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Part I Read and Know

In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 22 minutes)

Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)

Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes on the left with the people on the right. Please note there are two extra options you do not need to use.

Questions 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)

Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text.

To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause.

4. Where is the piece of text taken from?

A. an advertisement

B. an instruction booklet

C. a story

D. a newspaper

Questions 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)

Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text.

Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations.

5. What is the best title for this text?

A. The future of tourism

B. The role of tourism

C. The price of tourism

D. The benefits of tourism

Questions 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)

Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text.

Buying and selling anything is your forte now. If you visit a jumble or car-boot sale or the like, a romantic encounter is more than probable! News linked to the family is brilliant!

6. What type of text is this?

A. A personal advertisement.

B. A personal horoscope.

C. A friend’s letter of advice.

D. A written warning.

Questions 7 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)

Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text.

With our travel agency, the holiday you book is the holiday you get. If you arrive and find we’ve failed to live up to our promises, let us know what the problem is within one day of your arrival. We’ll s pend 24 hours doing everything possible to sort the problem out. In the unlikely event that we can’t resolve your problem and make you happy within 24 hours, we’ll fly you home and give your money back.

7. The text could best be described as __________.

A. a commitment

B. an appeal

C. a warning

D. a vow

Questions 8 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)

Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text.

The new digital cameras are great fun and very easy to use. They let you review your pictures the moment you take them, so you can re-shoot right away if you’re not satisfied. But remember, a digital camera is just a computer XXXX. It’s not a replacement for your ordinary camera.

8. What is the meaning of the missing word (XXXX) in the text?

A. “something that is poor quality”

B. “an item that is not essential, something extra”

C. “something expensive but good value for money”

D. “a fashion which always remains popular”

Questions 9 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)

Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text.

She had gone alone, but the children were to go to the station to meet her. And loving the station as they did, it was only natural that they should be there a good hour before there was any chance of Mother’s train arriving, even if the train were punctual, which was most unlikely.

9. What can you say about their mother’s train?

A. It would probably be early.

B. It would probably be on time.

C. It would probably be late.

D. It had been cancelled.

Question 10 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes)

Directions: The bar chart shows the number and proportion of undernourished people in the developing regions, from 1990?1992 to 2014?2016. Answer the question according to the information in the chart.

Source: The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Report2015

10. Choose the INCORRECT description about the chart.

A. Current estimates suggest that nearly one in nine individuals do

not have enough to eat between 2014 and 2016.

B. Projections indicate that the 2015 MDG target is nearly reached,

with 12.9 per cent of undernourished population.

C. The situation noticeably improved during the years 1995-1999,

but went down in the first five years of the new millennium.

D. The proportion of undernourished people in the developing

regions has fallen by almost half since 1990.

Part II Read and Reason

In Part II, you will read short texts on different subjects. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions based on logical inference and reasoning. (Time allowed: 38 minutes)

Question 11-12 (Suggested completion time: 10 minutes) Directions: Read the definitions of two types of logical fallacy. Answer the questions according to the definitions.

11. Which of the following provides a typical example of poisoning the well?

A. That’s my stance on funding the e ducation system, and anyone

who disagrees with me hates children.

B. You are so weird. That means—we are pretty much sure—that

your whole family is weird, too.

C. God exists because the Bible says so. The Bible is inspired.

Therefore, we know that God exists.

D. I don’t care what you say. We don’t need any more bookshelves.

As long as the carpet is clean, we are fine.

12. Which of the following provides a typical example of a false dilemma?

A. Smoking is harmful to health, so you are supposed to quit smoking.

B. If the government doesn’t reduce public spending, our economy will collapse.

C. You may as well avoid overeating, or else you might be obese in no time.

D. You are the worst of the classmates; therefore, what you say is incredible.

Questions 13 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)

Directions: Read the passage about syllogism. Decide whether the reasonings are Valid or Invalid based on the principles of syllogism. Syllogism is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assume d to be true. It is perhaps today’s most commonly accepted form of logical reasoning in aptitude tests. The most commonly used type of syllogisms is elucidated in a frequently used example:

Premise 1: All men are mortal.

