当前位置:文档之家› 西班牙语500个最常用动词-参考模板



500 most used Spanish verbs

1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down

2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire

3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp

4. abrir - to open

5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit

6. abstenerse - to abstain

7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex

8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary

9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete

10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry

11. aceptar - to accept

12. acercar - to bring near, to place near

13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near

14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right

15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail

16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear

17. acompa?ar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company

18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel

19. acordar - to agree (upon)

20. acordarse - to remember

21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down

22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed

23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open

24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue

25. acusar - to accuse

26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead

27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead

28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess

29. admirar - to admire

30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit

31. adoptar - to adopt

32. adorar - to adore, to worship

33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain

34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn

35. afeitarse - to shave oneself

36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon

37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir

38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up

39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing

40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for

41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase

42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse

43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate

44. agrupar - to group

45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for

46. ahorrar - to economize, to save

47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake

48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice

49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch

50. alquilar - to hire, to rent

51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten

52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)

53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)

54. amar - to love

55. a?adir - to add

56. andar - to walk

57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim

58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)

59. aparecer - to appear, to show up

60. aplaudir - to applaud

61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession

62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem

63. aprender - to learn

64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush

65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test

66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself

67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry

68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch

69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair

70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw

71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly

72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure

73. asir - to seize, to grasp

74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present

75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared

76. atacar - to attack

77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on

78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm

79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through

80. atreverse - to dare, to venture

81. avanzar - to advance

82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate

83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist

84. bailar - to dance

85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend

86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech

87. ba?arse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath

88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk

89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice

90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen

91. beber - to drink

92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate

93. borrar - to erase, to cross out

94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape

95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch

96. broncear - to bronze, to tan

97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir

98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule

99. buscar - to look for, to seek

100. caber - to be contained, to fit into

101. caer - to fall

102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble

103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)

104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet

105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)

106. cambiar - to change

107. caminar - to walk, to move along

108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing

110. caracterizar - to characterize

111. cargar - to load, to burden

112. casarse - to get married, to marry

113. celebrar - to celebrate

114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper

115. cepillar - to brush

116. cerrar - to close

117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest

118. charlar - to chat, to prattle

119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter

120. chupar - to suck

121. cocinar - to cook

122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch

123. colegir - to collect

124. colgar - to hang (up)

125. colocar - to put, to place

126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start

127. comer - to eat

128. componer - to compose

129. comprar - to buy, to purchase

130. comprender - to understand

131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive

132. confesar - to confess

133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with

134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain

135. constituir - to constitute, to make up

136. construir - to construct, to build

137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell

138. contener - to contain, to hold

139. contestar - to answer, to reply

140. continuar - to continue

141. contribuir - to contribute

142. convencer - to convince

143. convenir - to agree, to convene

144. convertir - to convert

145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct

147. correr - to run, to race, to flow

148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out

149. costar - to cost

150. crecer - to grow

151. creer - to believe

152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)

153. cruzar - to cross

154. cubrir - to cover

155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself

156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with a?os)

157. dar - to give

158. deber - to owe, must, ought

159. decidir - to decide

160. decir - to say, to tell

161. declarar - to declare

162. dedicarse - to devote oneself

163. defender - to defend

164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave

165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law

166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove

167. denunciar - to denounce

168. depender - to depend

169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down

170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast

171. descansar - to rest

172. describir - to describe, to delineate

173. descubrir - to discover

174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want

175. desempe?ar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn

176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart

177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to

178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane) 179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs 180. despertarse - to wake up oneself

181. destruir - to destroy

182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed

183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain

184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)

185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back

186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch

187. dirigir - to direct

188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)

189. discutir - to discuss

190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish

192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself

193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced

194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep

196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself

197. dudar - to doubt

198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw

199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform

200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)

201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose

202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe

203. empezar - to begin, to start

204. emplear - to employ, to use

205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light

206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine

207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find

208. enfadarse - to become angry

209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill

210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross

211. ense?ar - to teach, to show, to point out

212. entender - to understand

213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)

214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give

215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state

216. enviar - to send

217. envolver - to wrap up

218. equivocarse - to be mistaken

219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight

220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss

221. escoger - to choose, to select

222. escribir - to write

223. escuchar - to listen (to)

224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread

225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)

226. esquiar - to ski

227. establecer - to establish

228. estar - to be

229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value

230. estudiar - to study

231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require

232. explicar - to explain

233. expresar - to express

234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture

235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate

237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate

238. fiar - to confide, to trust

239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle

240. fingir - to feign, to pretend

241. firmar - to sign

242. formar - to form, to shape

243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub

244. freír - to fry

245. fumar - to smoke

246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)

247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win

248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste

249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan

250. gobernar - to govern, to rule

251. gozar - to enjoy

252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out

253. gru?ir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak

254. guiar - to lead, to guide

255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like

256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)

257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside

258. hablar - to talk, to speak

259. hacer - to do, to make

260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate

261. helar - to freeze

262. heredar - to inherit

263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound

264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away

265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know

266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent

267. importar - to matter, to be important

268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose

270. indicar - to indicate, to point out

271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade

272. influir - to influence

273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out

274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register

275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register

276. insistir - to insist, to persist

277. interesarse - to be interested in

278. introducir - to introduce

279. invitar - to invite

280. ir - to go

281. irse - to go away

282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)

283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect

284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath

285. juzgar - to judge

286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch

287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, to regret

288. lavar - to wash

289. lavarse - to wash oneself

290. leer - to read

291. levantar - to lift, to raise

292. levantarse - to get up, to rise

293. limpiar - to clean

294. limpiarse - to clean oneself

295. llamar - to call, to name

296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named

297. llegar - to arrive

298. llenar - to fill

299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear

300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine

301. llover - to rain

302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle

303. maldecir - to curse

304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe

307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)

308. marcharse - to go away, to leave

309. matar - to kill

310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)

311. mejorar - to improve

312. mencionar - to mention

313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie

314. merecer - to merit, to deserve

315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch

316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)

317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself

318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)

319. morder - to bite

320. morir - to die

321. mostrar - to show, to point out

322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite

323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move

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