当前位置:文档之家› 辩论赛英语主持稿



Dear teacher and students, Good afternoon!

I am honored to be the chairman of today’s debating contest. Today we hold here a debate in the title of "human rights or sovereignty, which is more important?" Here you can release your energy, you can arouse your youth, here is the collision of the wisdom, here is the fierce competition. Here is no failure, here is only the curtain call of the hero, here is the debate stage in ……. Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judge for this debate contest. Boys and girls, Let us welcome ……. with enthusiastic applause.

Next please let me introduce the contestants of both sides.

Those from team A are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX, their opinion is “human rights is more important”

Those from team B are XXX, XXX, XXX, and XXX, their opinion is “sovereignty is more important”

Next, welcome timekeepers of both sides raise hands to give a sign.

Ok,as everybody is ready now, here starts the debate.

(a) Opening statement part

In this part, the first debaters of two sides state their view one by one. This Time is for 3 minutes.

Firstly, please welcome the first debater of team A

Thanks to the wonderful statement of ...., please welcome the first debater of team B

(B) Attack debate part

Now, let us welcome the second debater of team A to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the second debater of team B to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team A to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the third debater of team A to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next let us invite the third debater of team B to choose the second or third or fourth debater from team B to have a dabate, the time is for 90 seconds.

Next the two sides is going to have a summary about the attack defense links.

Firstly, let’s invite the first debater of team A to have a summary, the time is for 2 minutes.

Thanks to …, next, let’s invite the first debater of team B, the time is also for 2 minutes.

(C) Free debate part

In this part, both debaters could take part in the debate, the time for each team is 5 minutes.

L et’s begin with team A

(D) Last sum-up part

In this part, the forth debaters of both sides have a summary. Time for each team is 4 minutes.

Firstly, let’s invite the forth debater from team B

Thanks to …, next, let’s invite the forth debater from team A. (E) The audience question part

In this part, our audience could ask both teams some questions, each team need to answer questions from the audience.

Let's welcome our judge to give us some comments.

Now, the wonderful debate is going to its end, thanks for your participation


英语辩论赛主持人串词 A:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. B:Welcome to our English Debate Competition 合:We are honored to be the chairman for today's debating contest. A:I am Chen Fuquan. B:I am Zhai Wanyin. A:At first, let’s welcome our judges. Miss Zhong and Miss Sun. B:And also, let’s welcome our debaters from both sides come to this stage.We have 3 groups of tonight. A:I believe most of you want to know these debaters just as I do. So every debater, could you introduce yourself to the audience? Let’s start with debater number 1 from the affirmative side. (从正方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到正方四辩自我介绍结束。) B:Now it is time for the negative side to introduce yourselves. (从反方一辩开始分别进行自我介绍,直到反方四辩自我介绍结束。) I think all of you have known the topic for this debate contest. (宣布辩题及相关背景材料, 介绍正反双方所持观点。) Now, I would like to introduce the rules for this debate contest. In order to ensure objectivity and impartiality, interrupting is not allowed. No controversial topics. Direct attacks are also prohibited. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。 A:We can see every debater of both sides is very confident; we are looking forward for your wonderful performance and hope you can give us an excellent debate contest. Score will be given according to your pronunciation, linguistic fluency and content. 现在,我想向大家介绍本次辩论大赛的规则。为了确保客观性和公正性,中断是不允许的。没有争议的话题。也禁止直接攻击。我们可以看到,每一个双方辩手是非常有信心的,我们期待着你的精彩表现,希望你能给我们一个很好的辩论大赛。分数将根据你的发音,语言的流畅性和内容。 As everyone is ready now, here starts the debate. (依照比赛程序进行比赛) B:Now,let’s come to the first stage, the opening statement. During this stage, debater number 1of both sides should give an opening statement. Each debater has 2 minutes. When time is up, our fine-keeper will show you by a sign. Debater number 1of affirmative side, are you ready? Time begins.现在,让我们来的第一阶段,致开幕词。 在这个阶段,双方应致开幕词。每个的辩手有2分钟。当时间到了,我们的评委会举起一个牌子。正方1辯,你准备好了吗?开始时间。