Premise 2: Socrates is a man.

Conclusion: Socrates is mortal.

Now practice syllogisms for IQ tests. Please note that the conclusion is based on logical reasoning and doesn’t necessarily represent the “truth” always.

13. Valid ( ); Invalid ( )

Premise 1: All human action is conditioned by circumstances.

Premise 2: All human action involves morality.

Conclusion: All that involves morality is conditioned by circumstances.

Questions 14 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)

Directions: Read the passage about contraposition. Decide whether the reasonings are Valid or Invalid based on the principles of contraposition.

In logic, contraposition is a law that says that a conditional statement is logically equivalent to its contrapositive. The contrapositive of the statement has its antecedent and consequent inverted and flipped. The most commonly used type of contraposition is elucidated in the following example:

Premise 1: If it is raining, then there are clouds in the sky.

Premise 2: There are no clouds in the sky.

Conclusion: It is not raining.

Now practice contraposition for IQ tests. Please note that the conclusion is based on logical reasoning and doesn’t necessarily represent the “truth” always.

14. Valid ( ); Invalid ( )

Premise 1: If he is not an American, he is not from Texas.

Premise 2: He is from Texas.

Conclusion: He is an American.

Questions 15-17 (Suggested completion time: 6 minutes) Directions: Read the text about a science discovery. Answer the questions according to the text.

Manipulating Memory

Memory is notoriously malleable. Our recollections fade and take on new meanings; sometimes we remember things that never even

Recently, however, scientists have started to grasp and tinker with memory’s physical basis. Last year, in work evocative of films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Inception, researchers discovered ways to manipulate specific memories in mice using optogenetics, a powerful technique that can trigger nerve cells in animals’ brains by zapping them with beams of laser light. In a series of experiments, they showed that they could delete existing memories and “incept” false ones.

This year, researchers went even further: switching the emotional content of a memory in mice from bad to good and vice versa. Under the laser, for example, male mice that had once associated a certain room with being shocked were tricked into acting as though they had once met friendly female mice there instead.

Whether the mice in these experiments actually experienced vivid false memories or just a fuzzy sense of pleasure or fear is unclear. Nor is it clear whether the findings apply to the tricks of memory so familiar to people. Long-sought therapeutic advances, such as treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder, could remain far off. One thing is

certain, however: Once considered beyond scientific dissection, memory is finally starting to yield its secrets.

15. Which of the following best fits the numbered space in the passage?

A. what is really happening in our brain as memories are remodeled

remains mysterious

B. scientists are curious about why people are oblivious to what

have happened to them

C. advanced technology has helped scientists discover the workings

of our brain

D. some scientists argue that what we observe about human

memory is not what it really is

16. The word “incept” is closest in meaning to ________.

A. operate

B. start

C. detect

D. occupy

17. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. People’s false memories result from the impact of different

emotion provoked by later experience on the same spot.

B. The success in research indicates that it won’t be long th at a

therapy is worked out for people disturbed by painful memory.

C. By zapping the brain cells of mice with light, researchers are able

to create, erase, or alter their memories, good or bad.

D. Many fancy ideas in science fictions or movies that are based on

them actually draw greatly upon scientific achievement.

Questions 18-19 (Suggested completion time: 4 minutes)

Directions: Read the following passage about cholera. Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the passage.

A child receives the oral cholera vaccine Shanchol

Cholera is caused by a bacterial infection of the intestine. Approximately one in 20 people infected with cholera has a serious case,

with symptoms including severe diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps. These symptoms quickly cause dehydration and shock, and can result in death within hours if the infected person doesn’t receive treatment. Cholera is typically transmitted by contaminated food or water. In areas with poor treatment of sewage and drinking water, the feces of people with cholera can enter the water supply and spread quickly, resulting in an epidemic. The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in some coastal waters, so shellfish eaten raw can be a source of cholera in affected areas.

