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Passage 1

Sometimes there are questions in our minds which we would like to ask people,butwe are too shy orembarrassed(为难的) At other times we feel it iswrong to trouble others with our problems,or are prevented from asking by our fear ofbeing criticied.

Often there need be no such fear because other people haveundergone(经历)the same questionings,dous or worries as ourselves,and many adults or teenage friends are only too pleased to share their knowledge or experience with us.Indeed,in many cases they also learn something,and much unnecessary worry is prevented.

You may use this Question Time to ask anything about life that you don't understand,or any question of a personal or general nature that has either troubled youfor some time or arisen recently.In order to protect your feelings,which you may not want exposed,write the question down (in capitals if you wish) on a slip of paper without your name on it.Then fold the paper and hand it to your teacher who will sort the questions out at home before the lesson takes place.He will respect the fact that the questions areasked in confidence(秘密地);they should,however,be sensible and honest ones.

During the lesson the teacher will read out a question,and then call upon one ortwo volunteers from the class to offer their opinions before giving his own.Theclass should regard both questions and answers and the discussion that arises from them as confidential to avoid breaking the trust the questioner has placed in the lesson,and to make possible further discussion of similar problems on another occasion.It is also helpful to remember that the answers given represent only one or two points of view—someone else might answer them quite differently.

1.Sometimes we have questions,but we would not like to ask people because____

A.we are not sure about our questions

B.we are afraid of being criticied

C.we are afraid of being in difficulty

D.we only believe in ourselves

2.The author suggests that in order not to be known,you should _______

A.try to avoid asking questions

B.give the question paper without the name on it to your teacher

C.discuss the questions with your group

D.sort the questions out at home and then tell them to your teacher

3.The author tells us that _______

A.in class we should value the speakers' questions or answers to show our trust

B.in public we may learn something to avoid unnecessary worry

C.It's better to write your questions down than to ask them orally

D.only those who ask questions in confidence are sensible and honest

Passage 2

Chinese Mainland,Hong Kong,Taiwan Join Hands in SARS Research

The World Health Organiation says the number of SARS(非典型性肺炎)cases worlide has reached 2,960.Though half of the affected patients have recovered,new cases are still being reported and the cause of the disease has still not been pinpointed.The Chinese mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan are all among the 23 countries and regions trying to cope with the epidemic(传染病).

South China's Guangdong Province is one of the areas hardest hit by SARS.It's also where the first case of the disease was reported.Observers say the situation in Guangdong has steadily improved with a sharp downturn in the number of affected patients.So far,over 83 percent of the patients have recovered and been released from hospital.

“First of all,we need to understand that SARS is an epidemic and the human immunity(免疫性) to the disease is therefore weak.But,from what we have experienced and observed,there is no reason topanic.The disease's infectiousness(传染性)is being weakened as it p asses from one group to another.”said hong Nanshan,director of Guangdong Team for SARS Prevention and Treatment.

The director says the key to fighting the disease now lies in finding the cause and developing a vaccine(疫苗).This calls for concerted cooperation within theinternational medical community.So far,the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have been working well together.

The SARS situation in Taiwan offers a more reassuring picture.So far a little over 20 people have been affected,with no deaths reported.Taiwan medical experts say this is in part due to effective quarantine(隔离) of suspected patients.But mainland cooperation with the island has so far been confined to the individual level.

“We have cooperated with the US Center for Disease Control and the Hong Kong Health Department.Recently Taiwan officials have been to Hong Kong to learn from the region's experience.After all,Hong Kong is now the epicenter(中心) of SARS and has developed some effective ways to diagnose(诊断) the disease.”said hang Cangneng from Taiwan Xinguang Hospital.

Experts from the mainland and Taiwan are pushing for greater cooperation(合作) in the field.A joint seminar by all three sides will be held later this month.Questions relating to the virus's profile and the cause will be discussed at length to shed light on the remaining questions about the disease.

1The passage mainly tells us ___________

A.SARS is a disease which can not be controlled

B.Chinese mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan will cooperate so as to deal with SARS

C.Chinese mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan are the areas hardest hit by SARS

D.how to prevent and treat SARS

2. SARS is a disease _______________

A.which can be dealt with very easily

B.whose infectiousness is weakened when it passes from one area to another

C.which does not endanger patients' lives

D.which passed from other countries to China

3. According to the passage,we know that A.about half of the patients with SARS died________

B.when the passage was written there were about 2,960 people with SARS in Guangdong

C.there are not more than 20 patients with SARS in Taiwan and no deaths were reported

D.Taiwan would like to cooperate with Chinese mainland and Hong Kong to deal with SARS

4. The underlined word“ panic”in Paragraph 3 is closest to ________ in meaning.

A.be angry

B.be surprised



Passage 3

Clive Walker is chairman of the Wilderness Trust of Southern Africa,founder of the Lapalala Wilderness School,an exhibiting wilderlife artist and author of seveal natural history books.As such,Walker is recognised as one of South Africa's foremost conservationists(环保人士)—and allround(多才的)good guy.

He has fought to protect the black and white rhinoceros—targets for ruthless(无情的) hunters because their horn(角) gets high prices in Asian countries—and through the wilderness school,has taught thousands of children from South Africa and overseas about nature and conservation.

His latest project is an application to the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organiation(UNESCO) to have the Waterberg area in South Africa's Northern Province become a biosphere reserve(生物圈保护区).Walker believes the future of conservation in South Africa lies in education and in private game reserves.

In 1981 Walker was point taking(定点导游) adults on wilderness walks.At that point,he decided he wanted to “do something for children”through the establishment of an environmental school.“Conita and I were prepared to look at children whose parents could afford it,and those children who came from backgrounds whose parents could never do it.After that Conita and I set out to find a place that would be safe,sufficiently close to the main areas of Johannesburg and Pretoria,bemalaria(疟病) free,have water and be benefit to education on the environment.They found this in Lapalala.In the first year,30 children—10 of them blacks fromSoweto—were present to visit the reserve.Nowadays,3,000 children a year spend time there.Those lucky enough to visit his wilderness school will

see—among many species—white rhino,warthogs and red hartebeests. “What made it really bad was when I started mixing black children with white children.”When aneighbour reported Walker to the security police and at last he was asked at their notorious headquarters,Walker said“I told them that all I was trying to achieve was to give children of South Africa,regardless of their background,an understanding of conservation and awareness that our survival dependsso much on it.”

Walker survived the questioning after his point successfully,the school remained open—and at least 45,000 children and teachers have had the pleasure of experi

encing the Lapalala Wilderness and its abundant wildlife over the past 19 years

1. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A45,000 children and teachers a year spend time there to enjoy the pleasure of experiencing the Lapalala Wilderness.

B.In the past 19 years,it was wholly only white people who could afford such a trip.

C. A special conservationist who tried to open up the Nature's attractions to the black people of South Africa ran into trouble.

D. Those lucky enough students in Walker's Wilderness School will see some

common species like as milu deer, African elephant and red hartebeests.

2. What would be the best title for the text?

A.Clive Walker and His Wilderness Trust

B.Allround Good Guy

C.Preserving Africa's Wildlife Kingdom

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,palala Wilderness

3. How many persons are exactly mentioned in the text?





Passage 4

Jonathan James looks like just another kid about to graduate from high school.But this 19yearold Swede is anything but ordinary,from the computer in his parents' home he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) find out the world's most wanted cyber criminals(网络犯罪分子).

Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede,Fredrik Bjoerck,found out the maker of the“Melissa” virus(病毒)in March 1999.He came to the aid of the FBI again on May 7,finding out the suspected(嫌疑的) s ender of the dangerous I LOVE YOU” virus.The suspect was caught in Manila on May 8.

Jonathan's special skills are in hot demand as officials around the world express alarm at the“virtual”crimewave.In between studying for final exams,hanging out with friend s and refereeing his younger brother's football matches,the quiet,gentle teenager also gives lessons on esecurity (电子安全)to large companies.He reads a lot and exchanges information with other computer experts to know much about the latest tricks of the hacker (黑客)trade.

Many companies have already tried to employ him,but he is not interested at the moment.Instead,he plans to begin law school in the autumn at Sweden's Uppsala University and start up his own e-security company.

Although he works with the FBI now,his family insists he's just“a regular kid.“Jonathan is a great kid,he has his friends and he does a lot more than just p

lay with the computer,”his little sister Tessa said,adding that he helps the FBI because “he likes to help”,not because he's looking for fame and recognition.

When the world was hit by the “Love Bug”virus,Jonathan was too busy preparing a speech on e-security to look into the problem“Finally on May 7,I had some free time,so I began looking.”Within a few hours,h e had found thesuspect and emailed his method and results to the FBI.He said his work on the “Melissa”virus,which took three weeks to solve,was a big help in finding the suspect so quickly“This time I knew exactly where to start,I knew what to disregard an d what to look at.”

1. The passage mainly wants to tell us that ————

A.Swedish kid helps FBI find out the most wanted cyber criminals

B.Jonathan is really a quiet,gentle and ordinary boy

C.many companies want the young computer expert to join in

D.any cyber criminals will surely be found out wherever they are

2. The public started to know something about Jonathan just from ————

A.his helping the US FBI to find out the sender of the dangerous“I LOVE YOU”virus

B.his work together with Fredrik Bjoerck to find out the maker of the “Melissa”virus

C.his little sister's talk about his good qualities as a regular kid and a good programmer

D.his speech on e security to many computer companies after his fight against hackers

3 From Jonathan's success in finding out the sender of the d angerous“I LOVE YOU”virus we caninfer that——————--

A.where there's a will,there's a way

B.experience is knowledge

C.hard work leads to success

D.failure is the mother of success

4. What do we know about Jonathan?

A.He is a good fame hunter with various abilities.

B.He is such a brave fighter that any criminal will feel afraid.

C.He is an expert on security,not interested in running a company.

D.He is a regular kid but does something unusual.

Passage 5

Former US Vice President Al Gore,who came close to winning the presidency two years ago,said he will not run in 2004,and probably will not have another opportunity to seek the White House.

Though Gore would have been a frightening Democratic(民主党的) main runner,his decision to give up the 2004 race probably helped his party's chances in the general election against President George W.Bush,Democrats said.

Many did not want to see BushGore Ⅱ.

“The last campaign was an extremely difficult one,” Gore told CBS TV show “60 Minutes”on Sunday.

While saying he still had th e energy and drive to run again,Gore recognied,“There are a lot of people within the Democratic Party who felt exhausted(by the 2000 race)…who felt like,OK,…I don't want to go through that again.?And I'm frankly sensitive to that feeling.”

In nearly two doen interviews after Gore announced his plans,Democrats dutifully claimed their party had lost a top candidate,but one after another,they praised Gore for taking an early exit from a primary race he could have won,sparing them a repeat.

Gore,54,said he was making his decision“in the full understanding that it probably means that I will never have another opportunity to run for president.”

Party activists(激进主义分子)blamed Gore for losing despite a booming economy and eight years of a Democratic administration.Gore even lost his home state of Tennessee,a victory there would have given him the White House.

