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辽宁省五校2018届高三英语上学期期末考试试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分^满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15. B. £9.15. C. £9.18. 答案是B。 1. What does the man like about the play? A. The story. B. The ending. C. The actor. 2. Which place are the speakers trying to find? A. A hotel. B. A bank. C. A restaurant. 3. At what time will the two speakers meet? A. 5:20. B. 5:10. C. 4:40. 4. What will the man do? A. Change the plan. B. Wait for a phone call. C. Sort things out. 5. What does the woman want to do? A. See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help. C. Listen to some great music. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答6、7题。 6. Where is Ben?


华中师范大学网络教育学院 《高级英语写作》练习测试题库参考答案 I. Complete each o f the following sentences with the correct choice of the words given in the brackets. 1.accounting 2.capitalization 3.consolidate 4.electronic 5.frequently 6.indent 7.intelligent 8.location 9.cultural 10.professional 11.accurately 12.description 13.imagination 14.italicize 15.peaceful 16.publicity immediately 17. 18.celebration 19.explanation

20.joyous 21.modify 22.reaction 23.specialty 24.traditional 25.typical 26.available 27.depend 28.excited 29.habitual 30.include 31.invite 32.prediction 33.transportation https://www.doczj.com/doc/721518965.html,bine 35.punctuate 36.screaming 37.effective 38.generous 39.gratefully 40.immediately 41.interrupt II. Revise the following sentences. For the revision of some of the sentences, please follow the directions before them.


2011-2012学年度第一学期高三年级 英语试题 第一部分英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分) 第一节语音知识(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。、 1. loose A. present B. usual C. usage D. rose 2. south A. courage B. soup C. southern D. trousers 3. official A. concert B. ocean C. coast D. century 4. steam A. hear B. nearly C. mean D. heart 5.judge A.museum B. husband C.true D. huge 第二节情景对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从对话后所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.选项中有两个为多余选项。 A: Any good news? B: Not really. 6 So I was left behind after school yesterday. A: 7 B: Sometimes I do. The day before yesterday, I was quiet in my history class but I still had to stay after school. A: 8 B: Because I fell asleep. But it wasn’t m y fault. 9 A: I advise you to take school more seriously. If you don’t pass your exam, you will have to drop out and work as a result; B: 10 If I have a job, I have to do dull work every day. But now I am in school, I must listen to dull teachers every day. A: Something must be wrong with you. Go to the psychologist first. A: You are lazy. B: I don’t understand. C: You made your teacher angry. D: Better keep quiet in class. E: The lesson is dull. F: I don’t think it makes much difference. G: I was talking without being asked in class. 第三节语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 11.The CEO needs an assistant with ____ little knowledge of German and ___ experience in administrative management. A. the, an B.the, / C. a, an D. a, / 12. Many houses were destroyed in the heavy rain. They should get them _____. A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair 13. Allow children to voice their opinions, ____ they are different from your own.


、 .~ 1 我们‖打〈败〉了敌人。 ②我们‖〔把敌人〕打〈败〉了。 大学英语期中考试与平日成绩评分细则 (2010—2011第2学期) 为了贯彻落实教育部《大学英语课程基本要求》中对培养学生英语综合应用能力的精神,在日常教学中,通过加强形成性评估所占比重,对学生的学习全过程进行科学的考察、督促和评价,从而实现帮助学生掌握科学的学习方法,改善英语学习效度,培养自主学习能力的目的。本学期期中考试与平时成绩评分细则如下: 一、平日成绩〈本科20分,专科40分〉 平日成绩由两部分组成:学生课堂表现以及学生作业的完成情况。 1、课堂表现根据课堂上学生回答教师提问、课文预习、单词听写、课 文朗读或背诵、课堂出勤、参与课堂互动活动等表现打分。本科学生课堂表现满分为10分,专科学生课堂表现满分为30分; 2.作业根据学生是否按时完成教师布置的笔头或口头作业,作业完成质量情况酌情打分。本科学生作业成绩满分为10分,专科学生作业成绩满分为10分; 二、口语考试 按照教学计划,本学期期中口语考试定于第十一周进行,在学生总评成绩中所占分值分别为专科20分;2009级本科及2010级本科音体美专业20分; 2010级本科(不含音体美专业)口语考试成绩包括读写教师期中口语考试10分和外教口语课10分两部分; 1.考试方式: 1)考试按照教学计划随堂进行。 2)以小组讨论为基本形式,学生自由结合,4-6人一组。从上述话题中自由选题,由一人执笔写出一篇英文报告。 内容包括:题目、小组成员、准备所用时间、每个成员的观点(每人120词左右)、结论。 3)考试时每个小组要有一人串联谈话内容并做出总结,成员之间要有互动交流,避免孤立地背诵。成员之间观点一致时要就观点做出深入阐述。 4)每个小组限时5分钟。


