当前位置:文档之家› (完整版)高中英语人教版必修一单词测试英译汉





survey n ________________________

add up ________________________

upset adj________________________.

vt. ________________________

ignore vt ________________________

calm vt.vi ________________________

adj. ________________________

calm (…)down________________________ have got to ________________________ concern v________________________

be concerned about _____________________ walk the dog ________________________ loose adj ________________________

vet n ________________________

go through ________________________ Amsterdam n________________________ Netherlands n________________________ Jewish adj ________________________ German adj________________________


Nazi n. ________________________


set down ________________________

series n________________________

a series of ________________________ outdoors adv________________________ spellbind vt ________________________

on purpose ________________________

in order to ________________________

dusk n________________________

at dusk ________________________

thunder v________________________


entire adj________________________ entirely adv________________________

power n________________________

face to face ________________________ curtain n________________________

dusty adj________________________

no longer\not…any longer __________________ partner n________________________

settle vi________________________

vt________________________ suffer vt&vi________________________ suffer from ________________________ loneliness n________________________ highway n________________________ recover vt&vi________________________ get\be tired of ________________________ pack vt&vi________________________

n________________________ pack(sth)up ________________________ suitcase n________________________ overcoat n________________________ teenager n________________________

get along with ________________________ gossip n________________________

fall in love ________________________ exactly adv________________________ disagree vi________________________ grateful adj________________________ dislike n________________________


join in ________________________

tip n. ________________________

vt. ________________________ secondly adv________________________ swap vt________________________

item n________________________


subway n________________________ elevator n________________________ petrol n________________________

gas n________________________ official adj________________________ voyage n________________________ conquer vt________________________ because of ________________________ native adj________________________.

n________________________ come up ________________________ apartment n________________________ actually adv________________________ AD ________________________ base vt________________________

n ________________________

gradual adj________________________ gradually adv________________________ Danish n________________________

adj. ________________________ enrich vt________________________ vocabulary n________________________ Shakespeare ________________________ make use of ________________________ spelling n________________________

latter adj________________________ identity n________________________

fluent adj________________________ fluently adv________________________ Singapore n________________________ Malaysia n________________________

such as ________________________ frequent adj________________________ frequently adv________________________ usage n________________________ command n________________________ request n________________________

vt________________________ dialect n________________________ expression n________________________ midwestern adj________________________ African adj________________________

n________________________ Spanish adj________________________


play a part (in) ________________________ eastern adj________________________ southeastern adj________________________ northwestern adj________________________ recognize vt________________________ lorry n________________________ Houston n________________________ Texas n________________________

accent n________________________ catfish n________________________ lightning n________________________ straight adj________________________

adv ________________________ block n ________________________


journal n________________________ transport n________________________

vt________________________ prefer vt________________________ disadvantage n________________________ fare n________________________

route n________________________ Mekong n________________________ flow vi____________n______________ ever since ________________________ persuade vt________________________ cycle vi________________________ graduate vi________________________

n________________________ finally ________________________ schedule n________________________

vt________________________ fond adj ________________________ be fond of ________________________ shortcoming n______________________ stubborn adj________________________ organize vt________________________ care about ________________________ detail n___________________________ source n________________________ determine vt________________________ change one’s mind

____________________ journey n________________________ altitude n________________________

_________________ make up one’s mind

give in ________________________

atlas n________________________ glacier n________________________ Tibetan adj________________________

n________________________ rapids n________________________ valley n________________________ waterfall n________________________ pace vi________________________


vi________________________ meander n_______________________ delta n________________________ attitude.n________________________ Qomolangma n____________________ boil vi________________________ forecast n&vt______________________ parcel n________________________ insurance n________________________ wool n________________________

as usual ________________________ reliable adj________________________ view n________________________

vt ________________________ pillow n________________________ midnight n________________________ at midnight ________________________ flame n________________________ beneath prep________________________ Laos n________________________ Laotian n____________adj____________ temple n________________________ cave n________________________ UNIT4

earthquake n________________________ quake n________________________ right away ________________________ well n________________________

crack n________________________

vt,vi________________________ farmyard n________________________ pipe n________________________

burst vi________________________

n________________________ million n________________________ event n________________________

as if ________________________

at an end ________________________ nation n________________________ canal n________________________ steam n________________________

