当前位置:文档之家› 高考英语一轮备考语法练习7之动词时态和语态








[例]①More than a dozen students in that school ________ abroad to study medicine last year.

A. sent

B. were sent

C. had sent

D. had been sent

[解析] 此题有明显的时间标志词last year,提示我们应该使用一般过去时;句中的主语students是被送的对象,应该使用被动语态?答案为B?


(1)一般现在时:often, always, usually, seldom, now, every day等?

(2)一般过去时:then, yesterday, last week, after that, ago, in the following/next few months等?

(3)现在进行时:now, right now, at present, at this moment, these days等?

(4)过去进行时:then, at that time, at this time yesterday等?

(5)现在完成时: recently, lately, up to/till now, so far, in the past/last few months/years…, for+一段时间, since + 一点时间等?

(6)过去完成时:before, by the end of last month/years…等?

(7)一般将来时:tomorrow, today, next week/month…, in an hour, in the coming/following few weeks等?

(8)过去将来时:the following month, the next week等?










例:—Do you think we should accept that offer?

—Yes,we should,for we______ such bad luck up till now,and time______ out.

A. have had;is running

B. had;is running

C. have;has been run

D. have had;has been run

【答案解析】 A。由时间标志词up till now知道,动作是从过去延续到现在,所以第一空要用现在完成时;而根据语境可知时间快要耗光了,所以第二空要用进行时表将来。

—Can you tell me the timetable of the__________school bus?

—Well, the bus__________here for the __________campus at 7:00 A.m..

A.will leave B.left

C.is leaving D.leaves

【答案解析】 D。考查时态,“校班车的时间表”是规定好的事情,表示一般性动作用一般现在时。


1. —What’s that terrible noise ?

—The neighbors _____ for a party.

A. have prepared

B. are preparing

C. prepare

D. will prepare

2. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _____ going back to scho ol, but she hasn’t decided yet.

A. had considered

B. has been considering

C. has been completed

D. is going to consider

3. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _____ by 2006.

A. has been completed

B. has completed

C. will have been completed

D. will have completed

4. Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology ____ so rapidly.

A. is changing

B. has changed

C. will have changed

D. will change

5. I _____ Ping –pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year.

A. played

B. will play

C. have played

D. play

6. Visitors ______ not to touch the exhibits.

A. will request

B. request

C. are requesting

D. are requested

7. John and I _____ friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we _____ each other a couple of times before that.

A. had been; have seen

B. have been; have seen

C. had been; had seen

D. have been; had seen

8. This is Ted’s photo. We miss him a lot. He ______ trying to save a child in the earthquake.

A. killed

B. is killed

C. was killed

D. was killing

9. —How are the team playing ?

—They are playing well, but one of them _____ hurt.

A. got

B. gets

C. are

D. were

10. —You haven’t said a word about my new coua, Brenda. Do you like it ?

—I’m sorry, I _____ anything about it sooner. I certainly think it’s pretty on you.

A. wasn’t saying

B. don’t say

C. won’t say

D. didn’t say

11. I wonder why Jenny ____ us recently. We should have heard from her by now.

A. hasn’t written

B. doesn’t write

C. won’t write

D. hadn’t written

12. My uncle ______ until he was forty –five.

A. married

B. didn’t marry

C. was not marrying

D. would marry

13. —When will you come to se e me, Dad ?

—I will go to see you when you _____ the training course.

A. will have finished

B. will finish

C. are finishing

D. finish

14. —How long _____ at this job ?

—Since 1990

A. we re you cmployed

B. have you been employed

C. had you been employed

D. will you be employed

15. With the rapid growth of population, the city _____ in all directions in the past five years.

A. spreads

B. has spread

C. spread

D. had spread

16. The silence of the library _____ only by the sound of pages being turned over.

A. has been broken

B. breaks

C. broke

D. was broken

17. All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _____.

A. has grown

B. is growing

C. grew

D. had grown

18. Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge ? It will _____ fresh for several days.

A. be stayed

B. stay

C. be staying

D. have stayed

19. —Sorry, Joe, I didn’t mean to

—Don’t call me “Joe”. I’m Mr Parker to you, and _____ you forget it !