1.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?

A.Gore Was Criticied

B.Gore Decides Not to Fight Bush in 2004

C.Former US Vice President Al Gore

D.Al Gore and Gorge Bush

2. Why do you think Gore has decides not to run in 2004 according to this passage?

A.Because he is quite old.

B.Because many people are against him.

C.Because he quite understands the feelings of a lot of Democratic members.

D.Because he doesn't want to be President of US.

3.What was Gore's feeling when he made his decision?





Passage 6

Priscilla—Ouchida's “energy efficient”house turned out to be a horrible dream.When she and her eng ineer husband married a few years ago,they built a $ 100,000,three-bedroom home in California.Tightly sealed to prevent air leaks,the house was equipped with small doublepaned(双层玻璃) windows and several other energysaving features.Problems began as soon as the couple moved in,however.Priscilla's eyes burned.Her throat was constantly dry.She suffered from headaches and could hardly sleep.It was as though she had suddenly developed a strange illness.

Experts finally traced the cause of her illness.The level of formaldehyde(甲醛) gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers.The source of the gas? Her new kitchen cabinets and walltowall carpeting.

The Ouchidas are victims of indoor air pollution,which is not given sufficient attention partly because of the nation's drive to save energy.The problem itself isn't new.“The indoor environment was dirty long before energy conservation came along,”says Moschandreas,a pollution scientist at Geomet Technologies inMaryland.“Energy conservation has tended to accentuate the situation in somecases.”

The problem appears to be more troublesome in newly constructed homes ratherthan old ones.Back in the days when energy was cheap,home builders didn't worry much about unsealed cracks.Because of such leaks,the air in an average home was repaced by fresh outdoor air about once an hour.As a result,the pollutants generated in most households seldom built up to dangerous levels.

1. It can be learned from the passage that the Ouchidas' house——

A.is well worth the money spent on its construction

B.is almost faultless form the point of energy conservation

C.failed to meet energy conservation standards

D.was designed and constructed in a scientific way

2. What make the Ouchidas' new house a horrible dream?

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,ck of fresh air.

B.Poor quality of building materials.

C.Gas leakage in the kitchen.

D.The newly painted walls.

3. The word“accentuate”(Para.3) most probably means“.————“





4.Why were cracks in old houses not a big concern?

A.Because indoor cleanliness was not emphasied.

B.Because energy used to be inexpensive.

C.Because environmental protection was given top priority.

D.Because they were technically unavoidable.

5.Thispassageismostprobably taken from an article entitled ————

A.Energy conservation

B.House Building

CrisisC.Air Pollution Indoors

D.Traps in Building Construction

Passage 7

More and more private schools are being set up in China these days,ending the state monopoly of the country's educational system.Although private schools are still on the experimental stage and are much more expensive as compared with the public schools,there is no lack of application for enrollment.

People welcome private schools for good reasons.First of all,those schools are relieving our government of part of the burdens of financing so many schools.Second,parents are willing to send their only child to better schools even if it costs more.And having more money than the government funded public schools,those private schools can attract better teachers.They can also offer better environments including superior living facilities and more advanced teaching equipments.However,adequate money doesn't guarantee good education.If not well guided and properly

disciplined,the privileged young children might turn out to be new arist

ocrats,and therefore unfit for our highly competitive modern society.

1. The private schools indeed have something better than the public schools but not——

A.living condition



D.advanced teaching equipments

2. Which are the reasons for people welcome the private school? ————

a the government.

b.They break the traditional educational system.

c.More money is connected with higher quality of teaching.

d.Parents don't need to take charge of children so much like before

e.Parents hope their children act more wonderful.





3. The writer is likely to talk about———— in the next paragraph

A.private schools have more advantages than we imagine

B.how the private schools guide student to the right way

C.there are some disadvantages in the private schools

D.how the public schools compete with the private schools

Passage 8

A young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers.When he goto home,he went upstairs to his living room and put them on.He found that they were about two inches too long.

He went downstairs,where his mother and his two sisters were washing up the tea things in the kitchen.“These new trousers are too long,” he said.“They need to be cut short by about two inches.Would one of you mind doing this for me,please?”His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything.

But as soon as his mother finished washing up,she went upstairs to her son's room and cut the trousers short by two inches.She came downstairs without saying anything to her daughters.

Later,after supper,the elder sister remembered her brother's trousers.She was akindhearted girl,so she went quietly upstairs without saying anything to anyone,and shorted the trousers by two inches.

the younger sister went to the cinema,but when she came back,she,too,remembered what her brother had said.So she ran upstairs with her scissors,needle,and thread,and took two inches off the legs of the new trousers.

You can imagine the look on the young man's face when he put the trousers on thenext morning

1. The main idea of this passage is that ————

A.the young man once went into town and bought himself a pair of trousers

B.the young man's new trousers were cut too short

C.the young man's mother and sisters hated to speak to each other

D.the young man was loved by his mother and sisters very much2. What can we infer from the passage?

A.The young man was very silly

B.The young man's mother and sisters never spoke to each other.

C.Everyone in his family was ready to help him.

D.The young man lived in a quiet house.

3. Why didn't the young man's mother and sisters give him a reply after he asked one of them to cut his trousers short?

A.Because they did not know how to answer him.

B.Because they were too busy to answer him.

C.Because they were used to keeping silence when they were busy.

D.Because one of them wanted to do it.

4What would the young man feel when he put the trousers on the next morning?





Passage 9

Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,muters(通勤者) rush to and from their jobs in cars,buses,subways,trains,and even on https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,rge cities in the United States have two rush hours—one in the morning and one in the evening.But in cities in other parts of the world,there are four rush hours.In Athens and Rome,for example,many workers go home for lunch and a nap.After this midday break,they rush back to their jobs and work for a few more hours.

In Tokyo,there's a big rush hour underground.Most of the people in Tokyo take the subways.The trains are very crowded.Subway employees called packers wear whitegloves and help pack the commuters into the trains when the doors close.They make sure that all purses,briefcases,clothes,and hands are inside the trains.

In Seoul,many commuters prefer to take taxis to get to work.To hail a cab,many people stand at crossroads and raise two fingers.This means they'll pay the cab driver double the usual fare.Some people even raise three fingers! They'll pay THREE times the normal rate。

Streets in Rome are very crowded with automobiles and mopeds(摩托自行车)during rush hours.The city can't make its streets wider,and it can't build new highways,because it doesn't want to disturb the many historic sites in the city,such as the Forum and the Colosseum.It took the city fifteen years to construct a new subway system.Construction had to stop every timeworkers found old artifacts and discovered places of interest to archaeologists(考古学家).

In many big cities,there are special lanes on highways for carpools.These are groups of three or more people who drive to and from work together.They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city.

Getting to work and getting home can be difficult in many places around the world.Rush hour traffic seems to be a universalproblem.

1. Big cities have traffic problems during rush hours because there are ——

A.special lanes on highways

B.many commuters

C.four rush hours

D.many cars on the street

2.Most of the commuters in Tokyo ——

A.take subway trains to work

B.are packers

C.take taxis to work

D.carry briefcases to work

3. To “hail a cab”means to ——-

A.pay double the normal fare

B.try to get a cab

C.prefer to take taxis

D.to stand at crossroads

4.Why did it take a long time to build a subwasystem in Rome?

A.Because the streets were very crowded.

B.Because there are many historic sites.

C.Because the workers discovered many artifacts and places of interest.

D.Because the traffic always stopped the construction

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,muters in carpools probably——

A.live in the city

B.take the subway to work

C.save money on gas and parking fees

D.have special license plates(牌照)

Passage 10

Every year more and more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again.Strangely,it is the most intelligent but most thoughtless animal that is causing most of the problems—man.Nature is very carefully balanced and if this balance isdisturbed,animals can disappear alarmingly(令人担忧地) fast.Every day,thousandsof species of animals draw closer to extinction.There are countless numbers of species which may become extinct before they are even discovered.

In many lakes the fish are dying.Fishermen are worried because every year there are fewer fish and some lakes

have no fish at all.Scientists are beginning to get worried too.What is killing the fish?

The problem is acid rain.Acid rain is a kind of air pollution.It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas.These factories send smoke high into the air.The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories.Some of the harmful substances in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away.

The rain in many places isn't natural and clean any more.It's full of acid chemicals.When it falls in lakes,it changes them too.The lakes become more acidic.Acid water is like vinegar or lemon juice.It hurts when it gets in your eyes.It also kills the plants and animals that usually live in lake water.That is why the fish are dying in lakes.

But dead fish may be just the beginning of the problem.Scientists are finding other effects of acid rain.In some large areas trees are dying.Not just one tree here and there,but whole forests.At first scientists couldn't understand why.There were no bugs or diseases in these trees.The weather was not dry.But now they think that the rain was the cause.Acid rain is making the earth more acidic in these areas.Some kinds of trees cannot live in the soil that is very acidic.

Now scientists are also beginning to study the effects of acid rain on larger animals.For example,they believe that some deer in Poland are less healthy becauseof acid rain.If deer are hurt by the rain,what about people? This is the question many people are beginning to ask.No one knows the answer yet.But it is an important question for us all.

1.Every year thousands of species of animals ————

A.are hunted for their meat and skins

B.migrate to other places

C.starve to death

D.die out

2Acid rain is caused by————

A.natural gas

B.the oone(臭氧)layer depletion(损耗)

C.acidic lake water

D.emissions of industrial enterprises

3 Which of the following is true?

A.Dead fish in lakes is the only problem caused by acid rain

B.Scientists are sure that acid rain is not harmful for mankind.

C.If we don't make an attempt to stop acid rain we may never see some animals again.

D.There's no reason to worry about several trees that died of some unknown disease.

4.What is not mentioned in the text?

A.Acid rain is capable of dissolving(分解) some rocks and stones.

B.Fish are unable to live in the water containing acidic chemicals.

C.Coal,oil or gas form dangerous combinations after being burnt.

D.Scientists think that if some larger animals can be affected by acid rain,people may be in great danger.

5.Factory smoke.——————

A.stays over the factories

B.is usually clean now

C.turns into air

D.can travel hundreds of miles

Passage 11


Driver Wanted

(1)Clean driving license.

(2)Must be of smart appearance.

(3)Aged over 25.

Apply to:Capes Taxis,17 Palace Road,Boston.


Air Hostesses for International Flights Wanted

(1)Applicants must be between 20 and 33 years old.

(2)Height 1.6m to 1.75m.

(3)Education to GCSE standard.

(4)Two languages.Must be able to swim.

Apply to:Recruitment office,Southern Airline,Heathrow Airport West.HR37KK


Teacher Needed

For private language school.Teaching experience unnecessary.

Apply to :The Director of Studies,Instant Language Ltd,279 Canal Street,Boston.

1.What prevents Jack,an experienced taxi driver,working for Capes Taxis?

A.Fond of beer and wine.

B.Punished for speeding and wrong parking.

C.Unable to speak a foreign language.

