当前位置:文档之家› C12A试卷-英文





课程号: 21186020 ,开课学院:计算机学院__



考试日期: 2013 年 01 月 16 日,考试时间: 120 分钟


考生姓名:学号:所属院系: _ (注意:答题内容必须写在答题卷上,写在本试题卷上无效)

Section 1: Single Choice(2 marks for each item, total 20 marks)

1. The precedence(优先级) of operator _____is the lowest in the followings.

A.>= B.+ C.!= D.+=

2. According to the C syntax, _____is the legal character constant in the followings.

A."0" B.…\102?C.…12?D.…+=?

3. The expression _____can NOT express the statement ”both x and y are zero”.

A.x==0 && y==0 B.!x && !y

C.x==0 || y==0 D.!(x || y)

4. Supposing all the following variables are declared correctly, executing the statement

“scanf("%d%c%f", &op1, &op, &op2);”,the values of op1, op and op2 are 1,?*? and

2.0 each when input_____.

A.1.0*2 B.1 * 2 C.1.0*2.0 D.1*2

5. For the function declaration void f(char ** p),the definition _______of var makes the

function call f(var) incorrect.

A.char var[10][10]; B.char *var[10];

C.void *var = NULL; D.char *v=NULL, **var=&v;

6. After executing the following code fragment, the value of variable m is _______.

int m;

for( m=0; m<9; m++ ) m++;

A.8 B.9 C.10 D.11

7. The statement _______of the followings is equivalent to “while( *s++ = *t++ );”.

A. do { *s = *t++; } while ( *s++ ); B. while ( *t ) *s++ = *t++;

C. do { *s++ = *t++; } while ( *t ); D. while ( *s ) *s++ = *t++;

8. For definitions: char s[2][3]={“ab”, “cd”}, *p=(char *)s; the expression _______is

correct and its value is equivalent to the element s[1][1].

A.*(s+3) B.*s+2 C.p[1][1] D.*++p+2

9. Given the definitions:

#define type1 char *

typedef char *type2;

type1 s1, s2;

type2 s3, s4;

All the identifiers of group _______are character pointers in the followings.

A.s1, s3 B.s1, s2, s3 C.s1, s3, s4 D.s1, s2, s3, s4 10. For definition: struct { int n; char *str;} *p;,the operator “++” will act on _______in

the expression “++p->str”.

A.poniter str B.pointer p C.object which str points to D.None of above

Section 2: Fill in the blanks(2 marks for each item, total 30 marks)

1. If the variable x is declared correctly, the value of expression (-10

2. The following code code fragment will output _____.

static int x, y, z;

z = (x=1) || (y=2);

printf("%d ", y);

3. The following program will output _______.

void f( int *pa, int *pb )


int *pt;

pt = pa, pa = pb, pb = pt;


int main(void)

{ int x=1, y=2;

f(&x, &y);

printf("%d#%d#", x, y);


4. The following code fragment will output _____.

int x=3, y=6;

x ^= y ^= x ^= y;

printf("%d#%d#", x, y);

5. The value of expression (double)(10/4) is_____.

6. The function call encode(“ache\\”)will output_______.

void encode( char s[] ) {

for( ; *s; s++ )

switch( *s ) {

case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': printf("%c", 'a'+'d'- *s); break;

case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': printf("%c", 'e'+'h'- *s); break;

default: printf("%c", *s);



7. For the following macro definitions, F0(3+4) will output_______.

#define F1(var) printf("var = %d", var)

#define F0(var) F1(var * var)

8. Executing the following command-line program T1: T1 abc bcd cde aed, the output



int main(int argc, char** argv)



printf("%s", *argv);

return 0;


9. For the following recursive function f,function call f(2, '3', '2', '1'); will output_______.

void f(int n, char a, char b, char c)


if(n == 1)

printf("%c%c#", a, b) ;


f(n-1, a, c, b);

printf("%c%c#", a, b);

f(n-1, c, b, a);




10. Use typedef to define a new type name POINT ___________and make it denote(表

示) a pointer to an array with 10 elements each of which points to a character.

11. The following code fragment will output ________.

char s[]="Zhejiang";



12. The following program will output _______.


int k;

int f(int x)


static int k=0;


return k+(++x);


void main()


while (k++-3) printf("%d#",f(k));



13. After executing the following code fragment, the value of variable z is ______.

static struct{

int x, y[3];

} a[3]={{0},{5,6,7},{10,12}}, *p=a+3;

int z;

z=*((int *)(p-1)-3);

14. Given definition: char *s1; write down an expression _____________which is

equivalent to ”strlen(s1)==0”. Note: Do NOT use any functions.

