当前位置:文档之家› 经典英文谚语大全带翻译





1、A little of everything, and nothing at all.


2、A picture is a poem without words.


3、A word spoken cannot be recalled.


4、An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


5、A man is never too old to learn.


6、A little labour, much health.


7、A bad custom is like a good cake, better broken than kept.


8、A life without a friend is a life without a sun.


9、A little learning is a dangerous thing.


10、Act fairly by all men.


11、A man can die but once.


12、A match will set fire to a large building.


13、A miss is as good as a mile.


14、A bad beginning makes a bad ending.


15、A man can not spin and reel at the same time.


16、Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.


17、A word to the wise is enough.


18、A good beginning makes a good ending.

欲善其终, 必先善其始。

19、After rain comes fair weather.


20、A body without knowledge is like a house without a



22、A door must be either shut or open.

门不关就得开,二者必居其一。/ 非此即彼。

23、A little body often harbors a great soul.


24、A man can do no more than he can.


25、A merry heart goes all the way.


26、An honest man's word is as good as his bond.


27、an is the architect of his own fortune.


28、Every minute counts.


29、Every mother's child is handsome.


30、Every potter praises hit pot.


31、Everything is good when new, but friends when old.


32、Example is better then percept.


33、Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.


34、Experience must be bought.


35、Fact speak louder than words.


36、Failure is the mother of success.


37、False friends are worse than bitter enemies.


38、Far from eye, far from heart.


39、Far water does not put out near fire.


40、Faults are thick where love is thin.


41、Fear always springs from ignorance.


42、Fields have eyes, and woods have ears.


43、Fire and water have no mercy.


44、Fire is a good servant but a bad master.


45、First come, first served.


46、First impressions are half the battle.


47、First think and then speak.


48、Fools grow without watering.


49、Fool's haste is no speed.


50、Fools has fortune.


51、Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.


52、Forbidden fruit is sweet.


53、Fortune favors those who use their judgement. 机遇偏爱善断之人。

54、Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate. 风水轮流转。

55、Four eyes see more than two.


56、Friends agree best at distance.


57、Friends are thieves of time.


58、Friends must part.


59、Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.


60、Give a dog a bad name and hang him.


61、God helps those who help themselves.


62、Gold will not buy anything.


63、Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly. 以德报德是常理,以德报怨大丈夫。

64、Good health is over wealth.


65、Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth. 良药苦口利於病。

66、Good watch prevents misfortune.


67、Great barkers are no biters.


68、Great hopes make great man.


69、Great minds think alike.


70、Great men have great faults.


71、Great men's sons seldom do well.


72、Great trees are good for nothing but shade.


73、Great wits have short memories.


74、Greedy folks have long arms.


75、Guilty consciences make men cowards.


76、Habit cures habit.


77、Handsome is he who does handsomely.


78、Happiness takes no account of time.


79、Happy is he who owes nothing.


80、Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others.


81、Harm set, harm get.


82、Hasty love, soon cold.


83、Health is better than wealth.


84、Health is happiness.


85、Hear all parties.


86、Heaven never helps the man who will not act.


87、He is a fool that forgets himself.


88、He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.


89、He is a wise man who speaks little.


90、He is lifeless that is faultless.


91、He is not fit to command others that cannot command himself.


92、He is not laughed at that laughs at himself first.


93、He is wise that is honest.


94、He knows most who speaks least.


95、He laughs best who laughs last.


96、He sets the fox to keep the geese.


97、He that climbs high falls heavily.


98、He that will not work shall not eat.


99、He who does not advance loses ground.


100、He who makes constant complaint gets little compassion.


101、He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


102、He who risks nothing gains nothing.


103、History repeats itself.


104、Honesty is the best policy.




