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Conceptual implicit memory impaired in amnestic mild

Conceptual implicit memory impaired in amnestic mild
Conceptual implicit memory impaired in amnestic mild

Neuroscience Letters 484 (2010) 153–156

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /n e u l e


Conceptual implicit memory impaired in amnestic mild cognitive impairment patient

Liang Gong a ,b ,Yanghua Tian a ,Huaidong Cheng a ,c ,Zhendong Chen c ,Changlin Yin a ,Yu Meng a ,Rong Ye a ,Kai Wang a ,?


Neuropsychological Laboratory,Department of Neurology,The First Af?liated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230022,Anhui Province,PR China b

Department of Neurology,People’s Hospital of YuXi City,The Sixth Af?liated Hospital of Kunming Medical College,Yuxi 653100,PR China c

Cancer and Cognition Laboratory,Department of Oncology,The Second Af?liated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230022,PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Received 8June 2010

Received in revised form 4August 2010Accepted 12August 2010


Amnestic mild cognitive impairment Alzheimer’s disease Implicit memory

a b s t r a c t

Explicit memory has been well proven to be impaired in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI),and conceptual implicit memory is impaired in Alzheimer’s disease.However,it is unclear whether implicit memory is affected in aMCI.In the present study,35patients with aMCI and 35healthy elderly subjects were administered a neuropsychological battery of tests including conceptual and perceptual implicit memory tasks (category exemplar generation,image identi?cation)as well as explicit memory tasks.Patients with aMCI exhibited impairment in explicit memory tasks and selective impairment in concep-tual priming tasks,while the effect of perceptual priming was preserved.More importantly,category exemplar generation task priming,but not perceptual priming,was positively correlated with verbal ?u-ency test performance in the aMCI group.The dissociation between the 2components of implicit priming suggests that conceptual priming impairment in aMCI patients may be related to frontal lobe dysfunction.

? 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Implicit memory is a type of memory in which previous experiences aid in the performance of a task without conscious awareness of these previous experiences [33].In contrast,explicit memory refers to the conscious or intentional recollection of previous experiences and information.Most common evidence for implicit memory arises in priming,a process whereby subjects show improved performance on tasks for which they have been subconsciously prepared [16].On the basis of process distinction,priming can be fractionated into 2subtypes:perceptual priming and concep-tual priming.Perceptual priming is modality speci?c and does not depend on the semantic or elaborative encoding of an item,as in the case of word identi?cation and image identi?cation,whereas con-ceptual priming is not modality speci?c and bene?ts from semantic encoding [5],as in the case of free-association and category exem-plar generation tests [34].It has been reported that patients with focal damage to the occipital cortex fail to show perceptual priming,but do show normal conceptual priming [15].Frontal cortex dam-age model schizophrenic patients show lower conceptual priming than control subjects,but comparable perceptual priming [36].Additional converging evidence concerning the brain regions that are relevant to priming has been provided by recent neuroimaging

?Corresponding author.Tel.:+8605512923704;fax:+8605512923704.E-mail address:wangkai1964@https://www.doczj.com/doc/6e15978446.html, (K.Wang).studies.Neuroimaging studies using positron-emission tomogra-phy (PET)and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)have revealed that priming is often accompanied by decreased activity (neural priming)in a variety of brain regions [35].Different types of behavioral priming may rely on neural priming in different cortex areas.Neural priming in the posterior regions (visual regions,audi-tory regions,parahippocampal cortex,and fusiform cortex)may be the basis for perceptual priming [2],while neural priming in the left frontal cortex may be the basis for conceptual priming [41].

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI)refers to a clinical condition in which patients experience a memory loss greater than expected for their chronological age,yet not severe enough to meet the cur-rently accepted criteria for clinically probable Alzheimer’s disease (AD)[31].When memory loss is the predominant symptom,it is termed “amnestic MCI”(aMCI)and is frequently considered to be a risk factor for AD [17].Much experimental work investigating the qualitative pro?le of memory dysfunction in aMCI documents the pervasive impairment of declarative or explicit memory [9,24].The characteristics of explicit memory impairment in aMCI are sim-ilar to those in AD.It is a well-established ?nding that explicit memory is compromised by aging [21]and profoundly impaired in AD [37].Although most regular priming is impaired in patients with AD,there are numerous examples of preservation.In gen-eral,normal perceptual priming has been consistently reported in cases of AD [6,10],while conceptual priming has been shown

0304-3940/$–see front matter ? 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2010.08.041

154L.Gong et al./Neuroscience Letters484 (2010) 153–156

to be impaired in many studies[12,13].Some investigators have reported implicit memory performance in aMCI patients.Perri et al.[27]found that aMCI priming on fragmented picture identi?-cation tasks was lower than that of healthy controls but greater than that of the AD patients,and priming on word-stem comple-tion was greater than that of both AD patients and healthy controls. They explained that explicit memory contamination in the word-stem completion task may be attributed to the inhibition of the implicit priming https://www.doczj.com/doc/6e15978446.html,Voie and Faulkner[20]found that both older controls and MCI patients showed lower levels of priming on the word-stem completion task relative to young adults,and reli-ably greater levels relative dementia patients;equivalent priming on the word identi?cation task was seen in all groups.However, little is known about conceptual and perceptual implicit memory performance in aMCI patients.

Amnestic MCI patients are characterized by de?cits in explicit recall and recognition,which are produced by cortex changes in the hippocampal formation.A brain structure study in aMCI patients also found atrophy in the entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus [19].In addition,recent evidence suggests that frontal lobe func-tion is impaired in MCI[40],with relative sparing of the occipital cortex.Traykov et al.[40]found that MCI patients had problems with response inhibition,switching,and cognitive?exibility,which encompass various aspects of executive functions,which are pro-cessed by the frontal cortex.Dannhauser et al.[8]found that activation in the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex(PFC)during encoding in the aMCI group was decreased compared to that in the healthy control group.As the frontal cortex and the occipital cortex are the basis of conceptual priming and perceptual priming, respectively,if priming is impaired in aMCI,the impairment must be related to conceptual priming.

The present study aimed to examine whether the memory impairments in aMCI extend to implicit memory as well as explicit memory.Thirty-?ve aMCI patients and35healthy controls were administered with conceptual priming(category exemplar genera-tion)and perceptual priming(image identi?cation)tasks,as well as explicit memory(immediate recall,delayed recall,delayed recogni-tion)tasks.We predicted that individuals with aMCI would exhibit impaired conceptual priming(category exemplar generation)rel-ative to healthy older controls.

Each subject underwent a uniform clinical evaluation that included a medical history,a neurological examination,and neu-ropsychological performance testing.

Thirty-?ve healthy older adults(17men,18women)with a mean education of10.6years and an age range of58–78(mean69.1) engaged in the experiment.Thirty-?ve patients with a diagnosis of probable aMCI[29](19men,16women)with a mean education of10.3years and an age range of55–84(mean68.9)entered the experiment.The aMCI patients were recruited from the outpatients of the?rst hospital of Anhui Medical University.