ruin n___________vt____________

in ruins ________________________ suffering n________________________ extreme adj________________________ injure vt________________________ survivor n________________________ destroy vt ________________________ brick n________________________ dam n________________________ track n ________________________ useless adj________________________ shock vt__________n______________ rescue vt __________n ________________ trap vt____________n________________ electricity n________________________ disaster n________________________

dig out ________________________

bury vt________________________

mine n________________________

miner n________________________ shelter n________________________

a(great)number of____________________ title n________________________ reporter n________________________

bar n________________________

damage n__________vt_____________ frighten vt________________________ frightened adj________________________ frightening adj ________________________ congratulation n_______________________ judge n ________________________ sincerely adv________________________ express vt_____________n____________ outline n________________________ headline n________________________ cyclist n________________________


quality n________________________ warm-hearted adj___________________ mean adj________________________ active adj________________________

easy-going adj________________________ self n________________________

selfish adj________________________ selfless adj________________________ selflessly adv________________________ devote vt________________________ devoted adj________________________ Bible ________________________ invader n________________________ found vt________________________ republic n________________________ principle n________________________ nationalism n________________________ livelihood n________________________ peaceful adj________________________ giant adj________________________ mankind n________________________ lawyer n________________________ guidance n________________________ legal adj________________________ fee n________________________ passbook n ________________________ out of work ________________________ helpful adj________________________ youth n________________________ league n________________________ Youth League________________________ stage n________________________

vote vt____________n____________ attack vt ________________________ violence n ________________________

as a matter of fact ____________________ blow up ________________________

equal adj________________________

in trouble ________________________ willing adj________________________ unfair adj________________________ turn to ________________________ quote n________________________ release vt________________________ lose heart ________________________

blanket n________________________ educate vt________________________ educated adj ________________________ come to power ________________________ beg vi________________________ relative n________________________ terror n________________________ cruelty n ________________________ reward n____________vt____________ set up ________________________ sentence vt________________________

be sentenced to ____________________ anti- ________________________ anti-black adj________________________ president n________________________ Nobel Peace Prize_____________________ opinion n________________________


2019版高一英语必修一词汇过关检测 Welcome Unit 【基础巩固】 一.读准单词,并说出汉语意思 1.exchange /?ks?t?e?nd?/ __________ 2. lecture /?lekt??(r)/ __________ 3. registration /?red???stre??n / __________ 4.register/ ?red??st?(r) / __________ 5. sex /seks/ __________ 6. female /?fi:me?l/ __________ 7. male / me?l/ __________ 8. nationality /?n????n?l?ti/ __________ 9. nation / ?ne??n/ __________ 10. designer /d??z a?n?(r)/ __________ 11. design / d??z a?n / __________ 12. campus / ?k?mp?s / __________ 13. formal / ?f?:ml / __________ 14. anxious / ???k??s / __________ 15. annoyed /??n??d/ __________ 16. annoy /??n??/ __________ 17. frightened /?fra?tnd/ __________ 18. senior /?si:ni?(r)/ __________ senior high school __________ 19. at last__________ 20. outgoing / ?a?tg???? / __________ 21. impression /?m?pre?n/ __________ make an impression__________ 22. impress /?m?pres/ __________ 23. what if __________ 24. guy / ga? / __________ 25. concentrate / ?k?nsntre?t /__________ 26. experiment /?k?sper?m?nt/__________ 27. leave...alone __________ 28. awkward / ??:kw?d / __________ 29. junior / ?d?u:ni?(r)/ __________ junior high school__________ 30. explore / ?k?spl?:(r)/ __________ 31. confident /?k?nf?d?nt/ __________ 32. confidence /?k?nf?d?ns/ __________ 33. forward / ?f?:w?d / __________ look forward to __________ 34. take notes__________


Words and expressions Unit 1 1、She was really u_____ about the way her father treated her. 2、It was very stupid of you to i_____ your mother’s advice. 3、He made a good s_____ in last exam. 4、All the people are c_____ about the growth of the younger generation. 5、She’s h_____ my book away somewhere. 6、My summer vocation was completely spoiled by a_____ of wet days . 7、The boy is c____ about skating. 8、It’s against n_____ for a mother to hurt her child. 9、He came here on p____ to discuss it with you. 10、How d______ you say so? 11、Design a_____ to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. 12、I live all a____ but I don’t feel lonely. 13、I want your a_____ on this work. 14、It is a little difficult to c____ someone down when he or she is excited. 15、He was caught c_____ in the exam. 16、No matter what he says, don’t ____ him. 17、C_________ with other countries was difficult during the war. 18、He formed the h______ of getting up early. 19、Both of them are e_____ of China Daily. 20、List what a good friend should do and ____ the list with your partners.(分享) 21、They are _____ .(骗子). 22、He paid no attention to their_______(自尊心) 23、Arrange the exhibits_______ to size.(根据) 24、He’s_____ from loss of memory.(患有) 25、The politician is really in a dangerous______.(境遇). 26、Why don’t you ____your idea ____on paper?(写下) 27、He _________________his English study(有困难) 28、She ___________________a foreigner.(爱上) 29、____________to change the situation.(努力) 30、____________snow can cause trouble.(过多)


