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中国苏州市215006,十梓街1号,苏州大学数学科学学院,yanglijian@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d2805344.html, Department of Statistics and Probability, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA, E-mail: yang@https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d2805344.html,, Phone: 517-353-6369 Fax: 517-432-1405


?北京大学基础数学专业,理学士 1987

?北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校数理统计专业,理硕士 1993,哲学博士 1995

导师:James S. Marron,Amos R. Hawley 讲席教授


导师:Wolfgang K. H?rdle, Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz 统计学讲席教授

研究兴趣: 复杂数据的推断: 非线性时间序列数据,函数型数据,高维数据降维,置信带;统计学在经济学,农学,食品科学,环境地理学和遗传学中的应用


2010年5月至今,苏州大学特聘教授,苏州大学高等统计与计量经济中心主任2006年7月至今,密西根州立大学统计与概率系,正教授 (终身制)


2001-06年,密西根州立大学统计与概率系,副教授 (终身制)







2001-02年,宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院,Judith C. & William G. Bollinger客座教授


?2011年当选美国统计协会会士 Elected Fellow, American Statistical Association


?2010年托雷多大学数学系的Shoemaker 讲座报告人(Shoemaker Lecturer)


DMS 1007594,2010-2013 “函数型数据分析的同时置信区域: 理论与方法”16万美元(4人团队:教授+3 博士生)

DMS 0706518,2007-2010 “通过B样条函数降低数据的无穷维数”22.1万美元(6人团队:教授+5 博士生)

DMS 0405330,2004-2007 “非线性时间序列的蒙特卡罗多步预测”19.2万美元(5人团队:教授+4 博士生)

DMS 9971186,1999-2002 “非参数与半参数自回归模型的建立和预测, 及其在计量经济学中的应用” 7.7万美元

?2000年-2002年的Tjalling C. Koopmans 计量经济学理论奖1000美元(从2000-2002年发表在计量经济学期刊Econometric Theory 的125篇论文当中评选出)

?由美国国家科学基金, 美国劳工统计局, 美国统计协会联合资助, 单独主持的研究项目: 2003-2004 “多元周期性时间序列的非参数与半参数分析” 5.9万美元



美国统计协会终身会员,当选会士 2011年-

国际统计学院当选会员 2006年-

英国皇家统计学会当选会士 2006年-




非参数统计杂志(Journal of Nonparametric Statistics)2007年-,

数据科学杂志(Journal of Data Science)2007年-,

中华统计学志(Statistica Sinica)2006年-,

计算统计学(Computational Statistics)2000-2006年,



?应邀于2010年3月17-19日在托雷多大学数学系作题为“样条函数在统计中的应用”的Shoemaker 讲座,共3讲





2011年:佐治亚大学,伊利诺伊大学香槟城分校, 成功



2011年:明尼苏达大学杜鲁斯分校, 成功




?1994年至今,为三十多个统计,计量经济和概率论的学术刊物审稿共百十余次,其中包括: Annals of Statistics, Biometrika, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Econometric Theory, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, Probability Theory and Related Fields, Sankhya, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Statistica Sinica



1.薛兰,2005博士,俄勒冈州立大学统计系终身副教授(助理教授 2005-2011)













硕士研究生: 丘德彬, 王江艳, 刘苗苗, 闫丽娜; 博士研究生: 顾莉洁

学术期刊上发表的主要论文(下载https://www.doczj.com/doc/7d2805344.html,/users/yangli/papersall.html) 1.Ma, S., Yang, L., Romero, R. and Cui, Y. (2011+) Varying coefficient model for

gene-environment interaction: a non-linear look. Bioinformatics, forthcoming.

2.Shao, Q. and Yang, L. (2011+) Autoregressive coefficient estimation in

nonparametric analysis. Journal of Time Series Analysis, in press 11 pages.

3.Wang, L., Feng, C., Song, Q. and Yang, L. (2011+) Efficient semiparametric

GARCH modelling of financial volatility. Statistica Sinica, in press 28 pages.

4.Ma, S., Yang, L. and Carroll, R. (2011+) A simultaneous confidence band for sparse

longitudinal regression. Statistica Sinica, in press 32 pages.

5.Mishra, D. K., Dolan, K. D. and Yang, L. (2011+) Bootstrap confidence intervals for

the kinetic parameters for degradation of anthocyanins in grape pomace. Journal of Food Process Engineering, in press 14 pages.

6.Ma, S. and Yang, L. (2011) A jump-detecting procedure based on spline estimation.

Journal of Nonparametric Statistics23 (1), 67-81.

7.Ma, S. and Yang, L. (2011) Spline-backfitted kernel smoothing of partially linear

additive model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference141 (1), 204-219, Laha Award at JSM 2009.

8.Wang, L. and Yang, L. (2010) Simultaneous confidence bands for time series

prediction function. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics22 (8), 999-1018.

9.Song, Q. and Yang, L. (2010) Oracally efficient spline smoothing of nonlinear

additive autoregression model with simultaneous confidence band. Journal of Multivariate Analysis101 (9) 2008-2025, Laha Award at JSM 2009.