18. Cholera is known to be a life-threatening disease which easily causes death of most of the patients.

True ( ) False ( )

19. Cholera typically occurs in areas near the sea or the river where contaminated food is a major source of the disease.

True ( ) False ( )

Questions 20-21 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes) Directions: Read the abstract of a research paper from the DeepMind website. Decide whether the statements are True or False according to the abstract.


“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”样题 一、“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”比赛内容包含四个环节: PartⅠRead and Know(读以明己) PartⅡRead and Reason(读以察世) PartⅢ Read and Question(读以启思) PartⅣ Read and Create(读以言志) 二、比赛样题仅为2015年阅读大赛赛题的内容和形式样例,并非完整试卷。 三、大赛的模拟赛、复赛和决赛都将包含样题的四个环节,但各环节的赛题内容和形式会根据不同阶段比赛有所变化。 四、大赛的初赛由参赛学校参考样题内容自行命题,组委会不做硬性规定。 五、“PartⅣ Read and Create(读以言志)”部分,组委会将在赛前公布大赛推荐阅读书单。 Part I Read and Know In this part, you will read some questions about your abilities or personalities. Read as fast as you can and choose the answer that you think best describes yourself. Are You Charismatic? Charisma is the magnetic power that attracts people to you. It won’t affect the quality of your work or provide you with wonderful original ideas, but it remains one of the most vital talents if you want to make it b ig in life. If people who don’t even understand what you’re talking about believe that you are a genius, you will have made it. The following test will decide whether you’ve got what it takes. 1) Do people find themselves attracted to you? A. Yes, it can be embarrassing sometimes. B. No, no more than other people. C. I suppose they do a bit.


2016“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题 Part I Read and Know In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 22 minutes) Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes) Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes on the left with the people on the right. Please note there are two extra options you do not need to use. Questions 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause. 4. Where is the piece of text taken from? A. an advertisement B. an instruction booklet C. a story D. a newspaper Questions 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations. 5. What is the best title for this text? A. The future of tourism B. The role of tourism C. The price of tourism D. The benefits of tourism Questions 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. Buying and selling anything is your forte now. If you visit a jumble or car-boot sale or the like, a romantic encounter is more than probable! News linked to the family is brilliant!


“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题 Part I Read and Know In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 22 minutes) Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes) Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes on the left with the people on the right. Please note there are two extra options you do not need to use. Questions 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause.


2016年浙江省高考数学试卷(文科) 一、选择题 1.(5分)已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6},集合P={1,3,5},Q={1,2,4},则(?U P)∪Q=() A.{1}B.{3,5}C.{1,2,4,6}D.{1,2,3,4,5} 2.(5分)已知互相垂直的平面α,β交于直线l,若直线m,n满足m∥α,n⊥β,则() A.m∥l B.m∥n C.n⊥l D.m⊥n 3.(5分)函数y=sinx2的图象是() A.B.C. D. 4.(5分)若平面区域,夹在两条斜率为1的平行直线之间,则这两 条平行直线间的距离的最小值是() A.B.C.D. 5.(5分)已知a,b>0且a≠1,b≠1,若log a b>1,则() A.(a﹣1)(b﹣1)<0 B.(a﹣1)(a﹣b)>0 C.(b﹣1)(b﹣a)<0 D.(b ﹣1)(b﹣a)>0 6.(5分)已知函数f(x)=x2+bx,则“b<0”是“f(f(x))的最小值与f(x)的最小值相等”的() A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件