人教版高中英语必修三测试题及答案本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。卷Ⅰ第 ) 分30共两节,满分(听力第一部分第一节) 分7.5分,满分1.5小题;每小题5共(C、B、A段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的5听下面三个选秒钟的10你都有听完每段对话后,并标在试卷的相应位置。项中选出最佳选项,时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 What can be inferred? .1 The man is expecting the telephone. .A The man doesn't usually get calls at this time. .B The man doesn't believe the woman. .C Why does the woman call Henry a dreamer? .2 He has too many dreams. .A He likes to sleep. .B He doesn't put his idea into practice. .C How does the woman feel about the final exam? .3 Confident. .B so.-Just so.A Disappointed. .C What does the woman offer to do for the man? .4 Give him a map. .A Give him a ride. .B Show him another route. .C What is the man going to do? .5 Talk to more soldiers. .A Organize the information. .B Collect more information. .C ) 分22.5分,满分1.5


Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅲ.单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案完成句子 1. Mr Smith our English teacher when she was sick. A. took the place of B. took place C. took his place D. in place of 2. The hotel has a restaurant for the guests’. A. comfort B. benefit C. convenience D. appreciation 3. Her health under the pressure of work. The doctor advised her to have a good rest. A. broke up B. broke down C. broke off D. broke away 4. The boy looked at me with a ______ expression. Maybe the explanation was quite . A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzled; puzzled C. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzling; puzzled 5. When considering what to take, he an important factor: the weather. A. left over B. left out C. left behind D. left alone 6. The best solution to this task is to unite as many people as we can. A. undertaking B. performing C. accomplishing D. conducting 7. The main of this town is its beautiful springs. A. construction B. collection C. attraction D. building 8. The teacher our class four groups before we started the discussion. A. divided; up B. divided; into C. separated; into D. separated; from 9. Entering the classroom, Ifound Mary at the table and a composition. A. seated; writing B. seated; write C. seating; writing D. seating;


必修一 UNIT1 _____________ n. 调查;测验_____________ 合计 _____________adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的_____________vt.使不安;使心烦。 _____________不理睬,忽视_____________(使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 _____________vt.vi(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 _____________不得不;必须_____________(使)担忧;涉及;关系 _____________关心;挂念_____________松的;松开的 ______________经历;经受_____________记下;放下;登记 _____________一连串的;一系列;一套_____________在户外;在野外 _____________ vt迷住;迷惑_____________故意 _____________为了…_____________在黄昏时刻 _____________整个的;完全的;全部的_____________完全地;全然地;整个地 _____________ n.能力;力量;权力_____________面对面地 _____________积满灰尘的_____________ 不再 ____________ n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人_____________安家;定居;停留;安排;解决 _____________遭受;忍受;经历_____________遭受;患病 _____________孤单;寂寞_____________痊愈;恢复;重新获得 _____________对…厌烦_____________将(东西)装箱打包 _____________ n.手提箱;衣箱_____________ n.十几岁的青少年 _____________与…相处;发展_____________ n.闲话;闲谈 _____________相爱爱上_____________确实如此;正式;确切地 _____________ vi不同意_____________感激的;表示谢意的 _____________不喜欢;厌恶_____________参加;加入 _____________n.揭示;技巧;尖;尖端;消费vt. 倾斜;翻到 _____________交换_____________ n.项目;条款 UNIT2 _____________官方的;正式的;公务的_____________征服;占领 _____________因为;由于_____________adj.本国的;本地的;n本地人;本国人 _____________走近;上来;提出_____________实际上;事实上 _____________以…为根据;n 基部;基地;基础_____________现在;目前 _____________逐渐的;逐步的_____________逐渐地;逐步地 _____________使富裕;充实;改善_____________词汇;词汇量;词表 _____________利用;使用_____________拼写;拼法 _____________较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的_____________本身;本体;身份 _____________流利的;流畅的_____________流利地;流畅地 _____________例如……;想这种_____________频繁的;常见的 _____________常常;频繁地_____________使用;用法;词语惯用法 _____________命令;指令;掌握_____________请求;要求 _____________词语;表达;表示_____________扮演一个角色;参与 _____________辨认出;承认;公认_____________直接;挺直;笔直的,正直的 _____________街区;块;木块;石块 unit3 _____________日记;杂志.定期刊物_____________运送.运输 _____________更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) ____________不利条件;不便之处 _____________费用_____________路线.路途 _____________流动.流出n 流动.流量____________从那以后 _____________说服.劝说_____________毕业n 大学毕业生 _____________最后.终于_____________时间表;进度表;制度表;v为某事安排时间_____________心喜爱的.慈爱的;宠爱的_____________喜爱;喜欢 _____________缺点_____________顽固的;固执的 _____________组织,成立_____________关心;忧虑; _____________细节;详情_____________来源;水源


