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PART I GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (20 points) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1. The final component in the involvement factor focuses broadly on worker attitudes in _____ to motivation. A. proportion B. relation C. response D. addition 2. Poor health and lack of money may both be _____ to educational progress. A. restraints B. scarcities C. contempts D. barriers 3. By signing the lease you made a (n)_____ to pay $ 400 a month rent. A. responsibility B. commitment C. duty D. action 4. They have always been on good _____ with their next-door neighbors. A. friendship B. relationship C. terms D. connection 5. Many people stood outside the church during the funeral to pay _____ to the late president. A. acknowledgment B. forbearance C. revenue D. respect 6. The shortage of adult male laborers, who were needed for agriculture, contributed to the _____ of child laborers. A. exploitation B. exploration C. explosion D. exposition 7. The students showed _____ when solving the difficult math's problems. A. validity B. purity C. ingenuity D. reliability 8. Your kindness in giving _____ to the consideration of the above problem will be highly appreciated. A. advantage B. importance C. accommodation D. priority 9. The _____ at the Campus Motel were not only adequate but also inexpensive. A. registrations B. accommodations C. reservations D. confirmations 10. Such fine-tuned strategies can only bear _____ when countries are ready to take the first step by addressing deeply set biases in their societies. A. fruit B. result C. influence D. interest 11. Enraged by the killing of two comrades in an ambush, Serbian attackers went on a rampage, _____ 12 people they captured. D. shearing shattering A. slaughtering B. shivering C. 12. The company lost the contract for making the clothes and _____ half its workers. A. laid out B. laid off C. laid down D. laid into


Part I Reading Comprehension(2*25=50points) Directions:There are five passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Decide on the best choice. Passage1 Economic inequality is the“defining challenge of our time,”President Barack Obama declared in a speech last month to the Center for American Progress.Inequality is dangerous,he argued,not merely because it doesn’t look good to have a large gap between the rich and the poor,but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility,making it harder for the poor to escape from poverty.“Increased inequality and decreasing mobility pose a fundamental threat to the American Dream,”he said. Obama is only the most prominent public figure to declare inequality. Public Enemy No.1and the greatest threat to reducing poverty in America.A number of prominent economists have also argued that it’s harder for the poor to climb the economic ladder today because the rungs in that ladder have grown farther apart. For all the new attention devoted to the1percent,a new data set from the Equality of Opportunity Project at Harvard and Berkeley suggests that,if we care about upward mobility overall,we’re vastly exaggerating the dangers of the rich-poor gap.Inequality itself is not a particularly strong predictor of economic mobility,as sociologist Scott Winship noted in a recent article based on his analysis of this data.So what factors,at the community level,do predict if poor children will move up the economic ladder as adults?What explains, for instance,why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the100largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely? Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation,community density,the size of a community’s middle class,the quality of schools,community religiosity,and family structure,which he calls the“single strongest correlate of upward mobility.”Chetty finds that

2000-2013年考研英语历年真题和答案(英语一) 免费

2013年考研英语(一)真题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that ___1___ the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by ___2___ factors. But Dr Simonton speculated that an inability to consider the big ___3___ was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. ___4___, he theorized that a judge ___5___ of appearing too soft ___6___crime might be more likely to send someone to prison ___7___he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to forced community service on that day. To ___8___this idea, they turned their attention to the university-admissions process. In theory, the ___9___ of an applicant should not depend on the few others___10___ randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonton suspected the truth was___11___. He studied the results of 9,323 MBA interviews ___12___ by 31 admissions officers. The interviewers had ___13___ applicants on a scale of one to five. This scale ___14___ numerous factors into consideration. The scores were ___15___ used in conjunction w ith an applicant’s score on the GMAT, a standardized exam which is ___16___out of 800 points, to make a decision on whether to accept him or her. Dr Simonton found if the score of the previous candidate in a daily series of interviewees was 0.75 points or more higher than that of the one ___17___ that, then the score for the next applicant


2000年——2012年研究生英语考试作文题目汇总 2012年 51. Directions: write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay you should 1) describe the drawing briefly 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points) 2011年 52. Directions: Write an essay of 160---200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1)describe the drawing briefly, 2)explain it’s intended meaning, and 3)give your comments. Your should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 旅程之“余” 2010年 52. Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 2009年 52. Directions: In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points) 2008年 52. Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then


