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important 1 in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution .2 they were not enough. Something 3 was needed to start the industrial process. That ―something special‖ was men — 4 individuals who could invent machines, find new 5 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.

The men who 6 the machines of the Industrial Revolution 7 from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were 8 inventors than scientists. A man who is a 9 scientist is primarily interested in doing his research 10. He is not necessarily working 11 that his findings can be used.

An inventor or one interested in applied science is 12 trying to make something that has an actual 13. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories 14 science or by experimenting through correct and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a 15 result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of 16 other objectives.

Most of the people who 17 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had 18 or no training in science might not have made their inventions 19 a ground work had not been laid by scientists years 20.

1、A:cases B:reasons C:factors D.:situations

2、A.:But B:And C:Besides D:Even

3、A.:else B:near C:extra D:similar

4、A:generating B:effective C:motivating D:creative

5、A:origins B:sources C:bases D:discoveries

6、A:employed B:created C:operated D:controlled

7、A:came B:arrived C:stemmed D:appeared

8、A:less B:better C:more D:worse

9、A:true B:practical C:pure D:clever

10、A:happily B:occasionally C:unwillingly D:accurately

11、A:now B:and C:all D:so

12、A:seldom B:sometimes C:usually D:never

13、A:plan B:use C:idea D:means

14、A:of B:with C:to D:as

15、A:single B:only C:specialized D:specific

16、A:few B:those C:many D:all

17、A:proposed B:developed C:supplied D:offered

18、A:little B:much C:some D:any

19、A:as B:if C:because D:while

20、A:ago B:past C:ahead D:before


The back door of the ambulance_ 1_ and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the _2__Inside were two _3___parents,Mr and Mrs. Green, the mother holding their baby daughter, Ally, The little girl had some food_4___in her throat, and could hardly_5___.

The driver ,Mr White, __6__on his siren and flashing light, and started speeding towards the nearest hospital, _7___against time . The cars ahead of him pulled_8__of the _9__as he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance, the parents

were__10__at him to _11_since Ally had almost stopped breathing. In front of him he

sa w some traffic lights with the _12_’STOP’light shining. Mr White knew that he had no _13_to lose, so he drove straight __14__ the traffic lights, glancing to his left and right as he did__15__.

_16_ towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had the windows_17_ since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing the _18_. He did not _19_the ambulance. The lights were green, so he drove straight on into the path of the ambulance.

Mr. White _20_to brake , but it was too late.

1、A: shut B: closed C: opened D: dropped

2、A: machines B: bus C: car D: engine

3、A: angry B: upset C: worried D: hurried

4、A: stuck B: stayed C: remained D: kept

5、A: eat B: breathe C: speak D: live

6、A: put B: turned C : pulled D: took

7、A: going B: fighting C: being D: learning

8、A: down B: in C: out D: up

9、A: way B: road C: line D: street

10、A: shouting B: looking C: knocking D: calling

11、A: rush B: run C: hurry D: stroll

12、A: yellow B: green C: red D: colored

13、A: time B: money C: daughter D: bus

14、A: towards B: onto C: past D: over

15、A: such B: that C: so D: it

16、A: Driving B: Riding C: Hurrying D: Coming

17、A: down B: up C: in D: out

18、A: piano B: radio C: ran D: football

19、A: look at B: see C: listen to D: hear

20 、A: tried B: managed C: failed D: started


The clock gad just struck eleven when I first heard a noise coming from the lift. I opened the door of our _1_, and listened. Someone was beating against the _2_of the lift and calling _3_ at the same time.

―What’ s wrong?‖I shouted. ―The door has _4_ and I can’t get out,‖ a _5_ voice came from several floors below.

My wife had now _6_ me and she directly went _7_ in search of the night porter , _8_ calling to the girl that _9_ was on its way, I went back to get some _10_ t o help her.

I tried hard at forcing open the lift door, _11_ all the while to the girl inside, _12_ my tools were of no use for this purpose. Very soon, my wife _13_. Unable to find the porter, she had called the _14_, who instantly sent an engineer. She _15_ got in touch with the fire service.

In short time the engineer came in, _16_ by two policemen. A most immediately the firemen _17_ too. With his special equipment it took the engineer _48_ a short while to get the door _19_. Though she had her experien ce, the girl was in _20_ spirits. ―I’ m hungry,‖ she said as she stepped out of the lift.

1、A: car B: flat C: hotel D: office

2、A: door B: wall C: floor D: step

3、A: in B: out C: up D: of

4、A: broken B: destroyed C: closed D: stuck

5、A: man’s B: porter’s C: girl’s D: worker’s

6、A: watched B: attended C: joined D: worked

7、A: down B: up C: in D: off

8、A: Before B: After C: Until D: Since

9、A: help B: assistant C: key D: danger

10、A: machines B: wires C: hammers D: tools

11、A: listening B: talking C: whispering D: saying

12、A: and B: if C: but D: as

13、A: returned B: disappeared C: appeared D: reported

14、A: police B: manager C: boss D: owner

15、A: never B: always C: also D: thus

16、A: caught B: followed C: beaten D: driven

17、A: left B: arrived C: started D: fled

18、A: exactly B: only C: nearly D: almost

19、A: changed B: open C: locked D: repaired

20、A: bad B: ill C: good D: terrible


The British spend a lot of time talking about the weather, so it is not _1_ to find that many people are _2_ weather forecasting . The weather office, _3_ tells people what the _4_ will be like the next day, is always _5_ telephone calls from forecasting lovers giving it their _6_. Some of those people base their forecasts _7_ the movement of the stars, and _8_ on past weather _9_ or on what they have _10_ in the country. _411_, the weather office’s computers _12_ to be more accurate than one person working _13_. The computers, however, also _14_ plenty of mistakes. An example of this is the monthly weather forecast the office has been _15_ since 1994 without much _16_. The office began these forecasts _17_ an experiment and it would not have published them if the government had not _18_ on it. The trouble is that _19_ the office says that its forecasts are not always accurate, th e public can’t help _20_ them.

1、A: surprising B: interesting C: satisfying D: inspiring

2、A: glad at B: fond of C: used to D: pleased at

3、A: which B: it C: that D: what

4、A: forecast B: report C: weather D: change

5、A: making B: receiving C: connecting D: answering

6、A: condition B: imagination C: advice D: service

7、A: to B: at C: with D: on

8、A: another B: others C: other D: the others

9、A: forms B: materials C: records D: degrees

10、A: felt B: considered C: heard D: observed

11、A: Of course B: Besides C: Instead D: Altogether

12、A: have B: ought C: want D: happen

13、A: ahead B: alone C: along D: lonely

14、A: give B: meet C: correct D: make

15、A: publishing B: spreading C: producing D: pronouncing

16、A: result B: information C: progress D: success

17、A: like B: on C: from D: as

18、A: controlled B: operated C: insisted D: kept

19、A: if B: although C: even D: however

20、A: taking charge of B: taking care of C: taking notice of D: taking hold of



A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply—all these were important 1 in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution .2 they were not enough. Something 3 was needed to start the industrial process. That

―something special‖ was men — 4 individuals who could invent machines, find new 5 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society.

The men who 6 the machines of the Industrial Revolution 7 from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were 8 inventors than scientists. A man who is a 9 scientist is primarily interested in doing his research 10. He is not necessarily working 11 that his findings can be used.

An inventor or one interested in applied science is 12 trying to make something that has an actual 13. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories 14 science or by experimenting through correct and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a 15 result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of 16 other objectives.

Most of the people who 17 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had 18 or no training in science might not have made their inventions 19 a ground work had not been laid by scientists years 20.

1、A:cases B:reasons C:factors D.:situations


2、A.:But B:And C:Besides D:Even


3、A.:else B:near C:extra D:similar


4、A:generating B:effective C:motivating D:creative


5、A:origins B:sources C:bases D:discoveries


6、A:employed B:created C:operated D:controlled 答案:B

7、A:came B:arrived C:stemmed D:appeared


8、A:less B:better C:more D:worse 答案:C

9、A:true B:practical C:pure D:clever


10、A:happily B:occasionally C:unwillingly D:accurately


11、A:now B:and C:all D:so


12、A:seldom B:sometimes C:usually D:never


13、A:plan B:use C:idea D:means


14、A:of B:with C:to D:as


15、A:single B:only C:specialized D:specific


16、A:few B:those C:many D:all


17、A:proposed B:developed C:supplied D:offered


18、A:little B:much C:some D:any


19、A:as B:if C:because D:while


20、A:ago B:past C:ahead D:before



The back door of the ambulance_ 1_ and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the _2__Inside were two _3___parents,Mr and Mrs. Green, the mother

holding their baby daughter, Ally, The little girl had some food_4___in her throat, and could hardly_5___.

The driver ,Mr White, __6__on his siren and flashing light, and started speeding towards the nearest hospital, _7___against time . The cars ahead of him pulled_8__of the _9__as he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance, the pare nts

were__10__at him to _11_since Ally had almost stopped breathing. In front of him he saw some traffic lights with the _12_’STOP’light shining. Mr White knew that he had no _13_to lose, so he drove straight __14__ the traffic lights, glancing to his left and right as he did__15__.

_16_ towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had the windows_17_ since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing the _18_. He did not _19_the ambulance. The lights were green, so he drove straight on into the path of the ambulance.

Mr. White _20_to brake , but it was too late.

1、A: shut B: closed C: opened D: dropped


2、A: machines B: bus C: car D: engine


3、A: angry B: upset C: worried D: hurried


4、A: stuck B: stayed C: remained D: kept


5、A: eat B: breathe C: speak D: live

答案: B

6、A: put B: turned C : pulled D: took


7、A: going B: fighting C: being D: learning


8、A: down B: in C: out D: up

答案: A

9、A: way B: road C: line D: street


10、A: shouting B: looking C: knocking D: calling

答案: D

11、A: rush B: run C: hurry D: stroll


12、A: yellow B: green C: red D: colored


13、A: time B: money C: daughter D: bus


14、A: towards B: onto C: past D: over


15、A: such B: that C: so D: it


16、A: Driving B: Riding C: Hurrying D: Coming


17、A: down B: up C: in D: out


18、A: piano B: radio C: ran D: football


19、A: look at B: see C: listen to D: hear


20 、A: tried B: managed C: failed D: started



The clock gad just struck eleven when I first heard a noise coming from the lift. I opened the door of our _1_, and listened. Someone was beating against the _2_of the lift and calling _3_ at the same time.

