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Spot Dictation:

Psychologists have many theories to explain how we remember information. The most influential theory is that memory works as a kind of storage system for information. There are three types of these storage systems with different functions that hold information for different amounts of time. They are sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. Sensory memory holds information for the shortest amount of time, less than for seconds and instant. Sensory memory is where stimuli or things that stimulate our senses are very briefly stored. We forget sensory memories almost instantly, unless they passed into another storage system. Examples of the stimuli are what we see and hear in the world, such as a flash of lightning or the sound of a door closing. Short-term memory also called working memory, holds information for about 15 to 20 seconds. This is not a very long time. But the information that passes into this system has more meaning for us than just sensory stimulation. Some experts believe that sensory information changes into visual images as it is stored. And others believe that information changes into words. There is not much room for information in short-term memory. And it did not stay there for very long. Examples of this types of information are telephone numbers, addresses and names. Long-term memory holds information almost indefinitely, although retrieving it can sometimes be difficult. Think of long-term memory as a very big library, with almost unlimited capacities for storage. Information gets filed, cataloged and stored. Long-term memory has several different components or categories. The main two categories are declarative memory and procedure memory. Declarative memory is where we store factual information, such as names, faces, dates, life events. Procedure memory is where we store memory of skills and habits , like how to ride a bike, or how to boil an egg. Within the declarative memory, there are smaller categories of memory, episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory relates to our personal lives. Things we have done or experienced, such as having a car accident or graduating from school. Semantic memory is where we organize general knowledge or facts about the world, such as math formulas, spelling rules and capital cities.


(eopisodic memory)和语义记忆(sematic memory)两类。相信考生平时对科普知识稍有积累,再加上对结构的把握,本篇文章能够轻松应对。

Listening Comprehension 1

M: There is a small number of exceptional people who play a huge role in the transmissions of epidemic ideas. I call them Mavens, Connectors and Salesmen. W: Say it again?

M: Mavens, Connectors and Salesman. Connectors are the kind of people who know everybody. They have extraordinary social ties. Well, if I do this names test in the Manhattan phonebook, and you go down the list. Every time you see a name you know, you give yourself a point. Well, most people score like 25, 30. Someone scores like 120 or 130. That kind of person is incredibly in generating word-of-mouth epidemics. If they like something and get hold of some idea, they can spread 5 or 6 times further than the average person.

W: Who are those people, what defines them?

M: Well, these are extraordinarily social people with a lot of energy who are consumed by the task of getting to know people, of meeting people, of keeping in touch with them. They make phone calls all day long.

W: I am afraid I am one of them.

M: This is not typical behavior. This is a behavior that is actually rare. Most of us don’t do that. And I am someone who is not that way. I can't start a word-of-mouth epidemic because I simpl y don’t know enough people. I can’t get it outside my own immediate circle of friends. Someone has friends all over the place. They can spread the news about a new restaurant, or a new movie, or something far and wide in a very, very short time.

W: These are the Connectors. Who are the Mavens and who are the Salesmen?

M: The Mavens are people who have specialized knowledge. If you examine why you make certain decisions, why do you shop somewhere, why do you go to a certain restaurant, you’ll find that you a re relying on the same person over and over again for recommendations. Those people I call Mavens. My friend Ereal is a Maven, who knows all about the restaurants in lower Manhattan. If I want to know about the hot new restaurant, I call Ereal. Well, all o f Ereal’s friends call Ereal, and if you go to restaurants in lower Manhattan and look around the room, you will see friends of Ereal. The restaurant market is an epidemic market, which is controlled by a group of Ereals. I don’t think there are very many of them. There are probably two dozen of them. That’s true of lots of things. That’s true of shopping, and books and movies. If a Maven gets together with a Connector, then you begin see why a

word-of-mouth epidemic might happen. Someone who knows everyone in combination with someone who knows everything is a really powerful connection.

W: And then introduce the Salesmen.

M: Well, those people are incredibly persuasive. And again, that’s a very rare and unusual trait.

W: Leaves me out, you see. I can connec t, but I can’t sell.

M: Well, they are separate categories. I’ve met with a guy who is known as one of the greatest salesman in America today. When you meet with someone like that, you begin to realize why trans happen. They happen because someone who has this extraordinary natural ability to win you over. When they get hold of an idea, they can really make it go a long way.


1. What’s the main topic of this conversation?

2. Which of the following descriptions does not apply to Connectors?

3. Which of the following statements best defines the Mavens?

4. According to the conversation, which of the following groups does the man’s friend Ereal belong to?

5. What can we tell about all three groups of people?

【解析】本段以对话形式介绍了三种人Maven,Connector,Salesman的含义,及各自对transmissions of epidemic ideas的作用,并给出明确的例证。答题关键在于理解三种人分别有何特征,而问题也基本围绕其定义展开。考生可能会对文中出现的word-of-mouth epidemic等说法不熟悉,但可以根据上下文推断其含义。总体难度适中。

Listening Comprehension 2

Question 6 to 10 are based on the following news.

New York, USA

Thousands of "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators fanned out across New York on Thursday in the first major showing of protest strength since authorities forcibly evicted them from their Lower Manhattan encampment two days earlier.

The group twice squared off against riot police in Zuccotti Park, while engaging in sporadic confrontations with authorities throughout the day.

Demonstrators say they plan to cross the Brooklyn Bridge, where 700 people were arrested in a similar march early last month.

At least 177 protesters were arrested during Thursday's demonstrations, said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who noted that seven police officers were also hurt during exchanges with protesters.


Rome Italy

New Italian PM Mario Monti's government of technocrats has passed its first test, winning a vote of confidence in the senate.

As expected, the government won the vote in the upper house of parliament easily, by 281 votes to 25. The vote was held after Mr. Monti had outlined his government's program of reforms to tackle all the country's economic problems and cut its debt.

He faces a second vote in the lower house of parliament on Friday.

Mario Monti, a former EU commissioner, said austerity measures would be balanced by economic growth and social fairness.

Meanwhile, thousands of students staged protests in several Italian cities against Mr. Monti's government.

解析:本篇主要围绕着罗马总理候选人Mario Monti展开。考生需要注意,一般围绕着一个人物展开的新闻,考察的重点会放在与该人物相关的一些事实上,如本题的What can we know about New Italian PM Mario Monti’s government of technocrats?

考察考生归纳新闻重点的能力。或者出题者还喜欢考察诸如下列哪项关于xxx的描述不正确,考察学生排查关键信息的能力。在做此类题目时,考生可以边听边做笔记,以此记录听力重点。Tokyo Japan

Un like an earthquake, a demographic disaster does not strike without warning. Japan’s population of 127millon is predicted to fall to 90million by 2050. By then, the ratio between working-age Japanese and children and the elderly will be one to one. What’s m ore, half the talent in Japan is female. Outside the kitchen, those talents are woefully underemployed, nearly half of Japanese university graduates are female but only 67% of these women have jobs,

Japanese women with degrees are much more likely than Americans to quit their jobs voluntarily, saying that the strongest push came from employers who do not value them. A startling 49% of highly educated Japanese women quit, because they feel their careers have stalled.



Cambridge Massachusetts USA

Scientists are getting closer to the dream of creating computer systems that can replicate the brain. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have designed a computer chip that mimics how the brain's neurons adapt in response to new information. Such chips could eventually enable communication between artificially created body parts and the brain.

It could also pave the way for artificial intelligence devices.

There are about 100 billion neurons in the brain, each of which forms synapses - the connections between neurons that allow information to flow - with many other neurons.

This process is known as plasticity and is believed to underpin many brain functions, such as learning and memory.

The MIT team of scientists has been able to design a computer chip that can simulate the activity of a single brain synapse.

解析:本篇属于科技方面的题材,阐述了麻省理工学院在计算机人工智能上的最新进展。科技型文章中会出现一些考生比较陌生的词汇,但是另一方面,出题者一般不会考察文章的细节,而是会放在文章主旨或者中心思想上。所以,考生只需要掌握文章大意即可得出正确选项。Manchester UK

Leading figures in the world of soccer, on Thursday blasted FIFA President Sepp Blatter for controversial remarks he made on racism in an interview with CNN World Sport.

The head of world football told Pedro Pinto there is no on-field racism in football and that any player who has been abused should simply shake hands with his opponent at the end of the match and move on.

Manchester United's Rio Ferdinand, a former England captain, expressed his outrage on Twitter, blasting Blatter's comments as "so condescending it's almost laughable."

The Swiss was re-elected unopposed as the head of football's governing body in June after his main rival was suspended amid corruption allegations. The bidding process for the 2018 World Cup was also dogged by bribery allegations.

Soon after Blatter gave his interview to CNN on Wednesday, his position appeared to be undermined when the English Football Association charged Liverpool's Luis Suarez with racism toward a fellow player.

解析:本篇是有关足球方面的文章,当中出现了很多专有名词,如FIFA, CNN World Sport,

Manchester United's Rio Ferdinand,如果考生平时对体育方面不是很感兴趣的话,容易听漏。但是正如上一篇听力短文一样,对于大部分考生不太熟悉的文章类型,一般出题者会将考察点设置在文章主旨上,所以,考生在做听力之前可以预先浏览选项,对文章的内容进行大胆推测,此外,在听的过程中以一些字母符号替换文章的专有名词,只抓取重点信息即可。Questions:

6. At least ho w many "Occupy Wall Street" protesters were arrested during Thursday’s demonstration in New York?

7. What can we know about New Italian PM Mario Monti’s government of technocrats?

8. What percentage of Japanese female university graduates have jobs?

9. What new finding has been made by scientists said MIT, USA?

10. Why did leading figures in the world of soccer call on FIFA president Blatter to resign? Listening Comprehension 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.

W: Some of us try to eat away the blues, nutritionist Joy Bauer is here with some strategies to help get us healthy. Joy, good to see you again.

M: Good to see you Jolin.

W: So, you know, there’s emotional eating. It really is a problem, isn’t?

M: Oh, the emotional eating is when you eat in response to feelings rather than hunger. Stress, anxiety, nervousness, and maybe you've had a fight with the spouse, or coworker and you head straight to the fridge. The truth is we all do it occasionally.

W: To a certain extent.

M: And that’s not necessarily problematic, but if you struggle with your weight, and you are regularly using food as a coping mechanism, it's like rubbing salts in a wound.

