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Book Two Unit Four 单元检测

Book Two  Unit Four 单元检测
Book Two  Unit Four 单元检测

班级________ 姓名________________ 得分____________________

Book T wo Unit Four 单元检测

高一、二级部英语备课组1. 5


1. By 1881, the population of Ireland had ______________ (减少) to 5.2 million.

2. The endangered animals need help and this is what wildlife ____________(保护)is all about.

3. It is not allowed to _________(打猎) wild animals in this area.

4. The climate __________ (影响) the amount of the rainfall last year.

5. A tiger is a very _________(凶猛的) kind of animal. How ever, it won’t attack you if you don’t.

6. People say that barking dogs don’t b________ .

7. I'd a_____________ it if you let me get on with my job

8. Fresh fruit and vegetables c________ plentiful Vitamin C.

9. Very few people s___________ in losing weight and keeping it off.

10.It wouldn't do you any h___________ to get some experience first.

11.He showed no m_________ to his enemies.

12.Your mistake resulted in heavy l_______.

13.Dave didn't r__________ to any of her emails, which made her angry.

14.It is a rule that our baggage should be i_______ by customs officers(海关人员).

15.I am busy, so I have to e_________ a housekeeper to look after my children.

16. The wind was blowing d________ and leaves up from the ground.

17. The story has a good _________(结局).

18. The time we spent together is now a __________(遥远的) memory.

19. I am absolutely c_________ that I left the keys in the kitchen.

20. No matter how ________ (power) the enemy seems, we must fight against them to the end.


1. The new country _______ ________ _____ (成立)only two years ago.

2. ________ ____ (根据)the teacher, he fell far behind other students as a result of laziness.

3. The government is doing its best to ______ those rare animals ____ being hunted.(保护…免遭…)

4. I had warn ed him of the possible danger, but he didn’t ________ ______ it.(注意)

5. Elephants would ________ ______ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.(灭绝)

6. Children’s lives are ____ _______ every time they cross the road.(危险中)

7. The two communities live together _____ _______.(和平)

8. Hearing the funny story, all of us ________ ______ ___________.(大笑)

9. Why don't you start out early ____ _______ you don't have to hurry? (为了)

10. No one was hurt, and we all smiled ___ ___________. (如释重负) 三、单选(每题1分,共25分)

1. Many kinds of animals and plants die ____ every year.

A down

B away

C out

D from

2. He is wearing sunglasses to ____ his eyes from the strong sunlight.

A. protect

B. hold

C. stop

D. prevent

3. The movie once ____ a whole generation of people. They proved to be of much _____ in the education of people.

A. affected; effect

B. effected; affect

C. effected; effect

D. affected; affect

4. Great attention must be paid ____ welfare, especially in the poor area.

A. develop

B. to develop

C. to developing

D. developing

5. This book _____ ten units, ______ three mainly revision.

A. contains; including

B. includes; containing

C. contains; containing D .includes; including

6. ______ he will return to his native land.

A. It is long before that

B. It is before long that

C. It won’t be long before D .It will be long before that

7. It was such a __ to hear that all the earthquake victims in Chile have been taken care of.

A. mercy

B. relief

C. loss

D. laughter

8. —Jerry, How did Tom the news?

—He said nothing.

A. reply

B. contact to

C. answer to

D. respond to

9. Hua Lian Department Store will ________ some people as its workers.

A. employ

B. demand

C. reserve

D. inspect

10. If we don’t take steps. The Tibetan antelopes and pandas will ____ some day just as dinosaurs.

A. die down

B. die out

C. die away

D. die off

11. ________ at the school gate is asking to see you.

A. Some men

B. A some man

C. A certain man

D. Certain a man

12. Can you believe that in ____ a rich country there should be _____ many poor people?

A. such; such

B. such; so

C. so; so

D. so; such

13. I hear Tim once was ___ of losing his life, but now he is ___.

A. in danger, out of danger

B. in a danger, out of the danger

C. in the danger, out of danger

D. in the danger, out of the danger

14. When he was asked about the question where he was last night, he was ______.

A. at loss

B. in a loss

C. at a loss

D. with losses

15. Her pale face suggests that she ____ in poor health and I strongly suggest that she ___ a doctor.

A. is; sees

B. be; see

C. is; see

D. be; should see

16. It is ______ that we can succeed in the final exam, for we all spare no efforts.

A. sure

B. certain

C. likely

D. possible

17. ---Have you moved into the new house? ---Not yet, the room ______.

A. are being painted

B. are painting

C. are painted

D. are being painting

18. The children ______ many times not to swim in the river.

A. told

B. have told

C. have been told

D. are being told

19. The whole city looks like a big construction site(施工现场). Many new factories ______.

A. have been built

B. are being built

C. are going to be built

D. are building

20. A new cinema ______ here. They hope to finish it next month.

A. will be built

B. is built

C. has been built

D. is being built

21. When she was asked how she had managed to live _______ with the man she hated so much, she didn’t ______ to the question.

A. at peace; respond

B. in peace; answer

C. with peace; make an answer

D. in peace; respond

22. Before agriculture ________, people made their living by hunting wild animals and their life was _______ of nature.

A. came into being; at the mercy

B. was born; in the mercy

C. began to exist; in danger

D. appeared; with the mercy

23. When the inspecting team said there was nothing illegal in the management of the company, the manager breathed deeply _______.

