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安排 arrangement

安全标准 safety standard

按每月使用小时支付租金的租赁 power by the hour leases

按照出资比例:in proportion to one’s respective contributions to the investment 按照法律规定according to law

按照确定的份额分担义务:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt

按照确定的份额分享权力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit

按租金曲线折旧 rent curve depreciation

案件 case

案件受理费 litigation fee

案例法 case law

案例汇编case book; case report; law report

案例教学法case system

案由 nature of case

暗示的担保 implied warranty or guarantee

柏拉图 Plato

颁布 issue

颁布 promulgate

办案 handle a case

办理 deal with

办理注销登记:cancel the registration

半导体芯片 semiconductor chips

帮助当事人毁灭、伪造证据罪 crime of aiding a client to destroy or forge evidence 绑架妇女儿童罪 crime of kidnapping women and children

包庇、纵容黑社会性质组织罪 crime of harboring a mafia-style syndicate

包庇毒品犯罪分子罪 crime of harboring drug criminals

包庇罪 crime of concealing the murder

包装 packaging

保费 premium

保护 indemnify

保健服务health care services

保健商融资公司 health care merchant fund incorporation

保健提供者 healthcare provider

保健应收款 health care receivables

保留 retaining

保密性 confidentiality

保全 perfection

保税区 bonded area

保险 underwriting

保险标准 underwriting standard

保险单 insurance policy

保险法 insurance law

保险功能 insurance function

保险类别 insurance coverage

保险凭证 insurance certificate

保险索赔insurance claims

保养方针及程序 maintenance policies and procedures

保证 guarantee

保证 warranty

保证金 bail

保证金 margins

保证金 security deposit

保证金帐户 margin account

保证人,担保人 guarantor

保证书 covenant of warranty

保证书 indemnity

保证条款 warranty

保值利率 inflation-proof interest rate

报废(或挑其中有价值的贵金属出卖)scrap or salvage sale 报复陷害罪case of retaliation and frame-ups

报告 report

报价 quoting


备件 repairs

备忘功能 memory function

被裁定为 be adjudged to be

被陈述人 representee

被代理人:the principal

被担保方 secured party

被动投资信托 passive investment trust

被告人辨解 statement of the defendant

被侵权人 the infringed

被少报的 understated

被视为be deemed as

被宣布为非法be outlawed; be declared illegal

本金 principal

本人名义:in one’s name

本质上的公司 per se corporations

比较法comparative law

比较法学comparative jurisprudence

比较法学派school of comparative jurisprudence

比较法制史 comparative legal history

比较分析法method of comparative analysis

比较刑法comparative penal law

比较刑法学comparative penal jurisprudence

必然因果关系positive causal relationship

必要共同犯罪 indispensable joint crime

避风港 safe harbor

避风港租赁(对有避税功能的租赁的形容)safe-harbor leases

避税 tax shields

避税规定 tax shelter provision

边际税率 marginal tax rate

边缘法学borderline jurisprudence

编纂法律方法 legal methodology

变量 variables

变通办法adaptation; accommodation

标的subject matter

标记 label

标题 headings

标准制订者 standard setters

表决控制权 vote control

表决权 vote

表外融资 off balance sheet financing

并科原则 doctrine of cumulating punishments

拨款 fund appropriation

拨款条例 appropriation provisions

波动 fluctuation, variation

波动性 volatility

剥夺权利deprival of rights

驳回 dismiss

驳回 reject

驳回上诉 reject an appeal

补偿 compensate

补偿报酬 compensatory payment

补偿制度compensation system

补充备案 additional filings

补充规定supplementary provision

补给活动 supporting activities

补救 remedy

补救办法remedial measures

不(在资产负债表上)资本化 non-ownership for balance sheet

不成文法unwritten law

不成文宪法unwritten constitution

不存在的 nonexistent

不得挪用 non-appropriation

不得替代条款 non-substitution clause

不动产、厂场或其它设备(设备) capital goods, plants or other equipment (the equipment)

不动产登记制Lot and Block System

不动产抵押投资管道 REMIC (real estate mortgage investment conduit)