W: Right, because you will feel bad, or even worse, after you did it.

M: You feel worse, and you probably worse off emotionally than you were, that cause you to eat in the first place.

W: A vicious cycle.

M: Absolutely. There are some questions we should ask ourselves. That really can help you determine whether you are an emotional eater. First, do you reach for high-calorie food when you feel sorry for yourself? Are high-calorie foods your reward after a difficult day? Do you feel stressed and then put food in your mouth without realizing it.

W: Some of us might answer yes to these questions.

M: Absolutely, if you answer yes to the majority of these questions, you are an emotional eater. And you should put a huge effort into stopping this behavior , because it is destructive to the psyche.

W: Do man and woman go for different kinds of foods when they are looking for comfort?

M: It’s a great question, the number one food according to research in terms of comfort food for man and woman alike is ice cream.

W: Yes!

M: But it's a vice. Women head straight for the sweets, cookies, chocolates, candies, and men go for the man food, real food, martial food.


M:Steak and mass potatoes, big pasta and pizza.

W: One of the things you can do to try to help stop this is measure your hunger on a hunger scale. What’s that?

M: That’s right. Awareness is huge, you w anna know if you are actually hungry or not, one being ravenous, and five being comfortably full. So before you reach for something, figure out if you are four or five. Avoid eating.

W: You say, if you feel like you have to eat something, eat healthy food first.

M: This is a great strategy. I call this three food interference. And it has helped thousands of people. Before you get into anything unhealthy, first eat three healthy items. There’ve always got to be in your fridge a bowl of carrots, one apple and container of yoghourt. After those 3 foods, if you still want to continue on, give yourself permission. But nine times out of ten, you are gonna fill up and you are gonna stop.


11. What is emotional eating?

12. Which of the following is true about emotional eating?

13. What is number one comfort food for man and woman alike?

14. What figure on a hunger scale indicates that you are comfortably full?

15. Which of the following is not one of the healthy foods as recommended by the nutritionist?

评析:这是一篇访谈性对话,围绕着情绪化进食(emotional eating) 这个主题展开。被采访人是一位营养学家,Joy Bauer。Joy Bauer首先介绍了什么是情绪化进食及其危害,然后给出了情绪化进食者的判断标准。对话进而谈到,男人和女人分别会通过什么食物来寻求慰藉。最后,Joy

Bauer 建议情绪化进食者可通过饥饿量表来衡量自己的饥饿程度,如果实在要吃东西的话,可以通过先吃三种健康食物来抑制食欲。

对话的关键词emotional eating,考生可通过常识预测对话的内容,难度一般。问题设定的顺序跟对话的进程一致,答案在对话中明显的体现出来,解题关键在于理清对话的脉络,关注细节信息。考生需要注意的细节信息有:关于情绪化进食的定义;男人和女人都爱吃冰激凌来寻求慰藉;健康量表指向5表示已经非常饱了以及营养学家提出的三种健康食物是什么。Listening Comprehension 4

Question 16-20 are based on the following talk.

Today, I’m going to talk about the health problems related to sun-tan. Sun-tan is preferred by lighter-skinned people, especially during the summer months. They like to give their skin a nice natural bronze color with the help of sun-tanning. Getting a natural tan is the sign of being healthy and being attractive. No wonder many people rush off to the beach at the onset of summer with their tanning lotions and laze away on a towel for hours on end. The result is healthy tanned skin, which people like to flaunt all day long. People often believe that a perfectly tanned skin improves their personality and the texture of their skin. However, it is not advisable to be in direct sunlight for a long time. Excess exposure of the skin to sunlight can actually damage the skin, and is the leading cause of skin cancer all around the world. Moreover, in countries like Australia, the atmosphere does not filter the sun rays completely, as the Ozone layer in the atmosphere is depleting quickly. The Ozone layer is responsible for filtering the harmful ultra-violet or UV rays of the sun that can damage the skin beyond repair.

So what does a tan mean? A tan refers to exposure of the skin to the rays of the sun for a considerable amount of time. The UVB rays of the sun encourage the cells of the innermost layer of the skin, to produce more melanin pigments, which on their way to the outmost layer are tanned by the UV A rays of the sun. As a result, Vitamin D3 is produced naturally under the sun. The vitamin helps protect the bone and also protects us from diseases like osteoporosis. The direct rays of the sun also make the immune system stronger against the invasion of germs, and increase the body’s overall physical powers. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, and improves blood circulation. Common skin diseases like acne and neurodermatitis can be treated with ultra-violet light. These are just some of the many positive effects that the sun offers in the form of its ultra-violet rays. You should take the advice of experts if you would like to go for a natural sun-tan. Different skins react differently to sunlight, and expert opinion should be sought, especially in the beginning. Do not overdo a sun-tan,

as excess exposure to the sun’s rays can prove to be harmful to your skin. Wear a sun-tan lotion when you go out in the open during summer. Do not sunbath for more than once a day. Going to the beach or lying out in the sun once or twice a week is enough to maintain a good tan on the skin. Tanning in summer proves to be very beneficial, as it prevents skin fatigue, prepares your skin for the long summer months ahead, builds a natural protection, and produces a nice natural tan.


16. What is the main topic of the speech?

17. Which of the following is responsible for filtering the ultra-violet rays of the sun?

18. What is the specific function of Vitamin D3?

19. The ultra-violet rays of the sun have several positive effects on human health. Which of the following is not one of these effects?

20. What can we conclude from the speech?


deplete: 消耗,耗尽,减少


Ozone layer: 臭氧层

filter: 过滤



MIT Professor Gives Language Lessons to Computers(出自:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c18456052.html,)There’s a scene in the 2008 movie Iron Man where Tony Stark, the film’s inventor-superhero, threatens to donate one of his robots to a city college. You can tell by its cowed response that the computerized assistant understands the con notation is decidedly negative. In real life, software can’t yet comprehend that kind of abstract scolding. Programmers refer to such banter as “natural language,” and it’s tricky for computers to get because of its ambiguity and dependence on context.

Regina Barzilay, an associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is trying to make computers better listeners by making them play Civilization, a 20-year-old strategy game in which players build a city into an empire by vanquishing and absorbing neighboring cultures. A member of MIT’s Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, Barzilay, 40, developed a software program

that begins with no grasp of the game. The computer “reads” the manual and then keeps returning to it while playing. As it races through thousands of simulations, the computer learns to connect words in the directions (“attack,” “build,” “capture,” and “revolt”) as the game unfolds.

The computer gets positive reinforcement—a higher score and a win—when it makes correct guesses about the meaning of words. When the computer loses, it traces back through its reading of the manual to see where its interpretation went wrong. A similar program without access to the manual won the game 46 percent of the time; after reading the i nstructions, Barzilay’s computer won 79 percent of the time.

Barzilay grew interested in natural-language processing in the early 1990s, as an undergraduate at Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, Israel. She was inspired in part by her own experience as a young emigrant from Moldavia who had to learn Hebrew and English. Just as she struggled at first to understand the use of articles such as “the,” which have no equivalent in her native Russian, logic-based computers have difficulties with the inconsistencies of natural language.

Research like Barzilay’s may help computers eventually interact with humans in a more normal way. “You’d like to be able to ask for the largest state bordering New York and have it come back with the answer, ‘Pennsylvania,’” says Da n Roth, a computer science professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign who does work similar to Barzilay’s. “And what happens inside the computer is none of your business.” Barzilay has been pushing this line of work forward, he says, in pa rt by using a more interesting and complex game. She has a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to help robots understand natural language, not unlike those in Iron Man. As she puts it: “I want to see the computer benefit directly from human knowledge, without having a person in the middle who does a translation.”

评析:本文出自美国商业类主流杂志《商业周刊》。通过阅读标题,大致可以了解本篇的主旨是讲麻省理工的教授又有了新动作,给电脑上起了语言课。开篇边通过引用电影《钢铁侠》中的场景,对比引出现实中的计算机是不可能像电影中那么智能的。随后第二段就讲到,麻省理工副教授Regina Barzilay在让计算机“听话”方面所做的研究。最后,总结了Barzilay的研究可以帮助计算机和人类以一种更加正常的方式进行交流,用她的话来说,就是实现更好的人机交互,而不需要一个中间人来做翻译。



Raising the school-leaving age will make teachers ill(出自https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c18456052.html,)

It’s the start of the new school year. The bell's gone, 30-odd pupils have shuffled into class and you're now facing a roomful of stroppy 17-year-olds who very vocally don't want to be there.

As a teacher, this may well be your daily reality in 2015, when all young people up to the age of 18 will have to be either in full-time education or work-based training.

And based on what happened in Spain when the school-leaving age was raised from 14 to 16 in 1998, new research from economists at Lancaster University warns that schools could be hit with mass absenteeism when teachers find themselves unable to do their job because half their class isn't interested.

Colin Green, senior lecturer at Lancaster University management school, says evidence from Spain shows that raising the compulsory "participation age" is likely to result in lower job satisfaction for teachers, greater problems with stress, and and more people leaving the profession.

Employers, he points out, will have a choice as to which young people they take on. Schools, by contrast, will have a duty to accept all comers. This means there is likely to be a large cohort of teenagers who would much rather have left school, but who will be required to spend two years more with their heads in a book.

For sixth-form. teachers, who have till now looked forward to lessons with keen-as-mustard – or at least moderately willing – A-level students, the dynamic of every class is likely to change dramatically, and is unlikely to be conducive to better learning outcomes for any of those involved.

Given this prospect, says Green, teachers should pay attention to how their day-to-day working lives will be affected when the school-leaving age goes up.

The study, done in collaboration with his research associate Maria Navarro, shows that as soon as Spain raised the statutory leaving age, "secondary school teacher absenteeism rose sharply –on average, by between 15% to 20%".

"And it wasn't a one-off," Green says. "Absence rates have stayed high in all the years following the reform. And the increase in teacher absenteeism has clear implications for the quality of education that students receive."

A particularly troubling finding, he notes, is that increases in teacher absence was even higher in areas where fewer children traditionally stayed on in school, reaching 40% in the worst areas."Teachers in

these schools faced the largest change in the mix of students after the policy was implemented."

Of course, it's the areas with larger proportions of teenagers who would prefer to leave school that most need extra professional support. But instead, because teachers will find themselves under more pressure, classes are likely to be more disrupted, and absence rates will shoot through the roof. "There's a real danger," Green says, "that the policy will decrease the quality of education and training provision."

