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There once lived a cute lovable girl named Cinderella. But one day a misfortune came upon her. Cinderellas mother was ill and soon died. Every day Cinderella cried so sadly.


Cinderella, Cinderella dont cry Father, comforted her and comforted her. But, because Cinderella missed her mother so much she cried every day. Cinderella please dont cry. Soon your stepmother will be arriving.


The stepmother brought with her two daughters.

Cinderella was happy to have a new stepmother and stepsisters. However, it wasnt for long, for Father soon had to leave on a far away trip. Pretty Cinderella, listen to your stepmother and stepsisters. Cinderella promised her father that she would.


Everyday, while the lazy, ugly stepsisters played they teased Cinderella. Cinderella always stayed up late cleaning and washing the laundry. Cinderella! Clean my shoes. Cinderella always wore tattered clothes and worked all day doing housework.


One day, an invitation came from the royal palace. Mother, the prince is having a ball in finding a bride. Stepmother and stepsisters were in a commotion is choosing there clothes for the ball.


Until we get back clean the house and have the laundry washed spotlessly. The powered and dressed up stepmother and stepsisters left for the ball. Oh! How I wish to go to the ball too. Cinderella left all alone began to cry.


All of a sudden the room became bright and a fairy godmother appeared. Pretty Cinderella why are you crying? I want to go to the ball too. But, theres so much to do and I have nothing to wear


Dont worry Cinderella. As soon as the fairy godmother waved her magic wand, the housework that the stepmother asked was finished. And as soon as the tattered clothes were touched by the magic wand it changed into a splendid dress. And on her feet a pair of lovely glass slippers.


Once the clock strikes twelve the spell will be broken. Dont forget and come before then. As soon as Cinderella arrived at the ball everyones eyes starred at her. Ah! Who can that lovely girl be? The prince asked Cinderella to dance. The two danced happily.


The clock began to strike twelve. The startled Cinderella ran out of the ballroom. She left the ball so quickly that she lost one of her glass slippers. As soon as she came out of the palace the spell was broken. Cinderella went back home with one of her glass slippers.


The prince could not forget the girl who left the ball so quickly. So, the prince searched house by house to find the girl who would fit the glass slipper. However, there was no girl who was able to fit the glass slipper. Finally, he came to Cinderellas house.


The stepsisters fought over the glass slipper and tried it on. Both had big feet and did not fit the shoe. The prince was very disappointed.


I will try on the glass slipper. Cinderella tried on the glass slipper. The shoe fit her perfectly. Cinderella took out the other glass slipper to put it on, Ah! It was you. The prince and Cinderella went back to the palace and lived happily ever after.



灰姑娘童话故事:秋姑娘 老奶奶这个觉睡得真长,她醒过来的时候,窗外正呼呼地刮着大风。 “哎呀!夏姑娘穿得那么单薄,我赶紧找条床单,让她暂时披在身上保保暖吧。” “吱呀!”门打开了,走进来一个英姿飒爽的大姑娘。 “奶奶,您好!我是秋姑娘,我来替二姐夏姑娘照顾您。” “秋姑娘,你是秋姑娘吗?”老奶奶有点不相信地擦了擦眼睛。 “是的,奶奶,我是秋姑娘。我们姐妹四个中,我个儿。” “哦?秋姑娘,你好象个小伙子啊!” “嘿嘿!奶奶,她们都叫我假小子呢!”说着,秋姑娘掀开马甲背心,从怀里掏出一个弹弓,“奶奶,你看,我会玩这个。”说着,秋姑娘对着家门口对面山上一棵苹果树“嗖”地一声射过去,把一个又大又红的苹果射落了。 “奶奶,你喜欢吃苹果吗?”秋姑娘话音刚落,一只雪白的小兔子,已经捧着一只又大又红的苹果跑过来了。“奶奶,这是秋姑娘给你摘的苹果。” “哦,好可爱的小白兔!”说着,老奶奶伸开双臂,把小白兔抱进怀抱。 “秋姑娘,你们姐妹真是大山里的精灵啊!夏姑娘让蜜蜂为我酿蜜,你让小白兔给我送苹果,你们太了不起了。我这个老婆子真幸福啊!” 说着,老奶奶眼里又闪动着晶莹的泪花。

