当前位置:文档之家› 秦皇岛18课说课稿2



Good morning,ladies and gentlemen, I am very glad to be this beautiful city to share my lesson with all of you. Today I want to talk about Learning English Book 3 Lesson 18 Cats And Dogs .





B级学生, 较好掌握教材已学内容,并能适当运用于实际情景中.英语交际能力一般,方法正确.


造成学生差异的原因包含学生自身和家庭环境。在本课的学习中A级学生要掌握:cat, dog, sheep, goat, yellow dog, dog days, fat cat,

black sheep.会唱:Old Macdonald’s farm 。B级学生要掌握:cat, dog, sheep, goat。会唱:Old Macdonald’s farm 知道:yellow dog, dog days, fat cat, black sheep. C级学生要掌握:cat, dog, sheep, goat 会唱:Old Macdonald’s farm

Next I want to talk about the teaching analysis , in

Unit3 we will learn some familiar animals’name and their

characteristic . In Lesson 18, the main contents are

cat, dog, sheep, goat and the song Old Macdonald’s farm . It is easy to learn the four words and the song for Grade 4’s students in a lesson. So here we get a chance to teach more than the text book

to widen their knowledge as well as their culture consciousness

. Depend on the students’level, I expand some slang of

the animals and a shopping activity. Especially in the shopping activity, they go through something around their real life.

A successful lesson needs exact teaching aims, according to

the New English Curriculum and the students’level. I

make the teaching aims following:

Goals for knowledge and skill:

With the teacher’s help, the students can listen, speak, read, write the words of dog, cat, sheep and goat; can sing the song of Old Macdonald’s farm; to know some slangs of the animals. They can master and use these words in their life; also they like to sing

the song to their families.

Goals for emotion:

To teach the knowledge with the cartoon characters, the voice, the game, the song and the short movie. In this way, it is can

arouse the sudents’ enthusiasm .

Culture consciousness:

Culture background makes language different. Introduce the slang yellow dog, black sheep, in order to let the students know the comprehensive English.

Learning strategies:

1. Before the lesson, students should prepare for Lesson 18. They have to know the voice, the character and the price of the cat, the dog, the sheep, the goat by the internet or other ways. Preparing

for a lesson is the fifth level of learning strategies in

New English Curriculum,but I believe that preparing

for a lesson is a good habit for students in their study. Because of preparing the students know what they are going to learn. It can

improve the learning efficiency .

2. To learn the slangs—With the pictures help to know dog days, fat cat.

3. To learn by comparing. By comparing two pictures of sheep and goat, the students find out and sum up the differences. In this way,

the ability of summary and survey can be trained and improved.

The key point of Lesson 18 is to master the cat, dog, sheep, goat is. To understand and try to use the slang in the daily life is the difficult point.


教学评价: During the class, I evaluated the students with Good! Perfect! Well done! Clever! Much better! Practice more! Good try!

And I encouraged them to evaluate themselves.

Or give them the price, such as the fluffy toys.

Before this lesson I prepared multimedia

courseware , the slang, fluffy toys.

Next I will talk about the teaching progress. There are three general steps in the teaching progress. They are c lass opening ,new concepts and class closing. Now I’d like to present for you one by one.

In the class opening, there are two parts. Greeting, review and lead in.

After routine greetings. It is the part of review and lead

in. I introduce Old MacDonald and his farm. Then I ask the students

what can you see on his farm? After that I tell the students “Here is a song about Old MacDonald’s farm . Listen carefully then tell me how many animals in the song ,what are they and their voice?”There are only cow and duck parts in the song. It’s easy for me to attract their attention and help the students to know the accumulate

mimetic words. When we finish this

song, We follow the voice of cow and duck into the cat’s voice. Naturally, we enter into step 2 smoothly.