A. do

B. didn’t

C. did

D. don’t

20. At this time tomorrow _____ over the Atlantic.

A. we’re going to fly

B. we’ll be flying

C. we’ll fly

D. we’re to fly

21. The news came as no surprise to me. I _____ for some time that the factory was going to shut down.

A. had known

B. knew

C. have known

D. know

22. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he ______ it.

A. doesn’t mention

B. hadn’t mentioned

C. didn’t mention

D. hasn’t mentioned

23. No one in the department but Tom and I _____ that the director is going to resign.

A. knows

B. know

C. have known

D. am to know

24. Although he has lived with us for years, he ______ us much impression.

A. hadn’t left

B. didn’t leave

C. doesn’t leave

D. hasn’t left

25. how can you possibly miss the news ? It _____ on TV all day long.

A. has bee n

B. bad been

C. was

D. will be

26. —Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on.

—Where was I ?

—You _____ you didn’t like your father’s job.

A. had said

B. said

C. were saying

D. had been saying

27. I arrived late; I _____ the road to be so iey.

A. wouldn’t expect

B. haven’t expected

C. hadn’t expected

D. wasn’t expecting

28. I ______ while reading the English textbook. Luckily, my roommate woke me up in time !

A. had fallen asleep

B. have fallen asleep

C. fell asleep

D. fall asleep

29. Let’s keep to the point or we ______ any decisions.

A. will never reach

B. have never reached

C. never reach

D. never reached

30. My mind wasn’t on what he was saying, so I’m afraid I _____ half of it.

A. was missing

B. had missed

C. will miss

D. missed


1、B 根据题意先排除D 项,因为回答方要说明书现在的情况;A项have prepare 说明已经准备好,C项prepare是目前的习惯性动作,B项瑞在进行时表示动作的示完性。因此B 项为最佳答案。

2、B 句意:因为Lucy失业了,所以她在考虑重返校园,但她现在还没决定。根据题意说话者在说现在的情况,因此排除了A、C、D三项,B飞行员现在完成进行时,表示现在的事,进行时强调“考虑”这个动作的“未完性”,所以是最佳答案。

3、C 句意:北京市市长说所有北京奥林区克建筑将于2006年完成。此题考查英语动词的语态和时态,很显然本题应该用被动语态,因此排除B、D根据时间状语by2006,应选择将来完成时,因此选C。

4、A 题干中主句为Selecting a mobile phone …is no easy task,谓语动词表示了一种“含此刻在内的广泛意义上的现在时间”,使用的是一般现在时态(…is no easy task);后面的状态从句(because…)中则说明原因为“技术更新变化迅速”,应采用现在进行时:(technology)is changing(so rapidly).现在进行时态在此表示了一种“持续变化”的状态,体现了“变化、趋势、发展和进展”

5、D 题干后的分句(but…)为转折语气,并在句中使用了现在完成时态(I haven’t had time to play),表示自从new year以来一直没有打过乒乓球,由此可以排除选项B(will play)、C(have played).由此推断前一人句中所说状态为“含此刻在内的广泛意义上的现在时间”,则空中应该使用一般现在时态表达这一时间概念。

6、D 句意为:参观者被要求不触摸展品。所以应该用被动形式。

7、D第一空为现在完成时,与一段时间状语连用(for eight years);第二空:在一次晚会上认识之前就见过,上是“过去的过去”的一个动作,帮选D。

8、C 从上下文可知,Ted已经死了,属于过去发生的事情,对于动词kill来讲,应是被动关系,故选C

9、A 由题中所设语境可知,一句队员受伤应是过去的动作,故选A。

10、D从对话题干所设语境看,此处谈论的是过去所没有发生的事(you haven’t said

a word…)此对话中,Brenda 为自己没能对朋友所穿新衣早加赞赏向对方表示歉意;sooner(=at an earlier time)作为附加状语传达了十分重要的时间信息。

此处仍应使用表示过去行为的简单过去时,与后面句子中的现在时态(I certainly

think…)形成对照。其余选项所给时态…hasn’t written us recently。

11、A 前句中recently与事句中动词民用的语气为重要提示:We should have heard from her by now.=We haven,t heard from her by now此处讨论最近该发生而没发生的事,用现在完成时态:…hasn’t written us recently.

