当前位置:文档之家› 听证申请书(范文10篇)

















































































_______________________________________________________________ 此致



















































Topic 1: When international media (including movies, fashion shows, advertisements and other TV programs) convey the same messages to the global audience, people argue that the expansion of international media has negative impacts on cultural diversity. What is your opinion? 媒体信息一致的缺点: ?国际媒体(global media)—般掌握在少数几个有实力的机构手中(in the hands of a few, large, powerful organizations);有了媒体的宣传(propaganda)后,西方文化成了主流(domineering force),大规模的、有吸引力的广告(mass seductive advertising )唤起了落后地区人们对物质新的向往(create fresh desires),经济联系增强(strong economic ties),西方产品取代了本地产品,使人们更加向往西方的文化; ?文化开始融合在一起(mingle),人们被新的价值观所围绕(bombarded with new values),对自己的文化失去信心和自豪感(confidence and pride),拒绝接受自己的文化传统(rejection of their cultural heritage)转而接受西方的文化习惯(adoption of Western cultural practices);西方媒体削弱了民族的特征(ethnic identity)和社会的凝聚力(social cohesion);因为担心失去观众(a loss of viewers),当地的电视台也开始播放西方的电视节目(television shows), ?国际媒体的普遍会降低世界文化的品质和多样性(degrade the quality and diversity of world culture);文化被商业化(commercialized), —些文化产品(cultural goods),如音乐、服装,都变成了商品(commodities in the marketplace)。因此,即便一些文化在世界其他地方传播,它原来的性质(authenticity)已经丧失。 媒体信息一致的优点: ?国家之间的频繁交往会促进文化之间的交流。因此,相互了解和相互认同的可能性(likelihood of mutual understanding and mutual acceptance )就会增加,这是顺应全球化的趋势; ?未必一定放弃传统观念(not necessarily lead to the abolition of traditional values),事实上媒体可以起到宣传和稳固传统文化的作用; ?主流媒体一般都会反应文化多元性(The dominant media reflect cultural diversity.); —些外国节目其实促进了文化多元性(Most foreign programming is promoting cultural diversity.),适应了当地的条件(adapt to local conditions),注意到了当地文化的敏感性(aware of cultural sensitivity).自我调节来适应市场(exercise self-censorship to suit the market :)。 As international media companies expand across the world, the growing popularity and uniformity of some media programs (such as TV shows, movies, fashion shows) is causing worldwide concern. Many people have strong views toward this trend. In my opinion, international media is closely linked to cultural globalization and cultural homogeneity. The dominance of international media is a sign of Western cultural imperialism and has the potential to thwart cultural diversity. It is not a secret that international media is owned and operated by a handful of giant corporations, such as Time Warner. They control large sectors of the media market and place national media companies at risk. The contraction in the number of media owners will cause a proportional reduction, in the variety of programs broadcasted. For example, painting, music and movies accessible in the media have a small number of genres, imposing restraints on one's knowledge of artworks of different cultural backgrounds. In addition to seizing control over those creative industries, global entertainment companies affect cultural diversity by reshaping the perceptions, beliefs and norms of ordinary citizens in different countries. Most of the cultural values and ideals promoted by the leading mainstream media are of American origin. American culture values individuality, maximization of one's benefits and material wealth, rather than communal life and family solidarity, the values and norms previously treasured in" many Asian countries. Unfortunately, many Asian people now imitate American people, causing the alteration of their perceptions of family. This radical change can be attributed to those movies and TV programs that portray the success of American individuals or corporations.


行政听证申请书 申请人:XXXXX有限公司 法定代表人:XXXX 申请事项:申请贵局对XXXXXXXX号行政处罚事先告知书举行听证。 申请的事实与理由: 申请人于2017年5月16日收到的XX市XX区环境保护局XXXX 号行政处罚事先告知书。贵局事先告知书认定申请人从2004年3月投入生产运营,至今未履行建设项目环境影响评价报批手续,未建设配套污染防治设施,并拟依法予以责令立即停止生产、罚款陆万元整行政处罚。申请人对此持有异议。 提出听证申请的理由: 一、未办理建设项目环境影响评价报批手续的责任不在企业。 申请人生产运营前,多次向市、区环保部门申请办理建设项目环境影响评价报批手续,但相关部门均以各种理由未予办理建设项目环境影响评价报批手续。 二、处罚幅度过重,与合理行政原则及省政府减轻企业负担精神背道而驰。 环保局在事先未通知申请人予以整改的情形下,直接责令申请人立即停止生产、罚款陆万元整,申请人认为行政处罚过重。根据《行政处罚法》第四条规定,行政处罚遵循公正、公开的原则;设定和实施行政处罚必须以事实为依据,与违法行为的事实、性质、情节以及