―What’ s wrong?‖ I shouted. ―The door has _4_ and I can’t get out,‖ a _5_ voice ca me from several floors below.

My wife had now _6_ me and she directly went _7_ in search of the night porter , _8_ calling to the girl that _9_ was on its way, I went back to get some _10_ to help her.

I tried hard at forcing open the lift door, _11_ all the while to the girl inside, _12_ my tools were of no use for this purpose. Very soon, my wife _13_. Unable to find the porter, she had called the _14_, who instantly sent an engineer. She _15_ got in touch with the fire service.

In short time the engineer came in, _16_ by two policemen. A most immediately the firemen _17_ too. With his special equipment it took the engineer _48_ a short while to get the door _19_. Though she had her experience, the girl was in _20_ spirits. ―I’ m hungry,‖ she said as she s tepped out of the lift.

1、A: car B: flat C: hotel D: office


2、A: door B: wall C: floor D: step


3、A: in B: out C: up D: of


4、A: broken B: destroyed C: closed D: stuck

答案: C

5、A: man’s B: porter’s C: girl’s D: worker’s


6、A: watched B: attended C: joined D: worked


7、A: down B: up C: in D: off


8、A: Before B: After C: Until D: Since


9、A: help B: assistant C: key D: danger


10、A: machines B: wires C: hammers D: tools


11、A: listening B: talking C: whispering D: saying


12、A: and B: if C: but D: as


13、A: returned B: disappeared C: appeared D: reported

答案: A

14、A: police B: manager C: boss D: owner


15、A: never B: always C: also D: thus


16、A: caught B: followed C: beaten D: driven


17、A: left B: arrived C: started D: fled


18、A: exactly B: only C: nearly D: almost


19、A: changed B: open C: locked D: repaired


20、A: bad B: ill C: good D: terrible



The British spend a lot of time talking about the weather, so it is not _1_ to find that many people are _2_ weather forecasting . The weather office, _3_ tells people what the _4_ will be like the next day, is always _5_ telephone calls from forecasting lovers giving it their _6_. Some of those people base their forecasts _7_ the movement of the stars, and

_8_ on past weather _9_ or on what they have _10_ in the country. _411_, the weather office’s computers _12_ to be more accurate than one person working _13_. The computers, however, also _14_ plenty of mistakes. An example of this is the monthly weather forecast the office has been _15_ since 1994 without much _16_. The office began these forecasts _17_ an experiment and it would not have published them if the government had not _18_ on it. The trouble is that _19_ the office says that its forecasts are not always accurate, the public can’t help _20_ them.

1、A: surprising B: interesting C: satisfying D: inspiring


2、A: glad at B: fond of C: used to D: pleased at


3、A: which B: it C: that D: what


4、A: forecast B: report C: weather D: change


5、A: making B: receiving C: connecting D: answering


6、A: condition B: imagination C: advice D: service


7、A: to B: at C: with D: on


8、A: another B: others C: other D: the others


9、A: forms B: materials C: records D: degrees


10、A: felt B: considered C: heard D: observed


11、A: Of course B: Besides C: Instead D: Altogether


12、A: have B: ought C: want D: happen


13、A: ahead B: alone C: along D: lonely


14、A: give B: meet C: correct D: make


15、A: publishing B: spreading C: producing D: pronouncing


16、A: result B: information C: progress D: success


17、A: like B: on C: from D: as


18、A: controlled B: operated C: insisted D: kept


19、A: if B: although C: even D: however


20、A: taking charge of B: taking care of C: taking notice of D: taking hold of




Problems exist in all relationships. Here are some thoughts that may help to guide you through the tough times in love.

Beliefs about love and loving .we learned about loving from our families and no two families are alike. Consequently, how you want to be loved and how you love your parent may not be what he/she needs to feel love. Ask your partner what he/she needs to feel loved. Don’t guess or assume.

Language. Language itself, by its very nature, causes problems. No two people understand a statement the same way. Ask this question, ―Can you explain what you mean?‖ this question can clear up, any misunderstandings.

Familiarity, boredom and routine. 150 years ago marriages lasted 15 years. With today’s life expectancy a marriage can last many times that long. Women know more about romance than men. But women can teach us; most of us are willing to learn, especially when we know the rewards. Controlling. Controlling another’s friend, time, or anything else will create major b locks and place barriers between partners.

Jealousy. Jealousy is truly a Green-Eyed Monster that will cause relationships to fail. Jealousy is based in fear and seldom based in reality. Fear is defined as False Evidence Appearing Real, not reality.

The above are some causes of many needless breakups. If you mistrust, want to control, have contempt for your partner, then you are heading towards trouble in your relationship. Everyone needs to feel trusted, appreciated, and loved.

1、According to the passage, in order to clear up some misunderstandings caused by language you can ask your partner to ___

A: stop arguing with you

B: have negotiations with you

C: guess how you feel

D: explain what she/he means

2、What is compared as ―a Green-Eyed Monster‖ in the p assage? ___

A:Failure B:Jealousy C:Fear D:Contempt

3、Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ___

A: If you mistrust your partner, you will get into trouble in your relationship.

B: Marriage today can last much longer than it did 150 years age.

C: How you love your partner is what he/she needs in order to feel love.

D: Obstacles will be probably created if you control your partner’s time and friends.

4、What cause problems in the passage? ____

A: Language B: Jealousy C: Controlling D: Familiarity

5、What can’t cause many needless breakups in a family? ___

A: Beliefs about love and loving

B: Reliance

C: Controlling

D: Jealousy



Mr. Fuller was a polite young man. He left a college and found a job in a big hotel. He was kind to everyone and ready to help others. Mr. Galt trusted him and paid him more. And the young man thanked him very much and worked harder.

Mr. Galt had a daughter named Dianne. The girl was self----willed and never listened to others. She liked nothing but wearing and spent a lot of time in dancing. The old man liked her very much and never paid attention to it. The girl made friends with plenty of young men and she always made them obey her. So nobody would marry her. As a twenty-eight-year-old girl, she was worried about it. The old man had to marry her to Mr. Fuller though he came from a poor family.

The woman looked down upon her husband at all and never went out with him. Mr. Galt knew all about it, but told the young man to obey her. Mr. Fuller was sorry for it but didn't mind it. He did all at home and never asked her where she had been or who she had met.

One evening Mr. Fuller was busy and forgot to wake his wife up in time. The woman was angry and hit him on the nose. Blood ran down his face and dropped on his white shirt. He picked up a stick and held it up. The woman fell to the floor while she was running towards him. And her beautiful skirt was broken. The young man ran to the police station in a hurry while his wife was looking for a knife.

―What's the matter, sir?‖ asked a policeman.

―I beat my wife just now,‖ answered Mr. Fuller.

―Have you ever beaten her to death?‖

―I've come here just because I have NOT.‖

1、Mr. Galt trusted Mr. Fuller because the young man ______ .

答案:was kind and worked hard

2、Nobody would marry Dianne because she was ______ .

答案:self-willed and never listened to others and spent much time in dancing.

3、______ , so the young man married her.

答案:Mr. Fuller thanked Mr. Galt very much

4、Dianne didn't think ______ ,so she didn't love him.

答案:her husband was rich enough

5、Mr. Fuller ran to the police station because ______ .

答案:he was afraid to be killed


In November 1965, New York was blacked out by an electricity _1._. The authorities _2_ that it would not happen again. Pessimists were certain that it would occur again with given years at the latest. In July 1977, there was a repeat performance which _3_ warping degrees of _4_ throughout the city of eight million people. In 1965, the accident occurred in the _5_ autumn and at a time of comparative prosperity. In 1977, the disaster was much more _6_ because it came when unemployment was high and the city was suffering from one of its worst heat _7_. In 1965, fewer than a hundred people were arrested. In 1977, hundreds of stores were _8_ into and robbed. Robbers smashed shop windows and _9_ themselves to jewelry, clothing or television sets. Nearly 4000 people were arrested but far _10_ disappeared into the darkness of the night. The number of _11_ available was not large enough and they wisely avoided using their guns against mobs which were far outnumbered then and _12_ armed men.

Hospital had to _13_ hundreds of people cut by glass from shop windows. Banks and most _14_ remained _15_ the next day. The blackout started at 9 p.m. when lightning hit and knocked out the supple cables. Many stores were thus caught by _16_. The vast majority of New Yorkers, _17_, were not involved in robbing. They helped strangers _18_ candles and batteries, and tried to survive in a nightmare world without traffic lights, refrigerators, elevators, water or electrical _19_. For twenty-four hours, New York realized how _20_ it was without electricity.

1、A: loss B: failure C: problem D: pause


2、A: expected B: told C: promised D: ordered


3、A: led B: produced C: brought D: took


4、A: disorder B: breaking C: darkness D: fighting


5、A: cold B: hot C: cool D: rainy


6、A: slight B: days C: dangerous D: serious


7、A: weather B: days C: waves D: air


8、A: stolen B: broken C: forced D: entered


9、A: helped B: took C: grabbed D: collected


10、A: robbers B: too C: more D: many


11、A: policemen B: robbers C: officials D: soldiers


12、A: arrested B: killed C: destroyed D: included


13、A: cure B: accept C: treat D: bring


14、A: houses B: governments C: buildings D: businesses


15、A: closed B: open C: busy D: empty


16、A: darkness B: fire C: surprise D: robbers


17、A: however B: therefore C: nevertheless D: yet


18、A: sell out B: hand out C: give away D: look into


19、A: control B: order C: power D: failure


20、A: necessary B: wonderful C: worrying D: helpless




Perhaps you’re the type of person who can decide to take a one-hour nap and actually wake up about an hour later. The reason both humans and animals are very good at estimating time for starting and stopping activities is the existence of a recently discovered clock in the brain, which is called the interval timing clock.

The interval timing clock, which can be started ad stopped like a stopwatch, gauges the passage of seconds, minutes, or hours and helps creatures time their movements, such as know ing when to

start or stop doing some activity. The interval timing clock is located in a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia.

When the interval clock was destroyed in rats, they could no longer time intervals for obtaining food. Researchers believ e that, like the rat’s brain, the human brain has a similar interval timer that we can start and stop. However, deciding go nap for an hour is very different from the genetically set circadian clock that regulates waking and sleeping. The waking-sleeping clock was recently located in a group of cells in the suprachiasmatic cells are highly responsive to changes in light.

