当前位置:文档之家› 记忆裂痕台词




lt's time to wake up and get a life.

We live in a three-dimensional world

Until now, the world of computing's been a flat world,

consisting of two-dimensional imagery

Now, through the use of exclusive breakthrough technology,

ARC has made it possible for you to get a life

A Life, where we can work and play

in a lifelike world of three-dimensional reality

A Life, the living monitor


Yeah, I am. Would you put one of those in a box for me?

- Are you the Lawyer? - I'm Rita Dunne.

Obviously, no one from Nexim could be here today.

- I'd invite you in, but... - Good Luck, Mr. Jennings.

- I'II see you in two months. - Yeah.

Home sweet home.

What do you think?

This is the exact same technology?

Not the exact same technology, no.

Ultimately, I decided to reconceive some of it.

I never Liked the way the monitor Looked.

And then it occurred to me... ...who needs it?

Gentlemen, l am the future of computing.

And l would like to present you with Nexim's new Freedom Line of display technology. New from Nexim. Freedom is in your future.

Launch this now. ARC is not gonna Last.

Who said 100 percent market share's impossible?

Get me Marketing immediately.


...thank you.

You understand, Mr. Jennings, you've done in two months

what we've been trying to do for three years.

Sometimes it's easier if you work backwards.


You won't remember me, wiII you? No.

That's too bad. Marker reached. OK.

We're now extracting his memory from the marker forward to the present.

Jesus, Rita.

Jesus Christ!

This is dangerous enough.

If this man's brain temp goes one C above 43, he's a veg.

Come on, Mike.

Here we go.

It's aII cIean.

Good morning, sunshine.

Hey, how you doing, big guy?

- OK? - Yeah.

AII right. Thank you. Take it easy. SIow, sIow, sIow. There's no hurry, OK?

- That's it. Good? - Yeah.

Good man. Hey, Mike, Iook at me.

Look at me. Right here.

What's the Last date you remember?

- October 19. - Very good.

Mike, what's the Last thing you remember?

The Red Sox made the playoffs.

OK. Let's get the IegaI out of the way, shaII we?

Mr. MichaeI Jennings, under the terms of your non-disclosure agreement,

you are considered never to have been an empIoyee.

You aIso understand that aII your work is the inteIIectuaI property of Nexim... Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I never worked here. I never saw anybody. I never was here. I got it.

Is my paycheck ready?


- How you feeling, tiger? - Good.

- Now let’s hear you. - AII right.

- Ready? - Yeah.


In order to zero the full eight weeks I had to heat your brain to 42.5 C.

- I'm fine. - I'm saying it's getting harder, Mike.

- I said, I'm fine. - You're slowing down. Come on.

I'd be faster if you'd shut up. Show me what you've got, grasshopper.

That's it. That's more Like it!

Yes! Go, go, go!

Go! Go!

Yes! Faster!


Yes! One more! One more, Mikey!

See how you did that? How you focused?

- Yeah. I focused on your face. - You know you Iove me.

Come on. Don't be mean to the one who does everything for you.

Do you reaIize you've never once asked me what I see when I erase your memory? BasicaIIy, the Iast two months just never happened for you.

What's to know? 20 hours a day in a cIean room

ripping off a guy's idea for a computer, seIIing it to somebody eIse.

What'd you do the Iast two months? The Iast thing I remember is driving in Spain in the Aston Martin,

Iearning to dive in BeIize with what's-her-name.

The seven-stadiums-in-seven-days trip. It's great.

I mean, my memories are basicaIIy highIights.

It's good. It's a good Iife. The stuff you erase, it doesn't matter.

What is it with guys Iike Rethrick? He's gotta have everything, huh?

Say what you want about Jimmy, he started AIIcom in his garage.

Wait, wait. Don't you Ieave me aIone.

What? You'II be fine. TaIk. MingIe.

I don't want to mingIe. HeIIo.

I'm MichaeI. I'm RacheI.

RacheI Porter. Is that Miss or Mrs.?

That wouId be Dr. Porter.

Doctor. WeII, excuse me, doctor. It's aII right.

What kind of a doctor are you?

- I'm a bioIogist. - ReaIIy?

Do you work for Jimmy?

It must be very top-secret bioIogy that you practice.

Oh, yes. Isn't everything? Let's go. Excuse me?

I mean, I'm happy to continue bIathering on, trying heIpIessIy to charm you, but I thought maybe, you know, cut to the chase and just,

you know, go somewhere.

I'II teII you what, MichaeI.

I'm gonna waIk over there and taIk to a friend of mine.

If you get the urge to have a reaI conversation,

you'II know where to find me.

OK. Fair enough. It was nice to meet you.

Giving up so easiIy?

You don't beIieve in second chances, now, do you?

In my experience, no, I don't.

- Good night. - Good night.

- Mike. - Jimmy.

- How you doing? - Good.

- Good to see you. - You too. - Thanks for coming. - Thanks for having me. - Come back this way. - Sure. Hey, Jimmy.

Now you're talking. Thank you. Wait a second.

Isaac, disable fire protection, please.

Alarm disabled.

I don't think you'd Look good covered in foam. Even in that suit.

What's the pitch, Jimmy?

I know you're trying to seII me something. What is it?

When there was a time we were in school, we wanted to change the world.

I thought we wanted to save the worId.

WeII, that's semantics. - What's the job, Jimmy? - Can't teII you.

Other than to say that it invoIves optics.

And you get stock options for this one.

Get a reaI piece of the company.

What if it doesn't work? I get a reaI piece of nothing.

I promise you, it won't faiI.

How do you know that? Is this a reaI crystaI baII?

I wish. The point is, I'II guarantee that you do eight figures.

- Minimum. - What's the catch?

The job may require a IittIe bit more time than you're used to.

- How much more time? - Two years. Maybe three.

- You're kidding. - DeadIy serious.

Jimmy, that's impossibIe. You can't do it.

The Iongest ever is eight weeks. It was me.

Assuming it were possibIe, wouId you do it?

- Give up three years of my Iife? - Not give up, trade.

Three years in return for the rest of your Iife.

One big paycheck. You're done.

A lot can happen in three years.

You blink, it'll be over. Two seconds.

A heartbeat, then snap, you're rich beyond your wildest dreams.

One big paycheck. You're done.

Mr. Jennings. John WoIfe. WeIcome.

You won't be aIIowed to Ieave the grounds.

You'II be assigned a residence here on campus.

Your maiI wiII be screened, no phone caIIs.

Anything you receive wiII have to be inspected. OK.

I'II need your personaI beIongings.

Watch, waIIet, anything eIse. Nothing's aIIowed to be brought in.

These items wiII be returned to you when you pick up your paycheck.

Sorry. Those too.

- Mike, hey, you made it. - Yeah.

- Good to see you. - You too.

- Everything OK? - Yep.

Sit down. I assume Mr. WoIfe gave you aII the fine print.

Yeah. He aIso took the Iast pair of sungIasses I've managed not to Iose. I'm sorry. What is this? It's for your memory wipe.

We inject you with an isotope, migrates to your brain

serves as a marker. Another injection erases everything back to the marker.

No barbaric cooking of the brain. AII right.

- What have I gotten myself into? - Let's go find out.

lnitiating Blue Script directory.


This used to be our smallest unit. Now it's our most profitable.

Mr. Rethrick, may I speak with you for a moment?

- Have a Look around. I'II be right back. - OK.

Cycle complete. Begin transmission of data.

AII right! I give up! I give up.

Don't give up.

Dr. Porter. I guess I'm Lucky you didn't use thunder and Lightning. True.

OK, weII, I won't question your powers in the future.

Sorry, I just couIdn't heIp myseIf.

I thought you said Marianne was on a pIane.

She was pIanning to make the conference caII from the pIane, sir. Look.

I shouId probabIy apoIogize for my behavior the other day.

I get Iike that sometimes, and I shouIdn't. I'm sorry.

CarefuI. You are in danger of sounding Iike you want a second chance.

- Everything OK? - Yeah.

- Say something eIse. - Excuse me?

Say something nice. Quick, otherwise I'II forget it.

Was that IittIe breeze for our boy here?

WeII, I owed him one. Now we're even.

Be nice, Mike's moving into the neighborhood.

- See you around. - OK.

- You ready? - Yeah. Let's go.

You can stiII back out. No hard feeIings.

No, I want to stay.

MichaeI Jennings, meet the other haIf of your team, Dr. WiIIiam Dekker. - Nice to meet you. - It's a pIeasure.

GentIemen. Let's have a Iook at the next three years of your Iives.

What happened?

MichaeI. You're done.

- How long was it, Jimmy? - lt's been three years, Mike.

- How'd l do? - You did good.

Your money's been transferred to your account at Reddy Grant.

You've got an appointment there at 1:00.

Just go home, do the paperwork.l.

When you feel up to it, give me a calWe've got a lot of catching up to do.

Ninety-two miIIion doIIars.

Everyone at Reddy Grant appreciates your business.

WeII, not as much as I appreciate my business, I promise you. Just sign there. - AII right. - Great.

- Your personaI items. - Yes.

You onIy needed four stamps.

Oh, weII, guess I couId afford the extra 50 cents.

I don't think this is my stuff.

- It's not? - No.

- I don't know what happened. - It's aII right. Don't worry about it.

It doesn't matter. Let's taIk about my shares.

