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ABSTRACT Compositional Quality of Service Semantics

ABSTRACT Compositional Quality of Service Semantics
ABSTRACT Compositional Quality of Service Semantics

Compositional Quality of Service Semantics

Richard Staehli Simula Research Laboratory




Frank Eliassen Simula Research Laboratory





Mapping QoS descriptions between implementation levels has been a well known problem for many years.In compo-nent-based software systems,the problem becomes how to predict the quality of a service from the quality of its com-ponent services.The weak semantics of many QoS speci-?cation techniques has complicated the solution.This pa-per describes a model for de?ning the rigorous QoS seman-tics needed for component architectures.We give a de-tailed analysis of compositional QoS relations in a video Object-Tracker and discuss how the model simpli?es the analysis.


The need for QoS management support in component ar-chitectures is well known[4].While many aspects of QoS management have been investigated in the context of dis-tributed systems,component architectures present new chal-lenges.One of those new challenges is how to reliably predict QoS properties for a composition of components. Component architectures such as the CORBA Compo-nent Model(CCM)guarantee that applications assembled from independently developed components will function cor-rectly when deployed on any su?ciently provisioned imple-mentation of the component architecture platform.We refer to this as the safe deployment property.Although current component standards have had good success in some do-mains,such as e-business,an application that performs well in one deployment may be unusable as load scales up or when connections are re-distributed across low-bandwidth connec-tions.We use the term QoS-sensitive application to refer to an application that will commonly perform unacceptably if platform resources are scarce or if the deployment is not carefully con?gured and tuned for the anticipated load. State-of-the-art middleware and component technologies provide QoS management APIs that force application de-velopers to code deployment-speci?c knowledge into the ap-plication[1][6][8].Rather than specifying an assembly of Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro?t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the?rst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior speci?c permission and/or a fee.

SAVCBS’04,October31,2004,Newport Beach,California,USA Copyright2004ACM...$5.00.black-box components that will run on any standard plat-form,developers instead write deployment-speci?c con?gu-ration code that depends on knowledge of component and platform service implementations.This approach compli-cates development and fails to preserve the safe deployment property.

1.1The QuA Project

The QuA project is investigating how a component archi-tecture can preserve the safe-deployment property for QoS-sensitive applications[9].We believe that platform-managed QoS is the only general solution that preserves the safe de-ployment property.This means that applications and appli-cation components should be written without knowledge of the runtime platform implementation and resource alloca-tion decisions.Application speci?cations for accuracy and timeliness of outputs must refer only to the logical properties of the component interfaces.

Platform-managed QoS means that the platform must be able to reason about how end-to-end QoS depends on the quality of component services.The composition relationship is often non-trivial as in the case of a remote video conference where image quality may depend on both packet transport loss and video encoding.

We refer to the set of characteristics used to specify QoS as a quality model and the concepts used to de?ne such char-acteristics as a QoS meta-model.To enable a component platform to reason about composition and conformance,we need a QoS meta-model that allows us to uniformly model every level of implementation as a service,from the appli-cation level down to physical resources,and that,for any service,allows us to de?ne a quality model that does not depend on implementation.These properties allow the cre-ation of QoS speci?cation standards and developer provided mapping functions that can be used to derive composition QoS properties from independently developed components. In the next section,we describe how the QuA QoS meta-model satis?es the above requirements.In Section3the model is applied recursively to de?ne QoS models for a com-plex real-time video processing application and its compo-nents.We show how the model permits a precise mapping of component-composition QoS dependencies.Section4dis-cusses related work and Section5presents our conclusions.


The QuA QoS Meta-Model(QQMM)de?nes the seman-tics of our QoS speci?cations.It de?nes a generic model of a service and de?nes quality in a way that allows us to cre-

ate precise and practical QoS models for any speci?c service type.

To begin,we need to be precise about what a service is.In common use,the term service means work done for another. In computing systems,we want the term to apply both to the work performed by a complex distributed application for its clients and to the work performed by the simplest of hardware resources,such as a memory address that stores a binary value for some computation.

De?nition1A service is a subset of output messages and causally related inputs to some composition of objects. This is consistent with the common de?nition,since the output messages represent the”work done”and the inputs represent the work request.An object’s type semantics de-?ne which inputs cause which outputs.

Since network packet delivery is a service that is well known in the QoS literature,we will use it to illustrate our de?nitions.We can model an IP network port as a distributed port object that can accept send(packet)mes-sages at multiple locations and emit deliver(packet)mes-sages at an endpoint identi?ed by the host and port num-ber.This service is illustrated in Figure1.We can de-?ne a service provided by this port object as consisting of only the deliver(packet)output events and causally re-lated send(packet)input events for which the input came from source A.These packets are colored black in Figure1.

Figure1:Example packet transport service.

In the QQMM de?nition of a service,we assume the most basic model of object-oriented analysis,where objects in some platform-de?ned identity space communicate by send-ing messages.The sending of a message is both an input event for the receiver and an output event for the sender. In the packet service,we can de?ne the occurrence of the send event as precisely the moment when the send func-tion is invoked and the occurrence of the deliver event as the precise moment when the received packet is made avail-able in the output bu?er.The QQMM makes no assump-tions about object implementations and so we must allow that objects may receive input messages concurrently from multiple senders and send output messages concurrently to multiple receivers.This suits a general model of distributed computation.

As in the packet service example,other services may share the same object and even the same interface to that object, so long as they have a disjoint set of output events.

A service speci?cation can be as simple as identifying an output interface for an object;the causally related inputs are implied by the semantics for the object type.For ex-ample,the semantics of the distributed port object dictate that every packet delivered has exactly one send event that caused it.The semantics also dictates that the value of the packet delivered should be the same as the packet that was sent.

Now,to reason about the behavior of a service,we need to talk about the history of input and output events.

De?nition2A message event trace is a set of message val-ues associated with the sending interface and the time it was sent.

A message value represents all content of the message, including its type or signature.The sending interface is the location of the mechanism used to send the message.In the packet service example,the sending interface used by Source A is the?rst PortProxy object,while the sending interface for packet service outputs is the Endpoint object.The time associated with an event comes from a local clock at the sending interface.We assume that clocks are synchronized, but acknowledge that when times from remote clocks are compared there will always be some uncertainty about how well they were synchronized.

The QQMM de?nes a message send to be a local and instantaneous event.All preparation for a message send is done in the sender and all processing of a message after the send event is done in the receiver.This property assures us that end-to-end processing time is consistently and properly accounted for.In the packet service example,all real delay occurs within one of the service components,including the Network object that encapsulates physical network access. We use the term input trace to refer to the message event trace with all input events for a service,and output trace to refer to the message event trace with all output events for a service.The behavior of a service implementation is deter-mined not only by the semantics of its declared interfaces, but also by the availability and scheduling of resources in the underlying platform.To de?ne quality of service,we need to ask what is the ideal behavior of a service.

De?nition3For a given input trace,the ideal output trace is generated when the service executes completely and correctly on an in?nitely fast platform with unlimited resources.

That is,computation takes no time and results are ob-tained at the same time they are requested.Of course, events in an ideal output trace still only occur as frequently as the inputs that cause them!

Although we believe the QQMM can model QoS for non-deterministic computations,we ignore them for now to sim-plify the presentation.For deterministic computations,the semantics of a service’s interfaces de?nes the ideal output trace as a function of an input trace.This means that the best possible quality for a service is always well de?ned.

In a real implementation of a service,the actual output trace will di?er from the ideal in both the timing and value of message events.The causes for this deviation from ideal include?nite CPU speed,queueing delays,and bandwidth reduction strategies.This is the stu?of QoS management. We would like to view the possible output traces for a service as points in a behavioral space and consider distance from the ideal output trace as an error measurement,but to use this concept in QoS speci?cations,we must?rst de?ne the dimensions of this behavioral space.

Consider again,the packet service example.Figure2 shows the input trace as incoming messages on the left side

Figure2:Ideal(shown in grey)versus actual(black) behavior.

of the service’s timeline and the actual output trace as out-going messages on the right.The ideal output trace is shown in grey.Assuming that this trace shows the entire lifetime of the service,we can see that each event in the ideal out-put trace can occur at a later time in the actual trace and may have its packet value corrupted or degraded in some way.The second and third packets have apparently been corrupted and it is not possible to be certain which is which without some knowledge of the service implementation.The fourth packet sent had not been delivered at the time of reckoning and may be considered lost.

The important point to observe about the packet service output is that every event can vary independently from the others in its delay from the ideal and in the change to its packet value.The QQMM generalizes from this example to make the assumption that the only possible values in an ac-tual output trace that can di?er from the ideal are the time of the output event and the values of message arguments. Each of these variables in the output trace represents an independent dimension of the behavioral space.

