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英语专业八级 作文范文

英语专业八级 作文范文
英语专业八级 作文范文


1、WORK 工作篇

Don’t gild the lily.

不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。(英国剧作家莎士比亚. W .)

I can live for two months on a good compliment. (Mark Twain , American writer)


It is no use doing what you like ; you have got to like what you do .

(Winston Churchill , British prime minister)

不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。(美国首相丘吉尔. W.)

My philosophy of life is work . (Thomas Alva Edison , American inventor)

我的人生哲学就是工作。(美国发明家爱迪生. T . A .)

When work is a pleasure , life is joy ! When work is duty , life is slavery .(Maxim Gorky , Russian writer )


(俄国作家高尔基. M.)

Work banishes those three great evils : boredom , vice, and poverty.

(V oltaire , French philosopher )



Activity is the only road to knowledge .

(George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)

行动是通往知识的唯一道路。(英国剧作家肖伯纳. G.)

A free man obtains knowledge from many sources 1 besides books .

(Thomas Jefferson , American president)

一个自由的人除了从书本上获取知识外,还可以从许多别的来源获得知识。(美国总统杰斐逊. T.)

A great part to the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way .(Adams Franklin , American humorist ) 我的大部分知识都是这样获得的:在寻找某个资料时意外的发现了另上的资料。

(美国幽默作家富兰克林. A.)

If a man empties his purse into his head , no man can take it away from him , an investment in knowledge always pays the best interest .

(Benjamin Franklin , American president )

倾已所有追求知识,没有人能夺走它;向知识投资,收益最佳。(美国总统富兰克林. B.)

Imagination is more important than knowledge .(Albert Einstein , American scientist )

想象力比知识更为重要。(美国科学家爱因斯坦. A. )

Knowledge is power . (Francis Bacon , British philosopher )

知识就是力量。(英国哲学家培根. F.)

The empty vessels make the greatest sound . (William Shakespeare , British dramatist )

满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。(英国剧作家莎士比亚. W.)


And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人, 乔叟)

Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune .(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)


Genius17 without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。(美国总统富兰克. B.)

The roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .(Aristotle , Ancient Greek philosopher )

教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。( 古希腊哲学家亚里士多德)


A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight .(P. B. Shelley , British poet )

伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人雪莱. P. B)

A novel is a mirror walking along a main road .( Stendhcl , French writer )


Art is a lie that tells the truth .( Picasso , Spanish painter )


Humor has been well defined as thinking in fun while feeling in earnest. (Mark Twain , American novelist )


The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation ; the two keep in their downward tendency.( Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet )

文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。(德国诗人歌德. J . W .)

When one loves one’s art no service seems too hard .( O. Henry, American novelist )




① Salmons swi m upstream, they leap over huge dams to reach their destination.

② Salmons swim upstream, and then they leap over huge dams to reach their destination.


① the government's plan

② the plan of the government


① Everyone has th eir homework.

② Everyone has his (or her) homework.


① Some of the new dot-com millionaires found out the party was over, after the NASDAQ value dropped by over two thirds.

② After the NASDAQ value dropped by over two thirds, some of the ne w dot-com millionaires found out the party was over.


① Barely no one noticed that the pop star lip-synched during the whole performance.

② Barely anyone noticed that the pop star lip-synched during the whole performance.


① The fo rest fire, no longer held in check by the exhausted firefighters, jumped the firebreak.

② No longer held in check by the exhausted firefighters, the forest fire jumped the firebreak.


① The band members collected his and her uniforms.

② The b and members collected their uniforms.


① The project of the government reduces the costs of production of the private firms.

② The government project reduces the production costs of private firms.


① When aiming for the highest retur ns, and also thinking about the possible losses.

② When aiming for the highest returns, investors also should think about the possible losses.


① I do not recall what kind of printer it was all I remember is that it could sort, staple, and print a packet at the same time.

② I do not recall what kind of printer it was. All I remember is that it could sort, staple, and print a packet at the same time.


1.Different people have different views on——

2. Some people perfer,——.

3. Others tend to, ——.

4.As to me, I agree with /to ——1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。2.表明一部分人的看法。



5. Of course,——.

6.For example,——


8.The following reasons can account for my preference——5.承认自己不赞同的看法有一定的合理性。

6. 举例说明支持第五句。

7 转折指出这种观点的不足。

8 启下句过度到下段具体阐述自己所支持的观点的理由。

9.The main reason is ——.

