当前位置:文档之家› 语篇翻译


Chapter 1 Discourse & Translation


To formulate the concept of text translation, and appreciate their appropriate and authentic use in practice.

To get to know the difference between text translation and sentence translation.

To be aware of cohesion, coherence and Intertextuality.

To grasp the concepts of cohesive ties: reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, lexical cohesion.

To learn to accomplish application of coherence in translation.

To practice using proper sentence patterns while translating, considering context.

To learn to perceive the emotional coloring and the cultural differences between English and Chinese, and try to avoid the mother tongue interference.

Main Contents


Part I Cohesion and Coherence

Section A Cohesion





?lexical cohesion

Section B Coherence

Part II Tactics for Coherence

Tip 1: Diversity of sentence patterns

Tip 2: Avoiding repetition of the subject

Tip 3: The continuity of the paragraph

Tip 4: Rhythm of Translation

Part III Passage translation

?Literary Translation

?News Report Translation

?Translation of the practical writing

?Translation of the scientific research articles

?Advertisement Translation

Teaching Plan


What is Discourse (Text)? 什么是语篇?

所谓语篇, 指不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语境下表示完整意义的自然语言。它具有形式和逻辑的一致性。语篇并非是互不关联的句子的简单堆积,而是一些意义相关联的句子为达到一定交际目的,通过各种衔接手段而实现的有机结合。



篇章翻译是指高于句子层次或句以上的语言单位的翻译。(王治奎)可见,在交际功能上相对完整和独立的一个语言片段可以成为语篇(“text” or “discourse”)。例如,内容相对完整的文章或著作节选。

语篇意义:语言的组成部分互相联系所产生的意义。相互联系的手段也叫衔接手段(cohesion)。因此,语篇衔接手段自然成为语篇研究的重要对象之一。语篇翻译即用译语语篇传达原语语篇的信息, 以实现原语语篇及译者的交际目的。原语语篇的信息大体包括基本信息和文体信息两类。前者是作者要说的话, 后者作者说话的方式。





翻译策略和技巧体现在每一层面上都有一定的侧重点。在词及词组层面上主要是解决搭配问题; 在小句及句子层面主要要解决信息的组合以及句子的构建问题, 而在段落和篇章层面则主要解决小句及句子之间的逻辑连接问题。当然, 在整个翻译过程中译者不能忘记语篇的文体特征、作者的风格等。

What is the difference between discourse translation and sentence translation? 语篇翻译与单句翻译的区别:


Part I Cohesion and Coherence

Section A Cohesion

衔接与连贯(cohesion and coherence )


衔接手段(cohesive ties):

Halliday 在Cohesion in English一书中将英语的衔接手段分成五大类:



3. 省略(ellipsis)

4. 连接(conjunction)

5. 词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)




语外照应(外指)(exophoric reference)



语内照应(内指):(endophoric reference)

1)前照应(回指)(anaphoric reference)

2)后照应(下指)(cataphoric reference)




这件事我不清楚,我不知道他是否参加了那次会议。 (下指)

他参加了那次会议? 这我不清楚。 (回指)


1.1 人称照应(personal reference )

人称照应是通过人称代词(they, she, him 等)、所属限定词(his, your, its 等), 和所属代

词(hers, theirs ,mine 等)来实现。英语人称代词以及相应的限定词的使用频率远高于汉语。








任《儿童时代》编辑→be one of the editors of Children Times

从事报纸编辑工作→be engaged in editorial work in newspaper offices

任《文汇报》副总编辑→fill the post of deputy editor -in-chief of Wenhuibao 任上海电影局顾问→be adviser of Shanghai Film Bureau



engaged in editorial work in newspaper offices and took an active part in activities of film and

modem drama in Shanghai. After liberation filled the post of deputy editor-in-chief of



was the only long-gowned customer to drink his wine was a big man,

strangely pallid, with scars that often showed among the wrinkles of his had a large

looked as if it had not been washed or mended for over ten years.