The performance of the healthy older group was within nor-mal limits for age and education according to measures of:(a) Mini-mental state examination,MMSE[14];Montreal Cognitive Assessment,MoCA[25];(b)Auditory Verbal Learning Test Delayed Recall(AVLT)[32];(c)Self-Rating Depression Scale,SDS[42];and (d)Clinical Dementia Rating,CDR[4].The control subjects were required to have a CDR of0,an MMSE score of26,and a Delayed Recall score of>4for those with8or more years of education.

Patients with aMCI met the following criteria:(a)a recent his-tory of a symptomatic worsening of memory;(b)an objective memory injury for their age,according to cognitive testing,which is1.5SD lower than the demonstrated verbal ability of the aMCI group;(c)an MMSE score of24–30;(d)a global CDR score of0.5, with a memory score of0.5or greater;(e)not meeting the NINCDS-ADRDA or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV,Text Revision criteria for dementia;(f)normal or near-normal independent functions;and(g)an absence of other factors that might have better explained their memory loss(e.g.,depression). The criteria used for MCI were those accepted by the?eld for clinical research.

A comprehensive battery of tests managed to assess both gen-eral cognitive functions and memory:the MMSE and MoCA to measure global cognitive function and the Verbal Fluency Test(VFT) [22]to measure frontal lobe functions;Digit Span(DS)[26]was used to measure the working memory.

The immediate recall,delayed recall,and delayed recognition trials were performed as a multiple-form test of explicit verbal memory.In each of the3learning trials,the participants heard a list of15words and tried to recall as many as possible within2min. The correct number of responses from the?rst trial was taken as the immediate recall scores.After a20min?lled interval(i.e.,with nonverbal tasks),the participants completed a delayed recall trial and a delayed recognition trial.In the delayed recall trial,partic-ipants were asked to recall the words learned earlier.In the test phase of the delayed recognition trial,participants heard a list of 30words(15old and15new)and were asked to decide if the words had been heard before or not.

Perceptual priming was investigated by an image identi?cation test[7].The stimuli consisted of80grayscale images comprising 40entity images of common objects and40corresponding mosaic images of each picture.The entity images contained animals,fruit, tools,and other common objects,and the mosaic images were man-ufactured by Photoshop software.The identi?cation rate of each entity image and mosaic image was over98%and20–30%,respec-tively,by40adults.During the study phase,the participants were presented with a list of20entity images,and were required to rate each image on a5-point liking scale.The study list assignment was counterbalanced across the participants.The study was self-paced, but the participants were told to respond as quickly as possi-ble.During the test phase,which was administered15min after the study phase,participants were presented with the40mosaic images(half with studied items and half with new items).The par-ticipants were asked to name each image within10s.Guessing was allowed.Priming was measured as the increase in the probability of naming a studied versus an unstudied mosaic image.

Conceptual priming was evaluated using the category exemplar generation task[13].During the study phase,the participants were visually presented with20words belonging to1of2categories (e.g.,vegetables,household appliances),1at a time,individually printed on cards.The categories were matched with respect to cat-egory potency[3].The subjects were asked to indicate whether the words represented living or nonliving entities.During the test phase,which was administered15min after the study phase,the subjects were asked to generate8examples for each of4speci?ed categories(2old and2new)as quickly as they could.The instruc-tions were given without reference to the previously studied list of words.A different category was presented when the individual had generated8examples or if the subject failed to produce a new response in a1-min period.The examiner recorded the words they said with a tape recorder.The examples for the unstudied cate-gories were used as a baseline measurement of performance for this task.Priming was measured as the increase in the probability of producing a studied versus an unstudied category example.

The SPSS-15statistical package was used for the data analysis. Differences in age,education,MMSE,MoCA,VFT,DS,and AVLT score between aMCI and healthy older controls were assessed using https://www.doczj.com/doc/6e15978446.html,parisons among aMCI and healthy older controls on the performance of explicit memory and implicit memory were per-formed using an Independent Samples T Test.We used Pearson’s correlation to examine the association between aMCI patients’ver-bal?uency tests and memory scores.The probability level was 0.05.

L.Gong et al./Neuroscience Letters484 (2010) 153–156155


Demographic and neuropsychological background tests of healthy elderly and aMCI patients.

Characteristic aMCI patients Healthy controls

Number of participants3535


Age,years(mean(SD))68.69±7.8569.09±4.21 Educational level10.34±3.210.63±2.9 MoCA,mean(SD)24.63±2.5*27.66±0.7 MMSE,mean(SD)27.53±1.4*29.46±0.7

DS,mean(SD) 6.51±0.7*7.74±0.4




In Table1,there was no signi?cant difference between the aMCI patients and the healthy controls in terms of age,education,or sex and DS(P>0.05).The performance of the patients in the aMCI group was signi?cantly poorer than that of the patients in the healthy control group on the MMSE,MoCA,AVLT,and VFT(P<0.01).

The explicit memory performance,including immediate recall, delayed recall,and delayed recognition,was worse in the aMCI group than in the healthy control group.The difference was statis-tically signi?cant(immediate recall,t=6.40,P<0.01,delayed recall, t=9.29,P<0.01delayed recognition,t=7.65,P<0.05)(see Table2).

There was no signi?cant difference between the aMCI group and the healthy control group in terms of the image identi?cation task (t=0.78,P>0.05).Performance of the category exemplar genera-tion task in the aMCI group was poorer than that in the healthy control group(t=3.21,P<0.01)(see Table2).

The verbal?uency score was not associated with the explicit memory score(P>0.05).The verbal?uency score was not asso-ciated with perceptual implicit memory(image identi?cation, r=0.211,P=0.22).Conceptual implicit memory(category exem-plar generation)was positively associated with the verbal?uency score(r=0.739,P<0.01)(see Fig.1).

The present results indicate that aMCI patients were not only impaired in explicit memory,but also in implicit memory,partic-ularly in conceptual priming.Consistent with our predictions,the conceptual priming task score(category exemplar generation)in the aMCI patients was poorer than that in the healthy controls,and the perceptual priming task score(image identi?cation)was iden-tical between the2groups.This characteristic of implicit memory performance was similar in MCI and AD patients.The performance on explicit memory tests in our study was similar to that of most prior aMCI studies[27,30].This?nding is in complete accord with the neuroanatomical changes that occur in aMCI patients.Much evidence has proven that mesial-temporal lobe(MTL)structures in aMCI patients were extensively affected[1,18],and MTL is well known to be critically involved in explicit memory functioning [38,39].In addition,our main?nding is that conceptual implicit memory was impaired in aMCI patients,while perceptual implicit memory was spared.Our results conformed to the preliminary?nd-Table2

Explicit and implicit memory scores

of healthy elderly and aMCI patients.