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6


试卷编号: 一、名词解释题(本大题共3小题,每小题3分,总计9分) 1.Bioseparation Engineering:回收生物产品分离过程原理与方法。 2.双水相萃取:某些亲水性高分子聚合物的水溶液超过一定浓度后可形成两相, 并且在两相中水分均占很大比例,即形成双水相系统(two aqueous phase system)。 利用亲水性高分子聚合物的水溶液可形成双水相的性质,Albertsson于50年代 后期开发了双水相萃取法(two aqueous phase extraction),又称双水相分配法(two aqueous phase partitioning)。 3.电渗:在电场作用下,带电颗粒在溶液中的运动。 二、辨别正误题并改正,对的打√,错的打×(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,总计30分) 1.壳聚糖能应用于发酵液的澄清处理是由于架桥作用。错(不确定) 2.目前国内工业上发酵生产的发酵液是复杂的牛顿性流体,滤饼具有可压缩性。错 3.盐析仅与蛋白质溶液PH和温度有关,常用于蛋白质的纯化。错 4.超临界流体是一种介于气体和液体之间的流体,可用于热敏性生物物质的分离。 对 5.膜分离时,当截留率δ=1时,表示溶质能自由透过膜。错 6.生产味精时,过饱和度仅对晶体生长有贡献。对 7.阴离子纤维素类离子交换剂能用于酸性青霉素的提取。对 8.卡那霉素晶体的生产可以采用添加一定浓度的甲醇来沉淀浓缩液中的卡那霉 素。 9.凝胶电泳和凝胶过滤的机理是一样的。错 10.PEG-硫酸钠水溶液能用于淀粉酶的提取。对 11.乙醇能沉淀蛋白质是由于降低了水化程度和盐析效应的结果。对 12.冷冻干燥一般在-20℃—-30℃下进行,干燥过程中可以加入甘油、蔗糖等作为保 护剂。对 13.反相层析的固定相和流动相都含有高极性基团,可用来分离生物物质。错 14.大网格吸附剂由于在制备时加入致孔剂而具有大孔径、高交联度,高比表面积 的特点。错(不确定) 15.PEG沉淀蛋白质是基于体积不相容性。错 三、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,总计20分) 1.对于反胶束萃取蛋白质,下面说法正确的是:A A 在有机相中,蛋白质被萃取进表面活性剂形成的极性核里 B 加入助溶剂,可用阳离子表面活性剂CTAB萃取带正电荷的蛋白质 C 表面活性剂浓度越高越好 D 增大溶液离子强度,双电层变薄,可提高反胶束萃取蛋白质的能力 2.能进行海水脱盐的是:C A 超滤 B 微滤


广东省清远市清城区高三第一学期期末统考(B)卷 英语试题 (本卷满分150分,时间120分钟) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man want to do? A.Fly a kite. B.Go to the park. C.Play on the Internet. 2.What will the girl buy this evening? A.Sunglasses. B.A scarf.C.Gloves. 3.What does the man suggest the woman do? A.Take a taxi.B.Walk to the hotel.C.Ask someone else for help.4.Who is probably the woman? A.A hotel clerk.B.A police officer.C.The man's wife. 5.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.A birthday party.B.New Year's gifts.C.The man's parents. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What is the party for? A.A birthday. B.A graduation ceremony.C.A wedding. 7.Where does the man’s cousin 1ive now?

大学英语3 期中考试答案

Unit 1 Education: A Transformation of the Soul 1On my first day of high school, my teacher showed the class a Power Point presentation entitled The Value of Education. The first slide read simply this: ―Education = $‖. I felt uncomfortable, not knowing exactly why. 2 Education, throughout my high school experience, continued to be described to me like this: college means a diploma. A diploma means a better job. A better job means more money. More money means a good life. But I wondered who had decided the criteria for a ―better‖ job and a ―good‖ life. It all seemed so mathematical. Education was presented to me as an equation equaling a person I had not chosen to be. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1.她读了一首题为《想起你》的诗。(entitle) 2.他给这本书取名为《野性的爱》。(entitle) 3.教育的关键在于激励和享受,而不是一所学校或一个大学文凭。(diploma) 4.那青年用了3 年的时间取得研究生文凭。(diploma) 5.我自己成功的标准是能够努力工作和快乐生活。(criteria) 3 I went on to college, of course, as everyone told me to do. College is how you become an earner, they told me. My major that first semester was International Relations. I liked the woman I envisioned myself as in this field – a diplomat, a savvy citizen of the world. But gradually I began to realize that this person was not someone I bore any resemblance to. She was, rather, a clone of the well-educated, well-moneyed ideal my teacher had presented to me years ago. This woman had earning potential; she was smart and worldly. But she was not someone I would become. She had nothing I really wanted.


