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原文:Green Building

Abstract: Green building refers to doing its best to maximize conservation of resources (energy, land, water, and wood),protecting the environment and reducing pollution in its life cycle. Providing people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature in harmony symbiosis buildings. I described more details of green building design’ notion, green building’ design, as well as the significance of the concept of green building and improving the effectiveness analysis of the external effects of green building measures,

Key words: green buildings; protect the ecology; signification ; analysing the effects

1.What is a green building

Green building refers to building life cycle, the maximum conservation of resources (energy, land, water and materials), protecting the environment and reducing pollution, providing people with healthy, appropriate and efficient use of space, and nature harmony of the building. The so-called green building "green" does not mean a general sense of three-dimensional green, roof garden, but represents a concept or symbol, refers to building environmentally and friendly, makes full use of natural resources, environment and basic ecological damage to the environment without balance of a building under construction, but also known as sustainable building, eco-building, back into the wild construction, energy saving construction.

Green building interior layout is very reasonable, to minimize the use of synthetic materials, full use of the sun, saves energy for the residents and creates almost-natural feeling.

People, architectures and the natural environment for the harmonious development goals, in the use of natural and artificial means to create good conditions and healthy living environment, as much as possible to control and reduce the use and destruction of the natural environment, to fully reflect the nature obtain and return balance.

2. the meaning of green building

The basic connotation of green building can be summarized as: to reduce the load on the environment architecture, which saves energy and resources; provides a safe, healthy, comfortable living space with goods; affinity with the natural environment, so that people and building's coexistence with the environment and sustainable development becomes harmonious .

3.Development of the significance of green building rating system

Establish green building rating system is a revolution in the field of architecture and the Enlightenment, its far more than energy savings. It is innovative in many ways and organic synthesis, thereby building in harmony with nature, full utilization of resources and energy, create healthy, comfortable and beautiful living space. It's revolutionary for the field of architecture from the technical, social and economic angles.

3.1 Technical Significance

Green building study of early technical problems of individual-based, technology is isolated and one-sided, not formed an organic whole, the integration of design and economic study of consciousness is far from the only strategy of economic analysis phase of the subsidiary's knowledge . However, individual technical research results of early modern green building techniques for the multi-dimensional development and systems integration will lay a solid foundation. Since the nineties of the 20th century, with the understanding of green building gradually deepen and mature, people give up way too utopian thinking environmental consciousness and moral constraints and spontaneous green behavior, turned to explore more workable environmental philosophy, environmental and capital combined into the future world with the new direction of development of environmental protection, green building has entered a result of ecological ethics from the practice of promoting ecological research to deepen the new stage. Green Building Technology takes on the natural science, social science, humanities, computer science, information science and other subjects the trend of integration of research results, making green building design into the multi-dimensional stage of development strategy study. The deepening of green building technology strategy and development in materials, equipment, morphology and so on. Various advanced fields, in technology development, technology and other

design elements of the integration is also starting from the past the simple addition, more attention to the periphery of the retaining structure itself design technology and architecture to combine the overall system change, gradually becoming green building systems. Green building rating system was established green building technologies gradually improve and systematize the inevitable result, it is the organic integration of green building technology, a platform built to green building technology, information technology, computer technology and many other subjects can be a unified platform in their respective roles, the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation system for designers, planners, engineers and managers a more simple, Guizhangmingque green building assessment tools and design guidelines with clear rule.

3.2 The social significance.

Green building rating system reflects the social significance of the main advocates of the new way of life, heightened awareness and public participation in the continuation of local culture are two aspects.

To promote a healthy lifestyle. Green building rating system, the social significance of the primary advocate a healthy lifestyle, which is based on the design and construction of green buildings as a community education process. The principles of green building rating system is the effective use of resources and ecological rules to follow, based on the health of building space to create and maintain sustainable development. The concept of the past to correct people's misconceptions about consumer lifestyles, that can not blindly pursue material luxury, but should keep the environment under the premise of sustainable use of modest comfort to pursue life. From the fundamental terms, construction is to meet human needs built up of material goods as people's lifestyle is not sustainable when, the value of green building itself will be reduced, but only had a real social need When the requirements of sustainable development and way of life that matches the green building to achieve the best results.

Enhanced awareness of public participation. Green Building Rating system is not a monopoly for the design staff of professional tools, but for planners, designers, engineers, managers, developers, property owners, jointly owned by the public and

other assessment tools. It brokes the previous professional development of the monopoly to encourage the participation of the public and other public officers. Through public participation, the introduction of architects and other building users, the construction of dialogue participants, making the original design process dominated by the architect becomes more open. Proved the involvement of various views and a good help to create a dynamic culture, embody social justice community.

