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From Point Cloud to Grid DEM A Scalable Approach

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM A Scalable Approach
From Point Cloud to Grid DEM A Scalable Approach

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach

Pankaj K.Agarwal 1,Lars Arge 12,and Andrew Danner 1

1Department of Computer Science,Duke University,Durham,NC27708,USA


2Department of Computer Science,University of Aarhus,Aarhus,Denmark


Summary.Given a set S of points in R3sampled from an elevation function H:R2→R, we present a scalable algorithm for constructing a grid digital elevation model(DEM).Our algorithm consists of three stages:First,we construct a quad tree on S to partition the point set into a set of non-overlapping segments.Next,for each segment q,we compute the set of points in q and all segments neighboring q.Finally,we interpolate each segment independently using points within the segment and its neighboring segments.

Data sets acquired by LIDAR and other modern mapping technologies consist of hundreds of millions of points and are too large to?t in main memory.When processing such massive data sets,the transfer of data between disk and main memory(also called I/O),rather than the CPU time,becomes the performance bottleneck.We therefore present an I/O-ef?cient algo-rithm for constructing a grid DEM.Our experiments show that the algorithm scales to data sets much larger than the size of main memory,while existing algorithms do not scale.For example,using a machine with1GB RAM,we were able to construct a grid DEM containing 1.3billion cells(occupying1.2GB)from a LIDAR data set of over390million points(occu-pying20GB)in about53hours.Neither ArcGIS nor GRASS,two popular GIS products,were able to process this data set.


One of the basic tasks of a geographic information system(GIS)is to store a repre-sentation of various physical properties of a terrain such as elevation,temperature, precipitation,or water depth,each of which can be viewed as a real-valued bivariate function.Because of simplicity and ef?cacy,one of the widely used representations is the so-called grid representation in which a functional value is stored in each cell of a two-dimensional uniform grid.However,many modern mapping technologies Supported by NSF under grants CCR-00-86013,EIA-01-31905,CCR-02-04118,and DEB-04-25465,by ARO grants W911NF-04-1-0278and DAAD19-03-1-0352,and by a grant from the U.S.–Israel Binational Science Foundation.

Supported in part by the US Army Research Of?ce through grant W911NF-04-1-0278and by an Ole R?mer Scholarship from the Danish National Science Research Council.

Supported by the US Army Research Of?ce through grant W911NF-04-1-0278.

2P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner do no acquire data on a uniform grid.Hence the raw data is a set S of N(arbitrary) points in R3,sampled from a function H:R2→R.An important task in GIS is thus to interpolate S on a uniform grid of a prescribed resolution.

In this paper,we present a scalable algorithm for this interpolation problem.Al-though our technique is general,we focus on constructing a grid digital elevation model(DEM)from a set S of N points in R3acquired by modern mapping tech-niques such as LIDAR.These techniques generate huge amounts of high-resolution data.For example,LIDAR3acquires highly accurate elevation data at a resolution of one point per square meter or better and routinely generates hundreds of millions of points.It is not possible to store these massive data sets in the internal memory of even high-end machines,and the data must therefore reside on larger but consider-ably slower disks.When processing such huge data sets,the transfer of data between disk and main memory(also called I/O),rather than computation,becomes the per-formance bottleneck.An I/O-ef?cient algorithm that minimizes the number of disk accesses leads to tremendous runtime improvements in these cases.In this paper we develop an I/O-ef?cient algorithm for constructing a grid DEM of unprecedented size from massive LIDAR data sets.

Related work.A variety of methods for interpolating a surface from a set of points have been proposed,including inverse distance weighting(IDW),kriging, spline interpolation and minimum curvature surfaces.Refer to[12]and the refer-ences therein for a survey of the different methods.However,the computational complexity of these methods often make it infeasible to use them directly on even moderately large points sets.Therefore,many practical algorithms use a segmenta-tion scheme that decomposes the plane(or rather the area of the plane containing the input points)into a set of non-overlapping areas(or segments),each contain-ing a small number of input points.One then interpolates the points in each segment independently.Numerous segmentation schemes have been proposed,including sim-ple regular decompositions and decompositions based on V oronoi diagrams[18]or quad trees[14,11].A few schemes using overlapping segments have also been pro-posed[19,17].

As mentioned above,since I/O is typically the bottleneck when processing large data sets,I/O-ef?cient algorithms are designed to explicitly take advantage of the large main memory and disk block size[2].These algorithms are designed in a model in which the computer consists of an internal(or main)memory of size M and an in?nite external https://www.doczj.com/doc/7710606.html,putation is considered free but can only occur on ele-ments in main memory;in one I/O-operation,or simply I/O,B consecutive elements can be transfered between internal and external memory.The goal of an I/O-ef?cient algorithm is to minimize the number of I/Os.

ManyΘ(N)time algorithms that do not explicitly consider I/O useΘ(N)I/Os when used in the I/O-model.However,the“linear”bound,the number of I/Os needed to read N elements,is onlyΘ(scan(N))=Θ(N)in the I/O model.The number of 3In this paper,we consider LIDAR data sets that represent the actual terrain and have been pre-processed by the data providers to remove spikes and errors due to noise.

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach 3

I/Os needed to sort N elements is Θ(sort(N ))=Θ(N B log M/B N B )[2].In prac-

tice,B is on the order of 103–105,so scan(N )and sort(N )are typically much smaller than N .Therefore tremendous speedups can often be obtained by develop-ing algorithms that use O (scan(N ))or O (sort(N ))I/Os rather than ?(N )I/Os.Numerous I/O-ef?cient algorithms and data structures have been developed in re-cent years,including several for fundamental GIS problems (refer to [4]and the references therein for a survey).Agarwal et.al [1]presented a general top-down lay-ered framework for constructing a certain class of spatial data structures–including quad trees–I/O-ef?ciently.Hjaltason and Samet [9]also presented an I/O-ef?cient quad-tree construction algorithm.This optimal O (sort(N ))I/O algorithm is based on assigning a Morton block index to each point in S ,encoding its location along a Morton-order (Z-order)space-?lling curve,sorting the points by this index,and then constructing the structure in a bottom-up manner.

Our approach.In this paper we describe an I/O-ef?cient algorithm for construct-ing a grid DEM from LIDAR points based on quad-tree segmentation.Most of the segmentation based algorithms for this problem can be considered as consisting of three separate phases;the segmentation phase,where the decomposition is computed based on S ;the neighbor ?nding phase,where for each segment in the decomposi-tion the points in the segment and the relevant neighboring segments are computed;and the interpolation phase,where a surface is interpolated in each segment and the interpolated values of the grid cells in the segment are computed.In this paper,we are more interested in the segmentation and neighbor ?nding phases than the par-ticular interpolation method used in the interpolation phase.We will focus on the quad tree based segmentation scheme because of its relative simplicity and because it has been used with several interpolation methods such as thin plate splines [14]and B-splines [11].We believe that our techniques will apply to other segmentation schemes as well.

Our algorithm implements all three phases I/O-ef?ciently,while allowing the use of any given interpolation method in the interpolation phase.Given a set S of N points,a desired output grid speci?ed by a bounding box and a cell resolution,as well as a threshold parameter k max ,the algorithm uses O (N B h M +sort(T ))I/Os,where h is the height of a quad tree on S with at most k max points in each leaf,and T is the number of cells in the desired grid DEM.Note that this is O (sort(N )+sort(T ))I/Os if h =O (log N ),that is,if the points in S are distributed such that the quad tree is roughly balanced.

The three phases of our algorithm are described in Section 2,Section 3and Sec-tion 4.In Section 2we describe how to construct a quad tree on S with at most k max points in each leaf using O (N h log M B )I/Os.The algorithm is based on the frame-work of Agarwal et.al [1].Although not as ef?cient as the algorithm by Hjaltason and Samet [9]in the worst case,we believe that it is simpler and potentially more practical;for example,it does not require computation of Morton block indices or sorting of the input points.Also in most practical cases where S is relatively nicely distributed,for example when working with LIDAR data,the two algorithms both

4P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner use O (sort(N ))I/Os.In Section 3we describe how to ?nd the points in all neighbor leaves of each quad-tree leaf using O (N B h log M B )I/Os.The algorithm is simple and very similar to our quad-tree construction algorithm;it takes advantage of how the quad tree is naturally stored on disk during the segmentation phase.Note that while Hjaltason and Samet [9]do not describe a neighbor ?nding algorithm based on their Morton block approach,it seems possible to use their approach and an I/O-ef?cient priority queue [5]to obtain an O (sort(N ))I/O algorithm for the problem.However,this algorithm would be quite complex and therefore probably not of practical inter-est.Finally,in Section 4we describe how to apply an interpolation scheme to the points collected for each quad-tree leaf,evaluate the computed function at the rele-vant grid cells within the segment corresponding to each leaf,and construct the ?nal grid using O (scan(N ))+O (sort(T ))I/Os.As mentioned earlier,we can use any given interpolation method within each segment.