Measurement aMCI patients Healthy control


Explicit memory

Immediate recall 3.74±1.29** 5.57±1.09 Delayed recall 3.83±2.36**8.34±1.64 Delayed recognition9.11±2.35*12.77±1.57 Implicit memory

Image identi?cation21.11±5.0522.06±5.13 Category exemplar generation 5.94±1.51** 6.94±1.06


**P<0.01.Fig.1.Positive correlation between verbal?uency test score and category exemplar generation score in aMCI patients.

ings of Fleischman’s[11]study of aging in MCI and AD patients. He found that conceptual priming appears to distinguish MCI and AD from normal cognition(category exemplar generation),while perceptual priming(word-stem completion task,picture naming) appears to be intact in both MCI and normal cognition.It was also reported that higher levels of global neuropathology in AD patients were related to lower levels of explicit memory and implicit mem-ory on the category exemplar generation task.However,it should be noted that these results are not congruent with those reported by Perri et al.[27],who employed the word-stem completion task and the fragmented picture identi?cation task.They found that the priming on the fragmented picture identi?cation task was lower than that of the healthy controls but greater than that of the AD group,and that the priming on the word-stem completion task was greater than that of both the AD group and the healthy controls. LaVoie and Faulkner[20]also tested priming in aMCI patients by the word-stem completion task and showed equivalent priming in MCI patients and healthy older controls.Our study con?rmed that category exemplar priming,but not image identi?cation priming, was poorer in aMCI patients than in healthy controls.

Our present results indicate that conceptual priming in aMCI patients was poor compared with that in healthy controls,while perceptual priming was shared.This?nding is in accord with the neuroanatomical changes that occur in aMCI patients.The poste-rior cortex,which processes perceptual priming,was veri?ed to be preserved in aMCI patients[28].In addition,an increasing amount of behavioral and neuroimaging research has recently manifested that the frontal lobe,which mainly mediates conceptual priming [22,42],might be impaired in aMCI patients[3,19,42].For example, Traykov et al.[40]found that various aspects of the executive func-tions(which are mainly processed by the frontal lobe,e.g.response inhibition,switching,and cognitive?exibility)were affected in MCI patients.Our results also show that conceptual priming was impaired in aMCI patients,which indicates that frontal lobe dys-function led to conceptual priming deterioration in aMCI patients.

In order to further understand whether frontal lobe dysfunction in aMCI is related to conceptual priming,we conducted a corre-lation analysis between several memory and verbal?uency test scores.Our results showed that the verbal?uency test score was positively associated with the category exemplar generation score, but not with either the image identi?cation score or the explicit memory score.The verbal?uency test is a common neuropsycho-logical test which is often used to evaluate the frontal lobe function [23].The?ndings of this study suggest that some types of implicit memory might be impaired in aMCI,possibly due to frontal lobe dysfunction.

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There are several limitations to this study.First,the sample size was small.Second,we do not have imaging data on our partic-ipants to support our contention that the memory impairments seen in aMCI may be limited to speci?c neural systems that under-lie implicit memory processes.Finally,we did not use neuroimaging technology in our study,and if the activity of the PFC was shown to be reduced in aMCI while the conceptual implicit task was being administered,it would provide more convincing support for our thesis.

In summary,our results suggest that the2types of priming in implicit memory are dissociated in aMCI https://www.doczj.com/doc/6e15978446.html,pared with healthy older controls,patients with aMCI seem to demon-strate impaired performance on conceptual,but not perceptual, implicit memory tasks.The current study also implies that concep-tual priming impairment in aMCI may be associated with frontal lobe dysfunction.


This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81070877),National Basic Research Program of China(2005CB522800).We would like to thank all the partici-pants for taking part in this study.



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瑞文标准推理测验简介 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

《瑞文标准推理测验(SPM)》简介瑞文标准推理测验(Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices,简称SPM)是由英国心理学家瑞文(J. C. Raven)1938年编制的非言语智力测验。它的主要任务是要求被试根据一个大图形中的符号或图案的规律,将适当的图形填入大图形的空缺中,如下图所示。自其问世以来,许多国家对它做了修订,直到现在仍广泛使用,有着重要的理论意义与实用价值。 瑞文推理测验有三种类型:(1)标准推理测验(简称SPM,1938):适用于8岁到成人被试,有5个黑白系列;(2)儿童彩色渐进测验(Raven’s Color Progressive Matrices,简称CPM,1947),有三个系列;(3)高级推理测验(Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices,简称APM,1956),适用于高智力水平者。这三种推理测验在我国已修订发行。 瑞文测验在编制在理论上依据斯皮尔曼的智力二因素理论。该理论认为智力主要有两个因素构成,其一是一般因素,又称“G”因素,它可以渗入所有的智力活动中,每个人都具有这种能力,但在水平上有差异;另一因素是特殊因素,可用“S”表示,这种因素种类多,与特定任务高相关,例如音乐能力、数学、交际能力等。瑞文推理测验测量的是智力的一般因素(“G”因素),尤其与人的问题解决,清晰知觉和思惟,发现和利用自己所需信息,以及有效地适应社会生活的能力有关。

Time in a Bottle-Jim croce 歌词及中文翻译

Time in a Bottle - Jim Croce 时光宝瓶- 吉米·克罗斯If I could save time in a bottle 如果时光能用瓶子收藏, The first thing that I'd like to do 我最想做的事情唯有一桩, Is to save every day till eternity passes away, 就是收集每天每日直到永恒消逝, Just to spend them with you. 只为与你共同分享。 If I could make days last forever 如果人生能够万寿无疆, If words could make wishes come true 如果话语能够实现梦想, I'd save every day like a treasure and then 那我就收集每天每日有如珍宝, Again, I would spend them with you 然后与你一同品尝。 But there never seems to be enough time 然而时光似乎总有限量, To do the things you want to do 要做的事情太多太忙, Once you find them 一旦等你有所觉察, I've looked around enough to know 寻寻觅觅,我心中已有主张, You're the one I want to go 人世间唯独是你, Through time with 我愿共度一生的时光。 If I had a box just for wishes 不曾实现的梦想愿望, And dreams that had never come true 假如我有宝盒用来收藏, The box would be empty 这宝盒定会空空荡荡, Except for the memory 里面只有一种记忆, Of how they were answered by you 把你内心的回应存放。


测试目的 评估EUT 在共模射频(150kHz~80MHz)传导下的抗扰度测试标准 IEC61000-4-6 可参考GB17626.6 测试项目 Conducted Immunity 测试 测试要求 实验室环境要求 Temperature 15℃~35℃ Relative Humidity 25%~75% 大气压68(680) ~ 106(1060) kPa 隔音屏蔽室 仪器要求 CDN参数要求阻抗(至少要100欧姆) 0.15~26兆赫兹 150欧姆(±20欧姆) 26~80兆赫兹 150欧姆(+60/-45)

