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波恩大学博弈论 讲义 ST-1-1

Spieltheorie II

SS 2004

Avner Shaked

Game Theory II

SS 2004

Avner Shaked


Game Theory II K. Binmore

Fun & Games

A Text on Game Theory D.C. Heath & Co., 1992

M. Osborne & A. Rubinstein Bargaining and Markets Academic Press, 1990 Game Theory II

?K. Binmore

Fun & Games

A Text on Game Theory

D.C. Heath & Co., 1992

?M. Osborne & A. Rubinstein Bargaining and Markets Academic Press, 1990 Game Theory II

A Bargaining Problem

?S -a feasible set

?d -a disagreement point

Nash Bargaining Theory Nash Verhandlungstheorie

John Nash d S s S s d



2is compact & convex




1 S





closed S


n n


x S x S















d S s S s d





1 d


d S s S s d



is a bargaining problem

is a bargaining problem {}









A Nash Bargaining Solution

is a function




S d S








is a bargaining problem {}



A Nash Bargaining Solution

is a function














f S,d f S x|x d,d

f S x|x d,d S x|x d


S d d




A1 (Pareto)

if then ∈x >f(S,d)x S

A2 (Symmetry)d


&i i i i

i x y i x y ?

?≥?>x >y 1221(,)(,)x x x x =α∈

f(S,d) ()()()

(,)=αααf S d f S,d S



A3 (Invariance to affine transformation)

A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA )


x x x x βγβγββ=++>α()()()

(,)=αααf S d f S,d ∈?d S T

()∈f T,d S ()()


=f S,d f T,d

A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA)∈?

d S T


f T,d S()()


f S,d f T,d u2


() f T,d


() =f S,d

A4 (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives IIA)

d S T



f T,d S()()

f S,d f T,d


Gives f(T,d) a flavour of maximum

IIA is violated when





Eco514—Game Theory Lecture10:Extensive Games with(Almost)Perfect Information Marciano Siniscalchi October19,1999 Introduction Beginning with this lecture,we focus our attention on dynamic games.The majority of games of economic interest feature some dynamic component,and most often payo?uncertainty as well. The analysis of extensive games is challenging in several ways.At the most basic level, describing the possible sequences of events(choices)which de?ne a particular game form is not problematic per se;yet,di?erent formal de?nitions have been proposed,each with its pros and cons. Representing the players’information as the play unfolds is nontrivial:to some extent, research on this topic may still be said to be in progress. The focus of this course will be on solution concepts;in this area,subtle and unexpected di?culties arise,even in simple games.The very representation of players’beliefs as the play unfolds is problematic,at least in games with three or more players.There has been a?erce debate on the“right”notion of rationality for extensive games,but no consensus seems to have emerged among theorists. We shall investigate these issues in due course.Today we begin by analyzing a particu-larly simple class of games,characterized by a natural multistage structure.I should point out that,perhaps partly due to its simplicity,this class encompasses the vast majority of extensive games of economic interest,especially if one allows for payo?uncertainty.We shall return to this point in the next lecture. Games with Perfect Information Following OR,we begin with the simplest possible extensive-form game.The basic idea is as follows:play proceeds in stages,and at each stage one(and only one)player chooses an 1