To investigate the practical ef?ciency of our algorithm we implemented it and experimentally compared it to other interpolation algorithms using LIDAR data.To summarize the results of our experiments,we show that,unlike existing algorithms,our algorithm scales to data sets much larger than the main memory.For example,using a 1GB machine we were able to construct a grid DEM containing 1.3billion points (occupying 1.2GB)from a LIDAR data set of over 390million points (occu-pying 20GB)in just 53hours.This data set is an order of magnitude larger than what could be handled by two popular GIS products–ArcGIS and GRASS.In addition to supporting large input point sets,we were also able to construct very large high res-olution grids;in one experiment we constructed a one meter resolution grid DEM containing more than 53billion cells—storing just a single bit for each grid cell in this DEM requires 6GB.

In Section 5we describe the details of the implementation of our theoreti-cally I/O-ef?cient algorithm that uses a regularized spline with tension interpolation method [13].We also describe the details of an existing algorithm implemented in GRASS using the same interpolation method;this algorithm is similar to ours but it is not I/O-ef?cient.In Section 6we describe the results of the experimental compar-ison of our algorithm to other existing implementations.As part of this comparison,we present a detailed comparison of the quality of the grid DEMs produced by our algorithm and the similar algorithm in GRASS that show the results are in good agreement.

2Segmentation Phase:Quad-Tree Construction Given a set S of N points contained in a bounding box [x 1,x 2]×[y 1,y 2]in the plane,and a threshold k max ,we wish to construct a quad tree T [8]on S such that each quad-tree leaf contains at most k max points.Note that the leaves of T partition the bounding box [x 1,x 2]×[y 1,y 2]into a set of disjoint areas,which we call segments .Incremental construction.T can be constructed incrementally simply by in-serting the points of S one at a time into an initially empty tree.For each point p ,

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach 5we traverse a root-leaf path in T to ?nd the leaf v containing p .If v contains less than k max points,we simply insert p in v .Otherwise,we split v into four new leaves,each representing a quadrant of v ,and re-distribute p and the points in v to the new leaves.If h is the height of T ,this algorithm uses O (Nh )time.If the input points in S are relatively evenly distributed we have h =O (log N ),and the algorithm uses O (N log N )time.

If S is so large that T must reside on disk,traversing a path of length h may require as many as h I/Os,leading to an I/O cost of O (Nh )in the I/O-model.By storing (or blocking )the nodes of T on disk intelligently,we may be able to access a subtree of depth log B (size B )in a single I/O and thus reduce the cost to O (N h log B )I/Os.Caching the top-most levels of the tree in internal memory may also reduce the number of I/Os needed.However,since not all the levels ?t in internal memory,it is hard to avoid spending an I/O to access a leaf during each insertion,or ?(N )I/Os in total.Since sort(N ) N in almost all cases,the incremental approach is very inef?cient when the input points do not ?t in internal memory.

Level-by-level construction.A simple I/O-ef?cient alternative to the incre-mental construction algorithm is to construct T level-by-level:We ?rst construct the ?rst level of T ,the root v ,by scanning through S and,if N >k max ,distributing each point p to one of four leaf lists on disk corresponding to the child of v containing p .Once we have scanned S and constructed one level,we construct the next level by loading each leaf list in turn and constructing leaf lists for the next level of T .While processing one list we keep a buffer of size B in memory for each of the four new leaf lists (children of the constructed node)and write buffers to the leaf lists on disk as they run full.Since we in total scan S on each level of T ,the algorithm uses O (Nh )time,the same as the incremental algorithm,but only O (Nh/B )I/Os.However,

even in the case of h =log 4N ,this approach is still a factor of log M B N /log 4N from the optimal O (N B log M B N B )I/O bound.Hybrid https://www.doczj.com/doc/7710606.html,ing the framework of Agarwal et.al [1],we design a hybrid algorithm that combines the incremental and level-by-level approaches.In-

Fig.1.Construction of a quad-tree layer of depth three with k max =2.Once a leaf at depth three is created,no further splitting is done;instead additional points in the leaf are stored in leaf lists shown below shaded nodes.After processing all points the shaded leaves with more than two points are processed recursively.

6P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner

stead of constructing a single level at a time,we can construct a layer of log4M

B levels.Because4log4M B=M/B

the root of the layer to a leaf of the layer is of height log4M

B .In this case,we write

all points contained in such a leaf v to a list L v on disk.After all points have been processed and the layer constructed,we write the layer to disk sequentially and re-cursively construct layers for each leaf list L i.Refer to Figure1.

Since a layer has at most M/B nodes,we can keep a internal memory buffer of size B for each leaf list and only write points to disk when a buffer runs full(for leaves that contain less than B points in total,we write the points in all such leaves to a single list after constructing the layer).In this way we can construct a layer on N

points in O(N/B)=scan(N)I/Os.Since a tree of height h has h/log4M

B layers,

the total construction cost is O(N h

log M

B )I/Os.This is sort(N)=O(N log M



I/Os when h=O(log N).

3Neighbor Finding Phase

Let T be a quad tree on S.We say that two leaves are neighbors if their associated segments share part of an edge or a corner.Refer to Figure2for an example.If L is the set of segments associated with the leaves of T,we want to?nd for each q∈L the set S q of points contained in q and the neighbor leaves of q.As for the construction algorithm,we?rst describe an incremental algorithm and then improve its ef?ciency using a layered approach.

Fig.2.The segment q associated with a leaf of a quad tree and its six shaded neighboring segments.

Incremental approach.For each segment q∈L,we can?nd the points in the neighbors of q using a simple recursive procedure:Starting at the root v of T,we compare q to the segments associated with the four children of v.If the bounding box of a child u shares a point or part of an edge with q,then q is a neighbor of at

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach 7least one leaf in the tree rooted in u ;we therefore recursively visit each child with an associated segment that either neighbors or contains q .When we reach a leaf we insert all points in the leaf in S q .

To analyze the algorithm,we ?rst bound the total number of neighbor segments found over all segments q ∈L .Consider the number of neighbor segments that are at least the same size as a given segment q ;at most one segment can share each of q ’s four edges,and at most four more segments can share the four corner points of q .Thus,there are at most eight such neighbor segments.Because the neighbor relation is symmetric,the total number of neighbor segments over all segments is at most twice the total number of neighbor segments which are at least the same size.Thus the total number of neighbor segments over all segments is at most 16times the num-ber of leaves of T .Because the total number of leaves is at most 4N/k max ,and since the above algorithm traverses a path of height h for each neighbor,it visits O (Nh )nodes in total.Furthermore,as each leaf contains at most k max points,the algorithm reports O (Nk max )points in total.Thus the total running time of the algorithm is O ((h +k max )N )=O (hN )).This is also the worst case I/O cost.

Layered approach.To ?nd the points in the neighboring segments of each seg-ment in L using a layered approach similar to the one used to construct T ,we ?rst load the top log 4M B levels of T into memory.We then associate with each leaf u in the layer,a buffer B u of size B in internal memory and a list L u in external mem-ory.For each segment q ∈L ,we use the incremental algorithm described above to ?nd the leaves of the layer with an associated segment that completely contains q or share part of a boundary with q .Suppose u is such a layer leaf.If u is also a leaf of the entire tree T ,we add the pair (q,S u )to a global list Λ,where S u is the set of points stored at u .Otherwise,we add q to the buffer B u associated with u ,which is written to L u on disk when B u runs full.After processing all segments in L ,we recursively process the layers rooted at each leaf node u and its corresponding list L u .Finally,after processing all layers,we sort the global list of neighbor points Λby the ?rst element q in the pairs (q,S u )stored in Λ.After this,the set S q of points in the neighboring segments of q are in consecutive pairs of Λ,so we can construct all S q sets in a simple scan of Λ.

Since we access nodes in T during the above algorithm in the same order they were produced in the construction of T ,we can process each layer of log 4M B levels of T in scan(N )I/Os.Furthermore,since q |S q |=O (N ),the total number of I/Os

used to sort and scan Λis O (sort(N )).Thus the algorithm uses O (N B h M B )I/Os in

total,which is O (sort(N ))when h =O (log N ).4Interpolation Phase

Given the set S q of points in each segment q (quad tree leaf area)and the neighboring segments of q ,we can perform the interpolation phase for each segment q in turn sim-ply by using any interpolation method we like on the points in S q ,and evaluating the

8P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner computed function to interpolate each of the grid cells in q.Since q|S q|=O(N), and assuming that each S q?ts in memory(otherwise we maintain a internal memory priority queue to keep the n max


We implemented our methods in C++using TPIE[7,6],a library that eases the implementation of I/O-ef?cient algorithms and data structures by providing a set of primitives for processing large data sets.Our algorithm takes as input a set S of points,a grid size,and a parameter k max that speci?es the maximum number of points per quad tree segment,and computes the interpolated surface for the grid using our segmentation algorithm and a regularized spline with tension interpolation method[13].We chose this interpolation method because it is used in the open source GIS GRASS module s.surf.rst[14]—the only GRASS surface interpolation method that uses segmentation to handle larger input sizes—and provides a means to compare our I/O-ef?cient approach to an existing segmentation method.Below we discuss two implementation details of our approach:thinning the input point set,and supporting a bit mask.Additionally,we highlight the main differences between our implementation and s.surf.rst.