Every year after the 20th of the lunar 12th

fried beans, fired sweet potato chips, and baked rice cookies. On the 25th and 26th

of the month,


那年冬天, 正是祸不单行的日子,我从北京到徐州,

“事已如此,不必难过,好在天无绝人之路!” (朱自清《背影》

hastening home to attend my grandma?s funeral. When I met in Xuzhou, the sight of disorderly mess in our courtyard and the thought to my grandma started tears trickling down my

said, “Now that things have come to such a mess, it?s no use crying. Fortunately, heaven always leaves one a way out.” (张培基译)


A lot of home appliances are are reliable in performance and easy in operation. (×)

A lot of home appliances are made in China. are reliabe in performance and easy in operation.



1.2 指示照应(demonstrative reference)


王治奎:“汉语的…这?和…那?以及英语中的this和that 都常用于指示照应,在语义上基本相同,但指称功能却大不一样。汉语的…这?往往起一种化远为近的作用,其功能负荷量大于…那?,因此使用频率也高于…那?。而在英语中却恰恰相反。”


” (《子夜》)“It?s a tall order, your question. But you can find an answer in the next room. There you have

a successful financier and a captain of little drawing room is Chinese society in miniature.” (Tr. Sidney Shapiro)


it expresses a


…… (夏衍《野草》)

It is an invisible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself.







“High” 和“tall”


“High” 和“tall”


注释:句中this 和that 都起着指示照应的作用,不作“这个”、“那个”讲,this用来指代两个事物中较近的一个,即后面的,一般可译为“后者”;that用来指代两个事物中较远的一个,即前面提到的,一般可译为“前者”。





Everybody has a responsibility to the society of which he is a part and through to mankind.





在跳动, (×)



have a warmth and friendliness which is less superficial than many foreigners

parades celebra

and friends tend to be emotional, like to dress correctly, even if “correctly” means

flamboyantly. love to boast, though often with tongue in cheek. can laugh at

city and state. Foreigners sometimes complain, however, that have little interest in or





Halliday 和Hasan把替代分成三类:

⑴名词性替代,动词性替代和从句性替代。名词替代(one;ones;the sort;none;some 等)



May I have a look at that scarf?


⑵动词替代(do; do so)


She speaks English very fluently, but I?m not sure wheth


⑶从句替代(so; not)

A: Do you think he?ll come tomorrow?

A: Our president will be back tonight.

C: What if our president will not be

back tonight?




Why so often the coarse appropriates the fine thus, the wrong man ^ the woman, the wrong woman ^ the man?


-- “Will it target only existing customers?”

-- “At first, yes. But if the TV ads go well, then we?re going to do a larger follow-up mailshot. We?ll see what happens.”

-- 这只是面向现有的顾客吗?

-- 是的,起初是这样的。不过如果电视广告进展良好,我们将把更多的广告信函邮寄给潜在的顾客。我们要看一看事情的发展情况。




Where shall we go for a spring outing?

(We?ll go to) Baisui Mountain ( for a spring outing).





Currently the cost of land use transfer in the Zone is charged at the ratio of 160 thousand yuan per Chinese mu, whereas before the end of the year, the price will be lowered down to 1 million US dollars every 10 mu for those large and technology-intensive foreign projects that are run in compliance with the industrial orientation of the country. As regards those conglomerates with a registered capital ranging from 1 million () to 3 million US dollars, the price is 80 thousand yuan per mu, () 70 thousand yuan for those with that from 3 million () to 5 million (), 60

In the past, they would dismiss the kids with some money as a gift for the lunar New Year, but not () nowadays.


be given the title.

4. 连接(conjunction)

连接是表示各种逻辑意义的连句手段,又称“逻辑联系语”(黄国文, 1988) 。通过使用各种连接词语,句子间的语义逻辑关系可以明确表示出来。(also, but, why, because, at first, then, in front of), 汉语重意合,多用隐性连贯(covert coherence),借助语序表示逻辑关系;英语重形合,采用显性衔接(overt cohesion),大量使用关联词。


We took turns at keeping watch, none of us felt tired. (×)

As we took turns at keeping watch, none of us felt tired.