D.Not having college education.

2.Ben,aged 22,fond of swimming and driving,has just graduated from a college.Which job might be given to him?

A.Driving for Capes Taxis.

B.Working for Southern Airlines.

C.Teaching at Instant Language Ltd.

D.None of the three.

3.What prevents Mary,aged 25,becoming an air hostess for international flights?

A.She once broke a traffic law and was fined.

B.She can't speak Japanese very well.

C.She has never worked as an air hostess before.

D.She doesn't feel like working long hours flying abroad.

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the three advertisements?


B.Male or female.


D.Working experience.

Passage 12

Many immigrants(移民) to the United States find the decision to seek better lives for their familiesin America can have an unexpected and tragic consequence(后果).Deep differences with their children develop over language and culture.

“Many immigrants arrive here without much education.Their kids soon gain language skills and also street smarts(耍时髦) on how to live in America,leaving the parents at a disadvantage,”Ileana,Rosas,pastor of a Methodist church group operaing in Virginia,said.

“Not only that but they find they cannot relate to children who quickly absorb American culture,”she said.

According to the US Census Bureau(人口调查),the number of foreign born or first generation Americans reached 55 million last year,a record one in five the totalpopulation.

A government survey of 922 immigrants in 2000 found that nearly 40 percent of those who had been in the United States for more than 15 years would still like to take English classes if they had the time.

Two thirds of low income households depended on their children for translation.

Psychologists(心理学家) and sociologists say parents can lose their position of authority(权威) in a family as a result and the effects of that can be farreaching.

Children exposed to American pop culture that glorifies(颂扬) youth and sexuality(性感)often rebel when their parent s try to impose the conservative valuesthey brought with them. “Americaniation erodes(侵蚀) all critical(紧要的) aspects of parenting,”saidRichard Weissbourd,who teaches education at Harvard University.

“I feel a part of me is dying with my children.They do n't listen to my music.I have to play it on Sunday morning when they are not around,”said an immigrant.

1.What troubles the immigrant parents most is .——

A.that they can't understand the English language

B.that they lose their position of authority in their families

C.that their children have lost sense of their own national values

D.how they can master the English language as soon as possible

2.From the passage we can infer that the population of the States at present is about.——

A.275 million

B.220 million

C.255 million

D.smaller than 250 million

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.All the immigrants had expected the troubles they would meet before they went to the US.

B.Two thirds of the immigrant families are low income households.

C.American culture shows a spirit against conservative social and cultural values.

D.American pop culture puts the immigrant families at a disadvantage.

4.Which of the following is probably the title of the report?

A.The Result of the US Census

B.The Differences Between Parents and Children in the US

C.The Troubles of the American Immigrants

D.Role Reversal(颠倒) Troubles Many Parents and Children

Passage 13

Humanity uses a little less than half the water available worlide.Yet occurrences of shortages and droughts(干旱) are causing famine and distress in some areas,and industrial and agriculturalbyproducts are polluting water supplies.Since the world's population is expected to double in the next 50 years,many experts think we are on the edge of a widespread water crisis.

But that doesn't have to be the outcome.Water shortages don't have to trouble the world—if we start valuing water more than we have in the past.Just as we began to appreciate petroleum more after the 1970s oil crises,today we must start looking at water from a fresh economic perspective.We can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which we can use as much aswe like in any way we want.

Instead,for all uses except the domestic demand of the poor,governments should price water to reflect its actual value.This means charging a fee for the water itself as well as for the supply costs.

Governments should also protect this resource by providing water in more economically and environmentally sound ways.For example,often the cheapest way to provide irrigation(灌溉) water in the dry tropics is through smallscale projects,such as gathering rainfall in depressions(洼地) and pumping it to nearby crop land。

No matter what steps governments take to provide water more efficiently,they must change their institutional and legal approaches to water use.Rather than spread control among hundreds or even thousands of local,regional and national agencies that watch various aspects of water use,countries should set up central authorities to coordinate water supply.

1.What is the real cause of the potential water crisis?

A.Only half of the world's water can be used.

B.The world population is increasing faster and faster.

C.Half of the world's water resources have been seriously polluted.

D.Humanity has not placed sufficient value on water resources.

2.As indicated in the passage,the water problem——

A.is already serious in certain parts of the world

B.has been exaggerated by some experts in the field

C.poses a challenge to the technology of building reservoirs

D.is understated by government organiations at different level

3.According to the author,the water price should——

A.be reduced to the minimum

B.stimulate domestic demand

C.correspond to its real value

D.take into account the occurrences ofdroughts

4.The author says that in some hot and dry areas it is advisable to ——.

A.build big lakes to store water

B.construct big pumping stations

C.build small and cheap irrigation systems

D.channel water from nearby rivers to cropland

5.In order to raise the efficiency of the water supply,measures should be taken to ————

A.guarantee full protection of the environment

B.centralie the management of water resources

C.increase the sense of responsibility of agencies at all levels

D.encourage local and regional control of water resources

Passage 14

People in Shanghai can quench their thirst(解渴) with high quality water if the Shanghai Water Authority (SWA) is able to make good on its word.It has vowed(发誓) to make the city's water match its status as a worldclass city。

“The current tap water quality meets national standards,but,compared with th at of the European Union and the United States,it still needs to be improved,”said the SWA's director general,hang Jiayi.

The Shanghai Special Water Supply Layout calls for residents to be able to drinkthe tap water without boiling it,in less than a decade.

In other developed countries,water fountains can be found almost everywhere—people do not bother with bottled drinking water.

By 2020,the water of the Huangpu River will be treated to reduce the amount of organic(有机物的) waste in it.This initiative(倡议) is to be completed in the first half of this year,hang said.

Major water works that draw water from the Huangpu will need more treatment facilities to improve the color,texture(结构),ammonia(氨)and nitrogen(氮) content before 2010.

These treatment facilities are expected to cost 4 billion yuan,something that could affect the price of water,according to Chen Yin,SWA's deputy director general.

Chen said that replacing water pipes was also a key project.The city's aged pipes are mostly to blame for the bad water quality.

The SWA has started the water facilities renovation(整修) work,including the more than 14,000 kilometers of indoor piping,107,000 tanks on top of the buildings,and more than 6,000 underground facilities.

World Water Day came on March 22,and this year's theme is“water for the future”.Beijing is also drawing up plans during China's Water Week,which runs until March 28.

By 2008,the water for the Olympic Games is to above World Health Organiation standards.And,the people of Beijing will be able to drink their tap water as well.

(From 21st CenturyMarch 27,2003)

1.What does the italicied word“it”mean in the second paragraph?

A.The current tap water.

B.The quality of current tap water.

C.National standards.

D.The tap water of the European Union and the US.

2.People in Shanghai can drink their tap water.————

A.By 2020

B.in the first half of this year

C.before 2010

D.by 2008

3.What step need not be taken in order to improve the tap water?

A.The water of the Huangpu River will be treated.

B.Aged water pipes will be treated.

C.Water facilities must be renovated.

D.Water fountains must be found.

4.Which is the correct order of the following events?

a.People of Shanghai can quench their thirst with high quality water.

b.The tap water quality meets national standards.

c.The water of Shanghai reaches the standards of developed countries.

d.The people of Beijing drink their tap water.

e.The treatment of the water of Huangpu River has been finished.





5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.The cost of treating the tap water.

B.How to reach the water standards of developed countries.

C.The project for making tap water drinkable in Shanghai and Beijing.

D.The progress of treating the water of Huangpu River.

Passage 15

United States President George W.Bush yesterday expressed dou on efforts by United Nations arms inspectors(调查人员) to get information from Iraqi scientists, adding the presence of Iraqiofficials as a reason for it.

A US official said any interference(干涉) by Iraq with the interview would be another sign that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was failing to meet UN disarmament(解除武装) demands. “The inspectors are there to decide whether or not he is disarmingYou hear these reports about Iraqi scientists being interviewed, but there's an official in the room." Bush told reporters during a tour of his Texas farm. Bush had been asked whether he was satisfied with the UN inspectors' attempts to interview Iraqi scientists. Bush's answer included broad criticism(批评) of Saddam and a warning that a war was near. “He is a man who likes to play gam es andjokes. The question is, will Saddam Hussein disarm?" Bush said. “The first sign isn't very satisfactory that he will voluntarily disarm." Bush talked of Iraq's declaration on its arms, which he called “false", as well as the scientist interviews. “He's got to understand his day is coming," Bush said of Saddam. Bush spoke as more than 11,000 US soldiers prepared to head for the Gulf to join in US preparations for a possible invasion(入侵) of Iraq to force an end to any programmes Saddam has to make nuclear biological or chemical weapons(武器). The news came the same day as warplanes dropped 480,000 leaflets(传单) over two cities in a so called nofly area of southern Iraq on Thursday, pressing Iraqi armyand citiens to listen to US specialforces radio broadcasts to the area, the US armed forces said.

1 What didn't President Bush talk about according to this news report?

A The interview with Iraqi scientists.

B The warning towards Iraq.

C Th e dou about Saddam's disarmament.

D Sending 480,000 soldiers to Iraq.

2 Why didn't Bush believe what the Iraqi scientists said during the inerviews?

A Because the scientists wouldn't like to tell the truth.

B Because Bush never believed anything the sc ientists said.

C Because Iraqi officials were watching them during the interviews.

D Because Saddam asked them to tell lies during the interviews.

3 Which of the following statements is true?

A The farm owned by Bush is in California.

B 11,000 US soldie rs haven't got to the Middle East.

C The nofly one is in the northern part of Iraq.

D Bush thinks Saddam will disarm of himself.