人教版英语必修一基础知识检测题 一、请写出下列英文单词或短语的中文意思或中文意思对应的英文单词或短语。 1.有力的;有权势的11. go through 2.上台;当权12. on purpose 3.表达;表情13. as far as I am concerned 4.辨认出;认识到14. official 5.充分利用15. come up with 6.偏好;偏爱的人或物16. reliable 7.毕业;毕业生17. in the end 8.态度18. injured 9.改变他们的主意19. relative 10. 失去勇气或信心20. congratulation 二、请用每句括号中所给的单词的正确形式完成下列句子。 1. As far as I am ___________, it is quite natural that the farmers are ______________ about the sale of the land because it is a matter that ____________ all of them. So you'd better let them see all the official documents ______ the sale of this land. (concern) 2. I was very__________ to my teachers for their help and my _____ to them was beyond words.(grateful) 3. The band played many songs, _______________some of my favorites.(include) 4. He _______________ in his _______________ speech tha the will support us and the ________________ on his face suggested that he meant what he said.(express) 5. Mr. Wang, a teacher with __________ experience, encouraged us to _______________ our life by joining in all kinds of avtivities after class. (rich) 6. She is ____________politician. She is famous for her _______________.(determine) 7. He is so ___________ a man that no one can resist his ______________.(persuade) 8. The _________of this _______is a lady from the United States. She ______some cultural and sports activities to make people from different countries understand each other better. (organize) 9. The ___________ scene ________________the girl and we could see from her _________expression that she was __________________.(fright) 10.I am well _________for the coming exam as I have done a lot of ________.(prepare) 11. The storm _______________ many houses, and the _________________ if the railway ws the biggest loss in the storm, which was the most _____in 30 years.(destroy) 12. A child receives its early ____________ at home. A well _______________ mother will have a great influence on her child's future.(educate) 13. He was ________ and he treated them with ______ and thoughtfulness.(generously) 14. Mr. Johnson was a ____________ teacher because he had had his teacher ___________ for more than ten years. (quality) 15. _____________, you can pass the examination and then your life will be changed. So don't feel so _____________ because I think your future is full of ____________. Let's __________ for the best, OK? (hope) 单词拼写测试: 1.I would be g______ if you could give me some advice. 2.I greeted her but she just i_____ me and went away. 3.The patient r__________ and went home after a few weeks.


最新高中英语必修三测试题全套及答案 (人教新课标) Unit 1 单元测试题 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Walk into the California home of Anne Belles and her husband, Jim Silcock, and you?ll see kids everywhere playing video games, doing homework, and getting ready for dinner. There are 30 boys in this house and Anne Belles is their mom. Belles has wanted to help children since she was a kid. “I was intrigued by the movie Oliver! in the 1960s, a musical based on the Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist. I told my mom, …That?s what I want to do. …” Anne?s boys are from 3 to 25 years old. All of them are challenged in some way. “They each have special needs — physically, mentally (精神上), or at school,” says Belles. Every day, a small army of childcare workers, nurses, and volunteers comes in to help cook and clean, wash 30 loads of laundry a day, and take care of health needs. To find out how much such a large family costs, we followed Jim Silcock to the grocery store. He spent $880 on food for one week. Every month they spend $2,000 to run five cars, $15,000 for the fourteen paid helpers, and more than $10,000 on medical costs. The family receives $26,000 a month from the state government, and makes some money from a family business. All the money is spent on the children; having new clothes and fancy cars isn?t important to Belles. How do the kids feel? 17-year-old Anthony says, “The family is there whenever I need something ... I feel like I am loved.” “Everything I?m doing now is what I wanted to happen in my life,” says Anne Belles. “So, no regrets; this is perfect. I couldn?t ask for it to be better — maybe a bigger house, you know, would be nice.” 21. The underlined word “intrigued” in the first paragraph means “_____”. A. fooled B. attracted C. frightened D. disappointed 22. The boys Anne has raised _____. A. are all ready to accept a challenge B. all like Oliver Twist C. all have disabilities