SG要求 选择测试注入法规则 测试原理 标准EN61000-4-6定义了传导抗扰度的测试方法. 第一,耦合方法.在EN61000-4-6定义的三种耦合方法,最好的方法是通过耦合/去耦(CDN)直接注入电压,这样插入损耗为零,因此只需要较小的功率. 第二,电缆射频注入测试要求远离EUT的电缆末端上的共模阻抗固定不变.所以,每一种类型的电缆都必须在其远端有一个共模去耦网络或阻抗稳固网络(ISN),以确保这一阻抗,并将任何辅助设备与电缆上的射频电流影响隔离开,并且,使用该网络将射频电压耦合到电缆上. 第三,传导抗扰度测试虽然不需要昂贵的电磁吸波屏蔽室设施,但当几根电缆连接到EUT上时,它能否反映EUT的真实情况还值得怀疑.所以,这种电压注入法不太适合按规定有很多电缆连接到其上的设备. 第四,对传导抗扰度测试的主要限制条件是频率.EUT尺寸远小于测试频率的波长时,射频能量的大部分被暴露在辐射场中的设备电缆所获得,因此传导测试可以反映真实情况.但随着频率的增大,以至于EUT尺寸接近半波长时,则电缆的主导作用减小,并且在较高频率上,场耦合路径与EUT尺寸的结构、内部电路及其电缆相互影响.所以标准EN61000-4-6规定上限频率在80~230MHz(相应设备尺寸约为0.6~2m). 根据电磁辐射环境,测试水平为1V、3V或10V.在设计的测试中,我们选择3V的测试水平。实际施加的信号需用1kHz正弦波进行80%深度的幅度调制.


第2章习题答案 2-9. (1)x<=3 运行顺序为Px,P3,P5,P6,P9 T=(x+(x+3)+(x+3+5)+(x+3+5+6)+(x+3+5+6+9))/5=x+ (2)3

作业4还未到,只能选作业3运行。 作业3运行到结束,再计算剩余的作业2和4: 作业2的响应比=(()+)/= 作业4的响应比=( /=2 选作业2运行。 作业2到完成。最后运行作业4。运行到,全部结束。 各个作业的周转时间计算如下: t1=2 t2== t3= t4== 各个作业的平均周转时间计算如下: T==(2++1+/4= 各个作业的平均带权周转时间计算如下: W=(2/2++1/+/4= 2-13.已知作业A,B,C,D,E需要的运行时间分别为10,6,2,4,8分钟,优先级分别为3,5,2,1,4。 (1)轮转法(假定时间片=2分钟) 作业完成的顺序为C,D,B,E,A 开始作业轮转一周需10分钟, 作业C的周转时间:Tc=10分钟(6分) C完成后,剩下四个作业,轮转一周需8分钟, 作业D的周转时间:Td=10+8×(4-2)/2=18分钟(16分) D完成后,剩下三个作业,轮转一周需6分钟, 作业B的周转时间:Tb=18+6×(6-2-2)/2=24分钟(22分) B完成后,剩下两个作业,轮转一周需4分钟, 作业E的周转时间:Te=24+4=28分钟(28分) E完成后,只剩下作业A, 作业A的周转时间:Ta=28+2=30分钟(30分) 平均周转时间:T=(10+18+24+28+30)/5=22分(分) (2)优先级调度法 作业完成顺序为:B,E,A,C,D Tb=6分,Te=6+8=14分,Ta=14+10=24分,Tc=24+2=26分, Td=26+4=30分。 平均周转时间:T=(6+14+24+26+30)/5=20分 第3章习题答案 3-7. 系统中有n+1个进程。其中A1、A2、…、An分别通过缓冲区向进程B发送消息。相互之间的制约关系为:发送进程A1、A2、…、An要互

《See You Again》中英文翻译歌词资料

《S e e Y o u A g a i n》中英文翻译歌词

《See You Again》 DJ Frank E 没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长 It's been a long day without you my friend 与你重逢之时 And I'll tell you all about it 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 when I see you again 回头凝望 We've come a long way 我们携手走过漫长的旅程 from where we began 与你重逢之时 Oh I'll tell you all about it 我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 when I see you again 与你重逢之时 When I see you again 谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程

Damn, who knew all the planes we flew 谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好 Good things we've been through 这便是我在你眼前出现的原因 That I'd standing right here 与你聊聊另一种选择的可能 Talking to you about another path 我懂我们都喜欢速度与激情 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh 但有个声音告诉我 But something told me that 这美好并不会永恒 it wouldn't last 我们得变得更视野 Had to switch up look at things different 转向更为辽阔的天地 see the bigger picture 有付出的日子终有收获的时节 Those were the days hard work forever pays 此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来


?测试目的 评估EUT 在共模射频(150kHz~80MHz)传导下的抗扰度 ?测试标准 IEC61000-4-6 可参考GB17626.6 ?测试项目 Conducted Immunity 测试 ?测试要求 ●实验室环境要求 Temperature 15℃~35℃Relative Humidity 25%~75% 大气压68(680) ~ 106(1060) kPa 隔音屏蔽室 ●仪器要求 CDN参数要求阻抗(至少要100欧姆) 0.15~26兆赫兹150欧姆(±20欧姆) 26~80兆赫兹150欧姆(+60/-45) SG要求 ●选择测试注入法规则 ?测试原理 标准EN61000-4-6定义了传导抗扰度的测试方法. 第一,耦合方法.在EN61000-4-6定义的三种耦合方法,最好的方法是通过耦合/去耦(CDN)直接注入电压,这样插入损耗为零,因此只需要较小的功率. 第二,电缆射频注入测试要求远离EUT的电缆末端上的共模阻抗固定不变.所以,每一种类型的电缆都必须在其远端有一个共模去耦网络或阻抗稳固网络(ISN),以确保这一阻抗,并将任何辅助设备与电缆上的射频电流影响隔离开,并且,使用该网络将射频电压耦合到电缆上. 第三,传导抗扰度测试虽然不需要昂贵的电磁吸波屏蔽室设施,但当几根电缆连接到EUT上时,它能否反映EUT的真实情况还值得怀疑.所以,这种电压注入法不太适合按规定有很多电缆连接到其上的设备. 第四,对传导抗扰度测试的主要限制条件是频率.EUT尺寸远小于测试频率的波长时,射频能量的大部分被暴露在辐射场中的设备电缆所获得,因此传导测试可以反映真实情况.但随着频率的增大,以至于EUT尺寸接近半波长时,则电缆的主导作用减小,并且在较高频率上,场耦合路径与EUT尺寸的结构、内部电路及其电缆相互影响.所以标准EN61000-4-6规定上限频率在80~230MHz(相应设备尺寸约为0.6~2m).