2007 —2008 学年第1、2学期分离工程课程期末考试试卷(A 卷)答案及评分标准 二、选择题(本大题20分,每小题2分) 1、由1-2两组分组成的混合物,在一定T 、P 下达到汽液平衡,液相和汽相组成分别为 11,y x ,若体系加入10 mol 的组分(1),在相同T 、P 下使体系重新达到汽液平衡,此时汽、液相的组成分别为 ' 1'1,y x ,则 ( C ) (A )1'1x x >和 1'1y y > (B )1'1x x <和1'1y y < (C )1'1x x =和1'1y y = (D )不确定 2、对于绝热闪蒸过程,当进料的流量组成及热状态给定之后,经自由度分析,只剩下一个自由度由闪蒸罐确定,则还应该确定的一个条件是 ( D ) (A )闪蒸罐的温度 (B )闪蒸罐的压力 (C )气化率 (D )任意选定其中之一 3、某二元混合物,其中A 为易挥发组分,液相组成5.0=A x 时泡点为1t ,与之相平衡的气相组成75.0=A y 时,相应的露点为2t ,则 ( A ) (A )21t t = (B )21t t > (C )21t t < (D )不能确定 4、用郭氏法分析可知理论板和部分冷凝可调设计变量数分别为 ( A ) (A )1,1 (B )1,0 (C )0,1 (D )0,0 5、如果二元物系有最高压力恒沸物存在,则此二元物系所形成的溶液一定是 ( A ) (A )正偏差溶液 (B )理想溶液 (C )负偏差溶液 (D )不一定 6、用纯溶剂吸收混合气中的溶质,逆流操作,平衡关系满足亨利定律。当入塔气体浓度y 1上升,而其它入塔条件不变,则气体出塔浓度y 2和吸收率的变化为 ( C ) (A )y 2上升,下降 (B )y 2下降,上升 (C )y 2上升,不变 (D )y 2上升,变化不确定 7、逆流填料吸收塔,当吸收因数A 1且填料为无穷高时,气液两相将在哪个部位达到平衡 ( B ) (A) 塔顶 (B)塔底 (C)塔中部 (D)塔外部 8、平衡常数较小的组分是 ( D ) (A )难吸收的组分 (B )较轻组份 (C )挥发能力大的组分 (D )吸收剂中的溶解度大 9、吸附等温线是指不同温度下哪一个参数与吸附质分压或浓度的关系曲线。 ( A ) (A) 平衡吸附量 (B) 吸附量 (C) 满吸附量 (D)最大吸附量 10、液相双分子吸附中,U 型吸附是指在吸附过程中吸附剂 ( A ) (A) 始终优先吸附一个组分的曲线 (B) 溶质和溶剂吸附量相当的情况 (C) 溶质先吸附,溶剂后吸附 (D) 溶剂先吸附,溶质后吸附


2019—2020学年度高三校际联合检测 英语 2020.01 本试卷共三部分,共10页。满分120分。考试时间100分钟。 注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,将答题卡上交。 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Barbican Art Gallery A world-class arts and learning center,the Barbican pushes the boundaries of all major art forms including dance,film,music,theater and many visual arts from Egypt.Tickets: Adult:£10 online/£12 at the door 13-17 years old:£6 online/£8 at the door Children aged 12 and under:Free Opening Times: Sat.—Wed.:10 a.m.—6 p.m.;Thu.—Fri.:10 a.m.—9 p.m. Review by Laura Miller:I have just watched To Kill a Mockingbird here.The play and actors were fantastic.Nice and clean ladies’toilets with hot water.During the interval,they were selling the usual ice cream and drinks.Not all staff were friendly,but most were.I would come again to watch another show or even the same one. The British Museum


创新大学英语一期中考试试题B音体美试题 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

Mid-term Examination for Freshmen 姓名:班级:学号:成绩: Part I Translation Directions: Translate the following words and phrases. (8×1'+6×2') 1.sophomore ______ 2. schedule ______ 3. association ______ 4. dormitory ______ 5. admiration ______ 6. outlooks ______ 7. betray ______ 8. cherish ______ 9. in times of trouble and tension _________________________________ 10. make new acquaintances and friends _________________________________ 11. dispel feelings of isolation and loneliness ________________________________ 12. read one’s mind _________________________________ 13. get involved in social activities _________________________________ 14. smooth the transition from …to…_________________________________ Part II Vocabulary Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the word and phrase given below the form where necessary. Change their form if necessary. (14×2') 1.The final results of the experiment are _______ on December 9. 2.We only had time to pack a few _______. 3. A newborn baby needs _______ care and attention. 4.My father _______ to be in good health. 5.An unhappy home _______ can affect a child’s behavior. 6.The literature course has been hard work, but very _______. 7.Some hospital patients experience high levels of _______.


