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1.For a moment nothing happened. Then___all shouting together.

A.voices had come

B.came voices

B.C.voices would come D.did voices come

2.Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away___.

A.fleeing the thief

B.was fleeing the thief

B.the thief was fleeing D.fled the thief




Eg. Helen likes music,so she does.


1.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent___ properly in this hospital.

A.can be the patients treated

B.can the patients be treated

C.the patients can be treated

D.treated can be the patients

2.Not once___ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.

A.occurred it

B.it did occur

C.it occurred

D.did it occur

3.——I reminded you not to forget the appointment.


A.So you did

B. So I do not

C.So did you

D.So do I




____,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

A.Strange as might it sound

B.As it might sound strange

C.As strange it might sound

D.Strange as it might sound


1.(2014陕西)No sooner___stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.

A.had Mo Yan

B.Mo Yan had

C.has Mo Yan

D.Mo Yan has

2.(2016天津十二区县二联)So buried___ in doing her homework that she didn’t notice it got dark outside.

A.was she

B. she was

C.did she

D.she did

3.(2015天津十二区县一联)Only when our project has been approved of by the committee ____to carry it out.

A.did we start

B.we started

C.can we start

D.we start

4.(2015天津七校四月联考)Not until I had watched the football match between Brazil and Germany_____ to bed last night.

A.I went

B.I had gone

C.did I gone

D.had I gone

5.(2015天津南开中学高三五测)Little ____ about her own safety, thought she was in great danger herself.

A.did Marry care

B.Mary did care

C.Mary does care

D.does Mary care

6.(2015陕西质检二)It is all your fault. By no means____ left alone at home.

A.should a two-year-old be

B. a two-year-old should be

C.should be a two-year-old

D.be a two-year-old should

7.(2016江苏苏锡常镇二模)____on mobile phones for storing information that people are unable to remember basic things.

A.Such is the dependence

B.Such dependence does

C.So they are dependent

D.So do they depend

8.(2015天津红桥区一模)It is known that water is not an endless resource;_____can it be made once more, so we should save and protect it.





9.(2016天津高考压轴卷)Into the dark apartment_____,who was quite surprised when everyone shouted “Happy birthday!”

A.did David walk

B.David did walk

C.David walked

D.walked David

10.(2014重庆市重庆一中高三下学期第一次月考,29)—Are the rest of our guests here?

—Not yet…. Look, there _____!

A. come they

B. they came

C. do they come

D. they come

11.(2014吉林省实验中学高三第一次模拟,29)______ you eat the correct food ____ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. Unless; will you

B. Only if; you will

C. Only if; will you

D. Unless; you will

12.(河南省中原名校2013届高三上学期期中联考,34)It's too messy in your room. Look, by the bed ____ a pile of dirty clothes.

A. are lied

B. lay

C. are lying

D. lies

13.(2015天津,3)Only when Lily walked into the office______that she had left the contract at home.

A.she realized

B.has she realized

C.she has realized

D.did she realize

14.(2012天津, 6) Only after Mary read her composition the second time_____ the spelling mistake.

A. did she notice

B. she noticed

C. does she notice

D. she has noticed

15.(2017和平区高三年级模拟考试)I’m sorry.____for my illness, I would have come and lent you a helping hand.

Were it not B. If it were not C.Had it not been D.If it has not been

16.(2017十二区县高三年级模拟考试)Nowadays many teenagers often take their parents’love for granted. Seldom____what they should return them when they are old.

A.do they think

B.they think

C.think they

D.did they

17.(11福建)—It’s nice. Never before ____such a special drink!

—I’m glad you like it.

A. I have had

B. I had

C. have I had

D. had I

18. (10江西)Not until he left his home to know how important the family was for him.

A. did he begin

B. had he begun

C. he began

D. he has begun

19. (10四川)We laugh at jokes, but seldom about how they work.

A. we think

B. think we

C. we do think

D. do we think

20. (09重庆)Unsatisfied with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.

A. though was he

B. though he was

C. he was though

D. was he though

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