当前位置:文档之家› 爱丽丝漫游仙境 ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND 英文读书笔记




Alice’s adventures in wonderland is a fantastic book by Lewis Carolll whose true name is Charles Lutwidge Dodyson.Lewis showed us an innocent and pure girl who is full of imagination.

One day Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting beside her sister on the bank.So she began to consider in her own.Suddenly she saw a rabbit and adventure began from then on.She fell into an endless hole she entered a big hall after she reached the ground.There were a lot of de licious things,but all of those things can change Alice’s size.She can grew very high or became very tiny after eating those things.After changing so many times,Alice was able to get out of that terrible house and left the rabbit.Alice and many strange animals had a caucus-race to dry themselves from the “giant Alice’s tear”.A catapillar told Alice the reason why she changed after eating the food in that house and also gave her some advice about controlling her size.After this she saw a lot of strange things.She joined a mad tea-party,in other words,that is an endless tea-party.Time has been murdered,so they have to stay there forever.So Alice left that boring tea-party.What was unexpected is that she joined another terrible activity:the queen’s croquet-ground.Everyone was afraid of the queen except Alice I think.The queen is powerful,she would like to kill all the people.Everyone minded their owm things in that game,and the queen kept on announcing judgement and most of the player was sent to jail.At last,Alice was asked to pay a visit to the mock turtle.then the turtle began to use his boring story to drive Alice crazy.The news of the court interrupt this.Alice quarreled with the queen after she witness such a ridiculous judgement.After the words “stuff and nonsense”Alice woke up.Nothing changed,Alice included.She is still innocent and pure.

What a fantastic story.I really admire the writer’s imagination.Alice is a brave girl.As a girl,she cried for her being in a tiny body,but she is also brave enough to quarrel with the queen.And she is so kind that she is willing to listen to the sad things which is said by mouth and turtle.She tries her best to comfort them.But lovely as she is,she forgets that the mice is afraid of cats.Alice didn’t change after experi encing so many strange things she is still pure.I think this is what we should learn.

In this society,power means truth.We are not as brave as Alice.So seldom of us may challenge the authority.If your boss is as cruel as a queen,you may be fired.We may be pure when we were children,but after so many experiences,maybe we have to change.A complex society needs intricate people.I want to be an innocent person,but others may treat me as an idiot.I’m not complaining about this society.Everybody has his troubles just life Alice in the book.When you are in vast body you want to be small,when you are in tiny size you wish to be large.Lust are the root of evil.And it’s impossible to eliminate our lust or to let us become Alice,but we can make our way to be an upright person who is not despicable to power.We should give our heart to our best friends,keeping smile to our friend,being gentle to the strangers.

In total,this story reminds me of my childhood but,it won’t come back forever.So let’s face our true life.I will make my way to realize my dream.Keep a pure and innocent heart as Alice.Of

course,in order to make my life colorful,I should be brave enough,try the things I’m curious about,just as Alice.