不动产过渡性融资 interim real estate financing

不动产和动产 real property and personal property

不动产所在地法律 law of the place where the real property is situated; lex loci rei immobilisci

不合格设备 non-conforming equipment

不具有法律效力 null

不具有法律效力 void

不可撤销的 irrevocable

不可撤销的租赁协议 non-cancellable lease

不可分割的权利impartible right

不可抗力 force majuere



不可证券化的 unsecuritizable

不利的税收后果 adverse tax consequences

不履行法律义务non-performance of obligation

不履行合同 breach of contract

不履行合约 repudiation of the contract

不名誉的行为及手法 dishonourable conduct and practices

不能成立 unable to establish不时frequently

不能犯 impossibility; unrealized offense

不能回收的 unreimbursable

不匹配 mismatches

不确定性 uncertainty

不同的产品 separate products

不要式行为informal act

不要因的法律行为non-causal juristic act

不因实效而丧失的权利imprescriptible right

不应计的状态 non-accrual status

不予支持 unassisted

不作为 omission

不作为abstain from an act; act of omission

部件 parts

部门法department law


财产的添附 accretion of property; property accession

财产抵押权 property mortgage

财产法 property law

财产分割 properties division

财产关系和人身关系:property relationships and personal relationships

财产管理人 property administrator; custodian of property

财产混同 confusion; hotchpot

财产继承权:the right of inheritance

财产留置权 encumbrance

财产税property tax

财产所有权 property right

财务报告(引起的)外部风险external reporting risk

财务比率financial ratios

财务成份financial components

财务底线financial bottom line

财务费用finance charges

财务公司 finance companies

财务及其它收入 finance and other income

财务失真financial distortion

财务收益分配allocation of finance income

财务现实financial reality

财务业绩financial performance

财政赤字 public deficit

裁定 order

裁定 ruling

裁决 judgement, resolution

采用书面形式:in writing

参加恐怖活动组织罪 crime of taking part in an organization engaged in terrorist activities

参考利率reference rate


参与者participants, players

参照 consult

参照具体情况 in the light of actual conditions

参照原文 consult the original

仓储 warehousing

仓单 warehouse voucher

草签合同 initial a contract; sign a referendum contract; ad referendum contract 叉车forklift

查士丁尼法典 Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus

查士丁尼法规汇编 Authenticum





产品 product

产权关系 property relations

产权信托titling trust

产权制度 property order

长期出租合同long term rental contract

长期合同 long-term contract

长期性的融资工具 permanent funding vehicles

长期资金融通方式 permanent funding activities


偿付能力 solvency capability of reimbursement

常规过程ordinary course

常规租赁 normal lease

超出法律范围的 outside of law

超出法律权限的 extralegal

超额扣减excess deduction


超过权限 exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction

超越代理权:beyond the scope of one’s power of agency

超越管辖权 excess of jurisdiction

超越职权范围overstep one’s authority

撤消并发回给 reversed and remanded to the original court

撤消合同cancellation of contract


撤销合同 cancel a contract; rescind a contract; avoid a contract

撤销权 right of rescission; right of revocation

撤销要约 revocation of offer; revoke an offer

撤销遗赠 cancellation o will; revocationi of will

陈旧 obsolescence

陈述 state


陈述式报告narrative report

成比例的部分proportionate fraction

成文法 written law

成文宪法written constitution

承保人insurance carrier

承担 assume

承担责任 to be responsible for

承担责任程度 accountability

承典人 pawnee

承典人 pledgee

承诺commitment, promise

承认 confess

承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公约Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Award

承销佣金underwriting commission

承运人 actual fault of the carrier

承运人的留置权carrier’s lien


承租人的意向lessee intent

诚实信用原则:principle honesty and credibility; principle of honestry and good faith; good faith principle ; bona fide principle

诚信原则 principle of good faith

城市住宅局 City House Bureau

乘人之危:take advantage of one’s unfavorable position

惩办和宽大相结合combine punishment with leniency

惩办少数、改造多数的原则 principle of punishing the few and reforming the many 惩罚措施 punitive measure

