当前位置:文档之家› 英语拼写大赛主持稿






































第一轮比赛过后,让我们来看一下各组的排名情况。按照比赛规则,后四名的选手将被淘汰。那么按照得分情况,将与我们说再见的四组选手分别是:。虽然离开了比赛,但是Enthusiasm for learning English can't stop(学习英语的热情不能停哦)。


第二轮比赛过后,让我们来看一下各组的排名情况。那么晋级第三轮的三组选手分别是:。Other students need to continue to work hard to learn English(其他同学也需要继续努力来学习英语呦)。







最后。获得本次比赛一等奖的选手是:。有请颁奖嘉宾为他们颁奖!请颁奖嘉宾与获奖选手合影留念,感谢颁奖嘉宾并祝贺获奖选手。激烈的比赛已经结束了,不知道同学们准备这次比赛的同时是否加强了自己的English level呢。让大家都有所收获才是本次比赛的初衷。那么让我们再次以热烈地掌声感谢所有老师以及学长学姐的到场,祝贺本次比赛的所有获奖选手,感谢台前幕后所有的工作人员。

下面我宣布English spelling contest is over。Thanks so much for you all coming.


英语才艺大赛主持稿 篇一:英语才艺比赛主持稿 英语才艺比赛 开场白: Good evening, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Talent Show Competition. (All) 主持人自我介绍 First, let me introduce myself. I am 何诗琪 I am 严天烯. I am (莫茵怡). I am (潘远杭)Good evening !(All) 1. Today 18 contestants or teams will take part in this competition. They are from diffident classes in junior high school. They will show off their skills in singing, speeches and English plays. (何诗琪) 2. Well, it?s great honor for us to have 6 judges. They are_______.We are very glad to have the distinguished guests. Let?s give them a warm welcome. And welcome all of you! (严天烯) 3. Your attention, please. The judges will give scores on the spot. After 2 contestants finish the show, the score will be announced together.(莫茵怡) 4. My friends, it?s time for our players to give

希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿汇总 (2)

《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初赛演讲稿 第1篇: My Dreams Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Today,my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it . I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening. We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will,there is a way 《希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿》☆初中比赛演讲稿 第2篇: I Love English Ladies and Gentlemen ,


第一部分 一、开场问候: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! Good afternoon, my dear students! Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the first Oral English Competition of Kuangqu No.1 Primary School . (今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行第一小学首届英语口语大赛。) 二、比赛性质: Thiscompetion is a good opportunity for all the English learners to show themselves. (本次英语比赛为同学们提供了展示自己英语水平的机会。)In today's show, there are 21 contestants. They come from different classes of Grade 5. While they have the same goal, that is to practice our oral English. (今天的参赛选手共有21名,他们来自五年级不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学会运用英语表达与交流。)三、比赛规则: Now let me introduce the rules of the competition for you. In today’s competition, we have 3 Parts,including Word-Part, Sentence-Part and Utterance. For every part,you will solve 3-4 questions, pay attention, you have only 20 seconds to give the answer. May you good luck! (现在我来给大家介绍一下本次比赛的规则。本次比赛包括三个环节:分别是“单词篇”、“句意篇”和“话语篇”,在每一个环节选手要解答3-4个问题。请注意,你只有20秒的时间作出回答。祝大家好运!) 四、祝愿语: At last, I would like to take this opportunity to wish this Oral English Competition be perfectly successful. (在此,我预祝这次的小学生英语口语比赛圆满成功。) 1:Next,let me introduce our judges. They are ________.Welcome! 第二部分


英语风采大赛主持稿 Wendy:Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen,my honored teachers ,parents and my fellow students.叶子琨Kevin:(女士们先生们,各位亲爱的老师们、家长们、同学们,大家下午好!) Wendy:We are very honored to be the hosts for today's competition this afternoon.And this is the final of English talent competition. 叶子琨Kevin:(非常荣幸我们能担任今天的英语风采大赛主持人,并且欢迎大家来到我们英语风采大赛总决赛现场) Wendy:Now you are watching the Only English Contest . This is the final of kids and pupils groups. 叶子琨Kevin:(您现在正在参加的是由洛浦街文化体育服务中心、昂立外语洛溪校区以及图书馆洛浦街分馆联合举办的首届“洛浦杯”英语风采大赛,本场比赛是幼儿和少儿组的决赛现场。) Wendy:Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show,there are 30 contestants in all groups. 叶子琨Kevin:(再次感各位来到我们的比赛现场。今天的比赛共有30组参赛选手。) Wendy:We hope that we can exchange experiences of how to improve Oral English better.And also, we hope everybody can perform well. 叶子琨Kevin:我们希望通过这次比赛,能够更好的让小朋友们交流如何提高英语口语的经验,同时希望大家在今天都能有一个出色的表现Wendy:Yes. At the same time, we still appreciate our partners. For them, we can have the opportunity to hold this English competition in this wonderful place. 叶子琨Kevin: 在这里,我们仍要感我们的合作伙伴---洛浦街街道 办的领导及所有工作人员。在他们的帮助下,我们能再有这个机会在这里如期举行这次英语风采大赛。 Wendy:Please allow me to introduce our rules. The contest is divided into two parts. 叶子琨Kevin:比赛分为两个部分:选手表演和随机抽取认读单词,,本次参赛选手顺序不分先后。