It lightens in the west, it is going to rain. (×)

If it lightens in the west, it is going to rain.

表示添加信息:and, also, too, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more…

表示因果关系:because, for, since, thus, for this reason, as a result, therefore, so, consequently, accordingly…

表示文章意义的转折或对比:although, however, on the contrary, still, otherwise, but, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, as a matter of fact…

表示文章中事件发生的时空顺序:first, second, third… after this/that, meanwhile, suddenly, and so on, then, before, next, formerly, later, finally in the end, at last…

表示列举:firstly, secondly; for one thing, for another; first of all, to begin with, then, last, in conclusion, to conclude…

表示举例、解释:for example, for instance, that is, namely, to illustrate…

表示总结:in short, to sum up, in conclusion, briefly, on the whole, to conclude, to summarize…


What explains the growing trend towards delayed childbearing? First, the high divorce rate is making newlyweds think twice about starting a family. Furthermore, many young couples want to be financially secure before having children. Above all, more married women prefer to devote time to their careers before having a baby.


Foreign cars are often more expensive to own in the U.S. than American cars. For one thing, foreign cars cost more to buy. Then, high tariffs on many foreign models have raised prices. Furthermore, foreign cars often cost more to register. In addition, insurance rates can be higher. Moreover, parts and repair costs are much greater than they are for American cars.

5.词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)

词汇衔接是通过运用一组意义相关的词语以达到语篇衔接的目的。同义词、近义词、上义词、下义词、概括词、反义词. 运用这些词可以产生很强的粘合力,形成一张“词汇网”(lexicon network), 赋予语篇连贯性。

分为两大类:1. 复现(reiteration) 2. 同现(collocation)

1. 复现(同词重复或异词重复)

1) 原词复现

During all the years of my life, until that moment, I had carried the menacing, the hostile




Township solid vehicles for the running new businesses and greatly improve the setting for the development So far, 3772

2) 同义词或近义词复现(synonyms & antonyms)


At that Kong Yiji would flush, the veins on his forehead standing out as he protested,

books … for a scholar … can?t be counted

3) 上义词和下义词复现(superordinate & subordinate)

概括词general word 具体词specific word

on, up Constitution Hill, down into Lamas Street, and the

the cobbles that led down to the Towy Bridge, I remembered Grandpa?s nightly noisy journeys

head tufted and smiling in the candlelight. The tailor before us turned round on his saddle, his

“I see Dai Thomas” he cried.

( Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog by Dylan Thomas)

: “

着朵,开起来颜色深红,倒是最好看的。” (杨朔《茶花赋》)

Taking me through the Pu Zhiren told me the names of different

many others. Then,

only just in bud. With deep red blossoms, it?s really most beautiful.”

General word

Halliday & Hasan 的书中提到的general word(范畴词category word、泛指词、概括词)也称作“准实义词”。其特点是语义上空、泛、抽象,其所指或含义需借助上下文推断。由于这种词的所指需依赖上下文,因此它们和指示代词及人称代词一样,具有所指性,可以构成篇章的整体语义结构和逻辑框架,创建语篇连贯。这类词数量多,使用普遍。如problem, situation, concern, group, plan, scheme, practice, move, operation, endeavor等。

汉译英时,在适当地方添加general word, 有助于译出语义连贯、逻辑严密、条理清楚的文字.



According a basin is especially reserved for water from tooth brushing and warship, for such water is not allowed to be splashed on the ground. Nor is the floor to be cleaned

are intended for “fortune-saving.”

五年后,宁波港将建成国际深水枢纽港。据介绍,将宁波港建成国际深水枢纽港是宁波市“新世纪工程” 的第一项任务。

In 5 years, Ningbo port is to be turned into a deep-water harbor thoroughfare for international

Ningbo?s New Century Project.