惩罚性的损害赔偿 punitive damages

惩罚性制裁 punitive sanction

惩罚与教育相结合 combination of punishment and education

程序关系process nexus


充分披露 full disclosure

冲突 conflict

冲突法 conflict of laws; rules of conflict

冲突规则 conflict rule; rule of conflict

冲销 write-off

抽逃出资罪 crime of flight of capital contribution

抽象行政行为 abstract administrative act

筹集资金raise fund

筹资成本cost of funds

筹资风险funding risk, fund risk

筹资渠道funding resources


出典人 pawnor

出典人 pledgor

出口骗税犯罪活动 criminal activities of cheating out of tax rebates in export 出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods

出口押汇 bill purchased

出立票据issue notes


出售伪造发票罪 crime of selling counterfeit currency

出于对法律的无知 from ignorance of law

出于恶意 from malevolence

出资 contributions

出资比例 ratio of investments

出资额capital contribution

出租公司 rental house, rental yard


出租人的内部人员 lessor's internal staff

出租市场 rental market

初始的会计处理initial accounting

初始的租期initial lease term

初始抵押品original collateral

初始判例法initial case law

初始直接费用IDC(initial direct costs)

初始租赁期限的届满expiration of the initial lease term

除(本法)另有规定外 except for otherwise stipulated (by this law)

除外条款 provisory clause

除外责任条款 exclusion clause


处罚 penalty

处分财产 dispose of properties

处分权 act of disposition

处分原则 principle of disposition

处以刑罚 inflict punishment

处以有期徒刑 sentence to fixed-term imprisonment


触发器事件trigger events

触犯 violate

触犯法律 break the law; violate the law

触犯公共利益 encroach on the public interests

触犯国际利益go against the state’s interests

触犯人民利益encroach on the interests of the people; go against the people’s interests

传递实体pass-through entity

传统出租 traditional rental

传统的租借合同 traditional contract of hire

传统法律观念 traditional ideas of law

传销 pyramid selling

船舶承租人 charterer

船舶抵押的消灭 extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship

船舶抵押权 right of mortgage with respect to a ship; mortage of the ship; ship mortgage