A. with a relief

B. at a relief

C. in relief

D. to his relief

四、语法---现在进行时的被动语态(will/shall/be going to + be done)


1. She is teaching the boy.→


2. Now he is watering the trees.→


3. One of the best students is writing the report about the environment.→


4. We are painting our classroom now.→


5. Some factories are polluting the rivers.→


6. People are not hunting wild animals.→


7. Look! Their aunt is taking care of the children.→


8. Is the doctor examining the patient now? →


9. Are the workers building the library? →


10. Why are you cleaning the house? →



_____________________________________________________________________________ 2.吸烟有害健康。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3.在老师的帮助下,同学们成功解决了这个问题。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4.大熊猫有灭绝的危险。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5.他举起手臂,保护他的孩子免受危险。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 6.注意书法是非常重要的。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 7.如果你能把音乐关小一点我将非常感激。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 8.我们学校正在建一座新楼。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 9.他习惯于早起。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 10.他告诉我他很久之前去过北京。


Book Two Unit Four 单元检测参考答案

一、1. decreased 2. protection 3. hunt 4. affected 5. fierce 6. bite 7. appreciate 8. contain 9. succeeded 10. harm 11. mercy 12. loss 13. respond 14. inspected 15. employ

16. dust 17. ending 18. distant 19. certain 20. powerful

二、 1. came into being 2. According to 3. protect from 4. pay attention to 5. die out

6. in danger

7. in peace

8. burst into laughter

9. so that 10. in relief


四、 1. The boy is being taught (by her).

2. The trees are being watered by him.

3. The report about the environment is being written by one of the best students.

4. Our classroom is being painted by us now.

5. The rivers are being polluted by some factories.

6. Wild animals are not being hunted by people/

7. Look! The children are being taken care of by their aunt.

8. Is the patient being examined by the doctor now?

9. Is the library being built by the workers?

10. Why is the house being cleaned by you?

1.五、The number of the wildlife is decreasing.

2.Smoking harms/does harm to/ is harmful to our health.

3.With the help of our teacher, students succeeded in solving the problem.

4.Pandas are in danger of dying out/ disappearing.

5.He raised his arms to protect his child from being hurt.

6.Paying attention to handwriting is very important.

7.I would appreciate it if you turn down the music.

8.A new building is being built in our school.

9.He is used to getting up early.

10.He told me that he had been to Beijing long before.


第一、二单元单元测试 一、选择(8分)。 1.30÷6=5,读作( )。 A.30除以6等于5 B.30除以5等于6 2.20里面有4个( )。 A.10 B.4 C.5 D.16 3.有一堆苹果,比30个多,比40个少,分得的份数和每份的个数同样多。这堆苹果可能分成( )份。 A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7 4.如果△+△+△=15,□×□=9,那么△×□=()。 A.9 B.15 C.30 D.35 二、填空(31分,第7题2分,其余每空或每个算式1分) 1.分成2份 像上图中的苹果,每份分得同样多,叫分. 2.16÷4=,想:四十六,商是。 3. 有24个气球,挂成6行,平均每行挂个;如果每行挂8个,可以挂行.4.统计同学们最喜欢的动画片时,画一个“正”字表示5人,画3个“正”字表示人;喜欢《熊出没》的有20人,应画个“正”字. 5.下面卡片上的数摆成学过的除法算式。 6. 乘法算式:( )×( )=( ) ( )×( )=( ) 除法算式:( )÷( )=( ) ( )÷( )=( ) 7.小明从一楼走到三楼用了8秒,照这样计算,他从一楼走到五楼用秒。 8.下面是某个月的天气情况,按要求填空。

(1)根据图中的信息,请用画“正”字法记录这个月的天气情况,并填入下表。 天气 晴天多云阴天雨天天数 (2)根据上面的记录情况填写下表。 天气 晴天多云阴天雨天天数 (3)天数最多,天数最少。 (4)晴天比雨天多天。 三、计算(34分) 被除数 5 1524812 除数3825 商 1 6 4 3 6 2.看谁算得又对又快(12分) 2×5= 15÷5= 24÷4= 3×6= 12÷3= 16-9= 18+7= 20÷5= 43-20= 40+7= 9÷3= 30÷6= 3.看谁能坐上公交车!(9分) 4在上填“>”“<”或“=”。(6分) 16÷8320÷45244×7 24÷612÷3 4×216-8 3×712÷2 四、应用(27分) 1.一个乒乓球2元钱,4个羽毛球12元钱,哪种球比较便宜?便宜多少钱?(5分)2.超市饮料降价,买3瓶鲜橙汁6元钱,买6瓶多少钱?(5分) 3.一本书有36页,小明每天看6页,几天可以看完?如果4天看完,平均每天看多少页?


