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PIC S VMP 验证主计划(中英文对照)

PIC S VMP 验证主计划(中英文对照)
PIC S VMP 验证主计划(中英文对照)




Adoption by PIC/S Committee 10 - 11 December 1998

Entry into force of version PR 1/99-1 01 March 1999

Entry into force of version PI 006-1 01 September 2001


The basic principles and application of qualification and validation are described

in Annex 15 to the PIC/S and EU Guide to GMP. This document comprises individual Recommendations on four topics relating to Equipment Qualification and Process Validation in pharmaceutical manufacture, as follows:

? Validation Master Plan

? Installation and Operational Qualification

? Non-Sterile Process Validation

? Cleaning Validation

The four Recommendations comprising this document define general principles pertaining to each of the topics.

2. 导言

PIC/S和EU GMP指导原则的附录15中对确认(Qualification)和验证(Validation)的基本原则及应








2.1 Purpose of the document

2.1.1 The topics of these Recommendation documents reflect some of the areas in pharmaceutical manufacture identified by both Inspectorates and the Pharmaceutical Industry as requiring guidance additional to that given in the current PIC/S GMP Guide.

2.1.2 The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for GMP inspectors in reviewing the issues covered to use for training purposes and in preparation for inspections.

2.1 本文件的目的

2.1.1 这些建议性文件的主题涉及的是那些审计人员和制药企业都认为需要对现行PIC/S GMP指导原则进行补充的领域。 2.1.2 本文件的目的在于给GMP审计人员提供一个指导文件,可用于培训和审计的准备工作。

2.2 Scope of the document

2.2.1 It is considered that the principles defined in the individual Recommendation documents can be applied equally in the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished pharmaceuticals.

2.2.2 At the time of issue, this document reflected the current state of the art. It is not intended to be a barrier to technical innovation or the pursuit of excellence.

2.2.3 The advice in these Recommendations is not mandatory for industry. However,industry should consider these Recommendations as appropriate. 2.2.4 It should be noted that additional requirements not contained in these Recommendations pertain to computer systems impacting GMP.

2.2 范围

2.2.1 每个建议文件中所确定的原则既适用于原料药,也适用于制剂。

2.2.2 在公布时,本文件反映了当前的技术水平。但并不能因此而成为技术革新和追求卓越的一种障碍。

2.2.3 本文件中的建议并不强制制药企业执行。然而,制药企业应当要适当考虑这些建议。

2.2.4 需要注意的是本文件并未包括会影响GMP的计算机系统方面的补充要求。

2.3 Aims of Qualification and Validation

The qualification and validation process should establish and provide documentary evidence that: 2.3.1 The premises, the supporting utilities, the equipment and the processes have been designed in accordance with the requirements of GMP. This normally constitutes Design Qualification or DQ.

2.3.2 The premises, supporting utilities and the equipment have been built and installed in compliance with their design specifications. This constitutes Installation Qualification or IQ. 2.3.3 The premises, supporting utilities and the equipment operate in accordance

with their design specifications. This constitutes



Operational Qualification or OQ.

2.3.4 A specific process will consistently produce

a product meeting its predetermined specifications and quality attributes. This constitutes Process Validation or PV. The term Performance ualification or PQ may be used also.

2.3 确认和验证的目的


2.3.1 厂房,设施,设备和工序是根据GMP要求进行设计的。这通常就是设计确认(DQ, Design Qualification).

2.3.2 厂房,设施,设备和工序是根据GMP要求进行建造或安装的。这就是安装确认(IQ, Installation Qualification).

2.3.3 厂房,设施,设备和工序是根据其设计标准进行操作的。这就是操作确认(OQ, Operational Qualification).

2.3.4 一特定工艺能够持续地生产出符合已定质量标准和质量属性的产品。这就是工艺验证(PV, Process Validation)。也被称为性能确认(PQ, Performacne Qualification)

2.4 Terminology

2.4.1 Terminology used in the four Recommendation documents which is not defined in the current glossary of the PIC/S Guide to GMP, is presented at the end of this document.

2.4.2 It is worth commenting on the interchangeability of terms typically accepted internationally. The term ‘validation’ is often assumed to encompass the elements of equipment qualification, both Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification, in addition to validation of the process itself. However, for the purpose of these Recommendations, terms are not used interchangeably.

2.4 术语

2.4.1 本文件中所用到的术语,若现行PIC/S GMP 指导文件中没有对其进行解释,则在本文件的结尾处会有其解释。

2.4.2 有必要对术语的可替换性进行说明,特别是那些国际认可的术语。“验证(Validation)”经常会包括设备确认(equipment qualification), 安装确认和操作


2.5 When to qualify and validate ? 2.5.1 Any aspect of, including significant changes to, the premises, the facilities, the equipment or the processes, which may affect the quality of the product, directly or indirectly, should be qualified and validated.

2.5.2 The concept of equipment qualification is not

a new one. Many suppliers have always performed equipment checks to confirm function ality of their equipment to defined specifications, both prior to and after installation.

2.5.3 Similarly, development, scale-up and transfer into production of products and processes is not a new concept. Terminology may change and even differ between users, but the basic concepts of validation are immutable.

2.5.4 However, documented records of qualification and validation work in general, have sometimes not been given sufficient consideration by either equipment suppliers or pharmaceutical companies in the past. As a consequence, companies have not always been able to provide documented evidence to inspectors reflecting the time and effort spent in carrying out these activities.

2.5 何时进行确认和验证

2.5.1 厂房,设施,设备或工序的可能会直接或间接影响到产品质量的方方面面及其重要变更都应当要进行确认和验证。

2.5.2 设备确认(Equipment qualification)并不是一

个新概念。很多供应商经常会进行设备核查(Equipment check)以确认其功能是否能符合已定标准,这样的设备核查既有在安装前进行的,也有在安装后进行的。

2.5.3 类似的,产品和工艺的开发(Development), 放大(Scale-up)和进行生产(Transfer into production)也


2.5.4 然而,在过去,一般来说,无论是设备供应商还是制药企业都没有对确认和验证工作的书面记录给予足够的重视。因此,公司经常不能向审计人员提供书面材料说明其何时和如何进行了这些确认和验证工作。

2.5.5 It is impossible to categorically define what and when qualification and validation are necessary, as manufacturing operations and facilities var y considerably in size and complexity.

2.5.6 It is a requirement of GMP that each pharmaceutical company identifies what qualification and validation work is required to prove control of the critical aspects of their



particular operation. Common sense and an understanding of pharmaceutical processing go a long way towards determining what aspects of

an operation are critical.

2.5.7 The key elements of a qualification and validation programme of a company should be clearly defined and documented in a Validation Master Plan.

2.5.8 High standards should be stringently applied to documenting the work programme.

2.5.5 不可能很明确地确定何时需对哪些具体的方面进行确认和验证,因为生产操作和设施在规模和复杂性上都有很大的不同。

2.5.6 GMP要求每个制药企业都要确定需要进行哪些确认和验证工作以证明其对特定操作的关键方面进行了控制。人们对药物生产的理解还没有到达要确定一个操作中哪些方面是关键的这个程序,这要成为一个基本常识还需要很长一段时间。

2.5.7 在验证方案中,公司应当要清楚地说明确认和验证项目中的关键因素。

2.5.8 应当要以高标准来严格要求工作安排的制定。

2.5.9 Considerable resources, in terms of time, money and personnel, are typically required by companies to implement a qualification and validation programme.

2.5.10 Qualification and validation may be addressed in a var iety of acceptable ways.

Each company will have a preferred methodology which will be considered on its own merits by the Inspector.

2.5.11 The expertise of suppliers, contractors and consultants may be utilised for qualification and validation work. In such cases, the responsibility lies with the contract giver to ensure that the required standards for the quality of the work which is carried out, for programme control and for documentation are met.

2.5.12 Qualification and validation can not be considered once-off exercises, for example, the start-up of a new manufacturing operation. An ongoing programme should follow its first implementation.

2.5.9 公司在进行确认和验证项目时,是需要相当多的资源的,特别是时间,资金和人员方面的。

2.5.10 有很多种方面来进行确认和验证。每个公司会有其首选的一套方法,审计人员会根据其自身的特点来考虑。 2.5.11 确认和验证工作会牵涉到供应商,合作者以及顾问的专业知识。 在这种情况下,合同提供者有责任确保根据所需的质量要求进行了项目控制和文件化。

2.5.12 确认和验证工作并不是一次性工作,比如说,新的生产操作的启动。在第一次执行之后,还应当要有后续工作。

2.6 Change Control

2.6.1 Commitment of the company to control change to premises, supporting utilities, materials, equipment and processes used in the manufacture of medicinal products is essential to ensure a continued validation status of the systems concerned.

2.6.2 This commitment should be stated in the relevant company documentation. For example, the Quality Manual, Quality Policy Documents or the Validation Master Plan. As part of its Quality Management System the company should have a defined and formalised Change Control Procedure.

2.6 变更控制

2.6.1 公司有义务对药品生产中所用到的厂房,设施,设备,物料和工艺的变更进行控制,并确保对所涉及系统进行后续验证。

2.6.2 在相关公司文件中要对此义务进行说明。比如说,质量手册,质量方针文件呀验证方案。作为公司质量管理系统的一部分,公司应当要正式建立变更控制程序。

2.7 Responsibility for Qualification and Validation

2.7.1 The responsibility for qualification and validation in pharmaceutical manufacture is a multi-disciplinary one. The current PIC/S GMP Guide states that the heads of the Production and Quality Control departments generally have the responsibility:

"To ensure that the appropriate validations are done."

2.7 确认和验证的职责

2.7.1 制药企业中确认和验证的职责是方面的。现行PIC/S GMP 指导文件中说,通常来说生产部门和质量部门是有责任的。


2.7.2 While the GMP Guide specifically identifies the responsibility of the Production and Quality Control departments, in practice, other departments, like Engineering and Research and



Development as well as Contractors are usually involved in the programme.

2.7.2 GMP指导文件中明确指明了生产部门和质量部门


2.7.3 It is the responsibility of the pharmaceutical company to define the respective responsibilities of its personnel and of external contractors in the qualification and validation programme. This should form part of the Validation Master Plan. However, the Quality Assurance function of a company should normally have a critical role in overseeing the whole qualification and validation process.

2.7.4 It is recommended that the validation programme be actively co-ordinated and managed by the company. To this end, validation teams are often formed with specific roles identified and assigned to individual team members. It is imperative that the most senior level of management within the company understands the personnel, time and financial resources required to execute a qualification and validation programme and commits the necessary resources to the work.

2.7.3 制药企业有责任确定其内部人员和外部合作者在确认或验证项目中各自的责任。这应当要成为验证项目的一部分。然而,公司的QA(Quality Assurance function) 通常要起到对整个确认和验证的进程进行监控的关键作用。

2.7.4 建议公司对验证计划进行积极地协调和管理。为达到这个目的,验证团队经常要明确各个团队成员的责任。公司的最高管理层应当要理解,进行确认和验证项目是需要人力,时间和资金的,因达要为工作的开展提供必要的资源。

3. Interrelationship between qualification and validation

Design specification/Qualificatin

Installation Qualification

Operational Qualification

Process Validation or Performance Qualification

Change Control-Design pecification/Qualification

3. 确认和验证之间的关系

设计确认 - 安装确认 - 操作确认 - 工艺验证(性能确认) - 变更控制 4. VALIDATION MASTER PLAN

4.1. Principle

4.1.1 Validation in general requires a meticulous preparation and careful planning of the var ious steps in the process. In addition, all work involved should be carried out in a structured way according to formally authorised standardised working and administrative procedures. In addition validation is characterised by:

? Multidisciplinary approach: A specific characteristic of validation work is that it requires the collaboration of experts of var ious disciplines such as pharmacists, technologists, metrologists, chemical analysts, microbiologists, engineers, experts on Q.A. validation etc..

4. 验证方案

4.1. 基本原则

4.1.1 通常验证需要对工艺中的各个工序进行细致的准备的和安排。此外,应当要根据正式批准的标准工作程序和管理程序来开展所有的工作。此外,验证还有如下特征:


? Time constraints: Generally validation work is submitted to rigorous time schedules. These studies are always the last stage prior to taking new processes, facilities into routine operation.

? Costs: Validation studies are costly as they require time of highly specialised personnel and expensive technology.

4.1.2 The above factors require a well organised and structured approach that should be adequately described in a Validation Master Plan (VMP).



4.1.2 上述这些因素需要有一个经过组织的结构化的方法,验证方案(Validation Master Plan, VMP)中应当要对此进行足够详细地描述。

4.2 Purpose

4.2.1 The VMP should present an overview of the



entire validation operation, its organisational structure, its content and planning. The core of the VMP being the list / inventory of the items to be validated and the planning schedule.

4.2.2 A VMP helps management:

- to know what the validation programme involves with respect to time, people and money, and to

- understand the necessity for the programme;

4.2 目的

4.2.1 验证方案(VMP)应当要对整个验证操作,组织结构,内容和计划进行全面安排。验证方案(VMP)的核心是所有验证项目的列表和时间安排。

4.2.2 验证方案(VMP)有助于管理层:

- 知道验证项目所涉及到的时间,人员和资金,以及去

- 理解验证的必要性。


- 知道他们各自的任务和职责。


- 理解公司进行验证的方法和进行所有验证活动所建立的组织。

A VMP helps all members of the validation team: - to know their tasks and responsibilities.

A VMP helps GMP inspectors:

- to understand the firm's approach to validation and the set up an organisation of all validation activities.


- 知道他们各自的任务和职责。


- 理解公司进行验证的方法和进行所有验证活动所建立的组织。

4.3 Definition

4.3.1 A Validation Master Plan is a document that summarises the firm's overall philosophy, intentions and approach to be used for establishing performance adequacy.