辩论赛决赛主持稿范文(精选3篇) 辩论赛决赛主持稿范文(精选3篇) 一场精彩的辩论赛不能少的就是我们的主持人以及他的主持稿了,这个主持稿大家准备好了吗?下面是了“辩论赛决赛主持稿范文”,希望能帮助到您。 女:尊敬的各位来宾 男:各位观众 合:大家晚上好! 女:欢迎大家来到陕西师范大学“诚信杯辩论赛”复赛现场。 男:此次辩论赛由陕西师范大学学生处、校团委主办,化学与 材料科学学院团总支承办。 女:希望这次比赛能够给众多的同学展示口才和综合素质的机会。希望我们的观众朋友能够体验到一次激情与智慧的碰撞。

男:今天坐在场上的两支队伍都是“过关斩将,志在必得”。现在让我给大家介绍今天的交战双方,首先坐在我右手边的是正方代表队,他们分别是一辩二辩三辩四辩;好,那么坐在我左手边的是反方代表队他们分别是一辩二辩三辩四辩。 女:下来由我给大家介绍另一组关键人物,就是我们的评委嘉宾,他们是……承办方的嘉宾…… 男:下面我宣读一下本次辩论程序及相关规则: 1、主论阶段:由正、反方一辩、二辩分别陈述己方观点、立论,时限每人三分钟(先正后反); 2、攻辩阶段:由正(反)方三辩针对对方任意一名辩手进行一对一攻辩,提问人先指定回答问题人,只能由被指定人回答,其他人不能作补充回答。在攻辩过程中,提问方提出问题,每个问题的提出时间为10秒,被提问方只做回答,回答时间为30秒,且被提问方不能提出问题(否则视为违规),各方提问累计时间不得超过三分钟; 3、自由辩论阶段:正方先发言,双方轮流参加辩论,其他辩手可作补充回答,每次只能由一个人发言,提问或回答完毕请示意。须

在对方落座之后方可发言。在对方没有坐下的情况下发言的,视为违规,各方时间累计不得超过五分钟; 4、总结陈词阶段:由四辩总结陈词,时限四分钟(先反后正); 5、观众提问阶段:由观众分别向正或反方提出问题,最多提出两个问题。(问题经评委认证合格后方可回答),此阶段不计时。 女下面由我来宣读一下本场辩论赛的评分标准: 1、论点明晰,理解深刻,论据充足、合理、有力,引证恰当、有层次、多角度,分析透彻;(团体) 2、迅速抓住对方观点及陈词失误、驳论精到,切中要害;(团体) 3、思路敏捷,应对能力强;(团体) 4、言语清楚达意、陈述条理性强,措辞造句逻辑严密;(团体) 5、团队分工良好,默契配合;(团体)


辩论赛主持人的台词英文版 2019-01-01 beginning: good evening, ladies and gentlemen. good evening, boys and girls.this place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts. judge introduction: firstly, i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this debate contest. ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome mr. from... rule introduction: now i would like to introduce the rules for this contest. no.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of english major, and group of other majors. no.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. no.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 english major contestants and 3 from other majors. up to now, i think all of you have known the rules very well. and then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got. so first, lets welcome group one… ending: their views all sound very nice, right? and i think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side. all the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. i'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause. now it's time for the result. which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure


英文辩论赛主席稿(初稿) 各位同学,请入座,我们的辩论赛即将开始,请大家保持安静,并把手机调为关机或震动状态,在比赛过程中希望大家保持安静,谢谢! Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman, the competition is going to begin, for your enjoyable environment,please make yourself seated as soon as possible, and switch off your cell phones and keep silence. Thanks for your cooperation. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shaoguan University the fourth session of English debating final competition. I’m the host Roxanne. Firstly, it’s my great honor to introduce today’s judges: our dear teacher ( ), welcome! Our dear teacher ( ) welcome! Our dear teacher ( ), welcome! Welcome you all!! Then,let’s begin from the non-English major group. In modern society, men and women also have their own pressure, but who suffer more? Now, let’s begin a debating topic that in the modern world, men and women who would face greater pressure in life. And before listening their views, let me introduce the teams of the non-English major group.