《分数的初步认识》单元测试题姓名 ___________ 评价 ___________ 出题人武彩霞一?填空。(27分) 一个物体或图形平均分成( ()份。 ⑹看图写分数,并比较大 小。 把一个月饼平均分成8份,每份是它的()分之 )份,取了其中的 (),写作(—),6份是(),写作 ⑺I-1 =(),可以这样想:( (),读作()) 里面有()个1 12是12 1 1 () 个6是()个6,就是()⑻把1米平均 ,最后得( )。 分成100份,每份是1厘米,所以1厘米=( -------- )米 (9)数一数,填一 填 在1—9中,可以把1看成( ------------------------------------------ ) O □O △★★O △ △★□O □O △★ □□O ★O △△ ),△占总数的J 5 ⑸在5中,()是分母,()是分子,它表示把 在上图中,★占总数的(

□比O少了总数的( 判断:对的打“√”,错的打“X”(10 分) 1 一个正方形分成5份,每份是它的1 O 读作十分之 ) 1 ⑶两条同样长的绳子,第一条剪去了J ,第二条剪去了1 4,第几条剪去的长一些?答案是( ) 一个分数的分子是2,比分母小4,这个分数是2 O 一个物体平均分成几份,分的份数越少,每一份越大 1 这个图形的阴影部分占了1 ①第一条②第二条③无法知道 1 5 ⑷()个9加上9就是1 ⑶⑷ 三 、 把正确答案的序号填在括号里。(10分) ⑴一个苹果平均分成4份,小明吃了2块,小明吃了这个苹果的()O 1 1 2 ①2②4③4 5 2 ⑵比5多8的数是()。 ⑸下面算式中, 哪个结果最小? 4 ①1-4 ②訂8 2 11 7 1 1 四 、 在O里填上?、:::或=O(10 分) 301丄O 3 C 1O J1O龙 4 4 4 3 5 5 3 512 9 O 10 2 O 1 5(O里10 J 1 O号 9 10 6 6 777 5 五 、 计算:(16分) 2 46


九年级物理:《电功和电热》单元测试卷 一、选择题 1.下列数据中,符合实际情况的是() A.人体感到舒适的温度约为42℃ B.八年级物理课本的宽度约为18mm C.教室里日光灯的额定功率约为40W D.做一遍中学生眼保健操的时间约需5s 2.清华大学的虞昊教授致力于第三代照明技术﹣﹣LED灯的普及工作.LED灯的能耗小,造价低廉,使用寿命长.虞昊自制的LED台灯,用电压为6伏的电源供电,正常工作电流为300毫安.那么,此LED台灯正常工作时的功率为() A.1.8瓦B.18瓦C.180瓦D.1800W 3.将两只额定电压相同的小灯泡L1、L2串联在如图所示的电路中,闭合开关后,发现灯L1较亮,灯L2较暗,其原因可能是() A.灯L1额定功率较大B.灯L2两端电压较大 C.灯L1的电阻较大D.通过灯L1的电流较大 4.甲、乙两只普通照明灯泡的铭牌如图所示,下列说法中正确的是() A.两灯均正常发光时,乙灯消耗的电能较多 B.两灯均正常发光时,甲灯的电阻小于乙灯的电阻 C.两灯串联在220伏的电路中,甲灯比乙灯亮 D.将乙灯接入110伏电路中,它的实际功率为50瓦

5.电熨斗通电一段时间后变得很烫,而连接电熨斗的导线却不怎么热,其原因是()A.导线的绝缘皮隔热 B.导线散热比电熨斗快 C.通过导线的电流小于通过电熨斗的电流 D.导线的电阻远小于电熨斗电热丝的电阻 6.如图所示是电阻甲和乙的I﹣U图象,下列说法中正确的是() A.电阻甲和乙都是阻值不变的电阻 B.当乙两端电压为2V时,R乙=5Ω C.甲、乙串联在电路中,当电路电流为0.2A时,电源电压为2V D.甲、乙并联在电路中,当电源电压为2V时,电路总功率为1.2W 7.某实验小组在做“探究串联电路的电压规律”实验时,连好了如图所示的电路,闭合开关S 后发现L2正常发光,L1只能微弱发光.对这一现象产生的原因分析中,合理的是() A.灯L1发生断路 B.灯L1发生短路 C.由于灯L1的电阻较大,实际功率较小 D.由于灯L1的电阻较小,实际功率较小 8.如图一盏电灯接在家庭电路中,当开关S闭合时,电灯不亮,用测电笔分别接触A、B、C、D时,测电笔的氖管都发光,则电路中的故障原因是()