Researchers recently discovered the genes and movement proteins that make up suprachiasmatic nucleus’s circadian clock. Since light regula tes sleep-wake circadian rhythms, the absence of light should disrupt circadian rhythms in blind people and cause sleep problems. Researchers found that many blind people do report sleep problems. However, a small percentage of completely blind people reported no such problems because the pathway for transmitting light from their eyes directly to the suprachiasmatic nucleus was still in use. This pathway transmits only light and has nothing to do with vision.

The interval timing clock

A: can estimate time accurately and never stops

B: is a time-calculating function existing only in human’s mind

C: is known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus

D: makes creatures good at starting and stopping at the right time

―Gauges‖ in the second paragraph probably means

A: records

B: checks

C: measures

D: helps

The suprachiasmatic nucleus is very sensitive to

A: light

B: sound

C: heat

D: cold

Light regulates sleep-wake circadian rhythms,

A: and blind people have little sleep problems

B: and completely blind people have no sleep problems

C: but many blind people still report sleep problems

D: and the absence of light cause no sleep problems

5、A good title for the passage is :

A: The Discovery of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus

B: Interval Timing and Sleep-Wake Clocks

C: The Interval Timing Clock and the Blind

D: Where is the Interval Timing Clock Located?



Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and his mother worked in a shop. They live a happy life until their parents died one night when

suddenly an earthquake broke out. Luckily his sister took him to see their aunt in the city and they did not stay at home. Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt who was not rich enough, they grew up but they lived a hard life. His sister was so sad that she became a nun. After he finished middle school, he was introduced to an owner of a hotel and began to work there.

One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was sent to the hospital and the doctor looked him over. One of his legs was broken and he had to be in hospital. He said to the nurse, ―I'm a poor man, madam. Arrange a third-class ward for me, please.

―Can't anybody help you?‖

―No, madam,‖ answered Dick. ―I have only a sister. She's a nun and she's poor, too.‖

―I don't think so,‖ the nurse said angrily. ―Nuns usually marry God. And God is the richest in the world, you know!‖

―Well, then, ‖Dick said with a smile. ―Please arrange a first----class ward for me and post the bill to my brother----in----law.‖

1、Dick's parents died ______ .

答案:in the earthquake

2、Dick and his sister escaped from the earthquake because ______ .

答案:they were in a safe place

3、The sister and brother lived a hard life because ______ .

答案:they lost all

4、After Dick finished middle school, ______ .

答案:he began to work in the hotel

5.Dick asked the nurse not to arrange a first-class ward for him because ______ .

答案:he hadn't got enough money to pay for the bill


Children use their parents as models, whether the model is good or bad. My neighbors, whose name I’ll change, are excellent _1_.

Mrs Goodhouse is a conscientious_2_. When she went to work yesterday, her children _3_ the department. The eldest daughter took all the carpets _4_ and shook them. The _5_ daughter did all the dishes, _36_ the youngest daughter put the _7_ in good order. The only _8_ in the family dusted the furniture. When the children _39_ their work, they put fresh _10_ in a vase for their mother.

Mrs Frowze is a _11_ housekeeper. When she went ot work, her children made a big mess. One of them drank some coke and _12_ the bottle. The _13_ wasn’t swept up, and the carpet was made

_14_. The _15_ pile of rubbish in the kitchen grew _16_ because the children ate bananas and oranges and _17_ the peels on the floor. One child drew _18_ on the wall and rode his bicycle in the rooms.

Both mothers came home to the reflectionof _19_ and their habits, but _20_ of them was glad of that.

1、A: facts B: stories C: examples D: friends


2、A: player B: visitor C: danger D: housekeeper


3、A: sold B: burned C: cleaned D: washed


4、A: outside B: inside C: upstairs D: downstairs


5、A: other B: middle C: old D: young


6、A: but B: or C: and D: if


7、A: toys B: cats C: dogs D: cars


8、A: mother B: father C: girl D: boy


9、A: began B: finished C: prepared D: wanted


10、A: trees B: flowers C: meat D: fish


11、A: careful B: excellent C: rich D: terrible


12、A: broke B: made C: hid D: sold


13、A: book B: mirror C: plate D: glass


14、A: clean B: dry C: dirty D: neat


15、A: special B: usual C: sudden D: nice


16、A: smaller B: larger C: useful D: light


17、A: cooked B: tasted C: caught D: threw


18、A: pictures B: photos C: stories D: sentences


19、A: children B: themselves C: houses D: parents


20、A: neither B: both C: only one D: all




The Civil War lasted four years. It ended in 1865. President Lincoln signed the order that made the salves in the South free. Soon there would be no more slavery in America.

All the state were united again. The Union was saved. But the damages of war had to be mended. The country must be led back to peace..

President Lincoln looked old. His face was lined with worry.

One evening Mrs. Lincoln wanted to cheer up the President. She asked him to take her ot the theater. The President and Mrs. Lincoln sat in a box. Halfway through the play a shot was fired. The President Lincoln was killed. An actor named John Wilkes Booth had shot the President. Booth was a queer, half crazy person, who had been upset by the war.

People all over the country, North and South, were shocked by the terrible news. The whole country ha lost its great leader.

The train that carried President Lincoln back home to Springfield was draped in black. Crowds of people stood by the railroad tracks in every city and town. Some waited all night on lonesome country roads to see the train go by. Many of the people wept.

The train moved slowly. Its mournful whistle blew across the prairie where young Abe Lincoln had lived. Abraham Lincoln was buried in Springfield, Lllinois, where he lived the happiest years with his family.

In Washington, D.C, the Lincoln Memorial helps Americans remember their great President. There is a beautiful statue to Lincoln. His face looks down on the thousands of people who come there. It makes each one feel the deep kindness and understanding that Abraham Lincoln showed to all people while he lived.

1.President Lincoln was worried because

A: he was determined to set the slaves free

B: he must lead his countrymen to rebuild the country

C: all the states were to be reunited

D: he was getting old

2.The President was killed

A: in a theater

B: in the way to a theater

C: in a car

D: at home

3.Which of the following is not true?

A: Booth was unhappy with the slavery system

B: Booth was upset by the civil war.

C: Many people were very sad at Lincoln’s death.

D: The whole country was shocked by the terrible news

4.We can infer from the passage that President Lincoln

A: was buried in Washington, D.C.

B: held his office in Springfield

C: was very kind and understanding

D: had the happiest time in Washington, D.C.

5.The most suitable title for the passage is

A: The Civil War

B: Abraham Lincoln

C: Back to Peace

D: The Death of Abraham Lincoln



Reports say 62 persons are dead and 40 persons remained alive after hijackers tried to seize an Iraqi passenger plane. The plane was flying from Baghdad, Iraq to Amman Jordan. A Jordanian official, who was on the plane, said at least two persons tried to seize the plane. He said the hijackers exploded while the plane was flying. He said that the plane was able to land at Arar, Saudi Arabia.But the plane exploded when it was on the ground. Radio stations, Beirut, Lebanon said, a group called―The Revolutionary Action Organization‖ has declared it was done by them. 1、How many persons were on the plane?_________


2、According to the passage the hijackers were the men who ____ .

答案:tried to seize the plane

3、How many hijackers were there on the plane?_____

答案:Two or more than two.

4、When did the plane burst?

答案:After it had landed at the airport.

5、Why did hijackers want to seize the plane? Because they wanted to ____ .

答案:achieve their political aim


My neighbor’s children love playing hide-and –seek as all children do, but no one _1_ that a game they played last week, would be _2_ in the local newspaper.

One afternoon, they were _3_ in the street just outside the _4_. Young Tom, who is only five years old, found the perfect place to _5_ in. His sister, Mary, had _6_ her eyes and was counting up to ten when Tom noticed that the small metal door of the letter-box _7_. The postman had just _8_ all the letters out and had gone into the post-office to see if there were any parcels. Tom _9_ into the letter-box and _10_ the door from the inside so hard that it _11_. Soon, realizing _12_ he had done, he became very _13_ and started crying. At the same time, Mary was looking for him everywhere but could not _14_ him. It was lucky she _15_ to stop _16_ the letter-box and hear her brother’s cries. She immediately ran to _17_ the postmen who hurried out to unlock the metal door. Tom was now free, but he had had _18_ a bad fright that he could not stop crying. The postman, however, soon_19_ a way of making him laugh again. He told him that _20_ he wanted to hide in a letter-box he should remember to stick a stamp on himself..

1、A: wanted B: wished C: expected D: counted


2、A: published B: appeared C: reported D: written


3、A: hiding B: seeking C: playing D: running


4、A: school library B: airport C: airport D: classroom


5、A: seek B: post-office C: hide D: play


6、A: shut B: twinkled C: rubbed D: shout


7、A: open B: had left open C: had been left open D: opening


8、A: collecting B: taken C: fetched D: brought


9、A: climbed B: jumped C: moved D: walked


10、A: pushed B: pulled C: shut D: closed


11、A: opened B: broke C: dropped D: locked


12、A: that B: what C: which D: how


13、A: excited B: worried C: frightened D: interested


14、A: search B: meet C: find D: catch


15、A: occurred B: took place C: held D: happened


16、A: out B: out of C: outside D: nearly


17、A: tell B: say C: report D: talk


18、A: so B: much C: such D: that


19、A: found B: thought C: looked for D: produced


20、A: at next time B: in next time C: for next time D: next time


Canning Food

Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeast, moulds and bacteria. The canning process, however, seals the product in a container so that no infection can reach it, and then it is sterilized by heat. Heat sterilization destroys all infections present in food inside the can. No chemical preservatives are necessary, and properly canned food does not deteriorate during storage.

The principle was discovered in 1809 by a Frenchman called Nicolas Appert. He corked food lightly in wide-necked glass bottles and immersed them in a bath of hot water to drive out the air, then he hammered the corks down to seal the jars hermetically (牢牢地). Appert's discovery was rewarded by the French government because better preserved food supplies were needed for Napoleon's troops on distant campaigns.

By 1814 an English manufacture had replaced Appert's glass jars with metal containers and was supplying timed vegetable soup and meat to the British navy. The

next scientific improvement, in 1860, was the result of Louis Pasteur's work on sterilization through the application of scientifically controlled heat.

Today vegetables, fish, fruit, meat and beer are canned in enormous quantities. Within three generations the eating habits of millions have been revolutionized. Foods that were previously seasonal, may now be eaten at any time, and strange foods are available far from the countries where they are grown. The profitable crops many farmers now produce often depend on the proximity of a canning factory.

The first stage in the canning process is the preparation of the raw food. Diseased and waste portions are thrown away; meat and fish are cleaned and trimmed; fruit and vegetables washed and graded for size. The jobs are principally done by machine.