3.3 The economic significance.

Green building rating system, the economic significance can be divided into macro and micro levels. At the macro level, the green building rating system from the system life-cycle perspective, the green building design integrated into the economic issues involved in the production from the building materials, design, construction, operation, resource use, waste disposal, recycling of demolition until the natural resources the whole process. Economic considerations of green building is no longer limited to the design process itself, while the policy extended to the design of the narrow role to play to support the policy level, including the establishment of "green labeling" system, improving the construction environmental audit and management system, increase and construction-related energy consumption, pollutant emissions and other acts of tax efforts, improve the legal system of environmental protection, from the increase in government construction projects on the sustainability of economic support and raise the cost to the construction of polluting the environment acts as the costs for green buildings design and construction to create a favorable external environment. This goal is not entirely the responsibility of government agencies, as the architects involved in design work as a sound system of responsibility for recommendations obligations, because only the most from the practice of the need is real and urgent. The related policy issues in green building design strategies, building a system to solve the economic problems facing the important aspects. At the micro level, the current from the economic point of Design Strategy is more fully consider the economic operation of the project, and specific technical strategies accordingly adjusted.

3.4 Ethical Significance.

Green building rating system, the theoretical basis of the concept of sustainable development, therefore, whether the evaluation system of each country how much difference in structure, they all have one thing in common: To reduce the burden of ecological environment, improve construction quality of the environment for future generations to remain the development of room. This radically changes the long-sought human blindly to the natural attitude, reflecting people's understanding of the relationship between man and nature by the opposition to the uniform change. According to the current global energy reserves and resources distribution, the Earth's natural environment is also far from the edge of exhaustion, enough people enjoy the luxury of contemporary material life. But now we have to consume a resource, it means that future generations will be less of a living space. More importantly, if we consume the natural environment more than it can limit self-renewal, then the future of the younger generation is facing the planet's ecosystems can not recover the risk into a real crisis. Therefore we can say, the development of green buildings and their corresponding evaluation system, for more contemporary people is the responsibility and obligations. For more the interests of future generations and advantages for green building design.

4.Green building design include the followings:

Saving energy: full use of solar energy, using energy-efficient building reducing heating and air conditioning use. Set according to the principle of natural ventilation cooling system that allows efficient use of building to the dominant wind direction in summer. Adapted to local climatic conditions, building use form and general layout of the plane.

Resource conservation: in the building design, construction and selection of construction materials, are considered fair use and disposal of resources. To reduce the use of resources, strive to make the use of renewable resources. Conserve water resources, including water conservation and greening.

Return to Nature: Green Building exterior to emphasize integration with the surrounding environment, harmony, movement each other so that the protection of natural ecological environment.

5 .Effects of green building

5.1 Effects of the composition of green building

Effects of green building, including internal effects and external effects, direct benefits and direct costs as the internal effect, known as the indirect benefits and indirect costs of external effects, according to engineering economics point of view: the internal effects can be financial evaluation, external effects should be economic evaluation, economic evaluation is based on the so-called rational allocation of scarce resources and socio-economic principles of sustainable development, from the perspective of the overall national economy, study projects spending of social resources and contributions to the community to evaluate the project's economic and reasonable and external effects generally include industry effects, environmental and ecological effects, technology diffusion effect, the external effect will cause the private costs (internal costs or indirect costs) and social costs inconsistent, leading to the actual price is different from the best price. From the perspective of sustainable development, green building assessment effects of the main indicators of external effects.

Since beginning the development of green building, unity of quantitative indicators system is still not established, I believe that the following aspects should be analyzed: (1) strictly control the construction industry, size, limit the number of employees. Extensive growth model epitomized by the struggle over the construction project, the construction process using human wave tactics, once the state limit the scale of construction, will form the "adequate", which will not reduce the degree of mechanization, labor, the low level. (2) more investments in upgrade technology, establish and perfect the mechanism for scientific and technical equipment. Focus on the development and application of building technology, combined with the project, the characteristics of future construction, a planned way scientific and technological research and development of new machinery, new processes, new materials, and actively introduction, absorb and assimilate the advanced scientific and technological achievements of science and technology to improve the level of mechanization. (3) in urban planning, survey and design through the "green building" ideas. Family housing

and urban construction or alteration must remain in the room, from lighting, ventilation, drainage and control the damages to the environment. (4) construction work, reduced resource consumption, the production process in construction, energy saving measures should be adopted to prevent the excessive consumption of land resources, water resources, power resources.

5.2 External effects of the challenges to building the economy

Under the control of the government's intervention, to a certain extent on the efficient allocation of resources to strengthen the implementation of energy conservation mandatory standards for construction supervision. To further improve the building energy monitoring system, and strengthen the mandatory building energy efficiency standards in order to carry out the implementation of the project as the main content of the whole process of monitoring, particularly for large public buildings to enhance the building energy regulation, reflected in the project cost on the part of internal costs, making the "non-green building" project's internal costs, internal efficiency and reducing the external costs of green building, the external efficiency increasing, so that effective economic resources to the rational flow of green building.