必修五Unit 5单元测试

高中英语必修5 Unit 5 First aid 单元测试题 第一部分:英语知识运用 第一节:单项选择 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。 1. Visitors _____ not to touch the exhibits (A). will request (B). request (C). are requesting (D). are requested 2. You should have come to the meeting. What ___ the reason for your absence. (A). is (B). will be (C). was (D). would be 3. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ______ advertisements showing happy families. (A). will often see (B). often see (C). are often seeing (D). have often seen 4. A this time tomorrow ____ over the Atlantic. (A). we’re going to fly (B). we’ll be flying (C). we’ll fly (D). we’re to fly 5. It has been decided that all the students ____ stay in he classrooms even on Saturday evening in case they go to the Internet bars. (A). must (B). can (C). need (D). shall 6. He’s going to ____, ____ to take his own measure. (A)tailor’s, not Smith’s (B)the tailor’s, not the Smiths’ (C)the tailors’, not the Smiths’(D)tailors’, not Smiths’ 7. “What about the weather here in winter?” “It’s ____ warmer than in the north of this country.” (A)fairly (B)rather (C)quite (D)very 8. _______________ the school when the bell rang. (A) Hardly did I reach (B) I hardly reached (C) Hardly had I reached (D) I hardly had 9. If you _________ here a minute, the manager will be here in a moment. (A) will wait (B) wait (C) are going to wait (D) are waiting 10. Does it matter ______ it rains tomorrow? (A) if (B) that (C) whether (D) as 11. _________ and __________, they ran out of the room. (A) Excited, happily (B) Exciting, happy (C) Excitedly, happily (D) Exciting. happily 12. During the days ________, he worked as a servant. (A) following (B) followed (C) that followed (D) to follow 13. Tony is going camping with ______ boys. (A) little two other (B) two little other


cover 外研版英语必修一单词测⑴atthestartof atthee ndof gotocollege Modulel takeparti n academic ino therwords en thusiastic, lookforwardto amazi ng bedividedi nto brillia nt Module2 previous amusi ng amazed en ergetic bored in tellige nt embarrassed n ervous embarrassi ng orga nized disappoi nted patie nt disappoi nting serious province shy informatio n strict website scie ntific comprehe nsion formal in structi on relaxed method in correctly attitude completely behaviour immediately descripti on loudly tech no logy similarly correcti on avoid en courageme nt hate enjoyme nt appreciate flue ncy admit misun dersta nding wave system revise teen ager respect assista nt impressi on diploma literature impress joke disappear summary move grade


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) Unit 1 综合技能测试 时间:90分钟,满分:100分 Ⅰ.单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分) 1.—Will you stay for lunch? —Sorry, ________. My brother is coming to see me. A.I mustn't B.I can't C.I needn't D.I won't 答案:B根据后半句可知“不能留下吃饭”。mustn't“不允许、禁止”;can't“客观上不能办到”;needn't“不需要”;won't“不会,不愿意”。本题易误选D项,I won't只考虑了将来时。 2.It's Dad's birthday and we're going out for a meal to______. A.congratulate B.celebrate C.win D.defend 答案:B celebrate“庆祝”,其宾语常常是物而不是人。而congratulate“庆贺”的表达是congratulate sb on sth/doing sth; win“赢得”,其宾语常是a game/match/victory等;defend“保卫/护”。 3.He wrote the poem________his wife who offered her life in defense of the country. A.thanks to B.in place of C.in memory of D.because of 答案:C句意:他写这首诗是为了纪念因卫国而献出生命的妻子。in memory of“纪念……”,为固定搭配。thanks to“多亏”;in place of“代替”;because of是一个介词短语,表示“因为”。A、B、D三项不符合句意。 4.If anything________to the patient, let me know at once, please. A.happens B.will happen C.takes place D.will take place 答案:A在条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,故排除B、D两项;happen 表示偶然发生,take place强调发生的事情是有计划或有安排的。 5.It's wrong for us to play tricks________our parents. A.with B.on C.to D.at 答案:B句意:跟我们的父母开玩笑是不对的。play tricks on sb“戏弄某人;开某人的玩笑”,为固定搭配。 6.The letter reminds me________the good time we had spent together. A.in B.of C.about D.on 答案:B句意:这封信使我想起了我们一起度过的快乐时刻。remind sb of/about sth“提醒某人某事”,为固定搭配。 7.________was quite obvious________they had no desire for peace. A.It; that B.What; it C.That; what D.They; it 答案:A常用句式:it is obvious that...表示“很显然”,it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。 8.He can________his breath under the water for five minutes. A.keep B.hold


