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基础知识Fundamental Knowledge


Test takers who receive scores at the Excellent level,typically 1. 对重要法律英语术语和基本法律概念有很好的掌握。

Have a good command of important legal English terms and basic legal concepts.

2. 对美国法律知识有很好的掌握,擅长合同法、商法、知识产权法和民事侵权法案例的分析。

Have a good command of American legal knowledge and excel in analyzing cases on contract law,business law,intellectual property law and torts. 3. 能够确定复杂案例的关键问题,做出合理分析并得出正确结论。

Be able to define key issues of complex cases,analyze accordingly and then make correct conclusions.

阅读、翻译和写作Case Reading,Translation and Writing


Test takers who receive scores at the Excellent level,perform well in 1. 阅读Case Reading⑴充分解读案例Complete understanding⑵英语运用恰当、精确Good command of English with appropriate and accurate diction 2. 翻译Translation ⑴译文能真实反映原文,即使在词汇、句法、标点和拼写方面有一两处错误。

The translation accurately reflects the original passage with only some minor errors in vocabulary,syntax,punctuation or spelling.⑵译文准确、规范、通顺。

The translation is accurate,standard and smooth. 3. 写作Writing⑴主旨明确,证据有力,过渡自然,组织有逻辑性。

The essay is well-written with a clear topic,convincing evidence,natural transition and logical organization.⑵文法正确,结构严谨,法律英语术语准确、正式。

The essay is well-written with appropriate grammar,well-knit structure,accurate and formal legal English terms.⑶律师信函,法律备忘录,案件辩论书格式准确。

The essay is well-written with a standard format of legal letters,legal memoranda and briefs.



基础知识Fundamental Knowledge


Test takers who receive scores at the Good level,typically 1. 基本掌握重要法律英语术语和基本法律概念。

Have a fair command of important Legal English terms and basic legal concepts.

2. 基本掌握美国法知识,尤其是了解如何办理合同法,商法,知识产权法和民事侵权法案件。

Have a fair command of American legal knowledge,especially knowing how to deal with cases on contract law,business law,intellectual property law and torts. 3. 能够确认案例大部分关键问题并相应做出分析。

Be able to define majority of key issues of cases and analyze them accordingly.

阅读、翻译和写作Case Reading,Translation and Writing


The following is the means of evaluating test takers who receive scores at the Good level 1. 阅读Case Reading⑴基本理解案例General understanding⑵英语运用较好,尽管有些有词语使用不精确和不恰当Fair command of English,but with inaccurate and inappropriate diction 2. 翻译Translation⑴译文充分反映原文章的大部分意思。

The translation adequately reflects most of the original passage.⑵大部分译文通顺,翻译基本准确。

The translation flows smoothly for the most part and is basically accurate. 3. 写作Writing⑴能充分地满足写作的大部分要求。结构合理,尽管有些观点不明确,内容不连贯,论据乏力。

The essay adequately accomplishes most of the writing task. It demonstrates a developed organizational structure,though there may occasionally be a lack of relevance,clarity or consistency.⑵在词汇,拼写,标点或句法方面有一些错误,导致文章意思模糊,但基本上可以反映出考生正确使用语言能力。

The essay has occasional errors in vocabulary,spelling,punctuation or syntax,which may lead to obscure meaning,but for the most part displays some ability to use the language with accuracy.