英语口语大赛演讲稿 篇一:英语口语比赛演讲稿 英语口语比赛演讲稿 一、自我介绍 Teachers and my friends: Good afternoon, my name is Primary School. I am in Grade four, Class six. I live in Li jing lan wan . There are five members in my family—my father, my mother, my grandfather, my grandmather and me. My father is a police, but my mother is working in hospital. I love all of them. In my spare time, I like singing and reading books, my favorite colour is green. Also I love sport very much, such as run, jump and hope I can learn English well, because I think it very important. But Chinese is my favorite subject, because it is very interesting. I wish I can become a teacher in the future. That’s all! Thank you! 鞠躬 二、讲故事 Now I'd like to tell you a story, the story is called : Three Good Friends


英语口语比赛演讲稿 一、自我介绍 Teachers and my friends: Good afternoon, my name is . I am eight years old. Now I am studying in Primary School. I am in Grade four, Class six. I live in Li jing lan wan . There are five members in my family—my father, my mother, my grandfather, my grandmather and me. My father is a police, but my mother is working in hospital. I love all of them. In my spare time, I like singing and reading books, my favorite colour is green. Also I love sport very much, such as run, jump and swim. I hope I can learn English well, because I think it very important. But Chinese is my favorite subject, because it is very interesting. I wish I can become a teacher in the future. That’s all! Thank you! 鞠躬


英语风采大赛演讲稿小学组 篇一:希望之星英语风采大赛小学 B 组演讲稿 This is me Hello, everyone! My name is Gaoyuan. I am thirteen years old. I was born in Yixing and I live with my parents in Yixing now. My hometown -----Yixing is a beautiful are a lot of famous[’feims] sceneries, such as the Shan Juan cave [keiv], the Mu Li Cave and so on .The scenery [’si:nri]is superb [.sju:’ p:b] in mountains. The most famous thing in Yixing is traditional teapots. They are very beautiful. And a teapot is a very good present to send to your good friends, I am sure your friend will like it very much. But that is a little expensive. I am lively [’laivli].I work hard at all my lessons, so I am a top student in my class. I like reading very much. I have a lot of good books, such as , and so on. I like the writer of -----Margaret Mitchell best, the novel [’n Dvl] is very interesting, and I think the


英语口语比赛主持词 英语口语具有很强的实践性,英语口语比赛作为重要的实践途径之一,越来越受到教育组织机构和广大师生的重视和认可。下面是小编给大家整理的英语口语比赛主持词范文,仅供参考。 英语口语比赛主持词范文 开场白: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Good afternoon, fellow students. Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holding the First Duduler School English speaking competition. 今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行多多乐首届英语口语风采大赛。 English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to travel around the world. 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 By learning English we can know the people in the other side of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 学好了英语口语,我们可以认识全世界不同国家的人,他们是怎么样的,他们

在想什么,讨论什么? In today’s show, there are 43 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the same aim, that is to practice English. 今天的比赛总共有43名选手,他们来自不同学校不同的班级,但是大家都有一个共同的目标,那就是学好英语。 为了体现比赛的公平性,今天的比赛总共分为3组,一二年级为一组,三四年级为一组,五六以及初中为一组。按每个组的人数比例,一二年级组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军;三四年级组将设有一个冠军,一个亚军,三个季军;五六初中组将设有一个冠军以及一个亚军。 比赛分为有3个环节。 第1环节是一分钟自我介绍 第2环节是单词认读比赛。会由评委老师计时,1分钟之内看哪位选手认读单词最多最准确。 第3个环节是评委将对每个选手提问。 在此,我预祝本次英语口语比赛圆满成功。 Next,let me introduce our judges. 接下来,让我来介绍我们的评委老师, They are...... Welcome! 让我们用最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 My friends, It’s time for our players to have their performance. 亲爱的家长朋友们,下面我们将正式进入今