?夏洛克经典台词欣赏 ?To bait fish withal: ?if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. ?He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, ?thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; ?and what's his reason I am a Jew. ?Hath not a Jew eyes hath not a Jew hands, organs, ?dimensions, senses, affections, passions ?fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, ?subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, ?warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christi an is ?If you prick us, do we not bleed ?if you tickle us, do we not laugh ?if you poison us, do we not die ?and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge ?If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in tha t. ?If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility Revenge. ?If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by ?Christian example Why, revenge. ?The villainy you teach me, I will execute, ?and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction. ?拿来钓鱼也好;即使他的肉不中吃,至少也可以出出我这一口气。 ?他曾经羞辱过我,夺去我几十万块钱的生意,讥笑着我的亏蚀,挖苦着我的盈余,侮蔑我的民族,破坏我的买卖,离间我的朋友,煽动我的仇敌;他的理由是什么只因为我是一个犹太人。 ?难道犹太人没有眼睛吗难道犹太人没有五官四肢、没有知觉、没有感情、没有血气吗他不是吃着同样的食物,同样的武器可以伤害他,同样的医药可以疗治他,冬天同样会冷,夏天同样会热,就像一个基督徒一样吗你们要是用刀剑刺我们,我们不是也会出血的吗你们要是搔我们的痒,我们不是也会笑起来的吗 ?你们要是用毒药谋害我们,我们不是也会死的吗那么要是你们欺侮了我们,我们难道不会复仇吗要是在别的地方我们都跟你们一样,那么在这一点上也是彼此相同的。 要是一个犹太人欺侮了一个基督徒,那基督徒怎样表现他的谦逊报仇。要是一个基督徒欺侮了一个犹太人,那么照着基督徒的榜样,那犹太人应该怎样表现他的宽容报仇。你们已经把残虐的手段教给我,我一定会照着你们的教训实行,而且还要加


>行经华阴朝代:唐代 作者:崔颢 原文: 岧峣太华俯咸京,天外三峰削不成。 武帝祠前云欲散,仙人掌上雨初晴。 河山北枕秦关险,驿树西连汉畤平。 借问路傍名利客,无如此处学长生。写翻译写赏析分享评分:678910 很差相关翻译写翻译行经华阴译文及注释 在高峻华山上俯视京都长安,三峰伸向天外不是人工削成。在武帝祠前的乌云将要消散,雨过天晴仙人掌峰一片青葱。秦关北靠河山地势多么险要,驿路通过长安往西连着汉畤。借问路旁那些追名逐利 ... 相关赏析写赏析行经华阴赏析 崔颢写山水行旅、登临怀古诗,很善于将山水景色与神话古迹融合起来,使意境具有辽阔的空间感和悠久的时间感,更加瑰丽神奇。在名作《黄鹤楼》中,就以“昔人已乘黄鹤去,此地空余黄鹤楼。黄鹤一 ... 作者介绍崔颢崔颢唐开元年间进士,官至太仆寺丞,天宝中为司勋员外郎。最为人们津津乐道的是他那首《黄鹤楼》,据说李白为之搁笔,曾有“眼前有景道不得,崔颢题诗在上头”的赞叹。《全唐诗》存其诗四十二... 版权声明:本文内容由网友上传(或整理自网络),原作者已无法考证,版权归原作者所有。古诗文网免费发布仅供学习参考,其观点不代表本站立场。 转载请注明:原文链接| https://www.doczj.com/doc/714902059.html,/view_3874.html

古诗大全古诗文网https://www.doczj.com/doc/714902059.html, KKD6BM 明茨伯格被称为管理学界的离经叛道者,在其《战略历程:纵览战略管理学派》中,他并没有给战略一个明确的定义,而是把战略理论归结为十个学派,并一一点评。他认为,简单从一个角度来解释战略就好比是盲人摸象:摸到鼻子的人说大象是一条蛇,摸到耳朵的人说大象是一把扇子,摸到膝盖的人说大象是一棵树,摸到尾巴的人说大象是一根绳子,摸到大象身躯的人说大象是一堵墙营销3.0版本,令人应接不暇。那么,营销的本质是什么? 很多人觉得这是已经有定论的话题,不值得讨论,当然也有人说营销就是4P,或者4C,则是典型的一叶障目不见泰山。最初在美国,营销的含义是:若干市场因素的各种结合从而影响市场供给,这些因素包括促销、推销、有组织的销售活动。1967年,菲利普构建为出发点的产物非但对人们的工作无益,反而使人迷失。营销理论需要从本质上去解构。解构主义领袖人物雅克一个问题不可以一次性、终极性地解决,而只能是分步走,分时间、分空间、分不同的角度来解决。对营销的重建与深度认知,须先从各方面多视野地去看待营销,尽力地去勾勒出它的一个暂时性的全貌;然后再对这个全貌的每一侧面进行批判性的分析与吸收。 现在,就让我们解构营销本质,蒙上眼睛,一步步去摸