C.充分必要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 7.(5分)已知函数f(x)满足:f(x)≥|x|且f(x)≥2x,x∈R.()A.若f(a)≤|b|,则a≤b B.若f(a)≤2b,则a≤b C.若f(a)≥|b|,则a≥b D.若f(a)≥2b,则a≥b 8.(5分)如图,点列{A n}、{B n}分别在某锐角的两边上,且|A n A n+1|=|A n+1A n+2|,A n≠A n+1,n∈N*,|B n B n+1|=|B n+1B n+2|,B n≠B n+1,n∈N*,(P≠Q表示点P与Q不重合)若d n=|A n B n|,S n为△A n B n B n+1的面积,则() A.{S n}是等差数列B.{S n2}是等差数列 C.{d n}是等差数列 D.{d n2}是等差数列 二、填空题 9.(6分)某几何体的三视图如图所示(单位:cm),则该几何体的表面积是cm2,体积是cm3. 10.(6分)已知a∈R,方程a2x2+(a+2)y2+4x+8y+5a=0表示圆,则圆心坐标是,半径是. 11.(6分)已知2cos2x+sin2x=Asin(ωx+φ)+b(A>0),则A=,b=.12.(6分)设函数f(x)=x3+3x2+1,已知a≠0,且f(x)﹣f(a)=(x﹣b)(x ﹣a)2,x∈R,则实数a=,b=. 13.(4分)设双曲线x2﹣=1的左、右焦点分别为F1、F2,若点P在双曲线上,


2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”样题 一、2015 年“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”比赛内容包含四个环节: Part I Read and Know(读以明己) Part II Read and Reason(读以察世) Part III Read and Question(读以启思) Part IV Read and Create(读以言志) 二、比赛样题仅为2015 年阅读大赛赛题的内容和形式样例,并非完整试卷。 三、大赛的模拟赛、复赛和决赛都将包含样题的四个环节,但各环节的赛题内容和形式会根据不同阶段有所变化。 四、大赛的初赛由参赛学校参考样题内容自行命题,组委会不做硬性规定。 五、“Part I Read and Know(读以明己)”部分不计成绩,根据参赛选手答题情况给予个性化反馈。 六、“Part VI Read and Create(读以言志)”部分,组委会将在赛前公布大赛推荐阅读书单。 比赛样题: Part I Read and Know In this part, you will read some questions about your abilities or personalities. Read as fast as you can and choose the answer that you think best describes yourself. Are You Charismatic? Charisma is the magnetic power that attracts people to you. It won’t affect the quality of your workor provide you with wonderful original ideas, but it remains one of the most vital talents if you want tomake it big in life. If people who don’t even understand what you’re talking about believe that you area genius, you will have made it. The following test will decide whether you’ve got what it takes. 1) Do people find themselves attracted to you? A. Yes, it can be embarrassing sometimes. B. No, no more than other people.


2016“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛、 阅读大赛南昌大学选拔赛报名通知 各学院: “外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛(原“CCTV杯全国英语演讲大赛”)和“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛是由外语教学与研究出版社主办、教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会合办的全国性公益赛事,“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”于2015 年全新举办。为推动英语教学,提高学生英语实际运用能力,同时为2016年“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛、阅读大赛”江西省复赛和全国决赛选拔优秀参赛选手,决定分别举办2016“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛、阅读大赛南昌大学选拔赛。现将赛事的有关具体事宜通知如下: 一、2016年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛南昌大学选拔赛 ? 凡报名学生均获得初赛资格,并按照以下方式进行比赛准备,时间和地点如有变动将另行通知,比赛的具体分组在报名的微信公众号上会有通知,或在10月15日7:45之前直接前往外经楼大厅查看张贴的名单。 比赛时间:预赛10月15日(周六)上午8:00—11:30

复赛10月15日(周六)下午2:00-- 5:00 比赛地点:预赛初定于前湖校区外经楼六个教室。 复赛初定于前湖校区外经楼其中一个教室。?比赛内容:定题演讲Communication is wonderful 演讲的定题题目请上大赛官网看视频,网址为: ),大赛官网为http: ? 预赛形式:三分钟定题演讲; 复赛形式:三分钟即兴演讲和一分钟简短回答问题 (提前15分钟抽取话题准备)。 奖项设置:特等奖3名,一等奖7名,二等奖10名,三等奖16名(共36人) 各预赛赛场的前几名(共前24名)选手进入下午决赛,决赛前十名获得演讲培训资格,最后挑选三名优秀选手代表南昌大学参加江西赛区“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛选拔赛 特别提醒: 2016“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”包括“地面赛场”和“网络赛场”两种形式。网络赛场报名形式请参看附件中的大赛章程,可同时参与两种形式比赛。 二、2016“外研社杯”全国英语写作及阅读大赛南昌