10.A good example to illustrate is ——

11.For another,——

12.From the foregoing,——9.支持观点的理由一。10.举例说明理由一。11.理由二。


2002年6月真题:Is a test of spoken necessary?

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). Different people have different views on it. Some prefer to have such a test. Others tend to decline any kind of test of spoken English. As to me, I agree with the first statement.

Of course, a test of spoken English is very difficult to handle and the test time is not long enough to fully display participants’ability to spoken in English. For example, if a candidate draws a topic which he of she is not familiar with, it’s hard to show his or her command of spoken English. But without such a test, some people may not have motivation to practise spoken English. The following reasons can account for my preference.

The main reason is that such a test enhances college students’ awareness of the importance of spoken English. A good example to illustrate is that several years ago, college students only stressed reading and writing skills, ignoring to building up listening and speaking ability. For another, a certificate of such a test will make job-hunting easier. From the foregoing, I think a test of spoken English is of necessity.


1.There is no complete agreement among people as to ——

2. Some people consider,——.

3. However, others think, ——.

4.Some people may say ——

5. They hold this opinion because——.

6. However, others believe,——

7.They argue that,——

8.Personally,I am in favor of the——

9. Firstly, ——. 10.Secondly,——

11.Most important of all ——

12.Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that ——1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。2.表明一部分人的看法。



6. 观点二的理由。

7 深入阐述观点二的理由。

8 我的看法。


10. 个人看法依据二。

11. 个人看法依据三。



1. When asked about ——,different people will offer different opinions.

2. Some people take it for granted that——.

3. In their opinion, ——.

4. Besides ——

5. However, others hold——.

6.They maitain——


8.Weighing up these arguments, I am for——

9. For one thing——. 10.For anther,——

11.For instance,——

12.Therefore, as stated above——1.开门见山直入主体,表明对某事人们的不同看法。2.提出观点一。




6. 观点二的理由一。


8 我的观点。


10. 个人观点理由二。

11. 举例说明。


Is a test of spoken necessary?

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). When talking about it, different people will offer different opinions. Some people take it for granted that college students should take a test of spoken English. In their opinion, it is good chance for them to test their spoken English. Besides, it also make them know the importance of the spoken English.

However, others hold that a test of spoken English is unnecessary in the university and colleges. They maintain that college students’ practice of spoken English is not for testing but for daily use. And they think it is hard to manage such a subjective test.

Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the first point of view. For one thing, spoken English is very important. For another, a test of spoken English can guide and supervise students to make conversation practice. For instance, when choosing books and other materials, students can pick them according to the bands of the test they want to take. Therefore, as stated above, the first point of view can hold water.


专八作文范文 02: The Most Important Quality of a University Student Many people regard university as job-training centre which would help us get a better job. However in my view, the four years in university are also supposed to be character building period during which we can develop some important personal qualities that are necessary for success in the present-day society. Among them, passion in learning may be the most important. To begin with, a mobile society has a demand for those who can easily adapt to the latest development. As the world we live in is a fast-charging one, we constantly need to update our knowledge and skills. while many people grit their teeth to cram their minds with new stuff, whose who have developed a genuine passion in learning during their college years may make a virtue of necessity, deriving much pleasure from learning what is required by the latest developments in their fields. Moreover, passion in learning may also help to ward off the feeling of futility and emptiness, a typically modern disease caused by complicated reasons such as huge pressure and fierce competition in modern society. As human beings, we need more than material comforts to assert the value of our life. In China, where the belief in god is largely absent, a life-long pursuit for knowledge may be a god substitute for religion, for those devoted to learning will be better aware of the significance of their life by seeing themselves as those who pass on the torch of knowledge. In this way, learning may serve to head off psychological crises. In conclusion, one’s passion in learning bring benefit to individuals in a variety of ways, hence it is the most important quality of a university student. 03:Love, and Then Be Loved In recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people