“奶奶,这些都是我们应该做的。”说着,秋姑娘从老奶奶怀里 抱过小白兔说,“小白兔,把苹果放在这里,赶快去给奶奶摘几串野 草莓回来。” 小白兔转身消失到树丛中去了。 秋姑娘牵着老奶奶的手,来到山坳口。春姑娘指着漫山遍野得果 树说:“奶奶,您看,这漫山遍野的果树,都是为您种的。” “天呀!这么多果树,各种各样得果树都有!哪里来的呀?以前 都没有的。”老奶奶惊讶得嘴巴都合不拢了,露出两排光秃秃的牙床。 “奶奶,这是我们为您种的。我会做各种各样的水果清酒,您没 有牙齿,就喝水果清酒吧。水果清酒,能让您健康长寿的。” 整个秋天,秋姑娘都在小白兔的协助下,每天变着花样,给老奶 奶做各种不同的水果清酒。树上的叶子快要落光的时候,老奶奶已经 红光满面了。 傍晚,老奶奶站在家门口,望着前方的小路,风吹得她两鬓的银 丝象杂乱的野草。地上的野草都干枯了,老奶奶知道,冬天就要来了,秋姑娘也要离开了,接下来是她们的小妹妹冬姑娘。 “冬姑娘,会不会把我的儿子带回家来过年?”老奶奶想得出了神。 秋姑娘端着一碗冰糖橙子百合清酒来到老奶奶跟前说:“奶奶, 请喝下秋天最后一杯去火的清酒吧!我不得不跟你说再见,明天,我 们的小妹妹冬姑娘会给您送棉衣来。” 老奶奶颤抖着双手接过秋姑娘为她酿造的最后一杯水果清酒。 老奶奶低头喝酒的时候,秋姑娘悄悄地离开了老奶奶。

Cinderella Stories-灰姑娘故事

Cinderella Stories|灰姑娘故事(现代版) Old Life: Australian lawyer Royal Life: Queen of Denmark You can’t get farther from the palaces of Europe than the remote places of Australia. But that’s where Donaldson, 31, grew up, in a small home in Taroona on the is land of Tasmania. The daughter of a college professor and a university vice-chancellor2, she moved to Sydney to pursue a law career and met Denmark’s Crown Prince Frederik, 35, at a disco during the 2000 Olympics. Within a year Donaldson had moved to Copenhagen to be near her love, trading the courtroom for classes in protocol3 to fit in with4 one of Europe’s oldest royal families. But as her May wedding approaches, Donaldson insists she is still an average Australian girl at heart, telling reporters she wa tched the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana on TV as a kid but wasn’t impressed. “I wasn’t thinking about becoming a princess,” she said. “I actually dreamt of becoming an animal doctor.”Letizia Ortiz Old Life: TV journalist Royal Life: Future Queen of Spain Her mother is a nurse and her father a newspaper reporter, but Ortiz, 31, doesn’t let her fiancé5, Crown Prince Felipe of Spain, control her actions. When Felipe, 35, interrupted her during a press conference to announce their engagement, she g rabbed his arm and said: “Let me finish!” Introduced by friends at a dinner party last spring, the couple kept their love a secret until last autumn and decided marry in May. Though she has been married before to a college professor, that wedding was a civil ceremony, so she and Felipe can still have the church wedding his conservative Catholic6 parents want. “It’s like a fairy tale,” says Ana Campillo, a journalist who knows Ortiz. “Not because she is marrying a prince but because she is marrying a man she loves.”Claire Coombs Old Life: Land surveyor Royal Life: Belgian princess For years most Belgians assumed that Laurent, 40, the youngest son of King AlbertⅡand Queen Paola and eighth in line to his country’s throne, would never marry, preferring fa st cars to settling down. But after a Brussels dinner party in 2000, the prince decided to help with the dishes and wound up washing7 and drying with fellow guest Coombs, 29, the softspoken8 daughter of a British businessman and a Belgian mother. When the prince proposed two years later, he flushed so red with nervousness that Coombs, who worked at a surveyor’s office in Wavre, Belgium, until her April 2003 wedding, burst out laughing9. Since then, the pair have avoided the media. Family and friends give Claire credit for slowing Laurent down10. A Prince Makes a Sacrifice for Love Not all fairy tales are the same. Last year, when Prince Johan Friso, 35, third in line for the throne of the Netherlands11, announced his engagement to Mabel Wisse Smit, 35, the head of a Brussels-based human rights organization, his mother, Queen Beatrix, was very happy to be gaining a “lovable and talented” daughter-in-law. That is, until the media uncovered Wisse Smit’s past relationship with a drug lord, which she had kept from the Dutch parliament, whose members must approve highranking royal marriages, rather than call off the wedding, Johna Friso gave up his right to the throne and weded Wisse Smit in a quiet April ceremony.