There are two parts in Step 2 New Concepts, Demonstrate and Practice. In this part we’ll learn cat, dog, sheep and goat. In second part,there is a game- call your name; fill in the blanks; and an activity. To learn the word-cat.It has 4 steps. Meow, meow with the voice, we start to learn the cat. Show the picture of Tom, with the sentence “This is Tom. Tom is a cat.”I teach the word in the sentence not singly. Then show the word in this order- at-cat, in this way, it is easier to remember the word for students. Even they can remember the cat immediately. After read cat with the action. Let the students write it twice, then encourage them to write from memory. Show some similar words such as:at cat hat fat bat. At first, let the students read by themselves. After reading, look at the picture of Garfield and try to describe the picture. Here is a chance for students to speak and use the new word in the

sentence. The students speak a lot about the picture.“It is Garfield. Garfield is a yellow cat. The cat is fat. This is a fat cat. and so on.”After free expression, depend on the picture and use fat, cat and hat to say a sentence. It will take certain time for some of the students to think over -- How to organize these words into a whole sentence in English? A few tries later, I give the standard sentence“A fat cat is in a big hat.”Let the students try to read it as quickly as they can. Because this sentence looks like a tongue twister, so during the reading their pronunciation will be improved. After that,I let them guess the meaning of fat cat. They may say 肥猫,胖猫。Most of them don’t know the meaning of this slang. But how to explain the meaning? Just tell them directly? No! I show the picture to help them guess the meaning. It is one of the skill in learning English. Through the guessing, they can remember the words deeply. In the second level of the goals for knowledge in New English Curriculum, the students should know singular form

and plural form of nouns. So I change the numbers by

pictures, in this directly way, it is not hard to know the singular form

and the plural form of nouns.

Next, to learn the word-dog. It has 3 steps. Also by the funny voice, we’ll learn the dog. After reading and writing-dog, we

practice the singular form and the plural form of the dog.

Then we learn the slang of the dog. In the same way, with the picture they guess the meaning of dog days and yellow dog. When the students get the meaning, they feel very happy. They are satisfied with what they ’ve learned and they must like the slang very much. Then I want them try to say something with new knowledge they ’ve just learned. For example, Today is a dog day. Dog days are hot.

To learn the word-sheep. Xiyangyang is students ’ favourite cartoon character recently. When Xiyangyang appears on the screen, the students feel excited. Of course they learn the sheep

happily and quickly. The teaching on phonetics , is

very important in my class. So I ask the student to tell me which words are with letters /ee/ and with the same pronunciation? After students talking, I show my words and we read them together.

Sheep is a special word, because its singular form and the plural

form are the same. Because of this we practice more groups.

Then we learn the last slang —black sheep.

To learn the word —goat. What is it? Is it a sheep? With these simple questions, we start our study of the goat. After learning

pronunciation of oa and the singular form and the plural

form of the goat. I put the pictures of sheep and goat together. The students have 20 seconds to survey and find out the differences

between the sheep and the goat. We study the differences by comparing. It’s not too difficult for them to tell the difference by watching the pictures.

Now we have learned four words already. So practice time is coming. There are three activities, the first one is a game-call your name. The second-fill in the blanks. The third-an activity-pet shop.

In order to solidify the students' knowledge, I design a

game—Call your name. I will divide the students into four teams and name them cat team, dog team, sheep team and goat team. If I say cat, the cat team should stand up and say cat loudly and quickly. After a round, I give the team a new name. Up to the time, we can play it for two or three groups. Everyone is in a high mood, with this high feeling. We enter into next practice-fill in the blanks. Students can choose the words from the word list. Students can remember the slang deeply and try to use the slang.

Pet shop is an activity. In this activity, there are 6 steps. With the questions and answers, we step into my pet shop. Today we have learned animals. Do you like the animals? Yes, I do. Do you want to have a pet? Yes, I do. If you want to have a pet, you can come to my pet shop, You can buy a pet here. Look, what do I have in my shop and how much are they? There are sheep, cat, dog, cow and

pig. They are 90 yuan,80 yuan,50 yuan,70 yuan,100 yuan,60 yuan. Do you remember how to buy things? Give the students 20 seconds to think it over. Then we will review it together.

T:Welcome to my shop. May I help you?

S: Yes, I want to buy a ___. How much is it?

T: It’s ____yuan.

S: I will take it./ It’s too expensive. How about yuan?

T:OK. Here you are.

S: Thanks.

T: You are welcome.