Thinning point sets.Because LIDAR point sets can be very dense,there are often several cells in the output grid that contain multiple input points,especially when the grid cell size is large.Since it is not necessary to interpolate at sub-pixel resolutions,computational ef?ciency improves if one only includes points that are suf?ciently far from other points in a quad-tree segment.Our implementation only includes points in a segment that are at least a user-speci?ed distanceεfrom all other points within the segment.By default,εis half the size of a grid cell.We implement this feature with no additional I/O cost simply by checking the distance between a new point p and all other points within the quad-tree leaf containing p and discarding p if it is within a distanceεof another point.

Bit mask.A common GIS feature is the ability to specify a bit mask that skips computation on certain grid cells.The bit mask is a grid of the same size as the output grid,where each cell has a zero or one bit value.We only interpolate grid cell

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach 9values when the bit mask for the cell has the value one.Bit masks are particularly useful when the input data set consists of an irregularly shaped region where the input points are clustered and large areas of the grid are far from the input points.Skipping the interpolation of the surface in these places reduces computation time,especially when many of the bit mask values are zero.

For high resolution grids,the number of grid cells can be very large,and the bit mask may be larger than internal memory and must reside on disk.Randomly querying the bit mask for each output grid cell would be very expensive in terms of I/O https://www.doczj.com/doc/7710606.html,ing the same ?ltering idea described in Section 2and Section 3,we ?lter the bit mask bits through the quad-tree layer by layer such that each quad-tree segment gets a copy of the bit mask bits it needs during interpolation.The algorithm uses O (T B h log M


)I/Os in total,where T is the number of cells in the output grid,which is O (sort(T ))when h =O (log N ).The bits for a given segment can be accessed sequentially as we interpolate each quad-tree segment.

GRASS Implementation.The GRASS module s.surf.rst uses a quad-tree segmentation,but is not I/O-ef?cient in several key areas which we brie?y discuss;constructing the quad tree,supporting a bit mask,?nding neighbors,and evaluating grid cells.All data structures in the GRASS implementation with the exception of the output grid are stored in memory and must use considerably slower swap space on disk if internal memory is exhausted.During construction points are simply inserted into an internal memory quad tree using the incremental construction approach of Section 2.Thinning of points using the parameter εduring construction is imple-mented exactly as our implementation.The bit mask in s.surf.rst is stored as a regular grid entirely in memory and is accessed randomly during interpolation of segments instead of sequentially in our approach.

Points from neighboring quad-tree segment are not found in advance as in our algorithm,but are found when interpolating a given quad-tree segment q ;the algo-rithm creates a window w by expanding q in all directions by a width δand querying the quad tree to ?nd all points within w .The width δis adjusted by binary search until the number of points within w is between a user speci?ed range [n min ,n max ].Once an appropriate number of points is found for a quad-tree segment q ,the grid cells in q are interpolated and written directly to the proper location in the output grid by randomly seeking to the appropriate ?le offset and writing the interpolated results.When each segment has a small number of cells,writing the values of the T output grid cells uses O (T ) sort(T )I/Os.Our approach constructs the output grid using the signi?cantly better sort(T )I/Os.6Experiments

We ran a set of experiments using our I/O-ef?cient implementation of our algorithm and compared our results to existing GIS tools.We begin by describing the data sets on which we ran the experiments,then compare the ef?ciency and accuracy of our algorithm with other methods.We show that our algorithm is scalable to over 395

10P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner


Fig.3.(a)Neuse river basin data set and(b)Outer Banks data set,with zoom to very small region.

million points and over53billion output grid cells–well beyond the limits of other GIS tools we tested.

Experimental setup.We ran our experiments on an Intel3.4GHz Pentium4 hyper-threaded machine with1GB of internal memory,over4GB of swap space,and running a Linux2.6kernel.The machine had a pair of400GB SATA disk drives in a non-RAID con?guration.One disk stored the input and output data sets and the other disk was used for temporary scratch space.

For our experiments we used two large LIDAR data sets,freely available from online sources;one of the Neuse river basin from the North Carolina Floodmaps project[15]and one of the North Carolina Outer Banks from NOAA’s Coastal Ser-vices Center[16].

Neuse river basin.This data set contains500million points,more than20GB of raw data;see Figure3(a).The data have been pre-processed by the data providers to remove most points on buildings and vegetation.The average spacing between points is roughly20ft.

Outer banks.This data set contains212million LIDAR points,9GB of raw data; see Figure3(b).Data points are con?ned to a narrow strip(a zoom of a very small portion of the data set is shown in the?gure).This data set has not been heavily pre-processed to remove buildings and vegetation.The average point spacing is roughly 3ft.

Scalability results.We ran our algorithm on both the Neuse river and Outer Banks data sets at varying grid cell resolutions.Because we used the default value ofε(half the grid cell size)increasing the size of grid cells decreased the number of points in the quad tree and the number of points used for interpolation.Results

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach11 are summarized in Table1.In each test,the interpolation phase was the most time-consuming phase;interpolation consumed over80%of the total running time on the Neuse river basin data set.For each test we used a bit mask to ignore cells more than300ft from the input points.Because of the irregular shape of the Outer Banks data,this bit mask is very large,but relatively sparse(containing very few“1”bits). Therefore,?ltering the bit mask and writing the output grid for the Outer Banks data were relatively time-consuming phases when compared to the Neuse river data. Note that the number of grid cells in the Outer Banks is roughly three orders of magnitude greater than the number of quad-tree points.As the grid cell size decreases and the total number of cells increases,bit mask and grid output operations consume a greater percentage of the total time.At a resolution of5ft,the bit mask alone for the Outer Banks data set is over6GB.Even at such large grid sizes,interpolation—an internal memory procedure—was the most time-consuming phase,indicating that I/O was not a bottleneck in our algorithm.

Dataset Neuse Outer Banks


Output grid cells(×106)13603405316013402

quad-tree points(×106)39523612866

Total Time(hrs)53.024.417.7 6.9

Time spent to...(%)

Build tree 2.0 3.8 4.58.6

Find Neighbors10.615.114.516.4

Filter Bit mask0.20.313.18.0


Write Output0.80.415.39.2

Table1.Results from the Neuse river basin and the Outer Banks data sets.

We also tried to test other available interpolation methods,including s.surf.rst in the open source GIS GRASS;kriging,IDW,spline,and topo-to-raster(based on ANUDEM[10])tools in ArcGIS9.1;and QTModeler4from Applied Imagery[3]. Only s.surf.rst supported the thinning of data points based on cell size,so for the other programs we simply used a subset of the data points.None of the ArcGIS tools could process more than25million points from the Neuse river basin at20ft resolution and every tool crashed on large input sizes.The topo-to-raster tool pro-cessed the largest set amongst the ArcGIS tools at21million points.

The s.surf.rst could not process more than25million points https://www.doczj.com/doc/7710606.html,ing a resolution of200ft,s.surf.rst could process the entire Neuse data set in six hours,but the quad tree only contained17.4million points.Our algorithm processed the same data set at200ft resolution in3.2hours.On a small subset of the Outer Banks data set containing48.8million points,s.surf.rst,built a quad tree on 7.1million points and computed the output grid DEM in three hours,compared to 49minutes for our algorithm on the same data set.

12P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner The QTModeler program processed the largest data set amongst the other meth-ods we tested,approximately50million points,using1GB of RAM.The documen-tation for QTModeler states that their approach is based on an internal memory quad tree and can process200million points with4GB of available RAM.We can process a data set almost twice as large using less than1GB of RAM.

Overall,we have seen that our algorithm is scalable to very large point sets and very large grid sizes and we demonstrated that many of the commonly used GIS tools cannot process such large data sets.Our approach for building the quad tree and?nding points in neighboring segments is ef?cient and never took more than 25%of the total time in any of our experiments.The interpolation phase,an internal step that reads points sequentially from disk and writes grid cells sequentially to disk, was the most time-consuming phase of the entire algorithm.

Comparison of constructed grids.To show that our method constructs cor-rect output grids,we compared our output on the Neuse river basin to the original input points as well as to grid DEMs created by s.surf.rst,and DEMs freely available from NC Floodmaps.Because s.surf.rst cannot process very large data sets,we ran our tests on a small subset of the Neuse river data set containing 13million points.The output resolution was20ft,εwas set to the default10ft,and the output grid had3274rows and3537columns for a total of11.6million cells. Approximately11million points were in the quad tree.