Passage 1

1.细节题。从文中第一段的最后一句“…or are prevented from asking by ourfear of being criticied”可以得出结论。答案为B。

2.从文章第三段“In order to protect your feelings,which you may not want exposed,write the question down(in capitals if you wish) on a slip of papes without your name on it.Then fold the paper and hand it to your teacher…”可以得出结论。答案为B。

3.从文中的最后一段“The class should regard bot h!Questions and answers and the discussion that arises from them as confidential to avoid breaking the trust the questioner has placed in the lesson…”可以得出答案。答案为A。 Passage 2

1.主旨题。其实我们根据文章的标题“Chinese,MainLand,Hong Kong,TaiwanJoin Hand in SARS Research”,另外从文章的倒数第二段的第一句话“We have cooperated with the US Center for Disease Control…”和文章的最后一段“Experts fromthe mainland and Taiwan are pushing for greater cooperation in the field”,均可找出答案。答案为B。

2.细节题。从文中第三段“The disease's infectiousness(传染性)is being weakened as it passes from one group to another.”可直接找到答案。答案为B。

3.从文章的倒数第二段的第一句“We have cooperated with the US Center…”和倒数第一段的第一句“Experts from the mainland and Taiwan are pushing for greater cooperation in the field”可以得出结论。A.“about half of the patients with SARS died”是一个错误信息,通过文章的几句话,“So far,over 83% of the patients have recovered and been released from hospital.”“So far,a little over 20 peoplehave been affected,with no deaths reported.” 可以推测出来。B.“When the passage was written there were about 2,960 people with SARS in Guang dong.”这是个错误信息。文章的第一段第一句话告诉我们“…worlide…”表明是世界共有2,960,而不是

广东一个地方。C.是一个错误信息。第五段第二句话“So far,a little over 20 people have been affected.”已经有20多人患病。答案为D。

4.词语理解题。从第三段中可以看出,“…there is no reason to panic”中的“panic”表示“慌乱,害怕”,“scare”的意思是“恐惧,害怕”。答案为C。

Passage 3

1.A.“45,000 children and teachers a year…”这是一个错误答案。从文中最后一句话“…and at least…over the past 19 years…”可知是在过去十九年中,而不是一年。B为错误答案,从第五段的最后一句“regardless of their background”可以看出。D是错误答案,从文中的第四段的最后一句可以看出。C是正确答案,从“What made it really bad was when I started mixing…”得出结论。答案为C。

2.通读全文可以了解该文章主要介绍“Lapalala Wilderness”。答案为D。

3.三个人有“Walker,Conita,a neighbour”。答案为C。

Passage 4

1.细节题。从第一段“…he helps the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) find out the world's most wanted cyber criminals”可找出答案。答案为A。

2.细节题。从第二段的第一句话“Jonathan first made headlines when he and another Swede,Fredrik Bjoerck,found out the maker of the …Melissa?virus in March 1999.”可以找出答案。答案为B。

3.Jonathan的一些经历积累了知识,所以我们说,“experience is knowledge.”答案为B。

4.总体说来Jonathan是一个“regular kid”,但是他又做了一些不寻常的事情。答案为D。

Passage 5


2.作为现年54岁的戈尔年龄并不大,A是不对的;从“…their party had lost a top candidate”也可以判断出B是不正确的;从戈尔的话“…it probably means that I will never have another opportunity to run for president.”来分析,他还是很想当美国总统的。再说,又有谁不想当总统呢?从“There are a lot of people within the Democratic Party who felt exhausted( by the 2000 race)…who fell like,OK,…I don't want to go through that again.?And I'm frankly sensitive to that feeling.”可以很清楚地推断出正确答案为C。

3.从好多人对戈尔的赞扬以及戈尔的话“…in the full understanding that…”可以看出戈尔做出的决定是通过深思熟虑的,因此,他也是很冷静的(calm)。答案为D。

Passage 6






3.词语题。这一段指出:The Ouchidas是室内空气污染的受害者,国家开展的节能运动使人







是“Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?”的另一种表达形式。答案为C。Passage 7

1.从文中的第二段可以看出:私立学校可以提供“better teachers,superior living facilities and more advanced teaching equipment”。答案为C。


3.从文中“However,adequate money doesn't guarantee good education.If not well guided and properly disciplined,…”可以推出,作者提到引导学生和纪律的重要性,所以下文可能要谈论私立学校如何引导学生。答案为B。

Passage 8







cry”是不合情理的;裤子已经短了,“worried”也没有用了,只有“sad”而已。答案为D。Passage 9

1.从文中的第一句话“Rush hour traffic is a problem in many big cities around the https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,muters … in cars,buses,subways,…”可找出答案。答案为B。

2.从文章的第二段的第一句“In Tokyo,there's a big rush hour undergroundMost of the people in Tokyo take the subways”可以找出答案。答案为A。

3.从第三段可以找出答案。“In Seoul,many commuters prefer to take taxis to get to work.To hail a cab,many people stand at crossroads and raise two f ingers.”“to hail a cab”表示“try to get a cab”。答案为B。

4.答案可以从第四段来找。“because it doesn't want to disturb the many historic sites…”答案B。

5.从最后一段“They share the costs of gas and parking and take turns driving into the city”可以找出答案。答案为C。 Passage 10

1.“die out”表示动植物种类的灭绝。从文章的第一段“Every year more and more plants and animals disappear never to be seen again”可以找出答案。答案为D。

2.从文章的第三段“It is caused by factories that burn coal or oil or gas”可以得出答案。答案D。



5.从文中的第三段的最后一句可以找到答案:“The wind often carries the smoke far from the factories.Some of the harmful substances in the smoke may come down with the rain hundreds of miles away.”答案为D。

Passage 11

1.从第一部分“Clean driving license”不应受罚过。答案为B。

2.她的年龄不够“Capes Taxis”的要求。她也不符合招收空姐的条件,但她符合C“Teaching at Instant Language Ltd”的要求。答案为C。



Passage 12

1.从文中第七段“Psychologists and sociologists say parents can lose theirposition of authority in a family as a result and the effects of that can be farreaching”中找出答案。答案为B。


3.从文中第八段可以找出答案:“Children exposed to American pop culture that glorifies youth and sexuality often rebel when their parents…”答案为C。


Passage 13

1.细节题。潜在的水危机的真正原因是什么?四个选项分别是:选项A世界上的水只有一半可以利用;选项D 世界人口增长越来越快;选项C世界水源的一半已被污染;选项人类对水源还没有足够的重视。相关信息在第一段最后一句:因世界人口在未来的50年里翻一番,所以许多专家认为我们正处于大范围水危机的边缘。接着,第二段前两句语气一转说:但是结果未必如此。如果我们现在开始珍视水,水短缺也许不会令世界不安。就像20世纪70年代石油危机后开始珍视石油一样,今天我们必须以一种新的经济视角来看待水。根上面的陈述,答案为D。





Passage 14

1.从第二段一开始就提到了“the current tap water quality”,“it”就是指上文提到的自来水的质量。答案为B。





Passage 15

1.文章中“The news came the same day as warplanes dropped 480,000 leaflets over two cities…"战机投下了480,000份传单,在两个城市的上空。“Bush spoke as more than 11,000 US soldiers prepared to head for the Gulf to join in US preparations for a possible invasion to Iraq."布什声称11,000多美国士兵准备一场对伊拉克可能进行的入侵。答案为D。

2.文章第一句“Bush expressed dou on efforts by Unite d Nations arms inspectors to get detailed information from Iraqi scientists, adding the presence of Iraqi officials as a reason for it".布什之所以不相信伊拉克科学家所说的话,是因为伊拉克的官方官员也出席了那场会谈,他认为那样会有一定的政治色彩。答案为C。

3.文中:那11,000多美国士兵只是在为战争作准备,准备动身去Gulf。暗示他们并没有到达中东地区。文章中:during a tour of his Texas farm,并未在California“in a socalled nofly area of southern Iraq"并不在北部,故C 项也排除。“He is a man wholikes to play games and jokes"“The first sign isn't very satisfactory that hewill voluntarily disarm"暗示布什不认为Saddam会自动解除武装。答案为B。


Passage 1

Among various programmes, TV talk shows have covered every inch of space on daytime television. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one isdifferent in style(风格). But no two shows are more opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.

Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “rubbish talk”. The contents on his show are as surprising as can be. For example, the show takes the ever—common talk show titles of love, sex, cheating, and hate, to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people's lives.

Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its top, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show is mainly about the improvement of society and different quality(质量) of life.Contents are from teaching your childrenlessons, managing your work week, to getting to know your neighbors.

Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being poured into society. Jerry ends every show with a “final word”. He makes a small speech about the entire idea of the show.Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.

Clean as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The show's main viewers are middleclass Americans. Most of these people have the time, money, and ability to deal with life's tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of a connection with the young adults of society. These are 18-to-21-year-olds whose main troubles in life include love, relationship, sex, money and drug. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned through the show's exploitation.

1Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are—— .

A more interesting

B unusually popular

C more detailed

D more formal

2 Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear unpleasant, people who watch the shows ——

A remain interested in them

B are ready to face up to them

C remain cold to them

D are willing to get away from them

3 Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?

A A new type of robot.

B Nation hatred.

C Family income planning.

D Street accident.

4 We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows————

A have become the only ones of its kind

B exploit the weaknesses in human nature

C appear at different times of the day

D attract different people

Passage 2

Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy.But modern advertising does more than gives news about products and services.Today's advertisements,or ads,try to get consumers(消费者)to buy certain brands(品牌).Writers of advertising are so skillful that they can sometimes persuade a consumer to wear acertain kind of clothing,eat a special kind of cereal(麦片),or see a movie.Consumers might never even want a product if they did not see or hear advertisementsfor it.

For example,you probably do not need the newest cereal in the supermarket.Thereare probably many cereal brands on your kitchen shelves.You may not have space on your shelf for another.But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra tasty and has a free prie in the box,you may want it.Advertis ing must get attention.To be effective,it must be exciting,entertaining,or provide some pleasure.The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product.The idea is what the ad is really selling.One example is anad that says eating a certain cereal will make a person do well in sports.That cereal brand may sell better if consumers think it offers strength and energy.

1 What is discussed in this passage?

A The content of modern advertising.

B The skills of modern advertising.

C The results of modern advertising.

D The writing of modern advertising.

2 According to the passage,a good advertisement should ————

A be both persuasive and effective

B give people useful information

C show people a product

D show people a new idea of a product

3 From the passage,we can infer that————

A modern advertising has less effect on customers

B once customers s ee ads about a new cereal,they are sure to buy it

C cereal can make people strong

D cereal is a kind of food which is popular among people

4 What can we infer from the passage?

A Customers can easily be persuaded by advertisements.

B Custo mers should be persuaded by advertisements.

C It's impossible for customers to buy a product without advertisements.

D Customers buy products according to their demands rather than the advertisements.

Passage 3

Here are some advertisements taken from a newspaper.


Dear Drew Carter,

Your first year on this earth has been a pleasure ride for all of us.We love you! Love, Dad and Mom and many friends.



The Doctors Virgil and Marjorie Lawlis are pleased to announce theengagement(订婚) of their daughter Diane Susan to Mr Robert Brent Clarke,son of Mr and MrsJames Clarke of Herford,Texas.

A spring wedding is planned in Houston.



Mr and Mrs Davis K.Isbell announce the marriage of their daughter Dang to Mr Stanley Foss,sonof Mrs John Sipe of Ada,Minnesota.

The wedding will be early April at Abiding Love Lutheran Church.



Miss Stephanie Story and Mr Warren Kurio were married on February 5,at half pastseven o'clock in the evening at Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas,Texas.The bride(新娘)is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Brule Story Jr of Dallas.The groom(新郎) is the son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Stanley Kurio of Austin.

1.What would be the best title for the first advertisement?

A.Happy 1st Birthday

B.One Year Old

C.Our OneYearOld Son

D.We Love You

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,wlis and Clarke are going to get married——

A.where Clarke's parents live

B.against their parents' will

C.to Lawlis's parents'joy

D.in a church

3.Who got or will get married in spring?

A.Neither Lawlis and Clarke nor Isbell and Foss.

B.Either Isbell and Foss or Story and Kurio.

C.Neither Lawlis and Clarke nor Story and Kurio.

D.Not only Lawlis and Clarke but also Isbell and Foss.

4.Who are now a married couple?