After that, I want a volunteer to come to my pet shop. After the students are clear how to buy things, they can practice in pairs. Then come to my shop to buy or sell the animal. The student who gets the pet feels crazy. In this situation, other students are encouraged. They want to get a pet too. All of them practice hotly.

This is a

comprehensive activity ,it includes the key point of unit one-numbers; the key point of unit two-shopping; and the key point of Lesson 18. The students practice these key points in the situation. English is for communication. This activity is close to the life, so I hope that it is helpful for students to communicate in their daily life.

Finally, we come to step 3-- Class Closing. It has 3 parts. To

sing song of Old Macdonald’s farm,watch a short movie, homework.To sing the rest song of Old Macdonald’s farm, such as cat, dog.

Here are some animals before their homework. From the pictures, we will know animals are our good friends and we should protect them urgently. As for homework, the first one is to sing the song to your father and your mother; the second one is to find the similar words like cat, dog, goat, sheep; the third one is to draw a picture of your farm. How many animals on your farm? What are they? And write down their names beside them.

In the English teaching, my students’ father and mother help me a lot. So let the students sing to their parents in order to let them know and care about their child’s English learning. We can help the students to learn English easily and solidly.

Now, please look at the blackboard , all the key points appeared on the blackboard. We can go through this lesson through the blackboard.

That’s all for my lesson. Thank you for your listening.


18 古诗两首 【教学目标】 1. 认识11个生字,会写8个生字,认读生字组成的词语。 2.训练学生行行朗读,字字思考,推敲诗文的意思;启发学生处处想象,揣摩诗的意境,体会诗人的感受。 3.指导朗读,要求在朗读中传达出对诗意的理解,对诗境的感悟。 4.激发学生学习古诗的兴趣。 【教学重点】 识字、写字,正确、流利地朗读古诗,图文结合,在反复品读中联系生活经验将诗歌描绘的景象变得更为丰富。 【教学难点】 1.指导朗读,要求在朗读中传达出对诗意的理解,对诗境的感悟。 2.激发学生学习古诗的兴趣。 【课时安排】二课时。 第一课时 课时目标 1. 认识6个生字,会写3个生字,认读生字组成的词语。 2图文结合,在反复品读中联系生活体验,展开想象,探究诗歌的丰富意蕴。 3.理解“危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰”的意思,学习诗人奋发向上,

积极进取的精神。 教具准备 教学课件、字词卡片。 教学过程 一、谈话导入,理解题意。 1.出示课题,板书课题。(板书:夜宿山寺) 启发学生从课题确定这首诗所写的时间、地点和事情,并推想人物。教师随学生回答,在黑板上用简笔画画出月亮、星星、山峦、寺庙;此时,只简画一座寺庙,没有楼;为了显示高度,在山腰上端横一笔云。同时出示“宿”“寺”卡片,正音、释义。 2.让学生观察板画,再观赏插图。 要求他们用一个词来表达自己的感觉。教师在学生提出的词中选取“高”,并板书。告诉学生:这首诗是唐朝诗人李白写自己夜宿山寺的亲身感受;全诗四行诗句,都是围绕着“高”来写的。(板书:高) 二、初读古诗,整体感知 现在请同学们自己读读这首诗,读之前,我们先来看看要求。 要求: 按照老师下面告诉大家的方法,自学这首诗。 (1)反复朗读全诗每行诗句(行行朗读); (2)认真想想每个字的意思(字字思考); (3)然后根据诗句的内容,想象出一幅图画(处处想象)。