湖北第二师范学院省级精品课程:《高级英语》第二册 综合测试(1) A Comprehensive Test On Book Two Adv. Eng. Ⅰ. For each of the following word, there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the one which best explains the word given: 20% 1. intricate A. difficult B. complicated C. invalid D. simple 2. eradicate A. cut into many small parts B. go round in circle C. draw together into a small space D. put an end to; destroy 3. wax A. grow bigger or greater

B. become less or smaller C. drop heavily D. cover with thick coating 4. squash A. invade B. infer C. squeeze D. separate 5. veer A. move forward B. look sideways C. change directions D. pour out 6. exultant A. triumphant B. ecure C. exhausted D. overflowing 7. unsightly A. invisible B. ugly C. precipitate


填空题 1. .根据吸附剂与吸附质之间存在的吸附力性质的不同,可将吸附分为物理吸附、化学吸附和交换吸附; 2. 比表面积和孔径是评价吸附剂性能的主要参数。 3. 层析操作必须具有固定相和流动相。 4. 溶质的分配系数大,则在固定相上存在的几率大,随流动相的移动速度 小。 5. 层析柱的理论板数越多,则溶质的分离度越大。 6. 两种溶质的分配系数相差越小,需要的越多的理论板数才能获得较大的 分离度。 7. 影响吸附的主要因素有吸附质的性质,温度,溶液pH值,盐的浓度和吸附物的浓度与吸附剂的用量; 8. 离子交换树脂由网络骨架(载体),联结骨架上的功能基团(活性基)和可交换离子组成。 9. 电泳用凝胶制备时,过硫酸铵的作用是引发剂(提供催化丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺聚合所必需的自由基);甲叉双丙烯酰胺的作用是交联剂(丙烯酰胺单体和交联剂甲叉双丙烯酰胺催化剂的作用下聚合而成的含酰胺基侧链的脂肪族长链);TEMED的作用是增速剂(催化过硫酸胺形成自由基而加速丙烯酰胺和双丙烯酰胺的聚合); 10. 影响盐析的因素有溶质种类,溶质浓度,pH 和温度; 11. 在结晶操作中,工业上常用的起晶方法有自然起晶法,刺激起晶法和晶种起晶法; 12. 简单地说离子交换过程实际上只有外部扩散、部扩散和化学交换反应三步;

13. 在生物制品进行吸附或离子交换分离时,通常遵循Langmuir 吸附方程,其形式为c K c q q 0+= 14. 反相高效液相色谱的固定相是 疏水性强 的,而流动相是 极性强 的; 15. 等电聚焦电泳法分离不同蛋白质的原理是依据其 等电点 的不同; 16. 离子交换分离操作中,常用的洗脱方法有 静态洗脱 和 动态洗脱 ; 17. 晶体质量主要指 晶体大小 , 形状 和 纯度 三个方面; 18. 亲和吸附原理包括 配基固定化 , 吸附样品 和 样品解析 三步; 19. 根据分离机理的不同,色谱法可分为 吸附、离交、亲和、凝胶过滤色谱 20. 蛋白质分离常用的色谱法有 免疫亲和色谱法, 疏水作用色谱法 , 金属螯合色谱法 和 共价作用色谱法 ; 21. SDS-PAGE 电泳制胶时,加入十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS )的目的是消除各种待分离蛋白的 分子形状 和 电荷 差异,而将 分子量 作为分离的依据;加入二硫叔糖醇的目的是 强还原剂,破坏半胱氨酸间的二硫键 ; 22. 影响亲和吸附的因素有 配基浓度 、 空间位阻 、 配基与载体的结合位点 、 微环境 和 载体孔径 ; 23. 阳离子交换树脂按照活性基团分类,可分为 强酸性阳离子交换树脂 、 弱酸性 和 中强酸性 ;其典型的活性基团分别有 3 、 COOH - 、2)(OH PO -; 24. 阴离子交换树脂按照活性基团分类,可分为强碱性、 弱碱性 和 中强碱 性 ;其典型的活性基团分别有-+OH CH RN 33)(、2NH -、兼有以上两种基团; 25. 影响离子交换选择性的因素有 离子水合半径 、 离子价 、 离子强度 、 溶液pH ,温度 、溶液浓度 、 搅拌速率 、和 交联度、膨胀度、颗粒大小 ;