操作系统原理及应用试题附答案 第一部分选择题一、单项选择题(本大题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分) 1、从静态角度来看,进程由__________、数据集合、进程控制块及相关表格三部分组成。()A、JCB B、PCB C、程序段 D、I/O缓冲区 2、请求页式管理方式中,首先淘汰在内存中驻留时间最长的帧,这种替换策略是_____.()A、先进先出法(FIFO) B、最近最少使用法(LRU) C、优先级调度 D、轮转法 3、文件安全管理中,___________安全管理规定用户对目录或文件的访问权限。()A、系统级 B、用户级 C、目录级 D、文件级 4、排队等待时间最长的作业被优先调度,这种算法是___________。A、优先级调度 B、响应比高优先 C、短作业优先D、先来先服务第二部分非选择题 二、填空题(本大题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分) 5、常规操作系统的主要功能有:_处理机管理_、存贮管理、设备管理、文件管理以及用户界面管理。 6、操作系统把硬件全部隐藏起来,提供友好的、易于操作的用户界面,好象是一个扩展了的机器,即一台操作系统虚拟机。 7、进程管理的功能之一是对系统中多个进程的状态转换进行控制。 8、逻辑_文件是一种呈现在用户面前的文件结构。 9、操作系统中实现进程互斥和同步的机制称为同步机构_。 10、内存中用于存放用户的程序和数据的部分称为用户区(域)。 11、存贮器段页式管理中,地址结构由段号、段内页号和页内相对地址三部分组成。 12、在操作系统中,通常用户不使用设备的物理名称(或物理地址),而代之以另外一种名称来操作,这就是逻辑设备名。 13、在操作系统中,时钟常有两种用途:报告日历和时间,对资源使用记时。 14、库文件允许用户对其进行读取、执行,但不允许修改.


《操作系统原理》期末考试题 班级学号姓名 一、单项选择题(每题2分,共26分) 1.操作系统是一种()。 A. 系统软件 B. 系统硬件 C. 应用软件 D. 支援软件 2.分布式操作系统与网络操作系统本质上的不同在于()。 A.实现各台计算机这间的通信 B.共享网络中的资源 C.满足较在规模的应用 D.系统中多台计算机协作完成同一任务 3.下面对进程的描述中,错误的是()。 A.进程是动态的概念 B. 进程执行需要处理机 C.进程是指令的集合 D. 进程是有生命期的 4.临界区是指并发进程中访问共享变量的()段。 A.管理信息 B.信息存储 C.数据 D.程序 5.要求进程一次性申请所需的全部资源,是破坏了死锁必要条件中的哪一条()。 A.互斥 B.请求与保持 C.不剥夺 D.循环等待 6.以下哪种存储管理不可用于多道程序系统中()。 A.单一连续区存储管理 B.固定式区存储管理 D. 段式存储管理 C.可变分区存储管理7.在可变式分区存储管理

中,某作业完成后要收回其主存空间,该空间可能与 1 / 8 相邻空闲区合并,修改空闲区表,使空闲区数不变且空闲区起始地址不变的 情况是()。 A.无上邻空闲区也无下邻空闲区 B.有上邻空闲区但无下邻空闲区 C.有下邻空闲区但无上邻空闲区 D.有上邻空闲区也有下邻空闲 区 8.系统“抖动”现象的发生不是由()引起的。 A.置换算法选择不当 B.交换的信息量过大 C.主存容量不足 D.请求页式管理方案 9.在进程获得所需全部资源,唯却CPU时,进程处于()状态。 A.运行 B.阻塞 C.就绪 D.新建 10.要页式存储管理系统中,将主存等分成()。 A.块 B.页 C.段长 D.段 11.系统利用SPOOLING技术实现()。 A.对换手段 B.虚拟设备 C.系统调用 D.虚拟存储 12.设备从磁盘驱动器中读出一块数据的总时间为()。 A.等待时间+ 传输时间 B.传输时间 D.延迟时间+ 查找时间+ 传输时间 C.查找时间+ 传输时间 13.如果允许不同用户的文件可以具有相同的文件名,通常采用()


第2章文件管理习题解答 1.什么是文件和文件系统?文件系统有哪些功能? 【解答】文件是具有符号名而且在逻辑上具有完整意义的信息项的有序序列。 文件系统是指操作系统系统中实现对文件的组织、管理和存取的一组系统程序,它实现对文件的共享和保护,方便用户“按名存取”。 文件系统的功能“ (1)文件及目录的管理。如打开、关闭、读、写等。 (2)提供有关文件自身的服务。如文件共享机制、文件的安全性等。 (3)文件存储空间的管理。如分配和释放。主要针对可改写的外存如磁盘。(4)提供用户接口。为方便用户使用文件系统所提供的服务,称为接口。文件系统通常向用户提供两种类型的接口:命令接口和程序接口。不同的操作系统提供不同类型的接口,不同的应用程序往往使用不同的接口。 2.Linux文件可以根据什么分类?可以分为哪几类?各有什么特点? 【解答】在Linux操作系统中,文件可以根据内部结构和处理方式进行分类。 在Linux操作系统中,可以将文件分为普通文件、目录文件、特别文件三类。 各类文件的特点是: 普通文件:由表示程序、数据或正文的字符串构成的文件,内部没有固定的结构。这种文件既可以是系统文件,也可以是库文件或用户文件。 目录文件:由文件目录构成的一类文件。对它的处理(读、写、执行)在形式上与普通文件相同。 特别文件:特指各种外部设备,为了便于管理,把所有的输入/输出设备都按文件格式供用户使用。这类文件对于查找目录、存取权限验证等的处理与普通文件相似,而其他部分的处理要针对设备特性要求做相应的特殊处理。 应该指出,按不同的分类方式就有不同的文件系统。 3.什么是文件的逻辑结构?什么是文件的物理结构?Linux文件系统分别采用什么样的结构?有什么优点和缺点? 【解答】文件的逻辑结构:用户对文件的观察的使用是从自身处理文件中数据时采用的组织方式来看待文件组织形式。这种从用户观点出发所见到的文件组织方式称为文件的逻辑组织。 文件的物理结构:从系统的角度考察文件在实际存储设备上的存放形式,又称为文件的存储结构。 在Linux系统中,所有文件的逻辑结构都被看作是流式文件,系统不对文件进行格式处理。 在Linux系统中,文件的物理结构采用的是混合多重索引结构,即将文件所占用盘块的盘块号,直接或间接地存放在该文件索引结点的地址项中。 在Linux系统中,采用混合索引结构的优点是,对于小文件,访问速度快;对于大中

GALA《Young for you》歌词及翻译

1 (中文翻译)嘿,伙计们真酷 你好啊窝囊废我们才真叫酷001_intro...the band is so cool (suddoo/M/wangzi) Hello loser The band is so cool

2 (中文)忧郁的废物002_the blue elephants(suddoo) 我是忧郁的废物 生活在离奇的国度 现实它虚拟恍惚 爱情也飘缈虚无 我是忧郁的废物 迷恋着成长的孤独 拒绝这生命重复 却变得一无是处