童话英语故事带翻译:灰姑娘 Cinderella can’t go to the party because she doesn’t have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. 灰姑娘不能参加宴会,因为她没有漂亮的衣服。她两个姊姊却有漂亮衣服。她们的表情好愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。 Cinderella’s stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince’s party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy. 灰姑娘的两个姊姊出门了。她们要参加王子的宴会。灰姑娘哭了。她也想去赴宴。突然间,有一位女士出现了。她是个好心的仙女。 “Don’t worry,” says the fairy. “You can go to the prince’s party.” “I can’t go,” cries Cinderella. “I don’t have a nice dress.” “别担心,”仙女说。”你可以参加王子的宴会。”“我去不了,”灰姑娘哭道。”我没有象样的衣服。” “It will be all right,” says the fairy. “Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat.” Cin derella quickly finds them. “What will you do?” Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin. “没关系,”仙女说。”替我找一个南瓜,六只家鼠及一只田鼠来。”灰姑娘很快就找到这些东西。”您要怎么做?”灰姑娘问道。仙女把魔棒在南瓜上面挥了一下。 The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach.


《灰姑娘》故事读后感 我最近读了一本书叫《童话故事》,这本书里面有五十多个故事。其中《灰姑娘》这个故事给我留下的印象最深。 灰姑娘从小失去了母亲,她的父亲给他找了一个继母,还带了三个姐姐,从此灰姑娘的苦日子就来了。干的是最累最重的活,穿的是最破最旧的衣服,吃得是最差的饭。整个童年都在痛苦中度过,但她同样有自己的梦想。渴望穿漂亮的衣服!渴望得到别人的关爱!渴望过上幸福的生活!终于在母亲坟头大树的帮助下,获得了王子的爱情,灰姑娘变成了美丽的王后! 看完这个故事,我深深地为灰姑娘的悲惨遭遇而痛心!为灰姑娘终于获得了幸福的生活而高兴!从这个故事中我也懂的了一个人无论处在多么悲惨的境地,都不能放弃梦想。只要通过自己的努力,就一定能够过上幸福的生活!我更要珍惜现在的幸福生活!好好学习,长大后做一个有用的人! 昨天晚上,洗完澡了,我们在家里办了一个“图书馆”。这个“图书馆”里有很多书那! 我们每人拿了一本图书看了起来,我拿了一本我最喜欢的《格林童话》看了起来我看着看着看到一个童话故事前面

夹着一个书签,那个故事叫《灰姑娘》我便仔细的看了起来。故事讲的是:从前有一个美丽的姑娘叫仙蒂,她妈妈因难产而去世了,灰姑娘慢慢的长大了她的的爸爸又给她找了一位继母,之后她的爸爸也去世了。 她的继母带着她的两个姐姐一起欺负仙蒂,她们夺取了仙蒂的漂亮衣服,逼她穿上布满灰尘的脏衣服让她穿上木屐,让她每天早上听到鸡叫就起床干活,一直干到晚上睡觉时,她的继母和姐姐们才要他睡在脏兮兮的厨房里。一次皇上和皇后要为王子选一位未婚妻,决定要在皇宫举行一场盛大的舞会,仙蒂的姐姐们也被邀请了,她们命令仙蒂给她们梳头、穿鞋、选裙子。 最后,一切就绪,仙蒂恳请继母也带她去,继母一口拒绝了,坐上马车,头也不回的走了。正好天上的仙女听到了这件事,她来到仙蒂的面前,手一挥魔法棒,一辆南瓜马车立马出现在仙蒂面前,仙女又给仙蒂穿上豪华的礼服,还给了她一双美丽的水晶鞋,仙蒂穿上刚刚合脚,仙女还警告仙蒂:“你一定要在12点之前回来,否则魔法将会消失。 你就会恢复原来的样子。”说完仙女就离开了,很快仙蒂到了皇宫,王子对她一见钟情,过了一会儿12点的钟声敲响了,仙蒂听见了钟声立马离开了,在途中仙蒂掉了一只美丽的水晶鞋,但她来不及捡,因为王子已经追上来了,她坐上南瓜马车急忙走了。