2. 同现关系collocation

Halliday & Hasan 认为:同现关系指词汇在语篇中共同出现的倾向性(co-occurrence tendency) 。在语篇中,围绕着一定的话题,一定的词往往同时出现,而其他一些词就不大可能出现或根本不会出现。


2.1 反义关系

(Inaugural Speech by John F. Kennedy) 2.2 互补关系


qualified to fill. ( A Liberal Education by T. H. Huxley)


上下义关系侧重于命名上的内涵,而局部-整体关系则是侧重实体上的“内包”,如英语中的body 与arms, legs, feet, hands, heart 等构成局部-整体关系。例如:

were glass, except where the rag rugs covered it and they were spots of gay color.

(Gone with the Wind ) 2.4 搭配关系

有些在意义上相互联系的词语常常同时出现在同一语篇中,这些词语属于同一个词汇套,形成了词汇链(lexicon chain), 一个词汇套的词语倾向于在同一语篇中搭配出现,具有较强的衔接力。如:


When summer comes, my little yard is covered with flowers, so there is no playground for

And I don?t want to shed my tears from time to time.

Section B Coherence

连贯(coherence): 是语篇中语义上的相互关联。存在于语篇的深层,体现了语篇中各个成分之间的逻辑关系,也体现了语篇作者的交际意图和预期的语篇功能。




It?s lonely at the top. Just ask IBM. While a crowd of Lilliputian competitors is nibbling away at profits by selling “clones” of IBM?s personal computers, larger rivals are teaming up in an attempt to beat the computer colossus in the profitable software and office-network business.





By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was an expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at

school, at the library, at churches. (S.R. “Women and Mean”)


2. 信息的排列顺序和逻辑关系

With the fear of largely imaginary plots against his leadership, his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him.


Can what remains of the Aral Sea be saved? People living around what were once its northern shores in Kazakhstan think they can salvage something from one of the world?s biggest environmental disasters.



A:Can you tell me the time?

B: Well, the milkman has come.

Act II Microwave Popcorn

Cinema Sweet

Part II Tactics for Coherence





篇章翻译不同于单句翻译, 通读并理解全文,并对文章的内容和风格有一个完整的和全面的认识,保证译文行文连贯











There was a lively debate among the workers. There was enthusiasm for the idea. There was hardly a dissenting voice. There was full agreement on the subject in the end. (×)

After a lively debate on the subject, all the workers came to agreement without even a dissenting voice at last.


如果一段文字中连续使用某一主语, 翻译时应尽量减少它的使用频率而变换另外的说法.


I went to the library in the afternoon. I took out a book. Then I put the book under my arm. I went home to eat supper. I opened the book after supper. Then I discovered that it was not the book I wanted. I was greatly annoyed. I was such a kind of man: I always take a book while I do not look at it. I had nobody to blame but myself. (×)

In the afternoon, after borrowing a book from the library, I went back home for supper. What depressed me was that I didn?t find that it was the wrong book until after supper. That is what I am like: I take a book and run away without even a glance on it. There is nobody else to blame but myself.


When loneliness comes over you as a result of too much thinking, a favorite book will ease your mind and broaden your horizon. Reading a good book is like having a fireside chat with a close friend. At other times you may be so occupied with work or social intercourse as to have no time for books. Now you can peacefully listen to wise men of all times, enriching yourself with their ideas and enlarging your stock of knowledge. Or you can do other things to suit your taste: enjoy a piece of music, attentively draw a picture or arrange for a near-end game of Chinese chess. If you are in the mood, you may as well open an album and let the photos bring back memories of those far away. Isn?t any one of these a real pleasure in life?


汉语:“意合” ,省略连接词,不同意思通过不同的短句表达出来





Sept.10 is Teachers Day. What is the image of teachers in people's heart? Little reporters from the middle school attached to Qinghua University walked out of their school gate and interviewed 76 passersby. The interview shows that 83% people think that teachers shoulder the important task of educating the next generation, they are the decisive factor of improving the whole people's

cultural level, and they are worth of being respected. (×)

What?s the teacher's image? On Teacher's Day, Sept.10, a group of teenage reporters from the middle school attached to Qinghua University took a poll on the street on seventy six passersby. 86% of those surveyed said that teachers should be held in high esteem because they are committed to the shaping of the younger generation, an undertaking crucial to achieving a higher level of education in China.