一词多义的常用单词 Accept 释义:accept在普通英语中的含义是接受,这一点无须赘述。在法律英语accept 也有两个最常用的意思: ①承诺,是合同法中的概念,与邀约offer相对应,如 A contract may be formed if an offer is accepted within the specified time and in the required manner。 如果在规定的时间并以特定的方式对一项邀约作出承诺,合同即可成立。 其他如revoke an acceptance(撤回承诺)等。 ②Accept承兑,经常出现在票据法中,如 The draft is accepted by the negotiating bank。 议付行对汇票进行了承兑。 Action 释义:action是法律英语中最常用的单词之一,它有两个意思: ①“诉讼”,相当于lawsuit,如 Party A shall defend Party B in any action resulting from the infringement of the licensed intellectual property。 就与授权使用的知识产权相关的诉讼,甲方应当为乙方进行抗辩 其他的如file an action(提起诉讼),cause of action(诉因)等。 ②“作为”,与不作为(forbearance)对应,如 Any negligent conduct of Party A, whether it is action or forbearance, that resulted in loss of party B shall be deemed to be breach of this Contract。 甲方的任何疏忽行为,无论是作为还是不作为,只要引起乙方损失,即可是为甲方对本合同的违约。 Advise 释义:advise在法律英语中有两个常用意思: ①律师等法律工作者提供法律建议,如 The partner of the law firm advised the Manager on various specialist legal issues。 该律师事务所的合伙人就各种专业法律问题向经理提出了法律建议。 ②通知,相当于notify或inform,如 The use of advise in the sense of “inform, notify,” was restricted to business correspondence and legal contexts. Thus one may say the suspects were advised of their rights, but it would be considered pretentious to say you’d better advise your friends that the date of the picnic has been changed。


2013-2014学年第二学期 华侨大学法学院期末考试试卷 考试科目:法律英语考核类型:A卷考试时间:120 分钟 学号姓名授课教师骆旭旭 (注意:所有的答案(包括选择题)应做在空白答题纸上) Exercise 1: Translate the following sentence into Chinese.(30%) The dominant purpose in starting the public enterprises had been public good and profit motive was secondary; however, of late the scenario has changed. With the liberalisation of markets the public undertakings are in direct competition with the private players and have to have profit motive in mind. If not, there have been criticisms by industry on the unequal treatment meted out to the private players. Here it is important to note the definition of "enterprise" under the Competition Act. It makes no distinction between a private and a public enterprise/undertaking. In fact it even includes a department of the Government which does not perform a "sovereign function". Functionally, the public undertakings have been broadly classified into four heads: ?Financial Institutions, such as Life Insurance Corporation of India, Reserve Bank of India, Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation Ltd, Film Finance Corporation Ltd, Unit Trust of India, Industrial Reconstruction Bank, etc. ?Promotional and Development Undertakings, such as Rehabilitation Housing Corporation Ltd, National Research Development Corporation Ltd, Food Corporation of India, Central Warehousing Corporation, National Small Industries Corporation Ltd, etc. ?Commercial and Industrial Undertakings, such as State Trading Corporation, Hindustan Machine Tools Ltd, Indian Airlines Corporation, Air India, etc. ?Public Utilities are those undertakings which render certain essential services to the people, like transportation, electricity, communications, energy, etc. The objective of such undertakings is to provide services to the community economically and efficiently and making profit is not the primary aim.


英语方面的证书考试 英语方面的证书考试: 职场英语考证项目总汇: 1 全国公共英语等级考试 2 剑桥英语五级证书考试3.剑桥商务英语水平考试 4 上海外语口译证书考试 5 托福考试 6 雅思考试 ■凭职称的话就去考职称英语.■ 全国公共英语等级考试 考试简介:全国公共英语等级考试(PublicEnglish Test System,简称PETS),由国家教育部考试中心设计并负责,是一个向社会全方位开放的英语水平考试体系。PETS考试共分四个级别,每年3月、9月考试。考试题型包括多项选择题、选择配伍题、改错题、填空题、短文写作题、翻译题、口试题等。 考试特点:PETS重点考查考生的交际语言能力,涉及听力、语言知识、阅读、写作、口语等诸多方面。 证书效用:PETS由于全面考查考生听说读写的能力,在业界的影响力直逼四六级考试,PETS证书更是就业市场中有效的英语水平证明。 查询网址:https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f17347128.html,。