6. to improve the external effects of green building measures Enterprise architecture in the new economy to obtain a competitive advantage, improve the external effects only continually tap the ways and means to improve the external efficiency, reduce external costs, the basic ideas and principles: (1) Construction of natural resources in the life cycle and minimized energy consumption;

(2) reducing building life cycle emissions; (3) protecting the ecological (natural) environment; (4) to form a healthy, comfortable and safe indoor space; (5) the quality of construction, functionality, performance and environmental unity.


described above, the meaning of green building design and analysis of its effectiveness and improve the external effects of green building measures. But how does the future design of green buildings need a degree in practice we try to figure out, I believe that green building will become the trend of future construction.




1 什么是绿色建筑




2 绿色建筑的意义


3 发展绿色建筑评级系统的意义


3.1 技术意义


3.2 社会意义






3.3 经济意义


3.4 理论意义



4 绿色建筑的设计





5 绿色建筑的影响

5.1 绿色建筑的影响





5.2 外部效应对建设经济的挑战



6 提高绿色建筑的外部效应的措施





电气工程及其自动化专业英语 考试题型:选择10*2 单词翻译10*2 短句翻译5*4 长句翻译4*10 Exercise All the simple circuit elements that will be 在下面进行的工作中我们要研究的简单电路元件,可以根据流过元件的电流与元件两端的电压的关系进行分类。例如,如果元件两端的电压正比于流过元件的电流,即u=ki,我们就把元件称为电阻器。其他的类型的简单电路元件的端电压正比于电流对时间的导数或正比于电流关于时间的积分。还有一些元件的电压完全独立于电流或电流完全独立于电压,这些是独立源。此外,我们还要定义一些特殊类型的电源,这些电源的电压或电流取决于电路中其他的电流或电压,这样的电源将被称为非独立源或受控源。 It must be emphasized that the linear 必须强调的是线性电阻器是一个理想的电路元件;它是物理元件的数学模型。我们可以很容易地买到或制造电阻器,但很快我们发现这种物理元件只有当电流、电压或者功率处于特定范围时其电压——电流之比才是恒定的,并且这个比值也取决于温度以及其它环境因素。我们通常应当把线性电阻器仅仅称为电阻器。只有当需要强调元件性质的时候才使用更长的形式称呼它。而对于任何非线性电阻器我们应当始终这么称呼它,非线性电阻器不应当必然地被视为不需要的元件。 If a circuit has two or more independent 如果一个电路有两个或多个独立源,求出具体变量值(电流或电压)的一种方法是使用节点分析法或网孔分析法。另一种方法是求出每个独立源对变量的作用然后把它们进行叠加。而这种方法被称为叠加法。叠加法原理表明线性电路某个元件两端的电压(或流过元件的电流)等于每个独立源单独作用时该元件两端的电压(或流过元件的电流)的代数和。 The ratio of the phase voltage to the 相电压与相电流之比等于电路的阻抗,符号为字母Z,阻抗是一个具有量纲为欧姆的复数量。阻抗不是一个相量,因此不能通过把它乘以e jωt,并取其实部把它转换成时域形式。但是,我们把电感器看作是通过其电感量L表现为时域形式而通过其阻抗jωL表现为频域形式,电容在时域里为电容量C而在频域里为1/jωc,阻抗是某种程度 上的频域变量而非时域变量。 Both wye and delta source connections 无论是星型连接的电源还是三角形连接的电源都有重要的实际应用意义。星型连接的电源用于长距离电力传输,此时电阻损耗(I2R)将达到最小。这是由于星型连接的线电压是三角形连接的线电压的√3倍,于是,对于相同的功率来说,三角型连接的线电流是星形连接的线电流的√3倍。三角形连接的电源使用在根据三相电源而需要的三个单相电路中。这种从三相到单相的转变用在住宅布线中因为家用照明和设备使用单相电源。三相电源用在需要大功率的工业布线中。在某些应用场合,无论负载是星形连接还是三角形连接并不重要。


电气实用英语汇编 一.电气名词Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus, circuits) 三.设备Equipments 四.保护、继电器Protection , relays 五.电气仪表Electric instruments 六.防雷Lightning protection 七.接地Grounding, earthing 八.室、所Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair 十.材料Material 十一.图名Drawings, diagrams 十二.表头Tables 十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词Electric items 交(直)流Alternating (direct) current 短路电流Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流Impulse current 稳态短路电流Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流Critical current

切断电流Rupturing current 熔断电流Blow-out current 故障电流Fault current 计算电流Calculating current 极限有限电流Limit effective current 过电流Over current 逆电流Inverse current 整定电流Setting current 额定电流Rated current 电流密度Current density 短路电流最大有效值Maximumeffectivevalueofshort-circuitcurrent 高压High-voltage , High-tension 低压Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压Calculating voltage 激磁电压Exciting voltage 冲击电压Impulse voltage 临界电压Critical voltage 残留电压Residual voltage 击穿电压Puncture voltage 脉动电压Pulsating voltage 供电电压Supply voltage