Fig.4.Distribution of deviations between input points and interpolated surface(k max=35).

The interpolation function we tested used a smoothing parameter and allowed the input points to deviate slightly from the interpolated surface.We used the same default smoothing parameter used in the GRASS implementation and compared the distribution of deviations between the input points and the interpolated surface.The results were independent of k max,the maximum number of points per quad-tree segment.In all tests,at least79%of the points had no deviation,and over98%of the points had a deviation of less than one inch.Results for s.surf.rst were similar.

From Point Cloud to Grid DEM:A Scalable Approach13 Since the results were indistinguishable for various k max parameters,we show only one of the cumulative distribution functions(CDF)for k max=35in Figure4.

Next,we computed the absolute deviation between grid values computed using s.surf.rst and our method.We found that over98%of the cells agreed within1 inch,independent of k max.The methods differ slightly because s.surf.rst uses a variable size window to?nd points in neighboring points of a quad-tree segment q and may not choose all points from immediate neighbors of q when the points are dense and may expand the window to include points in segments that are not immediate neighbors of q when the points are sparse.In Figure5(a)we show a plot of the interpolated surface along with an overlay of cells where the deviation exceeds 3inches.Notice that most of the bad spots are along the border of the data set where our method is less likely to get many points from neighboring quad-tree leaves and near the lake in the upper left corner of the image where LIDAR signals are absorbed by the water and there are no input data points.


Fig.5.Interpolated surface generated by our method.Black dots indicate cells where the devi-ation between our method and(a)s.surf.rst is greater than three inches,(b)nc?oodmap data is greater than two feet.

Finally,we compared both our output and that of s.surf.rst to the20ft DEM data available from the NC Floodmaps project.A CDF in Figure6of the absolute deviation between the interpolated grids and the“base”grid from NC Floodmaps shows that both implementations have an identical CDF curve.However,the agree-ment between the interpolated surfaces and the base grid is not as strong as the agree-ment between the algorithms when compared to each other.An overlay of regions with deviation greater than two feet on base map shown in Figure5(b)reveals the source of the disagreement.A river network is clearly visible in the?gure indicat-ing that something is very different between the two data sets along the rivers.NC Floodmaps uses supplemental break-line data that is not part of the LIDAR point set

14P.K.Agarwal,L.Arge,and A.Danner to enforce drainage and provide better boundaries of lakes in areas where LIDAR has trouble collecting data.Aside from the rivers,the interpolated surface generated by either our method or the existing GRASS implementation agree reasonably well with the professionally produced and publicly available base map.

Fig.6.Cumulative distribution of deviation between interpolated surface and data downloaded from nc?https://www.doczj.com/doc/7710606.html,.Deviation is similar for both our method and s.surf.rst for all values of k max.


In this paper we describe an I/O-ef?cient algorithm for constructing a grid DEM from point cloud data.We implemented our algorithm and,using LIDAR data,ex-perimentally compared it to other existing algorithms.The empirical results show that,unlike existing algorithms,our approach scales to data sets much larger than the size of main memory.Although we focused on elevation data,our technique is general and can be used to compute the grid representation of any bivariate function from irregularly sampled data points.

For future work,we would like to consider a number of related problems.Firstly, our solution is constructed in such a way that the interpolation phase can be executed in parallel.A parallel implementation should expedite the interpolation procedure. Secondly,as seen in Figure5(b),grid DEMs are often constructed from multiple sources,including LIDAR points and supplemental break-lines where feature preser-vation is important.Future work will examine methods of incorporating multiple data sources into DEM construction.Finally,the ability to create large scale DEMs ef?-ciently from LIDAR data could lead to further improvements in topographic analysis including such problems as modelling surface water?ow or detecting topographic change in time series data.

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财务会计专业实践教学的反思 【摘要】财务会计是一类实践性很强的专业,实践是不可缺少的重要环节,针对目前我国高职院校财务会计专业实践教学存在的问题,提出了具体的改革建议,对促进实践教学质量的提高具有重要的意义。 【关键词】会计专业;财务会计;实践教学;思考会计是经济管理应用学科的一个分支,由于对实践能力要求比较高,作为现代高职院校的毕业生必须具备较强的动手能力,实践性教学是必不可少的内容, 也是会计教学的重要环节。财务会计实践教学在许多高职院校普遍受到重视,对实施素质教育,培养高水平的会计实用人才发挥了较好的作用。但也有不少院校的财务会计实践教学仅仅是简单的动手操作,没有模拟真实的实训环境,造成了财务会计理论与实践严重脱节,从而影响了实践教学的质量。因此,加强贬务会计专业实践教学策略的研究,对促进实践教学质量的提高具有重要的意义。 一、目前财务会计专业实践教学存在的问题 (一)实践教学体系不完善

首先,实践课程标准不合理。其次,实训周时间不足,实践教学操作步骤缺失。实践性教学一般是指模拟实习和校外企业顶岗实习,其目的是理论用于实际,培养学生的实际动手能力。但是在现行的财务会计实践性教学中,财务会计专业教学上教与学的模式是:学生听课做笔记,教师用PPT 授课和板书来代替教学内容的进一步讨论和深究,职业岗位意识不强,往往忽视了出纳岗位、银行岗位、成本会计岗位、税务会计岗位和审计岗位等的培训,对于其工作职责、工作内容不明确,动手操作却相对较少。 (二)专业教材更新太慢 目前大多数院校会计专业所使用的专业教材质量比较差,存在新税收,新企业会计准则没有及时变更等的问题。大家知道,会计方面的法规、准则、规定并不是一成不变的,往往会根据当前的形势加以更新修改部分的条款规定,因此,教师在编写教材时要与时俱进,根据最新的税法新规(营改增等内容)该更新的内容要及时更新。但目前我国公开出版的各类会计教材中,大多数的教材缺乏一个科学的标准,没有体现会计专业教育的特色,教材编写不规范,重复混乱,漏洞百出,相互抄袭严而且信息过等等, IE 重,在结构、内容上雷同 精品的教材极少。因此,专业教材


会计专业实践教学方案(修订版) 会计学本科专业重点培养的是面向基层的应用型高等专门人才,本专业融理论、技能于一体,专业性、应用性较强,而学生缺乏业务实践。为锻炼培养学生的实际操作能力,系统掌握财务、会计的基本理论、基本知识、基本方法,增强学生毕业后的工作适应性,在教学中必须重视实践性教学环节。本专业实践性教学环节包括认知实习、课程实训和毕业实习三部分内容。具体内容和要求如下:第一部分认知实习 认知实习是通过介入会计核算与会计管理某个层面的实践,增加学生对会计核算与会计管理工作的感性认识,培养和训练学生认识和掌握会计技能的重要教学环节。 第二部分课程实训 本次实践教学方案为了培养学生的动手能力,在原有实践计划的基础上在几门主要专业课程上增设了实践课程,这也是这次实践方案的重点以及创新之处。具体包括: 一、会计学原理实践 二、商业银行会计模拟 三、会计电算化 四、会计手工模拟 第三部分毕业实习 毕业实习是学生学完所有专业课程,掌握了会计学科基本理论和方法,并经过一系列实践环节训练的基础上,开展的面向社会的专业实践。

第一部分认知实习 认知实习是培养、训练学生观察社会、认识社会以及提高学员分析和解决问题能力的重要教学环节。通过组织学生集中到某一独立核算的企业或事业单位进行会计岗位现场实习,熟悉会计循环中账务处理程序的各个环节,以强化学生对财务会计基本操作程序和技能的掌握。它要求学生运用所学知识和专业技能,通过对单位会计核算和会计岗位现场进行考察和分析,形成调查报告。 (一)要求 1、凡已修本专业课程学分达到全部课程总学分60%以上的学生,可参加社会调查。认知实习为各专业学生必修环节,不得免修。调查选题应与会计学专业相关,具体内容由各试点单位确定,教学点组织实施。 2、学生应根据社会调查的选题列出调查提纲(包括调查对象和调查内容),作好采访笔记。 3、根据调查结果写出调查报告或工作流程。 (二)时间安排 认知实习可在第四学期末布置,暑假期间参加社会调查、完成调查报告写作和考核工作。 (三)考核与成绩评定 1、考核内容 (1)认知实习时的基本情况与表现; (2)认知实习的内容与文字表达。 认知实习的内容应包括:调查对象一般情况、调查内容,调查结果,调查体会。字数要求不少于2000字。 调查报告要求语言简练、准确;叙述清楚、明白;数据、资料可靠;结论有理、有据。 2、考核标准 认知实习成绩分为合格与不合格两个等级。 3、成绩评定办法 (1)由个人填写鉴定表,由被调查单位盖章。 (2)调查报告原则上由指导教师评定。 (3)调查报告初评不及格者,允许补写一次。 第二部分课程实训 一、会计学原理实践 《会计学原理》作为会计专业基础课程,除了理论教学以外还需要补充一些实践教学,例如会计循环操作实践: (一)实践目的 观察、练习工业企业主要经营过程的核算;了解企业财务核算的流程及每个环节中的具体要求、方法和使用的资料;掌握不同核算形式下的内涵、方法及具体要求;了解财务会计报告的编制基础和方法。 (二)实践内容 1、根据一系列经济业务填制和审查原始凭证; 2、编制相应的记账凭证,注意专业记账凭证和通用记账凭证的运用; 3、通过各种不同的核算形式完成同一组经济业务的核算流程; 4、引导学生一起分析、总计各种核算形式下的差异、优缺点及适用范围


