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Unit4 My family第一课时教案


三年级上册《英语》第四单元My family Story Time.



2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:Father, mother, brother, sister and family.

3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:This is ×××





1. 词汇father, mother, brother, sister, family的读音。





Step1 Warming Up

师与生自由谈话,以朋友为话题,导出this is…

1.T: Good morning, ×××. / Are you×××?

Who is your friend?

S: He’s /She’s×××. He’s /She’s my friend.

2. (看照片,教师与其朋友的合照) T: Who’ s this girl? 引入This is me.

T: This is my friend. She’s Lily.

3. Introduce your friends to Miss Zhu.

Hello, ×××.This is ×××, she/ he is my friend.

Step2 Presentation


1. Learn the word “father”

Way: T: Look at this photo, who is this girl?

Yes, this is Miss Zhu, this is me.

T: Look at this man, who is he?


2. T: This is my father, I’d like to know your father. Introduce your

father to your partner.

(设计意图:让学生通过介绍自己的爸爸,使学生操练了father 这个单词,在真实的语境中自然地学新单词,而不是枯燥的脱离情景一个一个读)

3. Learn the word“mother”

Way: T: Look at this woman, who’s she?

Yes, you’re right. She’s my mother.

T: This is my mother, and I want to know your mother, introduce your mother to your partner.

S: This is my mother.

T: How beautiful!

4. Learn the word“family”

T: This is my father, my mother and me. So this is my family.


5.Learn the sentence “ this is my family” and the

words“brother”and “sister”.

Way: T: This is my family, and how about yours?

S: This is my family, this is my father, this is my mother and this is my brother/sister.

(让学生介绍自己家庭,可找有兄弟姐妹的学生来介绍,引出新单词brother 和sister.)

Step3 Story time

1. Play a guessing game.

T: He’s Mike. He is introducing his family to his friends. Let’s watch the cartoon and know his family members.

2. Watch and answer.

Q1: How many people are there in Mike’s family?

3. Watch the cartoon and find out the family members.

Q2: Who are they?

学生上台指出Mike的家庭成员:This is my father/mother/brother/sister, 教师把迈克一家的头像贴在黑板对应的位置,让学生一目了然,明白Story Time 的脉络。

4. Watch the cartoon again

Q3: Mike’s brother is Tim

Mike’s sister is Helen.

5. Read after the tape, pay attention to the tune and stress.

a. 全班齐读

b. 个别读


Step4 Post- Reading

1.T: If you were Mike, try to introduce your family to us.

Way: 1.请一名学生上台,带上Mike的头饰,向全班同学介绍家人.



2.Introduce your family to Mike

Way: T: You know Mike’s family and Mike wants to know your family, too. Try to introduce your family to Mike.

S: Thi s is my family, this is ….

3. Introduce Xiao Huihui’s family

Way: Mike meets Xiao Huihui at a party, he wants to know his family, let’s help him.

4.FAMILY------- Father and mother, I love you.

Step5 Homework

1.Read story time after the tape.

2.Introduce your family to your friends.


本节课是新教材《英语》第四单元My family的story time板块,主要介绍了家庭成员father, mother, brother, sister and me, 通过句型This is my family, this is …而展开。

我设计的课堂教学活动分为四个步骤:适当铺垫,整体引入,理解掌握,拓展运用。在适当铺垫时,我利用上一单元的知识点,通过展示自己和朋友的合照,引出This is …的句型,让学生介绍自己的朋友。通过看老师自己的家庭照片,引出了father和mother这些新单词,在操练这些新单词时,设计了一个环节,让学生向同桌介绍自己的爸爸/妈妈:“This is my father/mother.”这样,创设了真实的情景,学生很自然的会说到这是我爸爸/妈妈,而不是对着单词一遍一遍的朗读。通过爸爸,妈妈,和我的照片,导出“family”这个单词,揭题, 然后让有弟弟妹妹的学生介绍自己的家人,引出brother和sister这两个新单词。