Heat sink 散热器 Forward conduction 正向导通 Thyristor 晶闸管 Solid-state power device 固态功率器件 Silicon wafer 硅片,硅晶片 Self-latching 自锁 电流额定值current rating 反向击穿电压reverse breakdown voltage 负电流脉冲negative current pulse 交流电动机相位控制phase control AC motor 反向并联二极管reverse shunting diode 正信号positive signal Gate-turn-off thyristors 可关断晶闸管 固态功率器件基础 2.1 引言 在这一章中我们重点讨论固态功率器件,并且只讨论它们在相位控制或频率控制的三相460V交流鼠笼式感应电动机的应用。 2.2 固态功率器件 应用于固态交流电动机控制的功率半导体主要的五个类型如下: (1)二极管 (2)晶闸管(例如:硅控整流器SCRs) (3)(电子)晶体管 (4)可关断晶闸管 (5)双向可控硅 硅控整流器和双向可控硅通常用于相位控制。各种各样的二极管制品、硅控整流器、电子晶体管和可开断晶体管都应用于速度控制。这些器件的共性是:利用硅晶体薄片层层堆叠构成PN结的各种组合。在二极管、硅控整流器和可关断晶闸管中,P结常被叫作阳极,N结常被叫做阴极,在电子晶体管中相应的被叫做集电极和发射极。这些器件的区别在于导通和关断的方法及电流和电压的容量。 让我们来简答看一下这些器件,了解一下他们的参数。 2.2.1 二极管 图2.1是一个二极管。左边是一个中间有硅晶片的PN结,右边是单个二极管的表示符号。当阳极为正阴极为负时,会有电流通过,二极管本身伴随着一个比较小的压降。当极性相反时,只有很小的反向漏电流通过,这在图2.2中有表现出来。正向压降一般是1V左右,与电流额定值无关。 (PN结阳极阴极单个二极管PN结和表示符号) 二极管的正向电流额定值取决于起大小和设计,而这二者是根据器件的散热要求来确定的,一保证掐进不超过最大结温(通常是200℃)。 反向击穿电压(见图2.2)是二极管的另一个重要参数,它的数值较二极管尺寸大小更多地取决于其内部设计。


电气专业术语中英文对照(3) 红色障碍灯Red obstruction lamp for aviation 厂区道路照明灯Street lighting in plant area 路灯Street lamp 视孔灯Inspection hole lamp 立杆弯灯goose-neck post lamp , pole lamp 模拟报警信号Semigraph and alarm signal 自整角机Selsyn 励磁机Exciter 显示器Display 电位器Potentiometer

内电阻Internal resistance 固定电阻(器)Fixed resistance 脱扣Release , trip 分励Shunt trip 特殊失压脱扣器Special no-voltage release “或”开关放大器“Or” switch amplifier 制动器Brake 电容Capacitor 整流器Rectifier 镇流器Chock 分流器Shunt

油变阻器Oil immersed rheostat 频敏电阻器Frequency sensitive rheostat 滑线变阻器Sliding rheostat 蜂鸣器Buzzer 电机加热器Space heater (for motor) 空气断路器电机操作机构Motor operating mechanism for air circuit-breaker 可控硅励磁装置Silicon controlled rectifier excitation device 保护装置Protective device (element) 闪光装置Flashing device 接闪装置(避雷器)Lightning arrester


POWER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ABSTRACT The basic function of the electric power system is to transport the electric power towards customers. The l0kV electric distribution net is a key point that connects the power supply with the electricity using on the industry, business and daily-life. For the electric power, allcostumers expect to pay the lowest price for the highest reliability, but don't consider that it's self-contradictory in the co-existence of economy and reliable.To improve the reliability of the power supply network, we must increase the investment cost of the network construction But, if the cost that improve the reliability of the network construction, but the investment on this kind of construction would be worthless if the reducing loss is on the power-off is less than the increasing investment on improving the reliability .Thus we find out a balance point to make the most economic,between the investment and the loss by calculating the investment on power net and the loss brought from power-off. KEYWARDS:power supply and distribution,power distribution reliability,reactive compensation,load distribution


Foundation of PLC 1. The central processing unit Although referred to as the brain of the system, the Central Processing Unit in a normal installation is the unsung hero, buried in a control cabinet, all but forgotten. 2. Basic Functionality In a programmable controller system, the central processing unit(CPU) provides both the heart and the brain required for successful and timely control execution. It rapidly and efficiently scans all of the system inputs, examines and solves the application logic, and updates all of the system outputs. In addition, it also gives itself a checkup each scan to ensure that its structure is still intact. In this chapter we will examine the central processing unit as it relates to the entire system. Included will be the various functional blocks in the CPU, typical scan techniques, I/O interface and memory users, power supplies, and system diagnostics. 3. Typical Function Block Interactions In practice, the central processing unit can vary in its architecture, but consists of the basic building block structure illustrated in Fig.1.1.The processing section consists of one or more microprocessors and their associated circuitry. While it is true that some of the luxury of using microprocessors, most modern systems use either a single microprocessors such as the AMD 2903, usedin a bit slice architecture. This multiple microprocessor system to break the control system tasks into many small components which can be executed in parallel. The result of this approach is to achieve execution speeds that are orders of magnitude faster than their single-tasking counterparts. In addition to efficiently processing direct I/O control information and being programmable, the real advantage that microprocessor-based system have over their hardwired relay counterparts is the ability to acquire and manipulate numerical data easily. It is this attribute that makes programmable controllers the powerhouses that they are today in solving tough factory automation problems. The factory of tomorrow will run efficiently only if quality information about process needs and status of the process equipment are known on a realtimes basis. This can and will come about only if the unit level controllers, including programmable controllers, are empowered with the ability to collect, analyze, concentrate, and deliver data about the process. As the