辩论赛主持人开场白(主持词) 一场精彩的辩论赛除了离不开我们辩手的功劳和策划的功劳,更是离不开我们主持人精彩的主持。下面是小编搜集整理的辩论赛主持人开场白(主持词),欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目! 辩论赛主持人开场白(主持词) 好的,接下来是辩论赛最精彩的时刻---自由辩论。在自由辩论开始之前,让我提醒双方代表,你们每队各有4分钟的发言时间,正反双方自由轮流发言,同一方的发言次序不限。正方先发言。一方发言落座之后,另外一方要马上发言,若有间隙,累计时间照常进行。如果一方用时已完,另一方可以继续发言,也可以向我指示不发言。好,现在我宣布自由辩论正式开始。请正方先发言 主持人甲:在缤纷的焰火和欢快的乐曲中,新的一年向我们走来。辞旧迎新之际,我们总是百感交集、思绪万千。 老师、同学们,大家下午好,我是本场辩论赛的主持人xx。 每个人都希望自己能学有所成,在将来的某一天能够出人头地,在为社会作出一点微薄的贡献的同时,也实现自身的理想和价值。那么,我们青少年成才的关键到底是什么呢?今天,我们13级机电班,就关于这个青年成才的关键来展开一次辩论赛,正方观点是:“青年成才的关键是自身的努

力”,反方观点是:“青年成才的关键是外部环境的影响”。 在比赛开始前,首先介绍首先介绍担任本场辩论赛的评审委员。。。感谢各位评审委员。 接下来介绍正反双方的辩手。正方一辩,某某,正方二辩。。。。。 (男):XX年的新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光,XX年元旦如约而至; 反方一辩,某某。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 接下来,我为大家宣读本场比赛规则及评分标准: 比赛共分为立论、驳立论、质辩、自由辩论和总结陈词五个环节,在比赛过程中,评委将根据以下标准进行评分: 1.论据内容丰富,引述资料充实、恰当. 2.论证的逻辑性、说服力强。 3.普通话标准,语言的表达流畅,有文采、有幽默感。 4.机智、辩才、反驳和反应能力强。 5.举止、表情大方、得体、风度佳。以上五点各占20分,总分100分。 那么,也希望大家在紧张和激烈的比赛过程中,能够做到如下几点: 1、使用普通话和文明用语 2、尊重对方,不能对对方辩友进行人生攻击


辩论赛主持稿英文 1 .Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. We are at our class debate ..I’m ..my partner is… we’re honoured to be the chairpersons of this youyou’re your participating. 2. Today,we’ll be witnessing a brilliant debate The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round begings,I will briefly introduce the competition our debaters need to listen carefully. 1 Now let’s meet the two teams and their debaters. On my right are 4 debaters representing the Student-centre,they are …………………………………….. We welcome the four debaters. 2 Likewise,we’d like to welcome the opposite on my left. The 4 debaters represent the are ………………………………. Welcome the eight debaters. 下面让我来介绍一下今晚参加决赛的两支队伍,他们分

别是:正方:化工学院代表队反方:人文学院代表队 1. Now that we’ve met the me introduce the four judges for are …………………. now it's time for the result. which contestants will win this wonderful debate? and who will be the best debater today? i am sure it is going to be very close. and i think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts. 2. 这个地方适当的加一些话,关于主题的。Whose argument is more persuasive,we’ll soon find out. 大连翻译职业学院第二届辩论赛第一场半决赛到此结束,5分钟后,第二场辩论赛半决赛将同样在这里继续进行,感谢各位嘉宾的到来,感谢各位参赛选手的精彩表现,衷心的谢谢大家 1. I now declare open the Debate. We’ll begin with the first round-presenting of arguments. In this round, both teams can send any debater to establish its ’ll start with the student-centre,if you please. 2. Thank for your opening ’s listen to how the teather-center make their you please.