课题:18 古诗二首 【教学要求】 1. 认识“宿、寺”等12个生字,会写“危、敢”等8个生字,认读生字组 成的词语。 2.朗读古诗,背诵古诗。 3.通过图文对照,想象画面等,大致理解诗句意思,感受山寺的高耸如云 和草原高原辽阔。 【教学重点】 识字、写字,正确、流利地朗读古诗,图文结合,在反复品读中联系生活经 验将诗歌描绘的景象变得更为丰富。 【教学难点】 朗读和背诵古诗,大致理解诗句的意思。 【课时安排】 二课时。 第一课时 课时目标 1. 认识“宿、寺”等7个生字,会写“危、敢、惊”等3个生字,认读生 字组成的词语。 2.朗读和背诵古诗。图文结合,在反复品读中联系生活体验,展开想象, 探究诗歌的丰富意蕴。 3.理解“危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰”的意思,学习诗人奋发向上,积极进取 的精神。 教具准备 教学课件、字词卡片。 教学过程 一、谈话导入,理解题意。 1.出示课题,板书课题。(板书:夜宿山寺) 启发学生从课题确定这首诗所写的时间、地点和事情,并推 想人物。教师随学生回答,在黑板上用简笔画画出月亮、星星、 山峦、寺庙;此时,只简画一座寺庙,没有楼;为了显示高度,

在山腰上端横一笔云。同时出示“宿”“寺”卡片,正音、释义。注意“宿、寺”都是平舌音。 2.让学生观察板画,再观赏插图。(课件出示2:夜宿山寺插图) 要求他们用一个词来表达自己的感觉。教师在学生提出的词中选取“高”,并板书。告诉学生:这首诗是唐朝诗人李白写自己夜宿山寺的亲身感受;全诗四行诗句,都是围绕着“高”来写的。(板书:高) 二、初读古诗,整体感知。 现在请同学们自己读读这首诗,读之前,我们先来看看要求。(课件出示3) 要求: 按照老师下面告诉大家的方法,自学这首诗。 (1)反复朗读全诗每行诗句(行行朗读)。 (2)认真想想每个字的意思(字字思考)。 (3)然后根据诗句的内容,想象出一幅图画(处处想象)。 1.指名读古诗,检查读的效果。(教师点评) 2.领读、齐读。 3.识记生字 ①形近字辨析:“辰一晨” ②形声字结构识记:“恐、惊”,都是形声字,“心、忄”表意,“巩、京”表音。 三、交流切磋,诵读求悟。 1.过渡:让我们逐行研究,看诗句中哪些字表达“高”,哪些景象说明“高”。先看第一行。(课件出示4 ):危楼高百尺。(1)学生找出“高”和“百尺”。教师指出“百尺”表示很高,但不是实数。 (出示“危楼”卡片)危楼是什么样的楼?“危”字怎么解释?(课件出示5)学生查《新华字典》,危:①险;②损害;③高。从三个义项中找出一个合适的解释就是③。(板书:百尺危)诗人站在高山上寺庙里的高楼中(教师给黑板画的庙加层


18 古诗两首——夜宿山寺 [教学目标] 1.自学诗中的生字。 2.了解诗的大意,感受诗的意境。 3.有感情地朗读,背诵这首诗。 [教学重点] 1.学习生字。 2.指导有感情地朗读古诗。 [教学难点] 有感情地朗读古诗,感受诗的意境。 [教学过程] 一、导入新课 1.同学们,你们谁读过唐代著名诗人李白的诗?能试着背一首吗? 2.今天,我们一起来学习一首李白夜晚住宿在山上寺院时所写的诗。出示课题:夜宿山寺 二、初读感知 1.教师范读全诗,学生注意听不认识字的读音。 2.学生借助拼音初读全诗,圈出生字,多读几遍。 三、检查生字认读情况 1.出示带拼音的生字:宿、寺、危、辰、恐、惊。 请同学们自己先读一读。 2.这些生字谁会读? 指名认读,“开火车”读,重点指导“宿”字的读音。 3.去掉拼音,小组检查认读生字。 4.猜字游戏:老师手中拿了一个生字娃娃。 谁来猜猜,老师拿的是哪个生字娃娃? 四、将生字宝宝放回诗中,多读几遍。 1.学生自由读诗。