一.电气名词Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备Equipments 四.保护、继电器Protection , relays 五.电气仪表Electric instruments 六.防雷Lightning protection 七.接地Grounding , earthing 八.室、所Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备Equipments of electric repair 十.材料Material 十一.图名Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头Tables 十三.标准图词汇Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词Electric items 交(直)流Alternating (direct) current 短路电流Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流Impulse current 稳态短路电流Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流Critical current 切断电流Rupturing current 熔断电流Blow-out current 故障电流Fault current 计算电流Calculating current 极限有限电流Limit effective current 过电流Over current 逆电流Inverse current 整定电流Setting current 额定电流Rated current 电流密度Current density 短路电流最大有效值Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压High-voltage , High-tension 低压Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压Calculating voltage 激磁电压Exciting voltage 冲击电压Impulse voltage 临界电压Critical voltage


建筑电气 电气工程设计包括两个主要的设计方面。主要是一部分的电能的转换及分配和电力的供配、照明系统、防雷接地系统。一般来说,建筑主要的变化包括:高压和低压配电系统、变压器、备用电源系统。电力系统包括配电和控制,室内和室外照明系统包括所有类型的照明,防雷系统包括入侵波防护、闪电传感器、接地、等电位连接和局部等电位连接等。辅助等电位连接等。在短短的20年里,系统在技术和产品的面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。许多的设计理念也发生了巨大的变化。开关设备如高压系统的第一个断路器油断路器,后来油断路器的逐步发展,不仅规模大,但是一般都包含油物质。由于开关设备尺寸较大,我们还必须建立独立的设备房间,占据了大量的建筑面积。现在真空断路器和六氟化硫断路器,不仅体积小,而且短路容量大,外壳尺寸远小于原来的橱柜,并且断路器没有任何油,防火性能大大提高。而且断路器和其他低压设备在一个房间里,这样即节省空间又方便管理。过去大容量的低压断路器,短路电流容量逐渐变大,规模也逐渐变小,而且更加稳定,使系统运行更加安全可靠,为设计带来了方便。向着智能化低压断路器方向发展,断路器各种参数可以通过总线工业控制,信号直接传输到计算机。 干式变压器的出现,对建筑电气设计带来了极大的方便,因为没有变压器油泄漏和火灾的可能性,以便它可以很容易地安装在建筑本身,甚至直接到负荷中心。它还消除变压器对油的需求限制,构建大容量设备时可以使用干式变压器。在实际工程设计中曾应用四个台湾2500kVA干式变压器。 在使用紧急发电机方面,从性能和尺寸的角度来看,比过去进步很多。除了使用柴油发电机;应急照明使用EPS备用电源;中断供电在一个毫秒以内的设备,可以使用UPS。 电力设备的控制从单一元件的控制到控制继电器控制变化。除了更好的性能的各种组件的规模较小,也降低控制箱的规模。由于数字技术更多的运用于控制能达到最佳的控制状态来控制设备。进一步提高了节能的效果。 照明系统从过去单一光源、灯具和低效率的状态向更广泛的前景发展。建筑中使用的光源可供选择的品种数量很多。光的发光效率和色调在向着高效的方向发展,灯具不断地改进其效率和不同形式的灯具运用于不同场合。例如,普通的荧光灯镇流器由普通的镇流器向节能型镇流器方向发展。还对谐波组件的大小进行精简,生产低谐波电子镇流器。许多措施如配件和灯具的使用,可以满足设计要求,同时能实现不同的体系结构、照明要求的各种场所。无论照明和室内装饰照明还是道路照明和户外庭院建筑的光照明,所有的都展示了照明技术的发展和建筑照明的好处与便利。


实用资料:电气工程专业课(电力类)翻译参考 专业外语:Professional English 电路(上) electrical circuit (I) 电路(下) electrical circuit (II) 金工实习 machinery practice 电机(上) electrical machinery (I) 电工实验与测试 electrical experiment & test 电子综合实践 integrated electronic practice 信号与系统 signal & system 电子技术基础(模拟) fundamentals of electronic (analog) 电磁场electromagnetic field 电子技术实验 electronic experiment(I) 电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(I) 发电厂动力工程基础 Heat power engineering in generating plant 企业管理 enterprise management 电气主系统electrical system principle 电力系统稳态/暂态分析 Steady-State/ Transient-State Analysis of Power System 电力系统继电保护 Power System Relaying Protection 电力系统潮流计算机分析:Computer Analysis of Power Flow 数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique 微机原理 microcomputer principle 电子技术基础(数字) fundamentals of electronic (digital) 自动控制 automatic control theory 电力系统分析 electric power system analysis 电子技术基础实验electronic experiment(II) 电气主系统课程设计 electrical system principle-course design 电子辅助设计EDA Electronic Design Automatic(II) 通信与计算机网络 communication & computer networks 电力系统继电保护 electric power system relaying 电力系统继电保护 Power System Protective Relaying 电力系统远动技术electric power system remote protocol 生产实习productive practice Technology 继电保护课程设计 electric power system relaying-course design 电力电子技术 power electronics 电力电子技术基础:Fundamentals of Electronics Power Technology 电力电子课程设计 Power electronics course design 电力系统自动控制 electric power system control & automation 高电压技术 High voltage engineering Technology 变电站自动化 substation automation 电力经济 electric power system economics 电能质量控制 electric power quality control 配电网自动化 distribution system automation 电力系统新技术 new techniques on electric power system