推荐指数:★★★★★ 推荐人群:任何职业、年龄和学历背景的考生均可报考。考生可根据自己的英语水平选择参加相应级别的考试。近期 悄然兴起的公共英语等级考试,受到很多人的关注,有人曾预言,它将取代传统的四六级考试,成为今后用人单位的首先考虑对象。那么,究竟在英语水平上,公共英语考试的等级与人们传统观念中的英语等级有什么联系呢?据权威机 构的有关资料,1. 通过一级者,其英语水平达到中考要求。基本符合诸如奥运志愿者、出租车司机、宾馆接待员、门卫、交警等工作。2. 通过二级者,其英语达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业专科水平,也基本符合诸 如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业普通员工。3. 通过三级者,其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平或符合普通高校非英语专业本科毕业的要求,4. 通过四级者,其英语水平基本满足攻读高等院校硕士研究生非英语专业的需要,基本符合一般专业技术人员或研究人员、现代企业经理等工作对英语的基本要求。基本符合企事业单位行政秘书、经理助理、初级科技人员、外企职员的工作。 5. 通过五级者,其英语水平基本满足在国外攻读硕士研究生非英语专业或从事学术研究 工作的需要。该级水平的英语也能满足他们在国内外从事专


全国外语翻译证书考试英语一级笔译样题第一部分:英译汉 Part 1 Translation from English into Chinese 3 hours Read the following three passages. Translate them into Chinese. Write your answers on the answer sheets. You may use additional paper for your draft but you must copy your answers onto the answer sheets. Passage 1 You Really Are What You Eat Early in human history, food launched the revolution which introduced social inequality. At first it was a matter of unequal entitlements: some of the earliest known human burials reveal disparities in nourishment. Great heroes of antiquity were heroic eaters, as renowned for their prowess at table as in battle. The next revolution went to the heart of what, to me, global history is all about: long-range exchanges of culture, which happened as the reach of commerce lengthened. Taste is not easily communicable between cultures, yet today we eat high cuisines which call themselves fusion and international. How did it happen? Forces capable of penetrating cultural barriers


剑桥法律英语国际证书模拟试题(6) 二、阅读理题型 Direction:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked a. ,b.,c. and d. You should choose one best answer and taken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a pen. (1)There are many different legal systems in the world. In fact,every nation’s legal system has its own characteristics. However,the degree of difference varies,with some systems bearing more resemblance to others. As a result,the world can be divided into several legal families. Without doubt,the Common Law Legal Family and the Roman Law legal family are the most important legal families in the world. The former is also called the English Law Legal Family or the English-American Law Legal family,while the later is also called the Civil Law Legal Family or the Continental law legal family. 1. There aren’t many different legal systems in the world,are there? a. Yes,there are. b. No,there aren’t. c. Yes,there is. d. No,there isn’t 2. Which of the following express is true? a. The degree of difference among the legal systems in the world varies. b. There is not any degree of difference among the legal systems in the world. c. The world can be divided into two legal families. d. The English Law Legal Family and Chinese Law Legal Family are the most important legal families in the world.


第一课Introduction 1. What is the definition of contracts? 2. For a contract to be enforceable, what are the requirements? 3. If someone is sued for breach of contract, what are the possible defenses he 4. Explain the concept of capacity in contract law. 第二课Performance and Non-Performance What problems often arise in the performance stage of a contract? 2. What are the excuses of non-performance? 3. What constitutes a waiver and what are its legal consequences? 4. When is a contractual relationship terminated? 第三课Contract Remedies and Computation of Damages 1. How is expectation interest measured? 2. What is reliance interest? 3. What is restitution interest? In what way is it different from expectation interest? 4. What purpose do nominal damages serve? 5. Under what circumstances are consequential damages awarded? 6. Under what circumstances are punitive damages awarded? 第四课Rights of Third Parties 1. Explain the differences between an intended beneficiary and incidental beneficiary. 2. What is the usual attitude of the court to anti-assignment clauses in the contract? 3. What is a delegation? What makes effective delegation? 4. What duties are delegable? 5. When is the duty of delegating party discharge? 6. What is novation? 第五课Sales Contracts 1. What are the basic obligations of the parties in a sale? 2. What purpose does a documentary exchange serve? 3. What is the nature of a bill of lading? 4. What are the rights of buyer? 第六课The Trial 1.What will the plaintiff’s lawyer say in the opening statement? 2.What is a motion for directed verdict? When can it be made? 3. What is the role of the judge during the examination of the witnesses? 4. What are the contents of jury instruction? 5. What if the jury or the required number of jurors are unable to agree?