4.3 定义

4.3.1 验证方案(VMP)是对公司的整个体系,及用于建立性能充分性的方法进行综述的文件。

4.4 Scope

4.4.1 All validation activities relating to critical technical operations, relevant to product and process controls within a firm should be included in a VMP. This includes qualification of critical manufacturing and control equipment.

§4.4.2 It should comprise all Prospective, Concurrent, Retrospective Validations as well as Re-validations.

4.4.3 In case of large projects like the construction of a new facility, often the best approach is to create a separate VMP. (In such situations the VMP should be part of the total project management.)

4.4 范围

4.4.1 验证方案(VMP)应当要包括所有和技术操作相关的验证活动,所有和公司内产品和过程控制相关的验证活动。它还包括关键生产设备的控制设备的确认。

4.4.2 它包括:前瞻性验证,现行验证,回顾性验证以及再验证。

4.4.3 如果是一些大型项目,比如说建造新的厂房等,最好的办法往往是单独编写一份验证方案(VMP)。(在这种情况下,验证方案(VMP)应当是整个项目管理的一部分。)

4.5 Format and Content

4.5.1 The VMP should be a summary document and should therefore be brief, concise and clear. It should not repeat information documented elsewhere but refer to existing documents such as Policy Documents, SOP's and Validation Protocols/Reports. The VMP should be agreed by management.

4.5 格式和内容

4.5.1 验证方案(VMP)是个概述性文件,因此它应当要简洁明了。验证方案(VMP)不需要重复在其它地方已有的文件,只需参考这些文件即可,比如方针文件,标准操作规程(SOP) 和验证具体方案/报告等。


4.5.2 A VMP should contain data on the following subjects / proposed chapters.

Introduction Firm's validation policy, general de script ion of the scope of those operations covered by the VMP, location and schedule (including priorities). Organisational Structure of All Validation Activities

4.5.2 一个验证方案(VMP)应当要包括如下这几方面的资料。



CLEANING VALIDATION (6/25) 公司的验证方针,验证方案(VMP)所包含的所有操作的概述,地点和时间安排(包括先后顺序)。

所有验证活动的组织结构 Personnel responsibility for

- the VMP,

- protocols of individual validation projects,

- validation work,

- report and document preparation and control,

- approval / authorisation of validation protocols and reports in all stages

of validation processes,

- tracking system for reference and review,

- training needs in support of validation. 如下工作的人员职责

- 验证方案(VMP)

- 每个验证项目的具体方案

- 验证工作

- 报告和文件的编写和控制

- 验证过程中每个阶段的具体验证方案的批准

- 引用和评审的跟踪系统

- 验证所需的培训。

Plant / Process / Product De script ion Provides a cross reference to other documents. A rationale for the inclusion or exclusion of validations, for the validation approach and the extent of validation should be included.

工厂/工艺/产品描述 提供其它文件的引用号。应当要包括是否要包括验证的理由说明,验证方法和验证程度的理由说明。

Note: A common principle in validation studies is to challenge processes, systems etc. The rationale behind any challenge and or “worst case” situation should be explained. Consideration can be given to the grouping of products / processes for the purpose of validating "worst case" situations. Where "worst case" situations cannot be simulated, the rationale for the groupings made should be defined. Specific Process Considerations Under this heading specific characteristics / requirements of the plant / process etc. that are critical for yielding a quality product and need extra attention may be briefly outlined here. 注:验证的基本原则是对工艺,系统等进行挑战。对于所有还未到达“最坏情况”的情形都要进行理由说明。为了对“最坏情况”进行验证,可以考虑对产品/工艺进行分组。当“最坏情况”不能被模拟时,则应当要确定所做分组的理由。

特殊工艺考虑 在该标题下,要简要说明那些工厂和工艺等的特殊性质和要求,它们对生产出符合质量的产品是至关重要的,或者是需要额外注意的。

List of Products / Processes / Systems to be Validated All validation activities comprised in the VMP should be summarised and compiled in a matrix format. Such matrix should provide an overview and contain:

? all items covered by the VMP that are subject to validation describing the extent of validation required [i.e. IQ, OQ and/or PQ]. It should include validation of analytical techniques which are to be used in determining the validation status of other processes or systems,

? the validation approach, i.e. Prospective, Retrospective or Concurrent, ? the Re-validation activities,

? actual status and future planning.

需验证产品/工艺/系统的列表 验证计划(VMP)中所包含的所有验证活动都应






Key Acceptance Criteria General statement on key acceptance criteria for the items listed under ( above. Documentation Format The format to be used for protocols and reports should be described or referred to. Required SOP's List of relevant SOP’s should be presented.



关键合格标准 上述项目的关键合格标准的综述。

文件格式 应当要对方案和报告所用的格式进行描述或参引。

所需的标准操作规程(SOP) 列出所有相关的SOP

Planning & Scheduling An estimate of staffing (including training needs), equipment and other specific requirements to complete the validation effort should be described in the VMP. A time plan of the project with detailed planning of subprojects. This time plan could be included in the above mentioned matrix ( A VMP requires regular updating.

规划和时间安排 验证安排(VMP)中应当要对完成整个验证所需的人员(包括所需的培训),设备和其它特殊要求进行估计。整个项目的时间安排,及子项目的详细规划。这个时间安排可以包括在上述的矩阵中(。验证安排需要进行定期更新。

Change Control A statement of the company's commitment to controlling critical changes to materials, facilities, equipment or processes (including analytical techniques), should be included.

变更控制 公司应当承诺要对物料,设备,设备或工艺(包括分析技术)的重大变更进行控制。

5. INSTALLATION AND OPERATIONAL QUALIFICATION Recommendations for the Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification of equipment involved in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products.

5.1 Principle

5.1.1 Installation and Operational Qualification exercises assure through appropriate performance tests and related documentation and records that equipment and ancillary systems or sub-systems have been commissioned correctly and that all future operations will be reliable and within prescribed or specified operating limits.

5.1 原则


5.1.1 安装确认和操作确认通过适当的性能测试和相关的文件与记录确保设备和辅助系统或子系统得到了正确地应用且将来的所有操作都是可靠的,都会在规定或指定的操作范围内。

5.1.2 These Recommendations outline the principles and basic requirements for the Installation and Operational Qualification of systems or subsystems (equipment) including support systems used in the manufacture of all pharmaceutical products, (including active pharmaceutical ingredients) (APIs). The Recommendations are intended to cover installation and operation of new or modified systems or sub-systems.

5.1.3 The detail and scope of a qualification exercise is in many respects related to the complexity of the equipment involved and the critical nature of that equipment with respect to the quality of the final product. Nevertheless, the basic principles should be adhered to whether it is the installation and operation of a simple piece of equipment or an autoclave.

5.1.2 这些建议概述了所有药品生产(包括原料药API)过程中所用到的系统,或子系统(设备)包括支持系统的安装确认和操作确认的基本原则和基本要求。这些建议涵盖了新系统,更新系统或子系统的安装和操作。

5.1.3 确认的详细程度和范围在很多方面是和所涉及设备的复杂性及设备能影响药品质量的关键属性息息相关的。然而,无论是设备的简单零件或是一个高压锅的安装和操作都应当要遵从这些基本原则。

5.1.4 The basic principles are as follows:

(a) The equipment should be correctly installed in accordance with an installation plan, as per supplier and any special (purchaser) requirements, (b) The requirements for calibration, maintenance and cleaning developed as draft procedures should be reviewed and finally issued as authorised standard operating procedures (SOPs) as part of the SOP programme of the company,

(c) Operating requirements should be established and tests conducted to assure equipment is operating correctly, under normal and “worst case”conditions,

(d) Operator training requirements pertaining to the new equipment should be finalised and documented.

5.1.4 基本原则如下:



(a) 设备的安装应当要符合安装设计(Installation Plan),需根据供应商的要求或其它特定要求进行正确地安装。

(b) 草拟校验,维护和清洗要求的程序,并对其进行审阅,最终批准作为正式的标准操作规程(SOP),成为公司SOP系统的一部分。

(c) 确立正确的操作要求,并要进行检测确保设备在正常情况下和“最坏情况”下都能得到正确地运行。

(d) 对于新的设备,应当要确立操作者培训要求,并形成文件。

5.1.5 At var ious stages in a validation exercise there is need for protocols, documentation, procedures, equipment, specifications, acceptance criteria for test results to be reviewed, checked and authorised. It would be expected that representatives of the main professional disciplines, e.g. Engineering, Research

& Development, Manufacturing, Quality Control and Quality Assurance, involved in manufacture are actively involved in these undertakings with the final authorisation given by a validation committee or the Quality Assurance representative.

5.1.5 在实施验证的每个阶段,都需要对具体方案,文件,程序,设备,质量标准,检测结果的合格标准进行审阅,复核和批准。希望在生产过程中所涉及到的主要部门比如工程部,研发部,生产部,QC和QA的人员,经过验证委员会或QA的批准后,能积极地参与到验证中来。

5.2 Installation Qualification (l.Q.) - Overview Statement

5.2.1 Installation Qualification is an essential step preceding the Process Validation exercise. It is normally executed by the Engineering group. The installation of equipment, piping, services and instrumentation is undertaken and checked to engineering drawings Piping & Instrument Diagrams, (P&IDs) and Plant function al Specifications developed during the project planning stage. During the project planning stage, Installation Qualification should involve the identification of all system elements, service conduits and gauges and the preparation of a documented record that all installed equipment satisfies the planned requirements.

5.2.2 Identification and documenting of maintenance requirements for each installed

item and the collection and collation of supplier operating and working instructions, maintenance and cleaning requirements, should form the minimum documentation for a satisfactory Installation Qualification.

5.2 安装确认 (IQ) - 概述

5.2.1 安装确认是在工艺验证前所必需要完成的工作。它通常是由工程部门来实施完成的。需根据工程设计图,管路图和在项目规划阶段开发的工厂功能标准来进行设备,管路,服务和仪器的安装与核查。安装确认(IQ)应当要包括所有系统元件,管路和仪表的标识及所有安装好的设备符合既定要求的书面记录。

5.2.2 确定每个已安装设备的维护要求,并形成文件。收集和比较供应商的操作的工作手册,维护和清洗要求,并对这些工作形成文件。这些都是一个合格的安装确认所必要的文件。

5.3 Installation Qualification - Essential Elements Installation of Equipment

5.3.1. The installation of equipment singularly or as a group (plant) should follow well defined plans. The plans will have been developed and finalised following progression through a number of design stages. The plans will normally be available and documented as Equipment Specifications, Plant function al Specifications and Piping & Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs). During the design stage, an effective Change Management procedure should be in place. All changes to the original design criteria should be documented and after that, appropriate modifications made to Equipment Specifications, Plant function al Specifications and Piping & Instrument Diagrams (P&IDs).

5.3.2 During the final phases of the design stage the facilities and equipment necessary for calibration requirements will need to be identified.

5.3 安装确认 - 必备项


5.3.1 无论是单个设备的安装,还是一组设备的安装,都应当要符合确定的规划。这个规划是根据一系列的设计阶段的进展而发展起来,并最终确定的。这个规划通常会被写成设备标准,工厂功能标准和管路和设备图。在设计阶段,应当要有有效的变更管理程序。对原有的设计标准进行了任一更改,都应进行记录,并要对设备标准,工厂功能标准及管路和设备图做相应的更新。

5.3.2 在设计阶段的后期,应当要标明进行必要的校验所需的车间和设备。



Calibration Requirements

5.3.3 (a) confirmation of calibration of calibrating equipment with reference to the appropriate national standard,

(b) calibration of measuring devices utilised in the Operational Qualification stage, where confirmation of calibration is unavailable,

(c) calibration of measuring devices related to installed equipment,

(d) identification of calibration requirements for measuring devices for the future use of the equipment.


5.3.3 (a) 确认已根据合适的国家标准对校准设备进行了校准。

(b) 对操作确认(OQ)阶段所用到的计量装置进行校准。

(c) 对和已安装的设备有关的计量装置进行校准。

(d) 将来设备使用过程中所用到的计量装置的校准要求需要确定。

Checking of Suppliers

5.3.4 For complicated or large pieces of equipment,

a pharmaceutical manufacturer may elect to undertake a pre-delivery check of the equipment at the supplier's assembly facility, this pre-delivery check cannot substitute for the Installation Qualification. However, it is acknowledged that the checks conducted and documented at this stage may duplicate a number of the checks conducted at the Installation Qualification stage, hence, there could be a reduction in the scope of the Installation Qualification checks.


5.3.4 对于复杂的或是大件的设备,制药企业可能会选择去供应商的组装车间对设备进行发货前的核查,但发货前的核查并不能代替安装确认。然而,这个阶段所用的核查和整理的文件可能会和在安装确认(IQ)阶段所做的一些核查是一样,因此,在可能适当减少一些安装确认的核查工作。

Checking at Users

5.3.5 Installation Qualification requires a formal and systematic check of all installed equipment against the equipment supplier's specifications and additional criteria identified by the user as part of the purchase specifications. At the Installation Qualification, all equipment, gauges and services should be given a serial (or other reference) number and a check conducted that the installed equipment (or plant) has been installed in accord with the current (approved) version of the Piping & Instrument Diagram (P&ID).

5.3.6 Confirmation of compliance of the operating criteria for the equipment, as installed, with the Plant function al Specifications and Process Flow Diagrams should be documented.


5.3.5 安装确认(IQ)需要根据设备供应商的质量标准的用户采购标准对所用的已安装设备进行正式系统的核查。在安装确认时,所有的设备,仪表和维修设备都应当要有标识号,并核查已安装的设备(或工厂)是安照现行已批准的设备图进行安装的。

5.3.6 要有文件说明确认了已安装设备与工厂功能标准和工艺流程图之间的一致性。

Installation Qualification

5.3.7 At the Installation Qualification stage the company should document preventative maintenance requirements for installed equipment. At this stage new equipment and the preventative maintenance requirements should be added to the preventative maintenance schedule of the pharmaceutical manufacturer.