Green is not scaremongering. Previous research has shown that teacher absence is a cause of poor pupil achievement. Worse still, the negative effects of teachers being absent in large numbers for long periods are more severe for poorer pupils.

Given growing concern about the large numbers of young people in England who leave school with few qualifications and prospects, Green observes that the raising of the school-leaving age was virtually inevitable. "The profile of the August rioters will have added further steel to the commitment to keep under-18s inside one system or another," he says.

The problem the government faces, however, is that while many working in education might share the view that it's better for young people to remain in education or training, forcing reluctant teenagers to stay on at school may have the opposite effect to the one ministers intend. "The potential for a direct effect is clear: more students in schools and colleges will lead to more teaching hours and, in the absence of more teachers as a result of tightening budgets, either to an increase in teaching workloads or an increase in class sizes," says Green.

"All the evidence suggests that teaching and managing these students, and combining their needs with those of young people who would have chosen to stay on already, is likely to present new and difficult challenges."

Absenteeism on the scale observed by Green and Navarro in Spain is only one indicator of the impact of raising the participation age that ministers need to take note of. Green suggests that, like all employees, if teachers are not compensated in some way for a significant change in the essential nature of their work – through improvements in working conditions or increased pay – it's likely to have a negative effect on how they feel about their professional purpose.

For the policy of raising the compulsory leaving age to be successful, ministers will be heavily dependent on teachers' willingness to flex and adapt and, put bluntly, work harder in more difficult conditions.

Green suggests that the government would do well to find out what teachers feel would recompense

them for the changes they'll have to make to their professional practice.

If nothing is done, he warns, "all these factors add up to the same thing – a poorer quality experience and level of opportunities for young people. There is the danger that schools will become not the hoped-for platform. for development, encouragement and inspiration, but instead a 'holding' camp for a growing number of disengaged young people."


The Truth About the Poverty Crisis(出自https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c18456052.html,)

It's official: There are now more poor people in America than at any other time in the 52 years records have been kept. We knew that the 2010 poverty numbers, released by the Census Bureau on Sept. 13, weren't going to be good. They turned out to be, in the words of Brookings senior fellow Ron Haskins, "extraordinarily bad." More than 15% of Americans live below the poverty line. The total rose for the fourth consecutive year. For a family of four, poverty means scraping by on roughly $22,000 a year. The new poverty crisis has emerged in part out of the other economic crisis we are facing: unemployment. The fastest way to poverty is job loss, and 6.5 million jobs were lost in the recession. Today, a full two years into the "recovery," more than 9% of Americans are still out of work. But a fact that may be buried in the copious coverage of these new figures is that the poverty problem didn't start with the financial crisis and the subsequent downturn. Its roots go much deeper, possibly to the recession of 2000, after which poverty levels didn't drop back to their prerecession numbers as they typically do after a recovery.

Though it's difficult to tease out statistically, that turning point is undoubtedly a legacy of the previous two decades of hyperglobalization, when tens of millions of middle-income jobs were lost to outsourcing or replaced by technology and salaries became more and more compressed. The average real weekly earnings of a typical blue collar worker are lower today than in 1964.

But the poverty problem is also about the fracturing of the American Dream, specifically the dream of upward mobility. It's become increasingly hard for Americans to rise above the socioeconomic status of their birth, particularly compared with their peers in other rich nations. "Poverty is in many ways

about a lack of social mobility," says Erin Currier, who studies these topics at the Pew Charitable Trusts. And research shows that even before the current crisis, Americans had much less mobility than people in many European nations. "We have a belief system and an idea about ourselves that don't always align well with the facts," notes Isabel Sawhill, a co-director, with Haskins, of the Center on Children and Families at Brookings.

Now, in a world of high unemployment, lower wages and growing poverty, the fiction is becoming ever more difficult to sustain. This downturn marks the first period in 20 years in which employment as a percentage of population in the U.S. has fallen below the rate in countries like the U.K., Germany and the Netherlands. Indeed, downward mobility is so much a part of youth culture today that the Census Bureau has come up with a whole new lexicon for it, including the term doubling up, which describes households in which adult children who can't afford life on their own return to live with their parents. An additional 3 million of them would be below the poverty line if they couldn't crash with Mom and Dad.

That's unlikely to change soon. Most U.S. job growth since the 1990s has been in sectors like education and government, which are facing big cuts. Meanwhile, 9 out of 10 of the biggest occupations in America offer less than the mean hourly wage. (Think salesclerks and home health aides.) Indeed, the Boomerang Generation is likely to become as demographically defining in the next few decades as the baby boomers have been. The two groups may very well end up in a political war for dwindling government benefits, as the elderly fight to keep entitlements like Social Security that ward off poverty and younger people push for spending on education and retraining to avoid falling into it.

While there's no doubt that investment in education, which creates jobs and improves worker competitiveness, is a long-run solution, the key short-term weapon in the fight against poverty is tax policy. Poverty numbers would be far higher without tax breaks for the poor. The Obama Administration should keep fighting to extend initiatives like the earned-income tax credit, the largest and most effective antipoverty program. (Ronald Reagan used it to take millions out of poverty.) President Obama should also continue the pressure on the richest Americans to carry a larger share of the load. Despite congressional resistance, many wealthy people see it's in their interest to foster a less divisive society. While Americans historically haven't been as inclined as Europeans to riot over inequity (witness the protests that have taken place from London to Athens), it's hard to rule that out in a world in which the American Dream is increasingly becoming a myth.


Passage Translation (E-C):

AUGUST was once a time for dreaming, wandering the empty streets of this city, reading silly-season newspaper stories after a leisurely lunch washed down with Sancerre, gazing at squares where fountains plashed and the pregnant or the old chatted on benches at dusk. Then something happened. The world speeded up. Stress levels soared. Idle moments evaporated. Egos expanded. Devices became hand-held. Money outpaced politics. August aborted this year. It morphed into the serious season. The beach lost out to the barricades. A time of outrage is upon us.


A feeling has grown in Western societies that uncontrollable forces are at work shrinking possibility. History has never seen a global power shift as radical as the current one that managed to be peaceful. 一股不可控的力量正在发挥作用,不断的减少各种可能性,这种感觉正在西方社会蔓延滋长。历史从未见证过这样一种全球力量变化是如此激进却又试图趋于平静。

Growth, jobs, expansion, excitement — and, yes, possibility — lie in the great non-Western arc from China through India to South Africa and Brazil. The world has been turned upside-down. What we are witnessing is how shaken Western societies are by such inversion.


As new powers emerge, globalization has altered the relationship between capital and labor in the former’s favor. The only people who walked away unscathed from th e great financial binge that preceded this mess were its main architects and greatest beneficiaries: bankers, financiers. This, too, is fueling a time of outrage that has left Western politicians chasing shadows.


点评:这篇散文评论摘自2011年8月的New York Times ,题目为The Age of Outrage 《愤怒的时代》。Roger Cohen散文般的时评,是否让你在考试时感到一阵轻松呢?


第一段从“Then something happened.”一直到结束都是主谓或主谓宾组成的短句,间或有比喻出现,如August aborted this year.考生注意本题材话题切入,准确翻译各短句所指,即理解经济类话题的内涵和外延。这也是下面一点要提到的,词语的翻译。第三段段首的Growth, jobs, expansion, excitement — and, yes, possibility也是可以翻译出彩的地方,翻译成名词还是偏正短语,视个人水平而定,但是意思一定不要出错。

第三点就是生词的翻译,第一段出现了Sancerre,法国白葡萄酒,这种词语虽然在考试中出现的几率不大,翻译时稍微注意一下即可。其他难词,比如第一段的abort, morph into,最后一段unscathed ,architects,chasing shadows;这些词语在经济类话题中出现,注意平时的积累,或者考生根据上下文判断出大意进行翻译。

Note taking & Gap filling

The term “American dream” is widely used today. But what exactly does this concept mean? Where does the term come from? Has the meaning of the term changed over time? Questions like these can complicate a seemingly simple term and lead us to an even more important question: is the American dream a myth or a reality today?

The term “American dream” began to be widely used in 1867. The term was used in a famous novel written by Horatio Alger. The novel, Ragged Dick, was a “rags to riches” story about a little boy who was orphaned and lived in New York. The boy saved all his pennies, worked very hard, and eventually became rich. The novel sent the message to the American public that anyone could succeed in America

if they were honest, worked hard, and showed determination to succeed. No matter what your background, no matter where you were from, no matter if you had no money or no family, hard work and perseverance would always lead to success.

Today, the message from Alger’s novel is still a prevalent one in this country. It is still used to define the American dream. A very basic definition of the American dream is that it is the hope of the American people to have a better quality of life and a higher standard of living than their parents. This can mean that each generation hopes for better jobs, or more financial security, or ownership of land or a home.

However, new versions and variations of the America n dream have surfaced since Alger’s novel was published. For one thing, the basic definition I stated a moment ago — the idea that Americans are always seeking to improve their lifestyle — also suggests that each generation wants more than the previous generation had. Some people would argue that this ever-increasing desire to improve the quality of one’s life may have started out on a smaller scale in the past, but today has led to an out-of-control consumerism and materialism.

Another more benign view of the American dream is that it is about the desire to create opportunities for ourselves, usually through hard work. A hallmark of the American dream, some would argue, is the classic “self-starter,” the person who starts out with very little in life—little money, few friends, few opportunities—and works hard to make his or her way in the world. A classic example of this type of American dreamer would be former president Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin, was largely self-educated, and yet worked his way up in the world to eventually become a United States president.

This view of the American dream has also been associated with immigrants and their quests for a better life in a new country. Americans have long been fascinated by immigrant stories, and many feel great pride about their own families who may have come from other countries, worked very hard, and created a better life for future generations.

The American dream has also, historically, been associated with westward expansion in this country. Throughout most of the 1800s, the notion of the frontier—a vast expanse of largely unclaimed land in the West—symbolized new opportunities and a fresh start to people. Many a dreamer set off for the West in search of land, jobs, gold, or other opportunities, often with next to nothing in his pocket.

Unfortunately, this idea of new opportunities in the West had a negative side. The American West was not unpopulated; Native American Indians already lived there, along with other immigrant groups, and these people were often displaced — or met with violence —if they interfered with the visions or ideas of westward-migrating Americans.

