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比较有意境的英文单词 1. Aestheticism 唯美

2. Miss 想念;错过

3. Orchids 兰花

4. Liberty 自由

5. Never 永不,绝不

6. Ever 永远,终究

7. Fabulous 难以置信的,传说中的

8. Epic 经典的,史诗的

9. fantastic 奇异的

10. gorgeous 绚丽的

11. delicacy 精美

12. Fabulous 寓言般的

13. captivate 迷惑

14. smile 微笑

15. forever.永远

16. believe 相信;信任

17. Passion 激情,热情

18. Eternity 永恒,永世,不朽

19. Infinity 无穷,无限

比较有意境的英文单词例句 1. Aestheticism magnificent , and this is the desert Xixia contemporary art.


2. Art has played the dominant rhythm of auditory and spirit aestheticism.


3. Cultivating the ability to aestheticism and rich imaginations.


4. Nietzsches aestheticism is a world - life outlook of anti - Christianity.


5. Part three probes into the value of aestheticism.


6. He seems completely self-contained and he doesnt miss you when yourenot there.


7. Miss Famous, as she was called, was a gem.


8. I might have known it! Miss Burnett said with emphasis.


9. Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.


10. The luscious Miss Wharton gave me a demure but knowing smile.


11. The boys at headquarters hear about this, theyll send me orchids.

总部的人听到这些, 他们会笑话我们的.

12. He wrote all the notes you received, and he sent all the orchids.


13. There are only orchids and irises fumigate your great soul of poetry.


14. The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern of orchids.


15. His plum blossoms are vigorous and dignified, his orchids bold but elegant.

吴昌硕画梅,苍劲老辣,雄健凝重, 画兰于苍健中透出秀丽、高雅.

16. He took the liberty of using my refrigerator while I was away.


17. He stood for the cause of liberty and justice.


18. Two of the escaped prisoners are still at liberty.


19. Employees have liberty to use all the museum facilities.


20. Im in favour of liberty, of course but against licence.

我当然赞成自由, 不过我反对放纵.

21. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret do.


22. One thing you can never insure against is corruption among your staff.Agreed.


23. The public never had faith in his ability to handle the job.


24. He has never exhibited the self-confidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor.


25. He waited until all the luggage was cleared, but Paulas never appeared.


26. He is moving ever closer to drawing his pension.


27. He is always eager for new experiences and ever-willing to experiment.


28. I dont think youve ever tried parleying with Gleed, have you?


29. If ever a man needed your love, I need it.


30. If you ever cross him, forget it, youre finished.


富有意境的英文单词例句1、During each show we will be raffling a fabulous prize.


2、This is a fabulous album. Its fresh, varied, fun.


3、Ordinarily it would be fun to be taken to fabulous restaurants.


4、Its a fabulous deal, a real bargain.


5、Its a fabulous opportunity. Yeah. I know.


6、It wont take much to entice or captivate an ardent love interest.


7、You can learn how to captivate and engage your audience.


8、It is rare, delicate and will certainly captivate its recipient.

这是罕见的, 微妙的,也必将吸引其收件人.

9、Now you have everything you need go out there and captivate your audience of buyers.


10、Crowds of attractions along the river Banks and the Beautiful legends aBout them captivate tourists.


11、The best thing to do when entering unknown territory is smile.


12、Haley studied her, an enigmatic smile on his face.


13、The smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown.


14、She handed the cigar back to Jason with a self-satisfied smile.


15、He smiled, an odd, dreamy smile that sent chills up my back.


16、They represented a ruthless and illegitimate regime that could not remainforever.


17、If there ever comes a day, when we cant be together, keep me in your heart. Ill stay there forever.


18、Katherine was forever secretive.


19、The old social order was gone forever.


20、The drive seemed to take forever.


21、I have always found the thought of eternity terrifying.


22、The war continued for an eternity.


23、There will be rich and poor for all eternity.


24、He waited for an eternity.


25、God will live for all eternity.


26、There is always an infinity of numbers between any two numbers.


27、These permutations multiply towards infinity.


28、The far point of a normal eye is at infinity.


29、This eliminates reflections from infinity, as one expects physically.