12、B marry是终止性动词,用在此not…until句型中表示“我叔叔直到四十五岁才结婚。”

13、D when从句中通常用一般现在时形式表将来时间。


15、B 时间状语in the past five ye ars与现在时间有关。


17、C grow与as从句里的wait发生。题干前半句为时间状语,提供了极为重要的时间线索:All morning as she waited…,表示了过去的一段延续时间,本空之中动词所表示的行为(her nervousness “grow”)与此同时进行。此处仍应使用一般过去时。

本题中与现在时间相关的两个选项(A. has grown B is growing)很容易排除;D项(had grown)过去完成时态,应用于表示过去特定时间之前的行为,与语境不符,也可排除。

18、B stay这晨是系动词的用法,不用被动形式。

根据本题设空之后所执着续的形容词fresh判断,选项所给动词stay为系动词(=to continue or remain in a place ,position or condition——COLLINS NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY), 因此,很容易排除A项(系动词不可能使用权用被动语态);从句意看,说话人向对方提出建议(Why don’t you…?),然后阐明依据(the meat will…),应该是stay 的一般形式,而不会是进行式(C 项be staying)或完成式(D项have stayed)。

19、D注意Mr Parker 这里针对的是“Sorry , joe”这件事,而不是“I didn’t mean to…”那件事。而前者正是“此时此刻”发生的,故应用一般现在时。句意:你应称呼我帕克先生,你不是忘了吧!题干选材为大小对话形式,语境完整,前者向 Joe道歉,后者(joe 本人)拒不接受道歉,认为称呼自己为Joe是:“套近乎”。提醒并警千对方,语气非常严厉。

20、B at this time tomorrow 指明的是将来的某一具体时间,故用来将进行时。

21、A 在The news came 之前我就已经知道,故用将来进行时。

22、C but连接的并列句,时态与thought一致。

23、A句子的主语是no one,谓语动词应当用单数。

24、D although从句中的has lived是非常重要的时间住处说话的人的意思是:虽然他与我们一起生活多年(从过去到现在),但他没有给我们留下多少印象。所以,这里使用C项是不恰当的。


26、C 语境中暗含着一个时间信息:当我打断你说话的时候。

27、C arrive是关键信息:(我在出发之前)没有预料到路会这么滑。这里谈论的显然是过去(started)的过去(had expected).

28、C根据woke(wake 的过去式)可以判断,这里谈论的与“现在”无关,因此可以排除B和D两项。I是在读书期间睡着的(while reading),而不是在之前睡着的,所以A项也是不恰当的。

29、A 句意:请不要偏离话题,不然的话,我们就不会取胜得决定。祈使句与and 或or 连用是常见的说法,又如:Turn left and you will find the bookstore.向左转,你就会找到那个书店里。Listen to me or you will never succeed.听我的话,否则,你不会成功的。同时在谈到will do和be going to do 表示将来的区别时,will表意愿和既时的将来,而后者表示计划的或有迹象的将来。例如:

Give him the big apple or he oil not allow us to go with him.

—Why didn’t you come to my birthday party?

—I was going to ,but my wife returned.

30、D 句意:(当时)我并没有注意他说的话,所以(现在)我觉得他讲的话一半我没有听到。题干句中透圳出时间信息的三个地方:wasn’t ,was saying和I’m afraid是做出选择的重要依据。