2010年经典英语祝福语(带中文翻译) 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 wishing you a song in your heart at christmas and blessings all year long. 圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! wishing you peace, joy and happiness through christmas and the coming year. 在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福! a christmas greeting and good wishes to you who is thought about all the year through. have a beautiful christmas and a happy new year. 始终思念你,捎来圣诞佳节最美好的祝福,祝圣诞吉祥,新年如意。 here is wishing you all a merry christmas and a new year bright with joy and success.

祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。 christmas comes but once a year. but when it comes it brings good cheer. 圣诞节一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。 a cheery christmas and the new year hold lots of happiness for you! 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福、如意。LOcALHosT may you have the best christmas ever. 愿你度过最美好的圣诞节! may the joy of christmas be with you throughout the year. 愿圣诞的快乐一年四季常在。 wishing you a sparkling christmas and 衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运! christmas should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. but if all else is lacking - love will do. 圣诞是这样美好的时光:炉火熊熊,花


一、来自你身体的一封信 Hi! It's your body here! Allow me to reintroduce myself. 嗨,我是你的身体! 允许我再自我介绍一下。 I'm the home that you've always lived in. Surely you remember. We grew up together! 我是你一直住着的“家”。 你肯定记得我, 我们一起长大的。 And I'm writing in this letter cause, I feel neglected in this relationship, very disappointed in what I've been seeing. 我写这封信是因为, 我感觉我在这段关系里被忽视了。 我对我所看到的很失望。 With your ambition to make money you sacrificed my well being, which makes no sense in the least because when I get sick you sacrificed that same money

to recuperate ME. 你有想挣钱的雄心, 却为此牺牲我的健康。 这完全不合理, 因为如果我病了, 你赚的那些钱都要用来给我治病! And what's even more ironic is with all your interest in profit you can't even see the truth that I'm worth over A BILLION DOLLARS. 更讽刺的是, 你利欲熏心, 甚至看不清这个事实: 我才是最宝贵的啊! Don't believe me? Okay I'll prove it. 你不相信? 好吧,我证明给你看。 If someone came to you with a check for One Million and said “Here. All I want in return is your eyesight.”


莎士比亚经典英文诗带翻译 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《莎士比亚经典英文诗带翻译》的内容,具体内容:莎士比亚是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是西方文艺史上最杰出的作家之一,全世界最卓越的文学家之一。下面是我为大家带来,希望大家喜欢!莎士比亚经典英文诗1:Or I sh... 莎士比亚是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是西方文艺史上最杰出的作家之一,全世界最卓越的文学家之一。下面是我为大家带来,希望大家喜欢! 莎士比亚经典英文诗1: Or I shall live your epitaph to make, 无论我将活着为你写墓志铭, Or you survive when I in earth am rotten; 或你未亡而我已在地下腐朽, From hence your memory death cannot take, 纵使我已被遗忘得一干二净, Although in me each part will be forgotten. 死神将不能把你的忆念夺走。 Your name from hence immortal life shall have, 你的名字将从这诗里得永生, Though I, once gone, to all the world must die: 虽然我,一去,对人间便等于死;

The earth can yield me but a common grave, 大地只能够给我一座乱葬坟, When you entombed in mens eyes shall lie. 而你却将长埋在人们眼睛里。 Your monument shall be my gentle verse, 我这些小诗便是你的纪念碑, Which eyes not yet created shall oer-read, 未来的眼睛固然要百读不厌, And tongues to be your being shall rehearse 未来的舌头也将要传诵不衰, When all the breathers of this world are dead; 当现在呼吸的人已瞑目长眠。 You still shall live--such virtue hath my pen-- 这强劲的笔将使你活在生气 Where breath most breathes, even in the mouths of men.最蓬勃的地方,在人们的嘴里。 莎士比亚经典英文诗2: So oft have I invoked thee for my Muse 我常常把你当诗神向你祷告, And found such fair assistance in my verse 在诗里找到那么有力的神助,