童话英语故事带翻译:灰姑娘 Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything. 灰姑娘是个美丽的女孩。她有两个继母生的丑姊姊。这两个姊姊对灰姑娘很不好。所有的事都得要灰姑娘做。她必须煮饭、洗衣,什么事她都要做。Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. 灰姑娘不能参加宴会,因为她没有漂亮的衣服。她两个姊姊却有漂亮衣服。她们的表情好愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。 Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy. 灰姑娘的两个姊姊出门了。她们要参加王子的宴会。灰姑娘哭了。她也想去赴宴。突然间,有一位女士出现了。她是个好心的仙女。 "Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress." “别担心,”仙女说。”你可以参加王子的宴会。”“我去不了,”灰姑娘哭道。”我没有象样的衣服。” "It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin. “没关系,”仙女说。”替我找一个南瓜,六只家鼠及一只田鼠来。”灰姑娘很快就找到这些东西。”您要怎么做?”灰姑娘问道。仙女把魔棒在南瓜上面挥了一下。 The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach. 南瓜现在变成了华丽的银马车。仙女把魔棒在六只老鼠上面挥了一挥。她把他们变成六名壮汉。这六名壮汉会跟着马车一块走。接着,仙女再把田鼠变成一名男子,他成了马车夫。 The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful.


格林童话灰姑娘的阅读心得5篇 著名的版本出自格林兄弟。这个版本中,帮助灰姑娘参加舞会的不是仙女而是母亲坟头的许愿树。下面是关于格林童话灰姑娘的阅读心得5篇,希望对你有所帮助。 格林童话灰姑娘的阅读心得1 我最近读了一本书叫《童话故事》,这本书里面有五十多个故事。其中《灰姑娘》这个故事给我留下的印象最深。 灰姑娘从小失去了母亲,她的父亲给他找了一个继母,还带了三个姐姐,从此灰姑娘的苦日子就来了。干的是最累最重的活,穿的是最破最旧的衣服,吃得是最差的饭。整个童年都在痛苦中度过,但她同样有自己的梦想。渴望穿漂亮的衣服!渴望得到别人的关爱!渴望过上幸福的生活!终于在母亲坟头大树的帮助下,获得了王子的爱情,灰姑娘变成了美丽的王后! 看完这个故事,我深深地为灰姑娘的悲惨遭遇而痛心!为灰姑娘终于获得了幸福的生活而高兴!从这个故事中我也懂的了一个人无论处在多么悲惨的境地,都不能放弃梦想。只要通过自己的努力,就一定能够过上幸福的生活!我更要珍惜现在的幸福生活!好好学习,长大后做一个有用的人! 格林童话灰姑娘的阅读心得2 这两天我在看一本很精彩的书,我觉得最精彩的一篇就是《灰姑娘》。故事讲了:一个小姑娘,她妈妈在她出生不久后就去世了,她妈妈对小姑娘说:“好孩子,以后无论你遇到什么事情,都要有一颗善良的心。”然后,她的爸爸又娶了另外一个女人。那个女人也有两个女儿,她们长得很漂亮,心肠很坏,她们觉得这个小姑娘不能和她们在一起,结果她就去生火做饭洗衣服。 国王举行了一个三天的盛大的舞会,要为他的儿子选一个未婚妻。“灰姑娘”也想去,小榛树上的小鸟给“灰姑娘”比前一天都漂亮的衣服,让她去参加舞会,结果她变成了王子的新娘。 从这个故事我得出一个道理,做人要善良,对人要真诚,光有漂亮的外表是不够的,