船舶抵押权的设定 establishment of mortgage of the ship

船舶抵押权登记 registration of ship mortgage

船舶留置权 possessory lien; lien of ship

串通 collaborate


纯粹的避税目的sole tax avoidance purpose

纯粹法学 pure theory of law



次级份额subordinated tranche

次级权益subordinated interest

次级债券 subordinated debt obligation

次要法规 by law

次要规则 secondary rule

从宽处理 lenient punishment, liberal punishment

从宽解释原则 doctrine of liberal construction

从轻处罚 gie a lesser punishment

从轻处罚 impose a lenient sentence

从轻处罚 lesser punishment

从轻处罚 lighter punishment

从轻原则 the principle of lighter punishment

从权利 accessory right

从事 commit

从摇篮到坟墓(指自始至终全程服务)from cradle to grave 从业者practitioner

从重处罚 give a severer punishment

从重处罚 heavier punishment

从重处罚 severe punishment

从属化 subordination

凑整升水make-whole premium

村民委员会:the village committee



存款机构 deposit-taking institution

存款接受者deposit taker

存款支票户checking account

挫折 frustration

措词 worded

错漏 error|mistake

达到法定年龄 come of age

答复 Reply

打官司 initiate legal proceeding

打击 struggle against

打假 crack down on counterfeit goods

打假办 Office of Cracking down on Fake Products

打印机 printer

大厂回族自治县 Dachang Hui Nationality Autonomous Region 大额项目big-ticket items

大额资产large ticket asset

大法 the fundamental law

大法官Lord High Chancellor

大法官法院Court of Chancery

大股 substantial shareholder

大股东控权人 majority shareholder controller

大化瑶族自治县 Dahua Yao Nationality Autonomous County 大连市 Daliang Municipality

大陆法系Continental Legal System

大律师 barrister

大律师的收费 counsel's fees

大律师登记册 roll of baristers

大律师公会 Hong Kong Bar Association

大律师见习职位 pupillage

大律师名册 panels of counsels

大律师事务所 barristers' chambers, chambers of counsel

大律师书记 barrister's clerk

大陪审团 grand jury

大批 bulk

大修heavy maintenance

大宗出口租赁out-bound big-ticket leasing


代理检察员 acting prosecutor

代理民事活动:be represented in civil activities by

代理权终止:the expiration of one’s power of agency

代理人 agent

代理融通公司factoring company

代理审判员 acting judge

代通知金 payment in lieu of notice

代销 sales by proxy

带宽 bandwidth


贷款型融资loan-type financing

丹东市 Dandong Municipality

丹阳市 Danyang Municipality

单程客户载重汽车出租业务one-way consumer truck rental business 单独部分 separate component

单独承担的责任 undivided responsibility

单独的、独立的受托人separate, independent trustee

单独的法人separate legal person

单独身份separate identity

单方法律行为unilateral obligation

单方行政行为 unilateral administrative act

单价unit price

单位 entity unit

单位受贿罪 crime of bribe taken by a unit

单务合同 unilateral contract

单行法规specific regulations

单一法律体系unitary legal system

单一犯罪构成 single constitution of crime

单一股东sole shareholder

单一险种保险人monoline insurer

单一制政府unitary government

担保 guarantee

担保 guarantee, warranty

担保请求权warranty claim

担保权益security interest

担保人 guarantor

担保书 certificate of guarantee


弹性宪法 elastic constitution

当代法学动向current trend of jurisprudence

当地法规 local statues

当地法律 local law


当期及非当期负债current and non-current liabilities

当然解释 natural interpretation

当事人 litigant

当事人起诉要求 the litigants sue for

党纪国法party discipline and the law of the country

党政分工 division of labour between the Party and the government

档案工作人员 file clerk

倒闭ends up


到期应付款 payment due

盗伐林木罪 crime of illegally chopping down trees; crime of illegally felling trees 盗窃、抢夺枪支、弹药、爆炸物罪 crime of stealing or seizing guns, ammunition or explosives

盗窃犯 theft act; larcenist

盗窃枪支 crime of stealing firearms and ammunition

盗窃武器装备 theft of military equipment

道德规范norm of morality

道德义务 moral obligation


道真仡佬族苗族自治县 Daozheng Mulao Nationality Autonomous County

得到证实 to be believed

得利者 beneficiary

德国破产法German Insolvency Act

德拉古 Draco

登记程序 registration process

登记权registration rights

等价有偿:making compensation for equal value


低成本项目small cost items

抵触 contravene

抵销 setoff

抵销请求权offsetting claims

抵押 mortgage

抵押贷款安排mortgage loan placement

抵押品 pledge

抵押水平level of collateral

抵押物 mortgage


抵押物的指定接受constructive acceptance of collateral

抵押物跟踪制度 collateral tracking system

抵押物价值collateral value

抵御通涨 hedge against inflation

地方各级人民代表大会 local people’s congresses at different levels 地方各级人民法院local people’s courts at different levels

地方各级人民检察院local people’s procuratorates at different levels 地方各级人民政府local people’s governments at different levels

地方贸易税 municipal trade tax

地方人民检察院 Local People's Procuratorate

地方税 local tax

地理上的距离 geographic distance

地面及卫星无线系统terrestrial and satellite wireless system

地区通过税transit district tax

地役权 easement

递延的贷款费deferred loan fees

递延所得税后净额 net of deferred taxes

第二读second reading

第二审判庭 second tribunal

第三读 third reading

第三方后勤 third-party logistics

第三者 the third party

第一审判庭 first tribunal

缔约成本contracting cost

缔约国 contracting states

典当物 pledge




电子邮件 electronic mail

调查 investigation

调查报告 investigation

调查取证 investigate and collect evidence

调节流动性 influence liquidity level

调解 mediate

调解和强制措施 mediation and enforcement measure

调解书 mediation agreement

调解书字号 Written Mediation No.

订货合同卡片 a card of contract

订立 formation

定案结论 verdict

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