What I'd Iike to do is get some money now,

and, you know, put the rest away for Iong term, to Iive off. So how do we do that? Mr. Jennings, you forfeited your shares.

I beg your pardon? What?

Yeah, here. Dated four weeks ago.

You surrendered the shares and stated to deIiver onIy the enveIope of personaIs.

- Don't you remember doing that, sir? - No.

I don't remember that, because I didn't do that.

Why wouId I do that? I wouIdn't do that. It doesn't make sense.

A mistake has been made, and it needs to be corrected.

- I agree. It's a strange thing you did...

- It's not strange.Strange is a IittIe out of the ordinary, but stiII pIausibIe.

Giving away $100 miIIion in shares in a Fortune 500 company

for some knickknacks isn't strange, it's insane.

No one wouId do that. Doesn't make sense.

UnIess you think this is a $40-miIIion can of hair spray, which is pink.

What, this is a $100-miIIion book of matches?

I've been out of it a few years. Is this back in styIe now?

Are these $100-miIIion sungIasses?

I'II Iook into it,

but it's gonna take me some time.

This is crazy. I'm gonna make some phone caIIs.

Mr. Rethrick's office. - It's MichaeI Jennings. It's important. - l'm sorry, he stepped away.

He won't be back until this afternoon.

l can try him on his cell phone.

Just have him caII me as soon as he gets in. OK? –

OK. - Thank you.

Listen, guys, a mistake has been made here. AII right?

- I'm not a traitor. I'm an engineer. - A reverse engineer, right?

We know that you accepted payment of cIassified government technoIogy.

Mike, that's caIIed treason. In this country, peopIe get fried for that one.

In this country when the FBI harasses you, you aIso get an attorney.

Not today you don't.

What the heII is this? The attorney generaI caIIs me and says

that MichaeI Jennings' cooperation is a matter of nationaI security.

Look, first of aII, that stuff isn't mine, OK? A mistake...

What is...?

Perfect fit. You were saying?

WeII, Iet me show you a few pieces of the puzzIe that we're soIving.

WiIIiam Dekker, government physicist, weapons division.

Three years ago, his project gets sheIved.

He didn't Iike that, so he soId his work. CIassified work.

Showed it to severaI corporations. We think Rethrick bought it.

UnfortunateIy, we can't Iink Rethrick to the saIe,

because Dekker died.NaturaI causes.

''NaturaI'' being gravity after a 1 40-foot faII out of his apartment buiIding.

What does this have to do with me?

Patent appIications fiIed this month.

They show designs based on Dekker's work.

Look whose signature is on every one of those documents.

Get it? It's your name on those patents!

Rethrick can cIaim he knows nothing about Dekker or the design.

You need to teII us everything you did for Rethrick.

- I can't.

- You'd rather spend your Iife in prison protecting your friend?

- HeIp us, and we can work with you. - I can't. I can't!

He wiped my memory! I don't remember!

I'II teII you whatever I know. I was set up. BeIieve me.

I don't remember what I did for the past three years!

What? Wait a second!


We figured Rethrick tried a wipe, so we'II try an extraction.

You're not gonna see anything. You're wasting your time.

We're getting something here.

Come on! Come on!

Shit. We got nothing.

HoId on a second. I need a smoke.


He won't mind.

- Smoke! - Shit! - Goddamn it! - I can't see anything!

Secure the door!

Where the heII is he?- He's Ioose!

- Don't worry, he can't go anywhere!

Cover the door!

I'II get the Iights!

I can't see!

Get Iow to the ground! Stay Iow to the ground!


See anything?

- Is that him? - KIein, where'd you go?

AI, shut the door!

What's going on?

Good night, Mikey.

Copy that.

- Watch it, coming through! - Go! Go! Go!

- Coming through! - Out of the way!

- See him? - I see him!

- Out of the way, Iady! - There!

Move! Move! Move!

- Coming through! - Let's go!

Excuse me.

Coming through!

- Out of the way! Open those gates! - Watch it, man.

Come on! Come on!

Where did he go?

I'II get men at every stop! He'II be Iong gone by then!

How the heII did he do that?

- Sorry. - You aII right?

- Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. - Be carefuI.

Hey! Hey!

Watch it!

Hey! Hey!

Jane. ReIax. Everything's fine.

You taIked to federaI agents. It's OK. It's been worked out now.

I just need to find out who sent these items. WiII you heIp me out?

- They were sent three years ago. - No. There was a mix-up. Somebody eIse sent these. I need to find out who that is and taIk to them. RepIacements were sent a few weeks ago.

- Who sent it? - WeII, you did.

That's you right here. See? Twenty items.

l'm gonna need all your personal belongings.

Michael Jennings died at three minutes after 3.

The government, Ieft with no case, cIosed its investigation of AIIcom. So you see,

it's impossibIe that he escaped unIess you changed something.

I didn't.

- What were you doing, exactIy? - I was eating pie.

He Ieft the attorney's office exactIy when it predicted.

The Feds took him exactIy when it predicted...

But he didn't die Iike it predicted!

MichaeI Jennings is not a super agent. He's an engineer.

Yet somehow he managed to escape from a doubIe-Iocked room.

How? Was it fate?

No, fate was on our side. That means someone changed something.

And it wasn't me. And if it wasn't you, then who the...?

Has anyone checked the machine since MichaeI waIked out of here?

Find him.

''If you onIy Iook where you can't go, ''you wiII miss the riches beIow.''

Yeah, I'm aIready missing my riches.

A combination? A code?

A password?

''New Liberty Savings.''

New Liberty Savings Bank, pIease.

What does that mean?

You're saying the bank doesn't exist?

That's comforting.

Who sent these items? You did.

That's you right here. See? Twenty items.

These are patent applications.

Look whose signature is on every one of those documents!

A mistake has been made here. l'm not a traitor!

Dekker died! Rethrick can claim he knows nothing about Dekker or the design. Believe me! l don't remember what l did for the past three years!



You're done.

Hello? Jesus, Shorty. You don't know how good it is

- to hear a famiIiar voice. - Michael? Listen, man. I'm in a... I'm in a jam, and I need you.

All right. Meet me at Union Station at 9:00.

- I'II be there. - OK, buddy.


Say one word about this hat and I'm out of here.

Oh, man! Oh, my God.

I toId you not to take that job, Mike.

- Come on, Iet's get a tabIe. - OK.

- Injections? - Yeah.

You wouId have to do it that way, I guess.

But, of course, that's a chemicaI process.

So? WeII, you'd have some Iatent memories.

Maybe that's what I'm seeing.

Most IikeIy. Memories that made it through the wash,

stirred up when the feds went in your head.

Why wouId I have these things? ExpIain this.

I sent myseIf this junk instead of the money.

Oh, brother. I don't know.

That's not the question you shouId be asking.

- No? - No. You shouId be asking yourseIf,

why did you give up aII that money?

That's the most bizarre part of this whoIe thing.

Ninety miIIion doIIars. Nobody changes that much in three years.

OK, aII right, buddy. I wanna figure out what you buiIt. AII right, Iet's work backwards. They toId me I was working on a design by someone named Dekker.

- Dekker? - Yeah.

- WiIIiam Dekker? - I think so.

What I heard was, he was working on something IeveI five for the feds.

They came in, shut him down.

- What was it? - WeII, the consensus was a Iaser.

- Why?

- Because Dekker's drawings caIIed for a mirror and a Iens.

The onIy thing that uses those is a Iaser or a sateIIite camera

to see things from far away.

Here comes the first number, 1 7. Followed by 44.

- The Iens required perfect optics. - Four.

- The mirror... - Twenty-six. - So the capitaI outIay is huge. - Thirty-seven.

- Word was it was gonna cost - Forty.

- 500 biIIion doIIars. - And the bonus number is 22.

Who's gonna spend 500 biIIion doIIars just to see something?


No way I get out of that extraction room without the cigarettes

and the gIasses.

I wouId've never gotten on the bus without the ticket.

If I didn't have the ring, I wouIdn't have foIIowed that kid to Reddy Grant.

- Right. - I gave up that money

just to make sure that I wouId pay attention to these items.


Because I know what you'd spend 500 biIIion doIIars to see.

The future.

lf you selected five numbers

and the bonus number, you're a second-prize winner. He used a virus.

The machine went down at 3;03 this afternoon.

Can you program around the virus? No. It's not that kind of virus.

Come on, I'II show you.

It's not in the software.

It's in the hardware. He put a circuit somewhere in here.

It's Iike a poison piII. But you can find it, right?

Yeah, I can.

Then do it.

SIight change of pIans.

According to Mr. Stevens, we don't need Jennings.

Look, if we know anything,

we know that time traveI's not possibIe.Einstein proved that, right?

Time traveI, yes. Einstein was very cIear that he beIieved time viewing

- theoreticaIIy couId be accompIished... - Mike, Mike. Come on.

Maybe we shouId just find Dekker...

- I can't taIk to Dekker. - Why not?

- He had an accident. - An accident?

Yeah, he... He feII out of his bedroom window.

FeII out of...?

He feII out of his bedroom window!

I see. Sure. That couId happen.

Jesus. Wait a minute! - We've gotta get out of here! - Shorty, Iisten to me.

I think what happened

was I used this thing, I saw my future.

And I saw what I needed to change it.

But aII I couId get out of AIIcom were these innocuous items.

