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Unit 3 Growing Up

Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.


It is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees.


It is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, vigor of the emotions;


It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.


Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity,


of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease.


This often exits in a man of 60, more than a boy of 20.


nobody grows merely by the number of years; we grow old by deserting our ideas.


Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.


Worry, fear, self-distrust1 bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust.


Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonders,


the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living.


In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station;


so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite,


so long as you are young.


When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with the snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism,


then you've grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up,


to catch waves of optimism, there's hope you may die young at 80.










Jane is talking to Mr. White about her problem. Now listen to their conversation and fill in the

A song

Listen to the song One Day when we were young, and complete the following lyrics.

One day when we were young

One day when we were young,

one wonderful morning _______,

you told me you loved me,

when we were young one day.

Sweet songs of spring were sung,

and music was never________,

you told me you loved me,

when we were young one day.

You told me you loved me,

and held me close______________,

we laughed then,______________,

then came the time to part.

When songs of spring are sung,

remember that morning_______.

Remember you loved me,

when we were young one day. (repeat)

in May

so gay

to your heart

we cried then

in May

Pre-reading Tasks

Before you read the article, discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. People at different ages may have different attitudes towards the same thing. What do you think causes the difference in the attitude?

2. Can you imagine the day when you get old? What kind of life do you want to have when you are 60 years old?

Reading Comprehension

As time goes by

Reeve Lindbergh Words & Expressions

1. weep v. to cry, especially because you feel very sad 哭泣

e.g. 1. She sat beside her dying father and wept.

2. I remember weeping with pride when my son was born.

weep for 为…而哭泣

weep over 因…而哭泣;为…流泪

2. sob v. to cry noisily while breathing in short sudden bursts 呜咽,啜泣

e.g. 1. The child covered her face with her hands and started to sob uncontrollably.

2. The sound of her sobbing kept them awake all night.

sob story 非常悲伤的故事

3. intense adj. strong or great, especially in quality or feeling 强烈的,剧烈的

e.g. 1. The pain was so intense that I couldn’t sleep.

2. He took an intense interest in all religious matters.

3. Competition among youths to enter the best colleges is intense.


4. They abused their power and bullied the people, thus arousing intense discontent among

the masses. 他们仗势欺人,引起群众强烈的不满。

intense competition 激烈的竞争

intense emotion 激情

intense pain 剧烈疼痛;剧痛

intense cold 酷寒;严寒

4. yearning n. a strong desire for something

eg. 1. He had a deep yearning to return to his hometown.

2. After the bitter winter, everyone has a yearning for a change of the weather.

yearn for 渴望

yearn towards 向往…;想念

1. He yearned to ask her to marry him. 他一心想着向她求婚。

2. He yearned for freedom. 他曾渴望自由。

3. I yearned to be an actor. 我曾渴望成为一名演员。

5. adolescent n.a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult 青少年(12至18岁)

e.g. 1. Many adolescents suffer from whelks.青春痘

2. An estimated 62 million Americans smoke, including 4.1 million adolescents aged between 12 and 18.

adolescent health 青少年健康

6. detestable adj. very bad, and deserving to be criticised or hated 讨厌的,可恶的

e.g. 1. I found the film’s final scene of violence detestable.

2. Selfishness is a detestable quality.


I detest those who deceive me. 我厌恶那些欺骗我的。

Some women detest this, some love it, and some hunger for it.


7. nuisance n. a person, thing, or situation that annoys you or causes problems 讨厌的人,麻烦事

e.g. 1. The dog next door is a real nuisance.

2. I hate to be a nuisance, but could you move your car to t he other side of the street?

3. What a nuisance that child is! 那个小孩多讨厌!

4. Still, that is largely a matter of mere nuisance. 但是,大部分还是一件纯粹的麻烦事。

8. snap v. to move so as to cause a sharp sound like something suddenly breaking 使噼啪作响

e.g. 1. The wind snapped branches and power lines.

2. The dry wood snapped and crackled as it burned.

in a snap 马上,立刻

snap up 抢购,匆匆吃下,抢先弄到手;锁键调节式

cold snap 寒流,寒潮

snap at v. 咬;抓;厉声说

snap out 快速脱离;流出

9. confess v. to admit something that you feel embarrassed about 坦白,承认

e.g. 1. She confessed that she had killed her husband.

2. Marsha c onfessed that she didn’t really know how to use the computer.

confess everything供认不讳

candidly confess供认不讳

confess v承认

Leniency to those who confess; severity to those who resist.坦白从宽,抗拒从严

10. respond v. to say or write something as a reply 回应,响应

e.g. 1. They stil l haven’t responded to my letter.

2. Did he respond to their invitation?

respond with 回复

respond by 以…方式反应

11. edge n. the part of an object that is furthest from its centre 边缘

e.g. 1. Jennifer walked to the edge of the wood.