In 1953, America and England planned to use atomic bombs against Chinese aiding troops in Korea and to attack China with nuclear weapons. When the news was transferred to Beijing from diplomatic sources of a third country, the leaders of new China felt deeply worried and immediately decided to set up and develop atomic bomb and missile cause. (×)

In 1953, when they learned from diplomatic sources of a third country that the United States and Britain were prepared to attack the Chinese troops in Korea with nuclear weapons, the leaders of new China, deeply concerned, decided that China must have its own atomic bombs and missiles.



I was gingerly edging along toward the bird when it fluttered away a little and stopped again, staring back with its small, black, bean-like eyes that had a look of distrust while seeking to be friends with me.


All over this winding stretch water, what meets the eye is a silken field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace.

Part III Passage Translation





(her eyes)so attractive ,that the Reverend Mr .Crisp,fresh from Oxford , and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr .Flowerdew ,fell in love with Miss Sharp ,being shot dead by a glance of her eyes which was fired all the way across Chiswick Church from the school pew to the reading desk. This infatuated young man used sometimes to take tea with Miss Pinkerton , to whom he had been presented by his mamma ,and actually proposed something like marriage in an intercepted note which the one-eyed apple women was charged to deliver.




American?s Careening Foreign Policy

Realities: It is unglamorous to articulate, and complex to conduct, centrists policy .But only this course can marshal our resources, meet global reality and maintain rapport. Since World War II our major achievement have been forged at center. American foreign policy must contain element of both power and principal, to promote both security and justice.

For our adversaries we need firmness and negotiation. With our allies we need to lead to evoke great contribution. For national security we must strength defenses and search for arms control .In the developing word we must address the East-West dimension and deeper roots of unrest.






Dear sir,

I am writing this letter in the hope that you will admit me into your Intensive English class starting in January. I have heard a lot about your institute, and I hope I could study with you.

I have enclosed a copy of I-20 form issued by the University of Montana. As soon as I finish your course I plan to work for my M.A. degree in the University of Montana. I am sure that if attend your Intensive English class, I can get much more out of my graduate work.

If your can send me the I-20form indicating my acceptance, I can prepare to leave at once. I hope that you will allow me to comer and study with you. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours

John Smith







This paper describes a programming tool which we have been using for nearly two years. It is

very effective, both for finding “bugs” and also for che cking that a program is in fact operating correctly. The too; works in conjunction with our STAB-1 program development system (STAB-1 is a soft ware writing language derived originally from BCPL). A similar tool could be constructed for use with virtually any language or program development system. Here we would like to direct attending o what we believe are the major advantages of this type of tool ,and to indicate which features have been most successful, and wet think are worth incorporating in other similar systems. [引言]

本文描述了一种程序设计工具,我们使用这种工具已将近两年。这种工具,对于寻找“故障”和检验程序的正常运行,都是很有效的。这种工具结合我们STAB-1程序编制系统一起工作(STAB-1 是一种最初从BCPL派生出来的软件写作语言)可以制成一种类似的工具,实际上可供任何语言形式或程序编制系统使用。这里放在我们所认为的这种工具的主要优点上,并指出哪些特征是最成功的,以及有哪些特征使我们认为值得引进到其他类似系统中去。(5)广告英语翻译

The Northern Trust Company in Chicago is grateful we did not inspire that telling quotation from Robert Forts ,Frost was a four-time recipient of the Pulitzer Prize Poetry ,and his remark demonstrates his crusty New England sense satire.

For over 96 years we?ve been protecting people from a rainy day, and now we?ve serving today?s generation. With personal banking products like our Equity Credit Line. It lets you use the roof over your head to gain a personal line of credit We want to talk to you about it. And about all your banking needs.

If you don?t want to get well , give us a call .

We want to talk, and you can quote us.