Each item has to be used at a specific time and pIace

to accompIish whatever I needed to get done.

I mean, without the stuff in here, I'd aIready be dead.

Yeah, weII, it's too bad that you don't know what the rest of them are for. What?



Great seeing you again, Mike!


Those guys do not Iook Iike feds.

Here. Listen to me. Take this.

This wiII get you through that door. CIose it behind you. Understand? Go! - OK! - Go! Go on!



Oh, God, I hope that was a good thing to do.



Where's your gun? He's got it.


...how are you, Mike?



Don't remember?

You brought this on yourseIf, Mike.

So how does it feeI knowing you're going to die?


He designed his own escape?

Mr. Attorney GeneraI, sir, we have no expIanation.

After Iooking at the evidence the onIy IogicaI,

aIbeit hard-to-accept concIusion,

is he was abIe to predict what was going to happen to him.

These are memories extracted from Jennings before he fIed.

They don't seem to add up to anything.


That's aII for today.

We knew Dekker was trying to design something,

but when he soId his pIans, he wasn't even haIfway done.

I don't understand.

Dekker was working at JPL on a Iaser-enhanced Iens.

He cIaimed the Iens was powerfuI enough

to see around the curvature of the universe.

He beIieved if you couId see around a curve that went on forever you wouId end up back where you started, Iooking at yourseIf. Except you're not Iooking at yourseIf now, in the present.

No, you are not. You're Iooking at the future.

Imagine what wiII happen if Jennings figures it out

and tries to profit from it.- Any nation wiII give a king's ransom. - He won't do that.I was this cIose. He never Iied.

When he was accused he was hurt and scared.

Bring him in, I'II give him the MedaI of Honor.

That's if Rethrick doesn't find him first.

You think he reaIIy saw the future?

That wouId be something.

Cafe MicheI? My name is MichaeI Jennings.

And I can't remember if I made a reservation there recentIy. WouId you check that out for me? Thanks.

I did?


Right. How many is it for?

Oh, no, thank you. No, I'II be there.

Thank you.

HeIIo, you two.

Did he feed you?

RacheI, it's Jimmy.

- You aII right? - Why?

You don't know?


May I come in?

When was the Iast time you saw MichaeI?

Yesterday morning. He was puIIing an aII nighter at his Iab. RacheI, I'm sorry to have to be the one to teII you this. MichaeI Ieft AIIcom yesterday. PermanentIy.

- What?

- He finished his work.- We erased his memory, and he...

- No.- He Ieft.

- No. He promised me.

He said he wasn't going to go through with it.

He made a Iot of money on this one, RacheI.

He said he didn't care about the money.

So she doesn't know anything. He wouIdn't Ieave without her.

It's MichaeI. He'd be smart.

We're missing something.

Soon as she Ieaves for work, get in there.

Make sure she can't go anywhere aIone. l want to know what just happened. Bye, guys.

Good morning, Dr. Porter.

Going somewhere?

Good morning.

Good morning.

I'm going to go up top. Take my bag.

- You're gonna need this. - Got it. Thanks.


No, thanks. I'd rather watch from down here.

Suit yourseIf.

We've been through the bathroom and the rest of the apartment. Zero.

This is what I want you to do. Go back in the bathroom.

OK, start turning Ieft.

TeII me what you see.

The mirror.

We've got him. She's supposed to meet him at Cafe MicheI, 1 p.m.

WeII, Iet's make sure she does.

I'm here to meet someone. MichaeI Jennings.

- Have a seat. - Thanks.

Sit at that tabIe right there. In the seat, with your back to the window. Michael, thank God you're all right.

I thought I was never gonna see you again.

MichaeI, it's me.


Look... You can't remember me.

No. I'm sorry.

Cops. We can't go in. I'II have to wait for a cIear shot.

Maya, staII for time. Tell him you thought he'd remember something.

That you two were engaged.

I guess I thought you'd remember something.

We've been together for three years.

I don't know what to say.

l'm really sorry. l'm trying.

That's how he's doing this.

Listen to me very carefuIIy, Maya. This is what I want you to say. MichaeI, I can see you stiII have the enveIope.

That means it's working. I know you switched the personaI items. I heIped. - You Ieft me a note on a mirror. - You Ieft me a note on a mirror.

I'm supposed to take something. Something I can use to get to Stevens.

- He's a man you worked with. - He's a man you worked with.

He's trying to fix the machine.

Work backwards, MichaeI.

Yeah. Take the swipe card.

That's the swipe card for the campus. You're supposed to give that to me. RacheI wouIdn't be hurt if he hesitated, she'd be impatient.

Look, MichaeI, if you can't trust me right now, then we are Iost. For good.


I'd better get back.

They'II get suspicious soon.

Wait here. l'll be back in half an hour.

And don't worry, we end up together. MichaeI...

I Iove you.

- What's my favorite basebaII team? - What?

What's my favorite basebaII team?

Who cares?

That wouId be the Red Sox.

- I think maybe we shouId go. - Wait!

Now we can Ieave. Come on.

Wait! HoId on.

- You have a car? - I might. You might?

Look for a BMW! You gotta be joking.

Shit! Shit!

- Let me see that key. - Why?

You're in the wrong section.

Jennings bought the BMW on the Internet.

He had the key maiIed to him four weeks ago.

- What's the coIor of his car? - It isn't a car.

They just turned on Pine. Intercept them on Sixth.

- How good am I on this thing? - You're OK!

- Look, I just said you're OK, OK? - OK.

Hang on!

- Report of shots. Southgate BMW. - Got it.

Stop! I Iost the enveIope!

- I'II come back and get you. - See you!

Got it!

Let's get out of here.

Take us down!

Mike, we can heIp you! We know what's going on! Let us bring you in!

He's headed for the tunneI! Cut him off! Cut him off! Duck!


You think Jennings foresaw that?

Maybe next time he'II see a nice quiet stakeout.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

It's OK. It's aII for you anyway.

And I... I brought you some cIothes.

I thought you might need them. I hope it's OK. Thank you.

These are mine?

You don't remember? No.

You don't remember me, do you?


These are for you.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you You're so sweet.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I just don't remember. I shouIdn't have Ieft.

You're saying he sent himseIf a different set of personaI items

after using the machine, and nothing our security wouId fIag. Everyday things combined with the power of foresight

transform MichaeI from engineer to escape artist.

I don't know about you, but I'd Iike to return the favor.

MichaeI, are you OK?

I'm aII right.

MichaeI, I don't know what you saw in your machine,

but I remember, a few weeks ago, you came back from your Iab, paIe. You asked me the strangest question.

- What?

- If I knew it wouIdn't work out for you and I,

before we were together, wouId I have done it?

What did you say?

That I wouIdn't trade our time for anything.

That's aII we are, the sum of our experiences.


some of the best things in Iife are totaI mistakes.

- What? - You know,

when I checked this enveIope out,

they toId me I signed in 20 items, but there were onIy 19.

I don't understand.

What are these pictures of?

MichaeI, Iook at the rest of the pictures.

Look at the Iast one.

Oh, my God. It's the future.

The machine predicts a war, and we go to war to avert it.

It predicts a pIague. We herd aII the sick together, create a pIague. Whatever future this predicts, we make happen.

We give over controI of our Iives compIeteIy.

I did this. Seeing the future wiII destroy us.

lf you show someone their future, they have no future.

lf you take away the mystery, you take away hope.

I have to go back. I have to destroy that machine.

It's impossibIe. The campus is huge. There are hundreds of guards.

I wouIdn't have given up the three years we had

unIess I was sure I couId get us 50 more.

OK. So how do we get in?

- We don't. - You said everything was happening

for a reason, and that incIudes me being here.

So come on.

Hey, RacheI.

Another day at the most. I don't have many pIaces to Iook.

I guess you weren't as smart as you thought, Stevens.

Hey, Jennings wouIdn't find it any faster unIess he knew where to Iook. We've got the feeds from mass transit.

- He couId be anywhere by now. - Except

he's not running away. He couId've given himseIf a way

to disappear, but Iook what he gave himseIf instead.

His AIIcom security pass.

He's going back.

Get a warrant to tap phone and data Iines coming out of AIIcom.

Put some bodies on that campus. I want that machine!

Jennings and the girI were spotted. What do you want me to do? Nothing.

- Stay where you are. - Nobody gets through!

- Sir! - I didn't do anything!

AII the metaI detectors on IeveI four just went off.

BaII bearings.

Just down the haII from the metaI detectors.

PuII the guards off the Jennings Iab. Let him sIip in, think he's fooIed us. Once he's fixed the machine, take him.

I buiIt this.

This door shouIdn't be open. There's something wrong.

They're expecting us. Better cIose this door behind us.

And keep it shut.

- He's in. - Confirmed. He's in.

Once we confirm he's at the machine, Iet's go after him.

I thought we were gonna wait for him to come out.

I can't wait! Jennings or the machine, I don't care,

as Iong as I get one. Let's go!

This wiII do. Watch out.

- What are you doing? - Smashing the Iock.

HoId on a second.

You can't just smash the thing. They'II stiII be abIe to get in.

We gotta jam the outside reader.

Let's go.

Let's take a Iook at the future before we destroy this thing.

I bugged it. I rigged it so Jimmy wouIdn't use it against me.

Then you can fix it, right?

Now, where wouId I have pIanted that bug?