Let X be the vector of values that may di?er in a trace X,ordered by event order in the ideal trace and by the order they occur in the message value.Then the di?erence between an actual output trace A and the ideal trace I is the di?erence vector δ= A? I.

For the packet service example,the values that may di?er in the actual output trace are the event times and the packet values.If I is the ideal output trace for the example,the order of values in I is packet value followed by time for the ?rst output,then for the second and so forth as shown in Equation1.

I=(1,0,2,10,3,20,4,30)(1) If A is the actual output trace for the example,then the ?rst two values of A are1and5.

A=(1,5,9,21,9,24,0,∞)(2) As noted above,it is not possible to be certain which of the next two packets delivered corresponds to the second event in the ideal trace.This is an inescapable problem in QoS management:unreliable systems cannot be relied on to communicate enough information to unambiguously de-termine error.Instead,the di?erence vector can have many possible values depending on di?erent interpretations of the correspondence between actual and ideal events[11].Fortu-nately,it is usually safe to consider only the interpretation corresponding to the least error as it is unlikely that random faults would yield better service.So,we choose the following interpretation of A and the di?erence vector δ:

δ=(0,5,7,11,6,4,?4,∞)(3) Although this de?nition of the di?erence between actual and ideal allows us to de?ne quality in a weak sense,i.e., actual traces in which every vector component is below a corresponding threshold value,it fails to tell us which of two output traces is better when each contain some com-ponents that are worse than the other.Another problem is that as the complexity of an ideal trace increases,through additional messages and more complex message structure, the number of ways in which actual traces may di?er ex-plodes.Fortunately,we frequently are concerned only with an overall measure of distance from the ideal.For exam-ple,we can ignore the individual values for event delay and instead monitor aggregate statistics such as maximum and median.

The QQMM concept of an error model provides a rigorous way to de?ne the type of quality characteristics that are most useful for QoS management.

De?nition4An error model =


1( δ),..., n( δ)

is a vec-tor of n functions that each map from a di?erence vec-tor δto a real number such that|| ( δ)||=0when || δ||=0.

The notation|| δ||represents the magnitude of the vec-tor δ.According to this de?nition,a function in an error model(error function)must be zero if there are no di?er-ences between the actual and the ideal.We also expect that the magnitude of an error model will generally increase as the di?erence from ideal grows larger,but we have found it di?cult to formalize this requirement without being overly restrictive.

One trivial error model is the set of projection functions πi( δ)=δi;these are zero when|| δ||=0and increase as the respective component of δincreases.But the value of our error model de?nition is that it allows us to construct a much simpler error space with the type of QoS characteris-tics commonly discussed in the QoS management literature.

A point in this simpli?ed error space represents an equiva-lence class of output traces that are the same distance from the ideal with respect to the error model.

To continue the packet service example,if we de?ne the service as consisting of all deliver(packet)messages,then both the input trace and its associated ideal output trace may contain an unbounded number of events.To de?ne an error model for this service we need to decide how to interpret packet delivery events that are expected but never happen,or that cannot be distinguished from other packet delivery events.For this error model,we consider a packet to be lost if either the time di?erence in δfor its deliver event exceeds some limit,such as20seconds,or its value di?erence is non-zero.We associate a packet delivery event with an ideal delivery event if the the actual event happened after the ideal event and there is no other interpretation that o?ers fewer packet losses.

To allow us to model quality at time t during the service, we de?ne i(p,t, δ)to be the sequence of consecutive values

in δassociated with ideal events in the interval(t?p,t].Let d(p,t, δ)be the values in i(p,t, δ)associated with packets that were correctly delivered(not lost).A value of10sec-onds was chosen arbitrarily for the period p in this example. We can then construct an error model with the following functions:

?delay(t)is the mean of time di?erences in d(10,t, δ).

?jitter(t)is the variance of time di?erences in d(10,t, δ).

?loss(t)is the ratio of the number of packets lost in i(10,t, δ)to the number sent,or zero if none were sent.

These satisfy our de?nition of an error model,since each is zero when the di?erence values in δare zero and none decrease when a di?erence value in δincreases.

Note that these de?nitions model only the error in the recent history of time t.To constrain error over the lifetime of a service we would need to use expressions like:for all time t,delay(t)<5.We could de?ne many other similar error models with di?erent parameters or di?erent functions. For example,it may be useful to model the95th percentile of delay values.Still,the simple error model above is quite useful for specifying and measuring the quality of a packet delivery service and is similar to other common de?nitions of packet service QoS characteristics.

A point in this error space;say delay(t)=1second, jitter(t)=0.5second,and loss(t)=0.2;corresponds to all output traces in which the mean delay for recent events before time t is one second,and so forth.This set of output traces forms a surface in the behavioral space that surrounds a neighborhood of the ideal output trace.Inside this neigh-borhood,all output traces are closer to the ideal and can be considered better at time t according to this error model. We can use an error model to both quantify the loss of quality and to constrain it.Let ( A? I)be the tuple of error values for an error model ,an actual trace A and the ideal trace for a service I.Let limits be a tuple of positive real numbers representing an upper bound for each of the functions in .Then we say a service with output trace A is acceptable if for each i,| i( A? I)|

Since many error models can be de?ned for a given service, we would like some criteria to judge which error models are better than others.The QQMM allows us to formally de-?ne desirable properties of a good error model.For brevity, we suggest only informal de?nitions here.We say an error model is sound if any set of non-zero error limits can be sat-is?ed by some set of actual output traces.An error model is complete if,for any output trace that is di?erent from the ideal,we can?nd a set of non-zero error limits that would exclude this trace.An error model is minimal if no function can be removed without losing the ability to distinguish be-tween some output traces.We say an error model M is more expressive than an error model N if it can de?ne exactly the same sets of acceptable output traces as N,and then some more.

The example error model for the packet service appears to be sound,because any non-zero limits can be satis?ed by output traces with non-zero delay,jitter,and loss.The error model also appears to be complete:for any time di?erence value x>0in some i(10,t, δ)with n successfully delivered packets,x/(n+1)is a non-zero delay limit that must be less than|delay(t)|even if all n?1other time di?erences are zero,and if v>0is a value di?erence in such an interval with m packets,1/(m+1)is a non-zero loss limit that must be less than|loss(t)|even if all other packets are delivered in a timely manner without corruption.

The error model is also minimal,as each function models an independent facet of error.The error model could be made more expressive by adding functions,to distinguish packet corruption from loss for example.



In this section,we?rst de?ne error models for a real appli-cation and its component services,and then show how error for the application service can be predicted from error in the component services.We apply QQMM to an example of a class of applications we refer to as real-time content-based video analysis.These applications must process the video data at least as fast as the video data is made available and perform analysis with acceptable accuracy.

Real-time content analysis is an active research?eld where e?cient techniques have been found for problems such as multi-object detection and tracking.In such applications, pattern classi?cation systems which automatically classify media content in terms of high-level concepts have been adopted.Such pattern classi?cation systems must bridge the gap between the low-level signal processing services(?l-tering and feature extraction)and the high-level services desired by the end-user.

The design of such a pattern classi?cation system must select analysis algorithms that balance requirements of ac-curacy against requirements of timeliness.

3.1The object tracking service

In this example,we refer to a simple object tracking ser-vice as an Object-Tracker.The service is simple in the sense that it can track a single object on a stationary back-ground(i.e.the camera remains still).This example is adapted from our earlier work on supporting quality con-straints in real-time content-based video analysis[12]. Figure3shows the Object-Tracker as a component re-ceiving input from a VideoSrc and sending output to an EventSink.The Object-Tracker is implemented as a com-position of Feature extractor and Classifier components with multicast input to the feature extractors and pub-lish/subscribe middleware for communications between the feature extractors and the classi?er.The extractors and the classi?er are further decomposed into functional and com-munication components.

The VideoSrc sends each frame of an uncompressed video stream to a?lter component(not shown)that divides the frame into regions,publishing the data for each to a mul-ticast channel for that region.The multicast channel is an e?cient mechanism to communicate high-bandwidth data to multiple clients over a local area network.However,in this example,exactly one Feature Extractor receives the data for each frame region.

Each Feature Extractor calculates features from the set of frame data it has received.In this example,the Feature Extractor components compute a two dimensional array of motion vectors;one for each block of the frame region, where a block is a subdivision of the frame into?xed size rectangles of pixels.A motion vector indicates the direction

Figure3:Functional decomposition of the Object-Tracker.

and distance that most pixels within a block appear to have moved from a previous frame.

The motion vectors and the associated frame number are then published by the Feature Extractor as event noti?-cations on a channel for the frame region.The Classifier subscribes to these channels to receive motion vector data from multiple Feature Extractor components.In this ex-ample,the Classifier examines the history of motion vec-tors over several frames to identify and determine the center of a moving object.