应用型本科会计专业实践教学模式的创新研究 田凤萍 (黑龙江商业职工大学,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150018) [摘要]为体现应用型会计专业实践教学创新模式的特点,高校在实践教学过程中,应将“以教师为中心,以书本为 依据,以教室为基地”的教学模式转变为“以学生为中心,以需求为动因,以能力培养、综合素质的提高为根本,以服务社会为宗旨、以岗位为基础”的教学模式。应用型高校应从会计本科专业培养目标的定位出发,从实践教学目标、内容、管理、评价及实践教学支撑保障体系等方面建立一套行之有效实践教学体系,从而培养出具有实践技能及市场需要的应用型人才。 [关键词]应用型;会计专业;实践教学模式;创新研究[中图分类号]F230 [文献标识码]B [收稿日期]2011-12-18 [作者简介]田凤萍(1963-),黑龙江哈尔滨人,黑龙江商业大学副教授,注册会计师。研究方向:会计学。 会计专业是与社会经济发展联系十分紧密的应用型学科。随着高等教育的大众化趋势、 经济和科技的发展,社会管理类职业群和企业管理职业岗位群发生了变化,呈现出理论比重持续上升、技术含量不断增加、能力要求多元化的趋势,尤其是高新技术产业的职业岗位变动的频繁,对会计专业尤其是会计专业人才提出了新的要求。不仅要求理论基础扎实,还要技术水平过关;不仅要具备较强的实践操作能力,还要有创新能力、外语能力、信息化管理能力、 团队合作能力等多种能力。因此,面对新形势,会计专业的教育如何培养适应社会需要的应用型人才是本科高校面临的一个重要问题。 一、会计专业实践教学创新模式的特点 应用型会计专业实践教学创新模式的特点为,一条主线、两个体系、三个基础、四个方面、五个层面、六个环节的特点。具体为: “一条主线”体现了以岗位对会计专业从业人员的能力和基本素质的要求为目标;为实现这一目标,必须合理设置“两个体系” ———理论教学体系和实践教学体系,在理论教学体系里设置了公共基础课、专业基础课、专业核心课、选修课四个平台,提高学生综合素质,提供必需、够用的理论知识,奠定可持续发展的知识基础;“三大基础”在实践教学体系里设置了课程设计、实训、实习、实践协作综合实训、顶岗实习等子模块,为了体现会计专业特色,根据会计的发展现状和发展前景,必须打好“三大基础”:一是人文素质基础,它包括英语水平、财经写作及会计从业人员所必须的诚信基础和其他基本素质。二是会 计业务处理基础,包括会计账务处理、会计报表的编制、经济活动的分析、资金的筹集以及预测和决策分析。三是计算机应用基础,它包括计算机操作与维护、财务软件的使用与维护等。 “四个方面”会计专业的实践教学应四个方面逐步展开:首先是科学构建实验实践教学内容体系,依次是实践教学目标、实践教学环节和实践教学结果的评价;针对目前本科会计学专业人才实践能力特别是综合实践能力、创新创业能力不强的实际情况,应将实验实践教学的功能定位,构建了一套涵盖课程单项性实验、课程综合性实验、专业综合性实验、跨专业综合性实验、创新创业实践 “五个层面”;实践教学包括实训、实验、社会调研、专业实习、综合实习(毕业实习)、毕业论文(设计)“六个环节”。 二、积极探索应用型会计实践教学模式的创新之路 (一)以学生为中心 会计实践教学是以先进的现代教育理论为指导,充分发挥学生在实践过程中的主动性、积极性、创造性,使学生成为实践活动的主体和知识意义的主动建构者。而不是外部刺激的被动接受者和知识灌输的对象;教师则成为课堂教学的组织者、指导者、学生建构意义的帮助者、促进者,而不是知识的灌输者和课堂的主宰者。 (二)以需求为动因 其是在会计实践教学中及时了解社会和用人单位对会计人员的需求状况,预测社会经济发展对会计人员的知识、技能等方面提出的新要求,在此基础上确定会计实 第2012年第2期(总第391期) 商业经济 SHANGYE JINGJI No.2,2012Total No.391 [文章编号]1009-6043 (2012)02-0110-02110--


会会会会会会会会会会会会报告 ①课题的核心概念及其界定 教学设计是根据课程标准的要求和教学对象的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定合适的教学方案的设想和计划。一般包括教学目标、教学重难点、教学方法、教学步骤与时间分配等环节。是从工作实际出发,把教学原理转化为教学材料和教学活动的计划,是实现教学目标的计划性和决策性活动,以解决教什么的问题,怎样教的问题。以计划和布局安排的形式,对怎样才能达到教学目标进行创造性的决策,使教学效果最优化。 本课题是基于我院会计专业,设计开发适合于会计专业教学使用的教学方案,从企业财务岗位工作任务角度进行探索,通过深入多个企业调研,与企业岗位对接,与企业专家实践座谈,明确会计从业人员需要胜任的技能点,根据会计助理、出纳、会计、财务主管等实际会计岗位专业技能要求,提炼为七个典型工作任务:“业务单据的分类与整理”、“货币资金往来业务核算”、“日常经济业务的处理”、“成本费用的核算”、“会计报表的编制与分析”、“税费的计算与申报”、“企业财务分析与决策”,将提炼的典型工作任务,结合学院实际,作为学院的专业课程进行转化。 《会计日常经济业务处理》是其中第三个典型工作任务,技能任务涵盖资金收付、往来款项、存货、固定资产以及进销存的业务核算,是从事会计工作必备技能。因此以该典型工作任务为支撑点,组成教研团队,进一步提炼代表性工作任务,分配学习活动,设计教学方案,采用一体化教学实践,以学生为主体、能力为本位,以培养学生实际工作能力为目标,将理论融合实践活动,将企业实际任务的解决来促进学生对于专业知识、技能的掌握,真正做到“工学一体,学以致用”,实现“学生有兴趣、教学有效果、任务能解决”。 ②研究意义 该课题的开发和研究意义表现在以下几个方面: 课题开发过程中,通过企业调研、典型工作任务和代表性工作任务的提炼,收集某一行业企业发展的基础数据,并对该行业领域职业工作和职业教育状况进行观察分析,进一步深化认识,思考职业领域对会计专业人才的要求,完善培养目标和课程体系。 教学设计的编写、完善过程,是专业教师以现代教学理论为基础,依据教学对象的特点 和教师自己的教学观念、经验、风格,运用系统的观点与方法,分析教学中的问题和需要,确定教学目标,建立解决问题的步骤,合理组合和安排各种教学要素,为优化教学效果而制 39