Maybe on one of the motherboards.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, we won't be needing this, OK?

You're dangerous with that thing.

You must have given yourseIf something to heIp you find it.

The onIy things Ieft are the buIIet and...this.

- Crossword? - Yeah.

Look at this.

TweIve down.

Maybe it's here.

Nine, ten, eIeven, tweIve.

Let's take a Iook.

Maybe it's a circuit diagram.

I wouIdn't have put it in the primary path.

TweIve down.

Take him.

OK, corridor three, subIeveI A, Jennings' Iab.

AII right, Iet's put this thing to good use one Iast time.

Let's get us out of here.

That's in the Iab.

It's the catwaIk.

Look, I've changed my future before using this thing. I can do it again. Don't have time. Gotta destroy this before they get it.

Reprogram the door to Jennings' Iab, pIease. Now.

He must've done something to the controIIer.

- How are we gonna get out of here? - I don't know.


- What are you doing? - These are Iiquid hydrogen.

They're used to cooI the machine. They fire in order.

Number one just fired.

When it gets down to number six here, that's aII she wrote.

I'II see you when this goes off, Jimmy.

Come on!

You see? You judge too soon.

They went out through the vent. Spread out, find them.

Position three standing by.

Come on.


Look out.

SeaI off aII exits to the Iab.

AII right, Jennings,

Iet's see what you've been up to.

RacheI, go for the door, OK?

Drop the gun.

Drop the gun.

Looks Iike MichaeI's got a date on the catwaIks.

Let's make sure he makes it.

- Let's go. - We can't take the catwaIk.

I know. We won't, I promise. Come on, Iet's go.

- MichaeI! What are you doing? - Go. I'II distract them.

- Go, pIease. - No! Listen to me. This is my debt.

I buiIt this machine.- I have to pay for it. - You come with me now! You promised you'd change your fate!

PIease, we don't have time.

If you Iove me, if you care about me, go. Have a good Iife. Remember me.

Damn you.


You want to kiII me, come do it yourseIf.

Here I am. You want me? Come get me.

- Hi, Jimmy. - Hi, Mike.

- Looks Iike this is it, huh? - It is, Mike.

- You onIy have yourseIf to bIame. - That's a Iie.

You can't change your fate. You're gonna die today.


But you're not going to kiII me.

That's right, Mike. I've seen the future.

StiII think you can change your fate, Mike?

I am the future, Mike!

- Rethrick has Jennings. - Retire him.

- What? - We have the machine.

We can't risk its creator faIIing into the wrong hands. Come on.

Don't bIame me.

You and MichaeI wouId've Iived happiIy ever after, no memory wipe.

He saw something he didn't Iike.

He's the one who decided he wanted to stop the program.

Look at it this way, you did change the future, MichaeI.

Before you interfered you both wouId've Iived

and we wouId stiII be friends, instead of ending up Iike this.

It wasn't meant to be.

Giving up so easy?

Don't you beIieve in second chances?

To teII you the truth, I do.

Go, go, go.


Let's go.


Any records? Any papers? ExpIosion destroyed everything.

- Are we trying to saIvage that or what? - I guess we don't get the machine. Any sign of Jennings?

No, I'm afraid he didn't make it.

What was Shorty thinking, starting a nursery?

I mean, these pIants are on Iife-support.

What do you mean? ReaIIy? He toId me he had a green thumb.

Gangrene is more Iike it.

Lucky for Shorty, I'm a bioIogist.

Lucky for both of us, since I faiIed bioIogy,

- I'm no heIp to either one of you. - So you say.

Too bad, though, because I'm Iooking for a partner

- for a start-up company. - ReaIIy? Doing what? We're gonna save the worId.

I don't think I'm your guy.

But wouId you settIe for someone who wants to heIp you change it?

- OK. - Good. So how does it end for us, MichaeI?

I mean, what's in our future?You know, I don't know.

I kind of Iike it that way.

- I do know one thing. - What's that?

I never want to forget anything ever again.

Break it up, break it up. The birdman cometh.

- Shorty. - It's dinner.

- You found them. - Yes, I did.

- Who does everything for everybody? - You do.

- You're right. - You're my hero. Thank you very much.

- You hear that? I'm a hero. - That's great.

I think I remember. Are those our birds?

Yes, of course they are. We bought them together.

You remember the birds? WeII done.

You couId see into the future and aII you remember are PoIIy and Tweety there. Why not remember something that'd make us rich?

- Wait a second. - What is it?

- I think there was something eIse. - No, no, no.

The enveIope's empty. Don't worry about it.

HoId on. I'm working backward here.

''If you onIy Iook where you can't go, you wiII miss the riches beIow.''

I must've known you'd never get rid of these birds.

Of course not. They're famiIy.

So I knew this wouId be here. What onIy Iooks where it can't go?

A caged bird.

''You wiII miss the riches beIow.''

The riches beIow.

What is that? WeII, that's a $90-miIIion Iottery ticket.

- Wait. Wait a minute. - It's $90 miIIion.

- Nice. - Yes, I'm proud of it.

Wait a minute. No. - Wait. - What are you doing?

You know what? I think now's a good time to discuss my commission, 30%.

- I thought it was 5. - No, 30.

- Thirty-three percent! - He deserves it.

It was found on my premises.

I'II get back to you. I'm gonna cash this in.


[最费脑力的14部电影】 《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】 《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】 《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》 【18部经典天才电影】 《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》 【人生必看的10部电影】 爱情→《罗马假日》; 执着→《阿甘正传》; 哲理→《第七封印》; 才华→《莫扎特传》; 人生→《美国往事》; 童心→《ET》; 痛苦→《现代启示录》; 信念→《肖申克的救赎》; 责任→《辛德勒的名单》; 勇气→《勇敢的心》 【十部适合一个人静静看的电影】 1、阿甘正传 2、肖申克的救赎 3、触不到的恋人 4、海上钢琴师 5、千与千寻 6、雏菊 7、花样年华 8、幸福来敲门 9、蓝莓之夜 10、放牛班的春天 【10部震撼狙击手电影】 ①《狙击电话亭》; ②《最后的莫希干人》; ③《敌人的荣誉》; ④《兵临城下》;


【各类好电影】 [最费脑力的14部电影】 《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】 《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】 《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》 【人生必看的10部电影】 爱情→《罗马假日》; 执着→《阿甘正传》; 哲理→《第七封印》; 才华→《莫扎特传》; 人生→《美国往事》; 童心→《ET》;

痛苦→《现代启示录》; 信念→《肖申克的救赎》; 责任→《辛德勒的名单》; 勇气→《勇敢的心》 【十部适合一个人静静看的电影】 1、阿甘正传 2、肖申克的救赎 3、触不到的恋人 4、海上钢琴师 5、千与千寻 6、雏菊 7、花样年华 8、幸福来敲门 9、蓝莓之夜 10、放牛班的春天 【10部震撼狙击手电影】 ①《狙击电话亭》; ②《最后的莫希干人》; ③《敌人的荣誉》; ④《兵临城下》; ⑤《全金属外壳》、 ⑥《快枪手》;

⑦《双狙人》; ⑧《杀手悲歌》; ⑨《一号通缉令》; ⑩《最后刺客》 【亚洲十大恐怖电影】: 1.《咒怨》 2.鬼娃娃花子 3.《午夜凶铃》 4.《鬼来电》 5.《笔仙》 6.《解剖学教室》 7.《邪降》 8.《四人餐桌》 9.《人形师》 10.《凶相》 【12部让你笑喷的电影】 《神探飞机头》《我盛大的同志婚礼》《幸运库克》《校园卧底》《我的野蛮老师》《美女也烦恼》《疯狂的石头》《谋杀快乐》《XXXX》《我为玛丽狂》《美国派》《偷天情缘》 【18部讲述天才的电影】 《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《十一罗汉》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香