黄皮语法书 1. This machine _______. It hasn’t worked for years. a. didn’t work b. wasn’t working c. doesn’t work d. isn’t working 2. The boy ______ up until 11 o’clock on Sundays. a. isn’t getting b. doesn’t get c. won’t get d. hasn’t got 3. Nothing ______ forever-not even your troubles. a. lasts b. last c. is lasting d. has lasted 4. The house belongs to my aunt, but she______ here any more. a. hasn’t lived b. didn’t live c. hadn’t lived d. doesn’t live 5. Listen, this piece of music______ very wonderful. a. sounds b. is sounding c. sounded d. was sounding 6. Now I ______ with you completely. a. am agreeing b. agree c. will d. was agreeing 7. —Have you got any job offers? —No, I ______. a. waited b. had been waiting c. have waited d. am waiting 8. Don’t laugh! I _______serious. a. am b. was c. will be d. am being 9. —What’s that noise? —Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine______. a. was tested b. will be tested c. is being tested d. has been tested 10. You will be ______ her at tonight’s cocktail party. a. knowing b. seeing c. meeting d. looking 11.—How can I apply for an online course? —Just fill out this form and we______ what we can do for you. a. see b. are seeing c. have seen d. will see 12. Population experts predict that most people _______ in cities in the near future. a. live b. would live c. will live d. have lived 13. I won’t take part in the race, but______. a. Tom will b. Tom’ll c. Tom won’t d. Tom will not 14. It’s my birthday tomorrow. Don’t forget to come to my party. _______. a. I don’t b. I won’t c. I can’t d. I haven’t 15. The weather forecast says it______ be cloudy tomorrow. a. is about to b. is going to c. is to d. shall 16. This year a new bridge______ built across the river. We are now raising fund for it. a. is to be b. is going to be c. is d. shall be 17. —The dinner is ready. —Ok, mom, I ______ the table. a. will set b. am going to set c. set d. am to set 18. She is pregnant now. She _____ have a baby soon. a. is to b. will c. is going to d. shall 19. You _____ smoke in public places.


高中英语动词时态和语态专项练习题 1 (200 2 全国高考题)—You haven ' t said a word about my new c,oaBt renda.Do you like it? —I ' m sorry I ______ anything about it sooner.I certainly think it s pretty on A. wasn ' t saying B.don ' t say C.won' t say D.didn ' t say 2. ______________________________________ (2002全国高考题)I wonder why Jenny us recently.We should have heard from her by now. A. hasn ' t written B.doesn 't write C.won' t write D.hadn ' t written 3. (2003北京春季高考题)—When will you come to see me,Dad? —I will go to see you when you ______ the training course. A. will have finished B.will finish C.are finishing D.finish 4. ____________________________________ (2003北京春季高考题)—How long at this job? —Since 1990. A. were you employed B.have you been employed C.had you been employed D.will you be employed 5. __________________________________________________________________ (2003上海春 季高考题)By the end of last year,another new gymnasium _________________ in Beijing. A. ________________________________ would be completed B.was being completed C.has been completed D.had been completed 6. ________________________________ (2002北京高考题)The little girl _ her heart out because she _______________________ her toy bear and believed she wasn ' t ever going to find it. A. had cried; lost B.cried; had lost C.has cried; has lost D.cries; has lost 7. (2002北京高考题)—Excuse me,sir.Would you do me a favor? —Of course.What is it? —I _______ if you could tell me how to fill out this form. A.had wondered B.was wondering C.would wonder D.did wonder 8. ______ (2002上海高考题)He will have learned English for eight years by the time he from the university next year. A.will graduate B.will have graduated C.graduates D.is to graduate 9. ____________________________________________ (2002上海高考题)I feel it is your husband who __________________________________ for the spoiled child. A.is to blame B.is going to blame C.is to be blame D.should blame 10. _____________________________________________________________ He has been writing the composition the whole morning and he still __________________________ . A.has been B.does C.has D.is


四个基本时态综合练习 一、根据要求写单词 1、写出下列动词的第三人称单数。 drink __________go ____________stay __________make __________ look __________have _________ pass __________carry __________ come ___________watch __________plant _________fly ________ study ________brush _________do ___________teach____________ take__________ see__________ 2、写出下列动词的现在分词。 put __________give __________fly _________get ________ dance ________sit_________ run ________ plant _________ take ___________swim _________ask ___________stop __________ take _________ write __________have __________smoke _________ think__________ want__________ tell__________ 3、写出下列动词的过去式。 is\am _________fly _______plant ________are ________drink _______ play _______go ________ make ________does _________dance ______ worry ___________ask ________taste _________ eat __________ draw ________put ______throw ________kick _________pass _______ do ________ 二、用动词的适当形式填空 1. It ______ (be) Ben’s birthday last Friday. 2. We all ______ (have) a good time last night. 3. He ________ (jump) high on last Sports Day.