历年英语考研真题及答案 【篇一:2010-2016年历年考研英语真题+答案】 tion i use of english section 1 use of english directions: read the following text. choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [a], [b], [c] or [d] on answer sheet 1. (10 points) in cambodia, the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. it may involve not only his parents and his friends, __1__those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker. a young man can __2__ a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to __3__the marriage negotiations, or the young man‘s parents may take the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. __4__, a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. __5__ a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying __6__ a good family. the traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. formerly it lasted three days, __7__1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. buddhist priests offer a short sermon and __8__ prayers of blessing. par--ts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting,__9__cotton threads soaked in holy water around the brides and grooms wrists, and __10__a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the __11__. newlyweds traditionally move in with the wifes parents and may__12__ with them up to a year, __13__they can build a new house nearby. divorce is legal and easy to __14__, but not common. divorced persons are __15__ with some disapproval. each spouse retains ___16___ property he or she __17__ into the marriage, and jointly-acquired property is __18__ equally. divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice __19__up. the divorced male doesnt have a waiting period before he can remarry __20__the woman must wait ten months. 1.a. by way of b. with regard to c. on behalf of d. as well as 2.a. decide onb. provide forc. compete withd. adapt to 3.a. closeb. arrange c. renew d. postpone


小学英语教案山科版 Lesson 1 We have a big living room 一、教材分析: 本课为第四单元第一课,以“家”为话题,学习介绍每个房间的名称。 二、学情分析: 三年级的小学生,刚刚学完第一册英语,内容简单,学起来比较轻松,此时对英语还保持着强烈的好奇心和学习热情,加之本单元介绍的是学生熟悉的家,学生将会很有乐趣的学习本课。 三、教学目标: 知识目标: 1.能听、说、认读单词home, bedroom,并能在实际情景中加以运用。 2.能听、说单词living room, dining room. 3.能用下列语言简单介绍自己的家:This is my home. 4. 能够书写字母Uu,Vv,Ww. 能力目标: 能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home….” 情感目标: 初步培养学生对家的热爱。

四、教学重点分析: 教学重点: 听说认读单词home, bedroom,能用简单的句子描述自己的家,如:“This is my home. …” 教学难点: 正确掌握单词bedroom的发音。 五、教学准备: 1.教师制作多媒体课件。 2.学生每人准备一张自己家的平面图。 3.教师准备bedroom, living room和dining room 的单词卡片。 六、教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Sing an English song: Old Macdonald Has A Zoo. Let’s all go to the zoo tomorrow.歌曲课件 3. Revision.动物图片课件 What’s this? It’s a…. Is this a …? What are these? They are…. Where are they? They are in the zoo. 改:I hav e a book. I have…. 师生共同说。


历年考研英语试题考点分析 2018年考研英语出题方向在哪呢?考生要怎样有针对性的对复习呢?我们一起随学习啦来看看考研英语的常考知识点和出题情况。 完型填空是在整张卷子中最不容易拿分的一种题型。因为其考点非常的零碎,从词义的辨析,到语法的考量再到上下句之间的逻辑 关系均有涉及。所以虽然说只有十分,但是对于学生的要求确实是 全面的。但是,尽管如此,完型中依旧有一些可以探究出规律的东西。能够让大家在系统的复习之后可以较轻松的选出正确选项为哪项。那么究竟有哪些属于常考点呢? 高频的短语:beresponsiblefor, besubjectedto,exposeto,accountfor,bevulnerableto; 而在逻辑词上面则会有很多“红花词”出现的频率也极高。比如:however会出现在一个比较特殊的位置,两个逗号之间。还有类似 的结构还有可能是“though”,“instead”两个词。 如果放在句子开头的话,逻辑词一般倾向于选择“although”,“while”等表示转折的词。 而在阅读中,重点考察几大题型:词汇题,主旨题,观点态度题,例证题,推断题以及细节题。从分布规律来看,细节题几乎占到了 每年20题中的一半。所以对于同学们来讲,更加应该清楚,考研英 语要回归英语的本质,重理解,而轻技巧,所以希望17届学子们能 牢牢记住这一重要原则。 在前面的几种类型的考题中,基本会有一些通用的规律在其中。比如:词汇题一般考察的上下文之间的逻辑关系。而所出的单词有 两种考点:第一,超纲词,无论大家平日多么辛苦的去背单词,这 个单词永远在你的单词表范围之外;第二种是熟词,但是你所熟悉的 意思在此是怎么也行不通的,它考察的是背后的引申义。