史上最强科幻 经典电影100部-科幻爱好者必看

史上最强科幻经典电影100部-科幻爱好者必看 作为一个科幻电影爱好者,相信大家都曾品味过科幻好片难找的痛苦,网上推荐的电影要么是来来去去就那几部经典,要么是有的人看片极少,还把魔幻片给推荐大家,实在让人大倒胃口。本人阅片无数,尤喜科幻,现精心整理出科幻片目录100部,奉献给广大科幻爱好者,这些电影全部经本人检阅。相信大家只要看其中一半,就能领悟和享受到各类题材科幻电影的精髓,以后再看到科幻片新作,便体味到什么是一览众山小,后世的科幻片已很难在此基础上有所突破了。 很遗憾,我没有收录任何一部中国制造的作品,原因大伙心知肚明。若干年后,倘若中国能出了一部了不起的科幻电影,那绝对是出自由各种途径看了本贴的贴友。 以下影片打分均是本人打分,与各大电影网站评分无关。如果大家觉得看了此贴有所收获,请顶起。如果一般推荐等级以上的片是烂片,欢迎来踩,如果我所列电影与科幻无关,欢迎来扁。欢迎补充,欢迎评论。 9.8分 1.接触未来超级强烈推荐最有现实意义的科幻电影,科幻极品,无冕之王 9.5分 2.阿凡达强烈推荐 3d大作,绝对不能错过 9.5分 3.黑客帝国系列强烈推荐构思奇特,深含哲学意,基诺?里维斯主演,不容错过 9.5分 4.侏罗纪公园系列强烈推荐构思精妙,场面真实宏大,不容错过 9.5分 5.终结者系列强烈推荐穿越动作题材,场面震撼,阿诺主演,不容错过 9.5分 6.独立日强烈推荐外星入侵题材,场面宏大震撼,不容错过 9.0分 7.宇宙威龙非常推荐外太空题材,阿诺主演,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 8.第五元素非常推荐外星掠夺题材,布鲁斯.威利斯主演,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 9.黑衣人系列非常推荐科幻喜剧,威尔.史密斯主演,两部都值得看两遍以上 9.0分 10.星球大战系列非常推荐老片经典,不用多说,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 11.第十三层非常推荐构思惊世骇俗,黑客帝国乃受其启迪,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 12.回到未来非常推荐经典穿越时空题材,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 13.机械公敌非常推荐机器人智能题材,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 14.星河战队系列非常推荐经典老片,外太空题材,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 15.2012年世界末日09版非常推荐灾难题材,场面宏大震撼,值得看两遍以上 9.0分 16.后天非常推荐灾难题材,场面真实宏大,值得看两遍以上 8.8分 17.兵人非常推荐基因改造题材,值得一看再一看 8.5分 18.人猿星球一般推荐外星题材,值得一看 8.5分 19.十二只猴子一般推荐穿越时空题材,值得一看 8.5分 20.火星任务一般推荐外太空题材,就凭结尾十几分钟,值了 8.5分 21.超级战警一般推荐冰冻几十年后,史泰龙主演超级警察,值得


【各类牛B电影】 [最费脑力的14部电影】《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】 《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】 《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》 【18部经典天才电影】 《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》 【人生必看的10部电影】 爱情→《罗马假日》; 执着→《阿甘正传》; 哲理→《第七封印》; 才华→《莫扎特传》;人生→《美国往事》; 童心→《ET》; 痛苦→《现代启示录》; 信念→《肖申克的救赎》; 责任→《辛德勒的名单》; 勇气→《勇敢的心》 【十部适合一个人静静看 的电影】 1、阿甘正传 2、肖申克的救赎 3、触不到的恋人 4、海上钢琴师 5、千与千寻 6、雏菊 7、花样年华 8、幸福来敲门 9、蓝莓之夜 10、放牛班的春天 【10部震撼狙击手电影】 ①《狙击电话亭》; ②《最后的莫希干人》; ③《敌人的荣誉》; ④《兵临城下》; ⑤《全金属外壳》、 ⑥《快枪手》; ⑦《双狙人》; ⑧《杀手悲歌》; ⑨《一号通缉令》; ⑩《最后刺客》 【亚洲十大恐怖电影】: 1.《咒怨》 2.鬼娃娃花子 3.《午夜凶铃》 4.《鬼来电》 5.《笔仙》 6.《解剖学教室》 7.《邪降》 8.《四人餐桌》 9.《人形师》 10.《凶相》 【12部让你笑喷的电影】 《神探飞机头》《我盛大的 同志婚礼》《幸运库克》《校 园卧底》《我的野蛮老师》 《美女也烦恼》《疯狂的石 头》《谋杀快乐》《XXXX》《我 为玛丽狂》《美国派》《偷天 情缘》 【18部讲述天才的电影】 《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波 拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的 钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献 身》、《十一罗汉》、《猫鼠游 戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、 《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、 《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、 《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔 羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找 弗罗斯特》。 最酷的狗:《101真狗》 最可爱的狗:《狗狗心事》 最红的狗:《史努比》 最搞怪的狗:《家有贱狗》 最苦命的狗:《龙龙与忠狗》 最懂孙子兵法的狗:《猫狗 大战》 最大无畏的狗:《酷狗正传》 最会装傻的狗:《酷狗宝贝》 最忠心的狗: 《导盲犬小Q》 最早狗明星:《灵犬莱西》 【哈佛商学院要求学生必 看的10部经典电影】 《华尔街》《大亨游戏》《颠 倒乾坤》《抢钱大作战》《硅 谷传奇》《可口可乐小子》 《发达之路》《大公司小老 板》《巴塞罗那》《社交网络》 【最美的10部电影】 1.《公民凯恩》 2.《猎人之夜》 3.《游戏规则》 4.《日出》 5.《亚特兰大号》 6.《M就是凶手》 7.《雨中曲》 8.《迷魂记》 9.《天堂的孩子》 10.《搜索者》


有关记忆和心理学的电影 有关记忆和心理学的电影杀人记忆剧情介绍:在韩国的一个小镇上,出现了一系列的连环杀人案,被害人都是年轻女子。小镇警察和从汉城调来的警察共同办案。小镇警察作风粗暴,刑讯逼供,几次将犯罪嫌疑人屈打成招。汉城来的警察冷静观察和分析,几次排除了嫌疑。但是,被害人还是在一个个雨夜神秘而残忍的被杀害。小镇警察和汉城警察的神经都到了崩溃的边缘。当他们抓到一个所有特征都极其符合的嫌疑人时,从美国传真来的鉴定报告却否定了他们的判断……玩命记忆剧情介绍:五个陌生人在一间封闭的仓库里醒来,发现他们都已失去记忆,完全不记得自己是谁,也不知道如何到了这里。但随着时间的流逝,他们推断出五个人中有的是人质,有的是绑匪,而绑匪头目正赶过来准备杀死人质,于是一场你死我活的猜谜行动就在幽闭空间中展开...... 明日记忆剧情介绍:年届50的佐伯雅行是某个大广告代理店的营业部长,每天都带领部下忙碌在工作的第一线。妻子枝实子与他在学生时代相识,夫妻两人感情甚笃;24岁的独生女梨惠不久将步入婚姻的殿堂,腹中孕育着新生命。事业顺利、家庭美满的雅行正处于人生的丰收期。不料,突然间雅行被诊断患上了早老性痴呆症,健忘、失眠、头痛等症状开始折磨他。无论他如何努力与病魔斗争,记忆却不



【最费脑力的14部电影】《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】:《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》 【18部经典天才电影】《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》 【能够影响一生的十部电影】1.《阿甘正传》:执着;2.《东方不败》:才华;3.《美国往事》:人生;4.《罗马假日》:爱情;5.《勇敢的心》:勇气;6.《辛德勒的名单》:责任;7.《肖申克的救赎》:信念;8.《E.T》:童心;9.《现代启示录》:痛苦;10.《第七封印》:哲思。 【人生必看的10部电影】爱情→《罗马假日》;执着→《阿甘正传》;哲理→《第七封印》;才华→《莫扎特传》;人生→《美国往事》;童心→《ET》;痛苦→《现代启示录》;信念→《肖申克的救赎》;责任→《辛德勒的名单》;勇气→《勇敢的心》 【十部适合一个人静静看的电影】1。阿甘正传。2肖申克的救赎。3。触不到的恋人。4。海上钢琴师。5。千与千寻。6。雏菊。7。花样年华。8。幸福来敲门。9。蓝莓之夜。10。放牛班的春天 【10部震撼狙击手电影】①《狙击电话亭》;②《最后的莫希干人》;③《敌人的荣誉》;④《兵临城下》;⑤《全金属外壳》、⑥《快枪手》;⑦《双狙人》;⑧《杀手悲歌》;⑨《一号通缉令》;⑩《最后刺客》。 【亚洲十大恐怖电影】:1.《咒怨》;2.鬼娃娃花子;3.《午夜凶铃》;4.《鬼来电》;5.《笔仙》;6.《解剖学教室》;7.《邪降》;8.《四人餐桌》;9.《人形师》;10.《凶相》.


今生缘浅早相逢, 错弄真心惹人疼。 未懂先爱孽缘生, 朝朝暮暮悔恨增。 ——题记 生命中遇见,是一种缘,总有互相亏欠,如此才能有念想。 那年少不经事,活在自己的世界里,自以为高傲就是权力,把轻狂当作资本,埋下了厚厚的孽缘。 如果不曾遇见她,或许我不知道什么叫刻骨相思,如果没有失去她,或许我不会懂得什么叫刻骨铭心。把爱双手奉上,等在冰封刺骨的冬日里,希望心暖便能拥抱春天,破冰之日便是花开之时,秋收之日便是结果之时。用真心去浇灌酝酿一场命中注定的劫,以为这就是始以为这就是终,以为信守不渝便可白首如新。 不知不觉我已错过她,不知不觉我已放弃她,后知后觉我已越走越远,后知后觉我还亏欠她。于事无补的我如何才能挽回那场命运捉弄的开场白,早不许诺是不是会没有后面的错过? 一生可爱几多人?偏偏就她闯入我心门,直到走远才知爱已深。待我经历人事历经沧桑,回过头来,才发现,爱的太深早已不再当真。 早知这只是一场缘,她只是一个匆匆的过客,便不匆匆来寻,今生缘浅,我可用千百次擦肩而过换取来世厮守一生。年少,不懂爱却爱了,不懂情却给了,不知路太长人太拥挤会丢失,以为她就是最美的风景,就把她当作可以诉说的一切,原来有时候世界上没有唯一! 爱越走越远我学会了孤独,情越爱越假我学会了释然,当初我的不懂让她逃离了我的世界,如今我已学会如何去爱,才发现,别人所要的爱我却给不起,允诺一生人世蹉跎携手并肩共度今生风雨,待我爱,可会原谅初时年少无情,为爱痴狂犯错欠下一笔孽情。 她已从我的爱里落幕,我已从她的世界淡出,不再有华丽的上演,本以为不会在爱,本以为不敢在爱,原来,情债可以今生有约来世再还,因果轮回便是赴约一场亏欠,执念携手一生便是三生有幸。 不再用假博取一份真,不再用爱错生一段情,等不到的爱以及错过的爱便是无缘,今生所有难求,一切刻骨仇恨待来世可会冰释前嫌,化冰为水,解冻记忆裂痕。 我知她已走远,你还不曾来访,所以我在此写下这段命里注定的姻缘,待你到此,如若有缘,请允我真爱一场,弥补前世无缘! (遇到一个朋友向我敞开心扉谈起过往,让我为他做一首诗,清晨醒来便灵感突袭,对于整个故事也只是知道结尾,所以也不便多说,现文已成,寄友——LL) 2014年12月20日


