当前位置:文档之家› 天津外国语大学2015年考研14年研究生入学专业考试真题—英语专业




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天津外国语大学2015年考研14年研究生入学专业考试真题—英语专业Section Four:英语语言学方向部分(70points)

Questions in this section are set for applicants to the MA program of

English Linguistics.

1.Multiple Choice:(20points)

Directions:Fill in the blanks with appropriate linguistic terms or answer the

questions as required.Write the answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1)____________means that human languages enable their users to symbolize

objects,events and concepts which are not present(in


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time and space)at

the moment of communication.

2)____________deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced.

3)____________refers to a set of standard phonetic symbols in the form of

a chart designed by the International Phonetic Association since 1888.

4)____________is the smallest unit of language in regard to the

relationship between sounding and meaning,a unit that cannot be divided

into further smaller units without destroying or

drastically altering the


5)____________refers to the study of the rules governing the ways


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constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of

the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures. 6)____________refer to those words that are used before the noun acting as

head of a noun group,and that determine the kind of reference the nominal

group has.

7)____________may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or


more words of specific word classes that stand in

specific syntactic

relationship with one another,shall also be characterized by the same


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paradigmatically marked category.

8)____________,also known as sentential calculus,is

the study of the truth

conditions for propositions.

9)____________is a cognitive operation whereby elements

of two or more

“mental spaces”are integrated via projecting into a new,blended space

which has its unique structure.

10)____________is a theory which believes that our language will influence

or decide our way of looking at the world.

11)How to Do Things with Words was written by____________.

12)According to the conversational maxim of

____________suggested by

Grice,one should speak truthfully.


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13)____________is a branch of linguistics which studies the features of

situationally distinctive uses(varieties)of language,and tries to establish

principles capable of accounting for the particular

choices made by

individual and social groups in their use of language.

14)____________is the study of psychological aspects of language;it

usually studies the psychological states and mental activity associated with

the use of language.

15)The type of language constructed by second or

foreign language learners

who are still in the process of learning a language is often referred to


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16)The____________function refers to the fact language has mechanisms

to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and

unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of


17)M. A.K.Halliday has developed the ideas stemming from Firth’s

theories in the London School and put forward his____________. 18)Chomsky believes that language is somewhat innate,

and that children

are born with what he calls a____________,which is a unique kind of

knowledge that fits them for language learning.


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19)Give the phonetic symbols for each of the following sounds.

(1)a voiced alveolar fricative:

(2)a palatal approximant:

(3)a high back lax rounded vowel:

(4)a mid central lax unrounded vowel:

20)Use a tree diagram to indicate the phrase structure rules for the

generation of the sentence below.

His friend bought a car.


Directions:Define the following terms and write your answers on the




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2)Referential Theory

3)ontological metaphor

4)typology(in linguistics)


3.Essay Question:(30points)

Directions:Answer the following questions or discuss the following topics.

Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET

1)How would you analyze fictional prose from the

literary stylistic


2)State the development of the theory of conversational implicature in the

post-Gricean period.(8points)

3)How do you understand“linguistic universals”?(7points)


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4)The main function of languages is communication and it is dominated by

some principles.Please list the principles.(8points)

Section Five:英语教育方向部分(70分)

Questions in this section are set for applicants to the MA program of

English Education.

Directions:Please answer the following questions in English and write


your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1.Suppose that you have been admitted by a graduate program of a

prestigious university and you are invited to a class of first-year

undergraduate English majors to share with them your


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experience as an English major.What do you think are the THREE most

important points you are going to highlight and why?

2.Some students are not at all happy during the four years in the English

major program because they do not like English and it

is their parents

who forced them to specialize in English after high school.As a

professional teacher,how would you motivate such students?

3.One professor is popular among her English major students.When asked

her attitude toward teaching methods,she said that methods are not

important compared with the teacher’s English proficiency and that


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in her

teaching experience she either is not aware of what method she is using or

refers to how she had been taught as a student.What

is your comment on

such attitude toward teaching methods?

4.In one research design,the researcher,who was teaching oral English,

assigned students into two groups.In one group

task-based approach was

adopted while in the other traditional method was employed.Ten weeks

later the same oral test was administered to the two groups.It was found

that the task-based group significantly outperformed the traditional group.


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What do you think of such a research finding?What might have

contributed to the significant difference of test result between the two


5.Professor Wang is working with third-year English majors in a Chinese

university.To his surprise about1/5of his students make frequent

mistakes with English pronunciation.By his standard

third-year English

majors must be mistake-free with pronunciation.So what do you think

are possible reasons for those students’pronunciation mistakes?What

suggestions do you have for Professor Wang if he intends to help students


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improve their pronunciation?