We use Dynamic Bayesian Networks(DBNs)as a classi-?er speci?cation language.DBNs[5]represent a particularly ?exible class of pattern classi?ers that allows statistical in-ference and learning to be combined with domain knowledge. In order to automatically associate high-level concepts (e.g.object position)with the features produced through feature extraction,a DBN can be trained on manually an-notated media streams.The goal of the training is to?nd a mapping between the feature space and high-level con-cept space,within a hypothesis space of possible mappings. After training the DBN can be evaluated by measuring the number of misclassi?cations on a manually annotated media stream not used in the training.This measured error rate can be used as an estimate of how accurately the DBN will classify novel media streams and can be associated with the classi?er as meta data.

One important reason for using DBNs is the fact that DBNs allow features to be missing during classi?cation at the cost of some decrease in accuracy.This fact is exploited in our work with the Object-Tracker to trade accuracy for timeliness as discussed below.

3.2QoS role in planning service con?guration Even this simple Object-Tracker implementation requires many deployment con?guration choices with associated QoS tradeo?https://www.doczj.com/doc/6515858483.html,ponents may be deployed to di?erent proces-sors to work in parallel,increasing throughput and reduc-ing delay.Throughput may also be increased by deploying pipeline components on di?erent processors.But distribu-tion may also increase communication overhead and add to delay.

Since the motion vector Feature Extractor operates lo-cally on image regions,the performance can scale with the size of video processing task by distributing the work among a greater number of Feature Extractor components,each on its own processor.Similarly,the Classifier could be parallelized if classi?cation should become a processing bot-tleneck[12].In this paper,we consider only the case of parallelizing the Feature Extractor.

The amount of processing required for acceptable accu-racy in object tracking is another tradeo?point.The level of accuracy provided by the Object-Tracker depends on the misclassi?cation behavior(error rate)of the classi?er algorithm,which in turn depends on the quality of the fea-ture extraction input.Greater accuracy can be achieved by processing video data at a higher frame rate or higher resolution,but the increased processing requirements might increased delay in reporting the object location.Hence the con?guration must be carefully selected based on both the desired level of accuracy and the tolerance for delay.

To reason about which con?gurations might satisfy the Object-Tracker QoS requirements,it must be possible to estimate what QoS the components will o?er and how these QoS o?ers compose to satisfy the end-to-end requirements. To do this in practice,we exploit knowledge of the measured behavior of the components in the target physical processing environment.

3.3Error model de?nitions

We model the Object-Tracker as a service that has un-compressed video frames as input and that produces a lo-cation event for every video frame as its output.A video frame number accompanies each frame,frame region,set of motion vectors,and each location output event so that there is no ambiguity about which frame these events are to be associated with.Each video frame is divided into m×n blocks.A location is represented as a block number in the video frame and indicates the center position of the tracked object.

For this service,the variables in the output trace are the time of the output and the location coordinates.It matters little whether the di?erence between actual and ideal loca-tion coordinates is in one axis or another,so we will refer to location as an aggregate value.

We would like to model three quality characteristics for this service:latency,errorRate and period.Let i(p,t, δ) be the values from the di?erence vector for the interval of period p up to time t as de?ned in the last section.

We can de?ne the error model as follows:

?latency(t)is the mean of time di?erences in i(10,t, δ).

?errorRate(t)is the ratio of non-zero location di?er-

ences in i(10,t, δ)to the total number of location val-ues.

?period(t)is the maximum q such that location dif-ference is non-zero for all values in i(q,t , δ),where t?10≤t ≤t.

The latency(t)is the mean of recent values for the elapsed time from when a frame containing a motion event is sent to the Object-Tracker until a causally related location event is output.The ideal latency is zero,but any real application will permit some latency greater than zero.

The errorRate(t)gives the fraction of the recent location di?erence values that were non-zero.The ideal error rate of zero may be achieved if all video blocks are processed and the moving object is similar to those used in classi?er training.

The period(t)is the amount of time that may elapse before a updated and correct object location is reported.As with the errorRate,the ideal value of zero may be achieved with su?cient processing resources and good video input,but frame dropping will cause this error to increase.

Because the Classifier has the same output interface as the Object-Tracker,we can and should use the same error model.This shows a good feature of the QQMM: Error model de?nitions refer only to the output interface of a service and so an error model may be used for any service with the same output interface.

We model a Feature Extractor as a service that receives uncompressed video frames(or some region of a frame)as input and that produces a motion vector array and asso-ciated frame number as its output.The variables between actual and ideal output traces for this service are the time of output events and the motion vector array values.

For this example,we are not concerned with trading accu-racy in the motion vectors against other quality dimensions so we again treat this complex data type as a single aggre-gate value in the following error model:

Let i(p,t, δ)be as de?ned in the last section.

?latency(t)is the mean time di?erence in i(10,t, δ).

?errorRate(t)is the ratio of non-zero motion vector array di?erences in i(10,t, δ)to the total number of motion vector array values.

These are the same de?nitions given for the functions of the same name in the previous error model except that here we reference the motion vector array as the output trace variable.Because we do not anticipate error in the deter-ministic algorithm for computing motion vectors,it might seem that errorRate(t)could be left out of our model,but this would leave our model incomplete and unable to ex-press even the constraint that the motion vectors should be correct.

Our work with this application has been in a local area network environment where the remote communication has not been a bottleneck,but we understand that modeling the QoS of these communication links is necessary for future work.At this time,we have not de?ned error models for the the communication protocols or the component which divides the video frames into regions.3.4Modeling compositional QoS relations

To con?gure the Object-Tracker to perform with accept-able errorRate,latency and period requires an ability to predict these values for alternative con?gurations.Systems engineers accomplish this task with a combination of anal-ysis and experimental observations of component behavior. The QQMM allows us to de?ne an error model for each component service type that does not depend on its imple-mentation,and thus can be used as a standard QoS spec-i?cation model used by both component clients and inde-pendent component developers.Given such standards,a component developer can encode knowledge of the relation between component and composition QoS independently for each implementation.Thus,the QQMM enables a kind of QoS composition algebra:the algebraic operators are error prediction functions provided by the developer with each component implementation and the operands are the sub-component QoS predictions.

As mentioned earlier,meta data measuring the errorRate for various con?gurations may be associated with the Cla-ssifier.For all of the components,measurements of pro-cessing time for a periodic task on a particular class of CPU and with a particular class of workload may be associated with the component type as meta data for use in estimating latency.

Another input to the latency prediction function is a model of the available computing resources in terms of both the number and class of CPUs,and the latency and bandwidth of communication between each pair of CPUs.

To simplify the estimation of latency for a service con?g-uration,we assume that the communication between each pair of CPUs is contention free and that the latency and bandwidth are constant.These assumptions are valid for a signi?cant class of distributed processing environments(e.g. dedicated homogeneous computers connected in a dedicated switched LAN)and allow us to ignore the complexity of com-munication contention,routing,etc.,which are not the focus of this paper.

Given an allocation of components to processors,the pro-cessing period of each Object-Tracker component can be estimated.From the component QoS predictions and con-?guration values such as the classi?er location output rate, the end-to-end error for this example of the Object-Tracker can be predicted.

The composition of latency for serial tasks,such as remote communication of video frame data and Feature Extractor processing of that frame,is the sum of the delays.The QQMM semantics ensure that this composition is seamless: that end-to-end accounting of time attributes every moment to exactly one service in the sequence.If the latency mea-surements follow these semantics than there is good reason to hope that the composition estimate will be good.

The serial composition of Feature Extractor and Cla-ssifier is not strictly serial processing however.The Cla-ssifier does not wait for all features from a frame to ar-rive before reporting a guess about the location,but instead is con?gured with its own periodic schedule to update hy-potheses,including hypotheses about past.In this imple-mentation,the composition trades the risk of an increase in the errorRate to avoid the high latency of waiting for every serial dependency.The end-to-end latency is held constant at runtime while the errorRate may vary.

The prediction of the errorRate can be made analyti-

cally from estimates of the availability of extracted features and knowledge of the classi?er.The ARCAMIDE algorithm exploits the fact that DBNs allow features to be missing during classi?cation to trade accuracy for timeliness[12]. Alternatives are generated for removing feature extractors from an initial con?guration.The error prediction for the Object-Tracker is used to sort the alternatives,least in-crease in the errorRate?rst.This algorithm then tests each con?guration to determine if the latency and period predic-tion will satisfy application requirements.In this sequence, the?rst service con?guration which meets the latency and period requirements,must also meet the accuracy require-ment,otherwise it is not possible to satisfy the requirements with the speci?ed processing resources.

The period can be predicted from the absolute value of the di?erence between the classi?er update period and the V ideoSrc frame period.