3 (中文翻译) 田纳西 田纳西 照耀着我 轻易来到 却不舍离去 我该死 却不会哭 曾经是那么 豪迈不羁 梦着梦 不觉遗憾 把我的心 涂的闪亮 抱紧我 这很好 总而言之 你是我的大海 (你是我的仙女) 在夜里和谁一起跳舞篝火旁河水缓缓流淌你的面如丝绒气贯长虹但除了我你别无所依谁偷走你的时间 让你无法继续走 在停滞中你感觉晕眩之后一切都空空如也003_tennessee(suddoo) Tennessee You shine on me Eazy come Hard to leave I should die But never cry Used to be A magic knight Dream some dreams Not say sorry Paint my heart Let it be lush Hold me tight That's alright Anyway You're my sea (you're my fairy) *Dance with whom at night Fire around,river's gone Velvet face prides you But now you've got only me left *Who's stolen your watch Would like to continue The feeling that made you dizzy Now it's all becomin' empty


《操作系统原理》练习题 一、填空题 1. 每个进程都有一个生命周期,这个周期从__(1)__开始,到__(2)__而结束。 2. 当一个进程独占处理器顺序执行时,具有两个特性:__(3)__和可再现性。 3. 并发进程中与共享变量有关的程序段称为__(4)__。 4. 一个进程或者由系统创建,或者由__(5)__创建。 5. 一个进程的静态描述是处理机的一个执行环境,被称为__(6)__。 6. 信号量的物理意义是:信号量大于0,其值为__(7)__;信号量小于0,其绝对值为__(8)__。 7. 系统有某类资源5个,供3个进程共享,如果每个进程最多申请__(9)__个该类资源,则系统是安全的。 8. 不可中断的过程称为__(10)__。 9. 操作系统中,进程可以分为__(11)__进程和__(12)__进程两类。 10. 操作系统为用户提供两种类型的使用接口,它们是__(13)__接口和__(14)__接口。 11. 批处理操作系统中,操作员根据作业需要把一批作业的有关信息输入计算机系统,操作系统选择作业并根据__(15)__的要求自动控制作业的执行。 12. 在批处理兼分时的系统中,往往由分时系统控制的作业称为前台作业,而由批处理系统控制的作业称为__(16)__作业。 13. 采用SPOOL技术的计算机系统中,操作员只要启动__(17)__程序工作,就可以把作业存放到__(18)__中等待处理。 14. 作业控制方式有__(19)__方式和__(20)__方式二种。 15. 对资源采用抢夺式分配可以防止死锁,能对处理器进行抢夺式分配的算法有__(21)__算法和__(22)__算法。 16. 因争用资源产生死锁的必要条件是互斥、__(23)__、不可抢占和__(24)__。 17. 死锁的形成,除了与资源的__(25)__有关外,也与并发进程的__(26)__有关。 18. 为破坏进程循环等待条件,从而防止死锁,通常采用的方法是把系统中所有资源类进行__(27)__,当任何一个进程申请两个以上资源时,总是要求按对应资源号__(28)__次序申请这些资源。 19. 内存管理的核心问题是如何实现__(29)__的统一,以及它们之间的__(30)__问题。 20. 页式存储管理中,处理器设置的地址转换机构是__(31)__寄存器。 21. 在页式和段式存储管理中,__(32)__存储管理提供的逻辑地址是连续的。 22. 实现地址重定位或地址映射的方法有两种:__(33)__和__(34)__。 23. 在响应比最高者优先的作业调度算法中,当各个作业等待时间相同时,__(35)__的作业将得到优先调度;当各个作业要求运行的时间相同时,__(36)__的作业得到优先调度。 24. 确定作业调度算法时应注意系统资源的均衡使用,即使CPU繁忙的作业和__(37)__的作业搭配使用。 25. 按照组织形式分类文件,可以将文件分为普通文件、目录文件和__(38)__。 26. 文件系统为用户提供了__(39)__的功能,以使得用户能透明地存储访问文件。 27. 文件名或记录名与物理地址之间的转换通过__(40)__实现。 28. 文件的__(41)__与文件共享、保护和保密紧密相关。


[试题分类]:专科《操作系统原理及应用》_08004260 [题型]:单选 [分数]:2 1.批处理最主要的一个缺点是()。 A.用户无法与程序交互 B.没有实现并发处理 C.CPU的利用率较低 D.一次只能执行一个程序 答案:A 2.磁盘空闲块常用的组织形式有三种,其中一种为()。 A.空闲块连续 B.空闲块索引 C.空闲块压缩 D.空闲块链 答案:D 3.常用的文件物理结构有三种,其中的一种形式是()。 A.记录文件 B.压缩文件 C.索引文件 D.流式文件 答案:C 4.批处理系统中,作业的状态可分为多种,其中一种为()。 A.提交 B.就绪 C.创建 D.等待 答案:A 5.并发执行的一个特点是()。 A.计算结果会出错 B.不会顺序执行 C.程序与计算不再一一对应 D.结果可再现

6.下列选项()不是操作系统关心的。 A.管理计算机资源 B.提供用户操作的界面 C.高级程序设计语言的编译 D.管理计算机硬件 答案:C 7.当CPU执行用户程序的代码时,处理器处于()。 A.核心态 B.就绪态 C.自由态 D.用户态 答案:D 8.根据对设备占用方式的不同,设备分配技术中的一种是()。 A.动态分配 B.永久分配 C.静态分配 D.虚拟分配 答案:D 9.评价作业调度的性能时,衡量用户满意度的准确指标应该是()。 A.周转时间 B.平均周转时间 C.带权周转时间 D.平均带权周转时间 答案:C 10.在手工操作阶段,存在的一个严重的问题是()。 A.外部设备太少 B.用户使用不方便 C.计算机的速度不快 D.计算机的内存容量不大 答案:B 11.作业的处理一般分为多个作业步,连接成功后,下一步的工作是()。


memory的歌词中文翻译 midnight not a sound from the pavement has the moon lost her memory? she is smiling alone in the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet and the wind begins to moan memory all alone in the moonlight i can smile at the old days life was beautiful then i remember the time i knew what happiness was let the memory live again every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning someone mutters and a street lamp gutters and soon it will be morning daylight i must wait for the sunrise i must think of a new life and i mustn't give in when the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too and a new day will begin burnt out ends of smoky days the stale cold smell of morning the street lamp dies another night is over another day is dawning touch me it's so easy to leave me all alone with my memory of my days in the sun if you touch me you'll understand what happiness is look a new day has begun 午夜, 路上寂静无声, 月儿是否也失去记忆? 他笑得多孤寂, 街灯下, 枯叶在我的脚下堆积, 风儿也开始叹息。 回忆, 当我独自在月光里, 我笑看着往昔, 当时多么美丽, 回忆当时我知快乐是什么含义,让回忆重新降临。 每盏街灯似乎都 在发出宿命的警讯, 喃喃低语, 街上灯光又熄, 清晨就快要来临。 天明, 我要等待太阳升气, 我要为未来思虑, 而我不能放弃。 黎明到来, 今夜就将要成为回忆, 新的一天就要开启。 每日都像烟雾燃烧, 霉味充满清晨空气。 街灯已熄, 又是一夜过去, 又将是一个黎明。 靠近我, 离开我多么容易, 让我独自回忆, 回忆昨日美丽。 如果靠近我, 你将明了快乐的意义, 看,新的一天已来临。