社会危害程度相当。行政机关依法行政时应当遵守合理行政比例原则,行政机关采取的措施和手段应当是必要、适当的;应当避免采用损害行政相对人权益的方式,如果为达致行政目的必须对相对人的权益形成不利影响,那么这种不利影响应当被限制在尽可能小的范围和限度内,并且两者应当处于适当的比例。因此,申请人认为该行政处罚告知书违背了合理行政原则,处罚幅度过重。 同时,该行政处罚与省政府减轻企业负担精神不符,根据2016年6月省政府颁布的《安徽省人民政府关于降成本减轻实体经济企业负担的实施意见》第一条规定,降低制度性交易成本中明确指出:继续深化“放管服”改革,简政放权,激发活力,完善政府权力清单、责任清单和涉企收费清单,建立公共服务清单和中介服务清单,实行清单之外无收费。因此,申请人认为该行政处罚与省政府减轻企业负担精神相违背,处罚幅度过重。 三、申请人的生产项目未对周围环境造成污染。 申请人自2004年投入生产运营后,以木材加工、包装为主,其本身的生产运营的产品对环境的危害性是轻微的。同时,申请人也特别重视对周围环境的保护,如在运输过程中用防尘布进行封盖、保证车斗严密、无泄露、防止粉尘污染;以及在公司里强制执行“谁干谁清,随干随清,工完料尽场地清”规定,确保厂房现场整洁有序。因此,申请人在生产运营中,非常重视环境保护,申请人认为该行政处罚是不合理的。 综上所述,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》第四十二条的规


高一英语必背范文10篇 1 节日类------春节The Spring Festival Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration falls on the lst day of the lst lunar month. Generally speaking, the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses. And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers. During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children. People often get together and have a big meal. Some people eat dumpling for dinner. People also stick on couplets and set off fireworks to celebrate it. Spring Festival has a long history. It is said that people keep the monster----”nian”, a fierce animal, away from our villages and our homes. So to celebrate Spring Festival means to pray a happy and a peaceful life. I like Spring Festival! 2 书信 + 节日介绍中秋节 假如你是李华。你的美国笔友即将随其父母来中国,并中国度过中秋节。他来信向你询 问有关中秋节的习俗,请你告诉他有关中秋节的习俗。 要点如下: 1历史悠久。 2 中国人独有的传统节日。 3 家庭团圆。 4 共进晚餐。 5 吃月饼。 6 赏月。 要求: 1 词数100左右。 2 可适当添加细节。 3 开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mike, I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here.---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Mike, I’m glad to know that you are coming to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here.


# 43. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The table below shows CO2 emissions for different forms of transport in the European Union. The Pie Chart shows the percentage of European Union funds being spent on different forms of transport. You should write at least 150 words.

model answer: The chart shows CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre for variuos methods of transport in the European Union while the pie chart shows European Union spending on transport. Flying by air produces by far the greatest CO2 emissions, approximately three times as much as passenger cars which are the next largest producers. Very little is spent by the EU on air travel while roads make up more than half of the EU transport budget. Trains produce about three times less CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre than passenger cars and eight times less than air travel. Nearly a third of EU transport funds are spent on railways. Ships are a clean form of transport and produce about the same amount of CO2 per passenger kilometre as trains do. However, only 2 percent of EU funds are spent on ports. A further one percent is spent on inland waterways. Coaches are the cleanest form of transport. Emissions of CO2 per passenger kilometre from coaches are half those of buses. Buses emit less than half as much CO2 per passenger kilometre as cars. The European Union spends 10 percent of its transport budget on public transport, such as buses and coaches. (197 words)