Unit2 Growing pains 一、单项选择 1. ______ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend. A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of 2. ______John has arrived, we can begin. A. If B. As soon as C. Now that D. Now this 3. The students shared their experiences through their website, in the hope more teenagers would help pass down their local culture. A. which B. that C. where D. as 4.He?s got himself into a dangerous situation ________ he is likely to l ose control over the plane. A. where B. which C. while D why 5.Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to _______. A. be put up. B. give in C. be turned on D. go out 6 .We asked teacher to explain _________. A. us the word. B. us of the word. C. the word to us. D. the word for us. 7.The children were left __________ of a neighbor when they went on holiday. A. in charge B. in the charge C. under charge D. at charge. 8.. ----He has turned on all the lights in the building. That?s waste of electricity. ---- It?s not his____. He just did what he was told to. A. mistake. B. wrong C. fault D. shortcoming. 9. The teacher came in, ________ by some students. A. followed B. following C. was followed D. to follow 10. Don?t punish him again. ________, he is only a small child. A. After all B. In all C. First of all D. Above all 11.★I have two bikes; _______ are broken. A. all of them B. both of them C. all of which D. both of which 12. We need water and air, _________ we can?t live. A. with which B. with whom C. without which D without whom 13.The reason ____ he explained was ______ he was ill and unable to go to school. A. why; that B. why; because C. which; because D. which; that 14.★Premier Wen Jiabao said the suggestions on improving the quality of milk industry are supposed to careful consideration. A. determine B. decide C. deserve D. desire 15.★difficulties we may come across, we?ll help one another to overcome them. A. Wherever B. Whenever C. However D. Whatever 二、完型填空★ Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know 16 you think you are a 17 person or a coward(懦夫). But you will never really know the answer to this question 18 you are tested in real life. Some people19 they are brave but when they come face to face with real 20 , they act like cowards. Others think of themselves as cowards, but when they meet danger, they act like 21. Lenny had always thought of himself as a 22 person. He got worried before examinations. He 1


二年级下册语文单元检测(一) 【1-4单元】 班级姓名等级 62分) 一、根据要求完成下列各题。 1、看拼音,写字词。 2、下面字的音节全部正确的一组是()。 A、沉(chén)换(huàn)除(chú)疮(chāng) B、抡(lūn)朗(lǎng)娘(liáng)冒(mào) C、吸(xī)使(shǐ)惊(jīng)涂(tú) D、顿(dùn)疙(da)添(tiān)湿(sī) 3、下列加点字(词)注意不正确 ...的一项是()。 A、扇.(shān)扇风 B、着.(zháo)急 C、教诲.(huí) D、滋.(zī)味 4、“捎”与下列哪个字的读音相同?() A、哨 B、俏 C、宵 D、梢 5、下列词语中,有错字 ..的一项是()。 A、游泳 B、沐浴 C、鱼粼 D、踊跃 6、下列用带有“一……不……”的词语造句,用得不恰当 ...的一句是()。 A、孙中山说着,就把那段书一字不错 ....地背了出来。 B、上课时,老师一字不识 ....地叫我们认字。 C、明明一声不响 ....地坐在那里看书。 D、掉在地上的苹果,我一个不少 ....地捡起来放在盘子里。 7、我国的植树节是()。

A、3月6日 B、4月5日 C、5月1 日 D、3月12日 8、“这样糊里糊涂地背,有什么用呢?”意思是说()。 A、这样糊里糊涂地背,有没有用。 B、这样糊里糊涂地背,一定有用。 C、这样糊里糊涂地背,没什么用。 D、这样糊里糊涂地背,不一定有用。 9、下面一段文字主要讲什么?() 大叶杨唱给学步的小宝宝,伴他和蝴蝶捉迷藏。唱给白发的老奶奶,陪她在树下聊家常。唱给下棋的老爷爷,和他悠闲度时光。 A、大叶杨和小宝宝玩耍。 B、大叶杨喜欢和爷爷奶奶聊家常。 C、大叶杨给人们带来快乐的生活。 D、大叶杨和大人们下棋。 10、下面文章属于童话故事的是()。 A、《植树的季节》 B、《一片树叶》 C、《杨树之歌》 D、《春风》 11、《儿子们》一文中,老爷爷说他好像只看见一个儿子,那个儿子是()。 A、最会翻跟头,像车轮子在转,很好看。 B、接过妈妈的水桶,懂得关心妈妈,爱妈妈。 C、会唱歌,像黄莺一样,很好听。 D、会提水,像大力士一样,真厉害。 12、根据课文内容,选择正确的答案填入括号。 A、清凉的风 B、滴落的泪 C、亲切的教诲 D、责备的目光 E、遮雨的伞 那一个很热很热的夜晚,妈妈的爱是()。那一个很凉很凉的雨天,妈妈的爱是()。那一次我生病了,妈妈的爱是()。那一回,我对妈妈说了谎,妈妈的爱是()。那一句“我们都是祖国的孩子……”告诉我,妈妈的爱是()。 13、照样子,写句子。 (1)我那儿子灵巧,又有力气,谁都比不比他。 (2)我为庄稼除害虫,我是稻田小英雄。 我为,我是。 14、课文精彩回顾。 (1)字典大楼真大真大,我常常云,总是能得到满意的;字典大楼真大真大,谁都建造它花费了多少春夏,人们用智慧、,不断为它。


《分数的初步认识》单元测试题 姓名 得分 一.填空。(27分) ⑴ 把一个月饼平均分成8份,每份是它的( )分之( ),写作( )( ) ,6份是( )个( )( ) ,写作( )( ) ,读作( )。 ⑵ 34 里面有( )个 14 。( )个 112 是 912 。 ⑶ 在1- 59 中,可以把1看成( )( ) ,最后得( )( ) 。 ⑷ 用分数表示下面图形的阴影部分。 ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ⑸ 在 57 中,( )是分母,( )是分子,它表示把一个物体或图形平均分成( )份,取了其中的( )份。 ⑹看图写分数,并比较大小。 ( )( ) ○ ( )( ) ⑺65-6 3=( ),可以这样想:( )个16 减去( )个16 是( ) 个16 ,就是( )( ) ⑻把1米平均分成100份,每份是1厘米,所以1厘米= ( )( ) 米。 (9)数一数,填一填。

