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Pleasure Group Office【T985AB-B866SYT-B182C-BS682T-STT18】

H o m e T o w n Where are you from,which part of your country

I am from a small town of Taian city of Shandong Province in locates on the northeast of China and southwest of Shandong.

do u like about your hometown (What would you say is the best thing about your hometown What's your favourite part of your hometownDo u like your hometown )

I love my hometown's beautiful natural scenery[si:neri] very hometown is an inland agricultural is famous for its farmers in the town plant peaches ,although they also plant other fruits,but mostly the spring,the peach trees are a real look you can't imagine how beautiful the peach blossom blooming all over the moutain is .It is cos it's not an industrial town,the environment is good ,the air is clear,the sky is blue,and I also enjoy the peace and quiet there. do u dislike about your hometown.

I guess the answer would be the economy.

Cas my hometown is not near the centre of the city,its economy is area are pretty in my hometown are not rich and the living condition is not very worsely its economy is shrinking instead of growing cas the peaches sell not very well in recent think maybe the quality of the peaches drops is the reason,you know,its taste is not as good as before,so less and less people buy peaches.

u think your hometown is good for young people

i think my hometown is kind of falling behind the lacks of opporpunity and changes which is very important for the young old people in the town didn't get the high 's why most parents in my hometown try their best to support their children to the think only knowlege can change your fate.

's the nightlife like in your hometown

Most pepole in my hometown don't go out at dinner,Children may do homework in their room while the parents watching TV reminds me of my my parents are not stict with me,so I can watch TV while i am doing 's a reward for my good scores in the in my hometown don't care how u study,they just want the result. You give them what they want ,you can get the Sorry,i go too far.

would u change about your city

The economic system i think. People in my hometown they just plant the peaches and sell them to the money farmers can get is very they can be the dealers themselves or the government of my hometown can open bussiness such as peach juice factories,dried peach factories,i think things may go very differently. And they must improve the quality of the peaches firstly of in my memory the peach of my hometown are very big and delicious and also have numrous am very confused why the quality drops year by just can't get it.

types of public transport can be found in your hometown

The bus and people in the town want to go to the market or the shop and students want to go to school ,they often go there by bike or if they want to go to the city,bus is the first people have private cars in my if people has some hurry things to do ,and they don't have a motorcycle and no time to waiting bus ,they may take a taxi.(But the taxi is not a real mean it's not like the taxi in big ' kind of a mixture of motorcyle and has three wheels and a carrige small cities and towns of China you can see this kind transportation everywhere.)But few pepole will do that cas most pepole are penny-pinching ,they think taking taxi is a luxury.

Where do you live at the moment

I’m not living in my hometown right am living in my university .It is in Dongying city of ShanDong Province.

How long have you been living there/here

I am living there about 6 I study in my university for about 6 years for my undergraduate course,2 years for my master’s degree. I am back to my hometown only on vacation.

Do you like _____ (The place you are living in now) (Why/Why not)

Actually I don’t like its climate is seems like there are only 2 seasons in this city,winter and may wear a down coat yesterday and today you only need to wear a T shirt because of the hot weather.

?Where is your hometown (Or, what part of China do you come from)

?What kind of place is your hometown

?Is that a big city or a small town (or, a village in the countryside)

?(Similar to above) How big is that place *

?(For you,) what benefits are there from living in a big city

?(Similar to above) Tell me something about your hometown.

?Has your hometown changed much in the past few years . 20 years) are a lot of of all,more buildings and factories are showing up , besides,the populations are getting

bigger and traffic system is more the environment is worse than it used to are polluted and trees are cut down,the air is not as fresh as before.

?Compared to the past, would you say your hometown today is more suitable for living in, or less suitable

It depends. On the one hand ,the house people lives now is far more better than the past and the transportation is more seems like today is more suitable compared to the the other hand ,the worse environment plus for the past

Do you think you'll always live there

haven’t live there for a long time since I went to will find a job in big cities in the future,so I guess I won’t go back unless I visit my parents.

What's the weather usually like in your hometown

It has a great climate all year spring is warm and the summer is like autumn in my hometown cas it’s cool and the cold of winter there is within our limit.

Has the weather in your hometown changed much in recent years

to me like the spring days and the autumn days are shorter than 20 years ago .By contrast, the summer days and the winter days are getting longer.

And the summer is scorching now and the winter is like freezing.

What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown

Most buildings there are 3 to 4 storeys area are pretty people in the village usually live in said that the economy of my hometown is in a slump.

you live in a house or a flat

I live in a is on the fourth floor of the building of six 's a little high for old people,my mother complains about that everytime she climbs the stairs.

why do you choose living there

Cas it’s in a pretty convenient there's a wonderful view outside the also has a roomy I guess the most important reason may be It’s cheaper than the 1st floor of the building.