精诚翻译工作室翻译报价 50到70元千字(而传统翻译公司的报价是100元以上)可以百度精诚翻译找到我们精诚翻译保证全网最低 街头反间谍工作 唐纳德·布莱德肖(Donald Bradshaw) 致读者: 在这本书的前几章会出现这套小说的主要人物,作为读者,你会熟悉每个人物的个性。 我们希望,你在看到第一个故事的高潮部分时,不仅可以发现间谍敌人的差异,也可以发现他们之间的相同点。我觉得有些人物对于我的故事来说非常重要,会在回忆录中一直出现。

致伊丽莎白: 我亲爱的女儿伊丽莎白,感谢你长期以来的鼓励和支持,以及对本书最终稿子的编辑。 致贝蒂 你是甘于奉献的妻子和伟大的母亲。你一直跟我们一起度过快乐和艰难的日子。你从一开始就给我提供许多支持。仅以此书献给你。如果没有你,我们绝不可能完成这本书。

介绍 让观众和间谍捕手失望的是,反间谍活动都是安全计划和行动。为了保护美国的国家利益和秘密,需要各级各类安全活动。维护我们的安全体系,包括安全围墙和障碍、边境、空中和港口的保安员和行人交通或运输控制,以及安全许可管理都属于反间谍的工作范围、 然而,令我们读者高兴的是,书中也有一些跟反间谍有关的有趣进攻活动,比如反间谍和其它进攻技术。 佛吉尼亚州和佐治亚州的联邦“机构”学校以及一些陆军、海军、空军和海军陆战队的DOD学校都教授反间谍课程;他们学习的课程包括基本安全、监视/反监视、特别行动(如主动反间谍和进攻行动)、谍报和背景调查、各种安全检查。当然,课程也必须包括反恐训练和其他反间谍支持活动,这些需要一定的专业知识,如文件制作、技术支持服务,也需要秘密的应急资金。 最后,反间谍活动的每个阶段都必须书面记录,当然这需要费力又无聊的报告写作,但这绝不能忽视。 你可能会觉得本书中的语法并不是很好,但你会从本书中发现,我热爱间谍活动的各个方面,并一直努力作出自己的贡献。如果你觉得我支持或反对任何政治党派;或批评任何其它机构或人员,你可以忽视这些。从艾森豪威尔总统开始,我一直从事反间谍工作,并以此为豪;也为美国情报收集机构和外国情报机构的所有人感到骄傲。此外,由于对情报领域某些方面信息公开的限制,我被迫修改和替换本书中的某些内容。我真诚地希望,我这样做没有减少或降低本书的价值或质量。 我把自己40年的时间奉献给人工情报、进攻反情报和情报收集活动。我们或多或少都会有一些虚荣心。如果没有虚荣心,就不会有自豪感。我对自己的职业生涯感到非常的自豪,在职业中我取得了非凡的成就。


30条中英文互译经典语录 1、If you don't know what you want, you won't know when you've gotten it.如果你不知道自己想要的是什么,那么当你拥有了也会茫然不知。 2、We all have stories we won't ever tell.~~~ 我们都有一些不会讲出来的故事。 3、Hold the head of the lonely, put proud expression-brave say: I not bad at all. 昂起孤单的头,摆着骄傲的表情,勇敢的说:我一点都不赖。 4.Accept your life if you can't change it. Change your life if you can't accept it. 如果你无法改变你的生活,就接受它。如果你接受不了你的生活,就改变它。 5.There is a kind of sadness that a cat can't reach its tail.有一种悲伤是摸不着自己的尾巴。 6.Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival.生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。 7.Happiness isn't getting all you want. It's enjoying all you have. 幸福不是得到你想要的一切,而是享受你所拥有的一切。 8、Everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others. 每个人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在别人眼里。 9、Try your best,girls ! Women who don't try hard have two outcomes: endless flea market and outdoor market shopping.姑娘,努力吧!不努力的女人只有两种结果,穿不完的地摊货和逛不完的菜市场。 10、Heard some things, obviously irrelevant, but also in the hearts of several bends Shui think of you.听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐好几个弯想到你。 11、Smiling face, not to blame. Leisurely, the heart, with you. Destined to allow life to change, only a hundred years later, the life of a flower.笑着面对,不去埋怨。悠然,随心,随性,随缘。注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间 12、Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. 想象力是飞得最高的那盏风筝。