法律英语证书(LEC)全国统一考试样题 试卷一 本题为单项选择题,限时180分钟。 1. Bill of Rights a. Domestic federal legislation. b. Legal protection against interference of rights by private individuals. c. A popular name given to the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. d. The federal constitutional provision which grants rights to state governments. 2. Standing a. Abbreviation of “notwithstanding” b. The ability to bring a lawsuit because of a party’s actual injury for which the court can provide a remedy. c. The ripeness of a case or controversy. d. The status of a person, group, or organization appearing as a “friend of the court.” 3. Consideration a. Process of judicial deliberation before rendering a decision in a contested case. b. The lengthy recitals of “boilerplate” language appearing i n many contracts. c. The inducement to enter a contract, and a necessary element to prove the validity of a contract. d. The detrimental reliance of an offere e.

英汉翻译期末考试题 样卷

样卷 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院 《英汉笔译》2011-2012学年上学期期末考试试卷(A) 考核方式:开卷 考核对象:国际商务英语学院法律英语系2009级考试时间:120分钟姓名______________ 班级________ 学号____________________ 分数___________ PART I. LEGAL TERMS (20%, one point for each) 1.outstanding liabilities 2.without prejudice to PART II. Translation Improvement (30%) Directions: There may be one or more errors or inappropriate treatment in each of the following TRANSLATED VERSIONS. Please underline it (or them) and then correct it (or them) in the corresponding space provided on the ANSWER SHEET. If you believe the whole translation is wrong or inappropriate, you are advised to underline the whole translation. Marks will be given if you have identified and properly marked the error(s). (2 points for each save as specified otherwise) 21.His retort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar. 原译:他的反驳是带着强烈的醋意发出的。 改译: 22.The new father wore a proud smile. 原译:那位新父亲面带得意笑容。 改译: PART III. SENTENCES (30%) Directions: Translate the following sentences. Employ the translation skill suggested in the brackets where appropriate. (3 points for each save as specified otherwise) https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f17347128.html,mission depends on the quantity of goods ordered. (Amplification) 32.We learn that you have been dealers of Chinese products for many years. (Conversion) PART IV. PASSAGE (20%) Translate the underlined part of the following passage. 1


各类考试简介 英语专业学生考证一览表 英语类: 大学英语四、六级(主办单位:教育部); 专业英语四、八级(主办单位:教育部); 公共英语等级考试(PETS)(主办单位:教育部); 职业口译英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 商务职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 导游职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 少儿师资英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 饭店职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 销售职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 剑桥商务英语初级BEC(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥商务英语中级BEC(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥商务英语高级BEC(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥语言教学能力证书TKT(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥国际金融英语证书ICFE(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 博思职业外语水平考试BULATS(主办单位:欧洲语言测试协会); 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试CATTI(主办单位:国家人事部); 全国外语翻译证书考试NAETI(主办单位:国家教育部); 上海市外语口译岗位资格证书(主办单位:中共上海市委组织部、上海市人事局、上海市教育委员会和上海市成人教育委员会); 国际交流英语测评考试TOEIC(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 欧盟同声传译证(主办单位:欧盟委员会翻译总司)。 非英语类:

导游证(主办单位:国家旅游局); 行政助理(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 高管秘书(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 普通话证书(主办单位:国家语言文字工作委员会); 教师资格证(主办单位:教育部); 计算机等级证(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 国际贸易跟单(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 日语三级证。 l英语专业:英语专业四级考(口)试→国际日语等级考试→BEC(剑桥商务英语)→德/日/法语四六级考试→英语专业八级考(口)试;[纯英语工作面较窄,建议自学某一方向的专业知识(如外贸、科技等)] l 外语专业: ? 1、英语专业四八级考试:(证书颁发:高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会)全面检查已学完英语专业四级/八级课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,考核学生运用各项基本技能的能力。该项考试仅对英语专业学生开放,专四/专八在大二/大四下学期各只有一次考试机会,报名但未通过者次年有一次补考机会。该项考试是英语专业毕业生最重要的评定标准。 ? 2、国际日语等级考试:(证书颁发:日本国际交流基金) 日本语能力等级考试(JLPT)由日本文部省(相当于中国的教育部)下属的日本国际交流基金组织的,针对全球学习日语的人而进行的一种日语能力的等级考试。全球统考,证书全球通用,是日语学习最权威的认证考试,从高到低分为一至四级。作为第二外语学习一年,一般可通过三级。每年5-6月网上报名,12月初考试。 ? 3、BEC(剑桥商务英语):(证书颁发:英国剑桥大学考试委员会)教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作,根据商务工作的实际需要,对考生在商务和一般生活环境下使用英语的能力从听说读写四个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。共分为五个等级,成绩记为A (优)、B(良)、C(及格)、N(接近及格)、F(不及格)五等。中国开考三个等级:初级、中级、高级。每年5、11月考试,上半年报名截止时间3月10日;下半年报名截止时间9


1调卷令certiorari 2遵循先例:stare decisis 3法系legal family 4大陆法civil law 管辖权jurisdiction 地区法院District court 巡回法院circuit court 治安法庭Justice court 社会主义法socialist law 众议院House of representative 行使exercise 1司法审查judicial review 起诉资格standing 事实上的损害injury in fact 行政协定executive decision共同决议common decision 分权separation of powers 制衡checks and balances 成熟原则ripeness 招标bids 宪法constitution 1刑法criminal law 轻微违法misdemeanor 报税单bill of entry 主观上的过错mental fault 非预谋杀人manslaughter 抢劫robbery 加重的aggravate 绑架kidnapping 盗劫larceny 伪证罪perjury 1the county is the subdivision 2the doctrine ---the maxim 3the federal entity4the enforcement of a claim5statutes or codes 6tradition custom,and precedent 7commom people ,versus legislation 8stare decisis , Latin9legal relationships /legal concept 10judicial branch /judicial dictatorships 1in the precess of a court ascertaining2than to statutory interpretation 3dose not have the ''prolixity"/dose not provide a ready solution 4congress though its "power of the purse" /power as commander -in- chief 5c hecks and balances provided for in the constitution 6and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures 7has no standing to challenge 8the policy of elimination of racial discrimination In places of accommodation/and ending the badges of servitude 1it is punishable by sanctions 2Most crimes or identified in statutes 3punished through imposition penalities 4violation of a misdemeanor 5which were committed before that /enactment of the law 6grand a criminal prosecution7as well as its substantive law 8crimes classified as felonies include murder9 authorized federal jurisdiction 10one can be held criminally liable 1 it is to tell the defendant that 2In US jurisprudence, however 3the right to trial by grand jury/protection against government tyranny 4 The prosecution at trial has the duty 5against arbitrary imposition of the capital punishment 6in an entirely different punishment/prosecution and conviction 7 privilege against self-incrimination8a common assumption abou t the nature of criminality 9"unreasonable" government searches and seizures is stated 10criminal procedure is "adversarial" 1 single issue of law 2dismissed or a defense was lost 3state a claim generally 4adequately represent the interests 5"fairness hearing" 6(the "plaintiff")to file suit in 7violatio n criminal law 8applying substantive law to real disputes 9 on part is entitled to judgment 10common law remedy/ equitable remedies