Cleaning, including sanitisation and/or sterilisation requirements for the equipment, should be developed in draft documentation form from equipment supplier specifications and operating procedures. The draft cleaning documentation should be finalised following experience and observation at the Operational Qualification stage and then verified at the Performance Qualification stage.

安装确认 (IQ)

5.3.7 在安装确认阶段,公司应当要将安装设备的预防性维护要求整理成文件。在这个阶段,应当要将新设备和预防性维护要求添加到制药企业的预防性维护计划中去。应当要根据设备供应商规格和操作规程草拟设备的清洗要求,包括消毒要求。经过操作确认(OQ)的观察和性能确认(PQ)阶段的的确认之后,应将草拟的设备清洗要求正式确定。

5.4 Operational Qualification (O.Q) - Overview Statement

5.4.1 Operational Qualification is an exercise



oriented to the engineering function,

generally referred to as commissioning. Studies on the critical var iables (parameters) of the operation of the equipment or systems will define the critical characteristics for operation of the system or sub-system. All testing equipment should be identified and calibrated before use. Test methods should be authorised, implemented and resulting data collected and evaluated.

5.4.2 It is important at this stage to assure all operational test data conform with pre-determined acceptance criteria for the studies undertaken.

5.4 操作确认 (OQ) - 概述

5.4.1 操作确认是项调整技术功能的工作,通常被称之为试运行(commissioning)。 进行设备或系统操作的关键变量的研究,确定系统或子系统操作的关键性质。所用的检测设备在使用前都应进行标识和校验。批准和执行检测方法,并对检测结果进收集和评估。

5.4.2 在这个阶段,确保所有操作的检测结果符合预定的合格标准是很重要的。

5.4.3 It is expected that during the Operational Qualification stage the manufacturer should develop draft standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the equipmentand services operation, cleaning activities, maintenance requirements and calibration schedules.

5.4.4 An effective change control procedure should be operational and encompass the whole project from the pre-planning stage through to the final acceptance of the Process Validation exercise.

5.4.3 在操作确认阶段,期望生产厂家能草拟出设备和维护计划,清洗活动,维护要求和校验计划的标准操作规程。

5.4.4 应当要有切实可行的变更控制程序在运行,涵盖整个项目的所有过过程,从预规划阶段到最终的工艺验证合格。

5.5 Operational Qualification - Essential Elements 5.5.1 The conduct of an Operational Qualification should follow an authorized protocol. The critical operating parameters for the equipment or the plant should be identified at the Operational Qualification stage. The plans for the Operational Qualification should identify the studies to be undertaken on the critical var iables, the sequence of those studies and the measuring equipment to be used and the acceptance criteria to be met. Studies on the critical var iables should incorporate specific details and tests that have been developed from specialist knowledge of the process and how the equipment will work (defined in design criteria and specifications).

5.5 操作确认(OQ) - 必备项

5.5.1 应当按照已批准的方案进行操作确认。在操作确认阶段应当要确认设备或工厂的关键变量。操作确认计划应当要确定这些内容:需对关键变量进行哪些研究,这些研究的先后顺序,要用到的测量设备,所要符合的合格标准。关键变量的研究应当要包括细节和检测及设备是如何工作的。

5.5.2 Where applicable, simulated product may be used to conduct the Operational Qualification. Studies on the critical var iables should include a condition or a set of conditions encompassing upper and lower processing or operating limits and circumstances; commonly referred to as "worst case" conditions. Such conditions should not necessarily induce product or process failure.

5.5.2 如果可行的话,在进行操作确认时应当要采用模拟产品。关键变量的研究应当要包括一系列条件,包括操作的上下限和环境,通常被称之为“最坏情况”条件。这些条件不能总是导致产品不合格或工艺失败。

5.5.3 The completion of a successful Operational Qualification should allow the finalisation of operating procedures and operator instructions documentation for the equipment. This information should be used as the basis for training of operators in the requirements for satisfactory operation of the equipment.

5.5.4 Draft cleaning procedures developed at the lnstallation Qualification stage should be finalised after a satisfactory Operational Qualification exercise and issued as standard operating procedures (SOPs). Where applicable, these procedures should be validated as part of the Performance Qualification phase.

5.5.3 成功完成操作确认之后应当可以确定设备的操作规程和操作者指南。这些资料是对操作者进行培训的的基础,使操作者能成功的操作设备。

5.5.4 安装阶段所起草的清洗程序,在成功完成操作确认之后,也定当得以确定,成为正式的SOP。如果可行的话,这些SOP都应当得到验证,作为性能确认(PQ)的阶段的一部分工作。

5.5.5 The completion of satisfactory lnstallation



Qualification and Operational Qualification exercises should permit a formal "release" of the equipment/plant for the next stage in the validation exercise (Process Validation). The release should not proceed unless calibration, cleaning, preventative maintenance and operator training requirements have been finalised and documented. The release should take the form of written authorisations for both Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification.

5.5.5 在成功完成安装确认和操作确认工作之后,设备就可以准许正式进入下一个阶段的验证工作中去了(工艺验证)。在准许之前,应当要完成校准,清洗,预防性维护和操作者培训要求。准许时应当要有安装确认和操作确认的书面批准件。

5.6 Re-Qualification

5.6.1 Modifications to, or relocation of, equipment should only follow satisfactory review and authorisation of the documented change proposal through the change control procedure. Part of the review procedure should include consideration of re-qualification of the equipment. Minor changes or changes having no direct impact on final or in-process product quality should be handled through the documentation system of the preventative maintenance programme.

5.6 再确认

5.6.1 只有根据变更控制程序对将要进行的变更进行了合格的评审和批准之后,才能进行设备的改进和重新摆放。评审程序应当要考虑设备的再确认。对于细小变更或对最终产品或过程中产品质量没有直接影响的变更,应当通过预防性维护程序的文件体系进行处理。

5.7 Qualification of Established (in-use) Equipment

5.7.1 While it is not possible to undertake the details of an Installation Qualification for established equipment nor the detailed approach for an Operational

Qualification, nevertheless there should be data available that support and verify the operating parameters and limits for the critical var iables of the operating equipment. Additionally, the calibration, cleaning, preventative maintenance, operating procedures and operator training procedures for the use of the equipment should be documented and in use as standard operating procedures (SOPs). 5.7 已有(使用中)设备的确认

5.7.1 当不可能对已有设备进行具体的安确认的话,也应当要有资料支持和确证操作参数和设备关键变量的限度范围。此外,应当要书面的设备校准,清洗,预防性维护,操作规程和操作者培训程序,并要有相应的SOP。


6.1 Principle

Process Validation is the means of ensuring, and providing documentary evidence that

processes(within their specified design parameters) are capable of repeatedly and reliably producing a finished product of the required quality.

The requirements and principles outlined in these recommendations are applicable to the manufacture and packaging of non-sterile pharmaceutical dosage forms. They cover the initial validation of new processes, subsequent validation of modified processes and Re-validation.

6. 非无菌工艺验证

6.1 基本原则


6.2 General

6.2.1 Any manufacturing or packaging process will involve a number of factors that may affect product quality. These factors will be identified during the development of a product and will facilitate process optimisation studies. On completion of development and optimisation, Process Validation provides a structured way of assessing methodically the factors that impact on the final product.

6.2.2 It would normally be expected that Process Validation be completed prior to the manufacture of finished product that is intended for sale (Prospective Validation). Where this is not possible, it may be necessary to validate processes during routine production (Concurrent Validation). Processes which have been in use for some time should also be validated (Retrospective Validation).

6.2 基本要求

6.2.1 任一生产工艺或包装工艺都会涉及一系列可能会




6.2.2 通常希望在商业批生产之前就完成工艺验证(前


6.2.3 In theory a validation exercise should only need to be carried out once for any given process. In practice however the process rarely remains static. Changes occur in components (raw materials and packaging materials), equipment is modified and the process environment cannot be assumed to remain as during the initial validation. A regular programme of Re-validation is essential.

6.2.4 The company's policy and approach to Process Validation should be clearly defined.

6.2.3 从理论上说,任一工艺只需进行一次验证。但实际上工艺很难保持不变。比如说,组分发生了变化(原辅料和包装材料),设备发生了更改,工艺环境不能保持和初验证时的一样。所以定期进行重验证是必要的。

6.2.4 需明确确定公司的工艺验证策略和方法。

6.3 Prospective Validation

6.3.1 During product development the production process should be broken down into individual steps. Each step should be evaluated on the basis of experience or theoretical considerations to determine the critical factors/parameters that may affect the quality of the finished product.

6.3.2 A series of experiments should be devised to determine the criticality of these factors. Representatives from Production, QC/QA, Engineering, and in some cases Research and Development will normally be involved in this process. These experiments may incorporate a challenge element to determine the robustness of the process. Such a challenge is generally referred to as a "worst case" exercise. The use of starting materials on the extremes of the specification may indicate the ability of the process to continue producing finished product to the required specification.

6.3 回顾性验证

6.3.1 在产品开发阶段需将生产工艺需将各个步骤分开。对于每个步骤,都应当要更据实际经验和理论来确定可能会影响最终产品质量的关键因素和参数。

6.3.2 需设计一系列的实验来确定这些因素的的关键性。在这个过程中,需要生产人员,QC/QA,工程人员参与进来,有时候还需要开发部门人员的参与。这些实验可能需要对某个因素进行挑战,以确定工艺的耐用性。这种挑战通常被称之为“最坏情况”运行。使用处于质量标准合格边缘的起始物质会指示出工艺持续生产出合格产品的能力。

6.3.3 Each experiment should be planned and documented fully in an authorized protocol. This document will have the following elements:

(a) A de script ion of the process,

(b) A de script ion of the experiment,

(c) Details of the equipment/facilities to be used (including

measuring / recording equipment) together with its calibration status,

(d) The var iables to be monitored,

(e) The samples to be taken - where, when, how and how many,

(f) The product performance

characteristics/attributes to be monitored, together with the test methods,

(g) The acceptable limits,

(h) Time schedules,

(i) Personnel responsibilities,

(j) Details of methods for recording and evaluating results, including statistical analysis.

6.3.3 每个实验都应当完全按照已批准的具体方案进行安排,并整理成文件。这个文件应当包括如下元素:

(a) 工艺描述,

(b) 设备简述,

(c) 所用设备(包括测量/记录设备)的详细描述,并要标明校验状态。

(d) 要监控的变量,

(e) 取样 - 何处,何时,如何和多少,

(f) 需监控的性能指标/属性,及其检测方法,

(g) 合格标准,

(h) 时间安排,

(i) 人员责任,

(j) 记录方法和结果评估的详述,包括统计分析。

6.3.4 All equipment, the production environment and analytical testing methods to be used should have been fully validated, (Installation/ Operational



Qualification). Staff taking part in the validation work should have been appropriately trained. In practice, Operational Qualification may be carried out using batches of actual product. This work may also fulfil the requirements of Prospective Validation. This approach to validation should not be adopted as a standard practice however.

6.3.5 Master Batch Documentation can be prepared only after the critical parameters of the process have been identified and machine settings, component specifications and environmental conditions have been determined.

6.3.4 所有的设备,生产环境和分析方法都应当要经过充分的验证, 安装确认/操作确认。所有参与验证工作的人员都要得到适当的培训。实际上,操作确认是可以采用实际产品批次的。这项工作也符合前瞻性验证的要求。但是这种验证方法不能被认为是标准规范。

6.3.5 只有在确定了关键工艺参数,设备设置,原料质量标准和环境参数之后,才可以准备批主文件(Master Batch Documentation)。

6.3.6 Using this defined process (including specified components) a series of batches

of the final product should be produced. In theory the number of process runs carried out and observations made should be sufficient to allow the normal extent of var iation and trends to be established and to provide sufficient data for evaluation. It is generally considered acceptable that three consecutive batches/runs within the finally agreed parameters, giving product of the desired quality would constitute a proper validation of the process. In practice, it may take some considerable time to accumulate this data.

6.3.6 应当要用这个指定的生产工艺生产了好几批最终产品。理论上,工艺运行的次数和观察应当要足以建立变量的正常范围和趋势,并提供足够的资料用于评估。一般认为根据最终批准的参数进行生产的三个连续批号,能有合格的质量的话,就可以形成一个适当的工艺验证。实际上,这可能会需要相当的时间来积累这些数据。

6.3.7 It is preferred that the batches made should be the same size as the intended batch size for full scale production. This may not always be practical due to a shortage of available starting materials and in such cases the effect of the reduced batch size should be considered in the design of the protocol. When full scale production starts, the validity of any assumptions made should be demonstrated.

6.3.8 During the processing of the batch/run, extensive testing should be performed on the product at var ious stages. Detailed testing should also be done on the final product and its package.

6.3.7 最好是批量要和正常生产的批量大小要一致。有时候会遇到起始物质短缺的情况,这种情况下,在方案设计中应当要考虑批量减少的影响。一旦开始了正常生产,所有假设的正确性都应当要得到阐述。

6.3.8 在批生产过程中,每个阶段都应当要进行足够的检测。对最终产品和包装也要进行全面的检测。

6.3.9 The batches/runs under validation should be documented comprehensively. The following items should be included in the validation report: (a) A de script ion of the process - Batch/Packaging Document, including details of critical steps, (b) A detailed summary of the results obtained from in-process and final testing, including data from failed tests. When raw data are not included reference should be made to the sources used and where it can be found,

(c) Any work done in addition to that specified in the protocol or any deviations from the protocol should be formally noted along with an explanation, (d) A review and comparison of the results with those expected,

(e) Formal acceptance/rejection of the work by the team/persons designated as being responsible for the validation, after completion of any corrective action or repeated work.