优秀英语美文摘抄带翻译 【导语】优美的文字于细微处传达出美感,并浸润着学生的心灵。通过英语美文,学生不仅能够感受语言之美,领悟语言之用,还能产生学习语言的兴趣。以下是由分享优秀英语美文摘抄带翻译,希望可以帮助大家! 【篇一】优秀英语美文摘抄带翻译 We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you’ve read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o’clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won’t need to live in fear of it. 我们的勇气并不是与生俱来的,我们的恐惧也不是。也许有些恐惧来自你的亲身经历,别人告诉你的故事,或你在报纸上读到的东西。有些恐惧可以理解,例如在凌晨两点独自走在城里不安全的地段。但是一旦你学会避免那种情况,你就不必生活在恐惧之中。 Fears, even the most basic ones, can totally destroy our ambitions. Fear can destroy fortunes. Fear can destroy relationships. Fear, if left unchecked, can destroy our lives. Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.

William Shakespeare莎士比亚代表诗歌翻译及赏析

2011—2012第一学期 实践教学

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (26 April 1564- 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright. He was widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. His surviving works, including some collaboration, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the famous works. Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world. (Sonnet1 和sonnet5的相关资料由张文瑞提供) Sonnet 1


Certain Things Last (某些持续的事情) For a year now I have been thinking of writing a certain book. (这一年来,我一直想写一本有把握(在思考着写一本自己已经酝酿许久)的书)―Well, tomorrow I‘ll get at it,‖ I‘ve been saying to myself.(“好吧,明天我就完成它”过去自己一直这么说)(好,明天就开始动手写,我一直对自己这么说。)Every night when I get into bed I think about the book(每天晚上上床睡觉时就想着那本书). The people that are to be put between its covers dance before my eyes. (那些即将出现在作品里面的角色在我眼前跳舞)I live in the city of Chicago and at night motor trucks to rumbling along the roadway outside my house. Not so very far away there is an elevated railroad and after twelve o‘clock at night trains pass at pretty long intervals.(我在芝加哥生活,一到晚上,就听到家外面的公路上那些运货卡车隆隆地响。不远处有一条高架铁路,晚上过了十二点以后火车就开始通过,相互间隔得很远)Before it began I went to sleep during one of the quieter intervals but now that the idea of writing this book has got into me I lie awake and think.(过去在十二点之前趁着那一会儿的安静空隙入睡,但现在我躺在床上思考,脑海出现了写书的想法) For one thing it is hard to get the whole idea of the book fixed in the setting of the city I live in now.(在我如今居住的城 市环境中要想得到这本书确切的想法很难)I wonder if you who do not try to write books, perhaps will understand what I mean.(我很惊奇如果你没有尝试过写书,也许会明白我说什么)Maybe you will, maybe you won‘t. It is a little hard to explain. You see, it‘s something like this. (也许你会明白,或者不明白。这解释起来有点困难。就好比这样)You as a reader will, some evening or some afternoon, be reading in my book and put it down. You will go out of your house and into the street.(你作为一名读者,有些晚上或者下午可能会读我的书,读完后把它放下。你可能会离开家,走到街上)The sun


关于经典英语美文带翻译摘抄 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《关于经典英语美文带翻译摘抄》的内容,具体内容:情景美文在思品教学中加以应用,能更有效地实现情感态度价值观目标。我精心收集了关于经典英语美文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!关于经典英语美文带翻译:勇气The courag... 情景美文在思品教学中加以应用,能更有效地实现情感态度价值观目标。我精心收集了关于经典英语美文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 关于经典英语美文带翻译:勇气 The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no lessa magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy. A man does what he must in spite of personal consequences,in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures and that is the basis of all human morality. To be courageous...requires no exceptional qualifications,no magic formula,no special combination of time,place and circumstance.It is an opportunity that sooner or later is presented to us all. Politics merely furnishes one arena which imposes special tests of courage.In whatever arena of life one may meet the challengeof courage,whatever may be the sacrifices he faces if he follows his conscience,the loss of his friends,his fortune,his