西安市雁塔区航天二一〇小学 第四届“英才杯”英语口语大赛主持人串词 Good afternoon,everyone! 各位领导,老师们,同学们,下午好! On such a mild winter’s afternoon, having such joyful feelings, we are welcoming Fourth English speaking contest of our school. 在这阳光灿烂的初冬下午,我们怀着喜悦的心情,迎来了我校第四届“英才杯”英语口语大赛。 This is our exciting and happy day! 这是一个令人振奋的日子,更是一个属于我们的日子。 Today, our contestants will not only express their youthful energy, but also show the fruits of quality education in our school. 今天,同学们不但将在这里展示青春风采,更将展示我校素质教育的成果。 现在,让我们隆重请出担任我们本次大赛的评委:我校高校长,雒校长,文校长。教导处李主任,刘主任,以及所有英语老师。 让我们以最热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 Let’s welcome them with our warm applause! Players participating in this competition, namely from 1-6 in our select grades in each class of masters in English learning. They have deeply fond of English learning and comprehension. 参加本次大赛的选手分别是从我校一至六年级各班中挑选出来的英语学习的佼佼者。他们对英语学习有着深深的喜好和感悟。 Today, they will play their great virtue of spoken English, shows us the importance and charm of English. We also warmly welcome their participation! 今天,他们将发挥自己英语口语方面的特长,向我们展示英语的魅力及重要性。让我们同样以热烈的掌声欢迎他们的参与! Please allow me to introduce the rules of this competition 下面,请允许我来介绍一下本次大赛的规则。


英语演讲比赛主持人稿 篇一:英语演讲比赛主持稿 A: Good Morning, ladies, gentlemen and my fellow students: I’m very pleased to be the hostess for today's competition ,to give the opening speech for everybody. Now you are watching the “My college and my Dream”Cup English speech contest. Thank you for coming to this competition. In today's show. There are 17 contestants coming from different classes. All of them are freshmen. I hope you can have a good day!B:女士们先生们,各位早上好!首先非常荣幸的担任这次比赛的主持人,接下来你们将看到的是“我的大学我的梦”杯英语演讲比赛,在此次比赛中有17名来自不同班级的大一选手参赛。我希望大家能在这儿过得愉快。 A: Now, I will tell you something about this contest in general. Today’s contest includes Prepared contest,Questions and Answers, Impromptu speech and Talent show. The judges will judge you by substance style, delivery and pronunciation of your speech. The rewards contain a First winner, two Second winners, three Third winners and five Excellent winners


英语知识竞赛主持人主持稿 首先,开场白: Good evening ,ladies and gentlemen. Q:I am… J: I am… L:I am L:In order to show our ability in learning English and make us know more about the English culture, we hold this English competition. J:First of all, thank you for your support and thank you for your presence. L:And now please allow me to introduce our distinguished guests: our dear headmaster ,Mr. Chen,Mr. Lu; Ms Zhang ;Ms Yang. Q:And our dear judges; they are Alice,Nico , Sweetie ,Rachal ,Joyce ,Leyon, vivizz and all of our English teachers, dear fellow students. Let’s welcome!(互动观众) J:Tonight ,we have three rounds in our competition.First finish a passage by using the given words. Second, test your English knowledge and last watch a video and talk you feelings. L:Rules are here: in this round ,we’ll prepare 11topics for our competitors ,they are different, and each topic has given 10to 11words. Competitors must use the given words and use these words to make up a story. You have two minutes to prepare it and 1 minute to state your passage. The passage must be logical and smooth. Your story will be


英语口语比赛主持稿精 编版 MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】

首届层山小学生英语口语比赛主持稿 开场白: 1: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 2: Good morning, fellow students. 1: Today we are very happy and excited, because we are here, holdi ng the First Cengshan Primary School English speaking competition. 2:今天我们相聚在这里,快乐又激动。因为今天我们在这里举行层山小学首届英语口语大赛。 1: English is such a beautiful language. We can use it to tr avel around the world. 2:英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。 1: By learning English we can know the people in the other s ide of the world. What are they like? What are they talking? What are they thinking? 2:有了英语,我们可以认识全世界不同的国家,地球那端的人,他们是怎么样的,他们在想什么,讨论什么? 1: In today's show, there are 16 contestants. They come from different classes of different schools. But they have the sa me aim,