2.指名读词: 高百尺、摘星辰、高声语 3.指名朗读全诗。 五、借助插图,了解诗意 1.出示课件或文中插图,找一找,山寺在哪里。 2.假如你就站在这山顶寺院的高楼上,你会有什么感觉?相机出示前两行诗。 3.指导朗读前两行诗。 (1)老师配乐范读; (2)学生试读; (3)指名读; (4)全班配乐齐读。 4.站在这高楼上,人们都不敢大声说话,害怕惊动了天上的神仙。相机出示后两行诗。 (1)学生自由读后两行诗; (2)指名配乐读; (3)教师配乐范读; (4)全班配乐齐读。 六、创设情境,有感情地朗读全诗 1.教师配乐描叙诗境,学生想象画面。 2.学生自读整首诗。 3.指名扮演小诗人,表演读。 4.师生配乐合作读。 七、选择作业(三者选其一) 1.自选乐曲配乐背诵全诗。 2.给诗配画。 3.李白还写过哪些诗,找一找,读一读。 18 古诗两首——敕勒歌 教学目标: 1. 知识与能力:了解乐府;会认“似”、“笼”、“庐”“茫”“盖”“苍”6


部编版二年级语文上册第18课《古诗二首》原文及教案【原文】 yè sù shān sì 夜宿山寺 táng lǐ bái [唐] 李白 wēi lóu gāo bǎi chǐ 危楼高百尺, shǒu kě zhāi xīng chén 手可摘星辰。 bù gǎn gāo shēng yǔ 不敢高声语, kǒng jīng tiān shàng rén 恐惊天上人。 chì lè gē 敕勒歌 běi cháo mín gē 北朝民歌 chì lè chuān yīn shān xià 敕勒川,阴山下, tiān sì qióng lú lǒng gài sì yě 天似穹庐,笼盖四野。 tiān cāng cāng yě máng máng 天苍苍,野茫茫, fēng chuī cǎo dī xiàn niú yáng 风吹草低见①牛羊。 注释 _____________________________

①〔见〕同“现”,出现。 【教案】 夜宿山寺 教学目标 1.认识8个字,会写6个字。朗读并背诵古诗。 2.了解诗句的意思,想象诗中描绘的情景,体会诗人的思想感情。 教学重难点 教学重点 认识8个字,会写6个字,掌握会写字的音、形、义。 教学难点 能正确、端正地书写6个字。 教学过程 一、导课 同学们,李白曾望月抒怀,留下了《静夜思》这首千古佳作,他也曾在另一个群星璀璨的夜晚,写下了使人惊叹的诗行,那就是《夜宿山寺》。今天,我们就来学习这首诗。(板书课题) 二、新授 (一)初读古诗。 1.设计问题:“夜宿山寺”是什么意思?(此处为空白点,让学生自己理解) 2.教师播放多媒体画面,创设情境,让学生欣赏感悟,请学生谈谈看了此画面后有什么感受。(留空白,让学生畅所欲言。教师点拨强调一点:山上寺院里的楼很高)。 3.请学生打开书,自由读古诗,体会诗人作诗时的感受。 (本环节意在使学生整体把握古诗内容) (二)理解诗句。 1.学生研究、合作、体验。 (1)让学生边读古诗边试着理解诗句的意思,遇到难以理解的词语、诗句,查字典解决。


西师大版:小学二年级上册语文第18课《小儿垂钓》原文及教 案 【导语】《小儿垂钓》这首诗描画了一个小孩儿初学钓鱼时的情景。孩子认真专注、天真烂漫的神态跃然纸上。诗句通俗易懂,活灵活现地勾画出了一个天真烂漫的小孩儿形象,使人感到逼真、亲切,是一篇情景交融、形神兼备的描写儿童的佳作。以下是无忧考网整理的(西师大版:小学二年级上册语文第18课《小儿垂钓》原文及教案),希望能让您的学习工作更上一新新台阶,帮助到您。 【原文】 小儿垂钓 【作者】胡令能 【朝代】唐 蓬头稚子学垂纶,侧坐莓苔草映身。 路人借问遥招手,怕得鱼惊不应人。 注释: 一个蓬头发蓬乱、面孔青嫩的小孩在河边学钓鱼,侧着身子坐在草丛中,野草掩映了他的身影。听到有过路的人问路,小孩漠不关心地摆了摆手,生怕惊动了鱼儿,不敢回应过路人。 【教案】 教学目标:

1、学习生字“稚、侧”,认识“纶”、“莓”,理解“蓬头、稚子、垂纶、侧坐、遥招手、鱼惊、应”等词的意思。 2、能用自己的话话说出《小儿垂钓》的意思,体会钓鱼孩子的天真、可爱。 3、掌握“读一读、猜一猜、品一品、写一写”的学诗方法。 4、有感情地朗读、背诵本诗,默写全诗。 5、品味乡村生活,感受童年快乐,生成素朴情趣。 教学重点: 1、理解诗句的含义,感悟诗文的意境,体会童真和童趣。 2、有感情地朗读,积蓄童年情愫,丰富古诗积累。 教学难点: 品味古诗语言,抓住“蓬头”“遥招手”等词语结合诗句展开想象,体会童年的纯真与快乐,与古诗意境产生共鸣。 教学准备: 1、让爸爸妈妈帮助回忆自己的童年生活中的乐事。 2、鱼竿、小凳、补充材料 教学过程: 课前谈话: 听说,咱们四年级1班的学生个个都是好样儿地,这不今天我就自告奋勇地要来给大家上一节课,大家欢迎我吗?掌声。 这么热情,那老师送给你们一组有趣的图片作为感谢吧!想看吗? 看,鞋子进水了,却依然玩得——好玩吗?玩过吗?这是——


课题:18 古诗两首 【教学要求】 1. 认识“宿、寺”等12个生字,会写“危、敢”等8个 生字,认读生字组成的词语。 2.朗读古诗,背诵古诗。 3.通过图文对照,想象画面等,大致理解诗句意思,感受山寺的高耸如云和草原高原辽阔。 【教学重点】 识字、写字,正确、流利地朗读古诗,图文结合,在反复品读中联系生活经验将诗歌描绘的景象变得更为丰富。 【教学难点】 朗读和背诵古诗,大致理解诗句的意思。 【课时安排】 二课时。 第一课时 课时目标 1. 认识“宿、寺”等7个生字,会写“危、敢、 惊”等3个生字,认读生字组成的词语。 2.朗读和背诵古诗。图文结合,在反复品读中联系生活体验,展开想象,探究诗歌的丰富意蕴。 3.理解“危 楼高百尺,手可摘星辰”的意思,学习诗人奋发向上,积极进取的精神。 教具准备 教学课件、字词卡片。 教学过程 一、谈话导入,理解题意。 1.出示课题,板书课题。(板书:夜宿山寺) 启发学生从课题确定这首诗所写的时间、情,并推想人物。教师随学生回答,在黑板上出月亮、星星、山峦、寺庙;此时,只简画

庙,没有楼;为了显示高度,在山腰上端横一笔云。同时出示“宿”“寺”卡片,正音、释义。注意“宿、寺”都是平舌音。 2.让学生观察板画,再观赏插图。(课件出示2:夜宿山寺插图) 要求他们用一个词来表达自己的感觉。教师在学生提出的词中选取“高”,并板书。告诉学生:这首诗是唐朝诗人李白写自己夜宿山寺的亲身感受;全诗四行诗句,都是围绕着“高”来写的。(板书:高) 二、初读古诗,整体感知 现在请同学们自己读读这首诗,读之前,我们先来看看 要求。(课件出示3) 要求: 按照老师下面告诉大家的方法,自学这首诗。 (1)反复朗读全诗每行诗句(行行朗读); (2)认真想想每个字的意思(字字思考); (3)然后根据诗句的内容,想象出一幅图画(处处想 象)。 1.指名读古诗,检查读的效果。(教师点评) 2.领读、齐读。 3.识记生字 ①形近字辨析:“辰一晨” ②形声字结构识记:“恐、惊”,都是形声字,“心、忄”表意,“巩、京”表音。 三、交流切磋,诵读求悟 1.过渡:让我们逐行研究,看诗句中哪些字表达“高”,哪些景象说明“高”。先看第一行。(课件出示4 ):危楼高百尺。 (1)学生找出“高”和“百尺”。教师指出“百尺”表示很高,但不是实数。 (出示“危楼”卡片)危楼是什么样的楼?“危”字怎么解释?