记忆裂痕台词 lt's time to wake up and get a life. We live in a three-dimensional world Until now, the world of computing's been a flat world, consisting of two-dimensional imagery Now, through the use of exclusive breakthrough technology, ARC has made it possible for you to get a life A Life, where we can work and play in a lifelike world of three-dimensional reality A Life, the living monitor lmpressed? Yeah, I am. Would you put one of those in a box for me? - Are you the Lawyer? - I'm Rita Dunne. Obviously, no one from Nexim could be here today. - I'd invite you in, but... - Good Luck, Mr. Jennings. - I'II see you in two months. - Yeah. Home sweet home. What do you think? This is the exact same technology? Not the exact same technology, no. Ultimately, I decided to reconceive some of it. I never Liked the way the monitor Looked. And then it occurred to me... ...who needs it? Gentlemen, l am the future of computing. And l would like to present you with Nexim's new Freedom Line of display technology. New from Nexim. Freedom is in your future. Launch this now. ARC is not gonna Last. Who said 100 percent market share's impossible? Get me Marketing immediately. Congratulations. ...thank you. You understand, Mr. Jennings, you've done in two months what we've been trying to do for three years. Sometimes it's easier if you work backwards. Cheers. You won't remember me, wiII you? No. That's too bad. Marker reached. OK. We're now extracting his memory from the marker forward to the present. Jesus, Rita. Jesus Christ! This is dangerous enough. If this man's brain temp goes one C above 43, he's a veg. Come on, Mike. Here we go. It's aII cIean. Good morning, sunshine. Hey, how you doing, big guy? - OK? - Yeah.


不得不提的平行宇宙与蝴蝶效应.txt我退化了,到现在我还不会游泳,要知道在我出生之前,我绝对是游的最快的那个写科幻,八十年代的某一天,一道电光闪过,机器人杀手现身于一处垃圾场里,他来自于未来,任务是要杀掉莎拉康拉,未来人类抵抗军首领强康纳的老妈…… 机器人boss的思路是这样的:我派机器人去把抵抗军首领的老妈杀了,那小子也就生不出来了,抵抗军群龙无首,可不就不攻自破了。可是再进一步想想,终结者真的得手又会如何,强康纳会突然凭空消失吗?就算消失会是在哪个时间点上消失呢?要知道改变的不只是现在,连带现在之前的一切都会改变,那不是现在的一切都会消失,大家同归于尽了么?再说了,既然能想到杀人家老妈,干嘛不干脆多退回一点,杀人家祖父母、曾祖父母、曾曾祖父母……那时候只能用弓箭反抗,骑着马逃命,好对付多啦。 关于时间旅行的电影数不胜数,《终结者》《12猴子》《时间机器》《回到未来》……总之各村有各村的高招,唯一相同的地方是:统统自相矛盾,逻辑不通。 有一个著名的“祖母悖论”,大意是说假设你乘时光机器回到过去把你祖母杀了,那你就不可能出生,你既然不可能出生,又如何能回到过去杀你祖母?关于时间旅行的电影基本上也都陷于这个悖论不能自拔。 为了解决这个矛盾,编导们发展出一套宿命论来,就是说不管你怎样改变过去,改变的只是过程,结果是无法改变的,强康纳始终不会死,世界大战始终要爆发,盖皮尔斯只能看着未婚妻死于非命,至尊宝永远救不了白晶晶,而一切改变历史的努力不但是徒劳,甚至就是帮着造就历史,机器人送去芯片,人类战士送去精子。 但是这里又有个大麻烦:过程和结果本来就是人为划分出来的,多大的事件算作结果,多小的事件算作过程?对强康纳的养父母来说,被机器人一刀插死也算是大事件了吧,凭什么就给忽略不计了? 还有那块悬浮在时空中的芯片,到底是谁创造出来的? 想来想去,唯一可以自圆其说的,只有平行宇宙理论了。 什么是平行宇宙?假设你手里拿着一片树叶,全世界独一无二的一片树叶,当然啦,世界上没有两片完全相同的叶子么。能不能换种看法呢:你手里拿着无数片树叶,只不过它们全都一模一样,在时间空间上叠合在一起了,所以你只能看见一片树叶,呵呵,有点诡辩,但也没错吧。甚至连你自己都有无限多个,只不过叠在一起了,在某种特定条件下没准会分一个出来呢。双面维若尼卡?不是啦,分出来的不止你一个人,整个世界那会跟着分出去了,于是有两个互不相干的世界,其中各有一个一模一样的你,只是你们俩永远都不会碰到一起,也就无从知道对方的存在,这就是所谓平行宇宙了。 往高深里说,这牵涉到量子物理学,往浅显里说,估计大家小时候闲来没事也想到过这个。官方说法都不尽统一,平行宇宙(parallel universe),平行世界(parallel world),多重宇宙(multiverse),反正你知道是什么意思就行啦。 比如迈克福克斯回到过去撮合老爸老**婚姻,哗,电光一闪,世界分裂,迈克回去的并不是


十大电影勿删.txt结婚就像是给自由穿件棉衣,活动起来不方便,但会很温暖。谈恋爱就像剥洋葱,总有一层让你泪流。十大电影勿删.txtゅ你不用一上线看见莪在线,就急着隐身,放心。莪不会去缠你。说好的不离不弃现在反而自己却做不到╮ 分享 王希的分享热门推荐hot搜索搜索 <<返回前一页 <<上一篇下一篇>> 王希分享*~~:Cheer*的日志在这可以找到你想看的任何电影!!!昨天 22:09 || @宝儿 作者 *~~:Cheer* 在这可以找到你想看的任何电影!!!分享 首次分享者:牙牙五紫期已被分享57877次评论(0) 复制链接分享转载举报 【让这些电影治愈你】1、缺乏学习动力:《幸福终点站》、《风雨哈佛路》;2、对爱失望:《偷天情缘》、《初恋50次》;3、自卑失落:《阿甘正传》、《肖申克的救赎》;4、失败或绝望:《铁 《搏击俱乐部》.... 《在世界的转角遇见爱》、 权男人》、 《迫在眉梢》、《伊丽莎白镇》;5、厌倦生活: 【最费脑力的14部电影】《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》...... 【结局最意外的20部电影】《搏击俱乐部》、《迷雾》、《心理游戏》、《第六感》、《蝴蝶效应》、《电锯惊魂》、《赛末点》、《穆赫兰道》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《魔术师》、《小岛惊魂》、《万能钥匙》、《火柴人》、《七宗罪》、《魔鬼代言人》、《孤儿》、《八面埋伏》、《香水》、《偷拐抢骗》... 【走进12星座女孩内心世界的电影】《情人》白羊座、《绿荫下》金牛座、《初恋五十次》双子座、《黑暗中的舞者》巨蟹、《办公室的故事》狮子座、《傲慢与偏见》处女、《西西里的美丽传说》天秤、《布达佩斯之恋》天蝎、《艳舞女郎》射手、《杨朵儿》摩羯、《罗丹的情人》水瓶、《天使艾米丽》双鱼 【世界十大禁片——心理承受能力差的看看片名就好】暴力,恶心,荒诞、残忍,肮脏的大集合:《我唾弃你的坟墓》、《切肤之爱》、《肏我》、《杀人不分左右》、《魔法圣婴》、《感官世界》、《罗马帝国艳情史》、《不可撤消》、《下水道的美人鱼》、《索多玛120天》 【16部讲天才的电影】《美丽心灵》、《雨人、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》.. 【女人必看的十部电影】1、《乱世佳人》(坚强)2、《母女情深》(亲情)3、《简爱》(尊严)4、《蒂凡尼的早餐》(虚荣)5、《白领丽人》(才华)6、《钢琴课》(沟通)7、《漂亮女人》(浪漫)8、《紫色》(苦难)9、《末路狂花》(女权)10、《女人那话儿》(性爱)..... 【男人必看的十部影片】《阿甘正传》(执着)《东方不败》(才华)《美国往事》(人生)《罗马假日》(爱情)《勇敢的心》(勇气)《辛德勒的名单》(责任)《肖申克的救赎》(信念)《E.T》