2016“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题Part I Read and Know In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds.Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 22 minutes) Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 5 minutes) Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes on the left with the people on the right. Please note there are two extra options you do not need to use. Questions 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. To ensure the high standards of facilities we need to build new wards, laboratories and consulting rooms. In short, we need your help now. Complete the coupon today and rest assured that your donation is going to the best possible cause. 4. Where is the piece of text taken from? A. an advertisement B. an instruction booklet C. a story D. a newspaper Questions 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. Few corners of the world remain untainted by intrepid tourists, and their impact is often devastating. Too frequently they trample heedlessly on fragile environments, displacing wildlife and local populations in their insatiable quest for unexplored locations. 5.What is the best title for this text? A. The future of tourism


外研社杯全国英语阅读大赛 简介 一、参赛资格 全国具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校在校本、专科学生、研究生,35周岁以下,中国国籍。曾获得往届“外研社·国才杯”全国英语阅读大赛出国及港澳交流奖项的选手不包括在内。 二、参赛方式 初赛:符合参赛资格的高校学生可直接向本校外语院(系)或大学外语教学部咨询、报名和参加初赛。 复赛:初赛结束后,举办初赛的外语院(系)或大学外语教学部向本省(市、自治区)大学外语教学研究会报名参加复赛。每校参赛人数由本省(市、自治区)大学外语教学研究会确定并公布。 决赛:复赛结束后,各省(市、自治区)大学外语教学研究会将获得决赛资格的3名选手向大赛组委会秘书处报名参加全国决赛。 三、参赛注册 大赛官网将于2019年6月1日起开放参赛报名页面。所有参赛的选手必须在大赛官网的“选手报名/参赛”页面进行注册。参赛选手在大赛官网注

册时所用的手机号将作为参加线上初赛、复赛和决赛时登录大赛系统的重要认证信息。参赛选手注册的个人信息须准确、真实。如经组委会查证与真实情况不符,将取消其参赛资格。 参与主办单位组织的线上初赛的院校请指定初赛网络管理员,提前在大赛官网中选定拟参与的初赛场次,并通知本校选手登录大赛官网报名,报名时间将于选定的比赛时间前一周截止。 四、赛题构成 “外研社·国才杯”全国英语阅读大赛比赛内容包含四个环节: Part I.Read and Know(读以明己) Part II.Read and Reason(读以察世) Part III.Read and Question(读以启思) Part IV.Read and Create(读以言志) 特别提示: 赛题的具体形式和内容详见大赛官网“外研社·国才杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题: (1)线上初赛赛题仅为客观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question三个模块。


外研社杯全国英语演讲大 赛策划书 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

活 动 资 料 外国语学院分团委学生会 2015年10月 目录 一、活动背景 (3) 二、活动目的 (3) 三、活动主题 (3) 四、活动负责人 (3) 五、活动时间 (4) 六、活动地点 (4) 七、活动对象 (4) 八、活动形式 (4) 九、活动流程……………………………………第5-7页 初赛:……………………………………第5-7页 决赛:……………………………………第7-9页 十、奖项设置 (9)

十一、经费预算 (9) 十二、注意事项 (9) 十三、附件……………………………………第9-11页初赛:附 件一:评分要求 (11) 附件二:评分表 (11) 附件三:报名表 (12) 复赛:评分要求………………………………第13-14页 评分表 (15) 一、活动背景 2015年5月13日,由外语教学与研究出版社联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会、教育部高等学校英语 专业教学指导分委员会联合主办的2015“外研社杯”全国英 语演讲大赛、写作大赛、阅读大赛在北京正式启动。“外研 社杯”全国英语演讲大赛是外语教学与研究出版社联合教育 部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语 专业教学指导分委员会主办的全国性英语演讲赛事。 二、活动目的 2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛等顺应国家未来发展对高端人才的需求,全面挑战大学生的英语“读”、 “说”、“写”能力与思辨和创新能力,旨在培养具有国际 视野的外语人才。 三、活动主题 题目以《庄子·逍遥游》中一个经典故事为主旨,选手自定题目