Unit1 hello [ h?’l?u ] 喂;你好 I [ai] 我 I'm (I am)我是 hi [ hai ] 喂,你好 good [ɡ?d] 好的 morning ['m??(r)n??] 早晨;上午how [ha?] 怎样;如何 are [ɑ?(r)] .是 you [ju?] 你,你们 fine [fain] 好的 thank [θ??k] 谢谢 and [?nd] 和 goodbye [,g?d’ba?] 再见 bye 再见 afternoon [.ɑ?ft?(r)'nu?n] 下午Miss 小姐老师 nice [na?s] adj.好的;令人愉快的meet [mi?t] 遇见 too [tu:] 也 Unit2 Mr ['m?st?] 先生 this [e?s] 这,这个 is [?z] 是 what [w?t] 什么 what's=what is [w?ts] 是什么your [j??(r) ;j?r] 你的你们的name [ne?m] 名字 my [ma?] 我的 he [hi?] 他 he's=he is [hiz] 他是 friend [frend] 朋友 she [?i?] 她 she’s=she is [?i:z] 她是 let's= let us [lets] 让我们 play [ple?] 玩 OK [?u'kei] 行,好 wow [wa?] 哇,呀 Unit3 look [ l?k]看 family ['f?m?l?]家,家庭mother ['m?e?]母亲 father ['fɑ?e?] 父亲 sister ['s?st?]姐妹brother ['br?e?]兄弟 grandpa [?gr?npɑ:]爷爷,外公grandma ['gr?nmɑ?]奶奶,外婆 a [?; e?]一(个) farmer ['fɑ?m?(r)]农民 teacher ['ti?t??]教师 doctor ['d?kt?]医生 Unit4 head [hed]头 arm [ɑ?m]臂,胳膊 leg [leg]腿 foot [f?t]足,脚 yes [jes]是 no [n??]不,不是 have [h?v]有;吃 nose [n??z]鼻子 mouth [ma?θ]嘴,口 me [mi?]我(宾格) face [fe?s]脸 tail [te?l]尾巴 oh [??]啊,呀 two [tu?]二;两个(的) ear [??]耳朵 eye [a?]眼睛 hand [h?nd]手 Unit5 our [a??]我们的 classroom ['klɑ?sru?m]教室 new [nju?] 新的 desk [desk]书桌 chair [t?e?]椅子 that [e?t; e?t]那,那个 that's=that is [e?ts]那是,那个是schoolbag ['sku?lb?ɡ]书包 book [b?k] 书 pencil ['pens(?)l; ]铅笔 pen [pen]钢笔 it[it]它 it's=it is [its] 它的 ruler ['ru?l?]尺子 pencil-case ['pens?lkeis] 铅笔盒an [?n; ?n] 一(个) eraser [?'re?z?]橡皮 mum [m?m]妈妈


(英语专业各分支学科)全国170所高校排名!!! (英语语言文学)全国160所高校排名! 1 上海外国语大学A+ 2 北京外国语大学A+ 3 北京大学A+ 4 南京大学A+ 5 厦门大学A+ 6 复旦大学A+ 7 南京师范大学A+ 8 山东大学A 9 大连外国语学院A 10 华东师范大学A 11 四川外语学院A 12 西南大学A 13 湖南师范大学A 14 北京师范大学A 15 华中科技大学A 16 河南大学A 17 四川大学A 18 华中师范大学A 19 福建师范大学A 20 苏州大学A 21 广东外语外贸大学A 22 中山大学A 23 浙江大学A 24 清华大学A 25 南开大学A 26 天津外国语学院A 27 中南大学 A 28 西安外国语大学A 29 东北师范大学A 30 上海大学A 31 北京语言大学A