Which room do you like best What's your favourite room in your home (Or: What part of your home do you like best) (Why)

I love my room sister and I have our own rooms room has a big window and the whole place feels light and airy.

How long have you lived there

The building only has a 2years family moved in just one year ago.

Please describe it a little.

The rooms are pretty big windows let plenty of natural light in and there's a wonderful view outside the whole place feels light and has a roomy kitchen and a bg balcony.

when do you get up

I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning I finish my breakfast at 7:40 and then I go to my labotary to ’s my schedule of a normal morning.

there anything hanging on the wall

Ah,Yeah,there is sth. hanging on the 's a big photo of my is on the centre of the wall facing to the door,so you can see it when you come I remember correctly,It was taken on my grandma's 88th u want me to describe the content of the photo for uLet me recall who is on grandma wearing a red color coat sit at the center with my parents on either side of her.(You know,red represents a happy occasion.)My sister and I sit around my all have a happy smile on our faces,that's a really special moment full of happiness and really miss that day.

?Who do you live with (Or: Do other people live with you)

?I live with my father ,mother and older sister.

?How do you like your flat/house ( = How do you feel about your house/flat)I like it very much.

?How are the rooms in your house decorated (Or, How is your house decorated Or, What decorations do you have in your house) N

Actually we did’t decorate the rooms at all when we moved in cas the flat itself cost all the money we saved in the past moved in a hurry with our old furniture cas we sold out our old house when we bought this new ’s only a family photo on the wall.

?What do you do in this room (= What is this room used for = What is the function of this room) N This room belongs to I can do anything in study and

play computers in this room.

?What decorations does this room have (Or: How have you decorated this room) N

I did’t decorate it in the future I will buy some beautiful

paintings and hang them on the wall.

?How do you think this room could be improved N

The room looks a fresh paint job just won’t hurt.

?(The question above is possibly this:) How do you think your home could be improved Or: Is there anything about your room (or, your home) you would like

to improve N I want repaint it in a purple color and draw some flowers or paintings on it cas the origin white color is kind of boring and


?What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home) Another building cas we live in an are plenty of similar buildings around our flat.

?What is the environment like around your home * N (Possible question.

Unconfirmed)it’s pretty good. It locates on the edge of the city ,so the traffic is not

crowded at the community services there is satisfying. There’s also a little park in the area that we has many facilities for people to relax in there such as

swings,seesaws,and other simple body-building facilities.


you woking or studying

I am studying in a university as a graduate student right now.

do you like about your studies

I like the freedom that the university gives can learn what i want to learn and do what i want to do out of can go to the library to read,and I can attend lectures even they are not relevant to my enables me to fulfill my my tutor always encourage me if i decide to try something such as this English gives me a lot of support.

's your majorDo you like it

My major is computer like it very is more and more popular in the whole 's important for a person to control the aibility of using a actually my major is more about using it,it focus on things like how it works and why it works in that know,such as programming,computer networks and so i was a senior high school student,i am already interested in i choose it as my major in college.

there anything you don't like about it

Actually there know there are lots of reasearch fields of the computer do have some fields that i am not very interested in ,such as in-depth study of the networks and computer don't care about the internal structure of the prefer writing the computer programmes and studying knowledge about computer software.

Do you prefer to study alone or to study with other students

I prefer to study with other of all,i can discuss and exchange ideas with other students .Also,if I am distracted from study they can supervise me.

u like reading

only with the am totally into it. When I have a novel book at hand ,I can’t do anyth. else untile I finish it.

are your favourite kind of books

Novels with love stories or a happy love the feeling to be tears just can’t stop.

do u find difficult about learning English

Speaking is pretty difficult to me,but it’s not the pronunciation,it’s the way to express your have a difficulty in converting my Chinese mode of thing to the English my oral English is not that good as my reading and listening.

u like to learn another foreign language in the future

Yeah, I can speak a fluent English,I may consider about it.

What subject are you studying

My major is computer I am studying the courses about computer.

Is that a popular subject in China

is a hot is an important tool for many work more and more people realize the importance to learning computer skills.

Do you think that's a difficult subject to study

Why did you choose to study that

Do you like your subject (= your major = your subjects if a high school student)

(For high school students) What's your favourite subject at school (Don't say . - that's not really a subject that people study.)