18、古诗二首教案 教材分析 课文由两首古诗构成。《夜宿山寺》是唐代诗人李白所作的一首五言绝句。全诗用夸张的手法,绝妙的想象,表达了诗人夜宿山寺,身临高处的独特感受。《敕勒歌》选自《乐府诗集》,是南北朝时期北朝民歌的代表作之一。 学习目标 1.会认“宿、寺”等15个生字,会写“危、敢”等个生字,理解“苍苍、茫茫”等词语的意思。 2.朗读古诗,背诵古诗。 3.通过图文对照、想象画面等,大致理解诗句的意思,感受山寺的高耸入云和草原的高远辽阔。 重点难点 朗读和背诵古诗,大致理解诗句的意思。 教学准备 1.生字卡片,制作多媒体课件。(教师) 2.预习生字,做字卡。(学生) 课时安排 1课时。 教学过程 一、背诵古诗,导入新课 同学们,一年级的时候我们学习了一首古诗,题目是《静夜思》,你们还会背吗? 这首诗的作者是谁呢?出示李白图片,介绍李白生平:李白,字太白,人们称他为“诗仙”。李白一生游览过许多名山大川,也写了很多赞美祖国大好河山的诗句,他的诗充满想象力,充满了豪迈之情。今天我们再来学习一首李白的诗——《夜宿山寺》。 二、自读标注,识记生字。 1、让学生自由朗读古诗二首,把生字圈出来,多读几遍。 2、小组互相检查生字,交流识字方法。同时提醒通假字的读法:“见”同“现”。 3、开火车读生字“宿、寺、危、辰、恐、惊、似、庐、笼、盖、苍、茫”,老师正音。 三、创设情境,理解诗题 李白喜欢游览名山大川。有一天,他来到一座风景秀丽的大山。这座山太高了,等他爬到了山顶,天已经黑了。(板书:山) 这么晚了,住在哪呢?正在为难,他发现不远处有一座寺庙。(板书:寺)他就住在这山顶的寺庙里。(板书:夜宿) 李白非常高兴,他站在寺庙的院子里,望着满天繁星,吟出一首诗,诗题就是《夜宿山寺》。谁来说一下“夜宿山寺”的意思。 四、朗读古诗,尝试背诵 (1)生自由读古诗,要求读得准确、流利。 (2)师指导朗读。 ①读正确,读流利,声音响亮。 ②读好韵脚。二四两句最后一个字分别是“辰、人”。 ③读出节奏。 夜宿//山寺 危楼//高//百尺,手可//摘//星辰。不敢//高声//语,恐惊//天//上//人。

部编版小学语文二年级上册课文6 第18课 古诗二首 课时练习D卷

部编版小学语文二年级上册课文6 第18课 古诗二首 课时练习D 卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 亲爱的同学,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定学到不少知识,今天就让我们大显身手吧! 一、 基础练习 (共6题;共38分) 1. (8分) 看拼音,写词语。 2. (3分) 我能写出正确的词语。 wén míng zhōng wài jǐng sè xiù lì qí xíng guài zhuàng ________ ________ ________ 3. (5分) 划去括号里用得不恰当的词语。 (1) 松鼠的窝(通常 常常)________搭在树枝分杈的地方,又干净又暖和。 (2) 它们的爪子是那样(锋利 锐利)________,动作是那样(敏捷 敏锐)________。 (3) 空气上升时,温度下降,其中的水蒸气(结成 凝成)________了无数的小水滴,(飘浮 漂浮)________在空中,变成云。 4. (11分) (2018二上·嵊州期末) 课文我来填。 (1) 春季里,春风________,花________蝴蝶飞。麦苗儿多嫩,桑叶儿________。 (2) ①有志者事竟成;②与朋友交,言而有信;③海上明月共潮生(填序号) 名医华佗立志学医,他经历了许多磨难才习得一手好医术,真是________。 (3) ①打下来;②飘下来;③落下来(填序号) 小水滴聚在一起________,人们叫我“雨”。有时候我变成小硬球________,人们就叫我“冰雹”。到了冬天, ōu zhōu zhì huì fú hào b ?o cún ________ ________ ________ ________ chuàng jǔ gōng jiàng lì shǐ shè jì ________ ________ ________ ________

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