英文辩论赛主持词 四辨最好当,但是别人没法给你总结。全靠你在场上的听力集中抓对方的漏洞。你要总结一辨到三辨你方的观点,然后比赛中途找对方漏洞你方又没来得及辩驳的加进去。第二个陈述总结的占优势,你要把对方四辨最后的辩驳给驳回。还有给你一点最后一定要在要领准备结束的时候马上结束你的陈述,辩论赛最忌讳不管时间一个劲说的,还有结束的时候说:"最后我再一次陈述我方观点,合作比竞争更重要!"然后礼貌性的谢谢裁判。你就可以坐下了。出场要主动跟对方辩手握手,有礼貌对于赢得比赛有至关重要的作用. 英文辩论赛主持词 Beginning: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, boys and place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts. Judge Introduction: 在该环节中,双方依次轮流发言,首先每方累计用时不得超过5分钟。各队每次发言只能由一名辩手完成,任一辩手起立后视为由该辩手进行发言,坐下后视为发言结束,转由另一方开始发言。其次一方用时满后,另一方可继续发言

也可以示意弃权。(如果出现一方一直和对方的辩手正面交锋时,且该方辩手一直处在起立状态,主持人应该提示说“辩论双方在进行正面交锋时,一方说完后必须坐下,待对方发言完后,该方辩手起立后再发言。”) 首先有请正方任意一名辩手开始(发言)。 Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from... Rule Introduction: 辩论赛一直是我们十分喜欢举办的一种大赛,而在这个比赛中怎么能少了我们的主持人的主持词呢?下面是小编搜集整理的大学生辩论赛主持词,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目! Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. , contest will be divided into two parts, group of English major, and group of other majors. , each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. , at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 English major contestants and 3 from other majors.


辩论赛颁奖主持词 (颁奖环节) 下面进入本届辩论赛的颁奖仪式: 根据大赛的奖项设置,每一场比赛由评委评选出一名优秀辩手,最终从所有优秀辩手中评选中两名最佳辩手,在这里向本届比赛的三名优秀辩手及两名最佳辩手表示热烈的祝贺! 1、首先颁发优秀辩手奖 获得本届辩论赛的优秀辩手有:通风代表队的马健、机电 代表队的任峰峰,综采队的张涛 请获奖辩手上台领奖。 请公司领导颁奖。 掌声送给他们。 2、下面颁发最佳辩手奖 获得本届辩论赛最佳辩手的是:供销代表队毛莉丽机关 代表队的王宠。 有请获奖辩手上台领奖,请公司领导为 最佳辩手颁奖。 再次祝贺他们。 3、首先颁发的是优秀组织奖: 获得优秀组织奖的单位是:综采代表队、机电代表队、综掘代表队、通风代表队、运输代表队以及机关一队代表队。 请获奖单位代表上台领奖。

请领导为获奖单位颁奖。 再次祝贺各代表队(鼓掌)。 4、下面颁发本届辩论赛的亚军奖项 获得亚军的单位是: 请获奖单位上台领奖,请为 获奖单位颁奖。 再次祝贺(鼓掌) 5、下面颁发本届辩论赛的冠军奖项 获得冠军的单位是: 请获奖单位上台领奖,请为获 奖单位颁奖。 让我们再次以热烈的掌声对他们表示祝贺!下面有请黄总作总结讲话,大家欢迎! 好,感谢黄总的讲话,同志们,思想如椽,辩才滔滔,经过近一个月的激战,8支代表队联袂为我们奉献7场精彩绝伦的比赛,虽然辩论赛即将落幕,但辩论赛带给我们的无数惊喜与感动却久久留在我们的心中,在辩论中,我们体会到了思考的快乐,感受到了语言的力量,最后,让我们再次用最热烈的掌声感谢所有辩手带给我们的快乐。本届辩论会圆满结束,谢谢大家,散会。