6.3.9 被验证的批次,其相关的文件应当要很充分。在验证报告中应当要包括如下内容:

(a) 工艺描述 - 批文件/包装文件,包括关键步骤的详细描述,

(b) 概述从过程控制和最终检测中所获得的检测结果,需包括不合格的。当原始数据没有包括在其中时,应该要有其参引号,并标明其保管在何处。

(c) 对于所用做的方案之外的工作和偏差都应当记录在案,并对其进行解释。

(d) 对结果进行比较,并和期望值进行比较。

(e) 在完成了整改工作或重做工作之后,验证负责人应当要对验证工作给出一个合格/不合格的正式结论。

6.3.10 Upon completion of the review,



recommendations should be made on the extent

of monitoring and the in-process controls necessary for routine production. These should be incorporated into the Batch Manufacturing or Packaging Record or into appropriate standard operating procedures (SOPs). Limits, frequencies and actions to be taken in the event of the limits being exceeded should be specified.

6.3.10 在完成了评审的基础上,需对日常生产中所需的过程控制和监控程序给出建议。这些会作为批生产或包装记录的一部分,或者写成标准操作规程(SOP)。还要说明限度,频次,及一旦出现了超出限度的情况,所要采取的措施。

6.3.11 If it is intended that validation batches be sold or supplied, the conditions under which they are produced should comply fully with the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practice and the Marketing Authorisation (if applicable). The premises used should be named on a Manufacturing Authorisation and this Authorisation should allow the manufacture/assembly of the particular type of product. Where appropriate, the batch must be formally certified by a Qualified Person before release.

6.3.11 如果验证批是要销售的话,则其生产的条件要完全符合GMP和制剂上市许可(如果可行的话)要求。在制剂上市许可中会标明所用的车间,该制剂上市许可将允许某一特定剂型的生产。如果合适的话,这些批次在放行之前需经过有资格人员的正式确认。

6.4 Concurrent Validation

6.4.1 In certain circumstances it may not be possible to complete a validation programme before routine production starts. In these cases it will be known in advance that the finished product will be for sale or supply. Circumstances where this is likely are, for example, when a process is being transferred to a third party contract manufacturer/assembler.

6.4 现行验证

6.4.1 在有些情况下,在开始正常生产之前,不能完成验证项目。在这些情况下,是会事先知道这些制剂是要销售的。这些情况往往是工艺边转让给第三方合同生产者/装配者。

6.4.2 In addition there are many instances when it is appropriate to validate a process during routine production. Such instances are, for example, where the product is a different strength of a previously validated product, a different tablet shape or where the process is well understood.

6.4.2 此外,有很多情况下,在正常生产中对工艺进行验证也是合适的。这些情况有,比如说,先前已验证制剂的剂量发生了改变,片剂形状发生了改变。

6.4.3 It is important in these cases however, that the premises and equipment to be used have been validated previously and that the decision to carry out Concurrent Validation is made by appropriately authorised people.

6.4.4 Documentation requirements are the same as specified for Prospective Validation and the testing to be carried out in-process and on the finished product will be as specified in approved protocols. The completed protocols and reports should be reviewed and approved before product is released for sale or supply.

6.4.3 在这些情况下,重要的是所用的车间和设备在这之前要已经验证过且要由已授权人员给出要进行现行验证的决定。

6.4.4 在文件方面的要求是和前瞻性验证的要求是一样的,在方案中需指明过程控制检测项目和制剂的检测项目。在产品销售之前,需审阅批准完整的方案和报告。

6.5 Retrospective Validation

6.5.1 There are many processes in routine use in many companies that have not undergone a formally documented validation process.

6.5.2 Validation of these processes is possible, using historical data to provide the necessary documentary evidence that the process is doing what it is believed to do. The steps involved in this type of validation still require the preparation of a protocol, the reporting of the results of the data review, leading to a conclusion and recommendation.

6.5 回顾性验证

6.5.1 在许多公司,日常生产的很多工艺都没有进行过正式的工艺验证。

6.5.2 对这些工艺进行验证是可能的,通过历史资料提供必要的书面证据说明所用的工艺是可靠的。该类验证所涉及的步骤包括制订方案,实验结果审评报告,给出结论和建议。

6.5.3 This type of validation exercise is only acceptable for well established processes and will be inappropriate where there have been recent changes in the composition of the product, operating procedures or equipment.



6.5.4 The source of data for this validation may include batch documents, process control charts, maintenance log books, records of personnel changes, process capability studies (reflected in a CpK),finished product data, including trend cards, and storage stability results.

6.5.3 这类验证只适用于完善的工艺,若最近对产品的组成,操作程序或设备进行了更改,则该类验证就不适用了。

6.5.4 这类验证所需的资料来源包括,批文件,工艺控制流程,维护日志,人员变更记录,工艺容量研究,制剂资料,还包括趋势卡和稳定性研究结果。

6.6 Re-validation

6.6.1 Re-validation provides the evidence that changes in a process and/or the process environment, introduced either intentionally or unintentionally, do not adversely affect process characteristics and product quality.

6.6 重验证

6.6.1 重验证提供了证据说明工艺和/或工艺环境的变化,无论是有意的或是无意的,都不会对工艺特点和产品质量产生负面影响。

6.6.2 There are two basic categories of Re-validation:

(a) Re-validation in cases of known change (including transfer of processes from one company to another or from one site to another),

(b) Periodic Re-validation carried out at scheduled intervals.

6.6.2 重验证的的两大类型:

(a) 当发生了已知变更时进行重验证(包括将工艺转让给另一个公司,或从一个生产地点移到另一个生产地点),

(b) 在一定的时间间隔进行阶段性重验证。

6.6.3 A system should be in place (refer to Validation Master Plan requirements) to ensure both situations are addressed. Documentation requirements will be the same as for the initial validation of the process, and in many cases similar protocols can be employed.

6.6.4 The definition of what constitutes a change to a process or process environment needs to be agreed. Guidance on this is given below.

6.6.3 要有适当的系统来保证这两种情况下重验证的进行。文件要求和工艺初验证相同,在很多情况下所用的方案也是类似的。 6.6.4 需对工艺和工艺环境的变更进行定义,详述如下。

6.6.5 The need for periodic Re-validation of non-sterile processes is considered to be a lower priority than for sterile processes. In the case of standard processes on conventional equipment a data review similar to what would be required for Retrospective Validation may provide an adequate assurance that the process continues under control. In addition the following points should also be considered:

(a) The occurrence of any changes in the master formula, methods or starting material manufacturer, (b) Equipment calibrations carried out according to the established programme,

(c) Preventative maintenance carried out according to the programme,

(d) Standard operating procedures (SOPs) up to date and being followed,

(e) Cleaning and hygiene programme still appropriate,

(f) Unplanned changes or maintenance to equipment or instruments.

6.6.5 非无菌工艺的阶段性重验证的必要性要低于无菌工艺。如果是在传统设备上所行的标准工艺,类似于回顾性验证所需要的资料评审就可以足以确保工艺仍然是能得到控制的。此外,还需考虑如下这些:

(a) 配方,起始物质生产商所用的方法所发生的变更。

(b) 根据已建立的程序进行的设备校准。

(c) 根据程序进行的预防性维护。

(d) 最新的和所遵循的SOP。

(e) 仍然适用的清洗和卫生程序。

(f) 设备和仪器的计划外变更或维护。

6.7 Change Control

6.7.1 Change control is an important element in any Quality Assurance system. Written procedures should be in place to describe the actions to be taken if a change is proposed to a product component, process equipment, process environment (or site), method of production or testing or any other change that may affect product quality or support system operation.

6.7 变更控制

6.7.1 变更控制在任一质量保证体系中都是一个重要的因素。对于任何要对产品组分,工艺设备,工艺环境(地点),制备方法,检测方法进行的更改或其它任何可能会对产品质量或支持系统操作产生负面影响的变更,都因




6.7.2 All changes should be formally requested, documented and accepted by representatives of Production, QC/QA, R&D, Engineering and Regulatory Affairs as appropriate. The likely impact (risk assessment) of the change on the product should be evaluated and the need for, and the extent of Re-validation discussed. The change control system should ensure that all notified or requested changes are satisfactorily investigated, documented and authorised.

6.7.3 Products made by processes subjected to changes should not be released for sale without full awareness and consideration of the change by responsible staff, including (where appropriate) the Qualified Person.

6.7.2 所有的变更都应当要由生产部,QC/QA,R&D, 工程部和法规事务部的代表正式提出,整理成文件并认可。应对很有可能产生的影响(风险评估)进行评估,并讨论重验证的必要性和所需进行的程度。变更控制系统应确保所有变更都得到了很好的研究,文件化和批准。

6.7.3 根据变更了的工艺生产出来的产品,若负责人员对变更并不完全知情或没有进行充分考虑,是不能批准销售的。

6.7.4 Changes that are likely to require Re-validation are as follows:

(a) Changes of raw materials (physical properties such as density, viscosity, particle size distribution may affect the process or product),

(b) Change of starting material manufacturer,

(c) Changes of packaging material (e.g. substituting plastic for glass),

(d) Changes in the process (e.g. mixing times, drying temperatures),

(e) Changes in the equipment (e.g. addition of automatic detection systems). Changes of equipment which involve the replacement of equipment on a 'like for like' basis would not normally require a Revalidation,

(f) Production area and support system changes (e.g. rearrangement of areas, new water treatment method),

(g) Transfer of processes to another site,

(h) Unexpected changes (e.g. those observed during self-inspection or during routine analysis of process trend data).

6.7.4 需要重验证的变更如下:

(a) 原料的变更(物理性质,比如密度,粘性,粒径分布等,是会影响到工艺或产品的),

(b) 起始物质生产商的变更,

(c) 包装材料的变更(比如用塑料的换玻璃的),

(d) 工艺的变更(比如,搅拌时间,干燥温度),

(e) 设备的变更(如增加了自动检测系统)。类似设备的变更一般不需要进行重验证。

(f) 生产区域和支持系统发生的变更(如区域的重新安排,新的水处理方法)。

(g) 工艺转让到另一个地点

(h) 不期望的变更(如在自检或工艺趋势资料日常分析中所发现的)。

2.4 Terminology

2.4.1 Terminology used in the four Recommendation documents which is not defined in the current glossary of the PIC/S Guide to GMP, is presented at the end of this document.

2.4.2 It is worth commenting on the interchangeability of terms typically accepted internationally. The term ‘validation’ is often assumed to encompass the elements of equipment qualification, both Installation Qualification and Operational Qualification, in addition to validation of the process itself. However,

for the purpose of these Recommendations, terms are not used interchangeably.

2.4 术语

2.4.1 本文件中所用到的术语,若现行PIC/S GMP 指导文件中没有对其进行解释,则在本文件的结尾处会有其解释。

2.4.2 有必要对术语的可替换性进行说明,特别是那些国际认可的术语。“验证(Validation)”经常除了验证工艺本身外,也会包括设备确认中的安装确认和运行确认。但在本文件中,这些术语是不能互换的。


7.1 Principle

7.1.1 Pharmaceutical products and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) can be contaminated by other pharmaceutical products or APIs, by cleaning agents, by micro-organisms or by other material (e.g. air-borne particles, dust, lubricants, raw materials, intermediates, auxiliaries). In many cases, the same equipment may be used for processing different products. To avoid contamination of the following pharmaceutical product, adequate cleaning



procedures are essential.

7. 清洗验证

7.1 原则

7.1.1 其它的制剂或原料药,清洗剂,微生物或其它物料(如空气浮尘,灰尘,润滑剂,原料,中间体,辅剂等)都可能会污染制剂或原料药。在很多情况下,同一设备用于多个产品的生产。为了避免对后续产品产生污染,充分的清洗程序是必要的。

7.1.2 Cleaning procedures must strictly follow carefully established and validated methods of execution. This applies equally to the manufacture of pharmaceutical products and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). In any case, manufacturing processes have to be designed and carried out in a way that contamination is reduced to an acceptable level.

7.1.3 Cleaning Validation is documented evidence that an approved cleaning procedure will provide equipment which is suitable for processing of pharmaceutical products or active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

7.1.2 清洗程序应该要严格遵守慎重建立并验证过的实施方法。制剂生产和原料药生产在这方面的要求是一样的。无论如何,在生产工艺的设计和实施过程中,应当要尽量减少污染,使其降到合格水平。

7.1.3 清洗验证是一书面证据,说明一已批准的清洗程序能使设备适用于制剂或原料药的生产。

7.1.4 Objective of the Cleaning Validation is the confirmation of a reliable cleaning procedure so that the analytical monitoring may be omitted or reduced to a minimum in the routine phase.

7.1.4 清洗验证的目的再于确认清洗程序是可靠的,这要就可以将日常分析监测工作省略或减少到最少。

7.2 Purpose and Scope

7.2.1 These Recommendations describe the validation of cleaning procedures for the removal of contaminants associated with the previous products, residues of cleaning agents as well as the control of potential microbial contaminants.

7.2.2 These Recommendations apply to the manufacture of pharmaceutical products (final dosage forms) and of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs).

7.2 目的和范围

7.2.1 这些建议对清洗程序验证进行了叙述,清洗程序的目的在于去除和前一产品有关的污染物,清洗剂的残留及控制潜在的微生物污染物。

7.2.2 这些建议适用于制剂和原料药的生产。

7.3 General

7.3.1 Normally only cleaning procedures for product contact surfaces of the equipment need to be validated. Consideration should be given to non-contact parts into which product may migrate. For example, seals, flanges, mixing shaft, fans of ovens, heating elements etc.