6.It seems that classroom English teaching in Chinese context is often


textbook-oriented because there is often one or two designated textbooks

for teachers to follow.How do you like such scenario? What are the

advantages and disadvantages for having a textbook?

7.Suppose you are appointed the chair of the undergraduate English major

program in your university.What changes would you introduce to the

existing curriculum?Will you explain why?

Section Six:美国社会文化方向部分(70points)

This section is set for applicants to the MA program of American


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and Culture.Write the question numbers and your answers on the


1.Explain the following terms(20points)

1)the Supreme Court

2)Andrew Jackson


4)the Middle West

2.Essay Questions(50points).

Write a short essay of about200words on each of the following topics.

1)What was the situation during the Great Depression in the late1920s and

the early1930s?(15points)

2)What is Civil Rights Movement?What are the influence


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and significance

of Civil Rights Movement in American history(15points)

3)On January14,2008the National Basketball Association announced the

formation of NBA China.Since then the NBA mobile playground moved to

China.Please comment on the positive and negative influence of NBA

culture on young people in China in recent years?(20points) Section Seven:商务英语方向部分(70points)

Questions in this section are set for applicants to the MA program of

Business English.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.


1.Where do you see the greatest potential in future trade between emerging


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market economies and industrialized nations?(15points)

2.Why is foreign direct investment so much controversial than foreign

portfolio investment?(15points)

3.What four common activities comprise the process approach to

management?Please describe each of them(20points)

4.If you were being interviewed for a position in a

firm and were asked

why businesses need to be aware of environmental forces, how would

you respond?(20points)

Section Eight:计算机辅助语言学习方向部分(70points)

This section is set for applicants to the MA program of Computer-based

Language Learning.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.


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1.Directions:Please answer the following questions in English and write

your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.

1)Suppose that you have been admitted by a graduate program of a

prestigious university and you are invited to a class of first-year

undergraduate English majors to share with them your successful

experience as an English major.What do you think are the THREE most

important points you are going to highlight and why?

2)Some students are not at all happy during the four years in the English

major program because they do not like English and it

is their parents


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who forced them to specialize in English after high school.As a

professional teacher,how would you motivate such students?

3)One professor is popular among her English major students.When asked

her attitude toward teaching methods,she said that methods are not

important compared with the teacher’s English proficiency and that in her

teaching experience she either is not aware of what method she is using

or refers to how she had been taught as a student. What is your comment

on such attitude toward teaching methods?


2.Multiple Choice:(10points)


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Directions:For each blank bracket in the following questions,there are four

choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the letter that represents the best

answer,and write the number of the question and the letter of your choice on


1)________is the physical aspect of the computer that can be seen.



C.Operating System

D.Application Program

2)__________is the brain of a computer.





3)Why do computers use0and1?

A.because combinations of zeros and ones can represent any numbers


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and characters.

B.because digital devices have two stable states and it is natural to use

one state for0and the other for1.

C.because binary numbers are simplest.

D.because binary numbers are the bases upon which all other number

systems are built.

4)One byte has________bits.





5)____________is a device to connect a computer to a local area network


A.Regular modem


C.Cable modem

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2020-2021天津外国语大学专业英语考研择校,参考书,历年报录比, 考研经验-新祥旭考研辅导 天津外国语大学英语专业始建于1964年,1977年开始招收本科生,1979年招收研究生,1981年同时颁发学士和硕士学位,是我国首批硕士学位授权点之一。英语学院学术积淀深厚,名师辈出,钟作猷教授、金隄教授和林克难教授是其中的杰出代表。 2019年天津外国语学院专业目录以及计划招生人数


英语笔/口译 211翻译硕士英语 ①《高级英语》(修订本)第1、2册,张汉熙,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1995 ②《英语报刊选读》,张卫平,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005 357英语翻译基础 ①《英汉互译实用教程》(修订第三版)郭著章、李庆生,武汉大学出版 ②《实用英汉互译技巧》(修订版)汪涛,武汉大学出版社 ③《西方翻译理论通史》,刘军平,武汉大学出版社 ④《英汉翻译简明教程》,庄绎传,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002 ⑤《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南,北京:清华大学出版社,2001 448汉语写作与百科知识 ①《中国文学简史》,石观海,武汉大学出版社 ②《中国文化读本》,叶朗,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008 ③《应用文写作》,夏晓鸣,上海:复旦大学出版社,2010 注:以上参考书目非学校官方指定,是根据以往经验给出的,仅供参考。