The next stage, for vegetables only, is blanching. This is immersion in very hot or boiling water for a short time to remove air and soften the vegetable. This makes it easier to pack into cans for sterilization. Some packing machines fill up to 400 cans a minute. Fruit, fish and meat are packed raw and cold into cans, and then all the air is removed. When the cans are sealed, the pressure inside each can is only about half the pressure of the outside air. This is 'vacuum' packing.

During the sterilization process which follows, the cans are subjected to steam or boiling water, with the temperature and duration varying according to the type of food. Cans of fruit, for example, take only 5-10 minutes in boiling water, while meat and fish are cooked at higher temperatures for longer period. After sterilization, the cans are cooled quickly to 32℃to prevent the contents from becoming too soft.

The final stage before dispatch (发送) to the wholesale or retail grocer is labeling, and packing the tins into boxes. Nowadays, however, labeling is often printed on in advance by the can-maker and no paper labels are then required.

1)The main idea of Para.1 is-----

A) Food scientifically sealed in cans is safe from decay.

B) Sterilization -- the key to the safe-keeping of food.

C) The use of chemicals in preventing the decay of food.

2)The main idea of Paras. 2 and 3 is ------

A) The history and early methods of preserving food.

B) The French influence in food canning.

C) The scientific principles of food canning.

3)The main idea of Para. 4 is ------

A) How the canning industry affects our lines.

B) The economic effects of the canning industry.

C) The range and diverse advantages of canned food.

4)The main idea of Paras. 5-8 is ------

A) The mechanical miracle of food canning.

B) The step-by-step modern processes of canning food.

C) The process of preparing, washing and grading food for canning.

KEY: A, A, C, B

Passage 3

About the year 1900, a small, dark-haired boy named Charlie Chaplin was often seen waiting outside the back entrances of London theatres. He looked thin and hungry but his blue eyes were determined. He was hoping to get to work in show business. He could sing and dance. His parents were music hall artists and he had been born to the life of the stage. And although his own boyhood was painfully hard, he knew how to make people laugh.

He was often homeless and in old, torn clothes. It was not always possible to get work. Once he traveled with a group called ―The Eight Lancashire lads‖, playing the part of a dog. The boys slept crowded together each night in a different lodging house in a different town. They missed their parents very much.

His parents had died from drinking too much. And his mother wasn’t really able to look after Charlie. She was often sick in mind and had to be sent to the hospital. Even when she was at home with Charlie she seemed to live in a different world. When Charlie couldn’t get work he wandered about the city streets. He found food and shelter wherever he could. Sometimes he was sent to a home for homeless children. He was cold and miserable there and the children were criticized and punished for a slightest fault. He hated it.

Thirty years later this same Charlie Chaplin became the guest of kings. Rich, successful and famous people of many nations were his hosts. Everyone wanted to meet him. Pictures show him in the company of men like Churchill, Einstein and Gandhi. He had become a very important figure in the bright new world of films--- Charlie Chaplin, the king of comedy.

He once wrote: You have to believe in yourself. That is the secret. Even when I was homeless, when I was wandering about the streets trying to find enough to eat to keep alive, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world.

1、Young Charlie knew how to ___

A: enter London theatres

B: make people laugh

C: act on the stage

D: wander in the street

2、Young Charlie had to ___

work to support his family

look after himself

work throughout his childhood

traveled with a group

3、Charlie’s mother ___ when she was not in hospital.

A: could look after him

B: could work

C: could send him to school

D: was unable to support Charlie even

4、Thirty tears later Charlie Chaplin became ___

A: an important comedy actor


大学语文阅读理解作业 礼记·大同 1.文中所宣倡的“大同”社会是建立在什么基础之上的?“大同”是否存在过? 答:“大同”社会是建立在“天下为公”的基础之上的。“大同”社会是指社会道德达到很高的境界,社会以及政治形态公正无私,和平安定,人们合敬合爱。然而“大同”社会毕竟是理想中的社会,在现实生活中是无法达到,所以“大同”并未存在过。 2. “小康”是指什么时代?“六君子”代表了什么? 答:“小康”是指大道既隐,以人为型、以礼治国的时代,是一个差别有等、礼义有序而又融洽和谐的社会;“六君子”指禹、汤、文、武、成王、周公,代表了能够在小康这种大道既隐的时代成为用礼义治国的超群杰出人物。 3.这两段文字在语言表达上有什么特点? 答:1、运用排比,语气富有气势,语言连贯、偶散相间;2、运用铺陈,尽写大同与小康的各种社会表现形态,铺张扬厉;3、逻辑思路清晰、结构严谨、层次分明,对大同和小康的描述一一对应,、对比鲜明,文章思想脉络清晰。 郑伯克段于鄢 1.解释《春秋》、《春秋三传》,这段文字出自哪里? 答:《春秋》据说是春秋时期鲁国史官左丘明所著,主要记载春秋时期的史事;旧说以为《左传》是对《春秋》的解说和阐述,所以就和注解《春秋》的《公羊传》与《毂梁传》合称“春秋三传”;这段文字出自《左传.隐公元年》。 2.分析郑庄公、共叔段、姜氏等人物形象。 答:郑庄公:工于心计、虚伪狠毒、老谋深算、伪善伪孝的人物形象,他在胞弟逼宫问题上的隐忍,说到底不是单纯的隐忍或退让,而属于韬光养晦,后发制人。他不曾马上实施反制,是他不愿在没有准备的情况下过早地和对手摊牌。所以,郑庄公在隐忍的同时,私底下一直在作充分的准备,以求一招制敌,这将他工于心计和虚伪狠毒的性格特点体现得淋漓尽致。在文章结尾,他装作很孝顺,似乎是郑庄公受到颍考叔孝母的感染,其实不过是庄公借此就坡下驴。他之所以欣然接受颍考叔的建议,不过是企图缝补这些破碎的外衣,掩盖已经充分暴露的肮脏的躯体和丑恶的灵魂; 共叔段:愚蠢狂妄,他有着对攫取权力的野心,但因为他的狂妄、施展权术的低能以及他对郑庄公的步步副近,使得他步步落入庄公为他设下的陷井,最终导致失败; 姜氏:偏爱少子、助子为虐,她多次向武王请求立共叔段为太子,


小学二年级家庭作业:阅读理解题 【篇一】 (一)鸟岛 在我国青海湖的西部,有一个中外闻名的青海湖鸟岛。每年五月下旬,一批又一批的候鸟从南方飞来,小岛上挤满了各种各样的鸟。鸟窝密密麻麻,一个挨一个。窝里窝外,到处都是鸟蛋,有白色的,也有青绿色的。 1、写鸟多的词是__________;写鸟窝多的词是__________;写鸟蛋多的词是____________;写鸟蛋颜色的词有____________。 2、这段话中第_____句是写鸟窝多,第_______句写鸟蛋多。 3、鸟岛在什么地方? (二)太阳花 你见过太阳花吗?这是一种很美丽的小花,小小的花瓣,粉红的,鲜艳极了,叶子呢?也是细细的,像含着一包绿汁,很嫩。 早晨,太阳一露出笑脸,太阳花就兴冲冲地开放了。太阳越晒花越红。它仰着脸蛋,好像在跟太阳说:“太阳,谢谢你把我照得这样漂亮。” 傍晚,太阳下山了,太阳花就慢慢合拢花瓣,安安静静地睡觉了。 太阳花还有黄的、蓝的、紫的……五颜六色的太阳花开起来,那才好看呢! 1、短文共有段话,用序号标出来。

2、太阳花是一种很的小花,的花瓣,的,鲜艳极了。 3、太阳花是什么时候开放的?用“”画出来。 (三)蜻蜓 晚饭后,我和姐姐正在门口乘凉。忽然飞来一只大蜻蜓,落在一棵小树上,我悄悄地跑去,把它捉住。大蜻蜓真漂亮!两只眼珠像小玻璃球,亮晶晶的。一对红翅膀不住地扇着。 我真喜欢它,就拿着玩起来。姐姐看见了,大声喊:“快把它放了,它是益虫!”我听了姐姐的话,想到益虫的好处,就把它放了。 1、给带点的字选择正确的音节,对的画上“_______”。 蜻(qīng、qíng)蜓扇着(shān、shānɡ) 乘凉(niáng、liáng)捉住(zhuō、zuō) 2、写出下面词语的近义词。 漂亮——()喜欢——() 3、作者在描写大蜻蜓的外形时,具体地写了蜻蜓的_____________和______________的特点。用“”画出描写蜻蜓外形的句子。 4、抄写短文中画“”的句子。 __________________________________________________________ 在这个句子中把______________比作______________。 5、我非常喜欢大蜻蜓,为什么又把它放了? (四)百灵鸟的歌


一年级下册语文作业规划方案 一六班 一年级下册语文作业规划方案

【本册教材内容】: 本册教材包括“汉语拼音、识字、课文、语文园地、口语交际”六个部分。 【本册教材分析】: 1、汉语拼音。学会汉语拼音,能读准声母、韵母、声调和整体认读音节。能准确地拼读音节,正确书写声母、韵母和音节。能借助汉语拼音认读汉字。 2、识字与写字。认识常用汉字400个,其中100个会写。喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望。掌握汉字的基本笔画,能按笔顺规则写字。初步养成正确的写字姿势和良好的写字习惯。 3、阅读。学习用普通话正确朗读课文。喜欢阅读,感受阅读的乐趣。学习借助读物中的图画阅读。 4、口语交际。能认真听别人讲话努力了解讲话的主要内容。与别人交谈,态度自然大方,有礼貌。积极参加讨论,对感兴趣的话题发表自己的意见。 作为语文老师可能都不约而同感受到课业负担重,别说学生抱怨作业多,就连老师也嫌批改时间长。因此提高语文作业的有效性才是解决师生困扰的有效途径。 一、语文作业的目的: (一)是通过练,理解巩固学过的课堂知识。 (二)是运用学过的知识融会贯通,举一反三。新课程理念下的作业是让学生在完成过程中体验幸福和快乐,使作业成为学生成长内在