下面进行颁奖,首先颁发优秀组织奖,本次比赛共有6支代表队获得优秀组织奖,他们是机关一队代表队、综采代表队、综掘代表队、运输代表队、机电代表队,通风代表队,有请以上各队派代表上场,请公司领导………为优秀组织奖获得者颁奖。谢谢,让我们再次把掌声送给他们。 下面颁发优秀辩手奖,经过七个场次的激励交锋,以下人员凭借出色的表现获得了优秀辩手奖,他们是综采队张涛、机关队的王宠、通风队的马健、机电队的任峰峰……请获奖者上台领奖,有请公司领导……为他们颁奖。谢谢,感谢他们。 下面颁发最佳辩手奖,经过三轮较量,来自供销代表队的毛丽莉最终获得最佳辩手奖,有请上台,请公司领导….颁奖。谢谢,祝贺毛莉丽。 下面颁发本次辩论赛的亚军得主,他们是机关代表队,有请上场,请公司领导…..颁奖,谢谢,祝贺。 下面颁发本次辩论赛最有份量的一份大奖,就是冠军奖,通过小组赛和半决赛及决赛的激烈交锋,最终笑到最后,站在最高领奖台上的是让我们把最热烈的掌声送给他们,有请上台,请公司领导…..颁奖,谢谢。 各位领导,各位评委,各位观众,时至今日,我们本次辩论赛就马上落幕了,关于本届辩论会,肯定给我们留下很多的思考,相信对大家都有所启发。下面让我们以热烈的掌声有请公司党委书记、总经理黄金海总结讲话。


Beginning: 一Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and students. Welcome to the finals of the 16th “FL TRP Amazon Cup”National College Students Debating Competition of AYNV. This place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I am your chairman. 二Judge Introduction: First, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from... 三Rule Introduction: Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. 1First, each debater will be given 5 minutes,and the debater from the other side can question except for the first minute and the last minute . 2Second, the debater will be given 15 seconds to ask a question if the question is accepted. 3Third, the full mark is 100. The judges will give marks based on the debaters’ performance and team-work. Up to now, I think all of you have known the rules very well. And then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got. 四So first, lets welcome our debaters. Now, square debaters, it’s your