B+等(47个):上海交通大学、湖南大学、辽宁大学、中国人民大学、中国海洋大学、山东师范大学、四川师范大学、陕西师范大学、北京第二外国语学院、吉林大学、江西师范大学、安徽大学、广西师范大学、河北师范大学、宁波大学、安徽师范大学、东南大学、湘潭大学、黑龙江大学、深圳大学、河北大学、辽宁师范大学、山西大学、宁夏大学、南昌大学、上海师范大学、暨南大学、西北大学、首都师范大学、广西大学、西北师范大学、浙江师范大学、电子科技大学、华南师范大学、新疆大学、南京农业大学、重庆师范大学、中国石油大学、广西师范学院、武汉大学、上海海事大学、郑州大学、武汉理工大学、哈尔滨工程大学、大连海事大学、中国地质大学、上海对外贸易学院 B等(47个):天津理工大学、内蒙古大学、东北农业大学、河海大学、北京航空航天大学、长沙理工大学、广东商学院、聊城大学、合肥工业大学、江南大学、华南理工大学、上海财经大学、燕山大学、广州大学、云南师范大学、中国矿业大学、汕头大学、兰州大学、云南大学、中北大学、哈尔滨师范大学、北京理工大学、河南师范大学、西南科技大学、湖南科技大学、扬州大学、福州大学、华东理工大学、上海理工大学、南京航空航天大学、徐州师范大学、浙江财经大学、华侨大学、曲阜师范大学、华北电力大学、杭州电子科技大学、齐齐哈尔大学、哈尔滨理工大学、天津财经大学、山东科技大学、重庆大学、国际关系学院、北京交通大学、东北大学、贵州师范大学、中国政法大学、南通大学 C等(32个):名单略 报考首选四类院校!!! 全国210多所拥有英语专业硕士点的高校中,哪一个才是最适合自己的?为了前途,你需要好好考量一番。 据综合分析,目前英语专业研究生录取的院校及其专业方向大致可分为以下5类: 1.研究类高校,如北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、武汉大学、中山大学、南开大学等。这一类学校的研招考试有一定难度,比较适合那些准备读博或有志于理论研究的人报考。 2.外语院校类,如北京外国语大学、上海外国语大学、天津外国语学院、四川外国语大学、西安外国语大学等。这类院校重视基本功,着重于语言研究。其报考火爆,竞争相对激烈,考生的水平都很强,适合那些既有理论头脑、又有实践能力的人报考。 3.理工科类英语专业,如北京交通大学、上海交通大学、北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、武汉理工大学、哈尔滨工程大学等。这类高校将语言同科学技术联系在一起,重视词汇量、基本功以及英语在科学技术中的应用。这些院校题目出得整齐,准备起来也比较容易,但不一定好考,因为近年来报考的人数逐年递增。 4.将英语和政治、经济、文化、外交紧密联系的院校,如对外经济贸易大学、外交学院、


中国人民大学1999年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:管理学原理 (略去管理经济学部分) 一,简答题: 1.说明不同类型决策问题的特点 2.阐述组织设计中部门化的集中主要方式。 3.简述需求层次理论 二,论述题: 论述泰罗科学管理原理对提高我国企业管理水平的现实意义 中国人民大学2000年硕士研究生入学考试试题: 科目:管理经济学与管理学 一、名词解释:(每题5分,共20分) 1.机会成本 2.需求弹性 3.风险价值链 4.劳伦茨曲线 二、简答题:(每题10分,共40分) 1.边际收益递减规律和规模收益递增原理是否矛盾,为什么? 2.简述管理过程中非正式组织的作用。 3。说明权变领导理论的基本观点和现实意义。 4.简述企业管理者的角色理论。 三、论述题:(每题20分,共40分) 1.试述有效的组织沟通。 2.试述市场的价格机制在引导资源合理配置中失灵的主要原因? 中国人民大学2001年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:管理经济学与管理学原理 (略去管理经济学部分) 一,简答题: 1、比较个体决策与群体决策的优缺点。 2、简述水平性组织与扁平化组织这两种结构形态的区别和联系。 说明采用并行工程法进行新产品开发工作组织的原理和意义(任选其一) 3,推行目标管理法的企业,其控制的的主要方式和特点是什么? 二,论述题: 推进企业变革的领导者,与传统的领导者相比较,他们在管理工作全过程中的行为有什么重要区别? 中国人民大学2002年研究生入学考试试题 考试科目:管理经济学与管理学原理 一、名词解释(每题5分,共20分): 1.交叉弹性2.消费效用3.隐性成本4.技术进步 二、简述题(每题10分,共40分): 1.简述垄断竞争市场的特点及竞争手段的基本内容。 2.简述制约组织结构设计和选择的因素。 3.简述有效信息沟通。 4.说明管理的社会责任。