会计专业实践教学体系探索 作者:高秀兰李雅丽 来源:《财会通讯》2011年第04期 一、会计专业大学生实践能力培养问题研究现状 伴随着大学扩招的逐步深入,社会人才的供求关系出现了极大的变化,大学生就业市场逐步由卖方市场转向买方市场,大学生也越来越成为了就业的弱势群体,而作为招聘方的企业也在不断地抱怨新进大学生缺乏应有的实践能力和动手能力。因此,如何使更多的普通高校毕业生适应社会需求,提高自己的实践能力,在就业市场上找到自己的合适位置,是当代大学生面临的严峻考验,也是普通高等院校应用型人才培养需进一步研究的重要课题。基于这一现实,学术界对大学生实践能力相关问题进行了许多有益的探索。本文整理了与经管类会计学专业大学生实践能力相关的文献,对大学生实践能力的概念和内涵有一个清晰的了解;同时调研了唐山市多家招聘单位的招聘要求,从招聘单位的视角分析大学生应具备的实践能力;并结合分析经济管理类会计专业毕业生所认为的大学生应具备的实践能力,考察了招聘方要求和学生观点之间的差别,以期对经济管理类会计学本科专业大学生的人才培养方案等制定产生积极影响。 (一)大学生实践能力的构成大学生实践能力主要由一般实践能力和专业实践能力构成。其中,一般实践能力指所有大学生在学习、生活及未来工作、人际关系处理等方面应具备的基本实践能力,主要包括学习能力、表达能力、沟通协调能力、心理健康能力、团队协作能力、身体健康能力、组织管理能力、吃苦耐劳能力、计算机应用能力、外在表现能力、内在品行能力、一般经验能力、诚实勤奋精神、敏捷思维能力、勇于开拓精神、创新能力、应变能力、逻辑能力等方面;专业实践能力则指专业大学生在学习、生活及未来工作、人际关系处理等方面应具备的专业性实践能力。 (二)经济管理类大学生实践能力的构成经济管理类大学生除了具备所有大学生均具备的一些基本特点外,还体现在他们接受了经济管理类的专业学习和初步科研训练,同时还表现在他们未来所从事的工作将基本限于具有经济管理行业背景的企业或者其他企业的经济管理类岗位。经济管理类大学生的实践能力将必须首先满足大学生实践能力的一般实践能力的基本要求,即具备学习能力、表达能力、沟通协调能力、心理健康能力、团队协作能力、身体健康能力、组织管理能力、吃苦耐劳能力、计算机应用能力、外在表现能力、内在品行能力、一般经验能力、诚实勤奋精神、敏捷思维能力、勇于开拓精神、创新能力、应变能力、逻辑能力等方面的能力。同时,经济管理类大学生还必须具备包含专业经验能力、专业态度能力、专业工作能力、专业知识能力、专业道德能力和专业创新能力等在内的专业实践能力。所谓专业经验能力是指大学生在日常学习和生活中积累起来的与未来工作相关的专业经验;所谓专业态度能力是指大学生在日常学习和生活中培养形成的与未来工作相关的专业态度,主要包括工作责任心、勤恳敬业精神、细心认真精神、工作积极性和主动性、工作态度及事业心等方面;所谓专业知识能力是指大学生在日常学习和生活中积累起来的与未来工作相关的专业知识,从专业知


会计专业实践教学大 纲

经济管理学院会计专业实践教学大纲一、实践教学环节主要目的 高职教育的培养重点,是强调学生的“动手能力”和“操作技巧”,会计专业实践教学环节是会计专业教学的重要组成部分。通过专业实践教学环节,要求学生把所学的理论知识转化为实际操作和应用能力,提高学生会计专业方面的动手能力,增强会计实际工作的适应性、为从事会计及相关工作奠定良好的基础,并保证学生能够具有直接顶岗的能力。 二、实践教学环节安排表 三、实践教学环节教学大纲

(一)会计专业认知实践大纲 总学时:30学时 一、实践活动目的 会计专业认知实践,旨在通过接触社会,接触企业,接触市场以熟悉各行各业的运营流程和管理实务,实地了解企业经营环境,达成对本专业的感性认识;明确各行业必备的专业素质、知识和能力,缩短在校学习与现实社会之间的距离。 二、实践活动内容与时间 1.实践活动内容包括: (1)职业观教育。 (2)企业运营业务流程和具体操作环节。 (3)企业管理规程。 (4)会计及审计行业规范,基础工作规范等。 工作日)的专业认知实践活动。 三、认知性实践活动的要求

1.认知性实践活动是专业教学的一个重要环节,带队教师、班级辅导员要高度重视,要做好学生的思想工作和组织工作,切实使认知性实践活动落到实处。 2.学生在整个认知性实践活动中,要遵守纪律,一切行动听指挥,要注重自己的言行和仪态仪表美,自觉维护实践单位的形象和利益。 3.认知性实践活动结束后,每个学生要对本次活动进行认真的总结,并写一份认知性实践活动总结,提出自己对本专业的认识和体会,字数不得少于1500字,指导教师要对学生总结进行认真评阅,成绩将记录学生档案。 (二)《出纳实务》课程实践教学大纲 总学时:30学时 一、课程的性质、地位、任务 《出纳实务》是会计专业类专业最基本的专业基础课程,通过出纳实务得实训操作训练,既可增强学生对会计基本理论得理解,又可培养学生的实际动手能力,充分体现高职教育理论和实践相结合的特色。 高职教育的培养重点,是强调学生的“动手能力”和“操作技巧”,因此必须保证一定量的学生实训时间。通过实训,使学生能够熟练地运用所学会计基础知识完成出纳核算工作和部分管理工作,进而具有一出校门就能胜任各个会计岗位工作的能力。 二、课程教学基本要求 通过实训要求学生重点掌握出纳岗位如编制出纳结算凭证,编制收付款记账凭证,登记现金银行日记账,报送现金报表,现金收付等出纳日常工作. 三、实验技能规范 通过实训,要求学生重点掌握出纳岗位如编制出纳结算凭证,编制收付款记账凭证,登记现金银行日记账,报送现金报表,现金收付日常业务处理、到月末对账、结账及最终的报表形成这一整套的操作流程和操作方法。 四、考核办法 考试办法:以学生平时手工操作为考核对象,主要考核学生平时手工操作完成实训的情况。 平时课堂实验操作 + 实验报告 = 90% + 10% = 100%


会计专业实践教学中的不足及措施 实践教学是提高学生综合素质与创新能力的重要手段。但是,我国高校会计实践教学存在诸多问题,必须充分认识会计专业实践教学的重要性,采取各种措施,不断提高会计实践教学水平。 一、会计专业实践教学的必要性 加强会计专业实践教学是现代经济社会发展对会计人才培养提出的客观要求,是满足国际发展的需要,是会计专业人才培养目标的需要 (一)加强实践教学是建设创新型国家对人才培养提出的客观要求。建设创新型国家,科技是关键,人才是核心,教育是基础。面对建设创新型国家的目标,高等院校在会计教育方面必须全面推进素质教育,这就意味着高校培养出来的人才不仅要具有较高的理论素养和扎实的基本功,更要具有远见卓识和较强的创新能力。这种创新能力具体体现在高校会计专业的教学过程中,就是要对学生进行以专业基础知识教育为基础的综合素质训练,培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。 (二)加强实践教学是与国际会计教育接轨的需要。作为培养会计创新人才重要基地的高等院校应当充分认识到加强实践教学对学生创新能力的培养具有重要意义。参与世界竞争、加入全球化的洪流已经成为普通中国人都认可的共识。在初步参与国际交往和实际竞争之后,发现我国高校以往建立起来的人才培养模式和人才标准在许多方面还难以做到“与国际接轨”。我国的会计人才要走向世界,会计教育要与国际接轨,高校会计专业必须加强实践教学,以提高学生的综合素质与创新能力。

(三)加强实践教学是会计专业人才培养目标与现实经济发展相 结合的需要。会计专业属于应用性较强的学科,其培养的学生,除少数进入硕士研究生行列外,大部分将进入企业、事业单位和行政机关从事经济方面的种种工作。也就是说,高校会计专业所培养的学生主要是应用型人才,而非理论研究型人才,这就要求高校会计专业培养的学生不仅要具备较扎实的理论基础,更要具备相应的专业技能和素养,具有创新精神、实践能力和创新能力。加强实践教学是实现这一目标的非常重要的途径。 二、目前会计实践教学中存在的问题 改革开放以来,特别是高校扩招以后,我国会计专业发展迅速,但在高速发展的同时,各种问题也日渐显现。 (一)认识不足,重视不够。受传统教育思想的影响人,们往往认为高校教学应以理论教学为主,实践教学为辅;理论教学体现了学术性,实践教学是理论教学的一个补充。在会计专业的人才培养过程中,表现为重理论轻实践、重知识轻能力、重课堂轻课外、重定性轻定量等倾向。实践教学在会计专业没有得到应有的重视。因此,不可避免地造成学生在理论与实践上的脱节,从而导致学生动手能力不强,会计专业的毕业生面临越来越大的就业压力。在专业教学中,学校首先考虑的是如何安排理论课的教学任务,实践教学往往被放在次要位臵上。 (二)教师会计实践水平不高。我国高校从事会计教育的教师队伍中拥有~定企业实践和社会实践经验的老师不多,有丰富实践经验的会计专业人才到高校任教的也不多。绝大部分是从学校到讲台,从学生到教师,没有参加过相应的实践锻炼,缺乏丰富的社会会计实践经历。在讲授专业课时不能很好地引用实践案例阐述基本理论和原理,