大学英语专业学生考证一览表 来源:潘亦靖的日志 英语类: 大学英语四、六级(主办单位:教育部); 专业英语四、八级(主办单位:教育部); 公共英语等级考试(PETS)(主办单位:教育部); 职业口译英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 商务职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 导游职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 少儿师资英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 饭店职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 销售职业英语(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 剑桥商务英语初级BEC(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥商务英语中级BEC(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥商务英语高级BEC(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥语言教学能力证书TKT(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 剑桥国际金融英语证书ICFE(主办单位:剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL); 博思职业外语水平考试BULATS(主办单位:欧洲语言测试协会); 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试CATTI(主办单位:国家人事部); 全国外语翻译证书考试NAETI(主办单位:国家教育部); 上海市外语口译岗位资格证书(主办单位:中共上海市委组织部、上海市人事局、上海市教育委员会和上海市成人教育委员会);

国际交流英语测评考试TOEIC(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 欧盟同声传译证(主办单位:欧盟委员会翻译总司)。 非英语类: 导游证(主办单位:国家旅游局); 行政助理(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 高管秘书(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 普通话证书(主办单位:国家语言文字工作委员会); 教师资格证(主办单位:教育部); 计算机等级证(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 国际贸易跟单(主办单位:劳动和社会保障部); 日语三级证。 l英语专业:英语专业四级考(口)试→国际日语等级考试→BEC(剑桥商务英语)→德/日/法语四六级考试→英语专业八级考(口)试;[纯英语工作面较窄,建议自学某一方向的专业知识(如外贸、科技等)] l 外语专业: ?1、英语专业四八级考试:(证书颁发:高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会) 全面检查已学完英语专业四级/八级课程的学生是否达到教学大纲所规定的各项要求,考核学生运用各项基本技能的能力。该项考试仅对英语专业学生开放,专四/专八在大二/大四下学期各只有一次考试机会,报名但未通过者次年有一次补考机会。该项考试是英语专业毕业生最重要的评定标准。 ?2、国际日语等级考试:(证书颁发:日本国际交流基金) 日本语能力等级考试(JLPT)由日本文部省(相当于中国的教育部)下属的日本国际交流基金组织的,针对全球学习日语的人而进行的一种日语能力的等级考试。全球统考,证书全球通用,是日语学习最权威的认证考试,从高到低分为一至四级。作为第二外语学习一年,一般可通过三级。每年5-6月网上报名,12月初考试。 ?3、BEC(剑桥商务英语):(证书颁发:英国剑桥大学考试委员会)


全国外语翻译证书考试英语四级笔译 【打印】【字体:大中小】【关闭】 I.Translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. 1. Australia has a well-developed education system with participation among the highest in th e world. 2. The growing potential of China’s tourism market is most lucrative not only to European cou ntries but also to the whole world. 3. With more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents based in London, it is a city with a voi ce that is heard all around the world. 4. In general, enterprises with foreign investments established in special economic zones are eligible for a reduced corporate income tax rate of 15%. 5. Frequent scheduled flights from international airports located throughout the country prov ided direct access to other countries. II.Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English. 1. 中国的春节在农历正月初一,是举家团圆的时刻。 2. 北京市作为一个旅游胜地,其特点是人文景观与自然景观最巧妙的结合。 3. 奥林匹克公园的独特设计体现了21世纪“新北京”的城市风貌。 4. 上海是中国的经济、金融和国际贸易中心,它交通便利、东西方文化交融。 5. 在腹地经济持续快速发展的推动下,广州港货物吞吐量持续增长。