A.Dang Isbell and Foss.

B.Story and Kurio.

C.The text doesn't say.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f16897488.html,wlis and Clarke.

Passage 4

We found that bar at last. I didn't have to ask again, for there it was in big red neon letters over the window—Star Bar. There were some iron tables outside with plastic chairs around them. A few people sat listlessly around, looking at a portable television set that someone had brought out of the bar. They were allin thin summer dresses or short sleeved shirts; even at that late hour it was s tifling. Two thin dogs lay under one of the tables with their tonguesout, and some of the women were fanning themselves unenthusiastically(无精打彩的) with magaines.

“He's not here," I said, after a quick look around. The television was blaringout an advertisement for a detergent(洗衣粉), and the people sitting round had their eyes glued to the picture of a woman proudly showing how white her husband's underwear was after having been washed. They took no notice of us at all.

“Well, what did you expect?" replied Fergus, yawning. “It's only half past nine, and he said he would be here at nine. You ought to know Craig by this time. He'll turn up sometime after ten."

1.The writer and his friend——

A.had never been to that bar before

B.did not know if they had come to the right place

C.asked somebody the name of the bar

D.had little difficulty in finding the bar

2.What does the underlined word “stifling" (paragraph 1) probably mean?

A.Disappearing gradually.

B.Giving out into the air.

C.Hot and breathless.

D.Pleasing and comfortable.

3.The people outside the bar————

A.were very interested in the television program

B.were chatting with a saleswoman

C.had no particular interest in anything

D.were very uncomfortable

4.Fergus was not surprised that Craig was not there, because he knew that————

A.Craig intended to come later

B.they had mistaken the time

C.Craig had been delayed

D.Craig was always late

Passage 5

Does your cordless phone crackle(噼啪响),fade,or go dead when you move onlya few feet from the base? If so,we recommend that you try a Techtalk cordlessphone.

Techtalk cordless phones are the only ones with the patented Cellular 6 technology.The result is a phone with excellent clarity,range,and security.

Clarity:It's essential that you communicate efficiently and effectively.No static(静电),echo,or crackling will ever interfere(干扰) with your conversations on a Techtalkphone.

Range:Techtalk provides up to four times the range of an ordinary cordless phone.It will go anywhere you need it throughout your home,in your yard,even around the block.

Security:Some cordless phones allow other cordless phone users to overhear(偷听) your conversations.Not Techtalk.We guarantee(保证)complete privacy whenever you talk to your friends,family,or business associates.

You decide an ordinary cordless phone or Techtalk? Visit your favorite electronics store this month and take a Techtalk home for a 30 day trial.If you don't agree that it's superior to all other cordless phones,return it for a full refund.

1.This passage is——

A.a newspaper article

B.an advertisement

C.a letter

D.ascientific introduction

2.What is Techtalk?

A.A kind of cordless phones.

B.A company that used cordless phones.

C.A new technology that reduces static.

D.A mobile phone with the patented Cellular 6 technology.

3.This month,you can——.

A.get a reduced price on a Techtalk

B.try a Techtalk at home

C.get any cordless phone which you like

D.exchange a Techtalk phone for an ordinary phone

4.The word“refund"in the last paragraph means——


B.being free of charge


D.a person who will pay back your money

Passage 6

Read the following advertisement and answer the questions below according to thetable.


Major network looking for secretary/gal/guy.Friday to work on various temporary assignments.Work 1,2,3,4,or 5 days a week.Mr Newcomb 889-0030


steno,type,hrs,Mon Fri,10-1 and/or Mon.Wed & Fri:2∶30-7.Tues:2∶30-5.Midtown office.355-5743 aft 7 pm.


Good skills,General insurance agency.Richmond Hill area.849—87603


Small midtown law firm.Excel skills,no legal exp req'd.755 20404,


Fastmoving ad agency needs bright, energetic,good typist for various responsibilities.684----2500

(p/t=part time;stenographer速记员;exp=experienced;req'd.=required)

1.If you want to get a position of a secretary as a part time job,please dial the number.———

A.355 5743

B.849 8760

C.755 2040

D.684 2500

2.If you want to get a job as a secretary in the small midtown law film,————

A.you must have very good skills and legal experienced

B.it is necessary for you to have legal experienced

C.you must have very good skills ,but you don't have to be experienced in law

D.you must have excellent skills or good experienced in law

3.We cannot find any information about——in each unit's advertisement

A.the title of position

B.the way of contact(联系)


D.qualifications of candidates(应聘者的资格)


Passage 7

Scientists Identify SARS Virus

Scientists say they have identified the virus that causes the mysterious,flulike illness Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.

Scientists say the corona virus(冠状病毒),now identified as the cause of SARS,ispart of the same family of viruses that causes the common cold.However they say it is part of a distinct subgroup of corona viruses that do not have the same properties as the ordinary cold.

World Health Organiation virologist Klaus Stohr said that with the identificaton of this corona virus,it could now be possible to develop more specific diagnostic tests for the disease.

“Now the research can be focused on this virus.The research will hlep us to develop new drugs,”he said.“Now we can focus on one pathogen which has been sequenced,which provides additional information for the development of tests.Now,one can perhaps think about a vaccine(疫苗) if need be.We are still,I think,optimistic that we can control the disease with the measures which have been carried out.”

SARS is spread by droplets through close personal contact.Symptoms include high fever,a dry cough and shortness of breath.About four percent of its victims die.The scientists say this virus has long existed in nature,but it has never been seen in humans before.

They say a new genetic sequencing of the SARS virus proves conclusively that it came from animals.A scientist at the U.S.Center for Disease Control,James Le Duc,says this is the first experience scientists have with this virus.Therefore,he says,a lot remains unknown.

“As you know,it is what we call a virgin soil outbreak,”Mr Le Duc said.“It has never occurred in humans before.How it will progress,nobody really knows.But,it is most difficult to control diseases that are spread by droplets in this pers

ontoperson spread.So,I think it would be premature(太早的) to suggest we arenear the end of this outbreak.”


(英语)英语阅读理解专项习题及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 D If you could see a movie of your life before you lived it, would you want to live it? Probably not. The excitement of living is that you don’t know what’s coming. Sure, it’s hard to see uncertainty in such positive(积极的)light when you’re out of work, or when you feel like you’re failing. But uncertainty is really another word for chance. When Allison graduated from Harvard, she had chan ces all over the place but had no idea what she wanted to do. She took a job in consulting(咨询), but she knew she wouldn’t stay there. She took the GRE and scored so high that she was able to increase her income(收入)by teaching students. Still, she didn’t think she wanted to go to graduate school. Allison knew she w asn’t doing what she wanted, but she didn’t know what she wanted. She worried. All her friends were going to graduate school or starting their own businesses. She was lost and felt that she would never find anything out. After six years, Allison, by having a general(全面的)plan in mind, got married, moved to the Midwest, and used her consulting experience to get a great job. Allison realized that she spent her years finding her way: time well spent, and time we must all take if we’re being honest with ours elves. The only way to lead an interesting life is to face uncertainty and make a choice. Otherwise your life is not your own—it is a path someone else has chosen. Moments of uncertainty are when you create your life, when you become who you are. Uncertainty usually begins with a job hunt, but it doesn’t end there. Every new role we take on means another round of uncertainty. Instead of fearing it, you should find some ways to deal with uncertainty. (1)From the first two paragraphs, we can learn that . A. being out of work is a sad thing B. uncertainty is what makes life interesting C. life in a film is more exciting than real life. D. chance never appears when we need it (2)What troubles Allison after graduation? A. She couldn’t find a well-paid job. B. She had no money to start a business. C. She was not sure what to do. D. She didn’t score high enough for graduate school. (3)How did Allison feel about her six years’ working experience? A. Uncertain. B. Amazed . C. Sorry. D. Satisfied. (4)What may be discussed in the following paragraph?

贫穷,不是她的烙印 阅读答案

贫穷,不是她的烙印 她低着头,手指缠着衣角,看上去十分拘谨。穿的衣服明显不合体,小小地缚在身上,双肘的部位还粗糙地缝着两块颜色极不谐调的补丁。 这是河北省一个极偏僻的小山村。没有公路,没有电话,没有电视,甚至连照明灯都刚刚接上不久。村民们只依靠山上零散的几颗枣树勉强维持着生存。这里的孩子,不要说读书,即使是温饱,亦是极难保障的。 看着面前一摞摞崭新的书本,女孩清澈的眼神里闪烁着希望的光。阿姨,这些书和本子,都是给我的吗?她小心翼翼地抚摸着书本,语气中有怀疑。 是的,全是给你的。喜欢吗?我帮她理了理有些杂乱的头发,心中疼惜不已。 真的?都是给我的?她又问,眼中夹杂着不确定与期盼。 当然,我们可以拉勾。我伸出小指,对女孩微笑。 她怯生生地伸出手,将细瘦却已粗糙的指头跟我勾在一起。①突然,灿烂的笑如菊花般盛开在她的脸上。这时,电视台的小张拿着话筒走过来,摄影师小罗也摆好了架势准备录像。 如晴好的天空突然飘过一大片乌云,女孩明媚的笑容顷刻黯然。她把书轻轻地放回原处,小小的身子开始慢慢后退。 怎么了?没关系的,如果不会说,叔叔可以教你。小张走过去拉她。 她继续往后退着,眼泪也一颗颗滴落下来。 我走上前问:为什么伤心,可以跟阿姨说吗? 女孩用袖子抹了一下眼睛,哽咽道:阿姨,我不想上电视,别让他们拍我好吗?她解释着,小脸急得通红,我知道,我现在很穷,但是我保证,我一定努力学习。我不会穷一辈子的。我的心倏地一疼。 小张的话筒缓缓落下,小罗也默默地将摄像机收了起来。 我将书本放到她手里:孩子,其实你一点都不穷。回家去吧,好好读书,你的心愿一定会实现的。她笑了,眼睛弯成月牙儿。我知道,此刻她的内心,已有向上的力量在升腾。 车走出很远,尘土飞扬中,那个小小的影子仍站在原地。一路上,大家都沉默不语。这个仅仅12岁的女孩,教我们懂得了:贫穷,不是一个人永远的烙印。 1、文中女孩在接受赠书的过程中,心情几起几落。请从文中找出能表明她心理变化的词语,