博弈论经典案例 冰晶淩(杂物区)2010-04-09 22:31:28 阅读258 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 引用 光光的博弈论经典案例 1994年诺贝尔经济学奖授给了三位博弈论专家:纳什,泽尔腾和海萨尼.而博弈论可以划分为合作博弈和非合作博弈.那三位博弈论专家的贡献主要是在非合作博弈方面,而且现在经济学家谈到博弈论,一般指的是非合作博弈,很少指合作博弈.合作博弈与非合作博弈之间的区别主要在于人们的行为相互作用时,当事人能否达成一个具有约束力的协议,如果有,就是合作博弈;反之,就是非合作博弈.非合作博弈强调的是个人理性,个人最优决策,其结果可能是有效率的,也可能是无效率的.而合作博弈强调的是团体理性.下面是我收集的张维迎教授的几个有关博弈论的经典 案例. <案例一:囚徒困境> 囚徒困境讲的是两个嫌疑犯作案后被警察抓住,分别关在不同的屋子里审讯.警察告诉他们:如果两人都坦白,各判刑8年;如果两个都抵赖,各判1年(或许因证据不足);如果其中一人坦白一人抵赖,坦白的放出去,不坦白的判刑10年(这有点'坦白从宽,抗拒从严'的味道).这里,每个囚徒都有两种战略:坦白或抵赖.表中每一格的两个数字代表对应战略组合下两个囚徒的支付(效用),其中第一个数字是第一个囚徒的支付,第二个数字为第二个囚徒的支付.战略形式又称标准形式,是博弈的两种表述形式之一,它特别方便于静态博弈分析. 在这个例子里,纳什均衡就是(坦白,坦白):给定B坦白的情况下,A的最优战略是坦白;同样,给定A坦白的情况下,B的最优战略也是坦白.事实上,这里,(坦白,坦白)不仅是纳什均衡,而且是一个占优战略均衡.就是说,不论对方如何选择,个人的最优选择是坦白.比如说,如果B不坦白,A坦白的话被放出来,不坦白的话判1年,所以坦白比不坦白好;如果B坦白,A坦白的话判8年,不坦白的话判10年,所以,坦白还是比不坦白好。 这样,坦白就是A占优战略;同样,坦白也是B的占优战略.结果是,每个人都选择坦白,各判刑8年. <案例二:智猪博弈> 这个例子讲的是,猪圈里有两头猪,一大一小.猪圈的一头有一个猪食槽,另一头安装一个按钮,控制着猪食的供应。按一下按钮会有10个单位的猪食进槽,但谁按按钮需要付2个单位的成本.若大猪先到,大猪吃到9个单位,小猪只能吃1个单位;若同时到,大猪吃7个单位,小猪吃3个单位;若小猪先到,大猪吃6个单位,小猪吃4个单位。表中第一格表示两猪同时按按钮,因而同时走到猪食槽,大猪吃7个,小猪吃3个,扣除2个单位的 成本,支付水平分别为5和1.其他情形可以类推. 在这个例子中,什么是纳什均衡?首先我们注意到,无论大猪选择"按"还是"等待",小猪的最优选择均是"等待".比如说给定大猪按,小猪也按时得到1个单位,等待则得到4个单位;给定大猪等待,小猪按得到-1单位,等待则得0单位,所以,"等待"是小猪的占优战略.给定小猪总是选择"等待",大猪的最优选择只能是"按".所以,纳什均衡就是:大猪按,小猪等待,各得4个单位.多劳者不多得! <案例三:性别战>


博弈论 (一):基本知识 1.1定义:博弈论,又称对策论,是使用严谨的数学模型研究冲突对抗条件下最优决策问题的理论,是研究竞争的逻辑和规律的数学分支。即,博弈论是研究决策主体在给定信息结构下如何决策以最大化自己的效用,以及不同决策主体之间的均衡。 1.2基本要素:参与人、各参与人的策略集、各参与人的收益函数,是博弈最重要的基本要素。 1.3博弈的分类:博弈论根据其所采用的假设不同而分为合作博弈理论和非合作博弈理论。两者的区别在于参与人在博弈过程中是否能够达成一个具有约束力的协议(binding agreement)。倘若不能,则称非合作博弈(Non-cooperative game)。 合作博弈强调的是集体主义,团体理性,是效率、公平、公正;而非合作博弈则主要研究人们在利益相互影响的局势中如何选择策略使得自己的收益最大,强调个人理性、个人最优决策,其结果有时有效率,有时则不然。目前经济学家谈到博弈论主要指的是非合作博弈,也就是各方在给定的约束条件下如何追求各自利益的最大化,最后达到力量均衡。 博弈的划分可以从参与人行动的次序和参与人对其他参与人的特征、战略空间和支付的知识、信息,是否了解两个角度进行。把两个角度结合就得到了4种博弈: a、完全信息静态博弈,纳什均衡,Nash(1950) b、完全信息动态博弈,子博弈精炼纳什均衡,泽尔腾(1965) c、不完全信息静态博弈,贝叶斯纳什均衡,海萨尼(1967-1968) d、不完全信息动态博弈,精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡,泽尔腾(1975)Kreps, Wilson(1982) Fudenberg, Tirole(1991) 1.4课程主要内容:完全信息静态博弈完全信息动态博弈不完全信息静态博弈机制设计合作博弈 1.5博弈模型的两种表示形式:策略式表述(Strategic form), 扩展式表述(Extensive form) 1.6占优均衡: a、占优策略:在博弈中如果不管其他参与人选择什么策略,一个参与人的某个策略给他带来的支付值始终高于其他策略,或至少不劣于其他策略,则称该策略为该参与人的严格占优策略或占优策略。 对于所有的s-i,si*称为参与人 i的严格占优战略,如果满足: ui(si*,s-i)>ui(si',s-i) ?s-i, ?si' ?si* b、占优均衡:一个博弈的某个策略组合中,如果对应的所有策略都是各参与人的占优策略,则称该策略组合为该博弈的一个占优均衡。 1.7重复剔除严劣策略均衡: a、“严劣”和“弱劣”的含义: 设s i’和s i’’是参与人i可选择的两个策略,若对其他参与人的任意策略组合s-i, 均成立 u i(s i’, s-i) < u i(s i’’, s-i), 则说策略s i’严劣于策略s i’’。 上面式子中,若将“<”改为“≤”,则说策略s i’弱劣于策略s i’’。 b、定义:重复剔除严格策略就是 各参与人在其各自策略集中, 不断剔除严劣策略…如果最终 各参与人仅剩下一个策略,则 该策略组合就被称为重复剔除 严劣策略均衡。 (二):纳什均衡(Nash Equilibrium) 2.1纳什均衡定义:对于一个策略式表述的博弈G={N,S i, u i,i∈N},称策略组合s*=(s1, …s i, …, s n)是一个纳什均衡,如果对于每一个i ∈N, s i*是给定其他参与人选择s-i*={s1*, … ,s i-1*, s i+1*, … ,s n*} 情况下参与人i 的最优策略(经济理性策略),即:u i(s i*, s-i*)