2017年“外研社杯”全国大学生英语阅读大赛(决赛)成绩表序号学号姓名年级专业校区获奖情况115710238熊子璇2015级英语海源特等奖215770205唐小梅2015级商务英语海源一等奖315710231陈叶妃2015级英语海源一等奖415210035王艳娇2015级财务管理杨林一等奖 515510369李海双2015级汉语言文学专 业 杨林一等奖 616910018何玲玲2016级学前教育海源一等奖716910081陈雨琪2016级学前教育海源一等奖817710139邱彤彤2017级英语杨林一等奖915710222刘润2015级英语海源一等奖1015710234陈静2015级英语海源一等奖1116910062朱佳楠2016级学前教育海源一等奖1214710046尹付强2014级英语海源一等奖1314710053王媛2014级英语海源一等奖1414710029龚钰2014级英语海源一等奖1515770212冯莹莹2015级商务英语海源一等奖1615430326余克政2015级经济学杨林二等奖1716910061张静宜2016级学前教育海源二等奖1816910015王思睿2016级学前教育海源二等奖1916710025侯毓苑2016级英语海源二等奖2016910080葛靓2016级学前教育海源二等奖2116910320陈荣2016级学前教育海源二等奖2217610030周燕霞2017级法学杨林二等奖2317510011钟倩茹2017级汉语言文学杨林二等奖2416260139杨吉丽2016级工程造价杨林二等奖2515210217罗茜2015级财务管理杨林二等奖2615410011李明媛2015级国贸杨林二等奖2716220724何欣怡2016级会计学杨林二等奖2817610003陈雅丽2017级法学杨林二等奖2917510125曹会成2017级汉语言文学杨林二等奖3016910083朱诗宇2016级学前教育海源二等奖3116910021张清芳2016级学前教育海源二等奖3216710080杨柳2016级英语海源二等奖3315710224肖紫葳2015级英语海源二等奖3415710206闻阁2015级英语海源二等奖3516910068刘双双2016级学前教育海源二等奖3616910073林维2016级学前教育海源二等奖3716910385孔维佳2016级学前教育海源二等奖3816710016韩丽琴2016级英语海源二等奖



2015“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”样题 一、2015年“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”比赛内容包含四个环节: PartⅠRead and Know(读以明己) PartⅡRead and Reason(读以察世) PartⅢ Read and Question(读以启思) PartⅣ Read and Create(读以言志) 二、比赛样题仅为2015年阅读大赛赛题的内容和形式样例,并非完整试卷。 三、大赛的模拟赛、复赛和决赛都将包含样题的四个环节,但各环节的赛题内容和形式会根据不同阶段比赛有所变化。 四、大赛的初赛由参赛学校参考样题内容自行命题,组委会不做硬性规定。 五、“PartⅠRead and Know(读以明己)”部分不计成绩,根据参赛选手打听情况给予个性化反馈。 六、“PartⅣ Read and Create(读以言志)”部分,组委会将在赛前公布大赛推荐阅读书单。 Part I Read and Know In this part, you will read some questions about your abilities or personalities. Read as fast as you can and choose the answer that you think best describes yourself. Are You Charismatic? Charisma is the magnetic power that attracts people to you. It won’t affect the quality of your work or provide you with wonderful original ideas, but it remains one of the most vital talents if you want to make it big in life. If people who don’t even understand what you’re talking about believe that you are a genius, you will have made it. The following test will decide whether you’ve got what it takes. 1) Do people find themselves attracted to you?