This example suggests that the error prediction for a com-position can be a complex function of component inter-actions and component error.The QQMM semantics en-able such error prediction functions to be written without knowledge of component implementations and thus,to pre-dict error regardless of which component implementation is plugged in to the composition.However,we have only begun to de?ne error models for real services and error predictions for compositions.Future work is needed to learn if there are important patterns for error prediction in compositions. 4.RELATED WORK

There has been little work published speci?cally address-ing QoS models for component architectures.Researchers at BBN developed QuO(Quality of Service for Objects)[13]as a framework for management of QoS properties in CORBA applications.A more recent QuO paper introduced qoskets as a means for reusing adaptive QoS behaviors,but they have not yet adapted this work to a component architec-ture[10].They specify QoS contracts between client and server objects,but do not address other service types such as a pipeline component that receives input from one ob-ject and sends output to another.Also,they do not focus on QoS semantics,so it is not clear that a description of QoS provided by one component would be understood cor-rectly by an independent developer who would use such a component.

SLAng is a language for specifying service level agree-ments between very large grain components that may be owned and operated by separate commercial entities[3]. The authors acknowledge that SLAng’s informal semantics for QoS characteristics is a weakness[2].Our model is complementary and could provide a formal semantics and a method to expand the SLAng catalog with QoS charac-teristics for new service types.

Nahrstedt,et al.,describe a QoS-aware middleware archi-tecture designed to support QoS-sensitive applications[7]. They propose a QoS compiler to map from user-perceived QoS down to system-level QoS,but we understand that this compiler understands only a?xed set of QoS characteristics. They conclude that more research is needed to allow uniform speci?cation of QoS for di?erent application domains.We agree and we believe that QQMM provides a prerequisite common semantics independent of any particular middle-ware or component architecture.5.CONCLUSIONS

In this paper we have described the QuA QoS Meta-Model (QQMM)for de?ning QoS semantics for an arbitrary ser-vice.The key features of the QQMM are a de?nition of a service that is based on component interface semantics and a de?nition of quality dimensions based on a metric space with ideal service behavior at the origin.Error models that conform to the QQMM de?ne QoS dimensions that can be observed by a client without knowledge of the service imple-mentation.This allows independent component developers to agree on a common standard for specifying client QoS requirements and component QoS o?ers.The QQMM al-lows us to analyze any implementation as a composition of component services and to de?ne error models for these com-ponent services that fully account for loss of quality in the implementation.From this analysis,a component developer may be able to provide a mapping relation between QoS of component services and the QoS of a composition.

The QQMM provides clear guidelines for de?ning QoS measures with a rigorous semantics,but we have learned from initial experiments that it can be di?cult to de?ne precise error models that correspond to our intuition about quality dimensions.Despite this note of caution,we believe a strong semantics are a prerequisite for QoS management in component-base software engineering where representations of QoS properties come with”o?-the-shelf”components. 5.1Acknowledgment

Thanks to Jonathan Walpole for comments on an early draft and to the referees for their suggestions to improve the paper.This work was funded in part by a grant from the Research Council of Norway.



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商务公文写作目录 一、商务公文的基本知识 二、应把握的事项与原则 三、常用商务公文写作要点 四、常见错误与问题

一、商务公文的基本知识 1、商务公文的概念与意义 商务公文是商业事务中的公务文书,是企业在生产经营管理活动中产生的,按照严格的、既定的生效程序和规范的格式而制定的具有传递信息和记录作用的载体。规范严谨的商务文书,不仅是贯彻企业执行力的重要保障,而且已经成为现代企业管理的基础中不可或缺的内容。商务公文的水平也是反映企业形象的一个窗口,商务公文的写作能力常成为评价员工职业素质的重要尺度之一。 2、商务公文分类:(1)根据形成和作用的商务活动领域,可分为通用公文和专用公文两类(2)根据内容涉及秘密的程度,可分为对外公开、限国内公开、内部使用、秘密、机密、绝密六类(3)根据行文方向,可分为上行文、下行文、平行文三类(4)根据内容的性质,可分为规范性、指导性、公布性、陈述呈请性、商洽性、证明性公文(5)根据处理时限的要求,可分为平件、急件、特急件三类(6)根据来源,在一个部门内部可分为收文、发文两类。 3、常用商务公文: (1)公务信息:包括通知、通报、通告、会议纪要、会议记录等 (2)上下沟通:包括请示、报告、公函、批复、意见等 (3)建规立矩:包括企业各类管理规章制度、决定、命令、任命等; (4)包容大事小情:包括简报、调查报告、计划、总结、述职报告等; (5)对外宣传:礼仪类应用文、领导演讲稿、邀请函等; (6)财经类:经济合同、委托授权书等; (7)其他:电子邮件、便条、单据类(借条、欠条、领条、收条)等。 考虑到在座的主要岗位,本次讲座涉及请示、报告、函、计划、总结、规章制度的写作,重点谈述职报告的写作。 4、商务公文的特点: (1)制作者是商务组织。(2)具有特定效力,用于处理商务。 (3)具有规范的结构和格式,而不像私人文件靠“约定俗成”的格式。商务公文区别于其它文章的主要特点是具有法定效力与规范格式的文件。 5、商务公文的四个构成要素: (1)意图:主观上要达到的目标 (2)结构:有效划分层次和段落,巧设过渡和照应 (3)材料:组织材料要注意多、细、精、严 (4) 正确使用专业术语、熟语、流行语等词语,适当运用模糊语言、模态词语与古词语。 6、基本文体与结构 商务文体区别于其他文体的特殊属性主要有直接应用性、全面真实性、结构格式的规范性。其特征表现为:被强制性规定采用白话文形式,兼用议论、说明、叙述三种基本表达方法。商务公文的基本组成部分有:标题、正文、作者、日期、印章或签署、主题词。其它组成部分有文头、发文字号、签发人、保密等级、紧急程度、主送机关、附件及其标记、抄送机关、注释、印发说明等。印章或签署均为证实公文作者合法性、真实性及公文效力的标志。 7、稿本 (1)草稿。常有“讨论稿”“征求意见稿”“送审稿”“草稿”“初稿”“二稿”“三稿”等标记。(2)定稿。是制作公文正本的标准依据。有法定的生效标志(签发等)。(3)正本。格式正规并有印章或签署等表明真实性、权威性、有效性。(4)试行本。在试验期间具有正式公文的法定效力。(5)暂行本。在规定


关于会议纪要的规范格式和写作要求 一、会议纪要的概念 会议纪要是一种记载和传达会议基本情况或主要精神、议定事项等内容的规定性公文。是在会议记录的基础上,对会议的主要内容及议定的事项,经过摘要整理的、需要贯彻执行或公布于报刊的具有纪实性和指导性的文件。 会议纪要根据适用范围、内容和作用,分为三种类型: 1、办公会议纪要(也指日常行政工作类会议纪要),主要用于单位开会讨论研究问题,商定决议事项,安排布置工作,为开展工作提供指导和依据。如,xx学校工作会议纪要、部长办公会议纪要、市委常委会议纪要。 2、专项会议纪要(也指协商交流性会议纪要),主要用于各类交流会、研讨会、座谈会等会议纪要,目的是听取情况、传递信息、研讨问题、启发工作等。如,xx县脱贫致富工作座谈会议纪要。 3、代表会议纪要(也指程序类会议纪要)。它侧重于记录会议议程和通过的决议,以及今后工作的建议。如《××省第一次盲人聋哑人代表会议纪要》、《xx市第x次代表大会会议纪要》。 另外,还有工作汇报、交流会,部门之间的联席会等方面的纪要,但基本上都系日常工作类的会议纪要。 二、会议纪要的格式 会议纪要通常由标题、正文、结尾三部分构成。

1、标题有三种方式:一是会议名称加纪要,如《全国农村工作会议纪要》;二是召开会议的机关加内容加纪要,也可简化为机关加纪要,如《省经贸委关于企业扭亏会议纪要》、《xx组织部部长办公会议纪要》;三是正副标题相结合,如《维护财政制度加强经济管理——在xx部门xx座谈会上的发言纪要》。 会议纪要应在标题的下方标注成文日期,位置居中,并用括号括起。作为文件下发的会议纪要应在版头部分标注文号,行文单位和成文日期在文末落款(加盖印章)。 2、会议纪要正文一般由两部分组成。 (1)开头,主要指会议概况,包括会议时间、地点、名称、主持人,与会人员,基本议程。 (2)主体,主要指会议的精神和议定事项。常务会、办公会、日常工作例会的纪要,一般包括会议内容、议定事项,有的还可概述议定事项的意义。工作会议、专业会议和座谈会的纪要,往往还要写出经验、做法、今后工作的意见、措施和要求。 (3)结尾,主要是对会议的总结、发言评价和主持人的要求或发出的号召、提出的要求等。一般会议纪要不需要写结束语,主体部分写完就结束。 三、会议纪要的写法 根据会议性质、规模、议题等不同,正文部分大致可以有以下几种写法: 1、集中概述法(综合式)。这种写法是把会议的基本情况,讨