9.2 完全信息静态博弈 9.2.1 博弈的战略式表述 Definition A normal (strategic) form game G consists of: (1) a finite set of agent s {1,2,,}D n = . (2) strategy sets 12,,,n S S S . (3) payoff functions 12:(1,2,,)i n u S S S R i n ???→= . 囚徒B 囚徒A 完全信息静态博弈是一种最简单的博弈,在这种博弈中,战略和行动是一回事。 博弈分析的目的是预测博弈的均衡结果,即给定每个参与人都是理性的,什么是每个参与人的最优战略?什么是所有参与人的最优战略组合? 纳什均衡是完全信息静态博弈解的一般概念,也是所有其他类型博弈解的基本要求。 下面,我们先讨论纳什均衡的特殊情况,然后讨论其一般概念。 9.2.2 占优战略(Dominated Strategies )均衡 一般说来,由于每个参与人的效用(支付)是博弈中所有参与人的战略的函数,因此, 每个参与人的最优战略选择依赖于所有其他参与人的战略选择。但是在一些特殊的博弈中,一个参与人的最优战略可能并不依赖于其他参与人的战略选择。也就是说,不管其他参与人选择什么战略,他的最优战略是唯一的,这样的最优战略被称为“占优战略”。 Definition Strategy s i is strictly dominated for player i if there is some i i s S '∈ such that (,)(,)i i i i i i u s s u s s --'> for al i i s S --∈. Proposition a rational player will not play a strictly dominated strategy. 抵赖 is a dominated strategy. A rational player would therefore never 抵赖. This solves the game since every player will 坦白. Notice that I don't have to know anything about the other player . 囚徒困境:个人理性与集体理性之间的矛盾。 This result highlights the value of commitment in the Prisoner's dilemma – commitment consists of credibly playing strategy 抵赖. 囚徒困境的广泛应用:军备竞赛、卡特尔、公共品的供给。 9.2.3 Iterated Deletion of Dominated Strategies (重复剔除劣战略) 智猪博弈(boxed pigs )


经济博弈论(2005年秋季学期) 期末测验题 (2005/12/29) 注意:请将所有题目的答案写在答题册上,写在本试题页上一律无效(需要的图表请重画)。 1、(20 points) The following is an interpretation of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union for geopolitical influence in the 1970s and 1980s. Each side has the choice of two strategies: Aggressive and Restrained. The Soviet Union wants to achieve world domination, so being Aggressive is its dominant strategy. The United States wants to prevent the Soviet Union from achieving world domination; it will match Soviet aggressiveness with aggressiveness, and restraint with restraint. Specifically, the payoff table is: Soviet Union Restrained Aggressive United States Restrained 4, 3 1, 4 Aggressive 3, 1 2, 2 For each player, 4 is best and 1 is worst. (a) Consider this game when the two countries move simultaneously. Find the Nash equilibrium.(5 points) (b) Next consider three different and alternative ways in which the game could be played with sequential moves: (i) The United States moves first and the Soviet Union moves second. (ii) The Soviet Union moves first and the United States moves second. (iii) The Soviet Union moves first and the United States moves second, but the Soviet Union has a further move in which it can change its first move. For each case, draw the game tree and find the subgame-perfect equilibrium. (3 points each for (i) and (ii); 5 points for (iii) (c) What are the key strategic matters (commitment, credibility, and so on) for the two countries?( 4 points) (a) Soviet Union has a dominant strategy of Aggressive and the Unique Nash equilibrium is (Aggressive, Aggressive), with payoffs (2, 2). (b) See the attached figure. (c) Commitment for the SU; or a promise for the SU “ R if R”. US have nothing to do. He cannot commit to move first (then the SU will choose his dominant strategy of Aggressive, the outcome remains to be the status quo); or not be necessary to threat or promise (since if the SU moves first, he must choose to Restrain, and the US need only to follow its best choice.) 2、(20 points) Consider the following game. A neutral referee runs the game. There are two players, Row and Column. The referee gives two cards to each: 2 and 7 to Row and 4 and 8 to Column. This is common knowledge. Then, playing simultaneously and independently, each player is asked to hand over to the referee either his high card or his low card. The referee hands out payoffs – which come from a central kitty, not from the players – that are measured in dollars and depend on the cards that he collects. If Row chooses his Low card 2, then Row gets $2; if he chooses his