7.3 总则

7.3.1 通常,只需对于接触设备表面的产品,其清洗程序是需要验证的。对于非直接接触,但产品有可能会移动进去的部位,也要进行考虑。比如说,封口,法兰,搅拌轴,烘箱风扇,加热元件等)。

7.3.2 Cleaning procedures for product changeover in the case of marketed products should be fully validated.

7.3.3 Generally in case of batch-to-batch production it is not necessary to clean after each batch. However, cleaning intervals and methods should be determined.

7.3.2 当切换成一销售产品的生产的话,其清洗程序要得到充分的验证。

7.3.3 通常来说,如果是同一产品的连续生产,则不需要每批生产之后都要进行一次清洗,则可确定一定的时间间隔和检测方法。

7.3.4 Several questions should be addressed when evaluating the cleaning process.

For example:

? At what point does a piece of equipment or system become clean?

? What does visually clean mean?

? Does the equipment need to be scrubbed by hand? ? What is accomplished by hand scrubbing rather than just a solvent wash?

? How var iable are manual cleaning processes from batch to batch and product to product?

? What is the most appropriate solvent or detergent? ? Are different cleaning processes required for different products in contact with a piece of equipment?

? How many times need a cleaning process be applied to ensure adequate cleaning of each piece of equipment?



7.3.4 在对一清洗程序进行评估时,有几个问题是需说明的,比如:

- 在何点开始对设备或系统进行清洗?

- 表面清洗(Visually Clean)指的是什么?

- 是否需要对设备进行手工擦洗?

- 用溶剂洗了之后,还要进行手工擦洗,其目的在于什么?

- 人工清洗程序在批与批之间和产品与产品之间是如何变化的?

- 最适合的溶剂或清洁剂是什么?

- 对于同一设备,生产了不同的产品是否需要不同的清洗程序?

- 清洗过程需进行几次才可以确保设备的每个零件都得到了充分的清洗?

7.3.5 Cleaning procedures for products and processes which are very similar, do not need to be individually validated. It is considered acceptable to select a representative range of similar products and processes concerned and to justify a validation programme which addresses the critical issues relating to the selected products and processes. A single validation study under consideration of the “worst case” can then be carried out which takes account of the relevant criteria. This practice is termed "Bracketing".

7.3.6 At least three consecutive applications of the cleaning procedure should be performed and shown to be successful in order to prove that the method is validated.

7.3.5 类似产品和类似工艺的清洗程序是不需要逐个进行验证的。可行的方法是为这些类似产品和类似工艺选择一个有代表性的范围,然后根据所选产品和工艺的相关关键问题确定一合理的验证方案。再考虑相关合格标准的基础上,则单独开展“最坏情况”的验证研究。这类验证工作也被称之为“括号法”。

7.3.6 一清洗程序至少要成功应用于三个连续批号,才能说其是已经验证的。

7.3.7 Raw materials sourced from different suppliers may have different physical properties and impurity profiles. Such differences should be considered when designing cleaning procedures, as the materials may behave differently.

7.3.8 Control of change to validated cleaning procedures is required. Re-validation should be considered under the following circumstances: (a) Re-validation in cases of changes to equipment, products or processes,

(b) Periodic Re-validation at defined intervals.

7.3.7 来自于不同供应商的原料可能会有不同的物理性质和杂质情况。因此在设计清洗程序时,要考虑到这些差异。

7.3.8 已验证清洗程序的变更控制是必要的。在下面这些情况下应当要考虑重验证:

(a) 设备,产品或工艺发生了更改

(b) 在一定时间间隔进行的阶段性重验证。

7.3.9 Manual methods should be reassessed at more frequent intervals than clean-inplace (CIP) systems.

7.3.10 It is usually not considered acceptable to "test until clean". This concept involves cleaning, sampling and testing, with repetition of this sequence until an acceptable residue limit is attained. For the system or equipment with a validated cleaning process, this practice of "test until clean" should not be required. The practice of "test until clean" is not considered to replace the need to validate cleaning procedures.

7.3.9 人工清洗应当要比现场清洗系统(CIP system)


7.3.10 一般认为“Test until clean"是不可行的。这个概念涉及到清洗,取样和检测,并一直重复到残留量达到了合格限度。对于已有验证过清洗程序的系统或设备,则不需要“Test until clean".。“Test until clean"不能用来代替清洗程序验证。

7.3.11 Products which simulate the physicochemical properties of the substance to be removed may be used instead of the substances themselves, where such substances are either toxic or hazardous.

7.3.11 当所涉及的产品是有毒的或高危的,则可用具有类似物理性质的产品来代替这些产品本身。

7.4 Documentation

7.4.1 A Cleaning Validation Protocol is required laying down the procedure on how the cleaning process will be validated. It should include the following:

? The objective of the validation process,

? Responsibilities for performing and approving the validation study,

? De script ion of the equipment to be used,



? The interval between the end of production and the beginning of the cleaning procedures,

7.4 文件

7.4.1 需要有清洗验证方案,在其中会制订程序来说明如何进行清洗过程验证。它应当包括如下内容:

- 验证的目的,

- 进行和批准验证研究的责任,

- 所用设备的描述,

- 生产结束和清洗程序开始之间的间隔,

? Cleaning procedures to be used for each product, each manufacturing system or each piece of equipment,

? The number of cleaning cycles to be performed consecutively,

? Any routine monitoring requirement,

? Sampling procedures, including the rationale for why a certain sampling method is used,

? Clearly defined sampling locations,

? Data on recovery studies where appropriate,

? Analytical methods including the limit of detection and the limit of quantitation of those methods,

? The acceptance criteria, including the rationale for setting the specific limits,

? Other products, processes, and equipment for which the planned validation is valid according to a “bracketing” concept,

? When Re-validation will be required.


- 取样程序,并要说明采用该取样程序的理由,

- 明确确定取样点,

- 回收研究的研究资料,

- 分析方法及方法的检测限和定量限,

- 合格标准,包括设定限度的理由,

- 根据“括号法Bracketing”概念,该验证所适用的其它产品,工艺和设备,

- 何时需要进行重验证。

7.4.2 The Cleaning Validation Protocol should be formally approved by the Plant Management, to ensure that aspects relating to the work defined in the protocol, for example personnel resources, are known and accepted by the management. Quality Assurance should be involved in the approval of protocols and reports.

7.4.3 A Final Validation Report should be prepared. The conclusions of this report should state if the cleaning process has been validated successfully. Limitations that apply to the use of the validated method should be defined (for example, the analytical limit at which cleanliness can be determined). The report should be approved by the Plant Management.

7.4.2 清洗验证方案应当要由工厂管理层正式批准,这们才能确保管理层对方案中所确定工作所涉及的各方面是知情并接受的,如比说,人力资源。QA应当要参与方案的报告的批准。

7.4.3 要有最终的验证报告。验证报告要给清洗过程是否已得到成功验证的结论。要规定所用分析方法的限制(比如,在什么分析限度,清洁度是可测的。)该报告要经工厂管理层批准。

7.4.4 The cleaning process should be documented in an SOP.

7.4.5 Records should be kept of cleaning performed in such a way that the following information is readily available:

? the area or piece of equipment cleaned,

? the person who carried out the cleaning,

? when the cleaning was carried out,

? the SOP defining the cleaning process,

? the product which was previously processed on the equipment being cleaned.

7.4.4 清洗过程要写成相应的SOP。

7.4.5 对所做的清洗,要保留其记录,记录应当要包括如下内容:

- 所清洗的设备零件和区域,

- 进行清洗的人员,

- 进行清洗的时间,

- 定义了清洗过程的SOP,

- 先前在该设备上生产的产品。

7.4.6 The cleaning record should be signed by the operator who performed the cleaning and by the person responsible for Production and should be reviewed by Quality Assurance.

7.4.6 清洗记录应当要由清洗操作者和负责生产的人签名,并由QA审核。

7.5 Personnel

7.5.1 Operators who perform cleaning routinely



should be trained in the application of validated cleaning procedures. Training records should be available for all training carried out.

7.5.2 It is difficult to validate a manual, i.e. an inherently var iable/cleaning procedure. Therefore, operators carrying out manual cleaning procedures should be supervised at regular intervals.

7.5 人员

7.5.1 应当要对负责日常清洗的操作工进行培训,使其懂得已验证清洗程序的应用。对于所开展过的培训都要有培训记录。

7.5.2 由于其固有的不确定性,对人工清洗程序进行验证是很困难的。因此,应定期检查参与人工清洗程序的员工。

7.6 Equipment

7.6.1 The design of the equipment should be carefully examined. Critical areas (those hardest to clean) should be identified, particularly in large systems that employ semi-automatic or fully automatic clean-in-place (CIP) systems.

7.6.2 Dedicated equipment should be used for products which are difficult to remove (e.g. tarry or gummy residues in the bulk manufacturing), for equipment which is difficult to clean (e.g. bags for fluid bed dryers), or for products with a high safety risk (e.g. biologicals or products of high potency which may be difficult to detect below an acceptable limit).

7.6 设备

7.6.1 需仔细研究设备的配置,确定关键区域(这些很难清洗的地方),特别是应用了半自动或全自动CIP系统的大型系统。

7.6.2 对于难去除的产品(如,大型生产中的柏油状或粘性残留物),难清洗的设备(如,流化床干燥器用的包),或有高度安全风险的产品(如,有着高效生物制品),应当要使用专用设备。

7.7 Microbiological Aspects

7.7.1 The existence of conditions favourable to reproduction of micro organisms (e.g. moisture, temperature, crevices and rough surfaces) and the time of storage should be considered. The aim should be to prevent excessive microbial contamination.

7.7 微生物方面

7.7.1 对于适宜于微生物繁殖的环境(如:湿度,温度,缝隙和粗燥的表面)及储存时间都要进行考虑。目的在于防止过多的微生物污染。

7.7 Microbiological Aspects

7.7.1 The existence of conditions favourable to reproduction of micro organisms (e.g. moisture, temperature, crevices and rough surfaces) and the time of storage should be considered. The aim should be to prevent excessive microbial contamination.

7.7 微生物方面

7.7.1 对于适宜于微生物繁殖的环境(如,湿度,温度,缝隙和粗糙的表面)及储存的时间都要进行考虑。目的在于防止过多的微生物污染。

7.7.2 The period and when appropriate, conditions of storage of equipment before cleaning and the time between cleaning and equipment reuse, should form part of the validation of cleaning procedures. This is to provide confidence that routine cleaning and storage of equipment does not allow microbial proliferation.

7.7.2 清洁程序的验证还应该包括时间段,设备在清洗前的储存条件及设备清洗和设备的一次使用之前的时间间隔。此举的目的在于确认日常清洗及设备的储存不会引起微生物的繁殖。


7.7.3 In general, equipment should be stored dry, and under no circumstances should stagnant water be allowed to remain in equipment subsequent to cleaning operations.

7.7.3 设备通常需要保存在干燥的环境中,且所处的环境不允许在清洗之后有水份的残留。

7.8 Sampling

7.8.1 Samples should be drawn according to the Cleaning Validation Protocol.

7.8 取样

7.8.1 应当要根据清洗验证方案进行取样。

7.8.2 There are two methods of sampling that are considered to be acceptable, direct surface sampling (swab method) and indirect sampling (use of rinse solutions).

A combination of the two methods is generally the most desirable, particularly in circumstances where accessibility of equipment parts can mitigate against direct surface sampling.

7.8.2 有两种可行的取样方法,表面直接取样法(擦洗法)


目录 1. 确认与验证的基本原则 (2) 2. 概述 (2) 2.1. 公司基本情况 (2) 2.2. 项目品种 (2) 2.3. 验证组织机构与职责 (2) 3. 确认或验证方案、报告的基本要求 (4) 4. 2018 年验证计划 (4) 4.1. 厂房设施和公共系统确认计划 (4) 4.2. 大生产设备确认计划 (4) 4.3. 实验室仪器设备确认计划 (4) 4.4. IT 设备设施、软件系统的验证确认计划 (5) 4.5. 工艺验证和清洁验证计划 (5) 4.6. 方法学验证计划 (5) 4.7. 研发设备确认计划 (5) 5. 确认与验证中的偏差处理和变更控制的管理 (6) 6. 再确认和再验证依据 (6) 7. 所引用的文件、文献 (6) 8. 附录汇总 (7) 1.确认与验证的基本原则 各部门需根据《药品生产质量管理规范(2010年修订)》,第七章,第一百三十八条~第一百四十九条、附件2《确认与验证》,结合风险评估,确定本年度(2018年)确认和验证的范围和程度。确认与验证应当证明有关操作的关键要素能够得到有效控制。确认与验证应当贯穿于产品生命周期的全过程。 2.概述 2.1.公司基本情况 1111 2.2.项目品种 详见“8.附录汇总”的“附录8”。

3. 确认或验证方案、报告的基本要求 确认与验证方案应当详述关键要素和可接受标准并经过审批。确认或验证活动结束后,应当及时汇总分析所得的验证数据和结果,撰写确认或验证报告。确认或验证报告应当经过书面审批。应进行验证偏差总结。 4. 2018 年验证计划 4.1.厂房设施和公共系统确认计划 2018年计划完成纯化水管路改造后确认、纯蒸汽确认、压缩空气系统再确认、固体制剂车间空调系统再确认、取样间空调系统再确认、实验室空调系统再确认、臭氧消毒有效期验证。 详见附录1、公司验证主计划(VMP)、厂房设施和公共系统确认计划。 4.2.大生产设备确认计划 2018年计划完成移动清洗机性能确认; 根据生产情况实施方锥混合机确认、气流粉碎机确认、多用途流化床制粒包衣机确认、xxx生产性性能确认、xxx生产线性能确认。 详见附录2、大生产设备确认计划。


