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中国日报热词汉英对照汇总(2015年1-11月) (2)




母带original demo


定制日历customized/custom-made calendar

蒙面袭击者hooded attackers

翻白眼roll one's eyes

车模auto/car show models

车展auto/car show

闰秒leap second

闰年leap year

世界时Universal Time,UT(格林尼治时间Greenwich Mean Time,GMT)

倒奶杀牛dump milk and kill cows


熬夜stay up late;stay up all night;burn the candle;pull an all-nighter;sit up

通宵达旦burn night/mid-night oil

点赞thump up

夜猫子night owl/person

乳腺癌breast cancer

养老金“并轨”pension system unification

养老保险endowment insurance;old-age Insurance

铁饭碗iron bowls

覆盖率coverage rate

跳槽潮Job-hopping peak

白领white-collar workers

年终奖annual bonuses

换工作switch jobs;seek new jobs;look for a new position


春晚Spring Festival Gala


暴雪伴侣Blizzard buddies

电视剧分级制rating systems for television series;TV rating system

双引擎double engine

城际通勤族inter-city commuters

窗口期window period

专车服务tailored taxi service

哀悼日mourning day

降半旗flags will be at half staff

非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage

车补traffic subsidy


低俗文化vulgar culture

酒吧和客栈pubs and inns

艳遇之都the capital of romantic affairs

有偿删帖paid post deletions

网络敲诈online extortion

电子证据可作法庭呈堂证供electronic evidence served in civil cases

信息流广告news feed ads

微信朋友圈WeChat Moments


“花瓶”委员"eyecandy"CPPCC members

人大代表NPC member[NPC,National People's Congress(中国)全国人民代表大会]

政协委员CPPCC member[CPPCC,Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议]

协商民主consultative democracy

减刑commutation;have someone's prison sentence commuted

中央巡视组teams of disciplinary inspectors

积分落户制度point system for household registration


红包大战red-envelope war/fight,battle of the red envelopes

红包red envelope;money in a red envelope

压岁钱lucky/gift money

电子红包electronic red-envelope

婚恋网站dating websites

诈骗团伙fraud rings

收视率audience rating/telecast rating

央视春晚China Central Television's Spring Festival gala

相声stand-up comedy;cross talk

小品short play

杂技表演acrobatic show

“四个全面”Four Comprehensives

全面建成小康社comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society

全面深化改革comprehensively deepen reform

全面依法治国comprehensively implement the rule of law

全面从严治党comprehensively strengthen Party discipline

“中国梦”the Chinese Dream

中华民族的伟大复兴the great renewal of the Chinese nation

“小康社会”a moderately prosperous society

深化改革deepening reform

春联Lunar New Year scrolls

施工扬尘排污费construction dust pollution fee

救灾disaster relief

抢险emergency rescue

足部按摩foot massage

主动力key driver

充满悬念的结局nail-biting finale

热门歌曲串烧medley of hits

京剧Peking opera

流行歌曲pop song

神回复mocking response(更偏向于回复的趣味性);best response;top response;awesome response

跳楼价knockdown price

大甩卖big sale

买二赠一buy two,get one free

清仓大甩卖final clear out

购房承受能力housing affordability

养老服务业elderly care service

人口老龄化aging population


雾霾纪录片smog documentary;documentary about smog

《苍穹之下》Under the Dome

军队反腐military countercorruption

反腐anti-graft campaign;cambat;fight graft

灰色地带grey zones

潜规则hidden rules

大气污染防治air pollution prevention and control

民生people's livelihood

智慧民生smart livelihood

GDP增长目标GDP growth target

国内生产总值(GDP)Gross Domestic Product

一带一路the Belt and Road(the Silk Road Economic Belt and the21st-Century Maritime Silk Road,B&R)

丝绸之路经济带the Silk Road Economic Belt

21世纪海上丝绸之路the21st Century Maritime Silk Road

一带一路”倡议the Belt and Road Initiative;the land and maritime Silk Road initiative

税收法定statutory taxation

立法法Legislation Law

老工业区old industrial base

铁锈地带rust belt

创新驱动发展innovation-driven development

产业优化升级optimization and upgrading of industrial structure

“个人游”政策individual visit program

免税商品tax-free goods

走水货parallel trading

理工男Science geek

四个全面The"Four Comprehensives"