会计专业实践教学中的不足及措施 提要本文就会计专业实践教学存在的问题,分析其原因,并提出建议。 关键词:会计;实践教学;专业人才 中图分类号:G64文献标识码:A 实践教学是提高学生综合素质与创新能力的重要手段。但是,我国高校会计实践教学存在诸多问题,必须充分认识会计专业实践教学的重要性,采取各种措施,不断提高会计实践教学水平。 一、会计专业实践教学的必要性 加强会计专业实践教学是现代经济社会发展对会计人才培养提出的客观要求,是满足国际发展的需要,是会计专业人才培养目标的需要。 (一)加强实践教学是建设创新型国家对人才培养提出的客观要求。建设创新型国家,科技是关键,人才是核心,教育是基础。面对建设创新型国家的目标,高等院校在会计教育方面必须全面推进素质教育,这就意味着高校培养出来的人才不仅要具有较高的理论素养和扎实的基本功,更要具有远见卓识和较强的创新能力。这种创新能力具体体现在高校会计专业的教学过程中,就是要对学生进行以专业基础知识教育为基础的综合素质训练,培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。 (二)加强实践教学是与国际会计教育接轨的需要。作为培养会计创新人才重要基地的高等院校应当充分认识到加强实践教学对学生创新能力的培养具有重要意义。参与世界竞争、加入全球化的洪流已经成为普通中国人都认可的共识。在初步参与国际交往和实际竞争之后,发现我国高校以往建立起来的人才培养模式和人才标准在许多方面还难以做到“与国际接轨”。我国的会计人才要走向世界,会计教育要与国际接轨,高校会计专业必须加强实践教学,以提高学生的综合素质与创新能力。 (三)加强实践教学是会计专业人才培养目标与现实经济发展相结合的需要。会计专业属于应用性较强的学科,其培养的学生,除少数进入硕士研究生行列外,大部分将进入企业、事业单位和行政机关从事经济方面的种种工作。也就是说,高校会计专业所培养的学生主要是应用型人才,而非理论研究型人才,这就要求高


会计实践教学问题的完善策略探究 摘要:在我国社会主义市场经济迅猛发展的背景下,企业基于自身市场竞争力提升的目的,急需各类经济学专业人才进入到企业当中,借助其专业化的经济学知识来帮助企业分析当前经济局势、调整企业经济发展规划,进而实现新经济环境下企业创新改革发展目标的实现。这就对经济学人才培养重要基地的高校会计专业提出了更高的要求,不仅要求会计专业在教学上能够充分地体现职业人才培养目标,同时更要求会计专业必须积极建立以市场为导向的人才培养体系,以强化人才培养的实用性。为此,在此背景下,本文以高校会计专业教学为研究对象,通过对会计实践教学过程中存在问题的分析,探究了当前环境下高校会计实践教学的完善策略。希望借助以下研究和探讨对进一步促进会计专业教学创新改革的实现具有一定的积极意义。 关键词:会计;实践教学;问题;策略 实践教学与理论教学共同组成会计教学完整体系,在会计教学中都占据着重要的位置,并各自发挥着不同的教学功能。会计理论教学主要是对学生进行会计相关概念、方法等的知识性传授,是学生开展会计工作的重要基础;会计实践

教学则主要是对学生进行会计实际操作、市场环境分析等方面的技能、经验的传授,是学生会计工作质量、效率的重要保障。相对而言,受以往传统教学观念及实践教学设施、体系不完善等情况的限制,使得会计实践在以往的教学中一直未受到应有的重视,从而导致目前高校会计实践教学问题突出,严重影响了高校会计专业教学的整体发展,同时也不利于会计人才岗位适应能力的提升。因此,在当今社会主义市场经济迅猛发展以及会计新课改的共同要求下,我们对会计实践教学展开研究与探讨,无论是对于高校自身发展还是对于促进社会经济变革都将有着极为重要的现实意义。 1会计实践教学中存在的问题 1.1学生职业能力比较缺乏 基于企业自身多方面发展的需求,很多企业对于会计专业人才的职业技能提出了更高的要求,但是本文通过对目前会计实践教学的现状调查得知,学生职业能力普遍比较缺乏,无法满足企业在经济发展方面的各种需求。主要体现在以下几个方面:第一,会计实践经验匮乏。对于很多会计专业学生来讲,在开展实践教学之前,其仅仅接受过专业的理论知识、技能教学,而对于实践教学的参与则机会寥寥。因


高校会计专业实践教学调查与研究 近年来由于各种问题的出现,会计专业毕业生也面临着就业择业难得现象。因此,深入的分析现在会计毕业生出现的各种就业难的原因,全面的了解会计毕业生的就业现状并做出相应对策,具有重要的社会现实意义同时也具有理论指导价值。 2016年根据麦可思的有关调查结果显示,在本年度的《中国大学生就业报告》中,财会专业毕业生在中国大学生的整体专业就业率排名依然靠前,会计专业毕业生就业率为92.5%,排在第4位。会计专业对口率较高,三年后专业对口率达到了85%。但是,在2016届整体专业失业量排行榜的排名中,会计专业的失业量位列前列。从这些矛盾的数据中不难发现,虽然会计专业毕业生的就业率在现行供销过剩的求职大军中遥遥领先,但是就业形势也不容乐观。除此之外,《2016年中国大学生就业报告》同样显示了毕业生后月收入情况,根据数据统计,会计专业毕业生半年后平均收入不足4000元,毕业三年后平均收入不足6500元,并不属于高薪范畴,大多数会计毕业生只会传统意义上的记账,编制报表等会计核算工作,高端的财务人员依然紧缺。而在高职高专方面,数据显示,市场营销和汽车检测与维修技术的就业率较高,分别为93.1%和92.0%,会计专业远低于这两个专业的就业率,且就业岗位多为出纳与会计核算岗。 一、当今会计毕业生面临的就业现状 1.会计毕业生供销错位现象严重 这些年来,“会计热”一直在家长心中被吹鼓,每年有绝大多数文科学生选择会计专业,且会计毕业生就业面较为广泛,在家长心中会计专业意味着稳定和高收入,由于从众心理报考人数逐年增多;其次,由于新时期各高校为了扩张生源,不同程度的开设了相关会计专业,然而企业会计人员的需求逐年下降,量产不均衡;最后,就业难导致各专业的毕业生涌入热门的求职市场,对于零经验的应届生,如今大多企业对招聘的要求皆看重学校背景且为持有会计从业资格证即可,据悉不少高等院校非会计专业毕业生都开始考取会计从业资格证,并把会计作为职业选择。截止到2016年底,我国会计上岗证人数已达到1500万人以上。 2.会计毕业生难以满足新兴市场需求 有部分应届毕业生心理素质欠佳,对职业期待过高,各行各业会计工作殊途同归但也千差万别,扎实的基础和过硬的心理素质尤为重要,会计专业需要倾注更多的耐心与责任心,大部分学生缺乏脚踏实地吃苦耐劳的精神,难免会造成心理落差;另外,企业对学生专业能力要求逐年增高,需要更多的决策型、风险规避型、投资咨询型高层次会计人才。传统的会计以做手工帐为主,按部就班进行日常会计核算,出具期末报表。然而,科学进步,信息化时代井喷式的发展波及各行各业,各种财务处理软件和信息化系统的整合式发展使得这些传统的核算会计完全可以被计算机所替代。但是,高级财务管理的复合型人才却存在着巨大的


会计专业实践教学模式-会计毕业论文-会计论文 ——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印—— 摘要:文章首先分析了中专学校会计专业实践教学的现状,然后提出相应的改进措施,包括充分认识实践教学的重要性,以企业需求作为人才培养目标;加强“双师型”教师队伍建设;完善实践教学体系,丰富实践教学方式;完善会计专业实践教学评价模式。 关键词:中专学校;会计专业;实践教学 鉴于财会专业的特殊性,在中专学校的会计教学中,必须以“职业需求、职业能力”为出发点,以就业为导向,不断提升会计人员的实用性和应用型。这就要求中专学校在会计人才培养的过程中,必须改变传统的教学模式,紧紧围绕“实践”“应用”两个中心点,不断提升学生的专业能力和实践能力。与传统的教学模式不同,实践教学模式旨

在培养学生的实践操作能力和解决实际问题能力。比如,学校积极与中小型企业进行合作,通过这种有效的校企合作实践教学模式,学生不仅掌握了相应的基础知识,并且在学习的过程中,逐渐提高了其问题的分析能力和解决能力,提高了学生的综合职业能力[1]。 一、中专学校会计专业实践教学的现状 (一)缺乏实践教学理念支持 目前,多数中专学校在会计专业教学中,仍然采用传统的教学理念和教学方法,教师片面地追求理论知识教学,而忽视了学生实践能力的培养。虽然教师在讲台滔滔不绝地讲授,但没有实践操作平台,很难激发学生的学习兴趣,也无法使学生得到实践锻炼,进而导致学生缺乏实践操作能力,无法满足社会的需求。

(二)缺乏真正意义的“双师型”师资队伍 一般成功的会计实践教学模式,对师资队伍要求相对较高。就目前而言,国外优秀成功的会计实践教学模式,其教师队伍不仅具备较强的专业理论知识,而且还多是企业中身经百战的“老员工”。但就我国来说,虽然部分教师属于“双师型”教师,但真正具备实践经验的却非常少。还有部分教师虽然会计理论知识较为丰富,但受到课时重、任务多等因素影响,几乎很少参与实践调研,缺乏实际工作经验,以至于在教学的过程中,无法提高学生的实践操作能力[2]。 (三)实践教学模式僵化 一方面,目前中专学校会计专业实践教学模式中具体的会计课程设置不合理。理论课程设置较多,而实践课程安排较少,这种不科学的课程安排,不能上体现会计专业实践教学模式的特点,这也导致学