1. 验证方针与本文件的目的 1.1验证方针 GMP是保证生产出符合既定质量标准药品的唯一手段,而验证是证明和保证关键生产要素,包括设施、系统、仪器设备、生产工艺、分析方法、清洁规程以及消毒/灭菌规程符合既定要求的公认方法。没有良好有效的验证工作,就谈不上GMP管理体系的有效,也就无法保证药品的质量。因此,验证工作是GMP管理的最重要工作之一。 鉴于验证工作的如此重要性,本公司将验证工作放在GMP管理的重要位置,并给予高度重视。为此提出下列验证方针: ●充分认识,高度重视;建立规程、依规行事;客观记录、慎重结论;资源保证。所有 新的关键方法、规程、工艺及新的关键系统、设备在投入使用前应经验证。 ●当发生的变更影响产品质量时,所涉及的变更应经过验证。 ●当验证状态发生漂移时应进行再验证。 ●关键工艺参数和关键工艺步骤应进行验证。 ●检验方法发生变化时应进行验证。 1.2本文件的目的 本验证总计划(VMP)根据本公司验证管理规程(文件号XXXXX)制定,概括地描述了本公司应该进行的验证和确认活动的管理原则,包括验证方针、组织机构、范围领域、文件管理、计划安排、实施程序、简要方法和可接受标准等,以确保本公司的验证工作按照规定得到良好执行,满足GMP有关验证的要求。


”对“年度验证计划”进一步细化,以清晰文件,方便工作。 2一般概述 2.1公司简介 ●公司基本情况 公司全称是,公司成立于____年,专门从事于____类产品的研究、开发和商品化生产。公司现有XX 个生产车间,车间面积共计_____多平方米,符合中国GMP标准,已通过 XX认证。_____年本公司原料药的年产量达XX。 简要介绍公司平面布局情况、品种情况、车间情况、生产能力情况、仓库情况、其他建筑物情况。 “附录1 ,公司总平面布局图” ●人员概况及公司组织机构图 简要介绍公司人力情况: 公司组织机构图 (见附录2,公司组织机构图)。 2.2工艺概述 工艺流程图 简要介绍(见附录3,工艺流程图) 生产线介绍(前处理、发酵、合成、精制、公用设施) 操作流程(人员流程、物料流程、样品流程、环境控制) (可以附件形式列出) 2.3产品概述 产品列表,注明生产地点


XXX测试策略及验证计划 (仅供内部使用) 编制: 审核: 会签: 批准:

修订记录 文件的版本号由“V×.×”组成,其中: a)小数点前面的×为主版本号,取值范围为“0~9”。文件进行重大修订时主版本号递增1;b)小数点后面的×为次版本号,取值为“0~9,a~z”。文件每修改一次时次版本号递增1; 主版本号发生改变时,次版本号重新置0; c)未批准发布的文件版本号为V0.×版,批准发布时为V1.0版。当主版本号发生改变时,前面只有次版本号不同的修订记录可以删除。

目录 1简介 (5) 1.1 目的 (5) 1.2 范围 (5) 1.3 术语和缩写词 (5) 1.4 关键技术 (5) 2集成测试策略 (5) 2.1 build 1集成测试策略 (5) 2.1.1 测试环境 (5) 2.1.2 测试重点分析 (6) 2.2 build 2集成测试策略 (6) 3Build SDV测试策略 (7) 3.1 SDV测试方案描述 (7) 3.2 Build 1测试策略 (7) 3.2.1 测试环境 (7) 3.2.2 测试重点分析 (8) 3.3 Build 2测试策略 (9) 4SIT系统测试策略 (9) 4.1 测试环境 (9) 4.2 测试重点分析 (10) 5SVT测试策略 (10) 6Beta测试策略 (11) 6.1 Beta测试需求分析 (11) 6.2 Beta测试计划 (11) 7认证和标杆测试策略 (11) 7.1 认证和标杆测试需求分析 (11) 7.2 认证和标杆测试计划 (11) 8测试环境筹备计划 (11) 8.1 测试环境需求分析 (11) 8.2 工具/仪器的可获得性风险评估 (12) 8.3 自主开发工具详细分析 (12) 8.3.1 工具名称 (12)


起草人:Initiator 起草日期:Drafting Date 审核人:Reviewer 审核日期:Review Date 批准人:Approver 批准日期:Approval Date 文件修改历史/Document History 【目的】:指导本公司在各项验证过程中,有组织、有计划、有步骤的进行,使各项验证必须依据计划起草、审批和实施。 【范围】:适用于本公司所有确认与验证工作的组织、管理和执行。 【责任者】:验证小组 【内容】: 1、简介 1.1公司简介

XXXXXXX在2008年12月年通过了GMP认证,生产地址为xxxxxx,由于2010年公司整体搬迁至xxxxxx,生产地址发生了变更,为新的xxxxx全厂搬迁项目一期联合厂房,建筑物为局部三层框架结构,厂房建成时间为2013年,总高度17.3m,建筑物占地面积为3782.8m2,建筑面积8110.1 m2。厂区严格按照《药品生产质量管理规范》(2010版)总体设计,主要包括原料药车间、制剂车间、质检中心、成品库、原辅料、包材库。 公司生产品种包括原料药:甲硫氨酸、苏氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸 固体制剂:片剂、胶囊剂、颗粒剂 1.2验证总计划范围 1.2.1 厂房设施及公用系统确认; 1.2.2 仪器校验与检验方法验证; 1.2.3 设备确认; 1.2.4 清洁验证; 1.2.5 工艺验证。 2、生产区域概述 2.1 厂房设施及公用系统说明: 公司拥有原料药5个品种:甲硫氨酸、苏氨酸、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、乙酰谷酰胺; 片剂:39个品种,51个品规; 胶囊剂:14个品种,15个品规; 颗粒剂:2个品种,5个品规。 公司现有厂房、设备能满足生产所需;质管部检验设备能满足生产品种的检测。 2.2 人流及物流说明: 2.2.1 整个厂区分有人流和物流通道。生产、行政、生活和辅助区已全部分开。对厂区的环境进行了绿化,基本无露土。 2.2.2 生产按洁净区级别要求,划分了人流及物流通道。人流通道分为一更、二更、缓冲间,再进入生产操作间。物流通道分为物净间、缓冲间/传递窗,再进入洁净区。人流通道分为更衣、洗手、消毒等措施进入生产操作区。 2.3 设备说明 见各设备操作规程及工艺规程。 2.4 工艺说明 见各产品工艺规程。 3、验证组织机构及职责 3.1 验证领导小组 3.1.1 成立验证领导小组,验证领导小组的成员主要由公司质管部、生产部、工程部、物料部负责人构成。 3.1.2 验证领导小组设组长一名,并设专职验证职能机构——质管部负责日常验证组织管理工



起草 审核 批准 分发

目录 1. 验证方针与本文件的目的 (4) 1.1 验证方针 (4) 1.2 本文件的目的 (4) 2. 简介 (5) 2.1 公司基本情况 (5) 2.2 生产区域概述 (5) 2.3 工艺概述 (6) 2.4 产品目录 (6) 3. 目的、范围、要求 (7) 3.1 本验证总计划制定的目的 (7) 3.2 验证范围 (8) 3.3 验证基本要求 (8) 4. 验证组织结构及人员职责 (9) 4.1 组织结构图 (9) 4.2 职责 (10) 5. 验证文件 (12) 5.1 文件范围 (12) 5.2 验证方案 (13) 5.3验证报告 (13) 5.4 验证记录 (14) 5.5 验证报告 (14) 5.6 验证文件编号 (14) 5.7 验证文件归档 (14) 6. 实施过程 (14) 6.1 实施前的准备 (14) 6.2 方法和可接受标准 (15) 6.3 验证步骤 (16) 6.4 确认 (16) 6.5 验证 (17) 6.6 偏差处理 (20) 6.7 变更控制 (20) 7. 验证状态维护 (20) 8. 附录 (20)

1. 验证方针与本文件的目的 1.1验证方针 GMP勺目的是保证生产出符合既定质量标准的药品,而验证则是实现GM这个目的的基石,是证明和保证一切关键生产要素,包括设施、系统、仪器设备、生产工艺、分析方法、清洁规程以及消毒/灭菌规程符合既定要求的公认方法。没有良好有效的验证工作,就谈不上GMP 管理体系的有效,也就无法保证药品的质量。因此,验证工作是GMP f理的最重要工作之一。 鉴于验证工作的如此重要性,本公司将验证工作放在GMP管理的重要位置,并给予高度重视。为此提出下列验证方针: 充分认识,高度重视;建立规程、依规行事;客观记录、慎重结论;资源保证。 所有新的关键方法、规程、工艺及新的关键系统、设备在投入使用前应经验证。 当发生的变更影响产品质量时,所涉及的变更应经过验证。 当验证状态发生漂移时应进行再验证。 关键工艺参数和关键工艺步骤应进行验证。 检验方法发生变化时应进行验证。 1.2本文件的目的 本验证总计划(VMP根据本公司验证管理规程(文件编号DB- SMP01-06-001-01)制定, 概括地描述了本公司应该进行的验证和确认活动的管理原则,包括验证方针、组织机构、范围 领域、文件管理、计划安排、实施程序、简要方法和可接受标准等,以确保本公司的验证工作按照规定得到良好执行,满足GM有关验证的要求。 本验证总计划是公司验证工作的跨年度的通用指导性管理文件,公司有关部门可根据具体情况细化当年的验证活动


1.0 前言 …………………………… 2.0 公司概况 …………………………… 2.1 公司简介 …………………………… 2.2 公司组织机构图 …………………………… 2.3 部门职责 …………………………… 2.4 项目描述 …………………………… 3.0 总计划介绍 …………………………… 3.1 总计划目的 …………………………… 3.2 总计划范围 …………………………… 3.3 验证原则 …………………………… 3.4 依据的法律法规 …………………………… 4.0 术语和定义 …………………………… 5.0 待验证生产区域介绍 …………………………… 5.1 厂房设施及公用系统说明 …………………………… 5.2 设备仪器说明 …………………………… 5.3 人流和物流说明 …………………………… 5.4 产品清单 …………………………… 5.5 原辅材料 …………………………… 5.6 设备流程说明 …………………………… 5.7 工艺流程说明 …………………………… 5.8 公用工程流程说明 …………………………… 6.0 支持性文件 …………………………… 6.1 文件管理程序 …………………………… 6.2 预防维修程序 …………………………… 6.3 计量校验程序 …………………………… 6.4 清洁程序 …………………………… 6.5 偏差处理程序 …………………………… 6.6 变更管理程序 …………………………… 6.7 人员培训程序 …………………………… U n R e g i s t e r e d

7.0 验证组织机构及职责 …………………………… 7.1 验证组织机构图 …………………………… 7.2 验证委员会组成及职责 …………………………… 7.3 验证小组组成及职责 …………………………… 8.0 验证文件的管理要求 …………………………… 8.1 验证文件的审批程序 …………………………… 8.2 验证计划 …………………………… 8.2 验证方案 …………………………… 8.2 验证报告 …………………………… 8.2 验证证书 …………………………… 8.3 验证文件的编号 …………………………… 8.4验证文件的归档 …………………………… 9.0 验证实施 …………………………… 9.1 验证类别 …………………………… 9.2 验证方法 …………………………… 9.3 验证项目汇总 …………………………… 10.0 厂房设施的验证 …………………………… 10.1 设计确认 …………………………… 10.1.1 用户要求URS …………………………… 10.1.2 设计说明书FDS …………………………… 10.1.3 设计图纸 …………………………… 10.2 安装确认 …………………………… 10.3 性能确认 …………………………… 10.4 日常监控与再认证 …………………………… 11.0 空气净化系统的验证 …………………………… 11.1设计确认 …………………………… 11.2 安装确认 …………………………… 11.3 室内装修检查 …………………………… 11.4 检测仪器的校准 …………………………… U n R e g i s t e r e d


目的:建立组织机构,规定各部门在验证中的职责;描述验证文件体系,确保验证工作系统化、规范化,符合GMP要求。 适用范围:本规程适用于本公司GMP相关的验证活动:洁净厂房、公用系统、设备验证、工艺验证、清洁验证、仓储物流系统验证、实验室系统验证、检验方法确认与验证等验证。 职责:质量副总、生产副总、质量保证部、生产技术部、设备动力部、物资仓储部、实验室、生产车间执行本规程。 内容: 1 定义和缩写 1.1验证:证明如何操作规程(或方法)、生产工艺或系统能够达到预期结果的一系列活动。 1.2 确认:证明厂房、设施、设备能正确运行并可达到预期结果的一系列活动。 适用范围:具体、针对达到对象,如设备、方法。 1.3 校准:规定条件下,确定测量、记录、控制仪器或系统的示值(尤指称量)或实物量具所代表的量值,与对应的参照标准量值之间关系的一系列活动。 1.4 合格标准:常指某一机器设备、设施安装后经检查和运行,或某项工艺的运行达到设计要求而准予交付使用的证明文件。 1.5 验证总计划:是项目工程整个验证计划的概述。验证总计划一般包括:项目概述、验证的范围、所遵循的法规标准、被验证的厂房设施、系统、生产工艺、验证的组织机构、验证合格的标准、验证文件的管理要求、验证大体进度计划等内容。 1.6 验证计划:验证总计划需要将整个项目分成若干个系统,如空调净化系统、制药用水系统、配制系统、灌装系统、灭菌、包装等,并按其特点编写验证计划及验证方案。验证计划按验证总计划制定,每一系统制定验证计划,它们是验证总计划的细化和扩展。 1.7 验证方案:一个阐述如何进行验证并确定验证合格标准的书面计划。验证方案通常由三大部分组成:一是指令,阐述检查、校正及试验的具体内容;二是设定的标准,即检查及试验达到什么要求;三是记录,即检查及试验应记录的内容、结果及评估意见。 1.8 验证报告:对验证方案及已完成验证试验的结果、漏项及发生的偏差等进行回顾、审核并作出评估的文件。