30、Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts.









1.Accounting(会计) The process of indentifying, recording, summarizing and reporting economic information to decision makers. 2.Financial accounting(财务会计) The field of accounting that serves external decision makers, such as stockholders, suppliers, banks and government agencies. 3.Management accounting(管理会计) The field of accounting that serves internal decision makers, such as top executives, department heads and people at other management levels within an organization. 4.Annual report(年报) A combination of financial statements, management discussion and analysis and graphs and charts that is provided annually to investors.

5.Balance sheet (statement of financial position, statement of financial condition)(资产负债表) A financial statement that shows the financial status of a business entity at a particular instant in time. 6.Balance sheet equation(资产负债方程式) Assets = Liabilities + Owners' equity. 7.Assets(资产) Economic resources that are expected to help generate future cash inflows or help reduce future cash outflows. 8.Liabilities (负债) Economic obligations of the organization to outsiders ,or claims against its assets by outsiders.


外研版初中英语八年级上单词表 Module 1 1.两个人,一对 2.改正,正确的 3.拼写 4.练习 5.意义,意思 6.把…填完整 7.句子 8.词典,字典 9.语法 10.字母 11.查找 12.错误 13.犯错误 14.理解,明白 15.(过去式) 16.意见,建议 17.应该 18.可能的 19.写下,记下 20.笔记本 21.忘记 22.(过去式) 23.发……音 24.大声地 25.电台,广播 26.发音 27.关键性的 28.主要的 29.优秀的 30.赞同31.同意某人 32.词汇 33.请求 34.改进,改善 35.主要的,基础的 36.提出意见 37.羞怯的 38.谈话 39.快地 40.合理的 41.建议,提议Module 2 1. 小山 2. 人口 3. 宽的 4.百万 5. 相当地,很 6.相当好 7. 比 8. 北方 9. 南方 10. 西方 11. 故乡,家乡 12. 尤其 13. 因…而闻名 14. 大学 15. 岛屿 16. 地区 17. 矮的,低的 18. 山 19.农村地区Module 3 1.棒球

2.排球 3.烦人的 4.令人激动的 5.已经 6.问题,麻烦 7.怎么了? 8.使受伤 9.令人愉快的 10.奥林匹克运动会 11.体育场 12.未击中 13.介意,讨厌 14.打败 15.粗心的 16.用欢呼声激励 17.教练 18.球迷 19.对 20.训练,操练 21.练习(n.) 22.使温暖 23.热身 24. 通常的 25.更好的 26.开心的 27.传递 28.机会 29.响亮地 30.自信的Module 4 1.路,公路 2.交通事故 3.除…之外 4.遥远的 5.远离 6.拥挤的 7.旅行,旅程 8.预订 9.在…之外 10.选择 11.然而,可是 12.价钱为,花费Module 5 1.女演员 2.茶馆 3.提议 4.结束,结尾 5.最后,终于 6.不知道 7.一幕 8.展示,显示 9.普通的 10.描写,描述 11.社会 12.开始,起初 13.校长 14.大学 15.小说 16.如果 17.魔术的Module 6 1.蛇 2.薄的,细长的 3.危险 4.处于危险 5. 终于,最后


EA常用英文单词解释 EA 即Expert Advisors 的英文缩写,中文意思专家顾问,俗称智能交易系统。 1. 逻辑符号。 AND, NOT, OR. 与非或 2. MQL 4语言指令。 Array数组, Begin开始, Break中断, Continue继续, Define预定义, Downto递减循环, Else否则, End终止, Exit退出函数,

For增量循环, If条件如果, Input输入, Then于是(与if配合), To到(与For配合), Variable变量, While(条件循环)。界定语言指令结构的固定字也叫做关键字。 3. 内置函数。 Abs绝对值, AccName, AccountName帐户名称, Alert报警, Ceil, CloseOrder订单出场, Comment屏幕注释输出, Cos, CurTime当前时间,