2017年作文预测 作者:一括牛气的人参 其他均无准确翻译而本文为本人自己翻译如有雷同请告知作者!希望与广大读者提供方便

英语四级作文预测范文:抢红包 Grabbing red envelopes has been hogging the limelight in our daily life since the 2016 Spring Festival. At no point is it clearer that this activity has endowed our vapid life with the flavor of high-tech and fun, especially giving traditions typical of festive periods, such as the Chinese New Year and Chinese Valentine’s Day, a facelift. However, some people may be trapped in a situation where they put the cart before the horse. Disappointedly, what some people do on festivals is not to communicate with their relatives and friends but to hold their cell phones and fix their eyes on the screen all day long, just in order to grab red envelops. For my part, what really matters is the relationship instead of the money. Essentially speaking, gifting red envelopes is beyond reproach. Only in a rational way shall we not be reduced to slaves of materialism or hijacked by the high technology. Festivals offer precious opportunities for us to send good wishes to our beloved ones and what we should do is to cherish these chances rather than to ignore the essential connotation of the festivals. Anyhow, kinship, friendship and other relationships are above anything and we ought to make every endeavor lest the profound cultural atmosphere of traditional festivals should decline. 【参考译文】 从2016年的春节起,抢红包在我们的日常生活中变得越来越流行。俨然,抢红包这种 现象往我们比较乏味的日常生活中添加了些许高科技的元素和乐趣,尤其使得那些传统节假日(比如说春节和七夕节,等等)的习俗变得焕然一新。 但是,有些人似乎有点本末倒置了。令人失望的是,有些人在节假日整天拿着手机,盯着屏幕不放,为的是能抢到红包,却不和家人、亲戚朋友交流。在我看来,真正重要的是人与人之间的那份感情而不是金钱。从本质上来说,发红包无可厚非。但是只有理性的做法才会让我们能免于成为物质的奴隶并且不被所谓的高科技所绑架。 节假日提供给我们千载难逢的机会去向我们所爱的人表达良好的祝愿和祝福,我们应该珍惜这些机会而不是忽视了节假日的真正内涵。不管怎样,亲情,友情和其他诸多情感是至高无上的,我们应该尽全力不让传统节假日的那种浓厚的文化氛围衰落和凋零。


1. 成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance o n the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are st ill in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, c asual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter ho w well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair o f sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless y ou're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the le gend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude hi s or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed wit hin the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with an yone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a ne w journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, an d keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....I f you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Or growmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life My Dormitory Life Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared o ne brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom. In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among p


1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate (回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Li Hua 2. 道歉信 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节。


2017年英语专业八级作文范文:知识产权 保护的崛起 知识产权保护的崛起 The Rise of Intellectual Property Protection Intellectual property scarcely existed in the vocabularies of academic researchers and administrators even 15 years ago. Now it is an ever-present part of discussions on research policies and directions. This new importance of intellectual property in academia reflects a changing view on their relationships of research at universities to the surrounding society. Until recently, research at universities has been relatively isolated from demands of economic utility, and education of graduate students has emphasized a career in academic research as the final goal. Now almost all research universities in the United States have technology licensing operations. The number of U.S. patents granted to American universities in a year rose from about 300 in 1980 to almost 2000 in 1995. The direct economic impact of technology licensing on the universities themselves has been


英语专业四级作文范文 1. How to Keep Fit A healthy body is very important to every one of us. When you are sick, you feel painful all over your body, have no energy to work; and the only thing you want to do is lying on the bed. When you are healthy, you can eat well, sleep well, sing and jump happily, do all the things you like to enjoy life. The methods to keep us fit vary. In the morning, you can get up early, go outdoors, breathe the fresh air, and do physical exercises. Running and swimming are extremely helpful to keep one fit. If you are a busy person and have no special time allocated to do these things, there are still some ways useful for to keep fit. The easiest way is to walk to your office instead of riding a bike or taking a bus. You also have to take a routine physical check - up. Your doctor will know the condition of your body most clearly, and he will give you the most valuable advice to keep fit. You should always try to make yourself happy. If you feel happy, you can eat well, sleep well, and your body is sure to be in an excellent condition. Health is the most valuable possession a person expects in his life. Try every means to keep fit is my advice to the people who want to live a happy life in this beautiful world. 2. Supermarkets Since the first supermarket emerged fifty years ago, it has become the most popular shopping center in many large cities around the world. In China, supermarkets enjoy an increasing popularity among city dwellets, especially the common people with low incomes. Compared with other types of stores, supermarkets are getting popular for several reasons. First, fewer employees are required in supermarkets and management cost is reduced. Second, almost all goods are shipped directly from the producers and sold at considerably cheaper prices. Lastly, in supermarkets,ahnost every kind of daily necessity is available and placed on open shelves, so the customers can choose whatever they want from their shopping list and take the items to the checkout counter easily. As a result, instead of visiting many stores, customers can get the tiring shopping task done quickly and feel relaxed. What is more,many supermarkets stay open very late at night, and provide large parking spaces. In the last few years, supermarkets have mushroomed in Beijing and many other large cities in China. The conffort, economy and convenience of shopping in supermarkets please Chinese customers very much; and the supermarkets, steadily gaining popularity, are doing booming business in China. 3. Income Sources of College Students According to the investigation of the income sources of students, the income of American and Chinese students comes from parents, part-time job and scholarship, However, the percentage of each income is quite different, Fifty percent of the American students income comes from their parents, fifteen percent comes from the scholarships granted by colleges and universities and the rest comes from part-time jobs. Ninety percent of Chinese students' income comes from their parents. In my opinion, the main reasons for the difference is that American students are