行政处罚听证申请书 北京市西城区安全生产监督管理局: 我公司对贵局就我公司将陶然亭路2号院外立面清洗工程发包给不具备安全生产条件的个人金万洪,未制定施工方案,未对工程现场所有的作业人员的特种作业操作进行核实,未核实查看金万洪的安全生产责任制、安全生产规章制度和操作规程等材料致使作业人员代礼彬违章操作、导致事故发生的行为拟作出的罚款130000元的行政处罚有异议,特依照有关法律法规的规定申请举行听证。 我公司认为贵局对我公司拟作出罚款130000元的行政处罚不当,理由如下:首先,对死者表示哀悼,我们极不愿看到这次事故发生我公司长期进行高空清洗施工作业,始终认真对待每次施工,该事故发生前,也制定了施工方案、对工程现场的作业人员的特种作业操作进行核实、给施工作业人员购买保险…无奈百密一疏事故发生后我公司积极抢救伤员妥善保护事故现场以及相关证据,积极配合贵局对事故的调查;其次,事故发生后,我公司也的与亡者家属主动沟通协商赔偿事宜,只是出现了工亡家属身份不符及其他亲属意见不一的情况才要求对方通过法院给出一个终局裁决;再次,墙面清洗施工中相互借用工人是很多公司的都存在的现象,我公司认为贵局对我公司有一次教育机会;再其次,贵局拟作出的罚款130000元的金额过高,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》第八十六条规定:生产经营单位将生产经营项目、场所、设备发包或者出租给不具备安全生产条件或者相应资质的单位或者个人的,责令限期改正,没收违法所得;违法所得五万元以上的,并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款;没有违

法所得或者违法所得不足五万元的,单处或者并处一万元以上五万元以下的罚款;导致发生生产安全事故给他人造成损害的,与承包方、承租方承担连带赔偿责任。生产经营单位未与承包单位、承租单位签订专门的安全生产管理协议或者未在承包合同、租赁合同中明确各自的安全生产管理职责,或者未对承包单位、承租单位的安全生产统一协调、管理的,责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,责令停产停业整顿。而贵局适用《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》第三十七条第(一)项的规定作出处罚过高,我公司经营过程中,获取利润所得共计?元,在减去工人工资及有关管理费用后,实际亏损严重,特别受金融危机影响,最后我公司现在的经营困难重重,若贵局对我公司处以高额罚款,会严重影响我公司的正常经营,甚至影响到我司众多职工的就业问题。 综上所述,我司恳请贵局就拟对我司作出的行政处罚举行听证,并能结合我公司上述陈述、结合企业经营发生困难且事故发生尚属首次的情况,减轻对我公司的行政处罚。 此致 申请人:北京盛茂春保洁有限责任公司 年月日


高一英语满分作文:10篇优秀范文必背(人教版) 话题1:朋友(Unit1 Friendship) 假设你是吴东, 你在网上认识了一个美国朋友Jack, 他来信向你诉说交朋友的烦恼, 他要求你就friendship 这个话题发表你的观点和看法并给他一些建议。于是你根据你所了解的情况, 给他回了一封e-mail 。 [写作内容] ①友谊是每个人生活中最重要的事情之一, 没有朋友, 人会孤独的。 ②多与朋友交流, 让朋友知道你想与他交朋友以及你对朋友和友谊的理解。 ③真正的朋友应该同甘共苦。 ④邀请朋友参加一些活动如游泳、球赛等, 赢得真正的友谊。 Dear Jack, I'm glad to have received your e-mail but I am sorry you are having some trouble in making friends. In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in everyone's life because without friends we will suffer loneliness.If you would like to take my advice, you'll win real friendship.First, why not communicate with your friend when possible and tell him/her what you think about friends and friendship and let him/her know that you want to make friends with him/her. Secondly, you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends.Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you like to invite him/her to join in some activities such as swimming and ball games, which can make you learn to appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship.