2010年1月第31卷第1期 外语教学 F oreign L anguage Educa tion Jan.2010 Vol.31No.1 翻译经典的构建———以梁译《莎士比亚全集》为例 王 静,兰 莉 (湖南科技大学外国语学院湖南湘潭411201) 摘 要:文学作品之所以能够成为世界经典很大原因是由于翻译的作用,翻译对文学经典的确立起着推动作用。翻译文本如果顺应代表权力关系的主流意识形态及诗学就能实现其经典的构建。本文以梁实秋翻译的《莎士比亚全集》为例,从内、外因素两个角度分析了莎士比亚作品在中国的经典构建。 关键词:翻译文本;经典构建;主流意识形态;诗学 中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100025544(2010)0120104205 Abstract:Many literary works of one country have become world2famous classics,in which translati on p lays a driving r ole.A translated text could win itself the canonical positi on when it positively accords t o the dom inant ideol ogy and poetics rep resen2 ting the power relati on of its ti m e.Thr ough the case study of L iang Shiqiu’s translati on of Shakes peare’s works,this paper an2 alyzes the canonical constructi on of Shakes peare’s works fr om external fact ors as well as internal ones. Key words:translated text;canonical constructi on;dom inant ideol ogy;poetics 1.经典及翻译经典 提到经典,人们脑海里也许会浮现这些作家的名字:但丁、乔叟、莎士比亚、狄更斯、艾略特,或是《神曲》、《坎特伯雷故事》、《汉姆雷特》等作品。那么,何为经典?“经”的本义是织物的纵线,后引申为经天纬地的宏大之义。“经”或“经典”一般用来指称宗教的主要典籍以及具有权威性的学术著作。经典,从编织的经纬引申至经天纬地的宏大涵义,这赋予了经典极高的地位,从而也创造了经典的权威性。T?S?艾略特对经典的解释是:“假如我们能找到这个词,它能最充分地表现我所说的‘经典’的含义,那就是成熟”(1989:284)。这里的成熟表现为心灵上的成熟,是指作家有能力表现人类的普遍性,能够经得起历史与空间的考验。 而始于20世纪70年代的对于文学和文学批评的重新审视,在很大程度上改变了人们对经典的认识,当代著名的文学评论家,美国耶鲁大学教授Har old B loo m认为“经典是具有宗教起源的词汇,如今已成了为生存而互相争斗的文本之间的选择,不管你认为这个选择是由谁做出:主流社会、教育体制、批评传统,或如我所主张的是由那些自认为被某些古代名家所选中的后期作者”(布鲁姆2005:14)。这一概念表明,对经典的理解方式和评判标准也并非一成不变的,它伴随着批评语汇的变化而产生新的诠释。而“能成为经典的往往是社会关系复杂斗争中的幸存者”(布鲁姆2005:27)。 “翻译是经典从地区走向世界,边缘走向中心的必经之途”(张中载2008:99)。翻译在文学进化过程中起着不可替代的作用。如,马丁?路德的《圣经》翻译,不但永远改变了整个欧洲的面貌,而且使《圣经》的译文成为经典。再如,美国作家埃德加?爱伦?坡(Edgar A llan Poe),他的唯美主义诗歌、怪诞恐怖的推理小说起初在美国文坛并没有引起多大注意,当法国象征主义诗人波德莱尔和马拉美把他的作品译成法文后,才使爱伦?坡的作品获得新生,从而也确立了他在美国文坛的重要地位。从一定意义上说,翻译是文学进化的原动力,因为原文能够通过翻译而获得再生。文学的经典在很大程度上取决于翻译的经典,可以说翻译是创造经典的范例和媒介。但并不是所有的译作都能成为经典,其中涉及译者水平、所采取的翻译策略、当时社会的主流意识形态、诗学观等诸多因素。本文试图探讨翻译如何在目的语文本中完成经典的构建。 2.翻译经典的构建 在多元系统论中,“经典性并非文本活动任何层次上的内在特征,某些特征在某些时期享有某种地位,并不等于这些特征的‘本质’决定了它们必然享有这种地位……历史学家只能将之视为一个时期的规范的证据”(Zohar 1990:15)。也就是说,经典并非是恒久不变的,而是一个不断建构的过程。在某个时代被认为是经典的文本,由于有非经典、非主流文学的挑战,随着时代的变迁,文学标准的变化,社会意识形态、主流诗学观的改变,以及维护与制定文学规则的文学赞助人的控制,所谓的经典在其它的时代里可能发生转变,从而遭遇去经典化,其经典的地位被原来的非经典的文本所取代,从而使文学从多元系统的“中心”向“边缘”发生变化。因为,“经典化的文化与非经