往年报录比数据 英语口译录取名单部分 初试准考证号专业(方 向) 姓名复试成绩初试成绩录取成绩 100688551202047英语口译曹卓84.02413.0083.45 100688551202056英语口译牛骁83.32384.0080.71 100688551202028英语口译黄伟79.35405.0080.01 100688551201955英语口译李雪健77.73408.0079.28 100688551202013英语口译孙杨79.58381.0078.23 100688551202103英语口译郭亮77.58381.0077.03 100688551201936英语口译谢福源75.28398.0077.01 100688551202010英语口译王帆76.07391.0076.92 100688551202031英语口译刘昕钰76.95378.0076.41 100688551201920英语口译崔云雯75.32388.0076.23 100688551201908英语口译何光熙74.58388.0075.79 100688551201903英语口译景旭蓉73.87390.0075.52 100688551202037英语口译陈小雨76.12370.0075.27

天大校研 关于修订《天津大学研究生管理规定》的通知

天津大学文件 天大校研〔2015〕4号 各学院(部)及有关单位: 为加强和完善研究生管理,维护正常的教学秩序,树立优良校风,保证研究生的培养质量,依据教育法、高等教育法及教育部关于《普通高等学校学生管理规定》等相关法律规定,贯彻落实教育部、国家发展改革委、财政部《关于深化研究生教育改革的意见》以及《天津大学关于全面深化研究生教育改革的意见》等文件精神,结合我校实际情况,学校修订了《天津大学研究生管理规定》,经2015年第7次校长办公会审议通过,现予以印发。原《天津大学研究生管理规定》(天大校研〔2010〕9号)同时废止。请各单位认真学习,遵照执行。 特此通知。

附件:天津大学研究生管理规定 天津大学 2015年11月30日(联系人:陈金龙,联系电话:27401978)

附件 第一章总则 第一条为加强和完善研究生管理,维护正常的教学秩序,树立优良校风,保证研究生的培养质量,依据教育法、高等教育法及教育部关于《普通高等学校学生管理规定》等相关法律规定,贯彻落实教育部、国家发展改革委、财政部《关于深化研究生教育改革的意见》以及《天津大学关于全面深化研究生教育改革的意见》等文件精神,结合我校实际情况,特制定本管理规定。 第二条本管理规定适用于全日制教育的研究生,非全日制教育的研究生参照此规定执行。 第二章入学与注册 第三条凡按照国家招生规定录取的新生,经教育部批准,即取得我校研究生入学资格。 第四条新生须在规定的日期内,凭天津大学录取通知书、有效身份证件和学历、学位证书办理入学手续。因特殊情况不能按期报到者,须事先请假并附有关证明,经研究生院批准,可延期报到,期限不得超过两周。 第五条新生入学后,按照国家招生规定进行资格复查。复查合格者,在交纳相关费用后准予注册,取得学籍。

天津大学 研究生英语考试 听力Unit6

姓名:……学号:…… 学院:….. 专业:….. 指导老师:…… Unit 6Time traveler 1. What was the guy doing when he suddenly found himself in a completely different world? What year is it in this different world? Answer: The guy was just about to give his wife a present for her birthday ,and there were thunders and lightening. Then all of a sudden, he found himself in a completely different world. It is the year 2000 i n this different world. 2. What are some of the cultural shocks he’s experienced in this world? Answer: He traveled from the year 1900 to the year 2000, so he experienced many cultural shocks when communicating with others.He felt confused about the ID card, the driver licence, the credit card, ATM card and something like that. He misunderstood the meaning of the restroom and the bathroom. Also he could not understand the meaning of a mall or food court. He couldn’t read the menu and thought a hotdog as a real dog. What’s more, he was curious about the cellphone because he had never seen it before. 3. Some science fictions on time travel are mainly about cultural shocks. Can you conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960’s or even earlier, or vice versa? What would be some of the cultural shocks the traveler would encounter? Make a list of them or conceive a conversation as the traveler first sets foot in the different world. Answer: Recently, many TV plays, based on a series of experiences of a time traveler, such as The Palace and Startling by Each Step, arouse a great upsurge in time traveling. In fact, I can’t conceive of a time traveler of our time going back to 1960’s or even earlier,but these TV plays really appeal to me. For example, the leading lady in Startling by Each Step, traveled from our time back to Qing dynasty. Of course, a time traveler will encouter many cultural shocks. When one travels in a completely different world, he will feel like a fish out of water. He may misunderstand what others said, and can’t communicate well with others.