A more recent interpretation of the American dream has to do with equality. Civil rights activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, used some of the rhetoric associated with the American dream to urge people to work for equal opportunities for all Americans, not just some Americans. A harsh reality was becoming clear to some people, especially in the 1960s and 1970s: not everyone had the same opportunities. If people were denied jobs, education, or other opportunities because of their race, ethnic background, or gender, was the American dream only a myth?


Sentence Translation

1. The average age of people in the countryside is increasing, while that of the cities is falling. More old people stay in the countryside than young people and the opposite is true in the cities.

译文:农村人口的平均年龄正处于上升趋势, 而在城市却正好相反。原因是在农村老年人要比年轻人多,城市正好相反。


2. One important reason for the move to cities has to do with quality of life issues: comfort and convenience. For example, most of us would like our children to receive the better education, and cities often offer better schools.


解析:在做本句翻译时需要注意在前半句适当地增译一些信息,如在comfort and convenience 处需要加上move to the cities的主语“人们”。后半句难度不大,直译即可。

3. Most burglars are opportunist, looking for an easier break-in. So don’t mak e things simply for them.

Don’t advertise the fact that you are out or away, or be careless about security.


解析:本句句型不复杂,需要注意几个词语的译法,如opportunist本来是“机会主义者”,在这里用于形容burglars身上,需要相应地翻译成贬义词“投机分子”;此外,don’t make things simply for them可以用成语“可乘之机”概括,这些需要同学平时多做翻译练习积累,在会在临考时马上反应出来。

4. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the University of Iceland said ash particles from the early part of the volcanic eruption are especially abrasive, posing a possible threat to aircraft engines.


解析:本句句型简单,但生词较多,需要考生抓注意些重点词汇理解。如:volcanic eruption 是表示“火山爆发”,abrasive 表示“磨损的”。考生在遇到不会的单词时也不用过于慌张,一般句子中包含大量专业词汇句意都比较简单,可凭上下文进行推测。

5. Lack of sanitation leads to wide spread of contamination of drinking water. Recent statistics say water-associated infectious diseases claim up to 3.2million lives each year, approximately 6 percent all death globally.



contamination : 污染

infectious : 传染的,有传染性的

approximately : 大约

Passage translation 1

Mass urbanization of the world’s population is an unprecedented trend worldwide. The most important reason why people are moving to cities is economic. People are moving to the cities because that’s where they can find jobs and earn money. Until the 20th century, the major source of employment, full and part-time, was farming. Now, according to recent statistics, no more than 15 percent of all jobs are connected to farming. Jobs now are being created in information technology, manufacturing and

service areas, such as tourism and financing, and all of these new jobs are in or around major cities.


评析:本题是高口热点话题“城市化”,在07年9月的高口NTGF部分也涉及到过城市化的问题,前一题的句子翻译S2也提到了“人们搬进大城市的原因,是追求高品质的生活”,而这里主要围绕工作展开。考查词汇都在大纲范围内,像urbanization, manufacturing等都属于常见热词,考生在平时对这些词汇有所积累,翻译起来并不难。相对passage 2, 这段话稍微有点长,这也提醒考生注意平时多练习听写记笔记,熟悉常考话题,这样在考试时才能拿高分。

Passage translation 2

Crime control is a pretty complex question, the first step, of course, is deterrence to stop people from committing crime in the first place. That involves the economy. Are there enough jobs for everyone? There should be. And social structure, are there enough support system? And so on. When people are convicted, and put in prison, then the goal should be to have reform programs inside prisons. So they want person comes out, they don’t return to a life of crime. If the education program and drug treatment program have been cut, convicted criminals are not being reformed.




本段词汇较为常见。注意deterrence,意是“威慑,制止”,这里考生也可将名词转译为动词,译为“防止犯罪行为的发生”;另外,convict这个单词意为“判…有罪”,convicted criminals指“囚犯,犯人”。


2016年司法考试真题答案及解析卷二 1.关于不作为犯罪,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.“法无明文规定不为罪”的原则当然适用于不作为犯罪,不真正不作为犯的作为义务必须源于法律的明文规定 B.在特殊情况下,不真正不作为犯的成立不需要行为人具有作为可能性 C.不真正不作为犯属于行为犯,危害结果并非不真正不作为犯的构成要件要素 D.危害公共安全罪、侵犯公民人身权利罪、侵犯财产罪中均存在不作为犯 【考点】不作为 【解析】A项是错误的。理由在于,“法无明文规定不作为罪”的原则适用于所有犯罪类型,不作为犯罪亦不例外;但是,不真正不作为犯的义务来源并不限于法律的明文规定,而有可能来源于生活经验(理论上称之为“开放的构成要件”)。 B项是错误的。理由在于,作为可能性的具备是成立不作为犯罪的必备条件,不具备此条件,不作为犯罪即不成立。 C项是错误的。理由在于,不真正不作为犯并非单纯的不作为即可成立,而是必须其不作为导致一定的法定后果才成立。 D项是正确的。理由在于,不作为只是一种实施犯罪的方式,原则上所有犯罪类型均有不作为方式存在的空间。 【答案】D 2.关于因果关系的认定,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.甲重伤王某致其昏迷。乞丐目睹一切,在甲离开后取走王某财物。甲的行为与王某的财产损失有因果关系 B.乙纠集他人持凶器砍杀李某,将李某逼至江边,李某无奈跳江被淹死。乙的行为与李

某的死亡无因果关系 C.丙酒后开车被查。交警指挥丙停车不当,致石某的车撞上丙车,石某身亡。丙的行为与石某死亡无因果关系 D.丁敲诈勒索陈某。陈某给丁汇款时,误将3万元汇到另一诈骗犯账户中。丁的行为与陈某的财产损失无因果关系 【考点】刑法因果关系 【解析】A项是错误的。理由在于,王某的财产损失是由乞丐独立导致的,而不可归责于甲,甲只需对其导致的伤害后果负责。 B项是错误的。理由在于,虽然在追杀行为与死亡结果之间介入了被害人自身行为,但这一介入因素并不异常,不能阻却追杀行为与死亡结果的因果关系。 C项是正确的。理由在于,虽然直接导致结果的是丙的行为,但丙的行为本身并无不当之处,因此,石某死亡的结果不可归责于丙,而应归责于交警的错误指挥。 D项是错误的。理由在于,没有丁的敲诈行为,就不会有陈某的财产损失结果,因此,二者之间具有刑法上的因果关系。至于谁获得了财物,不能改变被害人财产损失的事实。 【答案】C 3.关于刑事责任能力,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.甲第一次吸毒产生幻觉,误以为伍某在追杀自己,用木棒将伍某打成重伤。甲的行为成立过失致人重伤罪 B.乙以杀人故意刀砍陆某时突发精神病,继续猛砍致陆某死亡。不管采取何种学说,乙都成立故意杀人罪未遂 C.丙因实施爆炸被抓,相关证据足以证明丙已满15周岁,但无法查明具体出生日期。不能追究丙的刑事责任


2016年国家司法考试真题卷三解析 1根据法律规定,下列哪一种社会关系应由民法调整? A甲请求税务机关退还其多缴的个人所得税 B乙手机丢失后发布寻物启事称:“拾得者送还手机,本人当面酬谢”C丙对女友书面承诺:“如我在上海找到工作,则陪你去欧洲旅游”D丁作为青年志愿者,定期去福利院做帮工 解析 我国《民法通则》第2条规定:“中华人民共和国民法调整平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间的财产关系和人身关系。”B项:乙丢失手机后发布寻物启事属于悬赏广告,由民法调整。所以,B项正确。 A项:甲请求税务机关退还个人所得税,甲与税务机关不是平等主体,不由民法调整。所以,A项错误。 C项:丙与女友之间的承诺属于生活关系,不由民法调整。所以,C项错误。 D项:丁作为志愿者去福利院帮工,丁与福利院之间不是平等主体。所以,D项错误。 综上所述,本题正确答案为B 2甲企业是由自然人安琚与乙企业(个人独资)各出资50%设立的普通合伙企业,欠丙企业货款50万元,由于经营不善,甲企业全部资产仅剩20万元。现所欠货款到期,相关各方因货款清偿发生纠纷.

对此,下列哪一表述是正确的? A丙企业只能要求安琚与乙企业各自承担15万元的清偿责任 B丙企业只能要求甲企业承担清偿责任 C欠款应先以甲企业的财产偿还,不足部分由安琚与乙企业承担无限连带责任 D就乙企业对丙企业的应偿债务,乙企业投资人不承担责任 解析 我国《合伙企业法》第38条规定:“普通合伙企业对其债务,应先以其全部财产进行清偿。第39条规定:合伙企业不能偿还到期债务,合伙人承担无限连带责任。”所以,C项正确,ABD错误。 综上所述,本题正确答案为C。 3潘某去某地旅游,当地玉石资源丰富,且盛行“赌石”活动,买者购买原石后自行剖切,损益自负。潘某花5000元向某商家买了两块原石,切开后发现其中一块为极品玉石,市场估价上百万元。商家深觉不公,要求潘某退还该玉石或补交价款。对此,下列哪一选项是正确的? A商家无权要求潘某退货 B商家可基于公平原则要求潘某适当补偿 C商家可基于重大误解而主张撤销交易 D商家可基于显失公平而主张撤销交易 解析 A项:“赌石”活动在该地盛行,则潘某与商家明确知悉赌石的相关