精品文档 "Curiouser and curiouser!"said Alice.(She was very surprised,and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English.) "I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,"she said.She tried to look down at her feet,and could only just see them."Goodbye,feet!"she called."Who will put on your shoes now?Oh dear!What nonsense I'm talking!" Just then her head hit the ceiling of the room.She was now about three metres high.Quickly,she took the little gold key from the table and hurried to the garden door. Poor Alice!She lay on the floor and looked into the garden with one eye.She could not even put She began to cry again,and went on crying and crying.The tears ran down her face,and soon there was a large pool of water all around her on the floor.Suddenly she heard a voice,and she stopped crying to listen. "Oh,the Duchess,the Duchess!She'll be so angry!I'm late,and she's waiting for me.Oh dear,oh dear!" It was the white Rabbit again.He was hurrying down the long room,with some white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other hand. Alice was afraid,but she needed help.She spoke in a quiet voice."Oh,please,sir—" The Rabbit jumped wildly,dropped the gloves and the fan,and hurried away as fast as he could. Alice picked up the fan and the gloves.The room was very hot,so she began to fan herself while she talked."Oh dear!How strange everything is today!Did I change in the night?Am I a different person today?But if I'm a different person,then the next question is—who am I?Ah,that's the mystery." She began to feel very unhappy again,but then she looked down at her hand.She was wearing one of the Rabbit's white gloves."How did I get it on my hand?"she thought."Oh,I'm getting smaller again!"She looked round the room."I'm al- ready less than a metre high.And getting smaller every second!How can I stop it?"She saw the fan in her other hand,and quickly dropped it. She was now very,very small-and the little garden door was locked again,and the little gold key was lying on the glass table. "Things are worse than ever,"thought poor Alice.She turned away from the door,and fell into salt water,right up to her neck.At first she thought it was the sea,but then she saw it was the pool of tears.Her tears.Crying makes a lot of tears when you are three metres tall. "Oh,why did I cry so much?"said Alice.She swam around and looked for a way out,but the pool was very big.Just then she saw an animal in the water near her.It looked like a large animal to Alice,but it was only a mouse. "Shall I speak to it?"thought Alice."Everything's very strange down here,so perhaps a mouse can talk." So she began:"Oh Mouse,do you know the way out of this pool?I am very tired of swimming,oh Mouse!"(Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse.But she wanted to be polite.) The mouse looked at her with its little eyes,but it said nothing. "Perhaps it doesn't understand English,"thought Alice."Perhaps it's a French mouse."So she began again,and said in French:"Where is my cat?"(This was the first sentence in her 精品文档


第1章掉进兔子洞 Alice was beginning to get very bored.She and her sister were sitting under the trees. Her sisterwas reading,but Alice had nothing to do.Once or twice she looked into her s ister's book,but ithad no pictures or conversations in it. 爱丽丝开始觉得有点无聊了。她和姐姐正坐在树下。姐姐在看书,而爱丽丝无事可做。她不时看看姐姐的书,里面既没有图画,也没有对话。 "And what is the use of a book,"thought Alice,"without pictures or conversations?" “一本书没有图画和对话有什么用呢?”爱丽丝想。 She tried to think of something to do,but it was a hot day and she felt very sleepy an dstupid.She was still sitting and thinking when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eye s ran pasther. 她想找点什么事儿做做,可天气很热,她觉得又因又无聊。正坐在那儿想事,忽然,一只长着粉红眼睛的白兔跑过她身边。 There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit.And Alice was not very surpris ed whenthe Rabbit said,"Oh dear!Oh dear!I shall be late!"(Perhaps it was a little stra nge, Alice thoughtlater,but at the time she was not surprised.) 看到一只兔子真没有什么可奇怪的。兔子说话时爱丽丝居然也不觉得太奇怪。兔子说,“噢,天哪!噢,天哪!我要迟到了!”(后来爱丽丝想起这事觉得有点儿奇怪,但当时她并不觉得有什么奇怪。) But then the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket,looked at it,and hurried on.At once Alicejumped to her feet. 然后兔子从自己的口袋里掏出一块表,看了看,赶紧走了。爱丽丝立刻跳了起来。"I've never before seen a rabbit with either a pocket,or a watch to take out of it,"shet hought.And she ran quickly across the field after the Rabbit.She did not stop to think, andwhen the Rabbit ran down a large rabbit-hole,Alice followed it immediately. “我从未见过有口袋的兔子,或者兔子掏出一块手表来。”她想。她跟在兔子后面很快跑过田野。她也没停下来想一想,当兔子跑进一个大的兔子洞时,爱丽丝立即跟了进去。 After a little way the rabbit-hole suddenly went down,deep into the ground.Alice coul d not stopherself falling,and down she went,too.