电厂蒸汽动力的基础和使用 1.1 为何需要了解蒸汽 对于目前为止最大的发电工业部门来说, 蒸汽动力是最为基础性的。 若没有蒸汽动力, 社会的样子将会变得和现在大为不同。我们将不得已的去依靠水力发电厂、风车、电池、太阳能蓄电池和燃料电池,这些方法只能为我们平日用电提供很小的一部分。 蒸汽是很重要的,产生和使用蒸汽的安全与效率取决于怎样控制和应用仪表,在术语中通常被简写成C&I(控制和仪表 。此书旨在在发电厂的工程规程和电子学、仪器仪表以 及控制工程之间架设一座桥梁。 作为开篇,我将在本章大体描述由水到蒸汽的形态变化,然后将叙述蒸汽产生和使用的基本原则的概述。这看似简单的课题实际上却极为复杂。这里, 我们有必要做一个概述:这本书不是内容详尽的论文,有的时候甚至会掩盖一些细节, 而这些细节将会使热力学家 和燃烧物理学家都为之一震。但我们应该了解,这本书的目的是为了使控制仪表工程师充 分理解这一课题,从而可以安全的处理实用控制系统设计、运作、维护等方面的问题。1.2沸腾:水到蒸汽的状态变化 当水被加热时,其温度变化能通过某种途径被察觉(例如用温度计 。通过这种方式 得到的热量因为在某时水开始沸腾时其效果可被察觉,因而被称为感热。 然而,我们还需要更深的了解。“沸腾”究竟是什么含义?在深入了解之前,我们必须考虑到物质的三种状态:固态,液态,气态。 (当气体中的原子被电离时所产生的等离子气体经常被认为是物质的第四种状态, 但在实际应用中, 只需考虑以上三种状态固态,

物质由分子通过分子间的吸引力紧紧地靠在一起。当物质吸收热量,分子的能量升级并且 使得分子之间的间隙增大。当越来越多的能量被吸收,这种效果就会加剧,粒子之间相互脱离。这种由固态到液态的状态变化通常被称之为熔化。 当液体吸收了更多的热量时,一些分子获得了足够多的能量而从表面脱离,这个过程 被称为蒸发(凭此洒在地面的水会逐渐的消失在蒸发的过程中,一些分子是在相当低的 温度下脱离的,然而随着温度的上升,分子更加迅速的脱离,并且在某一温度上液体内部 变得非常剧烈,大量的气泡向液体表面升起。在这时我们称液体开始沸腾。这个过程是变为蒸汽的过程,也就是液体处于汽化状态。 让我们试想大量的水装在一个敞开的容器内。液体表面的空气对液体施加了一定的压 力,随着液体温度的上升,便会有足够的能量使得表面的分子挣脱出去,水这时开始改变 自身的状态,变成蒸汽。在此条件下获得更多的热量将不会引起温度上的明显变化。所增 加的能量只是被用来改变液体的状态。它的效用不能用温度计测量出来,但是它仍然发生 着。正因为如此,它被称为是潜在的,而不是可认知的热量。使这一现象发生的温度被称为是沸点。在常温常压下,水的沸点为100摄氏度。 如果液体表面的压力上升, 需要更多的能量才可以使得水变为蒸汽的状态。 换句话说, 必须使得温度更高才可以使它沸腾。总而言之,如果大气压力比正常值升高百分之十,水必须被加热到一百零二度才可以使之沸腾。


一.电气名词 Electric items 二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 三.设备 Equipments 四.保护、继电器 Protection , relays 五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.接地 Grounding , earthing 八.室、所 Room , Substation 九.电修车间设备 Equipments of electric repair 十.材料 Material 十一.图名 Drawings , diagrams 十二.表头 Tables 十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG 一.电气名词 Electric items 交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current 短路电流 Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击电流 Impulse current 稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density 短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short-circuit current 高压 High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压 Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage 残留电压 Residual voltage 击穿电压 Puncture voltage 脉动电压 Pulsating voltage 供电电压 Supply voltage 电力电压 Power voltage