山东科技大学2019年全国硕士研究生招生考试 基础英语试卷 PART I GRAMMAR&VOCABULARY(20points) Directions:There are20incomplete sentences in this section.Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1.My aunt tried her best to________the situation,but the damage was already done. A)adjust B)regulate C)rectify D)amend 2.An actor cannot well play the role without life experience______a dancer can make a difference without much practice. A)no less than B)no more than C)any more than D)much more than 3.Our neighbors are so reserved and unfriendly that they never speak to us.The underlined part means _________. A)aloof B)relieved C)airy D)resistant 4.A recent survey shows that most adolescents eat______as they actually need every day. A)protein as three times much B)three times protein as much C)three times as much protein D)protein as much three times 5.The reception was attended by________members of the city council. A)excellent B)conspicuous C)noticeable D)prominent 6.I’d__________his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community,and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan. A)take into account B)account for


山东科技大学济南校区大学英语 教学改革实施意见(试行) 山科大济管字﹝2011﹞26号 为充分合理地利用大学英语教学资源,发挥英语教师(含外教)的主导作用和学生的主体作用,形成良好的英语教学和学习氛围,进一步提高大学英语教学水平和教学质量,培养能熟练掌握英语的高素质应用型人才,结合济南校区中外合作办学的实际,特制定本实施意见。 一、指导思想 大学英语教学改革要以国家教育部颁布的《教学要求》为指导,不断更新教学观念,完善课程体系和教学管理体系;充分依靠、调动和发挥大学英语教师(含外教)的积极性和创造力,培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力;加强分类指导,对不同层次的学生提出不同要求,因材施教,满足不同学生的发展需要;增强学生的自主学习能力,提高学生的综合文化素养,积极探索并努力开创适合中外合作办学模式的大学英语教学新局面。 二、总体目标与具体要求 充分依靠、调动和发挥大学英语教师(含外教)的积极性和创造力,通过实施大学英语教学改革,进一步提高校区大学英语教学水平和教学质量,充分利用多媒体、网络技术,转变教学观念,更新教学内容,完善课程体系;培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使学生在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交流,同时增强其自主学习能力;提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。具体要求是: 1.提高考试水平,使大部分学生在第三学期末通过全国大学英语四级考试,在第四学期末使有出国意向的学生达到雅思或者托福成绩签证要求,有相当部分学生达到雅思6分水平或新托福80分水平。 2.增强应用能力,转变教学观念,更新教学内容,完善课程体系,全面培养学生的英语综合应用能力,使学生在听、说、读、写、译等方面能力得到有效提高,尤其是听说能力有明显进步,要求大部分学生能够听得懂、说得出。 3.促进国际交流,通过大学英语的学习,使大部分学生能够达到听懂英语授课内容和进行课程内容交流,使用英语阅读外文原版教材,使部分优秀的学生达到使用英文撰写毕业论文、报告并用英语进行毕业答辩的要求。 三、教学管理与课程设置 1.学校定期和不定期地通过“请进来”和“送出去”双向交流,长短期国内外进修、深造相互结合等方式,多渠道、多形式地加强对大学英语教师的培训和培养,使校区外语教师及时了解本学科领域及其相关学科领域的最新发展动态。 2.以相对稳定的中方英语教师和外方英语教师分别组成中美和中澳大学英语教学组,经常性开展教学研究,探讨教学问题,增进教学交流,提升教学水平,增强教学效


在决定考研的那一刻,我已预料到这一年将是怎样的一年,我做好了全身心地准备和精力来应对这一年枯燥、乏味、重复、单调的机械式生活。可是虽然如此,我实在是一个有血有肉的人呐,面对诱惑和惰性,甚至几次妥协,妥协之后又陷入对自己深深的自责愧疚当中。这种情绪反反复复,曾几度崩溃。 所以在此想要跟各位讲,心态方面要调整好,不要像我一样使自己陷入极端的情绪当中,这样无论是对自己正常生活还是考研复习都是非常不利的。 所以我想把这一年的经历写下来,用以告慰我在去年饱受折磨的心脏和躯体。告诉它们今年我终于拿到了心仪学校的录取通知书,你们的付出和忍耐也终于可以扬眉了。 知道自己成功上岸的那一刻心情是极度开心的,所有心酸泪水,一扫而空,只剩下满心欢喜和对未来的向往。 首先非常想对大家讲的是,大家选择考研的这个决定实在是太正确了。非常鼓励大家做这个决定,手握通知书,对未来充满着信念的现在的我尤其这样认为。当然不是说除了考研就没有了别的出路。只不过个人感觉考研这条路走的比较方便,流程也比较清晰。没有太大的不稳定性,顶多是考上,考不上的问题。 而考得上考不上这个主观能动性太强了,就是说,自己决定自己的前途。所以下面便是我这一年来积攒的所有干货,希望可以对大家有一点点小小的帮助。 由于想讲的实在比较多,所以篇幅较长,希望大家可以耐心看完。文章结尾会附上我自己的学习资料,大家可以自取。 山东科技大学数学的初试科目为: (101)思想政治理论(201)英语一 (710)数学分析和(835)高等代数