15. The following code fragment will output __________.

struct st { int n;struct st *next;} a[3]={1,&a[1],3,&a[2],5,&a[0]}, *p=&a[2];


Section 3: Read each of the following programs and answer questions (5marks for each item, total marks: 30)

1. The following program will output _______.

#include "stdio.h"

#define M 5

int k = 2;

int find_next(int start, int m[ ]);

int main( )


int m[ ] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 0};

int count, pre, start = 0;

for( count = M; count>1; count-- ) {

pre = find_next( start, m );

start = m[pre];

m[pre] = m[start];

printf( "%d#",start );



return 0;


int find_next( int s, int m[ ] )


int i;

for(i=0; i

return s;


2. The following program will output ________.


int a=5, b=1, k=0;

int func( int n )


static int a = 0;

if( !(n%3) )

printf("%d#", ++a);


a += b++;


return a;


void main()


int k, b=0;

for( k = 1; k < 6; k += 2 )

b += func( k );

printf("%d#%d#%d#", a, b, k);



3. The following program will output .


void main()


int a[]={4,5,6,7,8,9};

int i,j,k=0,m=6,n,t;


while(k<=n) {


i=2; t=1;

while(i<=j/2&&t) t=j%++i;



else {







4. The following program will output ________.


int f(int x, int n, char s[])


static char t[]="BLACKOUT";

int count;

if(x < 8)


s[n] = t[x];

s[n+1] = '\0';

return n+1;


count = f(x/8, n, s);

count = f(x%8, count, s);

return count;




int a = 159;

char s[100];

f(a, 0, s);



5. Supposing: a text file “input.dat” contains 3 lines characters as followings. Executing

the following program will output _______.





int main()


float sum=0;

int count=0;

char c;

FILE *fp;

if ((fp=fopen("input.dat", "r"))==NULL) return -1;

while ((c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) {

if (c>='A' && c<='E') {

sum= sum + 'E'-c+1;


} else if (c=='\n') {

printf("%0.1f#", sum/count);




if (count>0) printf("%0.1f#", sum/count);


return 0;


6. Executing the following function showProcess. If the output are 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 12

15 after executing the statement printList(a) and the output are 3 5 6 8 12 13 after

executingthe statement printList(b), then, the output are _______after executing the statement printList(h).

struct node {

int data;

struct node *next;


void printList(struct node *p)


while (p!=NULL) {

printf("%d ", p->data);





struct node * process( struct node * pa, struct node * pb )


struct node *q, *pre=NULL, *h=pa;

while( pa&&pb ){

if( pa->datadata ){

q = pa;

pa = pa->next;

if(pre == NULL)

h = pa;


pre->next = pa;


}else if(pa->data>pb->data){

q = pb;

pb = pb->next;



pre = pa;

pa = pa->next;

q = pb;

pb = pb->next;




while( pa ){

q = pa;

pa = pa->next;

if(pre == NULL)

h = pa;


pre->next = pa;



return (h);


void showProcess(struct node *a, struct node *b)


struct node *h;






Section 4: According to the specification, complete each program (2 marks for each blank, total 20 marks)

1. The following program inputs two character strings (which contain only digit

characters …0?-…9?) and each string denotes a long long positive integer number. Then, the program will add the two long long positive integer number and print out the sum.

Complete the following program.



#define LEN 100

char* long_long_add(char *a, char *b );

void reverse(char *c);

int main(void)


char a[LEN+2],b[LEN+1];

printf("Input 2 positive long long integers(<=100 decimal digits):\n");

scanf("%s %s", a, b);

p rintf("The sum of a and b is %s \n", long_long_add(a,b));

r eturn 0;


char* long_long_add(char *a, char *b )

{ /*add the two long long positive integer number, return the pointer to the sum string. a, b will be changed and a has storage space big enough.*/ char *sum = a;

int carry = 0; /* carry(进位) */

if(!a || !b) return NULL; /* NULL string */

reverse(a); reverse(b); /* reverse strings a and b */

while( *a && *b ) /* First process the shorter integer number */


*a += (1) ;


carry = 1; *a -= 10;


carry = 0;

a++; b++;


while( *a ) /* If a is longer than b, then process the part left of a*/


*a = (carry + *a > '9') ? '0' : (carry + *a);

carry = (2) ;



while( *b ) /* If b is longer than a, then process the part left of b */


*a = (carry + *b > '9') ? '0' : (carry + *b);

carry = (carry + *b > '9') ? 1 : 0;



if(carry) (4); /* Add the last carry. */

*a = NULL; /* Terminate the character string a. */

reverse(sum); /* Reverse the sum string. */

return sum;


void reverse(char *str)

{ /* reverse the string str */

char ch, *p = str, *q = (5);

while( p < q ){

ch = *p;

*p++ = *q;

*q-- = ch;




2. The following program will read in n integer numbers at first from the text file

“input.dat” , then insert each of these integer numbers to a single chain list which is null at beginning, and sort these integer numbers in ascending order(升序)。The program will print out these integers with 10 numbers per line at last. Complete the program.


struct node {

int data;

struct node *next;


int main()


struct node *p,*t, *q,*head=NULL;

int n, i;

FILE *fp;

if ((fp=fopen("input.dat", "r"))==NULL) exit(0);

scanf("%d", &n);

for(i=0; i

t=(struct node *)malloc((6));

fscanf(fp, "%d", &(t->data));

p=head; q=NULL;

while (p!=NULL && p->data < t->data) {




if (q==NULL)








while ((9)) {

printf("%d%c", p->data, (10));




return 0;


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