,要么正在兴起——因此发展中国家的反腐运动将不得不是各国广泛、复杂且往往是历时长久的国家建设过程的一部分,而且取决于这个国家建设的过程。 形态多样的腐败堕落 ⑤腐败的形式有很多种,它既有供给方式(私人行贿者),又有需求方(政府公务员);既有能随心所欲地操控政府决策的高层官员参与的大规模腐败行为,也有控制着诸如教育和供电等基础服务设施的底层官僚参与的小规模腐败行动。再说,提供主要资金来源的发达国家和拥有大批巧取豪夺、侵吞私占的政府官员的发展中国家二者之间有一种动态机制。 ⑥要攻克这个牵涉到多层面的问题,并明确近期的工作重点如何与长期的应对方法相符,我们就应该采取四种措施:第一是强制执行,即通过对现有的腐败


綜合英語二上冊課文翻譯 lesson1学校要是教给我们这12种本领就好了卡尔·萨根 1.二战刚结束,我在纽约和新泽西的公立学校上了初中和高中。现在想来似乎是很久远的事了。学校的设施、教师的水平在当时的美国大大高于一般水准。因而,那时的我可以说是受益匪浅。我所学到的最重要的一点,就是要学的东西实在是太多,而我还没有学到的东西也太多。有时候,我想那时要是能学点真正重要的东西,今天我会多么地心存感激。在有些方面,当时的教育十分狭窄;关于拿破仑,在学校里我所学到的仅仅是美国从他手里买下路易斯安那。(在一个约95%的居民不是美国人的星球上,学校当局认为只有美国历史才值得讲授。)在拼写、语法、数学基础知识以及其他重要的学科的教授上,我的老师们做得相当不错。但是还有许多其他的东西,我曾希望他们教授给我。 2.或许该教而没教的缺陷自那以后已经得以纠正。照我看来似乎有许多东西(主要是态度问题、认识问题,而不是简单的对事实记忆的问题)学校应当教授——那些在以后的生活中真正有用的东西,即那些能使国家更强大、世界更美好,也能使人们更幸福的东西。人类乐于学习。这是我们人类比这个星球上其它物种做得好些的为数有限的几件事中的一件。每个学生都应该经常体验一下说出“啊,原来是这么一回事!”时的感受——也就是你以往不懂的或是不知道自己不懂的事情,一下子变得豁然开朗时的感受。 3.下面就是我列出的方法: 挑一件难事,从中学习 4.希腊哲学家苏格拉底曾经说过这是人类最大的乐趣之一,确实也是如此。与其涉足多门学科而略知一二,莫如选其一两个学科学深学透。只要你对所选的课题感兴趣,只要你的研究不脱离课题本身更为广阔的人文环境,你的课题是什么并不重要。教会你自己一个课题以后,你就会对教授你自己另一课题的能力更加充满信心。你会逐渐发现你已获得了一种主要技能。世界的变化日新月异,你必须在一生中不断地教授你自己。但不要沉溺于你感兴趣的或你擅长的第一门学科而止步不前。这个世界充满了奇妙的事物,有些我们完全长大成人之后才会发现;很遗憾,大部分我们一辈子也发现不了。 不要害怕问“愚蠢的”问题 5.许多明显幼稚的提问其实是很深刻的问题,诸如草为何是绿的,太阳为何是圆的,为什么我们的世界需要55000个核武器。对这些问题的回答很可能会使你对事物有深刻的理解。尽可能明确你有哪些事情不明弊同样也很重要,提问题就是找出不懂之处的办法。提“愚蠢的”问题,对于提问者来说需营勇气,对答问者来说需要知识和耐心。不要把自己的学习局限于课堂。与朋友深入地讨论观点或想法。明知会引起嘲笑而提问要比把问题埋在心里、对周围的一切变得麻木不仁要勇挂得多。 仔细倾听 6.很多情况下人们谈活时,总是争相表现自己,这类交谈对双方都无多大益处。当别人在谈话时,不要费时去思考自己接下来打算说什么,而是设法搞懂他们说的是什么,什么样的经历才使他们说这些话,你从这些话中能学到什么,你对说这些话的人又能了解到什么情况等。老年人所经历的世界与你所经历的截然不同,你也许对其知之甚少。老年人及来自其他地方和其他国家的人们有可以丰富你的生活的十分重要的对事物的看法。 人人都会犯错误 7.每个人对事物的理解都是不全面的。要乐于接受改正,学会纠正自己的错误。你应该感到丢人的倒是没有从错误中吸取教训。 了解你所处的星球 8.这是我们仅有的一个星球。要了解它是如何运作的。我们往往为了短期的利益,在尚不了解(这些做法)长远影响的情况下,正在改变大气层、改变地球的表面以及地球的水系。任何一个国家的公民至少对我们人类要走向何处都有发言权。如果我们不理解这些问题,我们就是放弃未来。 科学与技术 9.除非你了解科学与技术,否则你不会了解你所在的星球。我记得学校的理科课程专讲科学的次要方面,而对科学的深层含义几乎只字不提。现代科学的每项重大发现同时也是对人类精神的重大发现。例如,

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