○□○△★★○△△★□○□○△★□□○★○△△ 在上图中,★占总数的( ) ( ),△占总数的 ( ) ( ), □比○少了总数的( ) ( )。 二、判断:对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分) ⑴一个正方形分成5份,每份是它的1 5。() ⑵10 11读作十分之十一。() ⑶一个分数的分子是2,比分母小4,这个分数是2 6。() ⑷一个物体平均分成几份,分的份数越少,每一份越大。() ⑸这个图形的阴影部分占了1 3。() 三、把正确答案的序填在括里。(10分) ⑴一个苹果平均分成4份,小明吃了2块,小明吃了这个苹果的()。 ①1 2 ② 1 4 ③ 2 4 ⑵比5 8多 2 8的数是()。 ① 3 8② 7 8 ③ 7 16 ⑶两条同样长的绳子,第一条剪去了1 3,第二条剪去了 1 4 ,第几条剪 去的长一些?答案是()。 ①第一条②第二条③无法知道

第十五章《电功和电热》单元测试(苏科版初三下) (5)

第十五章《电功和电热》单元测试(苏科版初三下) (5) 一.选择题 1.甲、乙两盏电灯并联在电路中,都能正常工作,且甲灯比乙灯亮,那么 ( ) A .甲灯电阻比乙灯大 B .加在甲灯两端的电压比乙灯大 C .通过甲灯的电流比乙灯的大 D .甲灯消耗的电能一定比乙灯多 2.小明用电能表测量某家用电器的电功率,当只有该用电器工作时,测得15min 内标有〝6000imp/KWh 〞的电子式电能表指示灯闪耀了1800次,这用电器可能是 ( ) A .空调器 B .白炽灯 C .电视机 D .电冰箱 3.两灯泡,L 1标有〝6V 3W 〞的字样,L 2没有标记,但测得它的电阻为4Ω,把它们串联后接在某一电路中时,灯L 1、L 2均能正常发光,那个电路两端的电压和L 2的额定电功率分不是 ( ) A .6V 5W B .8V 1W C .2V 3W D .6V 1W 4.某校集体宿舍的熔丝是按规格安装的,但经常烧断,从而造成断路,发生这种现象的缘故可能是 ( ) A .某房间的电路发生了断路 B .有一盏灯的灯丝断了 C .有的宿舍经常使用大功率的电炉 D .某盏灯的开关被短路了 5.如下图,电源电压不变,当在a.b 间接入〝6V 6W 〞的灯泡时,闭合开关,灯L 恰好正常发光。断开开关,在a 、b 间接入〝6V 4W 〞的灯泡后,再闭合开关,以下讲法中错误的选项是 ( ) A .灯L 将变亮 B .灯L 将变暗 C .换接的灯可能烧坏 D .电路总功率要变小 6.两盏〝220V 100W 〞的电灯串联在220V 的电路中,两盏灯的总功率为 ( ) A .200W B .100W C .50W D .25W 7.用规格为〝220V 1200W 〞的无绳电水壶在正常工作时烧水,将质量为1Kg 、温度为18℃ 的水,通过一段时刻加热把水烧开,(在一标准大气压),水的比热为4.2×103J/Kg.c ,不考 虑电水壶的散热,由上述条件,可求得的物理量是 ( ) ①通过电水壶的电流;②电水壶电热丝的电阻;③加热的时刻;④电流做的功。 A .①② B .①②③ C .②③④ D .①②③④ 8.某学生想通过如下图的电路图来进行以下四个实 验(电源电压保持不变,R 1为定值电阻,你认为不可行的实验是 〔 〕 A .验证欧姆定律 B .验证焦耳定律 C .测定电阻R 1消耗的功率 D .验证电路两端总电压等于各部分电阻两端电压之和 9.一台电动机正常工作时线圈两端电压为380V ,线圈电阻为2Ω,线圈中电流为10A ,这台电动机正常工作1S 消耗的电能为W 和产生的热量为Q 分不为 ( ) A .3800J 、200J B .3800J 、3800J C .72200J 、200J D .72200J 、3800J 10.某同学做电学实验时,电路如以下图示。他所用电流表的量程为0~0.6A ,电压表的量程为0~3V ,电源电压为6V 保持不变,滑动变阻器的最大阻值为50Ω,定值电阻 R 0为10 S a b R 0 A V R P S R 1 A V 1 R 2 P S V 2 V L


小学数学二年级下册第一单元测试题 班级_____姓名_____分数__ 一、口算: 5×8= 6×4= 7×3= 5×6= 4×8= 5×2= 2×3= 9×7= 9×6= 2×8= 5×4= 6×7= 4×3= 3×6= 7×5= 二、下是张老师调查本班同学最喜欢的业余生活情况统计表 活动项目看书看电视旅游体育运动其他业余活动人数14 10 8 4 2 (1)最喜欢()的人多,做喜欢()的人少。 (2)最喜欢看书的比最喜欢旅游的多()人。 (3)最喜欢看电视的比最喜欢体育运动的多()人。 (4)这个班一共有()人。 三、气象小组把6月份的天气作了如下记录: (1) 把晴天、雨天、阴天的天数分别填在下面的统计表中。 天气名称晴天雨天阴天 天数 (2) 从上表中可以看出:这个月中( )的天数最多,( )的天数最少。