雅思10范文急求雅思范文10篇 无忧雅思网论坛: 这是他主页: 3g雅思网: 上面都有范文!希望对你有帮助! 首先分析这种现象的利与弊 advantages:pany 会进一步推进科学研究的发展,由于公司大多数会投资有生产或者市场价值的研究,这样就弥补了政府在这方面投入的不足。而且商业性研究会带来利益,进而带来一系列好处。。。 disadvantages: 也许会导致科研商业化,吸引研究者更多的从事商业研究而忽略基础研究,造成基础研究薄弱,科学技术研究水平发展不平衡。 然后,假设你认同利大于弊,进一步阐述你的理由,强化利大于弊的观点。

假如你不认同,同上。 最后别忘了作总结,再次重申你的观点 Training Experience in Shanghai chmin 发表于 xx-3-28 8:29:00 Last week I went to Shanghai for the taining classes held by Altair, a famous engineering software pany.I can't remember the exactly times that I have been to Shanghai, but this time, i'd like to say, is very memorable. Not because I excursed some splendid artifical sights nor I was taken to some characteristic restaurants, just only since the afflictive time in autobus every morning. Life in school is quite fortable. If there's no class in the morning, I just need to wake up naturally, and inordinate some time, the moment i opened my eyes, it's alreay 12 o'clock. Incredible, I got up before 7 o'clock the whole last week, and spent more than one and half an


高中英语必背的18篇满分范文 一. 邀请信 〖好句背诵〗 1. I'm now writing on behalf of the classmates to invite you to come and attend it, if you can spare the time.我代表同学写信邀请您来参加,如果您能抽出时间的话。 〖满分佳作赏析〗 假定你是李华。你班同学决定为小明举办生日聚会。请你写信邀请外教Susan 参加,要点包括:1. 时间:周五晚8 点至9 点2. 地点:学生俱乐部3. 内容:唱生日歌、吃蛋糕、玩游戏等4. 要求:备小礼物 Hi, Susan,We're throwing a surprise party for Xiaoming’s birthday.As scheduled, all the classmates in our class will gather at the Students' Centre at 8 pm this Friday evening to celebrate Xiaoming's birthday. We would feel much honored if you could come and enjoy it, which is to finish at 9, lasting an hour.As the party starts, we will light the candles and sing "Happy Birthday" for him. Then the birthday cake will be presented and cut for all of us to enjoy, following which we'll sing songs and play some small games. What's more, as a surprise, we'll all prepare some secret birthday gifts for him, and it'll be great to see how surprised


行政复议听证申请书(精选多篇) 行政复议,是行政机关依法解决行政争议、化解社会矛盾、加强层级监督的一项重要法律制度平台。近几年来,按照行政复议法的规定,县级以上各级人民政府及其部门积极履行行政复议职责,全国平均每年通过行政复议这个制度平台解决行政争议8万多起,纠正了一大批违法或者不当的具体行政行为,努力将行政争议化解在基层、化解在初发阶段、化解在行政系统内部,密切了政府同人民群众的关系,维护了政府的形象。在行政复议实践中,各地积累了一些经验,也发现了一些具体制度上需要进一步完善的问题。为了在新形势下进一步发挥行政复议制度在构建和谐社会中的重要作用,根据党的十六届六中全会提出的“完善行政复议、行政赔偿制度”的要求,有必要总结行政复议实践经验,把行政复议法规定的各项制度具体化,进一步增强行政复议制度的可操作性。为此,国务院制定了《中华人民共和国行政复议法实施条例》。 行政复议申请书范文 申请人: 被申请人: 法定代表人: 复议请求: 撤销被申请人作出的《关于省道s268线中山市歧江路段改建工程项目申请报告的核准意见》(粤发改788号)的具体行政行为。 事实和理由: 20XX年10月19日,申请人知悉,被申请人于xx年9月29日作出了《关于省道s268线中山市歧江路段改建工程项目申请报告的核准意见》(粤发改788号)的具体行政行为,核准省道s268线中山市歧江路段改建工程项目。因该建设项目用地范围内包括申请人享有合法使用权的厂房,故与申请人存在法律上的利害关系。申请人认为该具体行政行为违法、错误,依法应予撤销。具体理由如下: 一、涉案具体行政行为违反有关立项的法律法规。 1、未经用地预审核准立项,程序严重违法。《国务院关于严格改革深化土地管理的决定》第九条规定,“……发展改革等部门要通过适当方式告知项目单位开展前期工作,项目单位提出用地预审申请后,国土资源部门要依法对建设项目用地进行审查。项目建设单位向发展改革等部门申报核准或审批建设项目时,必须附国土资源部门预审意见;没有预审意见或预审未通过的,不得核准或批准建设项目。” 《广东省企业投资核准暂行办法》第十条规定,“项目申请单位向项目核