当适当铺垫到一定好处时,带领学生一起走进Story Time,进行整体呈现。在整体呈现的环节里,也是采用螺旋式上升的方式,一个阶梯一个阶梯的有层次感的进行课堂教学。通过看卡通,回答有几个家庭成员,再到分别是谁,最后要


通过Story Time的学习,学生也就能理解掌握了。在这个环节,学生先个别扮演迈克,介绍家人,然后分角色扮演,这时让迈克的爸爸,妈妈,弟弟,姐姐带上头饰,和学生打招呼,丰富语言的输出,实现话轮的完整性。


在上完这节课后,姜老师和听课老师提出了宝贵的意见,让我意识到一些需改进的地方:chant的目的是为了增加韵律,通过朗读达到巩固单词和句型的目的。但chant比较单一,此处学生已经掌握的情况下并且韵感不强的情况下,就显得没有意义,是一种比较低效的教学方法。所以,姜老师建议,此处可以删除不用chant。在整体引入环节,要求学生看卡通听出迈克的弟弟和姐姐的名字时,在播放动画的时候,不用停顿下来,减低难度,应该让学生自己获取信息,整体感知。在某些细节上,也有老师提出建议,如在说Listen时,学生可能不明白什么意思,教师可以做手势,把手指放在嘴巴上,指着耳朵,让学生明白意思。在理解运用环节,迈克的家人和同学们打招呼时,可以用不同的打招呼方式,丰富其语言,如可以说:Nice to meet you! Good morning.在板书的设计上,应该贴上迈克家人的照片,这样就比较清晰的反应出Story time的脉络,学生一目了然。

三上Unit 4 My family (story time)教学反思

[ 2012-9-27 21:53:00 | By: 陈萍 ]



今天上午,我在落实新课标新教材研讨活动中上了三年级上册Unit 4 My family (story time)。Warm up部分我利用老师和学生的照片复习He’s/ She’s…导入部分通过让学生认读课文图片上的人物渗透This is…故事学习阶段我通过Watch and circle, Quick eyes, Say a rhyme三个部分进行。跟读部分设计了谁是最佳配音员的活动,增加学习的趣味性,激发学生的学习积极性。巩固部分让学生介绍Mike的一家,并增设了Magic ear环节,目的是让其他学生集中注意力,注意听台上学生的介绍。拓展部分让学生拿出自己的家庭照片介绍自己的家庭。

这堂课上下来自我感觉节奏比较慢,前半部分花的时间有点长,整堂课的环节也有点松散,导致课堂气氛比较沉闷,学生的学习积极性没有真正调动起来。听了葛艳老师的课给了我很多启发,葛老师的课堂活动非常丰富,课堂气氛非常活跃,重点是学生完全能够跟得上,并且学习效果很好。我这堂课完全可以再多创设一些活动,把节奏提快。结合我这堂课我可以在导入环节设计闪现学生自己的照片,让学生用This is…说一说,活跃课堂气氛,拓展环节呈现一些学生感兴趣的卡通人物一家人的照片让学生选择一个家庭介绍等活动,为学生创设更多的情境,让学生有更多的机会运用语言,输出语言。黄老师的点评中提到教师应该从一个teller逐渐转变成为helper,shower,involver,到最高境界的enabler。我先从teller转变为helper做起,做一位辅助学生学习的引导者,当然要成为这样的引导者还需要不断反思,不断学习,不断更新,不断提高。

朱瑛研究课课例 Unit4 My family(Period1) (2013-09-28 12:12:11)转载▼



三年级上册《英语》第四单元My family Story Time.


1. 能在整体语境中理解故事的内容。

2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:Father, mother, brother, sister and family.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:This is ×××

4. 能在对话、游戏中感受学英语的乐趣。





1. 词汇father, mother, brother, sister, family的读音。





Step1. Warming Up

师与生自由谈话,以朋友为话题,导出this is…

1.T: Good morning, ×××. / Are you×××?

Who is your friend?

S: He’s /She’s×××. He’s /She’s my friend.

2. (看照片,教师与其朋友的合照) T: Who’ this girl? 引入This is me. T: This is my friend. She’s Lily.