DayOfWeek星期的数字, DeleteOrder删除订单, Exp, Floor, Highest最高, iADX内置指标函数, iATR内置指标函数, iBANDS内置指标函数, iCCI内置指标函数, iMA内置指标函数, iMACD内置指标函数, iMFI内置指标函数, iMOM内置指标函数, iRSI内置指标函数, iSAR内置指标函数, iSTO内置指标函数, iWPR内置指标函数,

IsDemo帐户是否模拟型, IsIndirect, LastTradeTime最后价格时间, Log, Lowest最低, Mod, ModifyOrder订单修改, MoveObject移动屏幕上的对象, NumberToStr小数变字符串, Ord, OrderValue订单数字, Pow, Print打印输出(在标签栏)PrintTrade输出订单状况, Rand, Round, ServerAddress服务器地址, SetArrow设定数组使用的箭头样式, SetObjectText设定对象上的文字, SetOrder设定订单, SetText设定文字, Sin, Sqrt, Srand, Symbol货币名字, T


大学英语四六级翻译常用词汇汇总1. 中国经济发展 总需求aggregate demand 总供给aggregate supply 企业文化corporate/entrepreneurial culture 企业形象corporate image (Cl); enterprise image 跨国公司cross-national corporation 创业精神enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 猎头公司head-hunter 假日经济holiday economy 人力资本human capital 航空和航天工业aerospace industry 飞机制造工业aircraft industry 电子工业electronic industry 汽车制造工业car industry 娱乐业entertainment industry 信息产业information industry 知识密集型产业knowledge-intensive industry 国有大中型企业large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 轻工业light industry 博彩业lottery industry 制造业manufacturing industry 垄断行业monopoly industries 市场多元化market diversification 市场经济market economy 市场监管market supervision 购买力purchasing power 熊市bear market 牛市bull market 城镇化urbanization 房地产real estate 首付down-payment 业主home owner 个人购房贷款individual housing loan 经济全球化economic globalization 经济特区special economic zones (SEZ) 经济增长economic growth 泡沫经济bubble economy 关税tariff 纳税人tax payer 宏观经济macro economy

英语词汇拓展 英英释义+中英释义

Vocabulary Worksheet #1-6 Worksheet #1 Ruin: the remain of a building, a city… Debris: the remain of anything broken down or destroyed Litter: objects strewn or scattered about Remind: to cause to remember, to cause to think Dissuade: to deter by advice or persuasion (with object) Hesitate: pause (without object) Terminate: to bring to an end Overflow: to flow or run over Ooze: thicker; to flow, percolate or exude slowly Gush: to flow out or issue suddenly Trickle: to flow or fall by drop Rip: to cut or tear apart Fray: to wear to loose Crease: a ridge or groove produce Expedition: an excursion, journey or voyage made for made specific purpose Trek: to travel or migrate, especially slowly or with difficult Journey: long trip Excursion: short trip Discard: to cast aisle or dispose of, get rid of (sb. or sth.) as not longer useful or desirable (with object) Abandon: cease to support or tack after sb. Stall: stop or cause to stop making progress Pile: a heap of things laid or lying one on top of another Suite: a set of rooms designated for one person or family’s use or for a particular purpose Cluster: a number of things of the same kind, growing or held together Subscribe: to give or pay in fulfillment of such a pledge Worksheet #2 Butler: the chief manservant of a house Housekeeper: employed to manage a household (female) Caretaker: employed to look after a building Undertaker: preparing dead bodies for burial or cremation and making arrangement for funerals Budget: Financial Approve: officially agree to or accept as satisfactory Condone: accept (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) Object: say sth. to express one’s disapproval with sth. Decline: politely refuse (an invitation or offer) Withdraw: remove or take away sth. from a particular place or position Forfeit: lose or be deprived of (property a right or privilege) as a penalty for wrongdoing (with object) Regulate: control (something, especially a business activity) by means of rules and regulations Hack off: annoy or infuriate sb. Chop: cut into piece Extract: remove or take our, especially by effort or force Amputate: cut off (a limb) by surgical operation