英语比赛主持稿 英语竞赛主持稿(一) B: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! 女士们,先生们,下午好! G: Good afternoon, my dearest teachers and friends 友爱的老师们,朋友们,下午好! 合:Welcome to our English short drama competition. 欢迎观赏英语话剧表演竞赛B: warm floral away the bitter cold of winter, GAt this moment, we have felt the breath of joy 甲:暖暖的花香带走冬天的严寒,乙:在这一刻,我们差不多感觉到了快乐的气息B: Today, we meet here and enjoy the joy of fate brought us to enjoy this wonderful time; 甲:今天,我们相约在这个地方,享受缘分带给我们的快乐,享受这段美好时光;G: Today we are gathered here together, heart to feel the truth, with love to withstand the cold; 乙:今天,我们相聚在这个地方,一起专心来感觉真情,用爱来抵御严寒; B: Today we are gathered here, open your heart, release your passion; 甲:今天,我们相聚在这个地方,放开你的心扉,释放你的激情; G Today we are gathered here, there will be a sea of joy, joy resounding! 乙:今天,我们相聚在这个地方,这个地方将成为快乐的海洋,让欢乐震耳欲聋!朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 B:临沂八中**年英语短剧竞赛如今开始! 英语竞赛主持稿(二) 闫: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning! Welcome to our English Singing Competition! Thank you for being here! 安: 各位领导、老师、同学们大伙儿上午好!欢迎来到2011 年度校园英文歌曲大赛的竞赛现场。 闫: 在那个收获的季节里,我们载歌载舞,激情飞扬。 安: 在那个浪漫的季节里,我们展示自我,斗志昂扬。 闫: This competition gives us a chance to present ourselves. 安: This competition gives us a chance to challenge ourselves. 闫:下面,请允许我盛大的为大伙儿介绍莅临本次英文歌曲大赛的各位领导和老师,他们是:东北育才实验学校小学部程校长、周校长、施校长、鲍校长。东北育才实验学校小学部英语组:金朝勃老师、王丽老师。东北育才实验学校小学部音乐组:周明老师、王帅老师、于婷婷老师、于宛露老师。让我们对各位领导和老师的到来表示热烈的欢迎!并且,欢迎一年级各位家长的到来,谢谢你们对本次大赛的支持! 闫:激情铸就梦想,挑战迎接以后。安:第一届英文歌曲大赛的画面仍然历历在目,就让我们将回顾定格,将梦想连续!闫: We believe we are the most outstanding. 安: We believe we are the best! 安: Hello, everyone. I ' m Mabel from Class 4,Grade 3. 闫: Hello, I ' m Victor from Class One, Grade 4. 闫: Now, let ' s welcome all the contestants to come to the stage. 安:欢迎选手,闪亮登场! 竞赛开始 英语竞赛主持稿(三) A:恭敬的各位领导、各位宾客 B:友爱的老师、同学们 A:大伙儿下午好! B:Hello,everyone! A:Good afternoon!


英语风采大赛,梦想主题演讲稿 篇一:希望之星英语风采大赛演讲稿 Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen : It's wonderful for me to be here. Let's start out by asking a question: If you have no feet, will you choose to play football I'll give a "yes". One of my junior school classmates inspired me a lot. She was unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and muscle problem, usually, people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything, even our teachers. But, instead, she takes an optimistic attitude towards life. She works very hard in school and does even better than those who laugh at her. Although she suffers a great deal, she doesn’t lose heart. Her experience taught me a lesson about hope, faith and persistence of life, which reminds me of the movie Forrest Gump. I look up to these people who are broken in body but strong in will. That's why I want everyone to put aside our prejudice against these people. Thanks for your attention and letting me share my opinions with you.


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to CCTV English speaking contest 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!这里是CCTV 口语选拔赛的比赛现场,我是今天的主持人。我们都知道在二十一世纪的今天,英语已经成为一种国际性的语言,不论是在日常生活中还是在以后的工作中,英语对于我们都是非常重要的。为了提高我系学生的口语水平,同时激励同学们学习英语的热情,给大家提供一个展现自我的平台,学校特举办本次比赛。Before we start ,allow me to intruduce our honorable judges and guests.在比赛开始之前,首先让我们欢迎本次活动的评委和嘉宾。担任本次活动的评委有: 本次活动的嘉宾有: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎评委和嘉宾们的到来! 下面,请允许我介绍本次比赛的详细规则,请各位参赛选手注意: 1.选手依次上台进行演讲,命题自拟,要求内容积极健康。命题演讲时间为3-5分钟,超时将扣分。尽量脱稿,带稿上台将扣分。 2.结束命题演讲后,选手选取题号,按相应题号进行小段英文朗读 3.选手结束朗读后,根据评委要求回答评委问题 4.结束问答后,选手退场