七年级英语下册 Unit 6 爱丽丝梦游仙境作者介绍背景材料 (新版)牛津版

《爱丽丝梦游仙境》作者介绍 刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll),原名查尔斯·路德维希路易斯·卡罗·道奇逊,与安徒生、格林兄弟齐名的世界顶尖儿童文学大师。原名查尔斯·路德维希·道奇逊。1832年1月出生于英国柴郡的一个牧师家庭,1898年卒于萨里。曾在牛津大学基督堂学院任教达30年之久,业余爱好非常广泛,尤其喜爱儿童肖像摄影。他的第一本童书《爱丽丝奇境历险记》于1865年出版,当时就引起了巨大轰动,1871年又推出了续篇《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》,更是好评如潮。两部童书旋即风靡了整个世界,成为一代又一代孩子们乃至成人最喜爱的读物。 如果说刘易斯·卡罗尔因为这两部童书而被称为现代童话之父,丝毫没有夸大的成分。至少他的两部《爱丽丝》一改此前传统童话(包括《安徒生童话》、《格林童话》)充斥着杀戮和说教的风格,从而奠定了怪诞、奇幻的现代童话基调。仅从这点来说,就堪称跨时代的里程碑。 社会影响 1865年,《爱丽丝梦游仙境》出版,并且大获成功。不仅孩子们喜欢读,很多大人也将其奉为经典,其中包括著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德和当时在位的维多利亚女王。这本书已经被翻译成至少125种语言,在全世界风行不衰。 作品对后世文学、电影创作产生了极大的影响,尤其在19世纪,模仿之作层出不穷。有趣的是,就连沈从文笔下的《阿丽思中国游记》也是假托爱丽丝续集的名义以反映当时社会的黑暗。而在电影《骇客帝国》中,主角尼奥更是被告诫要“密切关注白兔洞”。 第(1)课时 课题:书法---写字基本知识 课型:新授课 教学目标:1、初步掌握书写的姿势,了解钢笔书写的特点。2、了解我国书法发展的历史。3、掌握基本笔画的书写特点。 重点:基本笔画的书写。 难点:运笔的技法。 教学过程: 一、了解书法的发展史及字体的分类: 1、介绍我国书法的发展的历史。


《爱丽丝漫游仙境》练习题 一、填空题 1、爱丽丝帮小兔子去屋子里找寻(扇子)和(手套)。 2、兔子派可怜的(小比尔)进屋对付变大了的爱丽丝。 3、爱丽丝和王后进行了(槌球)比赛。 4、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》的作者是(刘易斯·卡罗尔),是(英)国人。 5、爱丽丝发现了一瓶药水,上面写着(喝我)两个大字,喝完后,她发觉身体变小了。 6、爱丽丝从玻璃盒子里拿出一块点心,上面用葡萄干嵌着(吃我)两个字,吃完后,吃完后她的身体迅速长高。 7、故事讲述了爱丽丝追随(三月兔)来到了一个奇怪的洞里,她发现了一瓶药水,上面写着“(喝我)”两个字,出于好奇,她喝了药水,一下子变得(很小),吃了一块小点心后又变成了(巨人),她哭出的眼泪变成了(眼泪池),在这个变来变去的世界里,她所遇到的动物们也非常奇特和古怪的,如(神秘莫测)的柴郡猫、(神奇)的三月兔和帽匠、(爱砍人头)的王后。爱丽丝是个(乐于助人、活泼可爱)的孩子。读了这个故事,我想说:(每一个人都应该有一个属于自己的,美丽的故事,并且,请用双手将她编织进如同梦一般的童年.) 二、选择题(把正确的序号填在括号里) 1、爱丽丝和小动物们掉进眼泪池里都湿了,渡渡鸟说能让他们干起来的最好办法是( A ) A进行常胜赛跑B用电吹风吹C晒太阳 2、爱丽丝听从了毛毛虫的建议,吃了什么东西可以使她变大变小?( B )A蛋糕B饮料C蘑菇 3、爱丽丝吃了蘑菇,脖子变得很长,被( A )误认为是爬上树偷吃鸟蛋的蛇?A毛毛虫B小猫C鸽子 4、爱丽丝在公爵夫人的厨房里,看见了一只( B ) A狗B猫C鸡 5、三名花匠把红玫瑰种成了白玫瑰,王后非常生气决定砍掉他们的脑袋,是( A )救了花匠? A爱丽丝B国王C大臣 6、《兔子派来小比尔》中的小比尔是( B ) A猫B壁虎C老鼠 7、王后请爱丽丝参加的槌球比赛,槌球棒是活火烈鸟,槌球则是( A )