2017“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛初赛(90min) Part I Read and Know In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time suggested: 20 minutes) Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 3 minutes) Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes with the people. Please note there are three extra options you do not need. careful perusal, one might properly say study, of it—save bewilderment and a sense of disgust. It should be companioned with a key and a glossary like the Berlitz books... 4. Which of the following works does the book review address? A.Ulysses B.The Odyssey C.In Search of Lost Time D.One Hundred Years of Solitude Question 5 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text and answer the question according to the text. I like the fact that the study focuses on a French classroom, which receives less attention in Second Language Acquisition research than other foreign language classrooms. However, for reasons that I elaborate on below, I do not recommend this manuscript for publication. I recommend that the author consults the Journal of Language, Identity, and Education. That journal might be a better fit for this paper. 5. The text could best be described as __________. A. a conclusion B. a summary C. a review D. a pledge Question 6 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes) Directions: Read the text, and answer the question according to the text. My Lord, I have been lately informed, by the proprietor of The World, that two papers, in which my Dictionary is recommended to the public, were written by your lordship. To be so distinguished is


2017“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛初赛 Task 1 Argumentative Writing Write an essay in response to the passage below. You should state clearly whether you agree or disagree with the passage and explain your reasons for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the author’s opinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. You should write about 500 words. If you still think of the Internet as a means of opening up a vast world of information to people, you may be completely wrong. Playing a positive role in its early days, the Internet is now enclosing people in a walled room. Have you noticed that when different people google the same thing, for example, “Chinese culture” or “America”, they get different search results? Websites selectively guess which information is appropriate to a user based on his/her location, past-click behavior and search history, and tailor information and recommendations accordingly. The more one uses the Internet, the more likely one is kept away from different opinions, and trapped in one’s own cultural ideological bubble. The situation worsens when Internet-boosted social networks creep into every corner of our lives. Although there seems to be a large amount of information updated almost every second, the information is only available from people’s friend-circles or the subscriptions (公众号) they choose. Beyond these circles and choices, people do not really have access to the unknown. They become imprisoned in a confined world.


2016“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 6 “外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 Honorablejudges,ladiesandgentlemen: Todaymytopicis’Nuclearpower:ablessingoradisaster?’WhenthefirstatomicbombwasdroppedonHiroshima,Japan,theworldwasthrustintoatom icage.Meanwhileinthecommenceofcoldwarandduringitslongterm,ithadsettheworldi ntofearandpanicofnuclearwarmanytimes. Butovertheyears,nuclearpowerhasfounditswaytopromotegoodnessforhumankind.Itp romisestoprovidecleanandefficientenergyforthecenturiestocome. Sowhethernuclearpowerablessingoradisaster? Thereisnofirmanswerforthisquestionfrommyownperspective. Ladiesandgentlemen,myveryinitialcontactwithnuclearpowerwasfromaTVprogrammec alledGreenSpacewhereIsawforthefirsttimehownuclearpowerhadchangedpeople’sli vesandwhatithadleftfortheresidents’livingaroundChyrnobilnuclearpowerpl ant. Unfortunately,Itwasasadstory. MyheartsankwhenIsawaboyinfantappearonthescreensmilingwithbigbluesparklingey es.Hewassocuteandadorablejustlikealltheotherkidsbuthewasblinded.What’smore ,hehadtoreceivemedicaltreatmenteverydaytoalleviateradiationdamage,butstills https://www.doczj.com/doc/702374473.html,terIlearnedthatinappropriateoperationandequip mentdesigndefectwasresponsibleforthetradegy.Eightyearshaspast,butthepicture ofthatboy’ssmilestillappearsinfrontofmeandremindsmethatnuclearpowercanbeal ivingdevil. However,withtheincreasingdepletionofresourcesandtheinstantdemandforenergy,c leanandefficientnuclearpowermayseemthebestchoice. Asanoldsayinggoes’Everyswordhastwoblades.’Nuclearpowerisdangerous,yeteffi cient;environmentaldevastatedyetclean;expensiveyetsustainable.Itisamatterof h owweuseandhowwetreatit.Whilelet’sbeyondallthis,whethernuclearpowerablessi ngoradisaster,it’sours’choice. Thankyouforlistening!6