2007高考动词时态和语态 1. The flowers were so lovely that they __________ in no time. [2007 全国卷I] A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. would sell 2. I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ________ there several years ago. [2007 全国卷 I] A. are going B. had been C. went D. have been 3. —Is there anything wrong, Bob? You look sad. —Oh, nothing much. In fact, I ____ of my friends back home. [2007 全国卷II] A. have just thought B. was just thinking C. would just think D. will just be thinking 4. —Tom, you didn’t come to the party last night? —I ____, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do. [2007 全国卷II] A. had to B. didn’t C. was going to D. wouldn’t 5. —Did you tidy your room? [2007 上海卷] —No, I was going to tidy my room but I ______ visitors. A. had B. have C. have had D. will have 6. With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ in the past years. [2007 上海卷] A. discovered B. have discovered C. had been discovered D. have been discovered never have been able to afford to go. 7. They_____ two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d [2007 山东卷] A.had got B.got C.have got D.get 8. —Did Peter fix the computer himself? —He ______, because he doesn't know much about computers. [2007 安徽卷] A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed it 9. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _____ to each other for nearly two years. [2007 安徽卷] A. didn't speak B. hadn't spoken C. haven' t spoken D. haven' t been speaking 10. —How can I apply for an online course? —Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do four you. [2007 北京卷] A.see B.are seeing C. have seen D. will see 11. I got caught in the rain and my suit____.[2007 北京卷] A. has ruined B. had ruined C. has been ruined D. had been ruined 12. —It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home. —Oh, don’t mention it. I _____past your house anyway. [2007 北京卷] A. was coming B. will come C. had come D. have come 13. —I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.[2007 福建卷] —Impossible. She TV with me in my home then. A.watched B.had watched C.would watch D.was watching 14. Danny hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular. [2007 福建卷]


高中英语语法(时态语态篇)练习题精选 ( ) 1. – Where is the morning paper?– I ________ for you at once. A. get B. am getting C. to get D. will get ( ) 2. ________ a concert next Saturday? A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are ( ) 3. If they come, we ________ a meeting. A. have B. will have C. had D. would have ( ) 4. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating. A. isn’t rain B. won’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. doesn’t fine ( ) 5. Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ______ boating in the park. A. will fly; will go B. will fly; goes C. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go ( ) 6. There ________ a birthday party this Sunday. A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be ( ) 7. They ________ an English evening next Sunday. A. are having B. are going to have C. will having D. is going to have ( ) 8. Sorry, I can’t open the door, for I the key to it. A. lost B. lose C. had lost D. have lost ( ) 9. —It’s good to see you again, Agnes. — This has been our first chance to visit since from Iran. A. you return B. you returned C. you have returned D. returning ( ) 10. — Did you expect Frank to come to the party? — No, but I had hoped . A. him coming B. him to come C. that he comes D. that he would come ( ) 11. — Bob must be very wealthy. — Yes, he more in one day than I do in a week. A. has been earned B. had earned C. earns D. has earned ( )12. — Come on in, Peter, I want show you something. — Oh, how nice of you! I you to bring me a gift. A. didn’t think, were going B. hadn’t thought, were going C. never think, are going D. never thought, were going ( ) 13.I first met Lisa three years ago. She ___ at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked ( ) 14. The reporter said that the UFO ___ east to west when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled C. had been traveling D. was to travel


练习一 1. Sales of CDs have greatly increased since the early 1990s, when people ________ to enjoy the advantages of this new technology. A. begin B. began C. have begun D. had begun 2. Turn on the television or open a magazine and you ________ advertisements showing happy families. A. will often see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen 3. —I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday. —Oh, how nice! Do you know when she ________? A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. left 4. —What were you doing when Tony phoned you? —I had just finished my work and________ to take a shower. A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting 5. I ________ you not to move my dictionary—now I can’t find it. A. asked B. ask C. was asking D. had asked 6. —Has Sam finished his homework today? —I have no idea. He ________ it this morning. A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done 7. —What’s that terrible noise? —The neighbors ________ for a party.