9.2 完全信息静态博弈 9.2.1 博弈的战略式表述 Definition A normal (strategic) form game G consists of: (1) a finite set of agent s {1,2,,}D n =L . (2) strategy sets 12,,,n S S S L . (3) payoff functions 12:(1,2,,)i n u S S S R i n ???→=L L . 囚徒B 囚徒A 完全信息静态博弈是一种最简单的博弈,在这种博弈中,战略和行动是一回事。 博弈分析的目的是预测博弈的均衡结果,即给定每个参与人都是理性的,什么是每个参与人的最优战略?什么是所有参与人的最优战略组合? 纳什均衡是完全信息静态博弈解的一般概念,也是所有其他类型博弈解的基本要求。 下面,我们先讨论纳什均衡的特殊情况,然后讨论其一般概念。 9.2.2 占优战略(Dominated Strategies )均衡 一般说来,由于每个参与人的效用(支付)是博弈中所有参与人的战略的函数,因此,每个参

与人的最优战略选择依赖于所有其他参与人的战略选择。但是在一些特殊的博弈中,一个参与人的最优战略可能并不依赖于其他参与人的战略选择。也就是说,不管其他参与人选择什么战略,他的最优战略是唯一的,这样的最优战略被称为“占优战略”。 Definition Strategy s i is strictly dominated for player i if there is some i i s S '∈ such that (,)(,)i i i i i i u s s u s s --'> for al i i s S --∈. Proposition a rational player will not play a strictly dominated strategy. 抵赖 is a dominated strategy. A rational player would therefore never 抵赖. This solves the game since every player will 坦白. Notice that I don't have to know anything about the other player . 囚徒困境:个人理性与集体理性之间的矛盾。 This result highlights the value of commitment in the Prisoner's dilemma – commitment consists of credibly playing strategy 抵赖. 囚徒困境的广泛应用:军备竞赛、卡特尔、公共品的供给。


进化博弈 Evolutionary Games
第13章 Chapter 13
进化博弈 Evolutionary Games
目前为止我们学过了具有多种不同特征的博弈: We have so far studied games with many different features:
同时和序贯博弈 Simultaneous and sequential moves 零和与非零和博弈 Zero-sum and non-zero-sum payoffs 操纵未来博弈规则的策略性行动 Strategic moves to manipulate rules of games to come 一次性和重复博弈 One-shot and repeated play 许多人同时进行的集体博弈 Games of collective action in which a large number of people play simultaneously
Slide 2

进化博弈 Evolutionary Games
所有这些博弈中的参与者都是理性的:每个参 与者…… All the players in all these games are rational: each player……
……具有内在一致的价值体系 has an internally consistent value system ……能够计算其策略选择的后果 can calculate the consequences of her strategic choices ……作出最符合其利益的选择 makes choice that best favors her interests
Slide 3
进化博弈 Evolutionary Games
对理性可能的替代方法可以从生物学的进化和进化动 力学中找到,在那里…… One possible alternative to rationality can be found in the biological theory of evolution and evolutionary dynamics, where……
……好的策略可以得到更多的奖励 good strategies will be rewarded with higher payoffs ……参与者可以观察或模仿成功者并试验新的策略 players can observe or imitate success and experiment with new strategies ……随着参与者在参加博弈中获得经验,好的策略将会得到 更经常的使用,坏的策略得到更少的使用。 good strategies will be used more often and bad strategies less often, as players gain experience playing the game.
Slide 4

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