**最常用2000英语单词** One 1 the [e?, ei:] art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前] 2 be [bi:,bi] aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在 3 of [?v, ?, ?v] prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于 4 and [?nd, ?nd] conj.和;那么;然后;而且 5 a [ei, ?, ?n, ?n] art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个) 6 to [tu:, tu, t?] prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到 7 in [in] prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于 ad.进;到达 8 he [hi:, hi] pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人 9 have [h?v,h?v] aux. v.已经 vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得 10 it [it] pron.它;这;那 11 that [e?t] a./ pron.那,那个; ad.那样,那么 12 for [f?, f?:] prep.为;对,供,适合于;向 conj.因为故 13 they [eei] pron.他(或她、它)们 14 I [ai] pron.我 15 with [wie, wiθ] prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着 16 as [?z, ?z] ad.同样地 prep.当作 conj.随着;因为 17 not [n?t] ad.不,没,不是 18 on [?n] prep.在…上;向;处于;在 ad.上;向前 19 she [?i:, ?i] pron.她 20 at [?t, ?t] prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事 21 by [bai] prep.被;凭借;经由;由于 ad.在近旁;经过 22 this [eis] a.这,这个;今,本 pron.这,这个 23 we [wi:, wi] pron.我们 24 you [ju, ju:] pron.你,你们 25 do [du, du:] aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动 26 but [b?t,b?t] conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外 ad.只 27 from [fr?m,fr?m] prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与 28 or [?:, ?] conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然 29 which [wit?] pron./ a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些) 30 one [w?n] num.一 pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的 31 would [wud] aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请 32 all [?:l] a.全部的;尽量的 ad.很 pron.全部 33 will [wil] aux. v.将;愿意 n.意志;遗嘱 vt.用意志驱使


Instead in place of, or as an alternative to; Smart very clever Carry If you carry something, you take it with you, holding it so that it does not touch the ground Correct if something is correct, it is in accordance with the facts and has no mistakes. Intelligent a person or animal that is intelligent has the ability to think, understand, and learn things quickly and well. Mistake If you make a mistake, you do something which you did not intend to do, or which produces a result that you do not want. Present A present is something that you give to someone, for example at Christmas or when you visit them. Dictionary A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language. Expensive if something is expensive, it costs a lot of money. Fresh A fresh thing or amount replaces or is added to a previous thing or amount. Stale, stale food is no longer fresh or good to eat. Sour something that is sour has a sharp, unpleasant taste like the taste of a lemon. Soft something that is soft is pleasant to touch, and not rough or hard. Exam An exam is a formal test that you take to show your knowledge or ability in a particular subject, or to obtain a qualification. Fail if you fail to do something that you were trying to do, you are unable to do it or do not succeed in doing it. Cheer If you are cheered by something, it makes you happier or less worried. Difficult something that is difficult is not easy to do, understand, or deal with.


八年级上册英语单词表 Module 1 pair n. (相关的)两个人,一对 correct v.改正;纠正adj. 正确的;对的 spelling n.拼写 word n.词;单词;字 practise v.练习 match v.找到与......相配之物,使相配;使成对 meaning n.意义;意思 complete v.把......填完整;使完全sentence n.句子 dictionary n.词典;字典 grammar n.语法 letter n.字母 look up 查;查找 mistake n.错误;过错 make a mistake 犯错误 understand v.(understood) 理解;明白advice n.意见;建议 should v. aux. 应该 possible adj.可能的 write down 写下;记下 notebook n.笔记本 forget v.(forgot) 忘;忘记 pronounce v.发...的音 aloud adv.大声地;出声地 radio n.电台;广播 pronunciation n.发音 key adj.关键性的;非常重要的 main adj.主要的;最大的 excellent adj.极好的;优秀的 agree v.赞同 agree with sb. 同意某人 vocabulary n.词汇;词汇量 ask for 请求(给予) improve v.改进;改善 basic adj.主要的;基础的 time n.次;回;时间 advise v.向......提出意见;忠告;建议shy adj.羞怯的;腼腆的conversation n.谈话;交谈 quickly adv.快地;迅速地 natural adj.合理的;合乎常情的suggest v.建议;提议 place v.放置n.地方 Module 2 hill n,小山;山丘 population n.(某一地区的)人口,全体居民 wide adj.宽的;宽阔的 million num.百万 pretty adv.[主口]相当地;非常;很pretty good 相当好;很好 than prep.比 get v.变成;成为 north n.北;北方adj.在北方的;朝北的south n.南;南方adj.在南方的;朝南的west n.西;西方adj.在西方的;朝西的home town 故乡;家乡 especially adv.尤其 be famous for 因...而闻名 university n.大学 island n.岛;岛屿 area n.地区;区域 low adj.矮的;低的 mountain n.山;山岳 countryside n.农村地区;乡下 umbrella n.雨伞 Module 3 baseball n.棒球 volleyball n.排球 boring adj.烦人的;无聊的 exciting adj.令人激动的;使人兴奋的relaxing adj.令人愉快的;使人放松的score v.(体育比赛中)得(分) already adv. 已经;早已 matter n.问题;麻烦 What’s the matter ? 怎么了? hurt v.(使)疼痛;(使)受伤