参考书目为: 1.《数学分析》(上、下册),华东师范大学数学系,高等教育出版社,2010年(第四版) 2.《高等代数》,北京大学数学系,高等教育出版社,2003年(第三版) 先说英语,最重要的就是两个环节:单词和真题。 关于单词 单词一定要会,不用着急做题,先将单词掌握牢,背单词的方式有很多,我除了用乱序单词,我还偏好使用手机软件,背单词软件有很多,你们挑你们用的最喜欢的就好,我这里就不做分享了。我们考试的时候就是最直观刺激的就是文字信息,所以根据行为主义的学习理论来讲最简单粗暴的就是利用重复,将这个文字信息与我们大脑之间形成一个条件反射,这样我们提取的速度也就会达到最快。 都说考研有很多生僻词义,其实不是的,很多都是书面语言常见意思,只是我们不熟悉书面语言而已。比如casualty表示伤亡,我们口语常见是casual 随意的。这种能力一定不是背单词搞出来的,而且需要扎扎实实坐下来读书。 关于阅读 第一次我阅读很差,对答案错了一大半。这次我阅读是满分。如何做到?我非常认同老钟的观点,不要再管命题人,不论谁命题,不论什么题型,都是围绕着你有没有读懂作者在说什么,题型的存在只是从不同侧面考察这一点。只有回到阅读本身,才会真的恍然大悟,而不是被定位的思想牵着盲人摸象。我算明白了为什么考研这么重视阅读,当你真的学会了读学术文章,你才会体会到一个研


2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I: Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In 1924 America’s National Research Council sent two engineers to supervise a series of experiments at a telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how shop-floor lighting __1__ workers’productivity. Instead, the studies ended __2__ giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect”, the extremely influential idea that the very __3__ of being experimented upon changed subjects’ behavior. The idea arose because of the __4__ behavior of the women in the plant. According to __5__ of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6__ what was done in the experiment; __7__ something was changed, productivity rose. A(n) __8__ that they were being experimented upon seemed to be __9__ to alter workers’ behavior __10__ itself. After several decades, the same data were __11__ to econometric analysis. The Hawthorne experiments had another surprise in store. __12 __ the descriptions on record, no systematic __13__ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may have led to __14__ interpretations of what happed. __ 15__, lighting was always changed on a Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output __16__ rose compared with the previous Saturday and __ 17__ to rise for the next couple of days. __ 18__, a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Mondays. Workers __19__ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case, before __20__ a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged “Hawthorne effect” is hard to pin down. 1.[A] affected[B]achieved[C]extracted[D]restored 2.[A] at[B]up[C]with[D]off 3.[A] truth[B]sight[C]act[D]proof 4.[A] controversial[B]perplexing[C]mischievous[D]ambiguous 5.[A] requirements[B]explanations[C]accounts[D]assessments 6.[A] conclude[B]matter[C]indicate[D]work 7.[A] as far as[B]for fear that[C]in case that[D]so long as 8.[A] awareness[B]expectation[C]sentiment[D]illusion 9.[A] suitable[B]excessive[C]enough[D]abundant 10.[A] about[B]for[C]on[D]by 11.[A] compared[B]shown[C]subjected[D]conveyed 12.[A] Contrary to[B]Consistent with [C] Parallel with[D]Peculiar to 13.[A] evidence[B]guidance[C]implication[D]source 14.[A] disputable[B]enlightening[C]reliable[D]misleading 15.[A] In contrast[B]For example[C]In consequence[D]As usual

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