目前国内三大法律英语考试证书的简介与区分 严重声明:本站所有文章由上海优尔法律信息咨询有限公司拥有完整著作权,禁止非经授权的任何个人或组织基于经营性目的,对文章进行任意更改或转载;另外,用于非经营性目的个人或组织进行转载请注明文章出处,否则本公司保留对上述侵犯网络传播权的行为追究法律责任的权利。 一、三大法律英语考试的简介 ◆TOLES: TOLES(律思),全称“TestofLegalEnglishSkills”,也就是TOLES法律英语水平考试。TOLES考试是世界上第一个国际法律英语水平考试,是由世界知名的英语培训专家(TheLondonschoolofEnglish&Communicaid)和法律领域资深的专家(CambridgeLawStudio)共同合作开发的,并与多家律师事务所和法律机构定期进行磋商,对TOLES考试进行修订,使其适应当前法律行业的变化。该考试的目的是以法律英语这门技术语言为媒介,来核查考生对英美法民商事部门法知识的掌握,从而满足律师事务所、公司、法律机构、律师和法律系学生测评个人法律英语水平的需要。TOLES作为国际权威的法律英语水平考试,自2001年起至今,以其法律英语语言运用能力测试的精准度多年来赢得众多顶级世界知名律所的信赖和认可。2008年TOLES被首次引入中国,从而受到众多法律英语爱好者和法律工作求职者的关注。TOLES考试包括三个等级:TOLESAdvanced(固定日期费用2000RMB/人,任意日期费用2800RMB/人);TOLESHigher(费用1700RMB/人);TOLESFoundation(费用1400RMB/人)。考生应该根据自身的英语水平和法律知识水平选择相应的考试,而不一定要三个等级考试全都参加。TOLES考试每年3月、6月、和11月举行3次,其中,报考TOLESAdvanced的考生可以在增加费用的前提下指定任意日期考试。TOLES考试指定教材5本,推荐参考教材12本,不指定培训机构和教材购买地点。 ◆ILEC: ILEC全称InternationalLegalEnglishCertificate,也就是剑桥法律英语国际证书。于2006年5月作为又一项崭新的法律英语证书考试正式向全球推广。2008年5月ILEC也在中国进行了首场考试。ILEC是由剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL (EnglishforSpeakersofOtherLanguages)考试部与欧洲主要的律师语言学家协会(Translegal)共同研发的一种职业英语证书。据最新消息,ILEC自2010年1月起,每月组织一次考试,这也意味着ILEC的考生每月都有机会参加考试。目前,在中国境内,ESOL仅委托北外网院作为报名代理机构。ILEC作为ESOL于2008年推出的又一项崭新的职业认证证书目前已被欧洲公司律师公会、欧洲法律专业学生协会、国际青年律师公会及欧洲青年律师公会认可。ILEC考察证书申请人在法律领域运用英语的能力,分为听力(40分钟)、阅读(75分钟)、写作(75分钟)和口语(16分钟)四个部分。语言等级相当于雅思(IELTS)5.0-7.0分。成绩分为三个及格等级和两个不及格等级。考试报名费用为1200RMB/每人。ILEC考试指定教材2本,推荐参考教材5本,不指定培训机构和教材购买地点。 ◆LEC: LEC全称LegalEnglishCertificate,也就是法律英语证书。于2008年5月作为国内相关领域的全国统一考试正式推出。LEC 又可被称之为中国的法律英语证书考试。LEC是由全国统一考试委员会依托中国政法大学和北京外国语大学具体组织考试工作,旨在为从事涉外业务的企业、律师事务所提供招募国际性人才的客观标准,同时督促国内法律从业人员提高专业英语水平。法律英语证书考试每年举行两次,分别在5月份和12月份的最后一个周六举行,目前已在北京、上海、广州等城市设主考点,法律英语证书(LEC)由全国统一考试委员会全面负责组考工作。考试不受年龄、性别、职业、地区、学历等限制,持本人有效身份证件即可报名参加考试。考试费用为880元/每人。LEC考试指定教材6本,不指定培训机构和教材购买地点。 二、三大法律英语考试的区分 ◆历经时间:TOLES(2001年---至今) ILEC(2006年---至今)

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