全面建成小康社会comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society

全面深化改革deepening reform

全面依法治国advancing the rule of law

全面从严治党strictly governing the Party

“一府两院”the People's Government,the People's Court and the People's Procuratorate

好基友butt buddies

扫脸支付face scan payment

人脸识别facial recognition

指纹识别fingerprint identification

足改方案soccer reform plan

中国足协China Football Association

国家体育总局General Administration of Sport of China

跟风产品me-too product

分分合合的情侣will-they-won't they couple

事实孤儿(事实无人抚养儿童)de facto unattended children;de facto orphans

边缘人群marginalized group

备胎继承人spare heir

僵尸政府网站"zombie"government websites

僵尸粉zombie fan

博鳌亚洲论坛Boao Forum for Asia,BFA


https://www.doczj.com/doc/6717640600.html,n Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)亚洲基础设施投资银行(亚投行)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6717640600.html,munity of Common Destiny命运共同体

3.Financial policy金融政策

4.Global governance全球治理


6.New normal新常态

7.Silk Road丝绸之路

8.Regional cooperation区域合作



影子银行shadow banking

国际货币基金组织International Monetary Fund,IMF

世界银行World Bank

经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD

中国—东盟海洋合作年The Year of China-ASEAN Maritime Cooperation

侧露胸Side boob

“一带一路”奖学金"the Belt and Road"scholarship

动物真人秀animal reality show

零售银行retail banking


隐性就业unregistered employment

就业压力employment pressure

无障碍出租车Barrier-free cab/taxi

首要污染源major pollution source

女士专用车厢(女宾包房)ladies-only carriage

准点率on-time rate/punctuality rate

空域拥堵air traffic congestion

交通拥堵traffic congestion

求救信号distress call

低价旅游产品budget travel product

城市群(城市带/都市圈)city cluster;city belt;metropolitan area

优进优出quality imports and quality exports

立体化社会安全防控网"three-dimensional"security network

服务消费service consumption

资本项目可兑换capital account convertibility

出口关税export duty

“中国制造2025”规划"Made in China2025"plan

“请喝茶”provide tea

网络售彩(互联网销售彩票)online lottery sale

中国福利彩票China Welfare Lottery;中国体育彩票China Sports Lottery

逆商adversity quotient

智商intelligence quotient,IQ

空中列车sky train;elevated railway;overhead railway

货币贬值decline in the value of the currency;currency devaluation;currency depreciation 一人一户(账户)one person,one account

"恶名市场"名单Notorious Market list

流量套餐费fee of cellphone data plan

通信基础设施communication infrastructure

中国移动(China Mobile);中国联通(China Unicom);中国电信(China Telecom)

卸妆照photo without makeup

成品油走私refined oil smuggling

逃税tax evasion

万隆会议(第一次亚非会议)Bandung Conference;the first Asian-African Conference 个人独资企业sole-proprietorship enterprise

红色通缉令(红色通报)red notice

国际刑警组织International Criminal Police Organization(Interpol)


脱衣舞表演(艳舞)strip show

车模auto show model;car show model

财务造假financial fraud

学术造假academic cheating


摩天轮ferris wheel


大众富裕阶层mass affluent class/stratum

导盲犬guide dog

学匪academic bandits

变道lane change

人肉搜索cyber hunt

“路怒”road rage

媒体融合media convergence

生命共同体community of shared life

超级旅游团super tour group

卢浮宫Louvre museum

三严三实Three stricts and three honests

动漫形象animated images

中美建交China established diplomatic relations with the US

身份不明来宾Unidentified guest

东北大花袄floral print gown

影射throw shade at

脏烟灰缸奖Dirty Ashtray Award

毯星Red carpet moochers

上头条make a splash

正式访问official visit

野鸡大学(文凭工厂)diploma mill;bogus college

国家广电总局the State Administration of Press and Publication,Radio,Film and Television 万能居委会Universal neighborhood committee


中东呼吸综合征Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS)