验证主计划 VALIDATION MASTER PLAN 项目编号Project Number ---------- System By


目录 一.前言 (4) 二.公司及工厂概况 (4) ◆公司简介 (4) ◆公司组织机构图 (4) ◆公司产品 (5) ◆项目描述 (6) ◆操作流程图 (7) 三.公司标准 (8) ◆指南 (8) 四.主计划目的 (8) 五.部门职责 (9) ◆运行(工程)部门XXX-设备工程师 (9) ◆药品生产( 原料药)部 XXX –生产主管 (9) ◆QA部门XXX- QA 主管 (10) ◆验证部门XXX –验证&培训组织者 (10) 六.验证方法 (11) 七.设备、公用设施和系统的确认 (11) ◆安装确认草案 (11) ◆运行确认草案 (12) ◆性能确认草案 (14) ◆工艺验证 (16) ◆总结报告 (16) 八.验证支持系统 (17) ◆校正 (17) ◆SOPs操作程序和SOPs书写程序 (17) ◆清洁验证 (17) ◆人员培训 (17) 九.修改、变更控制和再验证 (17) 附件1 工厂全面规划图 (18) 附件2 公司组织机构图 (19) 附件3 工艺流程图 (20) 附件4 设施及操作流程图 (21) 附件5 公司标准操作程序 (22) 附件6 需验证的设备设施系统 (23) 附件7 验证项目时间表 (24)

一.前言 验证主计划所述方法,应验证用于控制工艺步骤的设备和公用系统。主计划目的是提供关于验证工艺和验证工厂设施、工艺设备和公用系统所采用的方法。另外,主计划包括如下内容: ?列出负责执行验证程序部门的职能。 ?描述将被验证的工厂、工艺和设备,包括对支持设备和系统的确认。 ?关键性的控制工艺设备、设施、系统和/或公用设施的一般验收标准。 ?用于验证工作的一般文件记录要求。 二.公司及工厂概况 ◆公司简介 公司是 公司成立于____年,专门从事于____类产品的研究、开发和商品化生产。 公司生产车间面积共计_____多平方米,符合中国GMP标准。主要的实验室和生产设备都是从________进口的。 _____年该公司原料药的年产量达 工厂有____个车间:填充车间(建筑01),原车间(建筑02)和新车间(建筑03);三个仓库:原料和包装材料贮藏室(建筑01-2和建筑01-4);溶媒的地下仓库(建筑06);贮藏工具和其他仪器的仓库(建筑05)。(见附1)。 ◆公司组织机构图 公司拥有充足的负责生产运行的主管人员。QA主管和生产主管分别向总经理汇报工作(见附2)。 ◆公司产品


1 验证管理与验证主计划 2 内容提示 验证在我们的日常生活中应用 验证的概念 为什么要验证 验证的目的 GMP(98)对验证的要求 验证的步骤 验证方法的分类与选择 验证的管理 验证检查的方法与缺陷分析 验证文件的要求 验证主计划 3 验证在我们的日常生活中应用 购买手机 够买之前你要做什么? 购买的时候你要做什么? 购买以后你要做什么? 4 在买手机的时候的活动 购买之前(DQ:设计确认): 选型(功能、质量、外观、价位、品牌等) 经销商的选择(信誉、方便性、可选性、折 扣等) 采购计划和质量标准 5 在买手机的时候的活动 购买时(IQ:安装确认): 检查外包装是否开封、包装完好性? 实物检查,核对型号、外观检查? 附件复核(配件、电池、耳机、赠品的数量、型号、质量核实) 说明书、保修卡的合适 6 在买手机的时候的活动 购买时(OQ:运行确认)(插卡、装电池)屏幕显示 操作键测试 菜单功能检查(设置) 软件版本、手机状态确认 网络连接

短信测试 7 在买手机的时候的活动 在购买手机后(PQ:性能确认)(使用 中) 电池使用情况 通话质量 使用功能 手机稳定性 8 什么是验证? 证明任何程序、生产过程、设备、物料、 活动或系统确实能达到预期结果的有文件证 明的一系列活动。 9 为什么要进行验证? 大多数过程不能100%加以证实; 大多数产品不能100%进行测试; 工艺过程的每一个步骤均须进行控制,以使得产品能够有效符合其一切品质特性及计规范要求; 保证优质产品,降低废品率,在药品制造过程出错时能够找出其故障原因进行解决。 10 药品生产验证发展的里程 美国 药厂新药申请灭菌 程序验证指南 美国首版 GMP公布 美国首版 GMP公布 1962年 LVP的GMP 草案公布 LVP的GMP 草案公布 1976年 1984年 美国 《药品生产验证》 出版(92年再版) 药品质量 保证计划


氢溴酸加兰他敏 原料药验证主计划 VALIDATION MMASTER PLAN 文件编号: No.: 起草


本文件为氢溴酸加兰他敏原料药验证主计划(VALIDATION MASTER PLAN),是阐述氢溴酸加兰他敏原料药应进行验证的各个系统﹑验证所遵循的规范﹑各个系统验证应达到的目标,即验证合格标准和实施计划,是指导氢溴酸加兰他敏原料药进行验证的纲领性文件。 氢溴酸加兰他敏(Galanthamine Hydrobromide)是从石蒜属植物中分离出的一种生物碱,系可逆性乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)抑制剂,抑制强度稍弱于毒扁豆碱。但它易为病人耐受且不良反应少。AChE抑制剂能通过拟胆碱机制改善动物和人的学习与记忆功能。为抗胆碱酯酶药,并可改善神经肌肉间的传导,用于重症肌无力、进行性肌营养不良、脊髓灰质炎后遗症、儿童脑型麻痹、因神经系统疾患所致感觉或运动障碍、多发性神经炎等。并且氢溴酸加兰他敏(galantamine hydrobromide)已于2003年2月28日获得FDA的批准,用于治疗轻至中度阿尔茨海默氏型痴呆症。 浙江一新制药股份公司于2002年对国内外市场调研后和南京华威医药科技开发公司合作开发氢溴酸加兰他敏,该原料药于2003年8月经浙江省药品监督管理局浙药监安[2003]248号批复立项,一新公司开始筹建原料药GMP生产车间。 2公司及生产车间概况 2.1公司简介 浙江一新制药股份有限公司成立于1993年,从事天然药物﹑中药化学药制剂的生产。公司生产车间面积共计平方米,符合中国GMP标准。 公司有六个药品生产车间:原料药生产车间﹑提取车间﹑口服固体车间﹑口服液体车间﹑外用制剂车间﹑大容量注射剂车间(厂外)。 2.2公司组织机构图(见附件) 2.3氢溴酸加兰他敏原料药厂房设施及公用系统 2.3.1氢溴酸加兰他敏原料药车间 厂区布局:原料药车间位于厂区提取大楼内(见厂区总平面图),厂区北为路,南为小路



一、计划起草 三、计划批准 四、文件副本分发明细

验证总计划目录 1、简介…………………………………………………………………………… 2、定义与术语………………………………………………………………… 3、验证对象描述……………………………………………………… 4、组织机构、人员与职责……………………………………………………… 5、验证范围……………………………………………………………………… 6、验证可接受标准……………………………………………………………… 7、验证文件……………………………………………………………………… 8、附录……………………………………………………………………………

一、简介 1、公司概述 安徽华康医药集团有限公司是一家专业从事药品、医疗器械经营业务的独立法人企业,经营范围包括中成药、化学药制剂、化学原料药、抗生素、生化药品、体外诊断试剂,蛋白同化制剂、肽类激素、精神药品、麻醉药品、医疗性毒品等。 药品是特殊商品,对贮存、运输等环节的条件有严格的要求,以保证药品质量。 为贯彻《药品经营质量管理规范(2013年修订版)》的精神,确保药品贮存条件以及冷藏药品贮藏、运输等流通过程中始终处于规定温度环境下,保证药品的质量,对药品的贮存温度及控制系统、冷藏药品运输过程涉及的设施设备、公用工程、仪器仪表、计算机网络等方面的性能状态、效果和人员职责等进行验证,而制定本验证计划。 2、验证目的 公司验证工作的整体目标就是证明公司的药品贮存条件符合规范规定,冷藏药品运输符合规定要求,按公司规定的操作流程能保证药品在贮藏、运输过程中的温度始终控制在规定范围内,可以保证药品的质量。 为保证各项验证能够有组织、有计划、有步骤的进行,使各项验证依据计划起草、审批和实施,特制订本计划。 3、验证总计划范围 验证范围分为六大类,分别为: 3.1药品贮存条件特别是冷库的验证; 3.2仓库温湿度控制系统验证; 3.3冷藏车的验证; 3.4保温箱的验证; 3.5温度探头等仪器校验; 4、依据的法律法规: 4.1《药品经营质量管理规范(2012年修订版)》; 4.2《药品经营质量管理规范(2012年修订版)》附录1:冷藏、冷冻药品的储存与运输管理;附录3:温湿度自动监测;附录5:验证管理。 4.3《药品生产验证指2003》---国家食品药品监督管理局组织编写。 二、术语和定义: 1、验证:证明任何程序、生产过程、设备、物料、活动或系统确实能达到预期结果的有文件证明的一系列活动。 2、合格证明:常指某一机器设备/设施安装后经检查和运行,达到规范要求而准于交付使用的证明性文件。


生产设备验证主计划 1.目的 2.概述 2.1公司概述 2.2车间描述 2.3厂房、设备设施描述 2.4工艺描述 3.术语 4.验证方法 5.验证范围和接收标准 6.验证支持系统 7.验证组织机构及职责8.验证进度表 9.修改、变更控制和再验证 10.附件

1.目的: 此文件可以指导验证小组有计划的进行年度所有的验证和确认工作,验证主计划中包括设备与公用设施的确认、工艺验证、设备清洗验证、分析方法验证、计算机系统验证以及其它所有影响到产品质量的系统的验证。验证主计划提供各类验证的方法和接受标准以及验证的工作进度计划。它还规定了验证组织的成立以及相关的职责,各部门和相关人员必须 按照此文件履行其职责并完成所有的验证和确认工作。 2.概述:2.1 公司概述 2.2 车间概况 要求 :尽可能详尽。其中要包括以下内容:建成时间、建筑面积、层高、 生产品种、通过认证情况。 2.3 产品描述 要求 :至少包括以下内容:产品化学名称、通用名、分子式、结构式、分 子量、产品性状及理化指标、合成步骤、产品主要用途。 2.4 厂房、设备设施描述 2.4.1 厂房、设备设施描述 洁净室的设施、洁净度、压差、温湿度等,均符合 GMP 的有关标准, 并进行严格的监控,车间的主要设备有蒸馏水机、空调机组。 蒸馏水机采用 多效 蒸馏水机, 316L 不锈钢材料、 电抛光。 贮罐采用 316L

不锈钢制作,内壁抛光,并做钝化处理。夹套可进行蒸汽加热。贮罐的排气口及蒸馏水机冷凝器的排气口装有 0.22μm 的过滤器。 管道采用 316L 不锈钢管,内外壁电抛光,采用热熔式氩弧焊焊接, 卫生夹头分段连接,阀门采用 洁净隔膜阀 车间洁净区的空调系统均采用初、中、高效三级过滤,排风口加装过 滤装置,防止粉尘污染大气。 3 不锈钢制作,内壁抛光,并做钝化处理。夹套可进行蒸汽加热。贮罐的排气口及蒸馏水机冷凝器的排气口装有 0.22μm 的过滤器。 管道采用 316L 不锈钢管,内外壁电抛光,采用热熔式氩弧焊焊接, 卫生夹头分段连接,阀门采用 洁净隔膜阀 车间洁净区的空调系统均采用初、中、高效三级过滤,排风口加装过 滤装置,防止粉尘污染大气。 2.4.2 设备一览表 主要设备一览表 2.5 工艺描述 3. 术语: 3.1验证(Validation) 为某一特定的工艺、方法或系统能够持续地产生符合既定接受标准的 结果提供充分保证的文件程序。


... . . 1. 验证方针与本文件的目的 1.1验证方针 GMP是保证生产出符合既定质量标准药品的唯一手段,而验证是证明和保证关键生产要素,包括设施、系统、仪器设备、生产工艺、分析方法、清洁规程以及消毒/灭菌规程符合既定要求的公认方法。没有良好有效的验证工作,就谈不上GMP管理体系的有效,也就无法保证药品的质量。因此,验证工作是GMP管理的最重要工作之一。 鉴于验证工作的如此重要性,本公司将验证工作放在GMP管理的重要位置,并给予高度重视。为此提出下列验证方针: ●充分认识,高度重视;建立规程、依规行事;客观记录、慎重结论;资源保证。所有 新的关键方法、规程、工艺及新的关键系统、设备在投入使用前应经验证。 ●当发生的变更影响产品质量时,所涉及的变更应经过验证。 ●当验证状态发生漂移时应进行再验证。 ●关键工艺参数和关键工艺步骤应进行验证。 ●检验方法发生变化时应进行验证。 1.2本文件的目的 本验证总计划(VMP)根据本公司验证管理规程(文件号XXXXX)制定,概括地描述了本公司应该进行的验证和确认活动的管理原则,包括验证方针、组织机构、围领域、文件管理、计划安排、实施程序、简要方法和可接受标准等,以确保本公司的验证工作按照规定得到良好执行,满足GMP有关验证的要求。