动词时态和语态练习题 1. We _____ with you for the time being. A. will stay B. will be staying C. would stay D. have stayed 2. —Who sings best in your class? —Mary _____. A. is B. does C. do D. sing 3. She _____ her pen in her room now. A. finds B. is finding C. looks for D. is looking for 4. What _____ you _____ tomorrow morning? A. are/going to do B. are/doing C. are/done D. have/done 5. It was not long before the water _____ cold. A. is feeling B. feels C. felt D. was feeling 6. I _____ as soon as you come back. A. went B. have gone C. am going D. shall go 7. The scientist _____ Canada and he will give us a talk when he _____ back. A. has gone to/comes B. has been to/will come C. has gone to/will come D. has been to/comes 8. He found his book this morning, but now he _____ his pen. A. loses B. is missing C. has lost D. lost 9. She ___?_ to her hometown several times. A. has been B. has gone C. went D. is going 10. It _____ Jane and Mary who helped me the other day. A. is B. was C. are D. were 11. I _____ to bed when the telephone rang. A. have been B. went C. am going D. was going 12. Jane _____ some washing this time yesterday. A. is doing B. had done C. was doing D. did 13. When I got to the school, the first class _____. A. had begun B. began C. is beginning D. has begun 14. Mother promised she _____ me an English-Chinese dictionary.


课题 :动词的时态语态 2011年高考真题 1. Planning so far ahead _____ no sense— so many things will have changed by next year. (全国 I. A. made B. is making C. makes D. has made 2. I wasn’t sure if he was really interested or if he ______ polite. (全国卷 I A. was just being B. will just be C. had just been D. would just be 3. When Alice came to, she did not know how long she _____ there. (全国卷 I A. had been lying B. has been lying C. was lying D. has lain 4. Experiments of this kind _____in both the U.S. and Europe well before the Second World War. A. have conducted B. have been conducted C. had conducted D. had been conducted 5. Tom __________ in the library every night over the last three months. (北京卷 A. works B. worked C. has been working D. had been working 6. - Bob has gone to California. - Oh, can you tell me when he _________?(北京卷 A. has left B. left C. is leaving D. would leaving 7. ----That must have been a long trip. ---Yeah, it __________ us a whole week to get there. A. takes B. has taken C. took D. was taking 8. After getting lost in a storm, a member of the navy team _____ four days later. (上海卷 A. rescued B. was rescued C. has rescued D. had been rescued 9. Did you predict that many students ______ up for the dance competition? (上海卷


时态 1.Food supplies in the flood stricken area ______. We must act immediately before there’s left. A. have run out B. are running out C. have been run out D. are being run out 2.Close the door of fear behind you , and you _____ the door of faith open before you. A. saw B. have seen C. will see D. are seeing 3.-You shouldn’t have played such a joke on him. -Sorry, I ______ that he would get so angry. A. didn’t expect B. don’t expect C. hadn’t expect D. hasn’t expected 4.When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone. Where_______? A. did you go B. have you gone C. were you D. had you gone 5.I’m afraid I can’t see them, for they ______ by the time I come back A. have left B. will leave C. are leaving D. will be left 6.The crazy fans ________patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived. A. were waiting B. had been waiting C. had waited D. would wait 7.If the weather had been better, we could have had a picnic. But it ______ all day. A. rained B. rains C. has rained D. is raining 8.I’m glad you’ve come, Miss Rose; I _______ you, but you’ve saved me the trouble now. A. am going to call B. was about to call C. had called D. am to call 9.-Have you received any phone calls from you sister? -Not yet, but we ______ to get in touch with her ever since she left us. A. have tried B. tired C. are trying D. have been trying 10.It was the first time Chinese courts_____ such cases. A. have accepted B. had accepted C. accepted D. accepts