亲子节目parent and child program;parent-child program

防儿童走失系统child abduction alert system;lost child alert system

联名发表Dual authorship

流媒体音乐服务streaming music servic

网络用语Net lingo

一票否决权veto power/right

虫草假cordyceps vacation

无人超市Self-service supermarket

撕名牌大战nametag ripping battle

付费国产剧pay-per-view homegrown TV dramas

中国智造Intelligent manufacturing in China

A股市场A Share market

中美战略与经济对话China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue,S&ED 双边投资协定bilateral investment treaty,BIT

探亲假family reunion leave

毕剩客unemployed graduates


抗战胜利阅兵Victory Day parade

拐卖妇女儿童trafficking in women and children

债务违约debt default

反手摸肚脐Bellybutton Challenge

锁骨放硬币Collarbone Challenge

亚投行协定Articles of agreement,AOA

同性婚姻合法化legalization of gay marriage

货币战currency war

联网售票online ticket booking


替考take the test for clients

安乐死(协助自杀)assisted suicide

受贿take bribes

不雅照nude photo;naked photo

自贸协定free trade agreement(FTA)


彩色跑color run

宪法宣誓pledge allegiance to Constitution

交易费(交易手续费)transaction fees

僵尸肉zombie meat;long-expired frozen meat products

法律援助legal aid

弱势群体vulnerable groups

农民工migrant workers

二战反思postwar redemption

“氧吧”公交站bus-stop shaped"oxygen bar"

公交候车亭bus shelter

有偿补课paid make-up classes

国际发呆大赛International Space-out Competition

上合组织(上海合作组织)Shanghai Cooperation Organization,SCO

群团组织(群体性社团组织)mass organization

群众路线mass line

大众传媒mass media

网络安全法cyber security law

恶性抢生源lure students with unreasonable perks

晒伤艺术sunburn art

未授权音乐作品unlicensed music

公募基金(公开发行基金)public offering of fund

私募基金private equity fund

行政副中心subsidiary administrative center

两栖干部amphibious officials


互市贸易区border trade zone

中朝互市贸易区China-DPRK border trade zone

边防合作border defense cooperation

进口关税import tariff

最大负荷peak load

高峰期peak season

高峰时段peak hour


银行间市场interbank market

涂色书coloring books

日本遗孤(遗华日侨)Japanese orphan;Japanese"left-behind orphan";Japanese war orphan

无脸日No-Face Day

信托基金trust fund

国际开发协会International Development Association,IDA

希腊剃头Greek haircut

债务减记debt write-down;debt forgiveness;debt relief;debt reduction;debt write-off

人民币国际化指数RMB Internationalization Index,RII

双开(开除党籍和开除公职)expel someone from the CPC and remove someone from public office

收费期toll period;toll-charging period

智慧外星人extraterrestrial intelligence

捐精sperm donation

宜居带(适合居住带)habitable zone;Goldilocks zone

情绪中暑emotional sunstroke/heatstroke

真人动画电影Live-action animation

断崖式降级free-fall demotion

中国人民抗日战争Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

集中抛售massive sell-off

富豪消费价格指数Luxury Consumer Price Index,LCPI

人民币升值the appreciation of the Chinese currency

反腐anti-corruption campaign

居民消费价格指数Consumer Price Index,CPI

飞机残骸plane debris;wreckage


宏观调控macroeconomic regulation and control;macro-control

统战工作领导小组(统一战线工作领导小组)a leading group on"united front work"

密室逃脱room escape

金条储备bullion reserves

提高收视率increase audience ratings

国际漫游流量资费overseas roaming rates

带薪休假paid leave


候选城市candidate city


冷冻卵子egg freezing/oocyte cryopreservation/oocyte freezing

“看海”“sea views”

唐僧肉the flesh of a Tang Dynasty monk(字面意思);something much-coveted(意译)

《西游记》Journey to the West

长生不老the monk's flesh will make the eater immortal

网络支付业务online payment

电子签名electronic signature

电子红包digital red envelope

偶然所得accidental gains

在线支付online payment

皇家同款imperial fashion

公共场所秀恩爱public displays of affection,PDA

会展/会奖旅游MICE tourism(MICE:Meeting会议、Incentives奖励旅游、Conference大型企业会议、Exhibition展览)