接下来,让我们一起欣赏选手们精彩的演讲。 Now let's warmly welcome contestant Number 1.... contestant no.2 please get ready. 让我们欢迎1号选手,请2号选手做好准备 Thank you for your excellent performance perfect \wonderful\ good thank you very much \ thanks for your performance let's warmly welcome contestant Number ( ).... contestant no.( ) please get ready.下面让我们欢迎()号选手,请()号选手做好准备 感谢所有选手的精彩表现。在比分揭晓之前,先请现场的评委对今天的比赛进行点评,大家欢迎 相信大家等这一刻已经等了很久了,下面就由我来宣布各位选手的最终得分: 下面进入颁奖阶段,有请优胜奖的获得者上台领奖,请上台颁奖。 下面有请最具感染力奖获得者号选手上台领奖请上台颁奖 下面有请最具台风奖获得者号选手上台领奖


第十二届会计学院新生英语风采大赛主持稿 A: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the 12th freshmen talent English final competition of Accounting department. B: 尊敬的评委,老师,亲爱的观众朋友们,大家晚上好! 欢迎来到第十二届新生英语风采大赛的决赛现场 C: With the yearn for new life, our freshmen have finally entered their college. And your arrival has brought in fresh atmosphere and the new campus becomes more vigorous. A: 伴随着对象牙塔的美好憧憬,新同学们步入了大学校园。你们的到来给校园带来了清新的气息,崭新的校园因你们而更具活力。B: As a gift, our accounting department provides you with a stage to fully present your talent. C: 在迎接你们到来的同时,我们会计学院也为大家提供了一个充分展现自我的舞台。 A:From September, more than 200 freshmen have participated in this competition, after the cruel contest. 32 came into the semi-final and today we have 16 outstanding speakers to compete in the final round. B:从九月份开始,200多名新生参加了初赛,经过激烈的角逐,32名选手进入了复赛,最终,有16名优秀的选手脱颖而出进入了今天的决赛C: On the stage behind me are our excellent contestants. By the outstanding performances, our contestants won a place in today’s final contest.


“英语风采”大赛主持词 开场语: 英文: ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Good afternoon , Wele to English talent show. 中文:---同学们,老师们,大家下午好。欢迎参加我们的英语风采大赛。 英文:It’s a great pleasure that we are going to hold the first English Talent Show of our school! 中文:---很荣幸我们能担任我校第一届英语风采大赛的主持人。 英文: With the development of society, as a popular language, English is already not only a munication tool, but also a cultural symbol. 中文:---随着社会的发展,英语作为一种流行语言,已经不仅仅是一种交际工具,更是一种文化符号。英文:Today ,Our English Talent Show is a stage for us to display our talents and also a chance for the teachers to enjoy the result of all of their hard work. 中文:---今天,我们的英语才艺表演,是我们展示才华的舞台,也是教师享受辛勤劳动成果的机会。 英文:The vivid story about English can make our life vivid. Singing beautiful English songs can also make us enjoy our life. An exciting speech can encourage all of us. Today,let’s use our wisdom ,speak English and make dreams e true! I think everybo dy here cannot wait to see now, so let’s begin. Let’s look forward to all the teams wisdom, confidence and brilliant performances! Wish them good luck! 中文:---生动的英语故事可以增添我们的生活乐趣,优美的英文歌曲也能让我们感受生活的美好,激动人心的演讲能让我们心潮澎湃。今天,让我们开启我们的智慧,说一口流利的英语,让梦想成真!我想每个人都等不及要看了,所以我们开始吧。让我们期待所有参赛者聪慧,自信,精彩的表演,祝他们好运! 英文:School is the source of our knowledge, is the cradle of our growth, I believe that each of us students deeply love our campus。Now let's listen to the students in Grade Three. What do they think of our campus? 中文:---学校是我们知识的源泉,是我们成长的摇篮,我相信我们每一个学生都热爱我们的校园。现在让我们听听三年级小朋友说说,他们心目中我们的校园是怎样的 英文:The final score of Grade 3 is_________. congratulations 中文:三年级最后得分________.祝贺他们 英文:Gu Dong is Coming,Gu Dong is ing ! What is Gu Dong? Now let’s see the sit Gu Dong is Comi ng from Class1 Grade 4 中文:---Gu Dong来了,Gu Dong来了!Gu Dong是什么?现在让我们看看从4年级1班的情景喜剧Gu Dong 来了。 英文:The final score of Class1 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations 中文:四(1)班最后得分________.祝贺他们 英文:Look,!a group of cute little animals are pulling radishes。Wele to Class 2 Grade 4 for us to show the performance Pull Radish . 中文:---看,一群可爱的小动物在拔萝卜,欢迎四(2)为我们表演情景剧拔萝卜。 英文:The final score of Class2 Grade 4 is_________. congratulations 中文:四(2)班最后得分________.祝贺他们

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