第五章 老年社会工作

第五章老年社会工作 第一节老年社会工作概述 第二节老年社会工作的主要内容 第三节老年社会工作的主要方法 第一节老年社会工作概述 一、老年人与老年期 (一)年龄界定 生理年龄:生理指标与功能确定 心理年龄:心理活动程度确定 社会年龄:与他人交往的角色确定 (二)老年期的划分 低龄老年人:60-69岁 中龄老年人:70-79 高龄老年人:80岁以上 (三)划分的意义 1.三种年龄:不能仅凭日历年龄判断服务需求,而要关注不同个体在生理、心理与社会方面的差异。 2.三个时期:关注老年同期群的共性需要。 二、老年期的特点 (一)生理变化 1.生理变化的特点:九大生理系统老化 2.对开展老年社会工作的影响 (1)要特别关注老年人的身体健康状况; (2)处理好隐私的健康问题,如大小便; (3)帮助机构和家庭策划环境的调整。 (二)心理变化 1.智力、人格、记忆力的变化 智力:结晶智力强,但处理问题速度下降 人格:总结自己生命的意义 记忆力:记忆速度下降,动机决定是否学习 2.对开展老年社工的影响 (1)提供机会但尊重选择 (2)所有事放慢节奏 (3)关注身体健康对心理功能的重要性 (三)社会生活方面的变化 1.对老年社会生活变化的理论解释 (1)角色理论:丧失象征中年的社会角色 (2)活动理论:生活满足感与活动有积极联系 (3)撤离理论:接受减少与社会的交往 (4)延续理论:不能割裂看待老年阶段 (5)社会建构理论:老年是一个独特的个人过程 (6)现代化理论:现代化使老年人地位下降

2.理论在社会工作中的应用 (1)注意角色转变的重大生活事件 (2)注意老年个体的差异性,尊重其对生活意义的不同理解 (3)注意社会隔离可能对老年人造成的伤害 (4)改变总有可能 (5)关注社会变迁对老年人的影响,推动社会政策的调整 三、老年人的需要及问题 (一)老年人的需要 1.健康维护 2.经济保障 3.就业休闲 4.社会参与 5.婚姻家庭 6.居家安全 7.后事安排 8.一条龙照顾 (二)老年人的问题 1.慢性病问题与医疗问题 2.家庭照顾问题 3.宜居环境问题 4.代际隔阂问题 5.社会隔离问题 四、老年社会工作 (一)老年社会工作的对象 1.老年人自身:空巢、残疾、高龄老人,也包括健康老人 2.老年人周围的人:家庭成员、亲属、朋友、邻居等 3.宏观系统:单位与服务组织 (二)老年社会工作的目的 根本目标:老有所养、老有所医、老有所教、老有所学、老有所为、老有所乐 (三)老年社会工作的作用 1.个体层面:维持日常生活、获得社会支持 2.宏观层面:参与制定有关老年人的服务方案与政策 五、老年社会工作的特点 (一)老年歧视等社会价值观会影响社会工作者的态度与行为 (二)反移情是社会工作者的重要课题 (三)社会工作者要善于运用督导机制 (四)需要多学科合作 第二节老年社会工作的主要内容 一、身体健康方面的服务 二、认知与情绪问题的处理 三、精神问题的解决 四、社会支持网络的建立 五、老年人特殊问题的处理 一、身体健康方面的服务


毕业论文写作要求与格式规范 关于《毕业论文写作要求与格式规范》,是我们特意为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助。 (一)文体 毕业论文文体类型一般分为:试验论文、专题论文、调查报告、文献综述、个案评述、计算设计等。学生根据自己的实际情况,可以选择适合的文体写作。 (二)文风 符合科研论文写作的基本要求:科学性、创造性、逻辑性、

实用性、可读性、规范性等。写作态度要严肃认真,论证主题应有一定理论或应用价值;立论应科学正确,论据应充实可靠,结构层次应清晰合理,推理论证应逻辑严密。行文应简练,文笔应通顺,文字应朴实,撰写应规范,要求使用科研论文特有的科学语言。 (三)论文结构与排列顺序 毕业论文,一般由封面、独创性声明及版权授权书、摘要、目录、正文、后记、参考文献、附录等部分组成并按前后顺序排列。 1.封面:毕业论文(设计)封面具体要求如下: (1)论文题目应能概括论文的主要内容,切题、简洁,不超过30字,可分两行排列;

(2)层次:大学本科、大学专科 (3)专业名称:机电一体化技术、计算机应用技术、计算机网络技术、数控技术、模具设计与制造、电子信息、电脑艺术设计、会计电算化、商务英语、市场营销、电子商务、生物技术应用、设施农业技术、园林工程技术、中草药栽培技术和畜牧兽医等专业,应按照标准表述填写; (4)日期:毕业论文(设计)完成时间。 2.独创性声明和关于论文使用授权的说明:需要学生本人签字。 3.摘要:论文摘要的字数一般为300字左右。摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,是文章内容的高度概括。主要内容包括:该项研究工作的内容、目的及其重要性;所使用的实验方法;总结研究成果,突出作者的新见解;研究结论及其意义。摘要中不列举例证,不描述研究过程,不做自我评价。


公文格式规范与常见公文写作 一、公文概述与公文格式规范 党政机关公文种类的区分、用途的确定及格式规范等,由中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅于2012年4月16日印发,2012年7月1日施行的《党政机关公文处理工作条例》规定。之前相关条例、办法停止执行。 (一)公文的含义 公文,即公务文书的简称,属应用文。 广义的公文,指党政机关、社会团体、企事业单位,为处理公务按照一定程序而形成的体式完整的文字材料。 狭义的公文,是指在机关、单位之间,以规范体式运行的文字材料,俗称“红头文件”。 ?(二)公文的行文方向和原则 ?、上行文下级机关向上级机关行文。有“请示”、“报告”、和“意见”。 ?、平行文同级机关或不相隶属机关之间行文。主要有“函”、“议案”和“意见”。 ?、下行文上级机关向下级机关行文。主要有“决议”、“决定”、“命令”、“公报”、“公告”、“通告”、“意见”、“通知”、“通报”、“批复”和“会议纪要”等。 ?其中,“意见”、“会议纪要”可上行文、平行文、下行文。?“通报”可下行文和平行文。 ?原则: ?、根据本机关隶属关系和职权范围确定行文关系 ?、一般不得越级行文 ?、同级机关可以联合行文 ?、受双重领导的机关应分清主送机关和抄送机关 ?、党政机关的部门一般不得向下级党政机关行文 ?(三) 公文的种类及用途 ?、决议。适用于会议讨论通过的重大决策事项。 ?、决定。适用于对重要事项作出决策和部署、奖惩有关单位和人员、变更或撤销下级机关不适当的决定事项。

?、命令(令)。适用于公布行政法规和规章、宣布施行重大强制性措施、批准授予和晋升衔级、嘉奖有关单位和人员。 ?、公报。适用于公布重要决定或者重大事项。 ?、公告。适用于向国内外宣布重要事项或者法定事项。 ?、通告。适用于在一定范围内公布应当遵守或者周知的事项。?、意见。适用于对重要问题提出见解和处理办法。 ?、通知。适用于发布、传达要求下级机关执行和有关单位周知或者执行的事项,批转、转发公文。 ?、通报。适用于表彰先进、批评错误、传达重要精神和告知重要情况。 ?、报告。适用于向上级机关汇报工作、反映情况,回复上级机关的询问。 ?、请示。适用于向上级机关请求指示、批准。 ?、批复。适用于答复下级机关请示事项。 ?、议案。适用于各级人民政府按照法律程序向同级人民代表大会或者人民代表大会常务委员会提请审议事项。 ?、函。适用于不相隶属机关之间商洽工作、询问和答复问题、请求批准和答复审批事项。 ?、纪要。适用于记载会议主要情况和议定事项。?(四)、公文的格式规范 ?、眉首的规范 ?()、份号 ?也称编号,置于公文首页左上角第行,顶格标注。“秘密”以上等级的党政机关公文,应当标注份号。 ?()、密级和保密期限 ?分“绝密”、“机密”、“秘密”三个等级。标注在份号下方。?()、紧急程度 ?分为“特急”和“加急”。由公文签发人根据实际需要确定使用与否。标注在密级下方。 ?()、发文机关标志(或称版头) ?由发文机关全称或规范化简称加“文件”二字组成。套红醒目,位于公文首页正中居上位置(按《党政机关公文格式》标准排


