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新人教版九年级unit 10必背词组及句子


be supposed/expected to do something 被要求/期待做??应该做…shake hands 握手

meet (somebody) for the first time 第一次和某人见面

eat the wrong food 吃错了食物

greet Paul ' s motheWhong way以错误的方法问候Paul的妈妈wear the wrong clothes 穿字昔了衣月艮

be invited to a party被邀请参加派对

foreign students夕卜国学生

make new friends 交新朋友

a Japanese boy called Satb个名叫Sato 的日本男孩

as soon as …=the moment …=the second…=the minute hold out one ' s hOttd 手

return the bow 回敬一躬

do the same thing 做同样的事

to one ' s surprise人吃惊的是…

kiss someb ody on …=give somebody a kissoi人的?…(部位)

find out发现/发觉

rush around至^处奔忙arrive a bit late 晚到一点

drop by ?顺道拜访/去…

make plans to do something 制定做??的计戈U

in time及时

on time准时

the capital of clocks and watches 钟表之都

at noon在中午

be 15 minutes late 迟到15 分钟

get mad变得发狂

make an effort to do something= try to do something 努力做…avoid heavy traffic避开交通高峰期

keep somebody doing something让某人不断地做…

keep somebody from doing something 阻止某人做…

stop/prevent somebody from doing something 阻止某人做…go abroad 出国

bring your passport带上你的护照

clean the chalk off the blackboard把黑板上的粉笔擦干净

the northern coast of Norway 匕岸

during the winter season 在冬季

pack warm clothes包厚衣月艮

meeting room 会议室

eastern European countries 东欧国家

take off脱下??;(飞机)起飞

social situations 社会环境

be worth (doing) something 值…:


basic table manners基本的餐桌礼仪

eat with one ' s haHSs^来吃

stick your chopsticks into the food 把筷子插在食物里

use one ' s chopsticks to hit an empty bdW筷子敲打空碗

point at 指着…

one' s biggech allenge某人最大的挑战

miss Chinese food a lot彳艮想中国食物

make Chinese food做中国食物

a teenage granddaughter about my age一个10岁的和我年龄相仿的孙女

wouldn ' t believe隹以置信

go out of one ' s way to do something = tried very hard to do something:法地做…worry somebody = make somebody nervous让某人紧张/ 着急

as it used to像过去一样

as you can imagine,正如?你所想像的,…

be different from 与??不同

cut something up 把? ?切粹

be full吃饱

be full of 充满?了

be filled with 装满了…

get used to (doing) something 习惯于…

show up露面

empty hands 空手

capital city 首都xx

knock at/ on the door 敲门


---What are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?--- You are supposed to shake hands. You ' re not supposed to kiss.

---When were you supposed to arrive?

---I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.

---Am I supposed to wear jeans?

---No, you re expected to wear a suit and tie.

---Is it impolite to keep other waiting?

---Yes, it ' s very impolite to keep others waiting.

---Is it important to be on time?

---Yes, it ' s important to be on time.


That ' s how people in Japan are expected to gr e at h other.HB就是日本人木目


So I just stood there with my hand out.因此,我就只有伸着手站在那里。

We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives 我们珍视日常生活中与朋友与家人共同度过的时光。

When we see each other, it ' s polite for boys to shake hands anto foisgirls each other on the side of the face当我们见面的时候,就男孩子来说握手是礼貌的,而对女孩来说相互吻脸颊是礼貌的。

We often just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can!我们经常在城中心漫步,尽量多看些我们的朋友。

I always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I thik it ' simpolite to keep others waiting.为了避开交通高峰,我总是早早离家,因为我认为让他人等待是不礼貌的。

Also, we never visit a friend ' s house withoutfcSJlingfirs.远不会


It ‘ s not a big deSlfr么大不了的。

Learning what you are supposed to do and not supposed to do in social situations may be difficult, but it is worth the trouble if you want to understand another culture.在社会环境下学会你应该做的事和不应该做的事可能很困难,但是假如你想要了解另一种文化,那也值得麻烦。

In China, it ' s impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an emptybbwi, 用筷子敲打空碗是不礼貌的。

I ' m having a greartnte on my student exchange program in France^法国做交换生期间我过得很好。

I was a bit nervous before I arrived here, but there was no reason to be 至V这儿之前我有点儿紧张,但却没有理由。

She always talks to me in French to help me practices 总是用法语对我说话以帮助我练习法语。

You couldn ' t believe how qlyicky French has improved because of tha你无法想象因为


Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn ' t wcfiymefias it used t(然要犯很多错误,但已经不像过去那样让我担忧了。

My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table我的最大的挑战是学习在晚餐桌上如何行动。


Where I am from,

we' re pretty relaxed about timefc我来的那个地方,我们相当的不在乎时间。

Where he lives

,people are very friendly.在他生活的地方,人们很友好。

Where there is a will,

there is a way.有志者,事竞成。

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