2018“外研社杯”全国英语阅读大赛样题 赛题分值说明: 1. 线上初赛:题型仅为客观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question 三个模块,共40题,答题时间为110分钟,满分100分。第1-3题每题1分,第4-9题每题2分,第10题5分,第11-30题每题3分,第31-40题每题2分。 2. 复赛和决赛:题型包含客观题和主观题,即Read and Know,Read and Reason,Read and Question,Read and Create四个模块,共41题,答题时间为150分钟,满分100分。第1-3题每题1分,第4-9题每题2分,第10题5分,第11-30题每题1.5分,第31-40题每题2分,第41题30分。 Part I Read and Know In Part I, you will read short texts of various kinds. Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions. (Time allowed: 20 minutes) Questions 1-3 (Suggested completion time: 3 minutes) Directions: Read the following quotes. Match the quotes with the people. Please note there are two extra options you do not need. Question 4 (Suggested completion time: 2 minutes)


“外研社杯”全国英语演讲、写作、阅读大赛 (陈美贤老师提供) (一)项目简介 “‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”、“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”和“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”是由外语教学与研究出版社和教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会、教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会联合举办的公益大赛。 “‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”于2002 年创办,在国内外广受关注,已成为全国参赛人数最多、规模最大、水平最高的英语演讲赛事;“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”于2012 年启动,旨在推动英语写作教学,提高学生英语写作水平,引领高校外语写作教学的改革与发展;“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”于2015 年全新举办,旨在通过比赛的形式,激发大学生的英语学习热情,为他们提供阅读实践的机会和自我挑战的舞台。三项大赛以高远的立意和创新的理念,汇聚全国优秀学子,竞技英语表达与沟通艺术。同一赛场,三个舞台,既各具特色,又互促互进,为全国大学生提供展示外语能力、沟通能力与思辨能力的综合平台。英语演讲、写作与阅读能力是国家未来发展对高端人才的基本要求,也是高端人才外语能力、思辨能力、交际能力、创新能力和国际竞争力的综合体现。三项大赛的设置,将以“读”、“说”和“写”三大能力的提高为“驱动力”,全面提升学生的外语综合应用能力。赛题将以国际化人才要求为标准,融入思辨性、拓展性和创造性等关键要素,增强学生的跨文化交际意识,开拓其国际视野,提升其国际素养。“‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”、“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”和“‘外研社杯’全国英语阅读大赛”覆盖面广,选手代表性强;比赛遵循国际规则,赛程科学,赛制严谨,程序规范;评委专业,评判严格,保证公开、公平、公正;奖项设置合理,师生共赢。 诚毅学院每年5月组织选拔和培训,经过近一年的准备,次年11月份参加比赛。诚毅学院至2004年组队以来在“CCTV口语和写作大赛”上获得一次福建省一等奖五次,获得二等奖和三等奖若干次。2007年获福建省一等奖第一名,并赴北京参加总决赛,赴孟加拉参加国际大专英语辩论赛。成绩在逐年提高。 (二)竞赛时间 【每年的9月到11月】 (三)指导老师 1.陈美贤:女,外语教学部教师,从事实验教学工作十二年,指导学生参加英语口语和写作竞赛。为了进一步提高学生英语口语水平和写作能力,于2014年组建诚毅学院第二课堂指导团队,迄今为止所带学生获得全国大学生“CCTV英语口语风采大赛和写作大赛”福建赛区一等奖5名,二等奖和三等奖若干名。其中,2005年,2006年和2007年连续三年获得福建赛区口语大赛一等奖,2007年获福建省一等奖第一名,并赴北京参加总决赛,赴孟加拉参加国际大专英语辩论赛。成绩在逐年提高。 2.叶建辉:叶建辉,男,外语教学部外聘教师,从事实验教学工作2年,从2012年开

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