高中英语必修五试题命题人:石油中学葛淑伟第一卷一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共15分) 1、They are father and son, but strangely they have nothing in ____ . A. common B. total C. general D. particular 2、_______ with people in the West, people in the East pay much attention to their families. A. Comparing B. Compared C. Compare D. To compare 3、My foot is very big, so they often _____ it ____ a little boat. A. compares; to B. compares; with C. compare; to D. compare; with 4、Although some people raised objections at the meeting, most of them were the reform. A. in favour of B. in honour of C. instead of D. by means of 5、Samantha is very familiar ____ B ritish English. A. to B. in C. with D. for 6、The two cars are very _______ size and design. A. similar to B. similar in C. different from D. familiar with 7、——Does Callum have a new camera? ——Yes. In fact, it is quite similar _____ yours. A. as B. like C. to D. with 8、_____ her help, we were able to finish the work yesterday. A. Results in B. Brought in C. Introduced to D. Thanks to


高中英语必修一单词测试卷一、单词汉译英 1. 调查;测验 2.不理睬;忽视 3.(使)担心;涉及;关系到 4.黄昏傍晚 5.打雷雷鸣 6.整个的;完全的 7.窗帘;门帘;幕布 8.伙伴.合作者.合伙人 9.捆扎;包装打行李 10.确实如此;正是;确切地 11.项目;条款 12.电梯;升降机 13.航行;航海 14.公寓住宅;单元住宅 15.逐渐的;逐步的 16.词汇;词汇量;词表 17.较后的;(两者中)后者的 18.频繁的;常见的 19.请求;要求 20.词语;表达 21..西北方的;来自西北方的 22.口音;腔调;重音 23.流动;流出n.流动;流量 24.顽固的;固执的 25.坚决的;有决心的26.海拔高度;高处 27.冰河;冰川 28.保险 29.可信赖的;可靠的 30.在…下面 31.民族;国家国民 32.苦难;痛苦 33.极度的 34.幸存者;生还者;残存物 35.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击 36.电,电流;电学 37.掩蔽;掩蔽处避身处 38.真诚地;真挚地 39..骑自行车的人 40.慷慨的大方的 41.忠实的;深爱的 42.法则;原则;原理 43.律师 44.同盟;联盟;联合会 45.暴力;暴行 46.乐意的;自愿的 47.恐怖;可怕的人 48.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳;奖赏 49.辨认出;承认;公认 50.意见;看法;主张 二、单词英译汉 1.upset 2.spellbind 3.power 4.settle 5.loneliness 6.recover 7.gossip 8.grateful 9.petrol 10.official 11.conquer 12.native 13.enrich 14.fluently 15.dialect 16.straight 17.block 18.journal


必修一 UNIT1 survey n ________________________ add up ________________________ upset adj________________________. vt. ________________________ ignore vt ________________________ calm vt.vi ________________________ adj. ________________________ calm (…)down________________________ have got to ________________________ concern v________________________ be concerned about _____________________ walk the dog ________________________ loose adj ________________________ vet n ________________________ go through ________________________ Amsterdam n________________________ Netherlands n________________________ Jewish adj ________________________ German adj________________________ n________________________ Nazi n. ________________________ adj________________________. set down ________________________ series n________________________ a series of ________________________ outdoors adv________________________ spellbind vt ________________________ on purpose ________________________ in order to ________________________ dusk n________________________ at dusk ________________________ thunder v________________________ n________________________ entire adj________________________ entirely adv________________________ power n________________________ face to face ________________________ curtain n________________________ dusty adj________________________ no longer\not…any longer __________________ partner n________________________ settle vi________________________

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