high-voltage switching device 高压开关 high-voltage switchingear 高压开关设备 电气名词Electric items 线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus , circuits) 设备Equipments 保护、继电器Protection , relays 电气仪表Electric instruments 防雷Lightning protection Assembly n. 装配、组装 assemble vt.集合、装配 assembly number 组装号、安装号 anchor n. 堵头 assembly print 装配图纸 attach vt. 系上、贴上 align vt. 对准 angle n.角 air pressure sensor transducer 空气压力传感器aluminum n.铝 available adj. 可用到的、有用的、 avoid n.避免 adjust n.调整、调解 alternating current 交流电 auxiliary adj.辅助的 auxiliary cooling fan 辅助冷却风机 analog n.模拟adj 模拟的 analog input 模拟量输出 alarm n.闹钟、警报vt.报警 bus 公共汽车、铜排 bar n.条、棒 bus bar 汇流排 bill of material (BOM) bolt n. 螺栓 button n.按钮vt.扣紧 braided adj.辫状的 bracket n. 支架 barrier 挡板 bottom n.底部、尽头、末端adj. 底部的 both prep.两者都 barrier n.障碍物、屏障、栅栏 between prep.在…..之间 Bullet n.子弹 bundle n. 捆、束、包v. 捆扎 back-plate 后挡板 blue n.蓝色adj.蓝色的 black n.黑色adj.黑色的 brown n.棕色、褐色adj.棕色的,褐色的complete vt. 完成、使完善adj. 全部的、完全的connect v.连接 clamp n. 夹子 customer n. 消费者、客户 common adj. 公用的、共用的、普通的consistent with 与…..一致 carriage bolt n.锥形螺母 capacitor n.电容


电气工程及其自动化专业英语翻译.Electric Power Systems. The modern society depends on the electricity supply more heavily than ever before. It can not be imagined what the world should be if the electricity supply were interrupted all over the world. Electric power systems (or electric energy systems), providing electricity to the modern society, have become indispensable components of the industrial world. The first complete electric power system (comprising a generator, cable, fuse, meter, and loads) was built by Thomas Edison –the historic Pearl Street Station in New York City which began operation in September 1882. This was a DC system consisting of a steam-engine-driven DC generator supplying power to 59 customers within an area roughly 1.5 km in radius. The load, which consisted entirely of incandescent lamps, was supplied at 110 V through an underground cable system.. Within a few years similar systems were in operation in most large cities throughout the world. With the development of motors by Frank Sprague in 1884, motor loads were added


第八章 第一节燃煤发电厂 在化石燃料电厂中 煤 石油和天然气在炉内燃烧 燃烧产生的热能将水加热并把它转化为蒸汽 蒸汽用来驱动与发电机机械耦合的涡轮机。典型燃煤发电厂的示意图如图8-1所示。将发电厂的运行过程简单描述如下。煤从储煤场取出后送入磨煤机 从磨煤机出来的煤粉与预热过的空气混合后吹入炉内燃烧。包含一套复杂管道和汽包的炉子叫做锅炉 水泵将水送入锅炉 在锅炉内 水的温度上升直到蒸发成蒸汽。蒸汽流向涡轮机 燃烧烟气在送入机械和静电除尘器除去99%的固体颗粒 灰 后派往烟囱。上面描述的以煤粉 空气和水作为输入以蒸汽作为输出的单元可以叫做蒸汽发生单元 锅炉或蒸发器。当考虑燃烧过程时 常用术语“锅炉” 而考虑水—汽循环时 常用“蒸发器”一词。典型压力为3500psi 温度为1050度F的蒸汽通过关断阀门和控制阀门送给汽轮机 蒸汽的热能由汽轮机转化为机械能。从汽轮机出来的乏汽在一个叫做“冷凝器”的热交换器内冷却 然后作为给水再次送回锅炉。控制阀门允许汽轮发电机组通过调节蒸汽流量而改变输出功率。关断阀门起一个保护作用 正常时它是全开的 如果电气输出功率突然降低 由于断路器动作 他可以突然关断以防止汽轮发电机超速 但此时控制阀门不关闭。图8-1所示为“单级”汽轮机 但实际中采用更为复杂的“多级”布置以获得相对高的热效率。图8-2所示为代表性的“多级“布置汽轮机示意图。在这个多级布置中 四个蒸汽压力不同的涡轮机在机械以级联的排列形式连接在一起。在惯常的的流程中 从锅炉 过热器 出来的高压蒸汽进入高压 HP 缸。蒸汽从高压缸出来被送回锅炉的再热器 然后送入中压 IP 缸。蒸汽离开中压缸后 压力很低体积膨胀很大 被送入低压 LP 缸。从低压缸出来的乏汽在冷凝器中被冷却 然后作为锅炉给水用从汽轮机中抽出的蒸汽预热后 通过给水泵送回锅炉。燃煤发电厂的净效率通常低于40% 也就是煤的化学能转化成电能的比例低于40% 。尽管这个数字与大约30%的工业平均值相比具有一定的优越性 但是超过60%的化石燃料能量被转化为废热。