100米自由泳100-meter freestyle

获得感sense of gain

冬奥会Olympic Winter Games

国际奥林匹克委员会IOC(International Olympic Committee)

一小时交通圈one-hour commuting circle

理性分手conscious uncoupling

季节情绪失调症Seasonal Affective Disorder,SAD


职业分类occupational classification

快递员delivery person

马路拉链road zippers


晴空颠簸clear air turbulence

市商market maker

参考汇率(汇率中间价)reference rate

危化品dangerous/hazardous chemicals

天津仓库爆炸warehouse explosions in Tianjin

TNT当量TNT equivalent

人民币贬值Renminbi devaluation

货币战争(汇率战)currency war:

“两天半”短假2.5-day weekends

护栏换新装guardrail renewal

电力体制改革electricity reforms

暑期乞丐'summer vacation'beggars

与时钟赛跑(争分夺秒)race against the clock;race against time

排污口Sewage outlets

邻避效应not in my backyard

萌娃代言kid endorsement

小鲜肉fresh meat

导游小费tips for tour guide

头七the first seventh day

个人可投资资产personal investable assets

产后做造型postpartum grooming

政治忠诚political loyalty

逼捐extortive donations

道德绑架morally kidnap

保险渗透率insurance penetration rate

逆回购reverse-repurchase agreements

中期借贷便利medium-term lending facility,MLF

留守儿童left-behind children

困境儿童children living in difficulty

朝阳群众the residents of Chaoyang District/Chaoyang Residents 西城大妈Dama in Xicheng District/Xicheng Dama

下沉螺旋downward spiral

双重课税double taxation

拍黄瓜smashed cucumbers

奶瓶喂鱼to bottle-feed fish

色情报复revenge porn

从严治吏managing officials strictly

融资租赁financial leasing

雨果奖Hugo Award

世界科幻协会World Science Fiction Society,WSFS

《三体》The Three-Body Problem

仪仗队礼宾服clothing for guard of honor

军服military uniform;army uniform

特赦special amnesty

定锚婴儿(锚孩儿)anchor baby

森林旅游forest tourism;forest recreation

阅兵蓝parade blue(good air quality for military parade)

人身保护令restraining orders

移民危机migrant crisis


衙内经济the economy of high ranking officials'children

亲缘腐败immediate family corruption

徒步方队foot formations

抗战老同志乘车方队formations of veterans in vehicles

装备方队armament formations

空中梯队air echelons

分级诊疗制度hierarchical medical system

中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年the70th anniversary of the victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the fight against fascism

纪念币commemorative coins

检阅部队inspect the troops

高铁旅游high-speed train trip


更年期权利menopause rights

转世制度reincarnation system

生物识别数据biometric data

校招名额campus recruitment quota

校园招聘campus recruitment;milk round

熔断机制circuit-breaker mechanism

月球背面far side of the moon;dark side of the moon

大礼包Gift Package

产品线product line

产能过剩excess manufacturing capacity

无人驾驶大客车driverless bus

高线superior line

核心价值观core values of ideals

为人民服务的信念和宗旨faith and tenets to serve the people

赏月航班moon-viewing flights

国企改革SOE reforms[state-owned enterprise,SOE]

农田景观旅游agricultural landscape tourism

电子眼electronic eye

电子监控系统electronic monitoring system

出租车经营权有偿使用金taxi franchise fees

打车软件taxi-hailing apps

迪士尼蓝Disney Blue

双边投资协定Bilateral Investment Treaty

婚姻状况证明marital status certificate

新型大国关系new type of major power relationship

大数据试验区big data pilot zone

抓阄选专业pick majors through a lottery system

无人机驾照license to operate drones

运动式改革campaign-style reform

伪基站pseudo base station

安保法案legislation for a security policy

校园暴力campus/school violence

性别平等与妇女发展gender equality and women's development

中英经济财金对话China-Britain Economic and Financial Dialogue

2016年中美旅游年China-US Year of Tourism in2016

跨境双向人民币资金池two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling

默认搜索引擎default search engine

默认主页default home page

默认设置default setting


国宴state dinner/banquet

“百万强”计划“One Million Strong”initiative

全国碳交易市场national carbon trading market

“和平尊”Zun of Peace

一般性辩论general debate

排放作弊丑闻emissions cheating scandal

流量不清零服务rollover data services


跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(经济北约)Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP)