最常用2000英语单词 adv.表示副词 prep.表示介词 vi.不及物动词 vt.及物动词 其他有: prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写 pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写 n = 名词,noun的缩写 v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写conj = 连接词,conjunction的缩写 s = 主词 sc = 主词补语 o = 受词 oc = 受词补语 vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写 vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写 aux.v = 助动词,auxiliary的缩写 a = 形容词,adjective的缩写 ad = 副词,adverb的缩写 art = 冠词,article的缩写 num = 数词,numeral的缩写 int = 感叹词,interjection的缩写 u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun的缩写 c = 可数名词,countable noun的缩写 pl = 复数,plural的缩写 语气词 int. 缩写词 abbr. One 1 the [e?, ei:]art.这,那 ad.[用于比较级;最高级前] 2 be [bi:,bi]aux. v.(am,is,are之原型) vi.是;在 3 of [?v, ?, ?v]prep.…的;由…制成的;关于;由于 4 and [?nd, ?nd]conj.和;那么;然后;而且 5 a[ei, ?, ?n, ?n]art.一(个);任何一(个);每一(个) 6 to [tu:, tu, t?]prep.向;对;趋于;直到…为止;比;到 7 in [in]prep.在…里;以;穿着;由于 ad.进;到达 8 he[hi:, hi]pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人 9 have[h?v,h?v]aux. v.已经 vt.有;进行;经受;吃;取得 10 it [it]pron.它;这;那 11 that[e?t]a./ pron.那,那个; ad.那样,那么 12 for[f?, f?:]prep.为;对,供,适合于;向 conj.因为故 13 they[eei]pron.他(或她、它)们 14 I[ai]pron.我 15 with[wie, wiθ]prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着 16 as [?z, ?z]ad.同样地 prep.当作 conj.随着;因为 17 not[n?t]ad.不,没,不是 18 on[?n]prep.在…上;向;处于;在 ad.上;向前 19 she[?i:, ?i]pron.她 20 at [?t, ?t]prep.在;向;以;处于;因为;从事 21 by [bai]prep.被;凭借;经由;由于 ad.在近旁;经过 22 this [eis]a.这,这个;今,本 pron.这,这个 23 we[wi:, wi]pron.我们 24 you [ju, ju:]pron.你,你们 25 do[du, du:]aux. v.[代替动词] v.做,干,行动 26 but[b?t,b?t]conj.但是;而(是) prep.除…以外 ad.只 27 from[fr?m,fr?m]prep.出自;离;去除;从;因为;由;与 28 or[?:, ?]conj.或,或者;或者说;否则,要不然29 which[wit?]pron./ a.哪一个(些);[关系代词]那个(些) 30 one[w?n]num.一 pron.一个(人) a.一个的;一体的 31 would [wud]aux. v.[will的过去式];总会;也许;请 32 all [?:l]a.全部的;尽量的 ad.很 pron.全部 33 will [wil]aux. v.将;愿意 n.意志;遗嘱 vt.用意志驱使 34 there [e??]pron.[与be连用,“有”] ad.在那里 35 say [sei]v.说;表明 ad.比如说,大约 n.发言权 36 who [hu:]pron.谁,什么人;[关系代词]…的人 37 make [meik]vt.做,制造;产生;成为 n.品牌,类型 38 when[wen]ad./ pron.什么时候;在…时 conj.当…时 39 can[k?n,k?n]aux. v.能;可以 n.罐(头) vt.把…装罐保存 40 more [m?:r]ad.更(多) a.更多(大)的 n.更多的人(或物) 41 if[if]conj.如果,假如;是否;即使;无论何时 42 no [n?u]ad.不,不是,没有 a.没有的;不许的 43 man[m?n]n.(成年)男人;人,人类 vt.给…配备人员 44 out aut]ad.出,向外;在外;出现;完;过时 45 other[??e?]a.别的;其余的 pron.另一个人(或物) 46 so [s?u]ad.那么,非常;如此 conj.所以;以便 47 what[w?t, wɑ:t]pron.什么;[关系代词] a.多么;什么 48 time[taim]n.时间;次;倍[ pl.]时期 vt.为…安排时间 49 up[?p]ad./ a.向上(的) prep.沿…往上;在…上面 50 go[g?u]vi.去;变得;进行;放;通往;消失 n.尝试 51 about[??baut]prep.关于;在…周围 ad.大约;在附近 52 than[e?n, e?n]conj.比 53 into[?intu, ?int?]prep.进,入,到…里;成为;很喜欢 54 could[kud]v. aux.can的过去式;[虚拟语气等]可以(能) 55 state [steit]n.状态;国家,政府;州 vt.陈述,说明 56 only[??unli]ad.只;反而 a.唯一的;最好的 conj.可是 57 new[nju:]a.新的,新出现的,新生产的;生疏的 1 / 18