天津大学研究生奖学金 暂行管理规定 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

天津大学文件 天大校研〔2009〕1号签发人:钟登华 天津大学研究生奖学金暂行管理办法(修订) 第一章总则 第一条奖学金的设置和管理是研究生培养机制改革的核心组成部分,为使研究生奖学金管理更加科学化、规范化,适应创新人才培养的要求,特对津大校研〔2007〕7号文件《天津大学研究生奖学金暂行管理办法》进行修订。本办法旨在建立以科学研究为主导的导师责任制和与之配套的导师资助制,完善评选和奖励机制,优化培养过程和提升培养质量。 第二条适用对象为全日制非在职硕士研究生及全日制非在职博士研究生。 第三条研究生奖学金主要用于资助优秀研究生在学期间的培养费、生活费等方面的开支,其资金来源主要由国家下拨的研究生培养专项经费、学校投入的培养经费和导师科研项目中配套的资助经费三个部分构成。研究生奖学金不包括由企业或个人设立的专项奖学金、助学金、困难补助金等方面的奖励或资助。 第四条学校成立研究生奖学金管理办公室,设在研究生院,负责研究生奖学金评定各项工作的组织与管理。 第二章硕士研究生奖学金体系及有关配套措施 第五条对于全日制硕士研究生学校设置了四个等级的奖学金体系。申请硕博连读的研究生,在被确定取得硕博连读生资格后,可享受博士生三等奖学金,具体标准参见本管理办法

第三章。硕士研究生享受奖学金资助的期限为2~3年(由各学院及专业的学制决定),延期不享受奖学金。 第六条对于硕士研究生入学后的第一学年,奖学金的评定主要依据其入学的初试和复试成绩来确定(推荐保送攻读硕士学位的研究生,可根据各学院制定的实施办法评定,保返生按当年各学院推免生的规定执行);具体奖学金体系设置如表1所示。 对于硕士研究生入学后的第二学年,奖学金的评定由其所在学院或学科负责,主要依据其入学后一年来的学习成绩和综合表现进行评定。 第七条为进一步强化硕士生导师在硕士研究生培养中的责任、权利和义务,导师招收和培养研究生,需根据具体招生情况向学校缴纳相应的配套资助经费。硕士生导师的招生基数为6名,在此基数内招生,导师无需向学校缴纳配套经费;从招收第7名硕士生开始,每多招收1名,需向学校一次性缴纳一定比例的硕士生培养费,具体标准如表2所示。国家专项计划招生(包括少数民族骨干计划、援藏计划、硕士生单独考试招生计划、MBA招生计划)不含在招生计划基数之中。招收应用型硕士研究生的导师,学术型与应用型研究生的名额分配见表2。 表2:硕士生导师招生配套经费标准与招生名额分配比例


1hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is what are the diseases that are genetically determined than developed because of unhealthy lifestyle.as everybody know that leukemia[l?'kim??] is a seldom cured disease .all the people are afraid to be attacked by it. leukemia is a kind of polygenic [,p?li'd?enik] diseases,genetic [d??'n?t?k] defeat and radiation[,red?'e??n],drugs can spur the gene to change it’s state.not only leukemia,but also Malignant [m?'l?gn?nt] disease, endocrine ['?nd?kr?n] disease, autoimmune [,?to?'mj?n] disease have the characteristic that can be influenced by external environment such as unhealthy lifestyle.so don’t think ourself as gene-safety guies,we should take care of ourselfes and develop good habbits to safe oufself against such recurring [r?'k???] illness 2 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is what kind of person do you think you are,and what kind of life do you want to live? I believe that I don’t be clear what kind of person I am,my friend used to describe me as susceptible [s?'s?pt?bl], optimistic,brave humorous girl,maybe the gene of happiness comes from my parents and the environment I live in ,I am also a luck dog,somebody would give me a hand when I get trouble!all of you is my luck star! I used to dream i work in clean workplace and my co-workers are friendly,everyday I go to work with confidence and perform excellently.in holidays ,I wish traveling to many scenic['s?n?k] spots with my honey.i hope I can possess a healthy lifestyle and live to enjoy life! 3 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is do you believe that a person’s potentialities are limited by his genes? I don’t agree this opinion,Genes can give a person the initial character,but it doesn’t means the person keep the charater in his whole life,he will develop his potential along with his world view, experience in life .the potential is just like a mobilphone,some functions of the mobilephone is set in factory-fresh state but a lot of additional fuctions are researched and developed by the person who use it ,the person is the environment .so gene is only the part of potential but is not the determinant [d?'t?m?n?nt].the potential is decided by how we choose the way that we belong.because we are thoughtful humanbeings 4 hello everyone ,my name is A ,my topic is anything we can do to upgrade ourseves? I have four points to answer this question,first I consider confidence is the chief factor to upgrade ourseves,keeping confident means you give yourself endless power to fulfill your dream,second,giving yourself a regular and healthy lifestyle in order to keep mental health and physical healty. a saying says The body is revolution in capital. this can help you focus attention to your career.third.be kind to your co-workers and friends,because all the people around you is are your luck star ,they take new opinion and surprise to you,you will be lonely and helpless without them.fourth,keep serious about the work your engaged in,when you work please don’t distract your attention to other things . keep high efficient is a good way to improve ourself. and to chieve your goals? 视频2、 1 hello everyone ,my name is A,my topic is enagine that you were one of the passengers on a hijacked plan,what would you do? oh dear ,it is horrible to imagine I was countered by a hijack,if I encounter a hijack,the fisrt thing I do is keeping silence and cast about for ideas to delay the game.then I will catfootedly ['k?t,futid]悄悄地dial 110 to let the police to know what is going on.next I will listen to the bandit’s words and give all my money to the bandits and go along with the crowd waiting the policemen to rescue us frightened birds.