【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】 范文的思路好了。这样好的东西,可惜不是我整理的,是一个叫landfish姑娘收集的,厉害! v105 Some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you ag ree or disagree? 范文1 The birth of cars has made an enormous change to our life. In the past, we travelled fro m one place to another only by foot, nowadays, cars can do the same job . It goes withou r saying that the invention of cars bring great benefits to all of us. but as an ancient prove rb goes, no garden without weeds. Car is no exception. Owing a car has a lot of advantages. For one thing, car provides us the most convenient wa y of transportation. we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time. Emotionally, I always found driving is so exciting. For another , it is comfortable to drive a car.in winte r.Drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy weather .In addition, drivers are saf er in their cars when they are out at night. While cars bring the human a large number of merits ,their side-effects gradually come t o the surface .Firstly, running a car needs a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.The incre asing number of cars contributes the lack of energy.Secondlly,as more and more cars are util zed,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which leads to the seriou s traffic jam.Moreover,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantitie s of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.It makes the air of cities unbreathable, it strips peop le’s contact with fresh air. Therefore, the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental p ollution can be avioded , and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars un der control. Thus, our heavier traffic can be solved!


执行听证申请书 执行听证申请书 第一篇: 执行听证申请书 执行听证申请书范本参考 申请人: 因申请人申请执行深圳公司拖欠款项一案,就涉及该案一些根本利害关系问题,依照法律规定提出执行听证申请。 申请事项: 1、请求依照本案客观事实和法律规定,明确确认申请人为执行深圳公司所属中政华庭财产的第一受益人。 事实与理由: 第一,从申请执行的时间来看: 申请人从一九九七年深圳仲裁委员会裁决书下达后就向深圳中级人民法院申请执行至今已达十二年之久。本案迟迟未能执行,时间之久,已给申请人带来了较大经济损失。 第 二,从涉案执行标的物被查封的时间和形式来看,申请人依法应属执行第一受益人。本案所涉查封标的物性质属于在国土管理部门未办理任何合法手续的违章超建楼层。对此类性质的查封,最高人民法院曾明确规定: 查封尚未进行权属登记的建筑物时,人民法院应该通知其管理人员或者该建筑物的实际占有人,并在显著位置张贴公告。本案中申请

人严格准确依照最高人民法院的规定向深圳市中级人民法院提出申请,而当时深圳市中级法院也是严格按照上述规定进行查封的。因此,该查封行为是合法有效的,该查封之前未有任何人依据最高人民法院规定用合法有效方式查封过该标的物。 第 三,根据涉案查封的标物的物性质属违章超建。其在规划和国土部门无登记许可,更无任何房号而言,因此本案凡是向国土部门申请查封的行为都没有任何客观事实及法律依据;同样国土部门对此出具的任何查封情况回复也不能作为本案执行查封的依据。申请人在此再次重申,本案的一切合法有效的查封均应严格按照最高人民法院的规定进行。 第 四,从本案国土部门出示的相关文件看,其它本案申请人的查封申请有具体房号的查封,而申请人申请查封的二十 九、三十层因无登记核准,固无具体房号,因此,在本案中只有申请人明确依照最高人民法院的规定合法有效,具体查封了第二十 九、三十层。 综上,依据本案的客观具体情况和最高人民法院关于人民法院民事执行中查封、扣押、冻结财产的规定,广东省高级人民法院执行听证程序规则。特申请执行听证。 此致 广东省高级人民法院 申请人: 申请日期:


高中英语必背作文范文10篇 有很多同学想知道高中英语的作文能力该如何提升,有必要的时候背些 作文模板还是很有必要的,下面小编为大家整理了优秀的10 篇优秀作文,希 望能给同学们带来一些帮助。 【篇一】 最近, 某英文杂志社举办征文活动, 请你结合下面这幅图的内容写一篇短 文进行投稿. 内容应包括: 1. 描述图画内容; 2. 揭示图画所反映的社会问 题; 3. 谈谈你的看法注意:词数120 左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数. rain pouring, an old lady falls down. A passer-by is over whether to support her with his hand or not. Behind this message They probably fear that they are wrongly accused of knocking them down and even pay compensation.Respecting the old is our Chinese traditional virtue. Not only can we bring out the best of . Moreover, if we are unwilling to help those in trouble, we might be ignored in time of emergency. 【篇二】 目前, 很多中学生热衷于读网络小说而对中国的传统诗歌不予重视。假 如你是高中生李华, 请根据下列提示, 给某英语报社写封信, 表达你的看法。 1. 热衷于网络小说的原因; 2. 不喜欢中国传统诗词的原因; 3. 你的建议。 Dear Editor, Today , many teenagers especially reading Internet novels. As a result, they are always being poisoned by the unhealthy contents of the novels, such as sex, violence or murder. However, they show little interest in classic Chinese poems. They believe that these poems are of little or no value to their 完全倒装句型倒 装的虚拟条件句They learn them just because they have to pass exams. In fact,