学生会文档书写格式规范要求 目前各部门在日常文书编撰中大多按照个人习惯进行排版,文档中字体、文字大小、行间距、段落编号、页边距、落款等参数设置不规范,严重影响到文书的标准性和美观性,以下是文书标准格式要求及日常文档书写注意事项,请各部门在今后工作中严格实行: 一、文件要求 1.文字类采用Word格式排版 2.统计表、一览表等表格统一用Excel格式排版 3.打印材料用纸一般采用国际标准A4型(210mm×297mm),左侧装订。版面方向以纵向为主,横向为辅,可根据实际需要确定 4.各部门的职责、制度、申请、请示等应一事一报,禁止一份行文内同时表述两件工作。 5.各类材料标题应规范书写,明确文件主要内容。 二、文件格式 (一)标题 1.文件标题:标题应由发文机关、发文事由、公文种类三部分组成,黑体小二号字,不加粗,居中,段后空1行。 (二)正文格式 1. 正文字体:四号宋体,在文档中插入表格,单元格内字体用宋体,字号可根据内容自行设定。 2.页边距:上下边距为2.54厘米;左右边距为 3.18厘米。

3.页眉、页脚:页眉为1.5厘米;页脚为1.75厘米; 4.行间距:1.5倍行距。 5.每段前的空格请不要使用空格,应该设置首先缩进2字符 6.年月日表示:全部采用阿拉伯数字表示。 7.文字从左至右横写。 (三)层次序号 (1)一级标题:一、二、三、 (2)二级标题:(一)(二)(三) (3)三级标题:1. 2. 3. (4)四级标题:(1)(2)(3) 注:三个级别的标题所用分隔符号不同,一级标题用顿号“、”例如:一、二、等。二级标题用括号不加顿号,例如:(三)(四)等。三级标题用字符圆点“.”例如:5. 6.等。 (四)、关于落款: 1.对外行文必须落款“湖南环境生物专业技术学院学生会”“校学生会”各部门不得随意使用。 2.各部门文件落款需注明组织名称及部门“湖南环境生物专业技术学院学生会XX部”“校学生会XX部” 3.所有行文落款不得出现“环境生物学院”“湘环学院”“学生会”等表述不全的简称。 4.落款填写至文档末尾右对齐,与前一段间隔2行 5.时间落款:文档中落款时间应以“2016年5月12日”阿拉伯数字




政府公文写作格式 一、眉首部分 (一)发文机关标识 平行文和下行文的文件头,发文机关标识上边缘至上页边为62mm,发文机关下边缘至红色反线为28mm。 上行文中,发文机关标识上边缘至版心上边缘为80mm,即与上页边距离为117mm,发文机关下边缘至红色反线为30mm。 发文机关标识使用字体为方正小标宋_GBK,字号不大于22mm×15mm。 (二)份数序号 用阿拉伯数字顶格标识在版心左上角第一行,不能少于2位数。标识为“编号000001” (三)秘密等级和保密期限 用3号黑体字顶格标识在版心右上角第一行,两字中间空一字。如需要加保密期限的,密级与期限间用“★”隔开,密级中则不空字。 (四)紧急程度 用3号黑体字顶格标识在版心右上角第一行,两字中间空一字。如同时标识密级,则标识在右上角第二行。 (五)发文字号 标识在发文机关标识下两行,用3号方正仿宋_GBK字体剧

中排布。年份、序号用阿拉伯数字标识,年份用全称,用六角括号“〔〕”括入。序号不用虚位,不用“第”。发文字号距离红色反线4mm。 (六)签发人 上行文需要标识签发人,平行排列于发文字号右侧,发文字号居左空一字,签发人居右空一字。“签发人”用3号方正仿宋_GBK,后标全角冒号,冒号后用3号方正楷体_GBK标识签发人姓名。多个签发人的,主办单位签发人置于第一行,其他从第二行起排在主办单位签发人下,下移红色反线,最后一个签发人与发文字号在同一行。 二、主体部分 (一)标题 由“发文机关+事由+文种”组成,标识在红色反线下空两行,用2号方正小标宋_GBK,可一行或多行居中排布。 (二)主送机关 在标题下空一行,用3号方正仿宋_GBK字体顶格标识。回行是顶格,最后一个主送机关后面用全角冒号。 (三)正文 主送机关后一行开始,每段段首空两字,回行顶格。公文中的数字、年份用阿拉伯数字,不能回行,阿拉伯数字:用3号Times New Roman。正文用3号方正仿宋_GBK,小标题按照如下排版要求进行排版:


老年人的思维特点是怎样的 同时,随着记忆负荷和问题难度的增加,老年人在解决问题上的能力不如年轻人。 这不能完全归结于老年人生理上的衰退,其中有一部分原因是由于老年人处于摆脱工作负担、受人照顾的地位所决定的。 老年人的逻辑推理能力也有所下降,其原因有可能是工作记忆容量的缩小所造成的。 因为,实验表明,随着记忆负荷和课题难度的增加,年轻人同老年人在逻辑推理能力上的差异也就更加明显。 当记忆负荷较低或课题较为简单时,年轻人和老年人并没有什么差别,但当课题对记忆的要求很高或课题的难度增加时差异就会相当咀显。 另外,人到老年时,想象某个形状改变方位的能力也有所衰退。 总的来说,老年入在思维能力上有所下降,但个体问存在着明显的差异也是不可忽视的事实,即有的老年人思维和解决问题的能力明显衰退,有的人却能始终保持较高的水平。 这固然有生理机能的原因,但是与生活方式和生活态度也很有关系。 思维能力也和其他能力一样,服从子“用进废退"的原则,如果到老年时,仍然经常思考问题,关心和研究周围的事物,则这种能力多半就能保持得很好。

老年人思维变化的表现思维出现衰退较晚,特别是与自己熟悉的专业有关的思维能力在年老时仍能保持。 但是,老年人由于在感知和记忆方面的衰退,在概念、逻辑推理和解决问题的能力有所减退,尤其是思维的敏捷度、流畅性、灵活性、独创性以及创造性比中青年时期要差。 老年人思维弱化及障碍的表现形式如下:1) 思维迟钝、贫乏对有些事情联想困难,反应迟钝,语言缓慢;有些老年人不愿学习,不想思考问题,导致词汇短缺,联想易间断,说话常突然中止。 2) 思维奔逸,如对青壮年时期的事情联想迅速,说话漫无边际,滔滔不绝。 3) 强制性思维,不自主的偶发毫无意义的联想,或者反复出现而又难以排除的思维联想。 4) 逻辑障碍,主要表现为对推理及概念的紊乱,思维过程繁杂曲折,内容缺乏逻辑联系。 老年人思维变化的应对策略人在老年期思维能力的弱化在各个老年人的身上表现程度不同,有些人思维仍很清晰,甚至仍有创造思维,而有些人却有严重的思维障碍。 因此,要重视对老年人的全面身心保健,鼓励老年人以积极的态度对待生活,培养其思维品质,以恢复和保持其良好的思维能力。


广州中医药大学研究生学位论文基本要求与写作规范 为了进一步提高学位工作水平和学位论文质量,保证我校学位论文在结构和格式上的规范与统一,特做如下规定: 一、学位论文基本要求 (一)科学学位硕士论文要求 1.论文的基本科学论点、结论,应在中医药学术上和中医药科学技术上具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。 2.论文所涉及的内容,应反映出作者具有坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识。 3.实验设计和方法比较先进,并能掌握本研究课题的研究方法和技能。 4.对所研究的课题有新的见解。 5.在导师指导下研究生独立完成。 6.论文字数一般不少于3万字,中、英文摘要1000字左右。 (二)临床专业学位硕士论文要求 临床医学硕士专业学位申请者在临床科研能力训练中学会文献检索、收集资料、数据处理等科学研究的基本方法,培养临床思维能力与分析能力,完成学位论文。 1.学位论文包括病例分析报告及文献综述。 2.学位论文应紧密结合中医临床或中西结合临床实际,以总结临床实践经验为主。 3.学位论文应表明申请人已经掌握临床科学研究的基本方法。 4.论文字数一般不少于15000字,中、英文摘要1000字左右。 (三)科学学位博士论文要求 1.研究的课题应在中医药学术上具有较大的理论意义和实践价值。 2.论文所涉及的内容应反映作者具有坚实宽广的理论基础和系统深入的专门知识,并表明作者具有独立从事科学研究工作的能力。 3.实验设计和方法在国内同类研究中属先进水平,并能独立掌握本研究课题的研究方法和技能。