2015天津大学考博英语历年真题 一、招考介绍 从整体上看,由于博士生招生形势的不断发展各院校博士生入学考试的难度越来越大,对考生的外语水平要求也越来越高,特别是听、说能力。攻读博士学位的学生,一方面应该具备坚实的专业理论基础和扎实的科研能力,另一方面还应该具备较高水平的外语能力。 二、天津大学考博英语题型 Part1:听力理解,一段对话,10小题,10分; Part2:选词填空,15个词汇中选10个,10分; Part3:阅读理解40分 A:3篇(每篇600词左右),15题30分; B:1篇,5段空白,从7~8段文字中选择5段合适的段落,5题10分;Part4:翻译,600词左右的英语篇章(内容偏重科技),然后将有下划线的6-8个部分翻译成汉语,20分; Part5:写作,要求考生根据提示信息、所给题目或所提供的图或表格等,写出一篇说明或议论型短文;或根据提供的一篇文章写出其摘要。不少于200词,共20分。 三、考博英语必备参考书 育明考博教研部主编,河北大学出版社出版的《考博英语真题解析》和《考博词汇》是考博人必备的两本书。在当当网,亚马逊和全国各大书店均有销售,也可以联系我们直接购买。 四、联系导师 在初步定好考博学校之后,就要和所报考院校中意的老师取得联系,询问是否有招生名额,能否报考,这是我们考博成功的关键第一步。 大多数考生会在九月中下旬与导师取得联系。因为太早,学校里面直博名额什么的还没有确定,报考的导师也不清楚是否有名额;太晚的话,怕别的学生比你早联系就不好了。一般情况下,导

师对一个学生很中意的话,后来联系的学生,导师一般也不会答应其报考了。在此说点题外话,联系导师的过程中,如果读研期间的导师有关系,可以尽量利用。如果没有,也没关系,凭着自己的本事也是可以和考博导师很好的沟通的,这就要看自己了。 通常跟导师初次联系,都是发邮件。导师回复邮件的情况一般有几种: (1)、欢迎报考。这种答复最笼统,说明不了问题。我们可以接着努力和老师多沟通,看看具体的进展,避免出现初试之后却没有名额的情况。 (2)、名额有限,可以报考,但有竞争。很多人说这样的回复不满意,认为希望很小一般会被刷。其实这样还是比较好的一种回答,最起码导师没有骗你而且给你机会去证明自己,考的好就可以上。 (3)、你的研究方向和我一样......各种一大堆他的研究方向和你相关,欢迎报考什么的话。不可否认,这是最好的情况,你可以放心的去考,一般不会出问题的。但不排除偶然,像出现直博和本学校的硕转博名额问题,可能会给我们的报考和录取产生影响。 总之考博凭的是实力和自身的本事,关系只是占一部分,自己努力了就行,不用过分纠结于导师回复有没有啥隐含意思的。 初次联系好导师后,一定要注意跟导师保持联系。每半个月或者一个月向导师汇报一下学习情况或者复习情况,交流一下科研方向,这很有必要。一方面让导师觉得你很想去跟他深造,另一方面显得你虔诚好学。 五、听力答题技巧 1、卷子发下来后快速的浏览一遍,包括题干和答案。这样会大大提高你对听力的理解---知道它是讲什么内容,大概是怎么回事。联系我们扣扣:四一六九二五五五九。电话:四零零六六八六九七八。扣扣群:一零五六一九八二零。 2、没听懂的题目,就放弃它,千万不要在听下道题的时候还在想上道题。这样会引起头脑的混乱。 3、相信第一感觉,听力部分不是非常确凿的感觉的话不要改动开始的答案。人的大脑有时候会混淆的。因此很多情况下不是你选错了,而是改错了。因此轻易别选,但是选了之后轻易别改。 (1)提炼选项中的重要信息 考生务必先看选项。当录音人开始宣读Directions时,考生应充分利用这段时间速读选项,预测考点,从而做到心中有数。通过先看选项,可以明确题目多方面的信息。 (2)掌握节奏合理安排时间 可能没有哪种考试对时间安排的要求比听力考试还要苛刻。“录音不等人”,所以很多考生答题时都很紧张。其实,听力考试每分钟阅读的字数和停顿时间有严格限制:约每分钟140词,每个问题后有约15秒停顿。拍子已经固定,我们要做的是跟上节奏,过分的紧张只会造成混乱,直接影响发挥。