1、甲杀人后将凶器忘在现场,打电话告诉乙真相,请乙帮助扔掉凶器。乙随即把凶器藏在自家地窖里。数月后,甲生活无着落准备投案自首时,乙向甲汇款2万元,使其继续在外生活。关于本案,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.乙藏匿凶器的行为不属毁火证据,不成立帮助毁火证据罪 B.乙向甲汇款2万元不属帮助甲逃匿,不成立窝藏罪 C.乙的行为既不成立帮助毁火证据罪,也不成立窝藏罪 D.甲虽唆使乙毁火证据,但不能认左为帮助毁火证据罪的教唆犯 2、下列哪一行为应以危险驾驶罪论处? A.醉酒驾驶机动车,误将红灯看成绿灯,撞死2爼行人 B.吸毒后驾驶机动车,未造成人员伤亡,但危及交通安全 C.在驾驶汽车前吃了大量荔枝,被交警以呼气式洒精检测仪测试到洒精含量达到醉酒程度 D.将汽车误停在大型商场地下固左卸货车位,后在醉酒时将汽车从地下三层开到地下一层的停车位 3、甲杀人后将凶器忘在现场,打电话告诉乙真相,请乙帮助扔掉凶器。乙随即把凶器藏在自家地窖里。数月后,甲生活无着落准备投案自首时,乙向甲汇款2万元,使其继续在外生活。关于本案,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.乙藏匿凶器的行为不属毁火证据,不成立帮助毁火证据罪 B.乙向甲汇款2万元不属帮助甲逃匿,不成立窝藏罪 C.乙的行为既不成立帮助毁火证据罪,也不成立窝藏罪 D.甲虽唆使乙毁火证据,但不能认左为帮助毁火证据罪的教唆犯 4、关于朱某帮助电气厂通过年检的行为,下列说法正确的是: A.其行为和国家损失300万元税收之间,存在因果关系 B.属滥用职权,构成滥用职权罪 C.属徇私舞弊,使国家税收遭受损失,同时构成徇私舞弊不征、少征税款罪 D.事后虽获得了利益(升任局长),但不构成受贿罪 5、未成年人小付涉嫌故意伤害袁某,袁某向法院提起自诉。小付的父亲委托律师黄某担任辩护人,袁某委托其在法学院上学的儿子担任诉讼代理人。本案中,下列哪些人有权要求审判人员回避? A.黄某 B.袁某 C.袁某的儿子 D.小付的父亲 6、黄某倒卖文物案于2014年5月28日一审终结。6月9日(星期一),法庭宣判黄某犯倒卖文物罪,判处有期徒刑4年并立即送达了判决书,黄某当即提起上诉,但于6月13日经法院准许撤回上诉;检察院以量刑畸轻为由于6月12日提起抗诉,上级检察院认为抗诉不当,于6月17日向同级法院撤回了抗诉。关于一审判决生效的时间,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.6月9日 B.6月17日 C.6月19日 D.6月20日 7、对下列哪些拟作出的决定,行政机关应告知当事人有权要求听证? A.税务局扣押不缴纳税款的某企业价值200万元的商品 B.交通局吊销某运输公司的道路运输经营许可证 C.规划局发放的建设用地规划许可证,直接涉及申请人和附近居民之间的重大利益关系


公务员考试行测真题答案解析(全) 1.【答案】D。寒冷天气户外锻炼时,应搓擦暴露在外的身体部位,以促进血液循环 2.【答案】B。《铡美案》—京剧—北京 中公解析:昆曲主要流传地是苏州昆山(属太仓州)一带;越剧主要流传地区是浙江;《花木兰》是豫剧,主要流传在河南。故本题答案选B。 3.【答案】A。平流层温度随高度增加而升高,对流层温度随高度增加而降低 4.【答案】C。(3)建立了经典力学体系 中公解析:图(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)中的人物分别是居里夫人、爱因斯坦、牛顿、达尔文。(1)居里夫人发现了放射性元素镭;(2)爱因斯坦提出了量子力学理论;(3)牛顿建立了经典力学体系;(4)达尔文提出了生物进化论理论。故本题答案选C。 5.【答案】C。用泡沫灭火器扑灭钠、镁等活泼金属火灾 6.【答案】C。上世纪50年代,在党政机关工作人员中开展“三反”运动:反贪污、反浪费、反盗骗国家财产 7.【答案】D。根据金属的耐腐蚀性,金属分重金属和轻金属 8.【答案】A。《史记》:李斯主张郡县制 中公解析:“孔融讨伐黄巾军”记载于《三国演义》,B项错误;“梁武帝舍身佛寺”记载于《梁书映帝纪》,C项错误;“王羲之泛舟东海”记载于《墨池记》,D项错误。故本题答案选A。 9.【答案】B。汽车引擎功率——马力 10.【答案】C。印刷在纸制品上的二维码是无效的 11.【答案】A。梅子金黄杏子肥,麦花雪白菜花稀 12.【答案】D。洞中方一日,世上已千年——运动的相对性

中公解析:“洞中方一日,世上已千年”包含的物理学知识是相对论中关于时空和引力的基本原理。根据爱因斯坦的相对论,在接近光速的宇宙飞船中航行,时间的流逝会比地球上慢得多,在这个“洞中”生活几天,则地球上已渡过了几年,几十年,甚至上千年。故本题答案选D。 13.【答案】A。清代——粉彩 14.【答案】B。某出租车公司通过兼并重组使其拥有的出租车数量达到原来的3倍 中公解析:A、C、D三项属于风险管理手段中的预防手段,损失预防是指在风险事故发生前,为了消除或减少可能引起损失的各种因素而采取的处理风险的具体措施,其目的在于通过消除或减少风险因素而降低损失发生的频率。B项不属于。故本题答案选B。 15.【答案】B。志深而笔长,梗概而多气——《左传》 16.【答案】B。天一阁 中公解析:天一阁是中国现存最早的私家藏书楼,也是亚洲现有最古老的图书馆和世界最早的三大家族图书馆之一。故本题答案选B。 17.【答案】C。冉阿让——视财如命的吝啬鬼 18.【答案】B。专心投水浒,回首望天朝——《单刀会》 中公解析:唱词“专心投水浒,回首望天朝”出自传奇剧本——《宝剑记》。故本题答案选B。 19.【答案】A。甲认为行政机关没有依法发给其抚恤金,起诉至法院 20.【答案】D。明清律中的“秋审”制度,反映了“人间司法应符合宇宙秩序”的观念 21.【答案】B。望尘莫及 中公解析:通读文段,文段的意思是说北宋工笔院体画水平很高,此前的工


2016年国家司法考试真题卷四答案及解析 一、(本题20分) 材料一:平等是社会主义法律的基本属性。任何组织和个人都必须尊重宪法法律权威,都必须在宪法法律范围内活动,都必须依照宪法法律行使权力或权利、履行职责或义务,都不得有超越宪法法律的特权。必须维护国家法制统一、尊严、权威,切实保证宪法法律有效实施,绝不允许任何人以任何借口任何形式以言代法、以权压法、徇私枉法。必须以规范和约束公权力为重点,加大监督力度,做到有权必有责、用权受监督、违法必追究,坚决纠正有法不依、执法不严、违法不究行为。(摘自《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》)材料二:全面推进依法治国,必须坚持公正司法。公正司法是维护社会公平正义的最后一道防线。所谓公正司法,就是受到侵害的权利一定会得到保护和救济,违法犯罪活动一定要受到制裁和惩罚。如果人民群众通过司法程序不能保证自己的合法权利,那司法就没有公信力,人民群众也不会相信司法。法律本来应该具有定分止争的功能,司法审判本来应该具有终局性的作用,如果司法不公、人心不服,这些功能就难以实现。 问题: 根据以上材料,结合依宪治国、依宪执政的总体要求,谈谈法律面前人人平等的原则对于推进严格司法的意义。 答题要求: 1.无观点或论述、照搬材料原文的不得分; 2.观点正确,表述完整、准确; 3.总字数不得少于400字。 【参考答案(要点)】 (一)坚持依法治国首先要坚持依宪治国,坚持依法执政首先要坚持依宪执政。宪法是国家的根本大法,是党和人民意志的集中体现,全国各族人民、一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织,都必须以宪法为根本活动准则。依宪治国、依宪执政必须贯彻法律面前人人平等的原则:一方面,宪法法律对所有公民和组织的合法权利予以平等保护,对受侵害的权利予以平等


2018年司法考试复习真题 一、单项选择题。每题所设选项中只有一个正确答案,多选、错选或不选均不 得分。本部分含1—50题,每题1分,共50分。 1.甲公司在城市公园旁开发预售期房,乙、丙等近百人一次性支付了购房款, 总额近8000万元。但甲公司迟迟未开工,按期交房无望。乙、丙等购房人多次集体 去甲公司交涉无果,险些引发群体性事件。面对疯涨房价,乙、丙等购房人为另行 购房,无奈与甲公司签订《退款协议书》,承诺放弃数额巨大利息、违约金的支付 要求,领回原购房款。经咨询,乙、丙等购房人起诉甲公司。下列哪一说法准确体 现了公平正义的有关要求? A.《退款协议书》虽是当事人真实意思表示,但为兼顾情理,法院应当依据购 房人的要求变更该协议,由甲公司支付利息和违约金 B.《退款协议书》是甲公司胁迫乙、丙等人订立的,为确保合法合理,法院应 当依据购房人的要求宣告该协议无效,由甲公司支付利息和违约金 C.《退款协议书》的订立显失公平,为保护购房人的利益,法院应当依据购房 人的要求撤销该协议,由甲公司支付利息和违约金 D.《退款协议书》损害社会公共利益,为确保利益均衡,法院应当依据购房人 的要求撤销该协议,由甲公司支付利息和违约金 2.乙因病需要换肾,其兄甲的肾脏刚好配型成功,甲乙父母和甲均同意由甲捐肾。|学/法/网|因甲是精神病人,医院拒绝办理。后甲意外死亡,甲乙父母决定将 甲的肾脏捐献给乙。下列哪一表述是正确的? A.甲决定将其肾脏捐献给乙的行为有效 B.甲生前,其父母决定将甲的肾脏捐献给乙的行为有效 C.甲死后,其父母决定将甲的肾脏捐献给乙的行为有效 D.甲死后,其父母决定将甲的肾脏捐献给乙的行为无效 3.王某是甲公司的法定代表人,以甲公司名义向乙公司发出书面要约,愿以10万元价格出售甲公司的一块清代翡翠。王某在函件发出后2小时意外死亡,乙公司回函表示愿意以该价格购买。甲公司新任法定代表人以王某死亡,且未经董事会同意 为由拒绝。关于该要约,下列哪一表述是正确的?