4.对本研究课题有创造性见解,并取得显著的科研成果。 5.学位论文必须是作者本人独立完成,与他人合作的只能提出本人完成的部分。 6.论文字数不少于5万字,中、英摘要3000字;详细中文摘要(单行本)1万字左右。 (四)临床专业学位博士论文要求 1.要求论文课题紧密结合中医临床或中西结合临床实际,研究结果对临床工作具有一定的应用价值。 2.论文表明研究生具有运用所学知识解决临床实际问题和从事临床科学研究的能力。 3.论文字数一般不少于3万字,中、英文摘要2000字;详细中文摘要(单行本)5000字左右。 二、学位论文的格式要求 (一)学位论文的组成 博士、硕士学位论文一般应由以下几部分组成,依次为:1.论文封面;2. 原创性声明及关于学位论文使用授权的声明;3.中文摘要;4.英文摘要;5.目录; 6.引言; 7.论文正文; 8.结语; 9.参考文献;10.附录;11.致谢。 1.论文封面:采用研究生处统一设计的封面。论文题目应以恰当、简明、引人注目的词语概括论文中最主要的内容。避免使用不常见的缩略词、缩写字,题名一般不超过30个汉字。论文封面“指导教师”栏只写入学当年招生简章注明、经正式遴选的指导教师1人,协助导师名字不得出现在论文封面。 2.原创性声明及关于学位论文使用授权的声明(后附)。 3.中文摘要:要说明研究工作目的、方法、成果和结论。并写出论文关键词3~5个。 4.英文摘要:应有题目、专业名称、研究生姓名和指导教师姓名,内容与中文提要一致,语句要通顺,语法正确。并列出与中文对应的论文关键词3~5个。 5.目录:将论文各组成部分(1~3级)标题依次列出,标题应简明扼要,逐项标明页码,目录各级标题对齐排。 6.引言:在论文正文之前,简要说明研究工作的目的、范围、相关领域前人所做的工作和研究空白,本研究理论基础、研究方法、预期结果和意义。应言简



中国农业大学继续教育学院 毕业论文写作要求和格式规范 壹、写作要求 (壹)文体 毕业论文文体类型壹般分为:试验论文、专题论文、调查方案、文献综述、个案评述、计算设计等。学生根据自己的实际情况,能够选择适合的文体写作。 (二)文风 符合科研论文写作的基本要求:科学性、创造性、逻辑性、实用性、可读性、规范性等。写作态度要严肃认真,论证主题应有壹定理论或应用价值;立论应科学正确,论据应充实可靠,结构层次应清晰合理,推理论证应逻辑严密。行文应简练,文笔应通顺,文字应朴实,撰写应规范,要求使用科研论文特有的科学语言。 (三)论文结构和排列顺序 毕业论文,壹般由封面、独创性声明及版权授权书、摘要、目录、正文、后记、参考文献、附录等部分组成且按前后顺序排列。 1.封面:毕业论文(设计)封面(见文件5)具体要求如下: (1)论文题目应能概括论文的主要内容,切题、简洁,不超过30字,可分俩行排列; (2)层次:高起本,专升本,高起专; (3)专业名称:现开设园林、农林经济管理、会计学、工商管理等专业,应按照标准表述填写; (4)密级:涉密论文注明相应保密年限; (5)日期:毕业论文完成时间。 2.独创性声明和关于论文使用授权的说明:(略)。

3.摘要:论文摘要的字数壹般为300字左右。摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述,是文章内容的高度概括。主要内容包括:该项研究工作的内容、目的及其重要性;所使用的实验方法;总结研究成果,突出作者的新见解;研究结论及其意义。摘要中不列举例证,不描述研究过程,不做自我评价。 论文摘要后另起壹行注明本文的关键词,关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能够覆盖论文内容的通用专业术语,符合学科分类,壹般为3~5个,按照词条的外延层次从大到小排列。 4.目录(目录示例见附件3):独立成页,包括论文中的壹级、二级标题、后记、参考文献、和附录以及各项所于的页码。 5.正文:包括前言、论文主体和结论 前言:为正文第壹部分内容,简单介绍本项研究的背景和国内外研究成果、研究现状,明确研究目的、意义以及要解决的问题。 论文主体:是全文的核心部分,于正文中应将调查、研究中所得的材料和数据加工整理和分析研究,提出论点,突出创新。内容可根据学科特点和研究内容的性质而不同。壹般包括:理论分析、计算方法、实验装置和测试方法、对实验结果或调研结果的分析和讨论,本研究方法和已有研究方法的比较等方面。内容要求论点正确,推理严谨,数据可靠,文字精炼,条理分明,重点突出。 结论:为正文最后壹部分,是对主要成果的归纳和总结,要突出创新点,且以简练的文字对所做的主要工作进行评价。 6.后记:对整个毕业论文工作进行简单的回顾总结,对给予毕业论文工作提供帮助的组织或个人表示感谢。内容应尽量简单明了,壹般为200字左右。 7.参考文献:是论文不可或缺的组成部分。它既可反映毕业论文工作中取材广博程度,又可反映文稿的科学依据和作者尊重他人研究成果的严肃态度,仍能够向读者提供有关


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 广东工业大学成人高等教育 本科生毕业论文格式规范(摘录整理) 一、毕业论文完成后应提交的资料 最终提交的毕业论文资料应由以下部分构成: (一)毕业论文任务书(一式两份,与论文正稿装订在一起)(二)毕业论文考核评议表(一式三份,学生填写表头后发电子版给老师) (三)毕业论文答辩记录(一份, 学生填写表头后打印出来,答辩时使用) (四)毕业论文正稿(一式两份,与论文任务书装订在一起),包括以下内容: 1、封面 2、论文任务书 3、中、英文摘要(先中文摘要,后英文摘要,分开两页排版) 4、目录 5、正文(包括:绪论、正文主体、结论) 6、参考文献 7、致谢 8、附录(如果有的话) (五)论文任务书和论文正稿的光盘

二、毕业论文资料的填写与装订 毕业论文须用计算机打印,一律使用A4打印纸,单面打印。 毕业论文任务书、毕业论文考核评议表、毕业论文正稿、答辩纪录纸须用计算机打印,一律使用A4打印纸。答辩提问记录一律用黑色或蓝黑色墨水手写,要求字体工整,卷面整洁;任务书由指导教师填写并签字,经主管院领导签字后发出。 毕业论文使用统一的封面,资料装订顺序为:毕业论文封面、论文任务书、考核评议表、答辩记录、中文摘要、英文摘要、目录、正文、参考文献、致谢、附录(如果有的话)。论文封面要求用A3纸包边。 三、毕业论文撰写的内容与要求 一份完整的毕业论文正稿应包括以下几个方面: (一)封面(见封面模版) (二)论文题目(填写在封面上,题目使用2号隶书,写作格式见封面模版) 题目应简短、明确,主标题不宜超过20字;可以设副标题。(三)论文摘要(写作格式要求见《摘要、绪论、结论、参考文献写作式样》P1~P2) 1、中文“摘要”字体居中,独占一页


乌丹一中2013届高考-----生活与哲学选择题专项训练 1.2011年12月16日,菲律宾遭受热带风暴“天鹰”袭击,损失巨大。中国驻菲律宾大使馆向菲方提供价值44万比索(约1万美元)的紧急救灾援助。有人认为,近年来,菲律宾不断在南海问题上挑起争端,中国不应援助。这种观点( ) A.只见统一,不见对立 B.只见对立,不见统一 C.没有看到联系是具体的、有条件的 D. 没有看到斗争性寓于同一性之中 2.酒与污水定律是指:如果把一匙酒倒进一桶污水中,你得到的是一桶污水;如果把一匙污水倒进一桶酒中,你得到的还是一桶污水。该定律体现的哲学原理是() ①事物的性质由矛盾的主要方面决定 ②量变达到一定程度必然发生质变 ③矛盾双方在一定条件下相互转化 ④关键部分的功能及其变化甚至对整体的功能起决定作用 A.①④ B.②③ C.①③ D.②④ 3.对于莫言的获奖,评委会给出的获奖理由称,“将魔幻现实主义与民间故事、历史与当代社会融合在一起”。从哲学角度看,莫言文学创作的成功在于: (1)注意分析和把握事物存在和发展的各种条件 (2)借助意识的作用创造了一个理想的世界 (3)通过实践实现了主体对客体的能动反映 (4)把自己头脑中的观念的存在变为了现实的存在 A.(1)(2) B.(1)(3) C.(1)(4) D.(2)(4) 4.“要想跳得更好,必须先退后一步。”(蒙田《随笔集》)下列语句中与材料体现哲理相同的是 A.人生悲剧有二:一是欲望得不到满足,二是欲望得到了满足 B.一个时代的文明成为下一个时代的肥料 C.一匹马如果没有另一匹马紧紧追赶并要超越它,就永远不会疾驰飞奔 D.人可以爬到最高峰,但他不能在那儿久住 5.下列古诗中与右边漫画《跷板游戏》的哲理启示相一致的是() A.凡物各自有根本,种禾终不生豆苗B.历尽天华成此景,人间万事出艰辛 C.蝉噪林逾静,鸟鸣山更幽D.横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同 6.清能有容,仁能善断,明不伤察,直不过矫。是谓蜜饯不甜,海味不咸,才是懿德。 A矛盾的普遍性寓于特殊性 B矛盾斗争性寓于同一性 C矛盾斗争性决定矛盾同一性 D矛盾特殊性离不开普遍性 “矛盾斗争性寓于同一性"一般考查两种材料,一种材料是”关系越好的人,矛盾和摩擦往往也就比较多“,另一种材料就是”不走极端,在对立中把握统一“,也就是中国传统文化的”中庸之道“,一般考查这种意思的比较多。 7. 你幸福吗?”“我姓曾。”一位捡瓶子老人因为耳朵不好,就有了下面一席对话:您收了多少瓶子了?73岁了;您收了多少瓶子了?我吃的政府低保,630块一个月;您觉得您幸福吗?我耳朵不好。之所以出现神一样的回复说明()