《老山界》 (一)阅读《老山界》一文中的选段,完成1—6题。 半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺人肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 黎明的时候被人推醒,说是准备出发。山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。 又传下命令来,要队伍今天无论如何爬过这座山。因为山路很难走,一路上需要督促前进。我们几个人又停下来,立刻写标语,分配人到山下山上各段去喊口号,演说,帮助病员和运输员。忙了一会儿,再向前进。 走了不多远,看见昨晚所说的峭壁上的路,也就是所谓雷公岩的,果然陡极了,几乎是90度的垂直的石梯,只有一尺多宽;旁边就是悬崖,虽然不很深,但也够怕人的。崖下已经聚集了很多马匹,都是昨晚不能过去,要等今天全纵队过完了再过去的。有几匹曾经从崖上跌下来,脚骨都断了。 很小心地过了这个石梯。上面的路虽然还是陡,但并不陡得那么厉害了。一路走,一路检查标语。我渐渐地掉了队,顺便做些鼓动工作。 这很陡的山爬完了。我以为30里的山就是那么一点;恰巧来了一个瑶民,同他谈谈,知道还差得远,还有20多里很陡的山。 昨天的晚饭,今天的早饭,都没吃饱。肚子很饿,气力不够,但是必须鼓着勇气前进。一路上,看见以前送上去的标语用完了,就一路写着标语贴。累得走不动的时候,索性在地上躺一会儿。 …… 到了山顶,已经是下午两点多钟。我忽然想起:将来要在这里立个纪念牌,写上某年某月,红军北上抗日,路过此处。我长长地吐了一口气,坐在山顶休息一会儿。回头看队伍,没有翻过山的只有不多的几个人了。我们完成了任务,把一个坚强的意志灌输到整个纵队每个人心中,饥饿、疲劳甚至受伤的痛苦都被这个意志克服了。难翻的老山界被我们这样笨重的队伍战胜了。 1.请用简要的语言概括选段的主要内容。(12分) 2.选文第1段写景作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。(16分) 3.选文第一段中划线句描写了山谷夜晚的声响,似


(一)阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最重要且有相互联系的因素。 阅读的方法可以使用以下几种: 1.跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际上是有选择阅读,找关键词。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。 2.略读:指比跳读慢些的二步阅读法。即泛泛地、粗略地快速阅读,目的是了解大意,对文章有个总的概念。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。 3.精读:即最细致、最慢的深层阅读方法,目的是求得对所读文章的全部意义的理解与掌握。 在使用阅读技巧时尽量做到以下几点: 1.带着问题阅读短文。 2.找出主题句、确定中心思想。 3.推断单词、句子和文章的含义。 4.尽快选择答案。 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技巧 1.记叙文 记叙文又可分传记类和故事类。传记类文章在阅读中时间是全文的关键,根据时间我们可以找到相关的事件,抓住文章的主要内容。故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。 2.说明文 说明文是对事物的形状、性质、特征、成果或功用等进行介绍,解释或阐述的文章。把握所说明事物的特征和本质是理解说明文的关键。说明事物特征的方法很多,主要有定义法、解释法、比较法、比喻法、数字法、图表法、引用法和举例法等。 ●数字说明文 在阅读数字说明文时要特别注意文中数字的含义,从这些数字中可以找到文章的主要内容。 ●解释说明文


【部编语文】阅读理解练习题(含答案)经典 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题 拔萝卜 一天,小兔子来拔萝卜,它拔啊拔,就剩下一个大大的萝卜没有拔完,它就去拔那根大 萝卜。可是它怎么拔也拔不上来,它急得转圈跑。小狗看见了,对它说:“我来帮你拔萝卜吧。”它们俩一起拔呀拔,还是拔不上来,这时候小熊来了,它们俩一起说:“小熊的力气大,你来帮我们拔萝卜吧。”小熊说:“好吧。”它们又一起拔啊拔,还是拔不出来,,最后 小象来了,对它们说:“我来帮你们拔萝卜吧”。于是,小象就用长鼻子把一些萝卜叶子卷 上,使劲拔。终于把大萝卜拔上来了。小兔高兴地说:“小狗,小熊,小象,谢谢你们帮我 拔萝卜,我们晚上一起吃蜜汁大萝卜吧!” 到了晚上,小狗,小象,还有小熊都来了,小象先把大萝卜用鼻子卷到了桌子上,小狗 负责把皮刮掉,小兔把大萝卜切开,小熊往上边抹了很多很多的蜜汁。这下,大萝卜成了 又香又脆的蜜汁大萝卜。它们每人都咬一口,呀!这个蜜汁大萝卜实在是太甜了! (1)这篇短文共________个自然段。 (2)小兔子在拔萝卜,最后一个大萝卜拔不动,________、________、________来帮小兔子拔萝卜。 (3)这个故事告诉我们什么道理?________ A. 团结的力量大。 B. 小象的力气最大了。 C. 蜜汁大萝卜真好吃。 【答案】(1)2 (2)小狗 ;熊 ;小象 (3)A 【解析】 2.读短文,完成练习。 两只小鸟 雨,哗哗哗地下着,树叶、树干全被淋湿了。飞禽走兽都在寻找避雨的地方。 有两只聪明的小鸟,飞到草地上,躲进蘑菇伞下。蘑菇伞摇晃晃地支撑着。 一只小鸟说:“我的左边淋雨了,你往右边靠一靠!” 另一只小鸟说:“我的右边淋湿了,你往左边靠一靠!” 你争我吵,你拥我挤,谁也不往外边靠一靠。挤着,挤着,“咔嚓”一声,蘑菇伞断了……两只小鸟红着脸蛋儿,你看看我,我看看你,不知说什么好! 雨,仍在哗哗哗地下着…… (1)这篇短文共有________个自然段。 (2)在文中找出下列词语的近义词或反义词。 ①近义词:争——________

部编六年级语文上册:13 穷人阅读理解专项训练(含答案)

部编六年级语文上册:13 穷人阅读理解专项训练(含答案) 一、语文课内外阅读理解 1.阅读短文,完成练习。 雪凝红叶 峡谷中,坐落着一座低矮简陋的小草房。门上刻着淡淡的字迹:“赵一曼被俘地址”“抗日民族英雄赵一曼永垂不朽!”时令才深秋,却下了一场大雪,山野白皑皑,好一个银色世界。这里没有高耸的赵一曼纪念碑,没有鲜花,没有坟墓,她和白山黑水卧在一起,她和蓝天沃野永驻在一起。朔风在峡谷里呼啸,白雪在天空中飞舞,四野默默无声,那山、那水、那风、那雪似乎在为烈士致哀。小草房前的一丛柞树披着厚厚的雪,像盛开的梨花,它的叶子并未凋零,一片火红,像燃烧的火苗,耀眼。 一位正在着手写赵一曼传记作品的作家,随手采了一片鲜红的柞叶,沉重地讲起一段悲壮的历史来: 赵一曼同志在战斗中左腿被打断,跌倒在地,不幸被俘。在哈尔滨,她惨遭百般折磨,受尽酷刑,但她始终坚贞不屈,最后敌人把她押送到亮珠河杀害。在赴刑场途中,赵一曼昂首挺胸,正气凛然,唱着歌向人们诀别:“民众的旗,血红的旗,收殓着战士的尸体,尸体还没有僵硬,鲜血已染透了旗帜……”她高喊着:“打倒日帝国主义!中国共产党万岁……”在口号声中,她倒在了血泊里,她才三十一岁…… 我们都沉默着,谁也不说话,静听着这位作家的讲述。我仿佛感到赵一曼就站在我们面前,她英姿飒爽,目光炯炯,身披大衣,腰系皮带,手执匣枪,威严如铁……她没有死,没有离去,她就屹立在这高高的崖顶上,像一尊不朽的雕像。 我采撷了一片柞叶,珍惜地夹在我带着的笔记本里,这一片红叶呀,不是可作我最珍贵的书签吗?书签,凝结着赵一曼烈士的斑斑血迹,我把它珍藏在身边…… (1)结合上下文,用自己的话解释下列词语。 目光炯炯:________ 情不自禁:________ (2)写出第三自然段的段意。 (3)写出一句表示作者联想的话________。 (4)作者为什么在洒着赵一曼鲜血的地方,采撷一片柞叶珍藏起来? (5)在抗日斗争时期,许多仁人志士为了中华民族的独立自主献出了生命,请你搜集他们的事迹,简单的讲给同学听。 人物:________ 事迹:________ 【答案】(1)眼睛很有神。;自己不能控制自己的感情。 (2)回顾了赵一曼在狱中坚贞不屈,最终英勇就义的英雄事迹。 (3)我仿佛感到赵一曼就站在我们面前,她英姿飒爽,目光炯炯,身披大衣,腰系皮带,手执匣枪,威严如铁……她没有死,没有离去,她就屹立在这高高的崖顶上,像一尊不朽的雕像。 (4)我仿佛感到赵一曼就站在我们面前,她英姿飒爽,目光炯炯,身披大衣,腰系皮带,


(一)阅读《老山界》的选段,完成15—19题。(11分) ①半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺入肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 ②黎明的时候被人推醒,说是准备出发。山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。 ③又传下命令来,要队伍今天无论如何爬过这座山。因为山路很难走,一路上需要督促前进。我们几个人又停下来,立刻写标语,分配人到山下山上各段去喊口号,演说,帮助病员和运输员。忙了一会儿,再向前进。 ④走了不多远,看见昨晚所说的峭壁上的路,也就是所谓雷公岩的,果然陡极了,几乎是90度的垂直的石梯,只有一尺多宽;旁边就是悬崖,虽然不很深,但也够怕人的。崖下已经聚集了很多马匹,都是昨晚不能过去,要等今天全纵队过完了再过去的。有几匹曾经从崖上跌下来,脚骨都断了。 ⑤很小心地过了这个石梯。上面的路虽然还是陡,但并不陡得那么厉害了。一路走,一路检查标语。我渐渐地掉了队,顺便做些鼓动工作。 ⑥这很陡的山爬完了。我以为30里的山就是那么一点;恰巧来了一个瑶民,同他谈谈,知道还差得远,还有20多里很陡的山。 ⑦昨天的晚饭,今天的早饭,都没吃饱。肚子很饿,气力不够,但是必须鼓着勇气前进。一路上,看见以前送上去的标语用完了,就一路写着标语贴。累得走不动的时候,索性在地上躺一会儿。 …… ⑧到了山顶,已经是下午两点多钟。我忽然想起:将来要在这里立个纪念牌,写上某年某月,红军北上抗日,路过此处。我长长地吐了一口气,坐在山顶上休息一会儿。回头看队伍,没有翻过山的只有不多的几个人了。我们完成了任务,把一个坚强的意志灌输到整个纵队每个人心中,饥饿、疲劳甚至受伤的痛苦都被这个意志克服了。难翻的老山界被我们这样笨重的队伍战胜了。 15.请用简要的语言概括选段的主要内容。(2分) 【答案】描述了红军战士露宿山谷和从雷公岩艰难地登上老山界山顶的情景。 16.选文第①段写景,作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。(3分) 【答案】视觉:“天上闪烁……宝石”“黑的山峰……一口井”,写山高。听觉:“耳朵里有……在澎湃”,写幽静。触觉:“才觉得寒气……打着颤”,写寒冷。 17.赏析文中画线的句子。(2分) 【答案】这两句环境描写形象生动,前一句以“巨人”喻“山峰”,后一句以“井”喻“山谷”,二者结合起来,便很有立体感地展现出山高谷深的壮观景象。这样的环境描写也衬托出红军不怕艰险,勇往直前的精神。 18.“山下有人送饭上来,不管三七二十一,抢了一碗就吃。”这句话所写的情况似乎不像纪律严明的红军战士之所为。你是如何理解的呢?(2分) 【答案】“抢”在这里有“抢先”“争先”的意思,并没有互相争夺之意,用在这里,形象地表现了红军战士为完成爬山任务而抓紧时间吃饭的动人场面。