2. A leaf was on the ground, curling up at the edges.

on the edge of adv. 几乎;濒于;在…边缘

on the edge 在边缘上;坐立不安

cutting edge 剪刃,切削刃;刀刃,刀口

on edge adv. 紧张;急切;竖着

competitive edge 竞争优势

edge in 挤进

leading edge 前沿;居领先优势;最先着风的帆缘

edge on 怂恿;鼓励

front edge 前沿

12. collapse

1) n. a sudden failure in the way something works, so that it cannot continue 崩溃,瓦解

e.g. 1. Buildings must be strengthened to prevent collapse in an earthquake.

2. His business was in danger of collapse.

2) v. to break down, to fall down 倒塌

e.g. 1. The roof collapsed under the weight of snow.

2. He collapsed in the street and died on the way to hospital.

13. comfort v. to make someone feel less worried, unhappy, or upset 安慰

e.g. 1. Within hours of the news, Helen arrived to comfort her heartbroken friend.

2. He longed to take her in his arms and comfort her.

14. gulp v. to swallow air suddenly because you are surprised or nervous 喘不过气来,哽住

e.g. 1. I gulped when I saw the bill.

2. We rushed outside and gulped in the sweet fresh air.

15. irritate v. to rouse to impatience or anger; annoy 使恼怒,烦躁

e.g. 1. It really irritates me when he doesn’t help around the house.

2. After a while, the loud ticking of the clock began to irritate me.

16. endure v. to remain alive or in existence in spite of difficulty 忍受

e.g. 1. It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain.

2. He can’t endure being far away from home.

17. inexplicable adj. too unusual or strange to be explained or understood难以理解的

e.g. 1. For some inexplicable reason, he felt depressed.

2. The inexplicable disappearance of the woman worried everyone.

18. compelling adj. making people feel certain that something is true 令人信服的

e.g. 1. There is compelling evidence that the medicine is good for your heart.

2. I have no compelling reason to refuse.

After-reading Tasks


1. How do you understand the words in the text: “Mostly, what I have learned so far about aging, despite the creakiness of one’s bones and cragginess of one’s once-silken, is this :Do it. By all means, do it.”?

2. Have you noticed your parents are getting old as you grow up? What changes do they have? What could you do to thank them for their care and love?

Language in Use

Grammar Development: Verb Patterns

In English verb patterns, some verbs can only be followed by a to-infinitive, such as agree, aim, ask, decline, demand and fail. Some can only be followed by a v-ing, such as admit, avoid, consider, delay, deny and imagine. And other verbs can be only followed by either a to-infinitive form or a v-ing form, but in some cases there can be a difference in meaning.

For example:

enjoy→doing (not to do)

agree→to do (not doing)

英文中很多动词后既可以跟随动词-ing形式也可跟随不定式,且两者的意义区别不大。如:Even though it was raining, they continued to play/playing.

I started to learn/learning French last year.

但某些动词后跟随不同的形式会产生不同的意思,这些动词包括从come, go on, mean, regret, remember, stop, try。

如:I meant to phone you last week.

Passing the exam means getting the scholarship.

动词的搭配模式比较复杂,无规律可循。所以,常用动词的搭配要记牢,记准。Match the words in the left column with those in the right column in order to form complete sentences.

He stopped to listen to her talking because he found her interesting.

He stopped going to the office because he left his money at home.

He simply doesn’t remember giving my best wishes to Susan.

Please remember to give her any homework to do.

We prefer going out for dinner every Friday evening.

We’d prefer to stay at home because it’s going to rain.

I didn’t think he means we can’t turn left here.

I guess the sign meant to buy the bread at this shop.




Being so poor in those days, we couldn’t afford to send the boy to hospital.


Not knowing her address, we couldn’t get in touch with her.


Having already seen the film twice, she didn’t want to go to the cinema.

Not having received an answer, he decided to write another letter to them.


Hearing the news, they all jumped with joy.


Be careful when crossing the street.


When leaving the airport, they waved again and again to us.


Having finished ironing, she began to cook supper.


Having found the cause, they were able to propose a remedy.



Guided by these principles, they went on with the work.


Encouraged by these successes, they decided to expand the business.


Faced with such an arduous task, we must redouble our efforts.


Depressed, he went to see his elder brother.


Frustrated, he went back to his hometown.


Seen from the hill, the town looks magnificent.


Given closer analysis, we can see this is totally wrong.


Compared with you, we still have a long way to go.

三.独立结构(absolute construction)


We explored the caves, Peter acting as guide.


He rushed into the room, his face covered with sweat.


The shower being over, we continued to march.


Weather permitting, we’ll have an outing tomorrow.


All things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours.

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