大学英语辩论赛的主持词 辩论赛主席主持词各位领导、各位老师,大家好! 很荣幸能够担任本次辩论赛的主席,来为大家主持这场辩论赛!本次辩论赛的辩题是:名校造就名师v名师造就名校首先有请辩论双方代表队上场。接下来就让我们一起来认识一下双方辩手以及他们所持的观点:坐在我(_右_)手方的是今天的正方——文科组代表队 他们的观点是:名校造就名师坐在我(_左_)手方的是今天的反方——理科组代表队 他们的观点是:名师造就名校接下来,我将为大家介绍本次比赛的评委老师,今天我们很荣幸地请到了:周万敬张定富周传吉王清许华山让我们再一次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委老师的到来!在比赛开始之前,让我们一起来了解一下本次辩论赛的比赛规则(宣读辩论赛规则)1、陈词阶段:我们提倡即兴陈词,引经据典要恰当,在陈词阶段,由双方一、二、三辩进行陈词。先由双方一辩进行立论陈词,然后是双方二辩、三辩在反驳对方观点的同时,对本方观点进行补充陈词。时间都是每人3分钟。 2、自由辩论阶段:时间是双方各4分钟。由正反双方自由轮流发言。发言辩手落座为发言结束,同时另一方开始发言,另一辩手必须紧接着发言,若有间隙,累计时间照常进行。同一方的发言次序不限。如果一方用时已完,另一方可以继续发言,也可以向主席提出不发言。在自由辩论阶段,我们提倡积极交锋,对重要问题回避两次以上的一方扣分,对于对方已经明确回答的问题仍然纠缠不放的,适当扣分。 3、结辩陈词阶段:时间是4分钟,由双方四辩进行结辩陈词。也就是辩论双方针对辩论赛整体态势进行总结陈词,对于脱离实际、背诵事先准备的稿件者,适当扣分。 规则宣读完毕。接下来由各位辩手做个性化的自我介绍,时间是一分钟,有请正方辩手进行自我介绍。(我们期待她们巾帼不让须眉的风采反方可谓是鲜花绿叶相得益彰) 那么现在就让我们以热烈的掌声送给场上辩手一些鼓励,预祝双方辩手都能发挥出最好的水平,取得理想的成绩! 众所周知,名师应该是“具有高尚的师德、精湛的教学基本功、鲜明的教学个性、受到学生和社会尊重的教育工作者。”名校则应该是“为了学生的全面发展、有自己独特的学校文化,深厚的人文底蕴,注重内涵式发展的教育机构。”名师和名校的关系究竟是怎样的,相信这一问题会在今天的比赛中越辩越明! 下面我宣布八宝小学XX年教师校园辩论赛正式开始!下面我们将进入开篇立论阶段,首先由正方阐述观点,时间为三分钟,有请正方一辩―― 好,刚才正方一辩对自己的观点作了立论陈述,现在我们来看看反方是如何破题立论的。请反方一辩发言,时间也是3分钟。请! 主席:感谢反方一辩的精彩陈述,下面请正方二辩作补充陈词,时间是3分钟; 主席:下面有请反方二辩作补充陈词,时间也是3分钟; 主席:下面请正方三辩对本方观点作补充陈词,时间是3分钟; 主席:下面请反方三辩对本方观点作补充陈词,时间也是3分钟; 补充: 经过了刚才一番激烈的论战,我们比赛现场的气氛也在逐渐升温,那么下面就让我们进入到大家最为期待的、最具挑战性的自由辩论阶段。这一环节从正方开始,双方交替进行,时间为8分钟,双方各4分钟。有请正方辩手―― 好一场激烈的唇枪舌战,果然是一场没有硝烟的战争啊!感谢双方辩手的精彩论辩!那么接下来我们将进入提问阶段。首先由观众向反方提问,回答问题不超过一分钟 谢谢反方辩手的精彩回答。那么下面由观众向正方提问。谢谢正方辩手的精彩回答。那么接下来就是今天正反双方巩固战果,最后一博的机会了,因为我们即将进入的是总结陈词阶段。首先由反方作总结陈词,时间为4分钟,有请反方四辩―― 谢谢反方四辩的精彩总结。下面有请正方作总结陈词,时间同样为4分钟,有请正方四辩―― 非常感谢正方四辩的总结陈词。那么到现在,本场辩论赛的正式比赛环节就告一段落了,下面有请评委老师商议比赛结果。(7)观众互动 经过了刚才这么一场激烈的论战,在评委评议期间,我们有请中心学校王校长给大家演唱,他演唱的歌曲是:…… 第1 页共5 页


精彩的辩论赛决赛主持稿 范文 尊敬的各位评委及老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好!欢迎来到由数控工程系团总支学生会学习部主办的大学生辩论赛决赛的现场,本次比赛目的在于培养我系同学们的创新精神和团体协作能力,增强我系同学们的语言表达能力、应变能力和逻辑思维能力,同时也体现出当代大学生朝气蓬勃,积极向上的精神面貌。 谢谢,经过八名辩手精彩的自由辩论后,请观众朋友向正方和反方选手各提问2个问题,所提问题由多数评委通过后辩手方可回答。每位观众只能提一个问题,提问前请提问者说明您的所在院系,提问时请简洁明了,原则上不超过15秒。选手回答时间不超过一分钟,其中双方四辩必须回答一个问题。一人回答完毕时间未尽,其他人可继续。现在请观众朋友向正方选手提问,