Module 1 How to learn English 1、pair [pε?] n.(相关的)两个人,一对。 2、correct [k?'rekt] vt. 改正;纠正。adj. 正确的;对的; 3、spelling ['speli?] n. 拼写;拼字 4、word [w?:d] n. 单词;字;词 5、practise ['pr?ktis] vi. 练习, 6、match [m?t?] vt. 找到与…..相配之物,使成对;使相配 7、meaning ['mi:ni?] n. 意义;意思 8、complete [k?m'pli:t] v.把….填完整;使完全。 9、sentence ['sent?ns] n. 句子 10、dictionary ['dik??n?ri] n. 字典;词典 11、grammar ['ɡr?m?] n. 语法 12、letter ['let?] n. 信;字母 13、look up 查,查找 14、mistake [mi'steik] n. 错误;过错 15、make a mistake 犯错误 16、understand [,?nd?'st?nd] v.(understood [,?nd?'stud])理解;明白 17、advice [?d'vais] n. 建议;意见 18、should [?ud] v. aux. 应该 19、possible ['p?s?bl] adj. 可能的 20、write down 写下;记下 21、notebook ['n?utbuk] n. 笔记本 22、forget [f?'get] v. (forgot [f?'ɡ?t])忘,忘记 23、pronounce [pr?u'nauns] v. 发……..的音 24、aloud [?'laud] adv. 大声地;出声地 25、radio ['reidi?u] n.电台,广播 26、pronunciation [pr?u,n?nsi'ei??n] n. 发音


英文单词近义词解释 本文是关于英文单词近义词解释,感谢您的阅读! 热切的英文: fervent 参考例句: gung-ho(enthusiastic) gung-ho(热切的)Helookedaroundthecircleofeagerfaces. 他看了看四周热切的脸庞。Bekeenabout;beeagerabout 热心;热切Weearnestlyhopethatyouwillgiveusyourvaluablecriticismsandsu ggestions. 热切希望各位提出宝贵意见。(ofawoman)makeover-eageradvancesto(aman) (指女子)热切亲近(男子)Iamlookingforwardtoyourreply. 我热切盼望您的回音.Theyenteredintoeagercolloquywitheachother. 他们展开热切的相互交谈。Theyenteredintoeagercolloquywitheachother 他们展开热切的相互交谈。ThechildrenwaitedwitheageranticipationforChristmas 孩子们热切期待圣诞节的到来。He'sintentongoingtoaustralia. 他热切希望到澳大利亚去。fervent是什么意思:

adj.热诚的;炽热的,热烈的 ConvertedtoChristianitybyaferventAmericanevangelist 受虔诚的美国布道家感化而皈依基督教Shehadaferventfarewellspeech. 感谢您的阅读,本文如对您有帮助,可下载编辑,谢谢