阅读理解题型分析 1.阅读理解题型的特点 (1)所选材料来源与实际生活,而且使用语言地道。 (2)体裁常见的有记叙文,说明文;议论文和应用文等。 (3)题材广泛包括了政治、经济、文化、科普、人物、故事、社会现象、地理风情,新闻报道等内容。 (4)阅读理解文章的体裁主要有三类:叙述文、说明文和议论文。1)、叙述文叙述文一般以讲述个人生活经历为主,对于经历的陈述通常由一定的时间概念贯穿其中,或顺序或倒序。但是在考试中一般不出现单纯的叙述文,因为单纯的叙述文比较简单、易懂。 所以中考中的叙述文大多是夹叙夹议的文章。这类文章的基本结构模式是: ①一段概括性的话引入要叙述的经历(话题) ②叙述先前的经历及其感悟或发现 ③叙述接下来的经历及其感悟或发现 ④做出总结或结论 2)、说明文(描述文)说明文的一般结构模式和叙述文的结构模式有相通之处即:提出问题(或以一个事例引出问题)---- 发现直接原因----- 分析深层原因-----得出结论或找到出路。知道了类似的文章结构特点,就可以据此来进行考题预测。比如,我们看出了该篇文章属于这种结构类型,就能判断出几个问题中肯定有一个要问原因,还有可能要出现推断题。

3)、议论文我们大家最容易辨认出来的议论文模式是主张---反主张模式。在这一模式中,作者首先提出一种普遍认可的观点或某些人认可的主张或观点,然后进行澄清,说明自己的主张或观点,或者说提出反主张或真实情况。议论文的这种结构特点决定了它的主要题型是作者观点态度题,文章主旨题以及推理判断题。 只要发现了这种结构特点,解答问题的主要任务就变成了到段落内找答案,基本上不存在任何困难。 2.题型 2.1 细节判断题 以原文中某一句话或某一个短语为入手点,考查学生对细节的理解。很多同学在做这种题目时比较喜欢在选项中寻找原文中的句子,但往往照抄原文的句子并不一定是正确选项。做这类题目时,应关注选项和原句的细微差别,选择与原文意思和所问问题都相符的答案。 2.2 单词释义或句意解释题 要求考生以上下文内容为参考,尝试理解文中出现的生词、短语或句子。这类题目的解题关键在于其上下文,因为在考查点前后出现的内容往往是对这个词的解释、说明、举例等。 2.3主旨大意题 如果是考查整篇文章的主旨大意,可以把文中每段的首句串起来考虑。若是仅考查某一段落的中心思想,则可将该段的首、尾句综合起来考虑。 2.4标题选择题


类文阅读-13 穷人 老人与海(节选) 海明威 鲨鱼快速靠近船尾,在袭击大鱼的时候,老人见它张开大嘴,眼睛怪怪的,牙齿咔嚓一声插进鱼尾上方的鱼肉。鲨鱼的头钻出水面,背也露了出来,老人听见鲨鱼撕开大鱼皮肉的声音,他把鱼叉猛地往下刺向鲨鱼头部,插进两眼之间那条线与从鼻子笔直往后的那条线的交点上。其实那些线是不存在的。只有厚重尖利的蓝色脑袋,巨大的眼睛,咔嚓作响、吞噬一切的攻击性的嘴巴。不过那是鱼脑所在,老人刺中了这个地方。他用血汁模糊的双手使出全身力气,把鱼叉结结实实地刺了进去。他刺的时候不抱希望,却带着决心和十足的恶意。 鲨鱼翻过身来,老人看见它的眼睛已没有了生气。随后鲨鱼又翻了个身,身上裹了两圈绳索。老人知道鲨鱼已经死了,但它不愿接受死亡。接着,鲨鱼肚皮朝天,甩动着尾巴,咯咯地咬着嘴巴,像一艘快艇似的破浪前进。尾巴击水的地方泛起了白色的水花,绳索绷紧了,颤抖着,最后断掉了。这时,鲨鱼四分之三的身体完全露出水面,在那儿静静地躺了一会儿,老人瞧着它。随后,鲨鱼慢慢地下沉了。 “它叼走了近四十磅肉。”老人大声说。还带走了我的鱼叉和全部的绳索,他想。现在我的大鱼又在淌血了,而且还会有其他鲨鱼来袭的。 大鱼被咬得不成样子,他不想再去看它了。鱼受到袭击时,仿佛他自己受到了袭击。 不过,攻击我那条鱼的鲨鱼被我给宰了,他想。我见到过的登土鲨就数它最大。上帝知道,我是见过大鲨鱼的。 好景不长,他想。我现在真希望这是一场梦,希望我根本没有钓到过这条鱼,希望独个儿在床上躺在报纸上。 “但是人不是为失败而生的,”他说,“一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。”不过我还是 很难过,我竟宰了这条鱼,他想。 (选自《老人与海》,有改动)1.写出下列词语的反义词。 模糊——()希望——()恶意——() 2.下列句子是比喻句的是() A.鱼受到袭击时,仿佛他自己受到了袭击。 B.现在真希望这是一场梦,希望我根本没有钓到过这条鱼。 C.鲨鱼肚皮朝天,甩动着尾巴,咯咯地咬着嘴巴,像一艘快艇似的破浪前进。


《老山界》语段训练(一)阅读《老山界》,完成12-15题(9分)半夜里,忽然醒来,才 觉得寒气逼人,刺入肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子蜷起来,还是睡不着。 天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立 在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们 围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响耳朵里有不可捉摸 的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上 奔驰,像,像,不知什么时候又睡着了。12、按原文在 横线上填入语句。(2分)13、选段从多个角度对“半夜”进行描写,写____________觉突出 夜之_________________,写_______觉暗示山之_________,写_________觉反衬夜之 ___________。(3分)14、联系上下文想一想:为何会“忽然醒来”?为何“不知什么时候又 睡着了”? (2分)答: ______________________________________________________________________ _____15、 “凡景语皆情语”。在如此艰难的环境里,红军战士却能欣赏“天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上 缀着的宝石”,又能用耳朵来欣赏那“不可捉摸的声响”。对此,你有何感想?(2分)答: ______________________________________________________________________ ____ 14、选文中既说“寂静”又写出许多声响,这里用了什么写法?古诗文中有类似意境的语句吗? 清写出一两句来。(2分) 15、在如此艰难的环境里,红军战上却能欣赏“天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石”, 又能用耳朵来欣赏那“不可捉摸的声响”。对此,你是如何理解的呢?(2分) 1.用一句话概括选段的主要内容。


(英语)英语阅读理解练习题及答案含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Castle Dale is a small town in central Utah. My grandpa's farm is a few miles to the north. I grew up there. Milking a cow, feeding the chickens and cutting firewood were daily routines. Grandpa had me carrying a broom to do snow cleaning when it was actually taller than I was. This was the work kids like me learned to do at a young age. I was tall, very tall at a really young age. My unusual height caused people to look, ask questions, laugh, tease, and sometimes even challenge me to fight. I was teased cruelly as a kid. It wasn't fair, I knew, but that was just the way it was. Luckily, I was taught at a very young age a very important lesson. I am different and that's Okay—I'm unique and I matter. No one could ever take that away from me. I knew this then, and I know this now. That alone helped me through the frustrations and heartaches of normal life. When I was in junior high school, I realized something else that helped me cope. Most teasing came from one of two places—people who were either jealous or ignorant (愚昧). I couldn't change the way they were, but I could change the way I felt. I was not going to feel bad because of their ignorance or jealousy. It wasn't worth it. Realizing this didn't stop them, or change the fact that these comments hurt. It did, however, give me a way to understand these people and deal with their treatment in a way that was okay for me. These things still happen today. It will probably happen the rest of my life. I will always be 7 feet, 6 inches (2.29 meters) tall. I wouldn't change that for anything. People will always look because it is not every day that you see someone that tall. I learned that at a young age and I now try to teach my own children that they are unique and they matter. That is the message I give to you. Regardless of your race, religion, background, or circumstances ... Being different is okay. (1)The author mentioned his hometown to show us _______. A. he is from an ordinary family B. his grandpa is strict with him C. he loves this lovely small town D. he had to do a lot of labor work (2)The author was often teased because _______. A. he grew up in a small town B. he was much taller than others C. he fought with people easily D. he didn't want people to watch him (3)What was the author's attitude towards being teased? A. He accepted the fact of being different and let it go. B. He felt angry failing to change others' opinions. C. He felt hurt hearing people's negative comments. D. He hated people's ignorance and jealousy. (4)Which of the following may best describe the theme of the passage? A. Everything comes to the man who waits. B. It is the first step that is troublesome. C. Speech is silver, silence is gold. D. Keep your head up. 【答案】(1)A


阅读练习《生命的礼物》 那年,在美国考得驾驶执照,同时发给一张淡红色的小卡,卡上写着:按照统一的人体捐献法规,当我死之时,我作如下选择: a捐献我的任一器官和部件。、 b捐献我的心脏起搏器(植入日期为某年某月某日) c捐献下列部件和器官—— d不捐献我的任一器官部件和心脏起搏器。以下是亲笔签名和日期。 真新鲜!要是我母亲见了,一定大惊失色。美国人简直是疯子!她虽然不相信“来生转世”之类的说法,但刚领到驾驶执照就谈死,她会认为“不作兴”,再说捐献器官,把尸体弄得支离破碎,她会认为太残酷。不过,我在a项上作了选择,就是说,一旦发生意外而死亡,我愿意捐献我的任何一个器官和部件。我签上自己的大名,把卡贴在驾驶执照后面,并把“捐献者”三个字的小红点贴在驾驶执照正面。我端详这张驾驶执照,想象万一我遭不测,警察和救护人员赶到现场,翻开驾驶执照一眼就能看见“捐献者”三个字的小红点,就会立即拿我的器官去解救另一个垂危的生命……这是一份生命的礼物,赐予和被赐予都是一种幸福。美国大多数人都愿意做这种选择,我非常赞成这种做法。只是当时,我不曾将此事告诉母亲,怕她整天提心吊胆。 不久前,在一份杂志上看到一篇文章:一美国青年在一场车祸中不幸丧生,根据他生前的愿望,医生摘取了他身上所有的可供利用的器官,两只肾脏分别移植给当地和欧洲的两名肾功能衰竭者,心脏和肝脏分别移植给两名濒(bīn pín)临死亡的患者,两只眼球给两个失明者作了角膜移植。这位青年捐献的生命礼物,使四个垂死者重获新生,两个盲人重见光明。当记者访问这个青年的母亲时,她说,她为儿子的行为感到骄傲,同时她还感谢那些接受她儿子器官的人,他们使她儿子的一部分在他们体内存活,她儿子的生命以另一种形式得以延续;看到他们,就像看到自己的儿子! 我把文章拿去读给我80岁的母亲听,她听了半晌(xiang shang)不说话,最后她缓缓地说这个母亲实在了不起只是我这样老的器官不知还能不能派上用场我激动得一把抱住她:“你真是我的好妈妈!” (1)给文章倒数第二自然段中缺标点的地方补上标点符号。 (2)在文中括号中选择字的正确读音。 (3)写出下列词语的反义词。 残酷()延续()激动() (4)文中画横线的句子“我把卡贴在驾驶执照后面,并把‘捐献者’三个字的小红点贴在驾驶执照正面。”的原因是什么? (5)文中画波浪线处“她儿子的生命以另一种形式得以延续”“另一种形式”是指 。 (6)倒数第二自然段中母亲的话“……只是我这样老的器官不知还能不能派上用场”的意思是什么?(3分) 经典阅读天天练2 《他要感谢那只手》 感恩节的前夕,美国芝加哥的一家报纸编辑部向一位小学女教师约稿,希望得到一些家境贫寒的孩子画的图画,图画的内容是:他想感谢的东西。