第2章操作系统的界面 (1) 请说明系统生成和系统引导的过程。 解: 系统的生成过程:当裸机启动后,会运行一个特殊的程序来自动进行系统的生成(安装),生成系统之前需要先对硬件平台状况进行检查,或者从指定文件处读取硬件系统的配置信息,以便根据硬件选择合适的操作系统模块组,比较重要的信息通常有:CPU类型、内存大小、当前关联设备的类型和数量以及操作系统的重要功能选项和参数。按照这些信息的指示,系统生成程序就可以正确地生成所需的操作系统。 系统引导的过程:系统引导指的是将操作系统内核装入内存并启动系统的过程。主要包括初始引导、内核初始化、全系统初始化。初始引导工作由BIOS完成,主要完成上电自检,初始化基本输入输出设备,载入操作系统内核代码等工作。内核被载入内存后,引导程序将CPU控制权交给内核,内核将首先完成初始化功能,包括对硬件、电路逻辑等的初始化,以及对内核数据结构的初始化,如页表(段表)等。全系统初始化阶段要做的就是启动用户接口程序,对系统进行必要的初始化,使系统处于等待命令输入状态。 (2) 操作系统具有哪些接口?这些接口的作用是什么? 解: 操作系统为用户提供的接口有图形接口、命令接口和程序接口几种形式。 操作系统包括三种类型的用户接口:命令接口(具体又可分为联机命令接口与脱机命令接口)、程序接口及图形化用户接口。其中,命令接口和图形化用户接口支持用户直接通过终端来使用计算机系统,而程序接口则提供给用户在编制程序时使用。 (3) 请说明操作系统具有的共性服务有哪些不同类别,这些类别分别用于完成什么功能? 解:所有的操作系统都通过一些基本服务来帮助用户简单便捷地使用计算机各类资源,它们包括以下几个类别: 1.控制程序运行:系统通过服务将用户程序装入内存并运行该程序,并且要控制程序 在规定时间内结束。 2.进行I/O操作:用户是不能直接控制设备的,只能通过操作系统与外部设备进行交 互,由系统调用将结果显示在屏幕上或交给用户。 3.操作文件系统:为了保证实现“按名存取”,文件系统应该为用户提供根据文件名 来创建、访问、修改、删除文件的方法,以确保文件数据的安全可靠以及正确存取。 4.实现通信:操作系统需要提供多个程序之间进行通讯的机制,来控制程序的执行顺 序。 5.错误处理:操作系统通过错误处理机制,以便及时发现错误并采取正确的处理步骤, 避免损害系统的正确性和统一性。 (4) 系统调用的用途是什么? 解: 通常,在操作系统内核设置有一组用于实现各种系统功能的子程序(过程),并将它们提供给用户程序调用。每当用户在程序中需要操作系统提供某种服务时,便可利用一条系统调用命令,去调用所需的系统过程。这即所谓的系统调用。系统调用的主要类型包括: 1.进程控制类,主要用于进程的创建和终止、对子进程结束的等待、进程映像的替换、 进程数据段大小的改变以及关于进程标识符或指定进程属性的获得等; 2.文件操纵类,主要用于文件的创建、打开、关闭、读/写及文件读写指针的移动和


see you again歌词(中英文)See You Again - Wiz Khalifa It's been a long day without you my friend 没有老友你的陪伴日子真是漫长 And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 We've come a long way from where we began 回头凝望我们携手走过漫长的旅程 Oh I'll tell you all about it when I see you again 与你重逢之时我会敞开心扉倾诉所有 When I see you again 与你重逢之时 Damn who knew all the planes we flew 谁会了解我们经历过怎样的旅程 Good things we been through 谁会了解我们见证过怎样的美好 That I'd be standing right here 这便是我在你眼前出现的原因

Talking to you about another path 与你聊聊另一种选择的可能 I know we loved to hit the road and laugh 我懂我们都偏爱速度与激情 But something told me that it wouldn't last 但有个声音告诉我这美好并不会永恒 Had to switch up look at things different 我们得变更视野 see the bigger picture 转向更为辽阔的天地 Those were the days hard work forever pays 有付出的日子终有收获的时节 Now I see you in a better place 此刻我看到你走进更加美好的未来 How could we not talk about family 当家人已是我们唯一的牵绊 when family's all that we got? 我们怎么能忘却最可贵的真情

GBT 11049燃烧测试标准介绍

GB/T 11049燃烧测试标准介绍 GB/T 11049地毯燃烧性能室温片剂试验方法 GB/T 11049Burning behaviour of carpets-Tablet test at ambient temperature GB/T 11049 应用范围 GB/T 11049规定了地毯在控制的实验室条件下,以水平位置暴露于小火源时的表面燃烧性能试验方法。 GB/T 11049适用于各种组织结构和纤维组分的地毯。 GB/T 11049规定试样处于水平位置,其试验结果不适用以其他位置使用的地毯的燃烧性能。 GB/T 11049仅用于在控制的实验室条件下,地毯材料或组合系统对热和火焰的反应性能评定,而不能用于对地毯在实际着火条件下的易燃性的评价或规定。在贸易中,按照IS0 2859 抽样方案进行抽样,本方法可以作为一种满意的试验手段在商品验收试验中广泛应用。 GB/T 11049 参考标准 QB/T 1087 机制地毯物理试验的取样和试样的截取法(IS0 1957) IS0 139 纺织品的调试和试验用标准大气 IS0 2589 计数抽样操作程序和表格 GB/T 11049 测试原理 在规定条件下,将水平位置的试样暴露在小火源即六亚甲基四胺片剂(以下简称片剂)的作用中,并测量试验后的损毁长度和火焰蔓延时间。 GB/T 11049 测试要求 试验结果应以每块试样的最大损毁长度(mm) 表示。 GB/T 11049 类似标准 ISO 6925 Textile floor coverings-Burning behaviour - Tablet test at ambient temperature, IDT ISO 6925 铺地纺织品-燃烧性能-室温片剂测试 办理燃烧测试流程: 1、项目申请——向检测机构监管递交申请。 2、资料准备——根据要求,企业准备好相关的认证文件。 3、产品测试——企业将待测样品寄到实验室进行测试。 4、编制报告——认证工程师根据合格的检测数据,编写报告。 5、递交审核——工程师将完整的报告进行审核。 6、签发证书——报告审核无误后,颁发报告。