(3) 这个月中阴天有( )天。 (4) 这个月中晴天比雨天多( )天。 (5) 这个月中阴天比雨天多( )天。 (6) 你还能提出什么问题并解答? 四、下表是二(2)班学生每天看电视时间情况统计表: 时间30分以下30分——1小时1小时以上 人数正正正正正正正正正正 (1)每个“正”字表示几个人? (2)这个班有多少名同学? (3)根据上面的统计表,你发现了什么?有什么收获? 五、下表是11月二(2)班在学校图书室的借书情况: 种类连环画故事书科技书其他书数量35本20本10本15本(1)哪种书借得最多? (2)11月二(2)班在学校图书室共借书多少本? (3)学校图书室要买一批新书,你有什么建议? (4)

小学数学二年级下册第二单元测试题 班级_____姓名_____分数__ 一.我会填:(16) 1、如果算式里有小括号,要先算()。 2、每份分得( )叫平均分。 3、28里面有()个7. 36里面有()个4. 4、 30 ÷ 5 = 6 读作:() :::()()()w W w . X k b 1.c O m 5、有()个,平均分成()份,每份有() 个。 列式:()÷() =() 6、有()个,每()个为一份,平均分成() 份。 列式:()÷() =() 二、在()里填上合适的数,计算(18) ()÷6=3 36÷()=6 4×()=24 ()-15=27 ()÷1=8 4÷()=1 9÷1= 18÷9= 27÷3= 21÷3= 35÷5= 24÷6= 10÷2= 20÷5= 36÷6= 25÷5= 9÷3= 6÷6= m三、判断题:(对的打√,错的打×)(6分)。 1、在算式24÷6 = 4中,6是除数,24是被除数,4是商。() 2、算式12÷6 = 2,表示把12平均分成2份,每份是6。() 3、把18平均分成3份,每份是6,列式是18÷6 = 3 。()


《分数的初步认识》单元测试卷 一、我会填。(每空1分,共23分) 1.把一个苹果平均分成4份,每份是这个苹果的( )。 2.59读作( ),它里面有( )个19 。 3.一个分数的分子是9,分母是10,这个分数是( )。 4.23是( )个13,3 7 是3个( )。 5.2天是一个星期的( ),15分钟是1小时的( )。 6.5个18减去3个18等于( )个18,就是( )。列式是( )― ( )=( )。 7.1可以看成( )个14,也可以看成( )个16。 8.小红喝了一瓶可乐的2 5,还剩下这瓶可乐的( )。 9.把16个桃子平均分成4份,1份是桃子总数的( ),有( )个;3份是桃子总数的( ),有( )个。 10.如图是一个正方形和长方形拼成的图形,重叠部分是正方形 的( ),是长方形的( ),是整个图形的( )。 二、我会选。(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(每题1分,共5分)

1.把一块饼切成5份,1份是( )。 A .这块饼的1 5 B .5 C.1 5 D .无法确定 2.两根同样长的绳子,第一根剪去了它的1 3,第二根剪去了它的 1 4 ,两根绳子剩下的部分( )。 A .第一根长 B .第二根长 C .一样长 D .长短无法确定 3.一根彩带用去29米,还剩6 9米,这根彩带原来长( )。 A.89 B.8 9米 C .1 D .1米 4.把一根绳子对折3次后的一折长度是原来长度的( )。 A.13 B.14 C.16 D.18 5.一杯牛奶,喝了它的49,剩下的比喝了的多这杯牛奶的( )。 A.49 B.59 C.1 9 D .1 三、我是小法官。(对的画“√”,错的画“×”)。(每题1分,共


第十五章电功和电热单元测试 一、选择题 1.最先确定电流产生的热量与哪些因素有关的物理学家是() A.欧姆B.牛顿C.伽利略D.焦耳 2. 计算电流通过电风扇产生的热量,下面公式选用正确的是() A. UIt B.U2t/R C.I2Rt D.前面三个都可以 3.一台“220V 60W”的电视机,一台“220V 60W”的电风扇,一只“220V 60W”的小电暖手炉,同时接在220V 的电压下,则相同时间内它们产生的热量() A.电风扇最多B.电视机最多 C.暖手炉最多D.一样多 4.李胜家厨房白炽灯的灯丝突然断了,他取下灯泡摇了摇,当灯丝又搭上去后重新接人电路,他发现灯泡更亮。他用学过的电学知识分析了原因,说法正确的是() A.灯泡的电阻变大了 B.通过灯泡的电流变小了 C.灯泡两端的电压变大了 D.灯泡的功率变大了 5.电能表是测量用电器消耗电能的仪表,小华想验证他家电能表表盘上标注的每千瓦时的转数是否准确,于是,他将标有“220V 3A”的用电器单独接入电路中,当该用电器正常工作5min后,电能表的转盘正好转了110r则该电能表每千瓦时的实际转数应是() A.2400r B.2000r C.1500r D.1200r 6.暑期,徐延同学家新装了一台3 kW的空调机,试用了一会儿,家中突然停电,检查发现熔丝断了.导致上述故障的原因可能是() A.插头和插座接触不良B.电路中用电器的总功率过大 C.空调机内部断路D.控制空调机的开关短路 7.如图所示分别是小明家上月初和月末的电能表的表盘,表盘上“1 600 imp/(kW·h)”表示每消耗1 kW·h的电能,指示灯闪烁1 600次,下列选项正确的是()