需要。因此,教师设计作业,既要顾及作业的一般作用与功能,更要注重学生主体作用的发挥,尊重学生的个别差异,让作业从“写”的单一形式中走出来,使作业富有趣味性,具有吸引力。从而使每个学生的个性得到充分的发展,学习能力和知识水平都得到提高。 (三)把握学生特点设计作业: 低年级学生年龄小,认知能力仅从在于对事物的表面认识上,因此从重视课前复习入手。鉴于一年级学生年龄和课程特点,设计作业说练结合,精写多说,由易到难。 1、复习二类生字词可自读,指名读,齐读。 2、选一两个语试着说一句话。也可以联系课文内容说,也可以结合自己生活来说。 3、听写生字,主要争对一类生字词。有选择性的指名学生到黑板前听写其他学生在听写本上练习,然后集体订正。有时也可以同桌互批。 二、吸引学生的作业类型: (一)朗读型作业。朗读,我国自古就非常重视。“读书百遍,其义自见”,道出了朗读的重要性。叶圣陶先生曾经说过:“语文学科不该只用心与眼来学习,须在心与眼之外,加用口与耳才好。”对于低年级的孩子来说,朗读显得尤其重要,它是学生加深对课文理解、培养语感的有效手段。但这类作业成绩较难检验,有些学生会偷懒不完成。所以提高学生朗读作业的质量,首先必须对学生的朗读进行指导。其次必须激发学生朗读的兴趣。鼓励学生将自己的朗读用录音机录下


大学语文2008版作业第一次至第四次全集A型题: 1. 被誉为“五言之冠冕”的是A.古诗十九首 2. 儒家学派的创始人是C.孔子 3. 被称为“上古之书”的中国第一部历史散文集是A.《尚书》 4. “究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言”是()提出来的D.司马迁 5. 体现“饥者歌其食,劳者歌其事”原则的是A.《诗经》 6. 《九辩》的作者是:C.宋玉 7. 我国历史上,其作品被誉为“诗史”的作家是D.杜甫 8. 成语“夙兴夜寐”出自D.《氓》 9. 《论语》是( )散文. A.语录体 10. “在天愿作比翼鸟”下一句为:B.在地愿为连理枝 11. 开创我国文学中“悲秋”主题先河的作品是C.宋玉的《九辩》 12. 与孟浩然同属一派的诗人是:C.王维 13. 写李杨爱情的诗作是:D.《长恨歌》 14. 《淮海居士长短句》为( )的词集A.秦观 15. 下列诗人不属于初唐四杰的是C.陈子昂 16. 先秦诸子散文主要以( )为主. B.议论 17. 以四言诗为主,为后世奠定了现实主义传统的是:A.《诗经》 18. 《史记》是我国第一部C.纪传体通史 19. 晚唐“小李杜”中的“李”指的是:D.李商隐

20. 下列《楚辞》作品中,非为屈原所写的一部是C.九辩 21. 杜甫诗歌的主要风格是:C.沉郁顿挫 22. 被鲁迅誉为"史家之绝唱;无韵之离骚"的史书是C.史记 23. 被称为诗仙的是:B.李白 24. 范增这一人物出自A.《史记?项羽本纪》 25. 《九歌》是一组在祭祀中用于娱神的乐歌,共有诗A.11首 26. 盛唐田园山水诗派的代表作家是D.王维 27. 被王国维评价为“遂变伶工之词而为士大夫之词”的词人是:C.李煜 28. “有教无类”为( )的教育主张. B.孔子 29. 《新五代史》的撰写者是A.欧阳修 30. 《诗经》中的《风》D.量大,多为民歌 31. 先秦诸子散文中,属于语录体的著作是D.《论语》 32. 《漱玉词》为( )的词集A.李清照 33. “天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期”出自:D.《长恨歌》 34. "欲摘故纵,请君入瓮"为( )惯用的论辫手法. C.孟子 35. “天时不如地利,地利不如人和”,这句话用了( )的修辞手法. C.顶真 36. 成语“破釜沉舟”、“项庄舞剑”、“四面楚歌”均出自A.《项羽本纪》 37. “周公吐哺,天下归心”出自曹操的B.《短歌行》 38. 我国古代第一部断代史为D.汉书 39. 杜牧是唐朝哪个时期的诗人B.晚唐 40. 提倡“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的唐代诗人是:D.白居易 41. 《行路难》的作者是C.李白 42. 《诗经》中最具民歌特点的部分是C.国风 43. 汉代传授《诗经》的有四家,流传至今的是A.毛诗 44. 法家的集大成者是C.韩非 45. 先秦散文,想象丰富,辞藻华丽,并大量运用古代神话,被我们称为最有文学色彩的,是 D.《庄子》


新闻类非连续性文本阅读专项训练 【2017·石家庄市高三教学质量检测】实用类文本阅读(12分) 阅读下面的文字,完成4~6题。 材料一(光明网): 中国拥有3000多家制笔企业,年产圆珠笔近400亿支,堪称圆珠笔第一大国。但令人尴尬的是,这400亿支圆珠笔笔尖上的球座体,从设备到原材料,都高度依赖进口。明明是制造业大国,为什么连小小的笔尖都无法做到完全自主研发自主生产? 时间流转,尴尬的局面终于发生了变化:中国有了属于自己的圆珠笔尖。 圆珠笔笔头分为笔尖上的球珠和球座体。生产一个小小的圆珠笔头需要二十多道工序。笔头里面有不同高度的台阶和五条引导墨水的沟槽,加工精度都要达到千分之一毫米的数量级。而笔头的关键部位更是要细上加细——在笔头最顶端的地方,厚度仅0.3-0.4毫米。极高的加工精度,对不锈钢原材料提出了极高的性能要求,既要容易切削,加工时又不能开裂,小小?笔尖?着实考验着中国制造。 科研人员们不断雕琢,精益求精,向世人展现了大国工匠应有的风采,笔尖钢的元素配比参数终于浮出水面。也正是因为他们贯彻了?工匠精神?,才能够将产品做到极致。一场关于?笔尖工艺?的硬仗,打倒了一批只会粗制滥造的企业,同时也让真正的精英们站在了行业的制高点上。中国是制造业大国,而当下,我们正努力走在成为制造业强国的路上。面对现实的挑战,我国制造业不断寻求转型升级、提质增效之路。而在转型提质的过程中,践行?工匠精神?则显得格外关键。相信在未来,?工匠精神?也定将引领中国制造业走向?以质取胜?的新阵地。 材料二(央视新闻客户端): 一个小小的圆珠笔头,也是中国制造业面临问题的缩影。要实现从制造大国到制造强国的转变,同样任重道远。 中国制笔协会理事长王淑琴说:?制笔行业现阶段与国外的差距,应该说不完全是技术上的。现在主要在心态上、在思维模式上,还在文化和环境上,这些都是有一定差距的。整个中国的制造业都比较浮躁,而且现在这种形势更是如此。? 来自一线的制笔企业负责人陆宪明说,一次去日本制笔企业参观的经历让他难以忘怀:?在一个日本制笔企业,我看到在笔头的生产线上,一个女工,大概45岁左右,她从工位里面拿出笔头清洗好,推到边上检验台做记录,这么厚的本子,我一看这个本子她大半本记掉了,这样一本东西要从开始记到现在,没有五年十年是不会有这么厚的,说明他们的员工工作的那种专注仔细。现在中国企业的员工流动比较大,技术含量不够,积累不够,经验不够,这种差距,你就很难培养出那种专心细致的工匠来。所谓工匠精神确实是需要一种耐心的、踏踏实实的精神,心无旁鹜、专心一意把一件事情做好。这是我们目前最差的地方。?材料三(新浪网): 不久前,国务院总理李克强在太原主持会议时指出,?去年,我们在钢铁产量严重过剩的情况下,仍然进口了一些特殊品类的高质量钢材。我们还不具备生产模具钢的能力,圆珠笔头上的‘圆珠’,目前仍然需要进口。这都需要调整结构。? 事实上,圆珠笔头问题折射出了中国制造业深层的结构性的问题。有专家分析认为,企业创新能力不足,是结构性问题中最为典型的表现。一方面是技术含量低和附加值低的低端产品生产过剩,另一方面是技术含量高和附加值高的高端产品供给不足,这两种现象同时存在。这也正是当下中央提出要进行供给侧结构性改革的原因。而要进行这样的改革,从根本上来说,还是要从理念入手,从人入手。 许多专家一致认为,中国专业技术人才严重紧缺。良好素质的技术工人,不应仅仅是掌握制造技术,而且还应该是有责任心的匠人,是能够对产品终身品质负责的匠人。但是在人才培养和使用上,我们存在很多问题.特别是对技术工人重视不够,导致这部分人才严重缺失。 显然,中国经济要转型升级,要搞供给侧结构性改革,必须要从制造业重塑人力基因入手。企业首先要转


二年级语文第三单元分层阅读设计案例各位老师下午好,众所周知,一份设计精良的作业对于巩固教学有至关重要的作用。这个学期,我们二年级组所有语文老师群策群力,也结合当下作业设计的整体趋势,从分层设计这个角度对我们设计的第三单元综合作业进行简单的解析。 为什么分层设计作业如此重要呢?因为新课程标准的指出:每一个学生的智力都各具特点并有自己独特的表现形式,有自己的学习类型和学习方法,教师要将学生视为具体的、活生生的、有丰富个性的、不断发展的个体,根据学生身心发展和课程学习的特点,尊重学生的个体差异和不同的学习要求,给每一个学生提供思考、创造、表现及成功的机会。 教学中我们也看到“一刀切”这一传统的作业模式严重阻碍了学生个性的发展和潜能的发挥。这也导致了一种现象:同样的一份作业对于某些学生来说“高不可攀”,而有些则显然不够。 因此,教师给学生布置作业应做到因材施教,做到客观看待学生身上存在的学习能力方面的差异,采取分层作业的方式,使每个学生在自己原有的基础上得到最优发展,真正让作业对每个学生都适合并且发挥其最大的效益。 基于以上的考虑,我们二年级组在作业设计体现单元整体性、层次性、自主性、灵活性的前提下对第三单元的练习进行了构建:一、设计背景 小学二年级语文第三单元的主题是“读课文了解内容”,共编排了