附件9: 科学技术论文的写作格式及规范 用非公知公用的缩写词、字符、代号,尽量不出现数学式和化学式。 2作者署名和工作单位标引和检索,根据国家有关标准、数据规范为了提高技师、高级技师论文的学术质量,实现论文写的科学化、程序化和规范化,以利于科技信息的传递和科技情报的作评定工作,特制定本技术论文的写作格式及规范。望各位学员在注重科学研究的同时,做好科技论文撰写规范化工作。 1 题名 题名应以简明、确切的词语反映文章中最重要的特定内容,要符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原则,并有助于选定关键词。 中文题名一般不宜超过20 个字,必要时可加副题名。英文题名应与中文题名含义一致。 题名应避免使作者署名是文责自负和拥有著作权的标志。作者姓名署于题名下方,团体作者的执笔人也可标注于篇首页地脚或文末,简讯等短文的作者可标注于文末。 英文摘要中的中国人名和地名应采用《中国人名汉语拼音字母拼写法》的有关规定;人名姓前名后分写,姓、名的首字母大写,名字中间不加连字符;地名中的专名和通名分写,每分写部分的首字母大写。 作者应标明其工作单位全称、省及城市名、邮编( 如“齐齐哈尔电业局黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市(161000) ”),同时,在篇首页地脚标注第一作者的作者简介,内容包括姓名,姓别,出生年月,学位,职称,研究成果及方向。

3摘要 论文都应有摘要(3000 字以下的文章可以略去)。摘要的:写作应符合GB6447-86的规定。摘要的内容包括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论。一般应写成报道性文摘,也可以写成指示性或报道-指示性文摘。摘要应具有独立性和自明性,应是一篇完整的短文。一般不分段,不用图表和非公知公用的符号或术语,不得引用图、表、公式和参考文献的序号。中文摘要的篇幅:报道性的300字左右,指示性的100 字左右,报道指示性的200字左右。英文摘要一般与中文摘要内容相对应。 4关键词 关键词是为了便于作文献索引和检索而选取的能反映论文主题概念的词或词组,一般每篇文章标注3?8个。关键词应尽量从《汉语主题词表》等词表中选用规范词——叙词。未被词表收录的新学科、新技术中的重要术语和地区、人物、文献、产品及重要数据名称,也可作为关键词标出。中、英文关键词应一一对应。 5引言 引言的内容可包括研究的目的、意义、主要方法、范围和背景等。 应开门见山,言简意赅,不要与摘要雷同或成为摘要的注释,避免公式推导和一般性的方法介绍。引言的序号可以不写,也可以写为“ 0”,不写序号时“引言”二字可以省略。 6论文的正文部分 论文的正文部分系指引言之后,结论之前的部分,是论文的核心, 应按GB7713--87 的规定格式编写。 6.1层次标题


沈阳农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写要求与格式规范 (2008年7月修订) 毕业论文(设计)是培养学生综合运用所学知识 分析和解决实际问题 提高实践能力和创造能力的重要教学环节 是记录科学研究成果的重要文献 也是学生申请学位的基本依据 为保证本科生毕业论文(设计)质量 促进国内外学术交流 特制定《沈阳农业大学本科生毕业论文(设计)撰写要求与格式规范》 一、毕业论文(设计)的基本结构 毕业论文(设计)的基本结构是: 1.前置部分:包括封面、任务书、选题审批表、指导记录、考核表、中(外)文摘要、关键词和目录等 2.主体部分:包括前言、正文、参考文献、附录和致谢等 二、毕业论文(设计)的内容要求 (一)前置部分 1.封面 由学校统一设计 2.毕业论文(设计)任务书 毕业论文(设计)任务由各教学单位负责安排 并根据已确定的论文(设计)课题下达给学生 作为学生和指导教师共同从事毕业论文(设计)工作的依据 毕业论文(设计)任务书的内容包括课题名称、学生姓名、下发日期、论文(设计)的主要内容与要求、毕业论文(设计)的工作进度和起止时间等 3.论文(设计)选题审批表 4.论文(设计)指导记录 5.毕业论文(设计)考核表 指导教师评语、评阅人评审意见分别由指导教师和评阅人填写 答辩委员会意见、评定成绩以及是否授予学士学位的建议等材料应由答辩委员会填写 6.中(外)文摘要 摘要是毕业论文(设计)研究内容及结论的简明概述 具有独立性和自含性 其内容包括论文(设计)的主要内容、试(实)验方法、结果、结论和意义等 中文摘要不少于400字;英文摘要必须用第三人称 采用现在时态编写 7.关键词


广东工业大学成人高等教育 本科生毕业论文格式规范(摘录整理) 一、毕业论文完成后应提交的资料 最终提交的毕业论文资料应由以下部分构成: (一)毕业论文任务书(一式两份,与论文正稿装订在一起) (二)毕业论文考核评议表(一式三份,学生填写表头后发电子版给老师) (三)毕业论文答辩记录(一份, 学生填写表头后打印出来,答辩时使用) (四)毕业论文正稿(一式两份,与论文任务书装订在一起),包括以下内容: 1、封面 2、论文任务书 3、中、英文摘要(先中文摘要,后英文摘要,分开两页排版) 4、目录 5、正文(包括:绪论、正文主体、结论) 6、参考文献 7、致谢 8、附录(如果有的话) (五)论文任务书和论文正稿的光盘 二、毕业论文资料的填写与装订 毕业论文须用计算机打印,一律使用A4打印纸,单面打印。 毕业论文任务书、毕业论文考核评议表、毕业论文正稿、答辩纪录纸须用计算机打印,一律使用A4打印纸。答辩提问记录一律用黑色或蓝黑色墨水手写,要求字体工整,卷面整洁;任务书由指导教师填写并签字,经主管院领导签字后发出。 毕业论文使用统一的封面,资料装订顺序为:毕业论文封面、论文任务书、考核评议表、答辩记录、中文摘要、英文摘要、目录、正文、参考文献、致谢、附录(如果有的话)。论文封面要求用A3纸包边。

三、毕业论文撰写的内容与要求 一份完整的毕业论文正稿应包括以下几个方面: (一)封面(见封面模版) (二)论文题目(填写在封面上,题目使用2号隶书,写作格式见封面模版)题目应简短、明确,主标题不宜超过20字;可以设副标题。 (三)论文摘要(写作格式要求见《摘要、绪论、结论、参考文献写作式样》P1~P2) 1、中文“摘要”字体居中,独占一页 2、论文摘要应能概括研究题目的内容和主要观点,中文摘要在400字左右, 并翻译成英文。 3、关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用技术词条。关键词一般为3~5个,按词条的外延层次排列(外延大的排在前面)。 4、英文摘要另起一页,其内容应与中文摘要一致,并要符合英语语法,语句通顺,文字流畅。英文和汉语拼音一律为Times New Roman体,字号与中文摘要同。(四)目录(写作格式要求见《论文提纲写作提示》) 目录应独占一页。目录按三级标题编写(即:1……、1.1……、1.1.1……),要求标题层次清晰。目录中的标题应与正文中的标题一致。 (五)正文 论文正文分章节撰写, 每章标题(即一级标题)应另起一页,标题采用3号黑体加粗,居于页面第一行中间。标题的段后需加宽0.5行。 毕业论文正文包括绪论、正文主体与结论。其内容分别如下: 1、绪论(写作格式要求见《摘要、绪论、结论、参考文献写作式样》P3) “绪论”二字需居于页面第一行中间。采用3号黑体加粗,标题段后需加宽0.5行。 绪论应说明本课题的目的、意义、研究范围及要达到的技术要求;简述本题目在国内外的发展概况及存在的问题;说明本课题的指导思想;阐述本题目应解决的主要问题。 2、正文主体 (写作格式要求见《摘要、绪论、结论、参考文献写作式样》P3) 正文主体是对研究工作的详细表述,其内容包括:问题的提出,研究工作的基本前提、假设和条件;基本概念和理论基础;问题的分析,理论的论证;运用某些理论对

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