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 高一英语单元测试 Unit1 Module 1 I听力部分 第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What do we know about the woman? A.She decided to buy the skirt. B. She has not enough money. C.She is satisfied with none of the skirts. 2.What does the man mean? A. Tomorrow will be a fine day, too. B. Today is not so good. C. The weather will change tomorrow. 3. What will the man do with his drinking? A. He will give up drinking. B. He will drink less. C. He will go on drinking as usual. 4. What is the woman doing now? A. Trying to go to sleep. B. Doing her homework. C. Listening to music. 5. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. husband and wife B. taxi driver and passenger C. doctor and patient 第二节(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Where does the man want to do? A. Breach Hospital B. Bruce Hospital C. Oak Hospital 7. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The man came from the east of the city. B. The man just wanted to visit the city. C. The man was once told a wrong way. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题 8. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Husband and wife B. Teacher and student C. Waitress and customer 9. Where probably are the two speakers? A. In their home B. In a hotel C. In a cinema 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题 10. Why does the man want to leave school?


《分数的初步认识》单元测试题 班级 姓名 等级 一.填空。(27分) ⑴ 把一个月饼平均分成8份,每份是它的( )分之( ),写作( )( ) ,6 份是( )个( )( ) ,写作( ) ( ) ,读作( )。 ⑵ 34 里面有( )个 14 。( )个 112 是 912 。 ⑶ 在1- 59 中,可以把1看成( )( ) ,最后得( ) ( ) 。 ⑷ 用分数表示下面图形的阴影部分。 ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ⑸ 在 5 7 中,( )是分母,( )是分子,它表示把一个物体或图形平均 分成( )份,取了其中的( )份。 ⑹看图写分数,并比较大小。 ( )( ) ○ ( ) ( ) ⑺65-6 3 =( ),可以这样想:( )个16 减去( )个16 是( ) 个 16 ,就是( ) ( ) ⑻把1米平均分成100份,每份是1厘米,所以1厘米= ( ) ( ) 米。

(9)数一数,填一填。 在上图中, ★占总数的( )( ) ,△占总数的( ) ( ) , □比○少了总数的 ( ) ( ) 。 二、判断:对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10分) ⑴ 一个正方形分成5份,每份是它的1 5 。 ( ) ⑵10 11 读作十分之十一。 ( ) ⑶ 一个分数的分子是2,比分母小4,这个分数是2 6 。 ( ) ⑷ 一个物体平均分成几份,分的份数越少,每一份越大。 ( ) ⑸ 这个图形的阴影部分占了 1 3 。 ( ) 三、把正确答案的序号填在括号里。(10分) ⑴一个苹果平均分成4份,小明吃了2块,小明吃了这个苹果的( )。 ① 12 ② 14 ③ 24 ⑵比 58 多 2 8 的数是( )。 ① 3 8 ② 78 ③ 716

北师大版九年级全册物理 第十三章 电功和电功率 单元测试题

北师大九上物理第十三章电功和电功率 一、选择题 1.下列做法不符合安全用电的是() A. 在建楼房里安装漏电保护器 B. 组装家庭电路时将开关接在零线上 C. 洗衣机的金属外壳与地线相连 D. 使用测电笔时手指接触金属笔尾 2.如图所示的几种家用电器正常工作时,消耗的电功率接近25W的是() A. 电饼铛 B. 台灯 C. 电饭锅 D. 电暖器 3.如图所示的电路中,电源两端电压保持不变,R1为定值电阻。开关S闭合后,在滑动变阻器R2的滑片P 向右移动的过程中,下列说法正确的是() A. 电压表V1的示数变大 B. 电流表A的示数变大 C. 电压表V2的示数变大 D. 电路消耗的总功率变大 4.图中甲、乙两盏白炽灯,分别在额定电压下工作,下列说法正确的是() A. 甲灯更亮 B. 它们亮度相同 C. 乙灯更亮 D. 无法判断 5.下列关于安全用电的说法正确的是( ) A. 使用试电笔时,手指不能碰到笔尾金属体,以免发生触电事故 B. 当电路严重过载时,漏电保护器能自动切断电路