第三套——阅读《穷人》片段,回答问题: 桑娜用头巾裹住睡着的孩子,把他们抱回家里。她的心跳得很厉害。自己也不知道为什么要这样做,但是觉得非这样做不可。她把这两个熟睡的孩子放在床上,让他们同自己的孩子睡在一起,又连忙把帐子拉好。 桑娜脸色苍白,神情激动。她忐忑不安地想:“他会说什么呢?这是闹着玩的吗?自己的五个孩子已经够他受的了……是他来了?……不,还没来!……为什么把他们抱过来啊!……他会揍我的!打也活该,我自作自受……嗯,揍我一顿也好!” 16.“忐忑”的意思是,忐忑不安的原因是 (3分) 17.段中的“他”指的是,“他们”指的是。 18.“揍我一顿也好!”句中的“也”能否去掉?。 理由是(3分)。 19.段中省略号的作用是()(2分) A.话未说完。B.人物在思索,表现了矛盾不安的心情。C.表现人物惊慌失措语无伦次。 20.上面片段中有两个成语,它们是、。(4分) 21.桑娜把西蒙的两个孩子抱回家。她清楚地知道,自己家很穷,夫妻俩拼命干活,也只能勉强度日,但她觉得“非这样做不可”,请你推测桑娜当时的内心活动,并写在下面的横线上(5分): 小学生阅读理解题第三套——参考答案 16、“忐忑”的意思是:心里不安或心情不安定 [忐忑不安的原因]自己家的生活已经很困难了,又抱回了两个孩子,丈夫能答应吗?(意近即可)

17、段中的“他”指的是丈夫,“他们”指的是西蒙的两个孩子。 18、“揍我一顿也好!”句中的“也”能否去掉?不能。 理由是此时桑娜已下定决心抚养西蒙的两个孩子,挨打了也心甘情愿,只要丈夫同意留下两个孩子。(意近即可) 19、段中省略号的作用是( B ) A.话未说完。B.人物在思索,表现了矛盾不安的心情。C.表现人物惊慌失措语无伦次。 20、上面片段中有两个成语,它们是忐忑不安、自作自受。 21、[参考示例]丈夫养活这个家已经很不容易了,再添上两个人,丈夫能同意吗?不抱回来也不行啊!这个孩子没人管怎么行?就这么定了,丈夫回来就是揍我一顿也行,只要他肯收养西蒙的两个孩子。 [21小题改卷标准]有现状思考的文字(2分),有自己主意的文字(2分),语言表述无错误(1分)


老山界(选段)散文阅读了理解与答案 老山界(选段)散文阅读了理解与答案 半夜里,忽然醒来,才觉得寒气逼人,刺人肌骨,浑身打着颤。把毯子卷得更紧些,把身子quán起来,还是睡不着。天上闪烁的星星好像黑色幕上缀着的宝石,它跟我们这样地接近哪!黑的山峰像巨人一样矗立在面前。四围的山把这山谷包围得像一口井。上边和下边有几堆火没有熄;冻醒了的同志们围着火堆小声地谈着话。除此以外,就是寂静。耳朵里有不可捉摸的声响,极远的又是极近的,极洪大的又是极细切的,像春蚕在咀嚼桑叶,像野马在平原上奔驰,像山泉在呜咽,像波涛在澎湃。不知什么时候又睡着了。 1.请用简要的语言概括选段内容。 _____________________________________________ 2.选文写景作者调动了人的哪几种感官来描写的?请分别举一例说明其作用。__________________________________________________________________ _ __________________________________________________________________

_ 3.选文划线句描写了山谷夜晚的声响,似乎有点矛盾,说说你对该句的理解。__________________________________________________________________ ____________ _____________________________________________________ 4.用声音来衬托安静,是作者写景的手法之一。在我们的生活中也常常因为某种声音而显得周围环境的宁静,试举一例加以描述 1.描述了红军战士露宿山谷的情景。() 2.视觉:“天上闪烁……宝石”“黑的’山峰……一口井”,写山高; 听觉:“耳朵里有……在澎湃”,写幽静; 触觉:“才觉得寒气……打着颤”,写寒冷。(意思对即可) 3.在深山里,在极静的时候,有的声音,分明来自远处,分明很细切,可是由于静,听起来仿佛近在咫尺,而且响亮洪大;有的声音,分明起自近处,分明很洪亮,可是由于山峰重叠,反响回荡,愈传愈远,愈变愈细。而且风声、水声、林木呼啸声等等,混杂一起,变化万端,引起人的种种联想。(意对即可) 4.略。如蟋蟀的鸣叫反衬出秋日夜晚的宁静。(试根据描述得生动形象与否酌情给分) 【老山界(选段)散文阅读了理解与答案】相关文章:


【部编语文】阅读理解考点+例题_全面解析 一、二年级语文下册阅读理解练习 1.阅读下文,回答问题 冬天来了,天空中下起了大雪,白茫茫的一片,整个森林都被大雪覆盖着。 一天,小羊和小猪要到城里去买菜,走着走着,“哎哟!”小羊重重地摔了一跤,小猪跟在后面,急忙去扶小羊,但他也差一点摔倒。它们都生气地说:“都是这个雪害得!一直下个不停,把所有的路都盖住了,叫我们怎么走呀!” 这时,小羊爬起来说:“别泄气,我有办法了!”说完小羊就用羊角当铲子,把雪铲开。小猪见了,也忙用大鼻子来拱。不一会儿,它们就开出了一条小路,可它们自己却累得満头大汗。树上的小鸟们见了,就赶快飞去叫来许多动物朋友,大家一起干。渐渐地,大家一起开出了一条放心路。 (1)这个故事发生的时间是() A. 春天 B. 夏天 C. 秋天 D. 冬天(2)按照课文内容填空。 小羊用________当铲子,把雪铲开。小猪见了,也忙用大鼻子来拱。不一会,它们就开出了一条________。 (3)这条放心路是()开出来的。 A. 小羊 B. 小猪 C. 小鸟 D. 许多小动物【答案】(1)D (2)羊角 ;小路 (3)D 【解析】 2.读一读,做一做。 今天______爸和我一起到大海边玩______我在沙滩上,身后留下一个个脚印。浪花打在脚上,我都快要站不住了。一朵朵浪花在海面上开放,美丽极了,我还看到一条条小鱼在水中游来游去。大海真有趣呀______ 爸爸说:“大海是船儿的路。” 我说:“大海是鱼儿的家。” (1)选择下列标点填到短文中的横线上。 !,。 (2)照样子,写一写。 游来游去 ________来________去 ________来________去 (3)细读短文,在括号里填上合适的词语。 一________脚印一________浪花一________小鱼不 (4)填一填。 大海是船儿的________。大海是鱼儿的________。


五年级阅读理解练习题(附答案)2012.06.30 《》 小群是个双目失明、失去母亲的苦孩子。他非常热爱这个世界,这都因为父亲就是小群的眼睛。 很小的时候,父亲让小群触摸柔软的凉凉的东西,说:“这是水,可以流动,长江、黄河和大海都是这样的水组成的,水多了便浩荡奔腾,可以发出震耳欲聋的声音。”不久,小群真的由父亲和父亲的一位朋友带到海边去玩,父亲还教会了小群游泳。 难度最大的是向小群解说颜色。小群生下来就面对着一个黑暗的世界,怎么让他理解这个世界的五光十色呢?比方给他解释红色:太阳就是红色的,它发光,能把黑夜变成白昼;它发热,在寒冷的冬天也能把人晒暖和。“我懂了,”小群说,“红色就是让人感到光亮和温暖!”“不全对。”父亲细致地解析,“血也是红色的,但它不会发出什么光来;人血也是温热的,鱼血却是冷的,但鱼血也是红色的。红色并不总同光和热联系在一起。”小群困惑了起来。父亲再作耐心的解析:“发热发光的是太阳,而不是红色;只是太阳能发光发热,同时又是红色的。红色只不过是有视力的人看到的一种颜色。”经过这样的循循善诱,小群才逐渐有所领悟。 以后,( )父亲也这样反复地给小群讲解天空的蓝色,大地的黄色,作物的绿色,( )小群却对同光和热有点联系的红色情有独钟。 渐渐地,小群觉得世界( )陌生黑暗的,( )熟悉多彩的。他懂得世界上有许多用不着看便能感受的事情。可是有一次,小群真生父亲的气了。那次,小群让父亲买个红色的米老鼠书包,当书包买回来小群背着上学的时候,一位阿姨赞赏地对小群说:“小群这个绿色书包可真漂亮!”小群回家便对父亲喊:“爸爸,我让您给我买红书包,您怎么给我买绿色的呢?您知道我看不见便骗我!”说着,小群便哭了起来。 父亲听了,愣住了,半天没吱声,过了好一会儿才为小群擦眼泪,说:“爸爸对不起你,小群……那天买书包时售货员说只剩一个米老鼠的书包,所以绿的也买下了……小群,爸爸是爱你的。”小群感到爸爸用他那慈爱的大手抚摸着自己的脸庞和头发,小群就在那一刻理解了爱! 时光就这样慢慢地流过,小群读书的成绩越来越好,当小群学会了按摩、能够自食其力的时候,父亲却突发脑溢血去世了。父亲的匆匆离去让小群痛不欲生。小群想,今后谁还能做自己的眼睛呢? 然而,就在给父亲开追悼会的时候,小群听到了一句话,这句话犹如红太阳的光芒照亮了小群的一生。一位叔叔在追悼父亲时说:“他从来没有放弃过追求和奋斗,他对身边的人充满爱心,作为一位双目失明的人,他让我们每一个结识他的人都从他身上汲取了力量和勇气……” 就在这一刹那,父亲对生活、对自己的那份热爱和勇气仿佛一下子全贯注在了自己的身上。“父亲呀,”他默默地祈祷,“我会长出一双明亮的眼睛的,就在我的心上!”

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