请。 下面请双方三辩针对盘问环节进行盘问小结,时间各一分钟三十秒,当时间剩余三十秒时和时间用尽时均有响铃提示。 每个辩论队有四个辩手上场比赛,按顺序分为一至四辩。一辩负责立论、攻辩小结;三辩负责攻辩;四辩负责总结。 现在让我们来认识一下今晚比赛双方的各位辩手,坐在我右手边的是由复活队组建的正方代表队,坐在我左手边的是由数设3111班组建的反方代表队。我们正方代表队的辩题是愚公应该移山,我们反方代表队的辩题是愚公应该搬家。到底是应该移山还是搬家呢? 在比赛开始之前让我来介绍一下莅临本场比赛的各位评委及老师: 好的,现在我宣布本场辩论赛正式开始。 首先有请我们正方代表队作自我介绍,大家欢迎! (1)首先,请允许我作一下自我介绍,我是来自于杏林学院的刘济铭,很荣幸能够担任本场辩论赛的主席,来为大家主持这场辩论赛! 好的,接下来有请反方代表队作自我介绍,大家欢迎!


校园辩论赛主持稿(中英文) 英语辩论赛主持稿 Beginning: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, boys and girls.This place will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and we are your hosts. Judge Introduction: Firstly, I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Debate Contest. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s welcome Mr. from... Rule Introduction: Now I would like to introduce the rules for this contest. No.1, contest will be divided into two parts, group of English major, and group of other majors. No.2, each group will be given 8 minutes, including 1 minute for stating the two debaters’ own opinion, 4 minutes for free debate,and 1 minute for their the last sum-up. No.3, at the end of the contest, we will choose five contestants including 2 English major contestants and 3 from other majors. Up to now, I think all of you have known the rules very well. And then each group will begin your debate according the order and the topic you have got. So first, lets welcome group one… Ending: Their views all sound very nice, right? And I think you all have been well-prepared to defeat the other side. All the contestants have shown great debating ability in today's fierce competition. I'm sure we're all deeply impressed by the intelligent debaters. Thanks for your hard work and let's give ourselves a big round of applause. Now it's time for the result. Which contestants will win this wonderful debate? And who will be the best debater today? I am sure it is going to be very close. And I think all contestants need to be congratulated for their outstanding efforts.


Dood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the debate in Class four Grade eight. 尊敬的评委、亲爱的同学们大家下午好!欢迎大家来到桥城中学初二四班举办的辩论赛。 从表面来看,辩论赛仿佛是一种高级的智力游戏,然而它所引发出来的智慧与思考,特别是辩手们表现出来的个性风采以及整体的青春魅力,那都是超越辩论本身的。 First, please allow me to introduce the judge of this debate. 首先,请允许我向大家介绍担任本次辩论赛的评委们,她是: Let's welcome her with a loud applause! 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎她的到来! The team which is sitting on my right is the affirmative side. And which is sitting on my left is the opposite side. It is time for them to introduce themselves. 本场比赛的辩题是:电脑能让我们的生活更美好吗?下面我将介绍今天比赛的辩论双方,坐在我右边的是正方代表队。而坐在我左边的是反方代表队。下面有请双方辩手做简单的自我介绍。 It seems everyone is confident. But who will be the winner? 看来双方辩手都已经是严正以待,信心十足。今天,究竟鹿死谁手、花落谁家还是要看每一位辩手的智慧和辩才了。 Before we start, we need to clear and definite the rules: 在开始之前,首先要明确以下游戏规则: 1. 对方选手提出问题时,被问一方必须回答,不得回避,也不的反问。 2. 自由辩论发言必须在两队之间交替进行,首先由正方一名队员发言,发言队员坐下后,由反方一名队员发言。双方轮流,直到时间用完为止。 3. 各队耗时累计,当一方发言结束即发言队员坐下后,即开始计算另一方用时。 4. 如果一队的时间已经用完,另一队可以继续发言,直到时间用完为止。也可以放弃发言,放弃发言不影响打分。 5. 比赛中,辩手不得离开座位,不得打扰对方或本方辩手发言,辩论时不得人身攻击。一旦违规,红牌出局,换后备队员上场,出局者不得再发言。 现在我宣布,辩论赛正式开始! The first part is opening statement. In this part, the first student of each team will tell us what do they think and what’s the reasons for. Each team have 2 minutes and 30 seconds. 第一环节为开篇陈词,有双方一辩进行发言阐述,明确观点,时间为2分30秒。首先有请正方一辩发言,计时开始! Well, the affirmative side have been told us their faith. And now it time for the opposite side to speak.