云南省公务员考试历年真题及解析 2015年云南公务员考试公告、报名注意事项、职位表等最新资讯及免费备考资料请点击: 《申论》试卷 满分100分时限150分钟 一、注意事项 1.本卷科目代码为“2”,请在答题卡相应位置准确填涂。 2.本题本由给定资料与作答要求两部分构成。考试时限为150分钟。其中,阅读给定资料参考时限为40分钟,作答参考时限为110分钟。 3.请在题本、答题卡指定位置上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的姓名和准考证号,并用2B铅笔在准考证号对应的数字上填涂。 4.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在答题卡上指定的区域内作答,超出答题区域的作答无效! 5.待监考人员宣布考试开始后,你才可以开始答题。 6.所有题目一律使用现代汉语作答,未按要求作答的,不得分。 7.监考人员宣布考试结束时,考生应立即停止作答,将题本、答题卡和草稿纸都翻过来留在桌上,待监考人员确认数量无误、允许离开后,方可离开。 严禁折叠答题卡! 二、给定资料 1.大批赴美志愿者汉语教师在美国校园和社区内担当着文化使者的角色,来自四川的高中教师小琼就是其中之一。为期一年的赴美教学经历给她、她的美国学生乃至美国“街坊邻居”都留下珍贵记忆。

小琼在俄克拉荷马州一座小城执教,借住在一对老夫妇家中。小城只有一家沃尔玛超市。用男主人加里的话说,“全镇人几乎互相都认识”。这个四川姑娘每次出门都会被当地人认出来,很多人都会友善地同她打招呼。 文化交流归根结底是人的交流、感情的交融。小琼说,自己在2008年汶川大地震中不幸失去双亲,很长时间难以从悲伤中走出来,但这对美国老夫妇的悉心照顾、小镇居民的热情让她真切感受到人间真情。 和其他汉语教师一样,小琼也配备了介绍中国文化的“资源包”,内容从神话故事、历史名人到古典名着不一而足。不过,在和孩子们的接触中,她本身就是当地人了解中国的一个“资源包”。“你们也有手机么?”“家中有电视吗?”一个个问题背后是美国孩子对中国的不了解。当然,在打开“资源包”的同时也不可避免引发价值观碰撞。“美国老师不加班、中国老师爱加班”“中国人爱储蓄”,甚至小琼想起万里之外家人时充盈的泪水,都让孩子们乃至大人们真切地感知着“中国人”的家庭观念,碰撞后带来的是了解和欣赏。 “我们觉得她是最好的‘中国制造’。”加里对记者幽默道,“如果你们国家要派出中国文化大使,选我们的琼准没错。” 当记者在世界各地问起:“提起中国文化,您会想到什么?”在赤道边春城内罗毕,中非关系专业在读研究生瑟库拉这样告诉记者:“孔子,我会想到他。我上过不少有关中国外交、非中关系的课,每次遇到理解不了的思想时,我们就开玩笑说‘这是孔子的思想’,每次辩论课上找论据时,我们最后总会找到‘孔子曰……’。西方也有很多先贤,但中国先贤似乎我只了解孔子。” 在内罗毕CBD地区一家大排档餐厅,28岁的顾客贝利对记者说:“我通过在内罗毕工作的中国人了解中国文化。我觉得要想让肯尼亚人了解中国文化,最重要的是生活在本地的中国人的


1、高某利用职务便利多次收受贿赂,还雇凶将举报他的下属王某打成重伤。关于本案庭前会议,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.高某可就案件管辖提出异议 B.王某提起附带民事诉讼的,可调解 C.高某提出其口供系刑讯所得,法官可在审查讯问时同步录像的基础上决定是否排除口供 D.庭前会议上出示过的证据,庭审时举证、质证可简化 2、下列哪一行为应以危险驾驶罪论处? A.醉酒驾驶机动车,误将红灯看成绿灯,撞死2名行人 B.吸毒后驾驶机动车,未造成人员伤亡,但危及交通安全 C.在驾驶汽车前吃了大量荔枝,被交警以呼气式酒精检测仪测试到酒精含量达到醉酒程度 D.将汽车误停在大型商场地下固定卸货车位,后在醉酒时将汽车从地下三层开到地下一层的停车位 3、关于证人证言与鉴定意见,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.证人证言只能由自然人提供,鉴定意见可由单位出具 B.生理上、精神上有缺陷的人有时可以提供证人证言,但不能出具鉴定意见 C.如控辩双方对证人证言和鉴定意见有异议的,相应证人和鉴定人均应出庭 D.证人应出庭而不出庭的,其庭前证言仍可能作为证据;鉴定人应出庭而不出庭的,鉴定意见不得作为定案根据 4、关于单位犯罪,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.就同一犯罪而言,单位犯罪与自然人犯罪的既遂标准完全相同 B.《刑法》第一百七十条未将单位规定为伪造货币罪的主体,故单位伪造货币的,相关自然人不构成犯罪 C.经理赵某为维护公司利益,召集单位员工殴打法院执行工作人员,拒不执行生效判决的,成立单位犯罪 D.公司被吊销营业执照后,发现其曾销售伪劣产品20万元。对此,应追究相关自然人销售伪劣产品罪的刑事责任

5、甲因琐事与乙发生口角进而厮打,推搡之间,不慎致乙死亡。检察院以甲涉嫌过失致人死亡提起公诉,乙母丙向法院提起附带民事诉讼。关于本案处理,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.法院可对附带民事部分进行调解 B.如甲与丙经法院调解达成协议,调解协议中约定的赔偿损失内容可分期履行 C.如甲提出申请,法院可组织甲与丙协商以达成和解 D.如甲与丙达成刑事和解,其约定的赔偿损失内容可分期履行 6、关于结果加重犯,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.故意杀人包含了故意伤害,故意杀人罪实际上是故意伤害罪的结果加重犯 B.****罪、强制猥亵妇女罪的犯罪客体相同,****、强制猥亵行为致妇女重伤的,均成立结果加重犯 C.甲将乙拘禁在宾馆20楼,声称只要乙还债就放人。乙无力还债,深夜跳楼身亡。甲的行为不成立非法拘禁罪的结果加重犯 D.甲以胁迫手段抢劫乙时,发现仇人丙路过,于是立即杀害丙。甲在抢劫过程中杀害他人,因抢劫致人死亡包括故意致人死亡,故甲成立抢劫致人死亡的结果加重犯 7、高某利用职务便利多次收受贿赂,还雇凶将举报他的下属王某打成重伤。关于本案庭前会议,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.高某可就案件管辖提出异议 B.王某提起附带民事诉讼的,可调解 C.高某提出其口供系刑讯所得,法官可在审查讯问时同步录像的基础上决定是否排除口供 D.庭前会议上出示过的证据,庭审时举证、质证可简化 8、关于李某脱逃后的诉讼程序,下列选项正确的是: A.李某脱逃后,法院可中止审理 B.在通缉李某一年不到案后,甲市检察院可向甲市中级法院提出没收李某违法所得的申请 C.李某的近亲属只能在6个月的公告期内申请参加诉讼 D.在审理没收违法所得的案件过程中,李某被抓捕归案的,法院应裁定终止审理 9、3万元


2016年国家司法考试真题卷二答案及解析 一、单项选择题。每题所设选项中只有一个正确答案,多选、错选或不选均不得分。本部分含1—50题,每题1分,共50分。 1.关于不作为犯罪,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.“法无明文规定不为罪”的原则当然适用于不作为犯罪,不真正不作为犯的作为义务必须源于法律的明文规定 B.在特殊情况下,不真正不作为犯的成立不需要行为人具有作为可能性 C.不真正不作为犯属于行为犯,危害结果并非不真正不作为犯的构成要件要素 D.危害公共安全罪、侵犯公民人身权利罪、侵犯财产罪中均存在不作为犯. 【答案】D。 【考点】危害行为 2.关于因果关系的认定,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.甲重伤王某致其昏迷。乞丐目睹一切,在甲离开后取走王某财物。甲的行为与王某的财产损失有因果关系 B.乙纠集他人持凶器砍杀李某,将李某逼至江边,李某无奈跳江被淹死。乙的行为与李某的死亡无因果关系 C.丙酒后开车被查。交警指挥丙停车不当,致石某的车撞上丙车,石某身亡。丙的行为与石某死亡无因果关系 D.丁敲诈勒索陈某。陈某给丁汇款时,误将3万元汇到另一诈骗犯账户中。丁的行为与陈某的财产损失无因果关系 【答案】C。 【考点】刑法上的因果关系 3.关于刑事责任能力,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.甲第一次吸毒产生幻觉,误以为伍某在追杀自己,用木棒将伍某打成重伤。甲的行为成立过失致人重伤罪

B.乙以杀人故意刀砍陆某时突发精神病,继续猛砍致陆某死亡。不管采取何种学说,乙都成立故意杀人罪未遂 C.丙因实施爆炸被抓,相关证据足以证明丙已满15周岁,但无法查明具体出生日期。不能追究丙的刑事责任 D.丁在14周岁生日当晚故意砍杀张某,后心生悔意将其送往医院抢救,张某仍于次日死亡。应追究丁的刑事责任 【答案】A。 【考点】犯罪主体概述自然人犯罪主体 4.农民甲醉酒在道路上驾驶拖拉机,其认为拖拉机不属于《刑法》第133条之一规定的机动车。关于本案的分析,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.甲未能正确评价自身的行为,存在事实认识错误 B.甲欠缺违法性认识的可能性,其行为不构成犯罪 C.甲对危险驾驶事实有认识,具有危险驾驶的故意 D.甲受认识水平所限,不能要求其对自身行为负责 【答案】C。 【考点】犯罪主观要件 5.吴某被甲、乙合法追捕。吴某的枪中只有一发子弹,认识到开枪既可能打死甲也可能打死乙。设定吴某对甲、乙均有杀人故意,下列哪一分析是正确的? A.如吴某一枪没有打中甲和乙,子弹从甲与乙的中间穿过,则对甲、乙均成立故意杀人罪未遂 B.如吴某一枪打中了甲,致甲死亡,则对甲成立故意杀人罪既遂,对乙成立故意杀人罪未遂,实行数罪并罚 C.如吴某一枪同时打中甲和乙,致甲死亡、乙重伤,则对甲成立故意杀人罪既遂,对乙仅成立故意伤害罪 D.如吴某一枪同时打中甲和乙,致甲、乙死亡,则对甲、乙均成立故意杀人罪既遂,实行数罪并罚 【答案】A。 【考点】犯罪主观要件