电影灰姑娘英文简介英语文介绍电影灰姑娘英文简介 Few people aren t familiar with the Brothers Grimm s Cinderella, a fairy tale about a kind-hearted country girl who endures mistreatment at the hands of her cruel and jealous stepmother. The girl never loses hope or becomes jaded by her circumstances, and eventually she wins the heart of a dashing prince. Now this classic story has returned to the big screen. 《格林童话》中灰姑娘的故事可谓无人不知无人不晓:善良的乡下姑娘惨遭妒忌心强、性情残暴的后妈虐待,却并未对生活失去希望,最终,她赢得了英俊王子的心。不久前,这部经典童话再一次登上了大荧幕。 Disney has a history of targeting female audiences with stories that elicit the nostalgia of their childhood years. With dazzling costumes and lavish set design, everything in this latest live-action version of Cinderella is accomplished with this goal in mind. 用童年时代故事吸引有怀旧情结的女性观众一直是迪士尼的传统。这部最新的真人版《灰姑娘》也不例外:华丽的服饰、奢华的背景设计无不显示他们目标观众锁定为女性。 How many girls can resist the story of a young servant who transforms into a beautiful princess, complete with an extravagant blue ball gown and shining crystal glass slippers, all designed through the magic of a charming fairy godmother? 电影里,女仆灰姑娘在仙女教母的魔法下,穿上奢华蓝色礼服长裙、熠熠夺目的水晶鞋,变成美丽公主。这样梦幻的场景,哪个姑娘能抗拒? Movies adapted from fairy tales are nothing new. But in recent years, many of these stories have been revised, even flipped on their heads, to appeal to modern audiences. The 2014 musical drama Into the Woods, for example, combined the stories of Cinderella, Rapunzel, Little Red Riding Hood, and Jack and the Beanstalk to


《灰姑娘》童话故事读后感范文 这个故事讲诉的一个叫灰姑娘的故事,大概内容是这样的;一个叫灰姑娘的女孩妈妈去世了,她爸爸又娶了一个后妈,这个后妈对她很不好每天叫她去厨房干活,有一次一个王子请全国女孩子去跳舞,她的俩个姐姐参加了,灰姑娘的后妈不同意让她去她很伤心,有两只小鸟帮她参加了舞会她和王子跳的很开心,夜深了灰姑娘该回家了王子很舍不得她走,当她要走的时候丢下了一只舞鞋,王子拿着舞鞋就到处寻找能穿上这只舞鞋的女孩子,灰姑娘穿上这只舞鞋正好合适,王子也认出了灰姑娘就是他要找的人。于是王子就带着他的新娘回到王宫去了。 看了这个故事已后我懂得了,好人有好报,恶人有恶报。 暑假,我读了《灰姑娘》的故事,它使我受到了很大的启发。 这个故事讲述的是:从前,美丽的小女孩她的妈妈死了,她的爸爸给找了一个后妈和两个姐姐。他的两个姐姐很爱美,但是她们的心肠很恶毒。她们整天欺负灰姑娘,让她天天睡在厨房里,弄的满身都是灰,所以人们都称她灰姑娘。她在坟墓旁认识的小白鸽。有一天,王子举办了选妃活动,举办了三天三夜。灰姑娘最好被王子选上了,过上了幸福的生活。

通过这个故事我认识到了,人一定要善良要有爱心,只有这样人才活的开心,如果有一颗恶毒的心,就会活的不开心,结局是不会好的。 我看了一本书《灰姑娘》我懂了这本书的意思是,灰姑娘她妈死了,她爸爸又娶了一们继母,继母还带了两个女儿。不久,她爸爸也病死了。继母和她的两个女儿都很坏。 有一天,王子发信,请所有的年轻的主粮参加他们的宴会,灰姑娘也收到了邀请,可继母不让灰姑娘去,让灰姑娘在家为她们打……我想,最后的结局一定是幸福的,灰姑娘找到了属于她的爱。 我觉得我们做人应该也像灰姑娘一样,坚强的面对生活,最终才能找到属于自己的幸福。