通用版高中辩论赛最新主持词尊敬的各位领导、老师,大家好! 这里是我们娄庄中学高一(4)班举行的一次的辩论赛。为使我们的辩论赛办得成功,办得精彩,这次比赛特邀请了我们的班主任共同策划、举办,希望通过这次辩论赛,能带给大家更多的启迪与收获,并能增进同学之间的友谊。我有幸担任本次比赛的主席,也深感荣幸。 这里是我们娄庄中学高一(4)班举行的一次的辩论赛。为使我们的辩论赛办得成功,办得精彩,这次比赛特邀请了我们的班主任共同策划、举办,希望通过这次辩论赛,能带给大家更多的启迪与收获,并能增进同学之间的友谊。我有幸担任本次比赛的主席,也深感荣幸。 下面我首先向大家介绍今天光临我们比赛现场并担任评委的领导,他们是:省评估院的评估专家,娄庄中学教务处马爱军主任,让我们以热烈的掌声向他们表示欢迎。有这么多教育局及教研室的领导为我们作评委,相信也一定会激励我们的选手们超水平发挥。 首先我们用3分钟的时间让同学们进行一下就题海战术的有关交流。 (六)谢谢。刚才的这段自由辩论可谓非常的精彩,双方针锋相对的发言为本次比赛增添了不少亮点。而各方的三辩将要做的总结陈词环节,往往更是举足轻重。在本环节中,

双方各有3分钟时间,剩余30s时计时员警示音提醒,铃声响时请辩手终止发言。那么下面,我们首先有请反方三辩进行总结发言,有请。 (3分钟后,对现场观众进行调查,时间4分钟) xxxxx辩论赛赛第场比赛到此结束,希望大家能够等评委及嘉宾退席后再退场,非常感谢大家的合作。我们下场比赛再见。 (全场结束!) 下面我们大家用热烈的掌声欢迎我们的(来宾),能否从您对当今教学方式的了解谈谈您的感受或题海战术的利弊。 (完毕)谢谢的精彩的作答。 今天,我们辩论的话题就是:题海战术是否有利于学生成绩的提高。可以说这是一个教育界一直都在争论不休的话题。昔日,每一位受过教育的过来人曾几何时在题海里拼搏,如今从事教育工作的教师可曾也指挥自己的弟子演练于题海之中?好的学习成绩是否源于此?在新教育理念指导下的基础教育,题海战术是否行得通?教育者能否赋予它新的内涵?带着诸多问题,让我们一起在辩论中寻找答案。 今天下午进行较量的双方选手都是从我班挑选出来的精英。我想:今天的辩论会定会因他们而精彩。 大家请看,坐在我右手边的是正方:题海有利队,他们的辩题是:题海战术有利于学生成绩的提高。请正方选手依


英语辩论主持人稿 Beginning: 开场 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 早上好,女士们,先生们 This class will be your stage to show your strong ability in debating and I'm your host. my name is xxx,Today, we’l l be witnessing a brilliant debate 这里是展示你雄辩的舞台,我是主持人——,今天我们将亲眼目睹一场非常精彩的辩论赛, I think you all have known the topic today" "众所周知,我们今天的辩题是:“” So first, it’s my honor to present today's chief judge: miss wu.首先呢,由我非常荣幸的向大家介绍本次辩论赛的主裁判官吴小姐now , there are two sides ,the affirmative side and the negative side,the affirmative side’s opinion is we should make friend on line, the negative side’s opinion is we shouldn’t make friend on line. it’s the time for debaters’ sel f introduction.. affirmative first. it’s you turn negative side… First, please allow me to introduce the rules of debate. The competition is divided into five rounds,before each round beings will briefly introduce the competition rules. So our debaters

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