本验证总计划是公司验证工作的跨年度的通用指导性管理文件,公司有关部门可根据具体情况以“年度(阶段)验证计划”具体化当年的验证活动,也可以“项目(如新建车间、特别项目)验证计划”对“年度验证计划”进一步细化,以清晰文件,方便工作。 2一般概述 2.1公司简介 ●公司基本情况 公司全称是,公司成立于____年,专门从事于____类产品的研究、开发和商品化生产。公司现有XX 个生产车间,车间面积共计_____多平方米,符合中国GMP标准,已通过XX认证。_____年本公司原料药的年产量达XX。 简要介绍公司平面布局情况、品种情况、车间情况、生产能力情况、仓库情况、其他建筑物情况。 “附录1 ,公司总平面布局图” ●人员概况及公司组织机构图 简要介绍公司人力情况: 公司组织机构图 (见附录2,公司组织机构图)。 2.2工艺概述 工艺流程图 简要介绍(见附录3,工艺流程图) 生产线介绍(前处理、发酵、合成、精制、公用设施) 操作流程(人员流程、物料流程、样品流程、环境控制) (可以附件形式列出) 2.3产品概述


-- 验证总计划起草

审核 批准 分发

目录 1.验证方针与本文件的目的 (4) 1.1验证方针 (4) 1.2本文件的目的 (4) 2.简介 (4) 2.1公司基本情况 (4) 2.2生产区域概述 (5) 2.3工艺概述 (6) 2.4产品目录 (6) 3.目的、范围、要求 (7) 3.1本验证总计划制定的目的 (7) 3.2验证范围 (8) 3.3验证基本要求 (8) 4.验证组织结构及人员职责 (9) 4.1组织结构图 (9) 4.2职责 (10) 5.验证文件 (12) 5.1文件范围 (12) 5.2验证方案 (12) 5.3验证报告 (13) 5.4验证记录 (13) 5.5验证报告 (13) 5.6验证文件编号 (14) 5.7验证文件归档 (14) 6.实施过程 (14) 6.1实施前的准备 (14) 6.2方法和可接受标准 (14) 6.3验证步骤 (15) 6.4确认 (16) 6.5验证 (17) 6.6偏差处理 (19) 6.7变更控制 (19) 7.验证状态维护 (20) 8.附录 (20)

1. 验证方针与本文件的目的 1.1 验证方针 GMP的目的是保证生产出符合既定质量标准的药品,而验证则是实现GMP这个目的的基石,是证明和保证一切关键生产要素,包括设施、系统、仪器设备、生产工艺、分析方法、清洁规程以及消毒/灭菌规程符合既定要求的公认方法。没有良好有效的验证工作,就谈不上GMP 管理体系的有效,也就无法保证药品的质量。因此,验证工作是GMP管理的最重要工作之一。 鉴于验证工作的如此重要性,本公司将验证工作放在GMP管理的重要位置,并给予高度重视。为此提出下列验证方针: ●充分认识,高度重视;建立规程、依规行事;客观记录、慎重结论;资源保证。 ●所有新的关键方法、规程、工艺及新的关键系统、设备在投入使用前应经验证。 ●当发生的变更影响产品质量时,所涉及的变更应经过验证。 ●当验证状态发生漂移时应进行再验证。 ●关键工艺参数和关键工艺步骤应进行验证。 ●检验方法发生变化时应进行验证。 1.2 本文件的目的 本验证总计划(VMP)根据本公司验证管理规程(文件编号DB·SMP01-06-001-01)制定,概括地描述了本公司应该进行的验证和确认活动的管理原则,包括验证方针、组织机构、范围领域、文件管理、计划安排、实施程序、简要方法和可接受标准等,以确保本公司的验证工作按照规定得到良好执行,满足GMP有关验证的要求。 本验证总计划是公司验证工作的跨年度的通用指导性管理文件,公司有关部门可根据具体情况细化当年的验证活动。 2. 简介 2.1 公司基本情况 本公司占地面积*******平方米,建筑面积**********0平方米,分为办公区、生产区、


IQ/OQ/PQ验证案模版 使用说明:针对此模版使用者 XX验证案 2013

此模版应用于系统/设备确认验证案的起草,规定了案格式和通用容。因此系统/设备确认验证案的产生形成过程必须以此模版给出的格式为指南并且要格符合验证组织和实施sop (xxxxx)的要求。 此模版作为一个指导,由一些必须在实际操作中执行章节组成. 这些章节/ 容项目以蓝色标明。在完成这些蓝色标注的项目后必须用黑色字体的文字部分来代替,删除或覆盖掉。而与本次验证不相关的部分/项目以黑字容可直接从模版中删除。

案批准: 批准意味着该确认案已经被审核并且是完整和可接收的。

目录 (列出本文件的主要标题及相应的页码) 1.目的 (3) 2.围 (3) 3. 职责 (3) 1. 目的

此验证案收集的资料源于对系统的检查和附表中测试的数据,以此提供书面文件证明系统/设备安装和连续运行过程中必须达到的目的、法及具体操作,并以此确认系统的安装/运行完全符合用户需求、设计标准和GMP法规(中国GMP/美国现行GMP/ 欧盟GMP)的要求,或任明确的基于GMP风险分析而提出的要求。 2. 围 本确认案将会在公司XXXX系统/设备上实施。 本文件描述了系统/设备检查、测试程序及可接受标准、文件和参考文件,这些可以用来确定系统/设备的安装/操作符合设计标准及生产工艺的要求。 本确认文件提供了有关验证人员职责的描述、有效的批准签名、支持文件和其他包含于文件包中的因素,完成后所有的支持数据和文件将附于本验证文件之后。 3. 验证小组职责和验证计划 3.1 验证小组职责 3.1.1 验证小组组长职责 ●保证IQ案及IQ检查表的起草。 ●保证在执行前完成对IQ案及IQ检查表的审核和批准。 ●确保在执行前DQ已完成,且DQ检查结果及最终报告都已经通过审核和批准。 ●负责对验证小组成员进行本案的培训。 ●保证完全按照IQ案实施。 ●确保能及时发现偏差,并按照已经达成一致偏差处理法对其进行记录、纠正、调查和最 终确认。 ●验证过程中,如有变更,保证按《变更控制》执行 ●确保IQ报告的生成、审核和批准,以便对该IQ案进行最终批准。 3.1.2 验证小组成员职责 QA职责


验证总计划指南中文版 发布时间:2011年7月4日信息来源:中国GMP技术联盟网被阅览数:471 2. 导言 PIC/S和EU GMP指导原则的附录15中对确认(Qualification)和验证(Validation)的基本原则及应用进行了阐述。 本文件包含了药物生产过中与设备确认和工艺验证相关的如下这四个方面的建议: 验证方案 安装和操作确认 非无菌工艺验证 清洗验证 本文件中的建议确定了上述这四个方面的基本原则。 2.1 本文件的目的 2.1.1 这些建议性文件的主题涉及的是那些审计人员和制药企业都认为需要对现行PIC/S GMP指导原则进行补充的领域。 2.1.2 本文件的目的在于给GMP审计人员提供一个指导文件,可用于培训和审计的准备工作。 2.2 范围 2.2.1 每个建议文件中所确定的原则既适用于原料药,也适用于制剂。 2.2.2 在公布时,本文件反映了当前的技术水平。但并不能因此而成为技术革新和追求卓越的一种障碍。 2.2.3 本文件中的建议并不强制制药企业执行。然而,制药企业应当要适当考虑这些建议。 2.2.4 需要注意的是本文件并未包括会影响GMP的计算机系统方面的补充要求。 2.3 确认和验证的目的 确认和验证的目的在于建立和提供如下这些方面的书面证据: 2.3.1 厂房,设施,设备和工序是根据GMP要求进行设计的。这通常就是设计确认(DQ, Design Qualification). 2.3.2 厂房,设施,设备和工序是根据GMP要求进行建造或安装的。这就是安装确认(IQ, Installation Qualification).

2.3.3 厂房,设施,设备和工序是根据其设计标准进行操作的。这就是操作确认(OQ, Operational Qualification). 2.3.4 一特定工艺能够持续地生产出符合已定质量标准和质量属性的产品。这就是工艺验证(PV, Process Validation)。也被称为性能确认(PQ, Performacne Qualification) 2.4 术语 2.4.1 本文件中所用到的术语,若现行PIC/S GMP 指导文件中没有对其进行解释,则在本文件的结尾处会有其解释。 2.4.2 有必要对术语的可替换性进行说明,特别是那些国际认可的术语。“验证(Validation)”经常会包括设备确认(equipment qualification), 安装确认和操作确证,以及工艺验证。然而,在本文件中,这些术语是不能互换的。 2.5 何时进行确认和验证 2.5.1 厂房,设施,设备或工序的可能会直接或间接影响到产品质量的方方面面及其重要变更都应当要进行确认和验证。 2.5.2 设备确认(Equipment qualification)并不是一个新概念。很多供应商经常会进行设备核查(Equipment check)以确认其功能是否能符合已定标准,这样的设备核查既有在安装前进行的,也有在安装后进行的。 2.5.3 类似的,产品和工艺的开发(Development), 放大(Scale-up)和进行生产(Transfer into production)也不是一个新概念。尽管术语会变化,甚至不同的用户有不同的术语,但验证的基本概念是不变的。 2.5.4 然而,在过去,一般来说,无论是设备供应商还是制药企业都没有对确认和验证工作的书面记录给予足够的重视。因此,公司经常不能向审计人员提供书面材料说明其何时和如何进行了这些确认和验证工作。 2.5.5 不可能很明确地确定何时需对哪些具体的方面进行确认和验证,因为生产操作和设施在规模和复杂性上都有很大的不同。 2.5.6 GMP要求每个制药企业都要确定需要进行哪些确认和验证工作以证明其对特定操作的关键方面进行了控制。人们对药物生产的理解还没有到达要确定一个操作中哪些方面是关键的这个程序,这要成为一个基本常识还需要很长一段时间。



2018年验证总计划 2018公司的确认和验证工作有序的进行制定了本计划。 范围:适用于公司车间、化验室及公用设施的确认和验证。 责任:验证领导小组及各相关验证小组。 内容: 1.概述 2016年的验证按计划已经圆满完成,为保证持续稳定的生产出符合标准的产品2017年继续进行进行确认和验证。 验证范围 本计划包括厂房、设施、设备、检验仪器、生产工艺、操作规程、检验方法、计算机系统等的验证。 验证方针 为使 始终生产出合格、安全和有效的中药饮片,最终能保证公司产品起到治病救人的作用。确认和验证应符合GMP 的要求,确认和验证工作应有计划、有方案、有报告及记录,确保验证的真实性。 2. 验证组织结构及人员职责 组织结构图 的验证总负责人为企业负责人,企业负责人、质量负责人、质量受权人及 生产负责人组成验证领导小组。 验证小组 验证小组是为完成每个项目验证工作而成立的工作小组,该小组应是多学科的,组长由熟悉本项目验证要求的人员担任,小组成员掌握的技术能协助验证和确认工作的圆满完成。组长一般由企业负责人根据实际情况指定,小组成员由验证组长在起草验证方案时根据要求指定。 职责:

验证领导小组职责 完成与其区域相关的验证/确认工作。 验证培训 验证过程中,验证计划、验证方案以及验证中应该掌握的技能应该进行培训,培训应遵循培训管理相关规程。 在执行每个验证方案之前,应由方案起草人员组织该方案的执行人员或其他相关人员进行培训,以便相关人员正确理解方案所有内容,从而确保该方案的顺利实施与完成。该培训记录附于报告之后。 3.验证计划、方案、报告的起草审批程序 验证计划由质量负责人起草,验证方案和报告由验证小组组织起草。 以上文件的审核由验证领导小组相关成员审核。 所有验证计划、方案、报告均由质量负责人批准。 验证报告显示验证符合要求的验证项目由质量负责人发放验证证书。 4.文件 文件范围 文件包括验证计划、方案、报告、证书 验证计划 包括验证总计划、分项的或年度的验证计划,是对某个项目或者某个年度的验证工作的规划和要求。一般包括:项目概述、验证的范围、所遵循的法规标


验证总计划范本 验证总计划 制药有限公司GMP文件编码: 制订人: 日期: 审阅人: 职务签名日期 总经理 生产副总 生产部部长 质量保证部部长 工程部部长 中心化验室主任 批准人: 质量负责人 第 2 页共 26 页 制药有限公司GMP文件编码: 目录一、简介 1、验证与确认的方针 2、验证与确认的目的 3、验证与确认的分类及适用条件 4、依据的法律法规 二、验证与确认的组织机构及职责 1、组织机构图 2、各验证机构职责与分工 三、确认与验证类别和内容

1、厂房设施及公用系统确认的内容 2、生产设备确认的内容 3、检验仪器确认的内容 4、检验方法验证的内容 5、清洁、消毒验证的内容 6、工艺验证的内容 四、验证项目和实施时间安排 第 3 页共 26 页 制药有限公司GMP文件编码: 一、简介 1验证与确认方针 1.1验证与确认是公司质量管理体系的重要组成部份,也是GMP规则的基本要素。证明某一特定的生产程序能持续生产出符合预期规格要求和质量特性的产品具备了高度的保证,确定了我们生产质量体系的整体保障水平。 1.2为使我公司能生产出合格、安全和有效的产品,最终能保证用户的健康。验证应符合GMP(2010年版)要求; 1.3验证工作应有计划、有组织、有控制的进行,确保验证建立在风险评估的基础上,确保与GMP(2010年版)相关的、有主要作用的关键设备、工艺、清洗、设施、计算机系统和支持系统都进行验证。 1.4风险分析由验证小组成员负责在制定验证方案时进行,根据GMP 风险分析的结果和建议确定的单个项目的验证内容和范围,由包括QA 经理在内的验证委员会在审核验证方案时批准。 1.5验证与确认的组织机构应根据确定的总计划制定实施程序及具体项目负责人,鉴于验证工作的重要性,验证领导小组应充分认识,高度重视,建立规程,依规行事,客观记录、慎重结论。

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