天津大学文件 天大校研〔2012〕4号签发人:钟登华 关于发布《天津大学研究生奖助学金暂行管理办法》 的通知 各学院及各有关单位: 为使研究生奖助学金管理更加科学化、规范化,适应创新人才培养的要求,学校对《天津大学研究生奖学金暂行管理办法》(天大校研〔2010〕6号)进行了修订,经2012年第5次校长办公会讨论通过,现予以发布,请认真学习,遵照执行。 特此通知。 附件:天津大学研究生奖助学金暂行管理办法 天津大学 二○一二年八月三十一日 (联系人:任欣荣;联系电话:27401315) (共印3份) 天津大学校长办公室 2012年9月3日印发 附件 天津大学研究生奖助学金暂行管理办法(修订) 第一章总则

第一条奖助学金的设置和管理是研究生培养机制改革的重要组成部分,为使研究生奖助学金管理更加科学化、规范化,适应创新人才培养的要求,特对《天津大学研究生奖学金暂行管理办法》(天大校研〔2010〕6号)进行修订。本办法旨在建立以高水平科学研究为导向的导师责任制和与之配套的导师资助制,完善评选和奖励机制,优化培养过程和提升培养质量。 第二条适用对象为取得正式学籍的全日制非在职研究生(不含MBA、MPA、MEM、定向、委托培养研究生)。 第三条研究生奖助学金分为奖学金和助学金两部分,其资金来源主要由国家下拨经费、学校投入的培养经费和导师科研经费三个部分构成。研究生奖助学金不包括由企业或个人设立的专项奖学金、助学金、困难补助金等方面的奖励或资助。 第四条研究生奖助学金体系的设置、评定、发放等各项工作的组织与管理由研究生院奖学金管理办公室负责。 第二章硕士研究生奖助学金体系及有关配套措施 第五条对于全日制非在职硕士研究生,学校设置了有三个类别的奖助学金体系。硕士研究生享受奖助学金资助的期限以基本学习年限为准(由各学院及专业的学制决定),延期不享受奖学金。申请硕博连读的研究生,在被确定取得硕博连读生资格后,可享受硕博连读生奖助学金,具体标准参见本管理办法第三章。 第六条对于硕士研究生入学后的第一学年,奖助学金的评定主要依据其入学的初试和复试成绩来确定。推荐免试硕士研究生享受A类奖助学金待遇。对于硕士研究生入学后的第二学年及以后学年,采取申请制,奖助学金的评定工作由其所在学院负责,依据学院奖助学金评定办法(细则)和评审标准,在充分考虑导师意见的前提下,对研究生入学后的综合表现进行评定,评定结果须报研究生院审批备案。对于纳入奖助学金体系的保返生返校第一学年执行录取时评定的奖助学金类别,第二及以后学年的奖助学金类别与复学时同年入学的研究生一起评定。具体硕士研究生奖助学金体系设置如表1所示。 表1 硕士研究生奖助学金体系 奖助学金类别 第一年 奖助学金总额(单 位:元/年) 助学金 (单位:元/年) 奖学金 (单位:元/年) 比例 校拨导师配套 A类 (推免生) 21000 15000 3600 2400 70% B类18600 15000 3600 0 C类15000 15000 0 0 30%


ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS TIANJIN UNIVERSITY Jan. 23rd, 2008 PART 1: Listening Comprehension (10%) Section A (5%) Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 long conversations and 1 short passage. The conversations and passage will be read only ONCE. At the end of each conversation or the passage, there will be questions. After each question there will be a pause. You must read the 4 suggested answers marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation: 1. A. Because she hasn’t got ready yet. B. Because she is waiting for David. C. Because she is waiting for a taxi to pick her up. D. Because it is raining very hard. 2. A. They are going to see film downtown. B. They are going to call on the Johnsons. C. They are packing and going on their holiday. D. They are going to buy an umbrella. 3. A. It was left in David’s office. B. It was left in Kate’s office. C. It was lost in the train some day. D. It was left with the Johnsons. Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation: 4. A. Doctor and nurse. B. Librarian and library patron. C. Forest ranger and hiker. D. Nurse and patient. 5. A. Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday. D. Tuesday. 6. A. An allergy to animals. B. A reaction to toxic chemicals. C. An allergy to food. D. Contact with a noxious plant. Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following passage: 7. A. They are the highest. B. They are most challenging and popular. C. They are covered by snow all the year round. D. They are like paradise. 8. A. Anxious and worried.