《操作系统原理》期末考试题 、单项选择题(每题 分,共分) 1. 操作系统是一种( )。 A. 系统软件 B. 系统硬件 C. 应用软件 D. 支援软件 2. 分布式操作系统与网络操作系统本质上的不同在于( )。 A. 实现各台计算机这间的通信 B. 共享网络中的资 源 C.满足较在规模的应用 D. 系统中多台计算机协作完成同一任务 3. 下面对进程的描述中,错误的是( A.进程是动态的概念 B. C.进程是指令的集合 D. 4?临界区是指并发进程中访问共享变量的( )段。 5. 要求进程一次性申请所需的全部资源,是破坏了死锁必要条件中的哪一条 。 A.互斥 B. 请求与保持 C. 不剥夺 D. 循环等待 6. 以下哪种存储管理不可用于多道程序系统中( )。 A.单一连续区存储管理 B.固定式区存储管理 C.可变分区存储管理 D.段式存储管理 7. 在可变式分区存储管理中,某作业完成后要收回其主存空间,该空间可能与 相邻空闲区合 并,修改空闲区表,使空闲区数不变且空闲区起始地址不变的 )。 进程执行需要处理机 进程是有生命期的 A.管理信息 B.信息存储 C. 数据 D. 程序

情况是()。 A.无上邻空闲区也无下邻空闲区 C.有下邻空闲区但无上邻空闲区 8. 系统“抖动”现象的发生不是由 A.置换算法选择不当 C.主存容量不足 9. 在进程获得所需全部资源,唯却 A.运行 B.阻塞 10. 要页式存储管理系统中,将主存等分成( A.块 B.页B. D. B. D. CPU 时,有上邻空闲区但无下邻空闲区 有上邻空闲区也有下邻空闲 区)引起的。 交换的信息量过大 请求页式管理方案 进程处于( C.就绪 )。 C. 段长 状态。 D.新建 D.段


歌曲Memory中英文歌词 Memory是音乐剧《猫》里的非常有名的唱段.是由英国音乐剧皇后伊莲.佩吉elaine paige演唱的。 Midnight Not a sound from the pavement午夜,大地一片死寂 Has the moon lost her memory是否月亮也失去她的记忆She is smiling alone看她独自笑得多么凄凉 In the lamplight 路灯下 The withered leaves collect at my feet 落叶开始在我脚下堆积And the wind begins to moan而风儿,也开始哀鸣Memory 回忆 All alone in the moonlight孤零零地站在月光里 I can dream at the old days 我能梦到那些过去的日子I was beautiful then那时的我曾经多么美丽 I remember the time I knew what happiness was想起那时,我才明白什么 叫做幸福 Let the memory live again 就让回忆,再度降临Every street lamp seems to beat每一盏街灯 A fatalistic warning似乎都在发出致命的警告Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters 有人低语,街灯闪烁明灭And soon it will be morning 另一个早晨很快就要到来Daylight日光! I must wait for the sunrise我必须等待日光出现 I must think of a new life 我必须面对一种新的生活And I mustn’t give in而且我不能屈服 When the dawn comes当黎明到来 Tonight will be a memory too 今夜也将成为回忆 And a new day will begin 新的一天也将开始 Burnt out ends of smoky days 烟雾弥漫的日子 The stale cold smell of morning 清晨腐败冰冷的气息 A street lamp dies, another night is over街灯熄灭又一个夜晚逝去Another day is dawning 新的黎明即将到来Touch me 靠近我吧! It is so easy to leave me 离开我是如此的容易 All alone with the memory 就让我独自留在凄凉的回 忆里 Of my days in the sun回想那些曾经灿烂的时光If you touch me但如果你靠近我 You’ll understand what happiness is 你就会了解什么是幸福Look, a new day has begun...看,新的一天,已经到来


软件产品验收测试标准和流程 1. 验收测试简介 验收测试即由产品开发方按照需求文档中所有内容(或按合同及其它有效约定,对方承诺实现的需求)进行开发、内测完毕,提交版本符合验收测试标准,通过验收小组进行的测试。通过验收测试判断产品质量是否符合产品需求,功能实现是否正确并可以最终上线。 2. 验收测试目的 通过验收测试判断产品质量是否符合产品需求、功能实现是否正确,性能和安全性方面是否符合发布标准,并且产品可以最终上线。 3. 验收测试范围 3.1界面测试 所有页面浏览,连接的正确、所有功能按钮及界面显示正确 3.2功能测试 所有需求文档描述的功能实现正确 3.3性能测试 重点业务功能、性能能满足上线运营需求 3.4安全性测试 接口和数据调用等方面符合安全性规范;没有安全性漏洞 4. 验收测试流程 验收测试基本工作流程如下: 4.1. 准入条件检测 4.1.1文档 进入验收测试的文档准备齐全: a) 验收版本的需求文档(提交方提供):要求需求文档与最终提交验收测试的程序完全匹配; b) 验收版本的测试用例(提交方提供):要求测试案例覆盖最终版本的需求文档;

c) 验收版本的测试告(提交方提供):在测试报告书中说明测试总体情况,缺陷列表及修复情况; 4.1.2缺陷 要求开发方在合同双方约定的环境中对需要文档上提及的所有功能进行全面测试,且提交验收测试时,开发方发现的所有缺陷都已解决。 4.1.3测试环境 验收测试环境准备完成,与线上真实环境一致 4.1.4沟通和联系 1. 提交验收测试的开发方负责人联系方式及测试工程师联系方式齐全; 2. 提交验收测试缺陷的沟通渠道建立完毕,要求快捷、准确、反馈及时; 4.2 验收测试 4.2.1文档验收 进入标准:文档准备必须齐全且符合标准,可以进入文档验收流程 中断标准: 1. 需求文档并非最终版,需求文档上描述的功能程序并未实现 2. 测试用例与需求文档不匹配,测试用例中测试的模块在需求文档中不存在或者需求文档中的功能模块未在测试用例中体现 3. 测试报告书不完整,遗留缺陷不符合遗留缺陷允许限制的数量 退出标准: 文档符合标准并通过验收,进入程序验收流程 4.2.2程序功能验收 进入标准:文档验收流程结束 中断标准: 1. 出现A,B级缺陷 2. C级缺陷达到8个 3. 验收测试过程中,提交新的版本 退出标准: 验收测试合格,缺陷按照标准修复完成 通过标准: 要求验收测试结束后,未解决的缺陷达到以下要求时,才能验收通过: a) A级缺陷:0个; b) B级缺陷:0个; c) C级缺陷:小于等于总缺陷数的3%; d) D级缺陷:小于等于总缺陷数的5%个; e) E级缺陷:小于等于总缺陷数的15%个。 注:对于放弃处理的提案,必须提前经过我方同意。

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