高中英语语法(时态语态篇)练习题精选 ( ) 1、– Where is the morning paper?– I ________ for you at once、 A、get B、am getting C、to get D、will get ( ) 2、________ a concert next Saturday? A、There will be B、Will there be C、There can be D、There are ( ) 3、If they come, we ________ a meeting、 A、have B、will have C、had D、would have ( ) 4、If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating、 A、isn’t rain B、won’t rain C、doesn’t rain D、doesn’t fine ( ) 5、Tomorrow he ________ a kite in the open air first, and then ______ boating in the park、 A、will fly; will go B、will fly; goes C、is going to fly; will goes D、flies; will go ( ) 6、There ________ a birthday party this Sunday、 A、shall be B、will be C、shall going to be D、will going to be ( ) 7、They ________ an English evening next Sunday、 A、are having B、are going to have C、will having D、is going to have ( ) 8、Sorry, I can’t open the door, for I the key to it、 A、lost B、lose C、had lost D、have lost ( ) 9、—It’s good to see you again, Agnes、 — This has been our first chance to visit since from Iran、 A、you return B、you returned C、you have returned D、returning ( ) 10、—Did you expect Frank to come to the party? —No, but I had hoped 、 A、him coming B、him to come C、that he comes D、that he would come ( ) 11、— Bob must be very wealthy、— Yes, he more in one day than I do in a week、 A、has been earned B、had earned C、earns D、has earned ( )12、— Come on in, Peter, I want show you something、 — Oh, how nice of you! I you to bring me a gift、 A、didn’t think, were going B、hadn’t thought, were going C、never think, are going D、never thought, were going ( ) 13、I first met Lisa three years ago、She ___ at a radio shop at the time、


1.(2014·湖南“五市十校”高三联合检测)Anyone who knows about the world-famous scientist Stephen Hawking can see that, within his small and weak figure, he ________(carry) a big heart. 答案:carries 解析:考查时态。句意:任何一个了解世界著名的科学家史蒂芬·霍 金的人都知道在他弱小的身躯里藏着一颗博大的心。根据“Anyone who knows about the world-famous scientist Stephen Hawking can see that”可知,此句表示的是客观事实, 故应用一般现在时。 2. (2014·沈阳高三质量监测)I ________(dream) of becoming a professional photographer ever since I was ten. 答案:have been dreaming 解析:考查动词的时态。根据句中的“ever since I was ten”可知此处表示“从十岁以来一直梦想做某事”,即从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现 在的动作,故用现在完成进行时。 3. (2014·成都高中毕业班诊断性检测)—Will you be available at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon? —No. I ________(attend) a lecture then. 答案:will be attending 解析:考查时态。句意:——明天下午三点你有空吗?——没有。那时我正听讲座呢。时间状语then指的是问句中提到的“at three o'clock tomorrow afternoon”,表示将来某一时刻正在做某事,所以用将来进行时。 4. (2014·陕西高三教学质量检测)—Why is the road so crowded? —The two new underground lines ________(build). 答案:are being built 解析:考查时态和语态。句意:——路上怎么这么拥挤?——两条新地铁线路正在修建中。语境叙述的是与现在相关的动作,地铁线路正在被修建,故用现在进行时的被动语态。 5. (2014·湖南“五市十校”高三联合检测)—Can he get the first prize for running in this sports meeting? —Impossible now. He ________(expect) to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.


小学英语语法及习题---四大基本时态 一、一般现在时 一般现在时基本用法介绍 【No. 1】一般现在时的功能 1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。 3.表示客观现实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 一般现在时的构成 1. be I am a boy.我是一个男孩。 2. We study English.我们学习英语。 当主语为第三人称单数(he, she,it)时,要在动词后加"-s"或"-es"。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。 一般现在时的变化 1. be动词的变化。 如:He is not a worker.他不是工人。 如:-Are you a student? -Yes. I am. / No, I'm not. Where is my bike? 2.行为动词的变化。 I don't like bread. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn't构成否定句。如: He doesn't often play. - Do you often play football? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't. 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如: - Does she go to work by bike? - Yes, she does. / No, she doesn't. How does your father go to work? 动词+s的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2.以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies

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