[爱丽丝梦游仙境英文读后感] 爱丽丝梦游仙境英文读后感 (some information from internet.) example one : 中文: 故事开篇讲述了一个名为爱丽丝的女孩,在一次和姐姐读书时意外的走入了书中的世界,爱丽丝梦游仙境英文读后感。在那里,她经历了许多在现实中所没有的事。会说话的兔子,能变大变小的药丸,以及会动的扑克牌,而当她陷入危机后忽然惊醒时,才发现这不过是自己的一个长长的梦…… 合上书本,揉了揉疲惫的双眼,我陷入了静静的沉思。小的时候看,觉得爱丽丝好幸福,可以进入书中的世界,即便那是一个梦。 人都有梦想,爱丽丝的梦已经圆了她的梦想了吗? 当然,我们看这部书并不是单纯的思考她的梦想。开始时,爱丽丝刚刚掉入洞中,原本以为她会像一般的女孩子一样大哭大闹、没了主意,但是我想错了,她把自己坚强和乐观的一面呈现给了读者,让我们知道了故事的主人公并不是一个懦弱胆怯的小女生。而后面在与扑克牌士兵和王后的交流中又显出了她的聪明和勇敢。 爱丽丝就是这样一个女孩,让我们看了她的故事后不由得去喜欢她,去因为她经历的跌宕起伏而心跳不止,去因为她的逃脱困境而喜上眉梢…… 而就是这样一个女孩,让我想到了自己。我也有自己的梦,也曾经沉醉在梦境中喜悦或哭泣。而更想进入书中去体会那超出一般的快感。曾经以为梦想是那么的遥不可及,因为梦想和现实总是有差距的,梦中的仙境到底有多远?我真的能走到伸出手就可以触摸的地方吗? 想到这里,不知什么时候天空已经挂满星辰,低头看手中已经被自己握了很久的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,封面上的爱丽丝笑着和姐姐坐在红红的枫树下,枫叶红彤彤的洒满一地……不由得


爱丽丝梦游仙境简介 故事讲述了已经20 岁的爱丽丝和母亲参加一个宴会,却发现自己将在众多傲慢自大的人面前被求婚。于是她跟随一只白色的兔子逃到一个洞里,进入仙境。13年前,爱丽丝曾来过此地,但她现在却一点也不记得了。在这里,爱丽丝与那些可爱的老朋友们重逢了:虚张声势的睡鼠,美丽的白皇后和她可憎的姐姐红桃皇后,还有双胞胎兄弟,毛毛虫,白兔,疯帽子等等。在奇妙的仙境历险中,爱丽丝了解到自己身负的重大使命,那就是带领地下世界的居民们结束红桃皇后的邪恶统治,恢复昔日仙境。 小妇人简介 Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott. The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcott's own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth. Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering. Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee. Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr. Laurence's gift of a surprise Christmas feast. However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches; boyish Jo loses her temper regularly; while the golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation. However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle. After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband's illness. Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or less an invalid. The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth's terminal


爱丽丝梦游仙境话剧中英文剧本 角色: 爱丽丝Alice、兔子Rabbit 、公爵夫人Duchess、皇后Queen 、國王King、貓cat、爱丽丝姐姐Alice sister Scene 1 场景1: N: It was a nice sunny day. Alice and her sister were reading a book. 阳光明媚。爱丽丝和姐姐在看书。 ALS: (困) What?s the use of the book without pictures or conversations? 爱丽丝:没有插图和对话的书有什么用呢? N: When they were talking about the book ,suddenly,a rabbit came out…. 当他们在讨论那本书的时候,突然有只兔子跑出来… Rabbit: Oh dear! I shall be late!(然后开始跑了) 兔子:天啊!我会迟到的! ALS: Wow·What?s that? What?s that? A rabbit with a watch? It?s nice! 爱丽丝:哇!那是什么?那是什么?带表的兔子?它很漂亮! N: Then Alice followed the rabbit to a hole of the big tree and she got into a rabbit-hole car elessly. It went deep into the ground. Alice couldn?t stop herself falling. It?s amazing. 爱丽丝跟着兔子到了一个树洞,她不小心掉进了一个兔子洞。洞通到地下深处。爱丽丝无法控制地跌落下去。太神奇了. ALS: Well!well....help me ... After a falling like this, I can fall anywhere! Where am I now ? 爱丽丝:哎呀!哎呀!救我…经历这样的跌落,我可以落到任何地方了!我现在在哪里啦?Scene 2 Big and Small 场景2:大和小 N: Would she ever stop falling? Suddenly, she was sitting on the ground. She stood up and sa


“Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland” was improvised by the writer m ore than one hundred years ago when he was taking an outing near a river , with three little girls ,one of them named Alice . “One summer afternoon,” the story began,“Alice had a dream…” Alice and her sister were sitting under a tree when she saw a white r abbit with watch in it‘s jacket. She ran after the rabbit and fell into a large rabbit-hole. She found a beautiful garden at the bottom of the hole, but sh e couldn’t go into it. Alice tried to use the bottle of drinks and some cakes to help her to be bigger or smaller. But she couldnt go into the garden eit her. She went out side and met the white rabbit. He asked Alice to get the hat for him. Alice found the hat but she got more bigger. She ate some ca kes to get smaller and went away. She met Cheshire Cat which could smil e. She visited the Mad Hatter and the March Hare. She went to the beautif ul garden and met a strange Queen which wanted to cut off everybody’s h ead. She went to a stupid trial .The Queen was angry with Alice and want ed to cut off her head. A lice fought them and then she waked up. She just made a dream. In the dream Alice saw different animals doing strange thing in a wo nderland .Full of full ,humor and satire ,the stories have entertained the ch ildren a lot ,but at the same time ,they also suggest in a mild irony to the a dults ,especially the royal family who rule the country ,that injustice in a s ociety must be redressed .


Alice In Wond erland script The First Act (Alice and Alice’s father enter on the stage) Alice:I'm falling Down a dark hole. Then I see strange creatures. Alice’s father:What kind of creatures? Alice:There's a dodo bird, a rabbit in a waist coat and a smiling cat Alice’s father: I did not know cats could smile. Alice:Neither did I. And there is a blue caterpillar. Alice’s father: A blue caterpillar? Alice:Do you think I've gone round the bend? Alice:I'm afraid so. You're mad, bonkers, off your head .But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. It's only a dream, Alice, nothing can harm you there. But if you get too frightened, You can always wake up. Like this… The Second Act Thirteen years later Alice:Must we go? Alice’s mother:Yes,we must . Alice:Father would have laughed. I'm sorry. I'm tired. I didn't sleep well last night. Alice’s mother:Did you have bad dreams again? Alice:Only one. It's always the same,ever since I can remember .Do you think that's normal?Don't most people have different dreams? Alice’s mother:I don't know. Hamish’s mother:Alice, Hamish is waiting to dance with you . Go. Alice’s mother:Sorry. Hamish’s mother:Oh!Let it past. (Alice dance with Hamish) (In the pavilion,in the face of all,Hamish proposing to Alice) Hamish:Will you be my wife?Alice? Alice:Well...Everyone expects me to.And, you're a Lord.My face won't last and I don't want to end up like…But this is happening so quickly, I... I think I ... I need a moment. (Alice followed the rabbit came to a big tree.she fell into a black hole below the tree,the bottom of the black hole has a hall,surrounded by a lot of doors.At the end,she found a tiny door.Then she saw a small key was lying on the table and a small bottle of liquid medicine,bottle that read:”drink me”) Alice:It’s only a dream. (Miniature Alice opened the tiny door,into the underground kingdom.She saw many kinds of strange creatures) Alice:Things more and more strange. (Tweedledee,Tweedledum and the rabbit enter on the stage)