电气专业术语中英对照 Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022

一.电气名词 Electric items 二.二.线路(母线、回路)Lines (Bus, circuits) 三.三.设备 Equipment 四.四.保护、继电器 Protection, relays 五.五.电气仪表 Electric instruments 六.六.防雷 Lightning protection 七.七.接地 Grounding, earthing 八.八.室、所 Room, Substation 九.九.电修车间设备 Equipment of electric repair room 十.十.材料 Material 十一.十一.图名 Drawings, diagrams 十二.十二.表头 Tables 十三.十三.标准图词汇 Terms from standard DWG

一.电气名词 Electric items 交(直)流 Alternating (direct) current 短路电流 Short-circuit current 起始次暂态短路电流 Initial subtransient short-circuit current 冲击/脉冲电流 Impulse current 稳态短路电流 Steady state short-circuit current 临界电流 Critical current 切断电流 Rupturing current 熔断电流 Blow-out current 故障电流 Fault current 计算电流 Calculating current 极限有限电流 Limit effective current 过电流 Over current 逆电流 Inverse current 整定电流 Setting current 额定电流 Rated current 电流密度 Current density 短路电流最大有效值 Maximum effective value of short- circuit current 高压 High-voltage , High-tension 低压 Low-voltage , Low-tension 计算电压 Calculating voltage 激磁电压 Exciting voltage 冲击电压 Impulse voltage 临界电压 Critical voltage 残留电压 Residual voltage 击穿电压 Puncture voltage 脉动电压 Pulsating voltage 供电电压 Supply voltage 电力电压 Power voltage 照明电压 Lighting voltage 灯丝电压 Filament voltage 额定电压 Rated voltage 电压损失 Voltage loss 过(欠)电压 Over (under) voltage 线路电压 Line voltage


第一章电路基本原理 第一节电流和电压 u(t)和i(t)这两个变量是电路中最基本的两个变量,它们刻划了电路的各种关系。 电荷和电流 电荷的概念是用来解释所有电气现象的基本概念。也即,电路中最基本的量是电荷。电荷是构成物质的原子微粒的电气属性,它是以库仑为单位来度量的。 我们从基础物理得知一切物质是由被称为原子的基本构造部分组成的,并且每个原子是由电子,质子和中子组成的。我们还知道电子的电量是负的并且在数值上等于1.602100×10-12C,而质子所带的正电量在数值上与电子相等。质子和电子数量相同使得原子呈现电中性。 让我们来考虑一下电荷的流动。电荷或电的特性是其运动的特性,也就是,它可以从一个地方被移送到另一个地方,在此它可以被转换成另外一种形式的能量。 当我们把一根导线连接到某一电池上时(一种电动势源),电荷被外力驱使移动;正电荷朝一个方向移动而负电荷朝相反的方向移动。这种电荷的移动产生了电流。我们可以很方便地把电流看作是正电荷的移动,也即,与负电荷的流动方向相反,如图1-1所示。这一惯例是由美国科学家和发明家本杰明-富兰克林引入的。虽然我们现在知道金属导体中的电流是由负电荷引起的,但我们将遵循通用的惯例,即把电流看作是正电荷的单纯的流动。于是电流就是电荷的时率,它是以安培为单位来度量的。从数学上来说,电流i、电荷q以及时间t之间的关系是: 从时间t0到时间t所移送的电荷可由方程(1-1)两边积分求得。我们算得: 我们通过方程(1-1)定义电流的方式表明电流不必是一个恒值函数,电荷可以不同的方式随时间而变化,这些不同的方式可用各种数学函数表达出来。 电压,能量和功率 在导体中朝一个特定的方向移动电荷需要一些功或者能量的传递,这个功是由外部的电动势来完成的。图1-1所示的电池就是一个典型的例子。这种电动势也被称为电压或电位差。电路中a、b两点间的电压等于从a到b移动单位电荷所需的能量(或所需做的功)。数学表达式为: 式中w是单位为焦耳的能量而q是单位为库仑的电荷。电压Uab是以伏特为单位来度量的,它是为了纪念意大利物理学家Alessandro Antonio V olta而命名的,这位意大利物理学家发明了首个伏达电池。于是电压(或电压差)等于将单位电荷在元件中移动所需的能量,它是以伏特为单位来度量的。 图1-2显示了某个元件(用一个矩形框来表示)两端a、b之间的电压。正号(+)和负号(-)被用来指明参考方向或电压的极性,Uab可以通过以下两种方法来解释。1)在Uab 伏特的电位中a点电位高于b点,2)a点电位相对于b点而言是Uab,通常在逻辑上遵循虽然电流和电压是电路的两个基本变量,但仅有它们两个是不够的。从实际应用来说,我们需要知道功率和能量。为了把功率和能量同电压、电流联系起来,我们重温物理学中关于功率是消耗或吸收的能量的时率,它是以瓦特为单位来度量的。我们把这个关系式写成: 式中p是以瓦特为单位的功率,w是以焦耳为单位的能量,t是以秒为单位的时间,从方程(1-1)、(1-3)和(1-5)可以推出 由于u和i通常是时间的函数,方程(1-6)中的功率p是个时间变量于是被称为瞬时功率,

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