五篇课文,这五篇课文都是以写景状物为主的文章,语句灵动优美,介绍了各种怡人的景致,读来清新自然。学习本单元,一是让学生在品读中继续学习汉字,并能够结合语境了解基本意思。 二是让学生能通过一些辅助手段,说说读懂了什么,从而深化朗读的层次感。三是让学生在阅读中,边记忆边积累,边模仿怎样去表达,所以本单元的练习应该紧扣单元目标“积累和运用”进行设计。 二、作业结构 作业分成两大板块:形式上分为必做题和选做题,内容上分为基础题和阅读题。有些题目有3:2:1的坡度,即两道课内一道课外。之所以这样设计,是尊重学生已有经验、智力、学习习惯、知识范畴等方面的差异性。一般的学生立足课本,把基本的知识点学扎实,鼓励好一点的学生大胆运用自己所掌握的知识,即使这些知识并非来自课本。比如在设计基础题第2道“把词语补充完整”时,我有意识地把词语进行了归类,第一排都是abac词语的特殊形式,第二排不仅是aabb形式的词语,而且有表示多的意思。两类词语都很常见,课本中出现过许多类似的词语,课外书籍中也常常能看到。做题时,孩子就能够根据自己的实际情况,结合课内、课外的习得去完成。这道题不但帮助成绩一般的孩子进行归类积累,更让学习能力强的孩懂得“更多的知识在课外”,帮助树立“积累是为了运用“的意识。三、题型解析。 第一部分是基础题,除了第二题,其它均为必做。第一题是看拼音


大学语文第一讲、第二讲作业 参考答案 一、选择题 1.《诗经》在语言形式上的特点是( C ) A.风、雅、颂 B.赋、比、兴 C.以四言为主,重章叠句,韵律和谐自然 D.层次错落,富有节奏 2.按音乐形式,《诗经》可分为( A ) A.风、雅、颂 B. 赋、比、兴 C.以四言为主, D.重章叠句,韵律和谐。 3.《诗经》的主要表现方法是( B) A.风、雅、颂 B.赋、比、兴 C.以四言为主 D.重章叠句,韵律和谐。 4.下列诗作中不表现“在水一方”意境的诗是( D) A.《诗经·汉广》 B.《诗经·蒹葭》 C.《九歌·湘夫人》 D.《九章·橘颂》 5.《诗经》原称《诗》或《诗三百》,( B )始称为“《诗经》”。 A.周代 B.汉代 C.唐代 D.秦代 6.关于《蒹葭》这首诗的主旨,历来说法不一,请选择比较合理可信的一项。( D ) A.讽刺秦襄不用周礼,不能纳贤求士。 B.描写追求"在水一方"的“伊人”,“伊人”指朋友。 C.描写思念“在水一方”的“伊人”,“伊人”泛指一般的人。 D.描写了一个热恋者对意中人的急切追求和可望不可即的惆怅的心情。7.下列关于“楚辞”的表述中,不正确的一项是( C ) A.以屈原的作品为主 B.是兴起于楚国的一种诗歌样式 C.大多是叙事作品 D.渊源于江淮流域楚地的歌谣 8.下列作品属于屈原创作的有( ABC ) A.《九歌》 B.《离骚》 C.《九章》 D.《风赋》 9.下列作品,属于楚辞体的是( B ) A.《蒹葭》 B.《国殇》 C.《饮酒》(其五) D.《行路难》(其一) 10. “楚辞”在语言形式上的特点是(AC ) A.以六、七言为主 B.重章叠句 C.多用“兮”字以助语势 D.以五言为主 11.《国殇》一诗之“国殇”的含义是( A ) A.祭奠为楚国捐躯的将士 B.感伤楚国将士斗志的衰败 C.鼓舞为楚国捐躯的斗士 D.感伤楚国国势的衰败 12.下列先秦著作属于儒家的有(ABE) A.《荀子》 B.《论语》 C.《庄子》 D.《墨子》 E.《孟子》


小学三年级语文寒假阅读理解作业题 (*) 买椟还珠 楚国有个珠宝商人到郑国去卖珠宝。他用名贵的有香味的木料雕了一个盒子,又想方设法把盒子装饰得十分美观,然后把珠宝装在里面。 有个郑国人出高价买了去。他打开盒子,把里面放着的珠宝还给珠宝商人,只要走了盒子。 盒子做得太好看了。那个郑国人只看中了盒子,却不知道珠宝比盒子贵许多倍。 1、你认为郑国人错了吗,为什么? 2、盒子做得太好看了!你能想象出盒子有多好看吗?把它描述出来。 3、郑国人看见了这个盒子,心里会怎么想?说说你的看法。 4、在日常生活中,你见过类似买椟还珠的事吗? (*) 冰雪 在美国,每当大雪(融溶)化之后,我总是看到许多工人在忙着修补路面。

某日,我不解地问一位修路工人:下大雪期间,应该行驶的车子特别少,为什么路面反(到倒)破了这么大的洞呢? 这不是被车子破坏的,而是被冰雪侵蚀的。工人笑着回答。 那就奇怪了,你们的工程为什么这样不结实,连冰雪都能将路面损坏呢?我接着问。 你一定是初到有冰雪的地方吧?工人放下铲子,指着远方的山头说,如果有空,你可以到山上去看看,那里有许多比路面结实几十倍的岩石,都因冰雪的侵蚀而崩裂了。所以,不要以为雪水算不得什么,(即既)使有一点小缝,被它渗进去,也可能(遭糟)到大麻烦。它能够在结冰时膨胀体积,然后一分分地移动岩石,再一块块地将碎石推下山头。渗透、侵蚀、崩溃都是从那些小小的裂缝开始的,都是由那些看起来不那么稀奇的雪水推动的,我们真是防不胜防啊! 1、删去括号中不合适的字。 2、文中画线的句子包含两组关联词,请选一组造句。 3、根据短文内容填空。 因为在美国我常常看见__________________________________________,不由疑惑__________________________________________,最后通过与修路工人的交谈才得知,原来是___________________________________________ 4、为什么许多比路面结实几十倍的岩石,都因冰雪的侵蚀而崩裂了?


语文寒假作业设计 尊敬的学生家长: 为了您的孩子健康和谐发展,以下作业请家长配合,督促孩子按时完成,并请您签上您的大名,确保孩子完成作业。 家长签名处: 语文作业: 基础巩固:1、每周背诵优秀作文2篇,勾划喜欢的好句佳段,摘抄到自己的读书笔记里。 2.用田格本练习钢笔字。每天一课,内容是四年级上册课文中的生字,生词。生字三字一词一遍,词语二遍。 3、背诵四年级语文下册要求背诵的课文或段落。 阅读积累:“经常在书的海洋中遨游,即使成不了睿智能干的舵手,也能成为自食其力的渔夫.”希望同学们能够利用假期选择自己喜欢和有意义的书籍来读一读.课外阅读不少于2本.每天可以安排1小时的看书时间.。 写作提升:寒假的生活一定会给你留下很多美好的记忆,有自己去过的美丽地方、有和伙伴经历过的快乐事情,还有身边的可爱动物发生的趣闻,也有令你尊敬慈爱的亲人,请把这些记忆用笔尖流淌在你的作文纸上吧,至少4篇。每篇不少于400字。 综合实践:1、摘抄十对春联。放在日记本的首页。 2、对自己的压岁钱做个安排,做到不乱花钱。

3、在春节期间,自己编写或摘抄优美的祝福语用手机短信的方式发给亲人、老师和好友。 4、跟家长学习一项小技能,如包饺子,做凉菜拼盘?? 数学作业: 1、《寒假生活》认真完成。 2、每天抄写5道竖式计算和5道解决问题。 3、预习下册课本,开学试测第1、2单元。 英语作业:26个英语字母大小写1遍;每天英语早读至少10分钟;上册每单元单词、句子抄写2遍。 开学以后,把各科作业交给组长,进行评比。完成质量最高的小组将获5个笑脸,另有奖励! 四年级班 五班寒假作业姓名: 愉快的寒假生活即将开始了。同学们在享受寒假生活的同时,要让自己有所收获。 1. 用“爱”献一份亲情; ( 1 )给家人(或者和爸爸、妈妈一起)做一顿饭; ( 2 )给家人洗一次衣服; ( 3 )亲手给长辈(爷爷奶奶、外公外婆、爸爸妈妈)洗一次脚; ( 4 )大年初一早上向父母、长辈问好; ( 5 )(当面或者通过电话和网络)给长辈、师长、亲友、


《大学语文》作业参考答案 一、填空 1.恐美人之迟暮 2.周公吐哺,天下归心。 3.战士军前半死生 4.恰似一江春水向东流 5.天生我材必有用 6.为他人作嫁衣裳 7.绵绵无绝期 8.春蚕到死丝方尽 9.两情若是久长时 10.著书都为稻粱谋 11.千树万树梨花开 12. 明月松间照 13.举杯销愁愁更愁 14.但愿人长久 15. 莫道不销魂 16.山色有无中 17.澄江一道月分明 18.江间波浪兼天涌 19.万象为宾客 20.今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 21. 恨别鸟惊心 22.胡马依北风 23.望帝春心心托杜鹃 24.凄凄惨惨戚戚 二、判断 1.√ 2.× 3.√ 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.× 8.√ 9.√ 10.× 11.× 12.× 13.√ 14.× 15.× 16.× 17.√ 18.√ 19.× 20.× 21.× 22.√ 23.× 24.√ 三、词语解释 1.皇考:亡父。 2.死节:指为国牺牲。 3.迟暮:指晚年。 4.不胜:禁受不住。 5.尘网:比喻官场的束缚。 6.无端:没来由,无缘无故,不明不白。 7.断鸿:离群的孤雁。 8.弥望:满眼。 9.黔首:老百姓。 10.契阔:聚散。 11.次第:情形,光景。 12.顷之:不久。 四、简要回答 1.作者执意改革政治以振兴楚国而不为君王所信任;作者追求、坚持高尚的道德操守而遭到“党人”的诬陷诽谤;作者深情地眷恋着祖国却一再受到排斥和打击。 2.三个场面描写:在四面楚歌中霸王别姬,悲歌慷慨,表现了英雄末路多情而又无可奈何的心境;在东城“快战”中连斩数将,说到做到,展露了项羽勇猛无比的英姿;因愧见江东父老而自刎乌江,宁死不屈,揭示了项羽内心世界中知耻重义的一面。 3.诗作构思新奇,写来蹊径独辟。对乐曲本身,作者仅以“昆山玉碎凤凰叫,芙蓉泣露香兰笑”两句比喻略加描摹,而将大量笔墨用来渲染乐曲惊天地、泣鬼神的动人效果。渲染乐曲效果的诗句,由一系列神奇的想象和联想构成,且多用神话传说,摹写新奇,词语峭丽,颇富浪漫气息。 4.讽刺张守珪军中之事,概括了开元年间唐军将士戍边生活的多个方面,重点在于揭露军中官兵苦乐悬殊,抨击将帅腐败无能且不恤士卒,对长期浴血苦战的广大士兵寄予了深切的同情。 5.小说的中心线索是紧紧围绕着车夫姚纳因死了儿子想跟人家倾吐一下内心的愁苦这个可怜的心愿和欲望展开的,情节按照时间顺序铺排,作者将“人与人”的关系与“人与马”的关系进行了对比;对话描写精当简练,能反映出人物在特定环境、场合中的性格特征与心理活动;细节描写匠心独运,静态的肖像描写逼真传神,语言朴实无华。 6.意境朦胧,含蕴不尽;采用重章叠句形式,不仅有回环往复、一唱三叹之美,而且有层层推进、步步深化诗歌意境的作用。