96年来我们一直在雨天防护者人们,而如今我们正以个性化的银行产品如“Equity Credit Line ”方案,来服务今天的这一代,让您利用头上的屋顶,获得个人贷款的最高额。我们想跟您谈谈这个方案,以及您需要的一切银行服务




1.Ode to the Autumn Sound


Written by Ouyang Xiu (Song Dynasity)



Brief Introduction:

Ode to the Autumn Sound was a good model of the article with the ode style in the Song

Dynasty. In the first paragraph the author wrote that he heard the autumn sound in his night reading, thus he spread out the description of the autumn sound in detail. The second paragraph described further the autumn sound and commented on the sough autumn air. From "the grass and trees are heartless" to "the black hair turns to hoary", the author compared the heartless grass and trees with the intelligent human being and then pushed forward the subject of this article: "The people's bodies are not made up of metal and stone, why they compete with grass and trees for glory? One should consider who is injuring himself, therefore there is no need to hate the autumn sound again.'' In this paragraph, the author, on the base of making every effort to dramatize how the autumn sound ravaged extremely the plants in nature, and then pointed out that the injury to human being due to anxiety and exhaustion is more critical than the plants destroyed. Therefore, if considering of who is injuring people themselves, they need not hate the autumn sound again. This was the main subject of this article, which the author wanted to express. The full text of this article grasped tightly this subject with the artistic conception and the atmosphere of unity so as to move the readers deeply by his solitary feeling at the end of the text. "The injury due to anxiety and exhaustion by the human affairs to people is the more critical than the plants destroyed by the autumn sound''. It was the author's sigh with regret to people lives when he was after the experience of several decades in his ups and downs of officialdom.


欧阳子方夜读书[3],闻有声自西南来者。悚然而听之[4],曰:“异哉!” 初淅沥以萧飒[5],忽奔腾而砰湃[6],如波涛夜惊,风雨骤至。其触于物也, 鏦鏦铮铮,金铁皆鸣[7];又如赴敌之兵,街枚疾走[8],不闻号令,但闻人马之行声。余谓童子:"此何声也? 汝出视之。“童子曰:"星月皎洁,明河在天[9],四无人声,声在树间。”

While I, the Ouyangcius, read at night, there was the sound come from Southwest. I listened horrifyingly to it, and said, “How strange it is!” At the beginning, the sound was just like the pattering rain and the soughing wind; suddenly, it became surging forward and rolling around, as if people were frightened by the huge waves in the terrible night and the violent storm would come soon. When touching objects, it sent out the tone of "Congcong" and "Zhengzheng", just like the sound of colliding between metals. The sound was also like the trotting soldiers, who hold the gags in the mouths and go to fight the enemy. I could not hear the orders but only heard the sound of the marching troops. I asked my young servant, "Where the sound comes from? Go out and see around!" Soon He returned, and answered, "The stars and the Moon are still bright and clear; the Milky Way is still in the sky. Nobody is around; the sound comes between the trees!"


I said, "Alas! And also, lackaday! It is the autumn sound, why it comes here now?" Yet, the state of the autumn: the scenery is gloomy; the colors fade amid gathering steam and drifting clouds; the appearance is clear and bright; the sky is high and the Sun is brilliant; the breath is extremely cold even to cut people's bone; the prospect is desolate and the landscape is silent and lonely. So the autumn sound is mournful and wails with anger. Originally, the abundant grass was green and luxuriant to strive for luxuriance, and the nice and beautiful trees were verdant and

delighted by the people. However the grass touched with the autumn sound slightly, it would change their color; and the trees met the autumn sounds but only a while, they would drop their leaves. Why can the autumn sound urge objects to damage, bare trees and wither the grass? It is because of the residual strength of the autumn sound's breath. Autumn is a punishment officer, who belongs to the Feminine or Negative in time. Autumn is also the symbol of the military affairs, which belong to the Metal in the five basic elements. So the breath of autumn is harsh and raw, always taking stern punishment as its aim of action. All objects in the world treated by the heaven almost grow up in the spring and are harvested in autumn. So, in music, the tone of "Shuang" primarily takes charge of the Western and "Yi" is the tonality of the seventh month. "Shuang" expresses injury. Therefore, when the objects already become old, and then the sadness will come into being. "Yi" is also being slaughtered: when the objects are excess,then the surplus will be killed.