"Curiouser and curiouser!"said Alice.(She was very surprised,and for a minute she forgot how to speak good English.) "I shall be as tall as a house in a minute,"she said.She tried to look down at her feet,and could only just see them."Goodbye,feet!"she called."Who will put on your shoes now?Oh dear!What nonsense I'm talking!" Just then her head hit the ceiling of the room.She was now about three metres high.Quickly,she took the little gold key from the table and hurried to the garden door. Poor Alice!She lay on the floor and looked into the garden with one eye.She could not even put She began to cry again,and went on crying and crying.The tears ran down her face,and soon there was a large pool of water all around her on the floor.Suddenly she heard a voice,and she stopped crying to listen. "Oh,the Duchess,the Duchess!She'll be so angry!I'm late,and she's waiting for me.Oh dear,oh dear!" It was the white Rabbit again.He was hurrying down the long room,with some white gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other hand. Alice was afraid,but she needed help.She spoke in a quiet voice."Oh,please,sir—" The Rabbit jumped wildly,dropped the gloves and the fan,and hurried away as fast as he could. Alice picked up the fan and the gloves.The room was very hot,so she began to fan herself while she talked."Oh dear!How strange everything is today!Did I change in the night?Am I a different person today?But if I'm a different person,then the next question is—who am I?Ah,that's the mystery." She began to feel very unhappy again,but then she looked down at her hand.She was wearing one of the Rabbit's white gloves."How did I get it on my hand?"she thought."Oh,I'm getting smaller again!"She looked round the room."I'm al- ready less than a metre high.And getting smaller every second!How can I stop it?"She saw the fan in her other hand,and quickly dropped it. She was now very,very small-and the little garden door was locked again,and the little gold key was lying on the glass table. "Things are worse than ever,"thought poor Alice.She turned away from the door,and fell into salt water,right up to her neck.At first she thought it was the sea,but then she saw it was the pool of tears.Her tears.Crying makes a lot of tears when you are three metres tall. "Oh,why did I cry so much?"said Alice.She swam around and looked for a way out,but the pool was very big.Just then she saw an animal in the water near her.It looked like a large animal to Alice,but it was only a mouse. "Shall I speak to it?"thought Alice."Everything's very strange down here,so perhaps a mouse can talk." So she began:"Oh Mouse,do you know the way out of this pool?I am very tired of swimming,oh Mouse!"(Alice did not know if this was the right way to speak to a mouse.But she wanted to be polite.) The mouse looked at her with its little eyes,but it said nothing. "Perhaps it doesn't understand English,"thought Alice."Perhaps it's a French mouse."So she began again,and said in French:"Where is my cat?"(This was the first sentence in her


爱 丽 丝 梦 游 仙 境 爱丽丝梦游仙境 人物:爱丽丝,查尔斯,疯帽子,三月兔,红皇后,白皇后,红心杰克,切斯特,阿布索伦,半斤,八两,哈米什,炸脖龙,哈米什母亲,爱丽丝的母亲,参加订婚宴的人们,…… 第一幕 (爱丽丝上场) 查尔斯:又做恶梦了吗?我去去就来 爱丽丝:我掉入一个黑洞,然后看到奇怪的生物

查尔斯:怎样的生物? 爱丽丝:有只渡渡鸟、穿背心的兔子,一只微笑的猫 查尔斯:我不知道猫会微笑 爱丽丝:我原来也不知道 爱丽丝:还有一只蓝色毛毛虫 查尔斯:蓝色毛毛虫 爱丽丝:你觉得我疯了吗? 查尔斯:恐怕是如此你发疯、发狂、失去理智了,但我要告诉你一个秘密所有最优秀的人都这样。那只是个梦,爱丽丝没有任何东西会伤害你,但如果你太害怕,你只要醒来就没事了,像这样…… 第二幕 人物:爱丽丝,爱丽丝的母亲,哈米什,哈米什的母亲,三月兔,参加订婚宴会的人们,,半斤,八两,阿布索伦 (在爱丽丝与哈米什的订婚宴上,爱丽丝跟着一直穿礼服的兔子逃走了,掉进一个黑洞里,喝了缩小剂,进入了地下王国,开始了仙境之旅。) 十三年后 爱丽丝:一定要去吗? 爱丽丝的母亲:是的,一定要去。 爱丽丝:要是爸爸就不会这样。抱歉,我很累昨晚没睡好。 母亲:你又做恶梦了?