《听证申请书》 听证申请书(一): 听证申请书 申请人:姓名______、性别______、出生______年______月、民族______、籍贯______、工作单位______、住址________________________。 申请人于____________(时间)在____________(地点)被告知将受到 ____________行政处罚,申请人对此持有异议,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》第四十二条之规定,特此要求举行听证。 此致 __________________(被申请机关的名称) 申请人:________ ______年______月______日 听证申请书(二): 听证申请书 申请人:__________,男,汉族,系__________业主 联系电话:__________________ 申请事项: 请求对__________规划验收进行听证 事实和理由: ____________________________________________________________ 据此,申请人提出听证申请,请求予以准许。 此致 __________规划局__________分局 申请人:__________ __________年__________月__________日 20XX年4月29日 听证申请书(三):

听证申请书模板 尊敬的xx: 你局xx行政处罚通知书收悉。因对你局告知书所认定的行政处罚事实、理由和依据持有 异议,现根据《行政处罚法》第四十二条的有关规定要求组织听证。 (单位或个人签章) 年月日 听证申请书(四): 行政处罚听证申请书范本 申请人:xxx,女,汉族,19xx年3月4日出生,住xxx。 请求事项: 申请人不服xxx行政处罚事先告知书的拟处罚决定,现向贵局申请听证,以便申辩理由,澄清事实。 事实与理由: 贵局于20XX年xx月xx日送达的xxx行政处罚事先告知书。以未经批准,xxxx,申 请人特申请贵局举行听证,以便申辩理由,澄清事实,维护申请人的合法权益。 此致 敬礼 xxx单位 申请人:xxx 听证申请书(五): 听证申请书范文(延期) ______县国土资源局: 你局[20____]1号行政处罚《听证通知书》收悉。 现我矿依法提出申请,请你局依法延期举行听证会,理由如下: 1、你局未依法履行全面告知义务,导致我矿对听证会参加人员状况不了解,严重影响我 矿依法行使权利。 《国土资源听证规定》第二十五条第二款规定《听证通知书》应当载明下列事项:


对于参加2017高考的同学来说,现在开始复习和背诵英语作文完全来得及,小简老师推荐你高考英语写作优秀范文全集,满满都是套路,掌握后还怕得不了满分吗? 1.感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation(推荐)for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved(无保留的)help that enables me to obtain this splendid(极好的)opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate(回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Zhang Ying 2. 道歉信 假设你是李华,因弟弟生病住院,你不能参加你好友下星期四晚的生日晚会,请写一封道歉信解释原因,并祝福他生日快乐。【优秀满分范文】 Dear Sarah, I am terribly sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend your birthday party next Thursday evening. That is owing to(因为)the fact that (同位语从句)my younger brother suddenly fell ill and was taken to a hospital this morning. I have to go there immediately and take care of him. As told by the doctor in charge, it will take around five days for him to recover and I have asked my boss for a leave. I really regret that I cannot go to celebrate your birthday personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. I have chosen a small gift for you and will send it to you tomorrow to show my best wishes. Besides, please give my regards to our friends when you meet them at the party. Cordially, (sincerely) Li Hua 3. 申请信 假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知B B公司要招聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣,要写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1.年龄:18. 2. 学习情况:班级前5,英语口语好 3.兴趣和特长:打字快,喜欢阅读,听音乐4.性格特点:积极向上 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行为连贯; 3.开头语和结束语己为你写好。【优秀满分范文】Dear Sir/ Madam, I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends. I hope I may be granted(授予)an interview, when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件)more fully. I am looking forward to your reply. Sincerely/Yours, LiHua 4. 通知 假如你是校学生会主席。新年即将到来,为了帮助你校的外国留学生更好地了解中国文化,学生会将

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