Once upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village. The old couple prayed every day that they might have a baby. One day, an old woman moved into the house next door. The Old woman raised lettuce that looked very tasty and delicious. 很久以前,一个村庄里住着一对老夫妻。这对老夫妇每天都祈祷他们能有一个孩子。一天,一位老妇人搬进了隔壁的房子。那位老妇人种的莴苣看上去水灵灵的,很可口。 The old wife wanted to eat the lettuce from next door, and she constantly pestered her husband to let her eat that mouth-watering lettuce. "Dear, I want to have that lettuce." Without knowing what else to do, the husband crept next door and stole the old woman's lettuce. 老太太想吃隔壁的莴苣,她一直缠着丈夫想吃水灵灵的莴苣。“亲爱的,我想吃那边的莴苣。”没有办法,丈夫只好爬到隔壁,偷走了老妇人的莴苣。 However, the woman next door was a witch, and she noticed that the husband of her neighbor had stolen the lettuce. The witch said, "You dare to steal another's lettuce. You deserve to be punished." The husband said, "I am sorry, but my wife wants to have the lettuce very much." 然而,隔壁的老妇人是一个女巫,她知道是邻居的丈夫偷了莴苣。女巫说:“你居然偷别人的莴苣。你应该受到惩罚,”丈夫回答道,“很抱歉,因为我的妻子非常想吃你种的莴苣。


灰姑娘童话剧本(中英文对照) 第一场布景:灰姑娘家旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately . Look, her step mother and her new sister s are coming.(After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.) 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘,她叫辛黛瑞娜(灰姑娘),她的母亲去世了,父亲很爱她。但是一天她的父亲娶了新的妻子,而且她父亲不幸去世了。看,他的继母和继母带来的两个姐姐过来了。 Stepmother: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! 后妈;Helen,Jenny, 快看,好漂亮的房子啊(四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看) Sister(1): Yes, and so many fruits. Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. 后妈女儿(1): 是的,还有好多水果,(一个个用手指点),苹果,香蕉,芒果,荔枝,哇,我都喜欢(吃水果) Sister(2): Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. 后妈女儿(2): (打开衣柜,翻翻看看)妈妈,看,好多漂亮的衣服啊,我喜欢这些裙子(往身上穿) Cinderella:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father 灰姑娘:啊,那是我的裙子,这条新裙子是爸爸卖给我的(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). Sister(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘)Stepmother: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now!Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 后妈:她是你的妹妹,但是别管她。灰姑娘,现在马上去给我把房间打扫干净,然后做饭。 Cinderella: Why? I'm not your servant. 灰姑娘:(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子)为什么?我又不是你们的佣人Stepmother: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant. 后妈:但是从现在开始你就是我们的佣人!(很凶的样子) Sister(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) Sister(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) Cinderella:Oh, no, PLEASE!!! (哭喊) 旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night. She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa; she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty.从那以后,