"Alas! The grass and trees are heartless, sometimes become faded and fallen. People being animals are the most intelligent of all objects in the world. Numerous anxieties would affect their hearts and all things would tire of their bodies; shaking in the heart surely would injure their energy. Moreover, thinking what is beyond their power and worrying about what is unable to be gotten by their intelligence, certainly make the rosy facial features becomes faded and the black hair turns to hoary. The people's bodies are not made up by metal and stone, why they compete with grass and trees for glory? One should think who is injuring him, so there is no need to hate the autumn sound again.''


The young servant was silent, lowered down his head and fell asleep. Then I only heard the chirps of the insect sound on walls like helps to my sigh of sorrow!








[7]鏦鏦铮铮(cōng zhēng聪争):金属相击声。





























2.丑石The Ugly Stone


I often pitied the ugly stone lying in front of our house. It was black and looked like an ox. Nobody in the village could tell when it was left there. Everyone ignored it. Every year when the harvested wheat was spread and dried over the ground outside our house, grandmother would say: We should have the ugly stone moved away. It takes too much space.”


Consequently my uncle planed to use the ugly stone for the gable of his new house, but it proved unusable. It was irregular in shape, uneven an short of corners, and my uncle would not

take the trouble to break it with a chisel because it was much easier to fetch a stone more suitable than this one from the nearby riverbank. And he even disdained to use it for the step of his newly built house. One year a mason came to the village, we asked him to make a mill. Grandmother suggested to him, “you may use the ugly stone so that you don?t have to fetch another one from afar.” The mason took a look at it and shook his head. He thought it too fine for the millstone.


Chinese characters and flowers can?t be carved on the ugly stone for it was not so fine as a pieceof white marble. Clothes could not be washed on it for it was not so smooth as a bluish cobble. It stayed there quietly. The pagoda tree near the wall did not give shade to it. Flowers did not grow around it. Weed grow rank.. crept over it and gradually it was covered with green moss and black spots. We children began to disliking it. We tried in vain to move it away because we did not have enough strength. Although we got tired of it and often cursed at the ugly stone, we could do nothing but leave it where it was.


However the medium-sized hollow in the ugly stone pleased us a bit. The hollow was filled with water when it rained. But three days after the rain when the ground became dry, there was still water in the hollow, where chickens went to drink. On the evening of the fifteenth day of each lunar month, we would climb onto the stone and stand there, looking up at the sky in the hope of seeing the full moon. Fearing that we might fall from it, grandmother would scold us. She had reasons to feel anxious for I hurt my knees when I fell off the stone that time.


Everyone in the village called it the ugly stone. It was the ugliest of all the stones in the world.


One day an astronomer came. As he walked in front of our house and spotted the ugly stone, he riveted his eyes on it at once. He simply stayed in our house. Later many people came and they said the ugly stone was a precious aerolite that fell from the sky two or three hundred years ago. Afterwards ,a lorry entered the village and carefully carried it to some other place.


This amazed us!It turned out that the weird, ugly stone had come from the sky, where it had twinkled sending out warmth. Our ancestors might have looked up at it. It had given them light, hope and longing. But the fallen stone had simply lain in mud and weeds for hundreds of years!


“I can?t imagine why such an uncommon stone could not be used for the gable or the step?” grandmother asked.


“it is too ugly”, answered the astronomer.

“真的,是太丑了。” “ sure, it is too ugly.”


“ but it?s beauty just come from its ugliness,” said the astronomer. “ it takes ugliness for beauty.”


“it takes ugliness for beauty ?”


“ yes. The ugliness turns out to be the most beautiful. Neither could it be used for the gable or the step, nor could Chinese characters be carved or clothes be washed on it, of course, just because it was an uncommon stone. Therefore it was often sneered at by people with common views on account of its unsuitability for trifling things.”


I feel ashamed of myself… even though I resent its peaceful endurance for all the misfortunes for so many years, I felt deeply moved at once by its not yielding to misunderstanding and its lonely existence. I perceive that the ugly stone is great.

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