C. 应将开关和用电器串联,并且开关安装在零线和用电器之间 D. 应将冰箱的金属外壳接地 6.下列情景中符合安全用电要求的是() A. 电冰箱的金属外壳接地 B. 电视天线与电线接触 C. 绝缘皮破损 D. 电线上晾衣服 7.小华用如图所示的电路测小灯泡功率.电路中电源电压恒为4.5V,电压表的量程为O~3V,电流表的量程为0~0.6A,滑动变阻器的规格为“20Ω1A”,灯泡标有“2.5V 1.25W”字样.若闭合开关,两电表的示数均不超过所选量程,灯泡两端电压不允许超过额定值,不考虑灯丝电阻的变化,则下列说法正确的是() A. 电流表示数的变化范围是0~0.5A B. 滑动变阻器的电阻允许调节的范围是2.5~20Ω C. 灯泡的最小功率是0.162W D. 该电路的最大功率是2.7W 8.小星同学为实验室设计了一个多档位电加热器,其工作原理图如图所示.其中R1、R2、R3为发热电阻,三个灯泡为上述发热电阻相应的工作指示灯,其所消耗的电功率可忽略不计.小星设想通过开关的组合,使电加热器能有多档功率.当只S1闭合时,测得功率为200W;当只S2闭合时,测得功率为100W;小星设计此电热器最大发热功率为800W,则() A. 当只S3断开时,功率为500W B. 此电热器一共可有六档不同的功率 C. 三个发热电阻的阻值之比为5:10:2 D. 此电热器可能有一档的功率为400W 9.用电器是将电能转化为其他形式能的器件,在下列用电器中,利用电能转化为机械能的是() A. 电饭锅 B. 电灯泡 C. 电风扇 D. 电视机


Module 7 单元检测 一、单选题:(20分) 1、、-----Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday? ----- Yes, _______, I’m going to visit some homes for the old in the city、 A、If ever B、If busy C、If anything D、If possible 2、It is the sort of work that______ a high level of concentration、 A、calls for B、make up C、lies in D、stands for 3、_____ their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out shouts of victory、 A、To throw B、Thrown C、Throwing D、Being thrown 4、At last the soldiers reached _______ the locals called the Golden Triangle、 A、that B、where C、when D、what 5、I didn’t see her at the meeting、If she ____, she would have met my brother、 A、has come B、did come C、had come D、came 6、An online survey at sina、com suggested that most interviewers ____ limiting the time spent on the Internet would be fundamental _______their eyesight、 A、say; to improving B、say; to improve C、said; for improving D、said; to improving 7、At the end of the meeting, all present were_______ to make every effort for the successful celebration of the 100th anniversary of the school、 A、guaranteed B、demanded C、required D、suggested 8、_________ many times, but he still couldn’t understand it、 A、Having been told B、Though he had been told C、He was told D、Having told 9、________ we had read your letter _____the true state of affairs、 A、It was until… that we understood B、It was not until… we understood C、Until …did not we understand D、Not until…did we understand` 10、A team of American scientists has found a treatment to protect humans from the deadly H5N1 flu virus, _____ brings great ____ to the world、 A、that; appearance B、that; profit C、which; advantage D、which; relief 11、As is widely acknowledged, a great number of traffic accidents ____ numerous deaths and countless property loss all over the world very year、 A、depend on B、contribute to C、result from D、aim at 12、—Home at last!I’m totally worn out、 — If we ____ in turn, you _____ so tired now、 A、had driven, wouldn’t feel B、drove, don’t feel C、had driven, wouldn’t have felt D、were driving, wouldn’t feel 13、—Is there any possibility of the film ____ in Paris International Festival? —Not in the least, because audience generally think little of it、 A、tried out B、trying out C、to try out D、being tried out 14、The committee made two plans for the law, ____ was never put in force A、one of which B、which C、neither D、one of them 15、––– I hear Tom ______ playing games recently、 ––– ______ no wonder he is easy to feel sleepy in class、 A、is addicted to; There is B、addicts; There is C、addicts; It is D、is


二年级语文下册第1单元达标测试卷 时间:90分钟满分:100分 一、基础达标。(50分) 1.拼拼写写。(8分) yáng liǔgūniɑng jiǎn dāo cǎo yuán chōng chūér tóng lǐwùyǐn rén zhùmù 2.我会连一连。(12分) 懊丧zhēyǎn 茁壮ào sàng 符号zhuózhuàng 遮掩fúhào 3.照样子,填一填。(8分) 例:堤( 堤岸)——提( 提水) 咏( )——泳( )邮( )——油( ) 籽( )——仔( ) 杏( )——吞( ) 例:立( 立下)——粒( 米粒) 出( )——茁( ) 夫( )——扶( ) 寺( )——诗( ) 自( )——息( )

4.选择恰当的量词填空。(6分) 朵条个棵件株 一( )树坑一( )衣服一( )野花 一( )小路一( )树苗一( )竹子 5.找出句子中的一对反义词。(4分) (1)离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。( )——( ) (2)停电了,四周一片漆黑;电一来,到处一片光明。()——() (3)小妹妹在家很大方,一见到生人很害羞。()——() (4)温暖的阳光赶走了我身上的寒冷。()——() 6.想象画面,补充合适的词语。(5分) ______的天空_______的阳光_______的田野________的微风________的鲜花 7.把句子写具体。(3分) (1)孩子们( )冲出家门。 (2)笋芽儿()喊着:“我长大啦!” (3)邓爷爷()挑选了一棵柏树苗。 8.仿写句子。(2分) 例:燕子的尾巴像一把剪刀。 像________________________。 9.连词成句,并加上标点。(2分) (1)这是礼物美好多么的啊 __________________________________________________ (2)亲手邓小平栽种爷爷柏树长大了的已经

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