3. Introduce your friends to Miss Zhu.

Hello, ×××.This is ×××, she/ he is my friend.

Step2. Presentation


1. Learn the word “father”

Way: T: Look at this photo, who is this girl?

Yes, this is Miss Zhu, this is me.

T: Look at this man, who is he?


2. T: This is my father, I’d like to know your father. Introduce your father to your deskmate.

(设计意图:让学生通过介绍自己的爸爸,使学生操练了father 这个单词,在真实的语境中自然地学新单词,而不是枯燥的脱离情景一个一个读)

3. Learn the word“mother”

Way: T: Look at this woman, who’s she?

Yes, you’re right. She’s my mother.

T: This is my mother, and I want to know your mother, introduce your mother to your partner.

S: This is my mother.

T: How beautiful!

4. Learn the word“family”

T: This is my father, my mother and me. So this is my family.


6. Learn the sentence“ this is my family” and the words“brother”and “sister”.

Way: T: This is my family, and how about yours?

S: This is my family, this is my father, this is my mother and this is my brother/sister.

(让学生介绍自己的家庭,可以找有兄弟姐妹的学生来介绍,引出新单词brother 和sister.)

Step3. Story time

1. Play a guessing game

T: He’s Mike. He is introducing his family to his friends. Let’s watch the cartoon and know his family members.

2. Watch and answer

Q1: How many people are there in Mike’s family?

3. Watch the cartoon and find out the family members.

Q2: Who are they?

学生上台指出Mike的家庭成员:This is my father/mother/brother/sister, 教师把迈克一家的头像贴在黑板对应的位置,让学生一目了然,明白Story Time 的脉络。

4. Watch the cartoon again

Q3: Mike’s brother is Tim

Mike’s sister is Helen.

5. Read after the tape, pay attention to the tune and stress.

a. 全班齐读

b. 个别读


Step4.Post- Reading

1. T: If you were Mike, try to introduce your family to us.

Way: 1.请一名学生上台,带上Mike的头饰,向全班同学介绍家人.


2. Introduce your family to Mike

Way: T: You know Mike’s family and Mike wants to know your family, too. Try to introduce your family to Mike.

S: This is my family, this is ….

3. Introduce Xiao Huihui’s family

Way: Mike meets Xiao Huihui at a party, he wants to know his family, let’s help him.

4.FAMILY------- Father and mother, I love you.

Step5. Homework

1. Read story time after the tape.

2. Introduce your family to your friends.


本节课是新教材《英语》第四单元My family的story time板块,主要介绍了家庭成员father, mother, brother, sister and me, 通过句型This is my family, this is …而展开。


用。在适当铺垫时,我利用上一单元的知识点,通过展示自己和朋友的合照,引出This is …的句型,让学生介绍自己的朋友。通过看老师自己的家庭照片,引出了father和mother这些新单词,在操练这些新单词时,设计了一个环节,让学生向同桌介绍自己的爸爸/妈妈: “This is my father/mother.”这样,创设了真实的情景,学生很自然的会说到这是我爸爸/妈妈,而不是对着单词一遍一遍的朗读。通过爸爸,妈妈,和我的照片,导出“family”这个单词,揭题, 然后让有弟弟妹妹的学生介绍自己的家人,引出brother和sister这两个新单词。

当适当铺垫到一定好处时,带领学生一起走进Story Time,进行整体呈现。在整体呈现的环节里,也是采用螺旋式上升的方式,一个阶梯一个阶梯的有层次感的进行课堂教学。通过看卡通,回答有几个家庭成员,再到分别是谁,最后要求能听出迈克的弟弟和妹妹的名字,设计的问题有层次感,让学生在听、看、读中最后到说,培养学生综合语言运用能力。

通过Story Time的学习,学生也就能理解掌握了。在这个环节,学生先个别扮演迈克,介绍家人,然后分角色扮演,这时让迈克的爸爸,妈妈,弟弟,姐姐带上头饰,和学生打招呼,丰富语言的输出,完成话轮的完整性。


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