英语六级作文预测范文30篇 热点作文1 .. 1)目前社会上有许多人喜欢购买彩票 2)分析产生这种现象的原因 3)提出你的建议 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析产生这种现象的原因,提纲第3点要求“我”针对该现象给出建议,由此可判断本文应为现象解释型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:描述当前社会上人们热衷于购买彩票的现象;分析导致人们购买彩票的原因;针对购买彩票提出一至两点“我”的建议。 【参考范文】 Why Do People Like to Buy Lotteries? Nowadays, there exist all kinds of lotteries in our society, such as welfare lottery, sports lottery, computer lottery, and so forth. Anyone, whether men or women, the young or the old, may buy lottery tickets. But why do so many people like buying them? The following reasons can account for the popularity of lotteries. First of all, most people are trying their luck on lottery tickets. They have a long-cherished dream of making big money overnight. In addition, there are some people who want to make donation to public welfare by buying lottery tickets. Besides, some people buy them just for fun.


英语作文常用谚语、俗语 1、A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。 2、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,自欺欺人。 3、All rivers run into sea. 海纳百川。 4、All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 5、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。 6、A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 7、Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 8、A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 9、A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 10、A friend is easier lost than found. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 11、A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 12、A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。 13、A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。 14、A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 15、A mother's love never changes. 母爱永恒。 16、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,不


英语专业八级TEM8考试范文集锦 Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground. Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can’t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing. Those who argue for children’s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children’s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the abili ty to do simple calculation. Children’s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies. Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established. Should a person make an important decision alone? A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People, who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different perspective, or share their own experience. When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors; they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses. In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my


英语高分作文表达必备 1.一些人……而另外一些人Some people…while others… 2.就我而言/就个人而言As far as I am concerned/personally 3.就……达到绝对的一致reach an absolute agreement on… 4.可靠的消息源a reliable source of information 5.宝贵的自然资源valuable natural resources 6.社会进步的体现a symbol of social progress 7.有充分的理由支持be supported by sound reasons 8.双方的论点the argument on both sides 9.对……观点因人而异views on...vary from person to person 10.在一定程度上to some extent/degree/in some way 11.对这一问题持有不同态度hold different attitude towards this issue 12.支持前/后种观点的人people/those in favor of the former/latter opinion 13.有/提供如下理由/证据have/provide the following reasons/evidence 14.发挥着日益重要的作用play an increasingly important role in... 15.对……必不可少be indispensable to… 16.有争议性的问题a controversial issue 17.正如言语所说as the proverb goes 18.满足需求satisfy/meet the needs of 19.快捷convenient and efficient 20.生活的方方面面in all aspects of human life 21.环保(的)environmental protection/environmentally friendly 22.热烈的讨论/争论a heated discussion/debate 23.随着经济的快速发展with the rapid development of economy 24.人们生活水平的显著提高/稳步增长the remarkable improvement/steady growth of people’s living standards 25.先进的科学技术advanced science and technology 26.身心两方面both physically and mentally 27.完全不同的观点a totally different argument 28.把时间和精力放在……上focus time and energy on…


专八写作热点话题范文三例 Private cars With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon. Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second. In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more angry consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars. Studying Abroad: Hardships and Rewards There is no denying the fact that studying abroad is a hotly debated topic today. Obviously, studying abroad has a number of rewards/advantages. In the first place, a student can have access to advanced science and technology as well as desirable working conditions which might not be available at home. In the second place, he can be exposed to entirely new ideas and trends. Last but not least, by living and studying in a foreign country, one can improve his foreign

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