Rain:好电影!保存了,没事干的时候不用问别人有什么好看的电影了! 准备慢慢看! 【各类Rain:好电影!保存了,没事干的时候不用问别人有什么好看的电影了! 准备慢慢看! 【各类好电影】 [最费脑力的14部电影】 《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】 《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】 《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》 【人生必看的10部电影】 爱情→《罗马假日》; 执着→《阿甘正传》; 哲理→《第七封印》; 才华→《莫扎特传》; 人生→《美国往事》; 童心→《ET》; 痛苦→《现代启示录》; 信念→《肖申克的救赎》; 责任→《辛德勒的名单》; 勇气→《勇敢的心》 【十部适合一个人静静看的电影】 1、阿甘正传 2、肖申克的救赎 3、触不到的恋人 4、海上钢琴师 5、千与千寻 6、雏菊 7、花样年华 8、幸福来敲门 9、蓝莓之夜 10、放牛班的春天 【10部震撼狙击手电影】 ①《狙击电话亭》; ②《最后的莫希干人》; ③《敌人的荣誉》;

④《兵临城下》; ⑤《全金属外壳》、 ⑥《快枪手》; ⑦《双狙人》; ⑧《杀手悲歌》; ⑨《一号通缉令》; ⑩《最后刺客》 【亚洲十大恐怖电影】: 1.《咒怨》 2.鬼娃娃花子 3.《午夜凶铃》 4.《鬼来电》 5.《笔仙》 6.《解剖学教室》 7.《邪降》 8.《四人餐桌》 9.《人形师》 10.《凶相》 【12部让你笑喷的电影】 《神探飞机头》《我盛大的同志婚礼》《幸运库克》《校园卧底》《我的野蛮老师》《美女也烦恼》《疯狂的石头》《谋杀快乐》《XXXX》《我为玛丽狂》《美国派》《偷天情缘》 【18部讲述天才的电影】 《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《十一罗汉》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》。 最酷的狗:《101真狗》 最可爱的狗:《狗狗心事》 最红的狗:《史努比》 最搞怪的狗:《家有贱狗》 最苦命的狗:《龙龙与忠狗》 最懂孙子兵法的狗:《猫狗大战》 最大无畏的狗:《酷狗正传》 最会装傻的狗:《酷狗宝贝》 最忠心的狗:《导盲犬小Q》 最早狗明星:《灵犬莱西》 【哈佛商学院要求学生必看的10部经典电影】 《华尔街》《大亨游戏》《颠倒乾坤》《抢钱大作战》《硅谷传奇》《可口可乐小子》《发达之路》《大公司小老板》《巴塞罗那》《社交网络》 【最美的10部电影】 1.《公民凯恩》 2.《猎人之夜》 3.《游戏规则》



各类好电影】 [最费脑力的14部电影】 《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】 《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】 《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福

1、阿甘正传 2、肖申克的救赎 3、触不到的恋人 4、海上钢琴师 5、千与千寻 6、雏菊 7、花样年华 8、幸福来敲门 9、蓝莓之夜 10、放牛班的春天 【10部震撼狙击手电影】 ①《狙击电话亭》; ②《最后的莫希干人》; ③《敌人的荣誉》; ④《兵临城下》;

⑤《全金属外壳》、 ⑥《快枪手》; ⑦《双狙人》; ⑧《杀手悲歌》; ⑨《一号通缉令》; ⑩《最后刺客》 【亚洲十大恐怖电影】: 1.《咒怨》 2.鬼娃娃花子 3.《午夜凶铃》 4.《鬼来电》 5.《笔仙》 6.《解剖学教室》 7.《邪降》 8.《四人餐桌》

9.《人形师》 10.《凶相》 【12部让你笑喷的电影】 《神探飞机头》《我盛大的同志婚礼》《幸运库克》《校园卧底》《我的野蛮老师》《美女也烦恼》《疯狂的石头》《谋杀快乐》《XXXX》《我为玛丽狂》《美国派》《偷天情缘》 【18部讲述天才的电影】 《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《十一罗汉》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》。最酷的狗:《101真狗》


高分电影推荐十四部高智商才看的懂电影 1.决胜21点/攻陷拉斯维加斯 影片开头部分提到了一个很有名的问题:假设你正在参加一个游戏节目,你被要求在三扇门中选择一扇。其中一扇后面有一辆车,其余两扇后面则是羊。你选择了一扇门,假设是1号门,然后知道门后面有什么的主持人开启了另一扇后面有羊的门,假设是3号门。然后他问你:“你想选择2号门吗?”你会如何回答? 决胜21点/攻陷拉斯维加斯高清在线观 看 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6d8049350.html,/action/juesheng21dian/index.html ★《决胜21点/攻陷拉斯维加斯》剧情介绍 举世闻名的麻省理工,堪称是无数莘莘学子、科学天才们向往的圣地。作为有幸能到这里读书的新生,本·坎贝尔(吉姆·斯特盖斯饰)自然也有他的过人之处。的确坎贝尔超常的数学运算才能在他进入麻省理工没多久就开始崭露头角。学院里讲授数学理论课程的米基·罗萨(凯文·史派西饰)更是一眼就看中了小伙子,并对其光明的未来充满了信心。经过短暂的接触之后罗萨教授将这位数学天才介绍给他精心培养的另外几位数学高才生认识并邀其加入一个由罗萨领导由吉尔(凯特·伯斯沃丝饰)、费舍(雅各布·皮特斯饰)等数学天才共同组成的“特殊团队”专攻赌场上风行的“21点”游戏。运用他们对于数学的尖端认识和运算在经验丰富的罗萨教授的指导下轻松应对“21点”游戏中可能出现的各种局面最终确保高频率地取胜纪录。随后在一番精心准备和集训之后罗萨带着几个数学高才生打扮一番利用学校的假期时间在灯红酒绿的赌城拉斯维加斯近乎疯狂地玩起了他们再熟悉不过的“21点”。最终是狂赢三百多万的美金。然而就在年轻人们憧憬着美好的未来时早就对他们的“连战连胜&rdquuo;。最终是狂赢三百多万的美金。然而就在年轻人们憧憬着美好的未来时早就对他们的“连战连胜”大起疑心的赌场调查人员科尔·威廉姆斯(劳伦斯·菲什伯恩饰)已然紧紧地盯上了他们并开始了全面调查追踪…… ★《决胜21点》影片剧照


最费脑力的14部电影】《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》 【感动无数人的电影】《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》感动你的是哪部 【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】:《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》 【18部经典天才电影】《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》 【能够影响一生的十部电影】1.《阿甘正传》:执着;2.《东方不败》:才华;3.《美国往事》:人生; 4.《罗马假日》:爱情; 5.《勇敢的心》:勇气; 6.《辛德勒的名单》:责任; 7.《肖申克的救赎》:信念; 8.《E.T》:童心;9.《现代启示录》:痛苦;10.《第七封印》:哲思。 【人生必看的10部电影】爱情→《罗马假日》;执着→《阿甘正传》;哲理→《第七封印》;才华→《莫扎特传》;人生→《美国往事》;童心→《ET》;痛苦→《现代启示录》;信念→《肖申克的救赎》【十部适合一个人静静看的电影】1。阿甘正传。2肖申克的救赎。3。触不到的恋人。4。海上钢琴师。5。千与千寻。6。雏菊。7。花样年华。8。幸福来敲门。9。蓝莓之夜。10。放牛班的春天


1从天而降的巨额支票 理论上来说,由于是我喜爱的菲利普·迪克的原作小说改编而成,本片理应是一部相当cult的小众科幻电影;但是由于导演是华人电影界的翘楚吴宇森,本片最终成为了一部充满好莱坞大众文化情怀的英雄动作片。 这当然是无可厚非的事,因为商业电影原本就应该是反映大众文化的民主艺术。 故事中主要的科幻元素有两个核心点,即:1)人工消除人类某部分记忆的技术;和2)可以预测未来事件的预言机器。这本是极为普通的科幻元素,但本片剧情的张力在于,作者假定,如果你1)被抹消了记忆;2)但是在被抹消记忆之前你预见到了这个事情——那将会发生什么?你如何通过逻辑推理让未来失去记忆的自己找到全部的真相?虽然巧妙地回避了时空理论中著名的『外祖父悖论』,但本片精彩连环的推理设置还是让人拍案叫绝——当然,这是原作菲利普·迪克的功劳,而不是吴宇森。 在终局的前奏,画面上出现了熟悉的白鸽意像画面——这当然是那个我们熟悉的吴宇森,但这部电影似乎在中国并没有太多人关注。 此外,这部片也说明了一个道理:从天而降的巨额支票,往往背后不会有什么好事。 2.吴氏套路 一个工程师发明了能够预知未来的机器,看到了这个机器带给世界的灾难。由于成功后,他对于这段时间的记忆将要被清除,于是留了后手,凭着预知未来的能力,给未来的自己留下了20件东西。当记忆被清除后,他虽然已经忘了这些东西是干什么用的,但是凭借过人的领悟力,每件东西都在适当的场合被他派上了适当的用场。 应该说这样的创意有点儿意思。冥冥之中按照过去的自己的指引玩一场游戏,想想就觉得很有趣。可是当男女主人公重聚之后,他们搞清楚过去三年男主人公究竟干了什么之后,决定去毁了那机器。于是影片变成了普通的好莱坞动作片,追车、打斗、爆炸等元素一个都不少。男女主人公,我们伟大的工程师,在那一刻仿佛被兰博、尼奥和李连杰灵魂附体。剧情也开始变得混乱且无法自圆其说。 男女主人公重聚,男主人公因为过去三年的记忆被清除,想不起在这三年里跟自己感情甚笃的女主人公时,女主人公很伤心,给他看过去两个人甜蜜时刻的视频,男主人公于是恍然大悟,满怀歉意,两个人拥抱、哭泣,感情如同按了开关的台灯,重新亮了起来。这时候,我在想,如果影片对这种状态的感情深入挖掘一下,探讨一下男主人公如何面对无法记起的亲密爱人,也许不错。 可惜,导演是吴宇森,不是岩井俊二。吴导有自己的套路,就像无论多牵强,也一定要搞出两个人拔枪互指,一定要有鸽子。这可以说成是向自己致敬,也可以说成一种可悲的局限性。 另外,看了本·阿弗莱克的表演之后,明白了这厮为什么被称为“票房毒药”。群众的眼睛确实雪亮,这厮根本就不会演戏。 3.片是好片,但忍不住挑出一堆问题 1、如果未来可以预测,那么未来就会因之改变,从这个意义上说,未来本身就不应该能预测;