1、给定资料3-6缉拿了我国传统节日被“淡化”和“异化”的诸多现象,请指出具体表现。(25分)要求:内容全面,观点明确,逻辑清晰,语言准确,不超过300字。 解析:单一式概括题 要求中出现逻辑清晰,需要对淡化和异化进行分类概括。 淡化主要是在材料三、四中,异化主要在材料五、六。 淡化:不少人特别是年轻人不知道节日文化的内涵,节日生活空荡荡,无事可做。对传统民俗遗忘,节日氛围缺失,节日以吃为主要基调,节日主要文化活动是看电视。 异化:传统节日变成了社交资源的主要契机,节日食品,节日传统式微,对文化符号和功能意义曲解或淡忘,对传统节日事象妄谈。 2、根据给定资料判断并分析下列观点的正误,并简要说明理由。(20分) 解析:综合分析题。此题只需要对两个观点判断对错,并进行分析即可。 第一个观点是错误的。原因:传统是被不断发明、生产和再生产出来的,现有的传统并非一成不变的。今天出现的文化现象,实际上也正在为促成向后延续的传统增加新的因素。在工业化和城市化面前,传统文化的不断创新,会使文化得到进一步传承、发展、弘扬。 第二个观点是正确的。在当前的文化语境下,不少人特别是年轻人不知道节日文化的内涵,节日生活空荡荡,无事可做,即使“申遗”成功,也不会引起人们对于传统节日文化的重 视。 3、某公益组织与策划一次名为“月满中秋”的公益活动,向全社会发出重视传统节日的文 化倡导。请你写出该倡议书的主要内容。(20分) 要求:目标清楚,内容具体,倡议具有可操作性,300字左右。 解析:此题题目要求中明确提出倡议具有可操作性,因此在作答中侧重倡议书内容,以对策为主。 倡议:1、保护传统文化。要珍爱中华民族的优良传统,在全球文化交融中更加自觉地运 用多种形式保护传统文化,传承传统文化。2、过好传统节日。配合国务院把传统节日纳入法定节日的举措,过好各具特色的民族节日,积极开展节庆文体娱乐活动。3、弘扬传统美德。以过好节日为载体,大力弘扬庄敬自强、孝老爱亲、家庭和睦、重诺守信等传统美德,弘扬爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献的公民基本道德规范。4、锻造民族精神。在新的形势下自觉发扬爱国主义精神、包容和谐的精神、扶助友爱的精神、刻苦耐劳的精神、革故鼎新的精神,增强民族自信心、自豪感。5、发展文化产业。依托传统节日资源,发展节庆用品生产、文化艺术展演、旅游观光等产业,促进传统文化现代化,推动优秀传统文化走出国门,走向世界。 4、南宋思想家朱熹曾说:自敬,则敬之;自慢,则人慢之。请你从给定的资料处罚,结 合实际,以“增强民族自信重建节日文化”为标题,写一篇文章谈谈自己的体会与思考。(35分)要求:主题正确,内容丰富,论证深入,语言流畅900-1100字。 解析:为命题式作文,标题为“增强民族自信重建节日文化”。因为题目内容偏正面,因 此适宜写政论文。题目中虽然谈的是重建节日文化,但是主旨还是谈的对于传统文化的传承。只要在文章中谈到对节日文化重建,对传统文化传承,均可。 答:当今社会,小到个人、企业,大到国家都开意识到文化的重要。曾几何时,中华文化有如一丝耀眼的曙光,照亮了人类文明的蛮荒大地,从此便一直站在人类文明发展的最前沿,引领着人类文化的进步和繁荣,形成了自信积极的文化自信心。然而自鸦片战争以降,在西方军事、科技、经济和文化猛烈冲击之下,中华文化逐渐丧失了自信心,不断地徘徊在盲目自大和妄自菲薄的怪圈里。 重建文化自信,不能靠吃老本,而必须依靠创新。我国有着五千年光辉灿烂的历史,也有着可与日月争辉、能同天地齐寿的文化成果,但不可否认的是,文化是不断发展、变化与革新


2010年司法考试真题(卷二)答案及详解 一、单项选择题。每题所设选项中只有一个正确答案,多选、错选或不选均不得分。本部分含1—50题,每题1分,共50分。 1.“罪刑法定原则的要求是:(1)禁止溯及既往(_____的罪刑法定);(2)排斥习惯法(_____的罪刑法定);(3)禁止类推解释(______的罪刑法定);(4)刑罚法规的适当(______的罪刑法定)。”下列哪一选项与题干空格内容相匹配? A.事前——成文——确定——严格 B.事前——确定——成文——严格 C.事前——严格——成文——确定 D.事前——成文——严格——确定 【考点】刑法的基本原则 【司法部答案】D 【答案】D 【解析】罪刑法定原则的具体要求为:(1)溯及既往的禁止,即事前的罪刑法定。犯罪及其刑罚必须在行为前预先规定,刑法不得在对其公布、施行前的行为进行追溯适用。(2)排斥习惯法,即成文的罪刑法定。犯罪与刑罚必须由立法者通过特定程序以文字的形式记载下来,刑事司法应以成文法为准,而不能适用习惯法。(3)合理解释刑法,禁止类推,即严格的罪刑法定。类推解释是对事先在法律上没有规定要予以处罚的行为进行处罚,属于司法恣意对国民的行为进行压制,这是不允许的。(4)刑罚法规的适当,即确定的罪刑法定。同时,刑罚法规的适当还包括刑法的明确性、禁止处罚不当处罚的行为、禁止不确定刑三方面内容。因此题干的空格中应分别填入:事前、成文、严格、确定,D选项正确,ABC选项错误。本题应选D。 2.看守所值班武警甲擅离职守,在押的犯罪嫌疑人乙趁机逃走,但刚跑到监狱外的树林即被抓回。关于本案,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.甲主观上是过失,乙是故意 B.甲、乙是事前无通谋的共犯 C.甲构成私放在押人员罪 D.乙不构成脱逃罪 【考点】故意与过失的认定、共犯的认定 【司法部答案】A 【答案】A 【解析】根据《刑法》第400条规定,司法工作人员私放在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或者罪犯的,构成私放在押人员罪。但注意:本罪的主观方面为故意,过失不构成此罪。司法工作人员由于严重不负责任,致使在押的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或者罪犯脱逃,造成严重后果的,构成失职致使在押人员脱逃罪,此罪的主观方面为过失。本题中,看守所值班武警甲擅离职守,致使在押的犯罪嫌疑人乙趁机逃走,但刚跑到监狱外的树林即被抓回,甲存在过失,但并未造成严重后果,因此甲不构成失职致使在押人员脱逃罪,也不构成私放在押人员罪。因此C选项错误。 在押的犯罪嫌疑人乙出于脱逃的故意,实施脱逃的行为,虽然刚跑到监狱外的树林即被抓回,但其行为已经构成脱逃罪。且该罪为行为犯,只要实施脱逃的行为即成立既遂,D选项错误。因此甲主观上为过失,乙是故意,A选项正确,


历年公务员考试试题及答案解析 20天行测83分申论81分(经验)? ? ? ? ? ??(适合:国家公务员,各省公务员,村官,事业单位,政法干警,警察,军转干,路转税,选调生,党政公选,法检等考 试) ?????????????????????????????????????????????? ??———知识改变命运,励志照亮人生 ???? 我是2010年10月15号报的国家公务员考试,报名之后,买了教材开始学习,在一位大学同学的指导下,大约20天时间,行测考了83.2分,申论81分,进入面试,笔试第二,面试第一,总分第二,成功录取。在这里我没有炫耀的意思,因为比我考的分数高的人还很多,远的不说,就我这单位上一起进来的,85分以上的,90分以上的都有。只是给大家一些信心,分享一下我的经验,我只是普通大学毕业,智商和大家都一样,关键是找对方法,事半功倍。 ????指导我的大学同学是2009年考上的,他的行测、申论、面试都过了80分,学习时间仅用了20多天而已。我也是因为看到他的成功,

才决定要考公务员的。“人脉就是实力”,这句话在我这位同学和我身上又一次得到验证,他父亲的一位朋友参加过国家公务员考试命题组,这位命题组的老师告诉他一些非常重要的建议和详细的指导,在这些建议的指导下,我同学和我仅仅准备了20天左右的时间,行测申论就都达到了80分以上。这些命题组的老师是最了解公务员考试机密的人,只是因为他们的特殊身份,都不方便出来写书或是做培训班。下面我会把这些建议分享给你,希望能够对你有所帮助。? ???? 在新员工见面会上,我又认识了23位和我同时考进来的其他职位的同事,他们的行测申论几乎都在80分以上,或是接近80分,我和他们做了详细的考试经验交流,得出了一些通用的备考方案和方法,因为只有通用的方法,才能适合于每一个人。? ???? 2010年国考成功录取后,为了进一步完善这套公务员考试方案,我又通过那位命题组的老师联系上了其他的5位参加过命题的老师和4位申论阅卷老师,进一点了解更加详细的出题机密和阅卷规则。因为申论是人工阅卷,这4位申论阅卷老师最了解申论阅卷的打分规则,他们把申论快速提高到75到80分的建议写在纸上,可能也就50页纸而已,但是,他们的建议比任何培训机构和书籍效果都好(我是说申论)。这一点我是深有体会并非常认同的。?