What do you learn in your course N

Are there any particular skills that you learn in your studies N

(Unconfirmed question) Is there anything else you would like to study (if you had the opportunity) N

In a typical day, what do you do in the classroom N

Study Place

Where do you study (= what school/university do you attend)

Why did you choose that (particular) school/university

What do you think of your school/university

(Similar to above) What do you think of the place where you are studying

What is the best thing about your university/school

Length of Time as a Student

When did you start this course and when will you finish it

(Similar to above) How long have you been doing this course

(Similar to above, for high school students) How many years have you spent in school (Possible question) What year are you in at school/university

Life as a Student

Tell me about your student life. (= Tell me about your life as a student)

Do you like university life

(Similar to above) How do you like university life ( = How do you feel about life at university)

(Similar to above) What part of university life do you like best (Why)

In addition to gaining knowledge, what other ways have you benefited from your school/university experience

In your free time, do you do anything with your classmates

Study Tools, Equipment, Facilities

What "study tools" (or equipment) do you use See

Do you think these tools are useful

What facilities are there at your school/university to help you in your studies

Do you use computers in your studies N

What do you use them for N

Do you prefer studying independently ( = studying alone) or with others (or, in a group) (Why) N


Do you think the things you are studying now in school/university will prepare you well for your future work

What are your future work plans (after you graduate)

(Similar to above) What do you plan to do after you finish your course N

When you start working, do you think you will prefer that to being a student

Why are you taking the IELTS test

What are your future study plans


you have any hobbies

I am a movie buff. I often watch movies to kill and the TV forgot that. I love u know a TV serial named FriendsChanlder,Reachel,RossIt’s ’ve watched it 4 times without losing a single I am depressed,these comedies really cheer me up.( And science fiction is also my Effection,Jurassic Park ,. )

I usually watch fims through VCD,DVD on my don’t go to the cinema very often.

do some people like collecting things

There are plenty of folks may collect things just for fun,they enjoy the process of ,some guys may want to make a investment by collecting some valuable also know some people who collect things just want to show off to their friends.

do u usually do at weekends

Do my favourite things of of my free time is spent in front of the computer browsing the websites and chatting with I watch a movie and sometimes I may hang out with my friends such as singing karaoke in doesn’t mean I have a talent in singing,actually my friends said my voice is just take it as a way to relax,you know.

do people usually do to relax in your country

I know some guys enjoying fishing very ’s a good way to young people would like to do some sports like playing football,basketball, pingpong,badminton and so are also plenty of children ,even adults play computer games just for people would stay at home watching TV or playing poker or mahjong rather than do some outdoor activites.







sports are most popular in your country

I guess playing

u think it’s important to play a sport

u like doing outdoor activities

u like swimming

are the benefits of swimming

u like biking

bikes popular in china

old are u when u first learned to ride a bike

u often play games

games are popular in china


types of TV program do u like watching

types of Tv program are popular in your country

kinds of radio program do u like best

types of film do u like watching

are the differences between local newspapers and international newspapers

often do u use computers

are the disadvantage of writing hand

are the differences between emails and letters

34 How can children improve their handwriting


kinds of clothes do u like wearing

u like fashionable clothing


often do u eat out in restaurants

are the disadvantage of eating out

fast food popular in your country

meal is the most important to u,breakfast,lunch or dinner

u like cookingWhy


does the housework in your family

do u usually do with your friends

your country,where can u meet people

u have a happy childhood

kinds of music do u like listening to What’re your favorite kinds of music


u think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instruments Why do we play music onfestivals

kinds of photographs do like looking at

u like painting or drawing


54. what types of weather do u like best

55. what is your favourite season

do people feel about rain


u like shopping

often do u go shopping


are the advantages of raising pets

u like traveling

do people like spending time near the sea


can people control the pollution in your country

harm can noise do to our lives


u like partying

u think it’s important for people to celebrate their birthdays

do people usually do at weddings in China

do u spend holidays

u think festivals are important

u like dancing

are the most popular gifts parents give their chidren in your country gift: you often give gifts to your friend

it usual to send gifts to your friend in China

letter: you usually write to your friends

you think it is important to write letters to the other persons

is your favorite writting methods

you usually use machines to help your study




what types of media contain the advertisements





What kinds of facilities are there in your community We’ve got a wide variety of facilities, like parking lots (places where you park your car), gyms, clinics, gardens, kids’ playgrounds, convenience stores…

What do you do on the Internet(p60)

Which country do you plan to go to (p175-p176)

Do you like shopping Do you prefer big stores or small ones(p70,p104&p226) What’re your favorite kinds of food (p72-p73)

Do you like traveling(p72)

Are there many bikes in your hometown(p69)

Do you like biking(ditto“同上”)

What’re your favorite sports / What do you do to improve your fitness ( p68-p69)

What kinds of gifts do you give your friends(p75)

How do you get news(p60下方-p61)

Who do you send emails to (ditto)

Do you prefer emails or letters (ditto)

Do you like visiting art galleries (p222)

Do you like parties / partying (p76)

Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city / Do Chinese

have your own gardens / Do you prefer to have flowers or vegetables

in gardens (p74)

Where and how did you celebrate your last birthday (p75-p76)

How should children improve their handwriting (p60 They can imitate nice examples of handwriting before developing their own of course they shouldpractice more and try not to type everything...)

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