自己整理的答案,题的顺序可能会不一样,希望对大家有帮助! 填空: What the mass media offers is not popular art, but entertainment which is intended to be _______ like food, forgotten, and replaced by a new dish. 选择一项: expended spent paid consumed 消耗 For many people, an important aspect(方面)of overcoming Internet and computer addiction is to find _______ ways to handle these difficult feelings. 选择一项: alternative 替代的 permanent 永久的 changeable 多变的;不定的; renewable 可再生的; Water purification is the _______ of contaminants(污染物)from raw water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use. 选择一项: departure离开 dismissal解雇 refusal拒绝 removal 去除 In modern times, a handful of technological wonders that started out as novelties(novelty的名词复数;新奇的人[事物]), have become _______ to our daily routines. 选择一项: liable有责任,有义务的 vulnerable易受伤害的


1 天津大学研究生管理数学基础试题 (考试日期:2017年11月11日) 专业_________________ 姓名____________ 学号__________________ 成绩_________ 一.(15分)设矩阵A =111 1 3927111- 2 3927111- - 3 3927111- - - 43927???????????????????????? , (1)求A 的圆盘,并作图示; (2)基于(1)说明:A 相似于对角形矩阵。 二.(15分)设(,)X 是线性赋范空间,则可由其范数定义一个泛函()=f x x 。请问该泛函f 是否线性泛函?为什么(说明原因和写出分析过程)? 三.(18分)设[0,1]C 上的范数为01 max ()t x x t ≤≤=,定义算子:[0,1][0,1]T C C →为()()Tx t tx t =,证明([0,1],[0,1])T B C C ∈,并求T 。 四.(15分)设221, 0() , 0 ?-+≤?=?>??x x x x f x e x ,分别求次微分(0)?f 和()?f x ,并作()?f x 的图示。 五.(17分) (1)设模糊集12345 050610703+++~....=+A x x x x x ,分别求当=1λ,0.7,0.6,0.5,0.3时的截集A λ; (2)已知模糊集~B 的截集λB 如下,求~ B 。

2 12345123513513 302020505060607071λλλλλλ≤≤??<≤=<≤?<≤<≤{,,,,} 0.{,,,} ..{,,} ..{,} ..{} .x x x x x x x x x B x x x x x x ,,,,, ??????。 (注:本试卷满分为80分,平时成绩占20分。)


2015天津大学考研复试英语翻译经验分享 从天津大学考研历年考生答题的情况看,英译汉部分得分几乎每年都是3-4分。英译汉之所以难,究其原因是英语和汉语之间的差异太大。既有语言表达方式方面的不同,又有思维逻辑以及文化习俗等方面的不同。这些都造成了理解和表达上的重重困难。思博天大考研网老师们总结了英译汉的难点在试题中主要反映在以下几个方面: 1.依赖上下文理解单词和句子 英语词汇一个词语有很多的词性以及一个词语有很多的意思。因此,词义对上下文的依赖性。因此考生必须十分谨慎,对原文的词义做深入细致的分析,根据语境确定词性和词义。 举个例子:concern这个单词既可以做名词也可以做动词。这就要根据语境去判断。 2.抽象名词偏多 抽象名词是表达抽象概念的名词,它的翻译是非常复杂的问题,需要上下文来确定其汉语意思。翻译时,我们遵循的原则就是把抽象名词转化成具体名词。有时要增词翻译或者改换说法。比如unemployment这类抽象名词。可以翻译为“失业现象”。 3.后置定语长 英语句子的中心词很多受修饰语修饰,最常见的是定语。前置定语一般是由单词充当,较为简单,考生也易掌握。而后置定语则有短语或句子充当。由于后置定语在汉语中是没有的,所以称为了英译汉的又一大考点。 4.长难句多 英译汉试题的划线部分共约150词,平均一句30词,且结构复杂,内容抽象,都是典型的长难句。英语长句主要长在修饰成分上,这些修饰成分可能是词、短语或从句或从句套从句。希望广大考生注意。 近些年,考研英语中翻译的考查更侧重于考生综合运用语言的能力。近些年,考研英语中翻译的考查更侧重于考生综合运用语言的能力,按照考研英语大纲的要求,考生需要准确理解结构较复杂的英语文字材料。 句子结构是天大考研复试英语大厦的支柱,学会分析句子结构是学好英语的必要前提。英文是一种结构严谨的形合性语言,大部分的英文正式材料基本上是用复杂长句写成的。语法在平时的复习中,也是基础。语法的掌握是为分析句子,从而对原句结构进行精确的拆分服务的。熟练的掌握语法,是准确的翻译句子的前提之一。意群的整体翻译必须掌握重要语法得分点的翻译规律和技巧。众语法中,考生应该重视定语和定语从句,以及定语从句中限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的位置处理、分词和介词短语作后置定语的翻译、状语的翻译定位和顺序、名词性从句的翻译。被动语态、虚拟语气和倒装结构的翻译为关键得分点。同时,能够正确处理否定结构、并列结构的译文句式选择。 经过一段时间的复习备考之后,考生接触过大量的英文材料,具备了一定的词汇和语法知识,许多单词看起来都很面熟,但事实上离真正掌握和熟练运用的差距还很大。因此,虽然说心里明白,其实只是认识英文,并没有完全读懂原文的意义。另一方面,由于考生平时缺乏翻译练习和实践,缺乏对英汉两种语言差异性的认识,往往“只见英文不见中文”或者