中考语文“新闻类”试题解题技巧与练习 【考点导航】 新版《语文课程标准》在“课程的基本理念”中指出:“语文课程应根植于现实,面向世界,面向未来。”又在7-9年级阶段目标的“综合性学习”中指出:要“关心学校、本地区和国内外大事”这就说明了语文关注生活、关注时事的特点。 一、标题拟写类 例1.(2016年重庆市A)请根据下面新闻内容,拟一个恰当的标题。(不超过15个字) 重庆商报讯在山水环抱的重庆,每个人都摆脱不了江河印记。5月20日,“寻美重庆江河”摄影大赛在武隆正式启动。作为采访首站的武隆迎来了国内近百名知名摄影爱好者。据悉,该系列活动还将走访重庆各个区县,用镜头寻美重庆江河。只要是以重庆江河为拍摄对象,具备自然美、人文美的作品,都可以参赛。即日起至8月31日止,摄影爱好者可以发送相关重庆江河的摄影、摄像作品到组委会,评选结果将于今年9月15日在媒体上公布。主办方强调,这项活动能唤起人们对江河的记忆和感情,激发人们保护生态的热情。 _____________________________。 二、提取信息类 例2.(2016年宁夏回族自治区)请从下面这则新闻中提取主要信息。(字数不超过空格限制) 据新华社专电这里既无风也无雨,除了不时飞落的大大小小的陨石,已经寂静了40 多亿年。2018年,月球永远背向地球的那一面将首次迎来人类的着陆探测器——嫦娥四号。中国国家航天局探月与航天工程中心副主任刘彤杰,在近日举行的国家“十二五”科技创新成就展上透露,中国计划于2018年5月底或6月初将嫦娥四号的中继卫星发射至地月拉格朗日点的轨道上,并在约半年后发射嫦娥四号的着陆器和巡视器,对月球背面南极艾特肯盆地开展着陆巡视探测。 ____________________________。 三、概括主要内容类 例3.(2016年贵州省黔南州)用一句话概括下面这则新闻的主要内容(不超过26个字,包括标点) 人民网5月28日电 2016“数博会”(中国大数据产业峰会登中国电子商务创断发展峰会)于5月25日在贵阳开幕,国务院总理李克强出席开幕式并作主旨演讲,他对贵州发展大数据给予肯定:贵州在这里把“无”生了“有”,在信息产业里。在大数据、云计算、互联网所代表的新一代互联网发展趋势的背景下,所有的国家和地区只要经过自己的努力,都可以站在同一条起跑线上,落后的地方甚至可以抢占先机。 _____________________________。 四、新闻综合类 例4.(2016年福建省福州市)2015年是中国人民抗战胜利70周年,也是世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年,请你阅读下面的材料,回答问题。 材料一:新华社联合国2015年2月26日电第69届联合国大会26日召开全会,一致通过关于纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年的决议。该决议决定联大将于5月召开纪念世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年特别会议,认可各会员国反法西斯战争有各自的胜利纪念日,决议认为第二次世界大战对全人类,特别是亚洲、欧洲的那个地区民众造成了深重的苦难。


家乡的小河 在我家院子的后面,流淌着一条清澈的小河。 小河是娴静的,宛如明镜一般,倒映着红色的花、绿色的树;她又是活泼可爱的,层层鳞浪随风而起,伴着跳跃的阳光在舞蹈,舞姿优美得就像天空的七彩绸。 小河的早晨是迷人的。绚丽的晨曦中,刚刚苏醒的小河揉了揉眼睛,好奇地张望着她周围的新鲜东西。这时水绿得像玉,霞红得似胭脂,袅袅上升的雾气像洁白的羽纱,轻掩着小河姑娘那羞涩的脸蛋。 太阳爬上了树梢,把自己的身躯映在河水中,欣赏着火红的脸庞。一群白鹅开始了“曲项向天歌”“红掌拨青波”的嬉戏。鱼儿凑趣地跳跃着,翻起了一个个跟头,顿时河面上鳞光闪闪。 夕阳西下,太阳把余辉洒在河面上,小河里这处是红,那处是绿。又一阵风来,倒映着两岸和成排的桑树、桃树,都乱成灰暗的一片,像醉汉,可一会儿又站定了。 小河的夜晚可静啦,喧闹了一天的小河带着倦意入睡了。她像凝固了一般躺在那里一动也不动,清清的明月,悄悄爬到空中,对着小河照镜子。这时,寒风任意地扫着河岸上的小草,发出一阵窸窸窣窣的声响。远处,偶尔传来几声汪汪的狗叫声,此时的小河更静、更清。 家乡的小河啊,你真美! 1.联系上下文给下面词语中加粗的字选择确切的解释,将序号写在括号里。 凝固①结实,牢固;②坚硬;③坚决地;④本来。()轻掩①遮盖; ②关;③乘人不备。() 2.文章的主要部分是按照什么顺序写的?作具体说明。 3.给文章分段(用“‖”在原文中表示)并写出段意。 4.文中哪一句揭示了文章的中心?写下来。 5.文章的第一自然段和最后一自然段在全文中各起什么作用? 6.读第二自然段文章。 用“____”画出描写小河动态的句子;用“~~~~”画出描写小河静态的句子。用“()”括出一句比喻句;用“[ ]”括出一句拟人句。 7.读第三自然段文章。 这段文章是围绕“__ __”这句话写的其中“”这个词是重点词。这段文章通过对等事物的描写,写了小河“”这一时间的景象。 读下面的话,想一想,这句话用了什么修辞手法?在最正确的答案后的括号里打“√”,不正确的打“×”。“袅袅上升的雾气像洁白的羽纱,轻掩着小河姑娘那羞涩的脸蛋。” 这句话运用了: A.比喻方法()B.拟人方法()C.比喻和拟人方法() 字字皆辛苦 唐朝的李绅,自幼丧父,家境贫困。母亲为了把他教育成人,就亲自教他读书作文。李绅天资聪明,又十分好学,因此,15岁的时候就能写出挺不错的诗来。‖


大学语文第一至第三讲作业 一、选择题(包含单选和多选) 1.我国上古歌谣和( AD )是不可分的。 A.音乐 B.押韵 C.地域 D.舞蹈 2.《诗经》的修辞手法有( B )。 A.风、雅、颂 B.赋、比、兴 C.以四言为主 D.重章叠句,韵律和谐。 3.《蒹葭》一诗起“兴”的句子是( AD )。 A.蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜 B.所谓伊人,在水一方 C.溯洄从之,道阻且长 D. 蒹葭采采,白露未已 4.《诗经》中的“风”绝大多数是( C )。 A.祭祀用诗 B.文人诗 C.民歌 D.贵族宴会用诗 5.《诗经》和《楚辞》在文学史上并称( A ),对后世文学产生了巨大影响。 A.风骚 B.风雅 C.杂体诗 D.古体诗 6.“楚辞”在语言形式上的特点有( AC ) A.以六、七言为主 B.重章叠句 C.多用“兮”字以助语势 D.以五言为主 7.“车错毂兮短兵接”中的“兵”的含义是( D )。 A.士兵 B.战争 C.刀剑 D.兵器 8.下列先秦著作属于儒家的有( ABE )。 A.《荀子》 B.《论语》 C.《庄子》 D.《墨子》

E.《孟子》 9.《秋水》中产生或引伸出来的成语有( BC )。 A.分崩离析 B.贻笑大方 C.望洋兴叹 D.开柙出虎 10. 下列各句中,属于宾语前置的句子有( ABD )。 A.敢问何谓也(《郑伯克段于鄢》) B.无乃尔是过与(《季氏将伐颛臾》) C.谨庠序之教,申之以孝悌之义(《寡人之于国也》) D.天下莫之能抗(《苏秦始将连横》) 11.“寡人之于国也,尽心焉耳矣”中的“焉”是( A )。 A.兼词 B.语气词 C.疑问词 D.代词 12.下列句子中属于意动用法的有( B )。 A.闻道百,以为莫己若者 B.少仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义C.井蛙不可以语于冰者,笃拘于虚也 D.吾长见笑于大方之家 13.“春秋三传”指的是( BCD )。 A.《吴越春秋》 B.《公羊传》 C.《左传》 D.《谷梁传》 14. 《郑伯克段于鄢》一文中显示愚昧无知特点的是( AC )。 A.姜氏 B.祭仲 C.共叔段 D.颖考叔 15. “多行不义必自毙”这一成语出自( A )。 A.《左传》 B.《战国策》 C.《论语》 D.《孟子》 16.下列句子中的加点词语不属于使动用法的是( D )。 A.庄公寤生,惊.姜氏。 B. 无生.民心 C.以睦兄弟,以和.夫妇。 D.王固不能行.也