本试卷分第I卷(选择题) 和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。考 试用时120分钟,满分150分。 考试结束,将答题卡交回。 第I卷(共100分) 1.答题前,考生在答题卡上务必用直径0 . 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,井贴好条形码。 请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答 案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Nelle Harper Lee was born on April 28,1926. Since Lee’s mother was mentally ill, she was raised by her father. She became very close to her father. The naughty Lee loved reading, and would make up stories

with Truman Capote, her neighbor who was two years older than her. Seeing his daughter’s imagination, Lee’s father gave her a typewriter. Before her final year in the University of Alabama, Lee dropped out to become a writer. She moved to New York City where her childhood friend Truman was already established as a famous writer. While there, she worked on her first book —To kill a Mockingbird. It won her the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was made into an Academy Award winning movie the following year. To kill a Mockingbird tells the story of six-year-old Scout and her brother who live in the town of Maycomb, Alabama with their single father Atticus. Atticus is a lawyer who defends the blacks. At a young age, Scout is exposed to the terrors of segregation(种族隔离). Then, in 2014, the first draft of a new book —Go Set a Watchman was discovered among Lee’s papers. It is the story of 26-year-old Scout who returns to Maycomb to visit her father. She is shocked to find her father a changed man. Atticus has turned into a segregationist! The story shows the mixed feelings Scout has for the changes that have taken place in her hometown and father. A loner for most of her life, Harper Lee stayed unmarried,


****大学课程考核试卷 xxxx—xxxx学年第x学期xxxx 级xxxx 专业(类) 考核科目大学英语二课程类别必修考核类型考试考核方式闭卷卷别 A Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks, 1 mark) Section A Directions:In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause you must read the four choices marked A., B., C., and D., and decide which is the best answer. 1. A. To the restaurant. B. To the subway station. C. To the hotel. D. To the railway station. 2. A. To get enough money for the course. B. To set aside more time for the course. C. To take a full-time course in computing. D. To attend a part-time course in computing. 3. A. Because he’s very busy in the office. B. Because he’s dining with a client. C. Because he’s having a meeting. D. Because he’s on a business trip. 4. A. A police officer. B. A bank clerk. C. A waiter. D. A journalist. 5. A. She had a terrible headache. B. She couldn’t see the questions clearly. C. She couldn’t remember what she had reviewed. D. She quit the exam in the middle of the exam. 6. A. In a coffee bar. B. In an office.


simile 1.It is as though he suddenly came out of a dark tunnel and found himself beneath the open sky 2.They are like the musketeers of Dumas… 3.The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and floated to the ends of the earth. metaphor 1... and it is not easy for him to step out of that lukewarm bath 2.It is not until he is released from the habit of flexing his muscles and proving that he is just a “regular guy” that he realizes how crippling this habit has been 3.The glow of the conversation burst into flames. 4.The conversation was on wings. 5.The glow of the conversation burst into flames. 6.I have an unending love affair with dictionaries 7.we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant. 8.We can batten down and ride it out 9.Wind and rain now whipped the house. mixed metaphor 1.and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. metonymy – change of name – the association of two unlike things[mi't?nimi] 转喻,借代He met his W aterloo. He likes to read Hemingway. 1.In short, all of these publications are written in the language that the Third International describes synecdoche – whole for part or part for whole[si'nekd?ki] 提喻 He has many mouth to feed in his family. China beat South Korea 3 to 1. The vineyard are intersected by channels, red and yellow sails glide slowly through the vines. Nowadays more and more people have a liking for cotton. 1.But neither his vanity nor his purse is any concern of the dictionary' s 2.yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war. alliteration 1.… a concept of how things get written that throws very little light on Lincoln but a great deal on Life 2.ask of us here th e same high standards of strength and sacrifice… 3.One form of colonial control shall not have passed away. 4.We shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom. 5.We pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. 6.We shall pay any price, bear any burden 7.To assure the survival and the success of liberty assonance (元韵、母韵、半谐音) and antithesis … between the much-touted Second International (1934) and the much-clouted Third International (1961) antithesis – contrary in meaning but similar in form 对比 1.If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich 2.Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. 3.Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate. 4.And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. parallelism – ideas are paired and sequenced in the same grammatical form

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