天津外国语大学 2021年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题样题考试科目:基础法语+汉语 (代码:703) (注意:答案必须写在答题纸上) (考试时间180分钟总分150分) I. Complétez les phrases suivantes par un blanc, un article ou une préposition qui conviennent. (10 points) 1. C’est qu’il est ______ pantomime depuis la tête jusqu’aux pieds. 2. Le juge chargé de rendre ______ justice ne m’a pas rendu ______ justice . 3. Il mangea, plus que de coutume, ______ petits bois frais cueillis. 4. Chaque fois, Jean-Paul Sartre fron?ait son sourcil ______ philosophe. 5. Si vous vous avisez ______ bavarder en classe, vous serez punis. 6. L’opération s’avéra ______ totale réussite. 7. Il n’avait rien______mieux______leur proposer que _____ les raccompagner. II. Complétez les phrases suivantes à l’aide des pronoms qui conviennent. (10 points) 1.C’est un problème ______ la direction prête une grande attention. 2.Vos projets sont très avancés, ______ n’en sont qu’à leurs débuts, nous devons nous dépêcher. 3.Les choses se sont passées autrement que nous ne ______ pensions. 4.Je tapais comme un sourd, envahi par une peur atroce qui me faisait frapper de toute la force ______ j’étais capable. 5.Le chateau ______ vous voyez sur la droite est du XVII e siècle. 6.______ d’entre nous ne m’a répondu. 第1页(共8页)


天津大学文件天大校研〔2009〕1号签发人:钟登华 天津大学研究生奖学金暂行管理办法(修订) 第一章总则 第一条奖学金的设置和管理是研究生培养机制改革的核心组成部分,为使研究生奖学金管理更加科学化、规范化,适应创新人才培养的要求,特对津大校研〔2007〕7号文件《天津大学研究生奖学金暂行管理办法》进行修订。本办法旨在建立以科学研究为主导的导师责任制和与之配套的导师资助制,完善评选和奖励机制,优化培养过程和提升培养质量。 第二条适用对象为全日制非在职硕士研究生及全日制非在职博士研究生。 第三条研究生奖学金主要用于资助优秀研究生在学期间的培养费、生活费等方面的开支,其资金来源主要由国家下拨的研究生培养专项经费、学校投入的培养经费和导师科研项目中配套的资助经费三个部分构成。研究生奖学金不包括由企业或个人设立的专项奖学金、助学金、困难补助金等方面的奖励或资助。 第四条学校成立研究生奖学金管理办公室,设在研究生院,负责研究生奖学金评定各项工作的组织与管理。 第二章硕士研究生奖学金体系及有关配套措施

第五条对于全日制硕士研究生学校设置了四个等级的奖学金体系。申请硕博连读的研究生,在被确定取得硕博连读生资格后,可享受博士生三等奖学金,具体标准参见本管理办法第三章。硕士研究生享受奖学金资助的期限为2~3年(由各学院及专业的学制决定),延期不享受奖学金。 第六条对于硕士研究生入学后的第一学年,奖学金的评定主要依据其入学的初试和复试成绩来确定(推荐保送攻读硕士学位的研究生,可根据各学院制定的实施办法评定,保返生按当年各学院推免生的规定执行);具体奖学金体系设置如表1所示。 对于硕士研究生入学后的第二学年,奖学金的评定由其所在学院或学科负责,主要依据其入学后一年来的学习成绩和综合表现进行评定。 第七条为进一步强化硕士生导师在硕士研究生培养中的责任、权利和义务,导师招收和培养研究生,需根据具体招生情况向学校缴纳相应的配套资助经费。硕士生导师的招生基数为6名,在此基数内招生,导师无需向学校缴纳配套经费;从招收第7名硕士生开始,每多招收1名,需向学校一次性缴纳一定比例的硕士生培养费,具体标准如表2所示。国家专项计划招生(包括少数民族骨干计划、援藏计划、硕士生单独考试招生计划、MBA招生计划)不含在招生计划基数之中。招收应用型硕士研究生的导师,学术型与应用型研究生的名额分配见表2。

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