爱丽丝:就是那个梦,从我有记忆以来一直都做同样的梦,你觉得那样正常吗?一般人不是会做各式各样的梦吗? 母亲:我不知道 哈米什母亲:总算到了,还以为你们不来呢,爱丽丝,哈米什等着和你跳舞呢,去吧! 爱丽丝母亲:抱歉 哈米什母亲:哦,算了! (爱丽丝与哈米什和众人一起跳舞) (在亭子下面,面对着众人,哈米什跟爱丽丝求婚) 哈米什:爱丽丝金斯利,你愿意嫁给我吗? 爱丽丝:嗯,每个人都希望我答应,你又是领主,我不会永远美丽我不想最后变得像…但一切发生得太快了,我…我想我…我想我…我需要一点时间 (爱丽丝跟着兔子来到一个大树下面,掉进了大树下面的黑洞,黑洞的最底端有一个大厅,周围有很多扇门,在最下方,她发现有一扇很小很小的门,然后她看到桌子上放着一把钥匙,还有一小瓶药水,药水瓶上写着:“喝我”。) 爱丽丝:这只是个梦(缩小了的爱丽丝打开了那扇很小很小的门,进入了地下王国,看到了各种奇怪的生物) 爱丽丝:事情越来越奇怪了 (半斤,八两,三月兔上场) 半斤:她是爱丽丝


爱丽丝梦游仙境话剧中英文剧本 角色(爱丽丝Alice/、兔子Rabbit /Angel、Duchess /、皇后Queen /、国王King/、猫cat/、爱丽丝姐姐Alice sister/) Scene 1 Big and Small 场景1:大和小 N: Now the story is talking about when Alice fell into the hole and would she ever stop falling? Suddenly, she was sitting on the ground. She stood up and saw the rabbit. 现在故事讲到当爱丽丝掉进了洞中,她能停止往下掉吗突然,她就坐在地面上了。她站起身就看到了兔子。ALS: Look!That ‘s rabbit over there. 爱丽丝:看啊!那里有只兔子! Rabbit: Oh MY GOD! How late it’s getting! 兔子:天啊!现在有多晚了 N: Alice ran after the rabbit like a wind. Suddenly, she ran into a large room. It was dark, and she couldn’t see the rabbit. Then she walked around in the house . 爱丽丝风一般地跟在兔子身后跑。突然,她跑进一个大大的房间。里面很黑,她看不着兔子了。然后她在房子里转来转去 ALS:How can I get out? A key? 爱丽丝:我怎么出去(担心的样子)(然后看到钥匙)——用钥匙吗(惊讶的样子) N: Alice found a small door and but it was hard to unlocked it ,finally she unlocked it . B ut she couldn’t get through it. So she was seeking around in the house .Then she found a bottle of water. 爱丽丝找到一间小门,然后用钥匙去开,但是很难开,最后开了上锁的小门,但她过不去。所以她就在房子里寻找什么东西,然后她又找到一瓶水。 ALS: What’s this? DRINK ME? It could be quite dangerous! Hmm, it tastes nice! What a strange feeling! En…En…why I’m getting smaller?! what’s wrong with me 爱丽丝:(拿起瓶子)——这是什么——(疑惑)“喝了我”这可能是很危险的东西!恩,尝起来倒很美味。有种很奇怪的感觉!(抚摸着喉咙.)为什么我在变小!(害怕的样子)我怎么了 N: She was right. A few minutes later, she was able to get through the small door. She got through the door. Then she was looking for the rabbit .She discovered a piece of cake in a box near her. 她是对的。几分钟后,她就变小到足以通过那扇门了。她过去了,然后就在找那个兔子,又发现了放在盒子里的一块蛋糕。 ALS: Now nothing can surprise me now. I’ll eat the cake. Now I am so tall! I became as tall as a house ! 爱丽丝:现在什么也不能让我惊讶了。我会把蛋糕吃了。(吃蛋糕)——我现在

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