1、关于证人证言与鉴定意见,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.证人证言只能由自然人提供,鉴定意见可由单位出具 B.生理上、精神上有缺陷的人有时可以提供证人证言,但不能出具鉴定意见 C.如控辩双方对证人证言和鉴定意见有异议的,相应证人和鉴定人均应出庭 D.证人应出庭而不出庭的,其庭前证言仍可能作为证据;鉴定人应出庭而不出庭的,鉴定意见不得作为定案根据 2、关于缓刑的适用,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.甲犯重婚罪和虐待罪,数罪并罚后也可能适用缓刑 B.乙犯遗弃罪被判处管制1年,即使犯罪情节轻微,也不能宣告缓刑 C.丙犯绑架罪但有立功情节,即使该罪的法定最低刑为5年有期徒刑,也可能适用缓刑 D.丁17岁时因犯放火罪被判处有期徒刑5年,23岁时又犯伪证罪,仍有可能适用缓刑 3、关于缓刑的适用,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.甲犯重婚罪和虐待罪,数罪并罚后也可能适用缓刑 B.乙犯遗弃罪被判处管制1年,即使犯罪情节轻微,也不能宣告缓刑 C.丙犯绑架罪但有立功情节,即使该罪的法定最低刑为5年有期徒刑,也可能适用缓刑 D.丁17岁时因犯放火罪被判处有期徒刑5年,23岁时又犯伪证罪,仍有可能适用缓刑 4、根据《刑法》规定,国家工作人员利用本人职权或者(1)形成的便利条件,通过其他(2)职务上的行为,为请托人谋取(3),索取请托人财物或者收受请托人财物的,以(4)论处。这在刑法理论上称为(5)。将下列哪一选项内容填充到以上相应位置是正确的? A.(1)地位(2)国家机关工作人员(3)利益(4)利用影响力受贿罪(5)间接受贿 B.(1)职务(2)国家工作人员(3)利益(4)受贿罪(5)斡旋受贿 C.(1)职务(2)国家机关工作人员(3)不正当利益(4)利用影响力受贿罪(5)间接受贿 D.(1)地位(2)国家工作人员(3)不正当利益(4)受贿罪(5)斡旋受贿 5、李某不服区公安分局对其作出的行政拘留5日的处罚,向市公安局申请行政复议,市公安局作出维持决定。李某不服,提起行政诉讼。下列哪些选项是正确的? A.李某可向区政府申请行政复议


2018亳州公务员考试试题答案及解析(文字版) 2018亳州公务员考试报名工作已结束,2018安徽公务员笔试时间为4月21日-22日,届时安徽华图将根据考生回忆组织教研室整理提供2018亳州公务员考试试题答案及解析(文字版)。希望能对广大考生有所帮助! 广大考生需要注意:省直考点设在合肥市。各地考点设在设区的市政府所在地。报考广德、宿松县职位的考生,分别在宣城、安庆市考点考试。具体考点、考场详见本人《准考证》。《行政职业能力测试》和《专业知识》客观题部分一律用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂作答;《申论》和《专业知识》主观题部分一律用黑色字迹的钢笔、签字笔在答题卡上指定的位置作答。军事知识科目根据试卷答题要求作答。 2018亳州公务员考试笔试备考:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c18456052.html,/zt/ahgk/ 2018亳州公务员考试历年试题:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6c18456052.html,/zt/zhti/ 【☆2018亳州公务员考试试题答案及解析(文字版)☆】 2018亳州公务员考试笔试时间为4月21日-22日,届时安徽华图将根据考生回忆组织教研室整理提供试题解析,请考生保持关注!现提供2017年安徽公务员考试行测试题解析及备考技巧,仅供参考: 声明: 1、试题来源于网络,可能存在偏差,华图教育不对此试题的准确性、合法性以及内容的真实性负责; 2、本试题解析中答案及解析为华图教育独家解析,其他任何机构及个人未经华图教育同意不得转载; 3、若有权利人对试题及解析主张权利,请及时联系我司,我司将依法采取措施保障权利人合法权益。

4.良好生态环境,最公平的公共产品,是最( )的民生福祉。当前,我国资源约束( 环境污染严重,生态系统退化的问题十分严峻,人民群众对清新空气,干净饮水、安全、食品优美环境的要求越来越强烈。 A.普遍不力 B.重要紧张 C.普惠超紧 D.关键不够[答案]( 解析] 逻辑填空实词辨析。第一空,在语境中指的是“良好生态环境、最公平的公共产品”,这些对民众来说都是造福生活的最普遍需要的实惠,且第一空形容的是民生福祉,因此用“普惠”最合适。 5.礼仪服饰庄重而_ 自生一种威仪。事实上,这种威仪感,来自礼服各个不同部件背后的渊源和寓意。另- 方面,如果将礼服层层剥开来看,就是一部_ 的政治史。A.美丽宏伟B.艳丽壮阔C.华美恢弘D.秀美磅礴[答案]c. 解析]逻辑填空,近义词辨析。考察予以侧重,根据解释性语句“自生一种威仪”可知填入第一空的词要有生出威仪的意思,只能对应“华美”,华美有华丽美好之意,华丽与威仪有所对应,秀美只是秀丽美好。不能体现威仪,美丽与艳丽都只有美的意思,并不能体现威仪,因此只能选C。第二空“恢弘”形容政治史,搭配得当,故选C


2004年国家司法考试试题解析——试卷三 一、单项选择题,每题所给选项中只有一个正确答案。本部分1—50题,每题1分,共50分。 1.下列关于民事权利的表述哪一个是错误的? A.抵销权是一种形成权 B.知识产权是一种支配权 C.债权请求权不具有排他性 D.支配权不存在对应义务 【答案及解析】:D支配权是对权利客体进行直接的排他性支配并享受其利益的权利。人身权、物权、知识产权中财产权等属于支配权。请求权是特定人得请求特定他人为一定行为或不为一定行为的权利。债权是典型的请求权。形成权是依权利人单方意思表示就能使权利发生、变更或者消灭的权利。撤销权、解除权、追认权、抵销权等都属形成权。 2.甲、乙、丙各出资5万元合伙开办一家餐馆,经营期间,丙提出退伙,甲、乙同意,三方约定丙放弃一切合伙权利,也不承担合伙债务。下列选项哪一个是正确的? A.丙退伙后对原合伙的债务不承担责任 B.丙退伙后对原合伙的债务仍应承担连带清偿责任 C.丙退伙后对原合伙的债务承担补充责任 D.丙退伙后仍应以其出资额为限对原合伙债务承担清偿责任 【答案及解析】:B民通意见第53条规定:合伙经营期间发生亏损,合伙人退出合伙时未按约定分担或者未合理分担合伙债务的,退伙人对原合伙的债务,应当承担清偿责任;退伙人已分担合伙债务的,对其参加合伙期间的全部债务仍负连带责任。 3.甲公司经常派业务员乙与丙公司订立合同。乙调离后,又持盖有甲公司公章的合同书与尚不知其已调离的丙公司订立一份合同,并按照通常做法提走货款,后逃匿。对此甲公司并不知情。丙公司要求甲公司履行合同,甲公司认为该合同与己无关,予以拒绝。下列选项哪一个是正确的? A.甲公司不承担责任 B.甲公司应与丙公司分担损失 C.甲公司应负主要责任 D.甲公司应当承担签约后果 【答案及解析】:D表见代理是指虽无代理权但表面上有足以使人信为有代理权的代理。表见代理发生有权代理之效果,即有本人而非行为人负代理行为的效果。 4.甲于1972年将房屋出典给乙,典价5000元,典期20年。1992年典期届满,甲以5000元向乙回赎,乙主张甲必须以该房现价3万元回赎。依照有关法律规定,甲应按照哪一价款回赎典物? 元 万元 【答案及解析】:A回赎是出典人向典权人提出以支付原典价消灭典权的单方行为。回赎是出典人的权利,它只需要出典人一方的意思表示并支付原典价即可,不必取得典权人的同意即产生效力。


司法考试真题及答案解析【试卷二】二 53.关于认识错误的判断,下列哪些选项是错误的?()(2011年卷二多选第53题) A.甲为使被害人溺死而将被害人推入井中,但井中没有水,被害人被摔死。这是方法错误,甲行为成立故意杀人既遂 B.乙准备使被害人吃安眠药熟睡后将其勒死,但未待实施勒杀行为,被害人因吃了乙投放的安眠药死亡。这是构成要件提前实现,乙行为成立故意杀人既遂 C.丙打算将含有毒药的巧克力寄给王某,但因写错地址而寄给了汪某,汪某吃后死亡。这既不是对象错误,也不是方法错误,丙的行为成立过失致人死亡罪 D.丁误将生父当作仇人杀害。具体符合说与法定符合说都认为丁的行为成立故意杀人既遂 【答案】AC 【考点】认识错误 【解析】选项A说法错误。因果关系错误,是指侵害的对象没有错误,但造成侵害的因果关系的发生过程与行为人所预想的发展过程不一致,以及侵害结果推后或者提前发生。选项A中,甲为了杀死被害人而将被害人推入水中,结果井中无水,被害人被摔死。这属于因果关系错误,而不是方法错误。 选项B说法正确。构成要件的提前实现,是指实际上提前实现了行为人所预想的结果。选项B中的情况就属于犯罪构成的提前实现。 选项C说法错误。丙的行为属于具体的事实错误中的对象错误,即行为人把甲对象当作乙对象加以侵害,而甲对象和乙对象体现相同的法益,行为人的认识内容与客观事实仍属同一犯罪构成的情况。对于对象认识错误而言,无论采用具体符合说还是法定符合说,结果都是一样的。因此,丙的行为应成立故意杀人的既遂。

选项D说法正确。丁的行为属于具体的事实错误中的对象错误,对于对象认识错误而言,无论采用具体符合说还是法定符合说,结果都是一样的。因此,丁的行为成立故意杀人既遂。 54.下列哪些选项不构成犯罪中止?()(2011年卷二多选第54题) A.甲收买1名儿童打算日后卖出。次日,看到拐卖儿童犯罪分子被判处死刑的新闻,偷偷将儿童送回家 B.乙使用暴力绑架被害人后,被害人反复向乙求情,乙释放了被害人 C.丙加入某恐怖组织并参与了一次恐怖活动,后经家人规劝退出该组织 D.丁为国家工作人员,挪用公款3万元用于孩子学费,4个月后主动归还 【答案】ABCD 【考点】犯罪中止 【解析】《刑法》第二十四条第一款规定,在犯罪过程中,自动放弃犯罪或者自动有效地防止犯罪结果发生的,是犯罪中止。 选项A不成立犯罪中止。根据《刑法》第二百四十条第二款的规定,拐卖妇女、儿童的,只要行为人以出卖为目的,实施了拐骗、绑架、收买、贩卖、接送、中转妇女、儿童的行为之一的,就成立拐卖妇女、儿童罪的既遂。据此可知,甲以出卖为目的购买儿童的行为,已经成立了拐卖儿童罪的既遂,他事后将儿童送回家的行为属于犯罪后的悔改表现,可以在量刑上有所体现,但不能成立犯罪中止。 选项B不成立犯罪中止。绑架罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,即他人的人身自由权和财产权。乙使用暴力将被害人绑架的行为,已经侵犯了被害人的人身自由权,该绑架行为已经完成,成立犯罪既遂。后经被害人反复求情将其释放的行为属于犯罪后的悔改表现,可以在量刑上有所体现,但不能成立犯罪中止。 选项C不成立犯罪中止。组织参加恐怖活动罪是指加入恐怖活动组织,使自

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