篇一:格林童话中的灰姑娘 格林童话中的灰姑娘 雅科布·格林(1785-1863),德国著名语言学家,和弟弟威廉·格林 (1786-1859)曾同浪漫主义者交往,思想却倾向于资产阶级自由派。他们注意民间文学,搜集民间童话,亲自记录,加以整理。其中有许多幻想丰富的神奇故事像《灰姑娘的故事等》表达出人民的愿望和是非感:贪婪的富有者得不到好下场;被压迫、被歧视的劳动者和儿童经过重重灾难,最后得到胜利;农民和手工业者在受人轻视或凌辱时显示出惊人的智慧,而暴君、地主自以为有权有势,实际上却愚蠢无知,在人前丢丑;忠诚老实、被“聪明人”嘲笑的“傻瓜”总是得到同情和赞扬。但这些童话的蓝本大都是封建社会的产物,更加以编纂者的唯心主义世界观的局限,其中不少是带有浓厚的宗教情绪,宣扬封建道德,鼓励安分守己的处世态度的。 格林兄弟出生于莱茵河畔的哈瑙(hanau),具有很高创造力,将当时民间的文学资料搜集起来,并合而为一,哥哥雅各布·格林是严谨的史家,弟弟威廉·格林文笔优美,最後他们共同编成《儿童与家庭童话集》(kinderundhausmärchen),亦即《格林童话》,1812年格林童话第一集出版,包含了86篇童话故事,第二集增加了70个故事,内容不断扩充,格林兄弟生前出版(第七版)的故事集有200则,加上圣徒传说多达210则,再加上补遗就有215则。其中以《灰姑娘》、《白雪公主》、《小红帽》、《睡美人》、《糖果屋》、《青蛙王子》、《渔夫和他的妻子》、《野狼和七只小羊》、《大拇指》、《勇敢的小裁缝》、《不莱梅的城市乐手》、《穿靴子的猫》最为著名。篇二:《灰姑娘的故事》带给我的启示 《灰姑娘的故事》带给我的启示 通过教育网这个平台,我看过了《灰姑娘的故事》,这个美国课程案例。这个故事,是我们耳熟能详的一个格林童话。但是,这节课,却给我巨大的震撼。让我深思我们中国式的教育。也深刻的体会到了三维教学的优点和好处。 在案例中,例如,老师问学生灰姑娘的后妈是一个恶毒的人吗?如果你是灰姑娘的后妈,你会让灰姑娘去参加婚礼吗?学生想了想,答案是,不会。也许,在我们成年人的眼中,已经形成了定向思维。比如,后妈就是一个恶毒的形象。但是,如果运用“三维的思想”,从后妈的角度来看的话,她也拥有母性的情感。她也会更加疼爱自己的女儿,而不是那个灰姑娘。其实,事物并不是只有一面,只有我们认识的那一面。就像前几年曾经风靡一时的《狼图腾》一样,作者姜戎就向我们读者完美的诠释了一个别样的狼的形象。从中国古代的成语“与狼共舞”“狼狈为奸”中就可以看出,古时候也包括我们现在的人都认为狼是凶狠残忍的代表。但是,书中通过一个个惊险的故事,描绘出了勇敢无畏的狼性,以及令世人震撼的狼的“团队精神”。看过这本书后,才发现,狼竟然有那么多要我们人类学习的品质。也让我们改变了以前那种对狼的态度。因此,我们老师通过三维教学,让学生站在不同的角度来看问题,多提一些“假如你是……那么你会怎么做?”此类的问题。会让学生自己通过思考来得出答案,也不会有老师向学生灌输“思想”的情况出现。另外,我想我们教师也可以多开展一些“头脑风暴”的活动。让学生们发散思维,尽情的翱翔于想象和知识的海洋之中。有助于学生的智力的培养和能力的提升。 在案例的最后,老师提出了一个问题。你们发现故事有什么地方不对吗?学生马上说,在午夜 12 点以后所有的一切都会变回原样,但是水晶鞋没有变回去。也许,我们很多人都没有发现这个问题。只因为这是名著,是毋庸置疑的。但是,现代教学除了要教给学生们知识以外,更重要的是教给学生们一种精神。要有“站着读书”的精神。何为站着读书?相对比而言就有“跪着读书”。一味的相信权威,相信名著。不敢提出自己的见解,像是清朝军机处的大臣,只有跪受笔录的份儿。因此,我们要敢于挑战权威,要敢于质疑。在《鲁滨逊漂流记》中,作者笛福在描写鲁滨逊漂流到孤岛上后,又回船上去取物品的时候。书里写到,他脱掉


少儿灰姑娘童话故事:水晶姑娘 从前,有一个浑身透明的漂亮玻璃小姑娘,因为她的妈妈在快要 生她的时候,以前希望得到一套玻璃茶杯,所以,她一降生就是一个 透明美丽的玻璃人。这个小姑娘就是我——水晶姑娘。 作为一个玻璃人,我简直烦透了!因为只要我一跑动,爸爸、妈妈 就会冲着我大声喊:"当心,孩子,别摔碎了!" 爸爸、妈妈每天提心吊胆地替我担心。每天早晨,吃早餐、喝牛 奶和咖啡的时候,他们会对我说:"不要喝太快了,烫,慢慢喝,要不,你会炸开的。"到了晚上,吃过晚饭以后,他们更是一个劲地叮嘱:" 千万要离火远一点,要不,你会被烤化的。"哎呀,就连我吃块糖别人 都会知道,因为我的身体是透明的。 不过,我也有讨人喜欢的地方。谁如果用手指轻轻弹我一下,我 的脸蛋就会发出水晶般清脆的声音。如果我穿一件薄纱裙子,在阳光下,裙子也显得格外晶莹。还有,我洗脸从来不用肥皂,只用一点点 洗玻璃的去污粉就行。 我和别的小朋友一样,每天都要去上学。上学的时候,妈妈便会 在我透明的头发上系一个蝴蝶结,上面绣着"易碎"两个字。 班上的女同学们都喜欢我,因为我的水晶嗓子特别动听,所以我 的音乐课考试在班上从来都是第一名。我的作文,文风清朗,大家都 喜欢读。特别有趣的是,在考试的时候,同学们能够透过我的身体抄 袭我的答案。 除了透明,我还有一个优点,那就是我水晶姑娘从来不说谎,我 的小嘴只说真话。这个点,最使爸爸、妈妈感到自豪,所以他们也更 加喜欢我。 这个年,爸爸、妈妈为了奖励我,答应在我过生日的这个天,满 足我提出的任何要求。不过,我想了半天也没提出什么要求来,因为