精典的关于浪漫爱情的英文短句附中文翻译的句子精典的关于浪漫爱情的英文短句附中文翻译的句子精选一: NO.1A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around. 如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。 NO.2A successful relationship requires fall in love many times, always with the the same person. 一段成功的恋情,就是一次次的堕入爱河,与同一个人。

NO.3A boy will make you think he loves you, but he really doesn't. A girl will make you think she doesn't love you, when she really does. 很多时候,男人会让你觉得他爱上了你,其实他真没有;而女人会让你觉得她不可能会爱上你,结果她却动了心。 NO.4Anyone can make you smile. Many people can make you cry. But it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes 谁都能让你笑,许多人能让你哭,但只有那个特别的人,能让你在眼中含泪的时候,依然能笑得出来。

NO.5Actully love can be expressed in many ways,your way is one of them.Sometimes it's not that he doesn't love you anymore,but you didn't understand his way of love. 其实爱有多种方式,你的方式只是一种。有时候不是对方不爱你,而是你没有理解他爱你的方式。 NO.6No words are necessary between two loving hearts. 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。 NO.7Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason. 没有遇到你之前,我从来没想到自己会这样,毫无缘由的对着一个人


Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity 在困境中寻找成功的希望 1.There is no better school than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve my performance next time. Never again will I contribute to my downfall by refusing to face the truth and learn from my past mistakes. Because I know: gems cannot shine without polish, and I cannot perfect myself without hardship. 2.Now I know that there are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do, gathers so richly about my soul as when it has to suffer cruel adversity. Then everything depends on whether I raise my head or lower it in seeking help. Whenever I am struck down, in the future, by any terrible defeat, I will always inquire of myself, after the first pain has passed how I can turn that adversity into good. What a great opportunity that moment might present… to take the bitter root I am holding and transform it into a fragrant garden of flowers. 3.Always will I seek the seed of triumph in every adversity. 1.逆境是一所最好的学校每一次打击、每一次损失。都蕴含着成功的萌芽。都教会我在下一次有更出色的表现。我再也不会逃避现实,也不会拒绝从以往的错误中获取经验,我不再因此促成自己的失败。因为我我知道,宝玉不经磨砺就不能发光,没有磨练,我也不完善自我。 2.现在我知道,灵魂倍受煎熬的时刻,也正是生命中最多选择与机会的时刻。任何事情的成败取决于我在寻求帮助时是抬起头还是低下头。无论何时,当我被可怕的失败击倒,在最初的阵痛过去之后,我都要想方设法将苦难变成好事。伟大的机遇就在这一刻闪现——这苦涩的根本必将迎来满园芬芳! 3.我将一直在困境中寻找成功希望。 Hold Fast to Dreams 紧紧抓住梦想 1.We all have dreams. We all want to believe deep down in our souls that we have a special gift, that we can make a difference, that we can touch others in a special way, and that we can make the world a better place. 2.At one time in our lives, we all had a vision for the quality of life that we desire and deserve. Yet, for many of us, those dreams have become so shrouded in the frustrations and routines of daily life that we no longer even make an effort to accomplish them. For far too many, the dream has dissipated and with it, so has the will to shape our destinies. Many have lost that sense of certainty that creates the winner’s edge.

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