【让这些电影治愈你】1、缺乏学习动力:《幸福终点站》、《风雨哈佛路》;2、对爱失望:《偷天情缘》、《初恋50次》;3、自卑失落:《阿甘正传》、《肖申克的救赎》;4、失败或绝望:《铁权男人》、《迫在眉梢》、《伊丽莎白镇》; 5、厌倦生活:《在世界转角遇见爱》、《搏击俱乐部》… 【最费脑力的14部电影】《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》… 【结局最意外的20部电影】《搏击俱乐部》、《迷雾》、《心理游戏》、《第六感》、《蝴蝶效应》、《电锯惊魂》、《赛末点》、《穆赫兰道》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《魔术师》、《小岛惊魂》、《万能钥匙》、《火柴人》、《七宗罪》、《魔鬼代言人》、《孤儿》、《八面埋伏》、《香水》、《偷拐抢骗》… 【走进12星座女孩内心世界的电影】《情人》白羊座、《绿荫下》金牛座、《初恋50次》双子座、《黑暗中的舞者》巨蟹、《办公室的故事》狮子座、《傲慢与偏见》处女、《西西里的美丽传说》天秤、《布达佩斯之恋》天蝎、《艳舞女郎》射手、《杨朵儿》摩羯、《罗丹的情人》水瓶、《天使艾米丽》双鱼… 【世界十大禁片——心理承受能力差的看看片名就好】暴力,恶心,荒诞、残忍,肮脏的大集合:《我唾弃你的坟墓》、《切肤之爱》、《肏我》、《杀人不分左右》、《魔法圣婴》、《感官世界》、《罗马帝国艳情史》、《不可撤消》、《下水道的美人鱼》、《索多玛120天》… 【16部讲天才的电影】《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》… 【女人必看的十部电影】1、《乱世佳人》(坚强)、2、《母女情深》(亲情)、3、《简爱》(尊严)、4、《蒂凡尼的早餐》(虚荣)、5、《白领丽人》(才华)、6、《钢琴课》(沟通)、7、《漂亮女人》(浪漫)、8、《紫色》(苦难)、9、《末路狂花》(女权)、10、《女人那话儿》(性爱)… 【男人必看的十部影片】《阿甘正传》(执着)、《东方不败》(才华)、《美国往事》(人生)、《罗马假日》(爱情)、《勇敢的心》(勇气)、《辛德勒的名单》(责任)、《肖申克的救赎》(信念)、《E.T》(童心)、《现代启示录》(痛苦)、《第七封印》(哲思)… 【值得关注的十部泰国电影】《小情人》、《亲密朋友》、《季节变幻》、《爱在暹罗》、《荷尔蒙》、《爱久弥新》、《亲爱的伽利略》、《下一站说爱你》、《初恋这件小事》、《初三大四我爱你》… 【心理爱好者必看的10部经典电影】《致命ID》多重人格障碍;《歌西卡》犯罪心理学;《美国精神病》双重人格;《钢琴教师》性心理变态;《美丽心灵》


【各类牛B电影】[最费脑力的14部电影】《盗梦空间》、《记忆裂痕》、《生死停留》、《死亡幻觉》、《禁闭岛》、《穆赫兰道》、《蝴蝶效应》、《恐怖游轮》、《伤城》、《盗走达芬奇》、《88分钟》、《万能钥匙》、《决胜21点》、《沉默的羔羊》【感动无数人的电影】《恋空》《婚纱》《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》《我脑中的橡皮擦》《属于你的我的初恋》《夏天协奏曲》《天使之恋》《分手信》《近在咫尺的爱恋》【15部让你哭的昏天暗地的电影】《假如爱有天意》《我脑海中的橡皮擦》《情书》《恋空》《等待,只为与你相遇》《我们的幸福时光》《请别相信她》《触不到的恋人》《菊花香》《剪刀手爱德华》《海上钢琴师》《恋恋笔记本》《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》《泰坦尼克号》【18部经典天才电影】《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《天才瑞普利》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》【人生必看的10部电影】爱情→《罗马假日》;执着→《阿甘正传》;哲理→《第七封印》;才华→《莫扎特传》;人生→《美国往事》;童心→《ET》;痛苦→《现代启示录》;信念→《肖申克的救赎》;责任→《辛德勒的名单》;勇气→《勇敢的心》【十部适合一个人静静看的电影】1、阿甘正传2、肖申克的救赎3、触不到的恋人4、海上钢琴师5、千与千寻6、雏菊7、花样年华8、幸福来敲门9、蓝莓之夜10、放牛班的春天【10部震撼狙击手电影】①《狙击电话亭》;②《最后的莫希干人》;③《敌人的荣誉》;④《兵临城下》;⑤《全金属外壳》、⑥《快枪手》;⑦《双狙人》;⑧《杀手悲歌》;⑨《一号通缉令》;⑩《最后刺客》【亚洲十大恐怖电影】: 1.《咒怨》 2.鬼娃娃花子 3.《午夜凶铃》4.《鬼来电》 5.《笔仙》6.《解剖学教室》7.《邪降》8.《四人餐桌》9.《人形师》10.《凶相》【12部让你笑喷的电影】《神探飞机头》《我盛大的同志婚礼》《幸运库克》《校园卧底》《我的野蛮老师》《美女也烦恼》《疯狂的石头》《谋杀快乐》《XXXX》《我为玛丽狂》《美国派》《偷天情缘》【18部讲述天才的电影】《美丽心灵》、《雨人》、《波拉克》、《暗物质》、《想飞的钢琴少年》、《嫌疑人X的献身》、《十一罗汉》、《猫鼠游戏》、《香水》、《一级恐惧》、《心灵捕手》、《莫扎特传》、《证据》、《海上钢琴师》、《电锯惊魂》、《沉默的羔羊》、《非常嫌疑犯》、《寻找弗罗斯特》。最酷的狗:《101真狗》最可爱的狗:《狗狗心事》最红的狗:《史努比》最搞怪的狗:《家有贱狗》最苦命的狗:《龙龙与忠狗》最懂孙子兵法的狗:《猫狗大战》最大无畏的狗:《酷狗正传》最会装傻的狗:《酷狗宝贝》最忠心的狗:《导盲犬小Q》最早狗明星:《灵犬莱西》【哈佛商学院要求学生必看的10部经典电影】《华尔街》《大亨游戏》《颠倒乾坤》《抢钱大作战》《硅谷传奇》《可口可乐小子》《发达之路》《大公司小老板》《巴塞罗那》《社交网络》【最美的10部电影】1.《公民凯恩》2.《猎人之夜》3.《游戏规则》4.《日出》5.《亚特兰大号》6.《M就是凶手》7.《雨中曲》8.《迷魂记》9.《天堂的孩子》10.《搜索者》【国内10部经典同性恋电影】1.《蓝宇》2. 《霸王别姬》3. 《美少年之恋》4. 《心动》5. 《自梳》6. 《喜宴》7. 《春光乍泄》8. 《夜奔》9. 《今年夏天》10. 《东宫西宫》【15部治愈系温暖电影】《入殓师》、《大鱼》、《阳光小美女》、《放牛班的春天》、《天使爱美丽》、《菊次郎的夏天》、《天堂电影院》、《蝴蝶》、《蓝色大门》、《曾经》、《诺丁山》、《真爱至上》、《幸福终点站》、《西雅图夜未眠》、《当幸福来敲门》。【15部变态连环杀手的电影】《十二宫》,《七宗罪》,《沉默的羔羊》,《电锯惊魂》,《美国精神病人》,《看见恶魔》,《神秘拼图》,《可爱的骨头》,《天生杀人狂》,《机动杀人》,《香水》,《八面埋伏》,《十五号星期五系列》,《老无所依》,《女魔头》。【唯美如画的日本纯爱系电影】《花水木》《恋空》《现在只想爱你》《秒速5厘米》《情书》《花与爱丽丝》《泪光闪闪》《四月物语》《春之雪》《虹之女神》《燕尾蝶》《在世界心的中呼唤爱》《等待只为与你相遇》《属于你的我的初恋》《大约在雨季》《五年后的情书》《好想告诉你》【10部关于初恋的电影】:1.《情书》2. 《初恋50次》 3. 《牯岭街少年杀人事件》4. 《这个杀手不太冷》5. 《罗马假日》6. 《蓝色大门》7. 《心动》8. 《教室别恋》9. 《初

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