《英语词汇学》重要术语 One: 1. Native words 本族词 Words of Anglo-Saxon origin or of Old English are native words. 2. Loan words 借词 Words borrowed from other languages are loan words or borrowed words. 3. Slang words 俚语 Slang words are those words of a vigorous, colourful, facetious, or taboo nature, invented for specific occasions, or uses, or derived from the unconventional use of the standard vocabulary. 4. Function words 功能词 Function words are often short words such as determiners, conjunctions, prepositions, auxiliaries that serve grammatically more than anything else. 5. Content words 实义词 Content words are used to name objects, qualities, actions, processes or states, and have independent lexical meaning. 6. Free forms 自由形式 Forms which occur as sentences are free forms. Two: 1. Morphemes 语素 Morphemes are the smallest meaningful linguistic units of English language, not divisible or analyzable into smaller forms. 2. Allomorphs 语素变体 Allomorphs are any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. 3. Free morpheme 自由语素 Free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with meaning. 4. Bound morpheme 粘着语素 Bound morpheme cannot stand by itself as a complete utterance and must appear with at least one other morpheme, free or bound. 5. Root 词根 Root is the basic unchangeable part of a word and it conveys the main lexical meaning of the word. 6. Affix 词缀 Affix is a collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme. 7. Inflectional affix 屈折词缀 Inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality, tense, and the comparative or superlative degree. 8. Derivational affix 派生词缀 Derivational affix is the kind of affixes that has specific lexical meaning hand can derive a word when it is added to another morpheme. 9. Prefixes 前缀 Prefixes are affixes added before words.


Module 1 translate v.翻译 translation n.翻译 correct v.改正;纠正 adj.正确的,对的 match v.将……配对 ! number v.给……标号码 n.数字;号码 repeat v.重复 grammar n.语法 pronunciation n.语音;发音writing n.写作;文章punctuation n.标点符号 spelling n.拼写 ) term n.学期 advice n.建议 write down写下,记下 mistake n.错误 notebook n.笔记本 *else/els/adj.&adv.其他 *radio n.收音机 newspaper n.报纸 { message n.(书面或口头的)信息,信pen friend笔友 *each pron.各个,每个 other pron.不同的人(或物) 外研八年级上册词汇 *each other互相 excellent adj.<口>好极了;卓越的,极好 的 orchestra n.管弦乐队 ; send v.发送;寄 language n.语言 improve v.提高 basic adj.主要的;最重要的 *watch v.看;注视;观察 n.手表 guess v.猜,猜测 *just adv.(引起注意、表示允许等)请, 就. ) yourself pron.你自己 enjoy yourself过得快乐 *shy adj.害羞的 conversation n.谈话 deep adj.深的 breath n.呼吸 smile v.&n.微笑 *remember v.记住;想起;记着 — *forget v.忘记 piece n.一张(或则、件等) *place v.放置 *count v.数 all the time总是;一直 accent n.口音 - wish n.&v.祝愿 *borrow v.借 *group n.组 mark n.分数 club n.俱乐部 *start v.创办;开办;发动 together adv.一起;共同 *hear v. 听见 】 Module 2 experience n.经验; *ever adv.曾经 competition n.竞争,竞赛 *airport n.机场;航空港 cabin n.(飞机的)客舱 steward n.乘务员 /


传媒常用英文单词汇编 A accredited journalist n. 特派记者 advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖 audience rating 收视率 authoritative information 官方消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 B back alley news n. 小道消息 back grounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。 banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 C caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家 continued story 连载故事;连载小说 contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿

contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏 correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图 vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 D daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 E editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 editors notes 编者按 exclusive n.独家新闻 expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外 eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻 F faxed photo 传真照片 feature n.特写;专稿 feedback n.信息反馈 file n.发送消息;发稿 filler n.补白 First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新闻、出版自由等) five "Ws" of news 新闻五要素 flag n.报头;报名

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