2020会计毕业实习报告摘要 2020会计毕业实习报告摘要 会计专业的培养目标是培养社会主义市场经济建设需要的,德、智、体诸方面全面发展的,具有比较扎实的经济和会计理论基础、较 高文化素质、较强分析问题和解决问题的水平,适合社会经济发展要 求的应用型、复合型高级会计专门人才。会计学专业的人才培养模式是:以培养学生的创造水平为主线,全面推动素质教育。在理论知识 方面使学生具有大中型企业总会计师应具备的知识和素养。考虑到学 生的后续教育和未来发展,适当地强调理论系统性,拓宽专业基础;在 实践技能上,通过实践教学,使学生具有合格会计人员的专业技能。 为达到培养目标,各学校相继建立的专业教学体系基本上形成了 理论教学与实践教学相结合的教学模式。当前,各高校会计专业设置 的模拟实验、课程设计、案例分析、理解实习、毕业实习、毕业实习、毕业论文等实践性教学环节,对提升教学整体水平具有事半功倍的积 极作用。会计专业毕业实习是学生在修完全部课程后,具备了综合、 系统的知识结构,实行了毕业实习和其他实践环节的相关训练,拥有 一定的分析和解决问题的基本水平的基础上展开的。它是毕业撰写论 文前最后一次也是最重要的综合性实习,毕业实习能使学生进一步明 确财务管理工作在经济活动中的重要地位,从全局上理解财务管理工 作的具体操作程序和方法,掌握准确处理会计业务的水平和技巧等。 毕业实习阶段还为毕业设计(论文)搜集资料、积累素材,同时为毕业 后尽快适合财务管理工作、尽快适合实际工作奠定了基础。但是,近 些年来作为高校会计专业最重要的实践性教学环节的毕业实习已深陷" 困境"、流于形式。所以,正视我国高校会计毕业实习的现状和存有的 问题,积极采取对应措施,持续完善和增强毕业实习的方法和管理, 提升学生的综合素质,培养学生的创新精神与实践水平势在必行。 一、会计专业毕业实习存有的问题 (一)对毕业实习的重要性理解不足


附件二: 英语专业(商务英语方向)实践教学实施计划 本专业实践教学环节包括暑期社会实践、专业模拟实习、创业就业教育、学年论文、毕业实习、毕业论文、军事理论与训练等,具体实施计划如下: 暑期社会实践 参见《全校性实践教学课程实施计划》。 创新实践训练 一、培养目标 通过组织实践创新训练项目,鼓励和支持大学生尽早参与科学研究与实践创新活动,激发学生学习的主动性、积极性和创造性,拓宽学生的专业视野,培养学生的创新思维,不断提高学生的科学素质、创新精神与实践能力。 二、内容与组织方式 (一)参加校内外的各类比赛 学生参加校内外举办的各项竞赛活动,如各种辩论赛、英语演讲比赛、创业大赛等。通过这些比赛,培养学生的创新思维、应变能力和团队合作精神。 (二)参加学院的学生科研项目小组 学院在第5-7学期,根据本专业的科研发展最新趋势、热点问题和学科的研究方向,提供有关本专业的研究课题或研究方向、案例分析选题等供学生选择,并配备相关的指导教师。通过本环节,可以培养本科生科学探索的精神和从事科学研究的素养,提高学生的实践创新能力。 (三)参加省级以上的实践创新训练计划 学生在学院教师的指导下,可参加“江苏省高等学校大学生实践创新训练计划”等省级以上实践训练项目申请,项目申请成功并结项记本环节相应学分。通过本环节可以培养学生独立从事科研活动的基本技能。 三、基本要求与成绩评定 学生根据自己的兴趣,选择参加一项创新实践训练计划,并提交创新实践总结报告,记录3学分。 创新实践训练成绩评定安排在第七学期末进行。外国语学院成立相应的成绩评定小组,根据学生的创新实践总结报告或相应成果证明给予相应的成绩评定。


基础会计课程实践教 学

《基础会计》实践教学 《基础会计》实训大纲 一、目的要求 会计学是一门实践性很强的学科。该课程实训主要是将是会计凭证、账簿和会计报表等教学内容在实训课上完成。通过该课程实训的实际操作教学活动可以检验学生所学会计基本方法、会计基本技能的熟悉和掌握程度,以提高学生实验操作能力,提高学生学习专业的积极性,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,缩短会计理论与实践的距离,为将来从事会计实际工作打下基础。 二、实训内容 单项实训主要内容: 实训一会计基本书写技能达标 1、实训类别:专业基础 2、实训目的:通过实验,要求学生熟悉会计基本书写方法,掌握会计基本书写技能。 3、实训主要内容:会计小写数字的书写规范;会计工作的汉字书写和会计大写数字;会计数字小写金额的书写;会计数字大写金额的书写;会计业务的“摘要”书写。 4、实训类型:操作 5、实训要求:必修 6、主要仪器:基础会计实训资料

实训二原始凭证的填制与审核 1、实训类别:专业基础 2、实训目的:能够正确填制原始凭证,准确反映经济业务的发生情况;通过审核能查证原始凭证是否合法、合理及合乎规范,并能据此准确把握经济业务的发生情况,为下一步完成账务处理做好准备。要求学生独立完成审核与填制工作。 3、实训主要内容:对外来原始凭证进行审核;按所给出的业务说明,填写自制原始凭证。 4、实训类型:操作 5、实训要求:必修 6、主要仪器:外来原始凭证、自制原始凭证 实训三记账凭证的填制与审核 1、实训类别:专业基础 2、实训目的:能够根据原始凭证所表明的经济业务情况正确按记账凭证格式要求填写记账凭证,并按记账凭证审核内容的要求,审核经济业务是否合法、合理及记账凭证填写是否符合规范要求。 3、实训主要内容:按经济业务发生后所给出的原始凭证在审核无误后,填制记账凭证 4、实训类型:操作 5.、实训要求:必修


会计专业实践教学的体会与思考 摘要:随着市场经济的发展,社会对会计人员的综合素质要求越来越高,实际操作能力强是中职学生走入社会、寻求工作的法宝。培养实操能力强的学生也一直是职业院校的宗旨,而现有的中职学校教育资源于会计专业有很大的制约性,大部分学校仍然停留在单一的宣讲书本知识,而未设计相应的实践教学,本文以一名会计专业教师的视角浅谈几点对会计专业实践教学的思考。 关键词:会计专业实践教学体系双师型 会计是一门专业技术性较强的经济管理类应用学科。应用学科不同于基础学科,它是以解决实际问题为研究对象的,这类学科的岗位实践性较强,需要实际动手操作,而社会对会计人员的要求也和其他岗位不同。 通过对会计人才市场需求调查结果显示,会计人才市场对中、高层人才的需求大,企业招聘会计人员时不单纯看中学历,更注重是否具有实际操作能力,企业要求会计人才具有综合素质,而现有的学校教育资源对于开展会计专业的实践教学有很大的制约,大部分教师仍然是“一本书讲到底”的模式来开展教学,而现代会计工作要求会计人员要能建账、记账、算账、报账,显然这样学校模式下毕业的学生很难适应现代会计工作的需要。因此,如何建立会计专业实践教学模式,成为每个教育机构和教育人员都应当思考的问题。 尽管中职会计专业的目标是培养高素质的中初级应用型会计技术人才,但从目前的教学效果上看,培养出的学生在专业技能运用方面与社会需求相差甚远,甚至这些学生进入用人单位后对所从事的工作无从下手,引起用人单位强烈不满。 分析原因主要有以下几个方面: 一、学校的教育理念尚未转变 现在学校对会计教育在观点、理念上尚未仍未脱离应试教育的模式,过度的注重会计知识的传授,强调的是会计知识的理论性、系统性和完整性,而很少涉及或者并未涉及到实训操作,很多学校也没有为学生和教师设置专门的会计实训模式,形成了教师、学生人手一本书,没有其他实训工具的现状。而学生从未接触过会计工作,很难把抽象的理论运用到实际的会计工作中。 二、课程设置不符合职业教育特点 现在中职教育的会计课程主要有《会计基础》、《财务会计》、《财务管理》、《成本会计》、《出纳实务》、《会计电算化》等几门核心课程。几门课程都具有较强的专业性和系统性,但是教材在实操方面涉及的较少,没有设置相应的实训模块,因此,教师在遵循教材讲授的过程中往往会忽略了实训环节,而会计知识体系本身枯燥繁杂,使学生在学习过程中产生厌学情绪,很难深刻的理解知识,甚至是一知半解。 三、教师缺乏实际操作经验

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