数据公布特殊标准Special Data Dissemination Standard(SDDS)

商业遥感卫星commercial remote-sensing satellites


世界记忆名录Memory of the World Register

天价大虾pricey prawn

敲竹杠、宰客rip off

消费者协会China Consumers'Association,CCA

信贷资产质押再贷款credit asset pledged relending

旅游警察队伍tourism police unit;tourist police

西式管家Western-style butler

家政服务household management service

房地产开发商real estate developer

“4+3”布局(“四大板块”+“三个支撑带”)4+3layout(four regions and three support belts)

黄金时代a golden era

环境影响评价environmental impact assessment,EIA

网络反恐演习anti-online terror drill

全球治理体制global governance system

面部鉴定have one’s face examined

面部整形facial reshaping

“孝顺税”"filial piety tax"

老龄化社会aging society

棚户区改造renovation of shanty towns

地下钱庄underground banks,black banks

价改时间表timetable for pricing reform

政府定价government-set prices

专车新规new regulations for tailored taxi services

新能源车充电站NEV chargers

选座费surcharge for special seat

中国在西方最好的伙伴the best western partner of China

“三农”发展新格局new pattern for the development of agriculture,the countryside and farmers 扶老人险"helping the elderly"insurance

比利时套房Belgian Suite

利益共同体a community of shared interests

国考national civil service exam

最热门职位The most sought-after job

全球全面战略伙伴关系global comprehensive strategic partnership

北方经济引擎(“北方动力”计划)Northern Powerhouse

化学反应chemical reaction

最严党纪the strictest code of conduct

炸鱼薯条fish and chips

贫二代poor second generation

份子钱franchise fee

美国中考(SSAT)Secondary School Admission Test

老漂族elderly immigrants

第一个“百年目标”the first Centenary Goal

网盘新规new regulation on online information storage services

负利率时代the era of negative interest rates

保暖内衣thermal underwear

秋衣秋裤long john,秋裤long john pants/bottoms

小面额纸币ATM机small notes ATM

加工肉制品processed meat

中英电影电视投资基金China-UK Film,TV and Media Investment Fund 十八届五中全会公报五大关键词:

中高速增长Medium-high economic growth


开放Opening up

叫停独生子女政策End of one-child policy



全国1%人口抽样调查one-percent national sample census

总装下线roll off final assembly line

电影审查制度film censorship

偷票房stealing box office

钓鱼WiFi phishing WiFi

恶意软件malicious software

无线热点wireless hotspots

扶贫攻坚Poverty Relief

教育公平Equal Education

就业创业Employment and Entrepreneurship

大病保险Critical Illness Insurance

全面两孩Two-child Policy

户籍改革Reform of Household Registration System

改善生态Improving the ecological environment

僵尸企业zombie enterprises

米奇大街Mickey Avenue


“同志加兄弟”传统友谊"comradely and brotherly"traditional friendship

第一次拥抱First Embrace

习马会Xi-Ma meeting

互称"先生"address each other as"Mr"

坚持九二共识adhere to the1992Consensus

反对"台独"oppose"Taiwan independence"

痛经假menstrual leave

套现富豪cash out rich

宠物扰邻pet nuisance

实体书店bricks-and-mortar bookstore

灰发离婚grey divorce

黄昏恋late-life love

中日韩领导人会议China-Japan-South Korea leaders'meeting

三边合作trilateral cooperation

马拉松热Marathon fever;Marathon frenzy

不动产统一登记制度unified real estate registration system

第二轮下岗潮second wave of laid-offs


双十一晚会Singles'Day shopping gala

购物狂欢盛宴shopping bonanza

网络强国Internet power

个人对个人(P2P)的移动支付服务a person-to-person(P2P)mobile payment service 禁毒卡通形象大使anti-drug cartoon image

智慧检验系统smart inspection system

国际豆类年the International Year of Pulses(IYP)

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