10.Liu, R. and Yang, L. (2010) Spline-backfitted kernel smoothing of additive

coefficient model. Econometric Theory26 (1), 29-59.

11.Wang, J. and Yang, L. (2009) Efficient and fast spline-backfitted kernel smoothing of

additive regression model. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics61 (3), 663-690.

12.Song, Q. and Yang, L. (2009) Spline confidence bands for variance function. Journal

of Nonparametric Statistics 21 (5), 589-609.

13.Wang, L. and Yang, L. (2009) Spline estimation of single index model. Statistica

Sinica 19 (2), 765-783, Laha Award at IMS Annual Meeting 2006.

14.Wang, J. and Yang, L. (2009) Polynomial spline confidence bands for regression

curves. Statistica Sinica 19 (1), 325-342, Laha Award at JSM 2005.

15.Liu, R. and Yang, L. (2008) Kernel estimation of multivariate cumulative distribution

function. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 20 (8), 661-677, Laha Award at JSM 2007.

16.Huang, X., Wang, L., Yang, L. and Kravchenko, A. N. (2008) Management practice

effects on relationships of grain yields with topography and precipitation. Agronomy Journal 100 (5), 1463-1471.

17.Yang, L. (2008) Confidence band for additive regression model. Journal of Data

Science 6 (2), 207-217.

18.Mishra D. K., Dolan, K. D. and Yang, L. (2008) Confidence intervals for modeling

anthocyanin retention in grape pomace during non-isothermal heating. Journal of Food Science 73 (1), E9-E15.

19.Wang, L. and Yang, L. (2007) Spline-backfitted kernel smoothing of nonlinear

additive autoregression model. Annals of Statistics 35 (6), 2474-2503.

20.Yang, L. (2007) Nonparametric modelling of quarterly unemployment rates. Journal

of Data Science 5 (1), 85-101.

21.Dolan, K. D., Yang, L. and Trampel, C. P. (2007) Nonlinear regression technique to

estimate kinetic parameters and conˉdence intervals in unsteady-state conduction-heated foods. Journal of Food Engineering 80 (2), 581-593.

22.Xue, L. and Yang, L. (2006) Additive coefficient modelling via polynomial spline.

Statistica Sinica 16 (4), 1423-1446, Laha Award at JSM 2005.

23.Yang, L., Park, B. U., Xue, L. and H?rdle, W. (2006) Estimation and testing of

varying coefficients in additive models with marginal integration. Journal of the American Statistical Association 101 (475), 1212-1227.

24.Xue, L. and Yang, L. (2006) Estimation of semiparametric additive coefficient model.

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136 (8), 2506-2534.

25.Yang, L. (2006) Semiparametric GARCH model and foreign exchange volatility.

Journal of Econometrics 130 (2), 365-384.

26.Chen, R., Yang, L. and Hafner, C. (2004) Nonparametric multi-step ahead prediction

in time series analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 66 (3), 669-686.

27.Huang, J. and Yang, L. (2004) Identification of nonlinear additive autoregressive

models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 66 (2), 463-477.

28.Yang, L., Sperlich, S. and H?rdle, W. (2003) Derivative estimation and testing in

generalized additive models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 115 (2), 521-542.

29.Simons, G., Yao, Y. and Yang, L. (2002) Doob, Ignatov and optional skipping.

Annals of Probability 30 (4), 1933-1958.

30.Yang, L. and Tschernig, R. (2002) Non- and semiparametric identification of

seasonal nonlinear autoregression models. Econometric Theory 18 (6), 1408-1448. 31.Sperlich, S., Tj?stheim, D. and Yang, L. (2002) Nonparametric estimation and testing

of interaction in additive models. Econometric Theory 18 (2), 197-251. Tjalling C.

Koopmans Econometric Theory Prize.

32.Yang, L. (2002) Direct estimation in an additive model when the components are

proportional. Statistica Sinica 12 (3), 801-821.

33.Tschernig, R. and Yang, L. (2000) Nonparametric lag selection for time series.

Journal of Time Series Analysis 21 (4), 457-487.

34.Yang, L. (2000) Finite nonparametric GARCH model for foreign exchange volatility.

Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 29 (5 & 6), 1347-1365.

35.Yang, L. (2000) Root-n convergent transformation-kernel density estimation. Journal

of Nonparametric Statistics 12 (4), 447-474.

36.Yang, L., H?rdle, W. and Nielsen, J. P. (1999) Nonparametric autoregression with

multiplicative volatility and additive mean. Journal of Time Series Analysis 20 (5), 579-604.

37.Yang, L. and Marron, J. S. (1999) Iterated transformation-kernel density estimation.

Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (446), 580-589.

38.Yang, L. and Tschernig, R. (1999) Multivariate bandwidth selection for local linear

regression. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B 61 (4), 793-815.

39.H?rdle, W., Tsybakov, A. B. and Yang, L. (1998) Nonparametric vector

autoregression. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 68 (2), 221-245.

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