2017新闻类阅读专项训练 考纲题例: 阅读下列材料,完成(1)~(4)题。(25分) 材料一: 【本报讯(记者韩晓东)】由中国新闻出版研究院组织实施的第十一次全国国民阅读调查日前在京发布结果。调查显示,2013年我国成年国民图书阅读率为57.8%,较2012年上升了2.9个百分点;包括书报刊和数字出版物在内的各种媒介的综合阅读率为76.7%,较2012年上升了0.4个百分点。其中,报纸和期刊的阅读率分别较2012年下降超过5个百分点,而数字化阅读方式的接触率则上升了近10个百分点。中国新闻出版研究院院长魏玉山介绍,我国国民的图书阅读率从2007年至今已经连续七年稳步回升。 从国民对各类出版物阅读量的考察看,2013年我国成年国民人均纸质图书的阅读量为4.77本,比2012年增加了0.38本。人均阅读报纸和期刊分别为70.85期(份)和5.51期(份),与2012年相比均有不同程度的下降。2013年我国成年国民人均阅读电子书2.48本,比2012年增加了0.13本。与2012年相比,传统纸质媒介中,2013年我国成年国民对图书、报纸和期刊的接触时长均有不同程度的减少;新兴媒介中,上网时长和手机阅读的接触时长呈增长趋势,其中,通过手机上网的比例增幅明显,与2012年的29.2%相比,增长了13.5个百分点。对我国国民倾向的阅读形式的研究发现,66.0%的成年国民更倾向于“拿一本纸质图书阅读”,有15.6%的国民倾向于“手机阅读”,超过更倾向于“网络在线阅读”的国民比例(15.0%)。 从阅读者的年龄分布看,0—17周岁未成年人是纸质图书阅读的绝对主力,这一群体的图书阅读率为76.1%,人均图书阅读量为6.97本,较2012年提高了1.48本,其中,14—17周岁未成年人课外图书的阅读量最大,为8.97本。另外,通过对亲子早期阅读行为的分析发现,2013年我国0—8周岁有阅读行为的儿童家庭中,平时有陪孩子读书习惯的家庭占到86.5%,在这些家庭中,家长平均每天花费23.87分钟陪孩子读书。 另据悉,为了更好地推动全民阅读活动的开展,满足国民多元化阅读需求,由中国新闻出版研究院等机构共同发起的第二届“文明中国”全民阅读活动将于近期全面启动,届时将开展包括全民阅读送纸书、送数字阅读客户端、开展阅读创作征文活动在内的多种全民阅读活动。 (《中华读书报》2014年4月23日01版) 附图: 材料二: 今天是第 19 个“世界读书日”,也是伟大文豪莎士比亚诞辰 450 周年。每逢这个日子,有识之士便是一次集体焦虑,然后便痛心疾首,感叹中国人读书太少,并不乏数据证明,比如人均读书才四五本,远低于韩国的 11 本,法国的 8.4 本,日本的8.5 本,美国的 7 本……更有论者对国人“恨铁不成钢”,呼吁国人千万别成为“屏奴”,要多读纸质图书。(摘自2014年4月23日《北京青年报》) 材料三:


四下有效作业阅读题答案 1古诗词三首 1.唐白居易;词牌名、《草》《池上》等。 2.江南春天的、“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝”、对江南风景的赞美和怀念的、“能不忆江南”。 2 桂林山水 1、(1)四字词语:柔似绒毯、碧波荡漾、苍松翠郁、浩浩荡荡、玄妙莫名等(2)拟人句:“轻盈的碎浪,抚摸着你的脚板……“溜走”、“她正向游客敞开胸怀,把自己的欢乐……给人类。” (3)比喻句:在朱家尖岛的东南部……五个金色绸缎般的沙滩。 2、从前到后、从近到远 3、朱家尖碧海金沙,风景迷人,吸引了无数中外游客,是我们家乡的骄傲。 3 记金华的双龙洞 1.2.3.(略) 4.双龙、石钟乳、石笋;变化多端,颜色各异;黄龙,青龙。 4﹡七月的天山 1、土、14 、hè,山沟,沟壑。2.(略) 3. 四种姿态,分别是:有些浓雾把一切都遮蔽了;有些则影影绰绰,如笼着轻纱;有些云雾停留在山谷下,汇成海洋;有些云雾漂浮在上面。 4.我觉得阿里山的云雾变化多端,时而温文沉静,时而翻滚奔涌,给人留下莫名的惊愕与喜悦。 第一单元综合练习 (一) 1.按课文内容填空。 2.请在“□”内填写标点。 3.这段话主要写了桂林山奇、秀、险的特点。 4.文中三次出现带有“啊”的句子,你用赞美的语气去读,因为它表达了作者对桂林山的喜爱的情感。 (二)第一次见到大江 1.在括号内填上适当的词语(一个文中的一个课外的)。 (浩瀚)的江面(碧绿)的绒毯(青翠)的屏障 (平静)的江面(翠绿)的绒毯(翠绿)的屏障2.用“”画出写江面宽阔的句子,用“”画出写长江美丽的句子。顿时,我的眼前开阔了:浩瀚的江面波光粼粼,巨大的轮船像平地高楼,矗立在江面上,我长这么大还从没见过这么宽广的水域呢!啊,长江你是河,还是海呢?初升的太阳把它的光芒洒在江面上,江面上浮光耀金,像洒了一片碎金,又像有无数条金色的鲤鱼在白浪里翻滚。 3.小作者在写“阳光照射下的江面”时展开了想象,他把阳光下的江面比作洒了一片碎金和无数条金色的鲤鱼在白浪里翻滚。 4.小作者写“极目远眺”的景物,是按观察点变化顺序来写的,先写大堤,抓住__稻田_、丛林、农舍三个景物;再写江面,抓住船、炊烟两

新闻阅读与实践 综合练习 教师用

新闻类文本阅读题型类解 一、分析新闻内容的真实性 例1:昨天晚上7点多钟,记者乘坐采访车赶到南澳镇。此时,一阵紧过一阵的狂风裹挟着海水,不断向镇区刮来。尽管天已漆黑,但是大海上滔天的白浪依然清晰可辩。在港湾里避风的渔排随着浪头上下摇晃,随时有倾覆的危险。晚上8点一过,风力明显加大。记者乘坐的采访车一停下来,车身就被大风刮得剧烈抖动。海水被接近10级的大风卷集着,疯狂地“扑“上防波堤,形成一阵充斥着咸味的暴风雨。南澳镇门朝大海的店面几乎全部大量进水,积水没过脚面。晚上8点04分,南澳全镇停电。——《南澳:“风眼”里经受冲击》(节选) 题目:本文的作者是如何突出真实性的? 【参考答案】从三个方面。一是根据采访经过突出真实性;二是根据对新闻现场的客观反映突出真实性;三是根据准确的数据突出真实性。 【方法小结】 1、从再现采访过程的角度思考 2、从再现现场情形的角度思考 3、从叙述人称选择的角度思考 4、从细节描写作用的角度思考 5、从新闻数据运用的角度思考 二、把握新闻语言的准确性 例2:新“哥德堡”与“哥德堡”一号在形状、结构、大小上基本相同,但新“哥德堡”的内脏却设置有高科技设备,它完全具备了现代远洋航海安全的要求。瑞典“哥德堡”号官方网站充满了对“哥德堡”号的溢美之辞:“这一工程是传统造船工艺和现代科技的完美结合,继承了18世纪的高超手工工艺。任何人在海上见到了升起全帆航行的‘哥德堡’号,都看不出她和历史上的古帆船有任何区别。”2005年10月,一艘18世纪的古船再次扬帆远航了。——《复活的“歌德堡”号到了广州》节选 题目:作者称新“歌德堡”号为“复活的歌德堡”号,是否准确? 【参考答案】非常贴切。①“复活”两字使历史与现实、沉船与新船很自然的勾连起来了;②同时也是对文中“形状、结构、大小基本一致”的应证,很好的表现了瑞典人的航海梦想与行动激情。 【方法小结】 1、从表现形象特点的角度思考 2、从表现形象变化的角度思考 3、从前后内容联系的角度思考 4、从新闻传达感情的角度思考 三、探索新闻结构的合理性 例3.记者:您正在筹备下一部武侠片,那您是否会将《英雄》中的经验教训全带到下部片中去? 张:其实不能光拿《英雄》来说,我每拍一部片都会总结,我自己总结比媒体早得多,一般是剪完或看完拷贝就开始总结,我肯定是希望总结好的经验,每一部都能提高,但有这样的心也不一定做得到,有时自己认为做到提高了,和别人看你是两个标准,我很坦率地说,到今天我不是用别人的眼光来判断自己,而是用自己的眼光判断自己,我只要尽量客观严格要求就没问题,只靠别人评价就会失去个性,众说纷纭该听谁的呢?我相信任何一个导演都不会听别人说来改变,创作最宝贵的是个人角度,评价往往是他人角度。——《奥斯卡决胜之前接受采访张艺谋:得失平常心》节选题目:张艺谋说完最后一段话后,记者没有作任何评论就结束了采访,你认为有没有必要评论一下?如果不必要,请说明理由。如果必要,请说明理由并说一说你准备如何评论。 【参考答案】(1)不必要。理由如下:张艺谋这一段话有两层主要意思,一层是每拍一部电影他都会总结提高;二层是不用别人的眼光来判断自己,而是用自己的眼光来判断自己,只靠别人评价就会失去个性。这两点都不好评论,第一点要评论就必须举例证明,就会使访谈结尾显得臃肿、偏离主题,第二点要评论就涉及到一个对与错的问题,无论记者同不同意张的看法都不好评说,因为张的观点有一些绝对,如果同意,显得不是发自内心,说不同意则可能引起对方的不愉快。所以记者至此访谈的目的均已达到,没必要在这个问题上纠缠,适时收尾正是一种智慧,再评论下去则可能画蛇添足。 (2)有必要。理由是:①张艺谋兴致勃勃讲的自己关于电影的观点却没有得到回应,显得记者不够礼貌;②张艺谋的观点确实有一些绝对的成分,有必要指出来,给读者一定的阅读关注指导。评论方法:基本肯定张艺谋的观点,对他坚持自己个性的做法表示欣赏,同时委婉地指出其实有一些评论如果合理参考还是有好处的。——评论时关键有两点,一是注意说话的度,二是注意说话的语气,态度要真诚。 【方法小结】 1、从能否深化主题的角度思考 2、从结构是否完整的角度思考 3、从群众能否想到的角度思考 四、体会新闻标题的艺术性 例4.人前我是乖乖仔一上贴吧就爆粗 “吴××,你知道吗?自从我第一天看见你,就被你深深地吸引。虽然你不很帅,也很爱逞能,但我心中还是很喜欢你。你的性格和言行,深深地打动了我的心。但后来,我从别的女生口里得知你甚至‘两天换一个女朋友’时,我很震惊。虽然我很想找你谈话,但却很害怕别的女生会骂我。我哭了一个星期……”这篇题为“一个爱吴××的女生的告白”,来自百度广州某重点小学的贴吧,作者署名为“爱的泪太苦”。紧随其后的是一条写着“你有病!”的回帖。——《人前我是乖乖仔一上贴吧就爆粗》节选 题目:新闻的标题被喻为新闻的“眼睛”,标题是否精彩,直接关系到能否激发读者的阅读欲望。试析本文标题的妙处。 【参考答案】这一标题巧妙运用了对比的手法,“人前”与“上贴吧”、“乖乖仔”与“粗暴”形成鲜明的对比,高度概括了新闻的重要内容,语言简练而且形象生动。 【方法小结】 1、分析新闻标题的表达技巧及其作用 2、分析新闻标题对表达新闻主题的作用

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