对我来说,几个小小的瓶子和一点点水,就是玩、最漂亮的玩具了。 因为我提不出什么要求,妈妈便给了我一枚一百法郎的钱币,让我随 便支配。圆圆的钱币,像月亮一样美丽。我很高兴,带着钱币,蹦蹦 跳跳地到郊外去玩。 不过,刚一出城,我就不小心把钱币弄丢了。我一路上找呀找, 就是找不到。我很害怕,头上的玻璃头发"当当"地响,心也"叮叮当当"地跳,眼里噙满了泪水。 天晚了,什么也看不见了,我只好往家里走。一想到爸爸、妈妈 知道我丢了钱币后的生气样,就紧张得要命。 快到家了,邻居站在我家的门口。她问:"水晶姑娘,今天玩得好吗?你没把钱放进攒钱罐吧?"我没敢回答,直接走了过去。我打了个嗝,立刻就感觉到身上什么地方响了一下。 我忐忑不安地回到家里,心里老想着爸爸、妈妈会生气的事。 "水晶姑娘,你玩得痛快吗?"爸爸在厨房里一边修椅子一边问我。 我点了一下头,装作刚跑得上气不接下气的样子,大声咳嗽了一声。 这个咳嗽不要紧,我立刻觉得身上发出更大的咔嚓声。我跑进自己的 房间。刚走进房间,妈妈就轻轻推门进来了,她问我:"亲爱的,你玩 得好吗?"我刚刚说了个"好"字,就觉得身体里发出了一声可怕的炸响,我大叫了一声,身体就碎成了一千块,每一块碎玻璃都发出悦耳的响声,然后一块块又都逐步沉默下来。 "我的女儿!我的女儿!"妈妈放声痛哭。 我已经不能说话了,碎成的那一千块玻璃发出了"叮零,叮零"的 声音。 妈妈顾不得被玻璃划破了手,把那一千块玻璃碎片仔细地拾起来,装在篮子里,就急急忙忙地跑去找医生。


精品文档 精品文档英语童话故事:灰姑娘的故事 Cinderella is a beautiful girl. She has two ugly stepsisters. They are not kind to Cinderella. Cinderella does all of the work. She must cook, clean and do everything. One day, a letter comes to the house. It is a letter from the prince. He will have a big party. He would like the three girls to come. The prince wants to find a wife. Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. Cinderella's stepsisters leave the house. They are going to the prince's party. Cinderella cries. She also wants to go to the party. Suddenly, a woman shows up. She is a kind fairy. "Don't worry," says the fairy. "You can go to the prince's party." "I can't go," cries Cinderella. "I don't have a nice dress." "It will be all right," says the fairy. "Go get a pumpkin, six mice and a rat." Cinderella quickly finds them. "What will you do?" Cinderella asks. The fairy waves her wand over the pumpkin. The pumpkin is now a beautiful silver coach. The fairy waves her wand over the six mice. She changes them into six strong men. The six men will walk with the coach. Then the fairy changes the rat into a man. He is the driver of the coach. The coach is beautiful, but Cinderella still looks sad. "I still can't go to the party. My dress is too ugly," she says. "Don't worry," says the fairy. She waves her wand and makes Cinderella's dress beautiful. Now Cinderella has a nice dress. It is gold and very pretty. Her shoes are made of glass. Cinderella is so beautiful. She can go to the party. "You must leave the party before twelve o'clock," says the fairy. "At 12:00 the magic will end." "I will be back before twelve o'clock," says Cinderella. She gets into the coach to go to the party.

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